#2mins morning breakfast recipe
mealinnovate · 2 years
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హోటల్ స్టైల్ వడలు ఇంట్లోనే|Medhu Vada|South indian vada recipe|Soft vada|Crispy medhu vada
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New breakfast recipe:----
Sweet pongal:----
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momsavvyus · 4 years
Feeling a little scratch in your throat? Sinus Pressure? Can’t afford to miss work?
No worries,  this tea recipe is guaranteed to make you feel better in just 3days!
This all natural remedy is great for your little ones and expectant moms also. Of course you always want to check with your doctor before consuming! :)
It was a cold gloomy day, a thunderstorm brought heavy rain overnight. I woke up feeling every bit of this day. I felt fine just the night before however when I woke up in the morning, I felt as if a sudden case of the flu had taken over me. As a single mom to a 6 year old who was battling her own case of the “stuffies” I was determined to kick this cold and get me and babygirl back to feeling 100% by Monday.
I didn’t want to leave the house for obvious reasons, I felt like crap and didn’t want to go out in the rain to grab meds. Running the risk of enhancing our symptoms just wasn’t worth it. Already an advocate for all things natural, I wasn’t too stressed about not having over the counter meds available. I’m an herbal tea connoisseur so I was sure I had something that would soothe my throat and cure our “stuffies”
Sleeping the day away was not an option, I needed energy to work from home, keep an eye on baby girl and get breakfast, lunch & dinner situated. You know typical mom shit. 
I ran to my tea cabinet and realized I had a box of Green Tea with Ginger, at that moment I literally felt like I hit the jackpot. Green tea naturally contains caffeine & ginger acts as an antioxidant, just what I needed. We were both congested and we only had two full days before Monday came around, so I needed to add a booster to break the congestion and get rid of any phlegm building up. I took a look at my spice cabinet and I could've sworn the Tumeric bottle jumped right out at me. I took that as a sign the universe was speaking to me.
I did some quick research on the healing properties of turmeric, and VOILA, I had found my booster. Turmeric is a very strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory When combined with ginger root and brewed in hot tea, this combination can help loosen mucus from clogged nasal passages and relax sinus pressure.
 These flavors can be a bit strong, so in order to balance them out  I added a tablespoon of Raw honey which heals digestive imbalances while stopping the growth of sore throat-causing Strep bacteria. These ingredients combined make for a quick and effective healing remedy. 
By Monday morning, my throat was healed and we were no longer congested! Trust me you will not regret giving this a try. You can find the ingredients at your local grocery store. Follow the steps below to begin your Journey & let me know how it works for you!
1 Green tea with Ginger Tea bag  (BIGELOW)
1 tsp Turmeric powder
1 tbsp Raw Honey
Lime (optional) adds a boost of vitamin C, it also helps break down and rid the body of mucus.
Bring water to a boil
Steep tea bag for 2mins (longer for more flavor)
Consume 8 ounces of tea  2-3 times per day for three days (morning & afternoon)  
At night swap green tea with a lavender/chamomile blend
*If you have concerns with your child drinking green tea due to caffeine content you can substitute with Chamomile or Lemongrass.
Not really a tea drinker? Try this method (good for people on the go or who work long hours)
Combine 1 tablespoon turmeric powder with 3.5 ounces raw honey (store it in an airtight jar.)
When needed, follow this three-day remedy: On day one, take ½ teaspoon every hour; on day two, take ½ teaspoon every two hours; on day three, take ½ teaspoon just three times.
To get rapid results it is always best to begin the remedy at the first sign of feeling ill. Once completed you will want to keep your immune system boosted by staying hydrated and taking a daily vitamin/supplement.
Hope you feel better!
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eclosesweight · 5 years
Edit: woah thank you everyone for the positive responses. You make my heart full
For reals this time.
I’m at the highest weight I’ve been. I gained everything back and more. I haven’t even stepped on the scale because I’m afraid to see it over 250lbs. 
My brother is getting married in October so I really need to hit it hard so I can look cute and finally feel better about myself.
My clothes don’t fit. I freeze everyday because I can barely wear my winter coat and I certainly can’t zip it up.
I don’t care if anyone actually reads this. But if you do, hopefully we can crush this journey together.
I’ve made my resolutions for a healthier me.
1. meditate at least once a week. make it a habit. #meditationmonday
2. wake up earlier. read before bed. and go to sleep earlier. (eventually I want the time for myself and/or use it to workout before work)
3. workout consistently at least 3x a week. make it a habit, then add an additional day. Lots of strength and PUSH my limits
4. make healthy food choices. focus meals around veggies. go meatless one day a week. if i’ve been good for a week i get one cheat meal, not a cheat day.
5. menu prep for the week. plan out meals to save money on groceries and make fun healthy meals (i love to cook) (let me know if you want me to share recipes)
6. LOSE 70lbs by October 19th. This may be steep, but even if I lose 15 I will get over this spiral of weight gain.
. . .
This week is strange because of getting over the holidays, so this week I’m slowly easing into my goals.
I’ve made a calendar to mark my progress and keep me on track (i’ll share in a separate post along with my body measurements when I take them)
This morning I woke up late. Getting up is so hard.
Breakfast: Silk Vanilla Almond “yogurt” and peanut butter KIND granola. This was pretty yummy and I’m going to try and incorporate the into my routine. I like having dairy free options. If anyone is still reading. The yogurt tasted just like their vanilla almond mild. 8/10 would try again.
Lunch: leftover sweet potato fajita bake. Last night I made a “fajita bake” with chicken, sweet potato, black beans, spinach, red onion, 5 grain rice blend, a little bit of taco sauce and cheddar cheese. SO GOOD. I’m going to make this again for a meatless meal. 
Before dinner I went to the gym. My apartment complex has a pretty nice one so there’s really no excuse not to go, although I really can’t wait for warm weather so I can go on hikes again. (we got 8.5in of snow on New Years night. fun.) At the gym I warmed up for 20 min doing 2min 5.7mph run, 2min 3mph 7+ incline walk, 1 min 3.5mph walk and REPEAT. That really got me sweating and is a good interval workout for those of you like me who don’t get along with running yet. After my warmup I did some arms: bicep curls, triceps, shoulders, chest. and a little bit on a leg curl machine. I was there for about an hour. I also am considering getting an apple watch so I can track steps and heart rate and calories. 
Dinner: I had some marinated chicken from a local store that I had thawed out so I cooked that in a pan and made a simple caesar salad. I love my caesar salads but I know that it’s basically the worst dressing you can have. I don’t really like vinaigrettes so I’m always nervous to try new dressings.
I don’t normally have dessert but it’s my roommate’s birthday so I made her and I some oreo cheesecake. I made them in muffin tins so I could at least pretend it’s portion controlled. OMG though thy were so yummy. I’ll probably take the leftovers into work though so that they’re out of the house.
Now I’m sitting down for the night. I’m going to journal my 2019 goals so I can see how well I keep up with them through the year. I decided to make a post because last time I actively blogged my workout journey I actually stuck to it and lost about 30lbs! 
So here’s to a happy and healthy new year!
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yukichew92 · 5 years
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☀️☀️Good morning Let me throw back a breakfast made a few weeks ago.😅😅 〰️Simple & Healthy ver. of Banana Pancake〰️ (No sugar or refined flour added ) Hope you guys would love it too. I really love to use ripe banana to make dessert because then I don't need to add too much sugar or even any at all. Like the banana pancake I made ,I didn't even add a gram of sugar, you can still taste a natural sweet taste from it though. Although bananas are good for making dessert, someone told me that he didn't like the food made with bananas and suggested to me, that I use other ingredients like an 🍎apple to replace it. Do you guys think it will work? 😅😅 早安~今天让我丢回好几星期前的弄的早餐吧😅 . 〰️简易健康版香蕉煎饼〰️ (无添加糖和精制面粉) 我真的很喜欢使用熟透的香蕉制作甜点,因为那样我可以不要添加太多甚至不加糖。就好像我这个香蕉煎饼,我一颗糖都没有加,但是你却可以从中品尝到天然的甜味。虽然香蕉很适合拿来制作甜点,但是有个人却和我说他不太喜欢香蕉制作出来的食物,然后他说也许我可以用其它食材代替如苹果🍎。你们觉得呢?这个可以行得通吗?😅😅 . 📝Recipe(Serve for 2) Ingredient 2 large Ripe Banana 2 large eggs 1-2 tblsp wholemeal flour 1 tsp Cinnamon Powder *optional In a blender ,blend everything well. Pour some of the pancake batter on a non-stick pan over medium-low heat, cook around 2mins or until bubbles pop on the surface of the pancake, then flip and cook the other side another 2mins. You can serve it with butter,maple syrup,honey and some of the fruits and nuts you like for the better taste.Enjoy~ . Note . *If you don't have a blender in hand, you can also use a fork to mash the bananas and mix well with other ingredients. . #homemade #homecooking #instagood #food #foodporn #delicious #photooftheday #instafood #instafoodie #foodiegram #instagram #love #eat #sweet #dessert #lovelife #foodielife #foodie #foodphotography #yummy #sweettooth #breakfast #fresh #banana #pancakes #sugarfree #foodpics #recipe #easyrecipes #tbt https://www.instagram.com/p/B4WJEh8gIQo/?igshid=hh5v6mglvwnz
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jyotikitchen · 7 years
Life is getting busier day by day. And we avoid the most important meal of the day due to lack of time, BREAKFAST! I love having a healthy yet delicious meal for breakfast. But then preparing a delicious and healthy meal in the morning requires some effort too. 😉 Nothing comes easy 😉 yeah?? If you ask me what’s my favorite breakfast other than the easily available oatmeal bowl…It’s Poha with a cup of adrak wali chai. Although it’s easy to make poha but sometimes we need some quick fix recipes which requires less effort. How about making instant mix? Great…Isn’t it? OBVIOUSLY it is. 😀
This is one of the best instant breakfast recipes for all the busy people out there who are looking for quick meals. Even if you are planning for a trip you can carry this instant poha mix with you, just add warm water and your instant poha is ready in few minutes.
Serves 2
1 Small onion, finely chopped
1 inch ginger, finely chopped
1-2 Green chili, finely chopped
2 Tbsp peanuts
1 Tsp mustard seeds
1 Tsp cumin seeds
1 Dry red chili
7-8 Curry leaves
Pinch of asafoetida
2 Tbsp coriander leaves, chopped
1/2 Tsp turmeric powder
1 Cup thick poha
1/4 Tsp amchur
1/2 Tsp sugar
Salt as required
2 Tbsp oil
Learn Step By Step recipe With Pictures For Instant Poha Mix | Ready To Eat Poha Mix 
Step 1- Heat a pan and roast onion, ginger and green chili without oil. Roast on low medium flame until the mositure is gone completely from onion. Remove in a plate
Step 2- In the same pan add oil and roast peanuts. Add mustard seeds, cumin seeds, adafoetida, dry red chili and curry leaves. Saute till it splutters. Now add coriander leaves and turmeric powder. Fry for 2mins
Step 3- Now add the poha. Mix well and then add the sauted onions. Fry on low medium flame for 12-14mins or until the poha turns crisp and all the moisture is gone. Turn off the flame and allow the mixture to cool completely
Step 4- Add sugar, salt and amchur. Mix well. Poha mix is ready. Store in an air tight container. It will last for 2-3weeks or month too
Instant Poha Mix | Ready To Eat Poha Mix Life is getting busier day by day. And we avoid the most important meal of the day due to lack of time, BREAKFAST!
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mealinnovate · 3 years
Broken Wheat Upma/Simple tiffen recipes/Dalia upma/Godhmai rava upma/Godhi rava uppitu/cracked wheat
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