louisupdates · 3 months
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Louis Tomlinson, FITFWT23: BUCHAREST [17.9.2023] 📸 Joshua Halling
VOTE IHEART RADIO AWARDS : voting closes on 25 March
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prosy-days · 9 months
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September 17, 2023 - Day 90
I was so sure I would be able to beat the rain home, but instead I got to hear it start several minutes before it reached me through the canopy with no choice but to go forward.
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devonjwerkheiser · 9 months
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devonwerkharder summer abroad •
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phototagebuch · 9 months
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17.9.2023: Wilde Schwäne
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durchwienschwimmen · 9 months
Durch Wien schwimmen: Spätsommer
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godsnameisjoy · 9 months
Date: 17 September 2023
Duration: 54 minutes at 10:49 PM
‘Magnetised’, ‘charged’ and ‘vacuum’ are some of the words that have been used by Paramahansa Yogananda and Swami Vivekananda in their written and spoken talks. It is now 3 months and 2 weeks since I have begun experiencing the meditational phenomenon of perceiving sounds. Trying to explain it today brings me to those words by the two God realised authors and instructors.
Since March of 2020, I have been experiencing a combination of meditational phenomena that are peculiar to meditations occurring beyond the subconscious mind. As I understand Paramahansa Yogananda, intuition lies beyond the subconscious mind.
Beyond the subconscious, the meditator knows that her attention has muscled up enough to get past the subconscious temptation to abandon all control and sleep. Just beyond the deepest and strongest desire to abandon all meditation lies the most impure version of the intuitive mind.
The beginnings of the spinal rise of freed life energies occurs along with one’s first step into the intuitive mind spaces. The intuitive mind isn’t trying to fulfil desires. That task is left for the subconscious mind. The intuitive mind is probabilistic in nature. Intuitive imagery is far less biased than subconsciously motivated imagery. However, the intuition begins purifying only after it takes up daily rinses by soulful Peace.
It is only in grade 1 in school that a math teacher demonstrates addition with the help of physical objects. Thereafter, math teachers don’t actually demonstrate addition. Having experimented with counting beans 🫘, one knows that 2 plus 2 makes 4. This knowing without having to prove a theorem for it, is what makes for intuition. Or at least, that’s how I am defining it for this blog update.
Let’s suppose that you have been provided with 4 possible answers for a maths problem you’re trying to solve. As long as all 4 options appear close in value to each other, all 4 are probable answers. The intuitive mind generates probabilistic options.
The intuitive mind generates imagery that you can’t recognise from memory. Intuitive imagery follows the laws of physics, unlike its the subconscious counterpart. The intuition has a mindful ‘here and now’ feel about it. There is no staleness of a buried desire in intuition. Yet, the intuitive at its shallow edge in the mind can’t be trusted until Peace purifies it.
Peace has the power to silence the mind. Peace can gently but surely cease the restlessness within. Restlessness is essential in order to generate a bunch of unbiased and realistic possibilities. Peace isn’t seeking a bunch. Peace seeks Truth. Peace seeks the One. Guess how Peace seeks it?
Peace silences the mind enough for the sense of hearing to turn inwards. Having turned inwards, Peace allows the meditator to perceive the sound of life energies moving within one’s head. The perceived sound gives direction that Peace seeks. Peace that’s turned in such a manner, is a charged/magnetised type of Peace. It has the power to vacuum the mind.
So be it.
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ein-weiches-herz · 9 months
OMG I'm editing a video for next week and it's kicking my ass. I devoted so much time just to scrap the first idea cause it wasn't working out and now I'm on project file no 12 ??? and nowhere near done.
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jokeroutsubs · 9 months
ENG SUB Joker Out performed together with Elvis Costello tonight, 17.9.2023, in Oslo Opera House 🥹
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emberettee · 9 months
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Leo and Reiss at full-time | Everton - Arsenal (A), 17.9.2023 ©️ Michael Regan via Getty Images
Look at them.
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vettely · 9 months
rip rbr out of points
17.9.2023. - 17.9.2023.
you were a joy
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louisupdates · 9 months
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BUCHAREST. 📸 Joshua Halling 17.9
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qasem-braigeth · 9 months
من خلف أسوار الكحل يلوح أزرق السّماء
توقّفي عن مناداتي بأسمي.!!
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aurora--sky · 9 months
Kompletna (?) lista tłumaczeń do The Sims 4 📝
Cześć. Ostatnio dostaję wiele próśb o tłumaczenie modyfikacji, które już mają swoje tłumaczenia. W takich sytuacjach, ja jak i druga osoba zakładamy, że mod nie jest przez nikogo przetłumaczony.
Stworzyłam więc listę wszystkich tłumaczy (o których wiem) wraz z modami, które przetłumaczyli. Na liście znajdują się aktualnie @livi-sims-pl, @daisy1728, @nenusia, @aarathiel, @iskierkaaa-pl, @krzydek i ja. Nie mogłam znaleźć listy Astercholika.
Jeśli znasz jakąś osobę, która tłumaczy mody (lub sam(a) nią jesteś), a ja o niej nie wiem/o niej zapomniałam, skontaktuj się ze mną tutaj, a ja dodam jej tłumaczenia do listy.
Jeśli jesteś tłumaczem i nie chcesz, aby "twoje" mody były na tej liście, napisz do mnie, a ja je usunę.
Nie wiem jak często będę aktualizować tę listę, pewnie nie za często, ale myślę, że lista w tej postaci już dużo pomaga. Nie trzeba szukać po kilku listach na kilku różnych stronach (oczywiście, zakładając, że zna się wszystkich tłumaczy modów ts4), aby dowiedzieć się, czy jest już tłumaczenie.
Dzięki tej liście wiadomo, kto przetłumaczył, jakiego moda i może pomóc tłumaczom nie dublować tłumaczenia.
Proszę, przed zapytaniem mnie o tłumaczenie jakiegoś moda, najpierw sprawdzić tę listę - czy mod już został przetłumaczony. Listę można sobie dodać do zakładek. Ja dodam też link do niej w moim przypiętym poście.
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morkofday · 9 months
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17.9.2023 (1, 2) - Crack Hours
idk i just find it extremely funny how jimmy is prioritizing his food (which. very valid okay, me too pal) over watching what they filmed + MORK'S SHIRT IS ABSOLUTELY SENDING MEEEE DO WHAT NOW (someone also pointed out that sea/day is wearing the same t-shirt as jimmy/mork in these pictures so. they're sharing clothes now? is that it?? idk what to do with this information bye)
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intoxicatingimmediacy · 8 months
clipping. - Shooter | Lido | 17.9.2023
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takovanormalnielie · 9 months
Mám slušnou dysforii, ale jsem doma. Jediný místo, kde můžu bejt v klidu a sama sebou. Moc mi to předsevzetí, že budu mít dobrou náladu do konce týdne, nevyšlo, ale dávám si bod za snahu. Dnes nebudu dělat nic. Jen odpočívat s rodinou. Potřebuju načerpat nějakou lásku a bude mi líp.
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