official-impravidus · 4 years
Under The Mistletoe
“Peter, I swear to every and any deity that exists, if you do not take off your dirty shoes or get off of the walls, Santa won’t be bringing you any gifts this year.”
Peter freezes, garland hanging loosely in his hand. “Oops.” He hops off of the wall, landing on the ground with a near silent thunk. “Sorry, Aunt May.”
May shakes her head in turns to Pepper. “Would you like a refill?”
She smiles and pulls away from the lights she’s detangling and hands her her nearly empty glass of sparkling cider. “That would be great, thanks.”
“What about me?” Tony whines.
“You can get your own refill,” May retorts. Despite what she said, she grabs his glass as well and heads over to the refreshment table.
The four are preparing for their annual nondenominational holiday party. Before Peter, Tony used to throw a grand bash for a concert hall of strangers and almost acquaintances that he needed to schmooze with. Now, they throw a quaint get together with those closest friends, surrounded by homemade food, actually good music (not the boring instrumentals that were better suited for a Distinguished and Professional setting) and simple (but still aesthetically pleasing) decor.
“Peter, why are there rainbow streamers in the tree?” May asks.
“Don’t the gays deserve to celebrate the holidays too?” Peter asks.
Tony nods sagely. “Yeah, May. What about the gays?”
May rolls her eyes. “Shut up, you two.”
Tony holds out his hand and Peter high fives it, not even looking.
May hands Tony his glass. “You’re lucky that you’re still on bedrest or I’d whoop your ass into the next galaxy.”
Tony scoffs overdramatically. “Oh, I’m sorry for saving the universe. My bad.”
“Make yourself useful and fluff the garland,” May says, tossing it onto his lap.
Tony begrudgingly sets down his drink and begins to pull at the faux pine needles.
Pepper takes a seat next to him, manicured nails still picking at the Christmas lights.
“You feelin’ alright?” she murmurs.
“Yeah. I’m… actually really great. This is nice. Doing something.”
“I’m sure.” She smiles softly. She cards her fingers through his hair and squeezes his shoulder gently.
Peter clears his throat from behind them.
The two look up to see him holding a piece of mistletoe above them.
“You gotta kiss,” Peter says. “Them’s the rules.”
Pepper chuckles and cups Tony’s cheek, pressing a light kiss to his lips.
“Aw. Cute,” Peter says. He then places it over Tony’s head and places a slobbery kiss on his cheek with a loud “mwah!”
Tony bats him away, laughing hard.
“Alright, let’s get back to work!” May says. “We’ve got T-minus twenty five minutes until everyone shows up.”
“You heard the woman,” Tony says. “No more lollygagging.”
And the four pull together a wonderful get together, or as Tony calls it, an “Epic Rager Lite.”
With eggnog flowing and countless little appetizers filling the bellies of laughing friends, it’s everything they had been missing out on and more.
They are all finally back together and together they will stay.
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Winter Whumperland Day 8: Lucky
Summary: Written for Winter Whumperland Day 8. Set in a Modern AU, follows up on Day 7 'Delirium'. There was the chance meeting in that coffee shop, but it is one late evening in early June that Hiccup's life takes a sudden turn for the worse.
Rating: Mature
Characters: Hiccup, Astrid, Snotlout, Toothless, Ryker, Viggo
Pairing: Vigcup, past-Hiccstrid
Words: 4 464
Fandom: How to Train Your Dragon
Prompt: “Obsessive whumper”
Whumpee: Hiccup (and Toothless in a way)
Author’s Notes: This was supposed to be up already, but I got very distracted by Attack on Titan. I finished my rewatch and I had 3 episodes of season 4 that I needed to catch up on and then I got very distracted by the reactors I follow that I know watch this show, too.
Constructive criticism is appreciated! Including on the tags!
There was the chance meeting in that coffee shop, but it is one late evening in early June that Hiccup's life takes a sudden turn for the worse.
It's late when he returns home from work. He's completely drained after being on his feet all day and when he steps in through the front door, what he longs for most is to kick off his shoes and prosthetic and crash onto the couch.
Someone has other ideas, as he can tell by the stomping footsteps coming up from behind him as he closes the front door.
They halt, one slipper tapping impatiently on the carpeted floor, and Hiccup knows he's in trouble. He slowly turns to see one furious Astrid Hofferson.
She'd come the second she heard the door open and she'd jumped off the couch to catch him and block his way to the living room. Her blonde hair is undone and lays comfortably on her shoulder.
"Uh, good evening? Milady?" He greets her hesitantly, deciding that a polite approach is probably a better idea than a sassy one.
"What took you so long? You were supposed to clock out two hours ago!" Astrid crosses her arms, a hip out, and awaits a good excuse. He hasn't even called her to let her know that he would be later or anything!
Hiccup puffs out a nervous breath as he shifts his weight from one foot to the other, unsure what to tell her. Upon seeing this, Astrid lets out an agitated sigh, reeling with her boyfriend's thoughtless decision-making.
"Viggo again?" She asks with a hard tone and he knows there is no denying it. Besides, she'd know if he was lying. So he nods honestly instead and she's already throwing her hands up.
"He came by at the coffee shop for a game of chess and I thought I'd entertain him for a little while!" Hiccup hurriedly replies, already imagining Astrid's disappointment in him.
"For two whole hours?!" Her voice raises, she's not too impressed.
"Ugh, yeah..."
"Hiccup, I can't believe you!" She expresses her disbelief before turning on her heels to return to the living room.
"He's obviously a lonely man, Astrid! He just wants some company and a listening ear once in a while!" He tries to reason with her as he follows her to the other room, where Snotlout is sitting on the couch.
Viggo just comes across as a lonely man to him. No partner, no kids, no friends outside of business, and a brother he rarely sees eye to eye with. It makes him want to take at least a few minutes out of his time to spend on him.
"Once in a while, he comes by almost every day, Hiccup! Today, he swallowed up two hours of your time! And after work, too!" Halting before the television, Astrid spins on her heels again to face Hiccup. "Hiccup Haddock, I know you're not a pushover, but somehow this guy gets you to let him walk all over you."
Snotlout should be annoyed that he can no longer watch the tv, the bickering couple interrupting his watch, but that matters little to him
"Heh, Viggo again, Hiccup?" He asks, finding amusement in that fact.
"You know, Hiccup, if you'd rather spend time with some lonely middle-aged dude then your own girlfriend, maybe you should go hook up with him. We'll question your kinks and tastes, though." He adds with a chuckle.
"Not funny, Snot." The couple tells him and Hiccup sighs afterward, awkwardly moving from one foot to another once more. He's tired and his leg hurts and he doesn't like fighting with Astrid. And to make matters worse, he has some news, too. It's not bad news, but he wonders if it'll be received well after Astrid's reaction.
She stands there, fuming, and she probably has plenty of reason to be. His not calling her to let her know where he's at, spending his after work hours with someone who is a virtual stranger to her, who is a creep in her eyes, pushing his own needs aside for someone who clearly has no eye out for his, ... Yup, plenty of reasons. And he might just be about to make it worse.
"Also... I won't be able to sleep here tonight." But it's better to just come out and sat it, so he tells her, his arms crossing.
"And why is that?" Astrid asks, not too pleased. It's Friday evening, she'd hoped to spend at least a little bit of time with him. You know, the time Viggo hasn't selfishly taken for himself yet.
"Well, Toothless came to find me again. I saw him sitting on the rooftop when I got back and... Well, see for yourself." Hiccup gestures towards a rather large window on one side of the room and Snotlout and Astrid look over to find the Night Fury there, watching them through the glass. He's sitting on the fire escape and looks very much like a cat expecting to be let in.
Finally seen, he yowls, wondering what's taking them so long. Hiccup has known all along that he's there, why is he making him wait?
"Oh, the neighbors are going to love this." Astrid groans, cringing at the sound. Snotlout covers his ears.
"Oh, I'm sure they will, which is why I'm dropping off my uniform and going back downstairs to meet him. I'll fly him back to the sanctuary and spent the night at my mom's because I'm-"
"Dead tired from all the work you've done? With a prosthetic?" Astrid cuts him off as she finishes his sentence for him. It's not like she thinks he can't do the same work someone else can, but Hiccup's reality is that standing on his feet all day will make him more exhausted than it would make an abled person. Astrid is aware of this, she just wishes Hiccup would be a little more self-aware from time to time.
Mouth still open, Hiccup stares at her for a moment.
"Uh, yeah, that. But anyway, I'll let you know in the morning if I'll be back tomorrow or Sunday evening." He lets her and Snotlout know before heading over to the bedroom he shares with Astrid.
He's been holding the uniform in his hands. It consists of a dark brown apron and a little hat that feels like paper, though they're all pretty sure it's not made out of paper. He hangs them both up on the coatrack hanging from their bedroom door.
When he comes back into the living room, Astrid is standing before him again.
"Okay, but I doubt he brought a saddle, so will you at least be careful?" She asks of him, still exasperated, but him spending time with Toothless is far better than the alternative, which is the middle-aged man seemingly clinging to a young adult. A young adult who isn't quite 20 yet, no less.
"Of course, Milady, when am I not?" Hiccup asks her with a smile, feeling like they are on slightly better terms now. He'll make it up to her somehow, he doesn't want her feeling like she comes second to some guy he's only known for a few weeks.
Sighing deeply, Astrid comes over and plants her lips on his for a kiss. They don't have any space in their home for a dragon as big as a Night Fury. So, unfortunately, she has no other choice but to let him go. Hiccup returns it wholeheartedly, heart skipping a beat in joy. When does she not make him happy?
When they pull away, Astrid pulls on his hoodie, straightening it out.
"Are you sure that's warm enough for the trip?" She asks him, knowing he gets cold easily. He's about the only person she knows who can still wear long sleeves in the summer. The amount of layers this man needs to get through the colder months is insane.
"I think I'll manage."
"That's not a good answer, Haddock, and you know that."
Snotlout groans in the background at seeing the affection, head rolling back, but they mostly ignore him. So he groans louder on purpose.
"How can I stand living with you two?" He questions when they look over, neither too happy with his interruption.
Toothless yowls again outside and someone shouts at "the big cat" to be quiet.
"Geez, impatient much?" Hiccup mutters under his breath and gestures to his dragon to get down from the fire escape. He should get going before Toothless gets them all kicked out of here.
"Again, be careful. And oh, don't forget to call when you arrive and tell your mom we said "hi"." Astrid quickly says as Hiccup heads for the door.
"I will! I'll see you guys later, Snotlout, Milady." At that last one, he shoots Astrid a quick smile.
Snotlout lets his head roll back again and-
"If you groan one more time, it's off to bed with you."
It takes a quick ride on the elevator down, but Hiccup is outside soon enough. It's summer and that means the air is cooler then it is during the day, but not quite cool enough. Even so, Hiccup pulls on his hoodie to cover as much of his collarbone and neck as it can before he looks up towards the top of the building.
"Bud?!" He calls out excitedly, expecting to be tackled by a dragon much bigger and much heavier than him in the next few seconds. He's bracing himself, it could come from any direction...
But instead, there is no response.
"Bud!" Hiccup calls out again, didn't he hear him the first time? Dragons of his kind usually have a good hearing. Or he ignoring his calls? Making him wait because it's been so long since he's come by for a visit? He hates admitting it, but work has been kicking his ass. It's hard to do anything on most days and even during most weekends he finds himself in need of the mere two days of rest he can get.
"It's because you haven't worked a day in your life, son, you'll get used to it." Hiccup can hear his father say in his head and he can still feel the need to roll his eyes. He's worked! At the sanctuary and only what he was allowed to do, but he's done stuff before!
"Toothless?!" Moving from the sidewalk to between two parked cars to hopefully get a better view of the roof, Hiccup tries again, but gets no answer this time either. He was hoping to at least see some earfins pop up by now.
"Really, Toothless? Is this the time to play hide and seek?" Hiccup mutters to himself. He knows his dragon misses him terribly when they're not together, he misses him, too, but now's not the time. He's tired and he would like to fly back to the sanctuary already.
Checking the road behind him and finding the street empty for the moment, Hiccup cautiously takes another step or two back. In this part of the city, people usually don't drive as fast as they can in the busier parts. And at this hour, not too many cars come by either.
"Toothless, seriously?!" He calls up again, keeping a careful eye and ear out on either side of him. Don't tell him he's stuck on the fire escape again.
"Are you stuck?! Do I need to come get you?!" Hiccup asks, never losing sight of the street he's on. It's still quiet so far, no approaching lights, no roaring engines.
Finally, Toothless calls back to him and the call sounds far, so he must still be in the fire escape after all. Sighing, Hiccup figures he may as well look.
It's at that moment, probably by pure dumb luck, that a dark car with no plates and tinted windows comes speeding from around the corner.
Driving at speeds way, way above the limit, the car can't possibly be avoided. Hiccup sees it coming, has only seconds to stare into the blinding headlights as they come too fast, and there's nothing he can do but get hit.
The front of the vehicle hits his right side with full force first and he ends up on the hood for a brief moment. It all happens so fast, before long he rolls onto the pavement and is left to lie there on the ground. The collision broke some of his ribs, hurt his hip, dislocated his bad knee, bruised his wrists, scraped him all over, and he'll be a lucky man if that is all a hit from such speeds leaves him with.
Body hurting and unable to move, all Hiccup can do is groan. He can't get up like this. Who and why would just run him over like this? His head hurts, he must've knocked it on the ground.
After the hit, the car screeches to a halt and a man steps out. When he comes over, Hiccup can't see who it is, can barely turn his head to the approaching footsteps. When he tries, another pained groan leaves him. He can taste the metallic tang of blood on his tongue.
Everything is too much for his aching head, too much to process. He's on the verge of passing out, it's becoming black before his eyes.
The man who mowed him down stands over him. Hiccup can't see his face, but if he could, he'd see the satisfied look of another job well done. He's grabbed by his arms and pulled towards the car. Hiccup cringes at the unnecessary additional abuse his body must endure.
"W-wait... What're you... Why?" He can't struggle against him, can't keep the man from dragging him towards the car, it's taking him everything not to pass out.
When they reach the car, the trunk is opened and Hiccup is picked up and unceremoniously dropped inside. His body is in agony and he would've shouted if his ribs allowed it, but his apparent kidnapper doesn't seem to care much. If anything, he huffs and the trunk closes, bathing Hiccup in darkness.
What just happened to him? For whatever reason, whether it be the shock or the pain, he still can't move.
While this is happening, Toothless is, indeed, stuck. A fire escape isn't meant for dragons, let alone a dragon his size, nothing in a city is. This is a place for humans, which is why he thought to drag Hiccup back home himself. He wasn't coming of his own volition, so Toothless had to come and see what was taking him so long. But when he gets up to meet with his friend, he finds his tail to be stuck in the railing.
It's a hindrance and it's more annoying than a real problem. He can solve this without needing Hiccup's help, he just needs to be careful not to damage the replacement tailfin he so carefully crafted for him.
Murring impatiently as he tries to find the right angle to do this from, Astrid and Snotlout are watching him from the window, both concerned. From the corner of his eyes, he can see Astrid mouth something and she's gesturing in a way that's supposed to be helping him, but he doesn't quite get it. He's only half-looking, too.
On the other side of the building, Hiccup is calling for him and Toothless calls back once to tell him he's still coming. He just needs to be a little more patient and then he'll be there.
But then he hears a screeching that sounds like a noise one of those large metal contraptions the humans ride on would make. It's an awful sound to his ears, but not as alarming as the noise of a heavy thing hitting something not even a quarter of that thing's weight. And all of that is followed by a noise of pain Toothless is all too familiar with.
Was that Hiccup? Is someone hurting him?
Toothless knows that he needs to see what's happening and he all but tears himself free, the carefully refined leather hooking onto something metal sticking out and ripping. He hurries up the rest of the fire escape up on the roof, climbing the outside expertly like only a cat of his size and strength can, he'll be able to see more from there.
A disability has only affected his speed and agility so much, Hiccup can largely be thanked for that. As someone who is missing a leg, he knows a thing or two about loss. He reaches the roof quickly and he thinks to check the front of the building first, where the noises came from. What he sees confuses him, however.
There's a human male taking his friend and putting him in the back of that metal deathtrap.
His knowledge of humans and their strange behaviors only goes so far and he doesn't know what the intention here is, just that he doesn't like it. This screams "bad" to him and he growls in anger, claws scraping on the bricked walls. Someone is taking his rider away.
The male then gets into the "car", as they're called, and he can hear it revving to life. That's when Toothless knows it's now or never.
He's a Night Fury, leaping off tall things isn't anything new to him, so he takes a chance. He doesn't yet realize that his prosthetic tailfin is torn and that it will hinder him greatly in his pursuit. He wants to land on the vehicle itself, scare the driver, rip him out, and then get Hiccup out. His mate and that small friend of his are in their communal den. If he's loud enough, he can get them to come down and see. In the meantime, he can make sure the bigger male can't touch the car again and that he's too incapacitated to get away, too.
That's the plan, thought up in a matter of a second or two and he commits to it, he takes the leap. Except with a rip in his tailfin and the car moving away at the same time, all Toothless manages to do is scratch up the back and take the rear bumper right off.
Inside the trunk, Hiccup is almost startled to full alertness with his dragon's claws scraping above him and taking a part of the vehicle with him. There's a man's muffled cursing and what a mouth he has on him.
It takes Toothless a second too long to realize that he's holding just a piece of the car instead of the whole thing.
Did he just fail? A Night Fury isn't supposed to fail, if anything, they're supposed to be the pride of dragons! And he just failed his human?
He looks behind him, sees the tear in the cloth Hiccup made for him. He's lost his advantage and now he can't fly after the car either! He wished he'd jumped on time instead of too late, wished he'd thought to jump in front of it, too! If he'd just aimed right, he would've landed on the car instead of just snatching the rear bumper.
All that's left for him now is to chase. He's still plenty fast on the ground, he can leap, he'll find some other way to stop the damn thing. A plasma blast will land him in serious trouble, but that's not even high on the number of things he's willing to do to get Hiccup back.
They're not far, he can still see them.
But then another car comes from around the corner. They aren't driving particularly fast, but finding a dragon in your path is a startling thing and Toothless is startled in return. They almost block his path, nearly driving into the car parked nearby. Then a second comes and a third and they all screech to a halt, honking and yelling in surprise. They do nothing but hinder him in a city that's already too loud and unwelcoming and chaotic for a dragon.
Toothless has to evade them, doing whatever he can to just not get accidentally hit as he chases after his friend. He jumps onto a parked car, trying to spot the one that took Hiccup.
It's nowhere to be found.
Hiccup can hear it as he slips away, the miserable cries of a dragon in distress with cars honking in the distance, both deafeningly loud.
"I'm here, Bud, I'm... I'm here..." His words of reassurance fade as he falls unconscious, losing the fight to stay awake.
Pain. That's what Hiccup wakes up to hours later. An immeasurable amount of pain and the inability to breathe properly as his ribs are keeping him from it.
He groans miserably, feeling awful after someone came speeding down a relatively calm street to run him over. His head is a little slow in catching up on the events that landed him in this situation, but his body has a great memory. He hurts so much, there isn't a part of him that isn't in agony.
There are voices and an unfamiliar hand lays itself on his forehead. Is he in the hospital? Is there are a doctor or a nurse checking up on him? Oh, can they please give him something for the pain? He woke up only moments ago and he wants so desperately for it to end.
"You wanted him, now here he is." One of the voices breaks through the haze in his mind, the first words he's managing to register so far. Why does his head pound? Why is everything pounding?
He remembers headlights.
"And you felt like you had to run him over, did you?" Run over who? Can either of these two give him something to kill the pain? Or an explanation would be nice, too.
He groans louder, hoping to ask for help, but no coherent words leave him. That hand is in his hair now. Care is nice and all, but it would be much nicer if they could pick up on what he's trying to beg for here.
"You could've killed him on the spot! He might even still succumb to his injuries." No wait, that voice is familiar to him. The other one he doesn't recognize, but this one rings a vague bell. Hiccup has to open his eyes and take a look.
"Don't get my hopes up."
There are two men that he can see through a blurred vision and a dim light that's still a nightmare on his headache. He can't recognize one of them.
The other one, however...
"V...Vi... ggo?" Hiccup asks, voice hoarse. It's the first word that he manages to croak out. What's he doing in the hospital with him? Now that he thinks of it, where is Astrid? Snotlout? He can't remember if Fishlegs and the twins were home.
An image of Toothless flashes before his mind. He was there, wasn't he? Where is he now?
"you're awake, good, I was starting to worry," Viggo tells him, looking down at him with a look that isn't quite as caring as those words would suggest.
Hiccup blinks slowly in surprise.
"Where... What are you doing here? Where am I? Toothless is... What happened?" The questions are slow to leave him, but he's starting to catch up a little. He's not quite as awake as he needs to be yet. Why is this room so dim? Aren't hospital lights usually so annoyingly bright?
He wants to sit up or readjust somehow, feeling too uncomfortable with everything his body is going through. But though he tries, he only ends up worsening the pain in his right side tremendously. Whatever little progress he may have made is undone when he's forced to lie down again. His left knee hurts, did he dislocate it again?
This bed is so uncomfortable and lumpy, is this mattress even from this century anymore?
But the pain wakes him up at least and he can grasp the sort of troubling situation he's suddenly in a little more now.
This isn't the hospital.
He doesn't know what room he's in, but he can see that the little light bulb on the ceiling is bare and the only light source in this place, that the walls are brick, and the floor is made of concrete. If it weren't for the lack of storage space, he'd think that this is a basement, but that couldn't be it, right? He can't just be in someone's basement! He notices there's a ridiculously tiny bathroom off to the side, which at least looks clean.
What Hiccup's lying on is, indeed, a bed and his painful wrists are cuffed to the sides. If he wants to pull at them, he can try once or twice, but after that, they won't allow any more attempts.
Realization comes and panic sets in.
He's been kidnapped.
"Wh-what... What?!" He can't comprehend it, his thoughts and heart racing and struggling to keep up. Hyperventilating and very quickly unable to breathe at all, the rapid pace cannot mix with his broken ribs.
Did Viggo do this to him? Why would he do something like this?! Why would he hit him with a car and take him from his home?!
"Hiccup, calm yourself!" Viggo takes his shoulders and, honestly, how can he expect Hiccup not to freak out when he's been kidnapped?!
Oh Gods, Astrid was right. She was right, Viggo was bad from the start. And he's the idiot who walked right into another trap. Why does he keep getting himself into trouble like this?
Oh no, and what of his Bud? He definitely remembers his dragon being there when he was taken, what happened to him? What could've possibly happened to him?
"No... No! T-Tooth... Tooth?!" He doesn't have the air to ask, his lungs and his ribs in a fierce battle for whose needs need to be met first. They both burn.
"Hiccup, I implore you to calm!" Despite Viggo's best attempts, Hiccup doesn't listen to him, too much in a panic. If this goes on, he'll lose him before he can even start molding him to his perfect partner.
"That's never going to work, Viggo. You know there's only one solution to this." The other man, the stranger, states as he pushes him aside. A soaked cloth is pressed to Hiccup's nose and mouth, the sedative wetting it is breathed in immediately with his fast breathing and it takes its hold just as fast.
A different kind of haze settles in his mind, he's feeling woozy. It works quicker than he can realize he's being knocked out. He's going under, his breathing evening out, and his last thoughts wonders about his friends.
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quillingyousoftly · 4 years
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Written for @amonthofwhump and their 12 Days of Winter Whumperland.
All short fics written for this event will take place in the Pit of Vipers universe. If you haven’t read Pit of Vipers, all you need to know is it’s a Hydra Trash Party fic where Hydra won, Jack Rollins took over by killing Pierce and enslaving Brock, and Brock is now Hydra’s favorite sex toy.
Warnings: hydra husbands non-con.
𝑨𝒍𝒍 𝑰 𝑾𝒂𝒏𝒕 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝑰𝒔 𝒀𝒐𝒖
Despite the heavy covers weighing him down, Brock wakes up shivering. He's in Rollins's bedroom. The daylight falling in through the windows is dim, obscured by the heavily falling snow. The air on the exposed skin of his face and neck is cold, and he buries himself further under the covers. Rollins is sleeping beside him on his stomach, hugging a pillow to his face. He's close enough for Brock to feel his body heat, but too far away to benefit from it. Gently and a little fearfully, Brock moves closer.
Rollins cracks one eye open. "Cold?" he mumbles, to which Brock reluctantly nods.
With a grunt, Rollins braces himself on one elbow to gather Brock under his other arm and roll on top of him. He's heavy but warm, so Brock doesn't mind all that much. He even presses his cold feet against Rollins's calves, making him hiss a curse.
He's drifting off under the warm weight when Rollins's hands start to wander. Brock chances a glance up to where Rollins's head rests against his shoulder, but his eyes are closed. Even when he's half-asleep, his first instinct is to touch and take him like he owns him. Because it's true, Brock thinks bitterly, Rollins does own him.
Rollins's hands open his legs and find his hole, still slick from last night's 'warming up'. Brock grits his teeth when long fingers breach him, but knowing how big Rollins's dick is, he's actually glad for any sort of prep.
Rollins replaces his fingers with his cock, and Brock winces as he works it in. He doesn't think it'll ever stop being unpleasant. No matter how gentle and considerate Rollins is, it's never enough, though he's gotten better with time. On one hand, it's good; Brock can't imagine a worse case scenario than growing comfortable with his current situation. On the other, sometimes, like right now, he wishes he could just lie and not mind a cock rearranging his guts, to just take it as a particularly lousy sex, not rape that's uncomfortable at best.
At least it does the job. It'll never be Brock's favorite way of warming up, but it's working. Rollins is still sleepy, moving in slow, powerful thrusts on top of him. His body heat and sweat make Brock feel like his body is being enveloped in hot, heavy steam, and soon his own skin breaks in sweat that soaks the sheets beneath him. His breathing grows heavier as Rollins speeds up, chasing his orgasm, and now he actually wouldn't mind if Rollins opened the window. But he never does, maybe afraid that Brock would try to jump out--which he probably would, despite being twenty stories above the ground.
Rollins finishes with a moan, and after a long minute of panting against Brock's neck, he rolls off him, purring, stretching and smiling like a happy cat. This display only irritates Brock who feels pretty gross covered in Rollins's sweat and semen.
"Merry Christmas, babe," Rollins says.
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panic-and-chaos · 4 years
Winter Whumperland Day 8: Stalking
(This takes place in the future for Syn’s story-- @mushmallowy-marshshroom yelled at me for bullying Syn, so enjoy! @amonthofwhump)
Syn walked over to the door, leaving Todd to play with Vidalia in the living room. She opened the door, then froze, staring at the visitor. Keeping her voice calm, she called back to Todd, “Hey, songbird, could you take Vidalia downstairs?”
“Yeah, what’s wrong?” Todd called back. 
“Nothing, just take her downstairs please,” Syn couldn’t keep the tremor out of her voice. She could almost see Todd’s worried expression. She trusted he would listen, and part of her hoped he would come back up, but she also wanted him to stay downstairs and far, far away from this guest.
“Songbird, Vidalia?” Thyme asked in a tone of clinical curiosity. 
“None of your business. What do you need, Thyme?” Syn crossed her arms, feigning confidence.
“Oh, am I not allowed to come to visit my…” Thyme looked her up and down with cold, teal eyes. She seemed to put as much venom as she could into her next word, “Daughter?”
The doctor’s blond hair was tinted and streaked with gray, and her skin was slightly more wrinkled, but otherwise, she somehow looked the exact same as she did all those years ago.
“Yeah, afraid not.” Syn snapped. “G-get outta here—Wait, first, how did you find me?”
Stupid stutter, Syn cursed herself. Her voice still occasionally broke, but only when she raised her voice or was under stress.
A hand lightly touched her shoulder and she flinched, then looked up. She blew out a quiet, relieved sigh and stepped closer to Todd as he put an arm around her shoulders.
“Hello, I don’t think we’ve met,” He said cordially. He held out his free hand, sending a little trill of fear through Syn. Oh, please be careful, Todd, she pleaded silently as he said, “I’m Todd, and you are?”
“Doctor Betty Thyme.” Thyme shook his hand. “I believe 5–Syn may have mentioned me before.”
“I believe she has, too.” Syn felt Todd’s eyes on her, but she focused on the wall. If she looked at either of them, she might break, so at the wall she stared. Todd looked back at Thyme and asked, “You’re… uh…”
“Her mother, yes.” Thyme answered for him with a slight nod. Syn frowned and edged closer to Todd. He protectively wrapped his arm a little tighter around her shoulders.
“So, what can we do for you?” He asked politely. Thyme smiled and answered, “Oh, I just wanted to check in on my daughter. I apologize for dropping in with no warning, I was just in the area.”
“How did you know you were in the area? I’ve never met you, and I’m sure Syn hasn’t spoken to you in…” Todd trailed off, glancing at Syn again. 
“Years. I h-haven’t seen you in years.” Syn said softly, still not looking at either of them. Todd nodded and lightly rubbed her back, looking back at Thyme. “So, how did you come to find us?”
Thyme looked at Todd, then at Syn, then shed her facade. “Well, I’m sure you know that she’s no human. I made her. I have my ways of finding her.”
Syn huddled even closer to Todd, trembling slightly. How did she find me? Why did she find me? Will she hurt them? Oh, if she even thinks about hurting them, she is dying.
Todd squeezed her comfortingly, looking down at her, concerned. He looked back at Thyme and politely said, “I think you need to go. My wife is getting very stressed out with you being here.”
“Your wife..?” Thyme mused, tilting her head elegantly. She looked at Todd with a new look in her eye.
“Da?” Vidalia’s thin voice asked, and Syn’s heart stopped as she looked around to see her daughter standing at the top of the stairs. Her eyes were bright with an innocent curiosity. “Ma? Who that?”
“No one, my hummingbird.” Syn quickly said, doing her best to keep the nerves out of her voice. “Go back downstairs, okay? We’ll come to get you in just a second.”
“Is this your daughter? Ah, Vidalia, as you mentioned earlier?” Thyme asked, adding a note of horribly phony kindness into her voice. “She’s a love, isn’t she? How did I not know about her?
“Because I’d rather my children g-grow up without having to meet their murderous, sadistic grandmother.” Syn hissed before Todd could say a more civil response. “I-I’ll bite your fingers off if you don’t g-get outta here right now, you old witch.”
Todd quietly shushed her and pressed a kiss to her head. “Let me handle this, dragonfly. Okay? Go take care of Vidalia, I’ll be fine.”
Syn jerkily nodded, ignoring the greedy, hard glint in Thyme’s eyes as she looked at them, then hurried over to scoop her little daughter up into her arms, rushing into the living room.
“You need to go.” Todd frowned slightly at Thyme. Thyme appeared to be lost in thought, then Todd smiled slightly. He called backwards into the house, “Hey, Cerberus, come here!”
“Cerberus?” Thyme asked with a note of clinical curiosity. “Another child, perhaps?”
“Afraid not,” Todd smiled down at the cream-colored Doberman Pinscher who had raced up to stand beside him. His little nub of a tail wagged furiously as he sniffed at Thyme. “This is Cerberus. Hey, Cerberus, cuddles,” Todd smiled more and pointed at Thyme. Cerberus leaped at Thyme, tackling her to the ground. 
Syn crept up to stand a step behind Todd, Vidalia resting on her hip as Cerberus licked at Thyme’s face. Thyme tried, rather unsuccessfully, to shove the dog off of her while Vidalia squealed and clapped her hands. “Cerbus!”
“That’s right, Cerberus,” Syn forced a smile at Vidalia. “And what’s Cerberus doing?”
“That’s right, my hummingbird.” Syn looked down at Thyme with a frown, then sharply said, “Cerberus, h-here.”
Cerberus immediately obeyed, coming to stand right next to her leg. He looked up at her attentively, but Syn kept looking at Thyme for a long moment before saying, “Leave and don’t come back. You know what I can do, and it’s much worse than what my dog can.”
And with that, Todd closed the door on the old doctor. Syn set Vidalia down, softly saying, “G-go play with Cerberus, hummingbird, okay?”
As Vidalia ran off with the dog bounding after her, Syn fell to her knees with a shaky breath. Todd immediately sat down and hugged her, pulling her into his lap. He kissed her head and whispered, “It’s alright, it’s over now. You did great, dragonfly. Are you okay?”
Syn didn’t say anything for a long minute and rested her head on his shoulder, trembling. Finally, she whispered, “She c-could’ve h-hurt you and Vidalia. She c-could’ve k-killed…”
“Shh, she didn’t, though. I’m fine, Vidalia’s fine, you’re fine.” Todd soothed. Syn laid in his arms, shaking and listening to Vidalia squealing joyfully for a minute more before asking, “...how did she find me? H-how did she find us?”
This time it was Todd’s turn not to answer. 
“I don’t know, dragonfly, but I promise, I won’t let her do anything to you if she tries to come back again.” He slowly said after a long moment of thought.
“A-and I won’t let her hurt either of you,” Syn murmured, pressing her head against his chest. She felt his arms tighten around her and the weight of his head on her own. “I promise.”
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phoebonicawrites · 4 years
12 Days of Winter Whumperland, day 8 - under the mistletoe (blackmail)
I like the headcanon that the impostors aren’t necessarily all the same species, or necessarily non-human/non-whatever-the-crewmates-are. This is a take on that.
Warnings: blackmail, coercion, threats of death and/or vivisection, unwanted touching (nonsexual).
“This wasn’t part of our agreement.” Purple fights to keep their voice and their shape steady. Their spear tenses in their throat, ready to strike out at the threat their body senses, but they force it back down.
“I’m changing the agreement.” Pink’s eyes and his voice are hard and cold. He stands between Purple and the closed door, trapping them doubly. Purple hates this room. The light here in the medbay is too bright, the smell of disinfectant too sharp and artificial. “I can’t take care of them all by myself. So you’re going to help me.”
“I already got you access to the ship’s systems. You – you said that would be the end of it.” The words falter despite their efforts, and Purple hates that too. “You can’t expect me to kill for you!”
Pink scoffs. “What, you thought I was just gonna stroll in here and take over without the rainbow squad putting up a fight? I need them out of the way.” He steps closer to Purple and puts a hand on their shifted form’s waist, above their hidden mouth. Purple freezes rigid at the touch, skin crawling under his hand. “You can’t tell me those fangs of yours are just for show, buddy.”
Purple hisses. “That’s different. I hunt for food. You’re asking me to murder.” There aren’t words in the aliens’ language to express how obscene the comparison is, but the disgust they let show on their face says enough.
“No.” Pink grabs the back of Purple’s neck, pulling them close so that their faces almost touch. If it weren’t for the helmets, a watcher might think that their mouths were about to join in an alien display of affection. The thought turns Purple’s stomachs. “I’m telling you to do it. And you’re going to do as you’re told, because we’re in this together now. You know what’s going to happen to you if I go down?”
Purple nods. “‘Strapped to a table at HQ’,” they recite, because Pink likes to make them say it if he thinks they’re getting ideas, and at least this way they get to choose their own words, they won’t have to include the parts about the scalpels and the needles. Their fury is still there, but it’s being drowned out now, replaced with sickly, hopeless dread. They’ll do as they’re told and they’ll loathe themself as much as they loathe Pink for it, but they’ll do it, because the alternative is so much worse.
“Heh.” Pink steps back, giving Purple a little shove away. “Maybe not, all the way out here. Maybe they’ll just toss you out the airlock, watch your lungs explode.”
“I don’t have lungs,” Purple mutters, fists clenched tight, glaring down at the tiled floor. They don’t trust themself to look Pink in the face right now.
“Whatever.” The door hisses open, the system repairing the temporary ‘malfunction’. Pink turns to leave, and Purple can hear the smirk in his voice without having to look up. “Just remember whose side you’re on.”
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rubberduckiemel · 4 years
There's a reason Elihal prefers his customers to come to him.
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jaqdawks · 4 years
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[ this is for the Winter Whumperland event hosted by @amonthofwhump ]
content warnings: verbal abuse mostly
context: it’s lambda again! :D this takes place before damian ever meets lambda, specifically damian would be a teenager in the timeline right now. also, the events with aiue and pete and such take place in a different country, and lambda’s whole thing is happening in the USA because it’s a capitalist’s paradise there. obriol and lambda are sort of buisness partners and also sympathizers of their not-being-human aspect, though lambda thinks of obriol as if he were scum.
“Dr. Obriol! A pleasure to have you again!” Lambda exclaimed as he shook his old colleague’s hand.
“If you don’t mind, I brought a youngling with me. You see, I was. . . forced. . . to bring him along or risk my neck,” Mr. Obriol grumbled.
Lambda cast a glance at the little one. “Oh! What a disgusting little thing,” Lambda cooed with enthrallment that didn’t match his words. “What’s it’s name?”
“His name is Aiuevhaobrorh,” Mr. Obriol said. “Aiue for short.” Aiue nervously stared at Lambda as if he were a scared animal.
“Well, how convenient that you’ve brought him! I recently adopted a son, you see,” Lambda grinned.
“Aiue doesn’t speak English.”
“What does it matter? Children find a way to communicate without the means of language.”
Mr. Obriol nodded dubiously. “So I guess this son is like a pet of yours?”
“Not at all! He is of my species,” Lambda corrected. “I was made aware of his existence only recently, and of course I intervened.”
Mr. Obriol seemed intrigued by this. Lambda’s species wasn’t something that was really born of flesh. Unlike Mr. Obriol’s disgusting race, he was not born from a horrendous sack of flesh with openings that looked like genitalia with teeth.
Lambda called for Marcel to come to the front door. Marcel wasn’t used to visitors, so he found the sight of Aiue to be quite surprising.
“This is Aiue. He only speaks Russian, but that shouldn’t be too much of an issue for you,” Lambda informed Marcel quietly. “Play nice.”
Mr. Obriol waited until the kids had disappeared before he sat down. Lambda called for one of his butlers to prepare drinks, and whispered for him to also fetch the documents.
“So, I’m sure you would like to know why I asked you to visit,” Lambda began.
“I suppose,” Mr. Obriol nodded.
Lambda suppressed the urge to call him non-confrontational over his reply. Now was not the time to ramble. He also suppressed the urge that was coming up, as he was thinking about rambling, to call Mr. Obriol an absolute fucking dumbass for not teaching his youngling English, a language that Aiue definitely needed if he were to walk in Mr. Obriol’s footsteps.
“Well, unless you weren’t aware, I know of your child trafficking business back in Volgograd,” Lambda began. Mr. Obriol seemed to adorn a nervousness as he nodded for Lambda to continue.
“I have reason to believe you and your. . . well they aren’t really colleagues are they? Hm.” Lambda paused as he thought of the most insulting way to describe them. “I have reason to believe you and your disgusting kinsmen are at risk of exposing yourselves and, in turn, tarnishing my name. What would the world think if they knew I had ties to a man who eats children? I mean really, what would they think? It isn’t every day that one is exposed for having close ties to children eaters.”
The butler returned and left a stack of papers and a tray of fine wine on the table between the two. The butler seemed very concerned to hear the word ‘children eaters,’ but money and NDAs were enough to keep Lambda unconcerned. Lambda held up the documents, which contained every leak of Mr. Obriol’s operations that had made it to Lambda’s brokers.
Mr. Obriol hesitated, and Lambda assured him the butler wouldn’t talk. “I. . . Er, well, I am doing my best to keep the authorities at bay. You know as well as I do that the urge for violence is hard to ignore for those like us.”
Lambda smiled grimly. “Dr. Obriol, I do not eat children. Murder is a crime far less immoral than eating the youth. In fact, murder is nothing compared to what you are doing.”
“Well of course. We are not the same, but we share that common ground, don’t we?”
“You feed your younglings stray cats and dogs. I feed my son a meal made for someone who is meant to act as human as possible,” Lambda crowed coldly. “We share no common ground as different species.”
Mr. Obriol was beginning to sweat. Lambda liked seeing beings as pathetic as him squirm.
“It would be a shame if I outed your little operation before it has the chance to bloody my reputation,” Lambda continued. “Actually, it would surely benefit me.”
“You wouldn’t,” Mr. Obriol scoffed.
“Oh, I would,” Lambda raised his brows. “Actually, you’ll have to convince me not to.”
Mr. Obriol scowled slightly. “Fine. What do you want?”
“I’m not sure yet. What will you offer?”
“I have a rather nice property in Mexico. Perhaps you could rent it out to others as if it were a vacation home? It is worth quite a lot.”
Lambda nodded slowly. “I’ll think about it. You may go, I’ll phone you when I have made my decision.”
Mr. Obriol let out a sigh of relief. “Thank you.”
Lambda didn’t care for the property, but he knew he could milk this situation until he got bored if he played his cards right. Mr. Obriol left shortly after with Aiue in tow, and Lambda quietly hoped he never had to see such revolting creatures again.
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