#10:40 on a Sunday is silly hours
silverskye13 · 8 months
It's 10:30 on a Sunday night and I'm feeling impulsive
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f1 · 1 year
'It just destroyed me' Button hit with heat exhaustion in NASCAR Cup Series debut at COTA
Formula 1 champions Jenson Button and Kimi Raikkonen crashed the party in Sunday's NASCAR Cup Series event at the Circuit of The Americas – while Haas Team Principal Guenther Steiner even popped up in the commentary booth for the race in Texas. Button, who will drive the 24 Hours of Le Mans this year in a modified NASCAR machine made to tackle the endurance race, made his Cup Series debut at the United States Grand Prix venue on the weekend. The 2009 F1 champion qualified 24th out of 39 cars and finished 18th in a marathon race that was extended to 75 laps beyond the scheduled 68 due to a flurry of late incidents. F1 IN AMERICA: The curious case of the first United States Grand Prix "You get to Turn 1 and everyone is in the way," he told Fox Sports after the race. "People are braking later than me and they just hit a car and use that to slow down! That was the thing for me. It's just, I have to say, I enjoyed the race, I'd say 60% of it; 40% of it kind of felt a bit silly, the amount that we were hitting each other. "In Turn 1… I would turn in and get whacked. Luckily it didn't spin me round and on the exit I got a big whack back. The revenge is enjoyable but there's points where it feels that we could do better. I mean the action's amazing, don't get me wrong, I have to give it to these guys. The first 10 laps, it just destroyed me… every time I was in a corner I had someone overtaking me," he said. The 2009 Formula 1 champion added that he suffered from heat exhaustion and his car even took a hit from former F1 rival Raikkonen at one point in the race. "I had to take a while to learn the racecraft, and I hadn't raced for three years either, and I've never hit a car – intentionally – and then after the first stint, when I changed tyres, I was like, 'Guys put me in clear air, I need some laps on my own', and they did, they did a really good job on the pit stop and I was able to run clear. I really enjoyed it and the pace was good. BARRETTO: How America’s latest Grand Prix hopeful Logan Sargeant was fast-tracked to F1 "And then on the next stint I'd had a whack from Kimi [Raikkonen] and it just felt so oversteery, I just went backwards, and I also had heat exhaustion. I was like 'guys, I have to stop', it was that bad." Button will continue his NASCAR stint with the Chicago street race in July and Indianapolis road course in August after racing at Le Mans. As for 2007 F1 champion Raikkonen, he nearly cracked the top five late in the race but was spun around and then dropped to P29 for a track limits penalty. Raikkonen returned to the site of his last F1 win "Yeah, I think it was not too bad, I mean the car behaved on most of the [time] pretty nicely. We just got unlucky with a few of the incidents and then got taken out a few times but it's one of those things," said Raikkonen to The Podium Finish. "In the end I just had no tyres left and it kept [wearing] after more restart and more restart. And with the spin that I had, the tyres were just done, but yeah, it's a shame." READ MORE: Alonso makes Brawn GP comparison after Aston Martin’s leap up the order this season The Finn didn't say whether he would compete in any more NASCAR races this season. "I don't know, nobody knows, but it's just a shame how it went in the end but I think we did the right things, we were there... we will see what the future brings, but right now I have no clue," he concluded. via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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Hibiki sakura
Inspired Routine
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11pm: wake up drink one litre of water black coffee & green tea count towards that one litre
12pm-1pm: first meal
Aim for 400-500 caloires 30 grams or more of protien. (fat free greek Yoghurt,chicken, eggs) 100 grams of low calorie veggies /fruit (strawberries, rasberries, blueberries, mushrooms, lettece, spinach.) 30-40 grams of good carbs potato,chickpeas, wholegrain bread or ricecrackers.
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2-3 pm Work-out
Instead of just sticking to cardio which i find makes you look more flabby then toned make sure to do weights as well as cardio here is a routine to build lean muscle and burn fat✨💪🏻✨
✨Work out Routine✨
Monday: Legs & glutes excerises = squats, deadlifts, hip thrust /glute bridges, fire hydrants/clamshells.
Tuesday: Arms & 10min abs and fat burn arm excerises = bicep curls, tricep extentions, shoulder press and bench press / push ups. Finish with pamela reifs abs and fat burn video.
Wensday: 45 min walk and pamela reifs 30min stretching/yoga video.
Thursday: Legs and glutes again
Friday: arms and 10 minute abs and fat burn again
Saturday: 30 min walk and yoga / stretching
Sunday: 30 min walk or complete rest if needed
5-6pm Meal Two
Aim for 400-500 caloires for meal two macros the same as meal one high protien moderate carbs and loads of veggies or fruit.
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By now you should have had two litres of water if not what are u doing silly go drink some more water!
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now you have eaten around 800-1000 caloires now you just have to get through the night...
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Getting through the night🌃
We are going to allow 200 caloires to have if we get super hungry or want to have somthing we crave kay? But untill that craving or hunger pang hits we gonna do things to get through the night without binging~
Things to do
Gaming with a side of sugar free monster
Watch anime (dumbell nan kilo moteru?)
Make wish lists of future clothes and cosplays you want
Listen to music
Do this untill you get sleepy dont think about what time to sleep too much or the anxiety will keep you up your body will tell you when its time to sleep❤️
Go to bed around 2-3 am so you can skip breakfast if Possible. get around 6 to 9 hours sleep🌚🌝
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Wednesday 11 January 1837
8 ½
11 40
No kiss very fine morning hard frost F34° and the sun out at 9 35 – breakfast till 10 ½ A- did her French – had widow Hall from Little marsh before breakfast – she gave me back the old lease from my uncle Joseph L- and wanted to beg something for the manure and the few set stones – both of right mine – SW- had settled with her – gave her a glass of port wine and biscuits and went to breakfast – A- had SW- at 10 40 – 10 minutes with SW- he values the Holdsworth Godley 4 cottages at £150 to get them for me quietly if he can – it will save me building new ones for the colliery – told him to tell Mr. Parker to make out the Little Southedge Harrison field deeds to A- out at 11 – about Jack Green filling up with small stone the drain in the walk leading to the rockbridge – Frank and Robert Mann gone to the Stump X for old slates – the gardener and Samuel and Joseph Booth and John and one cart getting carted up into the upper Conery to mask the wall – came in at 12 ½ - 2 girls one a Miss Farrer niece to Miss Hebden of Black would like to go to Paris to be a governess – very sorry I could be of no assistance to her – what a silly girl to come to me, a perfect stranger [to ask?] on such an errand – with A- till 1 ¼
note from Mrs. Waterhouse to Susan Woodhead to engage her as housemaid – A- and I off to Cliff Hill at 1 ¾ - left A- in the Crownest paddocks and went to yew trees and paid widow Sykes 5/. for A- then to Hilltop – very nice arched cellar done – and all going on well – at Cliff Hill in 20 minutes from the time of leaving A- (left her at  2 ½) Mrs. Macaulay there – I very civil to her – she was afraid they should have to part with Rufus Sunderland – ‘he tippled’ and did not pay his rent – I sat 1/2 hour at Cliff hill A- to go there tomorrow from Mr. Gilmore’s and stay till Sunday evening – then a longish while at the school (from 3 ½ to 4 5) and home at 5 – A- tired – almost knocked up – lay on the sofa – her cold better but bad – wrote and sent tonight letter to ‘Mr. Robert Walker 2 Jones Street Berkley square London Post paid’ enclosing order on Messrs. Hammerlsey and c° for £9.0.11, for the morning Herald of last year and one postage 4 January last year, 11d. – dressed – immediately on coming in had Mr. Husband – he gave me two half sovereigns for about 5cwt. of old iron (the rim of the old Water lane mill water wheel) sold to Bastow at 4/. per cwt – B- very much wants a bridge over the brook – has got leave from Sir Charles Ibbotson’s steward on paying Sir Charles 20/.  a year, and is to pay A- 40/. per annum the bridge (rough timbers and planks) to cost £15 or not quite so much – A- to have forty shillings rent per annum as above named – dinner at 6 35 in ½ hour – coffee upstairs and A- went down to Mr. SW- about 7 ½ and received her H-x rents that he had collected today  about two hundred and eighty pounds being about eighty? unpaid – I sat  reading the first 24pp. of the excellent article in the last Quarterly on the posthumous memoires of Sir Nathaniel Wraxall – a work like his other memoires wholly unworthy of credit – then sat talking to A- till 10 20 pm at which hour F25° very fine day – hard frost – yet I do not feel so sensible of the cold as I did at the commencement of the storm – A- had letter tonight from Miss R-
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tsunflowers · 4 years
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this is the official flowerfest2020 glitter gif so get ready to see it every week. you may wonder what flowerfest2020 is bc I only made it up yesterday and this is like my second time posting about it. well don’t worry I’m about to tell you
if you followed yaoi hell you know the deal. this is like a series of giveaways but what I’m giving away is my time and creative energy. on yaoi hell it was yaoi-focused and also largely centered on tormenting me? this doesn’t (perhaps shouldn’t) have to be related to yaoi in any way and you know I would prefer you not torment me too much but a little is fine. basically every sunday through the end of 2020 I will make a post at 10 pm edt with this flowerfest2020 gif at the top and then probably some screencap i think is funny. the important part is this gif. the first person to like or reply to the post is that week’s winner and they can make a request of me which I will try my best to complete within one week
you can ask me to draw you some art (knowing that it will probably be silly and low-effort), you can ask me to liveblog something (if video, preferably under one hour, so two 20 minute eps or one 40 minute ep. books and comics vary more. I would be open to doing a game as long as it was in-browser or free but again the length of time I would spend on that varies), you can ask me to do a dramatic reading of something. on yaoi hell I did a couple fake translations of untranslated doujinshi and that was pretty fun so I’d do that again. yaoi hell stuff was usually bad for humor value but it doesn’t have to be. someone once wanted me to read and review their webcomic. so you can definitely just ask me to liveblog the first bit of a series you think is underrated and want more people to know about. I dont know what other guidelines to add just be normal
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goddamnmuses-a · 4 years
@redemptivexheroics​ sent me this link so here’s my reaction to..
 50 Dumb Laws From Across the United States Under the cut cus long. 
1. It Is Prohibited To Harass Big Foot (Washington) .. Naa this ones fair, leave him alone, he’s not botherin anyone. 
2. It Is Illegal To Catch A Fish with Your Bare Hands (Kansas) .. that’s just showing off so yeah, screw that guy, go to jail, not so big now are you mr. bare handed fisher. 
3. Illegal to Eat Fried Chicken (Except With Your Hands) (Gainesville, Georgia) I mean it’s probably the easiest way to eat fried chicken.. if you’re eating fried chicken.. like a chicken wing.. with a knife and fork.. yeah, go to jail. 
4. Drivers Must Not Pump Their Own Gas (Oregon and New Jersey) .. Jokes on this law.. it’s not a Gas it’s a Liquid.. silly. 
5. Prohibited to open an umbrealla on a street (Alabama) .. This ones dumb. 
6. Dominoes may not be played on Sunday (Alabama) .. God hates Dominoes?
7. Illegal to throw confetti or spray silly string (Alabama).. Sounds stupid but probably actually does prevent accidents and stuff. 
8. Flamingoes are not allowed in barber shops (Alaska) .. What happened for this to need to be a law?
9. Denying someone a glass of water is prohibited (Arizona) Don’t be a dick. Just hand over some water. 
10. Dogs are not to bark after 6PM (Arkansas) .. If this was somehow enforceable.. i wouldn’t be mad. 
11. Spitting is only permitted on baseball diamonds (California).. Sounds like an anti-baseball law.
12. Illegal to collect rain water (Colorado) Yo.. anyone wanna buy some rain water.. Keep it on the DL. 
13. It is illegal for car dealers to show cars on Sundays (Colorado). On Sundays you get a Mystery box.
14. A pickle is not a pickle unless it bounces. (Connecticut). .. Alright. Who am I to argue with the pickle police.
15. One is not to walk backwards after sunset (Connecticut).. Probably safer to walk forwards so fair. 
16. It is prohibited to fly over water without sufficient supplies (Delaware) .. This doesn’t sound stupid to me.. if you’re flying over water surely you want life vests on your plane?
17. The singing in public places while wearing a bathing suit is not allowed (Florida) This is just worded weirdly.
18. Skateboarding without a license is prohbited. (Florida) I didn’t even know Skateboard licenses was a thing. I kinda like it. 
19. One is not to live on a boat for more than 30 days (Georgia).. Sucks to be Rosie and Jim in Georgia. 
20 Chickens are not permitted to cross the road. (Georgia) But Why did the Chicken cross the road?
21. No billboards allowed (Hawaii) Makes sense to preserve the beautiful views. 
22. You cannot place a coin behind your ear. (Hawaii) Who’s just hiding coins behind their ears like a weirdo? 
23. It is prohibited to gift a box of chocolates weighing more than 50 lbs(Idaho) .. Idaho is on a diet. 
24. No bicycles allowed in tennis courts (Idaho). Seems like cheating to use a bike in a game of tennis anyway. 
25. The giving of whiskey to dogs is prohibited (Illinois) Hell yeah, let’s get white dog wasted. 
26. No kites allowed to be flown within city limits (Illinois) .. Kite Man disapproves. 
27. The value of pi is 4, not 3.1415 (Indiana) Just easier to remember. 
28. The reading of palms is prohibited (Cedar Rapids) Yeah don’t touch my hands you witch. 
29. No false promises allowed. (Louisiana) Just a solid good law right here. 
30. Nobody is to step out of a plane mid-flight (Maine) I mean.. Again, good law to have i guess. 
31. Christmas decorations must not be up past January 14th (Maine) .. Grinch much?
32. It is not permitted to take a lion to the movies (Maryland). Sorry Simba. 
33. Beer is not to be given to hospital patients (Massachusetts) Well duh.
34. All putt-putt courses are to be closed no later than 1am. (Michigan) This one sucks for all you late night putt putters out there.
35. Nobody is to cross state lines with a duck atop their head (Minnestoa) That’s called duck smugglin’
36. Anyone disturbing church services is subject to a citizens arrest (Mississippi) Can’t like citizens arrests just happen any time, it’s whether or not they’re like actually tried for it afterwards? Idk citizen arrest laws. 
37. It is prohibited to frighten a baby (Missouri). Good.
38. The raising of pet rats is prohibited (Montana) It didn’t turn out well for Ron so fair. 
39. Doughnut holes are not to be sold. (Nebraska)... So there’s free doughnut holes going? 
40. No camels are allowed on highways. (Nevada) ..I mean.. it’d be worse if they were. 
41. Tapping feet, nodding head, or moving to music in any water is prohibited in restaurants, (New Hampshire) What underwater resturants have you guys got?
42. It is required that a person lend a phone to another in need. (New Jersey) This is nice but i dont trust people enough to not run off with my phone. 
43. No slippers before 10 pm. (New York) This law has a loophole in that it doesn’t say 10pm on what day.. could be 10pm on 1st of Jan 2012. Everyone can now wear slippers. I���ve freed everyone from this law. 
44. It is illegal to sing off-key. (North Carolina) Good singing or GTFO.
45. No bingo games shall last more than 5 hours. (North Carolina) After 5 hours you should all be done anyway. 
46. The serving of beer and pretzels simutaneously is not allowed (North Dakota). Well thats dumb.. probably safer to prevent dehydration.. but c’monn.
47. Noone shall participate in a duel, (Ohio). Sorry Yugioh. 
48. Professional sports are not to be played on Sundays. (Rhode Island). Unprofessional sports only. No formal wear. 
49. it is prohibited to catch a fish using a lasso. (Tennessee) Screw who made this law up, i wanna see a guy lasso a fish. 
50. Drinking of milk is mandatory. (Utah) They got them good bones in Utah.
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soobiniebaby · 4 years
Angels & Devils Part XI : I’m Yours, You’re Mine
A n g e l s   &   D e v i l s || Tomorrow x Together Fanfiction
~ p a r t s : main post || prologue || part 1 || part 2 || part 3 || part 4 || part 5 || part 6 || part 7 || part 8 || part 9 || part 10 || part 11 || part 12 || part 13 || part 14 || part 15 || part 16 || part 17 ~ p a i r i n g : love triangle involving choi soobin and choi yeonjun  ~ g e n r e : high school au | some social media au | some fluff & angst | childhood friends | love triangle  ~ l a n g u a g e : English  ~ w a r n i n g : contains swearing, alcohol, kissing (?) and may contain mature themes (angst, etc.)  ~ a / n : This will be my first fanfic (go easy on me pls) and i’m just writing this as I go along, so bear with me juseyo The setting (place/country) of the story is up to the reader’s interpretation ~ s u m m a r y : What should she choose? Han Baby: the new girl with a troubled past MO Academy: her new high school Choi Soobin: student council president, member of the Ecosave club, volunteer at the Humane Treatment of Animals, member of the Honor Society, a vocalist in the Jazzed club, the school’s all around golden boy Choi Yeonjun: leader of the Dance club, star of the Jazzed club, the school’s it boy with a bad rep 5 best friends, 1 new girl, 1 childhood friendship, 1 epic love triangle? What will this school year bring?
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Over the weekend, B and Kai had spent most of their time lounging around the living room, finishing the entire season of It’s Okay to Not Be Okay on Netflix on Saturday and having a movie marathon on Sunday. They ordered all their meals and had all the food they wanted delivered to the apartment, their food cravings ranging from donuts and milk tea to egg tarts and mint chocolate ice cream. It felt like one of the many sleepovers they used to have when they were kids, only now it was just the 2 of them in a place of their own, without nosy siblings or strict parents to bother them or tell them what they could or couldn’t do.
Other than stuffing their faces with food and drowning their emotions in Netflix, they finally had all the time in the world to do all the catching up that they hadn’t been able to, asking questions and telling stories about what they had missed out on each other’s lives through the years.
“First kiss?” B asks.
“Oh, I think I was in the 7th grade, and it was with Im Yeojin. You?”
“Lucas Wong. A couple of years ago.” B responds.
Kai shakes his head. “That guy was your first kiss ever? Lucas? Your ex?”
B nods. “The one and only. Next question please?”
“Alright, worst ex?” Kai asks intentionally.
“Ningning, you know I’ve only had 1 boyfriend.”
“Yes, and he was the worst! He had the audacity to cheat on you! And all because you wouldn’t ‘put out?’ He's lucky I lived 3 hours away or else I would’ve kicked his ass.” Kai says, huffing.
B laughs, trying to swallow down the lump in her throat that formed whenever she talked about her horrible ex boyfriend. There was so much more to their relationship than him cheating on her cause she wouldn’t put out, but she wasn’t ready to let her best friend know all about it just yet. “Thanks, but judging by the size of his biceps, I don’t think that could’ve ever happened anyway.”
Kai pouts. “Are you saying I should start going to the gym?”
B laughs at him dismissively before changing the subject.
Also, sharing a living space with another person was also a bit of an adjustment for B since she had already gotten used to living alone. Her apartment only had one bathroom which she now shared with Kai, and now she had to keep all her personal toiletries set aside and her feminine hygiene products kept away, not wanting a repeat of the horrifying moment when her best friend walked out of the bathroom with his face all red.
“What happened to you?” she had asked, noticing how flushed he looked after being in the bathroom for 20 minutes.
“You know that when I’m, um, taking a shit I like to read the back of labels of whatever I see in the bathroom, right?” Kai starts slowly.
“Okay, weird, but go on.”
He takes a big gulp before continuing. “Well, let’s just say I now know how to properly put on a tampon. And let me just say, I’m glad I wasn’t born a woman.”
After that incident, B made sure to keep all feminine hygiene products hidden away in the bathroom cabinets. She ensured to leave a stack of random books and magazines on the bathroom counters so Kai would have something to read when doing his business. Other than that, B also had to remind herself that it was no longer socially acceptable to walk around her apartment in nothing but a tshirt and underwear on, since she had gotten used to roaming the space without worrying about other people seeing what she looked like. She usually went to bed in just a shirt and underwear and roll out of bed and straight into the kitchen for breakfast without a care in the world. Now, she had to double check and make sure that she was wearing bottoms and a bra before stepping out of her bedroom.
Even though there were many things she hadn’t considered before inviting a guy to stay in her apartment, she had to admit that it was nice to have company around. She hadn’t realized how lonely it was to live alone until Kai had come along, and now she was already sort of dreading the day when he’d get better and move out. She was starting to consider finding a room mate before then, knowing that she’d feel lonely once her company had to leave.
Come Monday morning, B woke up feeling excited. She rolled out of bed, put on a pair of shorts, and made her way to the kitchen, only to be surprised by the sight of breakfast already prepared on the table. A plate full of bacon and sunny side up eggs, a bowl full of fresh fruit and cereal, and a glass of blue lemonade were all neatly laid out on the table, and Kai was sitting there with an apron still tied around his waist. When he saw B step out from her room, he immediately greeted her “Wakey wakey Baba, time to go back to school!”
B rubs the sleep from her eyes, making sure she wasn’t just dreaming that Kai had prepared breakfast for her. Once the smell of freshly cooked bacon filled wafted in the air, she immediately brightens up and walks on over to give her best friend a hug.
“Ningning, you did all this for me? Thank you so much!” she says in awe.
“Yup, I wanted to make it special since it’ll be your first day back at MOA today.” Kai says. “Now hurry up before it gets cold. You have to be ready in 40 minutes.”
B all but gobbles up all the food that Kai had prepared for her before jumping into the shower, drying her hair, putting on some make up and changing into her school uniform, making sure she had everything she needed before letting Kai walk her to the front door.
“Have fun, Baba!” Kai says.
“Sure thing. Make sure to keep the door locked and call me if you need anything.” she says, waving goodbye before making her way downstairs to meet Taehyun.
As soon as Taehyun sees her, his eyes visibly light up.
“B! Finally, I’ve missed you so much.” he says, waving hello before stretching his arms out towards her. “Come here!”
B excitedly runs up, preparing to hug Taehyun, until at the last minute he folds his hands across his chest and takes a step back, which stops her in her tracks.
“On second thought, don’t touch me. You may be medically cleared already, but since Hyuka’s staying with you, you might still be carrying the pox.” he says. It’s only then when she notices that he was wearing a face mask and had a small spray bottle of alcohol hanging from his school ID lace.
She smiles at him sheepishly. “I missed you too, you know.” she says, opting to wrap her arms around her own torso instead.
He laughs at her silly antics before following suit, wrapping his arms around himself. “Let’s just pretend that we’re hugging right now.”
B nods. “Alrighty. Thanks, Tyun.”
“Don’t mention it. Now come on, put on your face mask and make sure you have hand sanitizer before we go.” he says, adjusting the mask on his face.
She puts on a mask and puts a small bottle of hand sanitizer in her pocket before they start making their way to school.
“I’ve missed these walks of ours.” B says happily, breathing in the morning air.
“I’ve missed them too. And I’ve missed you. School was a bit boring without you, and walking to school alone just didn’t feel the same.”
“How have things at MOA been, apart from the health protocols? And how are the guys?” B asks.
“Apart from the implementation of health protocols, school has pretty much been the same. The guys miss you. I think they’re excited to see you.” Taehyun responds.
“I miss them too.” B says, sighing. She and Yeonjun had FaceTimed every night through the weekend, but she missed him, and she felt a bit sad that they had to cancel their supposed last date. She had to admit that she missed the other guys too. “What makes you think they’re excited to see me, though?”
“They told me to ask you if you could meet them by the front gate of MOA before classes start this morning.” Taehyun says.
“Oh? They did? Weird, but okay. I wonder why.” B says, trying to think of why they might want to meet up. “How have you been? Has anything in your life changed in the past week?” she asks.
Taehyun shrugs. “Not really, same old same old. Just the usual studying at school and working at the café.” he says. “What about you? How have you been doing?”
B shrugs too, mimicking his response. “I’ve been good, nothing much going on.” she says casually, which was a lie. She wanted to tell him about Yeonjun and about how he asked her out and all the dates he put together, but a part of her was scared about how he’d react, so she thought it would be better to tell him when the time was right.
As she and Taehyun approach the campus, her eyes catch sight of 3 familiar figures standing right outside of the gates, particularly to the head of blue hair.
B feels her heart jump out of her chest, speeding up her walking, and Taehyun runs to catch up to her as she starts waving her arms in the air the closer they got until the 3 boys look up in her direction and they all wave back.
“Seriously, you 3, why aren’t you wearing face masks?” Taehyun says as they meet the 3 boys outside the gate.
“Well good morning to you too, Tyun.” Beomgyu says playfully. “Relax, we’re not within campus grounds so we don’t have to wear masks yet.”
B laughs at their banter. “I think Tyun’s just worried that you’ll catch Kai’s chicken pox germs if you stand too close to me without a mask on.” she jokes. “So, why are we meeting up here outside the gates instead of at the front steps like we usually do?”
“Hey, B! Good to see you again.” Beomgyu says.
“Well, you see, there are new health protocols set in place on campus right now, and as members of the student council, we can never be caught violating any rules set within the school.” Yeonjun begins, smiling at her brightly, like there was a secret that only the 2 of them shared.
“Alright, and…?” B asks, not sure where they were going with this.
“And before we go in and start off another week of school, there’s just this 1 health protocol we’d like to violate.” Beomgyu continues.
“Okay, which one? Is it the face mask thing? Why are we standing outside the school gates?” B asks, still confused.
“So we can do this.” Soobin says, before taking a step towards B with arms outstretched and pulling her into him, his whole body engulfing her in a hug.
He feels time stop the moment his arms wrap themselves around her body, her face buried in his chest, the top of her head inches away from his chin, the smell of her lavender-scented shampoo tickling his nose, his hands resting on the curves in her waist.
When Soobin woke up feeling excited that day, he told himself it was just because he was excited to start a new week of school, but deep down he knew that wasn’t the case.
When the guys suggested that they wait for B outside the school gates so that they could greet her a proper ‘welcome back,’ he felt a flutter in his chest, and he told himself that it was just because he was happy that their group would be complete again (minus Kai), but deep down, he knew he was only fooling himself.
When he and the guys stood outside the school gates waiting for B and Taehyun to arrive, he could feel his heart start to beat even faster in anticipation, and he told himself it was just because he was looking forward to see their friend again after a whole week, but he knew there was more to it than that.
When he saw her waving her arms in the air and walking towards them, he felt his breath catch in his throat, and he told himself it was just because he was surprised to see her looking so radiant and healthy knowing how badly sick she was, but he knew it was because of how he was just now realizing how beautiful she really was.
When he took a step towards her and engulfed her delicate figure in his arms, feeling the warmth of her body against his, a feeling washed over him unlike anything he’s experienced before, as if by having her in his arms everything in the world was finally falling into place and the pounding in his chest and the flutter of butterfly wings in his stomach finally made sense, and it was at that moment he knew with absolute certainty just what it was.
It was her. It was B.
He didn’t know how it came to be, or why exactly it happened, but all he knew was that it was her.
It was him realizing that he was falling in love with her.
And the feeling hit him so suddenly with such clarity that for a moment, it felt like the whole world stood still, as his breath seemed to catch in his throat and time seemed to stop as he held her in his arms, savoring the moment and all the emotions that were hitting him all at once.
She lets out a surprised squeal as Soobin pulls her in, only to be muffled by her face being buried in his chest as they embrace.
“Soobinie!” she says, laughing in surprise. “I missed you too.”
Soobin smiles to himself, tempted to rest his chin on her head, but he was aware of the presence of their friends, so he slowly lets her go, his eyes meeting Taehyun’s as he does, and Taehyun’s expression quickly changes as he realizes what was happening.
Taehyun raises his brows in question, and Soobin gives him a quick and discreet nod in response, to which Taehyun shakes his head.
Soobin keeps his head down to conceal the blush creeping into his face as B steps away and Beomgyu tackles her into a hug.
“We missed you so much! I wish I could’ve gotten an excuse to skip school for a week too, though.” Beomgyu says slyly.
“Hey, I did not skip school! I called you everyday to listen in on lectures, remember?” B says defensively, hitting Beomgyu’s chest. “If you wanna stay at home so bad, maybe you should come over to my place. I’m sure Hyuka would gladly give you a big hug, along with the chicken pox of course.”
Beomgyu steps away and holds his hands up in the air in front of him. “No way, I don’t want chicken pox. I’d rather endure school than have hideous spots all over my body.”
B looks at him offended. “You think I have hideous spots all over my body?” she says through gritted teeth.
“Oh, now you’ve done it, Gyu.” Taehyun says, watching as Beomgyu runs away from B to hide behind him. “Don’t worry B, I’ll help you kidnap him after school. I think Hyuka would like to have an extra playmate.”
“I never said that!” Beomgyu cries, running from Taehyun to Yeonjun now, hiding behind the blue haired boy. “B, you look beautiful as always. If anything, the spots just accentuate your beauty.” he says desperately.
B scoffs. “Oh shut up. You’re lucky I like you, or else I would’ve slapped you so hard that the spots would transfer from my skin to yours.”
Yeonjun laughs, shielding Beomgyu behind him. “Wow, I never pegged you to be violent.” he says.
B shrugs. “I’m not. I’m just saying, I could slap someone if I wanted to.”
Yeonjun shakes his head, pulling her into his arms. “Welcome back, Baby.” he whispers in her ear, giving her a quick peck on the cheek and slowly stroking the small of her back, making sure that the other boys don’t see, before letting her go.
Once she pulls away, her face is noticeably red, and Yeonjun can’t help but laugh. God, she looked adorable. He gives her a quick wink before saying “And now that that’s settled, shall we head to class?”
The 3 boys put on their facemasks and let B lead the way into the school gates, each of them having their body temperatures checked and their hands disinfected before walking through the gates.
As B walks ahead of the boys, the 4 boys pair off.
Beomgyu slings an arm around Yeonjun’s shoulders, keeping his voice low as he says “So now that’s she’s back, will you guys have the talk now?”
“What talk?” Yeonjun asks.
“The talk? The relationship talk. You know, the talk about your feelings and where you guys stand and what your label is and stuff like that.” Beomgyu says knowingly. “If the 2 of you don’t want to put a label on whatever it is you 2 are, then you should at least let the other guys know that you’re dating.”
Yeonjun shrugs. “Don’t worry, Gyu. I’ve got it all planned out, you’ll see. I’ve been planning this for days now, but considering that we’re at school, I’ll have to make do. At the end of the day, we might even let you guys know about us.” he responds, his eyes glued to the girl in front of them, which automatically puts a smile on his face. “I’m gonna make that girl mine.”
Meanwhile, Taehyun attempts to sling his arm around Soobin’s shoulders, but with the other boy being much taller and walking a bit faster, he settled for interlocking his arm around Soobin’s instead.
“Oh, hey Tyun.” Soobin says, surprised by the sudden lock on his arm. “What’s up?”
“’What’s up?’” Taehyun says, mimicking him. “You tell me. All your questions about falling in love and stuff…were they about B? Is it her? Are you in love with—”
Soobin cuts him off. “Shhh, the other guys might hear you!” he says, hurriedly looking around and seeing that no one was within ear shot. “Yes, it’s about her. Let’s talk about this later, okay? Alone.”
Taehyun sighs. “Fine, but wow, I should’ve known. I had a feeling it was her. You 2 would make a great couple.” he says teasingly.
“Oh shut up, you know-it-all.” Soobin says, flustered. “I’m sure you would’ve figured it out sooner or later anyway, you’re too damn smart, you know?”
Taehyun laughs. “It doesn’t take a genius to see that you’ve got it bad, Binnie.” he says. “Let’s talk about it soon, okay? Just hang in there.”
Soobin sighs, his eyes focus on the girl walking in front of them. “Trust me, I’m trying.”
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B had to admit that Yeonjun’s sudden request had her heart fluttering, but more than anything it got her head buzzing with curiosity. Within 5 minutes she had excused herself from class, 3rd period biology which she didn’t share with any of the guys, and she was on her way to the student council room, which she had only been to once before with Soobin and Yeonjun. Technically, she was cutting class, but a few minutes probably wouldn’t hurt.
B takes a deep breath, not knowing what quite to expect, before turning the knob on the double doors to the student council room, taking a step inside.
The room was dark, the blackout curtains doing their job, and was only illuminated by the light spilling in from the door and a set of candles in the middle of the conference table, which also highlighted the fact that the conference table seemed to be overflowing with blue rose petals.
And there was Yeonjun, leaning against the table, a single blue rose in his hand. It’s only then when B looks down and notices that the carpeted floor all the way from the entrance of the room to the spot where Yeonjun was standing by the conference table was littered with blue rose petals.
“Yeonjun? What is this?” B asks, stepping inside and closing the door behind her, the only source of light in the room now coming from the candles. She removes her face mask, noticing that he wasn’t currently wearing one, and pockets it in her blazer.
“Baby. Come here.” he says, patting the spot on the table beside him. B walks over to the table, stepping on countless blue petals as she did so, and once she reaches him, Yeonjun takes her by surprise and carries her, lifting her up and setting her down on the table.
“Yeonjun!” she squeals in surprise, clinging on to him for dear life. As her bottom hits the table, she lets go and whacks his arm. “You surprised me!” she huffs, surprised by his sudden maneuver. “And you’re breaking the health protocols! What’s all this for anyway?”
He stands in front of her, simply staring at her, admiring how she looked in the candlelight. A few blue petals had fallen over the edge when he set her down on the table, but that didn’t bother him. He had skipped the entirety of 3rd period to prepare for this moment, so he wouldn’t let anything distract him now.
“All this?” he simply says. Upon seeing the confused look on her face, he takes a step towards her, situating himself in between her dangling legs, and he rests his hands on either side of her, his palms laid flat on the table just centimeters away from her thighs. The whole mood in the room shifted from playful to something different with just that simple action. “All this is for you.”
B could feel her heart start to pound in her chest again. She tried to keep a level head but Yeonjun was standing so close that she could smell him, the scent of his cologne now very familiar to her, and she could feel parts of his uniform lightly tickling at her inner thighs where he stood, sending shivers down her spine. “For me? Why?”
“Because, Baby, you deserve it. You deserve all of it.” he begins carefully, slowly, his gaze locking her in place. “I told you I want to give you all the good things you deserve, and during the past week I tried. Those dates meant a lot to me and I can only hope that you enjoyed them half as much as I did. My plans were cut short because of your unexpected temporary roommate,” he says, fondly referring to Kai, “and maybe I should’ve waited a little bit longer to do this, but I don’t think I can keep this to myself any longer.”
B looks down then, her cheeks starting to heat up. She sees how close his hands are to her thighs and her mouth goes dry. He was standing so close. “What are you talking about?” she says, her eyes transfixed on his hands.
Her eyes follow as he raises one hand to cup her face, lifting it up slightly to meet his gaze. “I want you, Baby.” he says, looking right into her eyes. “I want you to be mine.”
B takes a deep breath, finding herself unable to look away, before she says “I want you, too.”
And with those words, Yeonjun couldn’t resist any longer. He leaned forward, closing what little distance was left between them, and pulled her face up to his, their lips crashing together.
~ w a r n i n g : makeout scene  ~
Praying that he couldn’t hear her pounding heartbeat, B returns the kiss with equal fervor, wrapping her arms around his neck to pull him even closer. Her fingers entwine themselves in the hair at the nape of his neck, effectively disheveling his blue hair.
Yeonjun’s hands inch away from the table and come in direct contact with her thighs, the sudden warmth of his palms on her bare skin causing B’s mouth to open a little to let out a breath of surprise. She feels him smile against her lips, amused by her reaction, before taking the opportunity to trace her lower lip with his tongue, seeking entrance, which she allows.
His hands start to move slowly up her body then, he slides them up from her thighs to her waist, her skirt hiking up a few inches higher in the process. He breaks the kiss, allowing a moment for them to catch their breaths, before bowing his head down, his lips coming in contact with the sensitive skin on her neck.
“Oh god.” B breathes out, surprised by the contact, and again she feels his lips form a smile against her skin. She tilts her head backwards, his lips trailing kisses along her exposed skin, her heavy breaths starting to make her feel lightheaded.
Just as he’s about to pull away, his lips brush against the dip in her collarbone, causing her to wrap her legs around his waist and her fingers in his hair to dig in deeper, her body reacting to him before her mind could grasp what was happening.
“Fuck.” he breathes against her skin, feeling himself start to lose control.
B’s grip loosens then, her hands dropping from his hair to rest on his shoulders, her breathing heavy as she lets her head fall forward to rest on the top of his head, his face still buried in her neck. “Sorry.” she whispers, trying to control the rise and fall of her chest.
His grip on her waist remains tight, her blouse bunched up in his fists, his head buried in her neck as he tries to calm himself down, his breath coming out through clenched teeth. For a moment, they stay like that, until Yeonjun’s grip gradually starts to loosen, letting go of the fabric of her blouse as his hands go from clenching her waist to gently tracing circles on the now exposed skin on her hips.
~ end of makeout scene  ~
“You…” he begins slowly, lifting his head and letting it rest against her forehead, their breaths mingling. “You drive me crazy, you know?”
She lets out a small laugh, shaking her head lightly against his. “Not really, no.”
He laughs too, reaching a hand up to caress her hair, his eyes on hers once again. “Baby.” he simply says.
“Yes?” she responds, unable to stop a smile from creeping on her face. He smiles too, his heart fluttering, and he takes a deep breath before saying the next few words.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
She nods her head eagerly, their foreheads rubbing together. “Choi Yeonjun, I’m all yours.” she says, laughing upon seeing his bright smile. She kisses his nose, then his forehead and each of his cheeks. He starts laughing as she showers his face with light kisses. “I’m yours, you’re mine, Baby.” he says, the feeling washing over him.
“You think it’s safe to let everyone know now?” Yeonjun asks her, remembering how he promised Beomgyu they’d tell the rest of the boys about it soon.
B nods, biting her lip as she thinks of how people would react to the news. Yeonjun was her boyfriend. “Yes.”
He uses his thumb to free her lower lip from her teeth, gently tracing it before kissing her softly again. “Let’s tell the guys later. At lunch.” he says, referring to their daily lunchbreaks spent at the gazebo.
“Sure.” she says. Then she pulls away and pushes herself off the table, straightening out her uniform as she does so. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a Biology class to get back to.”
Yeonjun smirks, watching her pull her skirt down and tuck the hem of her blouse back in, straightening her blazer and running her fingers through her hair. It gave him some sort of satisfaction, knowing that he had gotten her so disheveled. He leans back against the table, running a hand through his hair and straightening out his necktie as well, keeping his hands in the front pockets of his trousers.
“Aren’t you coming back to class?” B asks, pulling the face mask out of her blazer pocket and putting securing it over her nose and mouth. “There’s only a few more minutes, and then it’ll be our lunch break.”
Yeonjun shakes his head. “I never went to third period.” he admits. “You better get back to class and surrender your hall pass though. I’ll meet you at the gazebo for lunch.” he says.
B’s mouth drops open. “You skipped third period?” she exclaims. “Please promise me you won’t skip classes again, please?” she pouts.
He laughs, taking her hand and pulling her closer. “I promise. Except for when my father requests it, though. But this is the last non-business related time I skip class.” he says, kissing the back of her hand. “You better hurry back, the bell rings in about 10 minutes.”
“Oh my god, I am so dead!” she squeals, her eyes widen as starts to pull away, but Yeonjun’s grip on her wrist keeps her in place.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” he says pointedly, his brow raised.
“Oh.” she simply says, before standing on her tiptoes and using a finger to pull her mask down, giving him a quick peck on the lips before pulling the mask back up. “That?”
He laughs, shaking his head. “You are adorable. I meant this,” he says, planting the single blue rose in her free hand. “but thanks, Baby.”
She blushes beet red then, straightening out her blazer one last time and quickly saying “See you at lunch, Yeonjun!” before dashing out the door.
He uses the remaining 10 minutes of 3rd period to distract himself from his thoughts by cleaning up all the rose petals he had set up. He wasn’t expecting things to get so heated, he only wanted to ask her to be his girlfriend, but he had to admit that he was pleasantly surprised by the turn of events. Just thinking about how she had reacted to his touches and how adorably flustered she got made him smile to himself, but the memory of her wrapping her legs around his waist and tilting her head back sent his mind wandering into the very place he was trying to distract himself from in the first place.
He sighs, shaking his head as he forced his thoughts to go focus into another mindset instead. He checks his watch, the petals all put away in a garbage bag. As the lunch bell rings, he grabs his things and locks the student council room behind him, putting on a face mask before making his way to the gazebo where he would meet his friends and his girlfriend for lunch.
Now he just had to tell his friends about his girlfriend.
When B got back to her Biology class, the teacher fortunately didn’t seem to notice that she was gone for well over 5 minutes, but her friends definitely did. When she sat back down beside Ryujin and Yuna, they definitely noticed how long her absence was, and they took note of how flushed she looked, and of the blue rose that he had haphazardly tucked under her blazer.
“Spill it. Now.” the 2 girls eagerly say, eyeing her like a hawk.
“Yeonjun asked me to meet up with him at the student council room.” B whispers to them, making sure that they were the only ones within earshot.
“Ooh, a steamy secret rendezvous in the middle of class?” Ryujin says teasingly.
“No, it wasn’t like that.” B aggressively whispers back, well-aware of how her cheeks were heating up as she tries to push away thoughts of Yeonjun’s lips on her neck.
“So what was it like then?” Yuna asks innocently.
Unable to contain her smile, B says “He asked me to be his girlfriend. And I said yes.”
The 2 girls quietly squeal at the good news. “Wow! Congrats!” Ryujin says.
Yuna nods. “Wow, and just like that for the first time in 2 years, Choi Yeonjun has a girlfriend.”
“2 years? He hasn’t had a girlfriend in 2 years?” B asks, surprised. Since everyone kept mentioning Yeonjun having a record for being one of the biggest flirts on campus, she was expecting him to have a long list of complicated past relationships.
“Well, real serious girlfriends, yeah. He’s been on a few dates with some girls since then, but it never really went beyond that so I wouldn’t call them girlfriends. And if I’m not mistaken, she was his first girlfriend. His first love, actually.” Yuna says thoughtfully. “I don’t really know her since she was never a student here.”
“I did, sort of.” Ryujin pipes up. “Gyu told me all about the guys’ past relationships. He mentioned Yeonjun and Rose’s relationship a lot. He said she was…” she starts, trying to choose her words carefully. “well, a complete bitch.”
“Rose?” B says, the name completely foreign to her. “His first girlfriend? So he’s only had 1 other girlfriend before me? And she was a complete bitch?” she asks, her head spinning with information.
Ryuji nods. “Yeah, despite his track record and dating history, he’s only ever had 1 serious relationship, and that was with Rose.” she says. “Gyu said they were intense. It was one of those relationships that were just so, um, loud I guess?”
“Loud? What do you mean?” B asks, genuinely curious yet a bit afraid to find out the answer.
“Gyu said they were one of those couples who were always so in-your-face about their relationship. Yeonjun wasn’t active on social media back then, but she was, and she was flaunting her relationship all over, showing off all the stuff he’d spoil her with and everything. Not only that, but they were one of those couples that, when going through a fight, the whole world would know about. According to Gyu, their relationship was dramatic and fiery and intense and so damn toxic, but Yeonjun was head over heels for her, which annoyed the guys to no end.”
“That sounds kind of awful.” B says, unable to imagine Yeonjun in such a relationship. “Kind of weird that the guys didn’t seem so supportive, either?”
Ryujin shakes her head. “That’s not even the worst of it. Apparently, she cheated on him with another rich kid she met while she was on vacation or something. Gyu says he hasn’t hated anyone as much as he hated Rose.”
“Now that sounds really awful.” B said, the information overload swirling around in her head. She couldn’t even imagine how awful this girl must’ve been for even Beomgyu and his friends to hate her so much. Why had Yeonjun fallen in love with such an awful person? And how could he have stayed in such a toxic relationship? And how could anyone cheat on him?
“I can’t say for sure since I personally don’t know her, Gyu just showed me a few of her pictures before, but he made her sound like the devil incarnate.” Ryujin says.
“Well, devil incarnate or not, Yeonjun’s definitely taken his standards to a different level with you.” Yuna says a bit comfortingly, squeezing B’s arm, trying to move away from the unpleasant topic. “And the best part is, I’m pretty sure all his friends love you already, so you won’t have to worry about that either. You and Yeonjun are solid.”
“Thanks, Yuna.” B says, smiling in relief. Then, remembering what Kai had told her about wanting to ask Yuna out, B giggles to herself.
“What was that for?” Yuna asks, noticing the sudden giggle.
Just then, the lunch bell rings, and B stands up instantly, slinging her bag over her shoulder. “Nothing. Just excited about my new relationship, I guess.” And about your soon-to-be relationship with my best friend. she thinks to herself, before greeting the girls goodbye and leaving the room.
Due to Kai’s absence, she had to walk to the gazebo alone, growing accustomed to having him pick her up outside her classroom so they could walk to the gazebo together. Now that she was left alone with her thoughts, she was starting to feel overwhelmed about everything that had happened that morning, from being back in school to her meet up with Yeonjun to officially being his girlfriend to learning about his ex. Even though she had learned a lot from Ryujin, she had to admit that her curiosity was still taking over her thoughts, which she knew would probably do no good for her new relationship.
Still, she couldn’t help but wonder about Yeonjun’s past relationship, and worry about how similar it had sounded to her relationship with her one and only ex boyfriend.
As she approaches the gazebo, she sees that Yeonjun and the rest of the guys were already there, sitting at their usual places. Without Kai, she wasn’t sure where she should sit. She usually sat beside Soobin cause that’s where Kai would usually sit before welcoming her into the group, but now she wasn’t sure.
Before she started to worry too much about where to sit, the boys spotted her approaching the gazebo and started waving at her. She smiles and waves back, stepping into the gazebo.
“There you are! Ah, it feels good to see your face around here again.” Beomgyu says, welcoming her in. “And just in time, too. Yeonjun says he has an important announcement that he’d like to make.”
“That we’d like to make, actually.” Yeonjun says, offering B a hand as she steps in, and she takes his hand shyly, letting him guide her into the small space.
“Oh?” Taehyun says, eyeing the 2 with a bad feeling in his gut. “What announcement?”
B takes a deep breath suddenly feeling shy and nervous, her eyes on the ground. She was starting to feel worried about how their friends might react, and guilty about not telling them about the whole thing in the first place. She had grown very fond of the boys and felt very comfortable around them, their closeness making her feel safe, as if she belonged. She was afraid that being Yeonjun’s girlfriend would change the way they see her or the way they treat her.
Sensing her nerves, Yeonjun squeezes her hand, urging her to look at him instead. He offers her a small smile, which she nervously returns. He nods at her before turning his attention to the 3 boys seated. “First thing’s first, I just wanna say that I’m sorry we didn’t tell you guys about this sooner. We just agreed that it would be best to keep it between us until we were sure about how things would go.”
“Whatever it is, we understand.” Soobin says with a smile on his face yet with a sinking feeling in his stomach, his mind buzzing at Yeonjun’s choice of words.
Taehyun looks at his president with worry, a part of him dreading whatever Yeonjun would say next yet already sensing what was coming.
Yeonjun smiles brightly, his heart fluttering as he looks at the girl by his side before slinging an arm over her shoulders and pulling her to his side. “Baby and I are together.”
As the words leave Yeonjun’s mouth, Soobin’s gaze instantly falls on B, wanting to see if it was true or if it was some sort of weird prank that Yeonjun was pulling. When he sees her smile shyly, attempting to bury her face in the blue haired boy’s chest, his heart sinks.
“We’re officially a couple.” she confirms, her face getting redder by the second as she looks up at Yeonjun, who he could tell was grinning behind his face mask.
Soobin didn’t know what felt worse, the fact that his best friend and the girl he just realized he was falling for were now a couple, or the fact that now he was falling in love with his best friend’s girlfriend. Seeing them together now—her with her flushed cheeks and her tight grip on Yeonjun’s necktie and him with his arm dropping down from her shoulders to her waist, securing her by his side—made Soobin feel a bit sick. But what made him feel even sicker was the fact that seeing them together was making him feel sick in the first place. His best friend had finally found an amazing girl 2 years after his horrendous break up and was now dating said amazing girl. He wanted nothing more than to feel happy, but the fact that he didn’t made him feel terrible.
Before Soobin’s guilt starts to consume him, Beomgyu suddenly claps, sending a jolt through everyone in the gazebo. “Wow, congratulations B and YJ!” he says, approaching the couple and happily slapping the older boy on his back. “You 2 look great together.”
“Thanks, Gyu.” B says shyly, her blush visible even through her face mask, one hand fisting Yeonjun’s necktie as he kept her close to him.
“Don’t mention it, I’m happy that this guy has finally moved on.” Beomgyu says teasingly. “And that he was able to score someone way out of his league.” he says, wiggling his brows at the pair.
“Shut up, BG.” Yeonjun says, playfully shoving Beomgyu away before they share a quick high five “You’re right though, I don’t know how I got so lucky.” he says, using his free hand to caress her hair.
“Shut up, both of you.” she says, flustered. She looks at Taehyun and Soobin anxiously, holding her breath as she waited for their reactions. So far, the two boys had either been staring at her and Yeonjun or at each other.
Finally, Taehyun stands up, approaching the couple. “B.” he simply says, which causes her heart to sink a little.
“Tyunie?” she asks, nervously waiting to know his verdict. She and Taehyun had formed a sort of special bond over their walks together, and his opinion was the one that she worried about the most. She wanted to apologize on the spot for not telling him about it sooner, and explain everything about the past couple of weeks to him to make him understand why she had chosen to keep her relationship with Yeonjun a secret. She didn’t know why, but she wanted Taehyun’s approval.
He smiles at her then, and she feels the weight lifted off her chest. “Congratulations.” he finally says, stepping towards her and hugging her, which she wholeheartedly returned. She lets out a sigh as he rubs her back, her chin tucked into his shoulder, before he pulls away. “I just broke a health protocol for you.” he suddenly says, horrified. He instantly steps away then and starts to vigorously spray his hands, arms and neck with alcohol, which causes B to burst out laughing.
“You did it cause you looove me.” she says teasingly. “And thanks, Tyun.” she says, glad that he approved, though she made a mental note to tell him about all the details later on. She felt like she owed him that much.
It’s quiet for a moment as Yeonjun’s gaze lands on Soobin, the only one in the group who hadn’t shown any reaction towards the news as he had just been staring back and forth between him and B the whole time.
For Yeonjun, it was Soobin’s opinion he valued the most. Soobin was one of the few people in the world that Yeonjun would trust with his life. He was the only one among his friends who supported his relationship with Rose, valuing Yeonjun’s happiness above his own when he was clearly unhappy about the whole incident.
He was the one who was there for Yeonjun when everything came crashing down, the one who helped Yeonjun pick himself back up after being cheated on by his first love, the one who helped save Yeonjun from the nights when he would drown himself in alcohol in the hopes of numbing the heartache, the one who would sneak into Yeonjun’s house in the middle of the night to make sure he was asleep safe and sound in his bed rather than hooking up with random girls and picking fights with random guys at the bar, the one who would talk Yeonjun into giving his father a chance and reason with him that his father only wanted what was best for his son, the one who encouraged Yeonjun to join the dance club and the jazzed club and the student council, the one who begged the faculty and advisers to give Yeonjun a second chance at finishing school at MOA promising that he would keep his friend in check, the one who would do anything to make Yeonjun smile, and the one who would always tell Yeonjun the truth.
He stares at Soobin until Soobin’s eyes finally meet his and he stands up, making his way towards the blue haired boy. Once they stood face to face, there’s a moment of silence before Soobin’s face melts into a warm smile, his dimples peeking out from under his mask, his eyes crinkling at the corners, which instantly puts a smile on Yeonjun’s face as well.
Yeonjun pulls him into a hug, relieved. “Congratulations, Yeonjun.” the taller boy says, patting his back a couple of times before pulling away. “I’m so happy for you.” he says.
“Thanks, Binnie.” Yeonjun says, patting him on the back as well. “This means a lot to me.”
Soobin nods at him before turning to B, and before he can say or do anything, she throws her arms out to him and pulls him in for a hug, her tiny body feeling especially fragile as her arms squeezed around his waist.
He looks down at B then, finding her in his arms for the second time that day, in almost the exact same way. Again, he feels time stop the moment his arms wrap themselves around her body, only this time she had her arms around his waist as well. Her face was buried in his chest, the top of her head inches away from his chin, the smell of her lavender-scented shampoo taking over his senses, his hands resting on the curves of her waist.
Only now it felt completely different.
When he hugged her this morning, it felt like everything in the world was falling into place, the feeling hitting him so suddenly with such clarity, as if time seemed to stop as he was hit with the realization that he was falling in love.
As he hugged her now, it felt like everything in the world was falling apart, the horrible feeling hitting him as he felt his heart sink deeper and deeper, as if time seemed to stop as he was hit with the reality that she was Yeonjun’s, that what he felt for her was wrong, that he could never let his feelings for her go past what they were now, that he probably shouldn’t even be hugging her anymore.
“Thanks, Soobinie.” she says in response to how he had congratulated Yeonjun.
“No problem, B.” he says, lifting a hand up to gently stroke her hair, taking a deep breath and taking in her lavender scent, savoring the warmth of her body against his one last time, telling himself he’d never hug her like this for as long as he could handle it. As he lays his chin gently at the top of her head, his eyes meet Taehyun’s, who was standing behind her, staring at him with a sad look in his eyes.
Soobin squeezes his eyes shut, prolonging the hug for a moment longer, before finally pulling away, looking directly at her eyes. She was glowing, her face flushed yet radiant, her smile so big that it was visible under her mask, she looked so so happy that it made his heart ache, knowing that the next few words he’d speak out loud would kill him yet knowing that he meant every bit of it.
“I’m happy for you.”
Author’s note:
Hello, thank you for reading! I’m trying to get more familiar with Tumblr, so if you have any suggestions or comments don’t be afraid to drop them! (PS I’m not even sure how to reply to comments, that’s how bad I am at using Tumblr lol but I promise that all replies are highly appreciated!!) PS: Happy 1 year anniversary/birthday, MOA! <3 Also: STREAM DRAMA MV!
19 notes · View notes
ljandersen · 4 years
Hey, sorry if this is silly, but I really admire your ability to write huge long stories and I have a few questions if you’re up for it. How consistently do you write, and how much would you estimate you write in a sitting/day/week? Do you edit while writing or after? How much do you think about word count while writing? How much do you set writing goals and how rigidly do you make yourself stick to them? Thanks :)
That’s not silly at all!  I’m extremely flattered.  I appreciate the questions.  I don’t get many asks and when I do get one, I consider it a huge compliment.  Plus, I love talking writing: mine, others’, the concept, whatever.  These questions are awesome!
How consistently do you write, and how much would you estimate you write in a sitting/day/week?
I’ll be honest.  I spend a lot of time writing, probably more than most people have the luxury of committing to a hobby.  I do work a 40 hours job that’s stressful, and I have weekends when I’m on call.  But I have an off day during the week and I have the weekends, which is when I do most of my writing.  I spent a good portion of my day off and Sunday writing and some Saturday morning.  
I prefer to write in big chunks of time to keep the mood and momentum flowing.  Overall, in a sitting, I might write 4-5 hours.  In one day, if I have no demands or anyone home, I might spend all day writing (10 hours).  I’d say typically, though, it’s 5 hours on those days.  In a week, that’s about 15-25 hours.  It’s hard to say, though, because it varies with social responsibilities, house projects, and weekend commitments.  
It’s probably important to say: writing isn’t a chore to me.  It’s a passion.  I’d rather write than do anything else: TV, videogames, books, whatever.  The time I dedicate to writing or writing-related activities are my leisure hours and bring me a lot of fulfillment.
Do you edit while writing or after?
After!  I would strongly recommend after.  For me, editing during writing is inefficient, distracting, and often, a wasted effort.  Why improve the beginning of my story with my current writing skill when, by the time I’ve finished the story, my skill is even better?  I’ll have to edit that spot all over again to get it to my new standard. 
Probably the biggest reason I edit after writing is to keep momentum. I don’t write with an outline, and my story develops as I go.  I need to keep moving forward and avoid distractions pulling me backward.  I keep a list on the side of the changes I need to make when I do my edit.  
  For instance, maybe there’s a fight scene in the sewers.  What if character X knows the city plans to flood the system at a certain time, which will give character X the upper hand over the villain.  Character X sees what time it is and remembers the tunnels will be flooded.  He tricks the villain into taking the low ground.  The alarms go off, they both freeze, a weird rushing sound, then whoosh the villain can’t outrun the water in time.  I’d jot down in my notebook that character X needs to learn about the city flooding the sewers at a certain time.  This is a big reason why I don’t post chapters before I’ve written the whole story and edited it.  
Now, I could go back right at that time and add in a conversation where character X hears about the city flooding the sewers, but what if something changes again?  What if there’s a solution to another fight scene later on that could dually be solved, if it wasn’t the city flooding the sewer, but a big storm system moving in?  Now I have to go get rid of my previous edit and edit again.  
After I’ve finished the story, I can see it as a whole piece.  Now when I go back and edit, I can incorporate all those details and foreshadowing.  I can streamline without wasted effort and focus solely on editing.  I know exactly what I need to do, take out and add, and I’ve never been a more experienced writer than I am at that moment to make the changes.    
How much do you think about word count while writing?
I don’t think about it at all.  Since I write the first draft in notebooks, I don’t know what my word count even is until it’s typed up.  With fanfic I have the luxury of writing how little or how much I like.  Since I err on the long side, I focus my edits on decreasing word count, trimming scenes, and removing sections.  
I know if I was trying to publish my stories, I would need to keep under a certain word count.  For sci-fi/fantasy, I might be able to get away with 120 K.  Unfortunately, I tend to write longer stories than that.  While in my mind it’s all relevant and progressive, I’m sure publishers would like me to cut out the extra conversations between the romantic pair and throw out the quieter character moments.  Fortunately, with fanfic, I don’t have to.  It’s to me to decide if that scene is important to the story.  Word count doesn’t matter.  
That said, when I see the word count climbing on a second draft, I do start worrying I’m asking too much from readers.  I may not be selling my book to a publisher to worry about keep word count lower, but I do hope people will read it and maybe let me know what they think.  If it’s a juggernaut, the chance of that decreases.  Who’s going to want to read it?
How much do you set writing goals and how rigidly do you make yourself stick to them?
I don’t set writing goals per say.  I’ll be committed to seeing a story through to the end, which is a goal, but it’s not quantitative.  A few months ago,  I decided September would be a good goal to start posting “Sideways.”  For a while, it didn’t look like that would work out.  I was relying on a beta reader for chapter 1 and time was passing.  I decided I wasn’t going to wait longer than September.  Five week in limbo was long enough, and I edited the chapter myself with my best judgement.  I guess in that sense, I had a goal and made sure it happened.  
Typically, though, I don’t set a lot of goals.  I never have quantitative goals like spending X hours writing or get X number of words by a certain date.  It’s usually more like, “I want to get past this action sequence in the next two weeks.  Otherwise, I’ll be hung up here forever.”  I hate writing action sequences. 
Thank you so much for the ask, alphahelices!  It truly means a lot to me you’d be interested in my process and take the time to ask.  I would say large word count isn’t something to aspire to, at least, in my mind.  I suspect it limits readership in fanfic and, in traditional publishing, there is a hard ceiling for unpublished authors.  
That said, thank you again for the support and encouragement you’ve shown me.  You know, I love your writing.  I’m forever impressed by your turns of phrase and the way you create such potent imagery.  It’s poetic and beautiful.  Profound.  It means a lot you can enjoy my writing when your own writing is so impressive.  Again, thanks!
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lockdownuk · 4 years
Lockdown Diary Part 10
A personal account during the lockdown in the UK due to the Covid-19 outbreak.
23/03/2020 8:30pm Boris Johnson, UK Prime Minister, gives a live address to the nation to, effectively, put the country on lockdown to stem the spread of the deadly coronavirus strain, Covid-19.
Many of us have been self-isolating for days but this latest development within the UK in reaction to the pandemic feels very serious and very scary. I decided to keep a simple diary and where better but online. Day 271: Work was dominated by Qfiniti again, including a meeting with Jon and staff from the States, where I found my self taking control to get the next steps in process (and then, Dave Stewart, the SCCM engineer fucked off and put an OOO message on Teams telling me he’s off until Tuesday (it’s Thursday)...and I am off on Monday!) But, I have to say this project does float my boat. Got a text message and then a call from PCH for another laser eye appt this coming Monday at 12.30pm. I mentioned to the lady that phoned that I will have to square it with work (I won’t, but she doesn’t know that) as I can’t afford to lose my job - it just seems the hospital, while under pressue with the admin and the clinic availability - I get it! - just aren’t seeing the issues for the patients. Plus, Peterborough has been declared a Tier 3 from Sunday under the new lockdown scheme, the highest tier. Great...I really want to travel to a highly infected area! managed to find an online booze shop that does Gordon’s and Famous Grouse and will deliver beforee Chrimbo, so I’ve placed the order for dad and Rita’s gift. I spoke with Dad today, he hasn’t heard about his vaccination yet which is a surprise (he’s in the first draft being over 80)
Day 272: Typing on day 273. Work was that manic shit at the end of the dya when I’ve got time off. I am only off on Moday but still had to tie up loose ends, complictaed further by Jon being off next week and Sueanne off this week and the Qfiniti project! In the evening I only mamaged three beers. I ate too much. Plus my sugars were all over the place and way too high! I ordered a torch a couple of days ago (£17), it arrived today. It takes rechargeable batteries or 3 AAAs. Apparently, to get the best performance (i.e. brightness) you need the rechargeable batteries in it, so i charged ‘em. Fucking hell, I’m glad I did - it’s brighter than the sun. It opens up my late walks in winter, for sure.
Day 273: While it was a very late (but sober) night yesterday (gone 4am before lights out) I was up before midday. Usual walking etc. plus gave the bathroom a clean (albeit with wipes, but I did mop the floor - and used the water to also mop the kitchen). Now I am about to stick a pizza in the oven, plus wedges (to have with microwaveable chip shop curry sauce) and watch This Is 40 which is coincidentally on telly tonight - the coincidence being clips of it are on TikTok a lot right now. I am on my second beer and am going to have a smoke right now as well. Lastly for this entry, I have been using my AudioPro speaker today, it pisses me off it’s not WiFi capable but, thru Bt, it does sound fucking good - revisiting James works very well to demonstrate the speaker’s prowess.
Day 274: I have another Paypal a/c. I have been getting emails to my standard gmail account from Paypal saying they are going to charge me £9 for an inactive account which I have been largely ignoring since my paypal a/c has a specific email address. Anyway, I tried to log in, after a password reset and, hey presto, I do have another one, with £35 in it, having just been fleeced of £9 for the aforementioned inactivity, fuckers. It’s registered with the old Market Place address and phone. When I try to transfer the £35 to my card, it wants to confim it’s me by calling the phone, which I can’t amend. Oh, and you can’t contact Paypal direct. Fuck knows what to do! Other than that, usual Sunday, a tad more relaxed since I have tomorrow off, but not that much now I have an eye appointment in Tier 4 Peterborough (it’s been up’d from tier 3)! Up at 1.30 pm (I watched This is 40 and The Guvners last night with lots of beer), feeling worse for wear but, stair climb and a 6 miler acheived!
Day 275: I was at the hospital for 3 hours. The laser clinic didn’t start until 1.30pm so, why my appointment was at 12.20, not even the consultant could understand. 15 minutes of lasering - horrible but I am used to it. It took so long it pretty much fucked my day off up completely. I got a Christmas card from Karen, in the actual post, so, a mail shot. It’s depressing.
Day 276: Back to work and it’s definitely in wind down mode. I’ve decided to compile a list of things I have done this year. It will be on the postive side, such as all the steps I’ve walked and getting an article published about my photography, but it will also include randon facts like getting bitten by a dig twice and not having a haircut. I’ll get it done so I can post in at new year, hopefully be a little inspiring, a little silly and a lot of showing off!
Day 277: Work, again, was quiet. It’s fucking pissing down now, as I type at 21:50, and has been all day. It’s causing havoc and there’s flooding everywhere. I could walk down St. Peter’s Road tonight ‘cos of it (had to go up New Road, Springfield Road, down Latham Road). Soaked a lunhtime and tonight! With a new variant of Coronavirus, France stopped frieght crossing the border. That’s now been resolved but tyeh back log has/is affecting certain food stocks in the shops, of which, fresh veg might affect me for Christams dinner (I plan to do a chicken breast with stuffing, pigs in blankets, yorkshire pud and shed loads of veg. I’ll nip to Co-Op tomorrow morning and see what’s vaialble. It’s a half day at work ‘cos of Christmas Eve, so I can nip out somewhere in the car if need be, as ong as the flooding has subsided. Or I could just get shitfaced and have burgers and pizza.
Day 278: Christmas Eve. Sueanne let me finish at 11.00am so, very shortly thereafter, off for a walk I went; it turned out to be a stop/start affair - flooding as the Nene had burst its banks, ended up doing more of a circuit round town. Bumped into Andy Smith (and his son) and, after that, Ash and Denise. Ended up doing just under 11.5km in 2 and a half hours.Knackered! As I type, I have a chilli on the stove, beer on the go, all the veg and chicken breast bought with no shortages, as feared, for tomorrow’s lunch and looking forward to eating. getting drunk, smoking, listening to music, watching telly....all over the next two/three days.
Day 279: I don’t even remember going to bed last night. As a direct result I got out of bed at 2.30pm. I couldn’t even be bothered with Christmas dinner, let alone anything else like exercise. I’m just about to have chilli for dinner (it’s 8.10pm). Watch some telly then try an go to sleep before midnight. No booze! I did talk to dad earlier. Day 280: Typing on day 281. A better, more productive day. Up @11.00am exercise and walk as usual, although the walk was a different route due to flooding. In the evening I could hear ‘storm Bella’ raging, so windy! I cooked a christmas dinner of sorts, chicken breast with Thyme, all the veg, roasted spuds and parsnip, stuffing (a first for me, albeit co-op stuffing mix), Yorkshie and pigs in blankets. It was smashing! A few beers and The Hitman’s Bodyguard, alays a fun watch. A better day, as I say, but I am feeling particular deflated this Christmas. Day 281: Typing on day 282. I realised, about mid afternoon, that Monday (tomorrow) is a bank holiday so no work. It was a great realisation but, also, worrying that it dawned on my like I’m an old person! Nevertheless, a nice long walk - bumped into Baz & Kate and had a nice long chat, then El & Camila, Aaron and Eva for another, shorter chat. I also saw Denise & Ash along the way. Fog video called later in the evening for a chat too (he told me how he fell asleep at the dinner table, fuck he makes me laugh - unwittingly - when I need it most!) A regular social fest! A repeat of last night’s dinner and a few beers - it was a good day albeit I am in a proper low ebb.
Day 282: Up at midday after a 4am-er. A very long walk (1.75 hours) and a hodge podge dinner (remaining chilli, roasted spuds and peppers, steamed cauliflower and runner beans, grated cheese) - it’s nearly ready, I’ll type the review tomorrow. I realise that this is the first time in 21 Christmases that I have at least talked to K. Is that connected to my mood slump? I reckon so. So, as that fact dawned on me, I then considered, should it be the case next Christmas, it will not be the first in along time and, as such, more manageable....fuck knows how I manage to accentuate any little positive but, thank goodness I do. Day 283: Work was a sedate affair today, fuck all to do really. Sueanne is now follwing me on Insta...I shall invetsigate on how to exclude posts to individuals, methinks. Tea, last night, was fucking lovely. More of the same tonight-ish - currently I am roasting spuds, peppers, garlic, chillies, tomatoes - it’ll all go with left over pigs-in-blankets (5) and a burger. I’ll have bisto beef with mustard on it. I can’t wait! Day 284: Typing on day 285. That meal was fucking lush! Checked on the car todfay and it would not start. Something is draining the battery so I will have to give it a run every day until I can get Julian to sort it. So, I WhatsApp’d Karen to borrow the portable starter. She dropped it off for me. We had the briefest of chats at the doorstep, first time we’ve spoken in weeks. She mentioned my hair! Day 285: NYE. I have just got back from walking to Cottersock and back. I would not have been able to do so without my new torch! I finished and published my double letter quiz on FB, including to the Virtual Pub group and the Oundle Chatter. It’s had some good feedback, I’m rather proud of it. I am going to make chicken casserole now (with dumplings - a first for me, I even bought some flour), have some beers and get a bit stoned. Before that, I am going to finish off my list of things I’ve done this year, including steps wlaked and hours listening on Spotify. I am quite proud of that list too.
Day 286: I fucked the dumplings up, added too much water, so that didn’t happen but the chicken casserole was good, just about to finish it for tea tonight. I also had pizza last night and went to bed at 5am. I have had a lot of good feedback on my list of 2020 achievements. I proud of it. K sent a happy new WhatsApp last night, around 00.30.
Day 287: No booze last night, so I was up before the alarm today (about 10.00am) Two walks, one on my own, another with Fog with a couple of beers. I fucking loved it! Watching datrts (World champs semi finals - been texting Dan while the first one has been on). Going to watch The Aviator later...I’ve not seen it before which surprises me. Why it surprises me I do not know, since I know I haven’t seen it. How the fuck can I be surprised by a fact I’m completely aware of? Day 288: I didn’t watch The Aviator ‘cos Logan Luck was on at 11:55pm on ITV4. Great fildm...I can’t believe that I very nearly paid for it (rent from Sky or Amazon). A late one last night and quite pissed. Thinking about it, having afew beers with Fog in the afternoon made it quite a long sesh for me! Up at just gone midday today, nice long walk (Cotterstock) which was mde long by a painful right ankle - I must have turned or twiested slightly sometime. Still, it survived. Back to work tomorrow - Chrimbo and New Year all done and dusted for the 55th time in my life!
Day 289: First day back at work of 2021. Boris announces another full lockdown in England (there’s a new strain of Covid19 which is seeing huge numbers of infections every day, over 50,000 per day).
Day 290: Something is up with my right foot, the little toe pad. It’s bloody sore. If it gets any worse it’ll affect my walking and exercise. I phoned Anne Bennison to talk about it, she just wants me to go and see her which i donlt want to do if poss, pandemic and all that.
Day 291: Wearing my sandals instead of the M&S slippers and my foot/toepad is already feeling bteer. However, I did inspect my Merrell boots, just in case, and the sole on te right is really worn down, in just three months. I have sent a WhatsApp to CotswoldOutdoors, where I got them from....let’s see what they say! It’s all kicking off i  the US - pro Trump protestors have storm the Capitol Building, where congrees was being held. Only in ‘Merica.
Day 292: Busy at work with rolling out Qfiniti - all that project work was pretty much for fuck all since the SCCM package has to hand held. It’s feckin’ freezing today, below freezing, slippy af on my walks. I have been shopping tonight, £106 in Corby Tesco. That does include 8 cans of sapporo.
Day 293: The fracas at Capitol Hill on Wednesday left 5 dead, it looks like Trump will be impeached. He’s already said he’ll not attend Biden’s inauguration. In a fucking world gone mad, it’s another level of madness. It’s really cold -3℃ tonight, more of the same tomorrow. Makes for brisk walks. I’ve just had chicken balti pie and chips for tea. It was so nice that I burnt the roof of my fucking gob. I’m on the Sapporo and about to have a smoke then watch Jack Reacher. I’ve (kinda) earnt after the first 5 day week for a while.
Day 294: Well, last night saw another late one...5am by the time I :went to sleep. Up at 2pm today with no instention of any exercise or walking or housework or fuck all, really. But, I did my exercises and a 9 mile walk. While I walked I came across Banners, quick 15 min chat and listed to Stage by David Bowie. He’s all over the radio right now as it’s his death’s anniversary tomorrow and his birthday yesterday. It’s a fucking good live album. A few beers tonight, eating trash, watching FA Cup highlights then End of Watch later.  Posh played today (first time in a while due to Covid infections) drew away to (shitty) Lincoln 1-1. Good point as Posh were down to ten men after 67 mins for a second yellow for handball in the area. Lincoln missed the pen. Fucking funny. Chorley, the non leaguers who knocked Posh out in round 2 of the FA Cup, beat Derby in round 3 today (albeit derby fielded an academy side of 11 first timers due to Covid ) - a great day for them!
Day 295: Up at 2pm swearing blind I’d not walk or exercise (again!) but, of course I did. I’ve done over 25 miles this w/e! End of Watch was brilliant last night. Well worth a rewatch, so emotional. I am making butter chicken as I type. I’ve added extra onion, garlic and, of course, chillies. It’s the spiciest butter chicken I have ever tasted! 
Day 296: One of those frustrating days at work when no problem of request I try to resolve goes without a hitch. After a 7km walk in the evening, took the car for a spin and cleaned the bathroom. Fucking knackered. It’s 11:30pm and I’m in bed typing this on the iPad! despite getting up so late, I feel knackered. 11pm bedtime for me, I reckon.
Day 297: Fucking busy at work, the States rolled out a new Okta trust policy and it caused mayhem. Meant my evening walk didn’t start ‘til gone 6pm. When I got back, clened the hall and stairs, made chilli (which I am about to have for tea (gone 10.15pm!) and showered. I’m, again, fucking knackered! Posh played Portsmouth in the EFL Trophy 3rd round at home. Won 5-1. Nice.
Day 298: Had an electrician rouind for the EICR cetrt. He was here until 2pm and it was a pain in the arse, having to work upstairs plus, with having to cut the electricity, all the smart devices lost their settings. And it was freezing up there.
Day 299: Work was impossibly infuriating. Not one pc remote session went to plan! It was pissing down a lunchtime during my walk but, I have to say, the cheap TargetDry coat copes fine in heavy rain for short periods. Everywhere is flooding again even though the rain turned to sleet. By my evening walk, it was dry but bloody cold. Then, when I got in I cleaned the kitchen and mopped the floor and the bathroom’s as well. I fucking done in! Chatted to dad today - same as ever!
Day 300: What a fucking work at week! I am so glad it’s Friday. To celebrate, I ordered new walking boots: Scarpas £121!
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How to Navigate the World of Online ESL
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Written by Gina Gainous
The purpose of this article is to share detailed information about the most popular online ESL companies, along with some of my personal experiences and anecdotes from other teachers I’ve come across in Facebooks groups and teaching blogs. Before we get started, I’ll give a small self introduction. I’m a biracial woman from the United States with a Bachelor’s Degree in English as a Second Language Education (K-12) and my TESOL certificate. I worked in various schools in my hometown and abroad for the first two years of my career. Nowadays, I work 100% remotely for a company called Liulishuo based in Beijing, China. To begin, I’ll cover some of the basics.
Peak Hours If the company is based in China, they will expect you to work peak hours:
6-9 PM Monday through Friday, Beijing Standard Time
9AM-10PM Saturday and Sunday, Beijing Standard Time
Depending on where you reside, this might mean working early mornings. Currently, I reside on the west coast, and I typically teach from 5AM-8AM on weekdays. Make sure to calculate the time difference before applying. These hours aren’t for everyone, especially if you’re not a morning person. Companies based outside of China will offer afternoon and evening classes, but since they’re smaller you may not get that many bookings. The pay is usually lower as well.
Students Children: Most companies you’ll come across only offer classes with children, who are usually between the ages of 5-14. You may have the option of only teaching older children in middle and high school, but if you’re open to younger students you’ll have many more options. Adults: Some companies offer adult classes, if you’re not interested in teaching children. However, the pay is usually lower.
Salary Scale Base pay: This is the rate of pay you’re guaranteed. Most Chinese companies start their base pay between $15-$18. Companies located in other countries, like Russia or Spain, will have a much lower base pay (between $9-13 per hour) and usually won’t offer any bonus pay. Bonus pay: This is what you’ll see in most advertisements - “Up to $22.00 per hour!” - and depends on a number of factors. Some companies will give you a booking bonus or an attendance bonus. For example, if you teach 100 or so more classes a month, they’ll pay you an additional $2.00 per hour. They may also pay a $2.00 bonus if you open slots during peak hours. So if your base pay is $18, adding the extra $4 will bring your total pay to $22.00/hour. Buyout pay: Very few companies offer this pay structure, but if you’re lucky you might be able to score a contract. Basically, the company will pay you just for keeping your slots open, even if they aren’t booked. Sometimes it’s just a portion, sometimes it’s the whole salary. However, this usually means base pay is fairly low and they may not offer additional bonus pay. In the past, Gogo Kid and DaDaABC used to offer this as a perk, but to my knowledge they changed their contracts last year. Current teachers have confirmed this in 2020.
Payment Methods Bank transfer: This is the method I recommend the most, if the company provides it as an option. There are less fees with bank transfer and they are deposited directly into your account on payday. Paypal: The most popular method of payment. Usually involves both a conversion fee and an instant transfer fee, which add up after a while.
Class Types: Private classes (1 to 1): Teachers instruct one student. These are usually 25 minutes long. Some companies, such as SayABC, have 40 or 50 minute long classes. Small group classes (between 3-4 students): Teachers instruct a small group of students. Again, these classes are usually 25 minutes long. Larger group classes (6 or more students): Some companies offer larger group classes. In this case, they’ll expect you to stand up and will project your webcam in a classroom. These classes usually require a teacher’s assistant who is actually present in the room to help with classroom management.
Important things to note: 1. A lot of companies will provide the lessons for you, but they’ll expect you to have your own class materials. Things like whiteboards, markers, letter cut outs, puppets, dolls, toys, models, and more. Keep in mind, teachers can only write off $100 from their taxes if they pay for materials out of pocket, so be careful of your budget. 2. A revolving door is oftentimes a red flag. If you notice that a specific company is always hiring or posting ads, that’s not a good sign. It either means they have too many teachers and not enough students so booking slots stay empty, or that their teachers are constantly quitting. Which leads me to my next point... 3. Many online teachers have turned to recruiting. As recruiters, their companies will pay them a bonus based on how many people were hired after using their affiliate link to apply, and if those applicants teach enough classes. They are responsible for helping their recruits through the interview process, giving them advice for how to pass the assessments, and getting them familiar with the software. However, be wary of this because some people who have signed up via recruiter link have reported their mentors disappearing soon afterwards. This is not meant to be accusatory, but it is a common occurrence as observed on many Facebook Online ESL Teaching groups. 4. Remember, if the offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Get all the details, in words you can understand, before signing the contract and making the commitment. 5. Most companies only hire what they consider to be “Native English Speakers”. These are people who hold a passport from the following countries: The United States, The UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand [and sometimes South Africa]. This means that even if you speak English perfectly and have the right credentials, if your passport is from a country not listed above then you are considered a Non-Native English Speaker. There are some companies that hire NNES, but they will offer a significantly lower base pay. (Note: many of the bigger companies only hire people from the United States or Canada. A list of companies that hire Non-Native English Speakers can be found at the end of this article.) 6. Most companies only hire those with Bachelor Degrees. It’s preferred that your degree relates to Education or Child Development, but most of the time they’ll accept anything. You may also need a TEFL or TESOL certificate as well, along with some teaching experience. You can sign up for a short course on Groupon. A few of them cost less than $10. (There are some companies that hire without a degree, which are listed at the end of this article.) 7. You are considered an Independent Contractor, NOT an employee. You do not have the same protections you might be used to at a brick and mortar job. This means that these companies can fire you for any reason, or without a reason, at any time. On the other hand, this also means you can also quit for any reason at any time. However, keep in mind that many companies have been known to withhold the final paycheck if this occurs, and there’s not much you can do about it since they’re based in another country and don’t adhere to your country’s laws. It’s best not to burn bridges. 8. A lot of the bigger and popular online ESL companies are geared towards young students between the ages of 5-14 years old. They’ll want to see high energy, the use of props, and general silliness, hence why online educators have coined the term “edutainer”. You must ask yourself if your personality fits this kind of job, because they will expect you to perform in this way during your interview and also in your classes.
Companies to avoid (and why): VIPKid - suspected of data mining, new teachers wait months before getting regular bookings, mixed success with POC teachers, “edutainers” Likeshuo - racist policies, has been seen advertising for white teachers only Acadsoc - low base pay, non-communicative staff, low quality lesson plans iTutorGroup/51Talk - teachers are rated by students and if they get one low rating for a class they can be fired, unresponsive IT staff, inflexible time off policy, harsh cancellation policy Magic Ears - long training process, slow bookings for new teachers, you MUST teach in their style or else you won’t get bookings
Companies I’ve worked for and liked: Liulishuo - communicative staff, offer professional development, offer buyout schedule, hiring freezes, good quality lesson plans, quick and reliable payment each month, responsive IT team Golden Voice English - high quality lesson plans, good students, communicative staff, quick and reliable payment each month, responsive IT team
Companies I’ve worked for and didn’t like: Micro Language - late pay, wouldn’t put black people/POC in their new program despite being top tutors, poor quality lessons with grammar and spelling errors, non-communicative staff, made multiple changes to teaching contracts without input from teachers DaDaABC - offered low base pay, unfair time off policy, removed many of the perks from their new contracts Cambly - difficult students, women often experience sexual harassment from male students, POC teachers have reported racial microaggressions from students, no structured format, pay is low, lots of student no shows or last minute cancellations with no penalty for students
Companies that only hire from The United States/Canada/UK: QKids (and you MUST be based in The US or Canada) Golden Voice English VIPKids English First (US/UK) OpenEnglish
Companies that hire WITHOUT a degree: Magic Ears Cambly Palfish OpenEnglish LatinHire Preply Verbling Learnship Acadsoc SkimaTalk Italki Learnlight 31ABC (but they require teaching experience)
Companies that hire Non-Native English Speakers: Preply Voxy (must have some college credits) Learnship Yiyi English LatinHire
Companies that offer adult-only classes: Huajing Liulishuo English First Learnlight Italki Cambly OpenEnglish
To wrap things up, I’ll share a few more points to look out for in your job search. GREEN FLAGS - They implement hiring freezes so they don’t overhire teachers. Offers professional development opportunities. Quick responses from IT. Quick responses from HR. RED FLAGS - Spam-like advertisements. Lots of recruiter links on Facebook posts or other websites. I hope this guide helps you find the perfect position! ~~~~~
Gina Gainous is a state licensed ESL teacher that hails from the midwestern United States. She can be reached for further questions or inquiries at [email protected].
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Tuesday 19 May 1829
4 50/60
11 10/60
Quite ready at 6 – breakfast at 6 10/60 – Mrs Barlow here at 6 40/60 – off at 6 3/4 – at the lecture room in 58 minutes just in time – the lecture lasted 1 hour – chemical lecture lasted from 9 20/60 to 10 3/4 – home in 55 minutes at 11 3/4 by our clocks, leaving (I alone) called on M. Desfontaines at his house immediately after the chemical but he was not at home so left my name in pencil, as the woman servant requested – he had been very civil at the close of his lecture when I asked him a question relative to the date cut and grown over in a piece of the trunk of a tree exhibited at the lecture – he answered me very civilly and good naturedly but I called to ask him if he would go over the garden with myself and a friend, Miss Hobart – Mrs Barlow and I had sat at the administration between the lectures, and seen M. Royce who said M. Desfontaines would be thought to be happy to oblige me – on getting home letter per petite poste, from Miss Maclean enclosing little money from Miss Hobart – 
Had stayed talking to my aunt and Mrs Barlow (who returned with me) some time – then read my letter and from about 12 1/2 to near 2 wrote 3 pages – should have got her letter in time to acknowledge it in my letter yesterday but Vere had no means of sending to me but, by the little post – delighted that my pages to say our plans were fixed were already on the road – ‘it was my aunt herself who hammered into me the travelling scheme (I had not thought of it for ages)’ - she varies as to staying here as her health varies – 
Sunday poorly thought herself fit for nothing but Shibden and to be quiet – yesterday better and all in spirits, and would take a house here for 3 years and then return! Even begin to doubt whether to change this apartment for it changing will harass my aunt – she does not complain of it, and its disagreeables ought to be nothing to me 
‘For entering much into society is even impossible on my aunt’s account, whatever she may think to the contrary all that I have dwelt on with most pleasure has been the thought of having you with me – if this may not be, the will of heaven be done! all I can say is, I desire but your welfare and happiness, and whatever can best insure these I would do all in my power to promote – your present state of health is an affliction to me greater than I can describe; but I am indeed persuaded that, ‘for human weal heaven husbands all wents’; and again, and again, in meek submission to that power that ruleth all things, my heart exclaims, ‘thy will be done in Earth as it is in heaven!’ – you are ‘a little bewildered about what everybody says of Paris in the heat’ – Bewilder yourself nothing more on this subject – the worst month is August, and next July – September, too, you might stay away – October is delightful – November often rainy – December and January our ‘winter’ – can she not go to Hampshire for the present but stay longer than a week that would be only a harass for nothing – then why not go to Guernsey? – think the mild air of Guernsey would do her good.
Would go and see her there – fetch her from there – do anything she wished – Had I known the extent of her bodily weakness when I left her, should have stayed longer – ‘shall go to the soirée at the Embassy on Thursday because it seems best to do so; but I shall think only of you; and the contrast between the scene around me and that at 17 Duke Street, will wrap my thought in melancholy – Sibbella! I should be delighted to have you here, because I hope and think you would be comfortable; but do nothing that is deemed imprudent by those who ought to be best able to judge – what says your cousin, the physician in London? what Lady Stuart, the Macdonalds, Macneils, etc. etc.?’ to write, if but a few lines, as often as she can – to give me her address in Hampshire, and let me never be a moment without knowing where she is ‘Tell me the worst you think and feel; and do not let me be a moment without knowing where you are’ – would rather know all about it - …..’God bless you Sibbella! – you may, under all possible circumstances, count upon all that can be done by your ever faithful and affectionate AL-’
Had written the above of today, and sent my letter to ‘Miss Maclean of Coll 17 Duke Street Portland Place, London, Angleterre’ at 12 40/60 – her letter a 1/2 sheet full in an envelope of which the 1 page full – not a word about or hint at Mr Long in my letter of this morning – she writes that he makes her drive outside thinking it absolutely necessary for her – got Captain Bury to drive her out one day, and sent his (Mr Long’s) groom to drive her another day – ‘You have no idea how weak I was when you left me and this vile cold took the remaining strength away I am obliged to sit all the time I am putting on my clothes – but I am much better than when I last wrote to you, though not much stronger – I think the desperate heat of the weather occasions it particularly as I cannot eat much’ ……. Mr McNeil of Barra’s sister and brother in law have put themselves under Mr Long ‘a scorbutic face’ – meaning that each has a scorbutic face? ‘I have much to tell you but having written to Vere since I came in, I have no time, and my back aches with sitting up, my dearest, do not look forward to long life for me, this sad cold has done me infinite mischief – you ask what my doctor says he looks with intense anxiety, and the slightest change in me, is reflected in him I wish it were not so – I told him this evening my opinion was that I could not long survive but he says still he has no fear but he will get me over this severe attack – and that he thinks I may still live some years’ – 
Captain Bury advises her not to risk the heat of Paris – She is ‘a little bewildered’ i.e. evidently afraid – no date, but says she goes ‘a fortnight hence, if strong enough, to Hampshire for a week – I shall be most anxious till your plans are fixed, I am not surprised your aunt should wish to return to England before your three years tour will be over, in all probability – she, will have looked her last on all she loves on Earth, who now signs herself your own ever affectionate SML’ 
What an account! I fear her forebodings are but too true – she will not perhaps survive long – what good has this silly quack done her? ‘Tis misery to me to think of it – 
Miss Hobart’s first note, merely to say it was an age since she had seen me – could I call on her on Wednesday morning between 1 and 2 ‘that we may have a little gossip? for it will hardly be practicable on Thursday ….. not a very large soirée ‘I fear our Sibbella is but poorly still ever yours V. Hobart’ dated ‘Embassy Monday morning’ – then wrote and at one sent George to ‘Miss Hobart’ Tuesday 19 May 1829’ ‘Dear Miss Hobart I have this moment got your note, and Sibbella’s letter – I fear she is indeed very poorly – we will talk about it tomorrow – your note though written before your receipt of mine, is a sufficient answer to it – I will call for you tomorrow about half past one – I know not anything more you can have to write to me, but will desire George to ask if he is to wait for an answer – I hope you got your watch safe – the letter to Sibbella would, of course, be in time – ever yours AL’
Before 2 George brought an answer – she sent my letter – will be delighted to go to ‘Père la chaise’ if will call for her about 3 – ‘I shall have dined with the children by that time’ but if I think this too late, to go earlier ‘ however I think it pleasanter to let the heat pass away before we drive’ – will pay for her watch tomorrow – 
At 3 1/4 had written the whole of the above of today – Mrs Barlow sat with my aunt till a little after 1 (by our clock as I have written always) – at 3 1/2 went to Mrs Barlow’s – she in bed with a sick head ache – sat by her beside till near 6, and got home at 6 – 
Saw Madame Galvani for 10 minutes – she gave me [?] me the number she had had in answer from M. Dossene – the apartment on 2nde, rue saint Florentin no.11 ‘est de 2400 francs plus le sol par livre du portier et les postes and finêtres’ – the latter tax 2 francs or 1/. per door and per window – Mrs Barlow pays 18 francs a year for this tax – that this apartment 86 steps high, only one window in the drawing room and no coach house would cost 2600 francs a year unfurnished – hired furniture would cost 1000/. a year and coach house 200/. so we should altogether pay 3800 to 4000 a year – 
Dressed - dinner at 6 1/4 – came to my room at 8 – read a little Méreat’s Botany – and had 1/2 hour’s nap on my sofa, and went to my aunt at 9 1/2 – coffee immediately – came to my room at 10 5/60 – very fine day -
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Steve loves games, always has, since he was a little boy and he went round his friends house and they played board games after dinner with his parents.
His parents never let him play, never even bought a single one into the house. Didn’t really ever agree with spending time with their son, as a family. Occasionally the nanny would sneak one in for Steve, play with him for a couple of hours. She introduced him to hide and seek one day and he loved it. Couldn’t get enough of the hiding and the finding. He’d been good at it, she couldn’t ever find him when he hid behind the curtains. Always made him laugh when she was behind the sofa. But then one day she never came back, and Steve was left with memories and a longing and no one to play any games with anymore.
And then one day he’s thrown into babysitting a couple of his friends brothers and their friends and they’re playing Dungeons and Dragons. And they invite Steve to join. And his heart swells because he hasn’t played any games in over 12 years and someone is smiling at him and asking him to play. So he sits down and listens. Learns.
It wasn’t like any kind of game he’d played before. It was a lot harder, had a lot more instructions and seemed to go on forever. He didn’t quite get the hang of it the first few times they played, but slowly, with a little help from Dustin, he managed to start understanding how to get further than he ever did before.
He was their go to babysitter before he knew it. Even considered them as friends. D&D was their favourite game but they played others, had days were they’d rifle through the cupboards of whoever’s house they were at and find the first thing that didn’t make them groan with boredom. It took a long time for him to explain why he didn’t have any in his house when that was the chosen residence of their carefully planned destruction for the day. They’d all looked shocked, couldn’t understand why. He’d shown them to the pool and ordered pizza to stop the questions.
Then one day Max’s brother turned up to pick her up before they were done. Steve had told him he needed to wait, that they were at the end of a D&D run they’d started 4 days ago and hadn’t had the time to finish. Billy had protested until Steve invited him in.
Billy had watched on, laughed at the way Steve got so into a game he was playing with a bunch of kids. But the way Steve smiled without a care in the world pulled at Billy’s heart. He’d never seen him like that. He’d never been around him long enough to realise he didn’t need to pick a fight with him. The guy was just sweet and kind. Billy couldn’t hate him, he’d never really begun to.
And then Billy starts turning up a little early every time they meet, saying it’s fine, tells them to finish the game, that he doesn’t mind waiting. And really he means watching, because he can never tear his eyes away from Steve’s smile, from the passion flowing out for whichever silly little game they’ve got spread out before them.
It kind of just becomes ritual that Billy will be there with them, waiting for them to finish so he can take Max home. So Steve invites him to stay one day, when he’s dropping Max off. Billy brushes it off at first, tells Steve he isn’t childish like the rest of them. But Steve just raises an eyebrow and Billy walks into the living room and stays for the rest of the day. And then the next time, and the time after that, until the weekly games night just isn’t the same without him there.
And years later, when Billy has moved in with Steve and they’ve been dating for longer than they haven’t. When their weekly board games nights have become board games weekends, when they’ve all been round to the Harrington-Hargrove household on a Sunday and played Twister with varying degrees of success and Hopper has gone home with a twisted back, Joyce telling him he should never have agreed to play in the first place, Will, Jonathan and El laughing in the back seat, Nancy and the rest of the kids making their own ways home. Billy looks at Steve and tells him to go hide. Steve just looks at him, laughs, says they’re too old for Hide and Seek, but inside his heart is beaming. He knows that his nanny had always pretended not to find him even though his toes would always stick out beneath the hem of the curtains, knows she hid behind the sofa every single time because it made him laugh, made him feel like he was winning. After all of these years he still loves it. It’s still his favourite. And Billy starts counting down from 100 and Steve knows he’s serious, runs out of the living room with the broadest grin on his face.
Steve considers the sofa in the study, leather bound and high backed. But there was a gap beneath it. Too obvious.
He wanders into the kitchen, considers ducking behind the counter. But all Billy would have to do was walk in to see him, so he walked further.
He went to open the back door, considered standing behind the shed. But it was cold and it was dark. The indoors was more appealing.
He ran upstairs, well aware that half of his time was gone. 100 seconds seemed so long until that was all you had.
He ducked into the bathroom, stepped into the shower and pulled the curtain across in front of him. But it rustled too loudly, Billy might have heard that.
He dashed into the spare room, the one that Dustin crashes in far too often. There was a shoe on the floor and he tripped, left the room incase Billy could tell he was there too.
He ran into their room, his old room from when he was a small kid. He considers just hiding under the covers, waiting for Billy to find him there. But he would be seen far too quickly, would shorten the game.
He climbs off the bed and heads towards the wardrobe, thinking he might just duck in there. But then he sees the curtains and something in his heart tells him he can’t turn away. So he curls in behind them, the same one’s that had been in here years, and stops. Waits. Knows his toes are poking out just beyond the hem.
He hears Billy yell he’s coming, the adrenaline kicking in like it did when he was 4.
Billy keeps calling his name, for 5 minutes, telling him he’s going to find him. Steve keeps smiling. He feels young again.
Then Billy calls his name again and Steve starts to feel his smile drop, his heart break. The volume and the distance of Billy’s calls hadn’t changed since the first. He hadn’t moved. He was still in the same place. He wasn’t looking for Steve at all.
Steve leaves it another 5 minutes, hopes that he’s wrong, that Billy will actually come looking.
But he doesn’t, and then the calls stop. So Steve leaves his hiding place and heads downstairs, ready to give Billy a mouthful because how dare he ruin such a special memory for him.
But when Steve walks through the door into the living room all of his arguments fly straight from his lips and tears start welling up in his eyes instead.
Because there, in front of him, one knee knelt on the floor, the other up in a right angle, was Billy Hargrove, holding a ring out in front of him, a massive smile lighting up his face.
Will you marry me? was left hanging in the air between them, Steve trying to fight back the tears as he fell down in front of Billy and nodded his head and said the word ‘yes’ over and over again.
And they kissed and they cried and Billy put the ring on Steve’s finger and they sat on the floor together and admired it, their hearts bursting with happiness, beating an excited rhythm in time with the other.
And then Billy asks Steve if he was hiding behind the curtain and Steve smiles, lets a tear slip down his cheek.
Because he loves games, but he loves Billy Hargrove just a little bit more.
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morbid-n-macabre · 5 years
Fayetteville, Georgia-
40 year old Chris Benoit was a famous WWE wrestler and family annihilator. The "Canadian Crippler", as he was known in the wrestling world, murdered his wife, Nancy, their 7 year old son, Daniel, then committed suicide during the 3 day weekend of June 22nd through the 25th of 2007.
On Friday Nancy lost her life. She was killed in a second story room; her limbs had been bound, a cord wrapped around her throat, and she was strangled. There were bruises on her stomach and back where Chris had presumably pressed his knee into her, and at some point she suffered a blow to the head. When she was deceased, Nancy was covered with a towel and a Bible was place near her body. Toxicology later proved that Vicodin and Xanax were in her system, but sources claim that these were her everyday medications.
It's believed that someone during Saturday night little Daniel was murdered in his bed. It's thought that Chris drugged his son with Xanax ahead of time, then suffocated him; many believe that Chris used his famous signature wrestling move, the Crippler Crossface, to end his child's life. As with his mother, a Bible was discovered in very close proximity to Daniel's corpse.
Throughout this weekend Chris had been in contact with his close friend and fellow wrestler, Chavo Guerrero. Chris had missed a show, which was very much out of character for him; Chris explained that both Nancy and Daniel both had a nasty case of food poisoning and he may need to take them to the hospital.
On Sunday, Chavo and a a few other wrestlers received text messages from Chris's phone. These messages named the Benoit family's full street address, stated that the garage door was open, and the dogs were chained up in the back yard.
Since I try to be as factually correct as humanly possible, I'm not real sure as to who initially discovered the bodies. Most sources state that the police were called to conduct a wellness check, but others say that the Benoit's neighbor, Holly Schrepfer, was sent to the home to check on the dogs thereby stumbling upon the crime scene. Chris had passed away from apparent suicide just after he sent those texts to his buddies. He'd gone into his workout room, stacked on 240 pounds, and rigged the weight machine to hang himself; the wrestler's neck had been broken. The home computer's search history showed that someone had recently researched "the quickest and easiest way to break a neck".
As for Chris's motive, some think that Chris murdered Daniel because he suffered from "Fragile X Syndrome", but doctors say that the boy did not have this condition. It's said that Daniel had needle track marks on his arms at the time of his death, that Chris had deemed Daniel small for his age so he was treating the 7 year old with growth hormone injections. It's also said that Daniel had been having a hard time in school, and was being held back a grade; it must be mentioned that the boy's teachers say this is absolutely not true. As for Nancy, it's rumored that there had been some recent problems in the Benoit marriage. The relationship had been a passionate one; at one time the couple had separated and Nancy had filed for divorce, but according to friends those troubled times had seemed to be behind them. Furthermore, the shape of Chris's brain definitely needs mentioning. The man had been a superb wrestler, willing to perform stunts in which few others would dare attempt. Due to this, Chris's brain had been severely damaged; he'd suffered multiple untreated concussions, a broken neck in '01, and the steroid abuse certainly hadn't helped his condition. During autopsy the athlete had ten times the level of testosterone in his system, and his brain was comparable to that of an 85 year old Alzheimer's patient. Matter of fact, had this tragedy not occurred, doctors say that Chris would've had maybe 10 months left to live.
Those close to the wrestler say that Chris had been acting increasingly strange before that tragic weekend. He'd been quoting scripture and seen with a rosary around his neck. The wrestler had not been a religious man, yet Bibles were found next to all 3 corpse; a note which read, "I'm preparing to leave this Earth" was discovered inside one Bible. He'd been having strange nightmares, and kept a diary in which he wrote to his recently deceased best friend, Eddie Guerrero. Chris had become paranoid, thought people were following him, he wouldn't even take his trash out to the curb for fear that someone would rifle through it. Chris wouldn't allow his son to play in the yard, he had began taking detours on his way home, and was adamant that Nancy not stay out late after dark. The man had been terrified that someone was watching him, planning something sinister against him.
For many, these are little signs that all was not well in Chris's mind; for others, it's proof that he truly had been in trouble. Maybe someone really had been following him, meant to do him harm. Some believe that Chris and his family were murdered, and yes it does sound preposterous, but there is some evidence which points towards it.
The most popular theory is that fellow wrestler Kevin Sullivan murdered the family, and he did have some pretty serious motive! Back in the day Kevin and Chris were very close friends who played adversaries in the ring; during this time, Kevin and Nancy had been married. You know how the wrestlers have their storylines? Well, the Chris/Kevin story eventually lead to Nancy, who played a character known simply as "Woman" in the wrestling industry, had been having an affair with Chris. Kevin, Nancy's then husband, was not only cool with this fantasy, but he helped to write the story! In order to make it more realistic, Nancy and Chris were seen hanging out alone, they were often purposely discovered out in public on romantic dates, etc. Well, eventually this pretend affair turned into the real deal; the pair fell in love. Nancy divorced Kevin and married Chris, understandably creating a rift between the three. Kevin always blamed his former friend for the disillusion of his marriage. So, knowing this, there are some things which do not sit right.
First, and this is chalked up to coincidence, but at 12:01 am on Sunday morning, before anyone was aware of the murders, Nancy's death was announced on a wiki page. This has been explained away as a silly fan prank, but it's still odd. More worrisome are the statements from Chavo, which have made many people question the whole thing. We've already discussed that he had been in contact with Chris throughout the weekend. He's stated that during an early weekend call with Chris, someone came to the door; Chavo listened to what he would later describe as a scuffle, then the call disconnected. A few hours later Chris contacted his good buddy to say that all was well, and he ended the conversation with "I love you Chavo". This unnerved Chavo; he said that Chris sounded tired, and he was concerned for his friend. Again, Chavo and Chris had been very close, they hung out all the time. One of Chris's final texts to Chavo read, "My physical address is 130 Green Meadow Lane, Fayetteville Georgia. 30215". Why would Chris send his best buddy his address when Chavo knew exactly where he lived? Though I can not confirm this, it is reported that some of these texts were sent after Chris was already dead. Another bothersome fact, there were empty beer cans found near Chris's corpse, but autopsy concluded that the wrestler had not been drinking. So, who drank all of that beer? And do you remember the neighbor lady, Holly Schrepfer? She claims to have seen another wrestler near the Benoit home during this weekend, a wrestler who had absolutely no reason to be there. If all of this weren't enough, these murders took place on the 10th anniversary of Kevin and Nancy's divorce!
Now I'm not giving my opinion on this case, just telling you what I found during my research. That said, one thing is for sure: it doesn't appear that police conducted a thorough investigation of the case. It was automatically deemed a family annihilator situation, and that was that; Nancy's family claims that the police had left behind suitcases of steroids; these definitely should've been seized during the a search of the home. If they missed illegal substances, what else didn't they pick up on?
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Out of this entire case, one fact chilled me to the bone when researching this case. You'll find very little mention of it, but young Daniel had a large kitchen knife tucked under his pillow at the time of his death. Why would a 7 year old boy be sleeping with a knife? Was he afraid, and if he was, of who? What did that child know, what had he witnessed during this weekend of hell? Had he been aware of his mama's murder, was he aware that he was next?
*There's much, much more to this, I could be here writing for a few more days but I wanna go ahead and post this. If you'd like to jump down this vast rabbit hole with me, here's a link to get you started. You gotta check the facts with links like these, but this one will get you started. Let me know what you think!
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whiskynottea · 5 years
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An Interruption in the 1st Law of Thermodynamics.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27,  Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35,  Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44,  Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50
A huge thank you to @theministerskat who puts up with me, and keeps betaing this story, 51 chapters in!
Chapter 51. Zambia 
Jamie had been right about one thing. It wasn’t the same.
Everything had changed. My timezone had changed, and two more hours crept in between us. Jamie���s obligations had doubled as he got further into the semester, and his free time became limited. My schedule in the medical program kept me occupied from eight to four-thirty, and then with afternoon clubs, I missed Jamie when he was waking up, and I couldn’t stay awake long enough at night when he’d get back to his dorm.
But the biggest change was the unmitigated disaster our communication had become. Or lack thereof.
The volunteer house had no wifi connection, and I had to walk to a nearby cafe to talk to Jamie, something that was impossible to do during the week since the only time he was able to call me at was midnight.
So I bought a Zambian SIM card and texted him. A lot. It still wasn’t enough, but it was the best I could do. I missed his voice. I missed seeing his face. The few times we attempted a video call all I had managed to see of him was a frozen image. Sometimes clear, sometimes blurred, because he had moved before the connection lagged. I had laughed the first time at the image of Jamie with his mouth open, his eyes turned skywards, as his voice came through the speaker with a relieved ‘finally’. I had thought the problem with the internet connection was random, and it would be better the next time we’d call. It didn’t.
We continued texting, trying to keep our lives intertwined. We sent pictures -- pictures that were pushing the limits of my patience because most of the time it took more than one failed attempt to get them through. Our messages often turned into long monologues, as the other was busy or sleeping. And then, when we had time to check our phones, we found long monologues in return.
That was how I found myself staring at a white piece of paper, brow furrowed, determined to write something that would be more intimate than a text on his phone.
My dear Jamie,
My love,
No. Damn it! How was I supposed to write a whole letter when I couldn’t even write a greeting?
My sweet Scot,
Yes, that’s better.
My sweet Scot,
It’s me, your Sassenach, writing a letter to you, as if we live in the 18th century. I miss our century, to be honest. I miss proper internet connection. This 2G thing sucks.
I paused in my writing, sure that I wouldn’t give a damn about the internet connection if Jamie were with me. With a sigh, I shook my head to scatter those thoughts away. He wasn’t here, and he wasn’t supposed to be. Biting my lip, I continued, trying to focus on the positive things that had happened during the two weeks I had been in Zambia.
Being here is like moving into another dimension. I knew it would be different, but I never would have imagined people living on the same planet as us having such different everyday lives. I thought I was prepared when I landed in Africa, having finished the online training at home, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. I omitted telling you last week, but I panicked so much the second day I was here, that I started crying that night in my bed. It’s silly, ridiculous, and it makes no sense, but I felt lost. Alone. It was the first time that I could become lost and Lamb wouldn’t be there to search for me. I had to make it on my own. We had no guidance on how to live here and it seemed so hard to build a life from scratch in a country where I couldn’t even communicate well enough to buy something to eat. I was terrified, Jamie. And I didn’t tell you, because I knew you didn’t want me to come here, and I felt guilty and ungrateful for the chance given to me. Anyway. I’m much better now. I met Louise and she has pretty much made everything easier. She arrived two weeks before I did, and helped me a lot during my acclimation here.
Livingstone is beautiful. It’s rural and wild. Louise said we might visit the Victoria Falls next week, so get ready for pictures! It will be awesome to explore a bit, there are so many things to do!
I know I haven’t said much about the people I’ve met here, but they are usually around and it’s weird for me to be writing about them while they are looking at me. Louise is from France, that much I have told you. She’s a free spirit, straightforward, unabashed for what she says or does, but she’s also sweet and funny. She’s always smiling -- I don’t know how she does it. Sometimes I just want to start crying when I see the scarce medical resources available here. The equipment is limited, the clinics are under-staffed, and the patients too many. But then, that’s the reason I’ve come, right? To help. I decided to help in the children’s department, although I was really tempted to volunteer for the maternity one. Louise opted for the HIV treatment.
For the home-visits, I am usually paired with Margaret. She’s from Virginia and she’s really shy. She often gets lost in daydreams, but she is also so very patient and calm. During these visits we are supervised by Chikondi, which means ‘love’ in Chewa. Isn’t that great? Chikondi is a local caregiver and he’s amazing. His English is very good and he explains every little detail for us to understand what he’s doing and why. We mostly observe and assist him with small things now, but we’ll be able to do more once we get more experience. Yesterday we sat for almost an hour after an examination, listening to the stories of an old man who has been living alone since his wife passed away last year. They had five children, but they have all moved away. We were almost ready to leave, when he looked at me for a long moment and then just started talking. I couldn’t understand a word he was saying, but Chikondi started translating immediately. The man’s words rolled out in his deep voice, taking their time, but his eyes danced as shared his memories with us. And when he finished telling the last story -- how he made fun of his wife for her cooking, but they both knew she was the best cook in the village --  we gathered our equipment to leave and he rose too, saying that it was time to go to see his girl, because she was waiting for him.
It was impossible not to cry as I watched his dragging steps towards the cemetery. Chikondi said that listening to our patients and giving them comfort is just as important as the medical care and health education that we provide. In that moment, I felt as though I’m here not only to help heal their bodies, but their souls too. And it struck me that we’re not so different after all. It’s magical to be human and live, and feel and remember. And to be a human who has love and time to share with others creates a beautiful, inexplicable feeling. Like you suddenly realize you’ve been breathing your whole life, but you now relish in the action, something so simple, and yet so important.
We have been seeing the same giraffe I told you about every time we go for home-based care to the village nearby. We decided to name it Mani. I’ll take a picture tomorrow, so you’ll get to know him too -- I hope he’s a he.
The volunteer house is nice. We have a pool outside the house, and a BBQ, and we’ll probably organize a get-together tomorrow. Week days are way too busy, so it’s only Saturdays and Sundays that we have time for ourselves. Jeremy and I started a Reading Club and we spend almost all of our afternoons there, reading to the children. No matter their level of poverty or their illnesses, children smile a lot. I’m starting to believe that’s the common denominator that keeps us human. It’s strange, how the laughter of children brings adults together. It feels like they are the reason we can all function in the same equation. And most times I think that looking at tiny humans running around, playing, yelling, singing, is what keeps me sane and gives me purpose.
We’ll start health talks at the local schools next week. It’s mind blowing how important health education is. Even the simplest issues, like hydration, hygiene, and nutrition, have to be discussed. I’m excited to get into these classrooms, even more so because that’s where my mom volunteered.
I’m happy to be here, but I miss you, Jamie. I miss you so much. And I’m thinking of you all the time, I hope you know that. There are so many things I would like to share with you. Even the simplest things, like a flower or a sunset. Even though you wouldn’t care about them at all. At least the flower. You might have liked the sunset. We’re talking about going bungee jumping. I wish you were here so we could jump together.
Sometimes at night I dream that you hold me in your arms and I sleep better for it.
I’m now thinking that sending letters might seem really stupid to you, so don’t feel obliged to reply. We will text anyway.
I love you.
I finished the letter with a wistful smile, folded it, and wrote Jamie’s address on the envelope.
“Claire!” Louise waved from the door. “Are you coming?”
I secured the envelope between the pages of a book in my luggage, and headed outside. I would stop by the post office first thing tomorrow.
“What were you doing, Miss Bennet?” Robert raised an eyebrow, but his gaze didn’t leave the book he was reading.
“Ha, bloody, ha.” I replied, refraining from replying to his question.
At that moment, I realised that I had forgotten to mention Robert in my letter, but I didn’t know how to describe him to Jamie either. He was the oldest one here, but he didn’t talk a lot and his cocky behavior always made me wonder why he had volunteered in the first place. He was working in the adult department and organized the Math Club in the afternoon, so we didn’t really interact during the week. He was the actual reason, however, I didn’t participate in the Math Club. I didn’t want to be stressed during the afternoon activities, dealing with his sour behavior. Jeremy was much closer to the type of people I would usually be friends with.
“So, are we doing the BBQ tomorrow?” Louise asked, clapping her hands enthusiastically.
I shrugged and saw Margaret’s anxious gaze passing across all our faces, waiting for anyone else to speak first.
“I think it’ll be cool. We haven’t really spent much time together.” Jeremy was lying in a deckchair, and he rose on his elbows to look at us. “What do you think, St. Germain?”
“Why do you keep calling him by his last name?” I inquired, narrowing my eyes at Robert as I took the seat next to Louise.
“I don’t know.” Jeremy furrowed his eyebrows, as if he had just realized he had been doing that.
“I don’t mind,” Robert said. “All my friends call me St. Germain. Not that any of you would ever be anything close to my friends,” he added, and I grimaced.
“Of course your Highness,” Louise mocked him in return. “So, it’s decided. We’re doing the BBQ tomorrow.” She bit her lip, then, and looked around. “Where is Helga?”
“She had an additional first aid training session.” Margaret fidgeted with her skirt, then fixed her gaze on the swimming pool tiles.
Louise saw me observing Margaret, and she leaned closer to me. “She’s getting better. When I first came she hardly talked to any of us.” Seeing my questioning glance, she continued. “She’s not well. Her boyfriend died last year. Cancer.”
“Oh my God,” I whispered, trying not to seem upset in case Margaret chanced a look at us. She didn’t, but Robert did, and when his eyes found mine there was an expression on his face I couldn’t quite decipher. Something between loss and understanding.
Well, that was new.  
I had no idea Margaret’s time here was part of a healing process for her, and that made me realize I hardly knew anything about my roommates’ lives outside of Zambia, and certainly not enough to reach any conclusions on their characters. Maybe Robert had been an arrogant arse who began to change his attitude after volunteering. Maybe he had realized there was something more important than his little insignificant world.
“I’m in for tomorrow,” he said in his deep voice, eyes back on the pages of his book. I had seen him reading it the previous day and I had already read the book, but never mentioned it to him. It wasn’t that I wanted to start a conversation with him.
Louise shot me a questioning stare. “Yes, yes, I’m in, too,” I agreed. “Margaret?” It took her a moment to come back to reality and I noticed that her eyes were moist. “Will you come to the BBQ party tomorrow?” I asked, trying not to add any pressure to my tone.
She nodded and smiled, the colour of her eyes a deep chocolate brown that made me smile back.
“Perfect!” Louise stood up, stretched, and declared, “We have to go shopping.”  
“Will we invite the rest of the volunteers? The locals? I’m sure Chikondi would be glad to come.”
Robert rolled his eyes, but Jeremy agreed with me. With Louise’s and Margaret’s nods, he left the house to inform everyone about our little party.
“Tell them to bring food and drinks!” Louise shouted after him and he waved his hand, signaling that he had heard her.
Margaret rose from her chair, coming to ask Louise about the food and I joined them, looking at Robert over my shoulder. “Well, are you coming? Or do we have to do everything while you lounge here with your book?” I sneered at him.
He heaved a heavy sigh and rose, leaving his book on the table next to my chair. “Happy?”
“Whatever you say.”
“Let’s go!” Louise nodded towards the street and linked her arm with Margaret’s, leaving me and Robert behind. Robert smiled at Margaret when she turned to look at us, a real smile, and it was the first time I noticed that he had always been kind to her.
Maybe he’s not that bad.
When he looked down at me, a sly grin replaced the smile on his face. “Nice hair.”
I resisted patting my hair, even though I could feel that my curls had gone wild with the humidity, but I couldn’t resist huffing.
No, he’s definitely a prat.
Five minutes later we were in the town center, checking the food counters. I stood in front of a bowl of caterpillars, wondering if any of the rest had tried them. Chikondi had told me that ifinkubala were delicious, fried and served with tomatoes, onions and nshima, the staple carbohydrate of Zambia. They certainly didn’t seem delicious.
“Don’t even think about it,” Robert drawled, glancing at the bowl with disdain.
I wondered if Jamie would try them. He was always so adventurous with food. Seeing that he had eaten haggis regularly, I could easily imagine him eating caterpillars. I took a picture with my phone, smiling at the woman behind the counter, intending to send it to him when we went back to the house.
“Are you done?” Robert asked in a bored voice.
“Yes, I’m done,” I replied keeping my own voice as flat as possible.
“Let’s go then. I think we stayed long enough in the vicinity of fried insects.”
“They’re larvae, actually.”
He rolled his eyes, making it obvious how mundane he found this information. “I want to buy vitumbuwa for my afternoon tea,” he stated, as if I was in his service and I should buy them for him.
I struggled for a moment, trying to remember what vitumbuwa was without asking him. He must have seen my face because he snickered, “The fried dough balls with sugar.”
“Oh, right!” I smiled. I wanted to buy some of them too. And even though I wouldn’t admit it out loud, he was right -- they would be perfect with tea.
I checked my phone for any messages from Jamie, but I realized it was still too early for him. I saw his smile in my background picture, however, and smiled back, as if he could see me.
Jamie would definitely eat caterpillars. And if he’d like them, he would try to feed them to me too.
For the first time in the two weeks since I had arrived in Zambia, I found an advantage on Jamie staying back in Michigan. At least I could avoid the caterpillars without a battle now. Chuckling, I walked next to Robert, who shot me a strange glance but proceeded with his search for vitumbuwa, ignoring me further.
Not caring a bit, I smiled again. Today was Saturday. And that meant I could go to the cafe and call Jamie the moment he woke up.
Chapter 52
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susandale · 5 years
Christmas Night Street
Summary: The reader and chris is shooting together on set for a movie called “lights on the street” and have a normal morning on sunday , does normal included surprise?
Pairings: Chris Evans X Reader
Warnings: your stomach will feel like butterflies
Word count:
Genre: fluff
It's a beautiful cold city here in london Trees, snows and lights showing in the street and the smell of hot chocolate breezing into the air, christmas is near You and chris were on the set getting ready for shooting the last scene on the movie , it was an amazing movie and you can’t wait to show it to the public He leans his head into your lap and you brush your fingertips into his hair chris looks at you in your soft brown eye and you met his blue eyes glazed at you, stuck at both eyes , admiring each other with love and passion your feelings and love never change since the day you met him when you see chris for the first time , you know you gonna spend the rest of your life with this man with full of hope and full of love You remember the first time you met him and how awkward the situation is,those were the memories you could never forget. you and chris spend 3 years together and never fails at trusting each other.                                                                     “ can i ask you a question ? “ ask chris still staring at you
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" sure anything " you said with a soft whisper " well we are shooting together and um , it's been a tired and a busy day , i would like to take you on a date (?) it's christmas and what we're just working and go home? come on where's the fun?" said chris you and chris don't go out on a date pretty much , whether he's busy with his work as an actor or your job as a makeup artist traveling around the world , of course the world doesn't know that both of you are a thing " i can't " you said with a serious failed looking face " what?! why " he said with a shock face " i have a plan with my friends but i will be at home at 6 " chris face is sad and he just stand up from your lap without saying anything , you understand why his behaviour is like that and you feel so guilty because you just want to make a surprise for him? you take chris hand and pull him into a hug , you said sorry and he understand it, both of you  are grown up , you both made decisions to each other to not lose trust ,he kissed you on your forehead and said " well maybe next time " and chris leaves into the location set for work because the director called his name. So your plan is to be home early and made a surprise for chris with setting up a candles everywhere and makes gingerbread cookies or chocolate chips,his favorite and make hot chocolate also putting a lot of roses on the floor for like a path to a room with a brush, paint and white canvas , it was pretty a simple idea but also creative and you do this all by yourself. After you done your part on the movie,you decided to go to the grocery store and target for the surprise while chris is still working so you wouldn’t be caught , perfect timing. you head into your car and put on seatbelts while looking at your ‘what to buy’ list and decided to go to target first. You arrived there for like 10 minutes or less , grab a grocery basket and take all things you need to buy, you look at your list and just wandering around target with your earphone with a song “ all i want for christmas is you -mariah carey “  you feel very energetic and happy.              What To Buy List : - White Canvas + paint  + brushes                                                                          - Flowers (rose)                                                                                                        - Vanilla Cinnamon candle                                                                                      - Cookies and hot chocolate ingredients                              You finish all of the things you need to buy expect the ingredients and headed to the cashier to pay, you took out your wallet and take a card and of course the grocery is in a paper bag,headed back to the car and on your way to the supermarket to buy the ingredients. you literally can’t wait for this surprise , hoping that chris will be excited just like you did. When you arrived you kinda in a rush cause you must prepare all of this by yourself and not wanted to be caught by chris , for like 5 minutes you gathered up all of the ingredients and quickly pay to the cashier. you head back to your house with full of paper bag,open the door and put your mantel and scarf on a hanger near the door. you go to your room and grab a chris hoodie that you always wear and change into shorts, go to a kitchen and arrange the ingredients and stuff , you decided to make the cookies first so you gather all up the materials and ingredients to start making chocolate chips. “hey alexa , play good together by honne” . You sing very loudly ,bare feet and jump around the kitchen while making cookies , you felt so happy with the smell of cookie dough and the snow outside your window just wash away all of the sadness in this world. you make heart shaped cookies and the basic circle one with exstra chocolate chips, duh? , the oven is ringing and you put the cookies inside for 40 minutes, while waiting the cookies to be ready you decided to set up the canvas,paint and candles. you go to the small room with wood floor and a fireplace with wide windows along the white gordens,you set the candle in the table and floor,put the white canvas along the paint and brushes, time keeps ticking and suddenly the oven is ringing and you can smell the fresh cookies flowing into the house,you grab a handglove and take the baking sheet and cool it in a room temperature. chris is gonna be at home at 5 and now it’s 4 , time goes so fast you don’t even realize it,you go to the bathroom to shower and getting ready. you want to make it like a christmas ootd with a touch of red and white because after this you will go out on a date so you decided to wear a red dress and a white outer with a touch of stockings and brown boots, the makeup is gonna be clean glowing face with a touch of red lipstick.      
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 Your finishing touches is jo malone parfume scented rose and a touch of vanilla, you go to the kitchen and put the cookies into a beautifull plate , you grab a dark chocolate and melts it together and put the fresh milk into it with a sprinkle of cocoa powder and cream, now you have the perfect homemade hot chocolate, you don’t like marshmallow so not gonna put in there. you grab the cookies and the hot chocolate to put in the table where all have been set and light the candle one by one,the last thing you need to do is make a path with a fleck of rose from the door to the surprise room. the time keeps ticking and it’s 4:55 now , you look to yourself to a mirror and said “i did this” , suddenly you can hear a foot steps in front of your door, you quickly hide in the surprise room and also chris have the key to your house so he doesn’t have to bother you , chris insert the key,un lock it and said “alone again” , he open the door and gasp , christmas decoration is everywhere and the smell of vanilla with a touch of dark chocolate flowing into the air, chris saw the rose path you made and he quickly ran into the room , when he open the door there’s you standing looking so beautiful and gorgeous, theres a fireplace and a white canvas with paint and brushes,cookies and hot chocolate,chris literally shocked. “trust me i have no idea, you did this all by yourself?!” said chris approaching you for a hug “ of course i am, im sorry that i lied to you:( “ you said with a pouting face . he kisses you on your lips and hug tightly. you can tell his face is so happy almost teard up , chris loves surprises.     “ you look so gorgeous, i can’t even” chris said looking at you from top to bottom “  “ and you looking cute in that white sweater” you smirked.         
   You spend the whole night with chris just laughing and dance,painting and make fun of each other like you and him always do, you paint captain america with a thicc ass and chris paint you with a red dress but a horrible face, he enjoyed the hot chocolate and cookies you made, every second is vulnerable , laughing so loud your stomach hurt, laughing like your problem and pain is gone , you look at chris and he looks at you , staring at each other , “ i love you, so much” said chris with no voice,just mouth language and you said “ i love you more shut up im trying to paint captain america that ass is so hard to draw” you said while laughing. he stands up and go to the sofa,sitting,”come here” said chris, you go into his shoulder and said “what is it?” , “i have a present for you” . he ask you to close your eyes and chris take the small red box in his bag , it was a necklace,a beautiful necklace, he ask you to turn around and open your eyes. “ this is for you,promise me you’ll always wear it even in shower “ he laugh , he put the necklace into your neck and kisses you in the forehead, “ i promise” you said holding the small circle in the necklace, you open it and there’s a photo of steve rogers wearing white shirt , he knows that you like steve rogers more than chris evan. “ wow i legit wanna cry now” your eyes is watering and you hug him,passionate. “ you know that im so lucky to have you in my life don’t you?” “you are important to me,far from important,you are the best friend and a loving girlfriend i have ever asked for,your dumb and silly but also way smarter than me, you have been with me through hard times” said chris talking kinda fast lol “well that’s a speech right there, and yes , i am way smarter than you” .you spend your night cuddling in the sofa , arguing about the new star wars movie , you both always have different opinion on movies and different on solving problem , and also you and chris can get cheesy or savage but during this special time you just wanna express the love and care and just everything.
 the time suddenly become 7 pm, you both getting ready for going outside, well technically chris is getting ready and it’s taking hours , he wear a black shirt with a white outer with jeans and a beanie, simple but looks so good on him. “let’s see the christmas light shall we?” ask chris offering his hand, you grab chris hand and kiss it “let’s go” , you and chris go outside and lock the door, it is very cold outside and pretty , all of the people are staying at their houses with the family and lot of lights in the street , snow is everywhere , you can see the kids through the window opening up the christmas present with full of joy and happiness. you put your hand in chris pockets because you forgot to wear gloves,typical you.” remember when we first met and we use to walk the streets and then you fall and your foot bleeds” said chris , you answer “yeah i still have the scar, it’s crazy how long we know each other and then we become friends and not seeing you for a long time, and yet here we are again” “when your gone, i think it’s the best time for me to think and know my worth and myself, we still love each other but decided to give time for us to think and it’s funny we are still what we are since the first time we met but of course more mature and dork” said chris “ everytime i spend time with you, everytime chris , i am myself and im showing you my best and true self,  it’s just im scared to lose you and makes me anxious that’s why i always quiet sometimes in my room, just thinking what would have been like if you don’t come into my life, your presence felt like how myself should have feel”  you hold your chris hands and he kiss your hand, so lucky to have you, you ran and grab a snow and throw it to chris, just having fun
  When the snow war is done you and chris are exstremely tired, you both decided to go to the cafe and continue the trip later, as you walk to the cafe, the chocolate chip cookie is catching your eye, you ran into the cashier and order a big large amount of cookies and of course chris favorite drink which is an iced coffee, a boring drink. “ here ya go “ you said like a cowboy “ thankS mATe” said chris , you dip your hands in a bag full of cookie and eat it like a mad person         “ you know you look like a starving monkey “ “ or maybe i am an actual monkey right? “ you said it jokingly . “ i prefer your homemade cookies more , your cookies is just the worst” chris said with a mouth full of cookie “ aw thank you i like mine too it’s more worst “ you both really like to twist word and some people just don’t get it, it’s kind of a thing here. as you enjoy the cookie and a hot chocolate you hear a camera voice and yeap of course, when your not ready.      “ hey i wasn’t ready!” you said . “ omg look a monkey, a really pretty monkey” you both burst into laugh. when the talk and fun is done you both decided to continue the mission which is find a christmas light street on a bridge. it’s not that far from the cafe. “ we are almost there!” said chris . “ omg chris look that’s the light!” you ran into the bridge, you can see everything from up there and the lights is just so beautiful . “ this is so wonderful” said chris. “ we actually did it wow im shocked”  
Does anyone want part 2?? commentt :0
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she-is-tim · 6 years
Neighbours AU part 3  Apologies
Lucas is a young, exhausted musician who just tries to relax, while Eliott is the overexcited, dubstep loving artist who lives next door.
Aka Lucas confronts his annoying neighbour who turns out to be gorgeous
Part 1, Part 2
Tuesday 16:34
Two days passed since Sunday and Lucas was still not over Eliott. He had high hopes and for that he got hit hard by the ground. He was glad, that his neighbour didn’t try to contact him since or that he haven’t seen him. It would be hard to sand face to face, knowing that he has a girlfriend, knowing that Lucas had false expectations from him. Everything was just a mess right now, he couldn’t touch the piano ever since.
His phone started buzzing like crazy on the coffee table, he was laying on the couch, his right leg touching the floor. He reached for his phone and picked up the call. 
“Hello.” he mumbled. His voice was a bit cracked, not from crying, that would be a stupid thing to do, but because he just got home from work and was talking all day.
“Dude! Hey!” Basile screamed from the other side, Lucas had to keep the phone away from his ear in order to not go deaf. 
“Basile... What do you want?” he asked with a tired voice, he was really not in the mood to listen to his friend’s bullshit. 
“Listen here, there’s gonna be a big party tomorrow night. Yann said you’re not working on Thursday, so you should come too.” he said with a lot of excitement in his voice. “It’s gonna be fun.”
“Bas, you know that I hate going to parties.” 
“You can’t just sit at home and snuggle on the couch, crying after some guy.” he said now seriously, this was unusual from Basile. “That guy doesn’t deserve you.” Lucas smiled a little hearing his silly friend being so nice to him. 
“Okay, I’ll go.” he said.
“YES! Okay, we’ll be meeting at Yann’s tomorrow around 19:00, okay? We’re gonna get so wasted!” he said excitedly, speaking so fast, Lucas barely catched the time. Then Basile just hung up.
Lucas put his phone back to the coffee table and looked at the ceiling. Maybe it wasn’t a bad idea to go to a party. He haven’t been in any since high school,but hanging out with the gang was always a lot of fun. Besides, he has to forget Eliott, since he’s a lost case anyways.
He got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen to make himself a cup of tea, but he noticed something on the floor, in front of the door. He walked there and picked up a carefully folded piece of paper. He unfolded it and his heart skipped a beat. It was a drawing, the paper was split in the middle by a line that was supposed to represent the wall, on the right side there was a raccoon, a sad one actually, looking at the wall nervously, while on the left side was a cute hedgehog sitting at a piano, playing some nice melodies. There were two words on the bottom of the paper. Forgive me
Lucas was staring at it for long minutes before he could move to the kitchen. He put the paper on the counter and turned on the kettle. He kept glancing over where the drawing was. He knew Eliott draws himself as a raccoon, they talked about it on saturday, but he couldn’t get over the fact that he drew him as a hedgehog. When the water got hot, he poured some in a mug, making himself a nice mint and strawberry tea. He left the kitchen, not looking at the drawing this time and flopped down on the couch, turning on his tv, watching some stupid comedy on Netflix.
Tuesday 19:17
He slipped the drawing under the door for Lucas hours ago and he still had no idea what the boy was thinking of it. He was too scared to talk to him, so he tried his best, approaching him by the ony thing he was good at: art. He was thinking about Lucas’ spirit animal since he stepped into his apartment, but this morning he just woke up to the thought that Lucas must be a grumpy hedgehog. His back is spikey, getting scared easily, but actually the most adorable animal that exists. 
Lucille left on Monday, early in the morning, so he was alone ever since. He got better, but he still couldn’t touch his phone or go near his laptop. He was afraid of social interactions for a long time after his anxiety attacks. It wasn’t easy, especially since he should be working on his project. The deadline was coming closer each day. He couldn’t let this chance to slip away because of his stupid mind.
He walked around in the living room, thinking about Lucas. His smell was already gone, which made Eliott feel much more lonely than he used to be. Knowing that the person he desires is right next to you, but you can’t reach him is a really painful thing to think about. His phone dragged him out of these angsty thoughts when it pinged. He reached for it with shaking hands, just to check the message, he didn’t wanted to reply.
From Lucille:  We’re going out tomorrow, 20:00, wear something nice
Wednesday 19:56
The party was loud, it was hosted by one of their high school friend, Alexandre. Lucas noticed a lot of familiar faces, like Emma, Daphné, Imane. The music was bursting so loud, Lucas’ chest was shaking from it, or maybe it was the booze starting to kick in. They had a couple drinks at Yann’s place before they came, just to set the mood for the party.
The living room was emptied to be a perfect dance floor, Lucas was chilling on the couch that was pushed to the wall in the corner, drinking some beer. People seem to have fun, they were yelling, dancing, kissing...
Arthur, Yann and Basile was talking to Alex, who was really happy that they boys came. This party was like a high school reunion, which kinda made Lucas feel better. He liked his high school years, even if it was hard at first. When he accepted his own sexuality, coming out to all of his friends, he got so much support that he was never expecting. It was overwhelming, making him extremely happy. 
Now he was back, but felt like he didn’t belong here. He was a quiet musician, an exhausted adult who never went out to have fun, make out with someone he will never gonna meet again or have one night stands. He wanted love, a significant other by his side and his thoughts went back to saturday, when he was with Eliott. Fuck!
He shook his head and chugged his beer, going for another one in the kitchen. He’s going to get wasted and have fun, not thinking about his neighbour tonight.
Two hours later Lucas was very, very drunk, dancing in the middle of the living room like there’s no tomorrow. He took off his hoodie, leaving it on the couch like 40 minutes ago, now he was only wearing a navy blue shirt and dark grey jeans. Somewhere along the lines he started pressing his body to a really nice looking guy, he wasn’t even close to Eliott’s beauty, but he seemed to like the closeness of Lucas and that was more than enough for him. He wrapped his arms around him, rocking his hips, while rubbing their chest together. 
The guy slid his arms on Lucas’ waist, pulling him closer and kissing his neck a few times. The alcohol hit his head so much, he barely could feel the lips touching his skin. His body was hot, his mind went blank and he just wanted to forget. 
They didn’t needed more than ten minutes to end up making out on the couch, ignoring all the people around them. No one really gave a fuck, since basically everyone was doing the same somewhere in the house. Lucas was too drunk to think straight, so he just went with the flow, letting the guy to kiss him wildly, rubbing their crotch together. 
Things escalated quickly, he didn’t remember when the guy took off his shirt, but his eyes popped open when he started to unzipp his jeans. Lucas grabbed the guy’s hand, trying to stop him, but he was too drunk and too weak.
“Don’t worry, sweetie, you’re gonna enjoy it.” he whispered into his ears. Lucas shivered and tried to resist, but his mind was too dizzy.
He closed his eyes, when he heard a noise, a body landing on the floor. He looked into the direction and he saw Eliott, holding Lucas’ shirt he probably picked up from the floor and looking at the guy, who was sitting on the floor. Some of the guests looked at them, being interested in the drama.
“Don’t touch him!” Eliott hissed, clenching his fist so much, his veins popped out.
Lucas sat up, holding his head, cause he was still pretty drunk. He grabbed Eliott’s arm, softly squeezing it. 
“What are you doing here?” he mumbled, even though he didn’t actually care. It made him happy that Eliott was here and he saved him from this random guy.
Eliott now looked at him, his eyes softened and knelt down, stroking Lucas’ face. His touch was like electricity, waking up his mind from the dizziness all those beer caused. 
“Let’s get you home.” he said softly, giving Lucas his shirt back. 
A couple hard moments later Eliott finally reached his goal to get Lucas stand up from the couch. He wrapped his arm around his waist, gently helping him to walk out of the house. Thankfully they didn’t meet any of Lucas’ friends, so he could go out without anyone bothering them. He walked to the road, calling for a taxi, while Lucas was squatting on the sidewalk, looking like he’s gonna throw up. After he gave the address, he walked back to Lucas just in time, he was stroking his back as he threw up everything on the grass. 
Long moments later Lucas seemed to be in a better condition, Eliott gave him a bottle of water. He washed his mouth first and then chugged up the rest of the bottle. They taxi arrived, so they hopped in on the backseat. Eliott told the driver their address and pulled Lucas to his side, making sure that he’s okay. 
Thrusday 10:35
Lucas woke up with a terrible headache, he opened his eyes and looked around. He was in his bed, wearing only boxers, smelling like mens bathroom. He barely remembered anything that happened last night, his memories were fuzzy. He got up, putting on a hoodie he stole from Yann ages ago, that was long and cozy. He walked to the bathroom, looking into the mirror, his face looked terrible, his hair was all over the place. He sighed and washed his face, brushed his teeth. Then he heard the noise from the kitchen. He stepped out of the bathroom and walked there, shocked at the sight of a very fresh, good looking Eliott.
The tall boy was wearing white jeans, a black shirt and a black hoodie, he was making breakfast apparently, humming something. Lucas tried to slowly approach him, but Eliott heard the steps of his naked feet, looking at him with a big, bright smile. Lucas could swear that it was brighter than the sun itself.
“Good morning. I’m making breakfast.” he said happily.
“That’s really nice of you.” that is all he could say, his head was hurting too much to have a full conversation about last night. Also his heart apparently decided to beat as fast as it just could when he smelled Eliott’s cologne. It was basically torture having such a beautiful person here, in his kitchen. 
He grabbed a mug from the cupboard and poured some fresh coffee in it. Looks like Eliott thought about everything. He put in some sugar and started drinking, while watching Eliott stading by the stove. His chest felt warm by the thought of having breakfast with Eliott. 
A few minutes later the omlette was served on two plates, Eliott put it down on the table, smiling at Lucas softly. He couldn’t help, but smile back. Whatever happened last night, he was happy that it happened, otherwise Eliott wouldn’t be here, being kind, gentle, making breakfast for him. 
“Take this as my apologize. I really wanted to come on Sunday, but... I had a problem.” he explained shorty, looking at Lucas, hoping for any signs of forgiveness. 
This reminded Lucas of the moment when he saw that girl kissing Eliott in the doorway and then walking inside his apartment. He shook his head and put down the mug. 
“I’ll take your apology.” he said softly, sitting down at the table. Trying to be friends with Eliott was still better than not having any contact with him at all. He was happy around this person, his presence just made Lucas feel like life isn’t that bad at all. 
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