#10 hour shift tomorrow and then a flight at 7 am
maddieladner1999 · 1 year
Bad idea right? Chapter 6
It’s time for nationals. I will do a long story here so here are the chapter plans: 7: New York day/ flight home 8: week until opening night / opening night. 9: graduation 10: summer
Finals is the same week as EJ’s nationals performance so the boys are working very hard. EJ takes less shifts at work so he can study more since rehearsals have become more consistent. Ricky is struggling to balance too but with Gina studying works. Being the male lead requires a bit more work than the other have but he’s become a quick learner. He aces his finals and after the last one he’s the first one outside. Nationals is in New York so he heads straight to the airport. He and EJ decided to meet each other there since he has to fly with the team. He has had a 6 pm flight out booked for 3 weeks now. EJs has been made with the acapella group arrangements for a month. Ricky shoots EJ a text while on the way to keep him updated
Ricky: I passed my finals. I’m on my way to the airport now. See you in New York sweetheart.
EJ’s flight leaves at 5 so he gets the text as it’s only 3. He’s already at the airport.
EJ: I’m already at the airport. Don’t know what terminal you’re flying out of. It’s probably the same as me. Maybe we’ll get a minute before I leave. Have one of those airport kisses?
Ricky: I can’t text and drive can I call?
EJ: yes. But you’re not right now are you?
Ricky calls EJ
Ricky: no I pulled over to fill up on gas. Was about to get back on the road.
EJ: good. So how long until you’re at the airport?
Ricky: I’d say 40 min?
EJ: and then you have to go through TSA which might take 30 min or an hour. Depends on how busy it is.
Ricky: are you already through tsa?
EJ: no I’m still in line. It’s pretty long but we’re getting close. I’m gonna have to hang up for a minute.
Ricky: ok call me back when you got your stuff.
EJ hangs up and after getting through the metal detector and getting his stuff he calls Ricky back.
Ricky: that didn’t take very long. So now what?
EJ: idk. I guess I can go get some food and wait at my terminal.
Ricky: you wanna stay on the phone till I get there or save phone battery?
EJ: I should save it. Text me when you’re through tsa.
Ricky: sure thing sweetheart
EJ hangs up and Ricky focuses on driving to the airport. About 30 minutes later he gets to the airport and after an hour he’s through TSA, he texts EJ and finds his terminal. It’s right next to EJs. They find each other quickly and of course kiss.
EJ: I only have 30 minutes
Ricky: that’s plenty.
They enjoy each others company until EJ leaves and all the while Ricky eats his food.
Ricky leaves an hour later. Once he lands he gets EJs text of letting him know he’s at the hotel. He responds
Ricky: just landed. I carried on my bag so I’m gonna be there soon
EJ: good. Take an Uber. It’s late.
Ricky orders his Uber to the hotel they’re staying at and goes to EJs room. The acapella group got one room for each member so Ricky is gonna crash with EJ to save money seeing as he had to buy his plane ticket, food, and Uber here. They watch some glee on EJ’s laptop before falling asleep. When they wake up the next day it’s early. They take advantage of the free breakfast downstairs before getting ready for the competition. EJ has to leave a bit early to make it in time for the competition and Ricky joins him.
EJ: you know you could’ve waited longer to leave for the competition
Ricky: I know. But I want to be with you as much as I possibly can.
EJ: you say the sweetest things
Ricky: I know. You’re my sweetheart. Wouldn’t be able to treat you any less.
EJ: looks like we’re here
They get out of their Uber and head inside the building. There are so many groups here it’s no wonder it’s an all day competition. 20 groups perform today and the top 10 go again tomorrow.
EJ: I don’t normally get nervous but I am today
Ricky: hey it’s ok. I’ve heard you guys on your voice memos. You’re gonna kill it. And if you don’t make the top 10 it’s ok. You can try again next year.
EJ: idk what I’d do without you
Ricky: I honestly don’t know how you made it this far without me honestly
EJ can’t help but laugh. He knows what Ricky is doing. He’s trying to distract him from the nervousness. It’s working too
EJ: I’m gonna go get checked in with the team and see you later.
Ricky: I’m gonna go find a seat. Hey you think they take an intermission for lunch?
EJ: yes they do. Can’t let performers go hungry
Ricky: good. You going on before or after that?
EJ: idk yet. I’ll text you when I find out.
EJ meets up with his acapella group and they get checked in. He’s not performing until after lunch so he texts Ricky and tells him they sit in the audience until they are next so he can sit with them. Ricky is obviously thrilled because he didn’t wanna sit alone for hours. He finds EJ closer to the stage and joins them. EJ sat on the end so Ricky can be next to him.
Ricky: does this thing start soon?
EJ: yes and keep quiet when it does.
After the performances before lunch are done they head off into the city to find food. They go to the nearest McDonald’s and eat within 30 minutes and head back. EJ’s group is right after lunch so he has to leave Ricky now. Ricky stays close to the acapella groups so he can sit with EJ again after the performance. The Blindorphins are great but so is every other group so he doesn’t know how things will go. After the performances of the other groups are over it’s time to see who makes it into the top 10. They didn’t even place.
Ricky: it’s ok. You guys were great. Now you know how hard the competition is at nationals though and you can work harder for next year
EJ: I really hoped you’d be a good luck charm and we’d place.
Ricky: me too. But it’s cool. Let’s go back to the hotel and sleep. It’s been a long day. After their short Uber ride back they settle in with some showers and glee again. They have late flights home the next day in case their group placed so they decide to go sight seeing the next day. Sleep takes over soon.
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theshinsun · 5 years
There it issss! 
Today on ANR... Aomine Daiki’s terrible, horrible, no-good very bad day.
Title: Ain’t No Rest
Author: Shinsun
Pairing: AoKaga
Rating: E for explicit content
Summary:  Life is tough for a single parent…especially a high school dropout parent living on odd jobs and gambling basketball named Aomine Daiki. Life gets even tougher when actual, challenging opponent Kagami Taiga appears and proceeds to fuck all of his shit up.
Daiki knew what was coming before Satsuki opened her mouth.
He’d been lying still with his back against her mattress for the last five minutes, his gaze not straying from the ceiling, just breathing in the aftermath, but he knew that she was going to break the silence eventually.
As usual, even without looking at her, he’d read her right...
0 notes
dianapocalypse · 3 years
Alright y’all, with the release of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, it’s time for me to share my playlist for the entire trilogy.
I’ve refined this over like six years so scientifically speaking it’s probably good right. oh also it’s four hours long. so if you have a road trip or a boring job, this one’s for you. disclaimer, it’s entirely possible I have garbage taste in music. I also missed some characters and moments because there’s 65 songs here and I am merely human.
If you don’t have the patience for four hours, I recommend starting at track 45 and listening to the end, as the Mass Effect 3 portion is the strongest in my opinion.
1. Atlas - Coldplay Eden Prime
“Sometimes the wire Must tense for the note Caught in the fire, say oh We're about to explode“
I really like the atmosphere of this song. It’s ominous, but also somehow hopeful, and makes me feel like Something Huge Is Coming.
2. I Will Not Sing A Hateful Song - Constantines Paragon Shepard
“But I was also born and raised To always speak and listen clear To know the last sound that I make Could be the last sound that I hear“
OK, listen, I think this song is about vampires, and I’m not sure if it’s supposed to be a metaphor or not. But I think this is a great song about controlling one’s temper, about knowing that you have to Rise Above the parts of you that want to lash out sometimes to get things done and have peace. Seeing as how paragon Shepard, to me, always seems like they’re three deep breaths away from snapping, but manage to keep it in check, it fits them to a T.
And also maybe they’re a vampire.
3. Hard to Kill - Beth Crowley Renegade Shepard
“So I let the rumors Turn me into a legend 'Cause I'm only human But a good myth is hard to kill”
This one’s a recent addition, but holy cow, I love it for Renegade Shep, particularly an Earthborn or Ruthless, but it works for any of them.
4. We Own the Skies - Five Iron Frenzy Joker
“My hands are bleeding where they often crack The stars will sometimes burn with longing Through the choking black Of night shifts piling each against the next”
This really vibes with Joker’s backstory for me, his super driven serious self in flight school, contrasted with who he is when he can fly a ship. He’s the best pilot in the goddamn fleet and I love him.
5. I Just Wanna See - Smash Mouth Kaidan Alenko
“Mister moon checkin' on how y'all livin' The stars all winkin' at the day that's dimmin' I just wanna see”
This song fits into his reactions to first showing up at the Citadel and his former romanticism about living in space. Ironically, it’s a song about Earth, but I feel like it works well for him. Also, Smash Mouth absolutely sounds like the kind of music Kaidan would listen to, no I will not be taking questions or constructive criticism.
6. Don’t Give Up - Noisettes Ashley Williams
“She's got a talented face and a suitcase Ain't got no desire to go no place In her case she's got no desire with her hand in the flame say's she don't feel the fire “
The energy of this song is just perfect for Ashley’s no-nonsense chip on her shoulder attitude.
7. About As Helpful As You Can Be Without Being Any Help At All - Dan Mangan The Council
“I was thrown in the boat/Cast out to sea Friendly with waves/There were sharks below Hungry for me/So I dangled my leg”
I mean, the title says it all.
8. The Captain - Guster Anderson
“Courageous, just like the captain Marching forward with no doubt in his head”
I have adored this song ever since my friend played it for me, and it’s the ultimate mentor-protégé jam for me.
9. Secret Agent Man - Johnny Rivers Garrus Vakarian
“Here's a man who leads a life of danger To everyone he meets he stays a stranger Oh, with every move he makes another chance he takes The odds are he won't live to see tomorrow”
I have to poke a little fun at Garrus and how seriously he takes himself in Mass Effect 1. I romanced him across four playthrus, I’m allowed!
10. I’m Getting Too Old For This Shit - Kill Lincoln Urdnot Wrex
“This random apathy/I swear it's killing me But I guess it's all the same, till the devil knows my name”
I don’t know ANYTHING about this band, but this song fits Wrex’s disillusionment with the Krogan well, plus, like. The title. (And also, that he secretly DOES care what happens to the Krogan.)
11. Bird Song - Juniper Vale Tali’zorah nar Rayya
“I want to dance on the horizon line But there is something I am caged behind I have a heart made for take flight But I'm low, so low”
I adore this song and the sound of Juniper Vale in general. The etherealness of this one, combined with the youthful optimism, feels very Tali. The line about ‘something I am caged behind’ works well for the suits, too. This one’s especially good if you’re a Talimancer!
12. 11. Green Garden - Laura Mvula Liara T’Soni
“And I’ll fly on the wings of a butterfly High as a tree top and down again Putting my bag down, taking my shoes off Walk on the carpet of green velvet”
I really like this song’s vibes and I feel like Liara fits it well, particularly in ME1, before all her youthful optimism is stripped from her. The scenery descriptions feel very Thessia, too.
13. Feed Me (Git It) - Little Shop of Horrors The Thorian 
“The guy sure looks like plant food to me!”
Do you get it. Do you get my joke. It’s because the Thorian is a plant that eats people. (I’m not funny)
14. Blindness - Metric Matriarch Benezia
“I was a blind fool, never complained All the survivors singing in the rain “
I don’t love the use of blind here as a negative, albeit metaphorical, descriptor, but I think this song fits Benezia’s indoctrination and death well. If you have suggestions for another, though, let me know!
15. Technologic - Daft Punk Saren
“Buy it, use it, break it, fix it, trash it, change it, mail, upgrade it”
I just think it’s Neat
16. Watershed - Vienna Teng The Reapers
“ While you were building your empires I was still sleeping”
I think this is the song that inspired the entire playlist. Vienna Teng sat down and decided to write a song from the perspective of a natural disaster, and it’s so ominous and gut-wrenching.
17. Hourglass - The Hush Sound Virmire
“This is how it ends We believe every lie and say we'll be friends How long will it last? Before we scratch all the scripts and we rework the cast “
hahahahah rework the cast get it because you have to pick who DIES
Seriously tho I really like this song for Virmire and that moment of choice that feels like it lasts 100 years on some playthroughts.
18. Pompeii - Bastille The Siege of the Citadel
“ And the walls kept tumbling down In the city that we love”
Throwback to when this song was on the radio like three times an hour. Which is around the time I made the first draft of this playlist, incidentally! It’s such a good Final Battle Jam for the Citadel, and the part about “if you close your eyes/does it almost feel like nothing’s changed at all” I think work really well for Shepard in this sequence. Shepard knew the Reapers were coming, had been fighting them all along; this attack on the Citadel is just retreading familiar territory for them, as horrifying as the war being brought to their doorstep is for the Citadel’s citizens and the council. James Vega has some good dialogue about that kind of thing in ME3.
19. Starships - Nicki Minaj The Normandy Crew
Starships were meant to fly Hands up and touch the sky
I like to have a little fun OK
20. Gravity - Yoko Kanno The Death of Commander Shepard
“Am I alone? is somebody there beyond these heavy aching feet still the road keeps on telling me to go on”
Welcome to mood whiplash, it’s my specialty! This is the part where you die. I think it also works for her coma very well, when she’s just drifting between life and death, not sure what’s going on, but something keeps trying to pull her back to the world.
21. The Phoenix - Fall Out Boy The Lazarus Project
“Hey young blood, doesn't it feel like our time is running out? I'm gonna change you like a remix Then I'll raise you like a phoenix “
this song has no right to go as hard as it does and if  you think it’s melodramatic shut up
22. My Body Is A Cage - Peter Gabriel Commander Shepard
“I'm living in an age Whose name I don't know Though the fear keeps me moving Still my heart beats so slow “
This works particularly well if you romanced The Virmire Survivor, but this song captures the energy of Shepard freaking out bc they are trapped with Cerberus, because Cerberus rebuilt their body from the ground up. That jarring, caged feeling is so palpable in ME2 that when they gave me back Joker the first time I played, I BURST INTO SOBS from relief.
23. The Lady is a Vamp - The Spice Girls Miranda Lawson
“That's all in the past, legends built to last But she's got something new”
Listen. She’s a bond babe. Handbags, heels and pistols rock. She’s got class. This is a song about Miranda. That is all.
24. Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down Jacob Taylor
“ I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon After all I knew, it had to be something to do with you “
This one’s about the Vibes for me. Also can apply to his past relationship with Miranda. I’m also super showing my age on this song, oof haha.
25. Stable Song - Death Cab For Cutie Colony Abduction
“Rows of deserted houses all Our stable mates highway bound “
I really like the mood of this one for showing up on the very first abducted colony, the eerieness and sadness of it all and Shepard’s resolve to do something about it.
26. Konichiwa Bitches - Robyn Kasumi Goto
“I'm so very hot that when I rob your mansion You ain't call the cops, you call the fire station”
THAT COUPLET ALONE MAKES THE ENTIRE SONG. I love how playful and cheeky it is.
27. Seven Nation Army Glitch Mob Remix - The White Stripes, Glitch Mob Zaeed Massani
“And I'm talking to myself at night Because I can't forget Back and forth through my mind Behind a cigarette”
Pretty sure we all had this on some playlist or another when it came out, and it’s the perfect Badass With A Grudge song.
28. Science is Real - They Might Be Giants Mordin Solus
“ And when a theory emerges Consistent with the facts The proof is with science The truth is with science “
This one actually got added by my wife to replace a song that wasn’t on Spotify, but that has the same energy; Hank Green’s “I Fucking Love Science”. I get more into the emotional side of Mordin in the ME3 section, but I also really just love his Hamster On Coffee energy and this song captures it really well.
29. Prove Yourself - Radiohead Garrus Vakarian
“I can't afford to breathe in this town Nowhere to sit without a gun in my hand Hooked back up to the cathode ray
I'm better off dead “
The absolute rock bottom mental state Garrus is in when you get back to him in ME2 is so heartwrenching. Might not always agree with my boy’s methods, but he’s one of my favorite fictional characters of all time.
30. Rat a Tat - Fallout Boy Feat. Courtney Love Jack
“We are professional ashes of roses, this kerosene's live You settled your score, this is where you come to beg”
It helps that Courtney Love sounds exactly like Jack to me, NGL.
31. Defeat You - Smash Mouth Grunt
“Hey I know what you've done It makes it that much better to defeat you “
Only I am brave enough to put two songs by Smash Mouth on the same playlist, to be shared in 2021
32. The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot - Brand New Horizon/The Virmire Survivor
“If it makes you less sad I will die by your hand Hope you find out what you want Already know what I am “
Hits harder if you romanced the Virmire Survivor. Mostly from Shep’s perspective. This is a Shep that feels Bad after that encounter rather than Mad, so Your Mileage May Vary.
33. Violet Stars Happy Hunting! - Janelle Monae Tali’zorah vas Neema
“I'm an alien from outer space I'm a cyber-girl without a face a heart or a mind”
I just like the vibes of this one for Tali! I know it’s more about an actual AI but...IDK. I like it. So there.
34. Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd Thane Krios
“There is no pain you are receding A distant ship smoke on the horizon”
This song works both on a Literal level with his Kepral’s syndrome struggles, but also Metaphorical re: his Battle Sleep. Plus, Thane is a dad, so he gets Dad Rock.
35. My Medea - Vienna Teng Samara
“For I have made her prison be Her every step away from me And this child I would destroy If you tried to set her free “
Mom of the year award, here
36. Toxic - Britney Spears Morinth
“There's no escape, I can't wait I need a hit, baby, give me it You're dangerous, I'm loving it”
If Morinth weren’t so under-utilized after recruitment and didn’t get killed off in the background of ME3 I’d probably actually recruit her sometimes. I almost did on my most recent playthru bc that Shepard just HATES SPACE COPS. Anyway the song explains itself
37. Turn me On - David Guetta feat. Nicki Minaj EDI/The Collector Attack
“My body needs a hero Come and save me Something tells me you know how to save me”
I know this song is a metaphor but also it works really well both literally and metaphorically for Joker saving EDI
38. Robots - Dan Mangan Legion
“Robots need love too They want to be loved by you “
The Geth just want to live peacefullyyyyyy 
39. Be Still - The Killers Love Interest Theme
“Be still / someday you’ll leave fearlessness on your sleeve”
This song works so well for the night before Omega-4. If you had an ME2 love interest, anyway. Also “fearlessness on your sleeve” is one of my favorite set of words ever written.
40. No Cars Go - Arcade Fire The Omega-4 Relay
“We know a place no spaceships go We know a place where no subs go “
This one’s pretty literal.
41. Rocketman - Elton John Suicide Mission
“ And I think it's gonna be a long, long time 'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find I'm not the man they think I am at home “
I like sneaking some Classics onto my playlists, and I think this is how I generally approach Shepard’s mindset during the Suicide Mission, mostly the chorus. I’m also a sucker for ballads during action sequences. This one isn’t a perfect 1:1 but the Vibes check out.
42. Blast Off - David Guetta feat. Kaz James The Normandy Crew
“Got all my people with me And none of us give a fuck So put dem hands up higher Let's smash this party up”
You have to imagine they partied HARD after recovering from Suicide Mission, but before Shep got arrested, right??? This is the Starships for ME2.
43. I’m Not Your Hero - Tegan and Sara Liara T’soni
“ Feeling like I am now lighting up the hall I was used to standing in the shadow of a damaged heart Learning all I know now, losing all I did I never used to feel like I'd be standing so far ahead “
This feels like a good coming of age moment for Liara, as she copes with the choices she made in the 2 years of Shepard’s death (giving them to Cerberus), losing Feron, etc. This is her coming into her own as the Shadow Broker. She’s not meant to be an uncomplicated Big Damn Hero, but she can do good from this position.
44. The Well and the Lighthouse - Arcade Fire The Alpha Relay Incident
“I'm serving time All for a crime I did commit You want the truth? You know I'd do it all again“
These opening lines I feel capture the Alpha Relay Incident really well, and how Shepard did what they HAD to do there, and would do it again, but it still feels like shit. I always wished there was more choice on that mission, but also, having something like that happen without player agency is interesting. Shepard is at their most interesting, I think, in times where we DON’T have a say in what happens to them.
45. Reignite - Malukah Commander Shepard
“Crush my heart into embers, and I will reignite”
Is it cheating to use a Mass Effect fan song on my playlist? I certainly don’t think so, and this is the best Mass Effect fan song ever written.
46. This Is War - Thirty Seconds to Mars Leaving Earth
“It's the moment of truth, and the moment to lie The moment to live and the moment to die The moment to fight, the moment to fight To fight, to fight, to fight “
It feels Too Easy to use this here but I’m gonna anyway. You’ve seen AMVs of this set to everything. It’s the ending song of DA:O. It’s the quintessential World At War song.
47. Battleborn - The Killers James Vega
“Up against the wall There's something dying on the street When they knock you down You're gonna get back on your feet”
James Vega is massively underrated and I will love him til I’m cold in the ground. Aro icon.
48. Handlebars - Flobots The Illusive Man
“I can hand out a million vaccinations Or let 'em all die of exasperation Have 'em all healed of their lacerations Have 'em all killed by assassination”
The way this song escalates fits TIM and Cerberus’s fall back into being Just Full On Evil really well. Perfect song for a power trip.
49. Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect - The Decemberists The Virmire Survivor
“And I am nothing of a builder But here I dreamt I was an architect And I built this balustrade To keep you home, to keep you safe From the outside world”
I like this song for how the Virmire Survivor feels about their survivor’s guilt and also about Shepard. I honestly wish they were both more heavily utilized in ME2 and 3, but I realize it’s hard to write a ton of content for characters who just aren’t in half of all peoples’ playthrus.
50. Heaven Knows - The Pretty Reckless Grisson Academy
“One, two, three and four, the devil's knocking at your door Caught in the eye of a dead man's lie Show your life with your head held high“
This song is so perfect for Jack and her biotic kids that she’s one of the only returning characters that gets her own song on this playlist
51. The Great Fire - OK Go Javik
“But when the flames die down, and everything is gone, Will there be fire under the ashes still?”
Self explanatory. Javik is the fire remaining under the ashes.
52. Bring the Hammer Down - Paragon Priority: Tuchanka/Kalros
“ Hammer strikes the anvil A rage that breaks the chain Strikes down like a lightening In our ranks “
53. Wake Up - Arcade Fire Curing The Genophage/Mordin Solus
“If the children don't grow up, Our bodies get bigger but our hearts get torn up. We're just a million little gods causin' rain storms, turnin' every good thing to Rust I guess we'll just have to adjust”
I just really love this song as an image of Mordin’s spirit looking out over Tuchanka as the genophage cure is dispersed, and watching over future generations. If you didn’t cure the genophage, how dare you. No song for you.
Anyway started tearing up listening to this one while writing the description don’t look at me
54. Ballad of a Politician - Regina Spektor Councillor Udina/Priority Citadel 2
“A man inside a room is shaking hands with other men This is how it happens/Our carefully laid plans”
55. Cyborgs vs. Robots - Ludo The Geth-Quarian War
“But your iron fist will never knock me down 'Cause I'm powered By a conscious right to conduct my life without fear.”
This is probably a bit silly for this awful war. But also. It does fit. You can’t tell me it doesn’t. Just save them both at the end and you can feel fine having some fun with it!
56. Artificial Heart - Jonathan Coulton The Geth
“It's not a real heart It is a real artificial heart”
Just a little fun with the Geth! This works best with Reaper Upgrades.
57. With A Little Help From My Friends - Joe Anderson, Jim Sturgess The Citadel DLC
“What do you see when you turn out the light? I can't tell you, but I know it's mine
Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends”
I happen to prefer this version to any other because of how much fun it sounds like they’re having
58. Dark In Here - The Mountain Goats Priority: Earth
“Steal away at sundown, pick a place to hide Check for signs of ambush, hunker down inside Tired of running, tired of never standing still Hear them riding up the hill“
You know I had to get the Goats in here. Would it be a fan playlist if there wasn’t one?
59. Adieu - Yoko Kanno Leaving your Love Interest/Shepard and the Beam
“My love for you burns deep inside me / So strong Embers of times we had And now, here I stand / Lost in a memory I see your face, and smile”
...do I need to say more than that?
60. My Way (Minor Key) - Chase Holfelder The Indoctrination of The Illusive Man
“Regrets, I've had a few/But then again, too few to mention I did what I had to do/I saw it through, without exemption“
This cover takes this song from something I tolerate when I hear it to one of my FAVORITE songs. The frenzied way he sings the “through it all” verse is PEAK Indoctrinated TIM.
61. I’m Alive - Disturbed Refusal 
“There will never be a reason why I will surrender to your advice To change myself, I'd rather die/Though they will not understand”
Honestly I didn’t “get” the Refusal ending until I heard this song, then I was like, OH, I SEE IT ALL SO CLEARLY NOW. This is my favorite in-universe Shepard take on the Refusal ending. I always got it from the player’s perspective of being dissatisfied with the options, but this one puts it into the world for me. This is a Shepard who does not trust the Starchild. This is a Shepard that chooses to end things on their own terms rather than submit to their designs.
62. Machine - Regina Spektor Control 
“I collect my moments Into a correspondence With a mightier power Who just lacks my perspective And who lacks my organics And who covets my defects “
I used to have Adieu here, actually, because like Refusal, I didn’t used to GET the Control ending. Now, I do, in part thanks to hearing this song. I mean, just go look at the full lyrics. If this song hadn’t been written years before the end of Mass Effect 3, I’d swear it was a fan song for it.
63. Maybe Tomorrow - Yuki Kajiura Destroy 
“The moon is gone And the night is still so dark I'm a little bit afraid of tomorrow“
I’m a Destroy Ending person, I won’t lie. Full on “the starchild is a liar and my synthetic friends are FINE” indoctrination theory level destroy ending. But this song is not about that. It’s about the canonical destroy ending, and if you prefer a Shep that survives it, this song’s for you.
This song captures the exhaustion and melancholy of the end of a long journey so well. Shepard is afraid of what comes next, the collateral damage resulting from their actions. But they know that, at least, it’s over now. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
64. Waiting For the End - Linkin Park Synthesis
“ I know what it takes to move on I know how it feels to lie All I wanna do is trade this life for something new Holding on to what I haven't got”
This is one of my favorite songs of all time. The hardest part of ending is starting again. Oof. Gets me every single time. Shepard finding the resolve to sacrifice themself for the hope of something better, of things not going how they planned, ever, of learning to make peace with that and the people who loved them learning to carry on without them? OOF.
65. Shine - Vienna Teng Epilogue
“Shine with all the untold Hold the light given unto you Find the love to unfold In this broken world we choose“
Vienna Teng is a master of capturing life’s softer emotions, and this fits perfectly with the epilogue scene for me. Tell me again about the Shepard.
“Find the love to unfold in this broken world we choose” has to be one of the greatest lines about the human experience ever written.
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buckyscrystalqueen · 4 years
Meant To Be: Part 8
Pairings: Machine Gun Kelly x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, drug use
Word Count: 5,139
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7
“Do you have everything we need?” Colson asked as he walked off stage in Japan after his last of four shows in the country.
“It’s all waiting in the car.” You said with a nod as you popped the locks on Gage’s stroller and turned it toward the exit door. “We gotta hurry.”
“I’m there. I’m there.” He said as he ripped off the battery pack to his headphones and tossed them on top of a speaker on his way out the door.
“Here.” Ashleigh said as she ran up with a small bag that had a change of clothes, a package of body wipes that had decent reviews on Amazon, and his wallet, passport, and cellphone. “Flight leaves in three hours and it’s still on time.”
“Where’s Sawyer?” You asked as you paused at the back door and turned around to look for her.
“I’m here!” She yelled as she came running from the bathroom while fixing her belt as she went. “We’re good.” She said with a nod as she pushed open the back door and stepped out of the way for you.
“Lawyer will be waiting for you at the airport in NC to go over your case.” Ashleigh continued as she followed you out to the waiting car. “I put all the paperwork you need in the diaper bag.”
“And our clothes?”
“I’ve got them in the back.” You said as you stopped at the back door of the SUV and pulled your sleeping son in his carseat off the stroller.
“Here, you don’t need to be lifting that shit.” Colson said as he took the carseat out of your hands and climbed into the back seat with it while Sawyer folded up the stroller and pushed it to the back with your bags.
“Good luck, guys.” Baze said as he stopped at the door and helped you and your slightly significant, 10 week along bump into the car. “We’ll see you in the UK.”
“Don’t kill anyone.” Slim laughed as he shot you a look. “And take care of our babies.”
“As opposed to what, leaving them on the tarmac?” You teased as you buckled in the carseat.
“You got this.” Rook said before kissing his girlfriend goodbye for a few days. “We’ll see you soon.”
“Alright, they gotta go.” Ash said as she pushed everyone back a couple steps to close the doors. You all said your goodbyes, and settled back into the seats for a moment as the driver pulled away from the venue and headed toward the airport.
“OK, check the paperwork again.” Colson said as he pulled open his bag and grabbed the body wipes to get the post concert sweat off his body without a shower.
“It’s all there.” Sawyer said as you turned in your spot and grabbed the diaper bag from the back. “And I threw copies in my bag as well. We’re gunna be…”
“Don’t say we’re gunna be fine.” You snapped as you looked up at her through your lashes as you previously calmer self completely unraveled. “Fuck, can everyone just stop saying that shit. I could lose my fucking son tomorrow and I could be signing my second child straight to my mother’s arms in the same fucking swing. Nothing’s fucking fine, here.”
“OK.” Sawyer said softly, not taking offense to your anger in that moment as you pulled out the paperwork and the outline you had meticulously written out for yourself to go over them again.
“Where are we starting?” Colson asked as he wiped his arms down roughly, to keep himself from shaking with the nervousness you had both felt for the past three weeks since you got the custody papers.
“The DCF case.” You said as you pulled the list free of the paperclip and set it on Gage’s lap between you and Colson. “I have the case notes from the investigator and our social worker and the screened out letter and copies of all of it.”
“Our social worker’s number is on there, right?” Kels asked as he pulled off his jeans and set them aside to ‘wash’ from his hips down.
“I have a copy of her card stapled to both copies of the case notes.” You said as you checked both copies to triple check that the cards were still there.
“Medical’s next?” Colson asked as he glanced at the back of Sawyer’s head to make sure her attention was elsewhere before stripping off his dirty boxers and grabbing clean ones.
“Birth certificate…” You started with a sigh as you moved the DCF paperwork to the bottom of the pile for the next group. “NICU records, hospital records, Cali pediatrician records, North Carolina pediatrician record and notes, Cali number two pediatrician records. Check, check, check, and check.”
“And the records for the new baby?”
“Got those too if the judge needs them.”
“OK.” Colson sighed with a nod as he pulled on his clean shirt and used another one of the wipes to try and get the sweat out of his hair and off his flushed face. “What’s next?”
“Next is Sawyer and her records. Then the video files, and after that is your tour schedules for last and this year, the tour photos, and the receipts for the house and the bus baby proofing.” You looked over at the father of your children as he sighed and let his hands fall into his lap.
“Fuck, man… please don’t take my fucking kids.” A sob caught in your throat and you looked out the window as he reached across to hold your hand on Gage’s stomach. You couldn’t say anything to comfort him, same as there was nothing more he could say to comfort you, and Sawyer simply stayed silent in the seat in front of you. Colson smoked a quick joint, making sure to blow his smoke out the window for you and Gage, and chain smoked two cigarettes in the few minutes it took Sawyer to check herself, you, and Kels in to your flight. With the carseat in one hand and the other on your back, he lead you through the airport behind his body guard, through security, and to the plane.
“I won’t get on another plane without him.” Colson said after nearly an hour of silence as he sat down in his first class seat with Gage in his arms. You looked over at him through stress related exhausted eyes as he brushed his thumb across his son’s cheek. “I’ll cancel the fucking tour, I’ll even fucking catch a charge for murder and live in a third world country with you for the rest of my Goddamn life. But I will not lose my family again. I won’t fucking make it.” You nodded with tears in your eyes as he looked up at you with a shake of his head.
“I’m with you.” You whispered as you put your hand on his knee with a nod. “Even if we have to Bonnie and Clyde the fuck out of this situation, I’m with you.”
“I love you.” He whispered as he shifted in his seat so you could lay your head down on his shoulder to cry yourself to sleep.
“I love you, too.”
“Hey, stay with me.” Colson said softly as he reached over and gently pushed on your jaw with his fingers so you would focus on him and not your mother at the next table as you waited for the judge. “Right here, baby girl.”
“I wanna just jump over this fucking table.” You growled under your breath as you held Gage on your lap as he bounced up and down on your slack covered thighs.
“And we’re not doing that because of the kids, right?” He clarified as he moved to purposely catch your eye as he himself fought his own urge to strangle your mother. You both startled the slightest bit when the bailiff told everyone to stand up, and you took a deep breath as you got to your feet for a moment.
“Be seated.” Judge Kevin Bosch said as he took a seat behind the raised bench in the corner of the small room. “We’re here today for a grandparent custodial claim?” He clarified as he looked at the court documentation your mother had submitted. 
“Yes sir.” Her lawyer, whose name you didn’t catch, said with a nod as he organized his papers at his table. “We have documentation proving that Mr. Colson Baker, aka Machine Gun Kelly, aka Kels, aka MGK and Ms. (Y/N) (Y/L/N) have severely neglected their son, Gage Michael Baker since they have left North Carolina and the safe environment my client had offered the child.”
“What evidence?” Judge Bosch asked as he looked up from the file on his desk when Gage started to ask for his juice. Sawyer, who was there to be a witness for you, jumped to her feet behind you and carefully took Gage from over the partition with a smile so that he wouldn’t disrupt the trial.
“She is their nanny, sir.” Your lawyer, Ally clarified for the judge with a smile as she sat almost perfectly still, biding her time until it was her turn to speak because she knew with all of your paperwork there was no way she was losing. The judge nodded his head and took the evidence your mother had brought with her.
“What am I looking at?” He asked as he looked away from Sawyer and Gage as they slipped out the door and down at the photos in his hand.
“Those are the living conditions of my daughter’s apartment.” Your mom said as she sat up a little more in her chair for her turn on the soap box. “Theres a few photos of a bruise on my grandson’s thigh from his father… who he lives with now. And there are a few photos that I had to find on the internet because she refused to let me see my grandson to check on his well being and instead, took him to rock show in the middle of a heat wave where there were drugs and drinking present. You can see my grandson’s father smoking marijuana in most of those photos and doing who knows what other drugs near my grandson. They are not fit parents, your honor.”
“If I may, your honor.” Ally said as she picked up your stack of paperwork. “The apartment that Mrs. (Y/L/N) is referring to is an apartment that my clients have not lived in in four years. I do, however have photographs from an unannounced DCF visit and from the professional company that installed their baby proofing in the house my clients and their son live in now. As far as the bruise Mrs. (Y/L/N) is referring to, I again, have documentation from a pediatrician here in North Carolina and a cell phone video that showed the incident happening. 
Mr. Baker was holding his son in the hotel room they had been staying in as my clients were working out some personal issues. Mr. Baker was dancing with his son and turned a little too sharply and Gage’s leg hit the edge of the bathroom door. Ms. (Y/L/N) and Mr. Baker immediately took their child to his doctor because they were both scared something bigger had happened besides just the simple bruise the child received, which wasn’t the case. We have the rest of the child’s medical records here as well for you to peruse if you so choose showing that there is no other incidents or any indication of physical abuse and that my clients have made and kept every appointment to date with their son’s pediatrician.”
“Let me see those.” Judge Bosch said as he set your moms photos to the side and held his hand out for your paperwork. Ally nodded and picked up the top two and the bottom sections of paper clipped papers to hand to the bailiff.
“The tour…” Colson tried to say but Ally shushed him softly and tapped his arm.
“Just wait.” She whispered as she pat his arm briefly. He nodded his head as you reached out and grabbed his hand when the judge started flipping quickly through your paperwork. Ally waited until he made it to the last packet before continuing. “Now, as far as Mrs. (Y/L/N)’s last point, along with the photos of the work my clients have done on their house, they have also done the same work on Mr. Bakers tour bus.”
“How often do you go on tour, Mr. Baker?” The judge asked as he looked up at Colson.
“It varies… sir.” He said as he sat up impossibly straighter beside you. “I… we actually flew here from Japan where I am on tour right now. Tours last between two and three months… I have a schedule…”
“He goes on tour once maybe twice a year.” You said for him as solidly as you could. “In between tours, occasionally, he makes an appearance at a music festival and he also sponsors his own festival in Ohio. That festival is where I assume the photos my mother found are from. But I also have photos from that weekend that I had put up on my personal Instagram account.” Judge Bosch nodded and held his hand up for the photos, which you and Colson scrambled to grab, along with the tour schedules, copies of all the checks you wrote to Sawyer for watching Gage for you so that there was a paper trail, and the USB drive you had of nearly every home video you had on your and Colson’s phones that involved your son. 
“Our son was never in harms way at that festival.” You continued as you reached for Colson’s hand under the table because you had nothing else left for your case. “Cols… Mr. Baker and I made sure that he had sunscreen applied every hour and a half like the bottle said. We made sure he had fans on him at all times if he wasn’t playing in the RV, he was given juice and water mixed so that he wouldn’t get dehydrated, when I had him in the carrier so that we could see C… Mr. Baker preform, he had noise canceling headphones on the entire time so his hearing wasn’t affected at all…”
“And we have had his hearing checked twice since we got back just to make sure and so we’d know for future shows.” Colson said as he held on to your hand as tightly as you were holding his. “Sir, we are not bad parents. Sure, we have tattoos, and we don’t work your typical nine to five gig. Yes, she used to model for Penthouse and I have a recording studio in my house that I sometimes spend a little too much time in… but Gage isn’t in any danger with us. In fact, that kid is probably safer with our crazy, over protective asses than he would be with anyone else…”
“Please watch your language, Mr. Baker.” The judge said as he set down all the papers and looked up at the two of you. Colson nodded his head and you sat forward as a single tear spilled over on your cheek.
“Sir, please. Please don’t take our son away from us. I am not the horrible mother my own mother is trying to make me out to be, and Colson is not an abusive father either. Our only fault here is we smoke a little weed after Gage goes to bed or when we know someone else is with him that can be more responsible than we can be for a few hours since it’s legal in California. But sir, we have both fought through a lot of personal shhhhh… stuff to make sure that he is a safe, healthy, loved little boy. Please… just watch the videos. Watch them and then tell me that we have not done everything we can to be the best parents we can be. Please…”
“We’re gunna take a short recess.” The judge said as he collected all of the documents you had brought him. “I have a lot to look over.” You bobbed your head in agreement and only made it part of the way out of your chair when the judge exited, before you simply collapsed back down in your chair.
“I can’t fucking do this.” You sighed, before your head whipped up at your favorite ‘Mama’ in the entire world. You forced a smile on your face and stood up as Sawyer walked down the far side of the benches in the back of the room with Gage on her hip.
“Hey baby boy.” You cooed as you took him from your friend and sat back down in your chair. “Did you have your juice? And did you get it all over your nice shirt?” You laughed as you turned your son around to face his dad. “This is all you.”
“Oh, that is so not all me.” Colson huffed as he held on to Gage’s hands so he could walk down your thighs and onto his. “Have you ever seen you eat ice cream in bed?”
“We watched the ducks.” Sawyer said with a giggle as you scowled at your boyfriend. “And we had juice and one of the ladies at the desk gave us a package of those cheese crackers he loves.”
“You mean the ones you love that you give my son so you can eat them?” You teased as you sat back in your chair and folded your hands on your bump.
“Yea, those ones.” You nodded your head slowly and slowly rocked yourself back and forth, while trying to force yourself not to look over at your mother. 
“Can I ask how it went?”
“It went.” Colson sighed as he stood up to grab a book from the diaper bag beside your friend to pass the time. 
“We gave him everything we had, shy of getting on our knees to suck his cock.” You said as you looked over at her. “And now all I can think about is what more we could have done.”
“You can’t think like that.” Ally said as she scooted her chair back and turned toward you. “We have a very strong case here. You and your lawyer did a very good job of setting it up.”
“Yea, but we’re tattooed parents that travel the world and take our clothes off for a living.” Colson said as he flipped the page so Gage could keep ‘reading’ to the pair of you.
“And that doesn’t make you bad parents.” Ally replied. “Especially with what I have seen the last couple days going over everything you sent me.”
“Guess we’ll wait and see.” You sighed as you propped your head up on your fist and moved your eyes to your son’s cherub face until they told you that you wouldn’t be able to look anymore.
No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t get your legs to move to bring yourself vertical. The only thing you could do was shake your head and cry, like you had been doing for nearly thirty minutes since you saw a man from the North Carolina DCF walk into the back of the court room to sit and wait.
“Be seated.” Judge Bosch said as he sat down with the stacks of papers you and your mom had given him in one hand and the USB stick in the other. “Give that back to them.” You looked up for a moment at the bailiff as he returned your flash drive while the judge looked at Gage, who was contently eating goldfish one at a time at a nearly glacial pace because he was distracted by ‘Word World’ on your old iPad to keep him calm. Colson nervously reached out and held on to your knee under the table in preparation for the worst.
“You know… I have been doing this job for thirty seven years. I have seen thousands of family walk through those doors for so many different reasons, and hundreds of them were grandparents looking to give their grandchildren a better life than the one they have. But usually, the cases that are presented to my court room are worth my time. This is not one of those cases. This…” He sighed as he held up all the paperwork in his hand. “Was easily an open and closed case in my eyes.” Your heart felt like it stopped in your chest and you buried your face in Gage’s hair while Colson’s grip tightened even more on your knee as his hands started to shake.
“Now, I may not agree with your choice of lifestyle, Mr. Baker, but after looking at all the paperwork and all the videos and photos you and Ms. (Y/L/N) have presented, I honestly had to wonder if my own children would be considered neglected by the impressive parenting style the two of you have.” Your heart started beating faster and your hand flew out to hold Colson’s wrist as you both waited for the other shoe to drop. “Mrs. (Y/L/N), I don’t know what your intention here was, but my assumption is you have successfully managed to sever any familial ties you had with your daughter and your grandson after this. Mr. Baker… Ms. (Y/L/N)… I won’t waste any more of your time here. Take your son home.” The moment the words left his mouth, you let out a strangled, choked sob and hugged your son even closer to your chest. Colson whipped around in his chair and fell over with his head on your shoulder.
“Oh, fuck.” He choked as he kissed the side of Gage’s head. “Holy fuck.”
“You can take him home.” Ally said softly as she crouched down beside you to say good bye. “Your case is closed. She can never take him from you.”
“Thank you.” Colson choked out as you started planting kisses on every inch of Gage’s face that you could reach.
“Mama!” He screeched as he tried to push your face away, annoyed with you at the moment and just wanting to watch his show.
“Hey guys, we gotta flight to catch.” Sawyer said softly behind you as she put your and her purse and the diaper bag on her shoulder. “And a crew to update.”
“OK, we’re coming.” You said with a sniffle as you finally found your feet and stood up. There was a little shuffle of putting away the goldfish container and the iPad away, which your son was not happy about.
“Hey, you’re getting fuckin’ spoiled with all this TV.” Colson huffed as he took Gage from you so he wouldn’t hurt the baby with his flailing kicks. “We gotta get you back outside… oh, you can quit with the whiny bullshit, bubba. You know Daddy ain’t playin.” He blew a raspberry on his son’s cheek, startling him mid-cry, before he tossed him up in the air a few inches. Gage squealed and forgot all about his show as you took your purse from Sawyer and headed out of the court room while wiping the tears off your face. Your mother managed to catch your eye in the main hall and she daringly took a couple steps toward you.
“Do not speak to me.” You said evenly with a shake of your head. “How fucking dare you.”
“Fuck you, Marie.” Colson said as he put Gage on his hip and stepped back to push you in front of him. “Fuck you.”
“That boy deserves to have God in his life.” She called out after you. “He doesn’t need to grow up worshipping Satan!”
“Excuse me?!” You screamed as you came to a dead stop and whipped around toward her. “I know you did not just fucking say that to me.”
“Let me raise him in the church.” She begged as Colson quickly passed off Gage and grabbed your arm. “He’s better off.”
“He’s better off with his mother.” He growled through his teeth as evenly as he could, despite the fact that he was literally shaking with rage. “He is better off as far away from you as physically possible.”
“How could you even think this would go over well for you?” You asked as Ally came running over from where she was talking to her next client about his case. “What, did you just expect that I would come running back home, that I would run away from Colson, to be with my son after you stole him from me? Bitch, you must be fucking damaged.”
“OK, let’s just walk away.” Ally said as she took a couple steps in front of you, which only made you lean to the side to keep glaring at your mother.
“Even if we had been the worst parents in the world, I would fight every fucking day for the rest of my life to get my kids away from you. And if it was just Kels that was the issue, I’m sure he would agree with me that we’d go our separate ways if it was what was best for our family. But after what you try to do to dad because of Anne and then to your own daughter?! Bitch, you are the last fucking person I would let raise my kids. I’d even let Junior’s dumb ass raise them before you did.”
“Come on, we need to go now.” Sawyer tried as she pulled back on your arm to try to turn you around.
“Expect a fucking restraining order, bitch.” You barked as you finally caved in and turned away. “Because you will never see my babies again. Fucking Satan worshipers. Are you fucking stupid?”
“I’m gunna fucking hit her.” Colson said as he shot your mother one last look before turning to follow you out of the court house.
“She ain’t even worth the charge you’d catch.” You sighed as you reached out to take Gage to calm yourself down. “Right? Say I just don’t have a grandma anymore. Simple as that. Wanna go bye bye?”
“Still wanna fucking hit her.” Colson grumbled again as he held your arm to help you down the narrow stairs in heels.
“Not if I kill her first.” You cooed in a sing song voice and turned to head toward your rental car to head to the UK for the next week.
You only lasted a week on tour, before switching time zones with a toddler while pregnant became to much to handle. So with a ‘quit while you’re ahead’ attitude, you flew back to LA with Sawyer, who was working hard to meet a strict deadline anyways. But that move was apparently not one of your smartest.
“Look, it’s Daddy!” You cooed to your son over his tears as you laid with him in your bed, trying to convince him to go to bed while he fought bed time tooth and nail through his exhaustion. You held your phone up in front of his face with the FaceTime video playing as loud as it would go, as Colson wiped the sleep from his half opened eyes to try to help.
“Main man Gage.” He croaked before clearing his throat. “Hey, buddy. What the fuck, man? It’s bed time. Hey...”
“No!!” You son screamed as he tossed on the bed beside you.
“I’m just waiting for the sleep gummy to kick in at this point.” You sighed as you whacked your son’s feet away from your stomach. “Quit, you little shit.”
“We’re such good parents.” He huffed as he propped his phone up on the pillow beside him so he didn’t have to hold it. “I think you should just come back here. I’ll get him to fucking sleep. Just knock him upside the head.”
“Is that an option now?” You joked with a tired smile. “Should I try it? My Harley Quinn bat is somewhere around here.”
“Do not knock my son upside the head.” He laughed as you reached out and pulled your child up to your chest in a vain attempt to stop his tantrum. “Or should I say don’t do it unless I’m there to witness it.”
“‘Bout to smother his ass with your pillow.” You muttered as you kissed your now simply crying son’s head. “He’s been pulling this shit since we landed three hours ago.”
“Why are you just now calling then?” He asked as you propped your phone up with a pillow so that Gage could see his dad, too now that he had stopped thrashing.
“Didn’t wanna wake you until I knew he was about to pass out. Cause we both know Daddy needs much more beauty sleep than Mommy does. With those bags, and all those wrinkles startin’.”
“Fuck you.” He laughed with a shake of his head. “Your ass is the one that’s got wrinkles.”
“My ass is perfect, thank you.” You huffed as you adjusted your head on the pillow. “And I grow people so I’ll always be more beautiful.”
“OK, so you got me there.” He conceded. “Hey little man, you ready for sleepies?” You felt your son nod slowly against your chest, and you picked up your head to look at him while Colson sat up the slightest bit. He started singing ‘Good Night, Gage’, a song he wrote specifically for your son, that was guaranteed to knock him out completely, and sure enough, he didn’t make it to the chorus before your son was finally passed out in front of you.
“You’re a miracle worker, Colson. Swear to God.”
“I try.” He sighed as he laid back down to go back to sleep. “I miss you two.”
“We miss you, too.” You said with a nod. “And we love you.”
“Love you guys, too. I’ll call you in the morning, ‘K?”
“We’ll be here. Hopefully well rested.”
“I’m sure you will be. He’s had a hell of a time switching time zones like we’ve had to.”
“I know.” You sighed with a nod. “Which is why we came home.”
“I know. Alright, I love you. I gotta get some more sleep.”
“I know, Love you, too.” You blew him a kiss, which he returned to you before taking one last look at the loves of his life and hanging up the call for the night. You lasted just long enough to plug your phone in, turn off the light, and move your son to his spot in the middle of the bed before passing out for the most glorious ten hours of sleep you thought you ever had.
Part 9
24 notes · View notes
crystalstar8 · 4 years
Knights of the Night (Epilogue)
Tumblr media
Ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5, ch 6, ch 7, ch 8, ch 9, ch 10, ch 11, ch 12, ch 13, ch 14, ch 15, ch 16, ch 17, ch 18, ch 19, ch 20, ch 21, ch 22, ch 23, epilogue 
pairing: Jungkook x oc
genre: vampire au, college au, twilight, romance
word count: 1,587
warnings: blood (obviously), kidnapping, child kidnapping, needles, France, human trafficking
notes: vampires, vampire au, college, college au, so many twilight references, blood, needles, kidnapping, children, homelessness, dance, ballet, flashbacks, romance, slow burn, probably no smut, idk yet tho, France, French things, attempted genocide, inaccurate French history, bisexual main character, @strawberriewithchocolate-blog @mozy-j  @daechwitad-2​ @zobadak​ @fallenstar-7​​​
summary: Catalina starts college in a small town all the way across the country. She doesn’t know anyone and isn’t exactly looking for friends. She just wants to focus on dance. But when she meets fellow dance major, Jimin, and adventurous, fellow freshman, Jungkook, Catalina ends up discovering a whole new side to the small college town; one that is dangerous but oh so enticing...
                 Catalina took one last glance around her room before heading downstairs. She heard Jimin’s voice, which put a wide smile on her face. Him and Taehyung were back on time, which meant they’d be able to come with everyone that afternoon.
               She ran down the stairs, taking them two at a time, before landing in the foyer. Taehyung and Jimin were taking their shoes off and setting their bags down, chatting with Hoseok and Namjoon. Catalina threw her arms around Jimin and asked him, “How was your trip?”
               He pulled away and smiled wide, his eyes disappearing. “It was incredible. I’ll tell you all about it later.”
               “I can’t wait,” Catalina said, smiling just as wide.
               “We were gonna go to the beach later,” said Hoseok. “Do you want to go with us?”
               “Sure! I think we’ll mostly just relax, though,” said Taehyung.
               “Here, I’ll help you unpack so you can get yourselves settled before we go,” Hoseok said, following them back out the car. Catalina left the foyer and went into the kitchen. The kitchen was beautiful, so different from when she first came into this house. They had it remodeled, actually, they had a lot of the house remodeled. Everything was a bit more modern, but their antiques were mostly still around. Even Yoongi redid his bedroom, saying he didn’t want to sleep in a rat’s nest anymore. He made an incredible amount of money on the antiques in that room, the museums practically begging him to part with them.
               The light was on in the kitchen when Catalina entered, which meant Jungkook was in there. Sure enough, he was standing in front of the fridge, staring into its contents with bleary eyes. His hair was a floof on top of his head and his pajamas were rumpled. Catalina came up behind him and wrapped her arms around him. She laid her head on his back and listened to the steady rhythm of his heart, something she’s become so very familiar with.
               “What will you have for breakfast?” she asked. He grunted in response, shifting some containers around on the shelf. He finally chose a container of leftovers and cracked the lid to sniff it. He sniffed it three times before deciding it was edible and dumping it on a plate. While it was heating up, he turned and opened his arms, letting Catalina settle into him.
               “Are you gonna surf today?” he asked.
               “You asked me that yesterday,” Catalina said with a giggle.
               “And you said no yesterday!” he said. She could feel his laughter in his chest where her head was resting.
               “Maybe,” she said. “I heard the teaching process is very hands on.”
               He chuckled and said, “Where did you hear that?”
               “Hm, I don’t remember,” she said. The microwave beeped and Jungkook let Catalina go so he could grab his food. She pulled a blood bag out of the fridge and sat down with him at the dining table, sipping at her drink while he ate.
               “What are you guys doing up so early?”
               Yoongi wandered into the kitchen with messy hair and tired eyes.
               “It’s beach day!” Jungkook said, much more awake now that he was eating. “You’re coming, right?”
               “Yoongi, you don’t have to swim or surf or anything,” said Catalina. “You can just sleep on the beach. Or drink wine on the beach. You need the fresh air, you’ve been at your piano for days. Plus, I think everyone would really like to spend some time with you.”
               “When are you going?” he asked.
               “We’re heading out around eleven,” said Catalina.
               “Oh. I’ll think about it,” Yoongi said. “Are Taehyung and Jimin back yet?”
               “Yes, they just walked in a little while ago,” said Catalina.
               “Good,” he said. “I’m glad their flight wasn’t delayed.”
               With that, he left the room.
               During the drive to the beach, Catalina made sure to sit in the back of the Jeep with Jimin.
               “So, tell me about the trip,” she said, a giddy smile on her face.
               “Ah, it was perfect!” said Jimin. “I’ve never been to Arizona before so I didn’t really know what to expect about the weather or anything. It really is very dry there. The heat is like heat from an oven. And the places we saw were so beautiful. We camped in the Grand Canyon and… it was insane. The Grand Canyon is insane. Everything was so incredible. And at night, you could see the stars perfectly. When we camped in Death Valley, there was absolutely no light pollution for miles so the sky was amazing. We saw the Milky Way.”
               “Oh wow,” Catalina sighed.
               “You and Jungkook should go next summer,” said Jimin. “You’d love it.”
               “Yeah, I would do that,” said Catalina. “That sounds like a lot of fun. We need to make up for our last trip.”
               They sat in silence for a while before Jimin said, “I can’t believe we’re going to France in two weeks.”
               “I know!” said Catalina. “I can’t believe it! This is something I’ve been waiting for my entire life and I’ll finally be able to do it!”
               “Is your solo ready?” Jimin asked.
               “I mean, as ready as it’ll ever be,” said Catalina. “You know how it is.”
Her and Jimin had both taken the winter semester off to recover from their transformations and to get used to their new bodies. Catalina used that time to choreograph a solo worthy of an audition in France. By now, the beginning of summer, she had perfected it as much as she could.
“I’m going to the studio to practice it tomorrow,” said Catalina. “You should come with me. You can help, or just watch. You haven’t seen it finished yet.”
“What time? I’m babysitting tomorrow,” said Jimin.
“Oh right! You’re doing that every Tuesday now, aren’t you?” said Catalina.
Jimin nodded and said, “Yep, Caleb’s sister has dance on Tuesdays, so I’ll just be there for a few hours.”
“Are you still gonna do that when classes start? You’re signing up for classes in the fall, right?” she asked.
“Yeah, I don’t want to fall behind any more than I am,” said Jimin.
“Me too,” said Catalina. Then she smiled and grabbed Hoseok’s shoulder over the driver’s seat. “And you’re starting classes with us too, aren’t you?”
He laughed and said, “I sure am!”
The weather was perfect, and according to Jungkook, the water was ideal for beginner’s surfing. They got set up on a relatively empty patch of the beach. The family closest to them had a few kids, who were building a sandcastle near the water. It was Monday, so thankfully there weren’t too many other people there. Yoongi laid out a beach blanket and immediately laid down, covering his face with his sun hat. He was almost completely covered, with long sleeves and long pants. Catalina figured he was trying to protect his pasty white skin.
               Jimmy K settled down beside Yoongi with a thick book. Catalina had assumed he would be surfing with them that day; he seemed like the type to surf. Jimin and Taehyung lathered themselves in sunscreen and took their spots near the cooler, relaxing and watching the fun just like they promised. After shedding her shorts and tank top to reveal her new white bikini, Catalina lathered herself in sunscreen, since she could already feel herself burning. Then she grabbed her board and met the others down by the water.
At some point, the family next to them left and they were left to themselves on their private stretch of beach.
Catalina, Namjoon, and Hoseok kept their eyes on Jungkook and Jin, who were teaching them the basics of how to surf. They all had boards, rented ones for the newbies, and Catalina was excited to get out on the water. With every glance at the ocean behind her, she felt nervousness twist in her stomach. She had to keep reminding herself that she wouldn’t drown and she wouldn’t get hurt. Her body was stronger than it used to be, which was something she still hadn’t completely gotten used to.
                They were standing on their boards, Jin showing them how to position their feet. Jungkook went to each of them, giving them pointers or fixing their positions. He stepped onto Catalina’s board behind her and nudged her right foot forward a bit, hands on her bare waist.
               “Just keep your knees bent and your legs spread a bit more,” he said. His bare chest was pressed up against her back.
               “…And if you guys fall off, just let the current roll you until it’s settled, then come up,” Jin was saying. “But you guys won’t drown anyway, so no harm.”
               “Right, no harm,” Jungkook said, his hand sliding down to her butt.
She giggled and turned around to face him.
“Did Hoseok get this treatment when you helped him?” she asked with a wide smile on her face.
“He would probably like that,” Jungkook said with a laugh. “But this is only reserved for my favorite students.”
“Ooh, so Namjoon got this too,” Catalina said, winding her arms over his bare shoulders. He threw his head back and laughed. This was her favorite song. The sounds of his laughter, the waves hitting the beach, The seagulls calling overhead, his heart beating in his chest.
Catalina leaned up to press her lips against his, the board wobbling in the sand beneath their feet.
She never wanted this song to end.
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let-me-write-shit · 4 years
Like We Used To: 14
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A/N: Next Chapter starts the interviews! If there’s any questions you might want to be asked, or if there’s something you’d like me to incorporate in any of the future chapters, let me know! I love hearing from you! 
I’m gonna try to put up the next chapter later tonight, so make it quick!! :) :) 
PLEASE don’t forget to like/reblog/message me if you like it. It’s suuuuper helpful
“I cannot believe I let you talk me into this,” Elizabeth shifted in the passenger seat of Harry’s car, staring out at the streets of London.
It was nearly 10 AM and the two were on their way to the airport to travel to LA for a week for some promotional interviews for Harry’s upcoming performance in New York next month before a new album is released. Somehow Harry and Judy managed to gang up on Elizabeth. He even got Kate to call her in the middle of her honeymoon to convince Elizabeth to go. So Thursday and Friday were spent finishing up as much work as she could get done, visiting the office to tie up any loose ends and let her staff know that she would be out of town for a bit, and spending her free time relaxing with Harry.
Harry seemed to be spending his free time either watching movies, writing emails, on phone calls, or, what Elizabeth assumed, writing new songs. By the end of the week it was pretty much tradition to end the day sharing a sleeve of oreos and going on a late night walk around town. Luckily her neighborhood wasn’t too busy so no one was hardly ever outside to notice them. At least there was no buzz in the tabloids on Harry’s whereabouts since his appearance at the club the previous weekend.
“Well, with the help of Judy I can be pretty persuasive,” Harry grinned at her, turning into a gated lot. A small plane was parked in the middle of a huge runway with a couple people standing around the bottom of the stairs and a few other cars parked around it. Harry must have noticed Elizabeth’s uneasiness as he parked the car because he squeezed her hand and whispered, “Don’t be nervous, it’ll be fine. I already warned my manager that you’d be tagging along and the band is excited to meet you.”
Elizabeth nodded and the two of them stepped out of the car, letting the wind whip her hair around, clutching onto her purse and laptop bag that hung around her shoulder. Harry walked beside her, his hand on the small of her back, leading her over towards two men and one woman, handing his car keys to one of the men. They all greeted Harry with high-fives and hugs before smiling at Elizabeth.
Harry started the introductions, “Elizabeth this is Jeffrey, my manager,” he introduced the man he gave his keys to and continued, “Lisa does videography and photography whenever we travel, and Kenneth is my bodyguard. We keep him around whenever we travel for work, but usually he’ll only be with us when we’re at interviews and such.”
“Very nice to meet you,” Lisa smiled sweetly, shaking Elizabeth’s hand and earning a nod from Kenneth.
“So you’re Harry’s old school friend, are you?” Jeffrey asked, and joked, “I heard he practically bullied you into coming?”
Elizabeth let out a small chuckle, “Yeah, he just keeps nagging you until you say yes!”
“I know the feeling,” Jeffrey nodded as they all laughed, “Handsome boy, but dead annoying. Don’t worry, we’ll keep you company whenever Harry’s preoccupied. I bet we’re more fun than him anyways.”
“Excuse me, I take offence to that,” Harry jested.
“As you should,” Jeffrey said before looking between the both of them, “So you’ve both got your passports with ya, then? Great. Go on up, then. Everyone’s in there waiting.”
Harry nodded and led Elizabeth towards the steps of the private airplane, almost reaching for her hand before she lightly pushed it away, unsure of what them holding hands might look like. He didn’t seem too phased by that and continued on up. Harmonious shouting occurred as the two walked further onto the plane. Harry gestured for her to sit in the window seat while introducing her to his backing band members Mitch, Sarah, Adam, Ny, and Charlotte. Elicabeth’s worry of what Harry’s friends’ and crew would think of her started to disappear as they got to talking. 
An airport worker came to load the bags from Harry’s trunk to the airplane before taking his car away and within thirty minutes they were ready for takeoff. Airplane safety instructions were given and as soon as they were in the air Jeffrey gave everyone the rundown. It would be an eleven and a half hour flight. They would arrive in LA at nearly 3 PM their time. Immediately from landing they would head straight to hotel check-in where they got free reign for the rest of the night, though they were given ‘strong suggestions’ to make it an early night as they had to be up by 6 AM to head to their first performance at a news station. The performance wouldn’t be until 8 AM, but they needed to get their equipment set up and rehearse.
“So, wait, did they get me my own hotel room, or….?” Elizabeth whispered to Harry, not wanting the others to hear.
He whispered back, “No, I have a house in LA, so you’ll be coming with me there. Everyone else has a hotel room. Except Sarah and Mitch share a room. They’re dating.”
Elizabeth nodded, understandingly, before Adam spoke, smiling, “So, Harry didn’t tell us much. Just that you two were friends since you were fourteen? Is that right?”
“Yeah,” Elizabeth confirmed, “Knew him before all of this….” she looked around at the airplane.
“Wow,” Adam nodded, “And was he a little shit back then, too?”
“Excuse me,” Harry interrupted, “Little shit? Watch your tone, sir. I’m a big shit. A big, masculine shit, thank you very much.”
They all continued to banter for a bit, making Elizabeth relax. They were all given lunch, but it didn’t take long before everyone started doing their own thing. Sarah and Mitch cuddled up and watched a movie, Adam and Ny started scrolling through their phones, Harry was talking with Jeffrey, and Charlotte fell asleep. Elizabeth used the time to get even more work done so that she could be completely free tomorrow. By 7 hours into the flight everyone seemed to take Charlotte’s lead and went to bed. 
It felt like seconds before Elizabeth was being shaken awake. She fluttered her eyes open, immediately looking out the window to notice their descent before looking over at Harry who was grinning at her. His hair was disheveled and a red mark was bright on his cheek from where he fell asleep on his wrist, clearly haven been just woken up.
“We’re getting ready to land,” his groggy voice drawled.
Elizabeth looked around to see most everyone else stirring awake and Mitch glancing between Harry and outside. He didn’t speak much, but when he did he was really sweet and very funny. She looked around sheepishly, unsure of what to do when they exited the plane as everyone was kind of unloading their things and going over details on when and where they would be meeting in the morning. Eventually an SUV pulled up and a man got out, waiting patiently. Jeffrey directed him to Harry and Elizabeth’s luggage and he began loading up the car.
Harry broke away from the group who all shouted a “see you later” at him and Elizabeth before the two of them slid into the SUV.
“You alright?” Harry asked her.
Elizabeth smiled coyly, “Yeah they’re all nicer than I thought they’d be. Was just a bit overwhelmed. I think I’m still coming to terms with the fact that I even came. And it’s so hot here, what the hell? It’s October in a few days' time!”
The car started off and Harry laughed, “We’re not in England anymore, that’s for sure. You get used to it, though,” he reassured before asking, “So I was just talking with Mitch about him and Sarah coming over tonight to chill out with us if that’s okay?”
Elizabeth shrugged, “Yeah, sure, why not? It’s not my house.”
“What do you say we grab some dinner first? It’s only 3:30, but I was thinking once we get back to my place we could get our stuff settled and then go out and grab something to eat?”
“Will people not notice you eating out with a random girl?”
“I’m not too worried about it, honestly,” Harry smiled, “What, do you not want to be seen with me?”
“It’s not that I don’t want to be seen with you. It’s just...we’re still trying to figure this whole thing out and I don’t want it to then be made into a big deal for you.”
Harry smiled, “I’ll be fine, love. It’s just dinner.”
Her heart fluttered a bit. When they got to Harry’s house, Elizabeth looked around in awe. It was, for all intents and purposes, a mansion. Sleek and modern, it had four bedrooms and six bathrooms. Who needs six bathrooms?! It even had a heated outdoor pool and hot tub. There wasn’t much in the way of decoration, but she figured it’s probably because he’s just a guy and he spends more time in England, anyway. 
She followed Harry with her luggage up to Harry’s room and dropped them in the corner. He decided to take a quick shower while she got situated, touching up her makeup and unloading some of her clothes. She had been in the middle of a text to Matt when Harry walked out of the bathroom. A towel was wrapped around his waist, his water glistened on his skin and his hair looked like a wet mop.
“You can’t just come in here lookin like that,” she motioned vaguely at him, sitting up on his bed.
“It’s my bedroom!” he retorted, ruffling his hair, “Am I making you nervous?”
Elizabeth groaned, “Don’t do this to me. I’m starving! I can’t think straight on an empty stomach.”
He laughed, dropping his towel, exposing himself, before pulling on a pair of briefs, “You know, I’m starting to think you’re just using me for my body.”
“I definitely am just using you for your body!” Elizabeth joked, “You don’t have a problem with that, do you?”
“None at all.”
It was 5:30 by the time they were ready to get dinner. There was a chinese food place not too far from his house that they decided they wanted to eat at. It wasn’t too fancy, so Elizabeth didn’t bother changing her clothes before heading over there. Parking was horrendous in LA, so they had to park a block away, but luckily the restaurant wasn’t too crazy for a Saturday night. He informed her that most people in LA either postmated their food, or ate later in the evening. 
The staff did recognize him, so they were able to get a seat at a booth towards the back. Dinner was fantastic. They were able to sneak a few quick hand-holds in before finishing up. On the way to the car they heard a few people shout Harry’s name at a distance, but he didn’t seem to pay any mind to it as he took her hand and led her to the car. While driving out of the lot, though, she noticed a man with a camera on the corner snapping a few pictures of his car.
“Harry?” she questioned, slightly concerned.
“Yeah, I see him,” he acknowledged, biting his cheek.
She decided to drop it and they continued back to Harry’s house. 
Mitch and Sarah had arrived a little after 8 PM after the sun had set. The four of them took some wine and a pack of oreos to Harry’s seating area beside the pool in the back, Mitch and Sarah on a couch across from Elizabeth and Harry, and got to know Elizabeth some more while music played softly over his house speakers. They had asked about the friendship with Harry when they were younger, told stories of their childhood, and talked about their current lives. Harry and Elizabeth shared a sleeve of oreos, again, joking about it with his bandmates before putting it away. She felt like they could really open up to them, like they were forming a real friendship.
“I can’t believe you almost got into a fight with her ex boyfriend!” Sarah put a hand on her cheek, “Good on you, though. He sounds like a creep, no offence.”
“None taken,” Elizabeth nodded, taking a sip from her glass of wine, “It was a long time coming.”
“It must be nice to still have close friends from when you were just children,” Mitch commented and turned to Harry, “Do you feel like you missed out? I mean, I know you said you had lost touch for a while, but….?”
Harry nodded, “Yeah. But I’m just glad to be back in it now. That’s why I practically forced her to come with me. I didn’t want to have a repeat of last time.”
Mitch and Sarah nodded in silence, but the stare Mitch gave seemed almost like he was peering into their soul. He finally spoke again, “Alright, so you two are dating then, or?”
Elizabeth glanced at Harry seeing a shocked smile form on his face, “Uhm...no. We’re not officially dating yet.”
“What does that even mean?” Sarah grinned, furrowing her eyebrows at the two of them.
Harry cleared his throat, “Jesus, with the interrogation tonight. It means that we’re enjoying each other’s company and elevating our friendship slowly.”
“You sure do have a way with words, don’t you?” Elizabeth laughed. “I’m just...not ready to have that official label yet, so for now I’m just a ‘friend’..”
Mitch nodded, “I understand. You just need to dip your toe into this world first.”
They spent a little more time talking until the song ‘Comethru’ by Jeremy Zuker started playing on the speakers.
“Oh, I love this song!” Elizabeth exclaimed, swaying in her seat. 
Harry looked over at her with a smile before standing up and offering his hand for a dance. Elizabeth looked at it hesitantly, and slightly embarrassed, taking a peak at Mitch and Sarah. They smiled kindly at her and Harry, so Elizabeth took this as a sign that it was okay and took his hand. He led her a few feet over towards the pool a bit more before turning to her, draping her free hand on his shoulder before wrapping an arm around her waist, still holding onto her other hand. She relaxed her head into Harry’s chest as the two swayed. In seconds Mitch and Sarah joined them, dancing under the stars.
The next, more upbeat song began to play and Mitch turned to them, “Oh, Harry, that reminds me. I had a few more ideas for those songs we were working on if I can show you real quick?”
Harry nervously switched footing, breaking apart from Elizabeth, “Uh, yeah. Let’s just go into the office,” he looked hesitantly at the girls, “Are you two okay for a bit?”
“I think we can manage,” Elizabeth snorted, making Sarah laugh.
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Several Times Scully Got Locked Out Of Her Motel Room In Her Scanties (First Time Smut Ensues) Chapter One
Space (Season One)
They sat on the city steps in the midday sunshine awaiting another of Mulder’s mysterious informants. She, eating a sad little excuse for a sandwich: cucumber-dampened white bread encompassing roast chicken lovingly Saran-wrapped and pressed into her hand after Sunday lunch at her parents’ house. An awkward lunch, during which her father had accomplished the stellar feat of not asking her about her work once. I should have cheered everyone up by asking if anyone had heard from Charles lately, Melissa had joked, darkly, over the phone afterwards. 
The sandwich stuck in her throat a little as she swallowed, and out of nowhere, everything felt so… insufficient.
Was this really her life now? Crackpots and conservative suits and no sex since Jack? Reading journals alone on Friday nights and eating her mother’s leftovers?
She was still stashing a fastidiously initialed brown bag in the Bureau staff kitchen fridge each morning, as she had been in the habit of doing at Quantico. 
Dana Katherine Scully, you’re hardly a schoolgirl anymore, she told herself. 
Perhaps it was time to graduate to lunch in the cafeteria, like one of the big kids. 
Mulder nibbled on his inescapable sunflower seeds. Rental car cup holders. The top drawer of the basement desk. The bottom drawer, and the middle. Even loose, once, inexplicably, in her suitcase when she arrived home from a three-night case in Iowa. They were everywhere, pervading her entire life with their woody scent and their easy charm just like the man who unceasingly consumed them.
He was close, now, his knees spread wide and swinging with casual rich-kid confidence as he began to lose patience with his anonymous NASA tipster. Scully kept her stockinged legs primly pressed together, her well-lined heavy linen skirt draping over her kneecaps, preserving her modesty. His fingertips brushed her own as he handed her the informant’s note, and she was glad of the excuse to break his gaze, to look down and away from his face; the inevitable thrill she was coming to know so well shooting through her body from tip to toes. 
When the Space Program whistleblower did arrive, it was a she; a development Scully could well have done without. Especially one as… developed as this. 
Long and lean, blonde, finessed; Michelle Generoo looked exactly like the full-sized version of the girls Scully imagined Mulder growing up with on Martha’s Vineyard, summering in Rhode Island, picnicking on lush lawns by sparkling waters while she herself played hopscotch with scavenged pebbles on Navy base blacktop, or avoided cracks in uneven paving slabs as she skipped along in hand-me-down pleated skirts and fraying hand-knitted sweaters. This was probably exactly the WASP-y horsewoman type Mulder’s parents had always envisaged him marrying, with her tweed jacket and her long silky locks and her mirror-lensed aviators. 
Not a squat, pale, Irish Catholic Navy brat with full cheeks, wiry russet hair and stubborn freckles that were probably popping exponentially with every second spent sitting in this sunshine. Who still brought homemade sandwiches to work.
Michelle Generoo: Mission Control Communications Commander for the Space Program in Houston. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for me now, for I must have sinned, and am being punished with the early-afternoon arrival of Fox Mulder’s ideal woman, sent from heaven to enact my own personal hell. 
Scully hated this feeling: this creeping sense of little sister inferiority. It was the mid-semester first day at a new school all over again, having been transplanted with her father’s latest deployment; Bill laughing and joking with the jocks or the prettiest clique of girls he could find, she hiding with a book in the library. It was enviously watching Melissa tame her curls into elaborate braids when all she could manage was a stubby ponytail with lumps at her crown, aged seven, twelve, twenty-nine. 
What was it about prepubescent inadequacies that made them so infuriatingly unassailable? Successfully reinterpreting Einstein and near-perfect pistol qualification scores had only ever compensated for so much.
At the mention of a fiancé - a Shuttle Commanding astronaut fiancé, no less - Scully relaxed somewhat. For once, she was glad that Mulder’s particular obsession with certain matters of the universe was a little less than impressive to the casual observer. 
Mulder disappeared off into the city on some unspecified errand, and sent her back to the Hoover Building to arrange flights and accommodation, agreeing to meet her at the airport.
On the plane, he seemed disappointed when she didn’t want to read his brand new copy of NASA: A History of American Space Travel, and peppered her with trivia instead.
“Did you know, all twelve men who walked on the moon agree, the surface smells like spent gunpowder?”
“Oh really,” Scully said. “And what did the women say?” 
Mulder looked a little uncomfortable. Having made her point about why she might, perhaps, feel a little excluded from his spaceboy enthusiasm, Scully pondered this fact.
“They can’t remove their helmet on the moon; there’s no atmosphere.” She countered. “How do they know what it smells like?”
“From the dust left over on their spacesuits,” Mulder was clearly happy to be able to inform her.
Scully frowned at him. 
“You think they’re so cool, don’t you Mulder?”
He looked personally injured. “Scully, how can you be the one person in the universe - a physicist, no less - who doesn’t think space travel is cool?”
She turned her torso in her narrow seat to face him.
“Mulder, when I was five years old, for Apollo 11, I was just as excited as you are now. My older brother and sister and I followed the news of the mission; we watched the moon landing just like everybody else. Bill and Melissa dressed up as Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin for Halloween that year; they made me be the Stars and Stripes so we could all pose for photos together. I had to stick my arm out and wobble the flag. We were just as space crazed as anyone. And over the years, as the missions continued, I read everything, I mean everything-” Mulder nodded, he could surely believe that of Scully at any age - “and I found out some trivia of my own.”
Mulder titled his head, curious.
“You know, a spacesuit is a sealed environment. It has to be airtight, right?”
Mulder nodded. 
“And spacewalks last between five and eight hours on average.”
Mulder was listening intently.
“Well, there’s… nowhere to… go. When you have to go,” she gestured euphemistically. “And in a zero-gravity environment - or any environment, in fact - you don’t want to just relieve yourself inside the suit.”
Mulder frowned.
“So they wear these… things. It’s called a MAG: A Maximum Absorbency Garment,” she enunciated carefully. “You just… let it go, and it… absorbs it.”
Mulder looked perturbed.
“So basically, underneath that cool, space-exploring exterior,” Scully continued, “you’ve got a bunch of highly trained, hero-worshipped men - and now, women - floating around wearing adult diapers.”
Mulder swallowed hard.
“You know, I have a little brother. Charles. When he was still wearing Pampers I would watch my mom changing him, and I’d smell those foul odors and witness the frankly terrifying contents in some detail, and I just - I could never look at astronauts in the same way again after I found out about the MAG. I don’t know, it just ruined it for me.”
Her partner sat back quietly in his chair, more than a little disturbed.
Scully smiled at him weakly, and decided to take a nap.
On the tarmac in Houston, the cabin lights, dimmed for landing, switched back to full brightness as the seatbelt indicator dinged off. Mulder sprang out of his seat, already reaching up for the overhead bins to retrieve their luggage. 
Scully sat calmly with her forest-green briefcase on her lap, not willing to pointlessly stand for ten minutes while the passengers in rows A-R filed interminably slowly up the aisle, huffing and checking her watch as though that would change the physics of the aircraft and hurry anything along. 
No, patience had always been her friend; she would await her turn peacefully, could wait for anything forever, so long as she knew for certain it was coming to her.
Alighted, they bypassed the checked baggage carousels, Mulder carrying the suitcases and Scully toting only her leather satchel. The pair walked to the Lariat desk, where Scully hung back, and Mulder flirted with the smiling clerk working the night shift.
In the car, Mulder questioned her again about the arrangements.
“Intercontinental, Scully? It’s probably the furthest possible airport from the Space Center.”
“...and all requisitions would let me book at such late notice. The flights into Hobby were almost double the cost. It would be a waste of taxpayers’ money.” She signalled right, checking both directions. 
“Are we heading further North, Scully?” Mulder asked, checking the constellations through the windshield.
She tsked and gripped the steering wheel a little tighter. “It’s late. If you want to make all future travel bookings, be my guest, Mulder. But as it stands we’ll stay up here tonight, drive down for our eight-thirty a.m., and stay down there from tomorrow.”
At the mention of the morning meeting with Lt. Belt, Mulder brightened, and stuck his head back in his book for the remainder of the journey to their motel. 
When they arrived at the Spring Creek Mercury Motorlodge, she threw him a look. A warning shot. 
Don’t say a word, Mulder.
The motel took shabby to a whole new level: the paintwork was more chips than oil-based matte; the blown bulbs outnumbered the working ones, the woodwork of the bare-bones portico looked like it should have been condemned alongside the Rosenbergs.
The sign on the office door declared, ‘Desk open 7 a.m. - 10 p.m. ONLY ring bell outside of opening hours for ABSOLUTE EMERGENCIES.’ 
Scully checked her watch. It was approaching midnight. A handwritten Post-It stuck at an angle underneath read, ‘Scully booking, rooms # 8 & 12. Doors open. Keycards inside.’
“Always nice to experience that famous Southern hospitality,” Mulder deadpanned, peeling the note from the glass. They moved along the walkway, counting up as they went.
The door to number eight was propped barely ajar with a rotting two-by-four. Scully could see the square of exposed woodwork where an old lock mechanism had been removed: replaced by a newfangled electronic keycard system. She ran her eyes over the crumbling porch roof and thought, Really? This is where they chose to invest their refurb budget?
Mulder pushed the door open for Scully and held her gaze as she stared at him momentarily. He looked like he was about to follow her into the room. 
“Thanks,” she gulped, taking her suitcase from his hand.
But he stayed put outside, grabbing the handle to pull the door shut, double checking their plans for the morning. “See you at seven-fifteen then? All checks complete and ready to strap ourselves into the command module?” He grinned.
Scully dropped her case onto the bed and sighed. He was going to be insufferable tomorrow.
After showering, hanging up her burgundy pantsuit for the next day, then losing a fight with the room’s overactive heater, Scully unravelled the tightly rolled pink satin pajamas from her suitcase. You get fewer wrinkles if you roll rather than fold, her mother had taught her. 
Stepping into them, she could already feel herself perspiring lightly, and wondered if it would be better to do without the pajamas or the comforter. Her mind flashed to the various possible emergencies that might see her fleeing her room in the middle of the night: a fire, a tornado, an intruder. 
Keep the pajamas, lose the comforter, she decided.
But she suspected she’d need more to keep herself cool. She remembered passing an ice machine a few doors down, and grabbed a metal bucket left on the dresser for just such purposes, tucking her keycard into the breast pocket of her nightwear as she went.
She was so warm and the ice machine was so close, she didn’t even bother with shoes as she tiptoed the few feet along the walkway. The machine hummed and clanked as she lifted the front and noisily plunged the bucket into the crisp, dry cubes.
The Arctic Ice Core Project. Alaska. A sparsely appointed supply closet. Mulder crouching down to her level and hissing his balmy, furious breath directly into her face. 
I don’t trust them. I WANT to trust you.
He’d been angry and sweaty and ripe, and it had been the two of them against the others. They’d made what felt like a binding pact, whispering conspiratorially; sealing it with their laying on of hands.
If she’d been asked prior to that about the most intimate part of a person’s body, she might have given the same answers as anyone else. Reproductive organs her studies had given her medical names for. Mammary glands meant for feeding young but warped by western culture into symbols of sex and shame. Perhaps the cushiony swell of the gluteus maximus, so favored by jocks, and creeps in bars. 
But she’d finished that case on the Icy Cape with the discovery of more than a new species of worm; she’d learned for the first time about the deep, heady, overwhelming intimacy of touching another person at the back of the neck. 
Jesus, she’d already been so wet when he’d grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her back to inspect her spine. She feared her unguarded gasp had given her away. And when he’d brushed aside her hair and lain his whole palm against the nape of her neck, awaiting the telltale wriggle of the homicide-inducing parasite, it was she who had squirmed beneath the hot, unrelenting pressure. 
Oh god, what he’d be able to do to her with those big, strong, capable hands. 
Alaska at that latitude had average winter temperatures of less than zero degrees Fahrenheit. November on the North Slope saw little more than three hours of sunshine a day. They regularly experienced impenetrable blizzards that could freeze a person to death in under an hour. 
But when Dana Scully thought of the Icy Cape, all she could feel was searing, blazing, pulsing heat. 
She filled the ice bucket, slammed the machine shut, and carried her personal cooling system back to her room, balancing it on her hip like an infant as she swiped the keycard for entry.
She got a red light.
Furrowing her brow, she swiped again.
Sighing her frustration, she ran the card through the slot several more times, resting the bucket on the floor and jiggling the handle as she tried over and over for green, listening for the buzz of the latch electronically pulling back.
She threw her hands up in the air and tried twice more to no avail.
She looked about her for assistance, finding none. No one was about. She started off towards the office and slowed as she reached the door. She re-read the sign.
Well, she couldn’t get into her room. Surely that was an emergency. She pressed the bell and waited, but no one came. She pressed again, and again, nothing. This was ridiculous. She tried once more with the bell, and after two minutes, sighing furiously, strode back along the walkway, her bare toes starting to go numb. She’d successfully cooled off, at least.
She continued past room eight, doubling back to try the lock three more times then kicking the door with great vexation before jogging up towards number twelve, wrapping her arms around her breasts to warm herself. The ice bucket stood sentry, dripping condensation.
She lifted her knuckle to knock on Mulder’s door, then hesitated slightly. She stole a glance down at her pajamas. They were not thick, and clung to her curves, puckering at her bare nipples. Mulder had seen her wearing far less - had checked her for mosquito bites clad only in what her maternal Grandmother would have called her smalls on their very first case - and remained professional, but that had been a rare exception, borne of her neophyte panic. She worked so hard to be taken seriously, to be seen as a colleague and an expert and a peer, and not as a sexual object. It was hard to project an air of authority in pastel pink satin with your breasts announcing themselves to anyone within five hundred yards. But Jesus, it was freezing out, and she had to be up and dressed in less than seven hours. She wasn’t about to spend a frostbitten night out in the cold and give herself hypothermia for the sake of avoiding a little embarrassment. She was a fully grown woman; Mulder, a fully grown man. They were both adults here. They could be mature about this.
She knocked, hugging her chest again afterwards.
Mulder opened the door still in his shirt and tie, although his jacket was hung over the desk chair in the corner. The NASA book lay face down, open on the bed. He chewed on one of his infernal seeds.
“You okay, Scully?” he asked, frowning. “Couldn’t sleep?”
“Couldn’t get back into my room,” Scully explained, huffing. “I went out for ice and my… the keycard doesn’t work.”
“You should ring the bell for the owners,” Mulder suggested, unhelpfully.
“I did,” Scully said, pointedly. “No answer.” She looked up at him and pressed her lips together apologetically. “Can I come in?”
“Of course, of course,” Mulder said, standing back to let her enter. He stood with his back to the door after it was closed. “You can sleep in here; it’s no bother. I’ll crash on the floor.”
“Thank you,” Scully said, perching on the desk. Mulder sat himself on the end of the bed and gazed over at her.
“You cold?” he asked.
Actually, Mulder’s room was as toasty as hers had been, and her toes were already thawing out.
“Warming up,” she said, thankfully.
“Just that you’re… hugging yourself,” he explained, gesturing at her arms, still clamped across her unsecured bosom.
“Oh,” she said, self-consciously, but let her arms drop slowly to her sides, gripping the edge of the desk with both hands for security. “I’m not… wearing very much, is all.”
“Oh,” he echoed softly, his eyes scanning the length of her nightwear all the way to the floor and back up again. Yes, she was certainly feeling some heat once again.
“What you are wearing is… very nice though.” His eyes settled on her own for a few seconds, then flicked down to her breasts, and she inhaled sharply, silently, she hoped in retrospect. When he looked back at her face, her mouth was hanging slightly open, and she caught herself, licking her lips for discipline, her chest heaving. He looked down again. 
She felt her cheeks burning, and averted her eyes to the book on the bed, a change of focus for her mind, which was racing with thoughts of candlelight and shower-wet hair, of thermal shirts and platonic supply closet fumblings: Mulder and his fingertips the common denominator in these scenarios. 
She forced herself to look back at him. He was comfortably staring now, his face giving nothing away, but she knew he was quite aware she’d seen him appreciating her exposed form. He was leaving this up to her.
She wrestled with her conscience.
She shouldn’t do this. They were partners. It was against Bureau policy. It was unprofessional. It could ruin her career if it ended badly. Worse, it could come between her and Mulder, drive a wedge between them and prise apart their newly cemented friendship. 
She thought of Oregon and hands and Alaska and ice, and she knew what she wanted.
You’re hardly a schoolgirl anymore...
She stood up slowly, wordlessly taking a few steps towards Mulder on the bed. Yes, they were both fully grown, and she had some very adult ideas about what they could do together.
She paused one or two paces from his knees, and held his gaze for a moment. She let her lips fall open once more, her breathing labored, and she saw his breath was keeping pace with her own.
She thought of Michelle Generoo, and of her own jealousies and insecurities, and second guessed herself momentarily. She’d always suspected she wasn’t Mulder’s type. Yes, he had moments ago brazenly taken in the sight of her nipples brushing against the silky confines of her pajama top, but he was a red-blooded straight male, and they had been right there, still standing at attention from her time out in the cold. And yes, he was looking at her intently now as she crossed the room, the propulsion of months and months of unverbalized, unresolved sexual tension at her back, but his expression was blank, and he might be nervously wondering how the hell he was going to abort this mission.
There was one way to be sure. He had done his fair share of looking; it was her turn to be brazen.
She dropped her gaze to his lap, seeking a different kind of green light.
In the dim glow coming from the slightly open bathroom door, she found exactly what she was seeking. The bulge that tented Mulder’s pants cast a promising shadow. She was go for launch.
She took another step, and found his eyeline once more.
His pupils were dilated, his lips pillow-soft and pouting, the ridge growing noticeably larger even in her peripheral vision.
She reached down for his left hand and brought it to her breast, pressing it against herself over the pajamas.
“Make me see stars, Mulder,” she whispered, breaking into a lazy smile.
His momentary expression of disbelief gave way to a grin, and he looked up at her with reverence. She let go of his fingers, dropping her arm to her side once again, and his palm moved with feathery softness over her breast, centering her nipple in the smoothest spot, where you’d clutch a baby’s fist, or a prized possession. The heat of his hand radiated through the satin, the friction of skin on fabric even more erotic than direct contact. Their gazes were locked. His mouth fell open a fraction, mirroring hers, and he raised his other hand to work both breasts, his fingers held up and away from her body as he traced circles with her hardened peaks against his deep volar arches. She closed her eyes and moaned, low and soft, letting her head fall backwards. Her knees went limp, and Mulder steadied her with one hand, docking her at the hip.  
His grip sent shockwaves to her core, her pulse now strongest between her legs. She knew she was already leaving a damp mark on her pajama bottoms. 
She lifted her head back up and looked down at Mulder, still seated on the edge of the comforter. They panted together in the quiet, each awestruck by the other, and Scully reached up to her top button, deftly pushing it through the opening with her delicately manicured fingertips. She did not avert her eyes from Mulder’s as she worked her way down to her waist, finally letting the shirt hang open at the front. 
She took his left hand once more and tucked it inside the front panel, his massive palm easily encompassing the entire fleshy mound there. He squeezed her hip gently, cupping her and pulling her towards him at once, guiding her between his knees. Checking her eyes for continued consent, he brushed the center of her shirt to one side and revealed half of her chest to his vision for the first time. 
“Oh, Scully,” he said in a hushed voice, and - permission silently granted by Scully’s hungry gaze - lifted his mouth to her nipple and latched on, sucking, circling his tongue around her hot, pink bud. She moaned again and grabbed the back of his head, twisting her fingers into his hair, her nails scratching at his scalp.
His mouth broke contact with her delicately pale skin, and he pushed the satin from her shoulders, letting it whoosh to the floor.
He was gazing up at her again, and she leaned down to kiss him now, finally allowing herself to experience in the flesh that which she had longed for, imagined, fantasized about for some time. Their lips met; wet, fervent, ravenous. Their shared craving drew them together, suctioning them to one another at the mouth as though they could consume one another entirely, and meant to. His salted breath mingled with her own, and their tongues tangled and danced. He ran his hand up her naked back, and her breasts pressed against his collarbone.
He pulled away, and she held the side of his face tightly to her bare chest, breathless, eyes closed. 
“Scully,” he ventured, “are you sure about this?” He looked up at her with his soft, beautiful, hazel eyes. She didn’t know what had possessed her for so long, being able to resist those eyes all these months.
She straightened up, and took his hand once again, reaching behind herself to slide it down the back of her waistband, over her rounded ass, and into the molten cleft of her body. She spread her thighs as his fingers found her desire, parting and probing her on their voyage of discovery. He dipped a single digit inside her body, and she exhaled on a low moan. 
“I’m sure, Mulder,” she murmured, smiling again. “Take me to the moon and back.”
He relaxed a little, his shoulders dropping, “Oh is that the game?” he teased, “Space puns?”
She shrugged playfully.
He smiled wide at her, or she thought he did; it was hard to see with her eyelashes fluttering closed. Her head dropped back once more as he pumped into her, his thumb resting fortuitously against the base of her perineum, that dark, forbidden, blissful spot. She felt alive, animal, raw. She let her breath come out ragged, allowed her rasps and moans to escape unbridled. Mulder paused his efforts for a second or two, leaving two fingers curled inside her, using his free hand to yank down her pajama pants. She helped, kicking them loose from her ankles as he grabbed a handful of her ass with his spare hand and pulled her toward the bed, reclining face up on the mattress and encouraging her to crawl on her knees up to his shoulders and sit back. Only then did he remove his fingers from inside of her, and her body sucked at them as he did, protesting their departure.
Scully was giddy with want, and Mulder looked up at her just then with such veneration that her heart burst with renewed affection for him. She’d never been made to feel more worthy in her life. This was so Mulder. She had not specifically realized it before, but this was how he often made her feel, in his best moments. 
At the insistence of his hand pressing gently on her lower back, his fingers sticky with her own yearning, she lowered her sex to his mouth. 
As soon as his velvet tongue met her clit, she cried out, almost lifting herself up on her knees at the shock of it. He held her steady, lapping at her hardened bundle of nerves with the flat of his tongue, softly at first, then applying more and more pressure as she sunk further down onto him, his chin pressing up into her heat, her slick juices gliding her inner walls against his light stubble. Oh Jesus, it was divine, and she called out his last name as she rode his face, her breath hitching in her throat as her trajectory was set to climax.
Scully chanced a glance downwards and saw that he was watching her in her ecstasy. 
She was wanted. She was valued. She was enough.
She smiled down at him, not halting her movements, and reached up to pinch her own nipples with her dainty, expert hands. Mulder groaned his pleasure into her body, sucking and licking and holding her down so she could not get away.
“Fuck,” she gasped, and was lost; her face lifted to the heavens, her body and mind spinning and soaring in concupiscent formation, her voice clamorously invoking two thirds of the Trinity with various, stertorous monikers as she rocketed into her own private orbit.
Mulder massaged her hips and kept his chin tilted up into her as she twitched and panted and called out for God, and she felt her inner muscles contracting around his way-past-five-o-clock shadow. The humid air of his heavy breath rushed from his nose, tickling her pubic mound as his lips remained clamped over the hood of her clitoris. She exhaled the last of her shudders and sat back on her haunches, resting on his solid pectorals, running her tongue over her lips, wetting them with exhausted delight. Mulder’s chin glistened in the dim room, drenched, and she laughed, reaching down to wipe him off. 
He let her, but then caught her by the wrist and held her soaked palm against his mouth, kissing it, hard, and smearing the residue of her arousal all over his lips once again. He licked them clean, unblinking.
She buried her face in her other hand and laughed shyly. 
Mulder chuckled along with her, resting his hands on her still-spread thighs, his thumbs dipping close to her parted labia. She bit her lower lip and looked him in the eye once again, unable to hide her happiness.
“Luckily, out here, no one can hear you scream,” he joked, a question in his eyes suggesting he was worried he might not get away with this, and she pushed him away teasingly but giggled as she climbed off the bed. She picked up her pajama pants from the floor.
“And where do you think you’re going?” Mulder asked her as she stood up.
“I’ll be right back,” Scully responded, flinging the bottoms over her shoulder and sauntering off to the bathroom, looking back at him to make sure he was getting a good look at her receding form. “Don’t move.”
She glanced down at the enormous bulge in his pants once again, and knew she needn’t worry. He wouldn’t be going anywhere with that thing.
She returned a few minutes later, now wearing the satin pants, and sporting a dark gleam in her eye as she crept across the carpet towards him. When she reached the bed, he leaned up on his elbows and reached for her to pull her onto the bed, but she shook her head. Instead, she reached for his belt buckle and deliberately undid it, sliding the leather through the metal loop before reaching for his fly. As she unzipped his pants, Mulder lifted his hips, and his erection bounced up, pushing the flaps of the zipper to either side, straining against his boxer briefs. This was one shuttle she wouldn’t mind watching blast off, and she was ready to fire up the booster rockets. 
She helped him remove his pants, then tugged at the waistband of his underwear. He removed it and lay himself back down on the bed, looking almost anxious. 
“Mulder,” she reassured him. “Relax; I want this. I want you.” She whispered the last part, lowering herself to kneel at the foot of the bed. 
His manhood loomed large, worryingly large for such a petite person, but Scully had never met a challenge she didn’t want to face. And face it she did; this hard, quivering invitation to wantonness inches from her mouth. He smelled like the Mulder she had come to know, only stronger here; that musky, spicy pheromone blend that brought her to her knees - now, finally, literally - and she breathed him in with abandon. 
She gripped him in her hand, taking his tip into her mouth, sweeping her tongue around the head of his cock as he exhaled forcefully. She slid her closed palm up and down the base of his shaft, letting her saliva drip down to lubricate her ministrations, then working him further into her jaws so that the top of his penis rubbed just against her soft palate. She bobbed her head against him. He filled her mouth easily, and she thought of all the times she’d surreptitiously stolen a glance at his lap. Her curiosity had been satisfied, and then some. He was every bit as big as she’d always suspected, and her small oral cavity made for a snug fit as she worked him into a frenzy on the bed.
He clutched at the covers and murmured her name, encouraging her efforts all the while. He slowed her at one point, just managing to explain through his moans that he wanted to enjoy it a little longer, but his thighs were soon flexing again and she accelerated her pumping with her fist, sucking a little harder, working the tip of her tongue against his popping veins. 
Mulder reached out and grabbed at her shoulder, clumsily pushing her back. “T-minus... T-minus five seconds and… and counting…” he sputtered, and she risked another tongue swirl, another deep thrust towards her throat. 
“Scully!” Mulder choked out, and she pulled her mouth away. She kept her hand in place and he wrapped his own around it, working his erection skillfully as he delivered his impressive payload over their ten conjoined fingers and down onto his stomach. A coy smirk plastered itself across Scully’s face as he collapsed back onto the bed.          
She raised herself from the floor, rolling her neck from side to side, and grabbed the box of tissues that was sitting on the nightstand. She held them out and sat on the mattress, one foot tucked under the opposite thigh, her breasts sitting proudly on her chest with the pert insouciance of youth. 
Mulder cleaned himself up and aimed the balled up tissues at the wastebasket, missing. He sighed, but didn’t get up, so Scully laughingly dragged herself over and retrieved the errant missiles, dropping them into their intended target. She returned to the bed and lay herself down in the crook of Mulder’s arm. 
He kissed her temple, a peck, brushing a strand of hair from her forehead, then lifted her chin with one finger so that he could plant a full kiss on her mouth. She breathed in the scent of herself on his lips, their musky scents intermingling on both their tongues. 
“Wow Scully,” he smiled. “That was fun.”
She nodded, grinning herself. 
“Although, it was a bit of a close encounter, if you know what I mean,” he said, and she buried her face in his shoulder and laughed, any residual worries she’d had about this changing the fundamental nature of their relationship flying away on her huffing breath and disappearing into the vacuum of the mattress. 
Mulder lifted his head. “Oh god, it’s past two,” he announced. He must have been checking the display on the alarm clock. “You should get some sleep Scully; you gotta drive us down to the Space Center in the morning.”
“Hey, it’s your turn,” she whined, sitting up and pulling the covers back to climb beneath. Her pajama shirt lay forgotten on the floor. Tornadoes and fires be damned, she’d already had her ABSOLUTE EMERGENCY for the night. It was too hot for more clothes, especially with Mulder’s intense body heat so close. And she did intend to hold him close tonight. And other nights, if he wanted her. 
“Talk about a waste of taxpayer’s money, Scully,” Mulder droned, sitting up and shaking himself alert. “The two of us sharing a motel room while another sits empty.”
“Oh,” Scully replied sleepily. “Believe me, I’m demanding a refund on my room.”
“Demanding a refund, Scully?” Mulder queried, now folding his pants and setting them on the chair by his suit jacket. “You weren’t happy with the level of service you just received?”
She squinted one eye open to look at him. “Mmm, you? You did good, Mulder. I’ll be sure to leave a generous tip for you at check out.” She patted the mattress next to her.
“I’ll be right there,” he assured her, disappearing off into the bathroom. 
She was asleep before he even turned out the light.
Scully had witnessed Mulder ejaculating for the first time at the Spring Creek Mercury Motorlodge, but she genuinely worried she might see an impromptu repeat performance when they arrived at the Space Center the following morning. Walking to their meeting, they bantered for the benefit of their NASA escort, Mulder practically bouncing off the walls and once again bombarding her with facts and figures.
“You remember all that stuff?” she asked, wearily, suppressing a yawn.
“You never wanted to be an astronaut when you were a kid, Scully?”
“Guess I missed that phase,” she sighed, mouthing ‘adult diapers’ at him behind their guide’s back.
She couldn’t help but make fun of him for his adulation of Lt. Belt, either. “Didn’t you want to get his autograph?” she teased as they left the Space Shuttle Program Director’s office, and when Mulder caught up with her he tapped her lightly on the ass in retaliation.
At some point in the afternoon, Mulder slunk off and made some phone calls, and when they drove to their accommodation after the successful launch that evening, it wasn’t the motel Scully had booked but a ritzy hotel with bellhops and room service. They finally made it back there in the middle of the night, following the complications with the mission and Lt. Belt’s questionable press conference.
At the reception desk, Mulder retrieved two keys, but when he held one out to Scully and she grasped her forefinger and thumb around it, he didn’t let go. She looked up to meet his smoldering gaze. 
“What’s the matter Houston; do we… have a problem?” She managed to keep a straight face, just about.
“What do you say we waste some more taxpayer’s money tonight, Scully?” he grinned, his voice hushed, seductive. “Maybe we can cross... the final frontier?”
She halfheartedly rolled her eyes at his pun, but her insides were already aflame. She drew her mouth into a tight, shy smile, and nodded her agreement.
nb. I want everyone to know that I watched the Falcon 9 launch and I managed to refrain myself from using the phrase ‘good orbital insertion’ in this fic. And that was a struggle.
AO3 link here.
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fortheloveoffanfic · 4 years
Keanu Reeves x reader  Chapter Summary- Y/n makes complicated weekend plans, Daniel tells her how he feels and an intimate moment between Y/n and Keanu ensues.
Warnings- SMUT/NSFW
1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11
Chapter 12
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Y/n sat on the bright white, velvet upholstered sectional in her new living room, laptop perched on her crossed legs, papers scattered around her. Y/n had only moved in about a month prior and against the walls, labelled cardboard boxes were still packed with things she’d brought over. Thankfully, the house had been furnished and somewhat decorated before her arrival. It was a nice place, though while Y/n had previously been excited to leave her childhood home, eager for the ounce of freedom that living alone would offer, she had found that it was also incomparably lonely. There wasn’t a full staff like she’d been used to at home, instead, there were two housekeepers, one that worked during the week and another for weekends, preparing meals and maintaining the interior and all in all keeping dust off the shelves. Besides the two women, both twice her age and one who barely even spoke English, Y/n was generally alone at her new house in Brentwood. Keanu had tried to spend time with her, but lately, he’d been caught up in re shoots and Daniel had been travelling between the states and Beijing for work. The thrill of dating two men, at least in Y/n’s experience, was vastly overrated. 
So, there she was, on a Tuesday night, working alone, in her halfway unpacked living room. The television was switched off and the lights were on their dimmest setting while the hum of the air conditioner was barely audible. On the reflective coffee table, Y/n’s tea grew cold and that night, same as most since she’d moved, it had been easy to get lost in her work. Her fingers glided along the keyboard, the clicking of the keys interrupting the near silence. Y/n held her lower lip between her teeth, working without even considering the time, her burning eyes only ripping away from the screen when the automatic doorbell sounded.
Strange, she wasn’t expecting anyone, especially not that late. 
Before she even considered getting the door, Y/n snatched her phone off of some scattered papers beside her, opening the app connected to the security system. Seeing who it was, she smiled despite herself, setting the computer down and heading to the front door. 
“Daniel,” Y/n giggled quietly, falling into his arms, “You’re back early.”
Daniel took Y/n into his arms, gently lifting her off the floor, kissing her slowly before setting her beneath the threshold again, “Surprise,” he chuckled, his hands in hers.
Laughing, Y/n shook her head, “Well don’t just stand out there,” slightly, she tugged on his hands, stepping back to urge him inside, but he resisted, much to her surprise. 
“I can’t stay,” and Y/n frowned when he did, “I have an early meeting tomorrow and my parents want to see me before I head home,” stepping closer to her, Daniel untangled his fingers from Y/n’s, letting his hands land on her hips, his thumbs rubbing the exposed sliver between her soft grey shorts and white vest, “And you know if I come in, I’m not gonna leave until morning.”
Groaning playfully, Y/n looped her hands around his neck, “Fine,” she grumbled, “Well did you just come here to tempt me, or…..”
“I actually came with an invitation,” he smiled down at her, “Can you get away early on Friday?”
“I don’t know, I’d have to ask,” furrowing her brows, Y/n regarded the man in her arms curiously, “What’d you have in mind?”
“Dinner,” he offered, with a grin that suggested that it was much more than that, “In Hawaii.”
Pretending to be annoyed, Y/n rolled her eyes, huffing, “How modest.”
“I know,” he chortled. When their laughs cooled, Daniel’s hands slid around to Y/n’s back, and she looked up at him, awaiting an explanation for the unnecessary splurge, “I told you that I’d take you out on the plane sometime, and I thought it would be nice for us to get away, considering we’ve both been so busy these days. Come on, I promise it’ll be fun.”
“I…..” Y/n chewed on the offer for a minute. She didn’t have anything planned that weekend; she certainly wasn’t going to spend it with her parents and Keanu was tied up in New York. Besides, it could be fun, “Let's do it,” she agreed, standing on her toes to kiss him again.
Their lips moved in tandem with each other and they forgot that they were standing outside until a ringing phone had them pulling apart, “Shit,” Daniel grumbled, fishing his cell out of his pocket, “It’s my mom,” he huffed, “Think she’ll be mad if I told her that I came to see my girlfriend before I went to see her?”
His girlfriend. The word made her breath hitch. Y/n didn’t know if that was a good thing or a bad one.
“I don’t know,” she managed to push the thought away, “But I don’t want her to start hating me, so you should see what she wants.”
“Yeah,” his smile faltered, “I should go, but I’ll see you Friday.” With one final peck, he was off, heading to his car parked in Y/n’s tiled driveway. Backing out of the spot, he waved quickly before speeding up the street. 
With a prep in her step and tingle in her veins, Y/n exuded exuberance as she made her way back to the living room, ready to pack up her stuff and head to bed while she was in a good mood instead of souring it with paperwork. Though, when she checked her phone, there were two missed calls from Keanu. They had last talked earlier that morning, before he got started at work, and suddenly missing him more than she’d realized, Y/n called him right away.
“Hey you,” she could almost hear his smile, “I was starting to think that you were already asleep.”
“Oh,” Y/n sank down, embraced by the cushions, folding on leg under herself and shoving her things away carelessly, “I was just…..in the shower,” Y/n didn’t know why she lied; Keanu knew that she was still seeing Daniel, but something about hiding the truth felt like the right thing to do. Well, the questionably right thing. 
Keanu didn’t speak for a minute, and that was how Y/n knew he was going to ask; “Are you….still in a towel?”
Snorting, Y/n rolled her eyes, “Well, aren’t you a gentleman?” She teased, knowing he’d be okay with or without a few dirty pictures. Despite her sarcasm, Keanu really was a gentleman, never pushing her to do something she didn’t want to, unless it was coercing her onto his motorcycle of course.  
“I am,” he defended in mock disdain, “In fact, I’m just reminding my gorgeous girlfriend how attracted I am to her.”
Girlfriend. There was that word again, from a different man. 
“Yeah, okay,” Y/n scoffed, “For the record I’m not.”
“Bummer,” Keanu sucked his teeth, “Hey, uh,” he began again after a moment, as if just remembering why he’d wanted to talk in the first place, “I’m supposed to wrap up filming this Thursday and the wrap party is on Saturday. I was thinking, you could fly out to New York; we could spend the weekend together and come back together first thing Monday.”
Y/n’s mouth hung agape. She’d, no less than half an hour ago, made weekend plans with Daniel. But she didn’t want to say no to Keanu either. Dinner would just be for one night anyway, right? “If you have plans-”
“I don’t,” there she went, lying again, “But I’d have to fly in on Saturday afternoon, if that’s okay.”
“That’s great,” she could almost hear Keanu’s grin, “Just send me your flight details and I’ll pick you up at the airport.”
“Awesome,” Y/n huffed. Slumping further into the chair, after that, she tried to pay attention to making plans with Keanu but her mind was on autopilot. Maybe she was wrong, maybe the thrill of dating two men wasn’t as vastly overrated as she’d initially thought. 
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Four Days Later Somehow, just dinner had turned into spending the night at a luxurious presidential suite at a five star hotel on a beach in Hawaii. It had been a lovely affair; Daniel had rented out a gazebo on a hillside, peppered with lush foliage and away from the tourists. Their secluded table had overlooked the ocean from afar and the worn wooden floor had been littered beautifully with red and pink flower petals while a decorative tiki torches had the place aglow.
The plane ride had been delightful too; Daniel was no doubt a versed pilot and Y/n had spent most of the five hour flight with her gaze shifting between the marvel that was him easily controlling the aircraft and the widow next to her. There was something about sitting up front that made the experience feel totally new, and Y/n, who'd been travelling since before she could remember it, felt like it was her first time in a plane; ‘oh-ing’ and ‘ah-ing’ at every landmark visible from their distance. 
They hadn’t meant to stay the night, but things had gone exceptionally well and flying back to Los Angeles at two am was far from their minds, so instead, Y/n had led them to one of her family’s hotel’s booking them the finest suite by just dropping her name. 
When she awoke at mid morning on Saturday, groggy and squinting against the sunlight, Y/n had lazily felt around the nightstand for her cell, tumbling out of bed when she’d realized that her flight to New York was leaving from LAX in just a few hours. If she didn’t move quickly and get her two-timing ass there by two pm, she’d miss it completely, which was in no way good considering she’d spent most of the week anticipating the time spent with Keanu.
After a hurried shower and half drying her hair, Y/n slipped into the outfit she’d brought with her, in anticipation of accidentally staying over. She hadn’t really intended to, but just in case, she’d stuffed a flimsy white sundress into her large handbag, along with a pair of cute underwear and a couple other emergency essentials. When she spilled out into the living room, Daniel was standing near the window, phone held to his ear as he spoke in Mandarin. Instead of speaking up, Y/n stopped in her tracks, watching him as he continued, his muscled back turned to her. He was only dressed in his jeans from the night before, his shirt still laid discarded on the nearby sofa. One hand was stuffed in his pocket, and Y/n spent a hot minute trying to figure out what he was saying, but she had never been good with languages and all she’d ever learnt in Mandarin was basic conversational phrases in passing when her parents took her to Singapore on business before she left for college. 
When she eventually gave up, Y/n went over to the serving cart, pouring some coffee into a delicate mug before adding some creamer. After swiping up an acai bowl she headed to the little dining area on the patio. The view was, as expected, serene and undoubtedly stunning. In the near distance, Y/n could see the lush green of the gently swaying palm and coconut trees and the hotel was near enough so that she could hear the crash of waves against the populated white sand. Past the horizon, were the mountains, covered in healthy greenery, looking perfectly picturesque. Y/n’s eyes were trained on the sight past the glass framed balcony, and when a hand gently touched her shoulder, she jumped. “Sorry,” Daniel chuckled, pulling a chair close to hers before pecking Y/n’s lips. Stealing a piece of mango from her bowl, he reached across her shoulder, rubbing circles into her shoulder, “I was just on a call with my boss, they need me in Beijing again.”
“How soon?” Y/n furrowed her brows, swallowing the urge to ask him when they could head back to Los Angeles. She really didn’t want to miss her flight or disappoint Keanu, but she didn’t want to seem too hurried either, lest her parents find out that she ruined another date with Daniel.“Monday,” he sighed heavily, “There were some problems with a new model and he wants me to look at it,” dismissing it, he quickly moved on, “I didn’t know you brought this,” Daniel rubbed the capped sleeve of Y/n’s dress between his index and thumb, “It looks cute on you.”
“Thanks,” Y/n bent her head, blushing lightly, “I like to be prepared, so I brought this along just in case.”
Chuckling, he kissed her cheek, “So I was thinking we could leave after lunch, go down to the beach first, if that’s cool with you.”
Y/n hesitated, worrying on her lower as she tried to find the most pleasant way to vocalize her objection, “I actually need to get back before two, I have to be in New York this afternoon, on business,” she lied smoothly. Though, technically, it wasn’t really a lie; she did have business in New York, personal business.
“Oh,” Daniel stood abruptly, doing a shoddy job of ‘playing it cool’. He could definitely tell that Y/n wasn’t being honest with him, but neither had the courage to confront the elephant in the room, or rather, on the balcony. “Okay, well I guess we should get ready,” he smiled tightly, and Y/n watched him reenter the suite through the screen doors, wishing that there was a better way to do what she had just done.
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They touched down at a private terminal at LAX, just minutes before one. Thankfully, Y/n had gotten her assistant to pick up her bags from her house and bring them to the airport. After collecting her stuff and changing quickly in the bathroom, going from her light sundress to a pair of black ripped jeans and a simple blouse with a stylish, grey, long coat over it and a pair of sleek black heels. Surprisingly, Daniel had stayed to walk her to check-in, though, when they neared the line, he stopped her, “I had a lot of fun last night,” he offered, though it seemed to come with hesitation; as if it were supposed to followed up with a cliched ‘but’.
Y/n nodded, glancing at her round-faced, designer, diamond encrusted watch, seeing that it was almost time for boarding, “I did too,” she smiled halfheartedly, trying to quell her impatience. 
“Good, good. I’m glad,” Daniel stuffed his hands into his pockets, moistening his lips, “I know you’re going to see him,” he finally admitted, “And I know that you can do whatever you want, because really, it's your life and-”
“Daniel, can we-”
“Just, let me say this? Please,” his eyes pleaded with hers, asking if she’d spare him five more minutes, “I really, really like you, Y/n and I think that we could be good together. But I don’t think I can prove that to you when I’m still trying to win you over. I’m not asking you to never see him again, and I don’t need to know who he is, all I’m asking is that you think about, please?”
Taking a steadying breath, Y/n nodded slowly, tucking some hair behind her ear, “Yeah,” already, there was turmoil in her mind, especially when the realization suddenly hit her; there was no way for all three of them to leave that situation unscathed. Someone was going to get hurt, and it was all her fault, “Okay.” nothing but their lips touched as she bid him goodbye, the click of her heels drowned out by the excitement around them, though none of it was enough to overpower her troubling thoughts.
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Even when Y/n was walking through JFK, Daniel’s words swam in her busy mind, though, it only took seeing Keanu waiting near the foot of the escalator for them to be pushed away. Nearly dropping her luggage, Y/n ran straight into his arms, giggling when he lifted her off the floor, “I’ve missed you,” she breathed into his neck, quickly comforted by his scent of cologne and cigarettes. 
“I’ve missed you too,” Keanu’s grin was wide and even when he set her down, his hands lingered at Y/n’s waist, though, after a quick look around, he pulled away, “I’d kiss you, but I don’t think that would be our best idea.”
Y/n laughed quietly; she knew he was right. Hugging was bad enough, but if someone caught a picture of them making out, she’d never hear the end of it. Careful not to look too intimate, Y/n let Keanu take her bag, walking alongside him as they made their way to the underground parking lot. 
The lighting in the garage was dim and blue-washed. They could have kissed or really, whatever they wanted, right there, but it was only after they were secured safely in the back of a heavily tinted SUV did Keanu pull Y/n to him, his lips crashing to hers. Y/n shifted, folding one leg on her seat, letting the other hang limp as she tossed her arms around Keanu’s neck. “It’s been weeks,” she sighed against her lips.
“Tell me about it,” one of Keanu’s hands tangled in Y/n’s hair, the other secured at her waist, “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“So am I,” Y/n giggled, kissing Keanu again. They spent the rest of the ride cuddled close, and by the time they got to Keanu’s New York floor-through apartment, it was just in time to get ready for the party. It was a nice building, in a cushy, comfortable part of the city that was spared from loud, unnecessary noise at night, standing tall among a row of other residential buildings on one side and a hotel and a couple high-end restaurants on the other. 
“Are you sure we should be doing this?” Mere hours after landing in New York, Y/n was showered and changed into a iridescent, shimmery, two piece dress with a strappy ‘x’ at the back and a fitted skirt that sported a dangerous slit on the left side. She’d even squeezed in time impeccably do her make-up and hair. Her question had come when Keanu was helping her out of the car, his hand firmly gripping hers.
“Yeah,” Keanu shrugged, reeling Y/n in as they walked through the doors of the rented out venue; a local club in the city. Just as they did, security double checked the list, ensuring that it was actually Keanu and that he’d indicated that he was bringing a guest. “There’s enough security, no paps are allowed in and we don’t have to take pictures if we don’t want to. It’s gonna be fine babe,” Keanu pressed a chaste, reassuring kiss to the top of Y/n’s head.
Y/n looked up at Keanu through her lashes, in awe that he could ease her worries with just a few simple words and a quick peck. It was one of the many things that had her affections for him growing deeper. Keanu wasn’t a lot of things, he wasn’t the safe choice, he wasn’t the logical one either. But he was the man that thrilled her by just holding her hand, the one who’d recently started calling her every night, like clock work before she went to bed and the one that was almost always on her mind
Keanu wasn’t a lot of things, but he was the man that Y/n-
“Beer or a cocktail?” Keanu disturbed her thoughts, just as they found themselves a couple seats.
“Whatever you’re having is fine,” Y/n smiled, pecking him on the lips just before he left. When Keanu later returned with a couple mixed drinks, he handed one over and they began their night; he introduced Y/n to his friends and co workers, they drank and she heard some stories from set all while losing track of time.
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When Y/n and Keanu stumbled back into his apartment, it was past two am. Y/n was still giggling at a joke that Keanu had told and after he locked the front door, they trudged to his large bedroom, the pale yellow light adding a warm glow to the rustic decor as he flipped the switch. “I’m tired,” Y/n stretched dramatically, only letting her hands fall to her sides again when Keanu came over to do the back fastenings of her outfit.
Chuckling at her behavior, Keanu kissed her cheek just before he pulled away, getting undressed himself, “Well why don’t we just get ready for bed and call it a night?”
“That sounds amazing,” Y/n slurred plopping onto the bed to get out of her heels, tossing them aside before getting up and heading to the bathroom, to take off her make-up before her shower. 
Getting ready for bed had felt like a trying process, but finally, Y/n was clad scantily in one of Keanu’s t-shirts and a pair of panties. The water had seemed to rinse all her tire away and crawling in next to him, she started peppering kisses along Keanu’s neck, her fingers tangling in his hair. 
Rolling them over so he was on top, Keanu’s hand snuck beneath the over-sized jersey, a palm splayed on her stomach gently pressing her to the mattress. Giggling at his sudden movements, Y/n crooked her legs, her flat of her heels pressing into his calves. “I thought you were tired?” Keanu smiled down at her, dark strands curtaining his face.
When her laughter died down, Y/n’s hands slid up his back, moving to brush Keanu’s hair out of his face. Sliding one arm around the back of his neck, her fingers pressing into his skin, she tried to pull him down to her, “Well now I’m not. Are you?”
“Not particularly,” underneath the navy t-shirt, Keanu’s hand found one of Y/n’s breasts, while the other held up his weight, pressed into the mattress, “What did you have in mind?” His fingers toyed with her nipple, and her back arched involuntarily, her dampening center barely brushing his crotch.  
“I think you know,” Y/n’s words were a shuddering breath and Keanu bent, sucking spots into the area just below her jaw. Her hands found the elastic waist of Keanu’s sweats, pushing them down, the tips of her toes aiding in shoving them completely off. As his lips traveled down her jaw, his trimmed beard scratching her skin, Y/n circled his crotch, rubbing him to life- which didn’t take very long. “Ke,” Y/n moaned, just as he’d gotten her out of the t-shirt, returning to his ministrations.
Keanu just hummed in response, his hand travelling to rub Y/n’s cilt through her panties just as he took one of her breasts in his mouth. She ground on his fingers and eventually, he helped her out of them, his fingers slipping into her soaked folds, his hazy vision focused on how her mouth hung open, her already cloudy mind fumbling for words.
“Keanu,” Y/n mewled, her hips bucking towards his, “I don’t wanna wait tonight,” her pleas were low and needy, “Please.”
Steadying her at the hip, Keanu entered her slowly, admiring the way she threw her head back, exposing her love-bite riddled neck, jaw slack. One of her hands stayed at his back and the pads of her fingers clung to his skin, while at her side, Y/n held a fistful of the beige duvet, squeezing tightly. As he rolled his hips at a leisurely pace, Keanu lowered his lips to hers, their noses and foreheads pressed together as he swallowed up her moans, his grunts contained in his throat.
Things felt different that night, deeper. Past the tangible, Y/n felt like there was more between them, something that gave her the best tingle in her toes and sent pleasurable shocks up her spine. There was nothing hot and heavy about the experience and while sex with Keanu was always phenomenal, what they were doing that night wasn’t just sex. There with him, feeling the friction that his throbbing cock created as it pumped in and out of her slick folds was almost secondary to the feeling of just being connected to him. It was euphoric.   
“I’ve missed you,” Y/n mumbled, his lips still a hair apart from hers, “God, Ke, I’ve missed you all week.”
Smiling softly, Keanu breathed against her lips; he’d missed her to, more than he figured he was. His waking thoughts of her had gone from being lustful to simply just wondering if she’d had a good day, and hoping that she was thinking of him too. That night, Keanu wanted to show Y/n; not how much he worshiped her body, but how much he cared for it, how something as simple as her existence made him feel. “You’re…..” his breath was ragged as he felt the first makings of Y/n’s orgasm; her moans getting louder and her body tensing up beneath his, “You’re so perfect baby.”
Pressing the sides of their faces together, Keanu breathed the scent of her coconut shampoo as she whimpered quietly, her body quaking with pleasure, her free hand flying to his back. Y/n clenched around him, her walls contracting and her breathing ragged as sticky heat spilled out of her core. Like that, he could feel the hassled thumping of Y/n’s heart and her hot breath on his neck. It was enough to throw Keanu over the edge, moaning Y/n’s name, along with a string of obscenities into her ear, as he shot his seed into her. Keanu’s thrusts went rigid as he rode out both their highs, kissing Y/n passionately. Even after they were done, they stayed like that, still tangled as their breaths slowed and it was a short while before he eventually pulled out, rolling on to his back.
By the time they were cleaned up, Y/n was half asleep, her eyes slipping shut as she curled up against Keanu, cheek over his heart, her hair fanned out on his chest and one leg hooked over his thigh. Keanu held her close, pulling the sheets over their bare bodies, his tired eyes fixed on the beauty in his arms. “Goodnight baby,” he hummed.
It took a minute, and Y/n seemed to be mostly asleep as she shifted against him, humming contented, “Keanu….” she mumbled drowsily, her eyes still shut. Keanu emitted a sound of question before Y/n continued, though he didn’t think she heard it, “I love you.” 
At first, Keanu got to thinking that his ears and tired mind had betrayed him, but it couldn’t have been anything else. Three little words that he hadn’t thought of until then. They made his heart flutter and drew a sleepy smile from his lips. Craning his head, Keanu kissed the top of Y/n’s head, he was almost sure that she hadn’t registered what she’d just said, but it was a moment he would treasure forever, and even though Y/n seemed to be sound asleep, Keanu returned, “I love you too Y/n.”
Tagging- @harrisongslimited​  @paanchu786​  @baphomentwolf666  @a-really-bi-girl​  @sdaff2 
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This is probably really stupid but I want to get it out?
Basically, I really hate the job I’m at right now. I truly do. I am legally forbidden to say the name of the company/store while I’m employed there, but let’s just say it’s a big UK chain that sells make up, hair and health products (not Boots). I’m so miserable there it beggars belief.
It’s not all bad; I get a 10% discount on branded products and a 30% discount on our own brand, and the people I work with on the tills are all absolutely lovely. I love speaking to them and having a joke around when we can have a quiet moment. Even a few of my managers are actually okay and nice and not as stressful to be around.
But other than that, it’s a hell hole. The top manager is, to put it lightly, a bitch? There’s a girl who I have worked with the past few months who was told on Friday that she’s got one week left because she’s fired - they’ve basically fired her but want her to do next week because of how busy Christmas is. The staff are treated like absolute dog shit by both customers and the management.
My contract when I applied and got the job was to work 20 hours a week. Now, I understood that I would have to put in more hours come Christmas, given how busy it would be, fine. What’s really pissed me off is the fact that my hours have doubled - this past week, I have done 40 hours, and this next week I’m doing 40 hours. No one else - not even management - are putting in 40 hours. Our hours change without warning, the management will literally edit the rota and not tell anyone that their hours have been changed. Staff are not trusted with anything; every time you leave the building, you have to go through a bullshit sign out that stretches on 20 minutes past your finish time - and you don’t get paid for that time either. They basically do a full on body check of your bag, pockets, shoes and sometimes your locker (which means you have to go back up two whole flights of stairs just for them to glance and your locker and be like “okay”). If I buy a drink for my break, I have to have my receipt AND the drink signed to prove I haven’t stolen it, and if I shop there even on a day I’m not actually working, I have to get that receipt signed. I saw one girl get given a disciplinary for having a mascara in her bag because she couldn’t prove she didn’t buy it at our store and so they confiscated it from her.
Christmas is looking miserable for me right now; Christmas Eve I’m scheduled for like 8:30 until 15:00 with no break, and Boxing Day is similar? Even though Christmas Day we’re closed, meaning I should technically have less hours since that’s a day out of my usual work days gone, I’m doing 8.75 hours more than my contract.
There’s also the matter of the fact that even though I got 7/7 on a till training assessment (before that I had scored 4/7) and I’ve made a severe improvement since September, I got told that I had to sign MORE people up for loyalty cards and sell MORE special products. I ask every customer every question even though often customers have gotten mad and started having a go at me about it - because if I don’t do all 7 points/questions, I get marked down and given a warning. They can’t comprehend that maybe people don’t want the fucking things.
At this point, I’m severely tempted to hand in my resignation/weeks notice tomorrow and say I’m leaving after this week because I’m so fed up. On the other hand, I need the money and my parents/granddad have made it clear that they’ll be very angry if I quit before finding a new job - my parents have even said that it sounds like my job is run by “little Hitlers” (their words, not mine), but “you can’t quit until you have a job”. Thing is, I had to miss a big job interview for a job as a receptionist at a new Nikon store opening near my house because my current employers have put me on so much. I can’t even look online properly because I’m exhausted from working.
If I do quit, I still would get paid at least some money in January (for two 40 hour weeks and a 26-ish-hour week before that I think), so that would probably be around £840 I think in early January (plus my birthday - I probably won’t get money for that but I know my grandparents will give me money instead of gifts if they don’t know of anything I would like). I still have over £600 in my bank account from my pay day last week too. I could conceivably survive if I worked hard at getting a new job.
I don’t know. I guess I just wanted to ask opinions. I’ve always jokingly said that if all else fails, I could ask the cinema to take me back - at least I could eat and drink on shift there.
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thatmultifandomhoe · 6 years
Strawberry Cream and BBQ - 5
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Pairing: Hybrid Hoseok and Human Reader
Overview: Your best friend knows she can count on you for anything, so when she asks you to watch her hybrid while she’s gone for a study abroad trip for four months, you can’t say no. But when these four months are over, things have changed in a way no one expected.
Word Count: 1,790
Genre: Hybrid AU, Fluff, Future smut, Angst, Best friends to Lovers
Warning: None.
Master List
Sneak Peak - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - Part 19 - Part 20 - Part 21 - Part 22 - Part 23 - Part 24 - Part 25 (Final) - Move in Day: A SC&BBQ Drabble
©thatmultifandomhoe Do not repost, translate, or use my stories without permission.
By the time dinner was done, Hoseok had, to his preference, erased as much of Johnny’s scent that he could. Apparently, it was nonexistent and even if there was anything remaining, it would most certainly be gone by the end of the four months. If Johnny for some reason came around to visit, he’d get hit with the smell of Hoseok like a truck on a highway.
After that he disappeared into his bedroom, shutting the door behind him. That was another thing. Normally he always kept his door open when he stayed over. But he had scampered into his room and had been there ever since, leaving you to a quiet apartment that you had been positive would be filled with laughter and Hoseok’s voice.
You took a sip of your third coffee, leaning against the fridge for a moment. Everything was ready to eat. The high counter was set for two, the windows were now closed and the heat was on, and Hoseok was still hiding. He had been in there for hours. Sighing, you put your mug next to your plate and stood outside his door. He had to be hungry at least.
“Hoseok,” you called out, lightly knocking on the door. Faintly you heard some shifting behind the door, but he didn’t unlock it. “Dinner’s ready. I made hamburgers, and my tuna casserole salad that I know you love.”  It was a weak attempt to get him out, but in your defense, you had already planned out tonight’s meal in advance after agreeing to have him stay. It was his favorite meal of yours and it made sense to make it on his first night. You just wanted to make him comfortable about the long stay.
Only silence greeted you from his room, making you wonder if he was even still in there. You raised your hand to knock again, but at the last moment decided against it and stepped back. You weren’t going to force him to come out if he didn’t want to, he was a grown adult after all. Walking back to the kitchen, you took out your phone and scrolled through your music. It was one thing to eat alone, but eating in silence was something you were not going to do. In seconds pop music was softly playing and you set it on the counter, fixing a plate and sitting back down just as quickly. You only glanced back once, but when you only saw the wooden door staring at you, you pressed your lips together and began to eat.
Twirling the fork, you rested your cheek against your knuckles, absentmindedly pushing the casserole around. All you kept thinking about was how angry he looked. It wasn’t like you swore off men in front of your friends at some point in your life. Dating wasn’t the most important part of your life, but there had been a few guys you had relationships with. They even met your friends and had been praised about. But none of them were like the relationship Colin and Sue had. Granted, you weren’t looking for a snob of a boyfriend, but you wanted the part Sue had. The part where butterflies came alive in your stomach at the touch of your boyfriend, or the soft smile that randomly appeared when she thought about him, and how her eyes seemed to glow when she was looking at him.
You wanted to love someone and to be loved.
None of the men you dated made you feel that way, or you were putting in all the effort and they contributed negative zero after a while. So, you cut them loose. You cried, watched those stupid romantic comedies and muttered about how love was stupid to the TV screen, lived in your comfiest clothes, aka your pajamas, ate a bunch of junk food, and eventually, got over it.
It was the circle of life.
Hoseok knew that. He had been there for every heart break after he joined the group. You always told Sue when you broke up with an ex. Sometimes she would come over and join you in your grief, but typically she called to comfort and reassure you that not all guys were losers.
It was always within five minutes of the phone call ending that there was a knock at your door and upon opening it, found Hoseok standing there. A bag of junk food in one hand, and two cartons of your favorite ice cream in the other. He watched the movies with you, was the shoulder you cried on when the tears came out and after some time, would barge into your apartment and bedroom to tell you that you smelled funny and needed to shower and get dressed.
As much as Sue was your best friend, Hoseok was more than just your best friend, he was your rock. Your everything.
Which made it harder for you to comprehend why he acted that way. He never did when he smelled whatever lingering scent your exes left. After breakups he would say they smelled of desperation and asshole; it never failed to make you at least smile for him. Maybe it was because this time…this time it was a male hybrid. Someone he’d never been introduced to before. You hadn’t mention seeing anyone so he probably hadn’t prepared himself.
Sighing, you took another bite of your hamburger, a pickle sliding onto your plate with a sad plop. You tossed it into your mouth and was wiping your fingers on a napkin when you heard a door opening up. You pretended to not notice, preferring to let him make his own presence known. Which was harder than you expected. You wanted to turn around and apologize for not realizing that Johnny’s scent would have made him react that way. At the same time, a part of you wanted an apology. You were an adult woman, you were allowed to be with whoever you wanted, hybrid or human.
Without making any rash movements, Hoseok came up to your side, silently standing next to you with his head down. You could see his tail was lowered and his ears were to his sides. It was the opposite of the Hoseok that you knew and loved, and you didn’t like it. You missed your smiling Hobi who was happy and got excited at the mention of his favorite food. You put your fork down and wiped your mouth and fingers, turning to look at him.
Hoseok lifted his head, his brown eyes watery as he swallowed. He opened his mouth but closed, looking conflicted as he repeated this actions a few more times. Frustration was apparent with his own lack of words, the only sound he made was a sad whine. “I’m sorry Strawberry,” he finally spoke.
You simply raised an eyebrow, not speaking just yet.
He caught the message you were sending and continued on. “I shouldn’t…I shouldn’t have gotten angry. I didn’t want too, but as soon as I caught his scent…” he lowered his gaze as if he was ashamed with himself. “It’s a crappy excuse using my hybrid genes for acting that way, but it’s true. All I could think about was protecting you. Even though he’s obviously not a stranger to you, he was to me and I felt the urge to keep you safe. That’s not my place though. I’m Sue’s hybrid, not yours.”
Licking your lips, you reached out and gently tugged on his hand so he would look at you. “Hoseok, you may not be my hybrid, but you’re still my best friend.” You kept your voice soft but firm, wanting him to understand that you saw him as not just a hybrid, but as a person. As someone you wanted in your life. “And I accept your apology.”
“You do?” His head lifted some more and his ears perked up, hope filling his eyes again. “But I…I acted like some controlling prick.”
His wording made you smile and you shook your head. “No Hoseok. You were only doing what was instinct for you. You’re here almost as much as I am. If I remember correctly from that Hybrid 101 class I took, someone encroached on your territory and you were only trying to protect what’s yours. It’s literally a part of your DNA, I can’t be angry for something you can’t control.” You gave his hand a squeeze and looked around at the food that was still out. Smiling, you tugged on his hand. “Now come on, fix up a plate and eat with me. I’m lonely.”
Hoseok glanced around, slowly smiling as he stepped forward and wrapped his arms around you. Unlike before, when he had been trying to calm himself, his touch was gentle and hesitant as he pressed the side of his head against yours. He slowly took a deep breath, his muscles relaxing as you hugged him back. “I promise to not act like that again. And if for some reason I do, just tell me.”
You nodded, only leaning back so that you were able to grab his plate and hand it to him. “Now eat. I made all this for you.”
With a giggle, he quickly began to build up a plate, having two servings at once to make up for the time he was hiding out in his room. It seemed like he only sat on the stool next to you and he already had his food devoured, going back for even another helping of your casserole.
“Any text from Sue?” You asked, scooping up another bite of your dinner.
He shook his head though. “No. I checked and there wasn’t anything. She probably won’t send a text until late tomorrow. The flight to Hong Kong is nineteen hours.” Wiping his hands with a napkin, he scratched his neck around the band of his collar Sue had gotten him. It didn’t look like a typical hybrid collar. It was a simple black piece of fabric that had a silver clasp in the back, a small silver dog charm rested on the base of his throat. Since it was easily confused with just a necklace, Hoseok carried his form stating that Sue had adopted him in his wallet at all times.
“Well, how about after we clean up, we just be lazy and binge watch Netflix. Does that sound good?” You were already clearing up, glancing over your shoulder to ask if he was going to have any more to eat.
“Strawberry, when doesn’t that sound good?”
This time you were the one giggling, and you were rewarded with the best thing of all. Seeing Hoseok’s heart shape smile.
It certainly was good.
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mskinkyafro · 5 years
Blurred Lines (Ethan x MC)
A/N:  This is my take on Miami with our man. From Ethan’s perspective and there’s a few references from my previous fics but its not necessary to read those before this. I was originally wanting to post this before the chapter aired but life happened and a week later here it is. I took some dialogue from the chapter and placed it in here but not much. This also uses Ella Mai’s close near the end. I wasn’t originally gonna use a song in this but the story kept shifting but it’s a great song that reminds me of these two. But overall I hope you all enjoy my version of Ch. 10. This fic grew way longer than originally thought but oh well lol.
 Summary: Dr. Ramsey and Dr. Michaels start to crossover into new territory during the Miami conference.
All Rights to PB and Ella Mai for her song “Close”
Sidenote: Song Lyrics are italicized
Word Count: 3,996 words.
Tagged: @sharrybh20 @ifyouseekheart @perriewinklenerdie @radlovedreamer @siegrrun @flyawayboo @gabbisaur
Sorry if I forgot anyone else, but iIf anyone else wants to be tagged just let me know!
Ethan Ramsey stood in a secluded corner of the atrium as he watched the interns scrambled to the leaderboards. He’d learn his lesson over the last few weeks of attempting to post the rankings in their sights. The amount of times he was almost ran over or harassed by the young doctors was wearing down his already thin patience. This time he decided to post it earlier to avoid the savages.
Usually he would carry on with his patients after each week’s posting or spend some time checking on his mentor and looking over his case, but on this occasion he couldn’t help but stay just to catch a glimpse of Katrina when she looks at the ranks. Out of the sea of interns he could make out a young doctor flinging her arms around Katrina in excitement and hear brief exclaims of congratulations. He notices the young African-American woman taken aback by the news but quickly a fierce look of pride washes over her as she talks amongst the few lingering colleagues who wish to extend kind pleasantries.
He smiles to himself as he watches Katrina’s grin. Despite growing closer the last few weeks Ethan was unsure how he felt about Dr. Michaels. It was clear to himself he trusted, admired, and respected her even though more times than others she’s a pain in his ass. And on the other hand, residing deep inside was his raw attraction for the young resident. He catches himself staring at her when she’s unaware or if talking to her how his eyes tend drift to her round, pouty lips. Ever since his daydream about Dr. Michaels, to their conversation in his home, and the last weeks of closely working together on his secret case he’s noticed there’s a difference.
Ethan would never willingly admit to himself that he may have became enamored with the young doctor.  No, he keeps those dangerous thoughts regarding Katrina in the forgotten depths of his mind. He has far to many other important things to focus on. He soon notices that he’s no longer alone in his little corner. A familiar perfumed scent hits his nose and without turning he addresses the figure.
“Chief Emery, what can I do for you?”
“Now Ethan, must you always be so formal. ”
Ethan rolls his eyes and turns to face Chief Emery. He can tell by the way she said his name she wanted something. Before, he always folded but as of late  her attempts of being his emotional puppeteer has had no effects.
“I’m afraid I’m not in the mood Harper nor do I have the time so let’s keep this short, yes?”
She’s momentarily taken aback but brushes off her initial surprise.
“Yes, you definitely seemed...” Her eyes move to land on Katrina.
“...preoccupied at the moment.
Ethan follows her gaze and his eyebrows furrowed as he sees where it lands, annoyed at the subtle insinuations.
“Ahem, what exactly did you need?”
She turns back to look at Ethan and hands him papers and continues to speak as he looks over what she’s handed him.
“This actually. You’re going to Florida. Well, Miami specifically and accompanied by Dr. Michaels to a medical conference. You both will be surrounded by other accomplished doctors from the best hospitals all over the country, so make sure to mingle and represent Edenbrook well.”
She turns to walk away from him but he cuts her path off.
“Wait, why must I go and bring along an intern for that matter. Isn’t the schmoozing apart of your job description?”
“Actual my job description is to assign who I want to schmooze, if not myself. Second, as a way to mix things up in the competition I decided to throw in an exclusive reward. Thus, attending a prestigious medical conference with the accomplished Dr. Ethan Ramsey.”
“You enjoy torturing me, don’t you Harper?”
“No, no of course not.”
Ethan takes a step back as he realizes Harper attempting to cup his cheek. Her hand falls back to her side.
“But at least your company is someone you’ve taken a ...liking too, from my understanding.” her tone was polite but Ethan noticed a small hint of hidden meaning in between her words and an unfamiliar glint in her eyes.
“Now Harper, I-”
Ethan was interrupted by the buzzing of Harper’s pager.
“Duty calls. Dr. Ramsey, this is final.”
She walks away without another word down the west corridor. Ethan shakes his head and pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration. Unable to argue anymore he makes his way to the center of the atrium towards Dr. Michaels who’s still surrounded by her roommates and a few straggling interns.
“Rookie. I see you saw the news.”
He sees her turn toward him as a hush fell amongst the other young doctors as he finds himself standing a few spaces of chest to chest with Dr. Michaels.
“Yes I did Dr. Ramsey. Are you here to congratulate me?”
“For not killing your patients? No.”
He noticed a flicker of sadness in her eyes and the way her smile fell. He mentally kicks himself.
Katrina eyes grow more hopeful.
“...you’ve yet to let me down, Rookie.”  he let his eyes soften as he finished speaking. Ethan felt his heart skip a beat as Katrina’s annoying  yet radiant smile grew wide.
“And I don’t plan to anytime soon, sir.”
The two sat in a comfortable silence for a few seconds before a cough from others interrupted the moment.
“Ahem, anyway Rookie. Pack your bags tonight. You’re accompanying me to Florida this weekend for a conference as reward for ranking first this week.”
“What?! Really?!” she said in disbelief.
Ethan ignores the many audible gasps, groans of disappointment, and bitter mumbles.
“I’m not repeating myself, Rookie. Send me your address so I can pick you up, our flight leaves at 7:00 am tomorrow morning.”
And with that Ethan walked away and head towards his office.
Time seemed to fly for the next morning arrived and Ethan found himself immensely irritated. He rubs his face in exhaustion and frustration. He hopes that their flight would end soon because he was unsure how much longer he could take before he might lose it. First, the flight was delayed by two hours, then he realized the tickets were economy not first class, so himself and Dr. Michaels were huddled with the other passengers like cattle, and thirdly a infant seems to have been crying non-stop since the departure.
He knows how little of an impatient man he is so at the moment all he could do was suffer in his seat and try not to succumb to his building temper as his companion managed to sleep during the entire trainwreck of a flight. As he was steaming in his seat he felt a pressure land on his shoulder. He turned and looking down on his right shoulder he saw a messy clump of afro hair and soft snoring from Katrina. Seeing Dr. Michaels sleep so soundlessly and how peaceful her features were made most of his bitterness melt at the sight. He didn’t know why but just one look at her and he felt calm. Just for a minute he thought maybe this flight isn’t all bad.
Soon enough the overhead speakers came alive to alert the passengers that in a few minutes they will arrive at their destination soon.  The sound of the seat belt sign chiming cause Katrina stir from her slumber and she slowly open her eyes as she adjusted to her surrounding. Her eyes land on Ethan and she immediately bolts upright, bumping her elbow in her neighbor who shoots Katrina a nasty glare.
“Sorry sir.”
The man beside her let out a grunt and continued to read his newspaper. Concern at the lack of warmth from his shoulder and for the way Katrina woke up he gently laid his hand on her shoulder.
“Everything okay Rookie?”
“Oh, umm yes Dr. Ramsey. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize I was-”
“Relax Dr. Michaels. I’ve had worse things happen to me on economy flight. Being your pillow is not one of them.”
She smirks towards him.
“Is that so? So you’re saying I can specifically request you as my pillow?”
“Hmm. I don’t believe you.”
“Do I look like the type to lie.”
“Of course not sir but I feel like you’ll give in.”
“And what makes you think that I’ll cater to your wishes, Dr. Michaels?”
She lifts a perfectly shaped eyebrow at Ethan as a smirk that rivals the cheshire cat graced her face.
“I can be very persuasive.” Ethan feels goosebumps form as he feels the ghostly trace of her fingertips brush his hand reaching to the seat pocket in front of her. In his head he’s trying to decipher if that was a coincidence or something orchestrated by the young doctor.
Reeling from the simplest of touch,  Ethan stayed quiet for the moment before he readied himself with a retort but interrupted by the woman beside him.
“Wouldn’t you agree?”
He couldn’t help but smile at her and shake his head.
“I agree that your growing ego is unbecoming, Rookie.”
She giggles at him and then  turns to look out the window hoping to not disturb the man beside her while Ethan kept his gaze fixed on her. Trying to process how he’ll survive this weekend.
A hour passes after landing in Miami and Ethan and Katrina arrive at the hotel and make their way to the front desk.
“Yes how may I help you?”
“We have a reservation for two double rooms under Ramsey.”
“Alrighty let’s take a look.”
The woman behind the desk types on her keyboard before her face scrunches up.
“I’m sorry sir, but it seems there was a mix up and all the double rooms are booked for the weekend.”
Ethan pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration and lets out a gruff sigh a Katrina tries to reason with the concierge.
“I’m sorry but that’s unacceptable. What other rooms are available?”
“Well ma’am, once more I’m terribly sorry for the mix up. We have one room available, the honeymoon suite, which we’re willing to give to you and your husband for free as condolences for the booking conflict.”
Ethan looked up from his previous position and  noticed the faint blush that graced Dr. Michaels face at the woman’s assumption. He saw Katrina about to correct the employee but his mouth spoke without warning.
“We’ll accept it, Thank you.” he nods curtly as he collects the key cards and heads to the elevator, leaving behind a stunned Katrina.
She manages to catch up to his long strides as he enters the elevator and presses the bottom to the penthouse level. The door closes and there’s a small silence between the two. Ethan can tell she’s dying to question him so he speaks first.
“You’re allowed to talk, rookie.”
“Umm are you sure you’re comfortable with sharing a room, Dr. Ramsey?”
“They are no other rooms and we’re probably unable to get double rooms at any other hotel in the ten mile radius, I gathered we might as well enjoy an unexpected upgrade even if it’s due to moronic behavior.”
The elevator halts and the doors open and Ethan steps out and strides down the long hallway followed by Katrina and arriving in front of the last door of the corridor.
“You didn’t answer my question.”
He opens the door and holds it open for her to enter.
“Are you uncomfortable sharing close quarters?”
Katrina enters and was about to respond but was distracted by the glamour of the suite. He follows behind her and watches as her eyes lit up with astonishment at the room. Ethan’s relieved that she’s preoccupied by their room to question him any further. His rational, safe-playing side is chastising him for accepting this arrangement but his other side took the lead at that moment. He didn't have a true reason for saying yes other than wanting another occasion to be close to Dr. Michaels
“Okay, one. This room is gorgeous. I mean, this view of the beach is breathtaking! Two, I may be distracted currently but that doesn’t mean I didn’t noticed that you answered my question with a question.”
Katrina done inspecting the suite moves to gently set her suitcase down as Ethan stands a few feet beside her placing his own down.
“If I didn’t know any better rookie, I’d say you’re scared to be alone with me.”
Ethan can feel Katrina’s hot gaze look him up and down and hear her sly grin as she spoke.
“Oh, I’m not the one that should be afraid.”
He feels a flush grow in his neck at her words.
“And I noticed you didn’t correct the concierge when she assumed we were husband and wife.”
“People are always going to assume. Why waste my breath to change what they others think?”
He hopes she doesn’t see through his thin excuse.
“Wise words Dr. Ramsey. So what’s on the agenda for the rest of the day?” she smiles as sits on the edge of the king size bed.”
Ethan pulls out a folder filled with documents from his bag and sits at on the loveseat in the room and places it on the coffee table in front of him.
“The conference doesn’t start til tomorrow so for the rest of the day-
“I can soak up some Miami sun!”  Katrina interrupts.
“Yes, I suppose so while I stay in to look over some files.
“Dr. Ramsey you’re going to work when…” Katrina hops off the bed and saunters to the glass door of the balcony and gestures to the scenic view of the beach below them.
“...this is out our window.”
He moves to take out his glasses from his pocket and places over his eyes and doesn’t bother glancing out the balcony.
“My job never ceases, Katrina.”
Ethan begins to read the documents when the papers are pushed away from. He looks up at Katrina with an annoyed expression on his face.
“You work so hard as it is back home. You need to relax, Dr. Ramsey. Come along with me. I promise I’m loads of fun.” She said as she threw him a wink.
Ethan reaches to center his work in front of him once more.
“Tempting, but I have to decline.”
“Suit yourself.”
Katrina turns away from him to dig into her suitcase and grabs a few items before she heads to the bathroom
Ethan soon becomes engross for a few minutes and doesn’t tear his attention away even as the door of the bathroom opens and Katrina’s light footsteps approach.
“So is their a curfew I should be aware of?”
“Well-”  Ethan’s words die at his lips as he looks away from his work and takes in the sight before him. Katrina stands in front of him wearing a scandalous yellow triangle bikini that makes her coffee-hue skin glisten and shows off curvy figure. The revealing fabric hugged in all the right places, her thick hips, thighs, and shows off her double D sized breasts. He realizes he’s been staring for too long and finally speaks, his voice slightly cracked.
“Ahem, urm...you’re not confined to a time frame but keep in mind we have a long and early day ahead of us so I advise not too late.”
“Gotcha.” she turns to a nearby chair and slips on her see-through yellow wrap skirt. She walks over to the body length mirror to check herself out and fluffs out her frizzy fro and heads to exit the room. She pauses and calls out to him over her shoulder
“You sure don’t want to tag along, Dr. Ramsey?” she asks one more time. Ethan can tell her tone is innocent enough but in her hazel eyes he sees hope and a tiny bit of mischief in. He tries to focus on her face and not her perfectly round ass that’s barely covered in the cloth she calls a swimsuit.
“Well, we are in Miami. I suppose these documents can wait” he flashes a rare smile.
“That’s more like it sir!”
“Please Katrina, Ethan outside of work?
“Sorry Ethan.”
He smiles small and heads to his bag then the bathroom  to change. He steps out in just his swim trunks and slips on some sandals. He notices Katrina’s eyes roam his bare chest before landing back to his eyes. He smirks at her and then walks to open the door to start their afternoon.
They spent the rest of the day and early evening basking the Miami sun. Walking on the shore, smiling and laughing discussing their lives before Edenbrook. Soon night fell and  they found themselves back at the hotel outside bar nursing several scotches on rocks, sitting elbow length from another.
“So that’s really all there is to know about me. I switched from the west coast to the east coast. I haven’t visited in a while but I have an older brother and niece who live in LA. It’s difficult to visit sometimes because he’s a busy detective and my niece Chelsea is heavily involve in school especially now she’s entering her senior year.”
Katrina says as she sips from her drink.
“Do you miss it?” He asks.
“Sometimes. I miss craziness of LA or just driving to the beach and surfing in the hot summer days. But being here at Edenbrook, I have a new love, helping my patients.”
Ethan couldn’t help but stare as she said this. It was rare to find another doctor who truly wanted make a difference. More and more he got to know Katrina he couldn’t help but fall more.
He nods and finishes his drink. As he sets his glass down music begins to play and the other people outside begin to grab their partners and dance. He sees Katrina’s face light up in recognition and downs the rest of her drink and excitedly hops of her stool and fumbles slightly. From the alcohol or just the sudden movement, Ethan was unsure but had inkling it was both.
“I love this song! Ethan, dance with me.”
He looks around nervously. Looking for any doctors that could be in range.
“I don’t think so. I’m not one for dancing.”
A  pouty look forms on Katrina’s face and in that moment Ethan just wanted to kiss her then and there.
“Please, for me.” She reaches to pull him off his seat.
He decide to throw caution in the wind and followed Katrina to the makeshift dance floor.
They find themselves in the center surrounded by other couples dancing to the sensual music. Katrina wraps her arms around his neck and presses herself closely to Ethan’s body. He places his hands on her hips and his eyes bore to hers as the sway to the music. He feels intoxicated by her citrus perfume.
I don't even really care who knows it
Just keep me there, keep me in the moment
Seen a lot of things, but I never seen my spirit glowin'
The way you do me got me outta body
Cause you the only out of everybody
Who gon' go out of the way to show me all the ways
Come control the flame
I just wanna stay right here with you
Katrina then turns so her ass is pressed against Ethan’s groin and grabs his arms so that they wrap around her as they continue to sway to the music. Ethan groans quietly to himself and tries hard not to become too excited. Being so close to her felt so good  but he can’t help but question this. He knows he’s a little tipsy and he’s sure she is after the amount of rounds they had.
“Kat. Call me Kat.”
Ethan moves on of his hands to trail up her arm to her neck and push some of her fro out the way and his hot breath lingers on her neck as he whispers in her ear
“What are you doing to me.”
Let the water flow
Just let it fall out from my face
Cause I never thought I'd ever hear me say
I just can't breathe without my baby
Ooh, you my baby
Ethan can feel her shiver at his words and she turns back around and place her hands over his exposed chest. Her fingers tracing his skin. She stands on her tip toes and leans up as her hands bring his face closer to hers and whispers
“Only whatever it is you do to me.”
So come and kiss up on me
As we dance close
Come and kiss up on me slow
Ethan tightens his hold on Kat and stops their movements all the while others around them keep dancing.
“Kat.” His hand tangles in her hair and his eyes roam her face and he sees desire and longing.
Ethan closes his eyes as he feels her plump lips graze over his. He moves his mouth to respond briefly as he savors the moment but the fading sound of the music sobers him up and reminds him on where he is.
He reluctantly untangles himself from Katrina and holds her hands.
“Kat...Katrina. We can’t do this.”
She looks up at him, her eyes filled with confusion.
“Why? Do you not feel…”
“No of course not. I want this so bad,  but not enough to jeopardize your career and reputation. ”
“No one has to know. It’ll be our secret.”
“We’d know. Plus I can’t push you to be the best doctor you can be if I…”
He pauses and lets go of her hands and adds space between themselves.
“If you…”
He shakes his head at her.
“Let’s call it a night. We’re both tipsy and have an early morning.”
He stalks toward their room feeling he disappointed gaze on him. They make it back to their suite and both quickly  change into night clothes, Ethan in his pajama pants and no shirt and Katrina pops out of the bathroom in an over-sized T-shirt that covers her torso but shows off her legs and her hair wrapped in her silk bonnet. Even in the simplest clothing he finds her so beautiful and he’s kicking himself for cutting off what could’ve happen but he reminds himself its for the best.  He speaks first.
“I can take the couch and you can have the bed, Rookie.”
“Ethan, we’re both adults we can share a bed. I promise no funny business.”
Katrina cuts him off
“No. Right now I’m Kat and your Ethan. No Rookie, no Dr. anything. We have all day tomorrow for that. Let’s give ourselves this moment right now before going back to reality. Please, Ethan.”
He sighs and gets inside the left side of the bed and gestures for Katrina to get in as well. She turns off the lights and gets in on the right side. They lay down facing each other, eye to eye. Their breathing  grows soft and faint. Katrina closes her eyes first and flips so her back faces Ethan.
“Good night, Ethan.” She whispers.
He’s still facing her and longs to hold her but ultimately shuts his eyes.
“Goodnight Kat.”
It’s quiet for a few minutes when he feels rustling in the bed and warmth closer to him. He opens his eyes and notices Kat moved  in her sleep. He would scoot over more but he’d be in the edge of the bed and he didn’t want to risk waking her up to move her over so he just pressed closer toward her and wrapped his arm around her waist and lay his face near the crook of her neck. He knew he was well over the boundaries he attempting to draw but Ethan decided give not only himself but both of them this moment.
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bangtanfancamp · 6 years
the Devil wears Gucci- Pt 1
Tumblr media
▪︎series masterlist
▪︎Kim Taehyung x reader
featuring kim Namjoon
▪︎1.8k words
▪︎enemies to lovers au, fashion industry au, f*ckboy au
▪︎Fluff, romance, slight angst to come
(pic Credit to vantaeholic)
As the dedicated personal assistant of the genius mind behind House of RM, the empire that rules the fashion industry, your world is turned upside down the day Namjoon personally asks you to train his newest hire- the eternally insufferable Kim Taehyung.
The early morning energy of the city buzzed around you as the tips of your chunky heels clicked against the pavement. You inhaled the sweet autumn air wistfully as a crisp breeze set to ruffing wispy tendrils of your hair loose. You’d have to fix that before your boss saw you- he hated the slightest trace of disorder-but you’d deal with that later. Traipsing down the sidewalk, you’d be damned before you missed even a second of this precious autumn sunlight.
Still, you shouldn’t linger too long. Places to be and all that. Refocusing, you tottered toward the entrance, carefully balancing a tray of coffees in one hand. As you approached your building, you took one last wistful look at the glorious morning sky before fumbling in your overstuffed purse for the key card to the elevator, the sensible part of your brain forever nervous of displeasing that high maintenance man. You didn’t dare be even a second late to see your boss-Namjoon was excruciatingly strict when it came to punctuality. You’d seen his intensity before when people were even minutes late, and though it was always a majestic sight to see- like witnessing the power of some apex predator- you were determined to NEVER be on the receiving end of it.
Realizing that was becoming more and more of a possiblity the longer you dawdled, you dashed into the office building, bolting through the elevator‘s closing doors. As the doors floated shut, you spared a glanced at your watch- 6:48am.
Phew. You would be okay. Letting your back rest against the cool metal wall of the elevator, your eyelids fluttered shut. If you weren’t 10 minutes early, you were 10 minutes late to Namjoon. “You’re totally okay. You’ve got this” you told yoursef.
Drawing in a slow breath, you used your free hand to snake your calf-hugging, plum pencil skirt back into place, blasted thing was always riding up when your hustled about too fast, and made sure your silky blouse was still neatly tucked at your waist.
Looking down, you eyed the pair of chunky heels you were breaking in today- you hoped you wouldn’t regret that. The crushed black velvet heels had just looked too cute to leave in your closet this morning. This is about the aesthetic™️ you thought, glancing down and wiggling your freshly painted black toes. As the doors began to open, you checked your reflection in the metal one last time, tucking the loose, wind blown strands back into place and steeled yourself to enter the office.
You were in Namjoon’s kingdom now.
“Good morning sir!” you bubbled out a bit too brightly once you reached his desk. “Hazelnut latte with an extra shot, just for you,” you chirped, plunking the cup down beside him.
Before half the employees had even clocked in, he was already deeply engrossed in the paperwork stacked high on his immaculate marble desk. Who knows how early he’d arrived here or if he’d ever left last night. Eyes never leaving his laptop, he absentmindedly waved an elegantly long hand at you- silently acknowledging your presence without ever looking up. “Yes, yes- agenda for the day.” He sighed, more of a demand than a request.
Without missing a beat, You began to rattle off off his detailed schedule for the day. “Yes sir—today you have an 8am call scheduled with your distributors in Hong Kong, a 9 am session with r&d to review their most recent mockups for the Sable line, your 10:30 workout, an 11:45 lunch with Castille to discuss the potential merger, and a 2:30 flight out to Miami for that charity gala event this evening at 7.”
Phew. Just reciting it made you winded- how on earth he lived it was still beyond you. But that was Namjoon. A visionary who had started his company from the ground up at only 17, he now ran one of the most successful fashion houses in the world. It had become such a massive brand that he barely even handled any design work anymore, focusing instead on his role as CEO overseeing his vast empire.
Namjoon was infamous in the industry for the way his work consumed him. He existed at a constant breakneck speed few humans could match-It was a wonder any man could maintain the pace he had for the past 10 years, but he showed no signs of slowing down. And anyone else who couldn’t keep up, employees and girlfriends alike, was immediately left in the dust.
That was just how he operated. He was like a shark that never stopped swimming.... which unfortunately meant that you couldn’t either. A fact that had been graciously withheld when you’d originally applied for this job.
You’d been hired as his assistant a year and a half ago, fresh out of college, bright eyed and eager to change the world- and afford your own apartment. As someone completely unfamiliar with his world, the job as his assistant had sounded alarmingly simple on paper and ludicrously overpaid. You’d been over the moon to get it.
That is, until you showed up for your first day and quickly realized that working for him meant YOU had to adopt his excessive hours and match said breakneck pace just to stay one step ahead of his constantly shifting scheduling. This career was the furthest thing from a blow off job, but the looming series of zeroes your newly signed lease wouldn’t allow you to back out now. No, you’d just have to figure out how to grin and bear it for the time being. And over the past year, you’d managed to excel if you did say so yourself- especially considering that beyond the prestige of his reputation and the sheer intensity of his workplace demands, just remembering your own name in the presence of his beauty made even the most simple tasks complicated. Shaking out of your thoughts, you carefully tuned in to listen once Namjoon spoke.
“Very well- have Marco deliver my navy Armani suit to the hotel for this evening’s gala. Remind Mina that her deadline on the Rodan account is fast approaching- I need her presentation mock-up in my hands by no later than 1pm tomorrow, and for the love of God, don’t let them put soy in my latte again!” He slammed his drink on the desk as you rushed to grab the cup before it spilled.
“Absolutely sir, I’m so sorry. The soy was for my coffee. They must have misheard my order. I take full responsibility.” You bowed apologetically.
“It’s forgotten.” He pivoted in his chair to look up at you, and your breath caught in your throat. You hated when he looked directly at you like this- it was too much. The man was stunning. It was problematic really. He already made you nervous enough. You really didn’t need the added difficulty of having to maintain direct eye contact with those deep set eyes of his. So you deviated to study his perfectly coiffed blonde hair instead. It had a silver sheen in the early morning light, delicate wisps artfully styled across his brow and arranged in a way that shouldn’t have been achievable at this early hour. “I have a personal task I’d like you to take point on today,” he gritted out, jaw set in concentration.
“Anything, sir,” you nodded, with an eagerness that made you cringe. It was embarrassing how much you wished for his approval. You were good at what you did and you knew it- which should have been enough for you. And it was. Sort of. Most of the time. But on days like this, when you’d already jumbled your first task, something in you clammored for a chance to earn his praise back in a way you didn’t quite understand. You were good at this job- but honestly, how many times had you flubbed the coffee now? You hated when you made small blunders that made you seem incompetent. You knew better by now, and Namjoon knew it.
He cleared his throat before he began, and you flinched. “A former mentor of mine has contacted me with the intention of having his nephew shadow me and learn the business. I am not in a position to tell him no, but I have neither the time, the patience, nor the inclination to teach right now. However, I am indebted to his uncle. So He will start with the company today, and I will leave his starting training to you. Once he has learned the ropes, I will handle the rest.”
Well that’s certainly not what you thought this was going….
“No one here has caught on as quickly as you did as a new hire. Your first month with the company was exemplary. Despite your occasional hiccups,” he eyed his latte with derision,” the majority of your execution in your work is flawless.”
That was the nicest compliment he’d ever paid you- and even though his eyes had long since gone back to his paperwork, you blushed anyway.
“Thank you, sir,” you replied hastily, words tripping over themselves in a jumble.
“When he arrives, you will educate him on how the company operates and train him in all your responsibilities. He will be your assistant for the time being. Following our standard trial period, he will be placed in whatever position best suits his skillset after that.”
“Yes sir, it would be an honor.” You were determined to do well at this. Besides, How hard could it be anyway? “What time will he be arriving today?”
“Unfortunately, he should be here any moment no-“
“GOOD MORNING, PEOPLE!!!” a baritone voice boomed as the door to Namjoons office was practically torn off its hinges.
You gaped back in surprise, not missing the way your boss rolled his eyes at the intrusion, as a young man about your age strolled lazily into the office. He was tall and excruciatingly handsome. His silky chestnut hair swept across his forehead, swinging against his lashes and barely hiding the devilish smile in his eyes. He wore a crisply pressed white shirt- its top buttons brazenly undone- with the sleeves cuffed up to the arcs of his forearms, black patent shoes and the tightest pair of black dress pants you had ever seen. They clung to his legs, and you saw muscles in places you had never imagined muscles could be as he swaggered right up to you.
“Hey unc,” he tossed at Namjoon. “Hey to you too” he winked salaciously at you. It was so greasy it made you want to go home and take a bath.
“______, this is …”Namjoon began...
“Taehyung” he interrupted. “Kim Taehyung. Tae to anyone as pretty as you.” Bowing at the waist, he took your hand and kissed the curve of your knuckles, never once breaking eye contact.
You snatched your hand back, wiping the back of it against your skirt. You wanted to crawl under the desk and die. Who did this guy think he is? You turned your pleading eyes to your boss who surely must have seen this idiot’s conduct.
“All right, that’s enough, Kim. Hands to yourself on company time.”
You huffed through your nose as you shot Taehyung an irritated side eye. Unfortunately, it only seemed to make his smirk grow.
“_____ will be handling your training as my schedule is currently booked solid. Any questions you have for me go directly to her. She will teach you everything she knows and train you to be her assistant. If you can survive that, we’ll discuss any further promotion opportunities then. And only then,” the gravel in his tone there intentionally to intimidate.
“So I’m getting paid to spend time with her? Sir, yes sir,” Taehyung’s voice dropped impossibly low on the last part, more of a rumble than a whisper, as he dragged his eyes along your form. You felt a disgusted shiver run through you. He was gorgeous sure, but this behavior of his was gross. God. It was going to be impossible to get anything done with him.
“Keep it in your pants, Kim.” Namjoon snarled impatiently as he stood from his desk, still somehow towering over the other boy, if not in stature then by pure intimidation alone. “You would do well to learn even a shred of the skill set _____ has. Some respect would do you some good. Don’t for a second think you are here on your own merit. I love your uncle, but he is the only reason you're here, and the only reason I haven’t terminated you all ready.” The leer in his eyes made you tense and it wasn’t even directed at you.
“ The second you fail- like I know you will- you will be out of here so fast, it will make even your empty head spin.” He glowered down at taehyung and dropped his voice. “And if you make ____ the slightest bit uncomfortable in any way, I will not hesitate to throw you out of here myself.”
Your lips parted at this display of protectiveness, and you felt your chest soar. You peeked out of the corner of your eye at Taehyung. His cocky smirk never faltered, but you caught the way he swallowed, the subtle way his jaw clenched at the reprimand.
“Now…. if you’ll both excuse me, I have a call to prepare for. ____ , I expect a detailed progress report by the end of the day and a weekly update as this matter continues.” Namjoon rebuttoned his blazer and began to reorder the presentation on his desk.
“Yes, sir,” you nodded obediently. “I’ve already ordered a replacement drink for this morning’s coffee. It should arrive shortly. Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you need any assistance.”
You turned on your heel, brushing past Taehyung’s shoulder as you made your way toward the exit. You could feel his hungry eyes on your hips as you walked, and you suddenly wished you had time to head home and change. You clutched your tablet to your chest and prayed this day would end, but it was barely 8 am.
God, this was going to be hell.
Thank you so much for reading guys!!! Part 2 coming soon. Thank you so much for visiting my little corner of the internet and making it to the end. Please let me know what you think. I’d really love the feedback.
(Also is anybody else swooning over them at the Grammys? I swear those boys were invented to wear suits. Tae trending as the guy with green hair and Namjoon in those glasses? Oof. What looks.)
Part 2 is now up!!
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The Mathematical Improbability of Reaching the Stars Ch 2
By cassieoh and D20Owlbear
Ch Summary And finally, the twain shall meet. We learn more of Crowley and Aziraphale and something more of Eve and Doctor Haistwell.
The walk across campus was a pleasant one when he wasn’t rushing to avoid being late or hauling far too many books or dodging undergraduates. He paused to adjust his satchel, hiking the aging leather strap higher on his shoulder; it liked to slip down as he walked, especially when he was distracted by something (as he often was). He patted the side of the bag, checking that everything he expected to feel was there and then started up the short flight of stairs that lead towards the courtyard in front of the Athenaeum, pulling out his phone as he went.
He clicked the little button on the side to check the time, suddenly nervous that he’d forgotten something and was actually terribly late to an appointment. It was an old fear, one he struggled with often, but not one he needed to worry about just now as he had nearly a full half-hour before his next lecture. 
Just as he moved to slip the phone in his pocket there was a little flash of bright green. He paused, turning the phone so he could see the screen. The little, flashing LED light lit up again, indicating he had a notification. Paranoid about disturbing a class or drawing attention to himself, he usually kept his phone on silent at all times (and triple checked it hadn’t somehow changed status spontaneously), so the light was all he used to mark that he ought to pay attention. The thing was Aziraphale rarely got notifications; his most-used programs were offline games like sudoku or word puzzles and reading apps (though he still greatly preferred the feel of something old and real in his hands). Really, the only ones that deviated from that were the food delivery apps (for when he was too busy to go out to eat, of course). He also rarely got messages at all, so it took him a few moments to place why the light might be green instead of blue as usual.
“Oh,” Aziraphale murmured to himself, surprised at the very notion of being messaged on his phone, “Oh!” He exclaimed half a second later and pulled the phone up close to his face, scrambling to turn on the screen again without dropping it as the phone had nearly jumped from his hands when he remembered he’d sent a reply to the silly astronomy pun from 2am! His tutor!
[Anthony Thursday 2:13 am] Your eyes are like black holes, I can’t seem to escape them. But that’s alright, because I like astronomy.
[Azira Thursday 7:56 am] Oh very good! I’m looking for help with astronomy!
[Anthony Thursday 9:28 am] I’m always happy to lend a *helping hand*, if you know what I mean. ;)
Aziraphale grinned at the last message, now certain that he hadn’t been overconfident when he told Doctor Haistwell that he’d found a tutor. This Anthony fellow certainly seemed like he was chuffed about it. Sure, he’d used asterisks incorrectly and Aziraphale wasn’t sure what he’d been trying to accomplish with them in the first place, but that was alright, Aziraphale wasn’t in need of grammar or sentence structure help. In fact, he’d always rather excelled at that portion of his studies. 
[Azira Thursday 10:01 am] Then should we set up a meeting? Maybe coffee? Just to see if we mesh well.
He pocketed his phone with that and hummed a slow tune with Latin lyrics he’d always liked from the days he participated in choirs as an extracurricular, making his way across the small lawn. By the time he reached the doors he was certain he would be receiving another message soon,  would meet his tutor tonight,  understand astronomy by tomorrow, and there would be nothing at all for Doctor Avgerinós to complain about. 
All he had to do was be normal for the time it took to drink one coffee and all his problems would be solved. 
He grinned. 
The little shed at the back of the garden center wasn’t especially comfortable, though Crowley had plans to change all that. He had big dreams of using his first paycheck (a real, honest to fuck, paycheck that was all his, that he could use to buy food and fill the aching cavern of his belly without standing in the long lines at the local soup kitchen) to buy a blanket that was soft and warm and a little area rug because his toes got so cold in the mornings. He wanted to find lights that he could hang around to make it bright and cozy and maybe a walkman to play the tapes he’d shoved in the bottom of his ratty backpack before– well, before. 
But, those were all plans for another day. Right now, he could just see the early dawn light peeking over the buildings through the thick windows on the eastern wall of the shed. He needed to be dressed and in the main building by sunrise. The idea had been easier to contemplate yesterday, when the old lady first proposed it. But then again, yesterday he’d been hungry and more than a little afraid and before Crowley knew it he’d been bundled up and presented with a large sandwich and a glass of milk and, most alarmingly, a job and a home. 
The shafts of light shifted, arcing further across the corrugated metal wall, dipping and curving in ways he thought he might grow to love. He needed to get up. He stuck a hand out of the meagre warmth the sheet provided and shivered as chilled air rushed in.
It was just... The little futon was so much more comfortable than the hard-packed earth. 
He allowed himself another thirty-count of comfort before throwing off the thin sheet and surging to his feet, throwing himself into the discomfort as quickly as he could. 
An extended groan tore its way from his throat as he stretched his arms above his head and arched his back, listening as his spine cracked and popped. Then he twisted around, angling his hips to try and shake the ache from them. 
After another few minutes spent greeting the day (which included brushing his teeth and oh how he’d forgotten what a pleasure that was), he emerged from the shed and made his way quickly across the garden center towards the small building at the front. Being that it was located in the middle of London proper, Eve’s Eden was compact, with only two true greenhouses and a small outdoor stand of fruit trees. At the center of the outdoor space was a large pear tree, currently laden down with fruit. He realized just after passing it that he didn’t have to refrain any longer and doubled back to pick three pears, immediately biting into the first and holding it between his teeth as he shoved the other two in the overwrought pockets of the trousers he’d been obliged to borrow from the shelter last week after his last pair had finally fallen to little more than threads. 
That was another thing he was going to buy, he thought, trousers. Trousers that fit him and didn’t feel like he was wearing a tent. He never felt quite like himself when his legs weren’t free to move and bulky, cargo monstrosities made his skin itch and his hands dance and his chest feel tighter than he thought clothing probably should do and so he was going to buy a good pair and if that meant the blanket and the area rug had to wait then that was alright. 
Crowley frowned to himself as he mentally calculated what would cost what and adding it up in his head, no matter how he spun it, food would be the most important - he could buy a water bottle to keep filling up and a couple of gallons of water on the side for cooking would be cheap as well. Hell, he could probably use water from the hose if it came to that. A blanket would be good and likely doable if he went second-hand shopping instead of buying new, and if he couldn’t get a proper rug that way then he would at least be able to splurge on some of those mass-produced packs of socks from Tesco when he went for cheap groceries. A thought interrupted his happy musings of warm toes, stopping him in his tracks. 
Eve– Eve might not mind if customers couldn’t necessarily tell–if he got a sufficiently baggy sweater from somewhere and grew out his hair a little more–he could wear a skirt. They wouldn’t be as cumbersome as the damned cargos he wore currently or grate on his skin. Long skirts would probably be just as comfortable as the tight jeans he preferred. Cooler too, he thought, the greenhouses were comfortable now, but he knew they would be unbearable in the summer. A breeze on his legs would be a welcome change. 
He realized that he’d been dithering outside the main building for quite some time and took a deep breath to calm himself. 
Eve wasn’t going to throw him out, he thought. She’d seemed tough, but not cruel, not someone who would give him hope that he might have any sort of future at all only to snatch it away. 
She wasn’t like that, wasn’t like-
She was different. He just knew it. 
So, he straightened the hem of his threadbare t-shirt, quickly giving up on seeming any more presentable than he had yesterday in it, and strode in as if he were the picture of confidence. Eve raised an eyebrow at him from behind her cuppa, slow and still a little sleepy from the morning haze that settles down habitually over cool London mornings. 
“Mornin’.” Crowley sketched a sheepish wave, unsure exactly where he was supposed to fit here (other than beneath the Ailanthus tree where Eve had found him sleeping last night). Nothing else seemed like it would know what to do with a Crowley-shaped person next to it, none of the other rows of plants and flowers looked like they could handle his bumbling hands sitting next to their pristine plots. He didn’t know what to–
Crowley was shocked out of his inward spiral by Eve’s hand on his bicep, squeezing just tightly enough to be reassuring instead of scolding. She smiled at him like someone might smile at a dog on the side of the road, bleeding from where it was hit and left for dead. Crowley grimaced in his head, the metaphor was more apt than he’d wanted to admit.
“You know what weeds look like?” Eve asked him, all her pretenses of grumpiness up front at full force, though to Crowley it felt like a welcome, somehow.
“Y-yeah, of course I know what weeds look like!” Crowley stuttered, what little pride she’d let him scrounge up the night before when he’d gathered up his bag and stood to leave when she’d found him curled up behind the roots of the tree furthest from the door was coated his tongue like lead. Heavy and tripping. It dripped down the back of his throat and the molten, toxic metal burnt on its way down, churning his stomach until he was nauseous and coated his heart so that it felt like bands wrapped around it and every beat and every breath pressed uncomfortably tight.
Crowley’s phone chimed and he sucked in a surprised breath, tearing himself from his uncomfortable recollections on how he came to be here, nearly a decade ago. It would be nine-and-a-half years soon. And almost ten years exactly from when he’d been kicked out in the first place as a teen. 
Crowley blinked at his messages unseeing, lost in his thoughts of Eve and her garden center. And then he blinked some more after he set the phone down, dazed with a stupid grin threatening to overtake his face. How bold! And not in a disgusting way like some people were on dating apps. “To see if we mesh well, ” Crowley’s grin ticked up a bit further at the thought. Posh and poncy, but not in a holier-and-richer-than-thou way, and he could already tell he’d like this Azira guy. Quickly he typed out another reply.
[Anthony Thursday 12:05 pm] I’m certainly interested in meshing with you.
[[Full Chapter]]
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majdalenaska · 5 years
9 reasons why NOT to be a cabin crew
This is not probably the ideal way how to promote a job in Aviation but if you really think about doing this, you should keep on reading. As much as I encourage my friends to become a cabin crew, there are certain aspects of the job that should be taken into consideration. To name a few…
( P.S don’t take this article way too seriously, it is supposed to humour you a bit, but there is also a lot of truth in it as well)
1)      Permanent state of jet lag
Basically, you function in a constant brain fog and sleepiness, other words called the Jet lag. Let me tell you something about this lovely term called jet lag. It’s no fun. It does not matter if you are in Europe or in the US, you constantly battle it. Let me elaborate. Once you are in the USA, you usually stay down route one or two days (3, if very lucky), well in that case, your body clock can’t get used to the timezone in such a short period of time. You might get a decent sleep the second night or third, but when you actually get comfy and acclimatized, it’s time for you to go and fly back to Europe.  
I am talking from a personal perspective here, but the first night after a flight being back in Europe, you sleep amazingly, like a baby. The reason for that, is being literally knackered, either from the flight itself or the time difference caught up with you. Sometimes the upcoming days could be a struggle, you could feel still very tired, a bit confused, which is all the consequence of a jet lag. Once you start to feel like yourself and start function as normal human being, where you don’t need to spend 10-12 hours in bed, you are on a go again, hooray, back to the USA. (The good thing about flying to America is having literally the longest day ever, since you add an extra 5 or 8 hours to your day). But to conclude this, everyone’s different, when it comes to jet lag.  Some days I feel fresh as a daisy, surprisingly.
Your body also works on habits and has incredible memory. For instance you can get used to any patterns or different time zones, as long as you work in them regularly ( in my airline we are lucky enough to be flying only to USA and south America). We mainly work during the nights on our way back to Europe, so your body works like a clock, it knows exactly when to sleep and for how long.
Let’s say, I come back home from a night flight, I might get 2-3 hours of sleep during the day and then I can get a proper sleep from around 8 or 9 pm till the morning. Imagine that one day, you come back from a Seattle (8 hours difference), which utterly disrupts your lovely routine and body clock. Since coming back from Seattle is during the day, it mess you up , big time. You get at least two sleepless nights in London and only because you changed the routine a bit ( or I don’t do this route regularly enough).
2)      Mood shifts
Your mood worsens due to the lack of sleep. If you don’t do anything in particular in regards to your moodiness, you end up being grumpy and friendless. As many of us could confirm, especially on landing day, you feel absolutely drained and easily irritable and it’s no one to blame really, so don’t take it personally, if you are a boyfriend or girlfriend of a flight attendant. Just get them a pizza, bottle of chilled beer and put on some Netflix. Ideally in a long term, you’ve got to work on it though. Yoga, meditation, walk in nature, skype call…anything at all to get you out of the funk.
3)      Your social life becomes non existent
As you can tell, flight attendants spend the majority of time abroad, which can have a huge impact on their social life. Your close friends probably forgot you already, since you are never around, or you are always tired to go out. When you actually make the effort to do something with your mates, you have to come back early, since perhaps you have a flight to catch early in the morning or you basically fall sleep in the middle of conversation due to jet lag. You also do not have time to date, unless you are a Tinder master and you make boyfriends in every state in America, where we get to fly. But if you find yourself a man in Seattle, not ideal at all, because this is only a seasonal route. Next time be smarter and go on Tinder somewhere like NYC or Los Angeles, where we fly daily :)
4)    �� People coming and leaving
During this job you get to meet incredible amount of people, either your colleagues or just random people on a plane you get to talk to. But when it comes to the crew, every trip or flight you do, you work along someone new, which is awesome, but also a tiny bit overwhelming sometimes. And it is not for everybody. I am lucky enough to be flying with some incredible people but unfortunately usually you get to see them once and never again, your rosters never match basically.
5)      You get used to the  „high life“
Don’t take me wrong, flying itself and working in a closed metal tube is not that glamorous as I once thought in the past.  But you kinda get used to the perks of being a cabin crew…( lot of spare time either in hotels or at home, free breakfast down route, fancy hotel rooms, outdoor pools, spas, saunas, free gym etc). The loveliest bonus for me must be flying to a warm and sunny destination all year long, where you can get some Vitamin D and sometimes even Vitamin Sea, which whoever live in England understand. You are also welcome to do anything from shopping, dinning or outing with the crew during the day, as far as you have the energy or the funds for it. If you are a Disney fan, trust me, Florida will become your second home.
6)      Working late and during the nights
No one likes working during the night, especially in a different time zone. But once you create a routine, your body gets used to it somehow, as I mentioned before. You also need to create a habit of napping BEFORE the flight, DURING the flight and AFTER the flight. So basically you become a baby all over again. (this could be considered as a plus)
 7)      Loneliness
You spend a lot of time on your own during layovers or at home , it can feel a bit lonely sometimes, which can actually helps you with getting to know something about your personality. Does this schedule work out for me? Am I a loner or prefer to be surrounded with people? In aviation it’s both ideally combined together.  But don’t isolate yourself too much, even if you are not up for a meet up, just push yourself , it’s not good for your mental health to spend too much time alone.
 8)      Passengers
Thanks to flying a lot and dealing with all different kinds of passengers, you may start disliking people and prefer company of dogs. I do not talk from a personal perspective when it comes to this issue (only sometimes) but I’ve had people talking about this. I can also notice it with people working in aviation for a long time. You can get easily triggered by silly comment or you just get irritated by anyone just because you are tired. In that case you should consider some help or maybe ask yourself if it’s time for you to move on to a different career.
 9)      Standby – to be called or not to be called
There is literally nothing worse than being called out of a standby. I can’t think of anything more stressful than a Standby, which for those, who do not work in aviation, means being called out in the middle of a night or a day to cover duty for someone else, who cannot fly that day, due to any circumstances. The minimum time you can get to arrive to the actual airport is 90 minutes. It’s part of the job I know, we signed up for this, but anyway there is nothing worse than a Standby. I just need to know in advance, whether I fly tomorrow or not. Standby only gives me an anxiety. But on the positive note, we do not have that many of them in one month and usually they give us more time in advance, which is nice.
I hope by reading this, I didn’t put you off flying, which wasn’t my intention in a first place. I wrote this article while being on standby and not sleeping properly the night before hence the chosen headline:) Not to finish on a negative note, my next read will be definitely focused on benefits and advantages of flying, which hopefully lure you back into aviation.
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gamegrumpiess · 6 years
Don't Forget About Me PART ONE?
Its been a fucken minute. I've been working a lot really. Trying to get my place together since I moved and what not. I have free time again! So here you go. Also! If you want me to continue this, let me know!
Dan x Reader
Warnings? Might be a bit sad, but nothing worth crying over.
You can request some shit!
(y/m/n) - your mom's name
(y/l/n) - your last name
(h/t)- home town
Young Danny's POV
"Dan! Dinners ready!" My mom yells from downstairs. "I'll be right there!" I pause my game and make my way down. It's been freezing in my room lately, New Jersey winter really taking a toll on our house. The heater isn't installed yet, though I wish it was. I only have so many blankets.
"Dana, Leigh, there's new neighbors across the street. They've been here for about a week, I met the woman and her fiance last night, but her kids weren't home. I think it'd be a good idea to welcome them all. After dinner we'll all go down together. Is that a good idea?" My mom and dad have always been really nice like that. I feel wave of anxiety rush over me, it's not that I don't want to meet them, I just feel weird going to their house just to introduce ourselves. Dana nods her head and goes back to eating her soup, so content with her life. I'm not looking forward to this...
After we all finish eating, my mother tells us to get ready and look decent for the neighbors. What would 'decent' be? A regular shirt with jeans? I'll be in my jacket so I guess it really doesn't matter. After I get myself together, I walk downstairs to see Mom and Dad waiting for me and Dana. "Alright, let's go guys!" Dana comes out of her room dressed and ready as well. "I'm ready!" She yells with her childish voice. At least she's excited, because I'm not.
*ding ding dong ding*
A woman opens the door with a smile. "Oh, hello Debbie! What brings you here?" My mom smiles back at the woman, "I thought we could all come welcome you to the neighborhood!" The woman looks shocked a bit before she opens the door wide and invited us all in. "So this is my husband, call him Avi, my daughter Dana, and my son Leigh. He likes to be called Daniel, though." The woman smiles and shakes my dad's hand and mine. Dana has gotten a little bit shy, so the woman kneels down to her height. "Hi Dana, I'm (y/m/n). I work with kids your age all the time! You know, we have a pet turtle, his name is Cheesy. Would you like to meet him?" Dana's eyes light up at what (y/m/n) said. She nods her head frantically as the woman points to a glass talk with rocks and a little bit of water. "He's right there. Go ahead and talk to him!" As Dana runs to look at, what I assume is Cheesy, the woman turns back to us. "My fiance is at work right now. But my daughter and son are here. Y/N!" (Y/m/n) yells upstairs. "I'm coming!!" A little voice yells back. A girl came downstairs into view. She looks my age, but I haven't seen her at school, is she new? "This is my daughter, y/n. My younger son, Jacob is taking a nap in his room. Shes been working on her room all day." My mom smiles at y/n, "hey y/n! How old are you? Do you go to school here yet?" Y/n looks down, clearly a little shy. "I'm 12 years old... I don't go to school yet here, I'm new, I kind of don't want to." She states truthfully. She's only a year younger than me, but she seems very mature for a 12 year old. Then again, I'm kind of mature for a 13 year old.
As time goes on, y/n and her mom start breaking out of their she'll a little bit. Ms (y/l/n) says they just moved here from (h/t), she left her husband a while back and met a man who lived here. So I guess the man who lives here now isn't y/n's and Jacob's actual dad. Something about that is really sad to me, I have both of my parents. I can't really imagine what it's like to only have one in your life. "Is y/n going to go to the same school as Leigh?" I knew that question would come up. And turns out, yes she will. I'm not really complaining. At least she'll have one person she knows. I'm not entirely popular at all, but at least she won't be alone. Y/n looks at me and smiles. She really does have a sweet smile.
~later that night~
"Debbie, she's out there again! Poor kid, I hope she's okay." My dad calls out to my mom. "She's out there almost every night. Do you think she's okay?" I get curious and look at the time. 10:18 pm. Who would be out this late? Sure, it's a Saturday, but it's so cold outside this time. It's probably going to snow soon. I walk out to my mom and dad to see what's going on. "Who's outside?" Mom points out the window and I look out to see a figure sitting in the empty driveway across the street. "Almost every night, y/n just sits on the cold driveway. Her mom works graveyard shifts a lot. I wouldn't doubt it if she's home alone, poor thing." My mom puts her hand over her heart and looks down, her motherly instincts kicking in. "Leigh, could you please go out there and see if she's okay? She's always out there for hours at a time." I comply to what my mom says, mostly because I don't want to disappoint her by saying no. Also, I'm a little curious as well as to why she's out in the cold so late.
Space is so cool. I've loved the stars and planets since I was a baby. On the nights when my mom is working, Jacob stays with my stepdad at his place. He's only 5, I get it. At this point I'm used to being alone. It's not a bad thing. I like it. When I was younger my dad would always leave me by myself so he could work. I was old enough to take care of myself though, little 7 year old me. I would do this back then as well. Sit outside and look at the sky. Even on days when the sky would be covered by clouds, I'd still stare In wonder above.
I hear a door close across the street and a skinny boy huddled up in jackets walk out of it. I hope he's not coming here, I'm not good with boys one on one. They make me feel awkward. Plus, he's a good looking boy. That makes it way worse. "Y/n, right?" He's standing right above me. I smile slightly, "Yeah, that's right. Aren't you cold?" He's very skinny, probably doesn't have body heat of his own like me. Im on the thicker side of the wall when it comes to looks. I'll probably always will be, but that okay. "Yes I'm freezing. But I saw you out here and I thought I should ask if you're okay."
I look up at him, "I'm okay. I just like looking at the stars. I'd rather be out here looking at the sky than in a quiet house." I tell him truthfully. "Are you home alone?" I nod and smile. "Yea, my mom works at the children's hospital and my little brother is with my stepdad at his house. I dont go because my stepsisters don't really like me. Which is fine, I don't really like them either." He sits down by me, criss crossed and hands in his pockets. "Are you okay on your own, though? My mom is worried too." His mom? Why would she be worried about me? I guess I am out here a lot. "Tell your mom im fine, and thank you for worrying. I appreciate that." He looks back to his house and then to me again. "Do you want me to sit here with you for a bit?" I smile again, "Sure. Just don't get frostbite in my driveway." He laughs and I join in as well.
I've known Dan for almost 6 years now. Since that night he'd be sitting on my driveway with me any chance we could. He's grown up a lot, but so have I. I'm proud of him, really. He just graduated high school, the only thing is, he's leaving for college. I still have 12th grade left. It sucks, my best friend is leaving. In the 6 years I've known him, I've grown to have a massive crush on him. He's gotten a lot taller, his hair has grown more, he's just this tall silly nerd. I'm not one for cliche cheesiness... But I really do love him. The times hes had girlfriends, it's been pretty painful. There's been more than a few nights when I'm on the driveway alone, or I'd have to eat lunch with Joe and Dylan alone because he'd be out with his girlfriend at that time. I'd be in pain, but I would never let it get to me. If he's had other girlfriends, it's clear he doesn't like me like that. And that's fine, I'm okay with just being his friend. As long as he's in my life at all I'm okay.
But he's leaving.
Dan's POV
My last night here in New Jersey is tonight. The flight for Boston leaves tomorrow morning, early as hell too. I'd have to go to bed soon if I really want to catch it. My room looks so empty... All my memories of growing up are in this exact house. I went to go see Ms (y/l/n) earlier today and say goodbye before she went to work, even said bye to Jacob. Y/n wasn't there, (y/m/n) said she was at band practice. I told her not to worry, I'll probably see y/n tonight since I usually sit with her in her driveway at night. Luckily, it's not cold anymore. Summer weather keeping me cool enough to not wear shorts, though. I walk out and see y/n sitting where she usually sits. Except now with a cat in he shirt to keep the cat warm in the cool weather. She looks up at me and waves, and I can't help but smile a little and wave back before starting to walk over.
If I had a choice, I'd take her with me. She's my best friend, I don't want to leave her alone. Joe and Dylan are leaving as well, she'll be alone at school and she'd have no one to sit with at night in her driveway. 6 years spent with her, and I wouldn't want to change it for the world. She's a really good friend.
"Hey.." she says, careful not to wake the cat in her lap. "Hey, I'm leaving tomorrow morning.. I wanted to come say bye to the cat." I say jokingly. She rolls her eyes and nudges my leg as I sit beside her. "Shut up, Dan. I can't believe it, you're going to college." I can't help but agree. I shake out my hair a little bit. "Yup. I really want to be a musician, but my dad said hed pay for my college if I go into advertising. I really don't want to, but I cant pay for myself on my own." She pets the cat again and shrugs. "Soon enough, you will be a musician. You'll have thousands of fans, be on stage rocking out like you've always wanted. You'll have people recognize you in the street wanting a picture and an autograph. You'll be so successful, as long as you put your passion in it." I can't help but smile at her. That is my dream, always has been. "It's gonna be weird without you guys. Senior year... I have one more year before I leave too," she looks at the sky again. "It's kinda scary. I won't be a kid anymore. Growing up in general is scary." I grab her shoulder and look in her eyes. "Hey don't talk like that. You're gonna be a great voice actress like you've always wanted to be. You might even become a singer too. You have to put passion in it too. You'll be in all your favorite anime shows, and video games. You can do it too. Don't forget that." She looks down and nods. "I will. Hey promise me something though." I look at her and encourage her to go on. "Don't forget about me. I know you're gonna grow up and find all the success in the world, just don't forget about this time in your life. Our friendship, who you are. Don't forget, please." I give her a sad smile and lean in to hug her. "I could never forget about you. You're one of my best friends. Don't worry. I'll keep in touch as much as possible, I promise." She smiles and hugs back. I start to walk back to the house when I hear her call my name again, "Dan!......." I turn back to her and she looks down before looking back up to me. "Be safe out there." She stares at me and I nod. "You too, y/n.."
To be continued?~
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mrs-han · 6 years
$10 say that in day 7 of Jumin's route MC introduced him to fried chicken bought in KFC (to cheer him up) maybe they spent the rest of the day watching doramas in the couch while eating said fried chicken. Good luck with the blog! "You are doing amazing sweetie"
You’re so kind to meee~ thank you!! Please enjoy!!
~ ~~ ~
No Such Luck
~ ~~ ~
“Hoo~! My head is swimming!” Your arm dropped like a weight as you somehow managed to cradle a glass of wine.
Jumin watched you closely while swirling his own glass. Any chance of him offering you any more wine was gone, but at least you were with him.
Yes, at least you are by my side.
“MC, I think that’s enough,” Jumin said as he reached over to grab your glass. “You should stop before you get too drunk.”
You pulled your glass out of his reach. “No! I am on a quest!”
Jumin let out a bemused laugh. “What is your quest, MC?”
“To cheer up Jumin Han!!”
‘Don’t kiss her. Stop thinking about it. She is a guest in your home. She’ll file a restraining order against you if you try to kiss her. So don’t.’
“Is that so, MC...?” Jumin asked meekly.
“You’ve been having a hard time, no? That’s why Jaehee sent me here, yes it - hyup! - yes it is!”
The very mention of Jaehee’s name made Jumin’s stoic poker face return. He didn’t want to hear that you came to his penthouse because you were sent there; he wanted to hear you say you were worried about him again. He wanted to hear from your lips how you were concerned, and how your concern brought you into his world.
He wasn’t that lucky, though. And he knew that.
“Jumin, Jumin!” You lightly nudged his arm and pointed at the television screen. “Look! It’s W!”
Jumin turned his attention to the screen in front of him. He had secretly indulged in the new drama for the past week, and to his delight, you had done the same. An eagerness built up within him, but he knew to calm himself before he bored you with his observations about the show.
“Have you seen it Jumin?” You asked, your speech slightly slurred.
He looked at you and nodded politely.
“You know what we should do? Jumin? We should order some fried chicken! And watch the new episode together! And then, we should map out what will happen next!”
Maybe it was because you were drunk. But that eagerness that he had shooed away was back with a vengeance.
“Do you want some fried chicken?” He asked.
“KFC! KFC!” You chanted.
Jumin tilted his head and raised a brow. “What’s a KFC?”
“It stands for Kentucky Fried Chicken, Jumin!”
“Kentucky...” his eyes slowly widened. “... I will get a private jet ready.”
You shifted towards him. “Huh? Wait, what for?”
“For our flight to the United States. Kentucky is there.” Jumin stood up, threw his jacket on, and fixed his cuff sleeves.
You burst out laughing. And Jumin’s eyes widened as soon as he heard you.
Even your laugh was beautiful.
“Oh! No, Jumin! KFC is here! It’s a fast food chain!”
Jumin slowly lowered his phone. “Really? Oh. I’ll have one of my bodyguards get it, then.”
“Okay~!” You adjusted yourself on the couch and yanked on Jumin’s sleeve. “Ah, the show is about to start! Sit next to me, Juju, sit, sit!”
Juju? He blushed. Seven had called him that, and he was annoyed.
You called him that and... he would have loved to hear it again.
He did as you said and slid into the seat beside you.
~ ~~ ~
Usually, the women who were around him tried to be as polite as possible. Especially when they ate. Prim and proper; napkins on laps, straight backs, and forks and knives on hand at all times.
But you were comfortably different. You ate your pieces of chicken without worrying about how you looked. You didn’t care if a few crumbs stuck onto your face or fell onto your plate.
He felt more at ease because of you.
“Aren’t you going to eat, Jumin?” Your eyes stayed glued to the television, but your fingers brushed against his knee as an acknowledgement to him.
The sound of my name on your lips excites me.
Jumin looked at the chicken breast on his plate. “I need to get some utensils.”
“What for? Be adventurous, I’d say! Step outside of your comfort zone, like this!” You grabbed a drumstick and sank your teeth into it.
An innocent, happy-go-lucky soul... yes, that’s what you are.
“Go ahead! It’s really tasty!” You took another bite.
Jumin brought a drumstick to his mouth and nibbled at it. You watched him carefully as his lips met the meat of the chicken, and giggled; it looked like he was kissing his food.
He looked up, a piece of chicken skin stuck to his lips. “This is... very good. Unlike anything I’ve tasted before.”
“You mean it~?” You teased and passed him a napkin.
“Of course, yes.” Jumin took a larger, more generous bite and grabbed the napkin from you. “I never knew that food drenched in oil and preservatives could be this —“
“Shh~” you stopped him by resting your hand on his lips, “just enjoy it!”
You make me feel giddy. Even free. Who am I to deny you?
Jumin pulled your hand away and grinned. “As you wish, MC.”
~ ~~ ~
“No, no!!” You leaned forward, the chicken now cold and ignored. “Did he just shoot her?!”
Jumin frowned and leaned towards the television. “MC, wait and watch... the bullet didn’t even go through her.”
“Are they sure this is a romance?!” You pouted.
Jumin took a sip of water. “That is what this is described as. But look, Kang Chul sees that Oh Yeon-joo is different, and he wants to protect her.”
“I dunno.” Your cheeks puffed out. “If I were her, I’d want to end the webtoon right then and there.”
Jumin laughed. “She can’t do that. She’s stuck in his world for now, and he isn’t willing to let her go.”
Just as I don’t want to let you go.
“Pfft.” You stretched your arms over your head. “I’m sleepy...”
“Oh? Give me just a moment, I’ll have my bed prepared for you to —“
Before he could finish, you had already snuggled against him, your head against his shoulder and your arm wrapped around his.
Jumin cleared his throat. “MC? You should —“
“No!” You snuggled against him further. “No, I... I want you... you’re comfortable...”
He could feel his control slipping away from him steadily. No, he had to remain calm. For you.
“You’re going to feel uncomfortable after awhile, MC,” Jumin said, a smile tugging at his lips. “I insist you rest on the bed.”
“Mm... kay... gimme five... ten... fifteen minutes.”
He wasn’t about to let you sleep slouched against him for fifteen minutes. He curled his arm under your legs, placed his other hand on your back, and lifted you up.
You lightly kicked your leg up. “Mm... you’re still sad, no...? Stupid Sarah... and Glam, just... messing everything up...”
Jumin moved to the bed and lay you down like you were the most fragile piece of glass created by man. “Sad? I feel at peace because of you, MC. Don’t worry about cleaning up,” Jumin pulled the bedsheets over you, delicately tucking you in. “I’ll have it taken care of.”
He began to move away from you; the sooner he did that, the more control he’d regain.
“Wait, wait... Jumin...”
“Yes, MC?”
“Don’t leave...”
Jumin hesitated. You were drunk, you didn’t know what you were saying.
But then again... who am I to deny you?
“I’ll stay by you until you fall asleep, MC. How does that sound?”
“No,” you pouted, “we still need to... map out what we think will happen in the next episode of W! No sleep, sleep is for the...” you yawned. “... for the weak...!”
“You look rather weak right now if that’s the case, MC,” Jumin teased.
You stuck your tongue out at him. As a form of retaliation, he tightened the sheets around you.
“Please,” he laughed, “sleep. Let me take care of you now.”
“But I didn’t do anything to help you,” you pouted. “I just... got drunk and made a mess with all the... all the chicken...”
“That’s not the case,” Jumin said firmly. “Your presence alone has helped me in more ways than one.”
“You’re just being nice,” you smiled, “I’d much rather you be honest.”
“You want me to be honest?” Jumin sat close to you, his gray eyes showing you how true, how sincere he could be. “I’ll be honest. Your very presence has shaken me up. The three hours and fifty minutes you’ve spent here have made me think thoughts I don’t normally think. I want you to stay here, with me, constantly. I want to feel your hand on my cheek, and I want to feel your skin rub against mine. I want to hold you, embrace you, make you mine. I want to feel my lips against yours, MC. I want to feel how it is to kiss you for the first time. I want to indulge in these feelings I have, only for you, in this moment, as they are, right now.”
He wished a soap-opera like scene would come to fruition; you would jump into his arms and make all of his wishes come true.
But instead, you blinked. And smiled. “I think you’re drunk too, Jumin.”
Of course... no such luck existed.
“You’re right,” Jumin smiled. “I may have had more than I’m used to. I apologize for my behavior.” He ran his hand through your hair absentmindedly. “Sleep now. We’ll map out the rest of W tomorrow, hm?”
You whined softly, but did as he said and wiggled further into the sheets. “Jumin...”
“Yes MC?”
“Nng... good night...”
“... Good night, princess.”
You’re safe. You’re here. You’re with me.
That’s all the luck I need.
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