#2 borks
bulldog-butch · 9 months
i’ll be honest i think we put way too much emphasis on ragging on people for who they’re not attracted to or don’t wanna have sex with than just making sure people are treating people they’re not attracted too with the same level of decency and respect that they give to people they are into. like i think it’s very important to deconstruct why you might not be attracted to fat people, or masculine lesbians, or trans people, or people of races that are not your own, but at the end of the day our brains are weird as hell and we ultimately have very little control over who we end up attracted to. but what you do have control over is how you interact with and treat people that you’re not interested in. this is not even to mention that being attracted to a certain feature doesn’t even necessarily mean that you’re treating those people with respect!!!!
i can only speak to my own identities, but at the end of the day i don’t care if you’re not attracted to me because i’m fat or because i’m trans or because i’m masculine. what i do absolutely care about is that you recognize that just because i’m not your cup of tea, doesn’t mean those qualities are inherently unattractive and doesn’t make me any less deserving of respect and kindness
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casualcontingency · 2 months
There are still sooo many questions I have about Daniel’s timeline which largely go back to that memoir anecdote about the car seat and the Buick from S1E3.
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The blurb on the back of the memoir itself makes the book seem like it only follows Daniel’s life in San Francisco, specifically when he lived in the Haight neighborhood. So, if we go by when car seats became mandatory in the US in 1985, his first daughter would have been born anywhere from 1974 to 1978 making her anywhere from 44-48 by the interview in Dubai. This would then put his second daughter being born in 1985 making her 36/37.
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Both would likely have been long since married and/or divorced by then, so the talk Daniel and Louis had in S1E6 seeing them reach those benchmarks makes little sense. Daniel should have already seen those things. He could even feasibly have young great grandchildren by now from that first daughter.
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So, this would then suggest that the daughter born in Paris in 1985 is the first child and the second one came much later and possibly with his second wife and is likely in their 20’s now. Which could still work with the “7 years” editor comment because car seats became mandatory in France in 1992. And this would make that conversation between Louis and Daniel work better (although still not great because even then there is still a high likelihood that both daughters could be married). But then WHY would that anecdote be in his memoir about his time in San Francisco.
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And it still begs the question why Daniel and Alice were in Paris for so long, especially if the first timeline is the correct one and they had a 7 to 11-year-old daughter at the time which I find highly unlikely in that case. But this being their first child would make no sense either since how could the two of them afford the café lifestyle in Paris if Daniel is giving away his last $30 for drugs in 1985.
It must be an unintentional flub, right? And they just didn’t account for either how old his daughters would be when they scripted S1E3 or didn’t plan out the idea of the memoir/timeline well because even if one threw in the Armand/Alice stuff the timeline seems highly questionable because Daniel clearly did have at least one child with Alice either in 1978 or 1985 because there is no way his memoir would have passed scrutiny otherwise.
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intriga-hounds · 10 months
she angy that bazzy took her spot
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bara-izu · 8 months
Halsin's new kiss animation-- Specifically the forehead kiss 😭 It's a good day to be a bodytype 4 player >:)))) Thank you companion appearance editor ehehehehe
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tadpole-apocalypse · 7 months
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finally. i have Her.
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fireflowersims · 7 months
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Bottom of the Barrel - A (Fixed) Trash Can DR
Download at the Keep
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cosmic-nopedog · 10 months
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H e IS a little guy
for now
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sentientsky · 9 months
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found this exchange in my text messages with my baby brother,,,is this anything?
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kazroze · 3 months
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i'm enjoying this casual gameplay
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doli-nemae · 7 months
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my babies from Forgotten Realms games hehe
Triss - half-elf mage\rogue, Baldur's Gate 1 & 2
Katria - human druid lycanthrope, Baldur's Gate 3
Rose - high elf sorcerer, Baldur's Gate 3
Rey - half-orc Selune priest, Baldur's Gate 3
Hildegard - half-orc rogue noble, Baldur's Gate 3
Sam - half-orc paladin of devotion, Neverwinter Nights 2 (Original Campaign)
Bork - half-orc sorcerer, Neverwinter Nights 1 (Original Campaign)
Brum - dwarf duergar fighter, Baldur's Gate 3
Jevan - elf drow paladin, Neverwinter Nights 1 (Original Campaign)
And also their alignment chart!
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acapelladitty · 5 months
ok im glad you're not leaving us and im glad you're having fun across fandoms <3
Beloved, have a swatch at my current draft list of COMPLETED oneshots and drabbles that I am patiently waiting to post for y'all!!
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I am living my best life and y'all are more than welcome to join me for the ride lol 🥰🤣
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borkwolf · 5 months
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lixifur666 · 5 days
doodoodododoo laa~laaa :3 dododododoo laaalaaa~!!!!!!!!1! X3
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nightphoebe · 1 year
Ok, Dishonored fans...
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thewildnopeboat · 5 months
Guardian, looking at the Patheon Challenge flyers: That can't be too horrible.
Ghost, looking over it: You do realize those are almost all midteir Raid Bosses. One I remember gave you and your team enough trouble to make you guys have to camp and try again the next day.
Guardian, already calling up the team: Oh come on, it can't be that bad!
(Spoilers: 5 hours, 31 mins, 00 seconds)
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trashshouldnt · 1 month
oh no being awake late is making me Incredibly Sad [just saw friend from old school online and now she's thinking about what she lost]
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