beginagainbook · 14 days
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wormbloggign · 5 months
taylor "figuring out" dragons tinker speciality is really funny
like yeah lets... go with that
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transboykirito · 5 months
Stop talking about 16.5 like it's canon. It was never canon. It was uploaded to a section of Reki's website with another fanfic type bonus chapter. They aren't canon. Kirito and Asuna didn't have sex until Ordinal Scale.
"is 16.5 canon or not?" - the debate that has raged since fucking 2009, finally put to rest
16.5 is canon. the events of 16.5 have been referenced multiple times in canon material. i will elaborate on that in one second, but first of all, on your note about the bonus chapters:
"the bonus chapters were in a seperate fanfic section"
the bonus chapters, 16.5 and warmth of the body, were included in a seperate section on reki's site, yes, but it wasn't a fanfiction section. it was an nsfw section. they were seperate because they had explicit content. warmth of the body is also, technically, canon. it's a joke chapter, it takes place in a dream. that's the punchline. none of it really happened, it was lisbeth dreaming.
16.5 was there because it was explicit sexual content. before anyone points out that there was sexual content in the main web novel chapters - yes! there was! but it was never explicit, not to the degree of 16.5/wotb. sugary days, phantom bullet and alicization all had sexual content, but it was left more vague and implied than explicitly described - sugary days fades-to-black after kisses and touches, phantom bullet doesn't explicitly label any body parts, alicization only shows the aftermath. it wasn't explicit, it didn't need to be seperated.
16.5 is referenced in canon material
16.5 is referenced multiple times in canon, including in the main novels and also in sugary days - which is also confirmed as being canon.
“O-Of course I’m nervous at least. This is… my first time.” “Eh…? First… but yesterday… no, the day before that, at your room in Selmburg, we…”
(sugary days chapter 2)
so there's that quote, where kirito and asuna are listening to each other's heartbeats and, after a misunderstanding, kirito says their first time was two nights earlier, the night he proposed to her in her room in selmburg. aka, their first time was during the events of 16.5.
it's also referred to a few more times during sugary days, more vaguely, but still implied. if you want to read through all of the awkward fluff, be my guest.
then, if you debate the canonicity of sugary days (despite it being confirmed as canon by reki multiple times and officially published), it's also been confirmed again in unital ring.
But then I recalled that there was another noteable exception: Sword Art Online. If you dug extremely deep into the setting menu and disabled the moral code setting, it was possible to perform The Deed.
(unital ring volume 24, chapter 2)
there, kazuto explicitly confirms that the ethics code existed in sao and, in the full context of the scene, obviously confirms that he and asuna made use of it. frequently. get a room, losers.
but, even without those confirmations, she strips to her underwear, tells him about the ethics code, the scene fades to black, and she wakes up naked in bed. they had sex. she did not get butt-ass naked just to sleep with a man chilling in her room twiddling his thumbs sitting on the edge of her bed for two hours. they had sex. it's explicitly described, and then later confirmed several times.
16.5 has always been canon. always. i genuinely don't understand how people still deny that, especially now that it's been backed up by an officially published main-series novel.
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itek1 · 11 months
Apple blocca le firme di iOS 16.5.1 da oggi niente più Downgrade a versioni precedenti
Apple ha bloccato le firme di iOS 16.5.1 da oggi niente più downgrade a  versioni precedenti. Apple blocca le firme di iOS 16.5.1, questo firmware da oggi non sarà più ripristinabile da iTunes e quindi niente più downgrade, soprattutto per tutti coloro che hanno installato iOS 16.6. L’ ultimo aggiornamento iOS da tabella, in questo momento eseguibile sui dispositivi è iOS 16.6. Seguimi su…
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l-mop · 1 year
[16.5 spoilers. I’m gonna start labelling em like this]
Lost Kennet? Lost Kennet LOST KENNET LOST KENNET
Lost shit is like my favorite part of Pale. i am the world’s #1 snowdrop stan but also i love wildbow’s other backrooms critters. Very excited for more Lost getting involved in the story (or possibly nabbing the Thunder Bay Lost and pulling em a town over?). As long as the new Lost aint on the one on DVD, hyuk hyuk hyuk!
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9oolecom · 1 year
Apple Releases Version 16.5 Of IOS And IPadOS
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campervanoutpost · 2 years
Homeon Wheels Safety RV Steps 16.5" x 12.2" RV Step Stool Folding Platform Step with Non-Slip Durable Feet, Reflective Stripe, Grip Handle, RV T Level More Stable Supports Up to 1000 lbs
Homeon Wheels Safety RV Steps 16.5″ x 12.2″ RV Step Stool Folding Platform Step with Non-Slip Durable Feet, Reflective Stripe, Grip Handle, RV T Level More Stable Supports Up to 1000 lbs
Homeon Wheels Safety RV Steps 16.5″ x 12.2″ RV Step Stool Folding Platform Step with Non-Slip Durable Feet, Reflective Stripe, Grip Handle, RV T Level More Stable Supports Up to 1000 lbs Product Description & Features: EXTRA STABLE: Firstly, the Folding platform step stool has 16.5″ x 12.2 ” platform can provides extra stability for out of reach projects comparing to other which only has 7.9″ x…
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transboykirito · 7 months
Where does Kirito say that about Asuna?
While she was the woman whom I knew the best and loved the most, the crazy thought that I was deep inside Aincrad's top idol at this moment was spinning around my mind, making me go crazy.
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graycorbeau · 3 years
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Scene from 16.5 of my Ao3 fic collection.
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so-litudinal · 3 years
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bad-draft-stuff · 4 years
det. AU 16.5
The Daemon Sultan stared in confusion at the scene unfolding in front of him. It was normal for this human man, male, Farmer-variant, a young one about 50 years old, to have visitors, but none like this. Two more humans, both male, in matching black suits and sunglasses, had rather suddenly shown up and started questioning the Farmer. "Suddenly" was not a term the Sultan liked to use, but it was the only descriptor he could think of.
The Sultan had hidden himself immediately, of course- He was dumb, but not stupid. It was bad enough that the Farmer had probably seen him with his guard down, he didn't need more humans knowing he was here. Peering through the cornstalks he was bound to remain in, he tried to eavesdrop.
"-n' I'm tellin' ya, I've seen 'em plenty o' times! Every otha' week or so, those damn ufos come swoopin' down 'ere n' snatchin' up my cows!"
Ah. This again. The Farmer was what the Sultan learned was called a "Conspiracy Theorist"- Wait, no. That was for people who believed in things that didn't exist. The word he wanted was "Correct". Aliens very obviously existed- The Sultan was one himself, a fact he never really considered often. But here, "aliens" was meant to refer to the Yith that had recently visited to borrow a livestock sample, not that the Farmer knew this. He insisted on calling them "Little green men", which confused the Sultan greatly. They weren't even green. Perhaps this Farmer was colorblind. That would explain a lot of things.
As he kept listening, he heard the Farmer refer to the Yith as "Liddl' shits that just want me damn cattle!" and couldn't help but scoff and shake his head. The Farmer had no idea what he was talking about, like usual.
Glancing back up, he shifted his bangs to see better before immediately getting something in his eyes. Pollu-- No. Pollen. Was it pollen? He rubbed his eyes in annoyance- The human form had ways to prevent things from getting into eyes, but they almost never worked. Maybe he could think of a better way to...
Once able to see, he saw one of the suited men looking in his direction, one he decided to call "the Suit". The Sultan wasn't worried- He had censored himself from everyone's senses. It was his favorite trick, one that put "Blind Idiot God" in a different perspective. He was still an Idiot God, but no one could see him like this... Until he realized they weren't looking away. The man couldn't see him, impossible. No one, mortal or not, could see him censored. Maybe. Usually.
The Sultan looked down at his hands, and found they had been lightly covered in something silver and sparkly. Pollen wasn't silver or sparkly. He knew that much from being here.
He started to wipe his hands off on his shirt, and then stopped with a realization. It wasn't coming off, and the Suit was approaching him. Oh no. Oh, no. Was it on his face? Was it in his hair?? Was this powder what he thought it was???
A quick sniff confirmed it for him. Powder of Ibn-Ghazi, made with human bones and used to... See.... The invisible........
Without a word, the Sultan turned around and started walking away, hoping it wasn't also on his back. It was quickly proven that it WAS, as something small and loud hit him in the shoulder. Definitely a gunshot. He didn't need to see that to know that's what it was, or why his whole arm exploded in pain. He glanced back to see the Suit coming closer, frowned, and made a very poor decision- He ran.
At least, he thought he had been running. One moment he was certain he had been, the next he was not. The next... The... ... ...
... ... ....... ....... .............
The Sultan drowsily blinked as he tuned back into the mortal realm. Why was he on the ground, he briefly wondered, before realizing the Suit was leaning over him. The Suit was staring at him, but the Sultan couldn't discern his facial expression due to his sunglasses.
"I'm not supposed to be helping you," said the Suit, helping the Sultan up off the ground, "But with these kids shooting off fireworks, it's too dangerous to leave you here." Above them in the sky were displays of gunpowder and light- The aforementioned fireworks. The Sultan observed these for a few moments before pausing, seeing a few fireworks that were... Rather close? He wasn't sure how to word this. As he started to address this minor concern, one of the gunpowder-containing rockets began to drop out of the sky, having not gone off. The Sultan merely watched as the Suit whipped around to see it in a panic. The Sultan didn't share the sense of urgency, unsure why it was such a threat until it actually landed on the ground and spectacularly exploded, throwing bodies, sparks, and burnt corn alike.
The Sultan, relatively unfazed outside of the burnt patches on his clothes, pulled himself out of the fallen cornstalks. The cornfield had become engulfed in flames, and amusingly enough some of the surviving stalks had started shooting off burnt popcorn.
Not a big deal, the Sultan figured. With the destruction of the field, his exile would end. Perhaps he should of thought of this earlier. Maybe then he would have been sitting indoors with a nice textbook and pot of--
He tore himself out of his thoughts as he heard distant yelling over the roar of the flames. For a moment he thought it was the Farmer, but he quickly realized his mistake. This was clearly the other suited man's voice, not having the same vocal inflictions as the Farmer.  And they were... Calling for someone? For the Suit, who the Sultan now learned had a name- Alvere.
Huh. He'd never even considered these people had names. Upon considering further, he realized he didn't even know the Farmer's name. Hhhhuh.
But irrelevant! The Suit- Alvere- was nowhere in sight. The Sultan could not see very far past the walls of fire, so there was nothing he could.... No! No, there was something he could do! He might be dumb at times, but even he occasionally had ideas!
Temporarily suspended from his exile, the Sultan immediately and intentionally went back to where he had been prior- That is, the Detective's office. He was immediately greeted with a scream of terror from the Detective, which he had not expected but did not react to either.
"Howdy. Corn's on fire," the Sultan plainly stated, hoping to keep things simple.
"What?!" responded the other, Blond Detective.
"Corn's on fire," the Sultan repeated dully, "I didn't do it." A brief pause, and then started to add "Do you have one of those... um," before stopping, realizing he didn't know the earth words for this. Giving up, he ended his sentence with "Things," and hoped the point got across.
Unfortunately, it did not, and he had to append after a pause "Big tube. Spray. Fire bad."
"A fire extinguisher?" asked the Blond Detective, to which the Sultan replied "That's the bitch".
The two Detectives briefly discussed this while the Sultan finally thought about what he was doing. If he helped put out the fire, his exile might last longer. He'd never considered this outcome. He'd never considered an outcome at all, only the idea of being useful.
The fire extinguisher was pushed into his hands, and he snapped back to attention.
"Here, you can have it," the Blond Detective was saying. The Sultan hesitantly took it, commenting how he'd only wanted to borrow it before realizing that was what had been said.
"Oh, that's what you meant. I will try to return it as..." he trailed off to stifle a yawn. Now of all times! "Soon as I can, but no... No promises."
With further permission granted, the Sultan started to speak and then stopped, visibly and mentally struggling for words. His language did not have words for gratitude, and he wasn't sure how to properly use the ones in the currently-used language. He eventually settled on giving a clearly uncomfortable thumbs up and mumbling "Sick," before disappearing from that scene, leaving the two Detectives in silence and burnt popcorn scent.
The Sultan was already spraying the extinguisher the moment he reappeared in the corn field. Sure, he may have broken the handle, but it was doing what was needed despite that. Looking around, he was now easily able to spot the poor Su- no, Alvere. He was easily able to spot poor Alvere half-buried under burnt crops and quickly reached out to scoop him up while still extinguishing some of the fire. It didn't dawn on the Sultan that pulling out any kind of alternate limb- benign or not- would possibly frighten any other bystanders until after he realized he was being watched. He didn't need to turn his head to see who it was, but for it felt right to.
It, of course, was the Farmer, gawking and pointing at the Sultan's tentacles. What a surprise. To the Farmer's credit, though, he didn't retreat when the Sultan brought his tentacles closer to him. The Sultan didn't question it, of course- He was busy. And he was too busy to hold an injured human, so he slowly placed Alvere down next to the Farmer. He didn't even turn to make sure the Farmer would do something- He was sure the Farmer would act.
"Toldya there were aliens!!" shouted the Farmer some time later, shattering the Sultan's concentration into smithereens. He quickly whirled around to see what the big deal was- Too quickly, in fact, as he managed to smack himself with one of his own tentacles and make himself dizzy... ... ..No, not again! He was NOT going down two times in one evening! He hated doing it, but at this rate he was going to need to personally stop the cause of this. He'd only need a moment of concentration to--
Wiggling, writhing, bubbling, toiling, nothing was needed and nothing was done. No. No! He was here in his true body for a reason! Finding the underling with the flute was always easy, especially when he was alert, so he was going to do it right now. With a few eyes on the northern axis he spotted the flute player and without hesitation reached from the corner of the boundary to snatch the flute from their nameless paws. That being done, he could return to the human avatar and continue what he was doing.
--Much better. Now that the noise was gone, the Sultan could focus much easier on what was occurring, that being the Farmer yelling up a storm while the other suited man tried to patch up Alvere. Neither of the suited men seemed all that thrilled about the situation, and the fire was definitely gone, so the Sultan opted to move in closer. Slowly, not too slowly but not too fast either. He certainly would not be spotted at this speed, he believed, only to be proved wrong immediately when all three humans looked at him.
Shit. Well, no getting out of this one!
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idropnews · 5 years
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The 16-inch MacBook Pro Could Be Coming in September After All
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st-just · 2 years
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She’s adorable.
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