#30 minute sprint
strixramus · 5 months
30min Anthology #5
Summer always arrived with the deafening cries of cicadas. An ear splitting symphony of mating calls. For the Oni these songs were alien. A drone of harsh sound that only cemented his fears. This certainly was not the home he knew. Worse yet, he had no memory of his arrival to this foreign land. What sort of world had no walls to surround you? To close you in and protect you. This place never seemed to end. From the golden sea that ebbs in the wind, to the towers of brick which drew long shadows. Where animals strode on their hind legs through streets filled with savory scents. Where they spoke words with sounds he couldn't understand and yet there was no mistaking it for barks.
He'd watched from afar, cautious of the strangeness of it all. It wasn't long before someone took notice. He wasn't hard to miss despite his size. A hairless, fleshy pink thing, squatting amongst fields of grain peering out with trepidatious awe. Two beady little blue eyes studying everyone that passed him by. Seemingly unaware how they all knew he was there. Up until one individual, a portly feline with silver fur striped with black that framed a set of sticking yellow eyes that flicked in his direction.
The Oni gapped as the man stomped towards him, one fist shaking through the air as the other rested on the length of worked iron tied to his hip. A senseless jumble of sounds pouring out of his mouth. Of which he could only understand their tone.
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ttaibhse · 5 months
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my goal was 4k in 30 min really really didnt think i was going to make it 🥹🥹🥹
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jmflowers · 5 months
climbing the CN Tower in like 12 hours
place your bets now for how long it’ll take me
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theajaheira · 11 months
btw not that anyone asked but my take on ofmd as things stand is that a lackluster overpacked finale hampered by the fact that this season was two episodes shorter DOES NOT AT ALL ERASE how much love was so clearly poured into this show!!! i feel very strongly that the finale would have resonated a lot more w me if they had spread out everything they jammed into it through 3 episodes. this felt like we didn’t have a lot of time to breathe bc every plot moment was happening at once. but every other episode prior to the finale brought me such joy and i have not forgotten that at all!
and re: That Decision — i don’t love it, i feel they rushed it, it doesn’t sit super well w me that so much time was pouring into letting a character learn how to feel joy and then ostensibly going “well, their arc can be over now :)�� BUT i am withholding judgment on the basis of the way s1 ended. historically this is not a show where characters die and stay dead. very possible that this is not the end of anything OR if it is it will be handled with a lot of warmth and thought in a potential s3.
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doomed-era · 6 months
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the average is 40 wpm
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skhardwarevers1 · 3 months
you’d think im going to the beach with how badly I need a fuckin towel rn
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ddagent · 1 year
Okay, my lovelies, I am back at work and want to do some writing tonight. 30 minute sprint with a teaser posted at the end.
On tonight's fic menu we have:
Prince (now King) Aziraphale attending his brothers funeral where he meets Shadow PM Crowley.
English teacher Aziraphale reunites with science teacher Crowley for the first day at school.
Stage actor Crowley finds himself working with a film actor he's had a crush on for some time.
Podcaster Jason McCallister is reunited with the man he accused of murder twenty years ago for the first time since his release.
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chorus-communities · 6 months
"ahaha i'm not depressed i don't even fit the DSM criteria" - guy who hasnt been to work or college in 2 weeks, got laid off, hasn't showered in 1 week, and lays in bed 70% of the day doing nothing.
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dpurut · 1 year
I just got gifted baldur’s gate 3 yesterday night this is a unique kind of euphoria
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strixramus · 5 months
30min Anthology #17
The world shattered. The gilded edges cracked along their facets and the pain blinded Acklin. "Take these next steps carefully child of Sonz, your world may not be ready." Acklin gasped as the words echoed through the shattering world around him. The air filled his lungs and it's bitter cold stung. Contrasted against the warmth pooling on his clavicle, he clenched his teeth for the second blow, but it never came.
The sound of Acklin's gasping pains frightened Wallace. He leered back, his stomach lurched, a stream of blood stained his boots. He turned to scream in fear but his legs didn't cooperate. Instead he fell, hard, onto the clustered seedlings surrounding him. Thin needles of gold teared into his flesh and began to writhe. Wallace cried out in pain and Acklin shared in his moments of terror, short as they might be.
The moment only worsened as the pain caused Wallace to instinctively move. To pull himself from whatever attacked him. He rolled trying to flee but only found new spurs eager to drink like its cousins. The throws of Wallace's pain were sure to draw attention. First it drew Acklin's. Acklin peeled his eyes open, he could feel the crust of gem crackle and pop. He drew a hand from his prison, the crystal cracked into chunks and fell to the black stone, as he clawed at his eyes then his nose where he then drew in a sharp breath coughed a little and then furiously pushed free from the cocoon of fool's gold.
Acklin fell to his knees half slumped over Wallace and he squirmed in pain. Acklin fought against the blinding light. His mind raced over stimulated as chaos was drawn to chaos and voices shouted, echoing off the Hallows walls like terrible temple bells. Wallace pleaded for help. Acklin latched to him, held him down managing to pin the smaller man underneath him. The weight of pyrite that clung to him made it easier. "Don't move." Acklin rasped. Wallace tried but the pain wasn't something anyone could ignore, no matter their will. "It hurts, make it stop." Wallace cried.
Acklin squinted against the light of the sunstone, the only thing besides sound that managed to find him in those dark months. Acklin looked over the miner, his arms were speared with thin rails of pyrite. They creaked as they grew, like a nail drawn across glass. The sound chilled Acklin, standing the hairs on the back of his neck. A few spurs could be removed, granted the few were often in a single limb and losing that was better than your life. What did one do when the victim looked more like a pin cushion than a living thing? The fake gold continued to grow and Acklin could think of only one thing. These had been a part of him had they not?
He gripped the closest cluster, knowing better than to rip the maze of crystal, he squeezed the seed. He figured he could sense through the extension like he had, but there was no extrasensory response. Instead the cluster cracked and crumbled to dust in his hand. Acklin wasted no time on this hail mary. One by one they turned to dust in his hand. The panic numbed his fingers and he feared he'd collapse. Wallace grew quiet and Acklin prayed he'd passed out from pain. Acklin rolled him to one side, his hand pressed into the crust obscuring the floor, it was far more brittle than it should be. The pyrite turned to dust and the two sank into the sands of fool's gold. The ground was hot as Acklin finished the spurs that lined Wallace's back.
Acklin paused to sigh, but was interrupted by the several heavy foot falls of miners. All much older and seasoned than he.
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darkwood-sleddog · 2 years
Sometimes i feel weird/behind when my 3 dog malamute team takes like 2 hours to do 10 miles (my average pace with the dogs tends to be 5 mph in good conditions), but i feel better seeing mid/long distance 10 dog sibe teams taking around 2 hours to do 17 miles-ish and i'm like. oh okay i'm good.
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maraschinotopped · 1 year
i was nearly late for my exams AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im gonna have a damn heart attack at this rate
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ambersky0319 · 2 years
I've come to the realization that 30 minute writing sprints are the best for me and it's amazing and definitely something I'm gonna use more often in the future for more of my works
(looking at you Eternal)
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waermeflasche · 3 months
I love it so much when various important services are open monday-friday from 9 to 12. The most practical opening hours for 90% of the population.
I do not think they want anyone to ever come by actually.
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finemealcreates · 3 months
In the @haunting-heroes-creative-games we did a sprint (30 prompts in 30 minutes) and here’s the result of mine (prompt list under the line)
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1. Your profile pic
2. Fruit
3. Toy
4. Flower
5. Dragon
6. Robot
7. Drink
8. Fantasy creature
9. Hat
10. Boat
11. Ice cream
12. Bug
13. Sandcastle
14. Tree
15. Ghost
16. Watering can
17. Hero
18. Villain
19. Animal
20. Game
21. Headphones
22. Alien
23. Statue
24. Building
25. Crown
26. Zodiac
27. Letter
28. Mask
29. Spaceship
30. Happy face
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fingertipsmp3 · 9 months
I ran for the entire duration of Cruel Summer btw 🥰
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