#12 drivers of christmas
The Twelve Drivers of Christmas: Day Two
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Movie night had been a long-standing affair between yourself and George.  You couldn’t remember exactly when it had started, after a bad race at Williams when he was still just a rookie with big shiny eyes and the world at his feet.  When crashing felt like the end of the world and seeking comfort was deeply embarrassing.
You’d found him curled up in his driver’s room and after virtually carrying him through the most painful round of interviews you’d had to sit through since you’d started your job several years ago as a PR girl he’d slunk off back to the hotel.  Something about the way those blue eyes seemed to swim with heartbreak mellowed something inside of you and before you knew it you were knocking on the door of his hotel room at midnight and barging your way in.  Maybe you couldn’t remember the date but you remembered forcing him to watch Legally Blonde, because he had no idea what a ‘comfort movie’ even was.
After that, movie night became a bit of an unspoken tradition.  After a particularly tough day George would appear at your hotel room door with a bag of popcorn and eyes you couldn’t refuse and you’d let him pick out a film and snuggle down in your bed and forget the brutal world he came from for a few hours.
You moved to Mercedes for him, your job role morphing from his media manager to personal assistant.  You both grew up, grew into the world you’d entered so young.  Bad races no longer felt like the end of the world, but you were both so used to the routine that you never questioned it when he still turned up and he never missed an opportunity.
It was in Abu Dhabi, for the final race of the season where everything changed.  George was ending his best season yet, and still riding high off the rush of his first ever win just a week prior.  Everyone was out celebrating, and you were in your hotel room putting on the finishing touches of your makeup before you went out to join them when an unexpected knock at the door made you jump.  
“Aren’t you supposed to be out?”
“Hello to you, too,”  George looked only mildly put out at your greeting, but when you’ve just beaten your 7-time World Champion teammate to overall 4th place in the driver’s championship, you can’t look too sad about anything.  “Can I come in?”  You left the door open and retreated back to where you were sat in response.  You heard the door click shut behind you and the quiet shuffle of George removing his shoes told you he’d followed you in.
“You look great,”  You sent him a closed-eyes smile over your shoulder.
“Thanks,”  He was sitting on the egde of your bed, hands folded neatly in his lap as he watched you swipe a layer of shiny gloss across your lips and make a playful kissy face at yourself in the mirror before finally turning to face him.
“Did you wanna head down together?”  You asked, head cocked slightly to the side.  George didn’t usually attend parties with you, even team events you tended to just find each other there.  He shook his head at you.
“C’mon, last one of the season?”
“Georgie boy, you’re aware everyone else has been partying for several hours already?”
“Pick a short one then,”  He’d shuffled back so he was propped up against your pillows, leaving you to crawl over and mimic his body language until you collapsed next to him.  He handed over the remote control to the TV with flamboyant circumstance and let you flick through the aimless pages of Netflix until something cheesy and terrible caught your eye.
“It’s November,”  You reasoned at his raised eyebrow in response to the movie splashed across the screen.  George simply rolled his eyes and nodded, gesturing for you to press play as he settled down besides you.
An hour into a cheesy brainrot Christmas film you’d already forgotten the name of and you were starting to feel the error of your choice.  After being steadily single for the last two years the gaudy couple finally getting together on screen were not as soothing as the bend-and-snap scene always felt.
“What?”  George was looking down at you, somewhere between confusion and amusement written across his pristine features.
“You’re sighing,” 
“Am not,”
“You are,”
“These people make me sick,”
“They’re characters,”  He reasoned, a grin starting to tug at the corner of his lips.
“So?  They’re making me think about another year with every Aunt, Uncle and random Cousin asking me where my new boyfriend is.  My family are obsessed,”  George made a noise at the back of his throat that you hoped was at least somewhat deep in thought.
“Mine are the same,”
“Ugh,”  He nudged you playfully.
“Ugh indeed,”
It wasn’t until two weeks later you were reminded of the mid-movie conversation by George. 
I have an idea.
Four words had never frightened and intrigued you so much.  You met him at a cafe the next week.  He was wearing a cream jumper and sipping on a coffee like he owned the place.
“Go on then,”  You started, only once a gingerbread latte was situated in front of you, accompanied by an obnoxiously sweet pastry.  “What’s your grand idea?”
“Me and you,”  You raised an eyebrow at him, not following why he looked so pleased with himself over something that had been long, long established.  “Okay, listen, I’ve thought about it a lot and it makes sense.  What if I come with you to your Christmas and you come with me to mine?  We’ve worked together for so long, it’s not hard to imagine us stretching to dating is it?  I trust you, I like hanging out with you, what’s the harm in letting the annoying aunts and uncles believing there’s a bit more to it?”
For starters, you could name several harmful things that could hatch from George’s plan.  But he was looking at you with ocean eyes and batting those lashes you couldn’t pay to get close to and you already knew you were going to cave and give in, because, you could be honest, who wouldn’t want to walk into Christmas day with 6’1 of drop dead gorgeous Formula One driver draped over you?
And that’s how you found yourself over a month later, George’s fingers intertwined with yours and resting on your thigh, a gesture that had become alarmingly familiar over the last few weeks.  You were currently attending your fifth and final family event as a ‘couple’.  It was a New Years Day party, something only a family like the Russels would hold.  You were perfectly content to sit in your hangover and feel deep, deep shame for whatever things you’d gotten up to the night before under the influence of tequila shots, but no.  George’s family were up at 9am, you’d already been out on an intensive dog walk that involved nothing short of scaling the side of a hill.  George had taken your jacket (you were sweating too much to be able to wear it, even if it was two degrees) and then had virtually carried you up the final few meters to save face at the top.  You’d giggled and twisted in his arms and called him ‘babe’ and all the things you were supposed to do.
You’d had a large dinner and to wash it down the family were sat around the fire sipping whiskey and slowly getting louder and looser.  The weight of George’s hand on your lap was grounding you, bringing you back to reality as you were passed another drink, a gin for the ladies.  He squeezed gently as you thanked his great-aunt Gretel for the tipple and that sudden, shameful feeling snuck back into the pit of your stomach. 
You’d noticed it creeping up more and more frequently over the month.  It was almost predictable, because it always happened when George did something so natural you forgot for a moment you weren’t dating and your mind leapt to the possibility of it being real and tangible.  You’d never felt anything like that for him before, and you still weren’t sure you did.  But you couldn’t deny the way your stomach would swoop when he touched the small of your back as you walked ahead of him, when his eyes found yours through a crowded room just to check you were okay, when you caught him chatting to your mum as if they were old friends. 
The fire was dying, you were exhasuted, two weeks of rich food and strong drinks finally catching up with you.  Most people had gone to bed, and it was just George and a handful of people left, they were speculating over the testing for the next season.  It was all talk you’d heard a million times before and you were happy to let the words wash over you, the fire and a labrador’s head on your feet leaving you feeling fuzzy and content in a home that wasn’t yours.  You allowed your head to drop onto George’s shoulder, the material of his jumper soft against your cheek.
You felt him turn to glance at you, before letting out a low chuckle and wrapping his free arm around your waist, allowing you to relax further into his body as he continued to talk.  
The physical contact was a new thing too.  You wondered if it would have always felt so good to have him so close?  Had you missed out on years of cuddling against him during movie night, always separated by the invisible barrier of friendship?  He was a good sleeper, too.  That had been an awkward obstacle at first, there’s a certain expectation that when you bring your partner home that you’ll be sharing a bed, especially during the visiting season.  The first night George had tried to sleep in the armchair in your room, but when you’d woken up at one o’clock to see him still awake you’d invited him in.  It had started off normal enough, backs facing each other and just ignoring the warm weight of another person right besides you.  You’d woken up with George’s face buried in your neck, his arms wrapped around you and holding you tight against his chest.  You didn’t talk about it, but the pair of you just got into bed together, and you let him spoon you from the start.
“Hey,”  He nudged you gently, just enough to stir you from the cozy half-sleep you’d been in. 
“Come on, we’re the last ones up, let’s go to bed,”  You nodded sleepily, standing up and stretching lazily, letting the sleeves of his jumper flop back over your hands.  They never stayed rolled up for long on your anyway.  The dog at your feet rose and stretched in time with you, you gave her a scratch on her head before she quietly padded over and flopped into the bed by the fire, which George had quietly put out. 
You followed him up the wooden staircase, trying not to giggle too much at the creeks. 
“It’s a good job they put the deaf ones by the stairs,”  he whispered, head titled in the direction of the spare room a set of his grandparents were currently staying in.  George had a big family, and you loved it.  Yours wasn’t big, but it was close.  It was nice to feel surrounded by people who loved him so dearly, and by extension, you.
You nearly walked into George, who’d stopped in the small patch of landing at the top of the stairs.  
“What are you doing?”
“Look,”  He pointed upwards.  Hanging off the lights was a wizened bunch of mistletoe.  “Mum always forgets to take one down,” 
George’s mum was obsessed with mistletoe.  You’d learnt that the hard way, and many (far too many for your liking) cheek kisses had been placed for the explicit entertainment of distant relatives.
“If you drool on my cheek again I’ll punch you in the stomach,”  you warned him, referencing the last kiss, that had been encouraged by milky-eyed Greta.  It was a good job she was losing her sight because George had thought himself funny enough to end the kiss by licking a stripe along your cheek. 
You hadn’t payed attention to the way his arms had snaked around your wasit.
“What are you doing?”  He was too close, it was triggering that swooping feeling again.  You could hardly make out his eyes in the dimly lit gloom of the darkened house.
“Would it be so bad if I kissed you?”
You couldn’t answer even if you’d wanted to.  George was fogging your mind and he was leaning closer and closer and the only thing you wanted was to taste him. 
“No,”  You whispered, so close your lips were already brushing as you gave him the word.  His arms tightened around you, pulling you closer as he kissed you properly.
It was sweet, chaste almost.  It felt revered and special and not at all how kissing your best friend should feel, you thought as your eyes fluttered shut and the swooping intensified into a surge and your whole mind and body ached for him.  He pulled away too soon, wet eyes and dopey smile giving him away.
He didn’t kiss you again until you were settled in bed, facing each other for the first time.  He let you shuffle as close as you could get, brushing a hand through his hair as he rubbed patterns along your hip.
“I’ve got an idea,”  he whispered against your lips.
“No more ideas, George,”
“You’ll like this one,”  he held your cheek so tenderly it made you want to cry.
“Tell me,”  you told him between ineffectuate pecks at his lips.
“What if it’s real, you and me?”
“I think it has been a bit real,”  it’s funny how the dark lets you admit things you’d never normally.
“What if it carries on, being real, after Christmas?  After the break?”  He was kissing your cheeks, your nose, anywhere he could reach on your face.
“I think I’d like that,”
You fell asleep against his mouth.
Okay I never thought I'd be into George but this was so much fun to write and fake dating warms my s o u l
it's pretty late so i'm gonna leave you guys with this and pop in tomorrow to edit and check in
Mr Pierre Gasly is next up on Tuesday 06/12!
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f1version · 8 months
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pairing: charles leclerc x gf!reader ( she/her )
summary: 26th birthday, 26 pictures of you and Charles kissing. A kiss for each year.
notes: i’m back from my birthday trip!! i wrote this birthday special in like 30 minutes and it’s still charles’ birthday in a couple of places so… i’m not exactly late! enjoy <3
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By your beautiful girlfriend, in collaboration with a lot of people but mainly Joris and ourselves.
1. DRUNK DANCING: A month after we got together, we were at Arthur’s 18th birthday. We got drunk, singing and dancing to the worst playlist in existence (Lorenzo’s) and, somehow, Arthur got to capture this moment I barely even remember.
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Taken by Arthur Leclerc, 2018
2. AUGUST 2019: Summer break, so sweet so loving. You made me promise that if you jumped off first, I would jump too. It took me fifteen minutes to follow after you. Also your kisses were incredibly salty.
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Taken by Joris Trouche, 2019
3. THE MONZA INCIDENT: I had red lipstick the night you won in Monza, you told me it looked pretty, I asked you to kiss me, you did. Fast forward 8 minutes it was all smudged over your lips, you were 10 minutes late to the post-race conference, and Sylvia almost banned me that night. (I’m still kind of banned from your driver’s room)
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Taken by Charles Leclerc, 2019
4. UNDER THE COVERS: 2020, what a crazy year. This one was taken the day we decided to finish moving in together. You were so excited, wanted everything to be perfect. Today I can say it is.
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Taken by Me, 2020
5. WORDS: We were spending Christmas by ourselves, we face-timed our families, had dinner and watched movies. You gifted me three beautiful words I, of course, said back… and we also got a puppy!
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Taken by Charles’ phone timer, 2020
6. OCEAN BREZEE: Just a small escapade to take a breath. You were so cuddly that day, Joris was so done with you (he still took the pic though)
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Taken by Joris Trouche, 2021
7. CUTE OR HOT: I just wanted a cute morning selfie but, because of you, we ended up in a…promising mood. It was intense that’s all I have to say!
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Taken by Me, 2021
8. KISS KISS KISS: 24th birthday, 24 kisses. This kind of became a tradition, let me know if you still want them this year!
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Taken by Me, 2021
9. DRUNK AF: How did we got so drunk? Ask Pierre, he was the one hosting. Either way we got another amazing photo of us drunk-kissing!!!
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Taken by Pierre Gasly, 2021
10. UNDER THE SEA: I’m just going to say that you and your ‘photo ideas 📸’ folder are attached by the hip. I personally love this one (even if it took half an hour to take)
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Taken by Joris Trouche, 2021
11. NEW YORK: Thought you could scape this one? Never! Arthur and I didn’t spend a week listening to your complaining for nothing, babe. You must admit that this kiss was magical, everything was so pretty that day. And then it started snowing!
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Taken by Arthur Leclerc, 2021
12. EXPOSED: Remember how our amazing soft launch got ruined by our trip to Ibiza? Well, here it is, the image we couldn’t stop laughing at when it came out, we really thought we were sneaky.
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Taken by unknown, 2022
13. HARD LAUNCH: A week later we were kissing on live TV. It’s one of my favorite memories, I couldn’t stop smiling.
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Taken by F1 TV, 2022
14. BACK KISSES: Just a picture of the morning after I learned that you can convince anyone, even the CEO of Ferrari, to allow you to leave sponsor events early. I really don’t know if you knew those kisses were there, but I woke up to this, took a picture and then left you with them until we took a shower.
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Taken by Me, 2022
15. SPONSORED BY AIRMAX: That time your team forgot to book us a flight and you had to ask Lando to ask Daniel to ask Max if we could go back to Monaco with them. I’ve never seen Max talk so much, Daniel laugh so loud or Lando taking so many pictures. He even asked to take one of us, here it is:
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Taken by Lando Norris, 2022
16. SIXTEEN: I bet you thought this one would have something to do with racing. Number 16. Sorry to disappoint but it’s our beautiful puppy…Sixteen! I’m not gonna lie, I still hate you for persuading me into that name. Anyways if you kiss the dog you kiss the mom!!
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Taken by Me, 2022
17. 25 KISSES: Again, tell me if you want those 26 kisses this year. Look at us last year!
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Taken by Me, 2022
18. NEW YEAR, SAME LOVE: Sometimes the world feels unreal when I’m with you, this was one of those days. I felt in another reality, the world slowed down, it was just you and me. I remember thinking “I fell in love with the right person” and then you kissed me.
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Taken by Joris Trouche, 2022
19. BLACK SUIT: Remember when your fans thanked me for your “new” outfits? They repeated it was the girlfriend effect, you couldn’t stop talking about how stylish you are with or without me!
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Taken by Me, 2023
20. PHOTOSHOOT: You got Joris to take these shots just because you wanted a new wallpaper. I thought it was silly, until one day all of them were hanging around our home. You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me, Charlie.
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Taken by Joris Trouche, 2023
21. FIVE STAR CHEFS: Not much to say, just sorry for being so distracting and thank you for the amazing (stolen from Ferrari) dinner babe!
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Taken by Charles’ phone timer, 2023
22. RED LIGHTS: This year’s addition to our drunk-kissing collection. I remember you drowning shots with Carlos and Pierre, asking me to dance with you, absolutely failing at that, and then kissing me. After that there’s blurry ferrari red, giggles and a hot bath.
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Taken by Andrea Ferrari, 2023
23. LAZY IN BED: Wonderful lazy days by the ocean, that’s how we spent the summer break. That morning in particular you didn’t want to get up, basically gluing me to bed. We got up at 1pm.
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Taken by Me, 2023
24. JUST ONE QUESTION: Can I drive the purosangue now? Please please please
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Taken by Me, 2023
20. LOVER: This day I woke up thinking about those dreams we talk about all the time, you even remembered me a couple of them throughout the day. Charlie, I do want to do this for the rest of our lives, never forget it <3
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Taken by Arthur Leclerc, 2023
26. TWENTY-SIX: We are just 26 but I hope our story keeps on writing itself. I love you, these have been the happiest 6 years of my life. Happy birthday bébé ❤️
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Taken by Joris Trouche, 2023
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goldsbitch · 5 months
** personal favorites!
Lando Norris
**That one Christmas flight part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8 epilogue p1 (complete)
summary: Y/N and Lando Norris are seated next to each other on a long flight. Innocent little Christmas tradition that Y/N does every year brings them just a little too close. fluff, cheesy, meet cute, angst, slowburn and smut later on
Right? part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8 (complete)
summary: Y/N is a photographer for McLaren F1 team. Hard working, goal oriented professional who would never put her career in jeopardy for some stupid crush, right?
That is until a photoshoot gets out of hand and there is no way to go but forward. teasing, flirting, little smutty, work fling
Just don't talk p 2, p 3, p 4, p 5, p 6, p 7, p 8, p 9, p10, p 11, p 12
summary: Enemies to lovers on steroids. Lando can't stand Y/N, the first female driver in F1. He also can't stand not having her with her clothes on. enemies to lovers, fake dating
warnings: swear words, minors do not interact, just generally don't take this one too seriously, smut
Charles Leclerc
**I gave so many signs part 2 , part 3, part 4 (complete)
summary: First unrequited love is not the one to ever leave your mind. Y/N looks back at her missed connection with Charles Leclerc from the time they were just teenagers and regrets having him slip away. Song fic. friends to lovers
one shots and short fics
LN - My Name - pre-proposal fluff LN - BEEP - first evening in their own apartment fluff LN - **You texted... - making up after a fight, angst LN - The hair thing - fluff LN - Hypochondria , p2 , p3 - soulmate au, angst LN - short king - short blurb about a tiny height difference LN - **the last time I pick you up - moving apartments, nostalgia, smut
Charles Leclers - **Past Lives - soulmate au, romantic
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tommyshelbyswh0re · 8 months
the forgotten daughter- Tommy Shelby
summary- tommy sent his daughter away because she was a burden he wasn’t ready for. she went 12 years without seeing him once, what happens when she gets an invitation to his wedding?
trigger warning- talks of abuse, neglect, rape, violence, illness.
dad!tommy shelby x daughter!reader
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you were 6 when you were sent away to a girls school in manchester. your father, thomas shelby, had told you that ‘he couldn’t be a father’ and that he was ‘too busy to be burdened with a child’. you were now 18 and hadn’t seen your family since. the last time you had received a letter from your father was when you were 17 and it was to inform you about the birth of his son, charles shelby.
you were enraged. it was unfair that he saw charles as a blessing and you as a burden. that he could step up to be a father then but not 17 years ago. you had practically raised yourself for the last 12 years. every birthday you stole a cupcake from the canteen at the school and sung yourself happy birthday. every christmas you receive pitying looks from the nuns because you were one of the only children to stay in the four walls of your dormitory whilst all the other girls spent time with their families.
you had just finished your last year and was lucky enough to get a job straight out of straight out of school which allowed you to buy yourself a small flat. you sent a letter to your father to let him know that you were safe and you gave him your address although you never knew whether he received the letter because he never wrote back. until a week ago when he sent you a wedding invitation.
deciding to attend was the easiest decision. you knew you wanted to see him one last time before you ultimately cut all communication and moved on, knowing that there was no point in hoping he would acknowledge you as his daughter. you were however grateful that he paid for your education, even if he did abandon you for 12 years.
you used your savings to buy a new dress before getting the train to birmingham and paying for a taxi to the church. as you stood outside the venue you pondered on whether this was a good idea, but you knew you had to do this in order to accept that you were alone in this world. you sat at the back with your head down for the entirety of the ceremony. you didn’t even put your head up to see the bride. as selfish as it sounded, you didn’t care for the wedding and you did not care about their happiness.
when the ceremony was finished, you stood outside of the church with a cigarette in your hand whilst your ‘family’ took photos. next to you, a gentleman was doing the same thing. he was also glaring at the family and you wondered what his issue was.
“what did they do to you?” you scoffed.
“huh?” he raised his brow
“if looks could kill, they’d be slaughtered by now” you joked.
“i just don’t like the groom” he shrugged.
“me neither” you agreed. “y/n” you reached your hand out to shake his.
“alfie” he reciprocated. “so why don’t you like him?” he asked.
“im his daughter” you nonchalantly replied.
“never new tom had a daughter”
“yeah he seems to forget aswell” you shrugged.
“what’s that supposed to mean?” he asked.
“it means he shipped me away for 12 years whilst he fucked off and had a family” you smiled. “fancy giving me a lift to this reception?” you linked his arm.
“absolutely. i think we will get along just fine” he grunted. and you smiled at him.
you both walked to his car and he held the door open for you. “didn’t take you for a gentleman” you bantered.
“is it the cockney accent that gave you that impression?” he wondered. which made you laugh.
“i suppose so” you climbed into the passenger seat and he climbed into the drivers. he started the car and drove towards what you were guessing was your fathers house, not that you’d ever been there.
“so tell me about the relationship with your father y/n” he delved straight in.
“wow you waste no time” you scoffed. “well he impregnated my mother, she died during childbirth, he lazily raised me for 6 years before telling me he couldn’t be a father and shipped me off to boarding school in manchester for 12 years and didn’t visit me once” you shrugged. it didn’t bother you anymore. you have accepted that even though he’s your dad, he’s never really been your father. he never tucked you into bed and read you a bedtime story, he never looked after you when you were ill, he never threatened your first date when he came to the door, he never took you for your first alcoholic drink and he will never walk you down the aisle at your wedding. and even though sometimes you just really need your father to tell you everything is going to be ok, you have been alone for 12 years and managed. you can go the rest of your life.
“oh. daddy issues then?” he tried to banter which made you laugh.
“you could say so yes” you replied.
“so if he’s such a shit dad why did you come to the wedding?” he pondered.
“i need closure. after this we will never ever speak again. all form of communication will be cut off.” you said with confidence.
“fair enough” alfie replied. he felt bad for the girl. she had never had a parent in her life. she had been neglected. and he could tell that even though she gave off the impression that she wasn’t bothered by it, he knew she was hurt deep down. so he left it at that.
for the rest of the drive you spoke about all sorts. your job, where you live, his job and where he lives. it was nice. and when your ‘fathers’ house came into view, you were in shock.
“are you fucking kidding me?” you whispered under your breathe. you don’t know why it was the house that made your heart drop, but it was a reminder that you were unwanted. that your father had abandoned you and started a new family that he lived with and looked after in the ridiculously large fucking house. and then came the lump in your throat.
“you ok?” alfie asked. he could tell that she was not.
you took a deep breath. “yes” you nodded and got out of the car. all the guests started showing up at the same time. you waited for alfie to get out of the car before you went in. he linked arms with you and you both walked in.
the first thing you saw was a stair case with large portraits of the family of three. it made you laugh.
“arrogant arseholes” you whispered to alfie which made him laugh. and it was then that you really looked at them. there was a portrait of what you’re guessing is your father, his new wife and his child. that was the first time you saw mrs grace shelby and charles shelby. and as bad as it sounds, you resented them. you resented grace for not encouraging your father to get to know you which sounds stupid and irrational but you couldn’t help it. you knew logically that it’s not your fault that the relationship between you and your father was none existent. it was his. and you resented charles for having the father you needed and wanted. that was supposed to be you. and again it’s irrational because he’s a child and it’s not his fault but you just felt so angry. so you looked away.
a waiter passed by with a tray of champagne and took a flute and chugged it. this concerned alfie. he didn’t want you to get drunk and say something to your ‘family’ that you would later regret.
“go easy” he sternly told you.
you glared at him.
from the other side of the room, john and arthur had noticed you.
“who is that linking arms with alfie?” arthur asked john.
“i think it might be y/n” john squinted.
“y/n y/n, as in tommy daughter y/n?” arthur responded.
“yeah, kind of looks like ‘er” john smiled.
“well why the fuck has she got her arm around alfie soloman’s” arthur said angrily.
“i don’t know, he’s like 15 years older than her” john looked confused. before tommy came up behind them. “need you in the kitchen now” tommy demanded.
“did you know y/n is here?” john asked him.
“who?” tommy asked
“your daughter, y/n” said arthur.
“what? where?” tommy looked around before he saw you.
“why the fuck is she linking alfie, and why is she downing champagne? she’s a child” tommy asked.
“that’s what we were wondering. and tommy she’s not a child, she’s like 18 now isn’t she?” john asked.
just as tommy hummed, he made eye contact with you and it was you who looked away as soon as it happened. he truly saw you for the first time in 12 years. you were a woman now. he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you were. you looked like the spitting image of your mother with your y/e/c coloured eyes and your soft y/h/c coloured hair. and all of a sudden he had a wave of guilt come over him. he knew he’d been a shitty father towards you, but he never really thought about it until that moment. he felt like shit and so he did what he does best and walked away.
on the other side of the room, you had just made eye contact with your father for the first time in 12 years. you had seen him in the papers so you knew he hadn’t really changed. but making eye contact felt so awkward for you. this was the man whose dna you shared and yet you felt no father-daughter connection with him. you just felt hurt. and so you chugged another flute of champagne. to which alfie’s concern grew even more.
the announcement was made that there was food in the other room as they asked everyone to move there.
you and alfie made your way to the table. you sat next to eachother. you looked around and saw your great aunt pol sat opposite you.
“is that you y/n?” she smiled.
“hello” you suddenly felt shy.
“hello darling” she replied. sat next to her was ada.
“how have you been y/n?” she asked.
“good, i graduated school”
“oh brilliant, do you work?” pol asked
“yes, i have a secretary job working at a factory and i’m a barmaid on the weekends”
“why two jobs?” ada asked
“moneys tight, have to be able to pay the bills on my flat”
“tom doesn’t give you money?” she responded
“why would he?” you asked.
“because you’re his daughter” ada said to which you shrugged. this conversation made pol and ada sad. they realised they truly knew nothing about you and your life. they also knew that tommy hadn’t been the best to you, but again, it didn’t dawn on them how neglectful they had also been.
“you recently turned 18 didn’t you?” pol asked.
“did you do anything for your birthday?” she asked.
“not really. just went to work, went to the bakery on the way back home and bought a cupcake and went to bed” you shrugged. that was your routine of 12 years.
“you didn’t celebrate with friends?” they asked
“don’t have any” your shrugged.
“what about school friends?”
“well they all knew eachother because their parents were friends so they would see eachother outside of school” and this made pol and ada feel even worse, you truly were alone.
“well i’m sorry we didn’t come and see you, we were just so busy preparing the wedding” ada smiled.
“it’s ok, i didn’t expect anyone to”
arthur got up from his seat to do the best man speech.
“hello everyone, before you eat i just want to say a few words as best man. my brother tommy met grace in 1919, obviously at that point we didn’t know she was a spy from the parish” at this, you looked up to the top of the table for the first time to see arthur and john for the first time, and then you looked towards your dad. he had an uncomfortable face on him, obviously not expected arthur to bring such a thing up in his speech.
you chugged another flute of champagne. and now, alfie, pol and ada all grew concern for you.
“-anyway, enough about that. these two were destined for eachother. if tom can forgive her for it then it shows how much he loves her. tom doesn’t really love anyone besides grace and charles” and at this, your father looked in your direction to see you chugging another flute of champagne. your 4th in the space of an hour. his eyebrow raised.
“-they are the perfect family. tommy, grace and charles. when grace was pregnant with charles you should have seen tommy. constantly talking about how this is all he’s ever wanted. he was bouncing of the walls” a lump formed in your throat. because he already had a child. you.
ada and pol looked in your direction to see your head facing down and you picking at your nails. a nervous habit you have.
“when charles was born, you couldn’t get the smile off tommys face for weeks. it’s obvious he loves his little family. it didn’t take long for tommy to finally start taking days off work for once to take grace and charles on days out. i remember the first time tommy took a week off to take charles away in the caravan.”
you could feel your heart beat speeding up and tears forming in your eyes. and you sneakily tried to wipe them away. but alfie noticed. and he placed his hand on your shoulder and squeezed it.
“i remember the dark circles under his eyes when charles had a cold and wouldn’t settle and tommy had been up with him all night”
your dad looked in your direction to see you wiping a tear off you face and put your head up. and he saw the disappointment in your eyes. and he was disappointed in himself. he knew then that he hadn’t been a father towards you. he can’t remember a single night where he stayed up with you as a child and helped settle you. it was mostly ada and pol who raised you for them 6 years.
“grace. we love you, you came into tommys life and made it better. you gave him something to live for, a child” at this you stood up and walked out of the room. at this it dawned on all the family what had happened. arthur hadn’t realised how big he was fucking up until your shoes clacked against the floor as you speed walked out of the room. “shit” tom whispered. grace looked very confused as to what was happening. alfie stood up and went after you.
he found you sat on a step with your head in your hands. he quietly sat next to you and out his hand on your back and rubbed it. neither of you said anything and you just sat there and cried for the first time in 4 years.
a minute later, tommy came out. alfie glared at him. “go away mate” he whispered gesturing to you crying.
“i want to speak to my daughter privately” tommy demanded.
“haven’t you done enough. why now?” alfie asked him as he got up of the step.
“please” tommy pleaded. he looked desperate.
“don’t say anything stupid” alfie warned as he walked back into the other room. tommy sat next to you. you still had your face in your hands and he could just hear you sniffling. it broke his heart.
“im sorry y/n i know i haven’t been the best father” you scoffed.
“you’ve not been a father at all” you muffled from behind your hands.
“i know” he nodded.
“i haven’t been there for you at all. especially in the last 12 years. but i want to start” he tried to put his hand on your shoulder but you shrugged it off. and pulled your face away from you hands.
“it’s too late. i’ve managed on my own for 12 years i can do it for the rest of my life” you turned to him.
“everyone needs someone y/n, trust me. i didn’t know it until i met grace” he sincerely said.
“maybe. but i’m fine without you in my life.”
“you don’t mean that” tommy shook his head.
“i really do. i have my own flat, a job and food in my cupboards. i don’t need you. i will never forgive you. you abandoned me for years. you neglected me. i spent twelve years in the same institute. christmas’s and half terms included. i was stuck in a building with people who would hit, kick and spit on me whenever i did the slightest thing wrong. i spent my 18th birthday being brutally raped by 3 men on my way home from the fucking bakery. i had to nurse myself back to health whenever i was ill. you weren’t there. you don’t need to be here now.” you shouted.
“y/n i- i don’t even know what to say. i overheard you talking to pol and you never mentioned that that’s what happened” you shook your head.
“its not really dinner talk is it.”
“i swear i will hunt those men down and make them hurt” he had a determined look on his face.
“too late. it’s already happened. they’ve already told me that if i tell anyone they’ll come after me” you shrugged.
“they won’t touch you, i’ll protect you”
“for how long? two weeks before you decide i’m too much of a burden again” you shook your head.
“you remember that?” he asked
“what? you telling me that i’m a burden? you don’t just forget your parent telling you that. sticks with you”
“i am so sorry y/n”
“yeah well i’ll get over it. coming to this wedding was a fucking mistake.” you sighed
“why did you come?” he asked.
“i wanted to see my family one last time before i cut all communication. not that any of yous care”
“come with me y/n” he got up and gestured for me to follow.
“why?” you questioned
“just come with me” he started walking so you followed.
you came to a stop infront of a door. he opened it and gestured for you to come inside.
you entered and quickly realised this was his office. “why are we in here?”
he walked towards his desk and grabbed a picture that was stood on it and held it out to you. it was a picture taken on your graduation. you looked up at him confused
“i had your school send a copy to me. i always asked for updates on how you were doing at school. i have every school report in my draw. i always cared about you. i was just terrible at showing it. and i always thought it was too late to try and be your father so i avoided you. which was wrong. but seeing you today reminded me that i don’t want to have regrets in life. i don’t want to be an old man on my death bed and wondering where my own daughter is. i know i cant expect you to just accepted me as your father. but i would really like you to come over for dinner one day. and meet grace and charles properly?” he asked.
“i don’t know. i don’t feel like they would want me here” you shook your head. with tears still rolling down your face.
“trust me, they do. grace has wanted to meet you for years. she was the one who encouraged me to invite you to the wedding. she really wanted family here. and you are family y/n. i know you feel wronged by all of us, and i understand why. but i want to make it better. please, give me a chance” he pleaded.
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doc-pickles · 6 months
watching him with those eyes | mat barzal x reader x anthony beauvillier
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summary: after you wear tito's jersey mat decides you need to be punished
warnings: mat is a little bit of an asshole, smut (spanking, fingering, p in v unprotected, degradation, threesome, voyeurism), brief blackh*wks mention
a/n: soooooo I wanted to do 12 days of smutmas but my brain no work so this is my last smutmas fic HAHA unless I somehow regain inspiration before christmas. but I really love this one so uhhhhh have fun and enjoy!
You knew it was a risky move, knew you’d piss Mat off. But you couldn’t help yourself, slipping on the #18 jersey before you left your apartment. The Islanders were facing the Blackhawks tonight and despite Mat being your boyfriend Tito was your best friend that you hadn’t seen in months. 
Tito’s face had absolutely lit up when he saw you during warm-ups, skating over to you with a grin. You’d wished him good luck and he’d skated off. 
Then Mat had seen you. And he was not happy. 
Mat wasn’t an overly jealous person but he’d always envied the bond that you and Tito had formed over decades of friendship. You assured Mat that he had nothing to worry about, Tito had introduced you two after all. But you knew that Mat was still on edge. 
After the game you waited for Mat, your feet tapping anxiously against the linoleum as more and more players trickled out of the locker room. When you finally spotted him you plastered on a smile but Mat didn’t return the sentiment to you. He accepted your chaste kiss before tightly gripping your waist and leading you down to the parking garage. 
“Don’t,” he growls as he presses you into the side of his car. “You think you’re so cute running around with his number on, huh?”
You gasp as Mat’s fingers wrap around your throat, the pressure making you blink back tears. 
“You’ve been naughty baby. Do you remember what happens to naughty girls,” Mat asks as he squeezes just a bit tighter, your eyes rolling up to meet his. 
“They get punished,” you choke out just as Mat lets go of your throat. 
“Get in the fucking car,” Mat spits out as he gets into the driver's seat. You obey, silently following and buckling up as he pulls out of the parking garage. 
The entire drive is silent and seems to take twice as long as usual. There’s no casual conversation or music, just you and Mat as he drives you to his apartment.
You bolt from the car as soon as Mat puts it into park. When he catches up with you his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you into his chest. 
“Oh baby… You can’t fucking run from me,” Mat coos in your ear, his breath fanning across your skin. “You want me to take you over my knee?”
“Mat…” you groan as he slides his hand down to cup your heat over your leggings. “We’re in the hallway, anyone could walk by.”
“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Someone watching me take this sweet pussy,” Mat growls and bites into your shoulder making you gasp. “Mmm, that’s my girl. C’mon baby, time for your punishment.”
Mat drags you down the hallway and makes quick work of unlocking his door. As soon as you’re inside he’s got you up against the wall, pressing his hips into yours as his hand finds your throat again. 
“My baby wants to be watched? Want someone to know how much of a whore you are,” you moan against Mat as he brushes his lips against yours. You can feel his fingers ghosting across your leggings, coming closer to the apex of your thighs. “Yeah, you’re a little slut, aren’t you? Wearing my best friend’s jersey? You want Tito to watch me fuck you so he knows you’re mine?”
“Holy shit Mat,” you cry out as he finally cups your pussy through your leggings and squeezes your throat tighter. “Fuck! Yes, I want it! Please, baby!”
A dark chuckle leaves Mat as he lets you go, your chest heaving as you stare up at him with wide-blown pupils. 
“Careful what you ask for baby,” he whispers against your lips before throwing you over his shoulder and walking you down the hallway to his bedroom. 
Mat sits on the bed, not giving you a chance to acclimate before he throws you over his knee. Your heart is racing as he harshly tugs your leggings and panties down, exposing your ass to him. 
“You’re so fucking wet baby,” Mat groans as he runs his fingers through your slick folds. “God, is this all for me?”
The only thing you can do is moan, savoring the feeling of his fingers teasing your entrance and the fact that you’re completely exposed as you lay across his lap. 
“Or is it all for Tito?” Mat asks as he shoves two fingers into your dripping cunt. “God I bet you’d love to be watched by him. Let him hear how fucking wet you are?”
“Mat,” you cry as he plunges into you again, his other hand coming down to slap your ass. Your body is already overstimulated and the night has just started. “Oh my god!”
Mat delivers two more smacks, his fingers still inside of you as he doles out your punishment. Your breath comes out in whimpers as he holds you in place, his hand continuously smacking your ass and sending electric jolts through your body. He pauses his slaps, instead moving his fingers in and out of your cunt making the most lewd sounds.
“So loud, so wet. You’re doing so good” Mat chuckles as he continues to fuck you with his fingers. A pathetic moan leaves you as you thrash around on his lap. “Putting on such a good show, showing Tito how wet you are for him, how you’re a slut for him. God baby he looks like he wants to eat you up.”
Your head immediately pops up at Mat’s words, stilling when you meet Anthony’s eyes from across the room. He’s standing in the doorway of Mat’s bedroom, eyes wide as he takes in the scene before him. You flung over Mat’s lap, your dripping cunt on full display, and his name on your back.
Mat shoves your head back down before either you or Anthony can say anything. His hand comes down on your ass and you can’t help the whine you let out, “Love it when you’re loud, baby. Show Tito how good you are for me.”
The thought of Mat’s best friend watching you has you on full alert, your body thrumming with excited energy as your boyfriend continues to spank you. His fingers come back to your cunt, pushing in roughly and catching your breath on a gasp.
“So close, Mat,” you cry out, clenching around his fingers as he continued to mercilessly fuck you. “Please, baby!”
“Come for me baby, let Tito see how pretty you look when you coat my fingers with your cum,” Mat’s words trigger your orgasm, a series of moans and gasps falling from your lips as your hips jerk against him. “That’s it, baby. Doing so good for me. Fuck Tito, she’s so tight. Squeezing the life out of my fingers.”
A low groan escapes Tito and the sound makes your pussy clench against Mat. He lets a chuckle out before pulling his fingers out of you and giving you one more slap to your already red ass. Without warning he throws you onto the bed and you scramble to your knees before he can sit up.
“All fours baby,” Mat commands as he pushes your shoulders down. “Want Tito to see your face when I fuck you.”
Falling onto your hands you look up and meet Tito’s eyes. He’s sitting in the chair Mat has positioned in the corner of the room now, eyes never leaving you as Mat rips off your panties and leggings. His erection is straining in his dress pants, the sight fueling your aroused state.
“You eye fucking my best friend over here?” Mat whispers in your ear, his body encasing you as his hard cock ruts against your core. “Knew you were a fucking slut. You want him to fuck you instead of me, don’t you?”
“Mat, baby-,” you gasp as he pulls back, his hands gripping your waist tightly. His dick is prodding at your entrance and you thrust your hips back into him, eyes still locked with Tito’s. “Want him to watch you fuck me. Please, baby.”
At your words Tito groans loudly, hand coming to palm his erection as his head lolls backward in lust. Mat pushes his cock into you with a rough thrust and you’re crying out in pleasure. Your hips buck back into him as he bottoms out, his hands on your waist squeezing hard enough that you know you’ll have bruises in the morning. 
“So fucking tight, so perfect for me,” Mat groans as he thrusts into you, one of his hands slapping your ass again. “Look so pretty taking my cock with his number on your back.”
You realize that you’re still wearing Tito’s jersey and you let out a breathy moan of pleasure, your hips thrusting back into Mat. When you look up to meet Tito’s eyes you nearly collapse at the sight of him watching you and Mat with his hard dick in his hand. He’s not as thick as Mat, but his length makes up for it. Tito meets your gaze and you groan at the connection there.
“Beau, oh fuck,” you cry out as Mat slaps your ass again. “Oh my god, so good baby. Fucking me so good for Beau.”
Both men loudly groan at your words, Mat’s thrusts speeding up as Tito jerks his cock harder. The sight and feeling of both of them has you reeling, your overstimulated body bowing to Mat’s hold on you. Your eyes are locked on Tito’s as he watches the two of you fuck with reckless abandon.
“So close Matty,” you gasp out as Mat’s hand wraps around you to shove roughly at your clit. “Baby, I n-need Tito. Please Mat. Fuck! Want you both to cum on me.”
Carefully you watch as Tito meets Mat’s gaze. You can’t see your boyfriend from this angle but you know they’re silently deliberating something as Mat continues to fuck you. Without a word Tito stands and comes to the edge of the bed, hard cock still out as he jerks it roughly just inches from your face.
“I knew my little slut would want this,” Mat breathes out as he pulls your hips up, tugging at your hair with one hand so you’re face to face with Tito. “You want him so bad, you take him. Show him what I get every fucking night.”
There’s only a moment of hesitation between the two of you before you lean forward and lock your lips with Tito’s, one hand coming up to wrap in your hair while the other continues to jerk his cock. You moan into his mouth, reveling in the feel of him on your lips and Mathew pounding away at your pussy.
“Fuck,” you gasp against Tito’s lips. “So close… So… Fuck baby please!”
Mat works your clit furiously as you cry out your release into Tito’s mouth, his hand in your hair pulling your head back so you were facing him head-on. Suddenly he drops your hair right as Mat pulls out of you and both of their cries of pleasure fill the room. With a pleased smile, you realize that they’d both dirtied the back of your jersey with their releases, your knees giving way so you can collapse on the bed as they both finish themselves off.
You’re dazed for a few minutes until you feel a warm washcloth between your legs just as Tito crouches in front of you, wiping your hair away from your face, “Let me take this off of you, yeah?”
Tito pulls the jersey off of you, throwing it into the laundry basket as Mat finishes wiping you up. You reach up for Tito but he brushes you off, kissing your forehead instead of holding you like you had implied, “Early flight, I have to head back to the hotel.”
With a slow grin you watch as Mat and Tito say goodbye to each other, not an ounce of awkwardness between them despite what they’d just shared. After the front door closes Mat crawls into bed next to you and pulls your naked body against his.
“How you feeling baby,” Mat asks into your shoulder, lips brushing your skin. “Like your surprise?”
“Mmmm yes thank you,” you grin as you lean up to kiss him, one hand tangling in his hair. “But I like just having you here, baby. I love you.”
“Love you too,” Mat whispers as he strokes a hand across your cheek. “Should I just block off the whole weekend next time Tito is in town then?”
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salford-blues · 4 months
Dressed to impress
A/n: I am so not ready to go back to Uni. So fics might slow down a bit because this semester might take a toll on me haha.
Pairing: F1 grid x driver!reader Summary: Y/N shows off her little family to the world, in which they're all dressed to impress. Well most of them are <33 Warnings: like a swear word
@yourusername and @l/nandcompany
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liamlawson30, georgerussell63, landonorris & others liked
My new account for my little companions! Just a fun little account for my many pets.
Left - Thackery (12), Middle - Cosmic Creepers (8), Right - Oogie Boogie (8)
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alex_albon booooooo!! Just trying to copy now 👎
> yourusername i cant just let their cuteness go to waste
>> alex_albon you know what... fairs. Cossie is very cute
User.1 eeeeeee soso cute
User.2 Thackery doesn't look very happy
> yourusername that because Alex didn't bring is favourite treat...
>> alex_albon heeyy i forgot!! Tell him I'm sorry. pleassee
>>> yourusername he said he'll forgive if you bring him some next time!
>>>> alex_albon deal!!
landonorris do NOT let Cosmic Creepers fool you. He may be cute, but he's possessed. I'm telling you
> oscarpiastri dramatic, and for what?
@l/nandcompany and @yourusername
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oscarpiastri, charles_leclerc, logansargeant & others liked
Omg, I've never looked so good...
Left - Kismet (9), Middle - Itchy (3), Right - Knuckles (1)
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User.3 how do you come up with these names???
> yourusername most of them are named after characters!!!
charles_leclerc hahaha... veryyy funny caption
> yourusername knew you'd like it
User.4 how many pets do you have?
> yourusername faaarr too many.
User.5 surely this is animal abuse...
User.6 Why does she have a hedgehog?? I thought they were illegal in some states
> yourusername 1. I rescued him and 2. not everyone lives in the states babes <33 but thanks for the concern
@l/nandcompany and @yourusername
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mickschumacher, lewishamilton, logansargeant & others liked
Having a fursome time. Managed to snag a pic before Diablo fought the camera. 🐾
Left - Diablo (3), Middle - Meeko (2), Right - Prometheus (5)
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User.6 Diablo looks very cool.
> yourusername Diablo likes to tell people to 'fuck off'... wonder were he got that from
>> yourusername looking at you @liamlawson30 👀👀
>>> liamlawson30 don't know what you're on about 😤
>>>> yourusername sure you don't. Just like you don't remember teaching him to attack people when they're smacking their lips.
>>>>> User.12 that is a very valid reason to attack someone
logansargeant look how sophisticated Meeko looks
> yourusername oh wow, that's a big word coming from you
>> logansargeant i try to be nice and this is what i get in return...
>>> oscarpiastri yh but you're american. it's why you get bullied
roscoelovescoco whens cans I's comes round agains?
> yourusername soon Roscoe!! Prometheus and Itchy miss you
@l/nandcompany and @yourusername
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frederikvestioffical, georgerussell63, danielricciardo & others liked
We wish you a merry christmas and aaaaa happpyyyy newwwww yeaaarrrr 🎄🎄🎄
Left - Ankyl (6), Middle - Bandersnatch (2), Right - Scorchito (2)
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User.7 why are all these animals so cuuutteeee
User.8 cuteness overload... think I'm gonna die
User.9 Ankyl isn't very christmassy
> yourusername I couldn't find his christmas picture, so I had to put his halloween one up instead
porschef1 hmmm meet and greet when??
*yourusername liked comment*
User.10 do any of them have a favourite person/driver? do any of the hate one of the drivers?
> yourusername yes and yes!! some examples: all of the cats HATE Lando, but Itchy loves him. The cats like Oscar, Alex, Liam, George etc. The ferrets are fond of Fred Vesti and Charles. The bird likes noone... he will attack at any point. ESPECIALLY when you're singing. He's a very naughty boy and we can blame Liam for that.
>> User.11 Liam and Lando catching strays left, right and centre.
maxfewtrell Lando looks like he might cry. Keep talking
> yourusername well I'll send Itchy his way. That'll cheer him up
>> landonorris thanks gonna keep him now
>>> yourusername right... grounded for 3 months.
>>>> landonorris 3 MONTHS???? WHY???
>>>>> yourusername cause the cats told me to
>>>>>> landonorris this is bullying!!
@yourusername and @l/nandcompany
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mickschumacher, liamlawson30, oscarpiastri & others liked
Meet our newest member Koda 🐻
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User.13 awweee he's so fluffy!!
oscarpiastri I want to be the first one to meet him
> mickschumacher too late...
>> oscarpiastri I SAW THAT
>>> oscarpiastri NNOOOOOO
User.14 wait Mick was the first to meet him? Awweee
> logansargeant NO not 'awweee'. Why was Mick the first one Birdie?? Why not me? Why not Oscar? Do you not love us?
>> yourusername why so dramatic? Can we appreciate Koda's cuteness instead ta
mickschumacher so cute!! Can't wait to meet him 💙💛
> logansargeant you can't sweet talk your way out of this Mick
>> oscarpiastri LIAARRR... count your days Mick
>>> yourusername stop threatening the poor boy or else you can join Lando
>>>> oscarpiastri no please I'll be nice. Promise 🙏
305 notes · View notes
morallyinept · 6 months
COWBOY CHRISTMAS - A Jack Daniels (Agent Whiskey) Christmas One Shot
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Summary: Your husband Jack takes you out on a snowy Christmas Eve horse ride around the ranch, then helps you thaw out after.
Pairing: Husband!Jack Daniels x Wife!Reader (No name or physical description of reader. It’s you, bub.)
Word Count: 5k
Scoville Smut Rating: 🌶️🌶️🌶️ "You tell me I'm doing well, and then, you try to kill me."
Check out my Scoville Smut Ratings here.
Warnings/triggers - Established relationship/unprotected PIV (wrap up, folks!)/fingering.
NSFW. MINORS DNI! OVER 18’s ONLY. YOU ARE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU READ. ☝🏻Don’t come at me; you’ve been plenty warned.
If this story isn't for you, that's fine. Just slip quietly out the back door. No need to make a fuss. It's just a work of fiction.
Author’s Note: Husband Jack hits differently and I'm here for it. Horsey speak researched because I'm not a horsey person. Neigh. I hope you enjoy spending Christmas with Jack. 🎄
Tagging @ladybess-a03 as Jack is her husband 🤠🖤
Enjoy & Happy Holidays! 🎄🖤
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“Now, you hold on tight to them reins there, sugar. Don’t want ol’ Thunder here gallopin’ off into the breach.” Jacks says to you with a wink. 
You watch as he buttons up his denim jacket; a woolly sheepskin lines the collar inside around his neck. “Hoo, it’s a chilly one this mornin’!” He exclaims in that Southern twang making sweet, unbashed love to his vocal chords.
“Remind me why I let you talk me into this?” You say, feeling the cold rake it’s sharp fingernails down your spine. 
“'Cause I can talk you into anythin'." He grins. "Besides, you’re gonna love it.” He assures. 
“I love our warm bed more.” You mutter, trying not to smirk. 
You grip tight on the leather reins with your gloved hands as the horse snuffles gently; the cool air wisps out of his large, wet nostrils in gossamer tendrils, floating into the air.
The snow is fresh and crisp on the ground; the Ranch is covered in billowy marshmallows heaped on the roof like someone let the powdered sugar pour overnight. The whole scene looks as though a snow globe has been shaken up and long since settled with the coarse glitter of it all glimmering under the pallor of the winter sun; a pale blue orb lingering in the sky.
A Christmas Eve morning horse ride with your husband Jack sounded appealing when he suggested it, but now that you’re the one in the driver’s seat so to speak, you're not so sure, as your stomach tosses about with the anxiousness of it all. 
It’s not that you’re not a keen rider, it’s just that Jack’s array of Appaloosas and Mustangs from the rodeo show - that’s been a lucrative business for you both, if not but a hectic one - can always seem to sense your trepidation, and do everything they can to keep you from venturing near them, let alone mounting them. 
But Jack’s a determined son of a gun to get you used to it, and a few lessons with a deep brown Lusitano named Thunder, seem to be paying off, as the two of you bond the more time you spend with the stallion.
Thunder stands at a regal sixteen hands, his physique a perfect blend of strength and elegance. His coat is a rich chestnut, gleaming under the dappled sunlight like polished mahogany. He's probably the most handsome thing you've ever laid eyes on, aside from your husband, of course.
Jack had assured you that Thunder’s physique, combined with his gentle demeanour and keen intelligence, made him not just a stunning horse, but also an ideal companion for you.
And that smooth talking cowboy hadn’t been wrong yet. 
Jack hoists himself up, grunting with a steely puff as he settles on the double saddle behind you. Not brave enough yet to go it alone in the snow, Jack rides tandem with you this morning.
The front of his Stetson knocks gently against the back of your head as he adjusts, and the horse pads his front hooves in anticipation to get going. 
“Easy, Thunder,” he soothes as he reaches around and checks the reins. “You good to go, sweet thing?” Jack asks you. 
“What are you going to hold on to?” You query as he lets go of the reins, turning to glance at him over your shoulder warily.
You’ve seen Jack ride plenty of times, to the point he trusts his stallions and mares implicitly. There's some magical fluidity between them as you watch from the sidelines of the paddock when they practise together.
Although each time he rides free and un-reined, you can’t help but grimace and worry, especially when he shows off in the rodeo ring.
“Why, your gorgeous self, of course!” You feel him pinch your hips playfully and then his arms wrap around your waist. He pats your belly softly. 
“I got you, nice n' tight.” The wetness of his lips are cold as they squish against your cheek where he kisses you affectionately. You giggle as his fuzzy moustache tickles against your skin.
“Now, you’re the one in control, remember. Just like I taught you. Pull back gently if you want him to slow down.”
“Okay.” You nod, taking in a deep breath and sounding much more confident than you actually feel. And Jack picks up on it and rubs your arms down. 
“You’ve got nothin’ to worry about, sugar. He’s infatuated with you.” Jack reassures. He holds you tighter and runs his nose against the side of your face. “And he ain’t the only one.” he murmurs. 
“You keep doing that and we’re never getting out of this damn paddock,” you groan as he nips against your lobe, tonguing it slyly.
Despite the cold, you suddenly feel the warmth creeping up under your jacket trying to strangle you. 
He chuckles and pulls back, sitting himself upright and placing his hands together around your waist again. 
“Let’s skedaddle.” He instructs.
You breathe out, clicking your tongue twice and squeeze your legs gently against the underside of Thunder. He immediately trots forward languidly.
“There you go, nice n' easy there. See, he ain’t so buck wild after all, is he now?” Jack says.  
“No, he’s a good boy,” you say, leaning forward and patting Thunder’s head as he strides forward out the paddock. “A good boy that’s going to go nice and slow, okay?” You whisper, imploring the horse. 
Thunder simply snorts in response.
You settle into it; a gentle trot across the acres of the Ranch on this wintery morning. You can feel the cold biting against your face as you tuck your chin into your scarf to ward off the nip.
The scene is magical; treetops covered in plumes of glittery white, and every sound seems more muted somehow, wrapped up in a bundle of snow that acts as a cosy insulator. 
The soft pads of Thunder’s hooves against the cold ground, and Jack's breathing just behind your ear, are the only sounds you can hear around the exquisite peace.
And you lose yourself to it, closing your eyes and resting back against Jack’s chest as you relax into the ride together. 
“You doin’ alright there?” Jack asks, and you feel his gloved hands rubbing back and forth against your stomach creating fluttery wings to beat and flap around inside of it. 
“Mmm,” you reply. “This is just beautiful.” You confirm feeling more taken with it all. “This was a great idea.” 
“I’m mighty glad you feel that way, darlin’. We gotta get you out ridin’ some more.” Jack suggests.
“I do plenty of riding, cowboy.” You toss a hot smirk at him over your shoulder.
“Christ. Ain’t that the truth.” He chuckles.
You feel his hands squeeze your hips again and his breaths are felt warming in the crook of your neck.
“Wanna kick it up a notch?”
“Go faster?” You peep with alarm. 
“Sure, you can handle it.”
“But the snow, isn’t that dangerous?”
Jack scoffs. “Snow’s fresh, darlin’. No ice.”
“Gotta trust in your horse.”
You make an uncertain noise in the back of your throat.
“Ain’t gonna let anythin’ happen to you.” Jack reassures and your uncertainty begins to waver as you feel yourself melt in the sincerity of his eyes.
“Okay.” You nod, smiling. 
“That’s my girl. Go on, now. Squeeze your calves against him. That’s it, you’re doin’ real good.” Jack praises as Thunder ups his paces to a gentle canter, full of brio and a little faster than his previous meandering.
He bows and nods his large head, whinnying. 
“Oh see, he likes that. Our boy here was bred for speed.” Jack pats the back of the stallion’s neck and Thunder snuffles in response. 
You can feel your fingers gripping tighter on the reins, your body tensing up. 
“You trust me, sugar?” You hear Jack pollute in your ear.
You turn to look at him incredulously.
“He wants to run. Gotta give it to him.” 
“Oh God.” You wince. 
You steady yourself as Thunder nickers and snuffles again. Jack takes your hand and weaves it around Thunder’s mane. A trick he does himself whilst on the rodeo to be sure to stay on if the horse should suddenly veer off.
Your gloved fingers hold tightly through the silken hair whilst your other hand grips on the reins as tight as you can. 
“He’ll take care of you. We both will.” Jack takes a hold of the reins with you, his arms either side. “Hold on tight, darlin’.” 
You steady yourself, holding on tightly as he instructs and bracing yourself. 
“Hup! Hup!” You hear Jack instruct Thunder with a sharp command, and the horse bolts forward.
He attacks the gallop at full speed, like he's running for his life. Like he was born to do nothing else other then run.
“Shit, Jack!” You gasp, as he takes full control. 
The sounds of Thunder’s hooves are louder and feel like they crack and echo across the sky. Your body is forced into a galloping rhythm; your butt bashing up and down against the saddle as you try to find some comfort with it.
You rise up, remembering to anchor yourself in the stirrups, leaning forward like your body is floating as Thunder moves under you.
You can feel Jack’s body against yours, moving with you. He has both hands on the reins, but has manoeuvred so you're safe inside his arms too.
“See why I named him Thunder now?!” Jack muses as he bears down on the reins and the horse’s speed increases furthermore. 
You can feel Thunder’s muscles bunch and release. You can feel and hear his hooves hit the ground in heavy thuds that ricochet through your skeleton, and see the hypnotic, rhythmic motion of his head, which you’re following with your hands.
It’s exhilarating. 
The cold wind whips through your bones, despite the jacket and scarf’s protection. You hear Jack holler and chuckle behind you.
“Alright now!” He cheers triumphantly as Thunder takes a sharp turn, effortlessly, and you cling on for dear life grounding down on your teeth and steadying yourself with your stirrups. 
“Oh my God!” You wail as the exhilaration begins to twist that fear into utter elation. 
Your teeth feel the cold as you can’t contain the wild smile opening up your lips as you giggle and holler alongside Jack; his enthusiasm and passion for the ride infecting you.
The wind is blowing so hard that you really can’t see or hear very clearly and Thunder’s ears twitch up as you holler an enthusiastic woo! Into the air. It feels like you're flying as the wind streams tears from your eyes. 
Thunder’s hooves beat frantically against the snow and the ride through the acres soon comes to an end as Jack instructs you to slow Thunder to a steady trot once more.
You can sense Thunder’s reluctance, he would run forever if he could, but you pull on the reins and announce for him to slow and he does. 
“Woah, easy. Easy…” you soothe as he tries to resist, but eventually settles back into that steady canter as you all catch your collective breath.
You wipe your eyes with the back of your woolly hand and Jack smiles at you. 
“That was amazing,” you admit, your body shaking, not just from the cold now.
“I knew you’d love it.” He replies, grinning. “Your husband knows you better than you think.” 
“Sometimes,” you tease.
“Sometimes?” He scoffs and stamps another kiss on your cold cheek. 
Once in the paddock, Jack jumps off and helps you down. You lunge for him, planting a heavy kiss on his lips and slip your tongue into his hot, wet mouth. 
“What’s got you so hot n’ bothered, hmm?” He murmurs against your lips. 
“Adrenaline.” You shrug giggling, as you stroke the back of Jack's nape where his brown curls gather under his suede Stetson.   
His hands sweep through your hair, messy from being wind-whipped and he studies your face with chocolate mocha eyes. You shiver as he pulls you to him. 
“Fuck, sugar.” He groans as you press your mouth to his again; your kiss mutating into something desperate and untamed.
You both stumble backwards and Jack loses his footing and pulls you down with him in the muddy slush around the paddock.
“Ah shit,” he groans, chuckling. 
You squeal as you feel the cold and wet instantly soak into your jeans. Scrambling, you try to get up, but slip further into the mud as Jack gives up and howls loudly at your plight.
He’s rewarded with a glop of mud thrown at his chest.
“Need a hand there, darlin’?” Once he’s contained himself enough, he helps you up and you both head back to the Ranch to warm up. 
“Go on n’ get yourself inside. I’ll wrangle Thunder back into the stable. Reckon it might snow again soon.” He glances up at the sky, the sun long since besmirched by clouds of grey.
“Don’t take too long, handsome” you smirk.
“Lickety-split.” Jack breathes into your mouth as you kiss him again. 
You look at the state of you both, covered in freezing mud, and Jack has some splashed up on his forehead, and you can’t help but laugh at the state of you both, despite shivering.
“Why don’t you run us a bath?” Jack suggests with dark eyes, and you nod as if under a captive spell.
You leave your muddy boots on the porch and head inside. The warmth hits you immediately and you shimmy yourself out of your wet jacket, blowing into your hands that feel like icicles, despite the gloves. 
You pace up the stairs, wading somewhat as your jeans stick to you, to the bathroom and fill the large jacuzzi-style tub with hot water, stripping as you notice snowflakes starting to billow lightly outside. 
“Missed your calling as a weatherman, Jack.” You snicker to yourself.
You toss in a fragrant bath bomb and light some incense filling the bathroom with heady notes of sandalwood, patchouli, and exotic florals; the swirling tendrils evoking a sense of tranquillity as your skin starts to perspire.
You step into the sizzling, enveloping water that seems to wrap its arms around you with the inviting warmth as you succumb to it wholly.
You breathe out slowly, moaning in relief as you slide your shoulders under the water, the temperature burning you slightly and relishing the feel of it.
You swill the water around; lavishing yourself in the foamy remnants of the bath bomb. You eventually lay still in the water and breathe in and out a few times, keeping your eyes closed.
Your cold, aching muscles from the ride find some sedated bliss in those first few moments; like someone has slowly squeezed the angst and stress out of you like juicing an orange.
You close your eyes and relax, feeling the weight start to drop from you.
The invigorating peace is interrupted by the bathroom door slowly creaking open and footsteps pad in lightly on the tiled floor. 
You turn your head, smiling at Jack as he unbuttons his plaid shirt and drops it to his feet.
You sit up, watching him, and try not to obscenely salivate over your husband as he unbuckles his belt with a slow, deliberate simmer at you, but it's hard not to. He’ll always have that effect on you when he gets naked.
Your eyes roam over tan, sculpted arms, a svelte waist and long legs smattered with dark hairs, before you settle in on the thick, hardening cock between his legs. 
“Scooch on forward, sugar,” he says softly with a wink, standing at the side of the tub; that semi hard-on already taking shape and protruding out from his lean, muscular body.
He steps in and sits down in the water behind you; his long legs running parallel either side of you.
“Couldn’t resist,” you hum. 
“You gettin’ started without me, hmm?” Jack queries as he pulls you back into his chest, wrapping his arms over your stomach again.
You feel him plant kisses into your crown as you nuzzle into him. 
“Scrub my back for me?” You question coyly over your shoulder, and flutter your eyelashes at him.
The steam in the bathroom makes the mirror frost over with condensation and the air seems to vibrate around you both and stick to your clammy skin.
You sit upright; the water making your back glisten at him and he licks his lips as he regards you.
“Well, how can I resist such a tempting offer?” Jack smiles and reaches for the soap on the side of the bath behind him, lathering it up in his big hands. 
You feel his hands massaging into your shoulders; his fingers kneading away all the tension and the slippery feel of the soap foaming on your back, squelching through his thick digits.
“Mmm,” you sigh as he works his thumbs down either side of your spinal cord.
“That feel good, hmm?” Jack husks from behind you, squeezing and manipulating the muscles under your skin. He knows it’s good - knows it will drive you wild.
“Real good…” You utter, eyes closed and lost inside of his hypnotic rhythms and magic hands. 
You can hear him breathe in your ear and feel him plant lascivious kisses down the side of your damp face. The faint scratch of his shaven jaw runs prickly against your skin; the soft fuzz of his moustache counteracting it begins to tickle again.  
It begins to wake your nipples up; sending goosebumps to bloom around your areolas pulling them tight and tingly.
He runs his fingers down your back and up under your arms sitting forward himself, and slathers the soapy lather in his hands across your collarbone and down towards your breasts.
Your breath hitches as his roaming fingers tease your nipples, pulling and rolling them gently, and you sink back into his chest once more as he massages. He runs the open palms of his hands all over them; cupping, squeezing, fondling.
“That’s so nice,” you groan as he kisses the side of your temple. 
“I told you, I know you well.” You can hear him grin, a graze inside your ear.
His wet, soapy fingers continue to work their way down your torso, gliding across your navel before he gives it a gentle squeeze and strokes gently.
“What’re we gonna name this lil’ dill pickle in here, hmm?” Jack asks, and you glance down at your tummy, still flat, but in a few months time it’ll be swollen and rotund as the baby grows.
“Depends what he looks like when he comes out. Hopefully not like a dill pickle. I hate pickles.” You say, crinkling your nose.
You hear Jack snort behind you into your hair. “Hates pickles. I married me a mad one.”
“You knew what you were getting yourself into, cowboy.” You chuckle.
“Mmhm. He?” He queries.
“Feels like a he.” You say, placing your hands on top of Jack’s. The light of your wedding band shimmering in the wet. “What do you think?”
“I think,” Jack breathes in, his lips grazing your skin behind your ear “as long as it’s healthy, darlin’, it don’t matter. Gonna love it all the same.”
You smile, reaching up behind you to stroke his face. You feel him peck your fingers.  
“When he's out, I’ll put another one in there.” He confirms.
“Woah, hold your horses,” you say.
“You just try n’ stop me, sugar. Got yourself a virile man. Gonna have a whole bunch of lil’ rodeo riders gallopin’ about the joint.” Jack pinches your hips gently and you giggle when he hits a ticklish spot as he gruffs another chuckle in your ear.
He feels you flinch and the top of your buttocks push against his cock that has long since hardened completely under the water.
“Besides, I'm waitin’ for these to grow nice n’ big, too,” Jack smirks.
Jack kisses down the side of your face once more; his lips searching yours out and finally making contact with them as you twist yourself in the water to reach them.
His tongue darts into your mouth as he squeezes onto your right breast, and a satisfied grunt escapes into your mouth from him.
You splash water at him as he growls playfully into you, moaning as you kiss him again. 
It makes all the hairs of your body stand tall to order, hearing him moan like that - moan for you. Warming you as you inhale them in; oxygen to your lungs.
Filling you deep with sweet images of him teaching your child - or several of them - to ride horses and take care of them. The thought of Jack’s paternal instincts rile you up even further.
Although it doesn’t take much with the hormones either.
His kiss is hungry; swallowing you up and you raise your wet hands to finger inside of his hair, weaving through it gently at first, but becoming fiercer with tugs as he reacts to it.
You wonder what else it’ll be that you’ll crave this much as your pregnancy advances, because you're constantly craving your husband inside you, night and day it seems.
And neither of you are complaining about it.     
He follows the track of bubbles down your body with his hand, slides down over your torso and abdomen until his fingers reach forward and disappear between the middle of your legs inside the bubbly pool. 
You gasp, breaking the kiss as you feel them instantly finding your clit and shudder as he swipes across it with the pads of his tips. They tease between your soapy folds. His middle finger starts tapping and rubbing against your hub, making you gasp into his mouth.  
“Suck, darlin’... just like that.” 
His other hand grips gently around under your face, stroking your jawline as his digits run over your lips when he breaks the kiss.
Hooded brown eyes regard you before inserting his index and middle finger into your mouth.
You suck on them gently, and run your tongue over them as his other fingers thrum heavier on your clit under the water, causing it to swill around you as you fidget, grinding against his fingers as he slowly teases you with them.
He can still feel the viscous slickness of you around them, feeling silkier in the water. 
“You feel that, sugar? What you’re doin’ to me? Got my cock all big n' hard for you.” His fingers move off your clit and begin to take a walk inside of you, and you gasp again in delight.
Jack marvels with mud coloured eyes as you lap at his fingers, imagining they’re his cock. They taste slightly salty like it; rough and calloused skin being soothed by your tongue.
He groans into your ear nipping at your lobe, as you feel him pressing against your lower back and getting harder by the second. 
“Mmm, Jack…” His name escapes out of your mouth, dripping in honey and all things sweet.
The fingers you’ve been sucking on run across your throat and he kisses you more forcefully as he slides his digits in and out of your pussy, gaining momentum.
Your part your legs wider so he can delve in further to you, arching back up against him as the sensation of tingles flood outwards from your core all over your body and skin, crackling outwards like fuzzed lightning.
“Fuck!” You pant as he works you up and pushes you closer and closer to the edge until you finally leap off.
An electrifying sensation courses through you, sparking an intoxicating blend of satisfaction and euphoria as you gasp out.
“Fuck, darlin’, that’s it.” Jack encourages as the heel of his palm grinds heavily against your clit as he fingers you through your pulsing orgasm.
Your thighs jolt and shudder as he strokes gentler now, teasing circles around your sensitive bud after withdrawing his slick soaked fingers.
You twist around in the bath completely to face him. You want him; want him hard and are going to take him - hard. 
“Fuck,” you moan, taking him in. 
He lays back in the tub, knees open wide with plumes of suds, and cock resting heavy and thick against his stomach.
It makes you salivate to see him like this; so fucking gorgeous and wet, and all yours. 
“See somethin’ you like?” He smirks. 
You run your drenched hands over his cock, nodding. Feeling how he pulses and the veins throb around your grip as you jerk him slowly.
“Show me again how well you can ride, sugar.” Jack challenges, as you grin.
You straddle him, sliding up and down against him; your lips teasing him as you rub against his hard, thick length. 
“Gimme that pussy, darlin’.” 
“You want it, cowboy?” You utter as you slip back and forth over him.
“Oh, you know I want it.” He hisses through his teeth as you rub your cunt up and down his length, groaning as it still tingles on your clit. “Always want this fuckin’ gorgeous pussy.” 
You sit down on his thick cock that’s poking out of the water at you, inviting you onto its swollen, wet head. The water sloshes around you both as he grabs at your hips and grinds you down onto his throbbing dick.
“Fuck,” he grits as he fills you. 
You balance your weight on your arms, holding onto the edges of the tub, sliding up and down him; bouncing that pussy of yours off of his cock. 
“C’mon, sugar. Ride me. Ride your cowboy.” Jack tempts. 
Jack thrusts his hips upwards to meet you halfway as you thud back down on him, making you both cry out.
“Fuck, like that!” He hollers, the water now splashing over the sides of the tub onto the floor with your intense determination to get off.
“That feel good, darlin'? Lemme see you. Eyes on me, sweet thing. Christ, look at you... So fuckin’ gorgeous on my dick. That's it now, work it... Like that. Aw, hell yeah, like that…” he croons, panting.
He can feel himself becoming more and more frantic with you and you love it. You grip onto his hands, anchoring yourself as he bucks underneath you; lifting his hips as you ride him deeper and faster.
“Jack! Fuck!”
You’re wailing as your head snaps back, suds flicking up the tiles, and the water in the tub is nothing more than a swirling whirlpool around you both.
You can feel the brewing of your orgasm; the tightening inside your stomach and the deep pull of your cunt cinching around him.
It’s a delicious feeling as you unwind yourself completely. The air in the bathroom carrying a heavy, languid heat, wrapping you in a heady cocoon of sensual bliss.
Jack gorges on the vision of you, sitting atop him; breasts shiny with the soapy water dripping down them, jiggling up and down. Panting and groaning for him as your body runs slick with water and bubbles. 
The blooming feeling, like a sunlit daydream, unfolds with gentle intensity that bathes you in a soft, golden glow as it builds from within.
A velvet touch of warmth that lingers dreamily through the marrow of your bones, leaving you submerged in a haze of dizzy serenity, where time slows and the world takes on a muted hue around the fuzzed edges of your vision, condensating your eyes as you enjoy the deep thrusting inside you. 
“Darlin’. Fuck, you’re so beautiful.” He groans. He can feel himself beginning to lose it, grunting and getting ready to fill you up.
You let go of his hands and slap them down on his chest, riding him ragged over the final hurdle; cunt tightening and pumping his cock.
He can just about bear it as your position means he’s gone that little bit further inside you still, and your walls are rubbing deliciously against him.
“Ah shee-it!” Jack curses out with a snarl pulled around his beautiful lips. “Gonna fill you up, sugar. You’re close now… I can feel it. Want you comin’ all over my cock as I fill you, okay?” He drawls in that thick, Kentucky squall.
Nodding, you go faster; twerking on his dick and feeling the build up inside you reach epic proportions - your own release imminent. You want this; crave this from him, as you let yourself let go. 
“Come for me, Jack!”
“Fuck, yeah!” 
He shudders against you, cursing out and biting his bottom lip as he begins exploding inside you. Veins in his neck twitching and bulging as he howls. 
You slump forward onto him, kissing his wet, smooth chest delicately. The water finally comes to a still as you lay in the hot suds with him. 
You combust around him; calling his name out over and over; your rocking takes on a slow and steady pace until its eventual stop as you both shiver and judder from the come down.
Your body tingles all over and legs feel like wobbly jelly.
“Fuck me...” Jack sighs contentedly, grabbing a hold of your ass and squeezing it gently between the wavy, foamy froth.
“I just did.” You titter and he chuckles. 
“And then some.” He tilts your chin up to him and plants a lingering sensual kiss on your lips. 
“Jesus Christ, I love you, darlin’.” He wraps you tightly in his drenched arms. “You n’ that lil' dill pickle in there.”
You smile contentedly. “We love you too, cowboy.”
A little while later, you’re both dressed in warm clothes by the fireplace, as Jack sips from a glass of honey coloured whiskey.
You’re both exchanging cosy, satisfied smiles as you both wrap the gifts in coordinated teamwork, that you’ve picked out together for the staff that work at the Ranch. 
You crease the folds of the metallic paper, and he tears off the tape strips holding them out to you on a lone finger. He holds the ribbon in place, whilst you tie it into a bow over his digits.
He writes out the cards in a messy scrawl, whilst you place some food down in front of him, and he leans up to kiss you, patting and rubbing your tummy gently.
He lifts up the chunky knit of your sweater to reveal your soft, clean skin. You run your hands through his deep chocolate locks as he beams up at you.
“Happy Christmas, sugar.”
“Happy Christmas, Jack.”
You watch, smiling fondly, as he then runs his nose against your belly, inhaling the perfume of you, and you giggle at the tickle of his moustache.
Jack gazes up at you before pressing his soft, pursed lips below your belly button. A lingering little smooch sinking into the layers of your skin. 
“Happy Christmas, lil' dill pickle.” Jack says.
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vetteltea · 6 months
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❆ Vetteltea's Christmas Calendar 2023 ❆
Happy Holidays! It's my favourite time of the year, so welcome to the Christmas Calendar! Everyday I will be posting a mini blurb with one of our beloved drivers at 6PM GMT ☃︎
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❆ Day 1: Lando Norris and Putting Up Decorations
❆ Day 2: Max Verstappen and Secret Santa
❆ Day 3: Sebastian Vettel and Baking Christmas Treats
❆ Day 4: Lewis Hamilton and Building Snowmen
❆ Day 5: Carlos Sainz and Hot Cocoa and Warm Hands
❆ Day 6: Daniel Ricciardo and Putting on Snow Gear
❆ Day 7: Daniel Ricciardo and Sitting by the Fire
❆ Day 8: Mick Schumacher and Crunching of the Snow
❆ Day 9: Oscar Piastri and Snowball Fights
❆ Day 10: Mick Schumacher and Hot Soup In The Cold
❆ Day 11: Pierre Gasly and Big Hugs from the Family
❆ Day 12: Daniel Ricciardo and Trying to get a Family Photo
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distantlaughter · 8 months
"We both want a home win"
originally posted 12 July 2012 for Auto Bild Motorsport (x)
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Sebastian Vettel and Nico Rosberg are the top drivers of the 2012 F1 season, but they have never won their home race at Hockenheim. AUTO BILD MOTORSPORT met them for a double interview.
AUTO BILD MOTORSPORT: Mr. Vettel, Mr. Rosberg, camping is a must at the German Grand Prix: when was the last time you went camping?
Nico Rosberg (27): That wasn't so long ago. I was on the road with some friends in the south of France, in a jeep. We pitched a tent in the middle of the wilderness - among wild boars. That was quite funny.
Sebastian Vettel (25): It was a while ago. At the race track back then, we camped a lot. In Monaco this year, my parents were on the road again with the camper van. I often visited them there in the evenings. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time for a barbecue because I had to go to bed. But one or two jokes were made at the regulars' table.
Mr Rosberg, have you ever camped with your parents?
Rosberg: Once with my father. We went to the mountains together, pitched the tent and had a barbecue.
Could you imagine the two of you going camping together one day?
Vettel: We get on quite well, but would it be enough to share a tent?
Rosberg: Sebastian once said in a survey that he thought I was quite good-looking. That's why I'd have to be careful. Together with him in a tent, that could get dicey … (Vettel feels caught and has to smile.)
When did you two meet for the first time in the first place?
Rosberg: I know. It was at the A1 Ring during a Formula BMW test. I didn't get on well at all that day and my engineer kept telling me: "Look, Vettel, he drives curve one like this, curve two like this, you have to do that too!"
Vettel: I'd already seen Nico go karting. I knew him, but he didn't know me. Everyone knew him back then - because of his last name.
Were there prejudices against Nico Rosberg? Along the lines of: Here comes the son of the world champion?
Vettel: Of course there were prejudices about his father at the beginning. But if Nico's performance hadn't been right, he wouldn't have made it this far. Today, the name no longer plays a role.
The other way around, Mr. Rosberg: Wouldn't you rather have had a "normal" father who didn't know how to drive corners…?
Rosberg: No. As a child, it was great to see my father racing. I saw him in the DTM, drove through the Motodrom on the roof of his car at his last race in Hockenheim. That's when my passion for this sport blossomed. My father always helped me a lot, gave me great tips in the beginning. I'm very grateful to him for that.
Mr. Vettel, Nico once told us about an encounter with you at a BMW Christmas party. Do you remember when a 15-year-old boy with braces asked 17-year-old Nico Rosberg about his first Formula 1 test?
Vettel: Yes. I wanted to know everything from him. We'd heard so much about Formula 1 driving. That after a few laps your neck muscles go limp and you do everything you can not to let anything show. It was the same with my first time. I stepped on the gas and got a shock. I got another one the first time I braked.
Rosberg: I can confirm that. For me, it was also pure madness. I could have driven faster, but my body didn't allow it. At some point in the fast third corner in Barcelona, I was pushed into the cockpit because I could no longer resist the incredible forces acting on me. I couldn't really see where I was going anymore. My head was hanging between my legs.
Is that how you described it to Seb?
Rosberg: I was probably showing off, playing it cool and saying, "It wasn't all that bad!"
Vettel: I remember trying to brake late. It pushed me forward so much that I could only see the seat belts.
Mr. Rosberg, were you ever jealous of Sebastian? You were the youngest driver ever to drive a Formula 1 in an official test drive. That makes you predestined to become the youngest race winner and youngest world champion. And then a boy from Heppenheim comes along and becomes everything you had planned. Didn't that give you the willies?
Rosberg: No, zero, never. I analyzed my situation very soberly, learned to be patient and was always convinced that my time would come. That means that at some point I, too, will have the car with which you can win. Sebastian had that a little earlier and also put in hammer performances. That's why he deserves everything. But I never compared myself with him. There was no envy at all.
Mr. Vettel, do you actually have a poster of Nico hanging in your room now? (Vettel looks puzzled.) Well, as a child you had posters of Michael Schumacher. And Nico has pretty much run circles around your childhood idol in the last two years.
Rosberg: An honest answer, please!
Vettel: I haven't had those posters for a long time. I grew up with Michael as a child. He wasn't just my hero, but the hero of almost all young German kart drivers.
How do you rate Nico's performance compared to Michael's?
Vettel: First of all, Michael or even Kimi, who hasn't been in Formula 1 for two years, haven't forgotten anything. In Michael's case, his package was certainly not the best in the first two years of his comeback. But the comparison with his teammate is fair. Nico drives around with the same box and is eight times faster on average out of ten practice sessions. You have to acknowledge that and you can't beat around the bush.
Mr. Vettel, can you understand why Nico turned down an offer from Ferrari last season?
Vettel (looks puzzled): I only ever heard that in passing. Nico, is that true? Honest answer!
Rosberg: What's with the speculation? Now I have a top car in the form of the Silver Arrow.
Vettel: Nico really has a competitive car this year. You can understand the confidence he has in Mercedes.
Who's right now? For you, Mr. Vettel, Ferrari is the team with the biggest myth. But for Nico, it's Mercedes…
Vettel: Both. If you go by Formula 1 history alone, Ferrari has been around the longest. Mercedes in a different way, though. They are the two brands in general. Driving a Silver Arrow and being on a par with legends like Juan-Manuel Fangio is appealing. But it's very similar at Ferrari, as I said. This year, you both have a winning car.
According to your own statements, friendships among Formula 1 drivers are not even possible. Nevertheless, you get along quite well.
Vettel: They're not impossible, but you have to look at it this way: If all 24 Formula 1 drivers lived in the same village, they'd run into each other more often and go out for a drink together more often. But the reality is that we live in all directions and in the paddock everyone stays close to their team. And, just imagine: Someone takes a cell phone picture of our pub crawl and the next day we hit the wall. Then the media would say for two weeks: They don't take their job seriously.
Rosberg: In addition, you deal with a teammate differently because the competitive pressure in your own team is extremely high.
Isn't the competition between you already great because you're both German?
Rosberg: That doesn't matter to me. Sebastian is just as much a competitor for me as anyone else.
You are not only German, but also Hessian.
Rosberg: Yes, that too. Although I speak better Hessian than Sebastian.
Vettel: I don't believe that. I recently had dinner with Timo (Glock). That was very funny, a trip back to the deepest Odenwald. The rest of Germany would have needed subtitles to understand us. (Vettel says something in deepest Hessian. It is absolutely not to understand).
Rosberg: I give up, I understood practically nothing. But my mother also taught me something in Hessian.
Vettel: Let's hear it!
Rosberg: Ey Sina, da kannst net neingehe, da fliege die Zäh, da glaubst, es dät schneie. (Sina, you can't go in there. Teeth fly so fast you'll think it's snowing!) It was about a fight at the disco.
Vettel: I got it. But, Nico, it's not really fluid yet. You can still work on it.
What makes you extremely different is the way you deal with your girlfriends. You, Mr. Rosberg, are open about it: Your girlfriend Vivian is often in the paddock and takes part in your professional life. It's different for you, Mr. Vettel. You hide your girlfriend Hanna as much as possible.
Vettel: Everyone does what they think is right. You can't say that's right or wrong!
Rosberg: Actually, I always want to keep that separate, too, but on the other hand it's also nice when my girlfriend is there.
Nevertheless, do you accept that, as a public figure, you sometimes have to live with people taking an interest in your private life?
Vettel: In a way, yes. We're both extremely lucky that we've been able to turn our great passion into a career. But that's exactly the point: It's also our job. We come to the race track in the morning, have to get our things done, and that goes on late into the evening. Who else brings their wife to the office? And the racetrack is our office in a way.
So who will win at Hockenheim?
Rosberg: Sebastian, have you ever won in Germany?
Vettel: No.
You've just poked a deep wound, Mr. Rosberg.
Vettel: It would be great for the fans and Germany if one of us could make it. But unfortunately it's not that easy - there are 22 others in the race.
Which of you two has the better chance of winning at Hockenheim?
Vettel: I hope I do…
Rosberg: Nah, I think I do. I've got the Mercedes engine in the back and Hockenheim has some long straights.
Vettel: Yes, that's true, unfortunately.
What we notice, Mr. Vettel, Mr. Rosberg: As nice and familiar you are with each other, you could easily drive in a team, couldn't you?
Rosberg: Yes, definitely.
Vettel: Then camping would also work out. In separate tents, of course.
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chacolachao · 2 months
Every Sonic Comic on this Blog
I'll keep this post updated whenever something new happens Every comic I could track down minus single image things and concept art that has speech bubbles in em Full list below the cut:
Phantom Forces Stuff Sonic: Phantom Forces <this is a separate blog Encounter (pre-comic) The Final Problem (pre-comic) Ask: Illusion and Shadow <only two panels, really Ask: Rookie Encounter Ask: Vs Shadow & Silver Ask: The ruby falls out Ask: Ruby Shadow?? Ask: Ruby and Eggman Standalone Things Shadow the Hedgehog: The Truth -a short retelling of the true end of Shadow the Hedgehog (2005) And Then They Went for Ice Cream -Sonic and Blaze relax after a particular Dark event ASO 252 Pencils 1 2 3 <no text just line work Sonic Frontiers Jumpscare Ombre Static [Fuse]: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14-15 -What if Sonic and Shadow fused and it was a whole process Ombre Static [Soup]: 1 Rinse and Repeat -A small wordless Sonic Riders comic
Really old stuff (2018) Metal Christmas 1 2 3 4 (2018) New Pen Delivery (2017) Sonic Forces: Shoooot Not My Day (2017) Sonic Forces: In The Name of Love (2017) Driver's License (2016) Pokemon Go (2016) New Followers Decision
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shslbunnylover · 5 months
★★★𝙃𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 (12 𝙙𝙖𝙮𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙁𝙡𝙪𝙛𝙛𝙢𝙖𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙮 6: 𝙎𝙣𝙤𝙬𝙗𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙛𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩)★★★
Character: Chessy
Taglist: @inlovewithgreta @lilfartbox1 (Message me to be a part of the taglist until I get a page set up!!)
Trigger warnings (DL, DI): N/a
Genre: Fluff
A/n: Day 6! Can't believe we're half way done!
Word count: 1.5k
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"Annie! Hallie!" Chessy exclaimed, tripping over her feet as the twins ran past her into the field of snow that covered the yard of the ranch, placing her hand over her heart.
"Sorry Chessy!" The twins exclaimed simultaneously, running throughout the snowfield, picking up clumps of the snowfall in their hands and throwing it in the air out of childlike joy.
"It's fine girls," The housekeeper rolled her eyes with a smile, placing a beanie on her auburn hair before following the girls outside.
You watched from the window, your eyes focusing only on the woman watching over the twins with a smile, pausing your movements that were focused on crochet blankets for the girls' Christmas presents.
Chessy somehow always seemed majestic and gorgeous in your eyes, and the way she stood out in the snowfall right at that moment just had you drawn to the housekeeper.
Looking at her closely, you took in her appearance. A thick pair of gray leggings, a puffy black coat, brown boots, and her matching beanie and scarf complementing her red hair and green-blue eyes.
"Y/n?" Elizabeth asked, walking up to you as she sat next to you. "Are you alright?"
"Oh, yes Elizabeth, I'm alright," You looked up at your boss, who slowly had become your friend since she hired you to be her driver.
"Which pretty site are you looking at?" The blonde smirked, gesturing to Chessy before she took a sip of her coffee, making sure not to spill any on her cardigan.
"The snow..." You blushed, looking down at your lap before beginning to crochet the blankets once again.
"Are you sure it's not anything else?" The older woman asked, looking at you with a slightly knowing gaze. "You know you can just go down there and play in the snow, she'll enjoy it,"
"I-I don't know," You sighed, placing your Crochet Needles on your lap aggressively, leaning your head back with a slight groan.
"Just do it, go out there and take a chance, you know Martin is eyeing her up," Elizabeth looked at you.
You remained silent, biting your lip slightly as you looked at the girls outside.
"Alright..." You muttered, dropping your stuff on the nearby table and grabbing your coat, wrapping it around your body before entering the cold outside to see the girls throwing snowballs at Chessy.
"Y/n! Come help us!" Annie exclaimed, grabbing a ball and throwing it straight at Chessy's face.
"Yeah come on Y/n!" Hallie exclaimed as she was busy rolling up the snow for Annie.
Chessy looked over at you in between her snow-covered eyelashes, and you noticed a slight rosy tint coming to her cheeks that you only assumed to be from the cold.
You stood there for a moment, biting your chapped lip as you looked at the girls and then at Chessy. You looked over at Hallie, and you took a step forward, leaving a trail of footprints behind you.
"I think a 3v1 isn't a fair game, is it girls?" You smirked, putting your hands on your hips as you ventured further into the snow.
"Well not really," Annie looked at Hallie.
You chuckled softly, walking over next to Chessy and brushing the snow off of her face.
"Thank you, Y/n," She smiled. "These little rascals have some pretty good aim,"
"Well..." You chuckled mischievously, grabbing a large chunk of snow and forming it into a ball. "Why not fight back?"
"Snowball fight!!!" Hallie exclaimed, hitting you straight in the shoulder with a small snowball, only to be met with a hit to the stomach with your snowball.
Chessy looked at you, surprised by your throwing skills.
"How'd you-"
"Don't question it," You brushed her off.
Chessy narrowed her eyes before squatting down to form the snowballs for you, as she knew you had a better aim than her.
"Bring it on kiddo!" You shouted, taking a ball from the older woman and tossing it at Annie, who was now participating in the fight.
Annie quickly ducked, throwing a snowball at Chessy, which the housekeeper dodged as well. You grabbed a pile of snow and threw it at Annie and Hallie, watching as it distracted them before you threw a ball straight at Hallie's face with a smirk.
"Dang it!" The older twin groaned, getting down on her knees to create a giant snowball, running it through the snow as the sphere expanded.
"You're going to get it now!" Annie yelled, falling into the snow to duck the incoming shot at her.
What you didn't see, however, was the wink that the twins shot each other.
"Hand me one Chess," You looked back at her, shooting her a wink as you grabbed the snowball, throwing it at Hallie.
"Annie, I need help! Distract them!" The older twin exclaimed, running with the snowball in her arms.
You looked over at Hallie, your eyes widening as the snow Annie threw covered your face and blinded you a little.
"Y/n!" Chessy yelled as the giant snowball Hallie had created hit the both of you, knocking you on top of each other.
You sputtered the snow out of your mouth, rubbing your gloved hand over your face, a blush scattering across your face once you made complete eye contact with the woman you were on top of.
"T-Time out!" You squeaked in embarrassment as Chessy sat up, leaving you sitting on her lap, too flustered to hear both girls running off to warm up inside (and spy on you two).
"You okay?" The housekeeper asked, holding your chin to check for any wounds.
"No, I'm fine- I fell on you, are you okay?" You shook the snow out of your hair.
"I'm alright, I had a comfy landing," Chessy chuckled, patting the thick and fluffy snow next to her.
"That's good," You smiled nervously, looking over at your hand that was overtop of hers, the pink on your cheeks increasing.
You both looked at each other with nervous expressions on your faces, thoughts running through your heads faster than the both of you could process.
"Chessy I need to tell you something, at least before I can't tell it to you anymore-" You blurted out, tightening your grip on her hand.
"What is it?" She asked, her gaze shifting to your intertwined hands.
"I'm...I'm in love with you..." Your voice trailed off.
"Oh-" Chessy paused, unable to say anything else due to shock.
"I'm sorry I'm gonna head inside," You muttered, standing up to leave before you felt a tight grip on your arm.
"No you're not," Chessy looked at you with determined and loving eyes, pulling you down onto her again before she pressed her lips against your own, generating a comforting warmth in contrast to the frigid weather outside.
Your breathing staggered as the older woman pulled a soft whimper from your lips, savoring the kiss as if you'd never get another one.
Once she pulled away, a silence encompassed the space around you, leaving the only sound nearby being the two of you gasping for air.
"Chess... I thought you liked that guy Marvin or whatever his name is..." You whispered, your lips trembling softly.
"Y/n, I love you too much to love him, I love you and only you," The aquamarine-eyed woman confessed, looking at you with a soft smile and adoring eyes as she pressed her palm against your left cheek.
"Yes, you're such an amazing person, I love you," She assured you, looking at your blushing cheeks.
"I-I love you too Chessy," You said with a grateful smile before you pulled her into a deep kiss, the snow around you falling gently on your bodies, the cold crystals no match for the warmth in your hearts.
If you enjoyed reading this, don't forget to like, reblog and comment! Thank you and you are loved <3
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The Twelve Drivers Of Christmas: Day One
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“You are aware that this is the exact opposite of what you’re supposed to do at Christmas?”
“Laney, what the hell are you talking about?”  You snapped down the phone at your assistant. 
“In the movies!  You’re supposed to move to the quaint village in the country, not away from it and into the city!”  You rolled your eyes, your gate had just opened and you didn’t have time for this.
“This isn’t a movie, okay?  I need a break.  You need to go home, I’ll talk to you in the new year,”  You put the phone down, partly because you loved a dramatic exit and mainly because handing your passport and boarding pass over to the flight attendant wasn’t going well one-handed. 
Once you were finally settled in your business class seat, noise cancelling headphones fitted on your eyes, silk sleep mask on your eyes and the perfect playlist keeping you occupied, Laney’s words floated back to you.  You weren’t moving away, not yet anyway, this was just a city break.  Was it contraversial to take yourself on holiday alone at Christmas?  Maybe, but you didn’t really care.
Small town life wasn’t for you.  Hell, you’d tried.  You’d tried so, so hard to make it work, to fit in, to play your part.  You’d built up your parents small business, but lost favour when you’d become so successful you started expanding it into consultancy, dealing with much larger companies from multiple countries.  Up until a year ago you had the boyfriend, quarterback and star pupil of your high school, you the shining gem on his arm.  Not quite a cheerleader, but the beauty of the academic decathlon team and track athlete on the side.  You knew everyone in your town, it wasn’t your fault you disliked most of them.
Maybe you saw too much, too aware of how backwards life was.  You’d always been drawn to life in the fast lane.  Faster paced, more money, more people, more places, more things.  You’d been obsessed with New York since a family holiday you’d had when you were eight, but unlike every other kid who wanted to be a Broadway star or a mysteriously rich woman, you idolised the business people.  The men in perfectly tailored suits, women who carried a bespoke leather briefcase with an air of confidence your immature mind had never known, that’s what you wanted to be like.
You landed in New York a few short hours later.  You could have driven really, should have if you’d stopped to think about the environment for a second, but you’d been given another one of those - dare you say it - pitying looks from your mother at your indifference to the Christmas tree she’d picked out and the itch to leave finally overwhelmed you.  You’d booked tickets for a flight that evening and left without saying goodbye.
It was cold.  Much colder than you were used to.  You should have known better by now, but it always surprised you how you were a few states north and suddenly the pleasant chill in the air was bitter and cruel, sucking the breath from your lungs and freezing it in front of your face.  Your ears and nose stung, your hands finding new homes for themselves deep in the lined pockets of your best coat.  Maybe it was a sign that you’d never minded the cold, you liked the way it made you feel alive.
You had no immediate plans, you’d booked to be there long enough you’d be spending both Christmas and the New Year in the penthouse hotel suite, but you hadn’t planned what you’d do once you’d actually arrived.  Dropping your bags off felt sensible, to say the least, so you checked yourself into your hotel, added a few more layers to your outfit and found yourself heading back out into the darkening sky.
It was early in the afternoon to be getting dark, but you thought nothing of it as you looked up at the continuous whiteout of sky that was greying with the day.  You bought a pretzel and went to Central Park.
The first flakes of snow were magical.  Maybe you hated Christmas, but you loved winter and those few snow days you’d manage to rack up each year were the memories you cherished the most.  You sat on a bench and watched as the park slowly began to white out, a powder dust settling around you.  You liked the way that snowfall brought with it a dampening of all sound.  Even in New York everything stilled, the rumble of traffic fading further away and the voices of people sharing the park with you distanced, until finally you were gifted the space you were craving. Allowed to be completely and totally alone. 
You were so lost in your mind that you didn’t notice the powdering of snow turning into a storm, a thick blanket replacing the sugarcoating.  You also didn’t realise you’d been wandering aimlessly around Central Park and now everything was rounded and washed by the snow you came to the realisation that you were completely and totally lost.
Trying not to panic too much at the thought of having survived less than three hours as an independent adult in New York before you had to face your inevitable death you pulled your big coat tighter against your body and began to retrace your steps, head down and eyes trained on the crisp outlines of your shoes that were rapidly filling in as the steady fall of snow showed no signs of letting up.
You were doing pretty well too, until you power-walked head-first into another body coming towards you.  You couldn’t help yourself from scoffing out loud, it felt like a cruel trick by the universe that these sickening cliches seemed to happen to you and not someone like Laney, who by now would have been besides herself with glee and convinced she’d just met her soulmate.  In your train of thoughts you’d completely forgotten about the person you’d hit.
“Well you could watch where you’re going you know?”
“What?”  You found yourself totally takenaback at the man in front of you.  He was scowling, brushing away the snow that was gathering on his expensive looking grey peacot as quickly as it was landing.
“You walked into me,”  You blinked in shock at the blunt response.
“Yeah I know, I’m sorry,”  His face instantly changed, the sulky look lifted and something almost smug replacing it.
“See?  Wasn’t so hard,”  That threw you.
“What the fuck?  I just apologised, no need to be such an asshole about it,”  The scowl was back.  He had a thick mop of dark hair that fell just before his eyes, full eyebrows and long lashes to match.  Dark brown eyes were narrowed in your direction.  He was taller than you, forcing him to tilt his head dwon and you noticed snow was collecting in his hair.  He shrugged, shoulders tense.
“Watch where you’re going next time,”  You rolled your eyes.
“Like you have any right to the trail path.  It’s not my fault I have no idea where I am,”  You grumbled, no longer interested in entertaining the moody stranger and went to push past him, your shoulder knocking against his elbow.  The few moments stationary were enough of a reminder that you’d experience the shift from chilly to bitterly cold.
A gloved hand caught your elbow, and before you could snap a warning to be left alone, you found yourself once again with the man in the expensive coat in front of you.
“Are you lost?”
“You just said-”
“It doesn’t matter,”
“But I know-”
“I don’t care what you do or don’t know,”
“Just- wait!”  He caught you,  your attempt to pull away and storm off once again thwarted.  He was faster than he looked for a rich boy.  “That’s the wrong way,”
“You don’t even know where I’m going,”
“I assume you don’t want to be going deeper into the park right now,”
“Maybe I do,”  You challenged, disgusing tucking your hands into your armpits for warmth as an irritated fold of your arms.
“If you wanna freeze out here, sure,”  Something in you broke a little.  It really was cold.  Maybe something gave in your face, because he finally released his vice grip on your arm.
“My name is Lance,”
“Okay, Y/N, can I at least get you back to the road?”  You thought of your warm hotel bed, and more accurately, the clawfoot bath you’d been looking forward to soaking in. 
“Fine,”  You fell into step beside him, pliantly following as he branched up a fork in the trail onto a pathway covered in virgin snow.  “How do I know you’re not leading me the wrong way so you can murder me?”  It was a half-formed thought, only really spoken because you were always one to think aloud and because there was something about getting under the stranger’s skin that gave you a sick little kick.  He turned to frown at you, eyebrows so tight they almost touched in the middle, but there was a small smirk playing at the corners of his full lips.
“Ha, I don’t think that would be good for my image,”  Of course, he had a stupid answer.
“Your image,”  you mocked  “What are you, some kind of celebrity?”  He shrugged, but the smile that broke out across his face gave him away.  His canine teeth were a little pointed.  It was almost cute.
“That’s not an answer,”  You pointed out as you followed half a pace behind him through another turn you’d missed before.  The trees were starting to thin out. 
“I’m an athlete,” 
“Professional?”  It wasn’t really a question, if he was an athlete and thought he was some kind of a celebrity he had to be a professional, or have the biggest head in the world.  He nodded.
“Shouldn’t you be on a beach on a private island somewhere then?”  He laughed.  You’d never heard anyone laugh like him before, making three clear “ha” sounds but somehow also sounding genuine.
“I’m from Canada.  Beaches aren’t really my thing,”  So that was why he looked so comfortable in what could only be described now as a blizzard. 
“Me neither,”  You agreed.  “Always preferred the city,”
“You live here?”  You shook your head.
“I wish, I’m just visiting,”
“You got a fancy penthouse somewhere then?  Whole family gathered around for Christmas in New York?”  There was no way you could hide the bitter undertone in your voice, even if you had tried to be making gentle conversation.  Lance scoffed, and kicked out at a pile of snow in front of him with the toe of a polished leather boot.
“Yeah right,”
“What?”  You’d missed something.  You knew it was rude to intrude but you couldn’t help yourself, his string of vague answers had somewhat piqued your curiosity and you couldn’t deny the fact that you wanted to know more about him.
“My family - my dad - we, uh, we don’t see eye to eye all the time.  It’s hard when you work together all year, I needed a break,”  You hadn’t been expected to be hit smack in the chest with such honesty, and you definitely weren’t prepared for the way brown eyes were suddenly trained on you, wide and vulnerable and almost pleading.
“I- I’m on my own too,”  You managed, chest suddenly tight and the words of admission getting caught in your throat.  Part of you felt guilty that there was no drama you were escaping from, you were just bored.  Sick of people who loved you wholly and unconditionally and bored.  Lance seemed to understand your half-confession for what you wanted it to be; an agreement.
You realised you’d stopped walking.  You were stood on the sidewalk, beside a sludgy road full of drivers cursing the weather.  He was watching you as if he was waiting for something.
“Thanks, for getting me out of there,”  you smiled, genuine for the first time in a long time.  “And for the company,”  you added as an afterthought.  Something about the snow seemed to invite honesty hour.
“Hey,”  The singular word was enough for you to turn to face the Canadian once more.  There was a streetlight behind him, illuminating him in a soft orange glow.  You didn’t know how an hour could change someone entirely from a miserable, rude man to what you could only describe as an angel on earth.  
“Can I take you out for a drink tomorrow?”
“It’s Christmas tomorrow,”
“You’re not doing anything,”  He countered.  “Neither am I,” 
Honestly? Fuck it.  It was the only thought in your head.  You’d flown out to New York for change, for time to yourself, for anything to break up the monotony of your small town life.  It seemed silly to turn down the first chance you got for exactly that.
“Yeah, okay,”
Is it even an Iggy fic if it's not posted late?
Anyway, here is the first of the F1 Christmas minifics. Lance was surprisingly challenging to write for and that combined with an upsettingly busy week meant I put it off for a little bit too long.
I'm kinda pleased with this one, and there will be a spicier part two coming out after Christmas. Next up and putting us back on schedule is George, also coming out tonight!
Follow the hashtag 12DOC for all fics and updates as they come out!
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solsays · 2 months
don’t know what has inspired me to do this but here is a fic rec list of some of my favorite hideduo fics :] they’re mostly fluff because I choose to ignore the angst of canon
Gen, M/M | hurt/comfort | 4769 words
Fit gets bodied by a creeper and falls down a big hole. Tazercraft are there to save the day! or OR; I got nostalgic about early Hide and Seek Trio so I wrote them during the obsidian armor era (think like july 2023)
M/M | Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Making Out | 5613 words
Fit and Pac spend the day in bed.
Friends With Benefits, Awkward Flirting | 12018 words
Pac and Cellbit are friends with benefits - but Pac falls for Cellbit’s new housemate, Fit.
M/M, Other | driver & bodyguard au, fluff and angst | 12/? ch, 84,520 words
this is the fitmc bodyguard x pac driver au where they take care of sunny, share a house in the country for months and months, and try not to fall in love with each other while technically on the job
M/M | New Years Kiss, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Driver x Bodyguard AU | 6700 words
Fit attends the most anticipated social event of the year for the first time with Pac and Tubbo. Not as a bodyguard this time, but as a guest.
M/M | Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Slow Burn, Christmas Modern AU | 9/9 ch, 37,448 words
When Ramón makes a secret bet with Richarlyson that he could get his dad a date in time for Christmas, Fit and Pac are quickly thrust into a series of "very good friend" shenanigans that force them to reconcile with their growing feelings for one another.
M/M | Modern Bakery AU, Meet-Cute | 11,844 words
Pac falls head-over-heels for the owner of his local bakery.
M/M | Fluff, like 5 AUs | 9132 words
In nearly every universe, Fit and Pac find each other. In some of them, they even get to kiss.
(yes toni I am reccing your fic. it deserves it)
That’s just some of my favorites, always feel free to dm me if you want more recs, and everybody feel free to reblog this with your own recs for whatever ships/platonic pairings :]
M/M, Gen | Kingdom AU, fluff & angst, slowburn (hella) | 1/4 ch, 14,897 words
Thasil, considered the capital of the continent, is a safe haven for a lot of people, expressing ideas in magic, technology and combining the two. Fit escapes a land of violence, and instead finds a husband, a son and roommate (in that order.) Pac escapes people of violence and finds safety in healing other people, while struggling to figure out what in him needs to be healed.
The two find each other, healing and hope for the future.
or, over the course of nine years fit and pac learn how to heal and love, with and without each other, and what it means to find a family.
This. *this fucking fic*. It might be the death of me, it’s one of my favorite hideduo fics ever actually. If you choose to read any of these read this one, I’m begging.
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possumcollege · 5 months
Ebenezer Scrooge is so deeply moved by the visions gifted to him by the Ghost of Christmas Present that he swears to change his miserly ways. He laments that greed and ambition have robbed him of life's most precious joys. Guilt grips his heart and he weeps for the fear that it's too late to change the fate of those who have been lost and gone without because of his blind devotion to his work.
He thanks the spirit, who disappears at the stroke of midnight and prepares himself for the coming of the third and final ghost.
A robed figure appears in the corner and beckons Scrooge to follow him into a misty portal. Emerging from the fog, he sees Tiny Tim, several years older, walking home from church on Christmas Day with his family. A cart bearing the names of Marley and Marley hands out bags of apples and bread to people dressed in rags. A horse-drawn street car picks up the Cratchit family and brings them safely home. Scrooge notices Tim's limp is almost unnoticeable as they debark, wishing the driver a Merry Christmas.
In a window of a handsome flat across the lane Scrooge sees himself! He's reading by the window, enjoying a small fire. He Waves to the Cratchits before dozing off in a cozy chair.
His once dark and drafty chambers across town are nearly unrecognizable- their halls and staircases bustling with light and activity. Children open small presents, young mothers cook and laugh over the stove, thankful for a warm bed and a roof overhead.
Scrooge is overcome with emotion and begs the spirit, "Are these things really possible? C-could I make these visions come true?!"
"Yeah. Probably!" replies the ghost before disappearing in a puff of smoke.
Once again Scrooge finds himself in the dim glow of his bedroom. The clock shows 12:05! Barely any time has passed! He turns and bumps directly into the clattering frame of a large skeleton, shrouded in ancient black sackcloth, leaning as an aged beggar might on the haft of a long scythe.
"I- I don't understand," Scrooge stammers, "there have already been three ghosts! I have seen the future and I resolve to waste my days no longer! I see that my profits have robbed me off my humanity, was that not enough?"
"No, I'm the Ghost of Christmas Future," says the hooded figure. "I's running late so I sent the Specter of Socialism to fill in till I got here. Sorry for the confusion."
"Oh my," says Scrooge. "I really must start paying my taxes."
The ghost nods. They share a cavernous few seconds as the first dim rays of morning begin to appear above the rooftops.
"Anyway Scrooge, come on. Let's go see the shit folks are gonna say after you die if you don't quit being such a dick."
"Fair enough," Scrooge sighs. "Fair enough."
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marvelobsessed134 · 5 months
In my heart is a Christmas tree farm
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This is part of my 12 days of fics
Pairings: Dad!Steve Rogers x Mom!Reader
Warnings: none
Summary: in which you, Steve, and your two kids get a Christmas tree and pet reindeer
“Ok guys we’re almost there. Are you excited?” You asked your two kids. Your eldest daughter, Margaret and your youngest son, James (Yes he was named after Bucky).
“Yes, Mama! So excited!” Margaret exclaimed. James is still pretty young only 2 years old so he couldn’t really speak but you could tell he was excited. Steve smiled at you from the drivers seat. He loves how you interact with your kids. Makes him fall in love with you all over again.
Finally, you arrived at the Christmas tree farm that also doubled as an activity center with ice skating, a petting zoo, free hot chocolate, and a little train ride for the kids.
Once you got out you made sure the kids had their hats, coats, and gloves on since it was pretty cold. Steve made sure he had the cables to attach the tree to the top of the car.
You decided to look around the tree lot. Margaret pointed to a very large tree. “Honey I don’t think that’s gonna fit in our house.” You chuckled.
She pouted, her blue eyes looking up at yours. She really looks like Steve. “But mommy!!!”
“Mommy’s right, this is not going to fit in our house. Come on, let’s keep looking.” Steve piped up.
You pushed James in the stroller while Steve held Margaret’s hand.
Finally, you found the perfect tree. Steve paid for it and the workers watched in astonishment as he simply picked up the tree over his shoulder like it was nothing. You smiled and blushed at your strong husband.
Once the blonde got the tree on top of the car secured by the cables, the four of you decided to get hot chocolate and pet some reindeer.
You let your son out of the stroller and watched him carefully as he ran with his sister to pet the reindeer.
You and Steve also pet the furry creatures, gushing over how cute they were.
“Mama can we take the reindeer home?” Margaret asked, hugging the deer that was twice her size. You chuckled, “No, honey. They belong here with their family and friends.”
“Aw.” She was disappointed and Steve saw that. So he went to the gift shop and came out with something. “Mar, can you come here for a minute?” Your husband asked.
She walked to him and he pulled out a plush reindeer from behind his back. The little girls eyes lit up and she hugged it tightly before hugging him. “Thank you daddy!”
The captain also got one for James which the little boy loved.
Then, the four of you decided to try ice skating. Of course Steve seemed so perfect at it, the serum might’ve helped. You did pretty good, skating around while holding your son. Your daughter kept falling down and crying, getting frustrated. So the blonde put her on his shoulders as he skated and she was laughing and having a blast.
Later on, you could tell the two kids were tired so you took them back to the car and packed up, driving home.
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alwayschoppedtaco · 1 year
christmas season ll s.v.
pairing: sebastian vettel x wife!reader
warning: none really
summary: the days leading up to christmas in the vettel household ft. the schumachers
instagram edit
faceclaim: no one in particular :)
12 days of christmas masterlist
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liked by sebastianvettel, yoursister, mickschumacher, and others
y/n_vettel 4x world champ turned taxi driver 
tagged: @sebastianvettel
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sebastianvettel its what im here for
y/n_vettel i love you for it
lewishamilton hope seb is enjoying retirement, already miss you on the track 
sebastianvettel come by whenever lewis, i will miss our rivalry on track
sebsbees i love them your honor
lovelyy/n need a sebastian in my life
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liked by sebastianvettel, yourmother, charles_leclerc, and others
y/n_vettel my snow babies 
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sebastianvettel my pride and joy
mickschumacher coming to see them right now
y/n_vettel bring gina with you!
charles_leclerc little theo all bundled up
y/n_vettel he loves the snow 
lewishamilton sending lena a race car ornament for her tree right now
y/n_vettel she will love that 
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liked by sebastianvettel, yoursister, gina_schumacher, and others
y/n_vettel christmas wrapping done ✅ thanks to the help of gina
tagged: @gina_schumacher
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gina_schumacher always willing to help
y/n_vettel immensely grateful for you this christmas
fanofthevettels they are wrapped so pretty
keepingupwiththevettels i wuld never unwrap them, they are to pretty
schumacherlover gina and y/n’s relationship is too cute
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liked by pierregasly, sebastianvettel, gina_schumacher, and others
y/n_vettel had a little help with the christmas baking this year from lena, theo was to busy napping on uncle mick
tagged: @sebastianvettel @mickschumacher 
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sebastianvettel delicious my love
mickschumacher theo was straight chillin
charles_leclerc y/n christmas treats are the thing i miss most from being teammates with seb
y/n_vettel i’ll send some to you!
charles_leclerc you are the best person to ever live
keepingupwiththeschumachers pics of theo and mick or it didn’t happen
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liked by gina_schumacher, sebastianvettel, lewishamilton, and others
y/n_vettel merry christmas eve from the vettel + schumacher family
tagged: @sebastianvettel @gina_schumacher @mickshumacher 
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lewishamilton hope santa brings everyone what they want tonight
mickschumacher great food, and even greater company
charles_leclerc merry christmas eve guys
danielricciardo merry christmas eve folks
keepingupwiththevettels what i would give for a seat at that table...
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liked by y/n_vettel, mickschumacher, lewishamilton, and others
sebastianvettel merry christmas from the vettel family!
tagged: @y/n_vettel
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y/n_vettel merry christmas everyone! 🎄
lewishamilton merry christmas seb and fam 🎄💕
sebastianvettel merry christmas lewis 
mickschumacher very merry christmas 
sebastianvettel merry christmas mick
charles_leclerc merry christmas vettel fam 🎄 thanks for the cookies
y/n_vettel anytime charles
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