#1400 words at the intro
embarasseddragon234 · 9 months
Number two of my Tales from the Orphanage series! (Not a rewrite this time)
Summary: Mother Hubbard shook her head. “[Gwizdo]’s dug up that old stump, you know, the one out front nearly twice his size? And hunkered down in the woodshed with it. Hasn’t come out since he went in, as soon as the doctor determined you’d be fine. Really, that boy, I never understand what he’s thinking. You’re in here injured, and he’s out doing who knows what.” Her words were harsh, but she had a furrow in her brow that didn’t come from anger.
Rating: G
Relationships: Gwizdo & Lian-chu
Additional tags: Pre-Canon, Teenage Gwizdo, Teenage Lian-chu, Hurt/comfort, Found Family, Lian-chu knows his friend but is always confused by him,
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vriendenboekjes · 2 months
thesis stress moment. deleted so much i am now WELL UNDER the required word count 😭😭😭it's fine it's ok because i didnt count the introduction because it's nowhere near finished. if i just have an introduction of almost 2k (technically 1800) it should be fine HELP
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nyarados · 2 years
bedtime in 30min just enough time to finish ch1 of the fic I restarted 3wks ago???
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imaginejolls · 1 year
which one of you can help me brainstorm a barchieronnie sex scene, bcs as per usual i would appreciate some bouncing of ideas back and forth
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scarskelly · 1 year
To be Expected - David Finlay Op-ed
I'm not too sure what to call this: a Op-ed, intelligent rant, infodump, sort of an Essay, retrospective?
I'm not going to make this intro too long but basically: I have written a thing on David Finlay inspired by rambles on a discord server and the recent developments with him and Jay and Bullet Club. I have liked David for a while now and I have a lot of thoughts on his character arc and possible reasoning as to why he did what he did.
If that sounds interesting but you don't have time to read 1400 words on that, here's a quick summary.
TL;DR: David Finlay's character arc in NJPW involved him trying to deal with the two chips on his shoulder: his heritage and his temper. He went from 'desperate to be different' to 'able to coexist healthily' before regressing into what we see now. I also talk about what led to this regression and all of the factors involved (continual failure, words hurt Ospreay). I discuss David's relationship with Jay and how his finale in Japan was the last straw for David, leading him to attack at Battle in the Valley.
Look under the cut for the whole thing!
First things first: David Finlay did not start out in NJPW as a Young Lion. He actually came into the promotion as an already fully trained wrestler, having been trained by his father Fit. He gave up all of that knowledge and started again after a match against Jushin Thunder Liger who Fit had wrestled in New Japan back in '91.
David's heritage is something that has bothered him for years. Especially during his young lion and early post-graduation days, it was the big chip on his shoulder. Of course there was the element of everyone already having pre-conceptions and expectations of you but that wasn't the problem for David. His main problem was that he couldn't just be 'David', commentary would always mention (both English and Japanese) his father, grandfather, great-grandfather before him. So, when David graduated he tried to make himself as distinct as possible.
How did he do this without dropping the Finlay name?
He didn't wrestle like Fit (specifically the brawler part which we'll get to) and aesthetically he kept himself separate through different gear, hair, facial hair and even the inclusion of eyeliner for a short period of time.
The other chip on his shoulder was related to his heritage: his temper. Finlay's are quick to anger and like to brawl, Fit's nickname was literally the Belfast Bruiser. However as a young lion and later a babyface hanging out with Taguchi, you cannot be a bruiser. So, David wasn't and that was another thing he had to tussle with.
Over the years, David did make progress in these areas.
When it came to his heritage there is of course the Shillelagh but an item that he introduced earlier was the spiked leather jacket. His first one from 2018 he has passed onto Brogan (his younger brother) and he's had versions of a spiked leather jacket since then. This style of jacket being a reference to something that Fit wore during his WCW run. Speaking of Brogan, you could see his increased interaction with his brother including on some NJoA shows as a acceptance of the Finlay dynasty (even if that included Brogan getting squished by Jonah, whoops).
So what about his temper? well for this I have 2 matches to compare.
Jay White vs David Finlay, Road to the New Beginning, 5th of Feb 2018, US Championship match.
We will focus on David's relationship with Jay later but for now I want to look at the end of this match. David snaps, Jay's treatment of him from reappearance as the Switchblade until now takes its toll. While Jay is downed David grabs a chair from under the ring, bringing it in even in the presence of Red Shoes. He very nearly almost hits Jay over the head with it but ends up stopping himself. This gives Jay the opportunity to win the match.
2. Juice Robinson vs David Finlay, G1 Climax 32, 26th of Jul 2022.
In this match David is certainly much more willing to be violent and less concerned about being a pure babyface but only because of Juice's provocation. Juice starts it by targeting David's shoulder and he's the one who tries to hit David with the US title first. David even breaks his pin on Juice after hitting him with the Shillelagh to actually hit a move before picking up the win.
I like this comparison because both of these matches are ones where David is facing someone who was once very close to him shortly after they turned heel. Both times Jay and Juice try to convince David not to follow through on his violence (Jay just looks at him, possibly saying something, Juice verbally begs him).
We can see how David has grown and progressed, accepting his heritage and his short fuse as just who he is and even managing to use them to his advantage. 2022 was a good year for David. He had a successful G1 debut and very nearly almost won in a US title match. But, after being around in NJPW since 2015, 'good' and 'very nearly' had become insufficient for David.
There are so many possibilities as to why David is like how he is now. I wouldn't be surprised if it is all of them coming together to finally break the guy. Maybe the things Ospreay said to him during that press conference weighed on his mind. His absent father, his championship wins being dictated by other people and in turn the absence in actual singles glory to his name. Maybe those big wins he experienced in the G1 started an addiction for David, and with his loss to Ospreay came a desperation to experience that big win feeling again. Maybe David came to the realisation after the Ospreay match that he needed to change. This David Finlay was a loser and that would never change, so why stick with it?
Enter Jay White.
Quick Jay and David history lesson: David, Jay and Juice were in the same young lion class. They were a close knit trio but Jay and David were in particular quite close which is obvious enough from the various pictures, gifs and twitter exchanges floating around on this site. When Jay returned from excursion, both David and Juice mentioned that Jay never told them anything about his debut and attack on Tanahashi. Jay found David and Juice beneath him now, having gone off on excursion and now getting to face Tanahashi at Wrestle Kingdom. David and Juice didn't even get excursions.
David has an unfortunate trend associated with him which is 'his best friend indirectly turns heel on him by attacking Tanahashi' as Juice also did the same as Jay last year. This certainly left David with a bad taste in his mouth, he was so insignificant to these two, two of the guys he was closest in NJPW with, that they won't even directly turn heel on him? What does that say about him? or the friendships he's tried to create with fellow members of Hontai and other face groups?
Whenever he saw fit, Jay would bully David. He would lord his sheer number of wins against David over him (even when most of them were from the young lion days). When David finally did get a win over Jay he made it sound like the world was ending ("I just lost to David Finlay? Is this real right now?"). Even in Impact, Jay busied himself with continuing to bully David. Jay was also very likely the one who convinced Juice to dump David and join the Bullet Club.
In short: Jay was an annoying dickhead who nobody outside of the Bullet Club liked.
Then after losing the IWGP Championship in a situation where all of the odds were against him, Jay finds a scapegoat in Hikuleo. He lashes out and seriously threatens the career of an up and coming star in New Japan basically because the guy embarrassed him. He in turn also sabotages his own career because he's stopped caring about wrestling in Japan as he's done everything there is to do. He doesn't care about the fans or his fellow wrestlers including his own faction mates who would be leaderless. He loses and...everyone forgets everything that Jay did up to that point? Hikuleo doesn't care, Tanahashi doesn't care, the crowd doesn't care, Gedo doesn't even care.
Imagine how David felt watching this go down. Hoping to see the man he once could call a best friend who became a dastardly person, made David's life a living hell for years and stole his best friend get his just deserts. But instead he's allowed to leave unscathed and everyone is all of a sudden going to miss him so much?
Whether David was contacted by Gedo beforehand or not, he witnesses the same thing happen at Battle in the Valley and does not let Jay get his moment in the sun.
Now we're at present day. David has regressed when it comes to the relationship with his heritage, having said that all of the generations before him were losers and now he will be the Finlay to make this dynasty something to be proud of. As mentioned after attacking Jay, David has never felt truly at home anywhere and I believe he partially blames his father for that one. He's accepted his short temper and penchant for violence completely and utterly. Now he's very quick to anger in many situations not yet seen before (lashing out at fans and their signs, young lion attacks and hostile tags).
As David begins to become a more important character in New Japan, I think it is important to look back on his arc in this promotion so far as to understand what is happening now and what may happen in the future. I hope this was helpful for someone out there, or at least was an interesting read!
Thank you coming to my TED Talk.
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i think i focused too much on the results section of my thesis bc it's not even done yet and it's already almost 2500 words so it'll be min. 3000 when im done??? my lit review chapter is also not done but it's like 1400 ish so far so myb 2000? when it's done. the intro section is also not done but it's like 1000 so far i doubt it'll probably reach 2000 but i also still hv to do my last chapter which is the actual analysis plus the conclusion and ahh myb i'm going to run out of words???? also i left out whole sections of the data i collected tht i ideally shld go back and add in bc it's kind of important to the final results??? sigh god this is too much
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comfortably-queer · 1 year
SPN Comfortably Queer Zine Vol. 1 Guidelines
Here you can find information on the size and length required of your works for the zine.
Measurements: 1400 x 2000 pixels Resolution: 600 DPI
Measurements: 1400 x 2000 pixels Resolution: 600 DPI
Writing (Fanfiction)
One-shots & Poems: 250 words minimum 500 words maximum
Long Fics: 500 words minimum 1.5k words maximum
Artist/Writer Intro:
60 Words maximum
Summary (only applies to writers)
60 Words maximum
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wyrmfedgrave · 3 months
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Pics: Humor - In a Lovecraftian Vein.
1915: HPL's Output.
Intro: "The Simple Speller's Tale" is 1 of Howard's many attempts to steer his fellow UAPA members into using old- style English the same way he did.
In this particular effort, he tried to do so - with tongue in cheek.
In a reversal, HPL actually takes the side of 'modern' writers & equates their spelling usage with madness!
However, I've read of no other UAPA member who tried to follow in his footsteps...
The Work:
"When first among... amateurs I fell, I blushed in shame because I could not spell."
"Though skilled in numbers & at ease in prose, My letters I could never well dispose¹."
"Thoughts came abundant, language was the same; Yet none the less I... could (not) spell my name!"
"The kindly printer (with an eye for trade), A clumsy care for... my work displayed."
"Indifferent as I was, I used his art, Til critics cried, "My printer should be shot!"
"(So) boldly censured, I began to seek, A means to (prevent) the... reviewers' clique."
"My... eye in rage I cast around, When the wished-for plan I found."
"It happened on a Summer's holiday, That (thru) a madhouse gate I took my way."
"Within that bedlam² was a sage con- fined, Who... from too much study lost his mind."
"... Strolling out, in (his) watchful keeper's care, With childish sounds the madman filled the air."
"Still dreaming of his lettered days of yore, His ravings on remembered subjects bore."
"Dim came... what he used to teach, And he began to curse our... speech."
"... (Said) he, "The men that made our tongue, Were rogues... I shall have hung."
"For long established customs what care we? Come, let's tear down etymology³."
"Let spelling fly & (nothing) but sound remain; The world is mad & I alone am sane."
"(So) raved the sage; inventing, as he walked, A hundred ways to spell as talked."
"He simplified til his fancy bred, A system... as simple as his head."
"(A) scholar(ly) change he wrought, And altered, as he went, for want of thought."
"But I, attentive, heard with joyful ear, Wild distortions & perversions queer⁴."
"Why could not I defend my ill-spelled page? In progress' name & with (a) re- former's rage?"
"With hope renewed, I (hurried) home to write, And passing wonderful was my work that night."
"For classic⁵ purity I sought no more, But (made) worse blunders than before!"
"Oh fickle fortune! In a week my name, From scholar's praise attained (some) immortal fame."
"(While) other scribes with vague orthography⁶, Seized on the clever ruse & copied me."
"Today in every Skateville Amateur⁷, (Shapeless) letters pass as language pure."
"And when some... (perfectionist⁸) dares to raise, A voice (opposing) our (own) ways."
"We (know) the apt (remark) to give, (And) damn him as a... Conservative⁹!"
"Yet why on us your angry hand or wrath use? We do but ape Professor B_ M_¹⁰!"
1. To arrange in a certain position.
2. Bedlam was originally the name of a London mental asylum.
The Bethlem Hospital became such a landmark, that it was visited by many tourists!
Which usually came with donations & charitable contributions...
Originally, the place was a monastery called Saint Mary of Bethlehem.
But, by the 1400s, the place became "a shelter for strangers in need."
Over time, Bedlam specialized in caring for those who couldn't care for themselves - especially the mad.
The place appears in many plays & ballads - including in Shakespeare's Hamlet & Macbeth!!
In 1676, the hospital was rebuilt to look more like a palace, complete with formal gardens & Corinthian columns!
Beggars started to pretend they were lunatics to avoid being sent to prison or a workhouse.
The palatial hospital survived til 1815, when it was torn down.
3. Etymology is the study of the changes that words go thru with the unfolding of time.
Scholars use it to find a word's origin & the change in meaning that word has gone thru.
4. Queer here would have meant "odd, peculiar, eccentric."
But, earlier it described things that were about "to spoil" or become a "ruin."
Even earlier, queer was something of a "puzzle, derision" or a "cheat."
As slang, however, it had several other meanings thruout time:
A. "To shove the queer" was actually, "To pass counterfeit money!"
B. "Queer Street" was an imaginary land peopled with persons & shady characters going thru difficulties...
C. "Queer as Dick's hatband" meant "being out of order without knowing one's disease."
D. "Queer Bitch" was an "odd, out of the way fellow."
E. "Queer Ken" described "a prison."
F. "Queer Mort" meant "a diseased strumpet."
G. "Queer Rooster" was an informer - who got his info by pretending to be asleep."
H. "To queer the pitch" described a traveling tradesman's & a showman's 'performance' being "interfered with" - usually by a policeman.
The "homosexual" sense appears by 1922.
5. The sense here seems to be classic English not Classical Roman & Greek.
So, Lovecraft's beloved 1800s English.
6. Orthography means "the correct spelling & punctuation for any used language."
7. Skateville is a city in Minnesota. One of Howard's friends, D.A. Wandrei, was from St. Paul.
Wandrei actually hitchhiked all the way from Minnesota - to visit HPL in Providence!
Later in life, Wandrei & A. Derleth co- founded Arkham House to keep Love- craft's stories in print.
Without this venture it's doubtful that Howard's work would ever have be- come as popular as they are right now.
But, HPL is probably writing about some amateur press association in Skateville...
8. Lovecraft has to be parodying him- self here in these 2 couplets.
9. This was the name of Howard's own political magazine The Conservative, in which this poem 1st appeared.
10. What last human name rhymes with "use"?
Could be interesting...
Also, HPL was talking about the now discredited teaching 'technique' of hitting (& shouting at?) students.
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horrid-mothlegs · 4 months
1400 more words,, 400 ish of which are intro and conclusion so those basically don't count right haha
... I may have to save the vodka for tomorrow
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cowboystudies · 11 months
i am always sad when i have to go on site to work, but my boss also gives me candy + bagels and i can dress comfy and i am NOT one of the poor parents outside in the freezing weather watching their child play a sport. i have SO MUCH to do today (like literally 'it's worth 10% of my grade') so we gotta get crackin in the downtime at work.
work thing #1
work thing #2
grad pickup date in cal
text mom about what to text photography guy
take iron
clean out tj email
redo intro vid
put vid on eport
email support
get grad tickets
get down to 22:30 in court of mist and fury
do some nwwm!! jesus christ!!
complete moecs survey
get down to under an hour left in what moves the dead
down to 4 hours in how the word is passed
finish innovative practitioner section
finish committed to diversity section
finish reflective pracitioner
play connections
pay energy bill
likes down to 1400
buy glasses
if time at home (i may be getting home pretty late though, so we'll see):
toss stuff
post tt
clean off desk
pack a box
make bed
do nails
also def get stoned
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peaceliliesandtea · 1 year
writing a 2000 word essay…. i currently have 1400 polished words…. 3 points left to make… no intro and conclusion to speak of…. (those always come later)…. in a couple of hours time i will be paying who is the weakest link with my points….
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slavghoul · 3 years
Ghost and Sweden
I felt inspired to cobble together a loose collection of references Ghost made to their homeland of Sweden in music, lore and elsewhere, so here it is. There may be a few other trivia scattered along the way too. Feel free to add on to this post if you noticed something else & enjoy ;-)
Deus Culpa, the opening instrumental song on Opus Eponymous, is actually a traditional Swedish poem/song titled “Gläns över sjö och strand” [“Starlight on sea and sand”, also known under the name “Betlehems stjärna” – “Star of Betlehem”] recorded on a harmonium and played backwards. In Sweden, the song is mostly associated with Christmas as it tells the story of the birth of Jesus. In an interview with Sweden Rock Magazine, Tobias mentioned once he chose Gläns över sjö och strand because he thinks it’s beautiful. It was played backwards for an additional creepy factor, but also to avoid potential copyright issues. You can listen to the original here.
Ghost songs with Swedish titles:
Spöksonat – translates to ‘ghost sonata’. The motif in the melody was later used in Rats. Generally speaking, Meliora and Prequelle were both conceived at the same time, but together with producer Klas Ahlund, Tobias decided that Meliora would be released first, and Prequelle second. Though in 2015 Tobias “spoiled” the existence of Rats when he wrote this in a track-by-track guide to Meliora: “(…) the first half of this song is a spiderlike creeping little piece from a song called "RATS," which you will know about within a couple of years.”
Helvetesfönster – translates literally to ‘hell’s window’. Helvetesfönster is term dating back to 1400s depicting a particular type of dress that reveals women’s breasts from the side, which was believed attracted sin – hence, they were seen as windows to hell.
Satans Natt – translates to ‘Satan’s Night’. It was the original Swedish version of Stand By Him, written in 2006. Tobias wrote the song as a ‘parody’ of satanic / occult rock bands, but enjoyed the sound so much that eventually, with the help of his friend Gurra, he decided to turn it into a bigger project and wrote two more songs in the same vein (Death Knell and Prime Mover), and that’s more or less how Ghost was born.  
Ghost has also covered songs by Swedish artists (links are to the originals):
I’m A Marionette by ABBA
Bible by Imperiet (+ Swedish version)
Crucified by Army of Lovers
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As evidenced by intro to The Summoning videos, the Ghost ministry is located in Lincopia, Otrogothia the name of which is based on Ghost’s hometown of Linköping, which historically is located in Östergötland (Latin: Ostrogothia), one of the traditional provinces of Sweden. While Lincopia is simply Latin for Linköping, Otrogothia may possibly be a double entendre: a word play on ‘Ostrogothia’ and a Swedish word ‘otro’ meaning religious infidelity.
The place was also referenced in Ghost Grale Lincopia IPA, a beer once sold by Ghost, whose description in the stores read as follows:
The name Lincopia refers to Otrogothia, a controversial and heavily disputed tenth level of the Inferno, as described by Dante Alighieri. Considered at the time to portray hell in a positive light, as it welcomed both saints and sinners, it was deemed blasphemous and thus deleted from the original manuscript, leaving Inferno with the now legendary nine levels.
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The album art for Opus Eponymous, created by none other than Erik Danielsson of Watain, depicts the Linköping Cathedral (Linköping domkyrka). Tobias about the church:
One church in particular that inspired awe in Forge was the Linkoping Domkyrka. “Even in my hometown of Linkoping where I grew up … the Church we had was very lavish—very boasty. So it ticked most of the boxes of big imposing Christianity. And I love being there if I’m in town … because it’s just this haunting place,” Forge explained. “The walls are just whispering there—literally because people engraved things in the stone. It goes back to the 1700s when kids were in there for Bible school and you see someone engraving his name and it says something like ‘June 3rd, 1772.’
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The casual outfit of Papa Emeritus III is based on a uniform worn by King Gustav lll of Sweden during the coup d'état in 1772 (the Swedish Revolution), with a few changes made. The grucifix emblem which Papa III (and later also Cardinal Copia) wore is based on The Royal Order of the Seraphim - the highest order of chivalry in Sweden worn by Swedish royalty to this day. 
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The three crowns integrated into the grucifix (lower left part in the centre) are a reference to the national emblem of Sweden, while the lion head (lower right) is a reference to Linköping’s municipal coat of arms. These same symbols are also visible on Papa IV’s vestments:
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And last but not least, the grucifix flag which Papa Emeritus IV displays proudly on the poster for the 2022 European tour seems to resemble the national flag of Sweden.
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gorgeys · 2 years
Nerves (Emilia Alo x Reader)
Part 1 -- Part 2 -- Part 3
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You’ve been tasked to seduce Sebas, but you can’t keep your eyes off Emilia…
Emilia Alo x Fem!reader 1400 words
Not a soul had expected how Y/N would behave on excessive alcohol.  She didn’t speak to many people outside her band and Emilia, so it was a surprise when she was suddenly talking to whoever was beside her and jumping on tables to sing along to whatever song was playing.  No one was shy from hyping her up, especially when she looked like a million dollars.
“Y/N!  Stop getting distracted!” Jana suddenly appeared beneath her, yanking Y/N off the table and preventing her from singing along to the rest of the Bad Bunny song.  Those around them booed Jana for stealing the party girl from their presence.
“Oh my god, why haven’t I started drinking before, Jana?  This is awesome,” Y/N cheered, followed by a drunken giggle.  “I feel like I’m floating.”
Jana could only roll her eyes as she weaved through the crowd toward the makeshift stage, dragging Y/N behind her.
“I hope you haven’t drunk too much cause you’re on now,” Jana said before grabbing the mic stand.
“Good evening, everyone!” Jana shouted into the mic as everyone gathered around the stage.  Y/N stood behind her, smoothing out the sides of her dress, while the crowd gave a weak response.  “I hope everyone’s having a great time!”
“Are we playing or what?  Come on!” Luka interrupted, causing the crowd to cheer.  Jana gave him a look before introducing the band.
“We are Sin Nombre!”
“Show us your tits!” a guy shouted.
“Show us your balls, asshole,” Andi replied.
“I don’t think anyone wants to see that saggy shit,” Y/N mumbled, only loud enough for the rest of the band to hear and smile at.
Y/N noticed Emilia and Sebas standing side by side to her left, right at the front of the crowd.  Her gaze flickered between the two, unsure of who to look at considering they both sent her suggestive smiles.   They were both almost equally attractive qualities.
They began to notice each sway of her hips and each movement of her fingers as they ran up and down her body several drinks ago and it was impossible for either of them to ignore.  Sebas had never seen her in an dress so fitting and Emilia had never seen her so confident and outgoing.  Both parties in the relationship felt an even stronger energetic pull toward this fierce version of Y/N.
“Okay, come on!  Let’s go, let’s go!”
Jana moved away from the mic stand as the band began the song Si Una Vez.  Y/N stepped forward to wrap her hands around the mic, allowing her body to flow along to the addictive intro of the song.  Her energy seemed to spread to the rest of the students who nodded along and began to smile with her.
Yo, te di todo mi amor y más Y tú, no reconoces ni lo que es amar
Y/N pointed out into the crowd, not so secretly in Emilia’s direction, to which Emilia’s smile widened.  She remembered each time she had heard that wonderful voice fall from Y/N’s desirable lips, but the freedom behind her voice now made it more intoxicating than ever.
Sebas sucked his lips into his mouth, eyes running up and down the singer.  Y/N’s actions could be interpreted as advances toward him and in this case, that was for the better.
Yo, me puse dispuesta a tus pies
Under Emilia’s electric gaze, Y/N couldn’t help but feel more empowered than ever.  Suddenly every rational thought exited her head as she just began to move for herself in a way that felt right.
Y tan solo con desprecio me has pagado pero ahora ve
Y/N suddenly tugged the hair ties on her ponytails, pulling them out and letting her hair fall. Emilia raised her eyebrows at the action as the crowd cheered the singer on.  She always loved when Y/N’s hair naturally cascaded past her shoulders and down her back.  It felt like a guilty pleasure as each bounce of her hair seemed to happen in slow motion.
Si una vez dije que te amaba, hoy me arrepiento
Y/N grabbed the mic off the mic stand and moved the stand behind her.
Si una vez dije que te amaba No sé lo que pensé, estaba loca
Y/N ran a hand through her hair as she danced along with the music, stepping forward toward Emilia and Sebas.  Her eyes landed upon Sebas for a fraction of a second before she instinctively looked back at Emilia.  She searched for every bit of joy and approval in Emilia’s eyes.  Y/N was like a piece of pure metal attracted to the strong magnet that was Emilia.
It was to the point where Y/N had to force herself to glance back at Sebas.  But that wasn’t before sending Emilia a discreet wink.
It was the first time Y/N had made Emilia flustered and not the other way around.  Emilia felt her chest constrict around the pacey beat of her heart and suddenly she was lightheaded; high on the sight in front of her.
Si una vez dije que te amaba y que por ti la vida daba Si una vez dije que te amaba no lo vuelvo a hacer Ese error es cosa de ayer
Y/N spun as she finished the chorus, her body rolling in ways she didn’t know were possible.  The crowd cheered for Dixon’s rap, Y/N and Dixon sharing a fist bump as Dixon stepped forward.  It was short and sweet, allowing Y/N a break before she resumed from where she left off.
Yo, se que un día tu volverás
Y/N walked forward to sing into the phone cameras of the many students that were recording the performance, making sure to give each one her best look of temptation so they had something to remember from Sin Nombre, specifically Y/N Y/L/N.
Y tú
Y/N stepped to her left, toward everyone’s favorite couple.  She let her hand linger on Sebas’ arm, running down his leather jacket all the way to his wrist before she pulled away.  She ensured to purse her lips in an irresistible manner which seemed to work judging by how his eyelids were hooded over his lustful eyes.
De todo te arrepentirás
But Y/N couldn’t leave Emilia unattended as she stepped toward her.  She stuck out her limp hand toward Emilia who quickly got the hint.  She grabbed Y/N’s hand with her free one, her thumb resting softly on Y/N’s knuckles.  She slowly lifted the back of her hand to her lips without breaking intense eye contact, placing the gentlest of kisses on the smooth skin.  It was the first time her lips touched Y/N’s skin and it couldn’t have felt any better.
Y/N almost forgot sing the next lyric as she was so hung up on the way Emilia’s eyes saw into her soul and her lips kissed away her problems.  She wanted more.
Yo, me puse dispuesta a tus pies
Y/N leaned in, singing the lyrics into Emilia’s face.  The warm air dissolved into Emilia’s skin as she resisted the urge to pull Y/N that bit closer into her lips.  But, god, if she didn’t get to feel those lips later that night, Emilia was sure she’d spiral into insanity.
Y tan solo con desprecio me has pagado pero ahora ve
Y/N walked backward toward her original spot, her eyes still locked onto Emilia’s fiery ones.
Si una vez dije que te amaba y que por ti la vida daba Si una vez dije que te amaba no lo vuelvo a hacer
Y/N looked out into the crowd as they began to sing along with her, feeling an overwhelming pride that she had caused such a joyous scene among a once dull bunch of teenagers.
Emilia took a sip of her drink, watching the happiness spread across Y/N’s face.  Sometimes it felt like Y/N’s happiness was of greater importance than her own.
Ese error es cosa de ayer
Y/N leaned her head back and sang the last lyric to the ceiling before applause and cheers ensued.  Dixon instantly started a chant of her name to which Y/N cutely giggled at, feeling two strong stares burning into the side of her face.
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caithyra · 3 years
Sometimes I get unreasonably annoyed about things, and one of the thing I recently got annoyed with is that Bethesda will do anything to keep previous protagonists out of future installments, claiming that it’s for the players’ freedom to visualize their own Nereverine/Champion/Dragonborn/Whatever and keep the integrity of their choices.
Then we get shit like this in the very first line of the theme song of Skyrim in a language they invented for the game in which they could have created a genderneutral, singular “their”, or translated “ok” into a genderneutral possessive pronoun when they released the translations after the fact, since it is the language of genderless time-god-monsters:
“Dragonborn, Dragonborn, by his honor is sworn...”
Just like how Morrowind’s intro begins with:
“In the waning years of the Third Era of Tamriel, a prisoner born on a certain day to uncertain parents was sent under guard, without explanation, to Morrowind, ignorant of the role he was to play in that nation's history...”
And Neloth in Skyrim Dragonborn DLC is like:
“You are too young to remember the Nerevarine. He defeated Dagoth Ur and saved us all from the blight.”
And there’s also how Sheogorath shows up as male in Skyrim and all but confirms that he’s the Champion.
It was 11 years between Morrowind and the Dragonborn DLC, and yet they made the exact same mistake as if progress did not exist.
They could have done it like this:
“Dragonborn, Dragonborn, by their honor is sworn...”
“In the waning years of the Third Era of Tamriel, a prisoner born on a certain day to uncertain parents was sent under guard, without explanation, to Morrowind, ignorant of the role they were to play in that nation's history...”
“You are too young to remember it, but the Nerevarine defeated Dagoth Ur and saved us all from the blight.”
And then have Sheogorath either not hint at being the Champion, or explicitly go “It’s crazy how Oblivion can change a person! A decade ago, I was a vampiric Argonian lady!” or something to indicate that what we see in front of us, is not necessarily what he’s always been.
And before someone argues against singular “they” in English: *preps megaphone* IT’S BEEN IN COMMON USE SINCE CHAUCER’S TIME (1400s) AND EVEN LONGER THAN THAT!!!
There are seriously less established words in the English language that no one seems to have a problem with using, but the moment it’s singular they/their, people lose their minds about being the (uneducated) grammar police...
I needed get this rant off my chest, because it’s so annoying to have everyone go “they’re protecting the integrity of the players’ choices” when half those choices are carelessly demolished right and left without thought... *Takes a deep, calming breath.*
“Dovahkiin, Dovahkiin, Naal ek zin los vahriin...” (”Dragonborn, Dragonborn, By her honor is sworn...”)
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whumpersdump · 3 years
Project Rebirth - CH1: The Speech
So, this is my first whump work (that I’m posting;). The word count’s close to 1400 words. Worth noting, English isn’t my first language.
This chapter is from the whumper’s POV.
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TW: Restraints (like, very restrained. In a straitjacket) / muzzle / Implied past and future pet whump (institutionalized, like there is a ministry for it.) / implied torture / dehumanization (not with pronouns though)  / I think technically this also fits as lab whump, but it’s still implied.
This is the intro to my series, and doesn’t contain nearly as much whump as the next parts will. The Whumper is literally going to explain what the plot is. He’s very excited about it. He’s prepared his Project Rebirth for years. He’s prepared for anything.
Whumper straightened his back as he looked out on his audience. He hovered his hand over the remote he’d use for this slides, and corrected the position of his speech cards. “We live in a world that is on the brink of change.”
He opened the first slide. He’d picked it all out with the most care he could give it. This one featured headlines from the past few years. ‘An Epidemic of Defiance. How Can We End It?’. ‘More Pet Returns Than Ever Before’. ‘Interest In Re-Training Skyrockets’.
‘Pet Escapes a Record Thirty Times’.
He gave his audience a moment to take the headlines in, before continuing his speech. The last one in particular. His soon to be masterpiece.
“Throughout the past centuries, thousands of specialists have committed themselves to the task of training the pets we cherish so much. There are ones for every type. Those that breed defiance, or rather submission. Quiet pets, or loud ones. All tastes can be accounted for today. However, not for all pets.”
He gestured to the last headline. “No matter how hard we’ve tried, again and again, some pets never seem to learn. What then?”
He held his hands up as if waiting for an answer to his rhetorical question. “We keep them as examples, to teach the ones that will learn to know their place. Or in the most extreme cases, we have even considered resort to well… extreme measures. I’m here to tell you, I have the solution.”
“Project Rebirth will put an end to to our struggles. My program can turn any pet in the pet that you deserve. It can make them the submissive and obedient friend you require. It can also create that fiery defiance that makes them seem almost human.”
He took a breath as some faces in the audience grew a frown. “Without the risk that compels us to train it out of them.”
The audience calmed, their faces filled with curious anticipation. Right where he needed them to be.
“Defiance,” he began. “It’s not the only flaw in our pets that drives us to return them to their trainer’s doorstep or worse— leave them on the streets. However it is the most common problem we face today. Whether it is violence to themselves or others, failure to comply, or accept their place in our world, if you’re here today you’ve seen it.”
He pointed at his so coveted headline again. “Even if you’re not the proud owner of a pet of your own, I don’t think there’s many of us that haven’t seen this headline re-appear over the past years. Different numbers, of course.” That got a giggle from a businessman in the front row.
“The pet in question has never actually qualified for placement. This pet is the one that made us consider those extreme measures. They’ve escaped every institution that made the mistake to consider them just another pet. Not even the most renowned specialists have managed to break them, our greatest heroes included.”
He looked down, and basked in the eager anticipation that hung in the room. “With Project Rebirth, I can tame even them.”
Right on cue, his assistant Toby entered the stage. Obedient as ever. Toby’s owner had volunteered him to test the last stage, but passed away. The pet was left in Whumper’s care. Not too bright—like all pets—but among the smartest nonetheless. He was one of the rare ones that truly understood his place. Which was why he was the only pet allowed near the Project without going through it.
Toby pushed forward a hand truck Whumper had specifically designed for today’s purpose. To restrain the most dangerously defiant pet in decades, while making sure the entire audience would catch a glimpse of what would soon be called a miracle.
Muffled curses came out from under the muzzle, their muscles twitched even within the stark white straitjacket and countless restraints that kept them in place. They were as heavily sedated as they could be without them losing their spark. The few master trainers in the audience would know this was a fraction of the inferno their anger and fear could cause, but to everyone else this was spectacle enough.
“Now I’m sure you’re all familiar with at least several of the many names their different trainers have given them, but under my care, for the following months, they will be known as Subject One. After all, they will be the first pet to complete the entire Rebirth program.
“Of course we shouldn’t forget the people that have selflessly volunteered the most intelligent pets of the nation to test the stages separately.” He didn’t want to say this, but his PR manager assured him it would backfire on him if he didn’t. “It is because of them I can finally introduce Project Rebirth’s trial phase to you all.”
He flashed on an as genuine smile as he could muster, and clicked over to the next slide. “With Project Rebirth, any pet can be reborn in anyway you wish them to be. Our entire program is tailored to the pet’s past, and our client’s needs. As will be the program for our dear Subject One.”
As he stared into the pet’s frantic eyes, a frown curled so deep it almost folded over their muzzle. In just a few months, even they would be a sea of calmness. As the ministry desired.
“The ministry of pet management has turned Subject One over to my care in the hope that I could achieve what no one else could.” A few faces turned to others, soft whispers spread through the room. Some sighed. In the back, someone even got up.
It didn’t matter. He would blow their minds. “What if I told you, that within the same time it took for this pet to escape those 30 times, I can turn them into the pet you all wish your pets strive to be?” That got their attention back.
“In the past month me and countless professionals that work under Project Rebirth have evaluated and tested each and every part of this pet.” He clicked to the next slide. It featured a number of diagrams detailing everything from personality traits to behavioral patterns.
“We quite literally mapped their defiance. Starting tonight, Project Rebirth will uncover the treasure buried under the large X that marks all of their placement forms.”
The following slide showed pictures of the test subjects placed in different stages of the program. Pre-Birth, Infancy, and the Toddler stage, as some of the staff had dubbed it. Though, on the official notes they just numbered them.
“Project Rebirth consists of 8 stages. The first you’re all familiar with.” He put on a smile again as a few people predicted what he’d say. “That dreaded evaluation that tells you where you went wrong.” A soft laugh went through the room.
“The second is more for us rather than the pet, but rest assured they won’t be forgotten. In our second stage we take what we’ve learned and map not only their behavior, but also the program in accordance with said behavior.”
He held his hands up. “Now, the third and onward… those are a bit of a trade secret. Rest assured, should you decide to put your money—” he blinked, to ease the not-so subtle request— “and once our first trial is completed, your pets in out care, you won’t be disappointed.” He nodded, marking the end of his speech.
“Now my scientists will happily answer as much of your questions as they can, after which those of you who decide to support my goal will be given a small sneak peak into our second stage. Which I assure you, is just the tip of the iceberg.”
Applause erupted from the audience, as Subject One trashed against their restraints. Whumper smiled. He gave them one last bow, and turned the presentation back the headlines.
If he succeeded, his program could become the standard worldwide. All he had to do, was get all those people to throw enough money at him to make it possible on such a scale.
He turned off his microphone and addressed the assistant that had patiently waited beside the subject for his orders. “Toby, write down your last observations on the subject’s responses. I want a presentable report within two hours. And tell the staff to begin storage preparations. Tier 3, please.”
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naturesgender · 3 years
cons of being a bitch w/adhd in an intro to queer studies class: we are regularly assigned upwards of 100 pages of dense reading per class and u know my distractable ass is gonna take Hours to get through that so my moodle posts will be late
pros of being a bitch w/adhd in an intro to queer studies class: the moodle post (which is supposed to be 300 words or over) is part of a Queer Studies Class so it will be late but it will be 1400 words about my feelings
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