2tiedships2 · 23 days
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Louis being Louis
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ehghtyseven · 23 days
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tanger's hair remains one of my favourite supporting characters
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dreamings-free · 7 days
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Win a Louis Tomlinson signed Fender Duo Sonic guitar
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heartsoftruth · 24 days
Lewis after qualifying P7 in Japan | 06.04.24 “The team did a really great job the past week, making adjustments to our set up. This is actually the first weekend I’ve not gone crazy with set up and I’m not testing a bunch of things so I’m back to being more normal.  I think we got the car to a much nicer working window. It’s been really enjoyable driving. We were over a second off off last year to the Red Bull, but if we tried some things then maybe we could have been a tenth faster, but other than that that was everything. I know exactly where the car is not strong enough, I can feel it in the car and I know now, to tell them: push in this particular area. But I hoping the race will be stronger. I really enjoyed driving so far this weekend. 
Team has a direction now? I personally believe so yeah. What we’ve noticed is from track to track it has been really hard to get the set-up right. And it has been so far out each time. In some place it just felt like nothing we could do to get the car in a sweet spot. But this weekend the car is more in a sweet stop so I hope that continues in the following races, and then we just gotta add performance.
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ghouletteani · 14 days
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alasestrellas · 24 days
Aliyle büyük bir tartışmaya girdik. Normal de çok nahif konuşur ve de davranır. Sözleri sertleşti, sesi yükseldikçe ben de içsel olarak bir kararmaya doğru yol açıyordum ki durdurdum kendimi ona ve konuya odaklandım, kendi iç düşüncemden çıkarak. Aslında tamamen benim iyiliğim için bu kadar yükseldiğini fark ettiğim esnada duruldum. Hatta içimdeki oluşmaya başlayan sinir duygusu, duygusallığa geçti. Kendini benim iyiliğim için bu denli sinir duygusuna bırakması ve benim için benimle tartıştığını daha da fark ettiğim an alttan aldım bütünüyle. Hemen duruldu o da. Sakince ‘Bu konuda bana bir şey olmaz ama olan sana olacak ne varsa söyle bana halledeyim. Başın ağrımasın ben sana söyle dedikçe susuyorsun,söylemiyorsun ben bunu bugün öğreniyorum. Yapma Burçin söyle halledelim bu kadar büyümeden’ dediği esnada tebessüm ettim ve de sakinleşmesi için birkaç cümle kurdum. Hemen sonrasında beraber temizlik yaptık. Şimdi oturmuş kahve içiyoruz. O iş için telefonla konuşurken ben bu satırları yazıyorum. Söylemlerine takılıp asıl konuyu kaçırıp neredeyse sinirlerime hakim olamayacaktım. Kontrolü sağlamamın önemi ve de dengesini çözmenin verdiği keyfile güne yumuşacık devam ediyorum. Günü yönetmek tamamen kişinin elinde. Bakış açılarının önemi gün geçtikte daha da belirgin bir hal alıyor kafamın içinde’
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gushuwa · 23 days
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06.04.24 I don’t know what demon possessed me to think I could translate Cicerone but I got humbled real quick
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savebylou · 22 days
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Louis in Argentina (Vélez Stadium,06.04.24).
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alessiamalfoyzabini · 3 months
Dark Moon | Chapter List
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⤷ Subtitle | Devoured by you
⤷ Pairing | Yandere Jimin x Reader
⤷ Genre | Yandere!AU, Dark Romance!AU, Gangster!AU, Smut (dubcon, noncon), Angst, Kidnapping, Violence, Obsession
➢ Ratings | +18 / M (Mature)
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⤷ Summary | She just wanted to escape her past, take charge of her life and break out of her steel cage, praying in God for a miracle that could change her life for good.
And her prayers were heard, but it was not the Divine that answered her.
That was certainly the devil in the guise of an angel, she thought as those corrupted and empty eyes searched her soul with extreme voracity.
He turned a sweet, false smile on her, before pushing her into the abyss.
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➢ Author's Note | This work originated in Italian, so I apologize for any errors you will find, I am not a native english speaker 🥺❤
Also it is the spin-off of Happy Ending, the story can be read even without knowing HE, but if you are interested in reading it you can find it here ❤
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➢ For Italian tumblr readers, if you are interested in reading this story, please know that it is already on Wattpad in Italian: DARK MOON ITALIAN VERSION
Taglist is open!
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Chapter One | 12.02.24
Chapter Two | 16.02.24
Chapter Three | 20.02.24
Chapter Four | 27.02.24
Chapter Five | 04.03.24
Chapter Six | 10.03.24
Chapter Seven | 14.03.24
Chapter Eight | 18.03.24
Chapter Nine | 22.03.24
Chapter Ten | 26.03.24
Chapter Eleven | 01.04.24
Chapter Twelve | 06.04.24
Chapter Thirteen | 10.04.24
Chapter Fourteen | 15.04.24
Chapter Fifteen - The End | 21.04.24 NEW!
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© | I do not allow republication or editing of this story by third parties, all rights belong to me, anyone guilty of the crime of plagiarism will be reported and blocked. The same goes for the smartasses who will take pieces of my story without my explicit consent.
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jonasiegenthaler · 23 days
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njd@ott | 06.04.24 | "[bratter] trusts me a 100% and i trust him a 100%"
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myxomycota · 21 days
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Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa - 06.04.24
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blmpff · 9 days
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dreamings-free · 6 hours
Did you see the jeans were Prada? 1000€ for a pair of jeans, but they look so good.
anon you sent this like a month ago 🙈 sorry I just remembered. but yes Louis’ jeans are indeed Prada and cost just short of €1K… but yeah they do look good on him
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heartsoftruth · 24 days
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ghouletteani · 18 days
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pozartaa · 24 days
06.04.24 UTRZYMANIE WAG1 dzień 401. Limit +/-2100 kc@l.
Wybrane posiłki:
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Hej, dziś mam na noc do pracy. Wstałam jak zwykle koło 6:00 bo ja to generalnie nie umiem się wylegiwać. (choć przed nocką w pracy robię zwykle 2-3 godzinna drzemkę). Wczoraj, jak wieczorem wracaliśmy ze sklepu, to wypatrzylismy nową kebabownie.
Mówię do mojego S. :"Patrz nowy kebab. Może warto wypróbować" Na co S. pyta: "A kiedy?" A ja z prędkością błyskawicy: "21 kwietnia." 😂
S. tylko pomachał głowa: "Co, 21 kwietnia jest Twój dzień niezdrowego jedzenia?" - (miał na myśli Cheat Day) haha, w punkt, kochanie!
Mój kalendarz z rozpiską nie jest tajemnicą, leży na wierzchu. Uświadomiło mi to jak fajne jest to, że nie muszę nic ukrywać. Nie ma żadnego ściemniania i nie muszę się tłumaczyć z tego, dlaczego nie żremy niezdrowego żarcia kiedy chcemy. (a przynajmniej ja)
Nikt mnie nie namawia, ani nie zmusza - nawet kiedy idziemy na spacer i ja nie chce tych lodów - nie muszę odwalać żadnej szopki 🙏. Warunkiem moich żywieniowych "dziwactw" jest tylko - nie robisz sobie krzywdy. I tyle.
Myślę, że ludzie często nie chcą pożegnać swojego Ěð bo to taki "mój mały zamknięty świat" pełen tajemnic i pełen rytuałów, których nikt nie rozumie - mój i tylko mój.
Nie chcemy być jak INNI, bo INNI są nudni. Kiedy chorowałam, też myślałam że nic po za tym nie mam - żadnych talentów, żadnych umiejętności, że wszyscy mnie nienawidzą i powinnam zniknąć z tego świata. Bałam się oddać to wszystko - bo co zostanie...?
Eh, sporo minęło czasu i sporo wody w Wiśle upłynęło. Sporo mądrosci życiowej doszło. Nie mówię, że jestem mądrzejsza - mówię, że trochę inaczej podchodzę do swojej głupoty 😂.
Dobrej nocy wam życzę.! I tradycyjne pozdrawiam wszystkich nocnych stróżów i nocną zmianę na Tmblerze 🌛
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I Svenson - pierwszy z rana przed lustrem - gotowy na makeup!
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