#10 best shares to buy today for long term
dmwealth · 1 year
14 Best Stocks for Long Term Investments in India
आज में आपकों 14 Best Stocks for Long Term Investments in India के बारें में बतानें वाला हूँ मुझे उमीद हैं की यह आपकों पसंद आएगी। भारत में लंबी अवधि के लिए निवेश करने के लिए सबसे अच्छे स्टॉक्स कौन से हैं? यह प्रश्न हर निवेशक के मन में होता है, जो अपने पैसों को समय के साथ बढ़ाना चाहता है। लंबी अवधि का निवेश का मतलब है कि आप कम से कम 1 से 3 साल तक किसी स्टॉक में पैसा लगाते हैं, और उसकी कीमत में…
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rg-notes · 2 years
Berkshire Hathaway Shareholder Letter 2022, Reactions
Every year I enjoy reading Warren Buffets' predictably charming annual Berkshire Hathaway Shareholder letter. I dare you to find another annual investor letter you can remotely describe as charming. Anyhow, this year's letter published February 23 was another winner. As a builder turned investor I can't look to a better influence on my decision making than Warren and his partner Charlie Munger. Their humility, their focus on long-term relationships, and their emphasis on pragmatism alongside an expectation of excellence are all values I hold dear and hope to instill into Saltwater and our businesses for years to come.
Here's what stood out to me.
Hammering home the basics
We’re reminded that these gents look at companies, not stocks… “Charlie and I are not stock-pickers; we are business-pickers.” Buying a stock is just a tiny fraction of the company you’re getting, evaluate it as such. So why buy stocks vs majority ownership? A question we ask ourselves at Saltwater often? There is but one critical difference for the critical eyed investor. The difference between public "stocks" and privately owned businesses based on Warren’s insights… “stocks often trade at truly foolish prices...while a controlled business gives no thought to selling at a panic-type valuation.” Good enough for me. We’ll be keeping our eyes open for foolish prices.
Shareholder financial education
Warren shares an anecdote about share repurchases and the misled villainization of them.
“The math isn’t complicated: When the share count goes down, your interest in our many businesses goes up. Every small bit helps if repurchases are made at value-accretive prices. Just as surely, when a company overpays for repurchases, the continuing shareholders lose. At such times, gains flow only to the selling shareholders and to the friendly, but expensive, investment banker who recommended the foolish purchases. 
Gains from value-accretive repurchases, it should be emphasized, benefit all owners – in every respect. Imagine, if you will, three fully-informed shareholders of a local auto dealership, one of whom manages the business. Imagine, further, that one of the passive owners wishes to sell his interest back to the company at a price attractive to the two continuing shareholders. When completed, has this transaction harmed anyone? Is the manager somehow favored over the continuing passive owners? Has the public been hurt?”
We were able to execute a value-accretive share repurchase in a portfolio company this year and while it wasn’t a smooth process, it was a very good decision for all our shareholders. Thanks Warren.
Praise of his best companies
How many times have you heard Warren discuss Coke, Amex, and See’s Candies? Effectively every time he or Charlie open their mouths. Charlie’s personal fav is Costco based on my experience with him. This year Warren reminds us that in 1994, BRK completed a 7 year buying spree of over 400 million shares of Coke stock for a total of $1.3B. He reminds us the value of those dividends almost a billion, as well as stock price appreciation, that 400 million share position is worth >$25B today. 
He doesn’t paint this investment as an obvious or easy one however. “The weeds wither away in significance as the flowers bloom… it takes just a few winner to work wonders.”  
Endless love for his partner Charlie Munger
I love looking for how many times Warren uses the phrase, "Charlie and I...", this year it was 10. He's clearly smitten with his long-time friend and partner for good reason, but this was my favorite tidbit of Charlie appreciation...
"Find a very smart high-grade partner – preferably slightly older than you – and then listen very carefully to what he says."
He includes a response that Charlie will often use back to Warren when they are in decision-making mode.
“Warren, think more about it. You’re smart and I’m right.”
See what I mean… charming. Greater than the Coke investment, or the Costco investment, Warren's appreciation of Charlie's wisdom & friendship are what anchor his brilliance in my mind.
The elephant in the room… transition insights
With Charlie at 99 and Warren at 92, every communication is reasonably analyzed for hints around their transitions. I don’t believe there will be one until one or both pass. Sad, but likely true.
Charlie talks about Berkshire in the general sense a few times in this years letter where it feels like he’s writing rules to operate by for others versus telling the shareholder how “he” specifically will operate.
Our CEO will always be the Chief Risk Officer
At Berkshire, there will be no finish line.
Our CEOs will have a significant part of their net worth in Berkshire shares, bought with their own money.
I certainly hope there is an internal rule on the last point and it would be helpful to know what that $ amount is. While these aren’t all that telling as to the timing of a transition of either partners health condition it’s clear that Warren’s thinking is still spot on.
I hope you enjoy and absorb these letters as much as I do. 
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dduane · 1 year
Hi! This might end up a super weird question, sorry in advance!
So just came across your twitter today and seeing your profile pic my brain is now convinced that you were the person who years ago shared this one really good bread recipe with oven baked garlic in it? Is it actually you? I tried to look through your tumblr but I didn't find anything so I'm so sorry if it's not you? But man that was the best bread I ever ate so I really want to find the recipe again! Thank you so much in advance... QvQ
No, it's not weird at all! Don't sweat it. :)
I've been baking for a long time, and have posted enough recipes now, here and there, that it's hard to keep track of them all sometimes. So I feel your pain. :)
...That said: I don't think I've done a recipe that involves actually baking garlic in the bread. ...Roasting garlic and then squeezing that into or onto already-baked bread, that I've seen around... though not in any of my own recipes. (Not that it's not a good idea: I just haven't been down that road myself.)
... @petermorwood just sent me this really quite sensual-looking garlic bread TikTok that does involve the roasted and squeezed-out garlic approach. I'll reblog it after this post, as I'm not sure how to pull the embed out of his.
Meanwhile, here's a garlic bread thread I did on Twitter some time back. (Pulling the images and contents into this post, because who knows what's going to happen to Twitter in the medium term...? But the thread starts here for those who want to link to that.)
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"Tonight's garlic bread. Method follows. :) "
"...RIGHT. So this is based on many warmed-over/reheated Manhattan-based pizzeria dinners back in the 70s, when I was still doing hospital work and you were glad to either (a) reheat what you had from last night, or (b) make something very like it, but hotter and fresher.
"The basic approach: Buy in small cheap store-baked baguettes. (There is no POSSIBLE point in you using good homebaked bread on these. Buy cheaply made spongy bread that will SOAK UP THE GARLIC BUTTER SOONEST.)
"Slice each one more or less into five or six thickish slices (NOT all the way through, just 5/6 of the way to the back of the loaf.) Warm them a bit in the oven or microwave if they're cold.
"Mix together: Six to eight cloves of freshly chopped garlic: at least 300g but maybe more like 500g of butter. Some coarse-ground pepper: some salt: a little bit of onion powder. Herbs to your preference (oregano, parsley, whatever...).
"Additionally, as we did tonight: brown 6-8 slices of bacon by your preferred method. (I did it in the microwave because I could *not be arsed* to get involved with the frying pan.)
"Set up each sliced baguette in a piece of foil big enough to fold loosely around it (to keep the butter in) and undo without a whole lot of trouble. Pry the bread slices apart and stuff at least a teaspoon of butter or two between each pair of slices. (OR MORE.)
"(In our tonight-variant: Stuff a crumbled slice of bacon into the garlic butter between each slice.) Preheat the oven to sort of 180C/375F. Put each baguette and its foil in a baking tray. Shove the whole business into the oven and give them 10 minutes or so with the foil on.
"Pull the garlic breads out and unfold the foil from around them. Shove them back into the oven and give them another 10 minutes, keeping a close eye on them so they won't burn. (f you want to put some cheese on top of one, this is your time.)
"Pull them out and let them cool enough not to destroy the human beings intending to eat them. After they cool (if anything's left) put a *faintly damp* tea-towel/dishtowel over them to keep them nice. If coming to them again later, heat them gently at first, then FIERCELY.
"...And now the pics. Mine:
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"His (with the cheese):
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...The roasted-garlic garlic bread follows in the next post. :)
("Why is this shot like a porno?" someone says plaintively in the comments. Well, why indeed? And why not.)
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moonjxsung · 10 months
Hey Star, I wanna ask you some silly question lol hopefully this is fun to answer!!
What’s your favorite hair color/style Jisung has had?
What’s your favorite Jisung solo song?
Favorite Jisung fancam?
Do you like it better when Jisung sings or raps?
Favorite Jisung era?
Do you think you and Jisung would make a good couple? (lol this one is for our delulu sides 🩷)
I have a conversation like this with my friend today where we asked each other silly shit about our biases and we legit talked for hours about it. I wanted to share some questions with you 💗
OH LOVE THISSSSS 😭🫶 my sister and I always talk about our biases for literal HOURS and it’s actually insane how long we can talk about the simplest little things pertaining to them. Thank you for asking these ahhh these were so fun to answer!! Here are the most condensed answers I came up with (bc let’s be real I could write paragraphs about this man😮‍💨☝️)
1. I love love LOOOVE Jisung’s natural hair, either black or a lighter brown. I always tell my sister his natural hair reminds me of a Korean Flynn Rider (the smolder and everything😭) and I think it suits his prominent eyebrows so beautifully and he just looks so boyfriend!! Second fav is the silver/blonde hair… he literally looks like AI with silver hair like he does NOT look real 😧🫶 Jisung definitely sits on my personal list of top 10 best looking idols and he also looks UNBELIEVABLE in person. Pics for reference but there were so many to pick from omg I had a field day on Pinterest fr
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2. I’m obsessed with Run!!!! I think it’s such a fun song to listen to while I work or run errands or something. It has such a unique beat and it just feels very Jisung to me. Also I know it’s not technically a solo song but huge Muddy Water enthusiast too specifically for Jisung’s part 😵‍💫🤌 I died hearing it live at the Maniac tour he is SO talented
3. THIS WAS HARD…. I’m gonna go with the Maniac fancam for Show Champion OR the S-Class fancam for Mcountdown. I love when Jisung knows he looks good and just exudes confidence and talent like the Maniac one, he’s so sexy fr ☹️ the S-Class fancam is one of my fav outfits he’s ever worn I just think it’s so unique and the whole vibe of it feels so space-like 🪐☄️ fun fact I actually tried to buy his exact vest SO many times but they were always out of my size so I ended up getting Felix’s Psychonaut vest instead (by the same brand) their stylists should’ve gotten a raise for those outfits fr
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4. I love both so so much but I’m very partial to his rap! I think he has one of the most unique voices amongst 4th gen in terms of rap and he just has such an effortless and smooth flow. Such an ace in so many ways and his rap really solidifies that for me every time I hear it. He also sounds exactly the same live and it’s so clear he’s just naturally gifted when it comes to his rap !!
5. Honestly it sounds like a copout but I have to go with Rock Star era only because he seems so HAPPY??? I know 5-star was a pretty rough era for him and we barely heard from him + it was clear he was maybe going through something (Jisung my beloved ☹️) but it was so good to see him smiling so much this comeback and just joking around with the members again and enjoying his stages. Happy Jisung is the best Jisung 🥹 also his stylists did NOT hold back with the fashion like we got slutty little Jaist™️ for so many stages and his outfits were all so god-tier
6. Ahhh my favorite question 🫶👼 and I have to go with a resounding no unfortunately 😭 I would LOVE to say we’d make a great couple but honestly I think Jisung and I are too similar in so many ways and we would get sick of each other pretty fast. Or at least he would get sick of me ☹️ we’re both often the entertainers among our friends/family or always the ones making others laugh and just being silly, and I think together it would hinder one of us to only let the other be the entertainer. We also both tend to get a little moody (not that it’s a bad thing!) but I feel like our communication skills wouldn’t be great when we need to be left alone or we’re just experiencing a low before we feel high again. I think we’d also spend most our our relationship asleep (I’m like 24/7 tired I think I have hypersomnia or something lol) and we probably wouldn’t make a great effort to spend quality time together or plan cute dates. People always say you’re very similar to your bias and compatible to your bias wrecker (in my case Felix) and I think that’s so true! That would never stop me from trying with Jisung though we can just take naps and be goofy together for however long we can stand each other 🤭
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catgirltitty · 1 year
Mocha starts her weekly stream like usual, but a wardrobe malfunction arouses her viewers' curiosity!
[breast expansion, lactation, milking, furry]
“Meowdy gamers! I’m Mocha, and this is The Mo-Show! I’m gonna jump in and play some Shaftcraft, today I thought I’d just chill and answer some Q&A while I work on my zombie farm.”
Mocha eyed her setup, making sure everything was perfect. The half-cat, half-cowgirl had soft, cream-colored fur, with a chocolate-brown spot right on her snout. Not a hair of her bangs was out of place, and her gold-blonde streak caught the glow of her ring light just right. Her white work blouse was in place, showing just the right amount of cleavage. She adjusted her posture, making sure her whole chest was in the shot.
While she was looking, a pop-up played across the top of her screen.
@moofan7 donated $1
“Thanks for the donation, friend! Remember, every dollar you donate to the stream goes to the charity of the week. Plus, every dollar gets matched by our anonymous partner. This week, it's all going to help trans kids buy new clothes!”
Mocha was fairly proud of the amount of money she raised for charity every week. She didn’t feel the need to share that the ‘anonymous partner’ was, in fact, herself.
"If you have a question, share it in the chat! If it gets 10 upvotes, I’ll answer it! Please, nothing too personal and no sexual stuff. If you do that, you’re gonna get banned. Seriously, that shit’s not cool.” A frustrating number of people online thought it was okay to ask invasive questions about her body, or try to get her to indulge their kinks on stream. Luckily, she had a great team of mods that nipped those viewers in the bud. Mocha was happy to use her attractiveness in her streams—on her terms, doing the things she wanted to do when she felt like it.
She didn’t owe her viewers anything else. Most of them respected that. Those were the ones she was streaming for, and the ones who made streaming something she looked forward to.
“Alright, first question! ‘Can we ask about demihuman stuff?’ Absolutely, just be respectful.”
These were some of the more common questions she got in her Q&A sessions. Sometimes it got on her nerves, but she tried to keep in mind that her human fans were just curious.
@moofan7: whats it like having fur?
“It’s pretty great if you ask me. I put a lot of work in to keep my coat this lustrous, though. As long as you keep it clean, it’s like wearing a cozy blanket at all times.”
@9tailtrouble: demi here. what products do you recommend for fur care?
“Great question, 9tailtrouble. It really depends a lot on your species, but FurLux is a good brand that covers a wide range. My personal favorite is Taúr-faire, but that’s specifically for cows. I assume you’re a fox? I’ve heard from other foxes that Red Coature is pretty good if you’re willing to spend a bit extra.”
Chat started excitedly popping off. Little emotes of a gray cat with a confused look on her face dotted the messages.
@tinkretor: :joule: :pog: @momijams: JOULE SIGHTING @moofan7: girlfriend jumpscare @moofan7: jk joule im ur biggest fan @theinfirminator: :joule: :joule: :joule: :joule: :joule: :joule: :joule: :joule: :joule: :joule:
Mocha looked at her stream feed. Sure enough, Joule was visible making dinner in the kitchen. Mocha couldn’t help but smile; her newest girlfriend had already wandered into frame so many times it had become a running joke.
After the chat calmed again, 9tailtrouble responded.
@9tailtrouble: yeah im a fox :D i really love yuor streams!! I admire you so much 0///0 @9tailtrouble donated $5
“Thanks, 9tail, I’m so honored to hear that! Let me know if you try those products.”
@theinfirminator: you have two gfs, rite? wats that like @subbywoofers: mo is so cool
“It’s the best. I love them so much! It takes a lot of love and trust to make it work, but it’s so worth it.”
@theinfirminator: how did you meet?
“Pap and I met in college. We were both skipping the same lecture and decided to hang out! That was… something like eighteen months ago. Then we met Joule when she became our roommate, and she started dating us around a year ago.”
@momijams: yall are adorable together! @theinfirminator: will we get a paprika sighting tonite?
“Not tonight, she’s out with a friend. I’ll let her know you asked, though!”
@momijams: its ok if this is too personal but. im dating a cowgirl and i want to learn more to about what its like so i can take care of her when were married @momijams: ive heard that its.. a lot @momijams: do you have any tips??
“Wow, congrats momijams! It's a bit too personal for the stream, but message me after and I’ll give you some advice. I think it’s really sweet that you’re trying to learn to take care of her!”
@momijams: thank you :) i want to treat her right @momijams donated $10
Mocha continued answering her viewers' questions. Before she knew it, an hour had already passed. It was probably the best stream she’d had in a while.
Until one message caught her eye.
@9tailtrouble: maam. your shirt
Mocha checked her feed. A pair of wet spots had soaked through her blouse, revealing the pink bra beneath. Twin white streams trickled off her chest and into her lap. Blood rushed through her cheeks. Fucking hell, when did this happen?
In a panic, she made to shut down the stream. And I was having such a good time, too, she thought. Her mouse hovered over the red "END STREAM" button. She hesitated.
“You know what?" She turned to the camera. "You all have been so lovely today. Here’s a little treat.”
She began unbuttoning her top, only now noticing how tight it had gotten; it was near to popping open, anyway. Her breasts had swollen several sizes up throughout the stream. No wonder I'm leaking...
Once her shirt was fully unbuttoned, she let it fall to either side, revealing her straining bra, dark and damp from the lactic bounty leaking from inside. Milk streamed down her belly, dampening her fur.
Chat was going wild.
“That feels better. Now back to the Q&A.”
@momijams: can we ask about… this
“I’m in a good mood, so go ahead! Don’t go overboard, though.”
@momijams: okay so. wow. i heard cowgirls produce a lot, but i wasnt expecting this muich @momijams: is this a normal amount??
Mocha blushed, hoping it wasn’t too obvious. She always enjoyed it when people commented on how much milk she made.
“Yeah, this is a pretty normal amount for a cow my age. Usually I take suppressants to keep it down to a manageable amount, but I think I’m a little late this month!” She gestured to her leaking tits.
@theinfirminator: how does it feel?
“Pleasant, most of the time. Most of the day I can hardly feel it. But this,” she hefted her boobs. “If they get much bigger than this, they start to ache.”
That got them curious.
@9tailtrouble: they grow? @tinkretor: mocha is so PRETTYYYY @moofan7: BIGGER THAN THIS? They’re already so big! @momijams: how big do they get?
Mocha was getting just as excited as them. This is fun! I should talk about this stuff more often! She would be lying if she said this wasn’t turning her on a bit, as well.
“Judging by the G-cup bra they’re about to destroy, right now they’re probably about a K-cup. The biggest I’ve ever gotten is a Q-cup.” She held her hands out several inches from her bust.
@momijams: how doyou deal with them? @9tailtrouble: thats so huge, omg @9tailtrouble: i wish my tits did that!! @tinkretor: do you have to. Express? srory if thats too much
Mocha was really getting going, now. “Mm hmm, every day I have to-” Mocha had an idea. A grin spread across her face. This is gonna get me suspended for sure.
She put a finger up to her lips, pretending to think about it. “Well,” she drawled, “maybe it would be better to demonstrate. Joule, love! Can you come over here?”
@moofan7: is this really happening? @9tailtrouble: no way. our mo? @momijams: what an exciting new direction for the channel @momijams donated $25 @subbywoofers donated $50 @subbywoofers: mo this is so cool tysm
Joule poked her head out from the kitchen. “What’s up, Mo?”
“Come over here. Say hi to the fans!”
“Hi, fans! Thanks for supporting my girlfriend!” She reached the desk, only now seeing Mocha’s state of undress. “Oh. Since when is this that kind of stream? Not that I mind.”
“I’m trying something new.” The swollen cowgirl unstrapped her bra, letting it fall. “Now, if you would please milk me?”
Mocha’s tits heaved as her breathing suddenly got easier. I didn't realize just how tight that bra was getting… Her nipples, thick as little brown thumbs, were spraying arcs of milk now.
Joule visibly gulped. “Yes, please!”
The lanky catgirl stood behind Mocha’s chair, wrapping her arms around. “I almost can’t reach! You’ve let them get way too big today.”
Her paws found the leaking teats. Mocha gasped as Joule’s fingers expertly worked the swollen breasts. The spray turned into a hose, shooting milk warm milk across the desk, the keyboard, the monitor.
“As you. Can. See,” the breathy cowgirl had trouble forcing herself to speak through the stimulation. “The best. Way. To express. Is through. Hand. Milking.” She let out a low “Moooo~” as Joule rolled a thick teat between her knuckles.
@momijams donated $40 @subbywoofers: good work, joule :joule: @moofan7 donated $25 @9tailtrouble donated $75
After a minute, her breasts had visibly gone down in size. Mocha held up her hand, signaling Joule to stop for now. The catgirl obediently let go, releasing the heavy, wet breasts with a PLAP.
“That’s the most effective way to do it. On suppressants, I need to do that for about an hour every night. Without suppressants, like right now, it’d probably take two or three hours to get me back down to normal size.”
@moofan7: doesn’t seem so bad @9tailtrouble: that was. wow. @9tailtrouble: im kinda jealous NGL @tinkretor donated $100
“It does have its perks,” agreed Mocha, reading the chat. “It’s not always easy, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.” She looked back at Joule, thoughtful.
“I’ve had a lot of fun tonight. And you all have been so generous with the donations! I can’t thank you enough.” She sighed.
“But I’m gonna try. Here’s one last treat before I log off. Joule?”
“Yeah babe?” the catgirl licked her lips.
“Show them what happens when you suck a cowgirl’s tits.”
Joule didn’t hesitate. She pounced on Mocha’s left tit, wrapping her lips around the stiff nipple. She began slurping down milk, rolling the teat with her tongue. Her hand reached up to stroke the right teat, tugging and playing with the spraying bud.
Mocha began growing. Each boob was quickly regaining the mass it had just lost, swelling outwards as they kicked into overdrive to feed the hungry mouth. Mocha moo’d frantically, grabbing her girlfriend by the scruff and pulling her tight against her growing flesh. The exposed right nipple was growing alongside its breast, nearly two inches long and spraying cream from a dozen thick arcs. Droplets of milk flecked the camera lens. Soon, each breast was the size of a prize-winning pumpkin and still growing.
@9tailtrouble donated $75 @momijams donated $120 @momijams: educational :) @theinfirminator donated $90 @theinfirminator: we love you mo! @9tailtrouble: not how i expected tonight to go. thank you mo, you rock!! @moofan7 donated $50 @subbywoofers donated $500 @tinkretor donated $100 User @xXTheMoShow94Xx suspended. Chat log ended.
“Well, that’s a new record.”
Joule held the measuring tape around her girlfriend’s bust. “109.4 inches.”
Mocha sat on a groaning stool in the master bathroom, watching the stream recording on her phone. She wanted a measurement before they got to work at milking her down to size again. It’s gonna be a long night. I don’t think Joule minds, though. Paprika won’t mind when she gets home, either.
She set down the phone, looking out over the expanse of her bust. “I’m fucking huge.” She grinned, then moo’d with an aftershock of the last climax.
“Well, only one thing left to do about it.”
User: Mocha @theMoShow 9:47 pm (PST) What a great stream tonight! Thank you so much to all my amazing fans. For those who missed it, future streams will be going in a slightly new direction. Next week’s show will be on our new channel at onlyfurs.com I’ll see you all then!
This one was a lot of fun to write! It ended up being like 4x longer than I initially planned, and I think it's all for the better. I really enjoyed making the stream chats in particular. Oh btw, sex workers are workers and deserve rights. Thank them for all the amazing things they do!
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esconpanache · 3 months
Why Owning a 4 BHK Villa is a Smart Investment
Investing in property is one of the best decisions you can make in your life. Real estate is one of the profitable fields where you can take your chance and buy a property for yourself,
The question starts here: what kind of property is good for investment. well, there are so many expert opinions all over the internet. One of the best is owning a 4 BHK villa. Let's talk about how it wins the argument.
Owning a 4 BHK Luxury Villa is more than just having a place to live; it’s about embracing a lifestyle filled with comfort, luxury, and numerous benefits. Here’s why investing in a 4 BHK villa is a smart move:
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1. Space and Comfort
A 4 BHK villa offers ample space for you and your family. With four bedrooms, there’s plenty of room for everyone, ensuring privacy and comfort. You’ll have dedicated spaces for living, dining, and even a home office, making daily life more enjoyable.
2. Luxury Living
Villas are synonymous with luxury. From high-end finishes to modern amenities, a 4 BHK villa provides a lifestyle upgrade. Enjoy features like spacious balconies, private gardens, and possibly even a swimming pool, all designed to offer you the best in comfort and elegance.
 3. Better Quality of Life
Living in a 4 BHK villa means more open space, better ventilation, and natural light. These factors contribute to a healthier and more enjoyable living environment. You can enjoy the tranquility of your own garden or the spaciousness of a large living area.
 4. Privacy and Independence
Unlike apartments, villas offer more privacy. You don’t have to worry about noisy neighbors or shared walls. A 4 BHK villa ensures that you and your family can enjoy your personal space without disturbances.
 5. Investment Value
Property values tend to appreciate over time, and villas are no exception. A 4 BHK villa is a great investment that can provide significant returns in the future. The demand for spacious and luxurious homes is always high, making it a wise choice for long-term investment.
 6. Customizable Space
With a 4 BHK villa, you have the freedom to customize your space as you wish. Whether you want to create a home gym, a personal library, or a play area for kids, the possibilities are endless. This flexibility is something you don’t usually get with apartments.
 7. Enhanced Security
Villas in gated communities often come with enhanced security measures. From 24/7 security personnel to advanced surveillance systems, you can feel safe and secure in your 4 BHK villa.
 8. Community Living
Many villa communities offer shared amenities like clubhouses, parks, and sports facilities. This allows you to enjoy a sense of community while still maintaining your privacy. It’s the best of both worlds!
 9. Pet-Friendly Environment
If you have pets, a 4 BHK villa is ideal. The extra space and private garden give your pets room to roam and play, ensuring they are as comfortable as you are.
10. Future-Proof Home
A 4 BHK villa is perfect for growing families. Whether you’re planning to have more children or foresee needing space for elderly parents, a villa provides the flexibility to accommodate future changes in your family dynamics.
Investing in a 4 BHK villa is a decision that brings numerous benefits, from enhanced living space and luxury to better privacy and security. It’s not just a home. That's where Escon comes into the limelight after delivering so many best projects. Escon Panache Villas is one of the best luxurious villas that we are offering. It's a lifestyle upgrade that offers comfort, value, and a promising future. Consider a 4 BHK villa today and enjoy all the advantages that come with it!
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Location: Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
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earnmoneywithshaan · 1 year
Top 5 US Stocks to buy for Long Term | 2023
Hey Everyone . So , Today In this Article We Are Going To Talk About the Top 5 US Stocks For Long Term . The Shares Which I will Tell You Today Are the Best Us Stocks That Will Definitely Gives You Profit . So , Don't Just Invest By Reading My Article , You Can Invest But Try To Gain Some Knowledge about The Company . So Let's Begin The Topic :
The Apple Stock Price Is Continuously Rising . If You will Checks the Last 6 Month Result You Will See That It Has Rise from $159 To $174 Approx $16 Rise In Just Last 6 Month And That's a Good Thing . Apple Stock Price Rises Every Year Because Of Company Value As It Bring Amazing Phone With Amazing Features .
If You See 1 Year Back The Price Of Apple Stock Was $125 And Now Currently It's $174 and Soon It Will Reach $200 . I Recommend you To Invest In This Stock Because it Will Give You a Huge Profit In Future ...
Everybody Knows Amazon Right ? . So , Currently The Price Of Amazon Is Falling And It's a Great Opportunity To Buy The Stock In Low Price . What You Think Amazon Price will Not Rise ? . As We The Technology Is Rapidly Growing and Everyone Is Busy In Their Life . So , In Future You Will See a Huge Rise in Amazon Stock Because Of The Rise In Population And Everybody Wants The Thing Just by Sitting Instead Of Going Out And Purchasing It ...
So , Currently The Price of Amazon Stock is $129 . If You will See It's Chart To Google You will Find That It's Price is Falling From Last 1 Month . So , I 100% Recommend You To Buy This Stock And In Last 1 Year it Has Rise From $114 to $129 . I know It's Not a Huge Rise in Price But In Future It Will Be On the Top .
Who Don't Know Elon Musk . The Richest Person in the World And the Owner Of Spacex And Tesla . Tesla Stock Price is Falling From Last 20-25 Days . On 18 September 2023 The Stock Price Was $271 And Now It's $241 . What a Huge Fall in Tesla Stock Price . Many People Will Sell It Because the Price Is Falling But The Intelligent Investor's Will Buy It Right Now Because the Price has Fallen .
The Last Year Company Was in Loss And The Share Price Went Down Approx $50 in a Year . See , As You Know The Petrol Cars will Be Getting Banned In Future Because Of So Much Pollution and ELECTRIC CAR OF ELECTRIC VEHICLE Are Launched . So , it's 99% Confirmed that The Price Of Tesla Will Increase In Future .
Microsoft Corporation Is a Huge and Oldest Company And Currently It's Price Is Also Falling From Last 1 Month It Has Fall About $10 in The Last 1 Month . The Current Stock Price is $317 .
But In The Last 6 Months It Has Rise About $40 and It's a Good Rise in Price And In Last 1 Year It Has Rise About $80 . That's a Huge Rise in Price . Imagine This Is The Price Of One Stock And If You Have Hundreds or Thousands of Stocks It Will Make You Rich In Future .
The Stock Price Of Visa Is Also Falling From Last 1 Month . It has Fallen About $7 Last Month . The Current Stock Price is $235 And May Be It Will Rise In Future . I am Saying This Because Of It's Company Performance In Last Year . But I Recommend You To Buy It For Atleast 4 - 5 Years . Hold Your Stock For 4 - 5 Year's And Then It Will Give You a Good Profit .
So , These are the Top 5 US Stocks For Long Term . Please Remember We Don't Have Any Exact Information That It Will 100% Rise . We Say This By Analysing The Market And The Performance Of The Company In Last Few Years . So , Invest At Your Risk .
But Yes , According To Our Research We are Sure That in 4 - 5 Year's The Price of These Stocks Will Go Very High .
Thanks For Reading ...
Earn Money With Shaan
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notfinancialadvice · 2 years
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This is my top-tier emergency fund. I am not in an emergency, so I am viewing this as an opportunity.
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This is one of the funds I invest in. It is a single fund (I buy 1 ticker symbol of shares), the fund then takes investor money and buys shares of a lot of companies.
The cost of this service is about $1 per $10,000 invested across the entire fund. It’s ridiculously cheap. This is how EFT and similar funds work.
The benefit being they do the leg work of figuring out what companies will be worth more someday in the future, and which are overpriced now. This is an incredibly difficult task requiring extremely expensive equipment and a career of experience that must be run 24/7/365 forever.
Ergo: this is a great deal. I am paying about $1/10,000 per $1 I invest to not do any of that.
(I think it might actually be slightly higher than this clean example but by “slightly higher” I literally mean a few bucks instead of literally $1. Am writing this on my phone while waiting for a meeting to start.)
Previously, I researched the fund and said “this works for my personal situation” and bought shares and monitor it very occasionally.
Because the fund’s stock price is down, as part of normal stock market stock marketing, I can say “I can buy more shares for the same amount of cash I normally invest on a weekly basis.”
The risk is the fund will go to $0 and I will lose all my money. This is an inherent risk to investing. In researching this fund, I feel the risk is so low it is statistically irrelevant.
The reward is this fund will recover and be worth more than I bought it at. The timeline for this to happen is 20-30 years, or when I am in a life-or-death situation and have exhausted all alternatives, whichever comes first.
I specifically am using money saved to invest, so we are going to focus on what my options are with this $X
The alternative would be to put the money I have for investing into a high-yield savings account for 20-30 years instead. The return on those are, as of writing, up to 4%.
Why is this not the best option? +4% vs -2.66%?
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This is from a fact sheet.
Every fund has one (it’s actually a giant, potentially illegal, red flag if one does not) and they are part of the publicly available, pre-purchase, literature.
Google “{ticker code} fact sheet” and you will find it. They will all have a table similar to this. It will be publicly available and should not be behind a signup wall.
An annualized return is the average return over that period, year by year. So a 12.42% return over 10 years turns a every single $1 invested into $3.22. Google “annualized return calculator”
A savings account at 4% compounding daily turns this into $1.49 in 10 year. Google “daily compound interest calculator”
For comparison, they stock market return matched that just after Year 03 of 10.
So, when a fund I trust for a long term investment is down, to me it is future money on sale.
Every $1 I put in today does a little further then it would when the stock is performing well.
There is risk.
Funds will have bad years, they will have bad multi-year periods.
When I check on it, I ask, “are things bad now for everyone? Or is everyone doing well, but this fund sucks? If so, why — is it temporary, is it because they are digging deep into a long term strategy, is it because they lost their edge? Is this being fixed?”
Timing the market (holding cash until stocks are low) is difficult and rarely works out.
You can’t reliably predict when YOUR stocks are going to move, or how far, or in which direction — all you need to focus on is what you are picking.
I have $X that I invest weekly
When I have money and my stocks are high, I double check my emergency cash savings. Are they comfortable? If not, fill. If yes, invest.
When I have money my stocks are low, I am more aggressive about investing extra money. Not at the risk of damage should emergency cash be needed! But if I have extra cash, I strongly consider this as a good time to invest. Can I invest more than $X?
When I don’t have money I don’t look at the market, it’s not relevant to my immediate situation.
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wassahall · 2 years
The 3 Easiest And Essential Ways For Anyone To Start In Affiliate Marketing
The Internet’s fast-growing popularity in the recent years is surely an opportunity for anyone who wants to build a successful long-term online business or just make some extra money.
A lot of people think that only businessmen or businesswomen can make money out of the Internet, it’s completely wrong. Today anyone can earn big bucks through the Internet even if you don’t have products to sell and high-profile established company.
• How?
That is possible through affiliate marketing. You might have come already across these words over the net. Affiliate marketing is a revenue sharing between a merchant and an affiliate, you (as the affiliate) promote someone else’s products and get commissions for every conversion you make. It is one of the most popular ways to make money online nowadays because it is proven to be an effective and quantifiable method of achieving significant profit for the merchant and the affiliate.
You can start doing affiliate marketing with a very small investment and still make a significant income but it is fair to say that your income will depend on the time and effort you are willing to put into the work.
If you want to be an affiliate marketer and make fortunes out of the Internet, you may follow these three basic and easy steps:
• First Step: is to identify your Niche, which means a particular topic you are interested in or passionate about, so you won’t be bored and forced to develop your affiliate website later on. Focusing on a specific area you know very well will help you bring out your best without much risks and effort. You can add a personal touch to your site or channel and give your visitors who are possible buyers an impression that you are an expert in your field. In this way, you gain their trust and eventually encourage them to buy the products you endorse.
• Second Step: is to look for good paying products or services related to your interest and create now a website or a channel. Usually you can search the merchants you want to work with and see if they have an affiliate program, otherwise you can choose to register to a marketplace that allows to join multiple affiliate programs in the same platform.
Some Examples of these marketplaces are :
* ClickBank
* CJ Affiliate
* ShareASale
* Amazon Associates
* Impact
• Third Step: is to start promoting your affiliate links and get traffic to your website or channel, this can be done through two main ways, free organic traffic or paid advertising. If you are a beginner and you don’t have money to invest in advertising then free organic traffic is the best choice. You can get free traffic from social media platforms, search engines or by writing blogs on your website. If you choose the last method i want to give you a big secret, which is to use an AI content generator that helps you to write blogs 10 times faster with lots of features and ideas. The one i personally use is Jasper.ai , you can register now and start using your 10,000 free words to generate high quality content.
There are many different ways to start making money online but i think affiliate marketing is the best one. This online business is obviously not a get rich quick scheme but as said before with time and good effort you will be very satisfied with the results. I hope this information has helped anyone interested in this topic.
For any more questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to ask.
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Harvesting My First Ambrosia Melons: A Journey in Outdoor Hydroponics
This week marked a significant milestone in my gardening journey—I harvested my very first Ambrosia melons. Growing melons has always been something I’ve wanted to try, and seeing these beauties come to life has been incredibly rewarding. I decided to grow them using an outdoor hydroponic setup, using Masterblend nutrients in a 35-gallon drum. Here’s a bit about the process and what I learned along the way.
I started with a melon seedling I bought from the nursery. One thing I’ve noticed when buying seedlings is that many times, multiple plants are crowded into a single pot. This can sometimes lead to poor growth when transplanted because the plants end up competing for nutrients. To avoid this, I carefully separated the seedlings into three different net pots, all within the same drum. This setup allowed each vine its own space to grow while sharing the nutrient reservoir.
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In traditional melon farming, growers often prune the vines to concentrate the plant’s energy on a single fruit, resulting in larger, sweeter melons. However, I decided to let all three vines do their thing without much pruning. I knew I’d be refilling the drum with nutrients as needed, so I wasn’t too worried about spreading the plant’s energy thin. This approach resulted in about 10 melons forming on the vines. Watching them grow over the weeks was exciting, but figuring out when to harvest was a bit of a guessing game.
Today, I noticed one of the melons had fallen off the vine—a good indication it was ready to be picked. So, I decided to harvest the ones that looked and felt ripe. They had a sweet fragrance, and the skin had a slight give when pressed—signs that they were ready to be enjoyed.
A Bit About Ambrosia Melons
Ambrosia melons are a hybrid variety of cantaloupe known for their exceptionally sweet, aromatic flesh. These melons have a creamy texture and a flavor that’s often described as honey-like. Originating from Japan, Ambrosia melons are prized for their taste and have become a popular choice for home gardeners and specialty growers alike. They’re typically smaller than regular cantaloupes but pack a punch in terms of flavor and sweetness.
Unlike factory-farmed melons, which are often grown for uniformity, size, and durability for shipping, Ambrosia melons are grown for taste. Commercially grown melons are usually bred to withstand long-distance transportation and are often picked before they reach peak ripeness. This can sometimes result in less flavorful fruit by the time it reaches the consumer. Growing my own allowed me to harvest the melons at their absolute best—fully ripe and bursting with flavor.
Lessons Learned
Growing my own melons has been an amazing learning experience. The outdoor hydroponic setup worked beautifully, providing the plants with consistent nutrients and water. Splitting the seedlings into separate net pots helped them thrive without competing for resources, and while I didn’t prune the vines as recommended, I’m happy with the number of melons that developed.
I’m looking forward to cutting into these Ambrosia melons and sharing them with family and friends. There’s something incredibly satisfying about enjoying fruit that you’ve grown yourself. Plus, the flavor is unmatched compared to store-bought melons.
If you’ve ever considered growing your own melons, I highly recommend giving it a try. The process is rewarding, and the taste of a freshly harvested melon makes all the effort worth it.
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noisycowboyglitter · 2 months
"Pucker Up Under the Mistletoe: 10 Romantic Title Ideas"
"Kiss Me Under The Mistletoe" evokes a romantic holiday tradition steeped in centuries of folklore and custom. This phrase conjures images of couples stealing tender moments amidst the festive chaos of Christmas celebrations. The mistletoe, a small evergreen plant with white berries, hangs innocently above doorways or from ceilings, its presence a silent invitation for affection.
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The tradition dates back to ancient times, with roots in Norse mythology and Celtic druidic practices. Today, it's a playful excuse for lovers to share a kiss, and for shy admirers to make their feelings known. The magic of mistletoe transforms ordinary spaces into potential sites of romance, adding a frisson of excitement to holiday gatherings.
In popular culture, "Kiss Me Under The Mistletoe" has inspired countless songs, movie scenes, and holiday decorations. It represents the warmth and connection we seek during the cold winter months, a spark of intimacy in the midst of communal celebration. For some, it's a cherished annual ritual with a long-term partner; for others, it's a hopeful gesture towards new love.
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This simple phrase encapsulates the joy, anticipation, and sometimes delightful awkwardness of holiday romance, making it an enduring symbol of Christmas magic.
"Funny Sexy Christmas" blends holiday cheer with adult humor and sensuality, creating a unique and playful twist on traditional festivities. This concept often involves cheeky decorations, risqué Santa outfits, and double-entendre-laden carols. It's about finding the humor in mixing the innocence of Christmas with more mature themes.
Think ugly Christmas sweaters with provocative slogans, advent calendars filled with adult toys, or mistletoe placed in strategic locations. It might include party games that combine holiday trivia with flirty dares, or gift exchanges featuring gag items with a naughty edge.
This approach appeals to those who enjoy pushing boundaries and injecting some spice into the usual holiday traditions. It's a way to celebrate the season with a wink and a laugh, perfect for adults who want to keep the Christmas spirit alive while indulging in some grown-up fun.
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Finding the perfect Christmas gift for your boyfriend combines thoughtfulness with his personal interests. Consider tech gadgets like smartwatches or wireless earbuds for the tech-savvy. For the outdoorsy type, high-quality camping gear or a new hiking backpack could be ideal. Fashion-conscious boyfriends might appreciate stylish accessories or a luxury watch.
Personalized items, such as custom photo albums or engraved jewelry, add a sentimental touch. Experience gifts like concert tickets or a weekend getaway create lasting memories. For hobbyists, think specialized equipment or collectibles related to their passion.
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Ultimately, the best gift reflects your understanding of his personality, shows your affection, and brings joy to your shared holiday celebration.
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demiumresearch · 4 months
Bharat Dynamics limited (BDL) Share Price Correction: Profit Booking Ends 10-Day Rally
Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL), a Miniratna public sector undertaking (PSU) in India, witnessed a sharp correction in its share price. The stock plunged by a significant 7%, snapping a ten-day winning streak that saw it climb steadily. This sudden drop can be attributed to profit booking by investors who had capitalized on the recent surge.
A Look Back at the 10-Day Rally
The past ten days were a period of significant gains for Bharat Dynamics. The stock price witnessed a continuous upward trend, fueled by investor optimism surrounding the Indian government's "Make in India" initiative. This initiative aims to promote domestic manufacturing, including the defense sector, and investors anticipated Bharat Dynamics to be a key beneficiary. The positive sentiment surrounding "Make in India" led to a buying spree, pushing the stock price higher.
Profit Booking Takes Hold
However, the 7% drop and indicates a shift in investor behavior. Profit booking refers to the practice of selling a stock after it has experienced a price increase. Investors who bought shares during the 10-day rally likely saw this as an opportune moment to lock in their profits. This selling pressure caused the stock price to decline.
Is the "Make in India" Dream Fading?
While the correction in Bharat Dynamics' share price might seem concerning, it's important to note that not all defense stocks are experiencing a similar drop. This suggests that the broader investor interest in the Indian defense sector, driven by "Make in India," remains intact. Bharat Dynamics' specific correction could be due to a combination of factors, including profit booking and technical reasons related to short-term trading strategies.
Looking Ahead: What's Next for Bharat Dynamics?
The long-term prospects for Bharat Dynamics depend on several factors beyond short-term fluctuations. The company's ability to secure new contracts under the "Make in India" initiative will be crucial for its future growth. Additionally, its overall financial performance, operational efficiency, and product development efforts will all play a role in determining its future share price.
Bharat Dynamics Share Price Correction * Share price fell by 7% due to profit booking. * Investors cashing in on gains from recent 10-day rally. * Stock surge attributed to optimism about Indian government's "Make in India" initiative. * Not all defense stocks experiencing surge, indicating broader investor interest in Indian defense sector.
Have you invested in BDL shares?
Join us at demiumresearch.com or call 7030916716 today. Let's make your money work smart!
The recent correction in Bharat Dynamics' share price serves as a reminder of the inherent volatility associated with stock markets. While profit booking caused the 7% drop, the broader investor interest in the Indian defense sector, fueled by "Make in India," remains positive. Investors should carefully consider the company's fundamentals, future prospects under "Make in India," and overall market conditions before making any investment decisions.
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About Us Demium Research Demium Research Analyst is a Top-notch SEBI Registered Research Analyst (SEBI Registration Number - INH000009409 and Best Research Analyst company in India. We are Equity research analyst & service provider which provides top-notch services with unique and advanced features. We are customer oriented company in this industry. We have best business model which offer better platform and services to investors and traders of the Indian stock market. Demium Research offers the first of its kind reward points style services which are result-oriented services. Our all services come with standard features like personalized and customized services, Dedicated Relationship manager, In-depth analysis of stocks and many more. We have carefully chosen and developed range of financial and research services in order to support and provide our clients with the solutions as they need. We seek to produce healthy financial rewards for our clients in their trading and Investments. Our company puts emphasis on helping investors to gain high profit out of their invested wealth to attain their short-term and long-term financial goals. The experienced, analyst experts give their unparalleled service to upgrade the skills and adhere to the incomparable height of knowledge of traders. WHO WE ARE Demium Research is best SEBI registered Research Analyst and a team of highly skilled professionals which has a vast experience of stock market research and analysis. We believe in power of innovation, creativity and knowledge. Our thorough research and analysis are not only powerful and result oriented but also giving our clients' satisfactory results. … is amongst Top Stock advisory companies in India and we as a team always believe in to provide best in class service experience to our clients. Our client retention ratio is highest in this industry and client satisfaction is our top priority. WHY US Values We value our clients and put their interest in the forefront.
Join us at Stock Recommendation, Commodity Recommendation, Intraday Stock Recommendation, Equity Recommendation, Options Trading Recommendation, Nifty Futures Recommendation, Stock Futures Recommendation, Nifty Futures Recommendation or call 7030916716 today. Let's make your money work smart!
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market-news-24 · 4 months
Today, FuelCell Energy, Bloom, and Clean Energy Fuels all saw a rise in their stock prices. This increase could be attributed to the growing demand for clean energy solutions in the Market. FuelCell Energy, Bloom, and Clean Energy Fuels are all leading providers of environmentally friendly power options, making them attractive investments for those looking to support sustainable energy sources. Click to Claim Latest Airdrop for FREE Claim in 15 seconds Scroll Down to End of This Post const downloadBtn = document.getElementById('download-btn'); const timerBtn = document.getElementById('timer-btn'); const downloadLinkBtn = document.getElementById('download-link-btn'); downloadBtn.addEventListener('click', () => downloadBtn.style.display = 'none'; timerBtn.style.display = 'block'; let timeLeft = 15; const timerInterval = setInterval(() => if (timeLeft === 0) clearInterval(timerInterval); timerBtn.style.display = 'none'; downloadLinkBtn.style.display = 'inline-block'; // Add your download functionality here console.log('Download started!'); else timerBtn.textContent = `Claim in $timeLeft seconds`; timeLeft--; , 1000); ); Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] The renewable energy sector saw a significant boost in the stock Market on Tuesday, thanks to Plug Power's announcement of receiving a $1.66 billion loan guarantee from the U.S. Department of Energy. This news led to a surge in shares of green energy companies like FuelCell Energy, Bloom Energy, and Clean Energy Fuels. Investors are optimistic about the potential for these companies to receive similar federal assistance in the future. Plug Power's plans involve developing up to six green hydrogen production facilities with the help of the loan guarantee. This initiative is part of the government's commitment to advancing large-scale hydrogen production and supporting decarbonization efforts across various industries. While the news has sparked enthusiasm among investors, it's crucial to note that profitability has been a challenge for companies like Plug Power, Bloom Energy, FuelCell Energy, and Clean Energy Fuels. Despite ongoing investments in fuel cell technology, these companies have struggled to turn a profit. Government subsidies may offer some relief, but long-term profitability remains uncertain. For investors considering buying stock in FuelCell Energy or other similar companies, it's essential to weigh the risks and rewards carefully. The Motley Fool's Stock Advisor team recently identified the 10 best stocks for investors to buy now, with FuelCell Energy not making the list. It's essential to conduct thorough research and consider expert recommendations before making investment decisions. In conclusion, while government support may provide a temporary boost for renewable energy stocks, long-term success will depend on the companies' ability to achieve profitability. Investors should proceed with caution and seek guidance from reputable sources before making investment choices in this volatile sector. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_2] 1. Why did FuelCell Energy, Bloom, and Clean Energy Fuels rise today? - These companies rose today due to positive news or developments in the clean energy sector. 2. What caused the increase in stock prices for FuelCell Energy, Bloom, and Clean Energy Fuels? - The increase in stock prices could be attributed to increased demand for clean energy solutions and potential growth opportunities. 3. Are FuelCell Energy, Bloom, and Clean Energy Fuels good investment options? - It depends on individual investment goals and risk tolerance, but these companies are in the growing clean energy sector which could be promising for long-term growth. 4. Should I consider investing in FuelCell Energy, Bloom, and Clean Energy Fuels based on today's performance?
- It is important to conduct thorough research and consider factors beyond just one day's performance before making any investment decisions. 5. What sets FuelCell Energy, Bloom, and Clean Energy Fuels apart from other clean energy companies? - Each company may have its unique technology, Market position, and growth strategy that differentiate them from competitors in the clean energy industry. Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators [ad_1] Win Up To 93% Of Your Trades With The World's #1 Most Profitable Trading Indicators Claim Airdrop now Searching FREE Airdrops 20 seconds Sorry There is No FREE Airdrops Available now. Please visit Later function claimAirdrop() document.getElementById('claim-button').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'block'; let countdownTimer = 20; const countdownInterval = setInterval(function() document.getElementById('countdown').textContent = countdownTimer; countdownTimer--; if (countdownTimer < 0) clearInterval(countdownInterval); document.getElementById('timer-container').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('sorry-button').style.display = 'block'; , 1000);
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17 Money Saving Hacks To Boost Your Bank Account
Looking to boost your bank account with effective money saving strategies? In this video, I share 17 money saving hacks to boost your bank account and improve your financial health. Discover 17 money saving hacks that will help you save more and spend less. From budgeting tips and frugal living practices to smart shopping strategies and energy-saving ideas, learn 17 money saving hacks to boost your bank account and achieve your financial goals. 
These practical tips and tricks are easy to implement and will make a big difference in your financial health. In today's fast-paced world, managing finances efficiently has become more crucial than ever. 
In this video, we'll explore money-saving hacks that can help you build a healthier financial future. Whether you're saving for a rainy day, a big purchase, or long-term financial goals, adopting money-saving hacks can significantly impact your bank account. From small adjustments in daily habits to strategic planning, there are numerous ways to boost your savings. 
 If you find these 17 money saving hacks helpful and actionable, please like, comment, and subscribe for more personal finance tips and money saving advice. Don’t forget to hit the notification bell to stay updated with our latest content!
What you'll learn:    
Practical budgeting tips to manage your finances    
Frugal living practices to save more money    
Smart shopping strategies to get the best deals    
Energy-saving ideas to cut down utility costs    
Everyday habits that contribute to saving money
0:37 learn to budget 1:09 Get of debt 2:11 Create a designated savings account 2:39 Automate your savings 3:03 Automate your bills 3:19 Put a spending limit on your cards 3:40 Cut back on rent 4:23 Cut back on your utility bills 5:30 Take up a side hustle 6:07 Cancel any unused subscriptions 7:06 Try to fix things yourself 7:33 Think before you splurge 8:13 Buy your car at the end of financial quarter 8:49 Cut down on your grocery spending 9:43 Designate a no spend day once a month 10:14 Sell your unused items 10:39 Conclusion
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avidtrader · 6 months
Stock Trading Tips: Add These Moving Averages to Your Chart!
Stock Trading Tips: Add These Moving Averages to Your Chart! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2Pr5Zfge4U Today we are going over one of my favorite tools when trading stocks, moving averages! When we start trading, the best thing is to SIMPLIFY everything. If you over complicate things, it will be impossible to understand it and apply it to your plan. So just think of them as a guideline. As you can see from the video there are many situations (depending on the ticker and viewing window) where it works nearly to perfection. Take some time to look it over, ask questions and if there is anything else you need help with or want me to make a video on I am OPEN to suggestions in the comment section below! Please share and re-post this video. ✅ Time Stamps: 0:00 EMA vs SMA 0:30 What I Use On My Chart 1:21 I See This Often in Small Caps 2:38 Stock Changing Direction 4:15 Natural Support & Resistance 5:06 Large Caps/Big Board Stocks? 6:34 Relevant Time Frame ✅ Subscribe To My Channel For More Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@AvidTrader/?sub_confirmation=1 ✅ Stay Connected With Me: 👉 (X)Twitter: https://twitter.com/RealAvidTrader 👉 Stocktwits: https://ift.tt/Q0WSZ2H 👉 Instagram: https://ift.tt/HjgRzn9 ============================== ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 The ULTIMATE Guide to Finding Hidden Gem Stocks | AvidTrader https://youtu.be/pZAKJLk9o0I 👉 How FDA Approval Could Rocket This Penny Stock to New Heights | AvidTrader https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42AI9djkN0s 👉 Bitcoin Halving's Impact on Crypto Mining: What to Expect | AvidTrader https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9jIDKFNUlg 👉 How to Make Big Profits with Short Squeeze Stocks: A Comprehensive Trading Strategy | AvidTrader https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=59q6XeOlzas ============================= ✅ About AvidTrader: Value Investor. Discussing Day & Swing Trades Also Long Term Investments! Stock Breakdowns. Grow Your Trading Account Effectively. Technical Analysis and Pattern Recognition. How to Make Money, But More Importantly Learning & Having Fun in The Process! Avid Trader is not a Series 7 licensed investment professional, but a digital marketing manager/content creator to publicly traded and privately held companies. Avid Trader receives compensation from its clients in the form of cash and restricted securities for consulting services. 🔔 Subscribe to my channel for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/@AvidTrader/?sub_confirmation=1 ===================== #stocktradingstrategies #movingaverage #stockanalysis #technicalanalysis #tradingstrategies #tradingtips #tradinginsights #daytradingstrategies #learnstockmarket #growacccount Disclaimer: We do not accept any liability for any loss or damage which is incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of reading any of our publications. You acknowledge that you use the information we provide at your own risk. I am not a certified financial advisor and you must do your own research and due diligence before ever buying or selling a stock. never trade solely based on someone else's word or expectations of a stock! Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use © AvidTrader via AvidTrader https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK_XU3FW-ffEK8BG5EisnNA March 20, 2024 at 10:51PM
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eggsinvest · 7 months
10 Expert Strategies to Master Rightmove UK and Zoopla
Real estate investment has long been hailed as one of the most reliable ways to grow your money, especially when utilizing platforms like Rightmove UK and Zoopla. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just dipping your toes into the property market, the potential for substantial returns is undeniable. But, despite the vast opportunities available on platforms like Rightmove UK and Zoopla, navigating the property market can sometimes feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
But, fear not! Even amidst the competitive landscape dominated by giants like Rightmove UK and Zoopla, there are insider tips and strategies that can help you stand out and dominate the property market.
1. Embrace Technology
In today’s digital age, having access to the right tools and platforms can make all the difference. EggsInvest, a leading investment portal, provides a user-friendly interface to search for the best property investment opportunities in the UK. With advanced search filters and real-time updates, finding your dream property has never been easier.
2. Focus on UK Property Investment
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3. Optimize Your Property Listings
When selling your property, it’s crucial to make a lasting impression. EggsInvest offers comprehensive listing services, ensuring your property is showcased in the best possible light. From professional photography to compelling descriptions, our platform maximizes exposure and attracts potential buyers.
4. Leverage Local Expertise
While online platforms provide valuable insights, nothing beats the knowledge of a local real estate agency. EggsInvest partners with reputable agencies across the UK, offering personalized guidance and support throughout the buying or selling process.
5. Stay Ahead of the Curve with Real-Time Updates
In the fast-paced world of real estate, timing is everything. EggsInvest delivers real-time updates on new listings, price changes, and market trends, empowering you to make informed decisions with confidence.
6. Build a Diverse Portfolio
Diversification is key to long-term success in real estate investment. With EggsInvest’s extensive portfolio of properties, you can spread your investments across various asset classes, mitigating risk and maximizing returns.
7. Invest Strategically in London Sale Apartments
London’s property market is renowned for its resilience and potential for high returns. EggsInvest specializes in London sale apartments, offering exclusive access to premium properties in prime locations across the city.
8. Tap into the Power of Networking
Networking is a powerful tool in the world of real estate investment. EggsInvest provides a platform for investors to connect, share insights, and collaborate on potential opportunities, fostering a vibrant community of like-minded individuals.
9. Take Advantage of EggsInvest’s Exclusive Deals
As a member of EggsInvest, you gain access to exclusive deals and discounts on property investments. From discounted prices to favorable financing options, our platform offers unparalleled value for investors.
10. Trust in EggsInvest for Best Property Investment
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In a world dominated by giants like Rightmove UK and Zoopla, EggsInvest stands out as a beacon of innovation and opportunity. With our advanced technology, comprehensive listings, and unparalleled support, we’re here to help you dominate the property market and achieve your investment goals. Trust EggsInvest for the best property investment and let us guide you towards a prosperous future.
Join EggsInvest today and unlock the full potential of your property investments. Let us help you expose your property to a larger audience and take your investment journey to new heights.
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