#2 weeks of cardio results
tweedfrog · 2 years
So my heart rate seems to not be soaring when i stand anymore (yay) but my body also seems to be confused by my treatment and medicine and is like "???? heart is slow??? Time to Rest ™" and I get randomly sleepy when i stand (confusing)
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scarybabe · 16 days
Thank you so much for being open about your strong fat journey!! It looks amazing on you!!
Would you be open to sharing a sample week workout write up, or some other reference tips to create a routine? As a fellow gainer girl it would be great to have a reference that works for my body type, and I love your results!
Forgive me if you’ve already shared this, or stated that you don’t want to (if that’s the case just delete the ask)
You’re a wonderful voice in the community, thank you so much for doing all you do!!
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Ahh thank you!! I do have a weightlifting coach, she makes my workout plans every day but I can share my nutrition plans + my usual mobility stretches - this makes a huge difference since I was starting from being a couch potato 💕
Nutrition- 3 meals with at least 30-40g of protein each meal and minimum 2,700 calories but more is good! I like the chocolate mutant mass protein powder and put unflavored collagen peptides in everything. At least 100oz of water every day
Mobility stretches (look these up) - 12 reps of Cat Cow, Superman Arm Sweeps. 10 reps of Dynamic Thread the Needle (on each side), Kneeling Hip CARS (each side), 90/90 Hip Shifts ** my mobility stretches change slightly depending on what area I’m working out
At the gym - 4 x 6-10 reps deadlift on smith machine, 3 x 6-12 dumbbell hammer curls, 3 x 8-12 dumbbell Romanian deadlifts (RDLs), 3 x 6-12 cable machine lat pulldown, 2 x 15 each side mini band standing glute hyperextension (one foot on a riser while the other leg extends), 2 x 20 hip abductions (usually there’s a machine for these)
If you’re new to lifting the first number is the number of sets - take a minute to rest between sets or even a bit longer if needed. Second number is the range of reps you do. When researching these I would look up the right tempo for eccentric/concentric muscle contractions because that can really maximize the efficacy. I usually do a practice set with as little weight as possible before the actual set of each new exercise to make sure my form is good, bad form can cause sprains, imbalances or soreness.
I finish my weightlifting with some cooldown stretches - today it’s 60 secof wide leg oblique stretching, 60 sec childs pose lat stretch, 60 sec prone cross over leg glute stretch
Monday - Friday I rotate through different muscle groups so I just shared my Monday routine (pull day!) and my coach tailors it to my personal goals as well. There’s a lot of good weightlifting programs online for free! I don’t do an ounce of cardio either, only strength training.
Thank you for your kind words, I hope this sparks interest in anyone else who may wanna try getting strong. I have a membership to a cheap 24/7 local gym because when I first started I was kinda shy to be watched as I figured out my form and all that 🤣 places like that are good for beginners
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b0r3dtod3ath · 1 year
No brakes, part 1
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Summary: Every time Y/N has been featured in a “No Brakes” episode (1,2,4,5)
F1 Masterlist 
Word count: 1.25k I think
Warnings (also mentioned before every paragraph): Mentions of working out; a sex joke; mentions of body dysmorphia
Ep. 1 
Daniel had a few weeks in between races and he decided to take you on a trip to Austria. He has been there many times and he wanted you to know how beautiful this country is. The trip was full of bike rides, hiking, and eating schnitzels. After a few days of vacation Daniel started recording a Youtube series called “No brakes”.
You decided to go for a hike. After an hour of climbing a semi-tall mountain you were greeted with an amazing view. You wanted to take a closer look at how high above the ground you actually were. You were about to get closer to the edge when you felt a pair of hands grabbing you “Please be careful. If you were to fall I would jump”. The strong need to keep you safe would often result in Daniel shouting at people. He’s not an irascible person but when it comes to you he has no limits. 
“We are gonna scare them. We’re doing something really cool.” All the camera could see was a smiling face hidden in the bush. You were going down at your own pace, careful not to slip, so you were a bit behind most of the group. It was around noon, green trees hid you from direct sunlight allowing a slight breeze to pass through. As you walked down a small path a group of four people jumped from the bushes. After a short mini heart attack you started dying of laughter causing everyone to laugh too. 
“You want to go up the mountain in the evening and watch the sunset? A few locals said it was really good.” Daniel lowered his voice a bit as you were sitting at a table, eating lunch with a bunch of other guys and his offer was to you only. A lot of the time you were surrounded by other people but he always made sure you two could have a moment alone during the day. He is a busy guy but he always tries to find some quality time for his lover. Whether it’s 15 minutes in his driver’s room before a race or a full evening after a race week. He likes to make sure that he is not distracted, so he would mute his phone and focus on you. 
As you were climbing the mountain, Danny was humming a song that has been stuck in his head for the past few days. At this point you could probably recite the full lyric because you have heard it so many times. “I’m glad you like it here.” says Daniel “Yea, we should come here more often. I think you should rest more, overall.” You were always scared of Daniel overworking himself. You knew being a driver was a hard job and you didn’t want him to feel burned out. You were always there for him. Always gave as much space as he wanted, always gave a shoulder to cry on after a terrible race. You two always cared for each other. 
Ep. 2 (tw: mentions of working out, a sex joke)
Next video featured preparing for the race in Monaco. Daniel was just about to leave the place you were staying in. “I’m going to do a quick workout.” he says, grabbing your waist and kissing your cheek. He always did it before he left. “Oh! By the way, I’m gonna go for a run. I just feel like doing a quick cardio, I don’t know. I just feel this energy.” His lips form the characteristic smile “I thought we were going to do cardio tonight”. He squeezes your hip as you respond “Don’t get your hopes up, Ricciardo. Now go, Michael is probably waiting.” Daniel only moves closer to kiss you. His hands on his hips - trying to convince you that his trainer can wait. You suddenly pull back “Go!”. “Okay, okay. Don’t forget your phone when you go out! I love you.” he laughed. You always had each other’s location shared. He wasn’t controlling you by any means, he just wanted to know you’re safe when you are not with him.
Ep. 4 (singer!reader; solange lyrics; tw: mentions of body dysmorphia) 
You always wanted Daniel to be on your album, even before you two started dating. He always pushed it off saying that he isn’t a good singer but you would find ways to feature him in other ways. You wanted him to read one of the sentences that really got stuck in your mind. He said it one night when you weren’t feeling the best in your body. He knew something was off but he didn’t want to push you. He noticed a pattern when your self confidence was a bit low. Little things that you didn’t pay attention to but he used to read you like an open book. He would always make sure to treat you even better than usual. He would treat you like a literal goddess. He would run you a bath, wash your hair, shower you with kisses constantly reminding you of how beautiful you were.
 It was just gonna be a half a minute interlude. His voice would be a bit edited so it would sound more dreamy. “Ok, so you go in there and you just read this.” You said giving him a piece of paper and pointing at a recording booth. He didn’t really look at the paper until the mic was recording. You gave him a thumbs up and he started to read “Do you realize how magnificent you are? The god that created you is a divine architect. That created the moon, the sun, the stars, Jupiter, Mars, Pluto, Venus. You are the walking embodiment of god consciousness.” As soon as he realized these are the words that he said he instantly started smiling. You did a couple of takes in case and told him to come back. “Aw! I didn’t know you remembered what I said that night!” he pulled you into a hug. He got a bit emotional to be honest. “Are you kidding me? That was the most beautiful thing you have ever came up with. You are gonna get credit for that. A beautiful “Daniel Ricciardo” written in the writers’ rubric.”.
Ep. 5
Daniel loved to impress you by doing donuts. He was about to park when an idea popped in his mind- he could get some extra footage as well as impress you. You were looking at your phone as you felt the car moving unusually, you knew what was going on. You turned to face your boyfriend and gave him a look that told more than words. He started laughing as he saw you in the corner of his eye.
You were supposed to meet Jenson and watch him and Daniel drive go karts. “You sure you don’t want to try? I can teach you.” says Daniel as he is done changing into his racing suit “Nah, I’m good. Don’t worry” you say. Danny always wanted to involve you in everything but you didn’t want to be stuck to him if that makes sense. You would show up to his races and support him but you weren’t really the first one to be on camera. He always respected that but didn’t want you to feel left out.
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cupcakeinat0r · 8 months
A couple of yall asked for the booty routine so here u go, shawty <3
Ik this looks like a lot, but trust, bae, it’s important. I felt like if ima talk abt my routine, might as well talk a lil bit abt food too since both work as a team.
[First, let me say that I am by no means a professional. This is something I've learned and acquired through self-research, as well as having two siblings, one who is a bodybuilder and the other who is a personal trainer. Also, the gym is a safe n fun space for everyone:) Work out because you want to, not bc you think you need to look a certain way <3]
Here's my Split: I added my upper body days as well in case yall wanted to kno <3
Monday: Glutes + quads
Tuesday: Back + Biceps
Wednesday: Glutes + Hamstrings
Thursday: Chest + Tricep
Friday: Full Body
Saturday + Sunday: Active rest!!! (Could be running, walking, bicycling, etc., whatever is fun to do! My personal fav is the stair master for an hr or Running for 3 miles, but you do whatever you can. Listen to your body.)
In addition, I do cardio after each sesh on the weekdays. For me, that's running for like 2 miles or so, depends how I'm feeling, but you do whatever cardio you'd like! A good start could simply be inclined walking!
Also, pls pls pls remember rest days are VITALLL. If u want to grow that booty (which is something the couple of you specifically mentioned), those rest days are important bc this is the period when those muscles are actually repairing themselves from the workout, resulting in growth!!! A huge misconception is that “the muscles grow during the workout”… no. Ur actually tearin up those puppies, so that’s what rest days r for! Both rest + protein contribute to ur muscle repair + growth (I’ll talk abt protein intake later). Naturally, I like to rest Sat n Sun, but it could be any 2-3 days of the week. Sometimes, I be usin that Fri full-body sesh as a rest day too so liiiike... if u need to, please do (especially during periods uuuuugh).
As for specific Workouts, I'll list em here. These r for the booty ;)
Hip thrusts, booty + hamstrings
Romanian dead lift, booty + hammies
Goblet Squat, quad destroyer
Hip abductions, booty burner, omfg
Leg press, depends on footing. Higher on platform works hammies n booty, lower works quads.
Weighted Squats, the whole damn leg.
Body weight squats OR lunges (good for warm-ups)
Leg curl, hammies
Leg extension, quads
Bulgarian split squat, booty n whole leg
I do 4 sets of 12 <3
Nutrition plays a huuuge part as well, but I'll only talk very lil abt it since ion know yall's specific needs<3
Generally, if u want growth, just take ur current weight and put that in grams, for example = 170 lbs. -> 170 g of protein each day. Now, taking in the amount of protein u need can be hard at first, so just for the beginning, just try to at least get close to it then work ur way up. Foods high in protein that I like are Greek Yogurt, Chicken, Lean Ground Beef, Salmon, and snackies such as protein bars (avocado is like the holy grail for a phat booty just sayin. It's not protein, but it's the healthiest source of fat there is!). As for other groups (fat n carbs) don’t be so strict, bae… just use your portions. No need to restrict urself from ANY food bc no food is “bad”. I can talk allllll day abt this one but ima just shut up for now lmao.
PHEW, honestly, don't mention the gym around me cuz I will not shut up. Ima gym rat at heart so like I could literally keep writing abt this but bc literally, like, 3 ppl asked for this, Ima just wrap up here <3
Hope this was a lil bit of help @gltzpzy @mybvalentine @icenbroo <33333333
P.s. would it be cringe if I said I sometimes use Miguel as motivation??? Like he’s watchin me or som??? Bye, I hate that I do that, I’m like actually mentally unwell bc of that stupid mass of pixels Sony created ☠️
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optimal-living-lab · 5 months
Strength Training for Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide
Strength training is an essential component of overall fitness, providing numerous benefits such as increased muscle mass, improved bone density, and enhanced metabolism. If you're new to strength training, getting started can feel overwhelming, but with the right guidance, it can be both enjoyable and rewarding. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the basics of strength training for beginners.
Understanding Strength Training
Strength training, also known as resistance training, involves exercises that use resistance to build muscle strength, endurance, and size. This resistance can come from various sources, including free weights, weight machines, resistance bands, or even your body weight.
Benefits of Strength Training
Increased Muscle Strength: Strength training helps to build and strengthen muscles, making everyday activities easier and reducing the risk of injury.
Improved Bone Health: It stimulates bone growth and can help prevent osteoporosis, especially important as we age.
Boosted Metabolism: Muscle is more metabolically active than fat, so building muscle through strength training can help increase your resting metabolic rate, aiding in weight management.
Enhanced Functional Strength: It improves your ability to perform daily tasks, such as lifting, carrying, and bending.
Getting Started
1. Consult a Professional
Before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any health concerns, it's wise to consult with a healthcare professional or a certified personal trainer. They can help tailor a program to your specific needs and ensure you exercise safely.
2. Set Clear Goals
Identify what you want to achieve through strength training. Whether it's gaining muscle, losing weight, or improving overall fitness, having clear goals will guide your training program.
3. Start with Basic Exercises
Begin with compound exercises that work multiple muscle groups simultaneously. These include:
Squats: Targets the legs, glutes, and core.
Deadlifts: Works the back, glutes, and hamstrings.
Push-ups: Engages the chest, shoulders, and triceps.
Rows: Targets the back, biceps, and shoulders.
4. Learn Proper Technique
Focus on mastering proper form and technique for each exercise to prevent injury and maximize results. If you're unsure, consider working with a personal trainer initially to learn the correct form.
5. Gradually Increase Intensity
Start with lighter weights and gradually increase the resistance as you get stronger. Aim for 2-3 strength training sessions per week, allowing at least 48 hours of rest between sessions to allow your muscles to recover and grow.
6. Incorporate Variety
Include a variety of exercises in your routine to target different muscle groups and keep your workouts interesting. This can include different types of resistance exercises, as well as cardio and flexibility training.
Tips for Success
Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels during and after workouts. If something doesn't feel right, stop and reassess your form or consult a professional.
Stay Consistent: Consistency is key to seeing results. Stick to your strength training program and make it a regular part of your routine.
Rest and Recovery: Allow your muscles time to recover between sessions to prevent overtraining and reduce the risk of injury.
Fuel Your Body: Eat a balanced diet rich in protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats to support muscle growth and recovery.
Strength training is a valuable addition to any fitness regimen, offering a multitude of physical and mental benefits. By following this guide and staying committed to your goals, you can build strength, improve your overall health, and enhance your quality of life. Remember, progress takes time, so be patient and enjoy the journey to a stronger, healthier you!
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aobkorea · 15 days
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Skin can become dry and dehydrated when it loses water too quickly—not unlike our bodies on a scorching summer day or after a grueling cardio workout. When our skin loses that water, it’s called transepidermal weather loss (TEWL). For those of us with dry skin, that means our skin cells have a hard time keeping water in. Add to that environmental aggressors like sun, wind, pollution, polar/cold climates and the skin barrier can also be compromised - making skin drier and more fragile and susceptible to cracking and irritation. A few common characteristics of dry skin include dullness, flakey-ness, tightness, itchiness, redness, and just (sigh) general discomfort. In short, dry skin is no fun. But it is common—and almost everyone will grapple with it at some point.
Some people are genetically predisposed to dryer skin and deal with it even as teenagers, when skin typically overproduces oil. Others battle parched complexions seasonally (particularly in the dry depths of winter) or situationally (e.g. long, hot showers, certain medications and even overly aggressive skincare can all cause excessive moisture loss). And of course, all skin becomes drier as we age, so even if you’ve never considered your skin on the dry side, it will be…eventually.
The good news is dry skin doesn’t have to stay dry. There are lots of simple, easy-to-adopt strategies that will soothe and soften almost instantly. Here are 7 dry skin tips to set you on the path to smoother, more supple skin.
1. Turn On A Humidifier
Dry skin can be caused—or exacerbated—by central heating, fireplaces and wood-burning stoves. If you live in a climate that dips below 50 degrees during the winter, you’re likely well aware of this. Turning on a humidifier overnight—or placing a small one near your work space during the day—will consistently mist and hydrate the air, helping to mitigate the moisture-zapping properties of all that exposure to indoor heat.
2. Ease Up On The Steamy Showers
Yes, it does feel so good—especially on a frigid day. But too much time in a long, hot shower or bath can remove natural oils from your skin, as well as disrupt your skin’s protective barrier function (which can cause you to lose moisture even outside the shower). So, as a general rule, try to suds and rinse in less than ten minutes and keep the water temperature closer to warm than hot.
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3. Choose A Gentle Cleanser
Using a harsh antibacterial soap, which is designed to remove sweat and oil, will also strip moisture from your skin, leaving it itchy and dry. This result is often worsened in the winter months when skin is most vulnerable. So, try to stick to body and face cleansers that are creamy and moisturizing, like Korean skincare , which effectively removes makeup and impurities, but does it without stripping moisture from the skin or disrupting the skin’s barrier function.
4. Slather On Moisture Asap
Layering on moisturizing serums and creams, immediately after cleansing will help seal water into the skin, as well as support the skin’s barrier function. Same goes for your body: Aim to always apply a hydrating cream right after showering or bathing—and massage in a nourishing hand lotion, Such as Korean skincare every time you wash up. Note: To maximize the hydrating potency of the aforementioned formulas, always blot, rather than rub, with a towel after showering or cleansing. Blotting gets rids of any dripping water but still leaves a light film of moisture for your serums and creams to seal inside the skin.
5. Slough With Care
Slathering on moisturizer is crucial in treating dry skin, but if the buildup of dead skin cells on your face has become nearly impenetrable, those formulas can’t permeate and nourish your skin. So, it’s also imperative that you use a gentle scrub or an exfoliating toner, such as K-Beauty to routinely remove dead surface skin cells. Do this step a few times a week after cleansing, but before moisturizing.
6. Take Cover
In bitter-cold climates, the skin can lose moisture at an accelerated rate—as much as 25 percent more than it does in a moderate climate. So, If your home state’s winter weather can become quite harsh, try to prioritize covering as much skin as possible whenever you head outdoors. Scarves, hats, knee socks and gloves should be considered as essential as shoes.
7. Drink Up
Keeping your skin hydrated starts with quenching your body’s thirst for water. So, try to down the expert-recommended 64 ounces of liquid each day (non-caffeinated beverages like tea or seltzer also count). And feel free to toss back more, if you're still thirsty. Also, try to limit both caffeinated and alcoholic drinks to no more than two per day, as both are diuretics and can accelerate water loss, undoing all the good-skin deeds, above.
Though we commonly discuss dry skin during the colder, drier winter months, it’s actually a year-round problem. The key to curbing your skin’s moisture loss is both making small lifestyle changes, and sticking to a soothing, hydrating skincare regimen.
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#womenshealth #lipstick #eyemakeup #vitaminc #hair #shorthair #dermatology #sephora #lashes #makeupinspo #makeuplooks #lipgloss #kbeauty #antiaging #hairstyle #healthyskin #skinhealth #eyeshadow #glowingskin #skintreatment #skin products #koreanskincare #bodycare #curly hair #fashion #beauty #redhair #beautyproducts #beautytips #haircare #beautyproducts #skinfood
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homura · 7 months
drop the back posture routine 👀
i incorporate a mix of a few of these back and core exercises when i exercise to train those muscles to better support my upper body. people with poor posture tend to have very underdeveloped back & core muscles. some of these require equipment and some do not
BACK: rows, lat pulldowns, floor angels, swimmers, dumbell pullovers
CORE: planks, russian twists, shoulder taps, twisted ball lifts, bicycles, crunches, weighted side bends
i work out about 4-5x a week and do at least SOME core every time but i don’t do back every time, i’ll do back stuff only about twice a week. you definitely do not have to work out this frequently to achieve results. doing just a couple of the above exercises a couple times a week + posture stretches is also sufficient but consistency is the ultimate key
after every training session i’ll do a posture stretch before i move to the treadmill so i can spend my cardio time practicing walking upright/correctly
the stretch i like to do the most is:
1. stand completely flat against the wall, including your shoulders
2. walk your feet out about a foot from the wall so only the back of your head is touching the wall. if you have poor posture your arms will usually start off wanting to rest in front of you/on your thighs
3. set a timer for one minute and focus on letting your shoulders and arms hang back more perpendicularly to the wall/fingers pointing to the floor instead of resting them on your thighs or having them pushed too far forward (you should feel the stretch in your neck and shoulder blades as the minute goes on)
4. when the time is up, DO NOT pop off of the wall. slowly walk your feet back to stand in starting position with your heels and shoulders back against the wall. slowly walk off the wall with your back straight, head held high, and shoulders back. the first time i did this stretch it felt soooo good and the difference was obvious
5. you can repeat up to 3x throughout the day. but i honestly only do this 2x a day on workout days
there are also other posture exercises out there that will achieve a similar effect/result. the key is finding one or two that’s easy to set up and that you LIKE to do so you’ll WANT to do it. consistency and habit-building are paramount. try out a bunch of stuff til you find something that clicks and don’t be afraid to switch things up if you start to get bored!
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libraford · 1 year
I want to preface this with the statement that weight is not an indicator of health and health is not an indicator of worth. And that when I talk about weight loss I am using it in the framework of someone with a family history of eating disorders, and that my personal health journey is not a celebration of numbers but an exploration of reaction to a wide variety of factors. I'm tagging things appropriately.
But I am pleased to announce that I have lost 16 pounds since my highest weight, putting me in the 260 range after 2 years.
This is without significant changes to my diet, but small changes in lifestyle and activity.
Factor 1: 2 years ago, i quit my job at the flower shop that had me experiencing constant stress and put me on my feet 8-12 hours a day, 13 days in a row, for 3 years. There were few good days at this job, which resulted in an ulcer (which I named after the owner of the company) sleeplessness, jaw tension, and weight gain. I often described this job as 'wolves in captivity'- we were at each other's throats a lot. My job now pays considerably less, but is much less stressful. (Even if it was higher paying, I still wouldnt have enough money to buy a house, had i stayed.) I hear that it takes about 2 years for stress reactions to slow down in the body, as cortisol levels regulate. Or something.
Factor 2: I started taking belly dance classes, which is definitely a workout, even if it's only once a week and not as intense as, say, cardio. But I dont think of it as exercise so much as it is an activity and a social time. I think if i did it for exercise instead of a fun thing that has a creative element, I would hate it. Additionally, I've been doing low-impact stretches 3 times a week before bed, which has been helping with sleep.
Factor 3: this is probably not like... scientifically proven, but I think that widening my social circle to include other queer weirdo pagan artists in my area and reducing the sense of adult isolation has improved my overall health in a general kind of way and that has an affect on stress and, therefore, weight gain.
I want to reiterate that skinny is not the goal here- I'm only tracking my weight once every six months or so as a check in to see like... where my body is at and if the stress is creeping up on me in ways I dont notice. I do think that slow, steady weight loss like I've been experiencing is part of a positive trend towards mental health, in my specific situation.
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danielstock · 2 years
What are some easy and effective exercises for weight loss?
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1. Cardio
Cardio is obviously the first exercise for weight loss and is great if you’re not currently doing any kind of cardio already. There are many different types of cardio, including walking, running, swimming, cycling, and others. If you want to lose weight, make sure you keep your heart rate going at about 70 percent of your maximum heart rate. When you do cardio, try to go for 30 minutes at a time three times per week and cut down on high calorie foods throughout the day.
2. Strength Training
Strength training is one of the best ways to burn fat and build muscle mass while working out. While we often think of lifting weights as being only for men, women benefit just as much from lifting weights as they do men. Women should lift heavier than men, and aim for anywhere between 8 and 12 repetitions per set. You don’t have to lift heavy weights either; using bodyweight is fine. You can start off with simple pushups and planks, then move onto squats and lunges. You can even use dumbbells or kettle bells if you prefer. All these exercises should be done two or three times per week.
3. Plyometric Push-Ups
Plyometrics is an awesome way to get leaner fast. These workouts work your entire upper body and lower body simultaneously, meaning you’re able to target specific muscles and get results faster. Start with five sets of 10 reps each. Do these two or three times per month.
4. Full Body Jumping Rope Workout
Jumping rope burns calories and builds stamina. Try jumping rope twice a week with a total minimum of 20 minutes of jumping. Use the technique where you skip rope in front of your feet and jump over both ropes. Make sure to hold yourself steady and perform jumps of 30 seconds or longer.
5. Yoga
Yoga is great for building flexibility, strength, balance, and endurance. If you really want to increase your strength, yoga is the perfect workout. To add variety to your routine, focus on strengthening your core while performing yoga poses. Practicing yoga can help you become stronger, healthier, and more flexible.
Do You Want Weight Loss Fast : Secret
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allaboutthemoonlight · 5 months
Sunday Reflection - 12/05/24
Reflection on the past week
This week has been quite productive. I’ve established some effective workday routines and delved into a lot of deep work sessions. As a result, I made significant progress on my tasks and even ended up finishing my work ahead of schedule.
What I accomplished this week
Developed criteria to use for accuracy of content I’ll be posting on my website
Set up some automated processes Feedly and google alerts to I can stay up-to-date on environmental news topics
Reviewed 4 articles I wrote for accuracy
Did some notes revision
Finished editing vlog and decided idea for the next one
Areas for improvement
I need to solidify my morning routine, I’ve found some things that worked but I need to adhere to them better
Lowering my screen time, I deleted all socials besides youtube and tumblr, but I’ll still end up binging videos
Making more time for my hobbies
Figuring out a shutdown routine so I stop feeling so overwhelmed at the end of a work day
Goals for the coming week
Continue writing and reviewing the articles for my website
I need to sort the topics of the blog posts that I’ll be writing for the site
Start a public speaking improvement routine
Start figuring out a routine for zone 2 cardio training
“Don’t wait until you think you’re ready to start”
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DOB: May 25th, 1985
BIRTHPLACE: Pago Pago, American Samoa.
SERVICE NO: 156-39-43
CALLSIGN: Cobra, Shadow 0-2.
SEX: Male.
EDUCATION: High School Education.
LANGUAGES: English, Samoan, Russian.
BRANCH: United States Navy Sea, Air, and Land (SEAL) Teams.(Honorably Discharged.)
RANK: Special Warfare Officer 1st Class (E-6).
PROFESSION: Military Operator/Contractor and Investor for Shadow Company.
TRAINING: Direct action, Counter-terrorism, Amphibious reconnaissance, Unconventional warfare, Hostage rescue, Underwater demolition.
Training Scores
PFT: 298
Rifle Qual: 290
CQB: 22.8s
Disciplinary Record: Clean.
Notes: - 1 domestic decoration (Purple Heart) awarded by the American government for a wound sustained while in active duty, as a result of an act of a hostile foreign force. (2018)
Past Medical History
Height: 6ft3in / 191cm
Current Weight: 260lbs / 117kg
Blood Type: A-
Extensive physical injuries.
1x 3rd Degree Burns (from prolonged exposure to flames) and lacerations after an explosion. Extensive injuries to the skin and soft tissue of the upper left side of his body, including his face. Surgical intervention performed successfully.
15+ Stab Wounds with various degrees of gravity to the torso and upper extremities. 2 instances of antibiotics to stave off infection.
10x GSW. 3x in upper and lower extremities. 4x in upper torso. 3x in lower abdomen.
3x Concussion.
2x Pneumonia. 2 rounds of antibiotics for treatment.
3x Hypoxemia and respiratory distress from smoke/toxic gas inhalation. 3 rounds of oxygen therapy.
6x Food Poisoning.
Evaluated for hearing loss. Result: minimal.
Evaluated for visual acuity. Result: 20/20.
Family History
███████ [REDACTED] ███████
Note: Family medical history shows a tendency for heart disease, strokes/blood clots, and high blood pressure/cholesterol. Continue to monitor.
Social History
Smoking? Not anymore. Quit 10 years ago.
Drinking? Yes, socially. Never binging.
Physically Active? Yes. Swims 2+ hrs, 5 times a week. Boxing, 3 times a week. Cardio, everyday.
Sexually Active? Yes. Clear of STDs and STIs.
Psychological Treatment? No.
Religion? Christian. Non-Practicing.
Associations? N/A.
Medication List + Indications
Lidocaine – Issued for 3rd degree burns, 5 years ago, discontinued use.
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tmmyhug · 1 year
i wanna get into working out or at least stretching or something but if i don't see results right Now i will not do it again :( i wanna become magically strong and have more stamina
anyway that leads to a question for you, as a fellow adhder. how did you start and manage to mantain working out?
ITS ONLY BEEN A FEW WEEKS DONT JINX ME i havent maintained crap yet... (if anything the reason im able to go so far is bc of leftover muscle from hiking everywhere in france this summer). but as someone whos been trying to start working out for 2+ years now this is how i finally got started:
first u gotta break it down into itty bitty little steps. decide what youre going to do. your brain will never get you in motion if all you know is that you need to do this nebulous thing called "working out." is it cardio? stretching? strength training? pilates? for me i decided on 40 minutes of running + 20 minutes of cooldown stretching. its ok if you're unsure bc this can always change later ofc.
next figure out Where u can do this and how to get the resources. do you have space at home? do you need a to go to a local gym for certain equipment? do you need weights? youtube video guidance? a yoga mat? workout clothes? etc. list all of this down very deliberately. even if it feels obvious! it helps frame it to yourself as if you are just considering it. ie. if I was going to work out, how would i do it? not. i am Going To Work Out and Therefore I Need This Stuff Immediately. that will just overwhelm you.
this will give you a roadmap to sidestep all the little places we get Stuck when we're trying to do something. for example, i've had moments in the past where i was suddenly struck by motivation and decided to go workout immediately, but then my dri-fit shirts were all in the laundry and i didn't want to wear anything else to get sweaty, so I just. stalled and never ended up going. but this way, I knew beforehand to keep my dri-fit shirts aside, so they were ready when I wanted them. prepping helps get these obstacles out of your way before you start trying.
routine. routine routine routine!!! i am slowly learning that the magic of Getting Stuff Done is like 10% actual motivation and 90% just making it a regular habit. plan this into your schedule like it's rocket science. for example, mine looks like this. 12:00 PM: get out of class 12 - 12:30 go home 12:30 - 1 eat lunch (pre-prepped, because Food Is Hard) 1 - 1:30 scheduled zoom meeting 1:30 - 2 change into workout clothes and go to the gym 2 - 2:40 treadmill workout 2:40 - 3 stretching 3 - 3:30 go home 3:30 - 4 shower this won't always happen beat for beat, but that doesn't matter. it just needs to be a guideline that makes it feel doable.
make sure you put the workout at a time where you'll actually feel up to doing it. you can say you want to get up at 6AM and go workout all you want but when the time comes if you just lay in bed it won't happen. be realistic about what you can accomplish or you'll just beat yourself up over not doing it.
go easy on yourself. there are no deadlines for this and if you push too hard too fast you'll burn out or injure yourself and it'll be even harder to get back into it. make your goals as small as they need to be! 10 minutes of stretching is way more approachable than a full hour of working out, so if that's where you start, that's totally fine! i started with a five minute ab workout video like. once a week. the most important part is doing just what you can rather than what you want to but can't.
ending here before i get too preachy. i sound exactly like my adhd coach gdi. but this is what seems to work for me!! i hope it helps you <33 also if anyone has tips they want to add feel free!
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trainingforfandom · 3 months
Asta (Black Clover)
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Asta is the kind of character everyone would love to be friends with, even if he is loud and a little much at times his heart shines through. He works hard with what little he has and makes the best of it. He is super ripped before the time skip, he mainly does high rep calisthenics (these build muscle, trust me I know a guy) and hard labor around the church (hence why even Yuno is considered physically strong). I don’t have much to say on Asta as he is a simpler character that manages to be engaging. He does get bigger after the time skip as a result of better nutrition swinging around a heavy sword and being really short. Although we don’t see him train I feel kind of bad about how short this is so I’m making 2 workouts: 
Calisthenics classic workouts
The hidden time skip mass builder (with swordwork considerations) 
I’ll try to stick to some bronze age bodybuilding, labor simulating, and minimal equipment techniques. Asta is a character whose training grows with him and evolves,based on his needs. 
Diet: POTATOES. The ones that grow in Hage village resemble red skinned sweet potatoes, or simply red potatoes. They might even have varieties! Potatoes are actually very good for you! However, potatoes are short on protein, and other vitamins and minerals. So please eat a balanced diet of which potatoes are a part of. 
Recovery/Programming: Asta works out until he literally can’t anymore. A lot of this stuff will be to failure especially the calisthenics and he works out MULTIPLE times a day. Since he lives in a church, we’ll call Sunday his day of rest. Knowing him, he’s not resting. I’ll be doing a 3 day cycle repeated 2x a week kind of thing, you could do only 1 cycle and be just fine. Measuring up to the character he’d do labor, his workout, cardio, and abs all in one day everyday, but we ain’t trying to die here so I figured something out. We don’t have access to recovery magic or potions or whatever he probably uses. So stretch up, eat well and rest plenty. 
Part 1 Calisthenics and Labor: When bodyweight becomes boring/easy add weight to simulate Asta getting his sword. 
Day 1: Legs  + Labor 
5 x Failure (on each leg if doing unilateral exercise( Bodyweight Squats/Pistol Squats/Shrimp Squats
3 x Failure Explosive Split Squats 
5 x Failure Calf Raises
5 x Failure Nordic Curl Progression
3 x 10 Sandbag/Barbell Deadlifts (moving heavy-ish items) 
4 x 100 m Farmers Carry 
3 x 5 Sandbag/Atlas Stone (Pick Up and place onto waist height box, please research technique)  
4 x 100 m Sled Push/Pull 
Day 2: Push + Labor 
5 x Failure Basic Push Ups 
3 x Failure Dips 
3 x Failure Handstand Progression/Pike Push Ups 
5 x 8 Overhead Press
3 x 20 Sec Isometric Plate Hold (Arms straight out, holding the plate parallel to hands, pushing together should be what’s holding the plate up) 
4 x 25 per side  Cable lateral raise 
4 x 10 Tricep Overhead Extensions
Day 3: Pull  + Labor 
5 x Failure Basic Pull Ups 
5 x Failure Chin Ups/Headbangers 
5 x Failure Australian Rows/Front lever training 
1 x Failure Rope Climb/ Pull sled with rope 
6 x 10 (or 3 x 100m ) Supinated Carry/Bicep Curls  (Bicep Curl with moderate/heavy weight, squeeze at the top and keep it there) 
4 x 10 Straight Arm Pushdown
Day 4: Legs + Abs + Cardio 
5 x Failure (on each leg if doing unilateral exercise( Bodyweight Squats/Pistol Squats/Shrimp Squats
3 x Failure Explosive Split Squats 
5 x Failure Calf Raises
5 x Failure Nordic Curl Progression
3 x 30 Crunches/Sit Ups (mind the lower back) 
2 x Failure Hanging Leg Raises 
2 x Failure Plank with alternating knee to elbow 
2000 m run (or any distance that forces endurance) 
Day 5: Push + Abs + Cardio
5 x Failure Push Ups Variety (each set should be different: diamond, archer, decline, staggered, pseudo planche etc..) 
3 x Failure Dips 
3 x Failure
3 x 30 Crunches/Sit Ups
2 x Failure Bicycle Crunches (Slow) 
2 x Failure In and Outs 
Stair Climbing/Hiking 
Day 6: Pull  + Abs + Cardio
5 x Failure Pull Ups (each set should be different: narrow, wide, archer, 21’s etc..) 
5 x Failure Chin Ups/Headbangers 
5 x Failure Australian Rows/Front lever training 
3 x 30 Crunches/Sit Ups
2 x Failure Windshield Wipers
2 x Failure Rotating Plank 
Interval Running (100 m Sprint, 200 m Jog x 5) 
Day 7: REST/ Cardio
-------------------------------TIME SKIP----------------------------------
So here we start his weighted training to get him big and beefy in the Heart Kingdom.
1. Asta will be eating more and have access to more state of the art equipment. To get bigger is to eat in a surplus mainly of protein.
2. He will still train 6 days a week, 4 with weights, 2 for his swordwork/fighting/anti-magic, 1 day off for Sister Lily. We'll do an Upper/Lower split as this is common with some of the strongest biggest folk I've seen.
3. He finally learned to prioritize efficiency and recovery over sheer volume. Burnouts are there for that 'going to failure feel'. Be warned that the form on these exercises might be a little 'advanced' for someone just stepping foot in the gym for the first time.
Upper 1
Warmup + (Program = 95% 1rm 5 x 2 -> 80% 1 x AMRAP -> 65% 1 x AMRAP) Bench 
15 + (8,5,5) + Burnout OHP 
15 + 3 x 8 + Burnout Barbell Bent Over Row
3 x 10 SkullCrushers
6 x 10 Curls 
4 x 10 + Burnout Rear Delt Row
Lower 1 
Warmup + (Program = Refer to bottom of the post) Squat
Warmup + (Program = Refer to the bottom of the post) Deadlift  
4 x 10 BB Alternating Lunges
3 x 10 each Quad + Ham 
4 x 10 + Burnout DB Lateral Raise
Upper 2 
Warmup + Program Bench 
15 + (8,5,5) + Burnout OHP 
4 x 8 Dips
15 + 3 x 8 + Burnout Smith BOR 
6 x 10 Curls  
4 x 10 + Burnout Machine Lateral Raise
Lower 2 
3 x 8 RDL’s (Light) 
Warmup + Program Squat 
4 x 10 light leg press (quad emphasis)
3 x 8 Heavy Calf Raise
4 x 10 Quad Ext 
4 x 10 + Burnout Rear Delt Row 
Calisthenics and Fight Training 1
Mace workout (for obvious reasons!) As a real person, I would suggest not doing this in public... it's a little awkward, maybe go to a class or hit a tire with a hammer... Where would you even get a mace anyway?
Here's one you can try to base yours off of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdatDbqb8TY
Calisthenics Portion Upper:
3 x Pushups to failure
3 x Inverted rows to failure
Train Pull-Ups AND Chin Ups, train to pull more weight or just rep out till you can't feel your lats with a band.
2 x to NEAR failure Dips, keep 1-2 reps in the tank
Short Abs workout: ab wheels, captain chair, crunches, planks are all great
Calisthenics and Fight Training 2
Mace workout/ Some kind of combat class
Calisthenics Portion Lower:
3 x 30 Jumping Squat
3 x 30 Jumping Lunges
3 x 10 Sissy Squats (assisted usually, these are hard)
Train shrimp/pistol squat to your skill level
Short Abs workout: ab wheels, captain chair, crunches, planks are all great
Squat Programming: I made this up myself and went from nearly dying under 135lb to repping 185lb. Be safe out there y'all!
Step 1: Pick a working weight, it should be REALLY HARD, but not your 1rm, it can look messy! but you will build strength and eventually the perfect form will follow.
It goes like this: the only thing that is included is the TOPSET with the working weight you picked, you must warm up and do back off sets too!
Week X: Session 1/ Session 2
2x2 / 3x2
4x2/ 3x3
1x4/ 2x4
1x6/ 1x8 (at this point pick a new weight and repeat the program with it. If you fail or feel like one of the sessions is too hard, repeat it until comfortable and then move onto the next rep/set scheme)
Deadlift Programming: This works! It got me from 225lb - 265lb on DL, thats 40lb! I do want to hit 315lb this year so I'm running the program again:
Oh my... how the hell did I used to spit these post out so often. This is my first post back, and it's SOOO LONG ... Anyway here it is. Enjoy!
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pcosdiva123 · 1 month
How to Lose Weight with PCOS: 8 Helpful Tips
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) affects millions of women worldwide, and one of its most challenging symptoms is weight gain. The hormonal imbalances associated with PCOS can make losing weight particularly difficult. However, with the right approach, achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is possible. Here are eight helpful tips for losing weight with PCOS.
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Focus on a Low Glycemic Index (GI) Diet
Women with PCOS often have insulin resistance, which can lead to weight gain. A low GI diet can help manage insulin levels and reduce cravings:
Choose complex carbohydrates like whole grains, legumes, and vegetables
Avoid processed foods and sugary snacks
Include protein and healthy fats with each meal to slow down sugar absorption
Example meal: Grilled chicken breast with quinoa and roasted vegetables.
2. Increase Protein Intake
Protein is crucial for weight loss, especially for women with PCOS:
Helps you feel fuller for longer
Supports muscle mass, which boosts metabolism
Aids in balancing blood sugar levels
Aim for lean protein sources like fish, poultry, tofu, or legumes at each meal.
3. Incorporate Regular Exercise
Physical activity is essential for managing PCOS symptoms and promoting weight loss:
Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week
Include both cardio and strength training in your routine
Try activities like brisk walking, swimming, or cycling
Consider HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) for efficient fat burning
Remember, consistency is key. Find activities you enjoy to make exercise a sustainable habit.
4. Manage Stress Levels
Chronic stress can worsen PCOS symptoms and make weight loss more challenging:
Practice stress-reduction techniques like meditation or yoga
Prioritize self-care and relaxation time
Consider talking to a therapist or counselor for additional support
Reducing stress can help balance hormones and reduce stress-related eating.
5. Prioritize Sleep
Adequate sleep is crucial for weight management and hormone balance:
Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night
Establish a consistent sleep schedule
Create a relaxing bedtime routine
Avoid screens before bed
Good sleep hygiene can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce cravings.
6. Stay Hydrated
Proper hydration is often overlooked but is essential for weight loss:
Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
Replace sugary drinks with water or herbal teas
Consume water-rich foods like cucumbers and watermelon
Staying hydrated can help reduce false hunger cues and support overall health.
7. Consider Supplements
Some supplements may aid in PCOS management and weight loss:
Inositol: May improve insulin sensitivity and ovulation
Omega-3 fatty acids: Can reduce inflammation and support hormone balance
Vitamin D: Often deficient in women with PCOS and important for overall health
Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplements.
8. Practice Mindful Eating
Mindful eating can help you develop a healthier relationship with food:
Eat slowly and without distractions
Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues
Choose nutrient-dense foods that nourish your body
Avoid restrictive diets that may lead to binge eating
Mindful eating can help prevent overeating and promote a balanced approach to nutrition.
Losing weight with PCOS can be challenging, but it's not impossible. By focusing on a low GI diet, increasing protein intake, exercising regularly, managing stress, prioritizing sleep, staying hydrated, considering appropriate supplements, and practicing mindful eating, you can create a sustainable approach to weight loss.
Remember that everyone's journey is different, and it's essential to be patient and kind to yourself. Small, consistent changes often lead to the most sustainable results. If you're struggling with weight loss or PCOS management, don't hesitate to reach out to a healthcare provider or a registered dietitian who specializes in PCOS for personalized advice and support.
With dedication and the right strategies, you can achieve your weight loss goals and improve your overall health while managing PCOS. Stay positive, stay consistent, and celebrate every small victory along the way!
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fitnessnirvana · 2 months
The elliptical machine, commonly known as a cross trainer, is a low-impact, adaptable alternative to running on treadmill. Its rotating pedals replicate the movement of jogging or walking while putting less strain on your joints, and the addition of arm handles allows you to engage your upper body as well.
One of the numerous advantages of this popular piece of gym equipment is the ease with which the pace and resistance can be adjusted to meet your fitness levels and goals. This is why it's ideal for High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts.
Is HIIT On The Elliptical Effective?
Yes, elliptical high-intensity interval training is an efficient workout method with numerous benefits for both your body and mind. HIIT has been shown to burn calories and enhance cardiovascular health, and it is beneficial to both your physical and emotional wellness. A 12-week study of people with pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes found that three HIIT elliptical sessions per week resulted in significant improvements in several health markers, including lower fasting blood glucose levels, reduced waist and hip circumference, better blood pressure, and an improved heart rate. One of the primary reasons why HIIT is so popular is that it is extremely time efficient; you may reap the advantages of a much longer steady-state cardio program in as little as 10 to 20 minutes of HIIT.
All forms of exercise have benefits; however, incorporating a variety of training styles into your weekly workout routines will have the most influence on your health. Including a weekly HIIT session will bring numerous health and wellness benefits without requiring significant time commitment.
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brucespringsteen · 1 year
Hi, do you have any beginner tips for lifting/getting into the gym? I no longer want to be a scrawny waifish butch and instead wanna be able to pick up my gf and look like mid 80s Bruce… If you’re comfortable talking about it I’d love to hear if you have any tips… I’ve been researching and have learned that diet is a huge part in building muscle but as far as the gym goes I’m lost… I’m honestly mostly just nervous because I have no clue where to start and don’t want some dude to help me (nothing wrong honest help I’m just shy and get embarrassed)… Thank you!!!
hi king 🤝🏻
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im so happy 2 talk about this cos im in my musclebound era again
disclaimer what i know is a mix of what i learned from my dad and reddit threads LOL and my own trial and error. weightlifting really is the gayass journey of all time 💪🏼😋
first gonna keep it real with u ive lost a lot of muscle mass from stupid life events n being sad lol but im actually getting back into a routine for the first time in over a year. so i haven't properly lifted anything heavier than the 15lbs dumbells i got at home 😂 when i was once able to press more than my weight ✊🏼😔 BUT form is so much more important than lifting heavy. u will get better results lifting at a weight that you can control and build up lifting heavier over time 👍🏼 which i can go more in depth about how to do that. good form is so sexy and makes u feel and look so badass
u might find more eloquent lifters out there who talk about the mind and muscle connection and visualization. it's really cool stuff that connects practicing mindfulness as u workout which is what makes weightlifting so meditative to me. this will also help u maintain good form and i think nourishes a healthy mindset toward working out/yourself in general
n you are definitely right about diet playing a huge part. don't worry about bulking/cutting when ur first starting out, most important thing is making sure you're getting enough protein. if u are iron deficient i would look into taking a supplement! dont know all the science but iron keeps ur oxygen flowing better, so your stamina can be down if ur iron count is low. my mindset about diet is the simpler the better and u should never be miserable lol. i will never give up beer & pizza & a good time 🫡
second most important thing is sleep. make sure u get enough.
1. back/shoulders and biceps
going to the gym can be a little scary, but that's where having a routine helps so much 🧑‍💻doing one of those dynamic workout routines u find on an instagram reel every now and then can be fun and i recommend it. BUT doing a random workout Everytime u workout will make it difficult to see results. doing the same workouts is how u can see ur progression better and focus on good form. im talking about learning the basics of benching, squatting, and deadlifting. 😜✌🏼
if u can, i would aim a routine of 3-4 times a week. I kept it like this:
2. leg day and abs
3. chest and triceps
what helped in staying consistent w going to the gym was having a set time where i would go. ritualistic
4th extra day: fun cardio like interval training or boxing. OR if i was feeling like i just needed a chill day a slow incline walk on treadmill/outside😊 then do some really intense stretching/foam rolling
here is an example of a chest/tris day
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The 3 "T's" stand for tiers starting with the most difficult exercises, so I could use most of the energy I have on it.
To elaborate further on how to see progress: say this week you're able to bench press 60lbs. Next week you try 70lbs on your last rep and it's kinda hard. The third week, you bench 60lbs again, and it feels a little easier now. The fourth week, you're benching 70lbs on your last two sets. By the fifth week, you find you're able to do your entire workout with 70! Etc repeat etc
when i first started i kept one of those tiny composition books w different workouts and id also keep track of how much i was lifting when i reached a new pr/mile time/etc. u can also just keep this in ur notes app. but i found having the paper in front of me was more efficient than continuously looking at my phone and fighting the urge to check apps in between sets lol. also if i was getting texts id have No Idea which just helped me reinforce the gym was Me Time
before u buy into a gym membership tho, take advantage if they have a free trial. u can find what time is least busy/if the vibe fits for u.
another tip. put a photo 1985 bruce on ur wall trust me this will help.
I can go more indepth about specific workouts or if u got other questions, lmk!
U got this!
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