#10 fics on AO3 guys!!!
hiorintruther · 2 years
The scans have been out a few days now so I’m posting this. We just got Hiori’s backstory so let me expel more Hiorin headcanons onto you good people (seriously why are we so delusional abt this ship???) — obviously massive spoiler warning as of chapter 206 of the manga.
Also a cw for child abuse — these hcs pretty much all deal with their trauma:
Hiori and Rin have had a very long, very depressing trauma dump conversation about their families.
Rin has decided to add Hiori’s parents to the ‘I’ll fucking kill them’ list inside his head… which he totally has for no reason in particular…
Hiori likewise understands Rin’s resentment towards Sae deeply and doesn’t blame him at all for feeling so angry and upset.
The fact that the family members they hate are all telling them they aren’t good enough as they are (Sae explicitly, Hiori’s parents implicitly) ends up becoming a means of mutual understanding between them, allowing Hiori to feel a bit safer around Rin and Rin to not hate Hiori like he does the rest of Blue Lock.
Rin has tried to subtly allude to the idea that Hiori can move in with him at any time to get away from his family. Hiori has only half picked up on the signals though because a) Rin is shit at communicating anything nice, and b) Rin’s almost year younger than Hiori so it doesn’t actually make much sense to do that but it’s the thought that counts.
A lot of their conversations take place in the monitor room, in the dark, where they feel safest being vulnerable with each other (aka: see my fic on AO3).
Hiori has used dry, dark humour as a coping mechanism in front of Rin before and Rin has started doing it too occasionally.
So many “lol I hate my family, I hope they die, jk… unless?” jokes.
They end up having a mutual understanding for one another and can almost subconsciously pick up on when something reminds the other of their trauma.
For some more domestic, outside/no Blue Lock hcs (there’s a ton of food-related ones here idk why):
When they make dinner, Rin is sure to mix a healthy, balanced meal with convenience store foods coz Hiori hates eating a very strict diet. It reminds Hiori of the way his parents used to control everything about his life down to what he ate. Sometimes, Rin even makes a separate meal for himself because he wants to calorie count and know exactly what he’s eating, but Hiori’s had a bad day and really needs some instant ramen and pudding.
Hiori doesn’t have a big sweet tooth though, as a result of his parents’ conditioning. He didn’t grow up accustomed to sweet things so he finds anything too sugary difficult to eat (this comes from the egoist Bible where his least favourite food is cotton candy because of the sugar content). His love of salty food however is through the roof and Rin has to remind him to check the sodium contents on the meals he chooses at the convenience store.
Rin has stopped insulting or talking badly about Isagi around Hiori, purely because Hiori feels safe around Isagi. It’s a challenge, and mostly they try to keep Isagi out of their conversations altogether, but if he does come up Rin attempts to be neutral.
Sometimes, Hiori holes himself up in his computer room playing shooters. When that happens, Rin knows to leave him alone until he’s out of his slump, because it’s usually a sign that Hiori is remembering some bad memories. They both like their own space anyway, so it isn’t as if much changes in their routines.
While Hiori’s in a slump, Rin restocks their fridge with energy drinks and instant meals so Hiori can dip in and out to get food when he wants it. He eats alone unless Hiori texts him saying he’ll be out to get food.
Rin also doesn’t bring up anything to Hiori once Hiori re-emerges from his room, letting Hiori come to him if he wants to talk about it. Hiori knows Rin struggles with dealing with trauma, so he usually leaves it.
Once when Rin was having a particularly stressful time, Hiori bought him a whole box of his favourite ice creams (the ones he used to get on the way home from practice) and they had a competition to see who could get the most “winner” sticks. Rin won.
Hiori has also attempted to learn how to cook so he can make Rin food when Rin isn’t feeling up to cooking. Rin says he’ll just order takeout but Hiori insists on trying some of his recipes. How successful he is varies on how easy it is to throw the ingredients in a pan and let them simmer.
When sleeping together, they usually stick to their own sides of the bed but sometimes when Hiori is feeling upset he reaches out to Rin as a comfort. Rin isn’t the best at providing said comfort, but he lets Hiori into his arms in those moments.
On the flip-side, if Rin has been feeling angry or frustrated because of Sae, Hiori will slowly snake his arms around Rin’s torso and hug him close, becoming the big spoon despite being smaller. Rin places his hand over Hiori’s as a reassurance that he feels reassured doing this.
Sometimes, but not always, this nighttime cuddling leads to talking about their pasts. Rin always holds Hiori very close and says that Hiori was never in the wrong and never deserved to go through anything that happened as a result of his parents’ expectations (usually with a lot of colourful language). Hiori likewise will do the same for Rin whenever Sae gets brought up, although he’s less vulgar. His words are somehow even more scathing though.
They both find it easier to open up in the dark. It feels like a safety blanket that can hide their vulnerability, especially for Rin.
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fanaticloser · 3 months
I need a tag that says “Fake dating but one of them thinks it’s real and the one who knows it’s fake actually falls for them and there’s angst but they end up together in the end”
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littlefankingdom · 3 months
The Batman fandom infantilizing a near 30 years old white man taking in a child, saying he was a brother more than a father as if he wasn't a full grown adult taking in a child he could have birthed, but parentifying a brown young adult taking in his brother pre-teen for less than a year, saying he was a father more than a brother (only a year is barely enough but ok), or saying he was more a father to his other brothers than Bruce, when he met them when he was 18 and 21 is making me uncomfortable, ngl.
Like, Bruce is a "kid" when he became Dick's guardian when he canonically was over 25 (he started being Batman at 25), and a brother to him when he raised him for 10 years (and Dick probably has not many memories from before Bruce now), but Dick is a "father" to Damian he only had as his charge for less than a year, half of which they were fighting each others??? Make it make sense???
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DBH fic writers and readers on AO3 be like.
DON'T KILL ME.... I love love love good Connor fics too. I am very self-aware. His story is excellent and, well, he arguably "becomes" human the most. Give me that sweet, sweet fanfic where he tries to have emotions. It's just kind of funny, isn't it?
Alternative version under the cut.
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Looking at you, Reed900 enjoyers (including me). Haha
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hapticshift · 1 month
Yk, I used to have range, I used to read so many different genres and fandoms! Hell, the fist fic I read on ao3 was a Warriors reincarnation fic, I was like 7, and it was the best thing ever. Now? Fuck, all I read is Catradora! That's it, just SPOP fics. I READ LIKE A MILLION WORDS OF CATRADORA FANFICS LAST WEEK! Holy fuck I have so many recs, but I sound mad when I'm like "guys c'mon, here me out,,, magical realism, but it's lesbian, and their dynamic is great, it's only like 100k words, c'mon, what's the worst that could happen???" Fuck, I'm a goddamn junkie, but I just can't get enough of these weirdos.
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tadfools · 10 months
Don’t get me wrong I’m glad we got epilogues and all this new stuff in patch five but…. am I the only one who thinks this all should’ve been included at the final launch??
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illegallimeseller · 6 days
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I was battleing with myself for almost two days if I should post it but I guess I end up doing it in the end. But I made a oc and I yap a little about them and added a bit of context what they fuck it is lmao. I would appreciate if you would read the yap :3
!!Little yapping about them below!!
I made Paranormal Peri oc just for shits and giggles. Yes they do have pronouns yes they have no idea what they are doing with their life but well. No they do not do drugs. Their name Is Eris since that's greek goddess of rivalty and discord but they are just an energetic folk always open for helping others and I liked the opposite thinking. They literally do not care about most stuff they just wanth their paycheck. They are mostly supportive and caring person and do not agree with some of intitution works but well they are paying them well so. They just listen orders and do what they are tasked too. They heard just a few words about project Phairy but that would be it. Just wanted to draw some contrast for the fic idk why. I just thought that this dark and scary place needed some fun so I did. They literally just want their paycheck and they will be happy. Also don't agree with hurting living beings most of the time.
Based on what my pookie is telling me always "PURPLE HAIR? YOU PROBABLY HAVE PRONOUNS TOO" so yeah they do
I am sorry if it end up bad or mean in anyway I just wanted to laugh a little hehe.
I almost throw my graphic tablet across the room. while drawing this LMAO
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iri-desky · 4 months
*vibrates* ... there isn't enough...clickpedia content in the reverse 1999 fandom... where is the clickpedia content...
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hatkuu · 9 months
so like if you have a baby bailey tries to take them to the orphanage no matter what right? what do you think kylar is gonna do. how will he react when you have his baby and bailey tries to take it
screeches at the top of his lungs if he's there to see it. you know this man is holding your hand while you give birth (he definitely cries with you, does not look at the doctor when they're speaking to him, he's waaaayy too focused on you because this might just be the most important thing that has ever happened in his life.) so when that cranky old asshole snatches your baby from you he's fighting like a rabid dog—gets even worse if you try to soothe him or assure him that bailey means well—your precious baby shouldn't be tainted by the hands of that asshole!
idk. i really hope vrel can let the baby stay in kylar's manor like with alex on the farm. like. surely kylar's parents would love their first grandchild... lotta potential for an event where pc catches one of kylar's parents looming over the side of the manger cooing at their grandchild. like. CMON!!!! make the monster parents loveable pls. i want them to like me :( pls guys i literally want to marry your son :( pls like me even a little bit
but yeah. kylar would be furious. idk if he'd pull a knife in a hospital though, probably didn't bring it with him because even though he knows the doctor is just doing their job he does get a little jealous at their position between your thighs... yeah. he's THAT cringe.
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queenmabcreates · 3 days
Day 6/Chapter 9 is up!
And yes it includes more inept artwork by me 😅
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atlasshrugd · 4 months
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↳ Chapter 19 of WHITE NIGHTS is up! (Read here on ao3)
At that moment, Kinn feels as if his heart is going to explode. His mouth dries up with words he’s been waiting all year to say yet can’t seem to say when it matters. His brows draw together, frustrated. Porsche seems to know, for he presses a thumb to the crease there, smoothing it away. “Don’t,” he whispers, softly. “Don’t.”
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mathias-wanabe · 4 months
Anyways new hyperfixation just dropped
Game is Called “creature in the corner”
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eurydicees · 8 months
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hi there! welcome to today's daily lesson in how to use ao3! your public ao3 bookmark notes and tags are, in fact, public. and the author is capable of seeing them!
some discussion questions to consider:
is posting a literal numerical rating and judgement the most polite thing you could put into this public note that the author can see?
is it possible to, while online, perhaps keep your judgement either to yourself or to your private bookmarks?
is posting a note explaining what you didn't like about the fic something that you are required to do, or is it possible to not do that?
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stormyoceans · 1 year
Now I wonder which unpopular couple is under your protection? I suffer from a lack of Kid/Law fic, but maybe things are even worse for you than for me? And the series turned out great if you look at it as an independent story, without comparing it with the manga👍it feels like it was filmed with love, love is in the air
okay so maybe i was being a little overdramatic when i said unpopular ;;;;;;; but then again every pairing kinda is when compared to zosan and lawlu, and keep in mind that i was a teenager when i was really involved in the manga (so we're talking about.. a LONG time ago) and there weren't as many ships around back then
all this to say im officially coming out as a zolu enthusiast ;;;;; i imprinted on them upon their first meeting like a duckling with its mother and they owned my ass ever since IM SORRY I JUST CAN'T HELP IT. i see a dynamic that's based on understanding care reverence respect devotion trust love and my heart immediately goes THAT ONE. WE WANT THAT ONE. and ngl the live action got their relationship down so perfectly it's bringing back the feelings
i haven't finished the show yet but honestly im really enjoying it!!!! it's not perfect and it's a whole different beast than the manga but like you said you can definitely tell it was done with love and respect to the original source and that makes all the difference. also i've truly never seen a more perfect casting in my entire life THEY ALL FIT THEIR CHARACTER SO WELL IT'S INSANE
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kdsburneraccount · 8 months
every now and then i feel tempted to make some kind of thinkpiece abt how the patriots ruined the ecosystem of nfl rpf but tbf its more like there were a couple of really avid edelmandola fans that only wrote that pairing from like 2015-2019 ish and then like general consequences of a team being mega dominant for an extended amount of time
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lesbianralzarek · 4 months
im considering watching the fallout tv show but im trying to do a cortisol detox and i know that any fallout fandom consists of my beautiful and brilliant mutuals and 1 million morons with worse interpretations of the canon text than if they were to never interact with the source material at all and just guess
anyway. if i do watch it theres a 50/50 chance yall will never know, because if i have any self-control i will simply stay quiet
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