#25 Days of Imagines
kinzis-writing · 9 months
Christmas Tree Farm | Josh Allen
Kinzi's 25 Days of Christmas: Blogmas Day 4
It is Y/N's first Christmas living with her fiance, Josh. Y/N had a Christmas tradition to wear her family and/or friends always went to a Christmas tree farm to pick out their live tree. Y/N is sad when she feels her tradition has to stop because of a new developed allergy to her favorite kind of Christmas trees. Josh makes it his mission to keep the tradition alive, even if he has to improvise a little.
Pairing: Josh Allen (Bills/NFL) x Fem! Fiance! Reader
Warning(s): mentions of allergies? Christmas traditions, and I think that is all.
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Christmas was Y/N's favorite time of year. She loved living in New York because it had a higher chance of snow then what she was used too, where she was from the south. This was her first Christmas in her new house, well their new house. It wasn't new, but it was new to Y/N because she had moved in with her fiancé after six months of being engaged and wedding planning. Everything was perfect, until Y/N had an allergic reaction to something that she used to love and was forced to get allergy tested. Y/N was devastated when her allergy test came back that she was allergic to the type of trees that she loved to use as her live Christmas trees every year.
Looking back, she should have known something had changed. As she kept what she thought was a sinus infection all winter until she took her tree down. She was just in denial and refused to think it was an allergy. Her love for the holiday still existed, but it saddened her to not be able to have a live Christmas tree just like all those years of traditions.
"Josh, I already told you that I'll decorate this weekend. It's going to take me until after Christmas to find a free that I like." Y/N complained as Josh had mentioned them going to the store and finding Christmas decorations for their house. He had known the toll the allergy results had taken on his fiancé, and he hated that there was nothing he could do to fix it. "Going to the store isn't the same as going to the tree farm." She mumbled in disappointment.
"I'm sorry, baby." Josh mumbled leaning over a placing a tender kiss on her head. "I know how much it bothers you to have to discontinue a tradition you've had since you were a kid, but maybe we can start a new tradition?" He suggested hoping to make her feel better. "One of our own."
Y/N gave her husband a small smile. She was beyond grateful to have someone like Josh in her life, "Thank you, Joshy." she replied to him. "I just, it's such a big part of this Holiday that it stings a bit to let it go."
Once brunch was finished, Josh headed out to go meet his teammates for workout and practice. Y/N had been around his teammates plenty of times, whether that be after games, or at parties or hang outs. She was the closest to Stefon, which is why Josh had taken the problem to his teammate and asked for help. During their workout, the two men talked about what they could do to help Y/N feel better.
It had taken them a while to figure out how to keep her tradition but make it to where her allergies would not bother her. Until the men had an idea, once they approved that it was worth a try. They had a plan in motion and pulled some strings. Which is why when Josh came home from practice all smiles, Y/N was a bit unsure of what had happened that day.
"What's got you in a good mood?" Y/N asked, wanting to know what had happened that day.
Josh gave her a smile as he walked forward and wrapped his arms around her. "Get ready, I'm taking you out." Josh replied giving her a quick kiss before letting her go get ready.
It was cold in New York, so Y/N dressed warm and put on some makeup really fast. She didn't feel like going out but she would see what Josh had planned. She knew that her fiancé was only trying to make her feel better about the whole situation.
The couple left once Y/N had gotten ready and they had warmed up the car. Josh then handed her a blindfold, to which she protested at first but eventually gave in knowing that he was trying to make her feel better.
"Where are we?" Y/N asked once the car had stopped, probably after around 30 minutes, and Josh was helping her out.
"You'll see." Josh promised as the two continued walking with Y/N being led by Josh. He stopped her at the entrance that him and stefon had threw together. He carefully took Y/N's blind fold off.
Y/N stood in shock at what she was looking at. A light snow dusted the ground making it even better. A homemade sign reading "Christmas Tree Farm" hung up over a simple but cute arch that was clearly homemade as well. At least a dozen artificial trees were stuck in the ground, with who knows what, but she could tell that they weren't the cheaper trees that she had been looking at. These trees actually looked like the real Christmas trees that she usually used.
"I know this still isn't the same, but I wanted to try to make you happy." Josh rambled as he got nervous when his fiance did not say anything.
"It's perfect." she spoke softly, tears welling in her eyes. She turned to face her man with a grin. "This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, thank you."
A smile grew on Josh's face, "I'd do anything for you baby." He assured.
"Hey!" A voice broke the couple out of their moment. "I helped too." The voice of their best friend reminded.
Y/N smiled at her man's teammate, "Thank you, Stefon." she thanked him before walking and giving him a hug as well.
"You're welcome, anything for Mrs. Allen." He shrugged but then smirked when he noticed how red her face had gotten from his comment.
Y/N made her way back to Josh as they made small talk and walked around the homemade farm to pick out the Christmas tree that they would be decorating for their living room. Once she had found the perfect tree, Josh had gotten the tree to their house and got it set up in the place that she was wanting it.
"Thank you again, Joshy." Y/N spoke up as the pair decorated the tree together. "I know I was a downer this morning, and I am so sorry. But I am forever thankful for what you created." she promised.
Josh gave her grin knowing how much his plan had helped her get over her sadness. It was all he was hoping for because he knew how much Y/N loved Christmas. "When I say I would do anything for you, I seriously mean that I will do anything for you." Josh explained. "I love you and I promise to take care of you and fulfill your needs and wants. You're my world, and you always will be."
Author's note: This could have ended better, but I have been trying to write so many of these and I keep on getting behind. Also, I have to go back to the doctor tomorrow because they think I have a heart condition, so I have to go get that checked out at 10 in the morning. This past week I had multiple tests done to check my heart so I have been stressed out since I went to the dr the first time. I'm hoping for good news but you never know.
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rebelliousstories · 5 months
25 Days of Ficmas
Relationship: Louis Pointe du Lac x Reader, Lestat de Lioncourt x Reader
Fandom: Interview With The Vampire
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff, Light Angst
Word Count: 910
Masterlist: Here
Summary: Claudia has requested that everyone get along for one night. Hopefully, they can make her Christmas wish come true.
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Every Christmas, Claudia was given any and every present she desired. New dresses, dolls, fabulous art; you name it she had it. And since being gifted a mother figure, she only had one wish for Christmas. Well, one main wish. She wanted everyone to play night and have a family night in for Christmas. Her two papas and mama bickered constantly. Louis tended to isolate himself from the other two, but she never went without love from them.
Oh, they would pretend in front of her, but she knew that they would argue when she retreated into her coffin for the evening. They would try to keep their voices down in the beginning but inevitably, they would start shouting at some point. One night, Claudia hit her breaking point. Her papas and mama had been arguing for hours. The sun had almost risen, and they still were not done. Crawling out of her bed, she held her doll tight as she made her way to the living room where the adults stood.
“All he is asking is that you don’t bring Claudia along with you to hunt all the time, Les. Please, she’s an impressionable young lady and it’s Christmas. Will you please calm down for an evening?” Her mama pleaded, grasping Lestat’s hands in hers. He tugged them away sharply.
“Well, I think she should be going out. Experiencing life as a creature of the night. Why shouldn’t we when it’s Christmas? It’s not like god has forsaken us or anything.” He lamented, as dramatic as ever. Louis remained silent, which gave the young girl the perfect time to slip in.
“Will you all stop fighting?” Claudia demanded, standing firm in her place.
“Claudia, what are you doing up?” Louis finally spoke after a moment, coming to scoop her up. She let her papa hold her to his chest, while she continued to speak.
“I couldn’t sleep because of the arguing. It’s not right for you all to be this unhappy at Christmas.” She cried, tucking her face into Louis’ shoulder.
“Oh dear,” her mama came near, “we’re not unhappy. Just sometimes adults sound that way when they are passionate about something.” Stroking her daughter’s head, Claudia’s eyes became wide and filled with tears as she looked around.
“Will you please get along for one night? No arguments or anything. Just one night, please?” Her tears flowed down her face, and even Lestat seemed moved by the display. No one said anything as they looked at each other.
“Let’s get you to bed, little one.” Mama and Louis walked with her still in his grasp to her coffin. They laid her down, and with a final goodnight kiss to her perfectly curled head, the lid was shut. Walking out of the room, the couple stopped for a moment and stood in silence as they took in the gravity of Claudia’s words.
“Have you finally decided to join me once more, or am I too much trouble for you?” Lestat growled as they re-entered the room. She made her way across the floor, skirts flowing behind her to hold the blonde vampire.
“Les, we only want what is best for Claudia. But you heard her tonight. All out arguing is doing her no favors. Let’s just try to be more understanding for the season?” He stopped, and just stood there with an indignant expression on his face. Looking over, Louis seemed to straighten up under his gaze, with hopeful green eyes. Lestat held out a hand to his other lover, and brought him into the mix. Everyone was holding each other and standing still in the moment.
“I suppose we can put the debate on the back burner for now. I’d like to spend the night surrounded by my people, if that’s alright.” His tone was teasing,but the other two vampires were content to being there with him. It was a tight fit, but they made all three of the sleeping in the same coffin together work.
They spent the evening together, loving the ability to get back to how they used to be as younger vampires. Kisses were shared, as well as words of love that seemed to envelope the vampires in the coffin. No one called attention to the fact that this was the most Louis had spoken to Lestat in months.
The next evening, after the sun had fallen and the moon had replaced it, everyone began to stir from their resting places. However, Claudia noticed she heard no voices. No one was talking, or arguing, or shouting. It was silent. Tentatively, she opened the lid of her coffin and went to check the others. Louis’ was empty, as was her mama’s. Maybe they had taken off to go do some shopping before the shops closed for the evening.
But her ears caught something, that her eyes found next. Lestat’s larger coffin was emitting noise and was slightly cracked open. Tip toeing over, Claudia peaked her eyes in and found a sweet scene. Her two papas were wrapped around her mama in a sleepy embrace. No one had quite made the effort to get up, but all of their eyes were still closed. She smiled as she beheld them, happy to see them get along for once. Closing the lid back to where it was cracked, Claudia went back to her own coffin and figured she could use some more rest on this cold winter’s night.
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secret keeper | m. schumacher
pairing: mick schumacher x driver!teammate!reader word count: 2.1k words (i really wanted all of these to be short lol sorry) request: don’t think so! prompt: doing secret santa ⎯ “just tell me who got me.” from this prompt list. not my prompts, credits to the person who created it!warnings: kinda crack!fic, idk. language, really fluffy, seb being great, special appearance by the spanish speaking gang (i had to). reader speaks spanish in this. a/n: here’s day 2! i hope you like it, pls let me know what you think! reminder that my requests are closed.
my masterlist
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(you'll know why i chose this gif later lol)
doing secret santa was the most exciting part of the year for her. it was something so silly and it made her so happy, the thought of having someone actually think deep about what they felt she’d really enjoy was a thrilling one.
something she didn’t quite like about secret santa was that first part. the secret. whilst she did like surprises, and there were only a few limited options as to who might give her something, the anticipation was too much for her. 
her teammate, mick, had made a bet with himself, to see how long it’d take her to either figure out or start interrogating everyone until they told her who her secret santa was. at first he gave it ten minutes, but he laughed to himself as he watched her.
they were doing the standard start-of-year interviews, the drivers’ goals and predictions, and the secret santa name draw. mick had already finished his, and was waiting for her so they could go and have lunch together. normally they’d wait longer to do the name draw, but last year the organizers had left it till the last minute, and they didn’t want to risk it this time. plus, they’d have a whole season ahead of them to think really well about the gift.
“okay, (y/n), i’ve got this santa hat here-” the interviewer said, showing her the hat.
“ooh, christmas in march, i like it!” she laughed.
“and in here there’s the names of the other drivers available for the gift exchange,” she nodded at the interviewer.
“i like that we’re doing this right at the start of the season,” she chuckled, grabbing the hat by the white fluff, the pom pom hanging down, “but i can assure you, more than one person will wait until the day before to get their gift,” the people around her laughed, mick did, too. “why are you laughing? did you feel called out?” she asked mick, raising an eyebrow. a camera panned to him, shaking his head at her.
“i already know what i’m going to get,”
“ooh, tell me, tell me!” she rushed to him, moving her hair away from her ear. he leaned in, presing his lips close to her ear.
she rolled her eyes, slapping the back of his head. 
“did you get seb?” she asked walking back to the spot where she was supposed to be, where all the cameras were ready to record her. she hadn’t arrived in time to see his secret santa segment, so she’d have to find out another way.
“i’m not going to tell you!” he laughed, as the interviewer shook her head.
“you’re not supposed to tell each other, or anyone,” she clarified. 
“ugh, fine.” she laughed, “sorry,” she apologized, and placed her hand in, “wait, then he should leave! or he’ll know who i get,” she pointed an accusatory finger at him. “what if i get him?”
“someone else already got mick,” the interviewer clarified, and her shoulders slumped a little, it wasn’t a lie that the two of them were the closest friends and teammates, but she wouldn’t let that discourage her. 
“dang it, what am i going to do with all those treats i got for angie, then?” she teased, mick laughed. “so sorry, i know this is taking way longer than it should’ve. i promise i’ll focus now.” she nodded, “you can stay, just promise not to tell anyone,” she told mick, who pretended to zip his lips together.
she ran her fingers through all the folded pieces of paper, finally picking one that called to her. she unfolded it, her eyes opening wide as she read. 
“hell yes!” she skipped from one foot to the other, jumping in excitement, “i got seb!” she declared happily, showing the paper to everyone. “ha-ha!” she mocked mick, who only rolled his eyes as he laughed. the two of them were the best of friends. they grew up together, and had been teammates since they were in f3, somehow they always found their way back to each other. suddenly her eyes snapped open, “did you get me?” she gasped. mick shook his head. “did he get me?” she asked the rest of the crew behind the cameras, who only laughed at her eagerness, but didn’t answer. “fine, if you could just tell whoever got me that my favorite color is blue, that would be great, thanks!”
months passed and as the end of season approached, her relentlessness to know who her secret santa was came back with as much as before. this time, mick wasn’t her only victim.
it started in mexico city, when she was walking alongside charles and lando, and someone from charles’ team approached him.
“hey, charles, just to remind you that the deadline for the secret santa gift is in brazil.” he said, leaving them after that.
“you haven’t turned in your gift?” she asked, she’d done it the week before, when she was finally done packing the perfect gift for sebastian. her mentor. 
“i honestly forgot about it,” he said, lando laughed, drinking from his water bottle. something shifted in her eyes as an idea popped in her head.
“well, i could help you!” she offered, blinking slowly to gain his attention.
“really?” he asked, feeling like a weight was being lifted off his shoulders, “thanks i honestly didn’t know what to get-” he was about to say the name of his secret santa, but lando elbowed him on the ribs.
“you can’t say it!” he scolded him, chuckling at her enraged face.
“lando you ass! he was about to tell me!” she grunted, grabbing charles’ face and directing his eyes to her. “tell me charles, who’s your secret santa?”
“no! i can’t say,” he shook his head, feeling something in the pit of his stomach as her eyes narrowed. 
“did you get me? do you know who got me?” she asked, shaking his shoulders dramatically. lando laughed, charles was trying his hardest to keep a straight face. 
“no, and no!” he said, she grunted, and moved on to lando.
“do you know, norris?” she asked.
“no. i don’t know. and i didn’t get you.”
“you didn’t?” she asked, at least if he denied it she could tick him off his list.
“i don’t know,” he said, shrugging and smiling sheepishly. 
she punched his shoulder and walked away, both drivers hurried after her. 
finally, in abu dhabi things got a little bit sweeter. the dinner to honor sebastian was a perfect opportunity for her to really tick people off her list of suspects, up until that point the only person off her list was herself. she hadn’t made that much progress. she had to be smart about it, she couldn’t just straight up ask someone about it, much less if her friends were listening to her.
thankfully, as they were about to leave and were all gathering to take a picture, they all started talking about their agendas for the next day.
“i’m doing the secret santa thing early tomorrow, thankfully,” she heard fernando say, in spanish, he was talking to the other spanish-speakers of the grid. she thanked the stars for her stubbornness, and her parents for listening to her when she said she wanted to learn as many languages as she could. spanish, of course, french, italian, english, and german. this was her shot, and if she were alone, she would’ve grinned like the grinch. she approached them, slowly, and listened to them. “after that i’m completely free.”
“free of what?” she popped in.
“media duties,” he explained, smiling.
“ugh, i’m busy all day. i think they left my secret santa segment for last.”
“well, of course, everyone knows how much you love that thing,” checo said.
“that’s true, i know,” she chuckled. “did you guys struggle to get your gift?”
“not really, mine is an inside joke with max,” checo shrugged, the name slipping from his lips without him noticing.
“aw that’s nice,” she smiled, feeling carlos looking at her.
“i’m not going to tell you who i got.”
“why? did you get me?” she tried, but carlos shook his head.
“i don’t mind, if it will help you sleep better. i didn’t get you,” fernando admitted, she looked at him gratefully.
“see, carlos? that’s what a good friend does!” she pointed at fernando, “thank you.”
mick called her name, she excused herself and walked to him, feeling his arm around her shoulders. 
“what are you doing?” he asked accusatorily. 
“we can tick checo and fernando off my list,” she gave him a smug smile, clearly content with her work for the night.
“you’re just not letting this go are you?” he asked, amused at her stubbornness, it didn’t surprise him, he knew her like the back of his hand, but it was still nice to see her trying her hardest to figure this out.
“this all can end if you just tell me who got me.” she said, leaning her head against his shoulder as everyone else gathered around, getting ready for the group picture. 
“you’ll know tomorrow. don’t worry.” he reassured her. she sighed.
the next day, mick and (y/n) were like two kids, she’d wanted to watch seb open the present she got him, and had convinced mick to help her make it happen in a way that wouldn’t be so obvious. it didn’t take that much to find a way to stay and watch seb.
they just found him as they walked pass, and asked if they could stay. the lady in charge of all of the f1 media just asked them to stay quiet.
“oh, this is very nice,” seb smiled as he took out the first present, “didn’t we have like $30 limit?” he chuckled, (y/n) and mick laughed too. the last gift was a dead giveaway, a picture of her, mick, and seb. when the two young drivers were just kids, barely starting karting against each other. it was from the first time they met sebastian in a “professional” environment. “oh, well, i think i know who this is from,” he grinned, his eyes darting to the two of them, with mick confused and (y/n) with a big smile on her face. he showed the picture to the camera, a different camera panning to the two haas drivers. “judging by their faces i’d say this is from (y/n),” he guessed. 
she nodded her head, and walked to him when he opened his arms for her. they hugged each other, she was going to miss him so much. he’d always been there for her. all throughout her career and her personal life. she looked up to him, admired him and everything he worked for, what he stood for. 
“thank you, dear, i loved all of my gifts,” she smiled, proud of herself. 
“thank you for everything you’ve done for me,” 
after an excruciatingly long day, it was her turn to film her secret santa section.
“i really hope you add a special montage of every time i’ve risked my life, and others’, trying to figure out who got me in this gift exchange,” she only half-joked, but it helped ease the mood with everyone around. mick, as usual, was sitting next to her, on the other side of the cameras.
“we’ll make sure of it,” the f1 producer nodded, making a mental note to check all the footage. once the cameras started rolling officially, she got her signature smile on, “(y/n), welcome to the 2022 f1 secret santa. i know this is something you’ve been looking forward all year long,” she nodded her head, “i won’t make you wait much longer so, here you go,” she was handed a small box, and her first instinct was to shake it to see if it made any noise.
“i hear a faint jingling.” she said, unwrapping the blue ribbon around the black box. “it’s blue! thanks santa!” she smiled, remembering the comment she’d made about her favorite color. “oh, whoa-” her eyes widened as she saw the gift. it was a necklace, with the outline of a track hanging in the middle. “it’s spa!” she giggled, recognizing the twists and turns. “oh my god, this is so nice, i-” her eyes widened as she stared at it, a light flush had creeped its way up to her cheeks. “oh, gosh, i-” she was at a loss for words, she was expecting maybe a gift that was partly a joke, or something small. this was too much. “i don’t think i can accept this.”
“do you have any clue as to who it might be?” they asked her, she was still too shocked to think.
“no. well, i mean the only person that pops in my head that might be this thoughtful is either mick or seb, but i guess maybe charles, too? i know he’s sponsored by a jewelry company,”
“you’re so close,” they told her. 
“pierre?” she guessed, it didn’t really make sense, he didn’t know that spa was her favorite track, well, to her knowledge.
“not quite,” she sighed.
“i don’t know. i-” she turned her head, seeing mick looking at her, throughout the entire time he could feel his eyes on her, it wasn’t anything different. but she saw a faint blush on his cheeks, his ears. “oh my god. no. are you shitting me?” she asked him, directly, not even looking at the cameras. “it was you? it’s been you this entire time?” she asked. and mick couldn’t hide it anymore, he smiled, nodding. “mick!” she ran to him, he stood up as she approached him and she jumped in his arms. “thank you, i love it,” she said.
“i’m glad you liked it,” he said, suddenly becoming shy under all of the stares.
once she returned to her spot, she couldn’t wipe the grin off her face. her fingers were playing with the chain that now hung from her neck. 
“how’d you know it was mick?” they asked her.
“well, not many people know that my favorite track is spa. i mean, they probably wouldn’t think it is given my bad luck there,” she said, referring to the fiasco last year and her dnf of that year after having a great race. “and he blushes a lot,” she added, chuckling. 
they hurried the rest of the video, as she thanked him once more, this time in front of the cameras. 
“i should’ve known,” she said as she shook her head. “i knew there was a reason you weren’t telling me.”
“ah, well, i had to keep the secret,” he chuckled. 
“i really love this, mick, thank you. you really didn’t have to get me something so…”
“oh, you’ll just have to wait and see what i’ve got in store for christmas,” he smiled, leaving her stunned there as he kept walking.
“what do you mean? you got my gift already?!” she asked, rushing to him again.
“i don’t know,” he shrugged, “maybe,” he said as he got into the elevator.
“what is it? can you give me a clue?” she asked.
“hmm… i can just say you’re going to love it,” mick smiled, already looking forward to their christmas trip, one that could possibly change the course of their friendship, possibly changing to something more. being her secret santa wasn’t the only secret mick was keeping.
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sillysaurus · 5 months
day 14: a song that reminds me of regression, cementville by ajj and ghost mice
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devildomwriter · 9 months
All Around Us Frozen Halos | Simeon x Reader
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.5k words | GN! Reader | No warnings
The floorboards quietly creaked with each soft step. You moved together in an effortless rhythm, one foot after the other. Simeon had his hand on the small of your back and his shining blue eyes beamed with love.
The world was drowned out in your heartbeats, even the music you danced to, as you and Simeon held each other’s gazes, smiling and quietly laughing with each rhythmic step.
You weren’t always such a dancer, and Simeon previously only knew how to waltz but nights of casually dancing to the radio turned into a choreography only the two of you knew. To every song you danced perfectly and when you didn’t you laughed to yourselves, picked yourselves up, and continued, delighting in each other’s presence.
The Christmas song slowly came to an end and Simeon lifted you gently and spun around once before he set you down.
You laughed and leaned into his chest as the radio station ads began to play. You both looked outside and grinned, noticing at the same time that it’d begun to snow.
“How pretty,” you breathed quietly and Simeon nodded and rested his chin atop your head as you stood still and took in the beautiful sight.
You looked up at him and he smiled down at you and gently pecked your lips. “I have an idea.” He beamed and quickly wrapped a scarf around you before heading to the shoe closet.
“Quickly, let’s get our coats.” He laughed and slid your coat around you. He opened the complex door and you followed along as he gently pulled you after him, downstairs and outside.
You grimaced in the cold air. It was chilly enough that you could see your breath. But Simeon didn’t seem to notice. Angels were naturally very warm so all it took was a hug from him and you instantly relaxed.
As soon as you felt warm enough to move around you looked at the sky and watched the snow falling around you. Simeon lovingly watched your eyes light up as you watched the glistening snow.
Simeon reached into his pocket and took out his phone to find something for you but the longer he messed with it the more confused he became until you noticed his struggle.
“Umm…” he finally said, defeated. He gave you the phone with a small pout. “I was going to play the music…” he revealed and you smiled and laughed.
You opened his music app and found one of your favorite slow-dancing songs. You hit play and set it on the brick siding of the home before running back over to Simeon in the fresh snow.
Simeon stepped back into the middle of the stone paver and held out his hand, “one more dance?”
You took his hand and nodded as he pulled you back into his embrace for the last dance of the night while the snow continued to fall around you.
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learn-and-accept · 5 months
I think the most annoying part about all of this watcher shit is that if they had just originally said they'd be releasing content earlier and ad-free on their own website, none of this would've happened. Like sure maybe people would be a little bit upset/disappointed they couldn't afford to see things earlier, but at the very least they wouldn't have completely obliterated their reputation and ostracized their fan base. They just went about this in such a shitty and demeaning way and I'm glad they apologized and backpedaled, but I sincerely don't know how they come back from this, especially after it took them three days to respond. I don't know how their audience will ever be able to trust them again
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footballerimaginess · 9 months
Elf On The Shelf
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25 Days Of Christmas Ruben Dias I had no request for this, so I had the idea for it x Word Count: 302 "Why did you get this fucking thing? I can't stand it's face" you turned round on youroffice chair, ready to shout at Ruben when you saw what he had in his left hand.
"Thank god you were talking about the elf, for a second I was convinced you were talking about me. I was gonna say, you can fuck off out the house with that language" you smirked as he smirked. "Sorry no, not you. This elf, why did we ever ever decide this was something to do. I am so god damn bored of doing it and it's only been a few days" Ruben huffed loudly, making a point. "Okay okay Ruben, I get it. I will do it tomorrow if you want me too" you looked straight at him as you put your pen down. "Thanks, otherwise the elf won't be on a shelf anymore" Ruben smirked. "You are just a miserable guts" you teased Ruben as he flung the elf down on the side. "Are you ready to see your daughter looking all sad when you haven't set it up before you head off for the football?" you teased him, knowing full well he hated seeing his daughter upset. "Well now you have said that, I don't want to. But that elf infuriates me so much, so you will have to do it for the next few days" you rolled your eyes as Ruben placed the elf on your table beside you. "Urgh, good job I love you because I have no clue what I want to do with this elf tonight. I think he can have a fun night out in the kitchen for when she wakes up" you laughed. "Good, the elf looks good on you" you teased. "You're almost as annoying as the elf" he laughed.
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24hlevi · 10 months
— 25 Days Of Winter: Fake Dating For Christmas Family Reunion
lottie matthews (yellowjackets) x gn!reader
summary: your parents won't stop asking if you're dating anyone, you accidentally say you are just to shut them up. until they want to meet said partner during the christmas reunion. so you convince your friend, lottie, to fake dating you for the day.
warnings: none!
25 days of winter event
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"you want me to what?" lottie asked you with complete confusion and shock.
"it's just for the day, please. my parents won't stop bugging me about it," you pleaded with her.
"but why me?" she questioned.
"because they already love you so it'll be much easier than some random person i bring who they will probably hate," you answered truthfully, just leaving out a certain part that she didn't need to know of. "plus, i think it'd be nice if you spent christmas with my family this year." you smiled.
"i mean, yeah sure, i guess," lottie nodded her head.
"you're a lifesaver, lotts!" you hugged her tightly.
"it's no problem," lottie replied, hugging you back. "so then i'll come over in the morning?"
"that'd be great," you nodded with a smile.
"okay," lottie smiled back.
that weekend was christmas, and as soon as you woke up your parents were asking if your partner was going to be coming. you told them yes, and they kept insisting that you at least tell them who it is before the rest of the family arrives. you didn't, though. why? well, maybe because the reason you asked lottie of all your friends was because she was the one you had a crush on. you were mentally praying that it would work in your favor, but you never know what could happen.
a few hours later, the rest of your family arrived and was all talking amongst each other in the living room. suddenly, you heard the doorbell ring and assumed it was lottie.
"i'll get it!" you called out over everyone talking, rushing to the door.
you opened the door and it indeed was lottie standing there, wearing a pink top with a white skirt. "hey! thank you again for doing this for me."
"of course," lottie smiled as you let her inside.
as soon as you closed the front door, your parents left their current conversation to jump over to you, seeing lottie and immediately both of them grinned.
"y/n, dear! why didn't you tell us it was lottie you were dating?!" your mother asked almost accusingly but with a light joking tone.
"well..." your voice trailed off, not being able to come up with an answer. luckily, lottie managed to save you with her own response.
"we were just worried of telling anyone, even my own parents don't know yet. but they're gone for christmas this year so y/n invited me to celebrate with you and your family as their girlfriend," lottie smiled at your parents.
"oh honey, we would never be upset with you about this!" your father said to you. "i'm so thankful it's you, lottie, of all people. i was more worried of y/n dating some delinquent. but you're the best choice for them," he then said to lottie.
a bright red blush made its way on lottie's face as she chuckled awkwardly, avoiding your parents gazes. "i appreciate the words, sir," she replied politely.
"come meet the rest of the family, dear," your mother waved her hand and started to walk away, signaling for you and lottie to fillow.
you and lottie both glanced at each other, now realizing what you two had just gotten into, before she grabbed your hand and gently squeezed it, sending a wink your way and then pulling you with her to follow your mother.
the next hour felt like a blur for you which was mainly spent with some sort of cider in your hand watching lottie talk with your relatives. her hand hadn't let go of yours, and you thought she wouldn't notice if you pulled your hand away because you realized you were sweating, but she swiftly grabbed your hand again and intertwined her fingers with yours. you wished the blush on your face wasn't too obvious, but that unfortunately wasn't the case since your uncle called you out for it right before exiting the conversation.
"y/n, are you alright?"
you were shaken out of your thoughts by lottie's words, and you nodded your head. "yeah, yeah i'm fine. this just exhausts me every year, don't worry about me," you replied.
"are you sure?" she asked with genuine concern.
"yeah," you nodded again. trying to not think of all the different thoughts running through your brain was difficult, and you were honestly getting tired of lying to your family about dating lottie. it's not like it would ever happen in the first place, you believed.
"do you want to go to your room?" lottie then asked.
"what?" you responded with confusion.
"come on," lottie said before pulling you away from the living room and towards the stairs.
you couldn't believe you were getting dragged around in your own house, but with lottie coming over on multiple different occasions, she knew how to get around the place. not that you minded it was her doing it of all people. you didn't.
the two of you made it to your room and sat down on your bed, a silence filling the room.
"are you sure you're okay?" lottie asked again.
"mhm," you hummed with a nod, clearly lying.
truthfully, you wanted to tell lottie the real reason why you asked her out of your friends, but you were afraid of it blowing up in your face and the worst time would be christmas. did anyone want to be crying on christmas? of course not. so, despite clearly lying, you still didn't tell her the truth.
"okay, i know something is wrong, y/n," lottie grabbed your hand gently. "you know you can tell me anything, right?"
"i know," you agreed with a nod of your head. "i'm just...scared," you mumbled quietly.
"of what?" lottie questioned in confusion.
"your reaction..." you murmured even quieter. "lottie there-there's a reason i asked you to do this out of the others." you started, your eyes avoiding hers. "i've had this feeling for a long time, and i thought doing this would be easier for me to say it but it hasn't. i-i don't want you to react badly and-"
you were abruptly cut off from your words when lottie suddenly leaned closer to you and kissed you. your eyes went wide and remained wide when she pulled away, and a giggle came from her at your reaction.
"i had a feeling about why, so don't worry, cause i like you too, y/n," she smiled at you.
"really?" you asked in disbelief.
"yeah, since like sophomore year," lottie nodded.
"so does this mean i can stop lying to my family's faces now?" you asked in a light hearted tone.
"yep," lottie answered. "because now our anniversary will be on christmas, the day we officially became a couple."
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firstdivisiongirl · 10 months
hihihii! i rlly love ur writing and im thinking, can you do luffy with #5? fluffy ofc!
Hi and happy holidays! Of course I can do this for you. I haven’t written a ton of Luffy, but I really enjoyed writing this. Hope you like it!
Day 12: Luffy - It’s 5AM, Go Back to Sleep
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It was a week before Christmas and all through the Sunny, not a creature was stirring except your captain who’s funny.  It was the week before Christmas and everything was ready for the big Christmas celebration.  And that included Sanji’s legendary Christmas cookies.  They’re the best you and everyone else has ever had.  Of course, he looks those up under lock and key at night because your boyfriend and captain Luffy would take them all.
He entered your room to get you up.  “Hey Y/N,” he said, shaking you gently, “I need your help.”
“It’s 5am, go back to bed,” you said groggy, turning away from your straw hat wearing captain.
“But I’m hungry.  Please come help me get cookies.”
“No!  Sanji is probably already in the kitchen cooking anyways.”
You put your pillow over your head, hoping he will go away.  “Come on.  Please!!!!  You’re my best friend and my partner.  Aren’t couples supposed to help each other and be supportive?” he asked, shaking you more.
You finally threw the pillow.  “Fine, but if he says no.  I told you so.”
He started kissing you all over your face while telling you how much he loves you.  These are the little moments you loved.  Even if you two weren’t successful at getting cookies, at least you two were together and having fun.  Even if it was at 5AM.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate, repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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acesluvrxx · 3 months
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paper art (i shoulda shown the last one a looong time ago but i forgyat)
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kinzis-writing · 10 months
Christmas Surprises | Tee Higgins
Blogmas Day One: Tee Higgins x Reader
Summary: Y/N was hoping to spend Christmas with Tee, but he was flying to his hometown and she would be staying in Ohio. Unless her family had other plans.
Warning(s): mentions of big family, written in "your" context, tee x you.
This is short and I apologize, I have been busy with finals this week and next. I will try to make the next ones longer!
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The snow fell down in the city of Cincinatti, the Christmas Eve dinner around the Y/L/N's house made the house smell of turkey and Ham. Originally, you had planned to cook dinner at your house so you could invite Tee's mother (and other family) and your family. It was easier to have dinner with everyone at Christmas time than traveling to many different locations. You and Tee were going to let his family crash with you all and celebrate in Ohio instead of flying down to Tennessee.
Unfortunately, Y/N was in Cincinatti with her family and Tee had flown down to Tennessee to spend it with his mother. She had hoped that they would spend Christmas together and in their shared home, but she knew that it was unlikely to be able to see him before the 27th of December.
"Y/N!" Your aunt called as she walked up to where you were helping your family member cook. "Where's that handsome man of yours?"
You gave her a smile, but the question still made you yearn for your man more. "He's spending Christmas in Tennessee this year, it's where his family is."
"I'm sorry, dear. He still treat you well though?" She asked.
You nodded with a soft smile, "Yes, he's perfect." you promised before excusing yourself to cool off on the back porch. All the family members in the medium sized house, cooking, and talk of your boyfriend made you feel closed in. It was clear to you and anyone that knew you, how much you loved him. You had never loved anyone the way or as much as you have loved him.
After taking some time to cool off and clear your head, you went back in to help finish the cooking. The faster the food got done, the faster everyone ate, and the night would carry on. Hopefully you could get your mind off of your boyfriend for a few hours and not think about how much you miss him.
"I think we're ready to eat." Your mother spoke as she laid her Christmas plates and silverware out. She was a very proper person, always have certain table sets for certain occasions. Right as the kids started getting their plates the doorbell rang, "Oh, honey!" your mother spoke as you were helping your niece/nephew get a plate of food. "Can you answer the door, I invited some friends over as well." your mother explained as she took the kids plate from you.
"Sure." you smiled softly as you made your way through the crowd of family and towards the front door. You pulled the door open, doing a double take as you opened the door. Your eyes widened as you felt your jaw drop and tears come to your eyes. "Oh, My." You started at a loss for words.
"As much as I would love to let you gawk at me, it's cold." Tee mumbled as he gently walked you backwards so him and his mother could enter your family's house. "Merry Christmas baby." he mumbled as he wrapped his arms around you and gave you a squeeze.
"You're here." You spoke in disbelief that your boyfriend had somehow pulled off bringing him mom to Ohio and surprising you. Your arms wrapped around him so fast once your shock wore off. "This is the best gift ever." You whispered to yourself as you refused to let him go for a moment.
"Your momma invited me." Tee's mother spoke up as you turned to face her. You gave her a warm smile before greeting her and moving away from Tee to give her a quick hug. "I figured you'd want my son on this holiday." she finished with a smile before walking towards the kitchen to go meet your mother and the rest of your family.
Nothing could wipe the grin from your face as you stayed in front of your long-term boyfriend. "I cannot believe that you did this." You spoke in honesty. Usually, Tee sucked at surprising you. So that was the main reason you were shocked.
"It was all your momma." Tee shrugged as he slung an arm over your shoulder and led you to the kitchen where the food was waiting for you two.
Dinner was great, with everyone getting to know Tee's mother and getting to know your boyfriend better. He got to bond even more with your nieces and nephews, which they loved to have another person interested in what they liked. After eating, you helped your mother clean the kitchen and do the dishes. During this time, you made sure that she knew how thankful you were for her inviting Tee and his mother, also the fact that you hoped she understood how much it truly meant to you.
Your family loved Tee and you thought and hoped that his family loved you as well. Because you would do anything for that boy, even up and moving if something happened and he did not stay in Cincinatti. After helping the house get cleaned and calming the kids down, it was time for presents.
"I'm sorry that I left yours at our home." You told him full of remorse, you hated that Tee didn't have your gift for him to open right now. "I thought you were in Tennessee, and I didn't want to see it under the tree, so..." you trailed off so he would know how sorry you were and the reason why you did not bring the gift with you.
"It's fine." Tee shrugged it off before placing a kiss on your forehead and helping your mother hand out the presents that was under the tree. The kids had more than everyone else, but it was always how your mother had done Christmas. "Here babe." he got your attention and handed you two presents, which you sat down knowing that they were from your family.
Your mother ended up handing Tee's mother three presents just for her and three for Tee. It was common for your mom to buy everyone joining three gifts a piece and then give the kids at least five a piece. It was how your family had always done Christmas and it was a tradition that they wouldn't change unless they absolutely had too.
It didn't take the kids long to tear into their presents and start playing with whatever they had gotten. The rest of your family was exchanging thanks, your mother and Tee's conversing over who knows what, and just overall having a good night. It was just the way you thought it should be. Of course, some of Tee's family was missing but it was as perfect as it could be.
"What's this?" You questioned when Tee handed you a small wrapped box. You looked at him, not knowing if you should open it or not. Simply because you had forgotten his gift.
"Part of your gift." Tee shrugged as he kept a smile on his face. "Open it." he urged.
You hesitated for a moment before carefully opening the wrapping paper and then opening the box. The box contained an ornament that read, "Tee and Y/N, engaged 12-24-23" Your eyes widen a bit at the ring in a box ornament and looked up from the box to notice Tee on one knee in front of you. All the eyes of your family were on the two of you.
"Y/N, since I have known you, I have known that you were a special piece of me. You complete me and I hope that you will agree to marry me. I love you so much and there is no one else that I would rather have by my side. No matter where the coming minutes, days, months, years, and football seasons take me. I know that you'll be a constant in my life. Will you please do me the honor of marrying me and becoming Mrs. Higgins?"
"Yes, of course." You whispered as you started nodding your head because of the tears that spilled down your cheeks. Tee slipped the beautiful ring on your finger before standing up and pulling you into a hug. "I love you so much, I cannot wait to spend forever with you."
It was safe to say that this year's Christmas was full of surprises and you were ending the year the happiest you have ever been.
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rebelliousstories · 10 months
25 Days of Ficmas
Relationship: Tom “Iceman” Kazansky x Reader
Fandom: Top Gun
Request: No
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 1,286
Masterlist: Here
Summary: Tom doesn’t allow a lot of personal items in his office on base, much preferring to keep his loved ones close to his heart. But he had to have a little something.
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As he rose in the ranks, Tom kept switching offices every few years. Never staying in one spot for too long. He supposed it was a good problem to have, but it also meant that he never cared too much about what was put up in his office during his inevitable short years there. There were his certificates that were displayed with pride, and the few personal effects he had with him. Models of the planes he flew, a single picture of his family’s annual Christmas photo they take every year, and a candle.
It seemed a weird item to have with him, but every office he had ever been in, that candle had followed him there. Tom had never lit the candle, but having it near him was enough. It was going on a decade old now, but it still was in perfect condition. The aroma, while not lit, still gently seeped into the air, providing Tom with a beautiful memory every time he let his mind drift further and further into the scent.
“Babe? Darling?” A young, ambitious pilot called out into the Navy housing he found himself in. The blonde set down his sea bag, and started the tiring process of taking his boots off. They were left by the door, and he made his way deeper into the house. He smelled food cooking on the stove, queuing him in as to where his girlfriend was. Tomatoes, meat, and pasta wafted into his nose as he took a deep breath in. But upon his second intentional smell, he noticed something else. Citrus, ginger, and a hint of vanilla that made you feel all warm and cozy, like making cookies on a frigid evening with your grandmother.
It was her favorite candle to burn, having bought almost fifty this year alone. Her one little guilty pleasure to have that Tom did not have the heart to take away from her. Walking into the kitchen, he was met with a precious sight. Tom’s loving girlfriend, dressed in his old navy shirt and sweatpants, hair pulled back messily, cooking over the hot stove. How did he get so lucky? Iceman made his way over to the woman and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her into his chest. She was startled at first, but relaxed smelling her lover’s familiar aftershave surround her.
“Hey! I didn’t hear you come in. How was work?” She asked, genuinely wanting to hear about his day. Tom rested his head down on her shoulder when she went back to stirring in the pots on the stove.
“It was alright. Just happy to be home with you.” He whispered, pressing a few kisses to her neck and shoulder. She hummed, and set down her utensils to turn in his arms finally. They shared a loving kiss once she did, and they both felt Tom’s body fully relax underneath the hands of his lover. Unfortunately, they needed air, so they pulled away and rested their foreheads against each other.
“Go take a shower, and I’ll have dinner ready for you when you get out, okay?” She whispered. Tom nodded his head as best he could and kissed her again before untangling himself from the warm body of his lover. He went to leave the kitchen and noticed the burning candle on the counter.
“How many of these have you gone through this year, darling?” He teased as she focused on the sauce in front of her.
“Oh, hush. You know you love the smell too.” She sent right back to him. Tom chuckled and left for his shower.
It was truly amazing what a shower at the end of a long and tiring day will do to revive someone. Just the act of scrubbing away all the exhaustion from the day, mentally and physically, did wonders for Tom as he emerged from their bedroom. Now, fresh and clean, he walked back to their dining room just in time to see his girlfriend plating the spaghetti bolognese she had made. He leaned against the doorway and just watched her for a moment. She was dressed in his clothing, which was adorably larger than she actually wore, setting their dinner table with the dinner that she made. It made him feel… domestic. Suddenly, he could see every night ending like this. Except now, he had a toddler to run after and a baby in her arms. The thought alone made his heart swell.
“Tom? Tommy?” She called, noticing her boyfriend standing there, staring off into nothing. He shook his head and smiled at the woman.
“Yeah? Sorry. Lost in my thoughts, darling.” Tom made his way over to her chair and pulled it out as he waited for her to finish up. She held a light smile on her face as she noticed that her boyfriend could not stop staring at her.
“Oh yeah? What were you thinking about?” She lightly teased as Tom sat down across from her, and begun to dig into the food on the table.
“Nothing. Don’t worry.” He dismissed, but she was still skeptical.
“Alright then. Tell me about your day then.” Tom launched into telling her all the things that he could tell her legally, knowing that she enjoyed hearing about his work whenever she could. Conversation quickly passed through different topics as the couple enjoyed their dinner, and through the ice cream dessert she had acquired at the store earlier in the day. As they lay together on the couch, watching old reruns of their favorite tv show, Tom took in another deep breath where the aroma of the candle flooded it.
“Why do you like this candle so much?” He inquired, turning to face his girlfriend who was snuggled into his side, with her head on his chest. She shrugged, yet still responded.
“This was the candle that was burning on the table when we went on our first date. I wrote it down when you had left so that you wouldn’t see or think I was weird for liking it so much. I just wanted to have a reminder of that first date. Plus I love candles, and now I think of you anytime it burns. When you’re deployed, it makes me remember you easier cause I associate you two together.” She explained, never lifting her head from his chest lest she would see a look of judgment across her boyfriend’s face. But she felt him press a kiss to her head, and he stayed buried there for a moment.
“I love that you have something like that. I wish I had known sooner.” Tom whispered into her hair. He felt her smile against him, and nuzzle further into his chest.
“Next time I go get another one, I’ll get you one too.” She promised, enjoying the warmth and love from her boyfriend.
“I would love that.” He agreed. In the back of his mind, the box in his duffle bag burned a whole through his conscious. Tom knew he wanted to give it to her, but this just solidified where he wanted to.
Now, all these years later, the candle sat in his office as a reminder. It was that candle that gave him all he has today. It gave him his wife, his children, and his happiness. That candle from all those years ago, from his first date with his love, gave him what he has today. And now, that candle sat on his desk no matter where he ended up to remind him of his joy throughout the years. It sat right next to the portrait of his family, one that they were due to update any day now, as a reminder.
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gottalovecatss · 1 month
SO bummed that all of the stuff I'd have to bring to bring my baby to a Renaissance Faire is so glaringly modern. It clashes with my meticulously out together outfits!!!! Do you know how much time and money I have put into my faire outfit? Only for a stupid baby carrier to throw everything out the window
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Radioapple Week Day One: Late Night/Early Morning
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I have decided to participate in radioapple week, and I will only draw fluff since we happen to be in an angsty part of the fic (oops)
Everything I draw is something that either will or could happen in A Fallen Radio.
Day 1 (here) | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7
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𝙳𝙰𝚈 𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙴: Cuddling when it's Cold w/ Bucky Barnes
a/n: omg i loved writing this sm, it's ridiculous. i always try to capture bucky's accent, but i feel like you can't really tell, and i don't want to abbreviate any words to the point where he becomes southern LMFAO!
masterlist | ficmas masterlist | AO3
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You wish you had Bucky's body heat, especially when the winter weather rolls around.
You would think with all that extra cushion you had, you would have been able to keep yourself warm, but your boyfriend had no qualms when it came to your body and having to cuddle to share some of his heat with you. You see, that super soldier serum had affected everything in Buck's body, including the way his body maintains homeostasis, so he was like a radiator, no matter what kind of temperature it was.
You woke up to your body shivering, your blankets feeling as though they weren't thick enough as you rolled over to your boyfriend, curling your body into his. A light hiss could be heard from him, but nonetheless he didn't stir, the only part of him moving was his metal arm, and it curved to hook around your waist. You were instantly overcome isth a feeling of comfort, a blissful sigh falling from your lips.
"You're cold as ice, doll." Bucky murmured. "Sorry," You apologized, yet you didn't stop snuggling into his bare chest. "It's fine. Did you forget to turn on the heat last night?" You lifted your head up from his chest, looking into his teasing eyes as you grinned sheepishly. "Maybe?" He laughed whole heartedly, his body rising and falling due to the vibration. "It's not my fault you're so warm." It was no lie that you had found yourself falling in this same routine; freezing bright and early in the morning, curling into Bucky's bare body, and getting some morning lovin'.
"'M starting to think you're doing it on purpose." He falsely accused as he tugged you up so your head was right over his, your lips brushing up against each other as you were now halfway strewn over him. "What if I am?" You asked playfully. "Aw, now that's just naughty." He said mischievously, tugging you down so that your lips met, moving against your lips lazily.
Yeah, you're forgetting to turn on the heat tonight.
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ೃ⁀➷ my lovely taglist!: @alina02 @louderfortheback @minervadashwood @their-love
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sillysaurus · 5 months
day 6/11: a character i headcanon as a regressor/caregiver (flip), papyrus from undertale
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i can see him as a caregiver and a regressor
i think we would LOVE playing pretend, especially superheros and pirates. he would want to go outside and explore, probably interview/spy on grown ups, asking them all kinds of questions. i think he would also like reading comics, watching superhero shows, and play fighting. i think he would be SO fun to play with but have too much energy. as a caregiver i think he would do EVERYTHING for you and be very encouraging. i KNOW he believes in santa (he told me trust)
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