alchemie-tarot · 2 years
Pick-A-Card 12-12: A Message For You
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Feel free to choose the pile/s that call out to you. Some details may not resonate with you since this is a general reading. As always, nothing is set in stone, so please don’t take it too seriously. 🌷
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Pile 1 (3 of Wands)
Cards: 10 of Wands, 9 of Cups
You know all too well that the path to your heart’s desires is not a walk in the park. Lately you may feel like you are problem solving more than usual. Hurdles in every turn, one after another. The responsibilities you have to deal with are no joke.
You may have been retreating in your head as a way to cope in the middle of your work. I feel that you visualise a lot about what it looks like when you finally achieve your goals. Daydreaming of being relieved from all the load you’ve been carrying in your arms. Of being able to just sit down and relax. Of being surrounded by the golden aura of the fruits of your labor.
The universe sees your dedication and good intentions. It’s admirable that you’re persistent in honouring your commitments. For those of you who have been building momentum– those who are planning, focusing, learning, doing the work and are getting ready for more of it– if you haven’t felt that your manifestations are coming true, know that there is movement, no matter how small or invisible it seems. Keep going. The 9 of Cups tells me that the wish fulfilment is imminent. It’s your destiny.
For those of you who are struggling to come to terms with the burdensome nature of the process, the universe urges you to keep an open mind. Some of you may have taken the instant gratification route in the past. However, the opportunities calling you now are miles ahead and not where you had chosen to remain. If you need to leave something behind, know that the potential out there is beyond what you imagine. 
It would help to make a plan that leans on making things easier for you in the long run. It can be like taking care of the difficult tasks first so that the rest of the tasks are easier. It can also be like making a system of your own. Setting up your desk in a way that everything you need is within reach and ready to use. Whatever works for you. You can pull it off, with a little conviction.
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Pile 2 (Wheel of Fortune)
Cards: 2 of Pentacles, 2 of Wands, The Hierophant
You are in quite a preoccupied period of your life, Pile 2. You may be in line for or have already started to pursue an ambitious venture. Could be a business or a big partnership. There is a lot of balancing and weighing around: the resources, the risks, the pros and cons. With that amount of detail, you may have pulled up some spreadsheets to properly plan and execute everything that needs to be done. Such a busy bee!
Your work is paying off beautifully. I can even see that you’re on your way to a level of mastery of it. It could be related to something you’re studying; I’m getting research. You could be part of an academic environment, or a position wherein you impart your knowledge and experiences to a novice. Something feels traditional about your practice, in terms of the rules. There’s a system you’re doing your best to follow. Your values are quite intertwined with it. Maybe not everyone will consider it, but there’s also an element of your spirituality in this.
Listen, I feel like your efforts are going to bring something groundbreaking here.  It’s the product of all your hard work. If you’ve been expecting a certain result, you may get beyond what you’re expecting (in a good way). There’s an incredible surge of creativity and it may come in bursts, so seize the opportunity when that energy comes. If any recurring symbols or objects pop out to you, try to remember them; these signs may serve like a path toward this venture. It may get uncomfortable at times when you feel that some things are out of your control. Don’t worry, luck is strong on your side.
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Pile 3 (7 of Wands)
Cards: 8 of Pentacles, Ace of Wands, 4 of Swords
You mind your business and like to be in your own space. You may even be laser-focused on whatever you’re working on right now. So single-minded and diligent. However, an energy or some energies seem to be trying to distract you. I would go as far as say that they’re disrupting your peace on purpose. It’s intentional, how they bring up conflict for you to stop doing what you’re doing and turn your attention to them.
They’re quite stubborn, honestly. They don’t have a problem sparking up an argument out of nowhere just for the sake of it. They won’t admit defeat, either. For a few of you, maybe, external energies aren’t the problem. You may have been tempted into distraction by yourself many times, or provoked to prove something that only sends you off-track. You may have made excuses for yourself.
You need to build up your resistance. Take it up a notch. I can tell you’ve already been persevering and– you may not like to hear this– but you need to persevere a bit more. It may help to pinpoint the root causing you to falter so you can stay ahead of the energies getting in your way. A lot of them would actually want to be in your place, but what’s yours is yours. I know you would rather keep to yourself and shut them away, but it can’t be helped, especially when they push you into a corner. Fight back with all your might, Pile 3.
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Pile 4 (The World)
Cards: 9 of Swords, 8 of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles
Your work ethic deserves recognition, Pile 4. The universe sees you nurturing your talents and accumulating experience of your craft. You’re quite dependable and unafraid to take on heavy work that others would have shied away from. You don’t let much stand in your way when you set your mind to it.
You seem to be exuding opposite energies when you’re working and when you’re resting, though. It’s like, when you’re about to sleep at night, probably alone in your room, you’re plagued by your personal anxieties. Intrusive thoughts about your deep fears may just spring from the darkness while you’re idle. When you’re out and about in the day, however, these thoughts take the backseat because you fill your hours with routine and all the tasks that can take up your time. You get busy. 
These troubles may be an underlying motivation for you, i.e. you do your best to work hard to overcome the things that weigh you down. For most, though, I feel like always having your schedule packed becomes a guise for you not to address these issues properly. Yes, they come uninvited when you’re vulnerable, but you can start to actually tackle them with the energy of your waking life instead of sweeping them under the rug.
This is a different process for each of you, but I see the wonderful card of The World as one bright conclusion: you will be reconciling these parts of yourself. Wholeness. I can feel you will find this quite enlightening, by the way.
It’s okay to take the time to reflect and lower your defenses around yourself when you’re in your own safe space; just make sure you can prevent them from spiraling and ground yourself to reality. It’s okay to be a busy bee; just don’t neglect your health, especially the needs of your physical body. They can coexist. They can be connected without being detrimental to the other. Learning about this is a milestone and you’ll be very proud of yourself.
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Pile 5 (The Moon Rx)
Cards: Knight of Pentacles, King of Pentacles
There’s someone in your mind that you idolize, a person or energy you want to be like. You can say that they are kind of like royalty in your eyes: established, abundant, dependable, admired. You may have made them your personal Goals. This may be someone you personally know that you have a relationship with or a public figure whose image you can see through social media or in a workplace. 
A lot of the time I feel like you look at them and then you look at yourself in comparison. You may have been trying to pick their brain apart, or trying to find details in every little move or remark they make, either on a conscious or an unconscious level. If you’ve been a bit fixated on them in some way, you may notice that it hasn’t really been elevating you. Instead, it even seems to be slowing you down, feeding your impatience on yourself. For some of you that do not necessarily have a specific person in mind, it could be a certain financial status or a lifestyle that you’re hellbent on getting.
I feel that you need to take a step back, Pile 5, and consider that not everything may be as it seems. It’s natural not to see any flaws or imperfections from something we put on a pedestal. That is not to say that you should stop this admiration, but the grip that it has on you may indicate a deep seated reality about yourself that you need to confront, beyond the physical. Anyway, you will know about it soon. Your reflection will be made clear.
Thank you for taking the time to go through this reading. It warms my heart to see interactions with it, since that indicates it has resonated with you in some way. Feel free to let me know how you found it, etc. I would really appreciate feedback and details you may like to share!
Stay safe and healthy! 💖🌷💖
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csacskamacskamocska · 2 years
Mindenért fizetni kell
Anyám mindig ezzel riogatott, hogy az életben mindennek meg van az ára és lehet számítani rá, hogy ha valami jó dolog történik, akkor azért majd jól megfizet az ember valami szarral. Arról sosem volt szó, hogy a jó dolgokért már előre fizetünk az erőfeszítéseinkkel meg az időnkkel. Neeem. A jó dolgok maguktól történnek, a rossz dolgok tőlünk független büntetések. Jellemző narcisztikus neménvoltam. Pedig az, hogy mindennek ára van, az egy sokszínű dolog. Sokszor fel se fogjuk miféle árat fizettünk valamiért. Mert esetleg számunkra nem is érezhető. Ezen gondolkodtam hajnalban, hogy nemrég egy barátommal folytatott régi levelezésbe olvastam bele és nagyon tanulságos volt. Azt kellett látnom, hogy annyira bele voltam ragadva a saját problémáimba, hogy nem is láttam milyen ő valójában. Nem érzékeltem a "most"-ot, csak kergettem valami álmot magamról, és valami képzeteket róla. És most, amikor ezek a kényszerítő érzelmek lehullottak, most úgy tudtam olvasni, mint egy regény szövegét. Úgy sajnáltam azt a fiút! És egy kicsit dühös voltam arra a nőre. És hiába tudom, hogy ebben a regényben minden úgy történik ahogy történnie kell, a cselekedetek logikusan egymásra épülő kockái szerint, valahogy az volt az érzésem, hogy elbasztam. Azt a pillanatot biztosan elbasztam. És nyilván sok másikat is. Ritkán adatik meg amikor az ember tanulhat a múltból, mert csak túl akarunk lenni dolgokon. És azt hiszem, nagyon rendben kell lenni ahhoz, hogy az ember ne vádaskodjon (végre). Lehet a másik ember bármilyen. Tök mindegy valójában, mert saját magunktól, a rengeteg feldolgozhatatlan érzelemtől nem látjuk úgyse. Nem lett ő hirtelen angyal ettől a rácsodálkozástól. De amit elbaszott, azt neki kell meglátnia, a saját életében kell épülnie belőle. Sokáig nem akartam kirakni róla képet A FALra. Az volt bennem, hogy meglátja valaki (ugyan, ki?) és akkor pusztán a képtől kibomlik előtte az egész történet a nélkül, hogy értené, hogy a reménytelenségen túl mennyi mindenféle volt benne. És akkor majd megszégyenülve állok ott, a szánnivaló kis rajongásommal és attól is féltem, hogy magam előtt állok majd megszégyenülten, és nap mint nap fájni fog. Pedig van rengeteg közös fotónk és sok amit imádok, mert vicces és azt hiszem, bárki látja majd, irigykedve azt gondolja, ez milyen jó, ez jó lehetett! A többi meg, deaktiválásig itt lesz.
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serethereal · 1 year
i have this disease called i will open your message and get distracted and forget to reply and then the notification will be gone so i will not have replied for ages and you will think i am ignoring you but. i am not. it’s incurable
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stealthrockdamage · 8 months
need to post my favourite tweet in the entire world
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kedreeva · 5 months
There's some dude (derogatory) on FB who is PISSED people are pricing their farm fresh eggs at $2 and $3 a dozen instead of $4+, saying it's "disrespectful" and "undignified" and "I'm trying to feed my kids" like Sir, you are on a Facebook group page bitching about your neighbors egg prices because your pet chickens aren't earning you a living wage and you think it's your neighbors' fault, you do not have a leg to stand on here wrt dignity.
Also half the answers are like "I give them to friends and family free" or "I donate them to food banks" or "I'm making them affordable to folks who might not otherwise be able to get them now that they're so expensive in the store" and "if you think you're going to turn a profit keeping backyard chickens you have been wildly misled" and so on, and so forth, and I'm so living for it.
and I can tell you right now, he did NOT like my answer of "if you're trying to feed your kids, I hear eggs are edible."
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venusforfran · 5 months
oh BTW here's my teeny tiny list of my favourite pigeon species
White breasted ground dove
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Nicobar pigeon
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Cinnamon headed green pigeon
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Yellow footed green pigeon
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Pheasant pigeon
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Yellow breasted fruit dove
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Many coloured fruit dove
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Crowned pigeon
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lesbianfakir · 3 months
You’re placed in a room with an animal. The door is closed and you cannot leave. The animal is completely calm and has no intent of harming you. You are in no danger unless you provoke the animal in some way.
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dismas-n-dismay · 3 months
I think the bath hand holding scene is much more intimate when you remember the attention to detail Marcille put into making sure that every bone in Falin’s hands and feet were correctly placed.
The interlacing of their fingers being perfect to show that Marcille strived as painstakingly as she could to make sure every bone was in proper place and it is. For a second you think you’ll look and one of the fingers will be disjointed or wrong or too long but they’re perfectly slotted into Marcille’s own.
She put every single piece of her back together lovingly and achingly, giving her own blood sweat and tears to craft Falin’s own.
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dykemoro · 15 days
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nemkero · 3 months
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atla au but nothing changes except sokka is taller and zuko is shorter
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 8 months
And lemme know your age (if you feel comfortable!), and when you got your first phone in the tags!
If these options are scuffed I'm sorry, I genuinely have no clue how many phones people are "supposed" to have had (hence the poll)
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pummelos · 8 months
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incognitopolls · 5 months
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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soranatus · 4 months
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Concept art from a pitched Batman Beyond animated feature film — From Writer/Director Patrick Harpin (My Dad the Bounty Hunter) & Production Designer/Producer Yuhki Demers (Into the Spider-Verse, Across the Spider-Verse)
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sabsgames · 7 months
what makes Snow such a formidable villain within THG universe is that nothing he does was set in stone. there was no sense of inevitability about his actions and his brutality. Snow had enough perspective of poverty, capital cruelty, district hunger and not to mention his own arena experience’ and yet he actively chose at every moment to stray from natural goodness. its even more terrifying in the sense that he had the ability to care. Snow is not a mindless sociopath, he displays feelings to others such as sejanus, lucy grey and tigris but ultimately he will always choose himself. his ability to betray those he cared about in order yo advance himself makes him so much more than the stereotypical villain who is forced into his actions.
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whoevenknowsdude · 5 months
Percy: This seems dangerous.
Grover: Oh, the animals will be totally fine, I have them a Satyr’s blessing, so they’ll reach the wilderness safely—
Percy: I meant for the people
Grover: Oh.
Grover not giving a thought or a fuck about the safety of the humans who destroyed nature is actually peak characterization and I absolutely love it
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