#25 years of bullshit
nouverx · 6 months
Encounters with transphobes have been so rare for me lately that I always forget there's people out there who are STILL at the "being non binary isn't real/is a mental disorder" stage lmao. Have they not move on from that??
I've been out and living as an openly trans non binary person for 8 YEARS.
8 years is a lot. I've had time to watch conferences on the topic and read so many articles that I can't possibly link it all. I've seen a psychiatrist and 3 different therapists. Literally NONE OF THEM ever saw my transness and non binarity as a mental disorder or as "not real". I've mostly been working on dysphoria with them this whole time, which was way more of an issue than transness ever was. I've been through a whole self discovery journey that I can't possibly describe in a single post, had so many deep conversations about it with so many different people, experts and non experts included, during those 8. Long. Years.
People who are dismissing non binarity are just ridiculous to me now. "Being non binary isn't real" buddy those last 8 years have been VERY FUCKING REAL. You are deeply uninformed, far behind the whole topic and I'm so over people like you. Stfu.
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httpiastri · 6 months
wait what ,, estelle was dming fanpages?
well this is the post i saw
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i think it's very understandable that she's freaking out over ppl both outing her surname and contacting random ppl just to get info about her…. that must be so scary :(
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faarkas · 25 days
becoming ungovernable
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bandedbulbussnarfblat · 6 months
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y'all look at this. they are so close to touching, but they never do. I don't think Armand and Daniel touch all season. which isn't all that weird considering the short amount of time Daniel has been in Dubai. It's only been like, a week.
I just want them to touch, like accidentally brush hands or something and Daniel to get like the most visceral reaction. Flashback to devil's minion era. Or maybe just a surge of attraction, strong enough that Armand can feel it with his vampire mind powers. then tease him about it
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unorcadox · 11 months
do u have any advice 4 someone who just turned 18/entered legal adulthood?
the #1 thing i wish more ppl my age did was not let themselves age out of pushing their boundaries so much that i can already see them becoming boomer-like abt the really stupid banal shit like music on the radio. like idk if i'm alone in feeling this way, but i'm terrified of becoming a nostalgic, complacent old loser who doesn't interact with new art and new experiences, so for me i've been trying to keep myself agile in that regard.
at 18 you have so much ahead of you like your perspective and worldview and feelings are gonna change so much in the coming years, be kind to yourself and your past self, and you'll build a better foundation for what's to come
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jmtorres · 3 months
in a variant of useless arguments that unfortunately i can't just use the block button on, i am reliving a wtfry from like five years ago because i'm trying to sort through my medical history and figure out if i have any further lurking disasters and i'm currently stuck on
me: i am trying to eat healthier so i want to add more fruits and vegetables to my diet
nutritionist: no don't eat more fruits! that's too much sugar! sugar is bad for you!
like really we're not talking about processed foods or added sugars, this person straight up told me there was too much sugar in raw, fresh fruit
#please god let my labwork imbalances rebalance#i've been prediabetic off and on for a decade and my last A1c was 5.5 so it's not getting worse & i need doctors to get off my ass about it#and I absolutely KNOW if you push me certain ways about food i'll go orthorexic if not anorexic#(and they won't even treat it like an illness because I'm fat)#(at a checkup last week I was commenting on my surgical recover and i lamented 'and i'm still losing weight' and the doc was like 'good!')#(bitch my weightloss was a symptom of an organ crisis i could have died of. no it's not good! i want to STABILIZE!)#i've spent years disentangling myself from the toxic diet culture shit my mother dumped on me like drink a glass of water to feel full#fuck that i barely ever feel hungry in the first place i need to listen to what signals i do get#and after all my hard work they're gonna try to drag me back in#i just fuckin know it#it's not like trying to balance my current dietary restrictions isn't borderline orthorexic already#but i feel like i have a grasp on why i do it and when moderation vs strict adherence is okay#and from past experience counting calories is the line where i will fully go insane#maybe 25 years on I could resist but i don't want to try#i would rather go on metformin or some other fuckin' drug i don't really need than count calories#ugh it's a week until my next appointment to talk about this it would be great if it would get out of my brain until then#chronic illness#medical bullshit#food bullshit
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
imagine being so disconnected from RE fandom that you think that Leon only became popular starting with RE2make
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og-songbird · 9 months
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12 year old me really read this and said I need this man carnally (she was correct)
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boop-le-snoot · 3 months
getting a boob lift because I have a fucking rash from wearing a bra in 34°C weather for 6 straight hours. I love my big naturals but this underboob swamp has to go least shrek decide to move in or something
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cognitiveinequality · 11 months
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Lots of people pointing out the absolute nonsense highlights from Andreessen's baloney-filled Tech-Billionaire manifesto (breathlessly recommended by Tumblr's rich hipster CEO ["he must be cool, guys... he went to Burning Man! In 2023!!"] ) but this paragraph sums it up for me.
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oh-gh0st · 1 year
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youve been here for almost a year. im not upgrading
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ozcarr · 9 months
New years resolution (hitting my insurance copay maximum) is going amazing
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Work rant
So like, I get paid like over $30/hour at my part time job because I do some kinda ""high-skill""" stuff... It's a job that anywhere else would probably be full-time and I do everything within like 25 hours or less. I mean it totally speaks to that premise that most workers are only productive like 3 out of 8 hours in the standard workday. I am VERY productive. I get my work done and then I clock out. I am totally fine with this barring caveats that I live with my parents, etc. etc.
My supervisors, who are both full-time, don't seem to get as much done as I do. Most of the time, I know it's bc I am just really fast at getting shit done. I know it's not necessarily "fair" to judge them by my standard because I've always been this way.... And most people are not. But god daamn it bugs me when it takes forever to get one small task done because TBH the both of them spend a lot of time socializing. They are VERY nice people and I love them but sometimes it just bugs the shit out of me because I just want to shake them and be like "I need u to fucking focus and be a little faster."
Like yesterday I came in to work to work on a specific task with one of them. I could only be there until noon and we talked about it the week before. She put it on her calendar!!! And then at like 11am, I asked when she wanted to work on (task) and she was like 'uh, later? haha?' and I was like "I have to leave in an hour". Oh my godddddd. Like I know she was doing other important things, but she takes forever to complete one thing. I was really annoyed and then she was like "okay when I get back from getting a matcha". We probably only worked on this (important task) for about 15 minutes. Again, these two are great to work with in general, but I am a suffering young millennial and just want to get my work done and go home okay?????????
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vanyafresita · 10 months
turning 26 this sunday..... it feels certantly Like Something
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tittyinfinity · 1 year
Kids should not be starting school at 7 fucking am
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scattered-winter · 1 year
as lonely as being aro can be I honestly wouldn't have it any other way because as a kid I felt like my life would be over in my 20s once I married and started having kids but the first time I realized I didn't have to do that shit was akin to a bird getting released from its cage
#like idk. i remember watching my mom growing up. no time to read or paint or sing or do anything she wanted to do#because she was always doing chores and housework and taking care of the kids#and she said she chose that life and was happy with it but it felt like a cage to me every time i thought about it#and in the ''religion'' i grew up in anyone with ovaries was supposed to get married and have lots of babies as soon as they could#so yk. 20s.#and as a kid growing up in that environment i Literally thought i would only get to live for 20/25 years#and then i'd be miserable and locked inside the house for the rest of my life#and all my friends growing up Wanted that !! they wanted marriage and a million kids and all the things we were told we needed to have#and im sure a lot of this was just the culture we grew up in. even now after leaving years ago im still struggling to unlearn things#and as kids ?? we didnt know Anything.#but idk. i remember watching brave and connecting with merida so much because i didnt want to get married either !!!#but i thought i had to !!! literally that movie made me cry so many times fr#but finding out what aromanticism was was literally so insane it was like. i dont have to do any of this bullshit actually.#it was literally the most radical thought i'd ever encountered at the time#it felt like i was defying everything i've been taught and it took me a long time to separate myself from the mindsets i grew up with#and then longer still to eventually separate myself from that environment completely#but idk. im a little lonely sometimes and my siblings and friends are all getting married and paired off#but i dont have to. my life isnt over and i can live it however i want.#idkkkkkkkk im feeling kinda emotional rn. being aro is incredible fr#winter speaks#queer#personal
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