#16k follower celebration
builtbybrokenbells · 6 months
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Sloth: an excessive laziness or the failure to act and utilize one’s talents
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x f!reader
Word Count: 16k
Warnings: SMUT 18+, unprotected sex, fingering (f!receiving), oral (f!receiving), oral (m!receiving), face fucking, masturbation (f!receiving), mentions of female masturbation, mentions of sex toys, light bondage play, orgasm denial, impact play, sir kink, praise, degradation, name calling, dom/sub, bratty sub, choking, spanking, lots of dirty talk, mentions of blood, (this is just filthy for the most part tbh), crying, mentions of addiction, drinking, swearing, fluff, sorry if i miss any!!
Merry Christmas from me to you (if ya celebrate)! I sincerely hope you like this as much as I liked writing it. As always, be kind, enjoy, and don’t mind any grammar mistakes! (Very lightly edited) also, if you haven’t yet, check out the playlist i made linked on the Masterlist! Much love 🫶🏻
You cut the power to the element of your stove, giving the contents of the frying pan one last stir before moving it to the side. The sun outside was shining in through the windows, the golden rays powerful as a last ditch attempt to lighten the land before setting for the night. You took a sip from your wine glass as you grabbed the pot of pasta noodles and brought them to the sink to strain. Music was drifting through the air, and the candle burning on the countertop offset the strong smell of the pasta sauce you had just finished cooking. Your hair was still damp from your shower, and light makeup was dusted on your face. You were dressed comfortably, but still took the time to pick out a nice outfit for the occasion. All of the classic telltale signs of romance was lingering in the atmosphere, yet you still had yet to come to terms with the fact.
You were preparing for a date, even if you refused to admit to it.
You brought the pot back to the stove, adding the pasta to your sauce and combining the two. Just as you finished washing your hands to rid yourself from the mess you made, your doorbell rang. With a small sigh of approval, you looked over your work before running to answer the door. You nervously combed through your hair with your fingers, trying to contain your excitement as you flipped the lock and twisted the knob to reveal the body waiting on the other side. Jake stood with a smile on his lips, a bag slung over his shoulder, and a seemingly expensive bottle of wine held in his hand.
“Hi,” You breathed, stepping aside to allow him entry. It had been a few days since seeing him, and you hated to admit to the fact that you had genuinely missed him. The calls and texts were still plentiful, yet his presence in your home was more appreciated than you realized.
“Hi, sweetheart.” He chuckled at your expression, feeling the same way you were feeling. Being apart from you was similar to a withdrawal from substance, yet a million times more powerful. His bed felt so empty that sometimes, he thought that sleeping on the couch would be a better way to spend the night. “I brought wine. I thought if I brought flowers, you might punch me.”
“Good call.” You agreed, taking it from his hand so he could balance the rest of his belongings with ease. “You didn’t have to bring anything, you know.”
“I wanted to.” He said, following you as you walked back to the kitchen. “It’s our first dinner together. It’s a momentous occasion.” You rolled your eyes, placing the bottle next to the one you had already opened in the fridge.
“I told you not to make a big deal out of it. I was cooking already; you’re not special.” You closed the door to the refrigerator and straightened up. As soon as you did, you felt a pair of hands snake around your waist. You hated that your heart sped in reaction to the touch, and you what you hated even more was that you melted into the feeling, leaning back into him and closing your eyes to enjoy the moment.
“Not special?” He hummed, his fingers inching under your shirt and settling on the soft skin just below the fabric. “Don’t hurt my feelings, angel.”
“You’ll survive.” You assured him, turning around to face him. He caught your eye, giving you a smile. “Thanks for coming.” You felt guilty about your harshness, and upon catching sight of his face, your tough exterior seemed to melt away. He was used to your brashness, and it never seemed to phase him. When you turned to face him, his face held so much adoration that it almost seemed like you never insulted him at all.
“Thanks for inviting me.” He leaned down, capturing you in a small kiss. You wrapped your arms around him, pulling him closer in hopes of making up for the days of missing him. You were too stubborn to hug him, feeling that the innocent intimacy was too much, so you only allowed it when his lips were locked with your own. It was a cheat, your way of breaking your own rules, but he abided without argument. When he pulled away, he held you there for a moment, taking a long look over your face in hopes of familiarizing himself with your features again. Although, he did not have to try very hard; the picture of your face was the only thing his mind had been able to formulate since the last time he saw you.
Casual was becoming harder and harder with every day that passed, but neither of you felt the need to address it. You thought that by ignoring the growing feelings, they would die in the same place they blossomed. Your laziness in regards to discussing your relationship had not yet caused an issue, yet the longer you let it go, the more dangerous it became.
“You look nice.” You said, straightening out the collar of his shirt. “Didn’t need to dress up for me.”
“Maybe I wanted to,” he offered, raising a gentle hand to your cheek. His thumb drifted across the smooth skin, sending goosebumps across your whole body. Now that your past was out in the air and he knew more about you than you ever wanted him to, your comfortability had grown immeasurably stronger. Every time he touched you, he seemed to exude even more caution. It was his inconspicuous way of saying he would never touch you in any way other than loving, and you would have chastised him for it if you didn’t like it so much. His gentle hand was the reason you trusted him as much as you did, and it had been so long since you felt a touch so calming that you could not seem to turn him away. “Ever think of that?”
“I did, but I was hoping I wasn’t right.” You teased, feeling your walls of fear slowly crumbling to the ground the longer he looked into your eyes.
“Too bad.” He shrugged, his sympathy barely existing.
“You hungry?” You asked, changing topics so you did not have to focus on his need to impress you.
“Yeah,” he nodded, his eyes flickering to the stove. “Food looks fantastic, but what would you say if I told you that I have something even better in mind?” He raised an eyebrow.
“You’re gonna discredit all of my hard work just for sex?” You teased, but you weren’t completely disinterested in his idea.
“You’re right, how rude of me.” He chuckled. “Let’s eat, sweetheart.” He leaned down, giving you another quick kiss before parting from you. You took to the stove, grabbing the plates you had set out before he arrived. “Anything I can help with?” He watched as you prepared the food for both of you.
“You can sit at the table so you’re not in my way?” You offered, giving him a small smile as you looked back over your shoulder.
“My apologies; didn’t realize how strict your kitchen rules were.” He laughed, but adhered to your request and took a seat at the table. Within a few moments, you brought both plates over and sat them down in front of your respective seats. Then, you filled up a second wine glass and returned back to the table. You placed one in front of him before taking a seat yourself. “Would it be too much to say that I missed you?” He asked, now especially careful to tread lightly when it came to your boundaries. After your confessional in his car the night you met his brothers, he was even more terrified of saying or doing the wrong thing and in turn, driving you away. Although denial was your most favourite pastime, you failed to see that being so fearful of losing each other was the furthest thing from casual that you could get.
“I’ll allow it, but only because I missed you too.” You chuckled, sipping at your wine.
“This is delicious, by the way.” He noted.
“Thanks. You’ve been too busy to come and see me, so I figured I had to impress you to make sure you’re not forgetting about me.” You teased.
“Like I said before, angel, forgetting you has never been my intent. In truth, it’s never really been an option.” He assured you, catching your eye so you could see the sincerity in his gaze.
“Would it be selfish of me to say that I’m glad for that?” You phrased your question similar to how he asked you his own just minutes before.
“No,” he shook his head “I’d feel the same if it were the other way around.” You smiled at his words, burying your face in your wine glass to hide the rosiness of your cheeks. “And I wasn’t too busy for you; life just gets crazy sometimes.”
“I know, I’m only teasing.” You promised. “How’s work going?”
“Good, we just finished up writing the last touches on the album. Think next week we’re going to start recording.”
“Exciting.” You hummed. “I think maybe it’s time I listened to some of your music, since we’re friends and all.” You laughed nervously, embarrassed that you’d known him for weeks and had yet to hear him play. It was your way of keeping the barrier between you, ensuring that your lives didn’t intertwine too delicately, but it was long overdue. You were putting off the inevitable, and listening to a song he wrote did not equate to marriage, even if you previously thought so.
“Whenever you want.” He smiled. He didn’t want to push it on you, and he was more than willing to wait until you were ready. As much as he’d like to play all day for you, he would only enjoy it if you were enjoying it, too. “How’s work for you?”
“Oh, the same.” You shrugged. “Did another wedding, a maternity, and a first birthday party.” You listed. “I wasn’t going to do the birthday party, but babies are just too cute to refuse, especially when they get their hands on their little birthday cake.” You laughed. He cocked his head to the side ever so slightly, watching you with curiosity. He didn't peg you for someone to go crazy over babies, yet he found it oddly fitting. “What?” You asked, noticing his change in expression. “I like kids, but it doesn’t mean I want any.”
“Never said there was anything wrong with it,” he defended “just took me by surprise is all.” You shifted in your seat, nervous that he was reading too much into the simple statement. “I’d like to see some of your work, if you’re ever willing.”
“Maybe.” You offered, both of you knowing that it was unlikely that you ever would. The rest of the meal was shared in silence, but it was not uncomfortable for either of you. You didn’t know how to carry on the conversation, and he was just happy to be with you. When you were both finished eating, you cleared the table and placed the dirty dishes in the sink. Before you could turn around, you felt the same familiar pair of hands on your hips, jumping at the suddenness of his actions. He leaned down, pressing his lips into the skin just below your ear with great caution. A shiver ran down your spine at the feeling, and your eyes fluttered closed at the bliss that came along with it.
“Thank you.” He whispered, his lips ghosting over any available inch of you.
“You’re welcome.” You responded, resting your hands over his which he had slid to your stomach. He pulled you in to him a little further, another subtle way of hugging you without making it into a grand show of affection.
“Interested in dessert, by any chance?” He purred, his teeth sinking into your earlobe. You couldn’t help but smile at him, knowing that dinner was nothing short of torture to him after going so long without you.
“Can’t wait to get me in bed?” You teased, but your body was betraying you. As his fingers danced over your skin, you let out a shaky breath. You missed him just as much as he missed you, and you were eager to get his clothes off, too.
“I’ve waited long enough, don’t you think?” His fingers dipped below the waistband of your leggings, settling on the elastic of your underwear but advancing no further until you gave him permission.
“I think you can wait a little longer,” you did not believe that either of you could, yet you couldn’t help but try your best to piss him off. “I have to do the dishes, Jacob.” There was something so compelling about the fire in his eye when you misbehaved, and you were searching for it like a lost child looking for a place to call home.
“I don’t think I can, angel.” His fingers slipped even further down, now resting contently underneath all layers of clothing. “I’ve been thinking about bending you over this countertop all fucking week.” He said, leaning forward slightly to lock you in place. You tried your best to cover it, but your breath hitched in your throat at the thought of the vulgarity. You couldn’t see him, but you knew there was a smirk on his lips from the reaction. “From the sound of it, you have been, too.” Your eyes fluttered closed, your mind focusing on the feeling of his fingers so close to your heat. You were aching for relief, and he’d barely even touched you. Your body needed him so desperately that not even you could comprehend it. “Right?” He pressed further, hoping for a verbal response.
“Yes, sir.” You whispered, hoping he would continue on instead of teasing you. In truth, what he guessed did not even come close to the truth of how much you’d been thinking of him. It was more than just a passing thought of sex in the kitchen, or a night spent tangled up in each other. Every time you let your mind wander, it ended up in a grotesque picture of him taking you as he pleased, and it was not limited to the kitchen. Every time your eyes fell upon a surface in your house, you could picture the two of you together, cementing memories of sin until the end of time. He hadn’t left your mind once since the last time you were in his company, and dinner was a boring formality to bridge the gap between reuiniting and having him in every way you dreamed of in the passing days.
Your need for him was filthy, concupiscent and lacking any moral will. The devil had completely overtaken you, and you were so blind to his evil that you tricked yourself into believing you were happy to be chosen by him.
“Tell me how much you missed me, angel.” He ordered, finally moving his middle finger to your cunt. The touch was gentle, barely noticeable, yet it had enough strength to bring you to your knees. He ran the digit through your pooling arousal, trailing it up to your clit where he began tracing small, featherlight circles. His order was partially because he wanted to make you suffer, knowing that after so many days, it would be difficult for you to form any thoughts while he was touching you. A bigger part of him needed to hear it, because the desire to know he was needed by you was suffocating him.
“So much, Jake.” You whimpered, praying to a god that you were not even sure existed. If there was anything holy in the world, you were sure it would have stricken down any amount of evil, especially one as large as Jake possessed. Then again, you feared that he had too much power for any entity to control, feeding your fear of his devilish nature even further. “I thought about this every night.”
“You poor little thing,” he crooned, sympathy barely existing within him. “All alone with nobody here to take care of you.” His touch grew stronger, making your legs quiver underneath the weight of your body. “What did you do without me here?” His question, although seemingly simple, was opening the door to a lifetime of humiliation. He wanted to hear every dirty thing you got up to with only a picture of him in your mind. “I want to hear all about it, angel.” You could feel his erection pressing into your ass, noticing him growing more needy by the second.
As much as he loved to pretend he was in charge, he could never seem to harness enough strength to control his need for you.
Even if you didn’t know it, you were the sole holder of the power; you held the reins, and he was willing to go to the ends of the earth to please you.
“I bet you would.” You huffed, trying your best not to succumb to the pleasure his curious fingers were granting you. You lowered your shaking hands into the scalding water, feeling defeat fill you as you realized that not even the burn of the heat could overpower the godless man who was so keen on making you suffer. “I’m a little busy at the moment, though.”
“I would, and I will.” He corrected, unwilling to take any argument from you. “You can do your dishes, but I’m going to have my fun, sweetheart. You should know better by now.”
“I should,” you muttered, trying not to give in to the temptation of him. It was so much more fun to tease him, and you had committed yourself to the task since the very beginning. “Are you trying to show off? Upset that I’d rather do the dishes than have sex with you?” He’d grown so used to your antics that the insult did not even phase him. Instead, he let out a low chuckle as he pulled down the waistband of your pants with his free hand, settling it just below your ass.
“I don’t think you’re telling the truth, baby.” He called your bluff, his middle finger still focused intently on your clit. “She’s telling me everything I need to know.” A rush of emotion settled in the pit of your stomach, still finding his obscenity shocking, even if it was incredibly hot. “Now, answer the fucking question.” His tone was sharp, but not malicious. Yet, anyway. You knew if you played his game, you would reap the rewards. If you did what you so badly wanted to and mocked his authority, the consequences would be dire. You bit down on your lip, holding back a whimper begging to escape as you placed a clean plate on the rack to dry. The lack of clothing allowed for more freedom, and he was using it to his advantage. “Not talking tonight?” He questioned. “That’s new for you.”
“I was always told that if I didn’t have anything nice to say, I shouldn’t say anything at all.” You said through gritted teeth, your persistence prying another laugh from him.
“You’re such a brat, sometimes.” He let out a disapproving tsk, leaning in closer so his lips were resting on your ear. “Am I going to have to do all of the talking for you?” Instead of responding, you continued to wash the silverware as if you were completely alone in the home and the touch of his hand was not driving you to the brink of insanity. “Are you embarrassed, angel? Ashamed of all of the dirty things you did while wishing I was here with you?” You let out a scoff, but did not feed into his tyrant any further. “What was it, sweetheart? What did you use when you couldn’t get me out of your head? Your fingers?” He asked, his breath warm on your skin, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Did you lay in bed, nestled between all of those pillows?” His tone grew stronger with every word he spoke, his own desperation clear despite his commitment to the facade. “You probably put some music on, just something to listen to while you closed your eyes and pretended it was my hands touching you, instead.” His voice was low, laced with desire at the thought of your fingers dancing through your arousal caused by the memory of him. “Classic, gets the job done, but I don't think that’s what you got up to.” He debated his own words, smiling ever so slightly against you.
His intent was to drive you mad, and if there was one thing you knew about Jake, it was that he would die before he would ever surrender.
“Or maybe you went digging around in that box underneath your bed,” he theorized “you know, the one you only let me bring out when you’re really feeling adventurous.” He reminded you as if you did not know exactly which box he was speaking of. “Is it because you’d rather use it when you’re alone? Is it just there to do all of the work when I can’t be here to do it myself?” Your breath caught in your throat as his lips landed on the sensitive skin just under your ear. “That sounds more like it…” he trailed off, losing himself in the picture of a vibrator clutched in your hand and his name woven so delicately on your lips. “I bet you start slow, wanting to draw it out as long as possible to pass the time until I can come over, but you get so needy so quickly. I know that vibrator spends most of its time on the highest setting, but you’re such a little whore that you just can’t get enough and it still doesn’t do it for you.”
You could not hide the moan that fought its way to the surface, breaking through the air and effectively proving his point. You wanted him more than even he knew, but you were just too damn stubborn to admit it.
“Or do you spend your time in the shower, the hot water keeping you warm and the detachable shower head doing more than that little toy could ever handle?” He slowly sunk to his knees, his mouth watering at the thought of tasting you again. “I notice, sweetheart, and I know you put that there for a reason.” Just before he was eye-level with your cunt, with a bit of force, he pushed your top half down towards the counter. “So what is it? How have you been taking care of yourself without me here to help?” You were so lost in the moment that you barely registered his question, already thinking of the euphoria he would give you with help from the unholy spirit that graced his tongue. “Or was it all three?” He asked, his tone telling you that the revelation brought him to a moment of enlightenment. “You tried it all, but you just couldn’t seem to find anything that could replace me. Does that sound right to you?”
“Yes,” you whimpered, finally giving in to his power. It was too strong to resist, and you were surprised you’d made it so far.
“Yes, what?” He growled, happy to hear you speak, yet displeased with the time it took for you to answer.
“Yes, sir.” You let out a shaky breath. “I tried it all, but it didn’t even come close to how good you make me feel.”
“Now you want to be good for me, hmm?” He taunted, knowing how badly you wanted him. “I know you can listen, angel. I don’t know why you try so hard to be so disrespectful.”
“M’sorry, Jake.” You pleaded, almost regretful for your standoffish remarks. You were willing to give him anything he wanted in hopes he would be kind to you.
“You’re not sorry, sweetheart.” He said, shaking his head. “If you want to do the dishes so bad, do them, but you better not stop or I will, too. And you better not cum until I say you can.” You gave a huff of annoyance, knowing that between your position and the things he was waiting to do to you, focusing on anything other than him would be nearly impossible. “Do you understand?”
“Yes, sir.” You muttered, mildly irritated yet understanding that the consequences were solely because of your own actions.
“Good,” he said, nearly vibrating with excitement. From the minute he walked in the door, he’d been waiting to see you like this, and now that he had you just how he wanted you, he could not wait any longer. “Better get started, baby. Clocks ticking.” He reminded, pulling your leggings down just a little further. You bit your tongue, holding back any snide remarks as you continued on with your task. As soon as he noticed your hands moving, he sprung to action.
As soon as his tongue connected with your core, the bland household chore was the very last thing on your mind. The heat of his mouth and the precision of his movements made it nearly impossible to thing of anything else. He started slow, running his tongue through you to savour every bit of arousal that he’d been causing you. You let out a low groan, trying your best to keep your hands steady in the water as he tried his best to completely overtake your mind with pleasure. The two of you had been caught in a nasty battle of obstinacy since the very first moment you met, and it bled into every single interaction the two of you had together. He was desperate to prove a point, and you were eager to shoot him down.
“Fuck,” you hissed, your fingers tightening around the wine glass clutched in your hand as a sharp wave of pleasure took over. You used your other hand to support your weight on the counter, your legs already weak and the rest of your body beginning to feel just the same.
His tongue circled your clit, slowly but steadily tightening the knot in your belly. The pit of your stomach was ablaze with a fire that burned just for him, and you knew that he did not have to work very hard to send you over the edge. The days spent apart from him were equal to torture, and you had no idea how you survived before he showed up in your life and graced you with his touch.
Grace was a kind word, and nothing about his actions were graceful, nor were they anything close to kind. He was pure evil that took form in a human being, and every day that passed you were more convinced that you had fallen in lust with the devil reincarnate. He put up a great facade, always making you feel like his intent was coated with love and care, but he was a selfish being who just to happened to unintentionally form a soft spot for you. The devil knows no mercy, but somehow in the time the two of you spent together, it was a trait he had learned to accept.
Now, the devil still knows no mercy, except when it comes to you.
He loved to please himself, but over time, he had to face the harrowing reality that his survival was now dependent on your need for him above anything else. Although neither of you seemed able to shake the fear of connection, the situation you found yourselves in was not as simple or transparent as it once was. Casual sex was long gone, replaced with constant companionship disguised as a careless relationship with no strings attached. Your lives were intricately tied together, and you searched for each other even when you did not realize you were doing so. All you had feared seemed to come true, but you enjoyed Jake’s presence so much that you were yet to confront the truth.
Love surrounded you with every step you took. It was in the second dirty coffee cup that so often took post in your kitchen sink. It was in your dresser drawers, where Jake’s t-shirts lived on occasion when he forgot them, and especially when he neglected to bring them back to his own apartment upon realizing they were still at your house. It was in the longing glances at your phone screen, wondering when he would reply or if you would have to double text, and it was in the phone calls that lasted hours too long when the conversation started with a simple question that could be answered in seconds. It was right there in the room with you now, lingering at the dinner table after your shared meal and blatant in his desperation, his need for you so intense that he could not even wait until you finished cleaning. Although he loved to frame it as another way to torture you, the truth was that he knew he could not wait another second to have you. The position you found yourselves in was not because of his need to tease you, but because he thought he might succumb to death without you.
Love was everywhere, but two people who were so selfishly concerned with their own needs could not possibly fall without failing. Despite the emotion being spoken into every action, the two of you did not know how to love anymore, nor were you willing to try.
As said best by Dio: between the velvet lies, there’s a truth that’s hard as steel.
The lies the two of you were telling yourselves were so smooth and sweet that it made it so easy to ignore the obvious. When the comfort of your avoidance was no longer there to protect you, the blow from the truth would be so strong that it would take your life in an instant.
And just like that, the fourth capital vice took over, leaving your life bleeding with nothing but sinful energy and godless morals. Sloth had become you, only growing stronger as you showcased laziness in regards to your growing feelings. You thought that the longer you avoided the topic, the easier it would be to navigate it, yet as time passed, it only pushed you further into the devils hold. But, the slothful nature of your neglect was not even the worst infraction of your sin; the more pressing act had nothing to do with your lack of discussion of the obvious, but everything to do with your failure to utilize your own talent.
You were fantastic at loving Jake, and he was fantastic at loving you, yet neither of you harnessed the strength and instead pretended like love was your biggest weakness. The two of you loved each other so well that it was astounding, and everyone looking in on your relationship would never question the strength in which you felt or cared for each other. The two of you loved each other better than anyone ever had, but it was easier to pretend you didn’t. So, that’s what you did: you floated through life delicately intertwined with each other, yet refused to acknowledge that your feelings went any further than sexual. It was a dangerous little game, but the thrill was so good that it didn’t matter to you.
You were brough back to reality when a rush of pleasure took over, so strong that the glass in your hand slipped and plummeted back into the sink full of water. You could feel him smiling against you, happy his affect on you was so powerful. Instead of tantalizing you for it, he made it a point to work harder, his tongue moving so precisely that you did not even have the luxury of a single second to recover.
“Jake,” you gasped, your hands shaking as you tried to bargain with him. “I can’t do this.” You knew he was unlikely to give in, but you thought it was worth a try. Instead of a heeding your warning, he hummed against you and if it were even possible, seemed to put even more effort into pleasing you. Your eyes squeezed shut as you let out a shaky breath, now completely ignoring the dirty dishes still sitting in the sink.
He let you enjoy it for a moment, but when he did not hear any progress being made on the unimportant chore, he pulled back from you, slipping his thumb to your clit. “What? You don’t care about the dishes, now?” You could hear the smirk in his voice, but you had no energy to chastise him for his actions. The only thing you were focused on was the burning in your belly that was growing more rapidly than you could possibly imagine.
“I-please, Jake.” You pleaded, insanity knocking on the door and begging to invade your mind.
“Please, what? What do you want, angel?” His thumb grew heavier, his intent to punish you for your disobedience. Your legs quivered and your knees bucked in response to the change. You didn’t know what you wanted from him; stopping was worse than certain death, but you knew you could not continue on with what he was asking of you. “Answer me.” His tone was heavy, authority dripping from his words.
“I can’t do this anymore. I need to cum. I need you.” You gasped, another wave of pleasure shooting through you. There were tears in your eyes, and you were desperate for a release. You were terrified of disobeying him because you knew he would not be likely to give you what you wanted if you did, but you could not continue on with daily tasks as if he was not bestowing you with the utmost of evil with his tongue.
“Maybe you should have thought of that before you decided to be a brat.” His was less than sympathetic, even if he did wish to fuck your over the counter without any further delays. The only thing he loved more than fucking you was watching you quiver under his touch. “So stubborn that you couldn’t even tell me what you got up to while I was gone. I don’t think it’s fair that I have to answer my own questions, sweetheart. Do you?”
“N-no,” you whimpered, barely keeping yourself upright any more. Your body had been infiltrated with every single bit of evil he held in his own, and you no longer belonged to yourself. You were fully at his disposal, willing to tell him whatever he wanted and to do whatever he asked with hopes for a shred of kindness.
“Right,” he crooned, happy that you had both reached the same conclusion. “So you’re going to do as I fucking say, and I don’t want to hear another word from you.” His voice was strong and his words were harsh, yet all it did was turn you on further. You knew that Jake could speak nothing but insults in your direction and you would fall at his feet in response. “Do you understand me?”
“Yes, sir.” You choked out the words amidst a moan, knowing that if he continued on at the same pace, you would never be able to stop yourself from reaching an orgasm. With that, he returned his mouth to you, driving you even closer to the edge.
Your vision was blurred with amount pleasure he was bestowing upon you, and your limbs were separate from your mind, yet somehow you managed to continue on washing the last few dishes left in the sink. Despite your growing desperation, you knew Jake well enough to know that it was the only way to get what you wanted. Your fingers barely clasped around the cutlery, but slowly you managed to dwindle the pile down to only a single plate. With relief in sight but just out of reach, you clasped the dish tightly in your hand as you wiped it clean. As you set it in the dish rack, a cry of triumph left your lips. Your orgasm was threatening you further with every second that passed, and in a lapse of judgement, you figured you would not inform him of your intentions to climax until it was too late.
You gripped at the edge of the counter so tightly that your knuckles turned white. Your eyes were crossed with stars and not even a hint of a moan was stuck in your throat. You were too stunned by the pleasure to do anything other than enjoy it, and you feared if your tried to say something, he would catch on to your game with little mercy for you. You weren’t sure if you could handle him pulling away, but you failed to realize that Jake was the last person in the world you could lie to.
A particularly sharp intake of breath told him all he needed to know, and a flood of anger filled him. Instead of letting you know that he caught on to your game, he decided to push you until the very last second. He suctioned his lips around your clit, focusing solely on getting you to the absolute brink of a climax. An involuntary moan filled the air, and you felt the pressure in your belly reach the point of no return. As you braced yourself for the storm waiting to come, suddenly, it stopped.
“No, Jake, please!” The words tore through your chest like a bullet, and the shame that normally came from begging him no longer existed.
“Did you think you’d get away with that?” He chuckled, making a move to stand. Once he was steady on his feet, you turned your head to look up at him, your eyes showing utter devastation at the loss of contact. “I told you not to cum unless I said so, angel. Seems like you still haven’t learned how to listen to me.”
“Jake, please, I’m sorry.” You said, pushing yourself up off the counter. His eyes drifted towards the sink, pleased that you’d managed to do at least one thing he’d asked of you.
“You’re not sorry, sweetheart.” He shook his head, helping you stand upright to join him. Your eyes studied his face, your heart yearning for him to move closer. He looked so angelic in the lowlight of the kitchen, but you knew it was untrue. He was not an angel, nor was he anything holy. The devil was in the details, and the details were something you’d grown incredibly aware of in the time you’d known him. Your arousal was glistening on his lips, which were so soft and inviting. There was a malicious glint in his eye, showcasing his displeasure with your actions, and the curl of his lips portrayed his anger as clear as day.
He was beautiful, and that much was true, but it was not beauty that would be splayed across a portrait hung on a church wall or carefully burned into stained glass; it was the kind of devastating beauty that the bible warns you about, once that’s so inviting and alluring but deadly once it’s within reach.
His hellish nature had become incredibly apparent, and although it was enough to scare the world away, it only seemed to pull you in further.
Perhaps it was not his charm that was drawing you in, but rather your likeness. You were not impressed by his otherworldly charm, but because you had a streak of evil coursing through your veins, too.
“If you’ve forgotten how to listen, maybe I’ve forgotten how to be nice.” He spoke slow, making sure every word hit you with an impact.
“As if you were ever nice in the first place.” You rolled your eyes, irritated and angry at him for denying you the pleasure. He cocked his head to the side, bringing his hand to your face and clasping his fingers around your chin in a tight hold. He guided your head upwards so you could not avoid looking him in the eyes.
“I think you know all about how nice I can be.” He corrected, his tone so dangerously soft that it made your skin crawl. “And you know that I’m only nice when it’s deserved. Do you think you deserve it, angel?” You watched him with a soft gaze, hoping that the lust shining so bright in your eyes would convince him to double back on his word. When he showed no sign of backing down, you shook your head against his hold.
“No, sir.”
“Why not?” He challenged, hoping to hear some sort of repentance in your answer.
Oh, how odd it is for the devil to expect repentance from someone when he has not even done it himself.
In your own devilish way, a spark of mischief flashed in your eyes as you responded with fake apologies.
“I’ve been so bad, sir.” You put on a dramatic display, mocking him as he stood before you with all the power in the world. “I’ve been such a bad girl for you, and bad girls don’t get what they want.” You gave an innocent smile, putting on your best show in hopes of making another clear display of disobedience. He gave you a pointed stare, showing his displeasure with your actions. “I’m so sorry, sir. I’ll do whatever you want to make up for it.” As you finished your sentence, his hand dropped from your chin and moved downwards to rest on your neck. You held his stare, neither of you willing to back down. “Isn’t that what you wanted to hear, sir?” His fingers tightened around your neck, gradually growing more comfortable as the seconds passed.
“My god you talk a lot, sweetheart.” His calm voice sent a shiver down your spine, knowing that the buttons you were pressing could have an explosive reaction. “You really know how to piss me off.” He said it almost as if it was a compliment, and you took it as one, too. To know that you had so much power over him in any way was exhilarating. “Let me tell you how this is going to work, okay?” He watched your face, waiting for another hint of argument in your eye. When it never came, he continued on. “You’re going to do as I say, and if you decide to listen this time, I might let you cum. If want to keep being be a brat, you can get yourself off after I go home. Am I clear?”
“Yes, sir.” You choked out, finding it hard to fill your lungs with enough air to speak. You wanted to blame it on his fingers locked around your throat, but you knew it was because his aura was so powerful that it stole the air directly from your lungs. You were fearful that he would not find enough kindness to grant you an orgasm, but you were even more fearful that he would go home without you after the night’s excitement came to an end. You would never admit it to him, but your bed was too empty without him in it, sleeping soundly beside you.
“Good,” he said, tightening his hold just a little more. Your head was beginning to swim with the familiar airy feeling and your chest was burning for a hint of oxygen. “Now get in your fucking room and take your clothes off.” He let go with a little more force than intended, causing you to stumble backwards slightly. His first reaction was to reach out and steady you, and to apologize for the intensity of his actions, but he was trying to prove a point. It was much too easy for him to dote on you, and he had to use all of his willpower to hold back.
You could not ignore the incessant ache between your legs as you made your way to the bedroom, partially from the denial of your orgasm, but mostly because of his authoritative tone and actions. You were a fool for Jake, undeniably in lust with him and willing to do whatever he wanted as long as there was a promise for him to keep touching you. As much as you liked to piss him off, you knew that at the end of the day, you would bend to his will until your bones snapped and you were stuck there permanently. He could get you to do whatever he pleased with a snap of his fingers and only minuscule argument. He was the first man to ever walk the earth that held enough power to bend your own will, and you were not even upset at him for the fact.
Once the door was closed and the two of you were locked in seclusion together, he leaned against the door, arms crossed over his chest as he watched you undress. You caught his eye, the submissive nature fleeing you for a moment once again. He did so good at getting you there, and you did fantastically at pulling yourself out of it.
A match made in heaven was not even close to what the two of you had. In fact, it was better described as a match made in the deepest depths of hell.
You slowly brought your hands to the hem of your shirt, lifting it slowly to give him a small flash of skin. Carefully and with great ease, you pulled the shirt from your body and lifted it over your head, discarding it on the floor. You moved on to your pants, bending down and sliding them off completely. His jaw was hard set as his eyes stayed glued to your figure, wondering what he ever did to deserve the company of such an angel.
But, you were not an angel, and the evil that ran through you was the only match to his own devilish attitude.
You reached behind you, unclasping the hooks of your bra. When you let it fall from your shoulders, you could see his eyes darken even further. You pulled it away from your skin, tossing it on the floor but this time, in the direction of where he was standing. His stare broke from you only for a moment to watch the fabric flutter to the ground.
“Is this your way of saying sorry?” He raised an eyebrow, needing to comment on your half-assed strip-tease.
“Is it working?” You cocked your head to the side, a small smile on your lips. He chuckled at your expression, taking a step towards you. Within seconds, he was in front of you and his hands were on you again, much gentler than they were moments before. He was showing you remorse for his harsh treatment, but he wasn’t willing to give you a verbal apology.
“I think you’re going to have to work a little harder than that.” He said, looking down at your face. You figured as much, but you could help but notice the disappointment weighing on your shoulders. “Any ideas?” He asked.
“I think I have one.” You offered, giving him a real smile. Although his form of punishment was delaying your orgasm, he did not realize just how much pleasing him pleased you. Slowly, you sunk to your knees, not needing to wait for a response. His head fell backwards, a cocky smile stuck on his lips as he looked towards the ceiling. He was thrilled about your idea, and he could not have thought of a better resolution if he tried.
You unbuckled his belt, sliding it through the loops and throwing it down on the floor. He was painfully hard, his zipper begging to bust at the seam from the strain. As if to taunt him, you made the process as slow as possible. He was patient, knowing your game better than you played it. When you freed him from his pants, he helped you pull them off of him. He kicked them to the side, uncaring for any grace, and fixed his gaze on your face.
“Would this show you how sorry I am, sir?” You looked up at him, catching him off guard with an innocent eye. He took in a shark breath, nearly feral from the sight of you on your knees for him.
“That depends on how good of a job you do, angel.” He had no fear about your performance, nor had he ever. He was well aware of the effect you had on him, and he was certain that you could punch him in the face and he would thank you with tears in his eyes. Without another word, you pulled down his boxers, your mouth watering at the thought of making him feel as good as he made you feel.
You moved forward, parting your lips slightly to take him into your mouth. As you did, you let your tongue glide across the tip of his cock, the small movement sending a wave of euphoria through him. His hand reach down, tangling in your hair as he balled it into his fist. You could feel him throbbing in your mouth, knowing immediately how pent up he was from the days spent away from you. Slowly, you took him further, focusing intently until you could feel him hit the back of your throat. He let out a hiss of pleasure, holding himself back from thrusting his hips in response to the feeling. He cared little about pushing you to any limit, and was more concerned with you working to make up for the attitude you had been giving him.
You bobbed your head down on him a few times, not giving him nearly enough relief from your slow pace. He fought the urge to take control, knowing that he could enjoy the moment without pushing you any further just yet. He wanted to see what you were capable of, and from there, he would decide if he could find enough kindness to get you off. He watched you carefully, noticing your eyes flicking towards his face every so often. You were making sure he was watching you, and he was making sure you were watching him. The two of you were intent on being the centre of attention, and there was nobody else in the world you wanted to be watched by.
You pulled back, already finding your face a mess with spit despite barely getting started. You withdrew a long breath, looking up at him with a hopeful expression. “Just like that?” You said, watching his eye twitch ever so slightly at the filthy question.
“Just like that, angel.” He agreed, pushing your head back towards his cock so it was resting on your lips. “Doing such a good job.” The praise sent anothe rush of arousal to your core; you were aching to be touched by him again, but touching him was doing just the same for you. You took him back into your mouth, speeding your movements just enough for him to notice the change. You would never tell him, but you were hoping for him to take control of the situation. Being used by Jake was one of the greatest pleasures you’d ever experienced.
Slowly, his hand applied more pressure on your head, guiding it down further with every move you made. You let out a moan against him, the vibration sending a whole new wave of pleasure through him. “You look so good with my cock in your mouth, angel.” He crooned, looking down at you as his chest heaved with his heavy breathing. “Do you like being my little whore?” The question struck you with the same intensity as a punch to the stomach. You thought you might fall over if not for his hand holding you in place. You locked eyes with him, unable to confirm the answer verbally, but hoping your expression would tell him enough. He took in a long breath, trying to keep his composure at the idea of you being so infatuated with him. He could tell he was right, and it was driving him to insanity.
With that, he gave an aggressive thrust of his hips, keeping your head in place so he didn’t stun you too much with the movement. The quick motion caused a gag to rise in your throat, constricting around him as he held himself there for a moment. Once you recovered from the shock, he began at a steady pace that was much faster than the one you had set. You tried to focus your breathing until he had pleased himself enough to pull away, but it was proving difficult. Once you thought you had caught up to his speed, he began moving your head down on him in time with his hips. Tears were threatening to spill onto your cheeks, and your desire for a breath of air was growing more dire by the second, but you persevered.
“You take it so fucking good.” He hissed, now completely lost in the pleasure he was feeling. The words were nearly too much for you, and you were desperate for relief. You figured that he would not notice if your hand slipped between your legs, or if he did, he would not care. As he fucked your face, you reached your hand between your legs and let your finger trace around your clit. The stimulation was not nearly as much as you needed, nor anything comparable to what he could do for you, but it was something. The small waves of pleasure that you were feeling allowed you to continue on with his brutal pace, distracting you from the roughness and satiating your need for him just a little longer.
You were a fool for thinking you could sneak anything past the devil.
His eyes drifted downwards towards you, taking a moment to fully understand the reality as the haze of sexual energy surrounded him. As his eyes came into focus, they first landed on your face, revelling in your beauty and moved by your likeness to an Angel. Then, his gaze caught your arm that was tucked neatly out of view. He moved his head to the side, a wicked smirk stuck on his lips as he noticed your fingers trying to relieve yourself of the ache that was bothering you so badly. You hadn’t noticed his stare lingering on you, and you did not know he had noticed and taken note of your disobedience yet again. Instead of punishing you, he decided to see how long it would take for you to realize.
Now crazed for a whole new reason, his movements remained steady as he watched you please yourself. He could see it in your face, even as you tried to keep up with his movements. The furrow of your eyebrow was familiar to him, as was the moans you were letting out when the situation permitted it. The expression and the sounds had nothing to do with his cock down your throat, and it had everything to do with the orgasm that was building steadily. He let you go until he knew you were just about to reach the peak, angry at you for not knowing how to listen, but also enthralled in the beauty of your euphoria. Knowing you were so willing to make him feel good, and knowing that it turned you into a mess in turn did the exact same to him.
You took a particularly sharp intake of breath, and he knew his tirade had to come to an end. With great reluctance, he pulled your head off of him, but not even that could distract you from the pleasure threatening to take hold. You were lost in your own world, but he couldn’t seem to find the generosity to allow it.
In a flash, his hand struck your cheek with enough force to shock you back to reality. It wasn’t nearly enough to harm you, nor cause any lasting pain, but it did exactly what he intended for it to do. You looked up at him, eyes wide in terror that you’d been caught in the act. “You were so close, sweetheart.” He gave a small shake of his head, his chest still heaving for a full breath of air. “You almost had me convinced that you could be good for me.”
“I’m sorry, Jake.” You apologized, the words falling from your lips in a mess. This time, the apology was genuine, and you felt terrible about disobeying him. Although it was genuine, it was wholeheartedly for the sake of selfishness.
“I’m the one that should be sorry, angel.” He sighed, motioning with his hand for you stand. “I should know better. You’ll always be a brat,” he continued, making sure you were steady on your feet before he pushed you towards the bed. “But it doesn’t really mattter, because I know exactly how to handle you.”
“Jake please, I promise I’ll be so good for you.” You pleaded, feeling your legs hit the mattress as you tried to back away from him. The fire in his eye was dangerous, but it was enticing. As much as you tried to plead with him to change his mind, you knew you would enjoy whatever he had in store for punishment.
“For some strange reason, I don’t believe you sweetheart.” He chuckled, finding your empty promises comical. He leaned down, grabbing his belt from the floor and taking a long look at it as he straightened up again. “Since you don’t know how to behave, I’ll have to make sure your hands don’t go wandering again. We wouldn’t want you to cum without permission, right?”
“Right,” you muttered, knowing you were fighting a losing battle. Without any further argument, you extended your hands towards him.
“I’ll strike you a deal, just because you’re so damn pretty.” He sighed, unable to resist the urge to coddle you. “If you can be good for me, I’ll consider taking these off.” He looped the leather around your wrists, pulling it until it was tight enough to keep them in place. He didn’t push it any further, too nervous about making it too tight. “Does that sound alright?”
“Yes, sir.” You nodded.
“You better be on your best behaviour angel, because this is your last chance. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, sir.” You repeated. He let out a hum of appreciation at your obedient tone, happy to hear your change of heart.
“Now we can finish what we started with no interruptions.” He smiled down at you. “On the bed, on your hands and knees.” He ordered, watching as you scrambled to get into position. You knew you’d pushed him a little too far, and he was no longer willing to play nice. “Isn’t it so much easier when you do as your told? No punishments, no arguments… unless that’s what you’re hoping for?” He took a step towards you, watching as you looked up at him as you anticipated his next move. “Is that what you want, angel? You want me to treat you like a whore?” You averted your gaze from his face, instead looking down at his cock that was eye-level with you. It was painfully hard, the tip red and glistening with pre-cum from the excitement that came before your rude interruption. “Do you like it when I punish you, sweetheart?”
“Yes, sir.” You whispered, eager to have him in your mouth again. He let out a low chuckle, amazed at the sight before him. When he first met you that night at the bar, he knew he had a slim chance at ending up in your bed at all. He never expected to have you on your knees for him, willing to do whatever was asked of you just to please him.
“Maybe that’s what’s wrong. I’m not hard enough on you. I let you get away with too much, and now you think you can do whatever you want.” He brought his hand to your cheek, brushing his thumb across the soft, blushed skin. “Do I have to remind you who’s in charge? Will that fix your little attitude problem?”
“No, sir.” You whispered, but it was weak and he knew that you wanted exactly what he said.
“You have to be a little more convincing than that, baby.” He said, the tip of his cock now practically resting on your lips. You were barely able to contain your excitement, thrilled at the idea of pleasing him again. “Maybe that’s what I’ll have to do then, since you don’t seem to have a better solution.”
“Whatever you want, sir.” You breathed, your eyes flickering up towards his face. The crazed look in his eye was paired dangerously with the tensed muscle in his jaw. He was feral for you, and he wasn’t afraid to show it anymore. You did something to him nobody else ever could, and he knew that when your clothes were back on and you were nestled under the covers for the night, that feeling would still be burning in his chest.
He had fallen for you beyond anything he ever believed he could feel, and with every minute that passed, he descended even further into the depths of loving you.
Without any further guidance, you opened your mouth and ran your tongue gently across the sensitive skin. He let out a sharp sigh, shuddering at the feeling. Slowly, you took the head of his cock in your mouth and suctioned your cheeks slightly, moving your head down on him. Worked up from the last time, the sensation was now even more intense and he could not hold back the moan that was stuck in his throat. The sound settled in the pit of your stomach, your arousal nearly too much to handle, now. With the loss of your hands, you feared you might die from your need for him if it was not taken care of soon enough.
“That’s my girl.” He said, his eyes fixated on your face. “I knew you could be good for me.” You hummed against him, showing your appreciation for the praise. Although part of your obedience came from your desire to orgasm, a bigger part was just because he was so hard to deny. Fighting and arguing was in your nature, but when it came down to it, you knew that you would always give him what he wanted. His sweet words and soft touch was better than any drug, and knowing he felt the same about you was exhilarating.
You had fallen just as hard, and you were both playing the devil’s advocate by denouncing love while feeling it so strongly. By reminding each other romance was out of the question, you were hoping that it would open a bigger discussion on the topic. Although actively trying to ignore the obvious, a deeper part of you was desperate to bring it up. You knew that there was no way you were the only one feeling that way, and you were aching to hear him say all of the words you had been too scared to speak.
Jakes hand tangled in your hair again, holding your head steady as he took control once again. His hips moved forward, his pace starting slow so he could work himself back up to the one you were engaging in previously. The ache between your legs was unbearable, but you had no other choice but to persevere. Tears were brimming your eyes again, and every time he moved a gag was begging to be had. He was much closer than he was the last time, and his movements were much sloppier. The moans falling from his lips were the most heavenly thing you’d ever heard, and that was the only thing keeping you going.
“It’s so much more peaceful when you can’t fucking talk.” He growled, the pleasure creeping up on him growing more intense by the second. “Now I know how to shut you up.” If he was not using your mouth for his own sexual pleasure, you would have laughed at his comment. He knew just as well as you did that it was in fact the only reason you weren’t slinging insults at him. You moaned against him, playing into his little power trip in hopes of speeding up the process. Every time his cock hit the back of your throat, you knew he was growing closer to a climax. “This is what you wanted, isn’t it angel?” You let out another noise, your enthusiasm driving him even closer to the edge. “Should just cum in your mouth and leave you here like this. That would teach you a lesson, wouldn’t it angel?” You let out another groan, but this one filled with discontent at his words. You both knew he would never even dream of doing such a thing, but you feared if you didn’t disagree, he might actually follow through with it.
You felt him twitch in your mouth as a slur of curses fell from his lips, but he pulled away with enough time to avoid an orgasm. You looked up at him, your face red and your eyes watering, but he still thought you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever had the pleasure of looking at. The room was a mess of heavy breathing and sexual tension, and neither of you could withstand the pressure any longer. After one last look over your face, he took a step to the side and out of your line of vision. Now, the only thing you could see was your reflection in the mirror placed meticulously by the wall in front of your bed.
His hand drifted over your bare back with a delicate touch after he undressed himself completely. He climbed into bed behind you, looking at your face in the mirror. His fingers gripped your hips as a smile began blossoming on his lips. He’d been waiting for this all night, and now that the moment had arrived, he was nearly vibrating with excitement. “Do you want me to fuck you, angel?” He whispered, his voice barely breaking through the silence.
“Yes, please.” You pleaded, knowing that you were still completely at his mercy. You could not move from your position, nor could you change his mind if he decided to continue torturing you.
“How bad do you want it?” His hand drifted between your legs, his finger finding your clit with ease. You took in a sharp breath at the feeling, already overwhelmed and he had barely even touched you.
“So bad, Jake.” You whimpered, out of your mind with lust for him. You needed him so badly you were delirious at the thought. “Please, baby. I need you.” You watched him through the reflection, seeing his eyes close in bliss at your words.
“How can I say no to you when you say it like that?” He asked, his tone airy and completely clouded with desire for you. He no longer had the willpower to tease you, and it was becoming more apparent by the second. For a moment longer, he let his finger trace over the sensitive bundle of nerves. He moved forward, letting himself rest against your entrance. He listened to the sounds falling from your lips, your relief sending him into a whole new state of mind. He moved his hand away from you, but you didn’t have enough time to mourn the loss before he was pushing into you.
“Fuck,” you cried, the feeling immediately overwhelming you.
“Does that feel good, angel?”
“So good, baby.” You whined, biting down on your lip to hold back the obscenities begging to be heard. “I missed you so much.” You breathed, barely noticing the tone of voice it was spoken in. It made his hips stutter and his mind stop for a second. His heart swelled with affection at the statement, and all he could do was smile.
“I missed you too, sweetheart.” He crooned, delivering a sharp slam of his hips to follow the words. A gasp fell from your lips, and you arched your back upwards towards him, desperate for more. You let your top half lower to the mattress, closing your eyes so you could live in the pleasure momentarily. “Look at me.” He ordered, reaching down at knotting your hair in his fist once again. He pulled your head upwards with a rough motion of his hand, ensuring your eyes were locked on the reflection in the mirror. “Want to see that pretty face while I fuck you.” You let out a whimper, the power of his voice making you weak.
Convincing yourself that you weren’t in love with him was a foolish endeavour, but you were still trying your best despite your stomach tying in knots at the sight of his beauty in the mirror.
“Is this what you thought about while I was gone?” He asked, his tone strong and his hips moving with just the same strength. “Did you touch yourself right here in this bed, waiting for me to come and fuck you like this?”
“God yes, Jake.” You gasped, feeling the pressure rising in your belly. You couldn’t deny him the pleasure of hearing it anymore, even if you wanted to. He’d been waiting to hear the truth from the minute he walked inside, and now you were too far gone to fight the urge to submit to him. “I thought about you every night.”
“That’s it, sweetheart.” He hummed, thrilled at the sound. “You don’t have to worry any more, angel. I’ll take care of you, just like you deserve.” He brought his hand down on your ass, watching your face in the reflection as the sting of pain took over. “Let me hear all of those filthy fucking noises I missed out on.” His order was useless, because you were already doing just that. You couldn’t contain any of the moans, nor any curses. You were singing his name like a hymn, but it was the most sacrilegious song ever sung. There was nothing holy to worship, and you were praising the devil with pride.
“Jake,” you cried, his name burrowing into the walls and making home in the foundation of your house. His presence would live there forever, and you would never be able to run away from it. He was everything, and you were just the lucky soul who could be the recipient of his love. You no longer had fear of Jake taking over your life, because you knew it would be empty and lackluster without his presence.
“My name sounds so pretty when you say it like that.” He groaned, his fingers branding your hips with bruises for you to see in days to come. His fist was tight in your hair, ensuring your eyes would remain on the picture of sin you’d found yourselves in.
“It feels so fucking good,” you whimpered, the pain bordering pleasure so divine that you could no longer think straight.
“Don’t cum yet, baby.” He warned, the look in his eye dangerous.
“Please Jake, I need it so bad.” You pleaded, desperate for a shred of sympathy.
“You’re being so good for me, sweetheart. Just hold on a little longer.” He promised pleasure as long as you listened, and the deal was the same every time. If you were good for him, he was phenomenal to you. You usually had no problem with the agreement, but it had been so long since you felt his hands on you that you weren’t sure you could hold back any longer. He’d pushed you to the edge already, and you thought it was impossible to deny yourself of the pleasure any longer.
“I can’t, Jake.” You cried, shaking your head against his tight hold on you.
“You can, angel. I know you can.” He encouraged you, knowing for certain that you could hold on a little while longer. You bit down on your lip hard enough to draw blood in hopes that it would distract you from the incessant burn that was growing stronger in the pit of your stomach. The tip of his cock was slamming into your cervix, the intensity of the feeling making your legs shake below you and your mind cross with thoughts of nothing but filth. Tears stung your eyes and you felt like you were being pushed closer to insanity with every thrust of his hips.
“Fuck,” you whimpered, your eyes squeezing shut in anticipation. You were so close that there was no way you could slow it down. As you teetered on the edge, you felt yourself slowly descending into the euphoria. Just when you were about to fall, the feeling stopped completely. Your eyes snapped open, now realizing that his withdrawal was a million times worse than any punishment he could possibly give you for cumming without permission.
Now, the tears were real, and they were all due to your frustration with him for denying you any kind of help. Before you could even form a thought of protest against his withdrawal, he got off the bed and moved in front of you once again.
“Hey,” he whispered, crouching down so you were face to face. He brushed the tears away from your cheeks with his thumb, fearful he’d pushed you too far. “No need for tears, angel.” He leaned forward, capturing you in a small kiss. As he did so, his hands found your wrists, loosening the belt that was holding them together. The anxiety in your chest subsided, realizing quickly that he was no longer trying to punish you, but rather fulfill his promise that he’d given you earlier. “I told you that I’d take it off if you were good for me, didn’t I?”
“Yeah,” you sighed, nodding in bliss at the realization he was going to follow through with his promise. He let the belt fall to the floor before standing on his feet, letting his thumb brush across your cheek again.
“Come here, baby.” He prompted you to join him, giving you a soft smile to show you he was being serious. His dominance was gone, and he was ready to coddle you for the rest of the night. He’d pushed you far enough, and now he wanted you to enjoy whatever came next. Once you were on your feet, he led you back towards the head of the bed. He laid down, holding his arm out for you to join him. With a small smile stuck on your lips, you watched him settle himself amongst the pillows. He propped himself up slightly against the headboard as you got in the bed, too. You climbed atop of him, settling your legs on either side of him as you felt the excitement begin to take over again. “Is this better?”
“Yeah,” you laughed, unable to put it into words. You lined yourself up with him, melting into his hold. His hands were holding your hips, his touch soft and inviting, and his eyes no longer held the flame they did moments before. He’d completely softened at the sight of your face so close to his, and he was fighting every urge he had to love you.
You lowered yourself on him, both of you letting out a simultaneous sigh of relief. “God I missed this, sweetheart.”
“Me too, baby.” You breathed, anchoring your hand on his shoulder as you began a slow motion with your hips.
“You feel so fucking good.” He sighed, using his own hands to help keep your movements steady. You leaned down, placing your lips on his in a heated kiss. You wanted him in every way you could have him, and even while he was intertwined with you in the most intimate ways possible, it still didn’t feel like enough.
He was the most beautiful thing this world had ever created, and you wanted to stay like that with him for the rest of your life. When he left, your home seemed too empty. When you couldn’t talk, you missed him more than you ever cared to admit. He had become the most important person in your life without even trying, and the line between casualness had been long crossed. As you worked yourself back up to an orgasm, love was surrounding you both completely. It was certain death, and you were a dead woman walking, but you didn’t care. The longer you avoided speaking the truth, the longer you could have him in the same way. You were terrified of disturbing the peace, but you feared that the longer you held it back, the more disastrous the situation would become.
“You want to cum, angel?” He mumbled against your lips, feeling your hips speed against him as he spoke.
“Yes, please.” You whined, already feeling the steady build of pleasure rising. Every touch was euphoric, and every glance was angelic. No matter what he was doing, you were a fool for thinking you could escape it. His web was spun too intricately to even strike a curiosity about a way out.
“You want it so bad, work for it.” His voice was low, husky and soft. It was filled with desire for you, and he was eager to watch you descend into bliss. As much as he loved the control, his favorite part of sex with you was watching you have a good time. The closeness was intoxicating, and he was completely immersed in you as you desperately tried to get yourself off.
“Can you help me? Please?” You begged, needing to feel the grace of his hands on you.
“You want me to touch you, angel?” He hummed, clenching his jaw as he held back his own orgasm. The thought of needing him was too much to bear.
“Please, sir.” You whimpered, looking down at him with a longing stare. His heavily hooded eyes were clouded with lust, and he no longer had enough willpower to deny you of anything. At the end of the day, he knew he would always give you exactly what you wanted.
“Since you asked so nicely, baby.” He agreed, moving his hand from your hip and slipping it between your legs. You leaned backwards slightly, allowing him easier access to you. The pad of his finger danced over your sensitive clit, the feeling immediately bringing you closer to the edge. You moved your hands and anchored them behind you, firmly on his thighs to keep yourself upright. You gyrated your hips faster, keeping in time with the circles his finger was tracing. “Just like that?”
“Fuck, yes.” You moaned, closing your eyes as you felt the knot begin to tighten in your belly.
“That’s it, angel.” He said, encouraging you to keep going. “Cum for me, baby.” The permissive statement was all you needed to keep going, and within seconds you descended into the most intense pleasure you’d ever felt in your entire life. You sang his name, the song sweet and beautiful, and he thought it was the most moving thing he’d ever heard.
He watched you closely, studying every detail of your face as it twisted into an expression of pleasure. The way your eyebrows furrowed, and the curl of your lip as you tried to silence yourself. He was in love with the way your skin tinged red and the glisten of sweat that formed on your face. He adored you and everything about you, and he was in no place to deny it any longer. His eyes drifted downwards, admiring the tensed muscles in your shoulders and the way your breasts moved in time with your hips. His gaze trailed down your stomach, tense with pleasure, and all the way down to his hand working at you as you rode out the high.
“That’s my girl,” his voice was weak, completely constrained by his own struggle to hold himself back. “You’re so fucking beautiful.” The waver in his words sent you into another wave of euphoria; knowing how intense his emotions were was sending you to a whole new level of pleasure.
“Fuck, Jake.” You croaked, completely exhausted and fucked out. You were so tired that you could barely hold yourself up, but he caught on to the fact and braced you with his own hand. As you came down, your head was spinning and your legs were trembling. He moved his fingers from your clit, grabbing your hips as he continued to move them for you. Within seconds, he reached his own orgasm with just as much force as your own. He managed your name through the mess of curses that fell from his lips. His head fell back on the pillow as he spilled his release into you, continuing moving your hips for you to draw out the pleasure for as long as possible.
When you both calmed from the excitement, you let out a long sigh of satisfaction. You practically collapsed on top of him, craving the warmth of his skin on your own. He wrapped a strong arm around you, holding you close in hopes that you knew how welcomed the moment was. He let his fingers trace small shapes into your skin as your heartbeats turned into one. You let your fingers run over his bicep, the touch light and tickling his skin. He placed a small kiss to the top of your head, not enough for you to chastise him for, but enough to let you know he cared.
“I don’t think we should spend that much time away from each other anymore.” He chuckled, breathing in the comforting scent of your shampoo. He’d missed so dearly that he was unsure if he could live without it again.
“I agree.” You smiled, placing a small kiss to his chest. “When we have sex this good, I think it’s a crime to go without it.” He hummed a sound of agreement, but he couldn’t deny the stab he felt at the thought of you only wanting him around for sex. Although that was the clear agreement, he couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to be around for more than just a hookup. He daydreamed about innocent dinners and days spent browsing shops in the city, hand in hand with nothing but smiles on your faces. He wondered what it would feel like to be wrapped up on the couch every night, pretending to be interested in whatever movie was playing on the television while knowing the most important thing in the world was the girl laying in his arms.
Instead of speaking his mind, he let a lock of your hair twist around his finger. It was easier to ignore it than face the consequences of rejection.
“We should get cleaned up.” You mumbled, but you regretted speaking at all. You wanted to stay in that bed with him until the end of time. The fear of age and death meant nothing when you were experiencing such intimacy at the hands of someone so fantastic.
“Sure, angel.” He agreed, but he prayed you would change your mind. After a moment, you made a move to sit up. He ignored the sinking disappointment and did the same. The two of you went to the bathroom in silence, washing away the sinful reminders of your night of reuinion. As you cleaned up your messy makeup in the mirror, you felt his hands drift over the marks beginning to form on your hips. He would never say it, but you knew he felt regret for being so rough with you. An animalistic nature took over the both of you in the bedroom, and you couldn’t help the volatile attraction the two of you felt. When the moment passed and you realized how you treated each other, guilt began to plague you both.
He placed a kiss on your shoulder, waiting until you were finished to return to the bedroom with you. When you felt as though you looked presentable, the two of you made the journey back. You threw his shirt on, wasting no time before climbing under the covers. When you didn’t notice him immediately behind you, you peeked around the room to see what he’d busied himself with.
He stood at your desk, only in his boxers as he looked over the items littering the surface. “What are you doing?” You asked, but you didn’t really care. You knew that whatever he was up to was harmless, and you had nothing to hide from him anymore. It was genuine curiosity over what had caught his attention.
“You have some expensive cameras.” He said, amazed at the quality of your things.
“Well, I take pictures for a living, so I kind of have to.” You chuckled, nestling your head into the pillows.
“You have a Polaroid camera?” He asked, looking back over his shoulder at you.
“Yeah,” you nodded, peeking at him through one eye. “Some people like that style, especially younger clients. I bring it with me and I use it sometimes for a picture or two. I don’t love it because I can’t edit the pictures, and what you get is what you get, but it’s a cool part of photo shoots. A little personal memory to bring home right away.” You shrugged, smiling at his curiosity. He picked it up, looking it over for a moment. Normally, you would be unwilling to let someone else touch your equipment, but you had no fear when your camera was in his hands. If he handled them with even half as much care as he held you with, you knew that it was the safest place for them to be.
“Is there film in this?” He asked, looking back at you again.
“Should be, why?” You asked, watching him take a few steps towards you.
“Smile.” He said, a smile stuck on his own lips as he asked you to do so.
“No, Jake.” You covered your face. “I look like shit.” You laughed. Your hair was a mess and your cheeks were still rosy from the rushing blood moments before. Your eyes were tired, and you were only clad in his t-shirt. You were nowhere near picture-worthy, but he couldn’t disagree more. He thought that in that moment, the epitome of beauty was sat directly in front of him.
“Impossible,” he shook his head, crouching down at the end of the bed “because you’re the most beautiful person in the whole world.”
“Oh, shut up.” You rolled your eyes.
“Please?” He asked again. “I promise I won’t show anyone else.” You let out a sigh of defeat, but you lowered your hand.
“Fine. Just one, though.” You surrendered. “But I get to take one of you, too.”
“Of course.” He agreed. You sat up against the headboard slightly, fixing your hair as you did so. You put on a smile, one that was clearly fake and only for the pose. “Come on. Give me a real smile, angel.” He said.
“That is real!”
“Uh-huh,” he rolled his eyes. “A photographer can’t tell a real smile from a fake one?”
“I can, but clearly you can’t. Must be why I’m the photographer and you stick to writing songs.”
“Ouch,” he laughed, “you say that as if writing songs is a bad thing.”
“I didn’t say it was a bad thing.” You defended. “But, I don’t know if your songs are any good.” You corrected him.
“Maybe if someone would get over herself and listen to them, she’d know that they’re pretty great, actually.” His pitch got higher as he spoke, clearly telling you it was a joke. He looked at you over the camera, smiling at your stunned expression. “What? Got nothing to argue about, now? That’s a first.”
“You’re an asshole.” You laughed, finding his confidence charming. Just as you did, he snapped a picture of you amidst a real laugh, finding the moment of joy too precious to pass up. He waited as the photo printed from the bottom, grabbing it as he walked towards your desk to let it develop. “Give it to me.” You extended your hand, moving towards him to grab it. He handed it to you, posing no argument as he did so.
He collapsed on the bed next to you, settling himself in the same position as you were in. You moved to the end of the bed, kneeling as you studied his position. Before you took the picture, you leaned forward and fixed the blanket draped over his waist. You reached up, brushing the hair away from his eyes and giving him a small smile as you did so.
“How do I look?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Beautiful.” You confirmed, but no hint of a joke was present. You leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss on his lips before you returned to your earlier position. He didn’t have to fake his smile, because every one he’d ever had around you was the most genuine he’d ever felt. You took the picture, placing the Polaroid on the comforter before moving towards him. You settled beside him, turning the camera to face you both.
“You like me enough to take a picture with me?” He teased, surprised at your initiation of the moment.
“Don’t let it get to your head.” You brushed him off, ignoring his intent to get under your skin. He chuckled, leaning in just in time to press a kiss to your cheek as you clicked the button. You watched as it printed, grabbing it and moving to collect the other one as well.
You sat the camera beside you, watching intently as the photograph developed. The one of him on his lonesome finished first, and it nearly stole the air from your lungs. You had no idea a person could be so ethereal, but there he was, and you were so lucky to be in his company. Sometimes it felt like you did not deserve the care and attention that Jake gave you, and you did not feel nearly special enough to be receiving it from someone so phenomenal. When the second one finished developing, you couldn’t help but feel an unfamiliar feeling rise in your chest. It wasn’t lust, or desire, which was something you so often felt around him. Instead, it was adoration, and further underneath that was the emotion you’d been working so hard to cover up. When you looked over at him, you could see in his eyes that he felt the same way.
Love was dancing on the tip of your tongue, begging to be spoken and furious with you for ignoring it. You bit back the word, instead leaning forward to place a kiss on his lips. You swore he could taste the sweetness of your feelings for him from the small action alone, and he feared all the same things. As you moved to place the camera on your desk, you stopped and stuck the two pictures in the corner of your mirror, ensuring that you could see them every time you passed by. It was a second of sweetness that would brighten even the darkest of days. When you returned to his side, your body was heavy with the weight of your heart that now solely belonged to him. You were terrified, and you refused to speak it aloud, but there was a small part of you that knew it was safe with him. As fearful as you were, you knew that he would not do the same as others who came before him.
You nestled yourself into his arms, content in his hold and knowing that you had never missed anything more than you missed his comfort. You closed your eyes as the newest deadly sin filled the air around you, pushing out the love and replacing it with evil. Your laziness in regards to confessing your feelings would eat away at you, and your failure to utilize your talent would kill you. The two of you were better at loving each other than you were at anything else, but you were too busy denying it to realize that it was exactly what you’d been doing all along. You were descending further into the depths of hell with every day that passed, but the evil had become so comfortable that the flames no longer burned. Now, it was a soft tickle that reminded you of home, and you knew that you were here to stay.
In the moment, sloth seemed like the most innocent crime you had committed in your time spent knowing him so intimately, but in the long run, it simply wasn’t true. Sloth was the most deadly sin to date, because it would eventually cause the most disastrous consequences. By avoiding the truth, you were setting yourself up for catastrophic failure, and when the time came, there would be no chance for recovery. It was opening the door for a whole new world of possibilities, but none of them good; your comfortability with your own sinful actions was dangerous, and ignoring the love that was growing for him would hurt you more than the both of you confessing the truth. Now, you had chosen to suffer in silence, and any grounds of doubt or defense no longer existed. Remaining in a casual relationship while loving each other so deeply only allowed for you to hurt each other in the most brutal ways possible; causing harm without even realizing the damage you left behind.
Sloth left you vulnerable, and you were too blind to realize the dangers. After all, how can you hurt someone who has never admitted to the fact that they are able to be hurt by you at all?
TAGLIST: @sacredjake @profitofthedune @thewritingbeforesunrise @sacredthethreadgvf @klarxtr @ohgodthefeeling-gvf @freefallthoughts @jaketlove @clairesjointshurt @ageofbajabule @dannys-dream @earthgrlsreasy @starshine-gvf @brujamagik @gvfmarge @ignite-my-fire @twistedmelodies @gretavangroupie @alwaysonthemend @edgingthedarkness @gvfpal @sinarainbows @writingcold @starcatcher-jake @literal-dead-leaf @takenbythemadness @gretasfallingsky @hsfallingsky @freyjalw @itsafullmoon @lyndz2names @blacksoul-27 @i-love-gvf @vikingsisthenewsexy @mp0801 @mindastreamofcolours @indigogvf @sparrowofthedawnsworld @jordie-gvf @cassy-face @highway-tuna @creadliz98 @dancingcarbon @do-it-jakey-baby
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there's more than 16k people following me, woah. to celebrate, here's a timelapse of one of my favorite Scully paintings. music: Take me to war by The Crane Wives
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isiaiowin · 17 days
Good omens fanfic Leave me broken on the leather, bring me home on satin sheets. chapter 4 and 5 posted and now complete
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This fic is complete Chapter 5/5 posted!
Rating: Very Explicit! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 Mind the tags. This is a BDSM true love story.
Total word count: 16k
Chapter 4 and 5
The conclusion and the smut chapter you've been waiting for.
Mistress Stork leaned forward and claimed his lips. Biting the bottom one first, pulling on it with her teeth. Then she thrusted her tongue inside his mouth, dancing around teasingly. He followed her exploration with his own, and when he caught her, their tongues twirled around each other, deepening the kiss. Their soft moaning filled the room as their plundering mouths celebrated the incredible feat they had accomplished here today. She took hold of his hair with both hands, digging her nails into his scalp, making him groan with desire. It changed the kiss into a rough tongue thrusting affair that conveyed the incredible lust they had for each other, making them both pant heavily after she broke off their moment of passion.
Chapter 5 is the poem this fic was inspired by.
Thank you @fuzzygoblin and NooRose93 for being amazing beta readers!
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neondiamond · 4 months
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🪷 Recently Read Fics - January & February 2024 🪷
Hiii happy 2024 everyone! January was a bit of a busy month which meant I didn’t actually have the time to put together a fic rec for the first time in two years, but I am back! I still didn’t read as much as I usually do but, these are all of the amazing fics I read over the past two months (from shortest to longest). Don’t forget to leave kudos and comments to show the authors your appreciation if you read any of these! 🤍
🪷 Hold On I Still Need You by @enchantedlandcoffee (1k, T)
The one where Louis goes missing and Harry desperately tries to find him.
🪷 miles away from seeing you by @loveislarryislove (1k, T)
Harry is in his final year studying marine biology, and is doing an international exchange at the University of Auckland. His boyfriend Louis stays behind in England, but they keep in touch regularly through texts, snapchats, video calls, and more.
This fic is entirely told through images of social media posts and conversations
🪷 Daydream by @allwaswell16 (2k, T)
Every Thursday, Louis nods hello to her fellow regulars at Horan’s Cafe, one of whom is the woman of her dreams.
🪷 ‘cause i built a home for you by angelsueavenue (2k, NR)
Harry doesn’t believe that baths can induce labor. His alpha, though, is prepared to prove him wrong.
🪷 What’s in a Name by @hellolovers13 (2k, T)
Louis had always known Harry was his soulmate.
The name on his arm disagreed.
But what did his soulmark know about true love anyway.
🪷 In Jest by @londonfoginacup (4k, T)
Louis, who smiles at Harry as he reclines in his chair. Louis, whose soulmark is visible thanks to his low-cut top.
Louis, Harry’s soulmate, who seems to either be blissfully ignorant of that fact or maliciously ignoring it.
Harry would really like to know which.
🪷 You’re Already Home by @londonfoginacup (5k, G)
It's Christmas Eve and Harry's life is normal. Then he finds someone's barred the door to his favourite hiding spot -- the old groundskeeper's cottage -- and suddenly Harry's life isn't normal anymore.
🪷 knowing you’re in love with me is the greatest gift of all by @greeneyesfriedrice (6k, T)
Harry just wants to fall back to sleep in his husband’s arms, wanting to treasure the quietness of Christmas morning before their kids wake up and realize what day it is.
That dream is short lived when there’s a small shriek of joy from downstairs.
🪷 Cold Hands & Warm Hearts by kingofthefridaynight (16k, E)
a wintery uni au, where they spend time with their friends, play in the snow, drink wine in their dorm and Harry loses at Scrabble. Also, they might have been in love all along.
🪷 Your Eyes Outshine the Town by @insightfulinsomniac (19k, E)
When a freak French snowstorm traps Harry's family in Paris, he's suddenly left flying home for a Christmas spent alone. However, everything changes after a chance encounter with an undeniably attractive, generous alpha who suggests that Harry join his family's Christmas celebrations. Against his better judgment, Harry agrees, and follows Louis back to Doncaster for the holidays.
Little does he know, he'll not only become attached to the alpha, but to his entire family. Maybe his Christmas won't be as lonely as he expected.
Complete and utter fluff ensues. Sappy Christmas tropes abound.
🪷 To you I can admit, I’m just too soft for all of it by @starryhaze28 (28k, NR)
“Harry?” Louis asks when he hears the frantic crying coming through the speaker. “H, darling what's wrong?”
Concerned, Louis puts on his shoes as he keeps hearing the sobs. It’s the middle of the night and the phone call has definitely pulled Louis out of his deep slumber, but Harry is crying, and Louis has to be with him.
“It’ll be okay, baby, I'm gonna come over, okay? You just- Haz you have to send me your address, yeah? Can you do that for me?” Louis asks, trying to remain as poised as possible as he presses his phone between his ear and shoulder so he can grab his jacket.
“No.” Harry cries out. “It's all wrong, Lou- It’s-” Another sob. “I hate it, Lou, I hate it so, so much, make it stop.”
🪷 You’re Not My Type (still I fall) by @imogenleewriter (38k, M)
His mum is going to kill him!
Well, not kill him. Just give him a right telling off, make him admit she'd been right, then try to confine him to his room until they found a hefty Alpha to look after him and rein him in or something.
She wouldn't manage, of course. Harry is only twenty-four and has no inclination to settle down at all, especially not at the behest of an Alpha.
But, as his mum would point out, that was the same stubborn attitude that got him here: in his car, in a thunderstorm, on the side of a forsaken lane of some little countryside town in Yorkshire. His mobile's got no signal, his GPS isn't working, and he's running low on petrol, so he can't even use the heater.
Oh, and most importantly, his car is stuck in the mud, so even if the GPS was working and he knew where to go, he wouldn’t be able to.
He's been in stickier spots; he reminds himself. Way stickier. This is just a bit of rain; it'll blow over. Then Harry will just... well, alright, he isn't entirely sure what to do when the rain stops because he'll still be stuck and lost. But, hey, there won't be any rain, which is something to cheer about.
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Friends. Friends. I’ve done it. Achieved the thing I’ve been working at for a year and a half. I’ve finished writing the end to Depth of Reason.
It still needs to go through a beta read and final edits but it should be published soon. I’m adding 16k between the last chapter and a surprise epilogue. I still can’t believe I’ve reached the end. It’ll be 70k when all is said and done. So, to celebrate my last WIP posting for this fic, you’re getting two snippets (much more than six sentences 😆)
“You’re the one trying to one up me, Snow.”
I run my hands through his hair. “You have to call me Simon when you’re talking about loving me.”
He kisses my neck and leaves his face there when he says, “It isn’t easy being vulnerable.”
“I know,” I say softly. “But I’m still going to ask.”
He sighs before pulling back to look at me properly. “I love you, Simon.”
I kiss him sweetly.
“Love you, too, Pitch!” I say, before pinching his sides relentlessly.
He squeals and squirms up the bed. “Treachery! Betrayal!” I laugh so hard my sides ache.
He hooks a leg around me and flips us, pining me to the bed so fast I’m almost dizzy with the change of position. He’s sitting astride me now, and he’s got my arms locked firmly in his fingers, my fists pressed against the headboard. It’s kind of hot, the way he has me at his mercy. He smirks down at me.
“Say it,” he purrs.
I swallow and I don’t miss the fact that his eyes flick to my throat when I do.
“I love you, Baz,” I say in a husky voice that seems to have come from nowhere. “I love you so—”
He captures my mouth before I can finish.
And one more:
When we get to the courtroom, all eyes turn to us when we enter. I’m heartened to see Baz’s parents and aunt sitting in the seats behind the defence, along with a few other familiar faces. Gran is sitting next to Daphne, she smiles at us as we walk up the middle aisle. Nico is next to Fiona, his tongue running along his teeth. I wonder if it bothers him, being in this room that I imagine is full of bad memories for him.
Trixie is there, too. She places a fist over her heart and nods to Baz, a twinkle in her eye. Baz’s cousin, Dev is there too, next to their friend Niall. Even Mr Minos, Miss Possibelf and Coach Mac, which is impressive considering it's a Monday in November. Headmistress Bunce couldn’t make it, but she sent Penny a very lovely email to pass on to Baz, wishing him the best of luck. I hope he feels bolstered, having all of these people here supporting him. I hope he knows that he’s not alone in this.
Y’all. I made it. Thank you to @fatalfangirl who will be marathoning through a beta read and who has been there with me since day 1. What a champ. Thank you to @toonysart who chose to do art for this fic way back when it was a mere concept for COBB. Your art still brings me so much joy. Thank you to everyone who has followed this fic. You made writing and sharing a wonderful experience.
Tags and love ands happy Sunday 💛 @fatalfangirl @toonysart @whatevertheweather @cutestkilla @artsyunderstudy @thewholelemon @raenestee @moodandmist @facewithoutheart @martsonmars @onepintobean @bookish-bogwitch @rimeswithpurple @prettygoododds @orange-peony @forabeatofadrum @nausikaaa @aristocratic-otter @ivelovedhimthroughworse @ileadacharmedlife @whogaveyoupermission @iamamythologicalcreature @run-for-chamo-miles @nightimedreamersworld @youarenevertooold @valeffelees @hushed-chorus
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hp-bodiceripper · 10 months
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Thank you all! All you magnificent creators, wonderful prompters, thoughtful commenters, generous kudos givers and rebloggers, everyone who’s been supportive and enthusiastic about this fest. Join us in celebrating our romantic, swoon worthy and steamy creations.
Reveals will happen in a week! You have until the 20th to catch up and take part in our Guessing Game.
Under the cut you find all our 2023 entries: 8 stories, 6 artworks and 2 podfics.
🖋 Fic
collarbones like a bow, skin an arrow to the heart
(Pansy Parkinson/Ginny Weasley, E, 4k) Gin’s adjusting the lighting for their next shoot when in walks the new model Luna was so enthusiastic about, and that’s when they know they’re in deep shit.
Cool About It
(Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, M, 16k) Harry is so excited for his first date with Draco. But what follows isn't so much a date as it is an all-night odyssey including a malevolent lift, a Gringotts heist, a Sleeping Curse, a trip to the kebab shop, a lack of dancing, a Muggle drug, a rooftop pool party, a black eye and, eventually, a sunrise over a Quidditch stadium.
Love Me Meow
(Arabella Fig/Minerva McGonagall, E, 2.5k) After the students leave for the summer, Headmaster McGonagall and the new Muggle Studies professor have a chance and sensuous encounter at the beach.
Nature pricks them on to ramp and rage
(Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, E, 21k) Lord Draco Malfoy may be a young man spending time in Dumbledore’s summer court, but that does not mean he needs to succumb to its licentious frivolity. He carries the burden of his lineage, the shadow of rumours, and the dignity of his betrothal to a good match. He is certainly not fool enough to be distracted by the dark curls and ready grin of the court’s stableboy, who seems to have taken up with every courtier who looks his way.
The Real Thing
(Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, M, 5k) Harry only means to cheer Draco up after a terrible breakup. He doesn't mean to fall in love.
this is how we become timeless
(Narcissa Malfoy/Lily Evans, T, 10k) Narcissa is in eternal servitude to the Dark Lord, bound by the tears of a burned-down phoenix. Lily belongs to the Order, bound by the tears of the same creature. They’re the only two people in the world in the position of time turners, tasked with teetering the outcome of the ongoing war into their respective side’s favor. They are light years away, yet they’ve never been closer.
Wild Horses (couldn't drag me away)
(Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, E, 36k) Koi no Yokan (Japanese) - The feeling of excitement you get when you first meet someone and know that you will eventually fall in love with them. A more realistic version of ‘love at first sight’, it roughly translates to ‘premonition of love’. A story of magic, horses, magical horses, and two men who fight all odds to find their way to each other.
(Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, T, 10k) Harry doesn’t intentionally kidnap Draco Malfoy. Really it’s debatable if you can even call it kidnapping but the git surely seems to think so.
🎨 Art
Harry And Draco Wearing Kilts
(Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, G, digital art) Our favourite wizards, dressed in traditional Scottish attire.
I Bloom Pink For You
(Narcissa Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson, M, craft) Pansy has been starved for love her whole life. All she needs is someone who will give her the approval she craves. An origami comic inspired by Schmem_14's fic.
Joy Exposed
(Fleur Delacour/Ginny Weasley, G, Digital art) Ginny and Fleur give an interview for Daily Prophet’s new Weekend Magazine and spend hours doing an accompanying photoshoot. When it comes to approving the selection of photos for print, they unanimously choose the candid one taken on their break, rather than all the styled and posed images.
Monday Murder Club
(Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Lavender Brown/Padma Patil, T, Digital art) The members of a crime-solving club find love and friendship amidst the blood.
The Professor's Passion
(Narcissa Black Malfoy/Hermione Granger, G, Digital art) Hermione is a professor and Gryffindor head of house. She loves her job... until Narcissa Malfoy is hired on the school's faculty, and is now head of Slytherin. God, that woman is insufferable. Hermione despises her so much she can hardly think about anything else. (She must hate her... that's why she always feels so hot and bothered when she's around, right? And does she have to be so damn beautiful?)
You Pierce My Soul
(Harry/Draco, M, digital art) Harry's eyes were on him almost as soon as Draco entered the ballroom. It was as if he'd been watching the door, and now Harry's eyes were wide and his mouth open.
🎵 Podfic
Masks Off
(Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy, Teen, 3h 15 min) Draco had followed his parents to this Caribbean island as a matter of course, even though no one had told him what they were doing here or why his father’s ships were frequently attacked by masked pirates. And, honestly, Draco’d had no intention of actually finding out either.
wasps and honey by swoons
(Hermione Granger/Narcissa Malfoy, M, 1 - 1,5 hours) After ten years on parole in the Muggle world, newly widowed Narcissa Black is finally allowed to do magic again — as long as she can complete all the spells on the Ministry course list. Her Ministry of Magic representative? Hermione Granger.
Come play our Guessing Game!
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leannareneehieber · 3 months
Just wanted to say not only thanks for the mutual boops but I dig the Victorian goth style you flaunt. It’s quite a leap from the “Hot Topic” style I have mostly seen versus the elegance you bring to the style.
Anyhow, good to boop into you. Keep on keeping on and hope to see you around in the blorbosphere.
That is so profoundly kind of you! Thank you in turn!
I'm an "ElderGoth" at this point in my mid-40s and the Victorian Gothic part of the wide range in stylistic Goth expression has always called to me since I started this life as a teen in the 90s. If you dig my style, please follow @gothiccharmschool, my beloved friend, who literally has written the book on this kind of thing and she showcases the full, beautiful scope of what can be found in our subculture.
To defend Hot Topic just for one second, some of their corporate nonsense aside, I grew up in rural Ohio and the Hot Topic at the mall was really all Goths had as a store, save the thrift store and vintage store (which is where I really developed my style) but Hot Topic, for kids of any alt / punk / goth / emo kind of vibe, it literally was a lifeline to feel like you weren't alone in the world. (I was the one and *only* Goth at my college in Ohio, a school of 16k+ people, I was used in folks' "subculture discussions" in their English classes every year). So, a national chain (that's still around) was something we celebrated.
Thanks again for your kind words and HAPPY BOOPENING!
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sitp-recs · 2 years
do you have any recs where draco is absolutely smitten with harry? i love your blog, thank you for doing an incredible job! <3
Thank you! I do have a few recs with smitten Draco, hope you enjoy:
Two Starts, One Finish by @lqtraintracks (2021, E, 5.4k)
I feel him before I see him. Nobody stands this close to me while I’m playing, and I’m about to turn to tell him so when he says, “You’re a tough bloke to track down,” and then leans against my baby grand.
Lovesick by @corvuscrowned (2022, T, 7.6k)
People keep spiking Auror Harry Potter with love potions. Healer Draco Malfoy keeps having to pick up the pieces.
And Back Again (Where You Belong) by eidheann (2014, E, 16k)
He thought back on their previous handshakes, and smiled faintly at the fact they always seemed to mean so much more to him than they did to Potter.
Whoo Knew? by oceaxe (2016, E, 18k)
Despite having had a crush on his Auror partner for years, Draco's been biding his time and waiting for the perfect opportunity to make his case. But when Harry subscribes to a new wizarding personals service, Draco gets a wake-up call.
The Courting by the Pureblood Who Only Has Five Milligrams of Romantic Intelligence and Thinks He’s Real Smooth by Cibee (2020, T, 19k)
Draco could grab Potter and shove him into a stall before proceeding to suck his soul out of his dick, but secretly, deep down, in the part of Draco that he will never admit to anyone, he is (everyone pauses to shudder) a romantic. Potter is not someone Draco wants a one-off with. Potter is — Draco’s beloved!
Watch The Castles Burn by @moonflower-rose (2021, E, 21k)
Draco Malfoy knows better than to get involved with Harry Potter. If only someone would have reminded him of that six months sooner, then maybe he wouldn't be in quite such a large mess.
Waiting By An Open Door by Femme and noeon (2017, E, 29k)
Draco starts following Potterwatch secretly during the War. He wishes Potter would come save him too. But that sort of thing only happens in fairy tales, and Malfoys don't get fairy tale endings, do they?
The Boy Who Only Lived Twice by lettered (2012, E, 54k)
Harry Potter is an Unspeakable. Draco Malfoy is the wizard who shagged him. Adventure! Intrigue! Secret identities, celebrities, spies! It's all right here, folks.
Finely Drawn Lines by @the-sinking-ship (2022, E, 61k)
Draco doesn’t consider himself an artist (though the dozens of sketchbooks lining his shelves might suggest differently). Yet ever since Potter returned to Hogwarts, accepting a teaching position alongside Draco, his drawings have taken on a rather singular focus.
Tea and No Sympathy by who_la_hoop (2014, E, 70k)
It's Potter's fault, of course, that Draco finds himself trapped in the same twenty-four-hour period, repeating itself over and over again.
The Light More Beautiful by firethesound (2014, E, 81k)
Thirteen years after Draco accepts Potter's help escaping the horror of his sixth year, he returns to England where he makes the unfortunate discovery that Potter is still as obnoxious as ever. And worse, more than a decade overseas hasn't been enough to dim Draco's obsession with him.
Soup-pocalypse and The Great Curry Cataclysm by SquadOfCats (2018, E, 104k)
Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.
Written on the Heart by who_la_hoop (2016, E, 113k)
Unnerved by the attention he’s attracting from everyone – the Slytherins are the least of it, to be fair – and struggling with a raft of changes to Hogwarts itself, Harry wishes he could be happy that one constant remains: Draco Malfoy really fucking hates him.
By the Grace by lettered (2020, T, 140k)
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
Twist of Fate by Oakstone730 (2011, T, 300k)
Draco asks Harry to help him beat the Imperius curse during 4th year. The lessons turn into more than either expected. A story of redemption and forgiveness. Pairings: HP/DM (Slash) Timeframe: 1994-2002 Goblet to 4 yrs post-DH EWE Rating T for language, high angst, content.
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matchagator · 9 months
Hustlers: Magic Men
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After making a fast getaway in the last episode, the girls are looking to celebrate, and what could be better than some making wealthy connections, filling up on spirits, and marveling over the beautiful views Australia had to offer? 😉
*Make sure to check out previous episodes to follow the story. Let us know how you're liking the story so far by leaving a comment 😊*
{New Banner in Progress! Should be updated by the next release.}
{Main Pairings:} Jeon Jungkook/Original Female Character, Park Jimin/Original Female Character, Kim Taehyung/Original Female Character(s)
{Rating:} 18+
{Genre:} Alternate Universe - Hustlers/ Con Artists
{Word Count:} 16k
{Warning} Sexual Content, Stealing, Mature Language, Manipulation, Mild Violence, Sexual Harassment, Bondage, and Alcohol
Hustlers Episode Order:
Episode 1: Sin City
Episode 2: Pink Diamond
Episode 3: Cyber Flight
Episode 4: Wine Country
Chapter 5: Art Auction
Episode 6: Magic Men
LOCATION: Melbourne, Australia 
The bustling front lobby of the Ritz-Carlton cast the perfect background atmosphere as the three mischievous, male hustlers sat at one of the lounges to discuss their recent dalliance with the femme fatale. Jimin and Taehyung were casually perched against one of the lavish sofas, the eldest of the trio with whisky in hand as he glared unapologetically at their youngest. Jungkook was sitting on a sofa chair beside them, pressing his elbows against his knees as he leaned in to converse with his teammates. 
“Don’t blame this on me.” Jungkook’s eyes narrowed at Jimin and Taehyung as they spun him into a web of accusations, recalling how Jungkook disappeared from his obligations whenever a certain bold and attractive woman was present. “I did my part.  If I remember correctly, weren’t you supposed to be watching them?” His stare was pointed sharply toward Taehyung. “You seemed to keep yourself occupied when I left.” 
“It’s different.” Taehyung grit through his teeth, knowing that he stayed alert in the theater for the entirety of the auction, despite how boring it all was to him. “Anyway Chimmy was the one responsible for grabbing the glittery stream.” 
“Opal River.” Jimin interrupted, glaring at Taehyung as the blame was now shifted onto him. 
Taehyung groaned, standing up from his seat with every intention of disappearing to the bar to get a drink of his own. “Whatever it’s fucking called...” His expression was unamused at the reality that they were robbed of another vastly expensive score from the same women they loved to mess with. 
“At least I didn’t break the world's most expensive wine bottle because I was drunk off my ass.” Jimin hissed back, watching Taehyung dig his fingertips into the back edge of the couch, contemplating his reaction to his moment of carelessness being brought back up.
“I got stuck in that damn cellar. What did you expect?” Taehyung retaliated, feeling his patience with Jimin run thin. 
Unfortunately, Jungkook was quick to join Jimin’s side as he offered Taehyung a warning glare. “Not to find you tangled up with Emmy.” 
Taehyung tossed his hand forward, grunting in annoyance as he abandoned the boys to seek out some bourbon, knowing it would surely help take off the edge. 
Jimin smirked at Taehyung’s reaction as he shifted his attention to Jungkook who equally seemed amused by his hyung's reaction. The youngest of their trio let himself fall back into his sofa chair, relishing the moment to relax his muscles while thinking back on Taehyung’s drunken state. 
His subtle jealousy bubbled in the pit of his stomach at the memory of finding Emmy and Taehyung blissed out behind the padlocked door, hating the blunt reminder that he wasn’t the only one in his trio to fuck around with his klepto Barbie. Jungkook’s thoughts quickly swirled back to his sinful moment with Emmy in the museum restroom, dwelling on the regrettable ending before either of them got a proper taste of the other. 
Taehyung pressed his palms into the top of the bar as he waved down the nearest bartender, his teeth clenching together as he tried to cool off. “Jim Beam, Neat.” His wolf-like stare shot across the counter as the employee offered him a swift nod in response, finding the correct brand of bourbon before plucking its bottle from its place amongst others. Taehyung shifted his teeth as he tilted his head to the side, letting the joints crack and pop within his neck as he glanced around the hotel lobby, spotting a boisterous group of women walking in from the exterior. 
The more brazen member of the masculine trio leaned his elbows into the bar as he focused in on the sight of a youthful blonde strutting through the corridor, her face elated from a day out shopping with her friends. Various high-end bags draped across her arms, immediately exposing her wealth as her entourage fluffed her ever-present ego. 
“Your bourbon, sir.” Taehyung’s attention was pulled away from the attractive group of women as he moved his hand into the pocket hidden behind the lapel of his jacket. He pulled out a crisp twenty-dollar bill between his index and middle finger. He swiftly swung his fingers out toward the bartender, grinning happily as the hotel employee accepted the payment. 
“Keep the change.” Taehyung pushed off the bartop, grasping his glass between his fingers as the group of women ventured into the bar, their presence somewhat causing a disturbance as the once tranquil environment was now filled with obnoxious giggling. 
Taehyung walked directly toward them given they were directly in the middle of his quickest path back to his teammate. He figured it would be the perfect opportunity to gain a few glances at their shapely bodies in the meantime. “Drinks on me ladies!” The blonde announced excitedly, letting her arms shoot into the air as the shopping bags around her arms slid down to her shoulders. 
There was a loud holler of elation from her entourage as they settled in one of the nooks of the lounge, resting against the lavish furniture as the light-haired beauty waved down one of the servers. “Thanks, Yuna!” One of her friends commented from behind her, instantly exposing her identity as a redhead in her group holding up her phone to snap a photo to post on social media. 
“Consider it a pregame for tonight.” Yuna smiled brightly, her pupils illuminating in exhilaration as she seamlessly shifted into a forced yet effortless smile for the photo. 
The brunette of their group sat herself down on one of the sofa chairs, crossing her legs as she fanned herself off at the thought of their scandalous evening to come. “I can’t believe you got us VIP reservations for Magic Men.” 
Yuna beamed as she set her bags down, completely avoiding Taehyung as he swiftly passed by them, remaining silent so he could overhear their plans in hopes of acquiring a new target. “While in Australia…” Yuna shrugged unapologetically before grabbing her phone from her purse and holding it up as she adjusted herself in the dim lighting of the lounge. Once she found the correct positioning, she snapped a picture, diligently working to type up a social media post. 
“I’m posting about it. It’s gonna be fire.” Yuna completed her post as the server approached her entourage, openly handing the server a black card telling him to charge whatever her girls wanted onto it. 
Taehyung’s eyes glimmered with opportunity, taking a sip of his bourbon as he approached Jimin and Jungkook who were currently discussing plans for the evening. Taehyung grinned proudly, Jimin slightly disappointed to see their resident charmer was in a far better mood than they had left him in. 
“Blackcard, ten o’clock,” Taehyung spoke quietly enough for them to hear him as his partners in crime glanced back toward the noisy group of women, Jungkook instantly found the blonde beauty as his interest peeked.
Jimin noticed the waiter walking back with a tray of fruity alcoholic beverages as he held out the very card Taehyung was informing them about to return to its proper owner. “Whose up for an easy hustle?” Jungkook smirked, knowing it would be simple to hack Yuna’s bank account, especially since she seemed completely careless with her money for the thrill of enjoying her time. 
“Her name is…” Just as Taehyung began divulging the information he acquired from the group of party-goers, Jimin interrupted him as he held out his phone to display his screen to his younger comrades.
“Yuna. She’s a social media influencer and daughter to a multi-millionaire.” Taehyung narrowed his eyes at the eldest, annoyed at how skilled the man was at obtaining information about someone random. “She’s here on vacation,” Jimin added, grinning as he turned the phone back toward him to continue scrolling through her profile. “She’s been posting about all of her…adventures.” He chuckled, showing the screen once more as Jungkook and Taehyung’s eyes widened from the image of her practically topless on the beach. 
“Sounds like a woo girl.” Jungkook chuckled, enjoying the thought of indulging in women to get his unfortunate thoughts of Emmy out of his mind. 
Taehyung quickly tilted his head back, downing the rest of his drink before setting the glass down on the coffee table before them. “They’re heading to a strip club tonight…Magic Men.” He added, watching as silence fell upon them from the idea of entertaining an evening at a male strip club just to gain another score. 
“I’m down.” Jungkook leaned forward in his seat, resting his elbows on her knees as he mischievously rubbed his palms together. Jungkook was a man of many skills, dancing being one of them as he entertained the thought of actually posing as a male dancer. His malicious glare found Jimin, knowing that if anyone would be able to successfully join him on stage, it would be him. “What do you say, Chimmy?” Jungkook’s smile stretched into a sinister smirk as his eyes darkened toward the usually more reserved member of their trio. “Ready to shimmy?”
The crisp salty air of the harbor swirled around the femme fatale as they lounged about the top deck of a luxury yacht, relishing in the warmth of the Australian sun as they celebrated another victory. Ruby was happily sipping on a peach sangria as she laid back against one of the lounge chairs, taking the opportunity to work on her tan. After having to play a realistic game of Grand Theft Auto a couple of nights prior, she took the opportunity to enjoy her freedom as the sun kissed her skin.  
Jade was currently swimming in the ocean below, being the first to jump off the edge of the boat to savor the sensation of the cool waves despite the inferno of such a bright and sunny day. Emmy, on the other hand, sat content in one of the shaded areas of the yacht, keeping her delicately pale skin from burning off in the violent rays of the Australian sun. She sat tucked in one of the lavish cushioned wicker lounges as she scrolled through social media, catching up on whatever drama she missed during their last adventures. 
After the auction, the girls managed to get their expensive sculpture packaged and shipped to its new location, selling it off on the black market to avoid getting caught with it in their possession. They cashed in on a ridiculous amount of local currency, utilizing some of the funds as they escaped toward Melbourne to create some distance from their crimes. It wasn’t until they were gone that Felix’s car was located unharmed with every trace of Ruby erased from the vehicle as if she vanished.
Emmy sighed happily as a handsome attendant of the yacht approached her with a tray full of the most delicately crafted sushi, made from only the freshest catch. “Sushi!” She yelled out, watching as Jade almost instantly plucked herself out of the ocean to seek out the delicious delicacy. If there was anything the eldest enjoyed more than money, it was seafood of any kind. 
Ruby was also quick to abandon her suntanning as she moved toward the breakfast nook perfectly designed into the back of the boat. “Looks delicious.” Ruby beamed as she took her seat, clinging to her sangria as it paired nicely with their lunch. One of the other attendants of the boat offered Emmy and Jade a couple of drinks of their own, Jade opting for a traditional pina colada while Emmy sought out a blue Hawaiian. 
“To victory.” Ruby lifted her glass in the air, offering her girls a toast as they celebrated another job well done, leading them to the opportunity to relax and enjoy themselves as such. Emmy and Jade held up their glasses, letting them clink together before they each took a sip.
Jade reached across the table to grab a pair of chopsticks, enjoying just how luxurious the black material was as she glanced over the large selection of sushi and sashimi. “This is the life.” She hummed happily as she plucked a piece of unagi, hardly hesitating as she shamelessly indulged in the expensive cut. 
Emmy grinned as she found a delicious Hawaiian roll with coconut shrimp, letting her palate savor the accompanying pieces of mango. “So, what next?” Ruby commented, knowing that while their victory allowed them plenty of money to indulge in all of life's finer offerings they also needed to settle their debts. A group of three women from traumatic backgrounds and various entanglements only meant they had debts to pay and agreements to settle. Luckily, their scores kept them afloat while paying off the enemies they acquired over the years. 
Ultimately, the feeling of becoming so powerful was addictive to the trio, knowing they were far too invested in the hustle of life to ever stop. Emmy grabbed her phone as she continued to scroll through her Instagram, noticing Shin Yuna, daughter of one of the wealthiest men on the Asian continent, was posting about her adventures on vacation. Emmy's eyes skimmed over the content as she was about to scroll up, suddenly noticing the location tag on her post. 
She paused as her pupils settled on the words Melbourne Australia finding it vastly coincidental that she just so happened to be on vacation where the girls were currently enjoying their own mini getaway. “Take a look at this.” Emmy twisted her device toward Ruby who narrowed her eyes at the image of the blonde bimbo.
“Isn’t that the Shin girl?” She commented, completely uninvested in the topic as she stuffed another piece of expensive sashimi in her mouth. 
Jade’s interest piqued as she gestured toward Emmy to let her see the phone, noticing the same location tag at the bottom of her post. “Melbourne, huh?” Jade hummed as she reached over the table to grab a piece of salmon skillfully with her chopsticks. 
“Miss Princess just posted about her plans tonight,” Emmy added, glancing back at her post to see her carelessly exposing the details of her location in order to allow her followers the opportunity to join them. She showed Ruby once again, letting the girl closest to her age in on the fact that Yuna and her entourage were planning a night out at a strip club. 
Ruby’s smile widened at the sight, realizing that if Jade was informed of the location, she would surely retaliate. Instead, Ruby flashed Emmy a knowing look, both nodding their heads in agreement as they turned their attention toward Jade. “What do you say? Should be easy to fuck her over.” Ruby offered, taking a sip of her sangria as she watched Jade offer them a questioning stare. 
“Where are they heading?” 
“Just to get drinks,” Emmy interjected, knowing just as much as Ruby that the mention of any male strippers would cause the eldest to retreat from the mission, despite the fact that they’ve made her play the role of a stripper many times before. “Worse case, we at least get free drinks out of it.”
Jade pondered the decision for a moment, letting her chopsticks rest in the corner of her mouth as she sucked off the residue of the delicious cuisine. “Alright.” She finally agreed, failing to notice Emmy and Ruby triumphantly stare at each other, both holding up their glasses again for another toast, knowing that they would both soon get to enjoy alcohol and devilishly handsome men. 
  A long drawn-out sigh escaped Jade’s lips as she glanced out the window, admiring the sights of Melbourne as their private chauffeur escorted them to their destination for the evening. Jade was still completely clueless as to what their evening encompassed, knowing that they were going out for drinks at what she could only presume must be a bar or club in town. Their driver maneuvered the street effortlessly as Ruby leaned back in her seat, enjoying the spacious room of the luxury SUV with complimentary champagne. 
“Don’t mind if I do.” The brawn of the group poured herself a glass, using the alcohol to get a pleasant warmth in her system, fully knowing what they were getting themselves into. Emmy stayed silent as she scrolled through Yuna’s social media, getting to know the naive blonde in order to better schmooze her way into her entourage. 
Jade shifted her gaze back onto her best friends, picking up on their silence as a nervous ache settled in the pit of her stomach. “Where are we going again?” She questioned, feeling as if there was something the girls were hiding from her. Typically, Emmy was quick to divulge the plan for the evening and suddenly she found their youngest to be quite smug. 
“I told you, to get drinks.” Emmy was simple with her choice of words, knowing the eldest got immensely uncomfortable around men, let alone in a room filled with sexualized, half-naked hunks. The thought had her smirking mischievously behind the camouflage of her phone screen, knowing Jade was in for it as they approached the location of the salacious show. 
As their car turned through the busy streets of the bustling part of town, Jade soon caught glimpses of various businesses, wondering which would be their final location. “So what’s the plan?” 
Emmy kept her eyes on the phone as Ruby leaned across the youngest brunette, flashing Jade a smile. “I’m gonna stay back on this one while you and Emmy find a way to join Yuna’s inner circle.” She put the plan quite plainly, Jade nodding in understanding as her eyes caught sight of an advertisement for a male performance show entitled Magic Men. She noticed the location on the billboard,  matching it to an approaching nightclub called Love Machine, her face became pale as realization dawned upon her. 
“No, absolutely not.” Jade retaliated, as an impish giggle erupted from Emmy. “I’m not going to a male strip club!” Her voice elevated as Ruby’s features morphed into a malicious smirk. 
“You don’t have a choice.” Ruby smiled, lifting her glass of champagne before downing the remainder, smacking her lips in satisfaction from the sting of the alcohol. 
Jade could feel her heart drumming within her chest, her hands suddenly becoming clammy as she gently rubbed them against her thighs. Whenever they came in close contact with men, Jade seemed to become a babbling fool who was easily manipulated under their male charm. How was she supposed to be any help in such an environment? 
Emmy laughed as she watched Jade’s complexion fade completely of its color, enjoying her sweet torment far too much as she leaned into the brains of their trio. “Relax.” She cooed, hoping to give some peace of mind for their evening. “I’ve got this under control. All you need to do is sit back and enjoy.” Somehow she couldn’t imagine Jade openly ogling fine-ass-looking men while they danced erotically in front of her on stage. She would see far more than just their sculpted abdomens, alluding to witnessing more of their masculinity on full display beneath their revealing attire. 
Jade was speechless, a blush crawling onto her cheeks at the thought of it all. She wasn’t a fool in sexual activities and participated in the act herself back in high school. Unfortunately, since she’s been focusing on their hustles and making sure everything ran smoothly, she left the more sensual roles to Emmy and Ruby. Emmy was dangerously good at seducing men, her lack of self-consciousness and her feminine allure led her to be the perfect choice for most of their hustles. Jade let her body relax, knowing she could at least manage to watch the show without making a complete fool of herself. “Fine.”
Emmy tutted happily as she turned her attention back onto the screen of her phone, the car pulling up just outside of the building. “If you’re lucky, I’ll even buy you a private dance.” Emmy’s eyes flashed wildly with mischief, laughing as Jade’s body tensed once more from her implications. Ruby was quick to join in on the teasing as she whipped out a large pile of crisp hundred-dollar bills, distributing them amongst the two. 
“Make it a good one.” Ruby grinned as she handed Jade more cash, spreading the remainder so she could fan herself off. “Don’t forget to tip.” She teased, gesturing toward the waistband of her skin-tight jeans, running her tongue against her bottom lip. 
“Oh my god, get out,” Jade complained frantically, hoping to get the evening started so that it would soon be over. Emmy and Ruby were practically crunched over in jubilation as the driver of their car moved about to open the door for them. Emmy quickly turned toward Jade in hopes of getting in another word but was met with a smack of the eldest’s hand across her shoulder. “Out.”
The loud reverberation of the bass music echoed through the walls of the nightclub, elaborate fluorescent lights decorating the ceiling with neon hexagons lining the expanse of the ceiling. Crowds of various women filled the large space, occupying every booth and available seating across the floor, eager for the performance of a lifetime from a group of vastly in-shape men. 
Ruby found herself in one of the VIP booths towards the back of the strip club, more determined to drink her way through the evening with the attention of handsome waiters sporting nothing but a mere bowtie and pants to conceal their muscular frames. She sat alongside Emmy and Jade who were eyeing the group of women galavanting toward the front of the establishment, Yuna’s bright blonde hair standing out as she boldly made her way to the VIP seating directly in front of the large stage. 
Emmy watched their target cautiously, waiting for the perfect opportunity to find a way into her entourage, knowing the women would be far too distracted by the men of the hour to pay any mind to their valuables. The face of their operation turned back toward her partners in crime, giggling at the sight of Jade veiling her field of view with her hand pressed above her eyes as if she was blocking out the sunlight. Emmy glanced in the opposite direction of Jade’s stare, noticing a group of handsome bartenders shamelessly utilizing their looks and bodies to attract the women closer to them. 
“This is completely impudent,” Jade complained, letting a whine form at the back of her throat as she fiddled with the small shot glass on the table in front of her. 
Emmy cocked her brow with a narrow of her eyes, watching the eldest try to slander the idea of selling your looks for money. “Yet, you had no problem making me strip in Vegas.” Emmy countered, crossing her arms in front of her as Ruby joined in on the conversation. 
“Like you cared.” The brawn of their group rolled her eyes, knowing Emmy was the first to use her looks to gain the favor of men. If you got it, flaunt it. 
Jade pressed her lips together at Emmy’s comment, knowing that she did the deed to accomplish a heist while these men worked here on the regular, letting floods of women sexualize them for money. “It’s different.” It was the only thing she could say to express her discomfort with their current location. 
Emmy shrugged her shoulders, taking one of the shots from the tray in front of them as she downed the bitter liquid, letting the sting travel down her throat with a satisfying burn. “I still had to flash my tits.” She watched as Yuna left her group of friends to seek out the ATM located at the back of the venue, knowing she would need all of the cash she could possibly get to enjoy the amenities the club had to offer. 
This was the girl’s opportunity to move in on their target, creating an opening for them to flatter their way into sitting with her at the front of the venue. Emmy nudged Jade, smacking her lips and sighing as she watched the most naive of their trio struggle to make eye contact with any of the men. 
“You’re paying for a service, you might as well get over it and enjoy the view.” She groaned before tugging Jade’s arm gently. “Now, pull it together and follow me.” Before Jade could retaliate, Emmy swiftly shimmied out of the booth, standing up as she adjusted the way her clothing settled on her frame. She had on a pair of black high-waisted jeans with small distress in the denim and a daring sequin metal halter top that was completely backless, the heavy fabric only hanging on by two thin chains around her lower back and neck. She grinned as she tossed her straightened hair to one shoulder, glancing back at Jade as she tugged the fabric of her black bodycon dress, feeling the seam creep up against her thighs as she tried to maintain some modesty. 
Emmy took confident strides toward the back of the club, letting her features morph into a bright smile as her usual calm and collected demeanor morphed into a giddy mess of a woman. Jade followed close behind her, admiring Emmy’s sudden shift in theatrics as she approached the rich influencer. 
“Oh my god, no way!” Emmy’s usual tone was replaced with a ditzy giggle as she walked up to place a hand across Yuna’s back. “Shin Yuna?” She added, her eyes sparkling brightly as if a starstruck fan meeting their biggest idol. “I’m such a huge fan!” She added, offering the Starlite a friendly exchange before pulling her phone out from her back pocket. “Could we get a selfie?”
Yuna’s face illuminated by the sudden burst of attention, admiring the way Emmy turned into a pile of mush at the sight of her. Yuna collected the cash she had just withdrawn, stuffing it into her purse as she turned to address her supposed fan. “Of course!”  
Emmy squeaked with excitement as she moved to stand beside her, gesturing for Jade to do the same on the opposite side and Jade imitated Emmy’s enthusiasm. With a click of her phone, Emmy hummed happily as Yuna glanced over her figure, admiring her followers' style and appearance. “Are you guys followers?” 
Jade nodded as she forced a smile on her features, acting just as starstruck as Emmy without the flare for the dramatics. “Absolutely!” She heard Emmy respond as the youngest stuffed her phone back in her back pocket. “We saw your post about coming here tonight and just had to check it out.” 
Yuna grinned at her company, feeling her ego swell as Emmy began complimenting her looks and choice of activities while on her vacation. Yuna contemplated her return to her friends, knowing she wanted nothing more than to continue conversing with Jade and Emmy given they were so in awe of her presence. 
“What do you girls say about joining us up front?” She beamed, locking arms with Emmy as she began guiding her up toward her reserved section. “I hear it’s the best view in the house.”
Emmy fought the smirk from pulling at the corner of her mouth from their victory as Jade happily accepted her invitation. “That's so generous of you!” She praised Yuna, catching onto the fact that the more they worked to fluff her ego, the more she’d be willing to have them stick around her. 
“Girls, let’s make room! I brought some new friends!” Yuna yelled over the crowd as she gently nudged one of her friends along the booth to create space for Emmy and Jade. “They’re like, my fans!” She added with excitement, feeling giddy under the spotlight shining on her without realizing the intentions of that attention. 
Emmy slid into the booth first, forcing Jade on the outside where she had to avoid looking out toward the passing shirtless waiters. The tech specialist was out of her element, considering most of their heists she came in fully prepared with plenty of background information on their target, the valuable of interest, and the scene of the crime. Apparently, Emmy and Ruby thought it was a good idea to throw her in the questionable depths, feeding her to the sharks of exposed men. 
While Emmy boosted Yuna’s ego and blended in with the group of girls, Jade did her best to keep a smile on her face as her social battery slowly drained from the intense energy at their table. She was startled as one of Yuna’s friends slammed the surface of the table, “We need another round!” There was a collective response in agreement as Yuna waved her hand in the air to get a server.
It only took a moment until Jade felt a sturdy presence looming over her shoulder as a decadent voice said, “What can I get you, ladies?” The growl in his voice triggered a distant memory as she began lifting her head, feeling compelled to steal a glance at the server. 
The first thing she saw was a glistening, bare abdomen just inches from her face as Emmy’s elbow dug into her side. The sudden jolt against her ribs with the combination of shock from the abrupt visual had her bursting into flames as she squeaked out loud. Her gaze quickly averted from the waiter’s body, feeling slightly ashamed by her reaction towards him. “I’m sorry.” She expressed finally meeting the eyes of Taehyung, dressed in nothing but a white bow tie, black trousers, and a smirk. 
He placed his hand on the table, leaning over Jade as his smug demeanor intensified. “I didn’t mean to startle you.” With a simple wink, he had the other girls squealing as he flexed his arms, flicking his gaze up to meet Emmy. The two female hustlers glared at him as he straightened his posture, moving to the other end of the booth. “You girls look thirsty.”
Emmy and Jade stare the intruder down as he goes across the lineup of women, gathering their drink orders before he returns to them. “I’ll have an Old Fashion.” Emmy had her arms crossed over her chest.
Before Jade could give her drink order, Taehyung fixated his stare on the theatrical female in the trio. “You strike me as a wine girl. Maybe a glass of Romanee-Conti?” He chuckled under his breath, too proud of himself for the reference as he watched Emmy’s eyes flare with agitation. 
“Whiskey will be just fine.” She confirmed sternly, daring him to keep digging the hole she was burning into his skull further. He collected Jade’s drink order, leaning down close as her words were muffled by the bass of the speakers.
“Coming right up, sweetheart.” He flashed a smile at the booth full of girls, making sure to leave them with a nice visual before he went to fulfill their order. “Alright ladies, I’ll be right back, but remember to drink responsibly…or not responsibly.” He winked, leaving them squealing in his wake as he made his way to the bar. 
Emmy was chewing the inside of her cheek, fighting the urge to knock Taehyung off his pedestal as the other women sitting beside her started debating who he seemed to be more interested in. She was still burning from his comment about the wine, instantly reminding her about the mistake she made by sleeping with him. He wasn’t even that amazing, she was thinking of Jungkook half of the time. 
“I wonder what’s hiding underneath that belt…” One of Yuna’s friends commented, getting the girls all excited as they each came up with their own guesses while Emmy was the one who knew the truth. 
Yuna turned to the new guests at her table, who seemed awfully quiet during his visit. “What do you guys think?” Her hands were neatly clasped together, leaning up on her elbows with enthusiasm every time she addressed her friends across the table. 
“I’m sure it’s nothing special since he’s just a server.” Emmy mused as if she didn’t know the dick in his pants from base to tip. 
Yuna busted into laughter along with her parakeets, “Oh my god, you’re so bad.” She giggled, lightly smacking Emmy’s shoulder. “That’s hilarious.”
Jade looked amused as she eyed Emmy, leaning into her ear so the others at the table couldn’t hear her. “Are you speaking from experience?” Her look was pointed with accusation since she remembered how Emmy returned to them after her dalliance in the wine cellar.
Emmy sharpened her glare toward Jade, “Oh you do not want to play that game with me.” She threatened, ready to dish out a list of things she could use against their intellectual counterpart. Emmy was usually the target of sexual jokes, but Jade had her share of naive mistakes that left her in compromising situations. Jade knew what it looked like to be on Emmy’s bad side and settled back into the booth. Emmy smirked, “That’s what I thought.” For good measure, she stuck her tongue out playfully as she claimed her small victory. 
Jungkook smiled at his reflection in the mirror as he adjusted his button-up shirt and unfastened vest as they hung over the top of his shredded jeans. He peered at the man beside him, seeing Jimin in an uncharacteristic outfit. It was a simple white tank top and matching distressed, skin-tight jeans, but the sheer material of his tank displayed hints of tattoos along his ribcage. “Looking good there, Chimmy.”
Jimin groaned with frustration, plopping down in a chair in exasperation. “We really need another alias.” He grabbed a black hoodie lying on the vanity and pulled it over his head as he heard his partner chuckle beside him. 
“I thought you picked that one.” Jungkook mused, fighting the sarcastic smile from spoiling his coy response. 
“No…” Jimin forced a smile, his eyes looked closed from the swell of his cheeks. “That would be V. He’s the one that gave me that name.”
Jungkook falsely awed as if he never knew that before as men moved around in the backstage area. He glanced behind his shoulder, watching as their pace seemed to pick up, anticipating that the show was about to begin. Jungkook finished fiddling with his attire before smacking Jimin in the arm. “Looks like they’re about to go out.”
They walked to the stage, peeking out beyond the curtain to see if they could catch a glimpse of their target. “Is she here?” Jimin pressed on his earpiece, directing his question to Taehyung who worked the floor, schmoozing the audience. 
“Yeah, she’s here….and she’s not alone. “ Jungkook and Jimin shared a look, wondering what Taehyung could have meant since they knew she was bringing friends along. “Our pretty little gems are here.”
Jungkook instantly perked up as Jimin became tense, still mildly aggravated from their last encounter. While he was satisfied with his interaction with Jade, he was hoping to collect some of their losses without any hiccups. “All of them?” He wondered, thinking that he and Jungkook would have an advantage if only one of the girls had her eye on Yuna. 
“Klepto Barbie and Tech Geek are sitting at her booth. I don’t see the other one anywhere close by.” Jungkook’s blood raced with adrenaline, his motivation shifting as he anticipated giving Emmy a run for her money while stealing from Yuna right in front of her face. 
He gave a little jog in place, pumping himself up for a jaw-dropping show that would have Emmy wishing she never left him back in the museum restroom. He cracked his neck, bouncing around like he was ready to fight in a boxing match before looking at Jimin. “Let’s show them how to get shit done.”
Jimin’s eyebrows shot up into his hairline as he digested Jungkook’s deranged energy. He’d seen his comrades determined, but this was an all-new attitude, and he wasn’t sure if it would work in their favor or cause complete chaos. Jimin recognized that their femme fatale trio became a distraction during their missions, but he enjoined the game of it all regardless. 
The showmen were gathered toward the entrance of the stage, getting in position. Jimin moved and broke away from Jungkook to get in his spot, glancing at the youngest member one last time. He inhaled deeply, blowing the air out of his lungs slowly as the pressure puffed up his cheeks. “Here we go.”
Back in the club space, Emmy was glancing around the atmosphere, seeing if she could spot Jungkook in the midst of the waiters or other staff members. While Yuna and her friends were busy yapping about nonsense, Emmy leaned into Jade. “Where do you think the other two are?”
Jade scanned the crowd, focusing her eyes on the men’s faces rather than their bare torsos. She peeled her gaze away to address Emmy’s question, “He wouldn’t come by himself, right?”
Emmy scoffed as her laughter got caught in her throat. “That one? There’s no way.” Her eyes moved around the room again, expecting the bane of her existence to magically appear. 
The audience of women roared with gusto as Emmy felt Yuna bounce in excitement in the booth. She swiveled her attention toward the stage to find a small smoke effect drift over the platform as the lights shifted to illuminate the stage while darkening the rest of the atmosphere. “Just keep your eyes peeled.” She warned Jade before relaxing to enjoy the intro of the infamous performance of Australia’s Magic Men. 
The noise became increasingly dense as men stepped out from backstage, keeping their heads down beneath uniform hats or hoodies as they lined up along the edge of the stage. Jade was stunned at how close they got to their booth as one of the performers stood only a couple of feet away. With the lighting focused on the stage, she was able to see the platforms were connected to the elevation of their booth, practically blending the VIP section with the show. 
She whirled around, her eyes wide and lips pulled into a tight smile. “Are we technically on stage?”
Yuna could only grin as her eyes feasted on the men waiting for their cue. She bit the tip of her fingernail, concealing the glee behind her hand. “Why do you think it’s the best view in the house?” She giggled as the bass bounced from the speakers, causing small tremors through their limbs.
Jade found her gaze locked on the row of men on stage as they removed their hats and revealed their handsome faces. She was so drawn into their charm as they flexed before the cheering crowd that she nearly missed the soft features of Jimin. She was just as stunned as the moment he kissed her back at the museum when she saw him on stage, never expecting that he would be in this sort of role for a heist. She managed to move away from his bad-boy appearance long enough to spot Jungkook. Ah, that makes more sense. 
She turned away from the spectacle to see if Emmy noticed their presence on stage but realized she was too busy scoping the darkened crowd. Jade nudged her side with her elbow, drawing her vivid irises in her direction. “I found them.”
As Emmy followed Jade's gesture, there was a change in the tempo and the men switched positions. She didn’t realize the girls were making room as she was abruptly met with the image of Jungkook crawling on top of their table, smiling at the women who were fawning over him. Her face became stony when his eyes locked with her own, sending her a swift wink as he moved his hips over the surface.
Jade felt her cheeks flare as she watched Jungkook basically fuck the table, shielding her eyes away from his overwhelming display and looking across the stage to focus on a performer that wasn’t so provocative. She found Jimin amongst the dancers and nearly choked when she saw the motion of his hips rolling against the air. She bit her lip with his last words ringing in her ears.
Emmy tried to look unimpressed as Jungkook leaned back on his knees, practically presenting his dick to her on a denim platter. Yuna and her friends tossed money over his thrusting hips and even tucked the bills into the waistband of his jeans. She chewed the inside of her cheek, trying to fight the need that stirred between her legs as she imagined stealing another moment with him somewhere private. 
She shook her head, cleaning the trash from her mind as she reestablished her goal to rob Yuna blind and have Jungkook make a fool of himself for nothing. She smirked, pulling a single dollar from her clutch and sliding it across the table toward Jungkook. She noticed his eyes flash before he adjusted his playful demeanor, leaning into Emmy. “You’re going to regret that.” He whispered so that only she heard. He was hanging over the edge of the table, hovering close to her face.
“Will I?” She wondered, acting just as coy as he would. She deliberately moved her hand up to her face, curling all her fingers but the middle. She slowly traced the tip of that finger along her hairline to collect ghost strands from across her forehead. 
There was another change in the beat and Jungkook was forced to move back onto the center stage. As he moved away from Emmy, he kept his eyes locked on her, his jaw tight as their competitiveness sowed deep within their being. 
“Is it over?” Jade broke Emmy’s concentration with her desperate plea. 
Emmy chuckled to herself, seeing Jade so severely out of her element. It was one thing to witness the technical expert try her hand at being seductive and suave, but she was easily flustered by handsome men. Being completely surrounded by them was probably more than she could handle. “Not even close.”
Jade whined in her throat, allowing herself to indulge in the men dancing on stage. Most of the moves were thrilling and spectacular entertainment, but then the mixture of sexual motions broke her from her trance, sending heat to encase her entire body. Despite her reservations, she was intrigued when Jimin stepped forward while the others moved toward the back of the stage. 
She didn’t realize she was subconsciously letting herself get pulled into his performance as he jumped around, almost hyping himself up. He pulled his hoodie off his torso, letting his tank top underneath lift enough to reveal a peek of what he had hidden beneath. “Wow, look at those arms,” Emmy murmured to herself, looking over Jade’s shoulder as they watched Jimin display himself in front of a large room of starving women. 
Jade narrowed her eyes on his ribcage, spotting the subtle hints of black ink seeping through the white fabric of his tank. Then Jimin grabbed the material with two hands before swiftly pulling it apart, the threads snapping smoothly from his strength. Jade was slapped by the image of his ripped body, his muscles shaped by glorious sculptors. Her natural reaction was to scream, but the sound that escaped her lips was muffled by the yells of the women begging for Jimin’s attention. 
“Damn, I was not expecting that,” Emmy commented, mildly impressed that the nerd of their group was so built. It was too late before she realized, she started comparing him to Jungkook and nearly slapped herself when she caught herself. She glared at Jungkook as he stood in the background while Jimin had the audience’s attention. She sharpened her stare when she saw he was already watching her. Stupid ass.
Ruby had been enjoying the show in the comforts offered in the back of the club, nursing her third drink for the night. She was thoroughly amused as the women went batshit crazy for the half-dressed men on stage. Even more so when she peered over in the direction of Yuna’s booth to see Jade visibly flustered by the men invading her space. 
Despite being so far in the back, Ruby had no issue seeing that two of the men on stage were their foes, and could only imagine they were looking for an easy steal. While part of her wanted to put them in their place, she decided against it, keeping to the shadows to have an element of surprise if they needed it.
As the intro for the performance came to a close, Ruby stirred her drink while she noticed the group of men disbanded to intermingle with the crowd. She immediately recognized Jungkook and Jimin were heading for Yuna’s booth. She sighed, feeling annoyed by the situation as the three men tried to get in their way yet again. “Here we go.” She muttered, subconsciously wondering how they always seemed to be in so many places together. 
Jade blinked as the girls sitting around her screamed for Jungkook and Jimin’s attention. They approached directly from center stage, their focus on Yuna before sharing a look to confirm their plans. Jade noticed Jungkook came towards her while Jimin went to the other side of the booth, standing on top of the cushion so that his pelvis was at eye level with one of Yuna’s friends. Her jaw dropped when he seemed to thrust his clothed dick in her face, watching the muscles of his back flex with every pump of his hips.
“I hope you enjoyed the show.” Jade nearly jumped out of her skin when she felt a hand on her shoulder as Jungkook poked his head between herself and Emmy. She shivered away from his tantalizing touch as he smiled at her, knowing she was salivating over his friend.
Emmy scoffed in the back of her throat, catching Jungkook’s attention immediately. He moved to place himself completely behind Emmy, leaning over the back of the booth to invade her space. “Did you have something to say, baby girl?” The hand he used to tease Jade had slipped down the cushion and traced along Emmy’s spine as he grinned against her ear. “I like this on you…easy access.” 
Emmy bit the inside of her cheek to fight the sensations dancing between her thighs as he chuckled deeply in her ear. After taking a moment to collect herself, she finally turned her head, facing him head-on as she painted her image with indifference. “I mean, if you call that a show.” She vaguely critiqued, initiating a battle of wits between them. 
She felt a spark of excitement as his smile turned sour, the muscles in his jaw tightening with frustration as his lips pressed together. He chuckled again, this time almost menacingly. “Just wait, you haven’t seen nothing yet.” He plucked the thin chain of her top playfully before slipping away to schmooze Yuna. 
Emmy crossed her arms over her chest, narrowing her eyes as she watched Jungkook whisper in Yuna’s ear. Yuna was more than giddy to have him so close, but Emmy was feeling a pit in her stomach as she focused on the placement of his hands as they moved from the tops of Yuna’s shoulders and then down her arms. 
He smiled after saying something to the rich girl, his eyes flicking over to meet Emmy’s glare. Yuna nodded her head, allowing him to grab her hand before standing to slip out of the booth. “Excuse me,” Yuna said politely as Jungkook guided her to center stage where a chair was patiently waiting for her. 
Jungkook grinned proudly as he spun Yuna in front of the audience, catching their attention for the next event of the evening. Still holding her hand, he helped her find her seat in the chair which was facing towards the crowd. The women roared as Jungkook stood at the edge of the stage and slowly slipped out of his vest. Yuna beamed with excitement to be on stage, getting this special treatment while everyone watched them. 
Jungkook swayed to the beat of the music, stepping side to side as he slowly plucked the buttons on his shirt, revealing hints of his bare abdomen as he traveled down the length of his button-down shirt. He went to pull the shirt off, but stopped, playfully shaking his finger at the audience as he turned to face Yuna. He dropped to his knees, pushing her legs apart as he settled between them before dramatically ripping his shirt off. He happily displayed his body to Yuna, encouraging his victim to run her hands over his muscles. 
Emmy sucked her teeth with annoyance as she watched Yuna and Jungkook interact, listening to Yuna’s friends encouraging her from the sidelines. Emmy was starting to lose circulation in her arms as she pressed them tightly across her chest. She watched with keen interest as Jungkook rolled himself against Yuna’s front, looking like he was fucking into her core as he stood back up from his knees. He then moved off to the side and dragged her chair towards him so that her back was facing the booth Emmy was sitting at. 
She felt a hitch in her throat when Jungkook moved between Yuna’s thighs again, repeating the rolls against her body continuously as his gaze fixated on Emmy. She was forced back to the images of him fucking her in the airplane lavatory as he mimicked the same expressions on his face. She cleared her throat as the phantom sensations invaded her being, squeezing her legs together to smother the muscle memory. 
“Oh my god.” She heard someone at the booth utter as Jungkook slid back down to his knees and placed his head down between Yuna’s thighs. Emmy bit her lip, imagining how his tongue would feel, replacing the flutter in her stomach with a warm pool. Jungkook pulled Yuna off the edge of the chair, his hands moving to tuck themselves beneath her thighs so that he could lift her up on his shoulders.
The noise in the space was deafening as women screamed to see him effortlessly carry her in the air with her legs wrapped around his neck. Yuna was flushed from the attention, her eyes shining bright in wonder at the sweet torture this performer was putting her through. Emmy had a mess of emotions swirling in her body and it was creating a monster of jealousy and lust as she watched the spectacle on stage. 
Suddenly her view was obstructed by a bright white pair of jeans, more specifically the zipper. The cushion around her shifted as Jimin straddled her lap, leaning over her to hold himself up on the back of the booth. She glared up at him as he smirked down at her. “Get away from me.” She hissed under her breath, feeling the rage part of her emotions bubble over everything else she was feeling. 
Jimin jumped down from the cushion, still straddling her as his thighs pressed over her own. “So you’ll fuck my partners, but not me? That doesn’t seem fair.” His smug grin really had her wishing to slap him right then and there, but she knew if she harmed any of the performers she would be thrown out of the place and cut their chances of stealing from Yuna. 
“I don’t go for short guys,” Emmy smirked when she saw his eyes flash wildly, nostrils flaring. 
Jimin physically fought with himself to keep his mouth shut, he was in no position to be hostile to a customer, but his blood boiled by her insult.  It didn’t actually bother him that Emmy had slept with his comrades, but the comment damaged his ego. He finally pulled away from her, fixing his smile as he moved on to the next woman in the group. 
He froze when he trapped Jade beneath him, watching her eyes dance over his figure. He felt a pit deep in his stomach as Emmy’s words replayed over and over again in his head. Jade’s wide eyes and flushed expression made him remember their encounter at the museum, where she almost made the same reference to his height as Emmy. He cringed with embarrassment, the insecurity digging further into his subconscious. 
“Damn it.” He quickly slipped away from Jade, feeling her warmth leave as he escaped to the back for a short break. He hated that what Emmy said bothered him, but it was one thing that always made him feel inferior to Jungkook and Taehyung. He knew he was just as handsome, intelligent, and had muscles for days, but there was nothing he could do about his stature; a feature women often looked at.
Once Jimin was gone, Emmy found her gaze back on the stage stunned to find Yuna’s legs now wrapped around Jungkook’s waist as he bounced her over his crotch. He had one hand supporting her back as the other grabbed her ass, moving her to grind over his pelvis. Yuna clawed at his shoulders, gasping with every hit against her covered pussy, completely unaware that Jungkook was performing solely for Emmy’s attention. 
His heated stare was still locked onto the brunette with the fantastic tits, hitting his mark against Yuna with purpose. He wanted to make sure she remembered how good he made her feel and to find her way back to him when she was beyond rationality. He wanted to drive her absolutely mad, and it was working. 
Jungkook slowly let Yuna down from his arms, turning her around to bend her over the chair. Making sure to still face Emmy and the other girls at the booth as he pounded his hips against her ass. The chair screeched against the stage with every force of his hips, his abdominal muscles clenching as he imagined Emmy in Yuna’s position with nothing in their way. 
Emmy was overwhelmed by it all. When they originally planned to come here, she never imagined any performer would make her feel this way, but Jungkook had yet again proved to force his way into her every thought and Emmy had no idea what to do. How did she let him worm his way into her brain to the point where she could still feel him?
Jungkook finally ended his personal dance with Yuna with an aggressive ending of bouncing her against the chair, acting as if he met his end before slumping against her back. He gasped in her ear, slightly tired from the performance as he let his muscles relax. 
Emmy gnawed on her bottom lip, watching as Jungkook helped Yuna off to the side so that another performer could do their segment. Just before they reached the booth, Yuna stopped him, leaning up on her tip toes to whisper in his ear. Emmy’s eyes narrowed as Jungkook flashed his pupils in her direction, pulling away from Yuna to give a smile. Her interest was piqued when he nodded, his lips moving subtly before Yuna happily squealed. 
Yuna clicked her heels across the stage as she shuffled toward the booth, slamming her hands on the table as she looked at the girls. “I’ll be back, I’m getting a private dance.” She said confidently. 
Emmy heard various of her friends encourage her to “get it” making sure to hand over her wallet to pay for Jungkook’s service. Yuna happily tucked her wallet under her arm, a seductive smile creeping over her features as she turned back to Jungkook. He slipped his arm around her waist, glancing back once to see Emmy glaring at him before laughing under his breath and guiding Yuna to the private section.
Emmy had been so distracted by Jungkook’s presence that she barely noticed that Yuna took her wallet, which meant there was less for her to steal until she came back from her session. However, she was far more concerned with the extent of Jungkook’s services.  She wasn’t sure what a place like this allowed, or how far Yuna was willing to pay for attention. Emmy knew she had no problem being spotlighted and would do just about anything to get it. 
If it was anything like the hustles she did in the past, their session could be anything from Jungkook being completely naked for her eyes only to get the same impressions he left within Emmy. She tapped her foot on the ground, agitated that she had no idea what would happen on the other side of the curtain and that it bothered her at all. 
As the crowd simmered down from their feral screams and hollers over the group of sexually charged dancers, Jade sat back in the booth, thankful for a break from the explicit views of the male body. She let a sigh escape the barrier of her lips as she turned her attention onto Emmy who sat tense beside her. Jade narrowed her eyes at her youngest partner, noticing her still glaring in the direction that Yuna and Jungkook disappeared. 
“What’s wrong?” Jade leaned closer to her, speaking just loud enough for her teammate to hear her over the loud music. Emmy chewed on the inside of her lip, fighting the bubbling jealousy threatening to snap her rationality as she shifted her gaze back onto the eldest yet most naive of the trio. 
“Nothing.” There was a little more bite in her tone than she intended which caused Jade to raise her eyebrow suspiciously. Emmy rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest as she turned her attention onto one of the dancers walking around in the crowd not too far from their private booth. “I’m just annoyed that they keep finding us and meddling in our shit.” Emmy hissed, trying to use any excuse to cover the fact that she hated the reality of Jungkook and Yuna slipping away together. 
Jade nodded in agreement, equally suspicious as to why the boys seemed to show up every couple of hustles. Just when they are getting back into a groove, the male trio seemed to end up exactly where they are. 
Their conversation was quickly cut short as loud boisterous laughter echoed beside them as Yuna’s entourage giggled up a storm. Emmy shifted her stare out of curiosity, noticing the redhead of the group approaching them with a large smile stretched across her lips. “We just paid for body shots!” She roared excitedly as she grabbed one of the shot glasses from the table, downing it in a single gulp as her features scrunched from the burn of the liquor. “Come on!” 
Emmy contemplated joining in the activity until she realized this would be the perfect opportunity to be left alone to search the girl’s belongings. “I’ve got my eye on that dancer.” Emmy grinned, pointing out a random performer who seemed to do nothing for her the way Jungkook did. She lifted her hand to pat Jade on the back, a malicious grin pulling at her cheeks. “She’ll join you.” She beamed, watching the color quickly disappear from Jade’s complexion. 
Emmy chuckled sinisterly as the ditzy redhead grabbed Jade’s arm, eagerly pulling her out of the booth to follow them. Jade felt her mind turn to mush as she was plucked from her comfortable sanctuary in the booth, turning back to give Emmy a silent plea for help. Instead, she found the youngest grinning in satisfaction, bending her hand slowly as she bid her friend farewell. Jade narrowed her eyes at the sensual brunette, shaking her head as she was tugged along further. 
“I’m gonna kill you.” Jade mouthed as Emmy simply pointed to her ear, pretending it was too loud to understand her. Jade knew Emmy was the best at reading lips out of their trio. She was purposely fucking with her, and Jade would not forget her tricks. 
Jade turned her body to face the direction in which she was being led, her eyes widening as she noticed Yuna’s friends standing around the bartop that salaciously had a dancer draped across the top with their bare torso exposed. She was thankful to see a pair of jeans still snug around their waist.
She took a deep breath, realizing that this shouldn’t be too bad. It wasn’t until she saw one of the girls pull their hair back before latching their lips over the male’s abdomen, sucking the liquor from the crevices of his body that her complexion blanched further. Her mind was spinning, completely distraught at the thought of sucking alcohol from someone’s body like a complete savage. 
Jade found the comfort of the bar, leaning into the surface as she watched the women throw themselves at the dancer for an opportunity to be next. She shook her head in disbelief, surprised to find these women so eager to have a taste of a complete stranger. 
She took the opportunity to look around, finding Ruby tucked into a booth at the back of the establishment, a drink nestled in her hand as she was speaking to one of the shirtless waiters. Jade envied her position, knowing the nice buzz of alcohol was exactly what she needed at a time like this. She was the brains of the operation, not someone who indulged in the sin of it all, even if some of it was strangely tempting to her. 
Her eyes continued scanning the atmosphere of the club, suddenly landing on Taehyung who was walking toward the private booth where Emmy was surely rummaging through the girl’s belongings. Jade had half a mind to leave and warn her, knowing that if anyone could handle Taehyung, it was Emmy. 
Jade’s thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a familiar voice, horror etching on her features as she turned her attention back to the body shot as she noticed the dancer was switching positions with another dancer. She blinked in shock as Jimin relieved the performer, flashing a devilish grin to the girls as he laid across the bartop, his toned abdomen ready for the taking. 
From her angle, Jade could see the moon phases tattoo on his back as he smoothly hopped onto the surface, her face instantly turning red as she realized women were about to drink from his body. “Who’s next?” He asked with a smirk, laying back as he rested his arms behind his head to keep a view of the women surrounding him. 
Jade took this as her opportunity to make a quick run for it, trying to escape from the group of overly excited women as she turned away from Jimin’s alluring physique. She let out the breath she was subconsciously holding in as she desperately pushed past the crowd of gathering women, thankful when her sights became focused back on their private booth. 
Just as she took a step forward, she felt an arm snake around hers, effortlessly tugging her back into the pit of lust and desire as she was whirled around to face the familiar redhead who suggested body shots in the first place. “It’s Jade’s turn.” She hummed triumphantly as she pushed her hands against Jade’s back, guiding her forward as women stepped aside, revealing Jimin still lusciously draped across the bartop. 
Jade’s heart raced, the sound deafening as it pounded through her eardrums, unable to conceal how red her features were becoming. Jimin’s sinful smirk suddenly vanished as his eyes met Jade’s, shock threatening to etch over his features as one of his enemies, attractive and obnoxiously cute enemies, approached him. 
It didn’t take long for Jimin to catch onto her embarrassment, his smirk returning slowly as mischief hijacked his reasoning. He waved down the bartender, smiling brightly as the bartender brought over a new tray of shot glasses filled with sweet liquor. 
“Your turn, huh beautiful?” Jimin’s more flirtatious side was making a presence as he locked eyes with Jade, grabbing one of the shot glasses before flexing the muscles in his abdomen, causing his skin to concave between the straining muscles.
The girls around them squealed in delight as Jimin seductively poured the liquor into the divot just above his belly button, grinning mischievously as he set the glass down as he placed his hands behind his head to get a delicious view of Jade sucking the alcohol from his body. “Go ahead.” His voice dipped into a deeper register, causing chills to rake up Jade’s spin. “I don’t bite.” 
Jade felt the encouraging tap of Yuna’s friends against her back as she hesitantly stepped forward, losing her footing slightly, her face meeting the chiseled frame that was Jimin. She bit the inside of her lip nervously as thoughts of her teammates crossed her mind. Ruby and Emmy wouldn’t hesitate in a moment like this, yet here she was a fumbling mess. 
Her eyes shot up from his torso to find his devilishly sinister grin, a glimmer dancing behind his irises as if questioning if she would actually do the deed, or if she’d chicken out. Cheers from around them seemed to get louder as Jade suddenly felt challenged. She could either walk away or grab the bull by the horn and do something daring for once. 
In a moment of split decision, she tossed her hair back over her shoulder, leaning forward to latch her lips around the small crevice between Jimin’s abdomen. She felt him jolt slightly from beneath her as the sweet yet burning sensation of tequila danced along her tongue. She hummed happily at the warmth of the alcohol, dipping her tongue to help collect more of the beverage as a low almost inaudible groan festered in Jimin’s chest, just loud enough for only her ears to hear. 
Jimin’s eyes widened at the sight of Jade salaciously devouring the liquid from his body, the warmth of her lips and tongue instantly igniting a heat throughout his limbs. He desperately fought the twitch of his member thankfully still contained within his jeans as he drank in the sight of her sucking against his skin. 
Jade popped off his body with a satisfied sigh, offering the girls a victorious grin as they hollered in approval. She felt powerful, finally understanding the adrenaline rush Emmy and Ruby must feel when they do such daring things. She giggled as her mind swirled from the crowd, turning her attention back onto Jimin who propped himself up on his elbows to get a better look at her. 
Jade seductively brought her thumb up to her lip, wiping access tequila from the flesh as she offered him an uncharacteristic wink. “But I do.” Her cheeks instantly flushed red from the comment, mentally smacking herself over the head at implying that she would bite back. 
While Jade inwardly cringed at her newfound confidence, Jimin was left speechless, his mouth hanging open ever so slightly at the reality of the girl's tech nerd suddenly transforming into an alluring vixen who had him in a chokehold. He gulped back his arousal as Jade joined the group of women, leaving Jimin surrounded by a few more girls waving bills around in hopes of getting a taste of him. 
While Jade was keeping the girls out to play, Emmy made her move as she slid across the booth to find Yuna’s clutch. She sat comfortably when she saw Yuna’s initials embroidered with diamonds on the side of the bag, pulling it over her lap to rummage through. Yuna might have taken her wallet, but there had to be something Emmy could steal in its contents. 
She immediately found makeup that looked as flawless as it was expensive. “She’s got the good stuff.” She muttered to herself, recognizing the brand from its exquisite product label and capsule design. She contemplated stealing that for herself, wondering if Yuna’s complexion matched anyone from the trio, but decided against it. “That’s too petty.” A girl without her makeup felt naked, surely there’s something more valuable to steal. 
As she placed the product back in the clutch, a hand reached down over her shoulder and ripped the bag away from her. Emmy whipped around to find Taehyung, still posing as a waiter with his elbows resting comfortably over the back of the booth. He smiled lazily as he waved the clutch around, leaning into Emmy. “That seems pretty invasive. I don’t think you’re being a very good friend, sweetheart.” He pouted mockingly, swiftly pulling the clutch out of reach when she went to snatch it. 
She laughed sarcastically, “Wow, invasive…I’m surprised you know what that means.” She turned her body, leaning up on her knees to face him as she attempted to grab the bag again. “Give it back, asshole.”
Despite her snappy remarks, Taehyung was confident that they had the upper hand. “What exactly were you planning to steal, my little klepto? Her money is with JK.” He playfully swung the clutch back and forth, just enough to make Emmy chase it before she groaned in exasperation. 
“I’m not your anything.” She said quickly, glaring at him as he moved around the back of the booth to sit with her. She plopped herself back into the cushion as he leaned in close, practically hovering. 
“No, no, you’re my little slut, isn’t that right?” He brushed his lips over her own, watching with amusement as she moved away from him, cursing him out with a soft hiss. He chuckled as he followed her along the booth, trapping her under his lustful gaze. “Come on, you were begging for me not too long ago. Don’t act all coy now.”
Emmy pushed her hand against his chest, keeping him from leaning further into her. “I was intoxicated, which means I had zero control of my judgment.” She elaborated, feeling as if this conversation would never end. She sighed internally, thinking to herself how she would never make a bad decision again. “Not to mention, you weren’t even that good.”
Taehyung grinned, unashamed and undeterred by her cruel hits against his manhood. “Yeah, tell that to the stain you left on my pants.” He tutted softly to himself, “That was my favorite suit.”
Emmy scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest. “Regardless of what you think, you’re partner is a better fuck than you any day.” She made a noise of triumphant in her throat, swiftly turning her head away from him as if she were ending the bickering with her statement. 
However, Taehyung obnoxiously and dramatically conveyed his understanding with a boisterous, “Ah, now I get it. You like JK!”
Emmy nearly snapped her neck, glaring back at him in defense. “No, absolutely not.” She argued, not realizing her denial was far too quick.
Taehyung only chuckled in response. “Sorry, I stand corrected. You like his dick.”
“You’re an idiot.” She dismissed his statement immediately hiding behind her fortress as she pelted insults to steer him away.
Taehyung leaned back, still grinning like the cat that ate the canary. He had utter joy from watching Emmy act so stone cold, despite how easily she crumbled when Jungkook set his sights on her. He started to understand why Jungkook always looked forward to following them around. Yeah, he got some sex out of it sometimes, but playing this game of cat and mouse was just as thrilling. 
“You know…I wonder what JK is doing with Yuna.” Taehyung threw out nonchalantly, peering at Emmy from the corner of his eye to see her go still. “She seemed pretty eager to be alone with him and I’ve heard rumors of places like this.”
Emmy bit her lip, imagination running wild. She never saw JK do anything like this with any other woman and had no idea how far he would go to make a quick buck. She had a vague idea of Taehyung's history, but she wondered if Jungkook had been in any situations remotely similar. She nervously chuckled, disguising the sound as genuine laughter, “He must be desperate if he sleeps with her here.”
Taehyung could read her pretty well from her closed-off body language. He threw his arm over the back of the booth, brushing his hand ever so slightly across her shoulder. “I just wonder who he’ll like more, you or Yuna?” The notorious fuck boy of the group, bit the inside of his cheek as he watched Emmy falter. Her features shifted for only a moment before she collected herself calmly and cooly. 
“Well you can waste your time, I have better things to do.” She huffed, slipping away from his arm and getting out of the booth to find Ruby. Her emotions were a whirlwind and she needed a break from the irritating presence of Taehyung. She hated that he managed to get under her skin so easily about Jungkook and who he spent his time with. The plan for tonight was quickly turned on its head, but she had an idea that might work. 
She chewed the flesh on the inside of her cheek, marching toward the back of the club until she spotted her friend surrounded by drinks. “Hey, I need you to keep an eye on Yuna when she comes back out.” She barely even let Ruby register that she was talking to her before making the request. 
Ruby almost choked on her drink from the abrupt interruption, not anticipating Emmy to come over to her during their time there. “Why?” She coughed, clearing her throat of the remnants of liquid clinging to her esophagus.
“She took her wallet into the private rooms with one of the three stooges. I can possibly grab whatever they take and we can bolt out of here.” It wasn’t the original plan, but it would certainly kill two birds with one stone in Emmy’s case. Not only would she beat JK at his own game, but she’d get to leave one last impression before they parted ways, ensuring he remembered her over Yuna.
Emmy waited patiently, sparing the stage an occasional glance as guy after guy did their routine on stage, amping up the female fantasy of their ideal man. The curtain leading toward the backrooms was pulled to the side, causing her to step back into the crowd to blend in as Yuna stepped out into the club. 
She had a girlish smile on her face as she had the tip of her long fingernail between her teeth. She glanced over her shoulder to see Jungkook following after her and they exchanged a few words before she maneuvered through the hustle and bustle. Emmy slipped through a group of screaming women, coming face to face with Jungkook as she mimicked his pose.
Jungkook paused as Emmy stepped in front of him, his eyes catching the sight of a hundred-dollar bill between two fingers. He chuckled to himself, feeling a small pebble of sweat along his brow. “Really?”
Emmy let her gaze travel down his lean torso, admiring the way his waist naturally cinched despite the size of his pectorals. Her confident smirk dropped when she noticed his pants were unzipped and unbuttoned along with his belt. The jeans hung loosely off his hips, and all she could picture was the way he looked between Yuna’s legs. She snapped herself out of it, fixing her features as she met his eyes again. “You willing to do a private dance?”
Jungkook laughed, unable to fight the surge of excitement coursing through his body that he and Emmy were switching the roles in which they first started their sexual history. “Sure.” He remembered her simple reply to his inquiry back in Vegas and found it fitting that it was coming back around.
Emmy grinned as he turned back to the curtain to open it for her. “Now, I get to stare at your tits this time. “ She swiftly stepped past him, pausing long enough to flick his nipple.
Jungkook flinched from the sudden jolt that ran through his body. He covered the impacted flesh, swiftly reaching down to slap her ass. “You better watch it, baby girl. I can have you removed for that kind of behavior.” He teased, showing her to their private section.
Emmy giggled as she followed him, looking around at the area in question. It wasn’t anything that she expected, considering how many strip clubs she’s performed at. The room was pretty bare other than one of the stage chairs and the simple curtains to separate the area from the club. She peered around Jungkook to see a hallway run along the back of the stage with a few doors. “This is the private room?” 
Jungkook shrugged, “Yeah, kind of. They don’t really do private dances, it’s not like a gentlemen’s club.” 
“Oh.” Emmy was surprised, to say the least. “So if it's not a thing, why did you bring Yuna back here?”
Jungkook grinned, a knowing look in his eyes. “I told her, I’d make an exception.”
Emmy pursed her lips together, unimpressed by his excuse, realizing he was using the privacy of the backroom to steal from the influencer. The irony of an influencer falling for the influence of a con artist was not lost on her. “Ha, exception, right. And what about me?” She curled her brow with curiosity, her vague intrigue being the only thing she was willing to showcase on her features. 
Jungkook raised his arm, leaning into the archway of the door as he hovered over Emmy. “I’ve always made an exception for you.”
Emmy nearly yelped in pain as she bit the inside of her cheeks to fight the smile from curling over her lips. However, her eyes couldn’t hide the sparkle that shined when she heard those words leave his lips, and she certainly couldn’t control the way her stomach flipped. She bit her lip as the sensation settled, moving to sit in the chair with a roll of her eyes. “I haven’t got all day.”
Jungkook smirked as he stepped into the small space that doubled as a changing room for the performers. He pushed the chair back until Emmy was pressed against the wall. As he moved her, the clink of his unbuckled belt called to her attention, causing scenes from the stage to play in her head. “Did you have your fun with Yuna?” She asked, trying to play it off that she was more curious about his success rather than be jealous.
Jungkook peered down at the way his pants pulled apart at the zipper, revealing his black briefs. He glanced up at her from behind the curtain of his hair sweeping over his eyes. “Yeah, she couldn’t keep her hands off me. Think you can handle yourself?”
Emmy scowled, crossing her arms over her chest as she brought her leg over the other. “That depends if you have something I want.”
Jungkook lifted her leg up, spreading her thighs apart so that he could step between them. He hovered over her, gripping the back of her chair. “I already told you to come to me for all your needs.” He gave her a playful wink, rolling his body against her own until the fly of his briefs was inches from her face. 
Emmy instinctively uncrossed her arms and pushed his pelvis from being so close. “That’s not what I meant.” She grumbled, feeling her irritation resurface. The idea that Yuna touched Jungkook bothered her, and now she was determined to get what she came for and blow this popsicle stand as soon as possible. 
“Aw, come on, baby girl. Indulge me.” Jungkook pouted lightly, wishing she would get off the high horse that she insistently rode until she was riding something else of his. He pushed away from the back of the chair, reaching down to grab her hands before dragging them along his bare torso. “Yeah, just like that.”
Emmy marveled over the firm bumps across his abdomen for a brief moment before she snapped her hands away from his body. “I’m not falling for your stupid tricks.” 
Jungkook narrowed his eyes, locking his jaw tightly as she continued being difficult. “I thought you wanted a private dance?”
Emmy leaned up in the chair, glaring back up at him. “Yeah, I did, but you’ve only been talking.”
Jungkook laughed sarcastically, the sound dark and resonant of spite. “Okay, I see how it’s gonna be…fine.” He reached down toward his waist, messing with the loops that tethered his belt around his body, pulling it sharply from his body. The force caused the leather end to snap like a whip against the wall, making Emmy jump from the sudden sound beside her head. 
Jungkook placed the leather between his teeth, his enamel digging into the rough material as he pushed her knees together to straddle her thighs. Emmy went to push him off her, but he grabbed her wrists and used his strength to move them behind her back. He slipped the belt from his mouth, using it to tie around her hands as makeshift handcuffs. 
“What the hell are you doing?” She hissed fighting to pull her hands from the confinement. She tried to kick her legs up against his groin, but his strong thighs held her completely still as he disabled the use of her arms. She looked up into his eyes, seeing the darkness swirl in his pupils as his features pulled back into a rigid scowl. 
Once the belt was secured around her wrists, he leaned back just enough to watch her struggle. He traced his fingertips down her sides, causing her nerves to spike from the teasing stimulation. “That’s much better.” His face illuminated significantly as he noticed how on edge Emmy was from having almost no control over the situation. 
She wanted to scream as he skimmed across her sides, brushing over her skin while she was forcibly exposed to him for his enjoyment. “Ugh, I swear when I get out-”
She was rendered speechless as Jungkook slipped something from his back pocket and shoved it in her face. She let her eyes adjust to the sudden item placed in her proximity to see a gold credit card. “Is this what you wanted?” He teased, watching as she glared up at him. He smiled, tucking the card into the front of his jeans just enough to show off a sliver before straightening his posture to lean over Emmy. “Then take it.” He grinned as he rolled his pelvis towards her face, the card just out of reach since her hands were tied behind her back.
“I hate you.” She tried to pull her hands free once again, groaning in frustration when the belt held her firmly in place. 
Jungkook chuckled, gripping the waistband of his jeans and dragging his hands over the seam of the denim as if pulling the material from his waist. “Just enjoy yourself, stop making it harder on yourself.” He slowly pushed his jeans down his hips, stopping at the top of his thighs.
Emmy felt her limbs relax from the peek of his toned muscles hidden beneath his pants, imagining them squeezed over her thighs again. She bit her lip, wondering if Jungkook would continue to pull them down, but it seemed he had other plans as he pulled them back up his hips. “Nah, you haven’t earned it yet.”
A groan rumbled in her throat, but she wasn’t sure it was frustration from being tied up or teased. She tried to disguise her thoughts with darkened features, trying to convey her irritation with Jungkook and his schemes. She steeled her expression as Jungkook got down on his knees and pushed her legs apart. While her walls seemed to clench in anticipation, her face held firm to veil her desire for the man that plagued her. 
Jungkook searched her face, waiting for the moment she broke to swoop in and ravage her the way he wanted, but until then, he would torment her. He wanted her desperate and begging for him, but he found the challenge much harder when she wasn’t tipsy. He peered up at her from between her thighs, his breath drifting over her clothed vagina and creating a soothing warmth.  
After a moment, Jungkook felt overwhelmed with lust, wanting nothing more than to rip the jeans from her body and devour her taste. He growled in his throat, using his hand to push her legs up and leaving her exposed to his treatment as she could only take what was given. He leaned forward, encasing her denim-clad pussy with his mouth, flattening his tongue over the rough material that separated them. 
Emmy whimpered as his heat collided against her own pool of warmth sitting deep in the pit of her stomach. The warmth traveled up her body, overtaking her senses as she longed to feel him again. Her once stony expression started to crack as he chiseled at her sanity, letting her features relax into the sensations of his touch. “JK…”
Hearing her slowly crumble and speak his name, had Jungkook feral as he bit into her thigh with the protection of her jeans. “Do you know how much I wanted to take you up on that stage?” He adjusted her on his shoulders, encouraging her thighs to squeeze around his head so he was engulfed by her. He then lifted her up against the chair, placing her back on the edge so that her arms were still tied around her back, but not caught on the chair. 
“More than Yuna?” She asked, not realizing she had given herself away in her haze of lust.
Jungkook stood back up, humming with delight from her question. “Ah, so you were jealous?” He cupped her cheeks in his palms, brushing his nose along the tip of her own. “Good, that’s what I was aiming for.” 
Before she could respond, he dipped down to hoist her up and encouraged her legs around his waist. He turned with her in his arms, his hands supporting her ass as he pressed her into the wall. “Ow!” Emmy felt uncomfortable pressure on her limbs as her spine curved over her tied wrists. 
Jungkook leaned his torso away, moving his hips gradually against her own as his jeans began slipping down his legs. He didn’t bother apologizing as he continued on the subject of his performance on stage with Yuna. “If I would have brought you on stage, I would have shown everyone that you belong to me…V, Yuna, Chimmy…everyone.”
Emmy could feel every flex of his muscles as he pumped his groin between her legs, grinding his hardening length against her warmth with only a few articles of clothing standing in their way. Emmy had hit another fork in the road, one leading down a path that relished in his possessiveness and the other reclaiming her independence. However, the rage from him saying Yuna’s name in exasperation fueled her response. “I don’t belong to anyone.”
Jungkook snapped his hips hard against her, making her gasp from the impact against her clit. “Is that right? So if I checked, you wouldn’t be absolutely dripping?” His hands squeezed her ass, pushing her against his stiff member. “I’m pretty sure you’re soaking, baby girl.”
Emmy blinked away some of the lust coursing through her body, trying to keep afloat as Jungkook tried to pull her under with every motion of his hips. “Look who's talking…You’ve been trying to fuck me on this wall for the last few minutes.” She snapped, still feeling the firm poke of his dick against her thigh.
Jungkook moved away from the wall, slowly drifting them down to the floor before turning her on her stomach and dragging her up onto her knees as he kneeled behind her. Jungkook pulled back on her shoulder keeping her upright as she was forced to look into a mirror that was on the opposite side of the small room. He pushed her legs apart and pressed his groin against her ass, looking at their reflection as if he were fucking her from behind.
His hand slid over her throat, bringing her against his torso as he whispered in her ear. “You can pretend all you want, but we both know I can have you any way I want.” He used his available hand to unclasp the chain at the back of her neck, allowing the metal sequins to fall at her waist. “God, I fucking love these.” His hands were now cupping her naked breasts, warming the flesh that was exposed to the cool air conditioning.
“Why don’t you untie my hands and see if you’re so cocky?” Emmy shivered from the contrast of his warmth invading the plains of her skin, conquering her body piece by piece as she was left defenseless. 
Jungkook grinned at her challenge, moving his hand to fiddle with the belt buckled around her wrists as he traced his lips along her shoulder blade. “I bet you forgot why you even came back here.” He mentioned as the leather started to fall away. 
Emmy blinked, realizing that in her efforts to fight against Jungkook and his teasing that she did in fact forget about Yuna’s credit card burning a hole in his front pocket. With her hands-free of his belt, she reached down to cup his length, letting her fingers curl around his girth as she turned in his arms. Jungkook cursed, causing pride to seep into every fiber of her being while his eyes drank in the vision of her breasts brushing against his torso. “Whose in control now?” She smirked, slowly stroking him through the fabric of his briefs. 
Jungkook grunted, gripping the back of her thighs and forcing her on her back. “Still me.” He pulled her hand from his cock and trapped them up by her head, stretching her naked torso for his viewing pleasure. He dug his boner into the juncture between her legs, rubbing the bundle of nerves hidden beneath her jeans. “I don’t know how you think you can steal from me when you’re so preoccupied.” He rolled his hips against her, causing a hitch in her throat as he stimulated her.
“That’s why I don’t work alone.” She shamelessly moaned, feeling needy for more.
Jungkook moved to straddle her waist, watching her ample mounds bounce from the jostle of her body while he shifted their positions. He hovered over her, meeting her eyes as he smirked. “I wouldn’t rely on those two. Ruby is probably lost at the bottom of her fourth bottle and Jade is probably having a mental breakdown.”
“I can manage just fine.” Her words were unstable as she panted, her heart pounding in her chest. 
Jungkook chuckled as he continued moving against her, feeling her essence soak through to the cotton of his briefs. “See, I don’t think you can considering you end up in these positions almost every time, baby girl.” He leaned in close, brushing their lips together as he tutted. “You say you’re not going to fall for my tricks, but you do it every time.”
Emmy froze, registering his words carefully. Tricks. She frowned, feeling the buzz of desire sizzle out. So all the times that he came around pursuing her were tricks? She mentally replayed every interaction between them that eventually led to her demise as the pieces of a puzzle clicked together. Jungkook wasn’t fucking with her for the fun of it, no. He was targeting her, hustling her this whole time. 
Emmy narrowed her eyes, her chest rising and falling as she ignored the way his pupils kept drifting down her body. “I wouldn���t underestimate us, we’ve beaten you before.” She managed to slip one of her hands from his hold, moving quickly to grab the back of his head. “And I don’t plan to leave empty-handed.” She yanked him down, crashing his lips against her own as she caught him by surprise. 
Jungkook groaned as he melted into her, dipping his tongue against the seam of her lips to deepen the kiss. Emmy allowed him to conquer her mouth as she used this opportunity to mount his lap, letting his hands map out the curves of her body as she moved slowly toward the front of his pants. Jungkook happily squeezed her tits, breaking away from her lips long enough to wrap his tongue around her nipple. 
Emmy gasped as she let him indulge in her assets, pinching the gold credit card that still peeked out of his pocket. She slowly pulled the item from his pocket, praying that he was enamored with her boobs long enough to slip it into her jeans. She moved her hips against his length, sending shocks of arousal coursing through his body while he moved to her other neglected bud. 
She bit back the noise of triumph she wanted to shout when she managed to retrieve the credit card before tucking it in her back pocket. She pulled Jungkook’s mouth away from her nipple, crashing her lips back onto his. She latched her teeth against his lip piercing and gently pulled at his soft flesh, flicking her tongue out over the indentions she left on his lip.
Jungkook groaned, chasing after her lips for another demonstration, but her fingers dove into his hair, tugging the strands back as she simply brushed his lips with her own. “I’m done here.” Jungkook looked confused as she quickly slipped away from him, fixing her top by connecting the chain link around her neck.
“We barely got started.” His brow was furrowed as he looked up at her with hooded eyes, the blood rushing through his cock was slowly dispersing to the rest of his body. 
Once her top was securely fastened, she showed off the card she stole from his pocket with her teeth gleaming as he continued to sit on the floor. “I win.” She said proudly, shaking the card in his face as if tempting him to take it out of her hands. Jungkook looked at the card for a moment, his features unreadable until a large grin slapped itself on his face and laughter raked his body. Emmy recoiled, unsure how to process his reaction. “What’s so funny?”
Jungkook didn’t respond right away as he slowly rose to his feet, still battling with the hearty chuckles attacking his diaphragm. He was able to zip up his jeans now that his erection was gone, fixing himself up before finally looking at Emmy with pure joy on his face. “You actually think I’d just take a credit card?”
Emmy frowned, looking at the card in her hand, suddenly realizing the numbers were a generic mess and the name printed on it wasn’t a name at all. She tossed the card back at him, hitting him square on his bare chest. “What did you take then?”
Jungkook was finally able to settle his laughter, drying the corner of his eye of the small tear that accumulated during his enjoyment. “Nothing, I scanned her information onto a device and V grabbed it before she had any idea.” He leaned back against the wall, his cocky demeanor thriving on her frustration. “I hope that lap dance was worth it.” He winked.
Emmy huffed, annoyed that she let him take advantage of her for nothing. Her plans went to complete shit and that’s just what he intended. She threw up her middle finger, moving quickly to leave the area and find the others in hopes that they managed to gain something from tonight’s events. 
After Emmy was gone, Jungkook kept a smile on his face as he felt an anvil drop in the pit of his stomach. He chewed the inside of his cheek as he replayed the flicker of hurt in her eyes when he admitted to playing her. In the beginning, it was all just a game to him. He would chase as she tried to run, he would dangle her off the edge and then give her a small piece of himself just enough to keep her interested. 
However, after she slept with Taehyung things changed, and Jungkook learned about all the things she shared with his partner, he felt irritated that there might be other men who had a taste of her. Jungkook was many things but jealousy was not one of them, at least not until he met her. He might have enjoyed using Yuna as payback, but he needed to rebuild the boundaries of their dynamic. He didn’t need feelings getting in the way of him and his friends making money. 
The echoes of all the cheering from the women plagued Emmy’s mind as the car pulled away from the infamous nightclub. Despite her efforts to seem completely unfazed by the evening, she couldn’t help but constantly replay Jungkook’s words in her mind, reminding her that she was just another victory to him, as he should be to her. 
Over their last few encounters, she allowed herself far too much freedom to get attached to Jungkook, his devilishly handsome features constantly stirring a sexual need no other man seemed to be able to fill. While the idea of him was far too appealing to ignore, he was a hustler just as she was. What else would she expect from him but to try and play her just as she had a hundred men before? 
Even though it all made sense, part of her still hated the fact that she allowed herself to get jealous over a man who was constantly trying to beat them at their own game. A long drawn-out sigh escaped her lips as Ruby happily pulled expensive jewelry from her bag, grinning proudly as she displayed the diamond bracelet she managed to slip from Yuna’s arm amongst all the distractions of the club. 
“This little thing is worth over ten thousand.” Ruby grinned victoriously, gently spinning the item around her finger as the lights from the city caused it to shine in the darkness of the car. “Only a bimbo would bring this to a club.” She laughed, feeling completely amazed that someone would bring such a piece to such a crowded place. “Bet she doesn’t even realize it’s gone.”
Emmy allowed her features to pull into a smile, thankful that they managed to score something from their disastrous evening, even though she was mostly the one who got played. Ruby followed by displaying a diamond ring, slipping it onto her finger as she displayed her hand for the girls to see. 
“Also scored this from a bachelorette party.” She beamed, knowing somewhere in that club a woman was hopelessly searching for her missing engagement ring. “Should bring at least a couple more K.” 
As Jade was admiring the rock before her, Emmy reached toward her back pocket, pulling out a wad of cash as she displayed it to the others. “I managed to get this from a couple of the dancers.” She sighed as she tossed it on the seat beside her. “Probably only a couple thousand.” 
While Emmy was usually the one to bring in the biggest score, she found herself too distracted being jealous and chasing a man versus putting in the work. Ruby offered Emmy a questioning look, realizing that her spirits seemed dimmer than usual. Before she could question her much, Jade cleared her throat before holding out her hands, opening them to reveal various pieces of jewelry. 
“What is that?” Emmy asked in complete shock, stunned to find that Jade had a lot of her own that she’d been keeping secret. 
Jade’s smile stretched from ear to ear as pride seeped through her chest. “I might have taken a few things from her entourage.” 
Ruby let out a breathy chuckle, almost doubting her. “And you didn’t get caught?” Jade’s joy was cut short as she narrowed her eyes at the brawn of the group, closing her hands around her score. 
“You’d be surprised how distracted women get around naked men.” Jade snapped, watching as Emmy and Ruby stared at each other across the seat. 
Emmy reached over to pat Jade across the back, still stunned that the eldest and shyest member of their trio managed to pull off the biggest gain of the evening. “Well done, computer mouse.” She teased, offering Jade a proud smile of approval as Ruby was quick to join in on the compliment. Jade glanced down at the jewelry she managed to take and smirked proudly, feeling like she accomplished a huge victory for overcoming herself. 
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cameliawrites · 2 years
kanej fic masterlist
Minor Miracles (2k words, rating: T) - Inej tells Kaz stories from the True Sea; Kaz ponders other miracles--namely, the girl beside him.
see it in your face, i’m relief (2k words, rating: T) -  A moment in the Van Eck garden for Kaz to fall even farther in love with Inej.
secretly, between the shadow and the soul (4k words, rating: T) - In which Inej’s parents are all-too-eager to make Kaz into their son-in-law. Truthfully, he doesn’t much mind.
love is not love which alters when it alteration finds (4k words, rating: T) - Kaz and Inej, celebrating a marriage anniversary.
in hope, yours (4.5k words, rating: T) - Belgium, 1923. Inej and Kaz Rietveld adjust to a changing world and, perhaps, learn to grow something new. Inspired by Whitherward’s brilliant WWI AU, “save the undone years.”
In the Wild Soft Summer Darkness (5k words, rating: T) - As the summer heat scorches in Ketterdam, Kaz and Inej take to Kaz’s childhood home in the countryside. Of course, each of them seems to have a separate scheme afoot; whether to savor the season’s sweetness, or to let it slip away.
let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments (5k words, rating: T) -  In which Kaz & Inej negotiate the particularities of a marriage contract—for the tax benefits, of course, but also for the sake of their undying devotion to one another.
and there’s a drawer of my things at your place (6k words, rating: T) -  5 times Inej learns something about Kaz’s living habits + 1 time he learns something about hers.
(and you know that I'd) swing with you for the fences, sit with you in the trenches (6k words, rating: T) - After a week of sleepless nights at sea, Inej returns to Kaz in Ketterdam, but old wounds are hard to heal.
softly sleeping, here in the deep end of someone who loves me (6k words, rating: T) -  5 times Inej sneaks into Kaz’s bed + 1 time she doesn’t.
let me come home (to you) (6k words, rating: T) - Collaboration fic with @alltheworldsinmyhead. Sometimes, the time for hard conversations comes in the middle of the night.
To Give, Then to Receive (6k words, rating: T) -  Three gifts given by Kaz, and one received.
someone to watch over me (7k words,  rating: T) - In which Inej catches one too many eyes while seeking information at a mercher’s soirée, and Kaz can’t help but cut in before the last dance.
Sea Change (16k words, rating: T) - In the months following her departure on the Wraith, Inej comes to learn that the sea is as restless as her own heart. Oceans away in Ketterdam, Kaz cannot help but follow her lead. A story in four parts.
Sea Glass (rating: T, ongoing fic anthology) -  A collection of fics and fragments, short and sweet, centered on Kaz & Inej post-Crooked Kingdom.
the heart heeds helplessly (1k words, rating: M) - In which Inej discovers the romance of poetry and religion, not just in the soul, but in the body as well.
Lingers Sweetly on the Lips (3k words, rating: M) -  A quiet, intimate night in between Kaz and Inej, whatever names they choose to take.
collision course (10k words, rating: M) - Inej adjusts to Kaz the way that winter adjusts to spring: she thaws, and thaws, and thaws—and then she utterly melts. (Bonus drabble: sea to the shore, 375 words, rating: T)
what a mother wants (10k words, rating: M) -  Kaz and Inej are taking their three-year-old daughter to visit the Suli caravans for the first time, and Inej wants what all mothers want: for her child to be happy and safe. It is no surprise that her own mother wants the very same.
what a mother was (62k words, rating: M) - Before she was Inej’s mother, Shanta Ghafa had a mother too. Or: Mama & Papa Ghafa’s love story. Prequel to “what a mother wants,” but can be read as a standalone fic. 
Note: some of these fics are only available to read for registered ao3 users, so you have to have an account and be logged in to access them.
Finally, if you’re searching for more kanej/SOC fic, I tag all of my recommendations #fic recs.
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visualheresy · 11 months
Of Things Unseen: Ch 2
↣ pairing – Leon Kennedy x Ada Wong
↣ genre – Character Study, Angst
↣ rating – M
↣ total word count – 27k (11k for Chapter 1; 16k for Chapter 2)
↣ chapter summary – Following the events in Spain, a tense reunion between Ada and Leon leaves them questioning whether they can truly reconcile the ghosts of their pasts.
The castle loomed on a large outcropping of rock, built in such a way that it appeared to grow from the earth itself. From its highest point, Ada could see the woods and sloping green meadows of the Great Lawn; below, a pond covered in algae, swaths of sludgy green breaking up to reveal sky-shards in deepest blue. Too peaceful that Ada wondered if a battleground would make this more compelling.
↣ author’s note – In celebration of Wong Kar-wai’s birthday, this fic is now complete.
↣ Read on AO3
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profoundbondfanfic · 2 years
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Final day with some of the favorite fics our followers sent us. Thank you guys once again for the support and for sending us your choices.
Next week we’ll self-reblog all the reviews with the fics that were featured during this celebration. Once that’s done we’ll go back to the usual schedule. Thank you!!
the cheapest room in the house by biggaybenny [Explicit, 89k words]
what if instead of a very sincere and earnest love confession dean just found out cas was gay? no confession, no god-jack endgame. just post-s15 stupidity. just dean being deranged. the dean downloads grindr for cas fic
the inexhaustible silence of houses by Askance (doomcountry) [Teen, 31k words]
Almost two years after the world doesn't end, Castiel falls from grace—and loses his voice in the process. It is the impetus for confession and change; before long, he is settling into a loving relationship with Dean, the Winchesters are tired, and hunting for a place to land has taken precedence to hunting anything else. Dean and Castiel fall in love with the strange little house on the end of Swallowtail Drive, and for a little while life is as it should be—sweet, affectionate, and beginning afresh. But more and more Castiel sees and hears things in the house that beg the question of whether or not a place itself can be alive. The walls and rooms seem to shift and grow and breathe, and one night, Dean comes home from a hunt changed in a way that Castiel cannot explain. In the months that follow, their domestic bliss takes turns for the dark and sour, and the confusion of their circumstances will ultimately test everything Castiel knows about the man he loves, and everything he believes to be true.
The Line Begins to Blur by Rosewhipped [Explicit, 128k words]
A Soulless Sam traps and attacks Castiel--Dean finds out. This story is coda until it isn't, because I realized I wanted the boys to have a happy ending. It follows season six plot/timeline for several chapters and incorporates quotes from actual episodes. Rape, rape aftermath, and recovery are explored. Eventual smut and even some fluffiness. Without a soul, Sam could see everything a little bit more clearly. Feelings no longer distracted him from goals. He was free to pursue anything without shame, guilt, or hesitation. He turned an analytical eye to all that lay before him, calmly calculating the movements and reactions of those around him to stay ahead of their thoughts and actions. He was always playing a role, acting through a scene, he had been for months and he was getting very good at it.
There Goes My Life by turningthepages [Mature, 54k words]
“It’s mine. The baby’s mine.” He never wanted to admit it, nor would he ever really forgive himself for thinking it, but at that moment, hearing those words, Dean felt like he could see all his plans for a happy future burning to ash right in front of him.
they're playing dido in the hospital gift shop by spocklee [Explicit, 16k words]
can't a guy just have a completely normal sex dream in peace without his formerly-dead best friend walking in?
Tilted Mercy by LittleAngelCassie [Explicit, 111k words]
The sins of the past never stay buried; Dean’s spent years trying to suppress the memories and nightmares that chase him relentlessly. The now 35-year-old Omega entered the BDSM lifestyle seeking penance for his crimes against humanity hoping to rectify all his wrongs through his own pain. After a particularly frightening encounter, Dean agrees to try a different approach to his self-atonement. Compassion was never in the cards until Castiel Novak showed up at his door, pushing Dean’s boundaries and forcing him to face this new reality that includes a possible future with the handsome alpha. Welcome to a new world twisting ABO and BDSM, where somewhere between retribution and redemption lies …Tilted Mercy.
Unintended by emwebb17 [Explicit, 82k words]
Castiel is a successful defense attorney beginning to doubt the integrity of the work he does. After winning a date with a firefighter named Dean at a charity auction, Cas decides that he needs to make a change in his life. He just has one more case to take care of, but his involvement has devastating consequences.
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4]
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Hello lovely followers,
Ever wonder about the fics that don’t make it through the final round of voting for the bi-weekly read in the book club? You’re in luck!
The book club is structured so that we solicit nominations from our members, either based on a theme or a trope or simply a request for their favorites, and develop a list of ten nominations, which are then narrowed down to a top three. The top three fics end up in our weekend vote and the winner of that vote becomes our book club fic for that week.
It’s almost October—and that means it’s spooky season! Here at the book club, we celebrate annually with not two but three reads during October, followed by a little members-only soiree on Halloween weekend itself. We’re getting our fangs sharpened in preparation.
Since we vote for all of our spooky reads in one round of voting at the start of the month, there will only be one spooky runners-up post this month, but it’s an extra-special one: we’re giving you all our nominated fics to read. That’s right—all of them! Happy spooky reading!
the train is expected in five minutes - MiraclesOfPaul | 6.7k, T, complete
Ryan finds himself in an abandoned train station with no memory of how he got there.
The Shine of Obsidian - VictoriaAGrey | 21k, M, complete
After months of negotiations, Ryan and Shane are given permission to do a weekend long investigation for Unsolved at The Overlook, a famously haunted hotel which is left abandoned during the fall and winter seasons due to severe weather conditions and its relative isolation.
Once left on their own, what Shane had thought would be a fun weekend turns into a fight for survival when Ryan becomes possessed by the very demon he was hunting.
Calming if you look at it right - Agf | 2.3k, Not Rated, complete
There's no reason to panic. None at all. He's woken up in bed beside his boyfriend- partner- ghoulfriend, like always. It's a nice day. Shane is wearing the blue shirt. Like always.
i don’t need a dozen roses - weakspots | 13k, E, complete
They're not… dating, or boyfriends, or in love, or any of these things. Ryan's pretty sure on that front.
two to fall apart - orphan_account | 38k, T, complete
“I know you’re sitting over there, probably like, ‘oh, Ryan’s such an idiot, he’s afraid of ghosts but not serial killers.’”
“I’m thinking your sense of self-preservation is a sham. You absolutely seek out things that you believe are a danger to your person.”
“And you're so incredibly invested in my person?”
“I am! I enjoy your person. I would like it not to be carved up and put on a Christmas display.”
Ryan laughs, and Shane can’t begin to fathom how that’s even remotely funny.
Ryan wants to investigate a case that's just a little too recent for Shane's tastes.
Tell Me Why The Fear Feels So Good - Books in the Blood | 16k, E, complete
Ryan begins to develop an embarrassing habit of getting aroused on set when scared. Sometimes Shane helps him out.
spinning on that dizzy edge - sarcasticfishes | 7.5k, T, complete
“What are you doing?”
Shane nearly jumps out of his skin. He falls right off the couch and slides onto the floor, his blanket getting tangled up around his ankles as he does so. There’s a man standing in his living room, mere feet away, and he doesn’t look very happy.
“What— what are you doing?” Shane splutters, because that’s a totally normal way to react to a stranger in your living room.
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izloveshorses · 2 years
izloveshorses fic masterlist
sooooo we’ve gotten an accumulation of anastasia fics in my portfolio now, so perhaps it’s a good time to start a masterlist, yes? yeah. okay. let’s get started. 
general dimya playlist is here, otherwise, more links under the cut :)
Birds on the Wing: (G, 1k, canonverse, one-shot) tossing in another almost-kiss™ during the ballet scene, also inspired by This artwork 
They See Right Through Me (I See Right Through Me: (G, 4.5k, canonverse, one-shot, ghost/haunted au) Anya was haunted by ghosts for as long as she could remember. Unfortunately, she had no idea who they were or why they followed her.
No Proof, One Touch, You Felt Enough: (T, 10.9k, canonverse, one-shot, missing scenes, angst, anya pov)  Exploring how Anya is touch-starved and how that affects her interactions with Dmitry. Affectionately known as “the touch fic.”
So Close: (G, 2.8k, canonverse, one-shot, missing scene) After arriving in Paris, Anya, Vlad, and Dmitry had some time to spare before meeting the Dowager. Why not celebrate their newfound freedom with a few fun nights out?
Who Could Stay: (T, 3k, modern au, one-shot, hurt/comfort) A decade after fleeing to Paris instead of facing the trauma of her family's deaths, Anya's grandmother dies suddenly and she has to rush back home to settle everything. Now the sole heiress of the Romanov fortune, she can't seem to come to peace with the responsibilities and the untouched grief. Until Dmitry knocks on her door.
Still I Fall: (one of my very favorite moodboards ever) (T, 14.6k, modern au, multi-chapter, college road trip au)  Anya needs a ride back home for spring break, and unfortunately for her, the only person available is... well. Dmitry.
I and Love and You: (moodboard) (playlist) (T, 17k, historical au, multi-chapter, mechanic!dmitry, anya pov)  Great Depression Era au where a simple car repair job becomes a lot more than either of them expected. Affectionately known as “the mechanic au.”
Can’t Stop Loving You: (moodboard) (playlist) (T, 10k, modern au, one-shot, childhood best friends to lovers, artist!dmitry, dmitry pov)  Dmitry and Anya have known each other for most of their lives, but, predictably, they grow apart with time and space between them. Several years later, when they both arrive back in town, they don’t fall back into their usual easy banter like Dmitry expected, and as he's fighting the many memories haunting him, he has to decide if he should risk what they have left and finally confess what he's been feeling and move forward. Affectionately known as “the gazebo au.”
All I Ask: (M, 3.9k, canon divergent, one-shot, missing scene, smut)  After spending a few days in Paris, Anya shares her worries of what will happen after she meets the Dowager with Dmitry. Is she really willing to leave him?
Sad, Beautiful, Tragic: (playlist) (T, 5k, canon divergent, one-shot, angst)  au where Anya doesn't make it to the bridge before Dmitry leaves and what would happen if they eventually crossed paths again.
Princesses (Don’t) Marry Kitchen Boys: (G, 3k, canonverse, one-shot, missing scene, dmitry pov)  5 times on their journey Dmitry gets to show off his cooking skills. Since anything that doesn't come from a can is a rare luxury in their current situation, Anya is begrudgingly impressed.
Cold December Night: (moodboard) (G, 16k, modern au, one-shot, obligatory holiday au, time travel)  Dmitry accidentally sends himself into the future and the only person who might be able to help is Anya, a collector of antiques in Paris with a very busy schedule this close to Christmas.
Forever Is the Sweetest Con: (G, 2k, canonverse, one-shot, post-canon, fluff, dmitry pov)  After Anya kisses him on the bridge, Dmitry finally gives her the dance she's wanted.
My Pain Fits in the Palm of Your Freezing Hand: (G, 9.5k, au, multi-chapter duology, the office au, friends to lovers)  Dmitry is a salesman, Anya is a receptionist, they're best friends, both working dead-end jobs and find themselves as some of the subjects of a documentary about the average workplace. And he's hopelessly in love with her.
Sweet Creature: (moodboard) (T, 18.7k, modern au, multi-chapter, neighbors au, fluff)  Anya recently moved into her sister's apartment and she couldn't be happier, except she doesn't care much for their next door neighbor, Dmitry. Shenanigans ensue.
Dust to Dust: (G, 9k, canonverse, one-shot, missing scenes, angst, dmitry pov)  “Even when I was mad at you,” Anya started, “I never doubted we would. Thank you, Dmitry.” He realized he’d been staring and the silence was too long. “Uh… Thank Vlad.”
Never Done With Killing Time: (moodboard) (playlist) (G, 24.8k, modern au, multi-chapter, high school au, baseball player!dmitry, fluff, friends to lovers)  Dmitry, to his disdain, is pretty good at baseball. To her annoyance, Anya can't really seem to escape him. To their surprise, they enjoy each other's company a little more than they expect.
Two Drifters, Off to See the World: (playlist) (G, 59k, 90′s au, multi-chapter, paris au, chef!dmitry, anya pov)  On impulse, Anya buys a one-way ticket to Paris, starting a refreshing and peaceful life in the hopes of finding herself. What she doesn't expect to find instead is a handsome waiter at her favorite bistro, who may be more of a kindred spirit than she bargained for. Affectionately known as “the paris au.”
Someone to Stay: (first installment on tumblr) (playlist) (M, 28k, canon divergent, multi-chapter, hurt/comfort, smut, angst, high-stakes, etc lol)  An au where, instead of kissing him on the bridge, Anya tells Dmitry they're in danger and they go into hiding together.
Younger Than Springtime: (tumblr post) (G, 3k, modern au, one-shot for now, skater!anya, dmitry pov)  Dmitry finally gets the courage to talk to the cute girl with the skateboard, but accidentally sets up a date that's more than he bargained for.
The Way You Look Tonight: (T, 36k, modern au, multi-chapter, fluff, assistant!dmitry, mutual pining) When her sister mentioned Papa had hired a new assistant, Anya didn’t expect him to look like… that. an au where Dmitry is Nicholas Romanov's personal assistant and there is a rule against dating employees.
grapejuice: (tumblr post) (G, 4.8k, canonverse, one-shot, missing scene, fluff)  Anya discovers her love of shopping haute couture after arriving in Paris. And she also discovers Dmitry cleans up... really well.
Nothing Is What it Was: (tumblr post) (G, 46k, canon-divergent, multi-chapter, ghost au) For the record, Dmitry did not believe in ghosts. He didn't have the luxury. Until he started living with one.
Joyeux Noel: (tumblr post/illustration) (G, 9.7k, modern au, one-shot, holiday fic) Five times Anya runs into Dmitry on accident, and one time she finds him on purpose. Or the holiday fic where Anya decides Dmitry is her arch nemesis but Dmitry doesn't get the memo.
Laundry: (tumblr post) (T, 3k, modern au, one-shot, friends to lovers, fluff) “You want… to kiss me? And I give you feedback?”
Sleep on the Floor: (WIP) (tumblr post/gifset/moodboard) (playlist) (M, 36k, modern au, road trip au, multi-chapter, friends to lovers, smut, angst, hurt/comfort, grief, running away, etc) Anya runs from her grief. Dmitry follows her, as he always does. Neither of them really knows what they're getting themselves into.
There Is an Indentation in the Shape of You: (M, 3k, one-shot, canon-divergent, smut, missing scene) (Part i of The Lakes series) Anya is stressed. Dmitry provides some distraction. (Or, to put it bluntly, they sneak off during the ballet)
I Don’t Belong, My Beloved, Neither Do You: (M, 26k, one-shot, canon-divergent, post-canon, smut, fluff, pillow talk) (Part ii of The Lakes series) Anya and Dmitry have parted ways, both settled into their roles as grand duchess and (reformed) conman respectively. But when they encounter each other again, well. Conman and princess make it work. Or a post-canon au where they see each other in secret for a bit.
before you came into my life, i missed you so bad: (WIP) (T, modern au, multi-chapter, actress!anya, bookshop!dmitry, fluff, inspired by notting hill 1999) Anya is the movie star the entire world is in love with. Dmitry is some broke owner of a dying bookshop in St. Petersburg. Her face is on every billboard, he couldn't care less about the latest blockbuster. But when their paths cross, somehow their differences-- nor half the globe separating them-- don't seem to matter.
Remind Me: (T, 8k, one-shot, wwii era au, friends to lovers, nurse!anya, injured!dmitry, angst, hurt/comfort, blood and injury) “Dmitry?” “Hey,” he croaked. She reached him, kneeling beside him, touching his face. Her eyes adjusted more to see his lips pulling at the corners. His face, though caked in a layer of dust, was, as always, too handsome and smug for his own good. “You okay?” The question was so ridiculous coming from him she wanted to laugh. “Can you move?” “I’m a bit stuck,” he said, the sound of metal creaking and fabric shifting.
drabble collection: these were all originally posted to tumblr, but i’ve collected them together on ao3. but i’ll link the original tumblr posts here as well :)
What Endearments Am I Allowed?: post-canon fluff Uncomfortable: spies/Chuck au Mistletoe: holiday rival professors au Waiting: canonverse missing scene bro are we about to kiss rn?: college au country boy i love u: horse girl!anya and delinquent!dmitry Birthdays: more post-canon fluff Not What You Expected: superhero au Hold That Thought: modern au Let Your Heart Be Light: holiday au
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themculibrary · 2 years
Tony/Phil Masterlist
Acting Up (ao3) - arianapeterson19 T, 1k
Summary: Tony Stark is nothing like they thought he would be. They thought living with Tony would be like one great big, acid trip of an adventure. But it was surprisingly not.
The one where the Avengers give Tony a hard time for being subdued and then find out why.
All Cooked Up (ao3) - CeliaEquus E, 2k
Summary: Everyone feels sorry for Phil, having such a wild, difficult Omega for a mate. Little do they know...
Billionaire's cake (ao3) - everythingispoetry G, 16k
Summary: The first time Phil gets to eat something baked by Tony, it's purely accidental. The other times - not so much. Or: a story about a relationship that starts with donuts and doesn't end because of donuts.
Breaking Perimeter (ao3) - derryderrydown G, 821
Summary: How did Tony get past Coulson's guard in Iron Man 2?
calm (ao3) - orphan_account E, 5k
Summary: Coulson was assigned to be Stark's handler. Stark didn't take to following orders the way Coulson expected.
Don't touch him (ao3) - awesome_goddess_of_mischief M, 3k
Summary: After Phil's death, the team moves into Stark tower to keep bonding. Tony is wearing himself thin trying to honour his husband's last wish, for the team to be together.
But it's slowly starting to become too much.
The team bullies continuely. Until one day the genius breaks. Luckily there's an unexpected guest ready to put the pieces back together again.
How to Court a Genius (ao3) - CeliaEquus E, 7k
"Hey, Jarv. Who left this?" "The gift is from Agent Coulson, sir." Tony looked up, jaw dropping. "Agent? Why would he leave me… flowers? Kind of." He put the shape tool back in the stand, and played absently with the petals. "I cannot imagine why anyone would gift another person with flowers such as these; but then you are not like other people, sir. Nor is Agent Coulson."
In which Phil goes all out courting Tony, who has no idea how to respond to it all. But he's definitely being swept off his feet!
Just Tonight (ao3) - smaragdbird G, 1k
Summary: Coulson helps Tony with figuring out how to cure his palladium poisoning. Fury thinks Coulson is having Stockholm syndrome.
Let's Celebrate (That I Found You) (ao3) - Roodles T, 4k
Summary: It's Tony's first Christmas as a married man, and things have changed. The stakes seem a little higher, and it's not just strip poker and Star Trek marathons anymore... Islands are fantastic Christmas presents, right?
Lost Halves (ao3) - SiniseSnakeEyes T, 27k
Summary: He had been around four when Maria Stark had found him in her private garden. He had been glad in strange clothes, which had been to big for him and seemed to be better fitted for an adult instead of a child. Maria Stark, always a gentle soul, approached the child that shouldn’t be here – in a garden that was located on a private property far away from the next bigger city – and kneeled before the confused looking boy...
Off Script (ao3) - bear_bell T, 18k
Summary: Agent Coulson sees Stark smile, and he's compromised.
Orders from the Director (ao3) - Silver_KnightShade G, 14k
Summary: Coming back to the US by orders of the Director of SHIELD, they Rogue Avengers didn't know what they were walking into. They thought there was some kind of emergency they had to help with. They never thought they would be faced with an angry husband.
Rejection (ao3) - CeliaEquus G, 4k
Summary: Based on a prompt on the Avengers Kink Meme.
On his 25th birthday, Tony Stark finds his soul-mate, Phil Coulson. But his reputation is the ultimate barrier, and Phil rejects him. When SHIELD becomes interested in Tony fifteen years later, they send their best agent to him. And then the Avengers Initiative happens. Now working together, Phil realises just how big a mistake he's made. But will Tony ever forgive him?
THEN (ao3) - Era_Penn M, 18k
Summary: Questions flung from the sidelines, from the reporters and fans and fellow stars. Always with the questions. Tony deflected or joked, generally being a nuisance. The media thought they knew all his dirty little secrets. They were wrong. ***** Phil Coulson was known as Evan tonight. There was a street fight destined to get bloody, and it was as good a place as any to look for new recruits; they’d tracked Barton down at a similar site years ago. One never knew when they’d find a gem among the trash.
Afghanistan was before and after, but they, they were then and now. This is the story of THEN.
Words we don't say (ao3) - smaragdbird M, 3k
Summary: Toni Stark is not Phil's type. And neither is Phil Toni's.
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Minute minute petit papillon !!
The movie "The gray man" came out summer 2022 and you did the 16k followers before, right? Right?
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Hi. Lol... 🦋 I had to check my post. The movie came out in July and I celebrated my 16.666 followers in August.
But I had a 15.555 followers celebration too. 🤔
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