#2022 really has been the year for us huh
nickeldip · 2 years
We’ve gotten Sonic Frontiers, a twitter takeover, and an official trailer for Sonic Prime within a week--
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scarrletmoon · 1 year
okay i know the Discourse™️ has been going on for way too long at this point, but
i think some people outside of the OFMD fandom don’t actually get why we’re particularly annoying about this show
OFMD is not the first queer show to ever exist. if anything, it's a late entry in decades of queer media. over a year and a half since the first few episodes aired, everyone knows that OFMD is queer. that doesn't make it particularly special
but back in March? this is the trailer that dropped in February of 2022, 2 weeks before the premier. if you're used to seeing queer chemistry in shows that aren't intended to be queer, you might see the hints between Ed and Stede here. but to most people? it's just a silly little pirate comedy. just guys being dudes. the trailer doesn't even hint at the other 2 canonical queer relationships in the show -- the closest it gets suggesting romance is the music and the pink in the poster
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so when people watched this show in March 2022, they went into it expecting subtext and nothing else. to them, it was like watching Sherlock or Supernatural or Merlin in the 2010s. if you were in any of those fandoms -- especially Sherlock and Supernatural -- you know what it was like; constant jokes at our expense, being mocked for creating explicit fanwork, made fun of by the creators and within the show itself. if we saw queer subtext, that was our problem. this was a time when you pretended NOT to be in fandom, for fear of ridicule. we kept our fanwork to ourselves, we DID NOT share it with the cast, and we accepted that our favourite ships would probably never be canon. maybe one day, if we were lucky, we'd have a show where the subtext wasn't mockery as much as deliberate foreshadowing -- but that had to be YEARS away
OFMD was never billed as a queer show, not in the beginning. there was no LGBTQ+ tag on (HBO) Max, it wasn't on anyone's list of upcoming queer shows in 2022, it flew under the radar through most of its first season. this was a show about pirates, and sure, some of them were queer. but not the LEADS. if you think they're romantically involved, that's must be fandom brain poisoning
except the 9th episode aired, and they kissed. and the show said "you're not crazy for thinking they have chemistry because they really do. it's been a romance this whole time". and in the 10th episode, Stede realizes that he's in love
(not mandating you watch this clip if you don't care for the show, but there's something that feels particularly earth shattering about no one saying the word gay but knowing that Stede's realizing he is, that it's completely unambiguous and explicit in a way that only straight romances are usually allowed to be)
this is why people freaked out about this show. no one knew. even the creator, David Jenkins, was surprised when WE were surprised that it was gay for real -- he set out to write a love story, using all the tried and true beats of a rom com. he'd never even heard of the term queerbaiting. he looked at historical Blackbeard and Stede Bonnet and thought "oh, there's something here" and just...wrote that, with very little fanfare, like it was inevitable. like it was obvious. of course Jim and Pam end up together. of course Buttercup and Westley end up together. what kind of disappointing ending would it be if You've Got Mail ended with the main characters just going their separate ways?
so of course Ed and Stede are in love
look, i get it. we're annoying and won't shut the fuck up about this show that seems mediocre at best. i watched the whole thing back in march, thought "huh, that was cool" and was sure that i'd forget about it in a few days
an hour after looking at fanart on twitter, i was lost in the fucking sauce
there's just so much to unpack from a mere 10 episodes. it covers racism, toxic masculinity, gender expression, sexuality, trauma and abuse. and i don't think we should overlook the fact that the non-white characters in this show get to be fully human in a way i haven't seen in my favourite shows in recent memory
additionally, most OFMD are 25 or older. we're not people who've been spoiled by queer rep, who don't get how hard it used to be, how you'd have to grovel for scraps, how shipping and fanfiction was a way to find queer rep where we thought there never would be. we've been here. we're annoying about this show because for a lot of us, it's the first time we've been treated like our queerness isn't an anomaly that needs to be relegated to its own section, that needs to be praised for the bare minimum of acknowledging that we exist. it's not pulling punches to avoid scaring away a straight audience. it just is.
OFMD for me is like when i watched Black Panther for the first time and realized that this is what white people felt all the time. have there been other black superhero movies? of course! does Disney fucking suck? BOY does it. but that was the first time i got to sit in a movie theater and watch a mainstream film that looked at Africa and said "look at how beautiful you are, exactly as you are"
and idk. i think that's really cool
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dr-spectre · 17 days
So.... This game is 2 years old now huh?
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Honestly... I don't think i have a TON to say about this game. It's just a great ass fucking video game that has given me a lot of fun and great memories!
This game came out during my final year of school, which is kinda funny considering that Splatoon 3 acts like a "finale" to a trilogy. It's interesting how those kinds of things work out eh? Splatoon 2 came out at the start of my secondary education, and Splatoon 3 came out at the tail end of my final year.
I remember thinking before the game came out, "why do we need a Splatoon 3? This is pointless, it's just more Splatoon 2." And then my mind was quickly changed once i got to play the Splatfest test fire and the actual game itself.....
I completed ROTM in such a short amount of time and i documented my reactions to my friends. Although i was spoiled in that Deep Cut had boss fights and Mr. Grizz was the final boss, ROTM still gave me a giant smile to my face all the way through. It was so fun, so charming and just a really good single player experience.
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One of the things that i LOVE about Splatoon 3 is the vibe. I just love the location of Splatsville, i love the aesthetics, the lighting, the model improvements from Splatoon 2, the music, it's my favourite art style/aesthetic out of any of the Splatoon games by far. It just feels so polished, i don't know how to exactly describe it.
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Also the fact that this game won best multiplayer game of 2022 over CALL OF DUTY! OVERWATCH 2 AND MULTIVERSUS MAKES ME SO GIDDY AND HAPPY!
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PEOPLE GOT MAD ABOUT THIS AND THAT MAKES ME WANNA EVIL LAUGH! All of those fucking depressed and sad Call of Duty players who whine and complain about how "wahh modern gaming sucks!! There's no good games anymore wahhh!! It's all microtransactions wahhh!!" BITCH! SPLATOON 3 IS LITERALLY THE GAME YOU'VE BEEN ASKING FOR!! Yet you won't play it because it's on Nintendo huh? Yeah... You're a fucking PUSSY!! YOU'RE WEAK!! You're SCARED to be seen as less of a manly man!! You only wanna play games with oily dirty buff men.... Yet you call others who play games like Splatoon gay? Hmm..... Sounds like you're a wittle insecureeeeee!!!!
Have fun rotting in microtransaction hell you LOSERS!! GAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyways.... uh.... sorry....
I also fucking love Deep Cut too. I thought i wasn't gonna like these guys and i remember thinking when i first saw them "oh... okayyyy..."
But now? I love these bastards.
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I love their dynamic and how they are bandits but they actually wanna help the people back in Splatsville. That is such a cool and unique take to have for Idol characters. The Squid Sisters are very cutesy and so are Off the Hook, but Deep Cut aren't. They are loud, messy, chaotic, in your face, rude, etc. They are about contrast and the character designers did a phenomenal job at conveying that theme via their backgrounds and looks.
Another thing that i love about Splatoon 3 is that it also acts as a celebration of things that have come before, Inkopolis Plaza and Square return as hubs, old colour combos from previous games act as loading screens, most of the music returns in the jukebox, it rewards long time fans for sticking around and for a long running franchise IT'S SUPER IMPORTANT to have that stuff!!!
Seeing the improvements in the model quality from Splatoon 1 to 3 genuinely makes me kinda emotional, it shows how far we've come in just a little under 10 years...
It really homes in on the point that... These characters, have grown up with us.... The Squid Sisters are about to reach their mid 20s, Pearl is nearly 30 fucking years old!!!
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And the last thing i wanna bring up before i talk about the Grand Fest...
...Is Side Order.
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This fucking DLC... My god... Being able to experience it by myself and just enjoy the stuff i was seeing, being able to SCREAM AND CRY AS MUCH I WANT WAS SO IMPORTANT TO ME DUDE!
When i got to the 10th floor in the tutorial and i saw Marina Agitando staring me down.... I did the loudest gasp a human could possibly do and my jaw was hung to the floor for a solid MINUTE!
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Marina's first fucking dev diary made me cry and scream, THAT IS NOT A JOKE!!!! THESE CHARACTERS ARE THAT IMPORTANT TO ME!
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And the final boss.... Made me cry, it broke me down, i was singing along to Ebb and Flow as best as i could, it felt like i was brought back to 2018, being in my room, listening to that song on repeat... I feel like a kid again....
I love this song... i love it so much... Like it's not the most hype finale song ever, but, the emotion behind it, the build up from Splatoon 2... The power this song has in it's meaning... It's some good shit man...
So yeah! I love Splatoon 3!!! It's my favourite game out of the series and anyone who is gonna jump into this game now is gonna have a LOT to chew on.
And... It's both sweet and sad that we're at the end. This is it... The moment we've been waiting for. The final Splatfest to end them all. The event 9 years in the making.
The Grand Festival...
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I am extremely excited and so FUCKING NERVOUS for this Splatfest!!!! I know i am going to cry and be so overwhelmed with joy. Seeing the Squid Sisters and Off the Hook perform their old songs again after all of these years is gonna make me sob so loudly it's not even funny.
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These characters genuinely mean the world to me and it's gonna be so fucking hard for me to watch their final major appearance and say goodbye. Cause after this, we don't know what's gonna happen. I know they will come back, they have to but... In what capacity? That's what I'm scared about...
So yeah, let's savior this moment when it eventually arrives, take all the time you need to be engulfed in the Grand Fest.
Thank you Splatoon 3, you have given me so much.... It's not time to say goodbye just yet but, i wanna watch you as you walk into the sunset with your head held high....
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imaginaryf1shots · 7 months
My Girls (IX) | Max Verstappen
Words count: 1K
Driver!OC x Max Verstappen
Summery: Cecilia Hansson daughter of a Swedish billionaire, a race car driver, with a dream of making it big in Formula 1. However she has a few secrets that may hurt her as women are disliked in the sport.
Series Warnings: google translated french, dutch, cursing, child abandment, absent father, drinking, car accidents, Jos Verstappen, misogyny, Christian horner (tell me if i missed anything)
This is a secondary blog so I won't be able to respond but I'm adding you all to the taglist.
Series Masterlist
Max Masterlist
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In French
It's well established that Nathalie LOVES Max, after her mother she loves him the most. Now the girl was old enough to realise that Max came into her life after she was born and that he isn't her dad. As she's been told to call him Max(indirectly), by everyone, even Max. But three years in his relationship with Cecilia and with two years of living together Max became a very important part of her life. Nathalie doesn’t remember life before Max, she got so used to him that when he and Cecilia are away she misses him as much as he misses her mum.
"Maman." The young girl of 6 whispers as her mum sat on her bed reading her a story. Cecilia looked up hearing the timid tone in her daughter’s voice, Nattie showed her usual telltale of being nervous, she was playing/fidgeting with a plushy that Max won for her in an amusement park and she was avoiding eye contact.
"What is it, mon ange?" Cecilia asked and gently brushed Natties hair out of her face.
"Max-Max isn't my dad right?" A few things came into Cecilia’s mind, first Nathalie is speaking in French, which Max knows a bit but it isn't his strongest language, and she certainly wasn't expecting this, she stopped from answering right away thinking it over, she was trying to think where this came from. It's never been a secret that he isn't, biologically at least and she thought that Nattie understood that.
"No he isn't my love, why are you asking?" Cecilia's mind ran a 1000 times an hour thinking everything over. "Did someone say anything?"
"Not really." Nattie shook her head before she pouted and stopped playing/fidgeting with her plushie, her blue eyes meeting her mother's. "Don't dad's drop their kids off at school?"
"Sometimes, they do." Cecilia had no idea where this was going.
"They play with their kids."
"They buy them things."
"They go swimming?"
"They teach them how to cart and how to do things?"
"And they cook them breakfast and help them brush their teeth and pick their clothes."
"They do my love, why are you asking all this?"
"Well Max does all this, doesn't that mean he's my dad?" Cecilia's heart broke for her little girl, she grew up in a loving family with both her parents together. She can't imagine what Nattie is feeling, some part of her feels guilty. Should she have talked to her and explained everything that has to do with her bio dad? Nevertheless she's forever glad for Max for filling that part in Natties life. He does treat her like a dad would, he’s so selfless taking her in like his own despite being in his early twenties at the time and just giving her pure unconditional love, his family taking her in as their own.
“Do you want him to be your dad?” Cecilia softly asks and she leans down so she’s able to meet Nathalie’s eyes, Nattie shyly nods, Cecilia smiles reassuringly. Her and Max haven't talked about the possibility of him being Natties dad but he had the question on the tip of his tongue a few times, she could tell each time but didn't want to pressure him into asking, she thought he'd eventually ask her but it looks like her impatient daughter beat him to it first. “Do you want to ask him?”
“Yes.” Nattie whispers, she looks nervous but Cecilia knows that that’s what Nattie has been after all along, she wants her mother to confirm that it’s okay to ask Max to be her dad, that her feelings are correct, she hasn’t been reading into it too much.
“Do you want to ask him now?” Max was in their shared bedroom getting ready for bed last she left him, with one last nod from Nattie, both of them left Nathalie’s bedroom and crossed the hallway to the master bedroom the drivers shared. walking in Max was already in bed, he had his back to the headboard looking at something on his phone with the lights dimmed. Nathalie races to the bed and gets on before she crawls up the bed to where Max is.
“Hey there, schatje, I thought you were going to sleep.” Max asks and opens his arms for the girl who instantly snuggles into his side, after she gets under the covers. “Do you want to stay with Mummy today?”
“No.” Nathalie says with a small smile.
“No?” Max is amused yet a tad bit confused, Nathalie rarely sleeps with Cecilia now, when she was younger she would sleep with them every once and a while but since they moved in together it became less and less now.
“I want to sleep with daddy.” Cheeky, Cecilia thought, Nathalie looked like she would be too scared to ask before they came in the room but look at her now. Max looked at Cecilia with wide eyes, she was standing just in the room, she was grinning at her boyfriend, who looked surprised. Max then turned to look at Nathalie who was nervous.
“What did you call me?” Max had to be sure, he could be too tired, he could have misheard, this could be a mistake, a slip of the tongue.
“Daddy.” She whispered again, Max pulled her on his lap and just hugged her, her face his in his neck as she wrapped her arms around his shoulder.
“You want me to be your dad?” Max asked, his voice wavering, it’s rare to see Max this emotional, but his voice is heavy as he asked Nattie.
“Yeah, can you be my dad… please?” Nattie asked both Max and Cecilia could tell that the girl is tearing up, Cecilia’s own eyes filled with tears as did Max’s.
“Yeah, definitely, if you want me to.” Max pulled back enough to see her face and it was already wet, her blue eyes looking up at him with so much love and innocence, this is a young girl who always wanted a dad and he’s beyond willing to fill that role for her.
“I do.” Nattie dragged the ‘o’ out as she cried, a sob leaving her mouth making Max pull her back in for a hug, Cecilia moved to the bed sitting beside them her hand fell onto Max’s thigh in comfort.
“I love you so much, schatje, it’ll make me the happiest man to be your dad.”
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23fallencomets · 1 month
chapter 7: the one i was supposed to get done last week but didn’t
anyway, tough fp3 and qualifying huh, just really disappointed on how this session went especially since the williams looked really good and were projected to do well but i guess when one door closes another opens.
moving on, i think im gonna wrap this up around the tenth chapter or something. it’s been a real blast and im currently in a writers block (with like three/four fics on the list) so these help moving the writing juices.
enjoy 💞💞
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user81: logan had a priv???
user82: yesss he was so unhinged on it
user83: he was so funny during fashion week of 2022
user84: brother had no media training back then
user85: bring back unhinged logan
user86: found it!!
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user85: ahhh 23 year old logan you will be missed
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user86: WHAT
logansargeant made a new post!
logansargeant and oscarpiastri
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris, lewishamilton and 10,289,378 more
logansargeant: surprise! the dynamic duo is back with the 2024 Summer Collection!! it was an absolute blast doing this campaign with Ozzie and i’m glad it’s finally out
landonorris: me next
logansargeant: i have an opening during summer break
landonorris: meet me in ibiza
oscarpiastri: hella respect for modeling because this was tiring 😓
logansargeant: i should bring you along to a fashion show
oscarpiastri: i love you but please don’t
logansargeant: 😞
user89: HELLO???
lewishamiltion: 🤫🤫
logansargeant: 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
user90: what do you know??
user91: why is no one mentioning ozzie
arthurleclerc: logan gave all of us nicknames
user91: share with the class
liamlawson30: 🙂‍↔️
liamlawson30: (im)patiently awaiting my turn
logansargeant: LIAM WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN 😫
liamlawson30: training, practicing you know the usual
logansargeant: then answer my text messages you dick
logansargeant posted a new story!
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logansargeant made a new post!
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liked by oscarpiastri, landonorris and lewishamilton and 11,444,812 more
logansargeant: absolutely deserved!! we have been dreaming about this moment since we were kids and im absolutely ecstatic for you!! im 100% sure i cried, love you man!! future wdc in the making!! onto the next one
[user has limited replies]
logansargeantoffical made a new tweet!
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logansargeantoffical: well he can, i actually have a job to do
liamlawson30: take him along like you did that one time when i was in SF
logansargeantoffical: you complained the whole time??? and i was only in japan for three days
user92: are you guys not spending it together 😞
oscarpiastri: we are it’s just the someone 😒 has to make up all the work he missed
logansargeantoffical: you make it sound like if i work a 9-5
logansargeantoffical: and it’s only a week, you’ll survive
oscarpiastri: or i can join you
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pleasingsatellite · 2 years
Bestie can write to Instagram where the reader is dating Harry and she is a person with a normal life, outside of this celebrity world, and one day Harry makes the mistake of commenting on one of the photos of the reader with his public account.
I’m just going to use harry’s actual finsta as his finsta in this post 🫶🏻 but act like no one knows it him lol
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liked by yourfriend1, yourfriend2 and 372 others
yourinstagram today drained me.
view all 78 comments
yourfriend its giving dramatic
yourfriend is must be draining being so pretty, don't know how you do it every day 😐
↳yourinstagram someone has to do it 🤷🏼‍♀️
scottysakamoto yeah getting coffee and looking pretty exhausts me too, I know how you feel.
↳yourinstagram In my defence the coffee shop is like a 30 minute walk from our hotel
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 45,729 others
hsdaily harry walking around nyc today with some friends!
view all 462 comments
harryfan1 I love when my man wears a hat backwards damn 😅
harryfan2 the little curls peaking out of the sides will do it for me everytime
harryfan3 I thrive when fratrry makes a debut
harryfan4 Apparently he was spotted at a coffee shop with some girl later in the day anyone know who she is?
↳harryfan5 nope, probably just a friend
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liked by yourfriend1, scottysakamoto and 289 others
yourinstagram hot girl walk of the day
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yourfriend slayyyyyy
yourfriend whatcha listening to?
↳ yourinstagram this indie singer named harry styles, you probably don't know him
scottysakamoto Is this why you arent answering my texts??
↳yourinstagram oh I've been gone for like an hour calm yourself
yourfriend ya'll stress me out, harry's fans are like the FBI they're going to find his finsta eventually
↳yourinstagram hehe it's fun though, I like having a secret 🤭
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liked by yourfriend1, harrystyles and 1,729 others
yourinstagram heyyyyy
view 890 comments
yourfriend damn no photo credits?
yourfriend lil miss new yorker
harrystyles come back to the arena I miss you
harryfan1 omg wtf who is this why is harry commenting on her pictures?
harryfan2 shut up harry has a finsta, the scottysakamoto account is his all his friends and family follow it 😧
↳harryfan3 is this his girlfriend??? Is this who people have said they saw him with???
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 2,729,920 others
harrystyles Love on Tour. New York City V. August, 2022.
view all 11,728 comments
harryfan1 so we just not going to acknowledge the elephant in the room
harryfan2 rip singlerry, you'll be missed
harryfan3 had a whole girlfriend this entire time huh
harryfan4 you guys are so dramatic like no wonder they were so secretive
harryfan5 okay but she's really pretty too bad ya'll made her private her account
jefezoff ........call me.
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liked by yourfriend1, scottysakamoto and 215 others
yourinstagram going private, thanks harry 🫶🏻
view all 37 comments
yourfriend girl I saw this coming!!!!
yourfriend at least you look really hot as you have your privacy invaded
scottysakamoto .......oops
↳ yourinstagram delete this account immediately 😐
yourfriend I can only imagine the amount of follow requests you and harry both have right now 🤭
↳ scottysakamoto I don't even think the number I'm looking at right now exists.
↳yourinstagram I had to turn my phone off from the notifications
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 34,729 others
harrysatellite I found these on y/n’s instagram before she went private they’ve been together for so long and we didn’t know at all literally how?
view all 294 comments
harryfan1 I didn't even think harry hiding a gf was possible
harryfan2 I don't know how no one found anything out until now like I'm pretty sure they've been dating for over a year
harryfan3 she's really pretty, does anyone know anything about her?
↳ harryfan4 from what I can tell she's super normal like went to college and all that
harryfan5 pretty sure they met either through mutual friends or something like that, it looks like she lives in London
harryfan6 I think everyone just assumed she worked for him when they were spotted together or if she was at his shows
Enjoy! Sometimes writing comments gets hard so this was fun getting to write from friends and harry's finsta :)
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Aoi hair tweets. A timeline:
2016 Dec "I might never be able to dye my hair again for the rest of my life… Goodbye, colorful hair ✌︎('ω')✌︎"
2017 Apr "I cut my hair like I had a vendetta against it. Feels so fresh ✨"
2018 Aug "If you ask me, I feel like getting a haircut. It's that kind of weather. 🌝"
2019 Feb "I cut my bangs today 🥴"
2019 Jun "Let’s grow out my hair 🦲"
2020 May "I haven't been able to go get a haircut since February, and I wonder how everyone else is handling it. My hair’s grown so long that I really want to go get it cut soon 🤔"
2020 Nov "What? You want to see a photo after my haircut? No way, I’m premium content just by existing 🙇‍♂️ How are you today? Don’t forget your mask☺︎"
2020 Dec "This year, since we couldn’t do any live shows, my hair has come back to life. It’s like a cuticle beast now. The angel's halo is gleaming. It almost looks like it's floating above my head. Huh? It's because I'm dead? I see. I have no regrets in my life!! ٩( ᐛ )و"
2022 Feb "Right now, I have this overwhelming urge to grow my hair super long. To put it simply, I want to look like Rapunzel."
2022 Oct "It’s been a while since I decided to grow out my hair like Tatsuro’s long locks. Right now is the hardest period, where styling is the most difficult. But I endured this morning, believing it will get easier once I push through. By the way, I mean Yamashita Tatsuro."
2022 Nov "I was planning to grow my hair long enough to braid it and use it as a jump rope, but I'm starting to lose motivation. I'm always shouting in my head, 'So annoying! Ugh, so annoying!'"
2023 Sep "I left my youth at Nippon Budokan on July 15th, and now there’s a void in my heart. Back then, my hair only reached my shoulders, but now it’s grown long enough to use it as a jump rope. I’d love to do MASS tour again."
2024 Jun "Oh no, it’s here. The strong urge to cut my hair short."
2024 Sep "‘Cutting my hair was a good idea’ means ‘I’m happy because cutting my hair turned out better than I expected.’ For more details, head over to Instagram ☞"
2024 Sep "Heyyy. Ever since I cut my hair, it’s become a bit tricky to tie it up properly, and it keeps falling loose little by little—it's a bit annoying."
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disasterofastory · 2 years
Boys (Stucky x Reader)
Boys students!Stucky x professor!Reader Warnings: teacher-student relationship, smut
Summary: You are their favorite professor.
A/N: The “boys” are in their early twenties. Kinktober 2022
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You dimmed the lights long hours ago when you said goodbye to your students, and they left the lecture hall, letting the heavy door close behind them with a loud thud. You, on the other hand, stayed to start reading the essays and taking care of the administrations. At home, you would do anything but work. But it's okay. You like it when the large building empties and calms down after a long week of rush and ruckus. Sometimes you even forget you teach young adults, especially when Halloween comes and every one of them is excited and ready for the endless parties and fake haunted houses.
You are hunched over the desk under the lamp's light on the corner. Your hands are hoover above the keyboard of your laptop, staring at the bright screen and long sentences that blur together the more you read. The back of your head throbs with a slight pain that warns you you should stop for tonight and go home. You will have enough time to finish everything for Monday.
The two boys are known for their talent with sports, especially football, and their diligence when it comes to their other studies. All of your colleagues love them and their little group of friends. They are a loud bunch but kind and respectful at the same time. You have been teaching Steve and Bucky for years now, and you are familiar with their sweet-talking and mischievous behavior.
You are ready to close your laptop and end the day when your attention gets stolen by the opening and closing of the door. Your eyes shot up to the top of the stairs, watching the two familiar forms getting closer and closer.
"What are you doing here, boys?" You ask them and can't help but laugh when you see their costumes. "And looking like that?"
Both Steve and Bucky are in their football gear, plastered with fake blood on the worn fabrics.
"We are footballers in a zombie apocalypse," Bucky says with a cheeky grin on his face.
Seeing them up close, you notice the fake gash on their cheeks and the purple bruise under their eyes.
"I see," you reply. "You really made an effort to impress, huh?"
"Well, we had to," Steve answers this time. They stand in front of you, giddy with something you can't tell. "We want to impress our favorite professor."
"Oh, I thought I am the only one left in the building," you tease.
"I mean, we met Professor Fury when he left, but…" Bucky doesn't even finish. His face contorts into a grimace, knowing well enough the man's strict teaching techniques.
"Don't be mean, boys, Professor Fury just wants the best for his students."
"Yeah, but we like your lectures more," Steve says, smirking.
"You are just saying it because I'm not a tall, bald man who calls people motherfuckers."
"Luckily, you are not." It's Bucky's time to smirk as they watch you packing your things away, moving around the desk in your elegant pencil skirt and black shirt with scary-smiling pumpkin heads on it.
"You are our sweet teacher," Steve says. His voice deepens. "Who has pretty hair, nice dresses, and the donkey is the worst she ever called us."
"Now you are just trying to get better grades for your essays." You try to make it a joke because you know his words are over the line. They are your students, and they are much younger than you. They shouldn't tell you these things, and you shouldn't let them. The warning is at the tip of your tongue, but nothing comes out when you open your lips. Something stops you, and you are not ready to admit the reason.
"Oh, we are not worried about it, Professor," Bucky replies instead of Steve. The word professor rolls on his tongue, which makes it really unprofessional and much more exciting.
"But why should we lie about it?" Steve asks. You almost jump back when you notice him standing next to you. Your shoulder almost touches his broad chest.
"You are our prettiest Professor."
"Boys, I don't think…" You start, but Bucky cuts in before you can finish your sentence.
"But what are you thinking about us?" He asks, moving closer.
Steve's arm snakes around your waist, leaning so close to your ear that you can feel every word fanning over your ear. "What do you think about our costumes? Don't we deserve candies for it?"
"Or some other reward?" Bucky adds, leaning over the desk.
"Don't you like them?" Steve is a stubborn one. He does everything to keep you away from rejecting them. And it doesn't matter how much you try, you can't be angry with them.
"They are really… creative." It's hard to find the words when Steve's body presses against yours. His hand is firm on your hips, digging his fingers into the soft fabric of your skirt.
Clearing your throat, you reach out to grab your bag from the table, but Bucky is faster. He pushes it aside and catches your hand to pull you closer to the table. Without Steve's arm around you, you are sure you would fall.
"Maybe you should show them to the others?" You ask. Your voice is high and trembling. "I'm sure the campus is full of parties now."
"Yeah," Bucky hums. "That was our first plan."
"What changed?"
"We missed you," Steve answers. "We thought we could have a small party with our favorite Prof, doesn't it right, Bucky?"
"Steve is right, Miss Y/L/N," the brunette nods. His fingers are linked with yours.
"Oh, I don't think… I'm too old for parties."
"Not for this one," Steve shakes his head. "You are just right for what we planned."
You know you shouldn't ask it, but the words are out of your mouth before you can stop them. "And what are those plans?"
"I'm glad you asked," Bucky smirks, and with that, he pulls on your hand again until you are sitting on the desk with Steve's help. A loud gasp escapes your lips at the sudden movement. You can barely process what's happening, and the blonde man's lips are already on yours. His kiss is soft but firm and willful. His hand keeps you against himself by the back of your head.
"Wait…" you gasp out. "We can't…"
"Don't think about it," Bucky breathes behind you.
"No buts, Miss Y/L/N," he smirks into your ear while his friend kisses down your neck. He nibbles on the soft skin, licking the burning spots he leaves behind, and your head tilts to the side on its own accord to give him more space.
"We watch you, wearing those cute dresses and tight skirts," Steve hums against your collarbone. You don't even know when he started unbuttoning your blouse. The black lace of your bra peeks out as he pushes the soft material off your shoulders.
"Always so pretty and happy to see us," Bucky coos.
"We sit in your classes almost every day, watching you walk and lean above the desk, staring at your plump ass and imagining it without the damn skirt."
"We think about what you have under these clothes."
"And we are hard, Professor," Steve groans. It fans over your skin, making you shudder in their arms. "So fucking hard."
"Don't call us that," Bucky scolds you, but there is no real firmness in his velvety voice.
The blonde chuckles, lips still nibbling down on your chest. "I think we should show her, Bucky."
"That's a great idea, Steve." And with that, they move you again. They are manhandling you with ease. Steve's hands slide down under your knee, grabbing you there to push it closer to him and up in the air until you are on your back. The only thing that keeps you from the painful slamming is the brunette's hand on your shoulder blades. He makes sure you land softly on the wooden surface.
Your mouth opens again to ask them what they are doing, but the blonde footballer pushes your skirt up on your waist until your panty-covered pussy is in front of his lustful gaze.
"I knew it," he smirks, glancing up at his friend for a second. "I told you there is a reason you can't see the line of her panties, Buck."
"That's not true," the man behind you argues. "You said she doesn't wear anything."
"What?" You gasp. Even the thought of you teaching without panties makes you embarrassed and excited at the same time.
"Well, it's barely anything," Steve's stubbornness shows again. He reaches under the lace with his finger, knowing well enough that he slides through your folds in the process.
"But it's still something!"
Steve sighs. "Fine. I will pay you later."
"Did you bet on me?" You gasp.
"Oh, we have so much bet on you, Professor," Bucky replies. "And we will find everything out tonight."
"Yeah," Steve hums, kneeling down between your legs. "First, we will find out your taste. Bucky said you are sweet, but I'm sure you are even sweeter."
A straddled cry leaves your lips when he pushes your panties aside and flats his tongue against your pussy to lick you up. Your hole tightens, and you gush in his mouth, flooding his senses with your taste.
"I was right," Steve groans and dives into your count while Bucky busies himself with your shirt. He pulls it out from your skirt to unbutton it entirely. Soon, nothing hides your black bra, and he feasts on the view of your tits. His thumb ghosts over your nipple until it's hard under the pad of his fingertips.
"Ah," Bucky tsks, shaking his head with feigned disappointment. "This world again." He leans above your other breast, licking the fabric and launching on your nipple. He sucks it in, soaking the lace with his saliva.
After a few flicks and licks, you are a dizzy mess, wanting to stop and begging for more. Your clit throbs between Steve's plump lips as he sucks the hard bud. The hand that doesn't hold your thigh is busy with your hole. He teases you, barely pushing his finger inside you before moving out. You know what he wants, and you are not ashamed to do it.
"Steve," you cry out his name. "Please."
"What do you want from Steve?" Bucky asks because his friend isn't willing to stop his sucking. He wants everything your pretty pussy can give.
"His fingers," you reply. "Please, Steve. Don't tease me anymore."
"Do you want to cum?" Bucky pushes your bra lower, letting your breast free to play with your nipples some more. They are so hard under his attention it almost hurts.
"Yes," you reply. "I want him to make me cum."
"You heard our sweet professor, Stevie. Make the lady cum!"
And he does. He pounds you with his fingers, focusing on your clit again until stars start to dance in front of your closed eyes. Your orgasm comes quickly and powerfully. It jerks your body, burning your veins and squirting your pussy.
You need a few moments to come up from the blissful blackness, and when you do, their words get clear in your ears.
"Did you see that?" Steve gasps in awe. "It's so sweet, Buck. She is so sweet."
"Do you think I could do it with my cock?"
They talk about you, so casually as if you aren't even under them, bare and sensitive. It surprises you how much it makes you crave more.
"Oh," Steve smirks when he feels you tightening around his finger. "I think Miss Y/L/N wants to try it."
"Then let me there, punk."
They switch places, and soon, Bucky is between your legs while Steve smirks down by your side.
"Do you want to taste yourself, Miss Y/L/N?" He asks smugly. His face glints with your juices, and his lips are red and swollen. He doesn't even wait for you to answer. Leaning down, Steve kisses you again, pushing his tongue inside your mouth so you can taste your wetness coating his face. Meanwhile, Bucky unbuckles his pants, taking out his cock to jerk off the view of you making out with his best friend, your legs still wide open. Your pussy drips with your juices.
"Do you like it, Miss?" Bucky grins when Steve straightens himself, following his friend's lead and taking out his hard erection. The tip of his cock is red and glints with precum. A vein runs at the underside of his shaft, disappearing behind the white fabric of his pants. Bucky's hands on your thighs are the only thing that keeps you from leaning close and drawing the bluish line with your tongue.
"I think our dear prof is too busy to answer," Steve chuckles, playing with his cock under your heated gaze.
"We should turn her around," Bucky hums. "I really wanna tap that ass."
You don't even react when they manhandle you again. You let them turn you on your stomach and take off your panties. It didn't hide much anyway.
You look back over your shoulder when the brunette speaks up again. "I will keep it," he says as he puts the thin lace in his pocket.
"Hey," Steve grunts. "I wanted it."
"You can have another one."
"Another?" You ask, shocked, but again, they don't answer. Bucky is too busy gliding the tip of his cock through your wet folds, and Steve positions himself in front of your face. His cock points at you so close you could lick him.
"She is so warm," Bucky groans, sliding his shaft against your slit. He coats his cock with your wetness, enjoying the softness of your pussy.
"Yeah?" Steve hums. "I bet she is warm somewhere else too." He cups your jaw, pulling on your lower lip with his thumb. "What do you say, Miss? Do I get a reward?"
Not bothering with words, you open your mouth, letting him slip inside your warm channel.
"Oh, god," Steve groans. He braces himself on the desk while his other hand takes hold of the strands of your hair.
"Are you ready, Prof?" Bucky's voice is tight and dry behind you. "Are you ready for my cock?"
You hum with Steve's length still in your mouth. You move your arm to grab the base of his cock. Your finger curls around it, and your mouth leaves the tip with a wet sound.
"Do it, Buck," Steve laughs again. "Can't you see that our favorite teacher is busy?"
You lick up on the vein, flatting your tongue on the tip, and suck it into your mouth again. You feel him jerk, and the man moans above you. You tease the soft skin with your warm tongue, soaking him in your saliva.
Meanwhile, Bucky guides his cock to your entrance, pushing against the hole, that he can't wait to feel around his aching erection.
"So tight," he rasps, forcing himself deeper. Your moan is muffled as he stretches you out. Your muscles burn, but the brunette gives you enough time to adjust around him inch by inch.
"So good," Bucky groans again. His fingers dig into the flesh of your hips. You are sure it will bruise, but you don't care. You are filled with Steve and Bucky on both ends, and it seems like it's enough to make you forget how to worry or even think.
Your breathing is heavy, and you can hear the beating of your heart in your ears, suppressing the filthy noises the two men make as they slide in and out of you.
"I don't know how long I can do it," Bucky warns, lifting you off the table for a second to reach his hand under you. His fingers slide to your clit, flicking and pinching the sensitive bud.
"Me neither," Steve replies. His head falls back as you suck him in more, hollowing your cheeks and gulping around his throbbing cock.
They use you and fuck you into oblivion. At some point, you don't even dare to move, afraid you would hurt Steve in the process. Your eyes roll back, and saliva drips down your cheek. The wet noise of Bucky pounding into you fills the hall, mixing with your moans and grunts. Your nerves are in flames, and the hot coil in your lower belly is almost too much to bear.
"She will cum," Steve groans. "And I will too."
The blonde wants to ask you where you want it, or he should use his own hand but hearing his words, you suck him in deeper.
"Oh, holy…" he gasps. Every word dies on his open lips.
"I feel it." There is an awe in Bucky's tone. He can barely hold himself up when he feels you tightening around him. Your walls shudder on his cock, milking him into the mess of your hot pussy.
Pleasure washes over you in waves that knock you out for a few seconds. Your body jerks, your muscles contract, and the men cum inside you with such power it almost forces them to their knees. They pump you full until their seed drips down your hole and mouth. Your lungs ache since you can't remember how to breathe anymore. They are the only thing that keeps you grounded.
"Are you okay, Miss?" Steve kneels in front of you with that sweet curve of his lips that you know well enough. He smiles at you like this every time you praise him after a good answer.
"What?" You groan out. Your throat burns, and it feels like he is still inside you.
"It's okay," he replies, caressing the side of your face. "We will help you."
And with that, the two footballers take care of you softly and carefully while you try to win back your clear mind and strength. They clean you and adjust your clothes until you are presentable again. Your insides are still quivering, but at least you can keep your weight as you stand up.
"What do you say, Prof?" Bucky speaks up when all three of you are leaving the lecture hall. The cheeky curve on his plump lips is back, but hunger still shines in his steel-blue eyes. "We could have a trick or treat at your place."
"And we sure have to do some plus work to keep our good grades," Steve adds teasingly. Both of them have a lot of plans to earn your affection and good grace, and they can't wait to show it to their favorite professor with the sweetest smile and pussy.
You should say no. You should stop this whole thing and forget what happened. It's not right.
"Alright, boys."
"Boys!" Bucky gasps, swatting your ass.
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munsoninthedark86 · 9 months
Kinktober 2022 Day 8: Threesomes(Three's A Crowd? Nah)
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warnings: smut, threesome, unprotected sex, Steddie!, mentions of alcohol and weed, fellatio, vaginal fingering, swearing pairings: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader x Eddie Munson/ Steddie x Fem!Reader word count: 1.7k
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The three of you sit in the living room of Eddie’s trailer. You’re seated on the floor, your back against the couch. Eddie sits on the armchair and he is sipping his beer. Steve has just returned to the room, two beers in his hand. He throws you yours, and you catch it with ease. It’s been a good few months since Eddie’s close call in the upside down. You were so fucking worried about him when they all returned without him. But Dustin had begged and pleaded for someone to go save Eddie, and you and Steve ended up being the ones to save the metalhead.
“Ahh, what a great way to spend Saturday night.” You croon softly.
Eddie laughs, “What? Drinking my beer and smoking my weed?”
You scoff, “And who saved your ass?”
Steve frowns as he begins drinking his beer. He knows that you’re teasing one another, but he was so afraid of losing either one of you when you and Steve went to save Eddie. The worst thoughts and scenarios went through his mind when he realized he might never see the charming dungeon master ever again. He’d have to console you. But now, with the two of you here, maybe Steve can finally tell you how he feels about the two of you.
“Fine fine,” Eddie ceases his jabbing. “You’re both welcome to my beer and my weed.”
You smirk, “Awhh thanks Eds!”
He blushes at your nickname for him, “anything for you, dollface.”
You look over at Steve, who seems incredibly lost in thought. You don’t want to interrupt the thought process, but you are a little concerned. So you lean up and sit on the couch with Steve, and you place a hand on his shoulder. He jumps a little from the touch, but he’s happy that it’s just you. Steve has been through so much in the last few years, he has grown a little jumpy.
“Cat got your tongue, babycakes?” You ask him, your tone flirty.
He sighs before chugging half his beer, “No. I’m just so happy that you two are alive.”
You smile, “Hear that, Eds? He’s happy we are alive.”
Eddie laughs, “Awhh Harrington! I didn’t know you felt that way about me.”
But something snaps inside of Steve, he is ready to bare his soul to both of you. A near death experience to one of his favorite people will do that to him. He leans over to you and he presses a gentle kiss to your lips. You’re rendered speechless, and Eddie isn’t really sure what to say either. The kiss deepens a little and you come closer to Steve. Eddie feels something deep down inside of him growing. Watching Steve kiss you is proving to be almost a little too much.
“What’s going on, Harrington?”
Steve is a little breathless when he pulls away from the kiss, “Look when you were down there…in the upside down, it practically wrecked the both of us, Eddie. Now that you’re back, and you’re both safe…I just want to show you what you both mean to me.”
Steve doesn’t hesitate to pull you onto his lap. He begins kissing you once more, and you can feel his love and passion coming out with every little move he makes. He’s gentle when he pushes some of your hair out of your face. It’s not long before Eddie comes to sit next to the both of you.
“Yeah? You were that worried for me, huh?” Eddie asks him, and he reaches down to take Steve’s hand in his.
“Like you wouldn’t fucking believe, Munson.”
This warms your heart. You’ve always had a crush on Eddie, and when you met Steve, you were immediately drawn to him. You knew of him, but you were never formally introduced until last year. Steve was charming and sweet and you could tell he has changed a lot since he “king” Steve.
You can’t keep your eyes off the pair. Steve leans in a little closer to Eddie, and soon he closes the gap between the two of them. Eddie lets out a sweet moan when they begin making out. You are truly mesmerized by the sight.
“Shit,” Eddie says breathlessly. “You are such a good kisser, Harrington.”
Steve smirks, “Yeah, I’ve got a lot of practice.”
This prompts you to pull Steve in for a kiss. His hands come up to tangle in your hair as you begin to grind against him. This leaves Eddie a little impatient, so when he gets his chance, he pulls you onto his lap and you begin kissing him.
“Fuck baby,” Eddie moans. “Feels like we’re in high school all over again. ‘Member when we used to sneak off in third period to have a quickie in the forest? Mmm, fuck your little pussy was so good back then.”
You slap his chest playfully, “And it’s not good now?”
Steve and Eddie share a mischievous glance. You’re almost a little worried about what they have planned, but you don’t have much time to react before Eddie gets up and throws you over his shoulder. Steve is following behind you two. Eddie brings you into his bedroom and he tosses you onto the bed. It’s not long before he’s crawling on top of you.
“Let’s see if her little pussy is still good, Harrington.”
Steve watches from the doorway for a few moments. Eddie begins undressing you, and he caresses your body wherever he finds exposed skin. His cold metal rings feel so soothing on your hot body. Steve finally comes into the bedroom and he leans down to kiss you. While Eddie continues undressing you and exploring the rest of your body, Steve is playing with your tits.
“You are so fucking adorable,” Eddie mutters as he finally pull
You’re blushing now, “Don’t say shit like that.”
Eddie moans as he parts your thighs. You're so sticky and so wet. His tongue pokes out of his mouth as he is practically drooling at the sight of your glistening pussy. He takes a few moments to adjust his rock hard cock in his jeans before leaning back in to inhale your sweetness. Steve groans when he sees the full sight of you naked.
“Jesus,” Eddie grunts. “Fuck you’re just as beautiful as the day I fell in love with you.”
You giggle, “Yeah? When did you fall in love with me?”
Eddie blushes, “The day we met.”
Steve coos at your softness. He never knew how deeply infatuated you two were with each other. Steve leans in to kiss Eddie, and Eddie groans. All of this pleasure is going to culminate into something very passionate and explosive soon. When Eddie pulls away from Steve, this is when Steve takes his chance and begins kissing you.
“He’s right. You are as beautiful as the day I fell in love with you,” Steve confesses. “You’re both beautiful.”
The two of them get off the bed and help each other strip. Your mouth is watering as you watch them begin making out. Steve reaches down to begin stroking Eddie. Eddie squeaks but that soon turns into a guttural moan.
“You’re so cute, Munson.” You quip, and he flips you off.
Steve guides Eddie to join you on the bed. Steve kneels in front of your face and he begins stroking his thick cock. You feel yourself get even more wet; aroused and left wanting from watching Eddie and Steve. You let out a surprised moan when you feel Eddie’s fingers at your entrance.
“How about we find out just exactly how good she is together?” Steven asks Eddie, and Eddie nods his head eagerly.
“Oh fuck yeah,” Eddie grunts. “I love that big brain of yours, Harrington.”
Steve chuckles, “I’ve had a few good ideas in my day.”
You’re about to say something when Steve pushes the head of his cock to your lips. You whine softly before suckling on it, making him groan. Eddie watches in a daze, all while rubbing your clit so teasingly. Soon he can’t help himself, and he grasps his cock. It twitches against your pussy and he thrust it between your soaked folds.
“Just fuck her already, Munson. Show her you meant it when you said you love her.”
Eddie smiles softly, “You’re right.”
The metalhead slips into you slowly, whining at how tightly your walls are clamping down on him. When he’s bottomed out and his balls are plush against your ass, it’s only now that Steve begins thrusting into your mouth. The two of them work in tandem; coaxing you towards your release. Eddie’s long cock keeps rubbing up against your sweet spot, making you see stars.
“Shit, you feel good.” Eddie moans, and Steven grunts in response.
“Good little mouth on her,”
This makes you blush. You are having a hard time not choking on Steve’s thick cock, but he keeps praising you. These soft words fall from his mouth, while Eddie can only grunt nonsense between his panting and whining. If he was with anyone else, he’d be so embarrassed to sound like that. But with the two of you, he knows he can feel safe.
Eddie’s long fingers trail down your body, stopping only to begin rubbing your clit in sloppy circles. You moan around Steve’s cock, making him shudder at the wonderful vibrations that pass right through his cock. He doesn’t know if he’ll actually be able to hold on for much longer.
“Fuck,” Eddie whines. “Fuck fuck fuck, I’m gonna fucking cum if she keeps squeezing me with that cunt of hers.”
Steve moans, “Yeah, I’m close too.”
Eddie looks down at you, “You close too, baby?”
With the nod of your head, the two men begin doubling down on their efforts. It’s not long before your walls begin wildly fluttering, and you are shuddering and shaking. Steve moans as his balls tighten first, and you and Steve fall off the edge together. Eddie isn’t long after, cumming hard with loud curses falling from those pretty lips.
Warmth fills you as Eddie and Steve both paint your inside white. You swallow every last bit of Steve’s cum as your cunt receives Eddie’s hot load. As they both come down, they pull out of you gently. Steve lays beside you as Eddie goes to the bathroom to get you something to clean you up with.
Steve pulls you closer, “I’m so glad I didn’t lose you. I’m glad I didn’t lose either of you.”
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clubdionysus · 5 months
[BAD DECISION #16] Overindulging
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warnings: just a lovely little fluffy chapter!! breakfast food!! chatting about jaykay's big dreams!! we visit yoongi and he calls us out on our bullshit of being besties!! a very cursed bird falls </3
a/n: our first calamity of the purge - i cannot find the header image for this chapter ANYWHERE :( i've checked both laptops and my phone, know the exact date it was orginally posted (nov 20, 2022 if ur curious) and yet nothing - there's actually a few around this period which are lost in the void </3 the og was one of my fave headers too :( it had a cute lil market stall :( waaa
soundtrack: wish on an eyelash - mallrat
wc: 5.3k
bd total wc: 540k (ongoing)
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"So you really quit then, huh?" Jeongguk mumbles, before blowing against the top of his coffee. It's steaming hot, the cold air of a fast-approaching winter not enough to cool it down.
The pair of you walk by the canal that runs through the city; Jeongguk in his gym gear, his skin still a little clammy from his session, you in a pair of comfy sweats despite the fact you haven't worked out at all.
It's a Sunday, and neither of you slept much last night. He'd been behind the bar, and you'd been on the other side, disco balls in your eyes and trouble in the tequila smile that you were greeting him with every five minutes. It's not your fault that he was the most interesting guy in the bar all night.
You nod, taking a sip on your americano - still iced (because "warm coffee is for pussies" ).
"Wasn't getting my money's worth," you explain, but he knows this perfectly well. You only ever went to the gym to grumble about how much you hated it. That, and to pretend like you weren't looking at him in the mirror whenever he took off his lifting belt. He caught you every single time, but he'd grown to enjoy how shamesless you'd become with it. "Plus Danbi's finally nagged me into joining her pole class, so I'm-"
"Shut up," Jeongguk laughs, cutting you off with his exclamation. He briefly stops in his tracks. Looks at you all lovely and bemused. "You're not?"
You're almost offended by his disbelief.
"Oh, but I am, Jeon," you grin. It's not how you ever thought you'd get your primary source of exercise, but Danbi's core muscles have never looked better. You figure may as well give it a try. "Had my first class yesterday afternoon."
"Did you?" He asks, only waiting for a small hum before he questions you further. "How was it? Have fun?"
Truthfully, you've never been so quickly humbled. Danbi and the other girls in the class make it look effortless. It's a small group, and they've all been lovely and overwhelmingly encouraging, but you can't help but feel out of your depth.
"The pole spins," you tell him, because you can't believe you were the only person who didn't realise that. "Always thought it was the people spinning, but nope. Just the pole."
"What?!" He almost chokes, just as confused as you had been yesterday.
"My thoughts exactly! So yeah, that helps," you acknowledge, nudging his arm to push him in the direction of the street market.
It runs up a lane, connecting the canal to the main street, and has been active for hundreds of years. Old traders would dock their boats on the canal and set up shop down the alleyway, away from the prying eyes of the law enforcement looking for black market traders. These days, it's all flowers and produce, with the occasional hotteok stand during the winter.
Jeongguk's bag rustles as he hikes it a little further up his broad shoulder, sniffing sharply to clear his nose. It's the first sign of a winter cold, and he regrets not wearing a coat, now.
You're babbling on about your class, and how your legs have never been more bruised. You're not even sure he's really listening, but you don't mind. There's no pressure for him to retain this information, no pop quiz coming later.
You just enjoy each other's company. Talk about nonsense because you can. It's like you're playing a game of sims, prattling to one another just to make those little green plus marks hover above your head, your socialising bar restoring to full health.
"Honestly, you should see my legs - I look like a bloody watercolour painting. All purple and blue."
"Oh, yeah?" he finally responds with a teasing grin, glancing over to you as you meander towards a flower stall. It's small, but overflowing with native flowers. Considering how cold it's becoming and how orange the leaves are on the trees that line the river, it's nice to see some green. "Maybe next time I'm at the cafe, you'll have to live model for me."
You stop in your tracks. Bunch your face up like an old newspaper, as if he's just said the most offensive thing you've ever heard, and then you scoff.
Jeongguk turns to look at you fully, a goofy little smile on his pretty lips (though you really ought to stop thinking of his lips as being pretty ), and raises a brow. He's baiting you out. Teasing you. Was deliberately looking for a reaction like this, because he finds them funny.
Folding your arms, you knock your shoulder against him as you walk past and say, "you're never seeing me naked."
" Again ," he calls after you. "Never seeing you naked again ."
The ajumma sitting by her stall just a metre away, with her homegrown cucumbers and cabbages, scowls in Jeongguk's direction. Tuts beneath her breath. Looks away as he turns to apologise, his cheeks flaming red like they always do when he's had too much soju.
He's not had a drop all week, though. He's been working hard, and studying even harder. It's all work, no play. The walk home from the gym is the most free-time he's indulged in since he left your apartment last week.
You had been right in saying that the water pressure of his shower is far better than yours - but he'd insisted on showering at yours regardless. Together. Just friendly. Like you normally do. Didn't want to have to explain things to Jimin. Is still not exactly sure even he knows how to understand your friendship - just that he likes it, and he doesn't want to lose it.
He also likes the scent of your shampoo. Rummaged around in Jimin's old haircare stuff for a shower cap just so he could preserve it for an extra day. Doesn't tell you this though, as he thinks it's a bit weird.
Probably just as weird as the way you'd rearranged your pillows that night just to keep the scent of his aftershave close. You tell yourself it's a comfort thing. In all actuality, it most likely is.
"I can't believe you shouted that-"
"I didn't shout!"
"- In front of that poor old lady," you hiss beneath your breath as he finally catches up with you, now holding a cabbage. "Why do you have-"
"Felt bad. Bought a cabbage from her."
"The fuck are you gonna do with a cabbage?"
He shrugs. "Eat it?"
Nonchalant in the way he approaches life, Jeongguk feels like a summer breeze even as temperatures begin to dip below a comfortable level. You've got a heat pack in your pocket, and when Jeongguk sniffs again, you pass it over to him. Think that he needs it more. He tells you it's okay, and that it's fine, so you just stuff it in his pocket despite his protests.
By the time you've reached the end of the alley, Jeongguk is the one ignoring your protests as he pushes you forwards into a cafe. The buttery scent of fresh pastries is so heavenly that you're half convinced you did actually die of embarrassment when he announced his awareness of your bare skin to the entire neighbourhood.
Various loaves of bread line the counter towards the front of the shop, golden brown and just begging for you to buy every single one of them. Pastries, cakes, too. It's overwhelming.
"They do the best french toast," he promises you - and how can you refuse?
You're practically salivating as Jeongguk plonks you down by the window of the only free booth. It's tucked away slightly, but offers the perfect people-watching spot - which is why it's his favourite seat in the entire cafe. He tells you to wait there while he orders at the counter.
You're too busy people-watching, but you notice the lack of his presence. The cafe feels duller. Less warm. Less inviting. Less... like home. He's taking longer than you thought he would.
Perhaps there was a queue? You can't see from your vantage point - but, eventually, you can see Jeongguk as he comes to stand in front of the window with a closed-lip smile, his silver ring flipping in the corner of his mouth. In his hand is a small bouquet of posies. Wildflowers, you think, from the stall down the other end of the alley. He must have sprinted. The way his chest heaves a little confirms this.
"For you," he says as he comes to sit opposite you a moment later, holding them out for you to take. There's a variety of flowers in the bunch, tied with a white ribbon, but you don't know the name of any of them. You just know that they're beautiful. He senses your confusion, so he clarifies. "An apology. Sorry for telling the entire street I've seen your tits."
You narrow your eyes. Tilt your head. Jeongguk thinks you look like a little puppy. Tells you so.
"Careful, or you'll have to buy me more to make up for the fact you just called me a dog," you tease as he places a small black disk down on the table. It's from the front counter, given to him when ordered the food. On the side, a bright red 07 lets you know your order number.
"I like dogs," he says as he shakes his hoodie off, tucking it over the back of his chair. "It's a compliment."
Sometimes, you forget Jeongguk has tattoos. His eyes are so doe-like, his nature so tepid and warm, that the idea of him engaging in anything remotely painful shocks you - but you've also seen how hard he goes at the gym, and have also felt his firm grip on your body. You know he most likely finds pleasure in a little pain.
They trail up his arm, thick intricate lines mapping out his identity for all to see - or at least the parts of him he doesn't mind other people knowing. If you didn't know Jeongguk, you'd be able to learn a lot about him from his arms - right down to the fact that one of them covered in ink, while the other is pristine and free of it. He's a man of two halves, and you're lucky enough you get to indulge in both.
"What?" He grins when he realises you're contemplating something.
"Just not sure I forgive you," you tease, crossing your arms in an attempt to make it look like you weren't reminding yourself of the way his fingers - the ones with the tattoos - feel inside of you. It was only a brief thought, but any thoughts like that outside the confines of a fallen bird are dangerous, you decide.
"Got you flowers, got you brunch - what more do you need?!"
You sharply inhale some air, teeth gritted, eyes to the sky in contemplation. "More compliments."
Jeongguk has to try really hard not to roll his eyes. He looks around, as if he's scared someone will hear him, licks the corner his of mouth and shakes his head.
" Fine . I like your outfit."
"Pathetic," you say almost immediately. "If I wanted appearance compliments, I'd go on tinder."
"You have tinder?"
"Give me something that's actually a compliment. Something none of my tinder boys could say."
"You have tinder boys?"
"And girls," you shrug.
The truth of the matter is that you have neither at the moment. The app lies dormant on your phone, unused because you just can't be arsed with the hassle. There are only so many times you can be asked if you're 'open-minded ' or if you live alone. As much as you don't mind hooking up with strangers in bars, you hate meeting people off of apps. It's too much pressure.
Still, you don't let Jeongguk derail the conversation, although you can see that behind his eyes there are some cogs turning. Whatever he's thinking will take a while to formulate. You know what he's like now; how he likes to think things through before he says them.
"So," you lift a shoulder, lazily shrugging. "Compliment?"
He reclines back into his chair. Finds himself narrowing his eyes like you so often do. You're challenging him, and he's weighing up how much of a chance he has of winning. Thinks his odds are pretty high.
"Tae couldn't have sorted out his art show without you."
As much as you wanna pretend like it isn't exactly the sort of thing you wanted to hear, a smile forms on your face. Acknowledgement of your hard work is always appreciated. You press your lips together, but still, a smug grin prevails.
"Nah, seriously, Byeol," he adds on. "Thank you. I mean it. It's been Tae's dream since I met him. You've no idea how cool it is to watch all of this happen."
"I played a tiny part," you smile, secretly enamoured with how happy he is for his friend's success.
It's a trait that says a lot about Jeongguk. Who he is as a person. Makes it all the more clearer as to why he's so keen on helping you with your issues. He wants the people he cares about to thrive, no matter the circumstance.
"So? The nozzle is a tiny part of a fountain gun," he says, making reference to the bar he works behind. "But without it? The drink would go everywhere. It's important. You're important."
"You're giving me far too much credit," you deflect, a little embarrassed, now.
He shakes his head. "I'm not giving you enough."
He holds your gaze for a moment. Wants you to know that he really does mean what he's saying. He wouldn't bother hyping you up if he didn't genuinely think it. He knows Tae well, and knows he has enough drive to make his dreams come true, but he had been drawing blanks recently - until you came along.
It's not just the space of the art cafe that's helped, but you willingness to help market it, get the news out to local artist circles that Tae wasn't privvy to. You've taken insurmontable wieghts from his shoulders. All Jeongguk could do was put posters up in the bathroom stalls of Dionysus.
"What about you?" You ask, wanting to move the focus away from yourself. "What's your big dream?"
He goes to speak, but is cut off the by the small black disk with a flashing 07 on the side of it. The vibration tone is so loud that it actually makes him jump.
"Hold that thought," he says as he heads off to the counter to retrieve the food, leaving you to watch the window once more - but you find yourself glancing in the mirror that's up on the back wall.
The woman at the counter smiles at him, and you see him bow slightly as he says thank you. His manners are never forgotten.
You bet he's the kind of customer the girl behind the counter will daydream about coming in again. A takeaway order, maybe. He'll stand by the till and wait for it, chitchatting with her. She'd hope he would enjoy her company and make himself a repeat customer. One day, eventually, he'd ask what she's doing after work. Ask if she wants to grab a drink, or something.
But Jeongguk is Jeongguk. Even if he wanted to, he wouldn't.
You know this.
Still, you find yourself dreaming up this little hypothetical life for him; one in which his fears don't exist anymore.
When he returns, he pretends he didn't see you looking.
"Samgyeopsal," he simply states, as he organises the plates to make them look pretty, just in case you wanna take a picture.
"What of it?"
He's proven right as you pull your phone out and open up the camera. Tweaking a plate ever so slightly, you're impressed with his arrangement. He's got an eye for composition. You're less impressed with the fact he sticks his middle finger up in the background of your shot.
"Child," you scold. He just sticks his tongue out to further solidify your point.
"Well," he hums as he redistributes the plates and hands you some cutlery. "I really enjoy working at the bar, but I hate not being able to make big decisions about what happens there - here -" He passes you the tiny jar of syrup that came with your french toast. "- and so I'd like to own my own place. Thing is, I really fucking love samgyeopsal."
"Oh yeah?" You laugh at how much he exaggerates his tone.
"Love it more than maybe anything else on this planet."
"Even me?"
"Oh, especially you."
"Shut up," he laughs, focusing his attention on his croque monsieur. "Anyways, I think it would be really cool to have my own joint, yanno? Decorate how I like, serve my favourite side dishes. Get a good team working for me - probably would poach Yeonjun from the bar."
"He'd do well in a restaurant," you nod. "Good people person."
"Exactly," Jeongguk beams, thinking about the prospects all over again. "I even know the exact building I wanna be in."
"Mhmm," he confirms, swallowing down a bite of warm bread and cheese - no ham ,though. They really scrimped on the ham. He'd never scrimp on meat in his place. When you notice how furrowed his brows are, as if he's furious for how delicious his food is, you smile. "Few streets over from your work. There's been a vacant unit next to the makgeolli bar for a little while. I've registered my interest, but like - I'm still in fucking school." He laughs now. It's all a bit of a pipe dream. "I need to speak with investors. Raise funds. That's what scares me the most."
"Oh?" You encourage him, not wanting to interrupt his train of thought - and also not wanting to stop eating. He was right. The french toast is to die for.
"I know all of the hospitality tricks," he continues. "Been working long enough to know how to run a place on the people side of things, but I'm a bit out of my depth when it comes to business."
"Do you not cover that at school?" You question with genuine curiosity. "Thought you were under the business faculty?"
"I am," he nods, pleased that you have apparently been listening to him. "But you can only be taught so much, yanno? Nothing compares to actually experiencing it. It's the little things, like bank meetings, and shit. That's what's scaring me."
Funny. You'd never really considered that Jeongguk's fear of rejection could trickle down so far into his bones. It's like he's fearful nothing he wants is a viable option - career path included.
"Have you spoken to Yoongi?" You ask, mindlessly soaking up the maple syrup on your plate with a chunk of french toast. "He's got his own studio, right? He's gone through this process?"
Jeongguk nods. "Something similar, I suppose. Hospitality is a little different to what he does. I think technically - when it comes to tax and shit - he's listed as a construction worker?"
He laughs, and shakes his head. Has seen Yoongi painstakingly craft the most beautifully ornate home furnishings. Thinks he couldn't be further from a construction worker if he tried (though Yoongi would argue that the red pine hanoks he built with his own bare hands beg to differ).
"To be fair," he considers, "I actually need to pop by Yoongi's on my way home."
"There's some work to do at the bar out back. Boss wants to convert the little courtyard next to the staff room into the smoking area, and change the existing smoking area into a patio bar," Jeongguk sighs as he rolls his eyes. He thinks they may as well just add a bar to the existing smoking area and leave the courtyard free - mainly because he likes to hide there on the nights he can't be fucked with punters. Only for a minute or so. Maybe five minutes. No longer than ten. Apart from that one time he fell asleep, but that's neither here nor there. "Doesn't wanna hire workers though, so yours truly has been tasked with the job. Gonna get Yoongi's advice on it."
You nod. Remind yourself of what Jeongguk looks like with a lifting belt on, and replace it in your mind with a tool belt. Press your lips together. Your legs, too.
"What?" He asks, when you shift away from him slightly.
"Oh, no, nothing," you smile, deflecting. "Just really good food."
He narrows his eyes. Chooses not to press. Has no idea that you're getting yourself all flustered because of him . Instead, he hauls the conversation forward - asks you about your dreams instead, where you want to end up in life. It's a big question, you tell him, and he agrees - but he finds fantasising about future possibilities fun. Gets you thinking in hypotheticals. Lottery wins, winning a free trip to a country of your choice, only having one day to live - that kind of shit.
The conversation carries on for far too long. Brunch is long gone, and Jeongguk suggests another drink not once, but twice. Orders some french toast for himself, and gets you a cake from the counter even though you insisted on not wanting anything, just because he doesn't wanna eat alone.
Midafternoon sun encroaches on your window spot, and he finds himself grinning whenever the glitter catches in the light. There are a few rogue specks that have strayed from your eyes. He leaves the ones on your cheeks alone, but reaches over and dusts off the ones that are on your forehead. Says nothing as he does so. You just let him, and continue talking.
He can encroach on your personal space and recieve zero complaints. You're comfortable. The significance isn't lost on him, but it is tucked away into a safe part of brain, not to be distrubed for the time being.
Once he's done with his french toast (and also done complaining about the fact he's eaten so much he might die ), you head on your way.
There's a chill to the air that wasn't present earlier, and you know that you're gonna have to start wrapping up a lot warmer soon. You hate how quickly summer turns into winter - autumn is far too fleeting.
As soon as the leaves turn golden brown, they've fallen, only for the snow to fall just as quickly as soon as the New Year arrives. You've a month or so to go.
"Best season," Jeongguk says as he kicks a few leaves that are brittle and brown, settled on the pathway, crunching beneath his feet. He loves the rustle of autumn leaves.
Loves the blossom season in spring, too, and will swear that it's his favourite season instead come April.
The cycles of life; evidence that life goes on, always. No matter how defeatist he can be, no matter how much he can fear the variables of the future, it's proof that there invariably will be one.
He leads you through a twisted road of alleys, that you'd no doubt get lost in without him, before eventually reaching Yoongi's studio. "I'll be quick, promise."
And how can you refuse? You owe him for the food, and know that he absolutely will not accept it when you try and pay him back, so not kicking up a fuss or complaining is the least you can do. It's not like you have plans for the afternoon. Had sort of figured you'd spend it hanging out with him anyways.
You're also really nosey. Are intrigued by Min's. Wanna see inside the studio, to see if it looks like how you've imagined it to(though you have already looked at the instragram, so you reckon you've got a fair idea in your head).
Jeongguk ushers you up a narrow staircase that brings you above a mandu restaurant. The smell of hot oil and fresh dough wafts in the air and follows you up the stairs, while Jeongguk whinges about being hungry again.
He absolutely cannot be hungry already, but he swears down that he'll die (a common complaint from him) if he doesn't have some mandu soon. You put your palms on his lower back and encourage him up the stairs, stopping him from turning around when he tries.
It's only made worse when you enter Min's studio, only to find Yoongi munching on flat mandu. Jeongguk whines again. Tells Yoongi that he's being cruel, then tells you the same thing for your refusal of allowing him to indulge in such a delicacy.
Yoongi just looks at the pair of you a little bewildered, half a mandu in his mouth, the rest held snug between his chopsticks. He swallows down the food and raises his brows. "Can I help you?"
As it turns out, he can. Jeongguk explains the task at hand - "ballache, if you ask me" - and Yoongi offers to help, free of charge, without even batting an eyelid. Brushes his hands off on his dark grey apron, tosses the empty paper container of his mandu into the bin, and sets about finding that right tools for the job.
It's a no-brainer to him: invest in the people you care about, and they'll invest back. He knows that Jeongguk would help him in a heartbeat, too - and he will also be sure to remind him of this moment in the future when he's in desperate need of a bar space for a showcase.
Min's is everything you thought it would be.
Deceptively large, it has more than enough room for there to be a few extra members of staff - but Yoongi works best alone. Likes his solitude. The rowdiness of his friendship group more than makes up for how quiet his job is - and when the saws and sanders are blaring, it'd be redundant having other people to socialise with.
The back wall showcases more saws than any one man could possibly need, but they all serve a distinct purpose that Yoongi would argue couldn't be achieved with anything else. In all truth, he's skilled enough to be able to mimic the texture and appearance of certain saws, but he likes doing things the old-fashioned way; as they should be done.
There's a stack of wooden boards on his work table, that he's been sanding by hand because there's something far richer about the finish than when they're machine done. He'll charge a little extra for these ones - and it'll be paid without hesitation because of how beautiful they are.
"Has he mentioned dinner at our place to you, yet?" Yoongi asks when Jeongguk finally makes a break for it to go and buy some mandu.
You glance over to him from the display unit, where small ornate objects sit, perfectly polished and prettily waiting for new homes. "Dinner?"
Yoongi nods. "Our place. Weekend before Tae's show - has he really not mentioned it? I've reminded him twice already."
Shaking your head, you laugh. "Boy's got a complex. Not good with invites."
It's something Yoongi is well aware of - after all, he'd been the one to watch Jeongguk with you, a smile on his face, as he finally spoke to a new girl at the bar a few weeks back.
"Mhmm," Yoongi hums. "Just didn't realise it applied to you, too."
"Doesn't normally," you admit, trying to hide the slight confusion you feel. It really is out of the ordinary - he usually invites you to things to avoid having to invite an actual girl. Makes you feel a little insecure. "Maybe he just doesn't fancy me being there?"
"Who doesn't want you where?" Jeongguk says through a muffled mouthful of mandu, pushing the studio door open with his shoulder. Stops in his tracks when he sees Yoongi slowly fold his arms over his chest, giving him a hard stare. "Ah. That ."
He glances over to you, noticing your furrowing brows and the hurt that's delicately kissing your features. It's faint. Barely there. But he knows you well enough now to know exactly when you're feeling affronted.
"So you don't want me there-"
"No!" Jeongguk chimes before you've fully finished your question. "No, no. It's not that, I just keep forgetting. Honestly."
He really does. The last time Yoongi sent him a reminder, he'd been on his way to the art cafe hell-bent on getting forgiveness. And like, he did get it, so it's not like it was a fruitless endeavour. Ended up nearly getting laid in the process, but that's neither here nor there.
Yoongi sighs. "If you want a job done properly, do it yourself."
And then he's the one to invite you for dinner. "Our place. Seoyeon is dying to meet you."
You say yes in a heartbeat, as you've been dying to meet her, too. Yoongi says he'll just bypass Jeongguk next time and invite you himself, to which Jeongguk doesn't protest like you half think he will.
In fact, Jeongguk actually really likes that Yoongi considers you a part of the group. Likes that you're becoming their friend, not just his.
Jeongguk's eyes are warm as he looks over to you; teacups full of steaming americanos. Enough caffeine to keep you up for hours, but cosy enough to calm the shakes. And, just like a good cup of coffee, you find yourself always going back for more. Warm coffee might be for pussies, but maybe you'll make an exception this time.
Eventually, Yoongi shoos you both out of the studio. He's got work to finish, and you're distracting him as you mess around with the soldering pen he uses to sign his work. Neither you nor Jeongguk can really work it properly, and are just using it to write profanities on scrap wood anyways.
"You're like a pair of flirting teenagers," Yoongi scolds. He actually quite enjoys the way you banter together. It's nice seeing Jeongguk like him old self again - but he worries. Knows what happened the last time Jeongguk got a little too close to a girl who was 'just a friend' - so he deliberately makes things awkward to force a little self-reflection upon his friend. "If I didn't know the pair of you, I'd think you were fucking, or something."
The way Jeongguk glances over towards you is nefarious; a reminder that what's done in the dark should remain in the shadows.
That's the thing about Jeongguk, though. There's no hiding him. He'll shine even in the darkest of rooms - and when he's facing a girl with enough glitter to rival a mirrorball, his shine would only ever be amplified.
Still, he gags and tells Yoongi not to be a 'weirdo,' and that 'guys and girls can be friends without fucking,' and asks 'do you not have any girl friends?' then says 'like, literally, what the fuck Yoongi?' and 'take that back ' and 'we'd never fuck' and 'we're not even each other's type' and-
"You're deflecting a little hard, there, Gguk."
All you can do is laugh. Yoongi's right. He is deflecting hard.
Plus, on a technicality, you haven't fucked Jeongguk. Not really.
Which is probably a good thing, considering that when you arrive back at Jeongguk's place, there's a single bird waiting on his bed for you both.
The folds are pristine. Expert. His .
He looks at you as you read it to yourself first. Isn't sure if you're grimacing or smiling. Thinks both would be bad, given the nature of literally every single bird on his ceiling.
You eventually look up at him, and turn the bird around for him to read:
Let a friend set me up.
"So," you take a deep breath and smile. It's convincing. "Looks like I have to arrange you a blind date."
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andypantsx3 · 7 months
Hello Andy darling~~ I think you must've already heard about the tumblr selling posts to ai business and also about how changing the settings to prevent your blog data from being scraped is not that effective since they did an initial data scrape anyways... I don't wanna pressure or wrangle any answers out of you love but I was wondering what you are planning to do with your blog now?? Are your fics gonna be on ao3 now? No matter what you decide to do or what platform you chose we will always support and love you regardless. It's understandable if you won't post on tumblr anymore so as to not want your lovely fics scrapped by crappy ai. Also I was wondering what it meant for the Shouto collab you were planning to do later this year? I don't write but I was thinking of participating for our angel princess man :<
Ohh mannnn :((( This situation really sucks huh? >:((((
Hello my love!! I plan to stick around and publish fic on here still, at least until we know more!!!
You're correct though; by my understanding, Tumblr has already done a data dump of any public-facing Tumblr posts onto OpenAI, so there's not much we can do about that. Me leaving would not pull my work back out of their LLM, so I don't see a point in leaving for that reason!!
It's also highly probable that before this data dump, all of our fics would have made it into ChatGPT anyway through Common Crawl, which is confirmed to have scraped Tumblr and ao3 in 2022-2023 (and likely prior); Common Crawl is one of datasets OpenAI has said ChatGPT is trained on. I've been peripherally aware of that fact, and it's unfortunately one of the risks of putting anything on the internet these days (even your personal Google Docs content is not safe). That's just another reason I am not especially motivated to boogie out of here just yet; this is already a sort of evil most of us have accepted lol.
Going forward, there is thankfully that "prevent third party sharing option," which, if Tumblr are not being opaque little weenies about it, should stop any future fics being fed into ChatGPT or any of OpenAI's other models. So with that safety mechanism in place, I do plan to keep publishing fic here, at least for the foreseeable future!!
No worries if you'd rather not participate in the Shouto collab given the circumstances, but I will be here thirsting away, and I hope you will join me!!!
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armoricaroyalty · 8 months
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𝐕𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐄'𝐒 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 / ❛ boy crazy ❜ part two (@nexility-sims)
When Zofia walked into a room, everyone noticed. It might have been the enormity of her hair or the constant noise of her rings and bracelets or else the overwhelmingly sweet scent of her favorite body mist, but she was captivating in every sense of the word. Hannah had been jealous of her, once upon a time. It would have been impossible to grow up with her without any jealousy: next to Zofia, everyone became shabby and dull. Ranks didn't matter at all, no title or royal honor could ever compete with that kind of natural charisma. Hannah loved her, but there had been days when she'd hated her, too. Now, though, she was only grateful. When Zofia walked in, nobody noticed the rest of them slipping out.
read part one here
author's note: @nexility-sims and I have been working on the zofia/rui romance since....early 2022? some time in 2021? since #rufia has completely dominated 2/3 of our joint brain power for years, it seemed fitting to finally let them out of our DM's to celebrate Love Day Valentine's Day. Happy V-Day, everyone!
Transcript under the cut.
CHEF | Aren't long nails against dress code, anyway? SERVER | [laughs] Girl, I don't give a fuuu— SERVER | You wanna know who else is wearing acrylics tonight? CHEF | [bored] I dunno, who? SERVER | Oh, nobody, just the Princess Zofia. CHEF | [gasps] CHEF | Shut. Up. You actually talked to her? What was she like? SERVER | She's fucking gorgeous. Like, obviously, but up close, she's even more beautiful. CHEF | Yeah, yeah, but what was she like? SERVER | Okay, so I didn't actually talk to her because she was all over her new boyfriend. They were like, so into each other. It was so sweet. CHEF | Really? I heard it's just a PR relationship so people will think she's over Sigis. SERVER | No way! They're obviously crazy abut each other. You can't fake— UNIDENTIFIED MAN | [offscreen] EVERYBODY OUT! HUGO | What, do I gotta say it again? All of you, clear out! HANNAH | [sighs] Please excuse us. HANNAH | My cousin and I need somewhere to speak privately. Will you please excuse us for a moment? CHEF | ??? SERVER | [shrugs] HUGO | ...anyway, did you see it? HANNAH | See what? HUGO | That stupid little hair flip. He did it a million times. HANNAH | He's growing it out for her. HUGO | Really? Hard to believe, he's so fucking vain. HANNAH | She told me she asked him to grow it long. [deep, beleaguered sigh] She thinks it's sexy. HUGO | What, are you for real? HANNAH | Oh yeah. She's always had a thing for guys with long hair. HUGO | ...huh. HANNAH | Anyway...what's your take? Personally, I don't see what she sees in him. HUGO | [snorts] He's better than Marshall. HANNAH | That's the world's lowest bar. Subterranean, in fact. HUGO | So what are we going to do? HANNAH | He's not a dog, we can't just run him off. HUGO | Well, you can't, but maybe if I— PIDGE | [offscreen] HEY! What are you two talking about? PIDGE | ...and why are you hanging out in the kitchen? ARTHUR | ....hi. HUGO | [icily] Farrier. HANNAH | It's late, Pidge. What are you still doing up? PIDGE | Uh, excuse you. Mama said I can stay until midnight. ARTHUR | ...you two aren't talking about Rui and Zofie, are you? HUGO | ... HANNAH | ...no. PIDGE | You two are such LIARS! PIDGE | Both of you are judgy control freaks! I thought he was really nice. HUGO | He could barely string a sentence together. ARTHUR | I mean...Armorican is his third or fourth language, isn't it? HUGO | Whatever! He gives me the creeps. HANNAH | Well, she says she's in love. HUGO | [scoffs] In love? They've known each other for six months. PIDGE | So? What if it was love at first sight? HANNAH | [exasperated] Pidge— HUGO | Just ignore her, she's fourteen. PIDGE | For your information, I'm fifteen. And I'll be sixteen in May, sooo— HUGO | Yeah, a baby— ARTHUR | Can I remind everyone that Zofia is twenty-two? She's an adult, she can make her own choices, and this is none of our business. HUGO | You're right, Farrier. It's none of your business. HANNAH | [offscreen] Hugo, enough. PIDGE | [mouthing] Rude. HANNAH | Arthur, what was your read? ARTHUR | I don't know, and I don't want to form a judgment until I've actually gotten to know him. He seems...fine? On par with the other guys she's dated. HANNAH | [sighs] "On par with all her other boyfriends" is the entire problem. HANNAH | I just don't want her to get hurt again. This happens every time, you know? She falls hard and fast and then the guy turns out to be a scum-sucking lowlife. PIDGE | [laughs] Hellooooo, what about Van? He was— HANNAH | Probably thw worst of all of them. Trust me, Pigeon. He's...he's no good. HUGO | [jokingly] You see, baby bird? That's why you're not allowed to date until you're thirty and why Hannah's gonna join a convent— PIDGE | No way, that's not fair. HANNAH | [tiredly] Hugo, shut up. No one asked. PIDGE | Yeah, Hugo. No one asked. ARTHUR | Look, I think we should at least give the guy a chance. HANNAH | [sighs] I guess we owe her that much. PIDGE | Guys, I actually talked to him, and trust me: he is like, sooo nice. HUGO | ... HUGO | I bet I could take him. PIDGE | Hey! Hannah, did you hear what he just said—
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aerodaltonimperial · 4 months
Listen, Imma be real with y'all for a second.
In 2022, the Chrono Cross remaster came out for PS4. And that summer, I wrote a 50k epic about my two favorites from twenty years ago and dropped it on a long-dead fandom for an absolute rarepair. It was one of the most ridiculous, fruitless things I've ever written. I knew very few people would read it. I think I never got more than 50 hits on it. I did it anyway, because it was fun and I had a great time and I knew it was good. And then I got into wrestling, so I sort of never looked back at it, because I was writing other things.
I cannot tell you how many times I have opened up my AO3 account in the past... 6 months or so, and thought, so, people were only my friends while I was writing what they wanted, huh? I stopped writing this, and people just fled? I have opened up my old Hookhausen fics and sat with one finger hovering over the delete button so many times, because if that's all people cared about from me, I was gonna nuke it out of spite. I'm not necessarily proud of it, but it's felt awful this past half a year writing in such a bubble, and as my therapist can attest to, when I feel hurt, I lash out to hurt other people in turn. Vamp is the only reason I won't do it. But it's been so hard being plunged back into writing alone after so long of people caring what I was doing. It felt like writing that CC fic again, only this time, I knew that people had simply lost interest. In me as a person, really.
Fic is the only place I feel worth anything as a writer. Years of failure, and fandom is my only source of positive feelings about my own words and my own work. It's hard to lose that, especially in the wake of giving up a decade-long dream. It's HARD to lose the only thing keeping you going with a hobby, and I'll be the first to admit that I haven't been handling it well. I used fandom interaction on my fic to help fill all the pieces left exposed and smarting from failing at trad pub over and over and over. It's not a bad thing to do, really - a lot of writers suggest doing this, to help build motivation and confidence while trying to get published. But it only works when there are people there to read your fic, haha. Fandom, for me, has been contributing to my depression symptoms big time. At one point, my therapist suggested maybe I should step out of fandom and fic writing, because it was spiraling my mental health. And to have him tell me that, after our years together, really opened my eyes to how bad it had gotten for me in regards to my self-worth and self-confidence.
I got a comment on that CC fic this morning. It happens so rarely that it really caught me off-guard, but it was one of the nicest things ever, and I sat reading it thinking... okay. This is worth it, isn't it? That fic has been there for years, garnering so little attention it wouldn't have mattered if I had deleted it. I was reminded this morning that it does matter. That single comment on an obscure fandom that peaked twenty years ago and still never had many people in it, made me feel like spending my time in fandom is still something worth doing. I can't thank that reader enough for taking the time to leave it for me. If you ever think that your interaction with people's work doesn't matter, I hope this helps you feel differently. Maybe people aren't reading your fics right now, but maybe they'll find a fic you poured your heart and soul into a couple of years later.
Not sure why I am posting this LOL. I expect people will unfollow me. Sometimes, I feel like I can't talk about these things without seeming like a bitch, but y'all already know I'm a bitch anyway. 🤣 We write fic because we love it, because we adore the source material, because we have passion for the characters. But we post because we want to share and connect with people. It just feels so much like that second part has somehow gotten lost recently. Anyway. Back to your regularly scheduled Tumblr lives. 💚
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sidewayspeace444 · 8 months
If I may speak. I want everyone to take a good look at these "real blogs" and how they conduct themselves.
They have nonstop claimed to have insider and private info on this man for the first time in decades, and then when the info is not matching or is wrong, or they don't deliver, they gaslight people and claim they never said it. They twist words and constantly play victim.
Since November they have not been informed clearly of anything with this "couple". Why? Because the narrative does not need selling anymore. Usually that's a signal it's coming to an end. I hate to tell you, but hollywood uses fans all the time for PR. But this one got out of hand because of the people they used to push the narrative. Clearly those blogs felt that justified their targeted attacks and bullying on other people. It's outrageous.
A blog simply said that Scott was watching Dodger in LA, as per a zoom he did with a fan (he does those on cameo) . This prompted Lonesome to attack that blog and act like they "Don't know anything" about Chris, and they proceeded to post 6 year old doggy daycare footage of his pet. In order to prove what? I leave my pet at daycare and have a decade (for various pets) No one has access to a fucking camera from a pet daycare unless you own an animal there. Which means she either illegally obtained that content or someone working there violated their job for clout. Either way, you can be sued.
On top of that, she and her minion Claire targeted the other blog and accused them of making "nonstop accounts" and then tried to pretend their own browser history was that of the other blog. Do they really think that you can just hack into someone's computer and see their browsing? These people are insane and unhinged. That was their own browser history, not the other blog, not to mention they posted it being 1:00 am, Oh you hacked into someone's computer when she was sleeping huh? . And let's remember LQ and Claire are the ones who have continuously stalked that other blog and a few others, and constantly post screen shots of everything they do. This is targeted harassment, this is so far beyond "real or PR" sides. This is nonsense. What people need to be doing is reporting those damn psychotic blogs and stop giving them attention. Cut it off. They are over the line. There's plenty of people here who may view this stunt differently, but going after people just because they knew something you didn't, and trying to boast that you have private footage of this man's animal is another level of Sick. And frankly she should be torn down for that alone.
The PR blogs you may not agree with everything they do , but they have not behaved like these other blogs, not even close.
Lonesome and her minions need to just go away and never come back.
Who and what is Claire? Irrelevant.
I’ve seen the Scott photo myself. All three of them. It existed. I don’t care if people decide to shade me, or post indirect messages or not. It doesn’t follow certain peoples narratives or ideas, and that’s exactly what pisses others off.
I don’t care what Lonesome thinks or believes. If she wants to live in a fantasy bubble that this is true luv 💙 then go for it, but when you openly attack people for the very same thing you have been doing in the past, then you should be called out.
I’m still waiting on that Tomas photo from June of 2022.
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One of Your Kind (Ch. 6)
Ch. 1 | Ch. 2 | Ch. 3 | Ch. 4 | Ch. 5 | Ch. 6 | Ch. 7 | Ch. 8 | Ch. 9 | Ch. 10
Word count: 4.1K
Summary: the year started out amazingly, and even with some obstacles you manage to go through a beautiful valentine’s day.
Warnings: make out session, gunshot wound
Pairing: Jenna Ortega X Fem!Reader
January 2022
Well, the year definitely did start on a good note. After you shared that beautiful kiss exactly at midnight, you stayed outside of the door watching the beautiful fireworks that were adorning that amazing night. You kept your arm around her, she leaned her head on your shoulder as both of you just stayed quiet, a huge smile plastered on your faces as Jenna took a look at the flowers. “I can’t believe you did this for me” Jenna said once the fireworks were over “I had to make up for how I treated you. My plan was to arrive at 7.30 but my plane was late, and I’m glad I still made it in time to kiss you as soon as midnight stroke” you said and smiled slightly, you weren’t the romantic kind of person, but she brought out the best part of you. “It was the best surprise I could ever receive” she said and you smiled, reaching up to cup her cheek and caress it, but then you saw her shiver “you should get back inside” you said as you brushed your hands on her shoulder to create some friction so she could feel warmer.
“I have an hotel room booked so I’ll see you in the morning” you added and she immediately looked up at you. “Come inside? You can sleep with me, we have space. Please? I would like to introduce you to my family” she said and took your hand. You smiled nervously but then nodded, you weren’t expecting to meet her family now, you barely even shared a kiss after all. Jenna smiled brightly seeing you nod and as soon as you turned around to get in the house, you found one of Jenna’s sisters staring at you two. “OH MY GOD SHUT UP” she said and jumped up and down excitedly “did you two kiss!?” The girl asked her sister, and you blushed only to see Jenna nod shyly as well. “FINALLY! Jenna has been talking about wanting to be more with you for ever. I’m Mia by the way” “(Y-Y/N), nice to meet you” the three of you then got in the house and you were expecting anything but this huge family of hers and your cheeks had turned the color of a tomato.
“Guys…” Jenna called, the Family was celebrating the happy new year, and they were all kind of dancing but as soon as they heard Jenna’s voice they all turned around and saw her holding a huge bouquet of roses and then they saw you. “This is (Y/N), she’s the girl I was telling you about” Jenna said hinting a smile, as she looked at you with heart eyes. “Hello uhm… happy new year’s” you giggled nervously “it’s good to finally meet you” you said and scratched the back of your neck, it was a nervous habit of yours. “Oh dear it’s good to finally meet you too! Jenna’s told us all about you. Actually now that I remember she has been talking about you ever since you were on set for The Fallout, it’s good to finally give a face to your name” she said and held out her hand for you to shake which you accepted. “She has huh?” You glanced back at Jenna and was surprised to see her smiling.
The night was spent amazingly and you got to know the whole family, Jenna’s nephews too and as you really loved kids you found yourself playing with them, and useless to say that Jenna only had eyes for you. Out of all people in the house, which she barely saw recently, she only had eyes for you and you couldn’t believe that out of all the people she knew, she fell for you, she fell for you and you fell for her. You fell for her after swearing you wouldn’t fall for anyone else but it was hard, when the person wanting to win your heart was Jenna and she won your heart the moment you laid your eyes on her. She has always been the most perfect human being and you couldn’t be happier that she loved you for who you were.
You were incredibly tired, having been awake for more that 24 hours and your eyelids started drooping the moment they started playing table games. As much as you wanted to join them, you couldn’t help but yawn every two seconds and lucky for you, Jenna’s mother noticed that “I think you should go to sleep. (Y/N) you have been up for a while, you don’t have to stay up if you don’t feel like it” she said and put a gentle hand on your shoulder. You nodded and Jenna came over “come on let’s go sleep” Jenna said and took your hand, taking you upstairs to her room and as soon as the door to her room closed behind you, you remembered, “shit I don’t have my pajama” you said “It was a last minutes decision, I really forgot to make a suitcase” you laughed at yourself, but lucky for you Jenna had you covered. “Just take one of my shirts and pants” she giggled and you went to her closets to grab something comfy.
As you were searching, Jenna had already put on her pajama and got in bed. It didn’t take you much to do the same and slide under the covers next to her. Both of you were lucky enough that she had a king sized bed but it didn’t matter, because the two of you had moved in close to each other. You laid down on your back though your head was turned to look at her, and Jenna was holding herself up on her elbow, her other hand found place on your hip and she pulled you in closer, making you slightly blush. You weren’t used to this, your ex didn’t treat you like this. As soon as you touched the bed it was immediate sex, there weren’t cuddles, there wasn’t aftercare… and just now you were experiencing what love actually felt like, and you couldn’t help the question that came up. “Why me?” You asked her and she looked ay you confused, as she used the thumb of the hand that was placed on your hip to gently caress you. “What do you mean?”
“Out of all the people you know, out of all the actors.. why me?” The question had Jenna smiling “because, my dear…” Jenna started, her hand moving up your side and then your cheek, shivering under her touch “out of all the actors, the crew, my friends… you’re the only one that has captured my heart” she said and you blushed, covering your face with one hand. “There are a lot of directors… a lot of girls around here but… you’re one of your kind. You’re my type of girl… I mean, Italian girls are known to be the hottest so…” you blushed even more and giggled, biting your own lip to suppress the nervous laughter “stop it” you said and looked right in her eyes and she only smiled more “never” she whispered and leaned down to kiss you again, hand caressing your cheek and you reciprocated the kiss, your hand moving to the back of her head to bring her closer, and she happily obliged.
At some point Jenna climbed on top of you, knees on each of your sides as her left hand took a hold of your other cheek while her right hand slowly went back to its place on your hip. This was turning into a very hot make out session and honestly you were all in. Then she moved her lips, kissing your jaw, then your ear and then she started placing soft kisses on your neck “Jen…” you whispered, and she caressed your cheek again, for good measure. “Shh….” She said and sucked on your neck, sure to leave a mark on your pulse point… useless to say that she found the most sensitive spot on your neck already when she heard your breath falter. The hand that was on your hip slid under your shirt and you gasped feeling her cold hand on your hot skin, the hand slowly going up to your bra, but you suddenly felt scared. “No, Jen wait” you said and moved back, sitting up as Jenna climbed off of you, looking at you confused. “I’m… not ready for that yet” you said, looking at her with guilt in your eyes. You wanted that, you did, but you weren’t ready.
She looked at you confused, but eventually she realized why you weren’t ready. “Oh. Oh, I’m so sorry (Y/N), I’m so sorry” she said and hugged you. You were still traumatized from what your ex did to you and even if you did trust Jenna, it was still gonna take some time. “It’s okay Jen really, you couldn’t have known” you reassured her. Soon enough she pulled back and caressed your cheek “are you sure?” You nodded and leaned in for the touch “yes I’m sure” you kissed the palm of her hand “let’s just get some sleep yeah?” You smiled and she did the same, you laid down and spooned her, kissing her cheek and whispering “good night Jen”
Three days after you had to go back on set with her. Jenna had expected paparazzi at the airport and that’s exactly what happened. As soon as the two of you got out of the car Jenna was immediately surrounded, luckily they were too focused on her to notice you and on one hand you were glad. You didn’t know if Jenna wanted to make the relationship public, but you definitely didn’t want Jenna’s name to be put under a bad light because of you. You were scared for her reputation. Jenna had her bodyguards and she was making her way through the airport, easily making her way ignoring the paparazzi and you stayed behind and slightly away from the crowd. You were feeling slightly overwhelmed, but luckily it soon ended when you and her reached the gate and you took a deep sigh. “How do you do this every time?” You asked her and looked around, she shrugged a little “I’m used to it by now”
as you boarded the private jet you spoke again. “Must be nice on one hand though. People appreciate your work, they love you” Jenna immediately caught your hint, and took your hand in hers “hey… after Wednesday’s out you’ll get the positive recognition you deserve… I promise you” she said and you nodded, giving her a small smile. Luckily there weren’t paparazzi in Romania so you weren’t stressed out. It had been a long, tiring flight after all and both of you were exhausted, but the next morning Jenna had to film and you had to work so you said your goodnights to each other and went to sleep.
The next morning when you went on set you had to film the dance scene, and you knew that Jenna had been stressing herself a lot over it, she wanted to do it perfectly. As soon as you arrived on set though, she looked… different. She waved at you with a small, weak smile as you walked closer to her. She was already in her dress for the dance and she looked gorgeous, you wanted nothing more than to take her and kiss her, but you couldn’t. “Are you okay? You look… pale” you said and she glared at you. “I’m not feeling really well. I feel weak, my throat aches and I can barely breathe” you put a hand on her forehead and sighed. “You’re warm. Did you take the covid test?” She nodded and looked at you, “I did, I’m waiting for the result. But they still wanted me to film so here I am” she shrugged and you sighed, she was already overworking herself over this dance scene and now that she was sick, it was even worst.
The scene was filmed smoothly, Jenna performing at her best even when she was sick but you were worried. If it was covid you were even more worried, not for yourself, you didn’t give a damn about it. Right now you needed Jenna to be okay and if it was Covid, it could be dangerous. The scene was shot perfectly in one take and you were glad, because Jenna didn’t look like she could handle much more. As soon as Cut was called you walked over. “Are you okay?” You asked her, seeing she was even paler than earlier and she was sweaty. “I’m fine-“ she said, but she didn’t finish her sentence that her legs gave up beneath her and she fell in your arms, she was lucky you caught her “you’re definitely not fine” you said and held her up, she didn’t pass out and was still conscious “I’m taking you to your trailer” you said and eventually everyone did hear you. “You’re not taking her anywhere, she needs to film-“ one of the crew member said and you shot him a glare. “She’s sick! She can barely hold herself up, how do you expect her to film like this?” You basically shouted and he grinned.
“Don’t you think we all went to work sick at one point of our lives? If we can do that then she can too.” That’s what got you really angry. “Apparently your conditions weren’t as bad as hers. For all we know, it could be covid. Do you want to be that sick too? Or even worst? It doesn’t take much really, just take your fucking mask off” you said angrily and you saw as the guy got visibly upset. “You’ll watch your words with me, or-“ “or what? You’ll tell the director?” You smirked. “I’m your director. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m taking Jenna to her trailer to have some rest” you said and with the help of the other actors you had Jenna climb on your back so you could take her to her trailer. By the time you got there, Jenna was burning hot and you laid her on her bed as you looked at her with worried eyes, she looked distressed and you just wanted fo give her some sort of relief but now you just unzipped her dress and helped her take it off, she had a black shirt and pants under it and you decided to leave that on. It was some light clothing but it would work.
“You should leave… you don’t want to get sick too” Jenna said and you shook your head “Jen we kissed multiple times yesterday, if anything I’m already sick. I might as well never test positive but I don’t care I’m not leaving you alone like this” you said and pulled the covers up, going to grab a cloth and wet it with some cool water as you then put it on her forehead. You still had your mask on for safety measures, but that didn’t stop you from being close to her. “Just try and get some sleep okay? I’ll be here if you need anything. I’m not leaving” you reassured her as you laid next to her on top of the covers. She did get some sleep and whenever she had nightmares you would be there to calm her down, and it went like this for a whole week. She did test positive for Covid but you always tested negative and always went to work, always making some time for her: you took her soups, medicines and what not and she couldn’t be more in love with you, on the other hand you couldn’t wait till she was better so you could kiss her.
The occasion came soon enough, when a week later after she tested positive you went to her trailer to bring her the medicines she was supposed to take but as soon as you knocked and she opened the door, she pulled you inside and then slammed you against the door once she had closed it. She looked at you for permission before she could kiss you. She knew your boundaries and didn’t want to go further than a simple make out session, but still she always asked for permission. “Did you test Negative?” You asked her. Her face definitely had more color, she looked rested so that was an immediate yes, but she confirmed it even more when she nodded. You smiled brightly from under the mask and took it off, Jenna immediately leaned in to kiss you passionately and you wrapped your arms around her neck, your hand through her hair to keep her close to you and her hands took place on your hips, before picking you up, she was small but she surely had strength. You wrapped your legs around her waist and giggled slightly.
The heavy make out session soon turned into neck kisses from Jenna, she loved to suck on your pulse point and leave marks right under your ear knowing it was the most sensitive spot and she loved to hear your small whimpers when she did so, and she continued doing so until both of you went to sleep. You didn’t notice the marks on your neck until next morning. “Looks like someone had fun last night” Emma teased, and you looked at her confused, she took out her phone so you could see yourself in the reflex and when you did you noticed the marks on your neck. “Crap-“ you said and tried to find a way to cover it, luckily you had a scarf. “So-“ you interrupted her before she could start again “we didn’t do anything! It was just… a make out session.. a very hot one, perhaps” you whispered the last part of it and watched how Emma jumped around excitedly, with you blushing.
February 2022
Valentine’s day was close by and everyone on set was making such a big deal out of it. You definitely were going to do something with Jenna or at least for her, given the fact that it was a day like any other and she had to be on set but you knew what you were gonna get her. A diamond necklace, and you were sure that with that you’d win her heart even more than you already have. You went to a jewelry there in Romania and found the perfect necklace. It had a heart shaped diamond pendant and you knew that she’d definitely love it and wear it every day. Happy with your choice you got out of the jewelry, but you never expected what was to come in front of you. A guy pointing a gun at you, you raised your arms in fear as you gulped “hey, put the gun down” he mumbled something in Romanian which you didn’t understand, but you tried to step away.
He got visibly angrier and shouted “okay okay I’ll give you whatever you want, just don’t shoot” apparently he didn’t understand because he shot anyway and caught your stomach, though it was more on your left side. The impact left you breathless, and as you tried to stand still the guy took anything of value you had, the necklace you had gotten Jenna too, and then left. Luckily your pain tolerance was high, and you managed to not pass out. In the mean time people inside the jewelry and other shops had heard everything, and seeing you bleeding they called an ambulance. You fought so hard to stay conscious and you managed for a while until the ambulance arriver. When they did you passed out. However the situation wasn’t too critical, the bullet hadn’t hit anything important and there was an exit wound, so they just had to patch you up.
When you woke up you decided that it was finally time to call Jenna, you knew she’d be worried as hell but you had to tell her. “(Y/N) where are you? You’ve been gone all morning!” She said and you smiled just hearing her voice. “Hey Jen, don’t get too worried, I’m at the hospital” you said and you knew, even if you couldn’t see her, that she had froze. Her silence confirmed it for you. “W-what? What happened?” She said and you heard the jingling of her keys. “I’ll tell you when you get here, I don’t want to make you too worried-“ she hung up the call, and you knew she was coming there and in less then 15 minutes she was rushing in your room. You were alert, in a little bit of pain but it wasn’t anything you couldn’t bare. She rushed inside looking so worried and you nearly laughed “what the hell happened?” She said and sat down on the chair next to your bed “calm down, I’m fine” you could see the tears in her eyes. “I’m fine really” you reassured and squeezed her hand softly.
“Tell me what happened” she said again and you nodded “I had gone to town to get a valentine’s present for you and when I got out of the shop a dude with a gun was threatening me… I tried to tell him that I’d give him whatever he wanted but he didn’t understand me, he shot me and took everything I had, gift included” you said and she looked even more worried as she squeezed your hand “he s-shot you? Are you hurt? Are you in any pain?” She tempested you with questions and you smiled, seeing her worry like this made you feel kind of special. “I’m fine Jen seriously. The bullet didn’t hit anything important, I had an exit wound so the doctors just had to patch me up” you showed her the bandaid and she sighed of relief, gently tracing the outline of your bandage as a couple tears left her eyes, out of relief as you brought a hand up to caress her cheek and wipe the tears “I’m fine, don’t cry please” you said and she looked up at you, before leaning closer to hug you tightly.
You got discharged pretty soon a couple days after on Valentines’s day, but you had to stay home and not overwork yourself, but you had to go buy the necklace again. The dude owning the jewelry recognized you and given what you went through, he didn’t let you pay for the necklace and gifted it to you, and you couldn’t be more grateful. You still gave the guy some money for his kindness. Jenna didn’t know that you would be discharged today, but you planned on buying her favorite flowers and get on set when you knew she would be finishing filming. You stayed outside of her trailer, sitting on the stairs as to not stress your body. Jenna soon arrived and saw you sitting on the stairs, You were hiding the flowers and the gift behind you. “(Y/N)? What are you doing here?” She asked with a small smile, and you pouted jokingly. “What you don’t want me here?” You giggled and you stood up, holding out the flowers and the gift “I got discharged today, and it’s Valentine’s Day so…” you shrugged and she took the gift, she looked surprised, she was definitely expecting anything but a jewel.
“Come on let’s get inside” she said smiling as she took your hand, helping you with the stairs of her trailer as she guessed you were still in some pain, and she was right because you did grunt once but she was there to help you and you sat on her couch as she opened the gift, and when she saw the diamond heart pendant her jaw dropped “(Y/N) this is- this is amazing” she looked at you with heart eyes, she looked like she was about to cry “do you need me to help you put it on?” You asked and saw how she nodded eagerly at your question. She sat down on the couch in front of you and you moved her hair out of the way, putting the necklace on and then kissing the back of her neck, which made her both shiver and giggle “now I feel guilty though… I only got you a box of chocolates” she really did feel guilty and you saw it in her eyes when she turned around to look at you “you don’t have to feel guilty… I love chocolate. I just wanted you to feel special… which is why I’m going to ask you this… I know it is basically confirmed now but…”
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
A/N: welllll this chapter was interesting to write, but not as interesting as last one. Next one will have some angst and a nee character will be introduced👀 hope you like this one for now!
Tags: @idkjustliving2 @tundra1029 @engenelxver @rainbow-love4ever @gimaximoff @smromanoff @wol-fica @lum13 @eviekensington @i984
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Which members promotions were your favorite so far? Hobi might win for me because that listening party was super fun and Lollapalooza was crazy. Also More sits at the same table as SMFpt2 for me as far as being really shocking and exciting when it dropped!
Hi Anon!
Nothing beats Yoongi’s D-DAY tour for me. My god what an experience. I was fortunate to attend multiple stops and I still have fever dreams in the middle of the day remembering how hard I was screaming along to Burn It and Huh, how my friend burst into tears during Snooze, how I choked up a bit during Life Goes On and finally lost it on The Last. The encore tours gave me the emotional equivalent of a blood transfusion. Seeing Jimin, Namjoon, and Jungkook on stage in a proper concert setting for the first time in almost a year, was really the best parting gift and I’ll always be grateful to Yoongi for it. I love that man very, very much.
That cute practice session Yoongi did for the ‘I’m so cute’ or whatever challenge with Jimin too, subbing ARMYs with screaming plushies and the live he did reading fan messages teasing us about his seven tattoo… and then that cheeky reveal after the tour ended…
Yoongi gave me everything and more with his album and the tour.
Other members too:
- SeokJin going to Argentina to promote The Astronaut with Coldplay was incredible. The planning and organizing behind that feat couldn’t have been easy but somehow they made it work and LatAm ARMYs were finally able to see at least one Tannie for the first time in a long while. That really was amazing.
- Taehyung’s Tiny Desk performances are 🤌🏽
- I loved how Jimin really thought outside the box with his promotions, choosing to go on many really fun Korean variety shows. These are shows BTS either hadn’t done ever or in something like 5 years. A lot of my K-ARMY friends loved how Jimin seemed to prioritize them fully in ways that hadn’t been done for a while.
- I tried hard to attend Joon’s small concert but work commitments didn’t allow that possibility, but I also really love his promotion choices. My partner (surprisingly) has become a tiny bit obsessed with Joon’s Tiny Desk performance lol, so I suspect Joon has gained a new fan.
- Think I’ve already talked about how Hobipalooza was the concert highlight of 2022 for me. Hobi had such a short time to put everything together, and I’m proud of him for going out of his comfort zone a bit sending out invites and throwing the launch party. I loved seeing him just celebrate his success, seeing the other members chill out and have a good time.
- It was nice seeing that at least one member did not forget Europe exists with their promotions (😭), so I’m glad Jungkook could make the trip over to promote Seven in the UK.
The rapline’s album projects are easily some of the best releases this year in any genre for me. And I’m not even trying to be biased. Corroborated by critics reviews, each album is a solid, cohesive, and cerebrally stimulating piece of art and I’m so proud of them for putting it together. It’s easy to see how BTS has become the biggest band in the world when you have these three men who can stand as respected artists in their own right, being the bedrock of the music created by BTS for the last 10 years.
Jimin’s debut with FACE ended k-pop in 2023. I’m not sure if you’re aware, but the industry as we know it, life as we know it, Jimin as we knew him, ended in March 2023. What Jimin did with Set Me Free Pt 2 still gives me goosebumps when I think about it. That song was a warning shot, a small mercy to the industry to warn them in advance of who Jimin is prepared to become as a solo artist and as Jimin of BTS, and I cannot overstate how excited I am for his next project. FACE as an album is the complete package. His songs are just good. Like, actually good. Good enough to play anywhere and any time. That’s the kind of music Jimin makes. Imagine hearing Face-off in a concert arena… imagine hearing the intro play before he comes on stage. Can you even imagine….
Lol I’m starting to hurt myself with these imagines.
Taehyung’s album too is very good (though these days it only gets plays from me in the evenings). And while Seven isn’t my favorite release, it’s still a well made song that Jungkook of course has done a phenomenal job with. Twice now he’s had to promote it outdoors in very bad weather and he’s kept his vocals stable and well projected. He’s working hard and I’m hoping it translates well into work done for his solo album debut later this year.
I have almost no complaints in the debut solo showcases from all the members, in their promotion styles, and in the overall presentation. These albums were all very decent and respectable first showings from the members of the biggest group in the world. The response from the general public and professional critics has been very favourable, and the fandom has supported each member to be as successful as one would expect for anyone from BTS.
I’m a very happy ARMY in Chapter 2 ^_^
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