#1d hiatus
twopoppies · 26 days
1D was a manufactured boy band. The engineers knew there was an expiration date. Look at all the models that preceeded: New Kids, Take That, NSYNC, Backstreet, Boyz II Men ... hell, The Beatles. You can't profit off teenage girl hormones for more than five years. Harry wasn't selfish; disbandment was always going to happen. We know the most about Harry's solo plans (because he was always the prized pony), but I believe solo careers for all were a planned next goal. It's how they get to grow and mature as artists, and it's how the 1D machine diversifies investments. The way all five have found success on their own terms (versus the Timberlake effect) is phenomenal.
Agreed. But the narrative that’s been spun is that Zayn left first because he saw the writing on the wall. Louis had only just become confident in his place in the band and was completely broadsided by the breakup. Liam and Niall had no plans post hiatus beyond a vacation. But Harry? Harry was the Machiavelli who had been orchestrating it all in total secrecy since at least 2013, and “stepped on the necks” of his bandmates in order to rule the world.
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faith--in-the-future · 11 months
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literally I always suspected this but I'm glad it's confirmed
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awesomefringey · 1 year
About Louis saying “it was never his choice to break up”, my personal reading of that (without having seen the movie) is that it’s similar to any other job.
At work, you have colleagues that have varying levels of contentedness with the company, the management, the type/amount of work, their role, the team, etc etc.
Even when you’re working with the same team and doing the same levels of work, people tend to be ready to leave for different reasons at different moments. And people will also have different reasons to want to stay.
I think what Louis meant was that, for him personally, given everything, the set up of the band was still working for him. He was tired and overworked, but he still felt like he had the energy and motivation to keep going on this way, in this role, and was contented with the trade off. Which I think probably had a lot to do with his writing credits in that I think he had just found a way to express himself, be heard, and contribute to a level he was happy with.
The other boys probably felt differently, just because their roles and their motivations naturally vary, and it sounds like maybe the other three were more ready to go on a break than Louis was, not that they dropped the idea out of nowhere without talking to him first.
I really like the way you put it.
Not sure if the movie will help clarify on the “Louis was given no choice about the hiatus” topic but I’ve got the feeling you’re not very far off with your thoughts about it all.
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bestoftweets · 1 year
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chelseajackarmy · 2 months
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luckyagain · 7 months
louis mentioning that tonight's venue is the last place one direction went to on tour before introducing holding onto heartache IS SICK AND TWISTED
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skepticalarrie · 1 year
Ah there it is.! i'm so happy I'm not the only one who didn't like the trailer and it was super confused. I see people speculating Sony could be behind the doc, just to set narratives straight (sorry the pun) but what do you think? And is that possible because Sony don’t own Louis anymore right?
I was slightly holding that back as well, anon. Because I realised there were a lot of emotions already about Freddie and 1D, and everything. But fuck yeah the narrative for the trailer really bothered me quite a bit because it gave us nothing... it didn't tell me what this documentary is about, why should I go see it. Even as a fan, it didn't make me incredibly interested. Are they really going to make an over 100 minutes documentary about Louis being "forced" to go solo? And then struggling with his self-esteem as a solo artist? I'm sure this is a solid part of his struggles and his solo career, and it's fair... but I'm curious to understand how deep they're going with this? Because all that struggle is coming from a place of abuse of power and greedy people in the industry seeing boybands as 💰 ka-ching 💰 profit profit profit. And it doesn't seem he's going to touch that part of it.
As for Sony, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it quite yet. I really have no idea whose interest it is to keep babygate going at this point. But documentaries are a great way to solidify narratives, and yeah... it seems to me like they're going for a father-of-the-year and louis-the-underdog-one, which makes me side-eye the entire thing because it doesn't sound like this is something Louis would want and deliberately choose for his documentary. As for Sony "owning" Louis, well... Sony owns One Direction, and everything of Louis' before FITF. It's impossible to tell the extent of things. BUT, you may have forgotten that Sony's golden boy currently is the one and only Harry Styles. And if there's one thing about HL that we know for sure is that they're a unit, and that's both a blessing and a curse. Because that's probably the only reason why we're here and why they're so grounded and why they fought so much and so openly over the years. But that also gives people a lot of control over both of them, even with separate solo careers, they're still a unit. So. I really have no idea.
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inmyblueparadise · 1 year
Hi there! Idk if you're taking request but if you are, then could you do something where after the hiatus y/n is promoting her new album and a sexist interviewer basically suggest that now that she doesn't have the boys her career will go down? And basically she just handles it in a badass way? Maybe the boys defending her...
Its a bit long but if you are not able to do it then its ok! 🙂
love you works tho!! ✨💕✨
Hii lovie, I'm so sorry I'm just awsering this right now ! But thank you so much for the love, it made my day babe !
Let me know what you think :) xx
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Deciding to go on a hiatus, was probably the hardest decision you had to take. It's not that you didn't want to stop, but as of right now you just couldn't. Mentally and physically, all of you were exhausted. After 5 years of touring, recording, and putting albums out, promoting, interviews and so and so. You just needed a minute to breathe. 
And you did it. You went on a looooong vacation, sleeping and tanning for most of the time. You also reconnected with your family, spent time with your friends, and just lived. You also needed this time off to discover yourself. Who were you ? You were not just the girl from the band, the 6th member, you were now a grown woman, with ideas and dreams. 
That is what you tried to put into your first solo album. Your growth, your story, your style..Your album « A Letter to Me » came out to the world. It was your baby, an homage to the boys, to your family, and your younger self, because you made it. But there is one thing that you were less excited about. THE PRESS. You knew you had to give interviews as part of the promotion for the album, but you were not excited about it. While you were in the band, it was fun. You were never alone, always with at least one of the boys if not all of them. You made jokes and you relied on each other. But now, you were going to have to face it all alone. The first week of the promo went by quickly you were excited. to perform for the fans, the journalists were nice enough, so it was a good start. But you knew it could change reallllllly quickly and boy you were right ! 
You were actually sitting in a hotel room, all dolled up and dressed for your last interview of the day. A man walked in and gave you a smile before sitting in front of you, and introducing himself. 
Hello Y/N, I'm Joe from People Mag. How are you ? 
Hi Joe, I'm good thanks how are you ? 
Good, shall we start ? 
Let's go.
The interview started pretty much like the others, with questions about the songs, and the album. He was insistent on your relationship status but stopped when. he saw you wouldn't give him the answer he wanted, and that's when the interview took a weird turn. 
"So, Y/N, you started your career while in the band One Direction". 
"Yes, I did"
"All of the members put out new music, album, and singles, and they are doing pretty well, do you think you would do as well as them ?" 
"Well, when you put out a project, you want it to do good. Like every time we put out an album with the band, we wanted the fans to like it. And now that I'm on my own, I have to say it's a little more stressful because it's only, and I don't know < how the fans will react to the styles and everything but it's also exciting to be able to do this. You said, avoiding the question about the boys, but he came back to it." 
"Because, and I don't mean to put any pressure on you, but Harry for example did really great with his album do you want to do better than him ?" 
"It's not a competition. You said, trying to keep a smile on your face. There is enough of that in the music industry. Every time one of the boys put out a song or any project, I'm the first to listen to it, and send my love. I know firsthand how talented they are, and I am extremely proud of Harry for putting together such a great album that he is proud of and that his fans are happy to listen to. Do I hope the fans like my album, sure, but I'm not here to try and sell more than my friends, it's not what I'm about." 
"Good for you Y/N, and I mean you probably won't have the same success as them anyway.."
That's when you started boiling inside. 
"And why is that ?" 
"Oh, I mean that you were just the girl of the band, and people were fans of the band and now that you are alone, you are just a girl in the industry.."
"So you think that because I don't have the boys with me now that I won't do good ?" 
"Yes exactly, I mean don't get me wrong you are stunning, but you cannot expect your career to be successful without the boys..."
"Let me stop you right there. I have been in the industry since I was sixteen, I have been writing songs since that age and I have also been performing since then. I was not just "a girl" in a band, I was a member just like any of the boys, I have given my all to this band just like them and I earned my success." 
"Yes but," 
"No no, I'm still speaking, Joe. I find your question, not only offensive to me, but to all the women in this industry. So because I started in a band and I am a woman it means that I am less talented or deserving ? I think that you are forgetting that some of the biggest names in this industry are women. Or do you not consider Beyonce, Rihanna, or Stevie Nick talented enough ? Or Arianna, Celine Dion, Adele, I could go on ! "
"I am not here to teach you a lesson on feminism, even though it is clear that you need one desperately. But let me tell you this. Putting this album out has been one of the hardest things I had to do in my career, because yes I am scared to start over alone. I don't expect the same level of success I had with the band, because what we did was extraordinary, it was insane. And if I'm honest, I'll be ok with not having the same success as a solo artist, because I actually experienced this kind of love and dedication already. I'll be fine not touring stadiums again or having my album at the top of the Billboard 100, because I already did it. I just want to make stuff that is right, that is fun, in terms of the process, that I can be proud of for a long time, that my friends can be proud of, that my family can be proud of, that my kids will be proud of one day. And if the boys managed to get the same success, I will be on the front row cheering and dancing my ass off." 
After that interview, you left, surrounded by your team. You knew people would talk about it, and everyone liked the drama, but you felt good about what you said. What you didn't expect was the number of celebrities reacting to it. Barely a day after the interview was put online your social media profiles were flooded with messages. 
@tswift : Why are women still looked over in this industry because of our gender ? Your album is amazing @y/n congrats ! 
@AriannaGrande : Letter to Me by @y/n is on repeaaaaaat ! Go girl !
@Beyonce : Nothing more to add @y/n
But what people were waiting for was the boys reaction. And they got it.
Louis posted a picture on his Instagram. Of you and him, surrounded by trophies won with the band over the year, the caption saying. 
@LouisTomlinson : For 5 years, I was lucky enough to work with a kind, talented and unbelievable singer, whom I get to call my little sister. She is not only an incredible performer but also a songwriter that has the talent to make me dance and cry with her lyrics. I am incredibly proud of her new album, and I know she will go far in this industry, so all your sexist ass can fuck off. I love you @y/n.
Niall addressed the interview during an instalive. "Yes I have seen, the interview, and all I can say is how proud of y/n I am. She is one of the most talented people I ever worked with and she deserves the world, so go listen to her album ! "
Liam's tweet was simple. @LiamPayne : So my sister has no talent ? #sheisnumber1 with a screenshot of your album at the number one spot. 
Zayn's reaction was a surprise to a lot of people. He didn't mention you in the tweet, but everyone knew he was talking about you. @Zayn : She's not afraid, she is shining. 
As for Harry, well mister mysterious posted a beautiful picture of you, on stage, in black and white. With a simple caption 
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@HarryStyles : Proud. 
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spamgyu · 5 months
guys not to be annoying but zayn was at the kenzo show.... and u know who is an ambassador for kenzo...................
.......am i ...about to have a wild crossover this year...
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twopoppies · 26 days
I hate people like this omg like wdym if he was selfish for not wanting to be in a band anymore like you're allowed to quit your job get a grip. WHAT is the alternative for these people, do they wish he was singing na na na in the year of our lord 2024 at the age of thirty??? Listen I am a fan of 1d too in like a nostalgic way but these twitter "ot5s" need to get a grip. Harry knew he was destined for greater things, so did Zayn, is it a crime? Even Louis and Niall who weren't so sure are happier now cuz they're THIRTY and have no bussines singing my girl my girl my girl for simon cowell. Also they're never coming back together. Touch grass.
🤣🤣🤣 whoever you are, I love you.
In reference to this
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i cracked the code
the only reason one direction isn't back because we keep saying "i want one direction back" and you know they can't stand when girls say "I want"
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awesomefringey · 1 year
The closest context for what Louis meant would probably be if you looked at Panic! At The Disco. Unlike solo artists with hired backing bands, actual bands are an equal-share vote. So no one member can just up and shut down the entire band.
Louis was likely outvoted or the overall stipulation was none of them could put a time limit on the contract of hiatus. So e.g; they didn't sign a hiatus contract for 24 months. They all signed for an undetermined hiatus. This eventually lead to their active employment/representation contracts dissolving or being paid out.
Idk if that makes sense if you don't know industry contracts? Its kind of hard to explain. So like he signed an undefined contract with the expectation they were just maintaining flexibility on the exact timing to come back, and they just never did, and eventually either bought out of, or were 'timed out' of their active contracts.
I’d really love to see the movie first to understand the “no choice” comment better. But if the band even had to vote, I assume it was 3:1 for the hiatus. Not 1:3, leaving Niall, Louis and Liam no choice or whatever.
I’m annoyed by these people who need to throw Harry under the bus to make it their point of how selfish he was. Like come on, I don’t have to see the movie first to know that makes no sense at all. 🙄
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kiwikiwiandkiwi · 2 years
unpopular opinion time, maybe? i think louis saying he didn’t want to go on hiatus was part of a narrative then and still is part of a narrative to this day. do i think they were all happy to be over with 1d? of course not, you can tell how much these boys loved and still love the band, but i also don’t think louis was the only one who didn’t want the hiatus.
you think harry is overworked now? the band was touring, writing an album and promoting a new album every single year for 5 years on a row - without any breaks. so i find it a little naive to think they (all of them!!) weren’t at least a little bit relieved to be over with that schedule. if they kept going like that who knows what would’ve happened.
people like to say (and yes, that was the story that was pushed in the media) that harry was the one begging for a hiatus, he was the one who wanted to leave the band and have a solo career… well, correct me if i’m wrong, but as far as i remember harry stuck with the band until the very end, and was pretty much the last one to release a song after going solo.
it’s damn well clear now that louis was the one who made 1d what it truly was, he was the one who realized that they needed a more mature image than UAN and TMH, and he fought for it, and he got it with MM, Four, and MITAM, so he would obviously have a say on whether the band should go on hiatus or not (and honestly if louis said he wanted to keep going and that he thought they would be fine, the boys would’ve followed him blindly, because louis always knew what was best for the band)
honestly i think louis had a lot of reasons to want the hiatus (babygate, his and harry’s closet, the way him and management didn’t seem to see eye to eye), and so i believe he actually fought for it, louis has consistently been the one to see the smart business moves for the band and to fight for them, so yeah, i think they were all sad to see this huge part of their lives being over, but i also think they all wanted the break, no exceptions. the way louis talks about it makes it seems like it’s very black and white, when we all know it never is.
(and also, the fact that the media kept saying harry wanted the hiatus and louis didn’t, makes me think it was a way to keep the mortal enemies narrative)
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breakingfreebri · 2 years
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daydadahlias · 10 months
You know what I hate more than fans bringing up 2014/2016 Ashton/the boys? I hate that even during Ashtons livestreams BEFORE THE SHOW people are in the chat talking about them breaking up like Ashton not reading the comments. Ughh like why are people talking about that again
Ashton: yeah we're gonna start working on our next album soon! can't wait! and we'd love to tour in Mexico next year or maybe the year after :) super excited for all that's to come and keep playing for you guys :)
5sos fans: so you all secretly hate each other and are breaking up next month right???
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skepticalarrie · 1 year
I agree with you so much about H and hiatus. it was pretty obvious they were ALL exhausted and I think it was implied before that this was something they were discussing for a while. ppl just like to assume it was H bc they want the drama
The year is 2023 and people still insist on that and it is exhausting. Not to be a bitch or shade the others, but Harry was not the one who left, he was not the one who started his solo career first, and to be quite fair, he’s probably the one who brings up 1D the most nowadays. So people need to suck it up and admit one person alone didn’t ask for the hiatus. Harry was extremely upset under the circumstances Zayn left, so I highly doubt he would be the guy bringing that up and “forcing” the others to go on a hiatus. I don’t think Harry was doing great, Liam was clearly not doing great, Louis was being fucking stubborn and probably getting himself into some deep shit. So I mean, thank god the hiatus happened?!
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