#i think im gonna try a 30 minute sprint now and see if I do better
doomed-era · 6 months
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the average is 40 wpm
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jovenshires · 9 months
You’ve probably been asked this before but what’s like your fanfic writing process?? Like how do you end up writing your fanfictions?
i actually haven't but i'd be happy to talk about it!! i'm actually writing fic right now, so here's what i've done in the past like. hour. im gonna put it under the cut bc its EXTREMELY long but if you ever wanted 'katie's guide to fic writing,' here it is!
i'm pretty easily distracted, so i've gotta make sure i'm in like. The Right Conditions. that means phone face down or away if i can (rn i've got to be on call in case my boss needs smth but you get the gist) bc i WILL just open tiktok or play a mobile game. even just now writing this answer i have picked up my phone and opened pinterest. i cannot be stopped so i try to stay off it and put it down when i catch myself!!
more and more often i cant even listen to music while i write - partly bc i tend to read my work aloud to myself to make sure it sounds right and partly bc my brain will be like "you know this song omg the words are in your brain" or "you should go look at what song this is bc you kinda like it". cannot trust myself even with sound. if i AM listening to music while i write, it's either the specific playlist for that fic, playlists with the right vibes (ex: rivals-to-lovers for iwks), OR anime openings bc. less likely to get distracted when it's not in english tbh.
(huge on all of the senses so i also usually have a candle lit. im super sensitive to smells so if there's an unpleasant smell somewhere around me i will be unable to focus <3)
all that being said about distractions, i think it's important to take breaks - dont just FORCE yourself to write. that's why i'm huge on setting goals for myself - deadlines, word count goals, timed breaks. like "okay im gonna sprint write for 10 minutes and then after that ill watch some of this danny gonzalez video" or "i'll write until 3:30 and then i should go take a break and read a book." im not always faithful to my goals but i try my best!!
as for the actual writing itself, i typically just go for it. i can usually see an image in my mind and i try my best to write that out/describe it as best i can. and then if it sounds wrong i just reword it again and again until i've got it. this is kind of where my reading aloud bit comes in - if it sounds right when you say it out loud, that generally means it sounds right in the text.
sometimes i'll just have a certain scene or just scraps of dialogue and i'll write that out and be like "okay how did they get here." i never embraced writing out of order until recently, but now that i have. no going back tbh i highly recommend it. rwylm and iwks especially had scenes WAY later down the line that i wrote first. just write what comes naturally and go from there.
occasionally i do outlines, but not super often, and when i do they're vague as hell. i think a lot of my iwks outline was just "game" and then "another game but tommy is there this time." i think outlines that go too in-depth kind of take away from the freedom of writing so. if it's for you then slay but its usually not for me
i try not to worry too hard about. the style/grammar/little things as i go. of course im guilty of this and i'll stop and edit my own works along the way sometimes but i've found it's best if you keep writing and then go back later!!
sometimes when i'm writing a new smosh cast member i'll go back and watch videos/compilations of them just to reorient my brain. i've done this a lot with chanse recently!! but i also think. it really isn't that deep too NSDKFNKNK like these are fictionalized versions of fictionalized selves and so on and so forth so don't worry about 'voice' too much im trying to kick that habit myself
EDIT: oh i've talked about this before but. as for ideas/where my fic ideas come from?? i truly try to grab from my every day life. oh i went to the grocery store today? what if smosh member a and smosh member b went to the grocery store. i watched a horror movie and you know who else could do that. otherwise i pull from music/movies/tv shows/other media and be like 'this but for smosh.' i really just be pulling from my life and repackaging it thats all. start small (haircut fic) and work your way up (homoerotic soccer epic)!
and i think that's it?? i'd like to think im pretty chill about the whole thing. (read: i am not chill in any way at all but im trying my best.) anyway, it's something i'm always happy to talk about - thank you for asking!!
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nobutfredweasleytho · 3 years
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Summary: Fred’s ex girlfriend writes him a letter to explain the how him using her wrecked her emotionally.
Warnings: angst, like a lot of angst, depressed Y/N, mentions of self doubt, a little swearing, mentions of parents not loving correctly, used reader. Let me know if I missed anything.
A/N: Major thank you to Gabriella @onlyfreds for being an amazing person and encouraging me to write whatever this mess is. I am forever grateful to you
(The font is terrible Im sorry im just getting used to working on tumblr)
Fred Weasley checked the muggle clock on his nightstand. 10:30 AM. His mom will call him for breakfast anytime now. He has been awake for quite some time if he can even count the 30 minutes he tried to sleep but couldn’t, not when every time he tries to close his eyes his mind and eventually dreams are clouded by her. By the last time he looked at her, how devastated she looked, How her face was wet from her tears and her eyes bloodshot red, but the thing Fred will never be able to forget is her voice. How raw and vulnerable she sounded while saying the most horrible thing’s anyone has ever said to him, but he can’t blame her, he has no one to blame but himself because in the end it was he who caused all of this and now its come to bite him in the ass. He hears the door open and his twin brother George enters.
“Mom says breakfast is ready and she wants you downstairs. She says she’ll drag you herself if you don’t show up again today.”
“Tell her I’m not hungry and I’ll come grab a bite later.” I really don’t feel like being surrounded by other people right now. Not in this pathetic state I’m in. Besides it will take me willpower I don’t have to not hex Ron into oblivion.
“Well she will not take no for an answer and I wont either. What’s done is done now and you’ll have to face the world someday so start with your own family because everyone down there is worried sick about you and the least you can do is show your face once in a while so they know you haven’t died of starvation or sleep deprivation.” George has worry written all over him and I’m sure the rest of the family has it too. I feel even more like shit for worrying them.
“Fine. But I come back here if she is mentioned are we clear?”
“We weren’t gonna mention Y/N anyway now lets go moms worried sick for your dumbass.”
Breakfast was going smoothly with Ginny and Ron being exited for Quidditch season, Harry and Bill discussing the unfortunate events of the Triwizard tournament last year, dad asking Hermione about a rubber duck whatever that is, but the most shocking thing is mom asking me and George about the joke shop products. George is doing most of the talking but still the fact that shes even asking is awesome. I was finally feeling peaceful this whole winter break until I heard a hoot outside the window.
“I thought it was Tuesday but since mail is here does it mean its Friday already? Oh how fast time is going.
“No Arthur honey you are right it is Tuesday, Bill or George can one of you see if that owl has the owners name attached to it and bring whatever letter he has here to see who is it for.”
Bill got up from his seat and went to the window next to the countertop to look at the mystery owl. “Do we even know a Y/N Y/L/N?”
The room went quiet. The only thing that could be heard was the owls hoot asking for its treat. Bill seemed not to realise this as he took the letter from the owl, gave him a treat and sent it on its way.
“To Fred Weasley from Y/N Y/L/N… Who’s Y/N is she the girl you’ve been crying over this whole time huh Freddie?” Bill chuckled but I just grabbed the letter. I had no time to even be mad at him because once again my mind fogs up with only her. I couldn’t help but feel relieved and the happiest I felt in a long time. She has forgiven me. Y/N forgave me. That has to be it. Why else would she send me a letter?
“I had a great time with you guys but there’s important matters for me to attend so I have to go to now. Thanks mom the breakfast was amazing as always.” And with that I sprinted towards my room, locked the door and examined the letter in my hands. It was a bunch of them in here. I went to mine and George’s worktable threw some papers that were on top of it to make room for these letters and carefully opened the envelope.
The first thing that I grabbed was a photo. It was a polaroid of me and Y/N on the Gryffindor common room. Happiness filled my heart when I started remembering this night. I looked at the back of the polaroid and surely enough there was a writing on it.
Fred and Yn on the Gryffindor common room at 1 AM the night she turned 17. Listening to ABBA’s “Dancing Queen”. Picture taken by major 3rd wheel George Weasley.
Tears filled my eyes when I remember this night. It was the night I looked at her the way I always should have. Not as a replacement of someone who didn’t care about me.
The next one was also a polaroid photograph but this one I don’t remember being taken. It’s a picture of Y/N teaching me how to play the guitar. I can make up that we are in her dorm but not more as the picture is taken in black and white. I look at the back and surely this one also has a writing on it but the handwriting doesn’t look familiar at all.
A drunken Y/N accompanied by a even drunker Fred trying to play the guitar in the middle of the night. If I fail my charms exam tomorrow I’m killing you both but right now you two look adorable. Picture taken by Cho Chang.
The third one is an actual letter. I chuckle looking at the handwriting. Always so precise and not even one line out of place. I always thought Y/Ns handwriting always contradicts her hot headed persona but it’s actually really cute. I start reading the letter and my heart stops.
Dear Freddie,
I can only imagine the shock that receiving a letter from me would cause you right now especially after our last conversation.
But I have a lot to get off of my chest and I wont be able to move on if I haven’t said it all. Call me a coward but I was really scared to ask you to meet me so I can say it in person, but maybe that’s what I have always been. A coward. A coward because I get scared when someone wants to enter my life, a coward because I hate trying new things at the expense of failing, a coward because I should be able to confront people who brought darkness and sadness to my life.
But one thing I will admit Fred Weasley is that I wasn’t a coward when It came to loving you. It was the first time that I let someone come into my life and heart the way you did, and it will probably be the last. Throughout our “relationship” if you can even call it that as it was more of you customizing me to be her, to be someone I’m not. But that’s why you even talked to me is it, because I reminded you of her.
The signs were right in front of me and I feel stupid enough not to have seen them. But I guess people are right when they say love is blind. Love is such a funny thing to me as the first time I experienced the right kind of love was through you. But that was me creating stuff in my head. You didn’t love me no, you loved the idea of me. But I loved you. I loved you more than anything or anyone I have ever loved, I loved everything about you. But you just don’t listen. You don’t listen to anyone around you. Not George, not your other siblings, not Lee or any of your other friends for that matter, not your professors, but most importantly you don’t listen to me.
You didn’t listen when I told you that the love my parents gave me was only because I reminded them of my brother, the love my old friends back home gave me was one of interest. Everywhere I go no matter who I talk to no one will love me for me. I came to accept that until I met you.
You were funny and crazy and brave and oh so gorgeous. You were basically everything I looked for in… well everything. In a friend or in a partner it doesn’t matter. I thought you saw me for who I am. A broken teenager with issues but that at the end of the day was deserving of love. Oh how wrong I have been but no more wrong than you. You knew this but you just didn’t listen.
That makes us both horrible people now does it. Me who thought you were some kind of savior or some kind of saint and selfishly wrapped myself around your love and you who used me because I remind you of your ex girlfriend who broke your heart. But mine is excused I feel like and yours isn’t.
You would have kept me going for who knows how long just so you can live your imaginations you had for someone else.
Did you think about her the first time we slept together?
Was I not enough for you Freddie?
Was I too clingy too soon?
Is it my hot temper that gets the best of me?
So many questions will be left unanswered on my end because frankly, I never want to speak of you again. Sure I am deprived of love but I will not take it if its not directed directly at me.
I still care about you and will continue to support you and George on whatever you set your mind into. I was waking through Diagon Alley last week and saw this little store with a “for sale” sign. It’s right in the middle of Diagon Alley. I hate how my first thought went that you would have loved it but I seem to do that a lot recently.
I’ll get dressed and think would Fred love this skirt or this shirt.
I start applying lipstick and I’ll think will Fred love this color.
I start eating and I’ll think does this look good enough that Fred would’ve stolen a piece of it when I’m talking to Ginny.
I don’t even know why I am telling you this. How pathetic I’ve become clinging into someone that doesn’t want me.
Anyway I’ve probably bored you enough with my ranting but I wouldn’t have been able to move on unless I said everything that felt heavy on my heart. I also attached some photos I thought you’d like to keep seeing as now you can see yourself with Kayla without having the burden to be near me.
Say hi to your siblings and Harry for me.
Have a nice life,
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cheapthrillsbeca · 3 years
54 ☺️
54. “I wanna marry you.” “We’ve only been together for two months. And you’re drunk.”
made this one part of the railroad apartment fic verse alskdjflaskjd
Beca [11:33 p.m.]: clhoeee
Beca [11:33 p.m.]: I just saw this girl in a that same white dress you have
Beca [11:33 p.m.]: you know the one that’s like cute and short adn lacy
Beca [11:33 p.m.]: and i got sad bc you’re not here 😢
Beca [11:33 p.m.]: are you still at work?
Chloe [11:35 p.m.]: hi drunkie 😘
Chloe [11:35 p.m.]: It’s almost midnight, so no, I’m not still at work lol. I managed to get out of there around 8
Chloe [11:35 p.m.]: and I do know that dress. But I didn’t know you liked it so much. I’ll have to remember that 😉
Beca [11:35 p.m.]: I pretty much love all of your dresses 👀👀👀
Beca [11:35 p.m.]: and glad you didn’t have to work as late as you thought. but u shouldve met us out!!
Beca [11:35 p.m.]: you know everyone likes you more than me. they’re all whining about my “””wifey”””” not being here
Chloe [11:36 p.m.]: lmao
Chloe [11:36 p.m.]: I wish I was there! But by the time I cooked dinner, ate, and showered it was 9:30 and I was too sleepy 
Beca [11:36 p.m.]: ok i forgive yuo
Beca [11:36 p.m.]: what’d you make for din?
Chloe [11:36 p.m.]: your fav -- baked mac and cheese
Chloe [11:36 p.m.]:  there’s a bowl for you in the fridge, ready to microwave when you get in
Beca [11:37 p.m.]: 🎉🎉🎉😄🤤🤤😋😋😋😋
Beca [11:37 p.m.]: chlooooo
Beca [11:37 p.m.]: ugh i love you sm
Beca [11:37 p.m.]: like so so much
Beca [11:37 p.m.]: ilke
Beca [11:37 p.m.]: i wanna marry you
Chloe [11:38 p.m.]: hahah 😊😂
Chloe [11:38 p.m.]: I love you too becs
Chloe [11:38 p.m.]: but it might be a little soon for a proposal
Chloe [11:38 p.m.]: We’ve only been together for two months
Chloe [11:38 p.m.]: and you’re drunk
Beca [11:40 p.m.]: pffffffft doesnt matter
Beca [11:40 p.m.]: im gonna marry u chleo beale
Beca [11:40 p.m.]: gonna marry you so hrd
Chloe [11:41 p.m.]: hahaha babyyy
Chloe [11:41 p.m.]: you’re too much
Chloe [11:41 p.m.]: only you would turn marriage into an act of aggression 
Beca [11:41 p.m.]: 😡😡😡
Beca [11:41 p.m.]: laugh all you want
Beca [11:41 p.m.]: but one day you’ll see
Beca [11:41 p.m.]: youll. See.
Beca [11:41 p.m.]: oh i’m gonna share an Uber with Alicia see you sooooonnnn
Chloe [11:42 p.m.]: YAY!!!
Chloe [11:42 p.m.]: share your trip so I can have your mac & cheese ready when you get home!
Beca groans as she rolls over in bed. Her head is killing her and her mouth feels dry as sandpaper.
She winces as she props herself up on her elbows and surveys the room. The bed is empty, save for Bandit, who is curled up by her feet and snoring softly. There’s a glass of ice water and two Advils sitting on her bedside table, and she sits up properly to take the pills before draining the glass.
Last night was… What was last night?
She closes her eyes as she leans back against the headboard, trying to piece the evening together. Happy hour with her coworkers… those stupid flaming shots that Caleb always makes them take… Ubering home with Alicia… eating her weight in macaroni… 
There’s something else she should remember, and she can feel it, nagging and elusive on the tip of her tongue. But before it comes to her she hears the keys in the front door. Bandit practically trips over himself as he leaps off the bed and sprints out of the room to greet his favorite parent.
Beca gets it, though. If her head wasn’t throbbing so much she’d be running out to see Chloe, too.
Luckily Chloe comes straight back to their room, and it’s the most welcome sight Beca has ever seen.
Because she’s carrying two large iced cold brews from Beca’s favorite coffee shop.
“Dude, oh my god,” Beca says as Chloe hands her one of the coffees. “You are a literal angel.”
Part of Beca wants to go on and on about how much she appreciates her, but she has to attend to her more pressing need of getting caffeine into her body. She takes several sips of iced coffee as Chloe climbs back into bed, cuddling up next to Beca. It takes Bandit a couple of running starts, but eventually he makes it back on the bed, too.
“How are you feeling?”
Chloe gently cards her fingers through Beca’s hair before tucking a few strands behind her ear. Her hand comes to a rest on Beca’s shoulder, and she rubs her thumb soothingly along her neck and collarbone. Beca holds her coffee in her lap and closes her eyes, enjoying the sensation.
“Mmm,” she hums. “Much better now.”
“Do you remember last night?” Chloe asks, and Beca hears the smile in her voice.
“I was just trying to work that out.” Beca's head lolls against the headboard as Chloe’s hand skates along her shoulder, massaging just the right spots. “I remember drinking too much and missing you and the Uber ride and eating way too much mac and cheese. Although, that midnight snack probably saved me from an even worse hangover.”
Beca smiles to herself as she remembers stumbling through the front door last night to find Chloe sitting at the kitchen table in her pajamas, waiting for her with a piping hot bowl of macaroni. 
To others -- to Chloe, even -- it might seem like a small gesture. But waiting up for her, cooking her favorite meal, leaving water and painkillers out for her, bringing her iced coffee in bed -- all of those little acts make Beca feel so valued, cared for, and loved.
That’s when she remembers the other thing that happened last night.
“What are you smiling about?” Chloe asks, scratching lightly at the nape of Beca’s neck.
Beca opens her eyes and turns toward her, heart fluttering in her chest.
“I meant it, you know,” she says quietly. “What I said last night. Or, what I texted, I guess.”
Chloe looks at her, brow furrowing for a few seconds before her features smooth in understanding. She runs her hand down Beca’s arm and closes her fingers loosely around her wrist.
“Becs…” she whispers, smiling softly.  
“I mean, not right now,” Beca clarifies. “You were right -- we’ve only technically been together for two months. People would think we’re crazy. Especially your dad. God, I don’t even want to think about the look on his face…”
Chloe giggles and presses her lips to Beca’s shoulder. 
“Besides,” Beca continues. “I want to wait until I make more money. So you can get your dream wedding.”
Chloe exhales sharply, and Beca understands. They’ve been on the subject for a minute or so, but this is the first time she’s uttered a marriage-specific word, and something about saying it outloud makes everything feel more real. 
“Beca,” Chloe whispers, kissing her shoulder again through the fabric of her t-shirt. She releases Beca’s wrist and laces their fingers together.
Beca places her iced coffee on her bedside table. She wipes her free hand on the sheets before cradling Chloe’s cheek. Beca knows her fingers are cold, but Chloe leans into her touch, looking at her with glossy eyes.
“I’m just-- I’m putting you on notice, Beale.” Beca smiles at her, swallowing around the lump in her throat. “It might not be for a little while, but it’s coming. Just you wait.”
Chloe glances up at the ceiling, blinking rapidly, and Beca’s wondering if she said too much too soon when Chloe kisses her. Beca feels her bottom lip trembling against her mouth, and when she pulls away both of their faces are wet with Chloe’s tears. (Okay, some of Beca’s tears, too.)
“Oh, I’ll wait,” Chloe says, sniffling. “I’ll wait so hard.”
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gojology · 4 years
Jealousy. (Extra)
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You can find Jealousy here: Part One Part Two Part Three 𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆 | sorry for the inactivity, i’ve been taking a break. regardless, i’m super happy because i finished most of my hw! someone wanted an extra of my fic Jealousy, so that’s what im doing. you may have noticed this isn’t very good, but i haven’t written in a while so bear with me :(  𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 | Teen! Gojo Satoru x Gender Neutral Reader 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 | 1167 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 |  I didn’t exactly proof read this, and it’s rushed, so expect a lot of reusing of words and just overall not amazing writing. Cursing, ALL CHARACTERS HERE ARE AGED DOWN FROM PRESENT ANIME/MANGA INTO WHEN THEY WERE TEENAGERS. 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 | After confessing with Gojo Satoru himself, you and him walk on the path that would lead you back to Shoko and Geto, you two take your sweet time though, savoring the sweet, new love.
   Everything in your body was finally settling in. Your frazzled nerves had just begun to go away.    You’re walking back to the picnic, fingers intertwined with Gojo’s. Your pounding heart had subdued. Yet, you still felt fuzzy and warm, you had pinched yourself repeatedly to make sure it wasn’t a dream earlier.     The air smelled like fresh dew on grass, the scent of flowers weakly wafted in the air as well, you were drinking in the beautiful weather, enjoying the calm, quiet between the two of you.     Normally, every confession of love followed suit with cheers of joy, or perhaps a kiss, but strangely, a quiet walk through the park was something you didn’t mind.     Turning your attention towards Gojo, there was a slight curve to his lips. He didn’t smile like that often, it was either a full blown toothy grin, or nothing at all. Wind ruffling his hair, taking longer and longer strides that you couldn’t quite catch up with.     “Hey Daddy Long Legs, I’m not 6′3 you know.” you say, sarcasm and a hint of annoyance relevant in your tone.     “Oops. Sorry.” he looked down at you, stopping in his tracks.     “What? Satoru, we don’t have all the time in the world, come on, Shoko and Geto are probably waiting for us.”     ‘Why’s that matter?” crouching down so he could stare at you eye-to-eye, well, more like eye-to-glasses, you hadn’t seen his eyes too often. But when you did they were a brilliant shade of blue, flecks of different variants of the color sprinkled carelessly around, they were breathtaking. You hoped to see them more, why wouldn’t he show you them? After all, he was your... Boyfriend.     The term felt so weird to say, but so good.    “Didn’t we just start dating?” he said, cocking his head to the side, his eyebrows knitted together.     Snapping out of your daze, you study your shoes. “Well- Yes... But, that’s not the point.” your eyes flickered to the field of flowers dancing in the breeze.     “Honey, that’s entirely the point. We just got together and you’re gonna care about Shoko and Geto? You’re too considerate~” he cooed, pinching and pulling at your cheeks.     “...Is it okay if I call you honey..? Or uh, you know, pet names in general.” he added, you swear you can sense a quivering in his voice, some doubtfulness.     Biting your lip, you turn your full attention towards him, flower field be damned, you were dating the guy now, it was okay to be confident.     “...I actually prefer it.”     It took a moment to register in his probably small brain, but when it did, he beamed at you, giving a full blown smile.     “So I can call you Honey? Sugar? Cuddle Bug? Snuggle Wuffle? Snufflekins? Well I kind of already knew you were gonna say yes, by the way.” he cleared his throat, “because, I’m the strongest of all time, and I can also read minds, I swear.”     You giggle, not even realizing you were smiling at him as well, his face lit up.     “Satoru, It’s okay, just admit you were scared I was gonna say no.” He straightened himself, finally standing up. He put his hand at the back of his neck, still looking down at you.     “I wasn’t sweets, I knew you were gonna say yes, but uh, you know consent and stuff...” trailing off, he kicked at a pebble.     “I don’t think you need consent to call your significant other cute pet names, well, most of the time.” stifling a laugh, you turn to face to the very start of the pathway you and Gojo were walking on.     “Pretty, isn’t it?” he breathed. “Pretty place for a pretty person. I’m happy you told me here. Otherwise, It’d probably be when you’re fighting a curse and on the verge of death.”     “Satoru!-” Did this guy have no shame?     “What? I woulda saved you regardless, sweetheart. How am I gonna date someone that’s dead?” he chuckled, ruffling your hair.     “That’s insensitive!” you snorted, focusing your attention towards the growingly dark sky.    “It’s growing really dark, Satoru. We should head back soon.” you thought aloud, once again weaving your fingers into his hand.      “I didn’t even realize. Spending time with you makes everything fly by.” he flirted, lifting your limp hand up and kissing your skin.      You weren’t quite ready for another kiss in a span of 30 minutes.      Struggling to come up with something cheeky, you gape at him, opening and closing your mouth.     “My significant other’s a fish now? Aw whatever, you’re still cute. Want more kissies, darling?”      He doesn’t give you time to respond, instead diving face first into yours, lips interlocking. Soft, chaste kisses, there’s nothing sexual about it strangely, yet every each one still carried intimacy and love. You melt into his touch, sinking deeper and deeper into his embrace, your knees were just about to give out.      Exhaling sharply out of your nose, you could feel the cool air fanning onto your face, your skin was growing hot and sticky.    Just as you were about to try to take it a step further, he steps out of the kiss, panting heavily, drooling like an idiot.     Your brain isn’t quite working yet, and you peer at him, dumbfounded by the events that had occurred.     The still atmosphere was penetrated by the two of you panting, breathing in deeply. Your heart beating furiously, did that really just happen? Did Gojo Fucking Satoru just kiss you?      “Woah there.” panting, he crouches, looking up at you and catching his breath. “Didn’t know you were that straightforward, not now, not now baby. Didn’t you say we needed to go back to Geto and Shoko anyways?”      Trying not to whine, you clear your throat. “Oh yeah, I forgot about them.”      “Glad to know I have that effect on you.”     “Satoru!- God why did I ever have a crush on you?” slightly annoyed by his remark, you scoff.      “Because I’m handsome and strong and super cool.”      You couldn’t quite deny those claims, but your mouth was zipped shut.      “That’s what I thought.” grinning at you, yet you can only faintly make out his facial features.      “Fuck, Gojo, or uh... Baby, we gotta go! What if Shoko or Geto think we’re kidnapped or something?” Hands once again clasping with his unoccupied one, you sprinted, dragging him along the beaten trail.     “Fuck Shoko and Geto! They know I’ll protect the both of us, nothing scares me sweetheart! Let’s watch the stars together, (Y/N)!” he hollered back at you, taking longer and longer strides to catch up to you.      “Oh FUCK no baby, you are NOT beating me.” giggling, you let go of his hand, you found yourself 100 times lighter. Now sprinting at the speed of light, or at least the fastest you could run, at the entrance of the pathway. Estimating that it would take around 3 minutes of full sprinting to get to the area.      “Last one there is a rotten egg! And you don’t get any of the remaining snacks!” you screamed back at him, but he wasn’t there.     Looking forward, you realize Gojo is now ahead of you by a landslide. Yelling unintelligibly about the tasty remaining snacks in the basket. Atleast, that’s what you assume he’s yelling about, but you were sure he would save some for you.    Today, was a good day.
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baroquebucky · 4 years
pink skies
a/n: i was listening to LANY at 4 am and i thought abt a date i went on w my bf and i thought this would be perfect w timmy so here we are heh enjoy and feel free to request ! lyrics are in bold
“okay i swear it may not look good but these are the best tacos in the whole city” you spoke over the loud music, pulling into the parking lot and in front of some random mechanic shop. Timothée looked at you confused, “this is an auto shop” he stated, wanting to laugh at you.
“not this place dummy, c’mon!” You smiled, turning off the car and hopping out of the drivers seat, sprinting to open timothées door before he could open it himself. Timothée looked at you, not moving as you slowly reached for the door handle, “don’t you dare open the door!” he smiled, putting his hands in his lap, as you dove to open the door he locked it, causing you to groan as he opened the car door for himself.
“You’re so mean you know that?” You pouted and he smiled, getting out of the car and kissing your cheek. “Where’s the taco shop then?” He asked, reading the names of the surrounding stores, not a single taco shop. “Oh it’s this trailer over here” you spoke, grabbing his hand.
His eyes went wide at the sight of the trailer parked in the lot of this seemingly unassuming plaza. A gas station by the road, a laundry mat, the mechanic shop you parked in front of and an AutoZone. “Mon amour im not sure if-” you cut him off before he could continue.
“You trust me?” You stopped and he looked at you, nodding slowly, “then shut up and tell me your order” you smiled, walking up to the front of the food truck. You greeted the woman in Spanish, telling her your order, after a couple minutes timothée told the lady what he wanted, you smiled at him squeezing his hand. “Okay they should be done in around 30 minutes” she spoke after you paid her, “thank you!” You spoke, walking away hand in hand with your boyfriend.
“I kinda need to pee” timothée spoke when you reached the car again, “do you think the gas station has one?” You glanced at the gas station, “no it’s too small, and either way those places are gross” you replied, scrunching your face up at the thought of a gas station restroom.
“okay well what do you propose?” Timothée asked, bouncing his leg and thinking of anything but water and peeing. “Maybe the autozone has one?” You replied, biting your lip and jumping out of the car, looking at him through the windshield as he narrowed his eyes at you, slowly reaching for the handle. “Don’t you dare chalamet!” You squealed, rushing for try and open the door before him only to fail.
“I’m never gonna lose to you just face it” he smiled proudly, you rolled your eyes, walking away and heading towards the autozone. “Okay I’m gonna need us to walk a bit faster because I’m about to pee myself Cmon” he rushed out, grabbing your hand and taking off running. You lurched coward from suprise, soon matching his pace and entering the store, smiling at the person behind the register.
“hey man do you guys have a restroom?” Timothée asked, shifting his weight, the man shook his head giving him a sympathetic smile, “okay” he sighed, rushing out into the empty parking lot once more. “thank you!” You told the man before following tim out the store. “Let’s go to the laundry mat! They have some there” you told him and without missing a beat he walked that direction. The sun was setting and golden hour was soon approaching.
You caught up to your curly headed boyfriend and you began to skip, laughing as he looked at you with a smile. “for someone who’s about to pee themselves you walk awfully slow” you teased, he scrunched his face up, running past you and reaching the doors of the laundry mat. After a couple seconds you arrived next to him, taking his hand in yours and walking in. “hold on the restrooms are only for customers so i need to exchange some coins” you spoke, getting out a $5 bill and heading to the little machine.
Timothée stood next to you awkwardly, following your every move like a lost puppy. The rays of light shone through the many windows, lighting him up. As the coins spilled out you held them in your hand, smiling at timmy. “we’re now paying costumers” you spoke, shoving the coins in your pocket and heading to the counter to ask the lady for the restroom key.
She handed you the key and you handed it to timothée, who rushed into the restroom with a smile, relief filling his body the moment he locked the door.
You waited around the little claw machine, picking out the small duck that you were hoping to win when timothée exited. Your eyes landing on the machines that you could instead a quarter and a random ring would come out, next to it some tattoos and next to that one was one with those sticky stretchy hands.
Timothée brushed past you to return the key and he smiled at you letting out a sigh. “Better?” You giggled, “much” he replied. “I wanna get this duck what do you think?” You spoke, eyes landing on the fuzzy duck. “piece of cake mon amour gimme the coins” he smirked, pushing in the coins.
“no! Go up more! other way dummy!” you spoke, leaning against the glass trying to direct your boyfriend. “Right there go!” You smiled, the claw going down, gripping the ducks head only for it to slip out last second. Timothée groaned, pushing in more coins, determined to win this stupid duck for you.
$4 later and he was no closer to the duck than before. “okay i think that enough, we used almost all our money” you frowned, timothée huffed, pouring slightly as you walked away from the machine. “I could buy you a much cuter duck anyway” he shrugged, trying to cheer himself up. “I know you could angel” you chuckled.
Walking towards the smaller machines you pointed at the rings. “it’s only a quarter let’s get some!” You beamed, putting in the quarter as a small container cake out, handing it to timmy before putting in another coin for another ring. Putting it in your pocket.
“Oh my god a sticky hand!” Timothée gushed, steak king a quarter from you and a little container came out, the sticky hand inside. He was grinning like a little kid and you couldn’t help but fall more in love with him. You put in your last quarter and got a little tattoo.
The two of you walked out of the laundry mat, giggling as you slipped on each other’s rings. “We got married at a laundry mat” he laughed and you nodded, “with 25 cent rings” you added, his smile growing. “can’t believe your my laundry mat wife” he wiped away a fake tear. “bad taste on my end if i do say so myself” you teased and he rolled his eyes. “shut up!” He laughed, frowning when you dodged his kiss. “woah chill you’re my best friend” you said, eyes going wide, his mouth dropped at your antics, making you laugh harder. “I’m kidding! I love you” you smiled, planting a soft kiss on his cheeks.
The sky was a wonderful pink, you hugged timothée, not caring that you were in the middle of a parking lot, he smiled, peeling you off him and spinning you around.
“pink skies are always so breathtaking” you sighed, looking at the sky before wrapping your arms around timothée and burying your face into the crook of his neck. “Your breathtaking” he whispered, you looked up at him. His hair was a golden brown, the pinkish lights mixing with his green eyes. “I love the way your green eyes mix with this lighting” you spoke up, smiling as he blushed.
“You know you mean the world to me right?” He replied, you nodded, “you’re my everything chalamet” a smile on your face and your heart beating fast. Without hesitation you craved your neck up, planting a kiss on his lips. His eyes fluttered closed and his arms wrapped around your waist tighter. Both of you smiled into the kiss, bursting into a fit of giggles. “I think our hearts are starting to show little timmy Tim” you spoke up, he groaned at the nickname, “way to ruin a moment.”
You both pulled away, starting to walk back to the taco truck, fingers intertwined. Timothée took out the sticky hand and started to hit you with it, even smacking your butt with it and giggling like a little boy.
Once you guys arrived back home you rushed to put the tattoo on timothée. “It says 5 minutes” you read off the little paper, holding the wet rag over the piece of paper the tattoo is on. Timothee sat atop the kitchen counter, his sleeve rolled up and his bicep exposed. You pressed down on the tattoo, shifting your weight to your other leg.
“I think two is long enough” he spoke, looking at where you held the tattoo down on him, you shook your head “it says 5.” He groaned, “the tacos smell so good though!”
“You said you wanted it on now! take it up with yourself” you smirked, stifling a giggle as you saw how upset timmy was, he sort of resembled a toddler the way a curl was astray and tickling his nose.
After five minutes you peeled off the paper, only 3/4 of the tattoo sticking. Timothée laughed, “see! Two minutes or five it didn’t even fully stick” you frowned, punching him. “hey!” He protested and you smiled, heading over to finally eat the tacos. Timothée snapped a picture of the tattoo in a little mirror, posting it on his story: Imperfect tattoos.
He rushed over to sit next to you, scarfing down the tacos, immediately taking back ever judging the trailer. The two of you laughed all night, eating way too many tacos and vowing to never take off the laundry rings.
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nosferatyou · 5 years
New Tune: Chapter 4 (Jake Kiszka x Reader)
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WC: 3.9k
Warnings: Cursing, Alcohol, Moshpits, Rock and Roll, and general dumbassery.
Summary: Two guitarists meet at a Rock Festival, only having a week with each other before they have to return to their own lives. The bond they create is unfeigned and resolute.
I stir awake, in an incredibly uncomfortable position on the.. Couch? A blanket that I definitely don't remember getting was laying on top of me. I look up at the clock to see that it was 1 PM, and let out a groan. I move the blanket off of myself and trudge to the bathroom. I look in the mirror to see what I can only describe as a gremlin. My hair was a rats nest, my makeup had smudged off onto my face, and my clothes were untucked and wrinkled. The weirdest part was the sticky note posted to my forehead. I grabbed it off and scrawled onto it said
 “Y/N, Left to go get coffee even though it's practically the afternoon. Anyways will be back soon. -Jake.
 PS I would've moved you into a better position, but I didn't want to wake you.”
Shit, he’s going to be here any minute, and I look like straight up trash. Going for a different look, I grab a very cut up Black Sabbath shirt (with a plunging neckline), simple high-waisted black shorts, fishnet tights, and finally my docs. I quickly combed out my hair, and applied some darker makeup. By the time I was done I heard a knock at the door, I opened it to reveal a sweaty Jake with two coffees in his hand.
“Ah so you finally woke up?”
“Oh hush it, get in here I need coffee.”
He walks on and hands me the cup before splaying himself out on the couch.
“So what's the plan today.” He asked.
A smile grew on my face, I already had plans for tonight, but now I'm definitely dragging him along.
“Okay so.” I grabbed a seat next to him, practically buzzing with excitement. “Did you see the headliner tonight?” 
“I honestly wasn’t paying attention.” He took another sip of his coffee, still relaxed on the couch.
“Well.. I already planned on doing this since we got here, but this may be a little out of your comfort zone. I don’t know how wild you get.” 
He sat up a little bit, interest peaked.
“And I don't know if the band will be up your alley, but…. Anthrax is playing tonight and they put on some of the most fun shows I’ve ever been to. Anyways I honestly live to be in the pit and was gonna sneak in and have some fun.”
He really doesn’t strike me as the mosh type, but definitely the partying type, so this is all really a gamble.
“You know what, fuck it. The boys and I never went to heavier shows, so I've never moshed, but this place seems as good as any to do it. You also seem like a good mosh pit spiritual guide.”
An even bigger smile grew to my face, and I hopped up off the couch.
“The show starts at 7, that gives us like 5-6 hours of pregame and prep. Up you go, we have work to do.”
I grab his arm and try to pull him off the couch. He just laughs and goes along with it.
“Take me to your bus.”
“Not that im complaining but why?”
“That outfit is completely unacceptable.”
He looked down at himself and then back up to me.
“Wait what, why?”
“Well first off you’re wearing the same clothes as yesterday, and your toes are definitely gonna get squished in those flimsy boots.”
“Hey! They aren’t flim-”
I grabbed his hand again and dragged him off the bus.
“Lets go, Rockstar. Lots of work to do.” 
He suddenly stopped me before entering the bus, putting a hand on my shoulder.
“I’m going to be frank with you. They are weird as fuck, especially Sam and Josh, but seriously, watch out for Sam. He’s especially weird.”
I laugh and mimic his hand on my shoulder with my own on his. 
“This’ll be fun then, I'm sure we will get on just fine. “
“Alright, Y/N. Just wanted to let you know ahead of time.”
“Whatever you say, Rockstar.”
I open the door and waltz up the stairs to see an odd scene to say the least. Josh, who I had met nights before, was sitting on the couch playing guitar. It seemed like his first time, but two tall boys were standing over him. One yelling at josh, and very aggressively might I add, trying to fix his positioning. The other was trying to calmly explain it to him, the two boys both breaking their instructions with bickering between the two of them.
“Josh, darling, just use your thumb to steady your hand on the neck. Barre chords are 100% easier that way.”
The two taller boys whipped their attention over to me, but Josh just tried what I suggested instead. He produced a much clearer sound and gleefully yelled because of it, then looked up to me.
“Y/N! Thank you, darling. These two imbeciles couldn't pick a way to teach, and it was nothing but confusion.”
Shortly after Jake clomped up the stairs, taking a place next to me. Josh quickly ran over to his twin to seemingly go in for a hug, instead all Jake got was a hefty punch in the arm.
“You bastard, where have you been?”
Jake rubbed his arm and said “Well we went out for a little smoke sesh and then fell asleep on her bus by accident. Sorry man.”
Josh raised his eyebrows in surprise then said, “Ohhh, well that's all you had to say, little brother. We get it.”
“Don’t be gross, Josh. There is a lady here. Plus I’m only five minutes younger, we've been over this.”
I suddenly burst in.
“By all means, Josh. Be gross. I could barely be described as a lady.”
“She already loves me, Jakey.”
He just let out a sigh and said “Don't forget about the others. This is Sam, the actual little brother” 
Sam stuck out his hand and gave me a firm handshake. “I feel like this friendship between us will stick.”
“Very bold, Sam. I completely agree.”
Jake continued. “And this is Danny, not blood related, but is basically family.”
He also went in for a handshake, this one a bit softer.
“Pleasure to meet you, Y/N.”
“Pleasures all mine.”
The boys and I instantly hit it off the bat, maybe it's my chaotic personality, or maybe it's theirs. Either way they grew very comfortable around me quickly, and so did I. Jake was a bit more laid back, he mostly just watched us all interact with a smile on his face. It was oddly endearing. 
By that point it was Six and they helped us pregame for the night ahead. Many beers and a couple shots in, and Josh and I were in a heated game of the floor is lava. Well we were but that was until Sam grabbed the chair out from underneath me, causing me to fall onto the couch. Which poor Jake happened to be sitting on, so I partially crushed him, but we were all so tipsy that both of us didn't care. I was too comfortable to move, forgetting about the game.
“Danny, my love. What's the time?”
He checked his watch and said “About 6:30”
I sat up from my reclined position on Jake’s lap and yelled “Shit!”
I quickly got up and yanked Jake up a well, causing him to spill some of his beer.
“We gotta get you better shoes or else your toes are gonna be crushed.”
He laughed and started to push me to the back of the bus. “Well we can't have that can we?”
He led me to a tiny closet near the bunks where he stored his clothing. His shoes were also haphazardly stuffed in there as well.
“Damn this is how you live?”
“Is it not the same for you?”
“You got me there, Rockstar.”
  I looked through all of them, stopping on a bright red pair for a moment because they were just so damn fun. But tucked away were some older and heftier leather boots. I grabbed them and stuffed them into his hands. 
“Did you bring any normal shirts? Cause button ups won't do, man. Gotta have room to move.”
“Yeah I think I have an old Zeppelin shirt back there somewhere.” He said motioning back towards the closet. 
I found it and threw it over to him. I turned around to face him staring at me with an indistinguishable look on his face.
“What are you waiting on? I'm not gonna help you, go get dressed and lets go.”
“Aw what a shame.” He teased.
He dumped his stuff into his bunk before unbuttoning his shirt and taking it off. My eyes slightly widened, and heat rose to my face. I coughed and pulled out my phone as a distraction. A multitude of texts from Sam, my boyfriend, as usual. I ignored them and simply stared at my homepage, just trying to direct my attention from the very tanned shirtless man in front of me. 
He tapped my shoulder, pulling me out of my haze.
“Ready to go, little bird?”
“Ready, Rockstar.”
We said our quick goodbyes to the boys before heading off. Josh quickly called out behind us, “Don’t lose an ear!”
In our drunken state we tried and failed, many times, to hop the fence to the venue. The pit was much harder than expected to get to. Jake tried to lift me over, I tried to lift him over, all ended with one of us almost crushing the other. We were hot, sweaty, and about to miss our chance to join in the fun. Well that was until Jake thought of a different plan of action.
I had my hands joined together to grab his foot and lift him up the metal slats, I about dropped him when he yelled my name. Putting all my strength into lifting him, concentrating on a response was hard but I choked out,
“Jesus, Jake. Don’t do that or I’ll drop you again. What is it?”
He scrambled out of my grasp and almost took me down with him.
“I have the best idea I’ve ever thought of.”
“I doubt th-”
He cut me off and grasped my shoulders, shaking me as he spoke.
“We can just jump into the pit!”
I swatted his hands off of me and said
“We’ve been trying that for 20 minutes, dumbass.”
He grabbed my hand and practically dragged me toward backstage.
“We are artists, we just go to the wings backstage, sneak onto the stage real fast, jump off into the pit, then join in!”
“Oh my god that is the best idea you've ever had!”
“I know!”
At this point we were in a full on sprint towards the venue, people were giving some strange stares, but we were way too drunk to notice nor care.
We finally reached the inside, laughing as we ran through, navigating through crew members and roadies. When we reached the edge of the wings we stopped for a moment to catch our breath, we both looked at each other for a moment. A look of excitement and adrenaline crossed his face, and i'm sure mine as well.
“Ready, Rockstar?” I asked.
“Let’s go, motherfucker!”
We both ran onto the stage, jumping off the ledge into the space between the barrier and stage. The people at the barrier very quickly noticed us, all very confused by our actions.
“Help me over!” I yelled to them, holding out my hands.
A couple of men grabbed me and lifted me over, I quickly thanked them and looked back over to Jake, still inbetween.
“What are you doing? Get over here!”
He laughed and lifted himself over, pushed close next to me.
“This is quite tight!” He yelled.
“What’d you expect?”
He just shrugged his shoulders and leaned onto the barrier. 
“Oh no, Rockstar. This isn’t where we will be.”
He gave me a puzzled look, and I simply responded by grabbing his hand and dragged him away from our spot. I took us deeper into the pit, more and more to the middle. Both of us tightly pressed up against each other. The band wasn’t on stage yet, but the crowd was buzzing with excitement.
“You nervous?”
He looked excited, very drunk, but obviously a bit hesitant about it all.
“A bit. I have a feeling the moment it starts i'll fit right in.”
“Good! It'll be-”
The crowd erupted into cheers and we both looked up to see the band entering the stage. I looked back over to Jake, who’s nervous demeanor had increased substantially. I grabbed his hand, and he looked over to me. He squeezed my hand in response, a smile appearing on his face.
“Don’t let go until you feel ready.. Or if we literally get torn apart.” I yelled to him, barely audible. 
“Oh jesus.”
Jakes POV
For the first couple of songs the crowd stood still, well not still, but what I assume is still for this crowd.  The music was loud, really loud, and gritty, but the lead guitarist was damn good. Had a clean tone for the genre. It definitely wasn't my crowd, that's for sure, it was a lot of very tall men in tank tops, all older than you'd expect. Y/N definitely stuck out in the crowd. Though she was very much in her element, Dancing with the others, getting a bit rowdier than the rest actually. She knew how to hold her ground in a group like this no doubt about. The music definitely not what I ever ventured into, but I definitely could appreciate it. The band was having fun on stage and messing around, something i'm definitely no stranger to.
 Then the band introduced the song “Indians” and all hell broke loose. Y/N’s grip tightened on my hand.
“Get Ready!” She yelled.
The guitars harmonized with a simplistic riff, no other instruments joining in, but boy when they did, the fun began. People around me started to basically push and shove me, basically just running their bodies into me. Jumping into each other and me, Y/N jumped into me at one point. It was tamer than expected, Y/N Joined them as well, pushing into me and jumping into others. It was definitely something I could have handled, I don't know why she hyped it up so much. Everyone took a mutually agreed upon break during the chorus and second verse. Still pushing but just keeping to their spots. Y/N had a huge smile on her face, and looked over to me, her hair wild and her face flushed. 
She leaned over to me and tried to yell, “Get ready!”
“Get Ready? Wasn’t that the mosh?”
She threw her head back and laughed before returning to her space. The singer screamed “War Dance!” and the crowd lost it. They were jumping into everyone basically using shoulders and elbows to bounce off of each other.  I felt my arm jerk and I looked over to Y/N, and everyone in front of her was.. Running? She tightened her grip and started running with them, and in town, I was dragged along. They all were basically running in a circle in dancing, screaming the lyrics to the song. When we got into a groove something in me grooved with it and I lost every nervous feeling in body. I let go of her hand and ran next to her, jumping into her at some points. She threw her head back with laughter and reciprocated by almost pushing me over. At some point we stopped running, but we slammed and jumped into each other until the song was over. And by that point I was so out of breath it burned.
“Holy shit.” I breathed out.
As the show went on the more into it I got and the more wild Y/N got. Alcohol still very present in our systems, along with adrenaline. Y/N screamed the lyrics with everyone and danced all night, causing a ruckus with the neighboring people, and of course I joined in.
She suddenly clamped her hand on my shoulder in the middle of the song “Antisocial”, surprising me.
“Jake! I have my phone on me, but if I don't make it out, we meet where we jumped in!”
“Don't make it back?” I yelled in confusion.
“Don’t worry ill be right back!”
She leaned over to the taller guys next to us and did her best to talk to them. They both high fived her and she grabbed onto their shoulders. They grabbed her legs and lifted her, passing her forward. The people in front of us very quickly took notice and passed her along. She was having the time of her life, yelling and milking her performance. I would be lying if I didn't say she was cool as fuck, and that I didn't envy her lust for life.
The guy next to tapped my shoulder and yelled “Dude your girlfriend is dope as hell!”
I simply responded “Don't I know it.”
Y/N’s POV 
Eventually I did make my way back to Jake, it just took me awhile to push through, and not get distracted by the crowd, as nice as it was to get recognized, I was worried he got swept away.
I found him attempting to headbang with the guys who helped me crowd surf, it was honestly cute to watch. 
“I lived, Bitch!”
He stopped and locked eyes with me, the already huge smile on his face grew bigger, 
“I don't want this to end!” He yelled, grabbing me and sweeping me back into my old spot.
“Well I’m sad to inform you we probably have one more song left, Rockstar.”
He gave me an over exaggerated frown and threw his arm around my shoulder and said 
“Well I guess that means we have to make it count!”
“I guess it does!”
The crowd gave too much energy in too early on and tried to  put everything into the last song, but it didn't compare to earlier. All of our bodies heavy, our breath hard, and sweat was everywhere. Compared to earlier, Jake now looked like a pro. Pushing everyone around him, keeping his balance, a huge smile stuck on his face. Near the end of the song I was completely exhausted and my balance is getting harder and harder to keep. They guy next to me just about pushed me over, except Jakes torso kept me from getting very far. He quickly caught me and wrapped his arms around me looking down at me, stopping for a brief moment. I looked up and our eyes met, our faces were closer than expected, our noses practically touching. The both of us not attempting to move away. Heat rose to my cheeks and I held my breath, unable to move. The relentlessness crowd was ever moving though, and the guy in front of us knocked the two of us into the men behind us, moving us from our position. 
“Well that was close, you almost took me down there.” He laughed, relieving the tension.
“You wish, Rockstar.”
The walk back to my trailer was silent, it wasn’t a bad silence, just contempt. We both just felt oddly comfortable around each other, and could just live in the moment, not having to force conversation. Comfortable silence is rare, and you've met someone truly special if that can be achieved. Even though it was last night i'm still confused as to how he got me to open up. I make it seem like i’m open with people, joke about my insecurities so they can’t hold them against me. Rarely does anyone ever see past that. I haven't even gotten the chance to throw those jokes around, I haven’t felt like I needed to around him. I've known him all of three days and he makes me feel something. I don't know what it is, its past romantic or platonic, I guess I just feel some sort of kin to him. That scares me. 
We were in no rush, taking as much time as we wanted on the walk back. The both of us occasionally just staring at the sky. Crickets and a seldom guitar could be heard, bouncing from bus to bus. A different tune from each player, and even if it was 11, they all seemed to be saying goodnight. 
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jake glancing at me every so often. When I turned my head to look at him he just stopped trying to hide it. A small smile played at his lips and the stars almost reflected in his eyes. He seemed at peace. Still, I could see that he had a question he wanted to ask playing through his mind. 
“What's on your mind, Rockstar?” I asked.
He seemed taken aback that i’d noticed.
“Oh uh, I was just thinking of asking if maybe you'd like to join me and the boys during practice tomorrow? I mean we played last night, but I what to see what you can really do.” He paused for a moment, a smirk appearing on his face. “Plus I can finally Woo you with my guitar playing. Gets all the ladies.” He finished off his sentence by very animatedly wiggling his eyebrows.
“You wish, I've been playing since I was three, bet you I can do everything you can, and then some.” 
“You're on, little bird. You don't know what you're getting yourself into. Lets just say i’ve been playing for a little while.”
“You don't even know what you're getting yourself into.” I mimicked the smirk he gave me and said “Gets me all the ladies.”
He cocked an eyebrow in confusion “ You're taken.”
“Well when I wasn't… Let's just say I never had a shortage of fun.”
“Ooh look at you go.”
I just simply laughed and threw an arm around his shoulder, both of us returning back to our silence. My bus seemed to have snuck up on us because suddenly we were standing at the door. I reached for the door handle, stepping away from him.
“Wait.” He said suddenly, grabbing my hand.
I turned to him seeing that same expression as before, he had something to say.
He hesitated for a moment, his eyes searching for something in mine. I almost waited for him to step closer to me. He didn’t.
“No goodnight for me then?”
I stepped closer and left a lingering kiss on his cheek. He froze for a moment before relaxing under my touch.
I leaned in and whispered “Goodnight, Rockstar.” in his ear.
I moved away turning away for him to reach for the door again, opening it as quietly as I could. His hand slipped out of mine and I stepped onto the bus, but before I closed the door I turned around one more time. His eyes softened when they met mine, and a smile played on his lips.
“Goodnight, Little Bird.” He said softly, before turning around and walking away, humming a familiar tune.
Chapter 5
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angelofavarice · 5 years
Answer all of them fool
I suppose fairs fair
1. Virginia
2. 17
3. January
4. Cap babey!
5. Cobalt blue
6. Six! My lucky numbers six
7. I have cat dog dog cat
8. I am from Delaware
9. 5’5
10. Size Seven
11. I think i have six pairs of shoes
12. I dreamed this package ive been waiting for for a month came
13. My talent is making other ppl understand stuff like that shit teachers are supposed to do
14. I am not psychic i have no intuition
15. Madman by zero authority or All or nothing by elliphant or reflaugh by hungry lights
16. Avatar or Nerve or Bedazzled or probably all three
17. Someone who will eat pickles and doesnt kill spiders
18. Hell fuck yes i want kids
19. No cuz i dont want a wedding
20. Not really
21. Yea i went when i was little for surgery and i pretty much lived there a couple years ago
22. Nah cuz they cant catch me ; o p
23. My sisters gonna b on tv does that count
24. Always showers
25. Blacc socks
26. Ive never been famous but im popular and well liked among my peers which is basically the same thing
27. I would never wanna b a celebrity i hate being popular and well liked among my peers
28. I listen to metal punk and jazz w a lil soft spot for really electric pop
29. No
30. I sleep with as many pillows as i can get for i believe in living life comfortably
31. If i dont sleep on my stomach my shoulders get really fucked up so
32. Not
33. I would rather die than eat breakfast even tho i love breakfast foods
34. Why would i have any desire to fire a gun
35. Ive done archery a bunch
36. Glib
37. Whore
38. I dont think ive been more than like 23 hrs without sleep
39. Regrettably yes
40. If ive ever had a secret admirer i wouldnt know cuz theyre secret boom next question
41. I can b a good liar
42. Absolutely not i still dont have any intuition
43. I can do a bitchin southern accent
44. I speak mostly gen american so no
45. I love me a good drawl, its a soothing voice to listen to
46. Everytime ive taken the myers briggs test ive gotten a different answer and it’s probably bc im not a person
47. The most expensive piece of clothing i have are my platform boots which isnt really saying much but like i saved for them for a while
48. Yes? Idk i feel like everyone shows me this does it a different way
49. Innie (thanks surgery from earlier)
50. Right handed
51. I am still technically afraid of spiders but im working on just not bc theyre cool and awesome and deserve life
52. Mnms i cant stop eating them its such a problemmmmmm
53. Idk if this counts but pot stickers HIT also channa masala is fukin good
54. I am messy in personality. So very, very messy
55. Probably “that/it fucks”
56. Fuck fucking fucker i do not hav a wide vocabulary
57. It takes me 14 minutes to get ready in the morning but to properly get ready more like 26/7
58. My ego is so large it cannot be comprehended by mortal minds
59. Both
60. All the time it never ends ppl who drive next to me see me yelling at myself and think me a weirdo
61. Also yes
62. No one has ever heard me so theyre not allowed to say one way or the other
63. Oof no skip
64. I try not to b
65. I dont really watch dramas cuz they make me mad ( does sharknado count? Pacific rim? Now that im thinking abt it idk wat constitutes a drama)
66. On me, long hair, on others, doesnt matter
67. I still have the state song from second grade memorized so FUCK YES
68. Biology! I love biology! Chems also pretty cool but its makin me wanna die a little
69. Ambivert
70. No
71. Bitch everything but mostly new situations
72. Not really im scared of not being able to see and falling and busting my ass
73. Sometimes yes sometimes no i hav social intelligence and kno when u shouldnt b nit picky
74. Who isnt
75. Yea but i dont think ive ever started a rumor abt a person
76. I always naturally end up in some sort of leadership position and its annoying as hell
77. Yes
78. Technically
79. Thats a very difficult question to answer
80. Three
81. No i take french
82. If i type fast i type wrong
83. I can sprint pretty fast but anything more than like a minute is a no go i dont b egg of sizing
84. Brown and pink
85. Brown and not pink
86. Bitch everything thanks del river- the environment, most sunscreens, immunity boosters like airborne, ibuprofen and advil and i have a slight cross sensitivity to aleeve
87. Yes its the only way i remember things
88. Their best
89. No
90. Currently my band teacher hes a cunt
91. I guess? Like im used to my name now so i dont have any problems with it but ive always liked the idea of being called angel
92. Not having baby, not naming baby, am adopt thank u
93. I want a kid for a child
94. I work my ass off
95. I work my ass off to the point where i dont stop and im left sitting in the crumbling shambles of my metal stability
96. Movie
97. Really doubt it but i couldnt b certain
98. Still yes they have not faded from my skin
99. One is brown other is purble
100. One is yellow the other is white
101. I nominate myself for the “never having to think deeply abt ur existence ever again” challenge thank u and goodnight
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ethansoft · 5 years
Strawberries and cigarettes (part 1)
The sun was just beginning to make its way down towards the horizon, it was the first official day of summer and Ethan Dolan finally saw it fit to leave his house and spend time with his friends. It had been a rough winter. Long. Cold. Lots of snow. Ethan hates the cold. This was the kind of weather he liked. 80° and a slight breeze. But god this town is getting boring. He didn’t even mind staying home all winter, it’s better than the usual bullshit his friends partake in. Drinking, drugs, vandalism, it all gets so old after awhile. When you first begin, there’s the rush of knowing what you’re doing is wrong, you feel alive when that thought crosses your mind that what you’re doing is illegal, and could get you in trouble, but you’re getting away with it somehow. But after awhile it’s just old. Ethan wanted to discover the world, he wanted to discover what makes him happy, what would make him feel passion, and exhilarate him all at once. This was of course, not something he could share with his friends. Maybe his twin brother Grayson, if the mood was right. But definitely not his friends.
“E, you want a beer, man? You’re awfully quiet over there.” Ethan snapped out of his thoughts and looked over at Grayson, “nah, man... I’m good,” he responded. Grayson shrugged. “Suit yourself,” he said as he headed back over to the bonfire their friends had lit on the beach. Ethan walks over to the empty blanket laid out in the sand, and finds himself staring at the vast and infinite ocean, thinking about how badly he wanted to just leave. Just go anywhere. Just discover. Explore.
Ethan’s thoughts were quickly interrupted by loud laughter and screams. He jerked his head to the left and saw that all the guys he’d came with had found a group of girls, and they were removing all of their clothing and sprinting into the water. Ethan laughed as he saw Grayson pick a half naked girl up, throw her over his shoulder and take off towards the ocean at full speed.
Out of the corner of his eye, Ethan could see a girl, sitting alone, the same way he was, on a blanket away from the girls she had clearly came with. The difference between Ethan and said girl, was that she had literally brought a book and book light to the beach and paid no attention to her friends skinny dipping with boys they had just met. Ethan was immediately intrigued, but was also not brave enough to just walk up to this mystery, book reading girl and start conversation. Anyone who brings a book to public places clearly has no interest in holding conversation.
The girl looked up and noticed Ethan’s intense stare. She smiled and returned to her book. Oh god, how embarrassing. What the fuck. How do I convince her I’m not a creep now? Does she know I had been looking for awhile? What book is she reading? Why is she not out there with her friends? Were all thoughts that passed through Ethan’s brain at a million miles a minute.
Ethan hopped up off the blanket, brushing his hands against his shorts to get the sand off. The only thing to do in this situation that would possibly make it a little less awkward would be introducing himself, maybe act like he recognized the book cover and was trying to see the title? No, that won’t work. He sat back down, feeling just a little more mortified than he had before standing.
A wet haired Grayson approaches with a giant smile. “What are you doing over here, creep? Staring at y/n?” Ethan smirked. “You know her?” Grayson looked over at her, “not really, just have seen her around. Girl brings a book with her everywhere so clearly she’s too intellectual for me. Also not my type,” He laughed. “Not your type either, Ethan,” Joe, another one of their friends, commented as he approached Ethan and Grayson, “you’re a dumb ass and she’s a genius, it’d never work.” Ethan laughed, “sometimes opposites attract, asshole.” Joe laughed. “I don’t know man, she’s not that cute, look at all her friends. You’re crazy for being focused on the lame one sitting on the blanket reading while the rest of her friends are partying with us. But then again, I guess that’s exactly what you’re doing.” Ethan felt a pang in his chest and his cheeks flushed bright red. “Fuck off,” Ethan said below his breath.
Ethan spent the rest of the evening staring at y/n and wondering how he could possibly be so intrigued by someone he knows nothing about. He found himself imagining nights with her curled up in between his legs with a book, him reading over her shoulder, and peppering soft kisses on her neck, he imagined Sunday mornings waking up next to her, the smell of her shampoo filling his nostrils, as he envelops her in his arms to just hold her for a bit. His thoughts were once again interrupted by the loud voice of his brother. “That’s it. Im telling her you’ve been staring all night if you don’t get up and ask for her number right now,” Grayson said. “Shut up, dude. She’s clearly busy,” Ethan responded, his tone harsh and serious. “SO DISTRACT HER. I’ll give you 30 seconds to get up and ask for her number before I start screaming her name.” Ethan began to panic, he really didn’t want to disturb her, and he was pretty positive he didn’t stand a chance in hell. “3,2,1......Y/N!!!” Grayson shouted across the beach. Y/n looked up from her book and her eyes darted directly to Ethan and Grayson. She had a confused look on her face as she set her book down and slowly waved her hand at them as if to say “hi”. “Go, Ethan. Now.” Ethan stood up and walked over to her. He could feel his hands starting to sweat, and his brain shutting down. He had absolutely no idea what he was going to say as he approached her, and without thinking his mouth actually uttered the words “Books are cool.” Y/n chuckled lightly. “Yeah, I guess they are.” Ethan mentally smacked himself upside the head. He’d physically slap himself upside the head later, but for now, doing it mentally would have to do. “What is you’re reading?” Ethan asked as he shuffled his feet and avoided eye contact. What the fuck is going on? Ethan mentally asked himself. He had never been this nervous around ANYONE, girls aren’t necessarily his forte, like they are Grayson’s, but he wasn’t bad. He could pick up girls without an issue. He couldn’t believe he was so tongue tied. “Just some cheesy romance novel I found on a young adult best seller list on Buzzfeed,” y/n laughed at herself. “Cool, cool. I’ve been wanting to get into reading, but I haven’t read a book since like fourth grade. I don’t even know what kind of books would interest me at this point, honestly” Ethan said, at this point just trying to keep the conversation going. “Well, just browse the library and read the back cover and I’m sure you’ll find something...” y/n was confused as to why this conversation was even happening. He isn’t the type of boy to usually strike up conversation with her. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Maybe... we can go to the library together?” Ethan finally mustered up the courage to ask her. Y/n sat in silence and refused to make eye contact with the boy in front of her. “Or not, it’s totally fine. You’re probably busy don’t worry about it,” sheer embarrassment overtook Ethan in that moment and he turned to walk away as he heard y/n begin to speak. “Is this some kind of joke? Did Grayson put you up to this?” She asked. Ethan noticed that she wasn’t asking out of insecurity, it was more like, she wasn’t gonna take any shit. And he liked that. “Are you kidding?” He responded, contemplating whether or not his ears had deceived him. “No, I’m not kidding.” She said matter of factly. “This isn’t a joke,” he responded, not knowing what else to say. “Okay then, sure. Here’s my number,” she pulled a pen and an old receipt out of her purse and wrote her number on it for Ethan. He smiled “I’ll text you then. We’ll get it set up.” He turned to walk away again, this time content, with a smile on his face. “Hey Ethan...,” y/n called out after him. “Yeah?” He turned around. “Please don’t end up being a tool.” He laughed. “I won’t.” He responded before heading to his car. He could leave happy now. Maybe this night wasn’t such a bust after all.
(I really don’t know how I feel about this but I have so many ideas please give me feedback!!! Thank you i love you!)
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New Years Kiss
Jared Leto×Reader Summary- You have only a few minutes to make the biggest decision of your life. Do you follow your heart and risk everything for love, or swallow your feelings? Warning- Smut
A/N- I didn't go over this cause Im tired as shit
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Jared's at home relaxing, and you're standing in your dates home 10 minutes down the road. You're Jared's live in home assistant and he gave you the night off to enjoy yourself, but you're yelling at yourself for accepting it and being here, standing in these strappy heels and tight red dress, when all you want to do is be with him. The Only reason you actually came was so that you could have a kiss when the clock strikes 12, pathetic right? Pretending like you're not in love with Jared and wishing that he was the one you were kissing. Pretending that everything is normal just for once. But your mind keeps running back to Jared and how your hands want to tangle in his hair and taste his lips. It's 12:30 and you're growing more antsy as time ticks by and you're pratically chewing your lip off. You finally say fuck it and walk out of the door. The time has ticked by and now it's 12:40, meaning you now have only 20 minutes to get down the road. You didn't drive here, so you don't have your car, an uber won't make it in time, and you are not asking your date to drive you home. What options do you have left? Maybe if you start walking now, you can make it. You take off down the road, heels clicking against the asphalt. It's less than a 10 minute drive, so you should probably make it there around the same time, right? Who knows? But when you look down at your watch, 10 minutes of walking has already been taking up, and you're barely past the sign that indicates Jared's house is right up the road. You groan loudly, picking up your pace whilst your feet yell at you. Not only have you been standing on your feet pretty much all day, but then standing for even longer at the party, and to top it off, you're pratically sprinting down the road. Your dress has hitched itself up your thighs and you can't even care at this point because there's 5 minutes left. 5 FUCKING MINUTES! You kick up the speed, your grandma mall walk turns into a full on run, well, it's not a run or a jog, but it's what you're doing. Your hair is stuck in your lipgloss and your tits are flying out of your dress, and your ass is now probably on full display, but you keep pushing. 2 minutes left and you can see the house. Right around the curve and you'd be damned if you don't make it. Your legs are yelling at you to stop and you can't breath, and everything is burning. 1 minute and you're almost there, almost in the driveway. 10 seconds, you're in the driveway and the alarm on your smart watch is counting down from there 5 seconds, you bust through the door, and Jared is standing at the kitchen counter in nothing but a pair of sweatpants, riding low on his waist. 3 seconds, you run towards him. 1 second, and you smash right into him, pressing your lips against his. Your ears perk up at the sound of fireworks bursting in the sky, and you can't think of a better way to end the night. Jared pulls his lips away from yours slowly, lingering just a little. "Were you running?" He tilts his head to the side and a signature smirk plays on his lips. "Yeah..I, umm...yeah I ran." You laugh at yourself through breaths of air and shake your head, "Happy New Year." You offer him a small, shy smile and his turns into a grin. "Happy New Year." He leans his head back down and presses his lips slowly back to yours, parting them just a little to pull your bottom lip into his mouth. You moan at the feeling of his warm lips on yours and his hands around your waist, pulling you right against his. Your hands roam up his body to tangle into his beautiful locks of hair, pulling slightly, and it's his turn to let out a groan, lighting a fire in your panties. This time you pull away, not because you don't wanna kiss him, but because your ass needs some water, "Sorry, I just need some water." Jared's eyes crinkle at the corners, and he moves out of your way so you can reach into the fridge and grab a bottle of water. Once it's in your hands, you're ripping off the lid to down half of the bottle. Hands wrap themselves around your stomach, pulling your ass flush agaisnt Jared's hard cock. A moan slips past your lips and your press back slightly and his fingers dig into your skin. His lips press to the side of your neck and you lean your head back on his shoulder to grant him further access, "I've wanted to kiss your fucking lips ever since I first saw you," his teeth sink into your neck, making your pussy tbrob even more, "you were wearing that tight, little black skirt and those strappy litte heels, and you bent over to pick up your bag, giving me the perfect view of that fat ass," Your heart's thumping in your chest at his words, barely being able to contain your excitement, "and that top your wore, your nipples poked right threw it." His hands roam down your waist and breasts, giving them a squeeze before pressing down on your back and pressing your front to the counter, to your thighs before slipping up your dress to touch your hips again, squeezing them. "Jared....please," you're panting at this point, even more than before. You're so horny at this point, knowing that he's wanted you as long as you've wanted him. You're backing your hips up to rub across his cock and he hisses at the contact, "please touch me." "That what you want, Baby?" Jared snakes a hand around to slip into the band of your panties. His slender fingers are teasing painfully at the band, "you wanna cum on my fingers?" "Yes sir." Your own fingers dig into the counter to try and hold yourself up. "Make me cum on your fingers." "Fuck, you're dirty." He releases his hand from your panties to grab the top of your zipper, pulling it down to help you out of your dress, pushing the straps over your shoulders and down to your feet. Jared traces his fingers over your flushed skin, all the way to your bra, where he unclasps it, sliding that over your shoulders too, throwing it across the room. Then his hands are back on your skin, pushing your soaked panties down your legs where you step out of them, kicking them off of your feet. "Look how wet you are. You're fucking soaked." Your aching cunt clenches around nothing, and without warning, Jared pushes his fingers right between your silken lips. A gasp falls from your lips and he slides a finger into your dripping heat, then adding a second, curling up at the perfect spot, "Oh fuck..." his lips are back on your neck, sucking on your flesh. "God, you're pussy's so tight on my fingers." His words make an inhuman noise come from you and he speeds up the pace of his fingers, pumping them harder and faster, whilst bringing his other hand around to rub your clit. The band in your stomach is tightening faster and faster and you know you're gonna snap soon. His fingers feel so amazing and to finally have him fucking you with him is sending you swirling out of control. Moans are falling freely from your lips and the sensation of his lips nibbling on your neck sends you over the edge. You cum all over his fingers, pussy clenching around them. Jared continues rubbing, continues pumping, and your juices slips down your thighs. You're coming down from your high and Jared slips his fingers out of you, turning you around, letting his eyes travel down your naked body for the first time, "You're fucking beautiful." He presses his lips against yours and smile forms on yours. When you pull away from each other, your eyes are drawn downwards where his throbing cock is straining against his pants. "You're fingers felt amazing, but I want your cock in me."
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turtle-steverogers · 6 years
Down Forever
Warnings: death i’m sorry
Ship: Ralbert
Editing: lol no i wrote this under my desk oof
Race missed Albert. He had gone on tour with his dance studio about a month ago, leaving Race bored and alone. They called often, sure, and plenty of time was spent texting and SnapChatting, but it wasn’t the same as having him there where he could hold him.
Race was practically bouncing off the walls with excitement as he got into his car. Albert had called the night before to let him know he was coming home for a week’s break before moving onto Florida for their next recital. His flight was scheduled to arrive at around 1:30, so Race figured he’d be at the airport early to pick him up. Sure it was bordering too early to leave, seeing as it was 12:00 right now and the airport was only twenty minutes away, but Race liked airports. He liked the lively atmosphere and the sense of adventure that they provided.
He was just about to pull out of the driveway, when his phone started buzzing in his pocket. He pulled it out and frowned- it was Albert. What was Albert doing calling him? Wasn’t he in the middle of his flight?
Anticipation bubbled in Race’s chest as he picked up, “Albert?”
“Race, hi baby,” Something was off. Albert sounded sad and almost scared. There were other voices in the background. Panicked voices. Something was really wrong.
Race felt the blood drain from his face as he put his car into park, “Al, what’s wrong?”
“Race, uh,” Race heard Albert take a shaky breath, “Something’s malfunctioning with the plane’s engine. It’s a miracle I could even reach you, but we’re gonna go down. The pilots are trying to land us safely, but I don’t think we’re gonna make it.”
It felt as if the ground had fallen out from underneath Race’s feet. He felt dizzy as he comprehended Albert’s words. The engine was malfunctioning. The plane is going down. Albert’s in that plane. Albert’s not gonna make it. This had to be a dream. He was dreaming. Or someone was playing a joke on him. A sick, awful joke. This couldn’t be real.
“Race, you still there?” Albert’s voice had become eerily calm.
“Y-yeah, baby I’m still here- oh god please don’t go, don’t leave. Albert, please.”
“Race, baby, I’d never leave you, but can you do me a favor?”
“Anything,” Race struggled to speak around the lump that had formed in his throat. Everything hurt. This wasn’t right. Albert couldn’t die, he was coming home today, wasn’t he?
“Go to our bedroom and look in my bedside table.”
“Albert, what? Baby, I don’t-“
“Race, please,” Albert sounded frantic now, “Hurry please.”
Race sprinted inside on numb legs, practically breaking the door to their bedroom as he burst inside. He rushed to Albert’s side of the bed and knelt down to dig through the drawer of his bedside table. There wasn’t much in there, only an extra pair of headphones, some gum, and a small ring box- oh. Race wanted to scream.
“Do you see the box, love?” Albert’s voice brought Race out of his reverie.
Race let out a small sob, “Yes, baby, please-“
“Race, listen. I need you to listen.”
“Okay,” Race whimpered.
“Antonio Higgins, you’re the best thing in my life. I love you so much and I don’t know who I’d be without you. Will you marry me?”
Tears were streaming steadily down Race’s face as he picked up the box, holding it tightly in his fist, “Yes, oh god, Albert yes.”
“I love you, Race,” Albert sounded like he was crying now as well.
“I love you too, Albert. Please don’t-“ The call cut off. Static filled the place of Albert’s voice. Race dropped the phone, sliding down to the ground beside his bed. Sobs overtook his body as he opened the ring box with shaky hands.
He took the ring out and held it up to his lips, “I fucking love you, asshole,” he whispered harshly.
Except there was no answer.
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futurepurplepaladin · 6 years
When I’m With You I’m Home- Part 2
Anonymous: 11+15+73+81 for lance reuniting with an s/o he left on earth
11) “Wow, you look… amazing.”
15) ““When I’m with you, I’m home.”
73) ““Please don’t say goodbye.”
81) “Come with me.”
Phew, this took so long to write! Sorry about that! I forgot to add on the last post- this is with a fem s/o, and Im really working on writing gender neutral- Im just not used to it. So Im so sorry if this made the fic harder to read! And this DEFINTELY doesnt match the storyline from Season 7-so sorry?
Word Count: 3,468
Who: Lance x Reader
Warnings: Some cuss words in Spanish- mentions of depressio 
Hope you enjoy!!!
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(not my gif- gypsyastronaut)
“Getting busy over there LAnce?” a voice taunted in front of you; the voice was undefiable as male or female- but you recognized it at once.
“Wait is that- PIDGE?” 
You looked over Lance’s shoulder, seeing Pidge (and Hunk) walk over in almost identical lions as Lance (Pidge was green, and Hunk was yellow). They also were wearing the strange armor.
“Y/n?!?” she called excitedly, and soon as she said that both Hunk and Pidge where running over.
“Oh my god you guys, where’d you get all the weird costume?!” You laughed, hugging both individuals.
Pidge’s short, messy hair was a little longer like Lances, but she was still the same height.
Hunk look like he had gained some muscle, and his bandana looked like it could use a good wash.
“Soo…” Pidge smirked at LAnce, “you never told us you had a girlfriend!”
“And you never told us it was her- I mean- y/n!” HUnk exclaimed, trying to be very polite (per usual).
“Well….” Lance tried to explain, giving you a nervous smile.
You smiled back, saying, “We weren’t a thing… we just kinda figured it out right now.”
Hunk and Pidge looked at each other, evil smirks on their faces. You remembered those faces- that meant they were gonna screw with someone (most likely Lance). But just as Pidge opened her mouth, you felt another “whoooosh” over you that made your hair fly forward. And then a second one flew over you 5 seconds later.
“Okay- why is there different colored lions, I thought there was only a Blue one? And is Shiro and Keith in those ones?” You asked the group quickly, anxiously waiting for their answer.
“Yeah, that should be Shiro and Keith,” Hunk answered, turning towards the spot that they landed.
Lance pondered for a second- how do you know about the Lions?
He gave you a look that you knew to well that he was confused, and you realized he caught your mistake- he couldn’t know about what you did- he CANT. You quickly left him, running to go meet with Shiro and Keith to get away from any awkward questions.
“Mr. Shirogane! Mr. Shirogane is that really you?!?” You yelled, happily excited to see your favorite teacher again- until you realized you were only wearing a breathing suit and you stopped running awkwardly.
“How have you been y/n?” He asked politely, not noticing your lack of clothing.
“Uh- pretty good-“ you said thinking “He’s hairs way different…….”
Then you noticed Keith, you were standing right beside him.
He looked moody- as usual.
“Hey Keith,” you gave a small wave, and he gave a small ‘Hey.’
Hunk, Pidge, and Lance had finally reached you, standing behind you.
“Alright- somebody tell me what’s going on?” You asked your dying question quickly, afraid that they wouldn’t answer it if you didn’t ask at once. “Why is there lions? Where did you guys go? Where did YOU GET THE ARMOR?!?l
Everyone did something different- Lance looked guilty, Pidge was still smirking at you two, Hunk was staring off at the darkening sunset, Keith looked at you as if he trying to see if you were trying to backstab them, but Shiro looked at you with seriousness and sympathy.
“Y/n,” he began, “I know your confused at all this, to be honest, we are too. We can tell you the story…. but not right now.”
“WHAT?!?” You yelled in frustration. “My best friend left -“
(“Boyfriend”, Pidge snickered)
“And all my friends were said to be dead- and you can’t tell me where you guys have been for the last year and a half?!” your frustration got the better of you, and you forgot who you were yelling at- but Shiro gave a soft smile and said, “I know this is frustrating, but promise me, You will know what happened.”
“Alright….” you complied, and Keith, thinking it was the right time to talk, “Guys, it’s getting dark, we’re gonna have to go.”
“Wait-“ You swiveled quickly to look at Lance- “you can’t go!”
Your heart throbbed to think you had to leave Lance- AGAIN- after only seeing him for about 30 minutes. You would be more heart broken than the last time.
Lance hurt seeing your face- it was as if all the guilt and worry he caused a year and half before was coming all coming to surface on your face.
“Keith- Shiro- I can’t go,” he said defiantly, “this is my home- let me stay for the night- then I’ll go.” You looked at him, hope filling your eyes again, and he smiled down at you.
“Lance you can’t, we have to get back-“ Keith started, but Shiro put a hand on his shoulder, signaling him to stop, and he finished for him.
“Lance, you can stay, I don’t see the trouble in it- but please be back before 9. We do have the meeting with the Garrison tomorrow, and we all need to be there.”
“Alright,” Lanc said gleefully, and you gave him a look he could read as if you were actually talking to him- “Meeting?”
“Just something I have to do,” he looked back, and you nodded in understanding.
You watched all the paladins leave one by one, hugging each one (except Keith, who looked extremely moody and had wrapped his arms around himself- and you were also secretly angry at him for trying to get Lance to leave), and watched as the flew into the sky and into the night, like reversed shooting stars- each one a color of the rainbow.
It was now dark, the ocean turning a dangerous indigo, and the night sky was covered in stars.
“Well- what do you want to do?” you asked Lance, grabbing his hand. You realized how good it felt to put your hand in his and wondered why it took you so long to actually confess to him. You haven't felt this happy in a long time.
Lance blushed, hoping the darkness covered up the red traveling up to his cheeks- but since his armor glowed in the dark, it illuminated his face and almost made it look worse.
“U-um...well- I just want to see my family, I've missed them so much!” you guys walked up the beach, you leading Lance back to your belongings. The sand felt cool and soft and it reminded you of the Moon Sand you and Lance used to play with as kids.
“Yeah its been awhile….” you said airly, imagining the happy faces of the McCLains when they realized their boy had came back home, and you smiled.
After Lance admitted to missing his family, it was as if a plug had come undone and he was spilling everything in a happy, home sick voice.
“Ive missed the my family so much, and especially the food. I haven't  had actual Earth food in forever! Like tacos, and pancakes, and the Spongebob ice creams from the ice cream truck with bubble gum eyes, oh and garlic knots! Man your tia used to make the best garlic knots- does she still make them- “
“Oh mierda!” you yelped.
You stopped walking, your happy bubble being popped.
“Whats wrong?” Lance asked, confused and instantly on guard.
“MY AUNT!” she had warned you not to be out so late- and it definitely looked like past 9.
“We gotta go!”
You sprinted towards your board, Lance following suit, and you ran towards the main road.
A normal walk to your house took a few minutes, but you got there at record time.- but you felt it wasn't fast enough- she was gonna be so PISSED.
You arrived at your little house, the outside being illuminated by warm yellow light streaming out through the windows. The door was open, letting in a soft breeze and the smell of garlic filled the air.
You quietly put down your board, dreading the telling to you were gonna get- and in front of LAnce. You had gotten in trouble in front of him before, but know it was different- your relationship was different. This wouldn't be only just embarrassing- you probably just start digging your grave right after.
“Wait are those… Garlic kn-mmph!” Lanc energetically yelled, and you frantically shushed him with your hand. His eyes got wide, and you whispered, “Just- stay quiet okay- I dont know what shes gonna do if shes sees you-I just tell her super gently so she doesn't have a full blown heart attack- let me handle it.” you quickly added, “Nod if you understand.”
Lance nodded in agreement, and after you realised him from your hand, he spat on the ground.
“Next time you do that,” he whispered harshly, “make sure your hands aren't covered in sand!”
You giggled quietly, angry butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
“Stop being a baby, Feo- just wait here.”
You gave him a weak smile and quietly walked up your front steps, dread building the closer you got to the door.
You slid through, and you saw your aunt’s back in the kitchen, smoke rising as she clanged pots and pans around. You swore your aunt had eyes in the back of her head, cause just as your crouched through the doorway, she turned around quickly, giving you a glare that made you flinch.
Your aunt stopped abruptly, staring not at you but at something behind you. You felt a familiar someone near you, and you stated quietly with a smile- “I got kinda side tracked.”
You looked up at Lance, seeing his soft smile, and you smiled wider.
“Lance… is i really you?” your aunt tentatively walked towards you, clutching her heart as she walked towards him.
“Yeah, its me Tia,” Lance said weakily, as if the amount of happiness in him was sapping his energy.
Your aunt screamed in glee, and put Lance into a bone crushing hug. You laughed, knowing that your aunt saw Lance as a son- you guys were like family.
She finally put Lance on ground as he rubbed his arms to get blood flow back there. “Come come, I just finished making dinner,” you aunt said, a smile etched on her face. You both walked over, seeing the silver baking sheets covered in assorted food; Lance was right, she did make garlic knots.
“Mijo, eat, your a twig!” she said affectionately to Lance, handing him a whole pan of food.
Lance licked his lip, clearing cant waiting to eat. You were hungry as well- you hadnt eaten anything all day, and the hunger had just caught up to you. You grabbed for a bread yourself, and your aunt hit your hand with a spatula.
“Ow!” you yelped, grabbing your know throbbing hand, “What was that for!”
“You were gone for 10 HOURS! No, you can wait- not until you change into something other than THAT!” she said, aiming her spatula at you like a weapon and motioning to your bathing suit.
“Its a bathing suit, Tia” you said, “its something that your suppose to wear at the beach.”
“But you need to cover up- especially around this one,” she looked at you while pointing the spatula at LAnce, who was currently stuffing his face.
“I think she looks great,” Lance said after he swallowed a huge chunk of bread, giving a smug look at your body. You blushed, feeling that maybe it would be a good time to change- your aunt had just whacked Lance on the head with the spatula and Lance gave out a yelp.
You shook your head and laughed, going into your room.
You turned on the light, the warm glow illuminating the walls. Your room really had no concept- it was just a mess of things that your owned and liked.
In front of you was your window, opened to let in a breeze. The lacy white curtains curled lazily in the breeze. Your closet was open, relieving a mess of shoes and shirts. The far sided wall was painted with stars and constellations, that glowed in the dark. Your bed was blue, covered in pink, green, and white assorted pillows that said “Whatever” and “Shooketh” and other wierd saying you thought were funny or just cute. The walls were covered in snapshots of star constellations and Star Wars posters. Next to your bed, was another curtain- it was red, clashing with the pastel colors of your room. Yes, your room was messy and maybe a little hard on the eyes but- you liked it. It was yours.
You stepped over clothes strewn on the floor, grabbing your phone and playing hit on your favorite playlist, not noticing the quiet voices in the kitchen.
Lance had just explained to your aunt were he had been, giving her a quick run down. He didnt give her more information than he gave you- he felt it would be wrong to tell your aunt first instead of you.
“So- how has y/n and you been doin- since I….you know….” Lance asked, finishing off his 7th garlic knot.
He was worried about you- he knew you too well. The fact you guys had fought hurt him alot, but he knew it would hurt you worse.
“Ay mijo… she wasnt doing well, not at all,” she replied sadly, putting down the towel she was using to clean her hands.
“After you left, she went into a sadness. She was crazy, not the same- going around, crying, yelling at officials saying that they needed to work harder to find you. They gave her a deal and said that she could come back in the next year- how I heard she was acting, shes blessed to have a second chance”
Lance gulped dryly, noticing how dry his throat was.
“What else happened?”
Your aunt continued, “The town was just as sad as she was. Your family mijo- they were heartbroken. But y/n- you would have thought you had died. After what happened to her parents-she had already lost so much, and then losing you… I think it was too much for her.. She stayed in her room all day, never came out, and wouldnt eat. I think she barely slept. I never knew what she was doing, but that was when she put up that red curtain- I never checked what was under i. I didn't want to look into her private things…”
“A red curtain/” Lance looked up quickly, feeling more guilt washing over him. How could he do this to his family? To the girl he loved? And he never realized it?
“Si, mijo… near her bed- maybe you can talk her into showing it to you. But please-” your aunt graped LAnce’s hand with both of hers, “don't tell her I told you this. She would be so mad at me.”
“Of course,” Lance smiled sympthatically at her, patting her hands with his free one.
Lance walked into your room, seeing you lay out clothes on your already messy bed. You pulled a earbud out of your ear, smiling at him.
“Been stuffing your face?” you smirked at him.
“Ha funny- but your not wrong,” he laughed weakly, watching you sadly. How could his happy-go-lucky, sassy, beautiful y/n been depressed over him a year ago? He couldn't see it- he didn't want to see it.
“I just wanted to put something on sorta nice, ya know? You know Auntie, shes crazy over looking presentable over guests- Im surprised she didnt care about what she was wearing when she saw you. What did she say about your suit thingie? That thing, not gonna lie, its a little wierd- What are you doing?”
You stopped abruptly as you turned to look at Lance. He was staring at your wall, your secret, private wall- the curtain was open-nobody was allowed to touch it- especially- him-
Silence filled your room. You felt guilt, shame, dread, and even fear fill up inside you.
“What are you doing?” The room felt still as you whispered those words harshly at him.
“I-just-y/n- what is this? How do you know about-”
Your “secret wall” was covered with a map and black and white pictures of the Blue Lion, Lance, Pidge, and Hunk on the day they had gone missing. All of them were quick snapshots, some fuzzy, some as clear as day- alot of them looked like they were from secruity cameras. All of them had red string going from one picture to another, sharpie circling important spots, and sticky notes.
Lance pulled one sticky note off, the words on it clearly spelled out ‘Voltron?”, as if the sticky note itself was confused on what it was.
“How do you know about this? y/n?” Lance’s starined voice hurt you, and it hit you like a pile of rocks. You were looking at your feet, feeling as if again your world had fallen around you. You had worked so hard to keep this a secret.
“Lance- I-” you began, realizing it was a lost cause to lie- he would see right through it.
You walked towards him, Lance’s eyes covered in confusion.
“The night you left- I-I followed you. I knew where you were going. Pidge had invited me to help her at night before because she would sometimes need help with her machines, but she was good at covering up her tracks. The only thing I accidentally saw was the word “Voltron.””
“So, that night, I followed, you, to make sure you didnt do anything stupid- which you did. After the explosions, I tried to follow you, but you had already were gone after I recovered from the sound. I went inside to maybe find you, see if you went inside too- I wish I didnt- cause after that you were gone.”
“I started- feeling the Garrison was doing enough to find you. I spent months telling them my story, but they did nothing. I was- failing classes, because I was going and stealing information off the Garrison.”
Lance gasped, scolding, “y/n!”
“I know, you laughed, “bad, right? Well, they found me out one day- I was printing off a picture of something- i dont know- another snapshot of the Blue Lion? I dont know- anyway, they called me in and started inerrogating me. They realized i knew too much information, and after I said that I was going to call in the government and tell them what they were hiding- the Garrison freaked out. They let me off the hook, and said I could come back whenever I could- I think they just didnt want me to sell them out.”
“So yeah- came back home- and started doing this-” you motioned to the board. “This was all I would do. I just wanted to find you Lance.” you turned to the board, facing away from him because tears were threatening to spill.
“I was lost without you.” you voice hitched, giving away the tears that were slipping away. You felt hands around you, and grabbed them like you needed them to help you stand up. You smashed into his chest, filling yourself fall part.
“God, Lance, I couldnt think, “ you cried, “I didnt know what to do with myself. Everyday- it was the same and I couldnt do it. I couldnt do it anymore. Please dont leave. Please dont say goodbye. dont go back.” you cried, grabbing his neck like your life depended on it.
Lance’s heart gave a violent throb. He had seen you cry- but never seen you breakdown. He grabbed you tighter, knowing he had to go, there was no way out of it- but he didn't want to leave you- knowing you would be this upset and depressed-
“Come with me,” he said, so quiet you were the only that could her him.
“What?” you asked, feeling you eyes itch with puffiness.
“Come with me, the Lions are stationed at the Garrison- thats where were staying at! Y/n Im so sorry I did this to you- I hate seeing you cry….”
He pulled you into another hug, and you realized how much you loved him- he cared so much about you, and how you could have ever been angry at him for leaving made you angry at yourself. But going back to the Garrison? You were scared- so many bad things had happened there, you didnt want to relieve that again…..
“I know your scared, but itll be okay, this time Ill be by your side the whole time- I promise,” he said, almost as if he was reading your mind.
You stayed quiet, still feeling uncertain.
You pulled apart from him,, dabbing your noise with the back of your hand. “Let me think about it, kay?” you asked him, giving him a smile.
“Alright,” he replied sadly, and left your room, knowing that you would make your decision soon- you never liked to dwell on things for too long. You closed the door, locking it.
The Garrison? Again? You did miss learning about space though...and you'd be able to be with Lance and your friends again…..
You sighed, thinking, “What am I gonna do?”
Lance walked out to see your aunt feverishly doing the dishes.
“Did you see it, mijo?” she asked quickly, walking towards him.
“Yeah, I did.”
“Well- what was it?” she asked fear and hope filling her eyes.
“Well, um- “ Lance started, feeling as if maybe he shouldn't be the one to tell her, he paused thinking of a way to not tell your aunt outright but not lie to her at the same time.
“Lets just say- it involves a Lion.”
And right when he said that, you had walked out, wearing something all too familiar.
You were wearing your old Garrison jacket and pants, and you had put your hair into a sleek bun.
“A blue Lion to be exact.” you smiled, looking at Lances beaming face.
Oh mierda- oh shit
Feo- ugly
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writingkeepsmewhole · 6 years
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This is the second part of Betrayal my Dean Winchester AU Fic. You can find it here. Part 1 
This is long like the first part.  After Dean and Scarlet sleep with each other the deiced to pretend like it never happened. Them just going to stay friends and not tell Rebecca about there betrayal. 
Dean Winchester X OC Scarlet
Warnings: Cheating
I walked into my room my heart pounding loudly. I was back in my oversized T-shirt and panties. Even with that on I still felt like I was completely exposed. Like Rebecca could see what I just done.
"Hey sis." she says smiling up at me her on the floor her almost sitting in her own vomit.
"Come on." I say pulling her up to her feet and leading her into my on joining bathroom.
As soon as I turned on the light I couldn't help but look at myself to see if I looked different.
I was the same all for a flushed face. They talk about the afterglow I just looked flustered like someone who done something wrong. My face blotchy my skin sticky.
I didn't get to study myself for long or even think back on what I done.  Rebecca quickly puking again.  At least time it was in the toilet.
"I'm sorry." she mumbles standing up but almost falling.
"I know you are. I can't believe you are doing this to yourself."
'And to Dean. ' I thought but I tried not to think about him and what we just done it making it seem real if I did.
Starting the water I got her in the shower with much difficulty me getting just as wet.
I once again got her in dry clothes and back in bed her mumbling incoherent thoughts.
Sighing I took a deep breath not wanting to yell at her. I wanted to make sure she could understand what I was saying.
Trying to control myself I moved to my dresser and pulled out some warmer pjs.
I was halfway dressed when I soft knock filled the room.
I spun around quickly to find Dean shirtless leaning on the door frame.
"How is she?" he asks softly his eyes jumping between her and me.
To angry with my sister to noticed I quickly pull on my tank top.
"She is dealing with a hangover mixed with coming down she's lucky she's not dead." I say pulling out my laundry basket from the corner.
"Do you want me to take her to the hospital?"
"No, I want to wash these clothes and get some sleep. You can sleep in here with her." I say pushing past him and to the front door.
"You sure you want to go out there now? It's 4AM and a storm just came threw."
"Yes. I need time to think." I say flinching at how harsh I sounded but I was too mad to be nice.
Clenching his jaw Dean nodded. Going of that he seemed mad as well but when he softly brushed his lips across my forehead made me think differently.
“Be careful.” He says moving back into my bedroom.
When I got back from washing and drying my clothes Dean was asleep. Unlike what I requested he was passed out sideways in the chair.
Sighing I bite my lip but stop it being sore.
'That's what you get for sleeping with your sisters husband.'
Shaking my head I decided to check on Rebecca once before I went to bed.
Grabbing an extra blanket I laid it over Dean.
'Why did you have to be her husband?' I think moving to sit on the couch.
Curling up I try not to think about what I've done.  But every time I close my eyes I see and feel him touching me.
It's almost seven before I fall asleep. My last thought being how am I going to tell Rebecca.
I wake up to the smell of coffee. Its rich aroma filling my nose.  Rubbing my eye I open them to see my living room.
Tilting my head up to look in my on-joining kitchen I see two figures at my island.
Blinking the blurriness from my eyes I see that it's Dean and Rebecca.
Remembering last night and knowing it wasn't just a messed up dreams I groan. My arm covering my face.
"Sis you awake?" Rebecca says sounding horse most likely from puking.
"Sadly yes." I mumble sitting up my body aching from sleeping on the couch.
Moving the blanket off me I wonder who put it there my mind going to Dean since its the same one I gave him.
"What time is it?" I ask shuffling towards them.
I can feel Dean trying to catch my eyes with his but I ignore it.
I was too tired and aggravated to deal with lasts nights activities.
"It's about 10:30." he says
"When do you have to work?" Rebecca asks handing me a cup of coffee.
She looked as bad as I felt but she was trying to get on my good side.
"4 thank God." I say fixing the coffee how I liked it.
"Oh good. You had a late night huh?"
"Why would think that?" I ask not hiding the sharpness of my tone.
"Sorry we can talk about that later...." She says Dean still trying to get my attention.
"And what else are we going to talk about?" I ask wanting to glare at her but she wasn't the only guilty one last night.
"Umm like the guy you are seeing?"
"What?" both me and Dean say at the same time, me almost spilling coffee everywhere.
"Well you had a guy over last night right?"
"No why?" I ask my voice shaking a bit.
"You are covered in hickies." she says making all the blood drain from my face.
Out of the corner of my eye I see Dean smirk into his coffee.
"You need to leave. Both of you." I say turning toward my room.
"Wait Scarlet is this about last night? It wasn't my fault." Rebecca says grabbing my arm.
Glancing down at her I see the pen prickles of needle marks on her inner arm.
Clenching my jaw I jerk away from her.
"To be honest yeah it kinda is."
"Im sorry I can't help it. It's a disease." she says her eyes full of unshed tears.
" A disease? You think shooting up and popping pills is a disease? Cancer is a disease. It's something you can't control. You choose to shoot up or snort something or drink yourself to death. Mom had a disease. You, your pathetic. Now get out of my house." I say calmly walking into my room and shutting the door.
I didn't bother listening if they left. Setting an alarm on my phone I lied face first on my bed and quickly fell into a much needed dreamless sleep.
I woke up to ringing. Feeling around for my phone I answered it without looking at the caller.
"Hello?" I asked my eyes still closed.
"About time you wake up." says a clear voice.
"Who is this?"
"it's Ruby don't you have my number? Hey are you sleeping?" shs asks
"Trying to. I keep getting woken up."
"Well the boss is pissed at you for being an hour late."
"What?" I ask jumping up and looking at the clock on the wall.
It showing 5:10 on it.
"Oh my gosh I'm so screwed. Tell Richard I'll be there in 15 minutes and that he can take it out of my check just keep me from getting fired." I say the whole time getting dressed.
"I'll try but he is not in a good mood the wife came back in town."
"Just great. I'll be there soon promise." I say hanging up the phone.
Grabbing my keys and sprinted out the door.
Locking it I almost didn't noticed the black impala parked on a few feet away.
"What are you doing here?" I asked Dean leaning on the hood.
"Giving you a ride. Ruby called Sam. Sam called me."
"Why the hell are you not at work?"
"I'm my own boss remember."
"Well most of us don't have that luxury I'm already late."
"Did you not here the part about me giving you a ride."
"I'm not getting a ride from you." I say remembering the last time we were left alone.
"Why not?"
"Because last night?"
"We are not talking about that."
"Because I don't want to." I snap at him.
Running his hand down his face he nods.
"Alright well get in the car and I promise we won't talk."
"Fine." I say getting in the impala it's leather seats cool to the touch.
"How long have you been out here?"
"About half an hour." he says backing up.
"Why didn't you come in?"
"Because I was talking to your sister." he says pulling into the street.
"Oh." I say ignoring the tightens in my stomach like I was the one that got cheated on.
"How is she?"
"You should ask her yourself. All I got was mumbled gibberish."
"Of course I have to work today." I say laying my head on the window glad it was cold.
"Don't you work everyday?"
"Sadly yes.... "
"You should take some time off."
"How would I pay my bills?"
"I could give you some money."
"Absolutely not."
"It's the least I could do after last night." He says looking at me.
"Excuse me?" I asked shocked he is even suggesting that.
"Scarlet it's not that big a deal." he says pulling up to a red light.
"You know what I'd rather walk thanks. " I say quickly getting out of the car.
Slamming the door I quickly walk to work not realizing I forgot my keys and phone until I get there.
Walking into work I quickly was met by Ruby.
"Hey you made it." shs says smiling.
"Yeah I made it."
"Hey you okay?"
"I'm fine just did something really dumb last night."
"One night stand?" she asks
"Oh I hope so. " I say putting my coat on the rack. I know deep down I would want Dean again that’s why I was going to make sure I stayed away from him.
Going behind the counter to clock in I can't help but feel like everyone is watching me judging me for what I did.
Do you look different after you sleep with your sisters husband and then kick her out?
I didn't get time to answer that before Richard walks up to me and ask to see me in his office.
I sit in the chair across from him my leg bouncing.
"I saw that you were late today quite a bit late."
"Sir I know I'm so sorry. I just had a lot going on with my sister last night and-"
"Your sister is that so?  Because it looks to me you just got done from rolling around in the bed with someone." he says shocking me since he never talks this way.
"Excuse me? " I ask for the second time today.
"Me and my wife have been talking and if you can't pull your weight I'm gonna have to let you go."
"Sir not to  disrespect but I haven't missed work in over a year."
"That maybe so but you don't do your job when you are here."
"Sir I don't know where this is coming from and I will be happy to improve but-"
"But I think you are going to have to prove to me you are worth keeping around."
"Of course sir whatever you need."
"Lock the door then come here." he says calmly.
"Lock the door and come here." he says slowly like I'm stupid.
"Sir I'm not sure what this has to do with my job."
"It has to do everything with it. I'm your boss and if you can't follow orders then there is no longer a place for you here. " he says looking me dead in the eye.
Then I guess you made your decision." I say standing up.
"I guess so. I'll send you your check."
Leaving his office I don't even respond to Ruby asking me if I'm Okay.
Grabbing my coat I head back home my mind numb but racing at the same.  I wondering if I'm being punished for sleeping with Dean.
When I get home I quickly realized I'm without a phone and keys.
Great I think sliding down my door.
Laying my head on my knees I let my mind drift.
It filling with the thoughts of Dean.
Shaking my head I sit up just in time to hear the familiar rumble of the impala. It shortly coming into view.
I let myself watch Dean climb out of the car.
"What happened to work?" he asks walking up to me.
"I needed time to think." I lie standing up.
"Oh well here." he says handing me my phone and keys
"Thanks" I say opening the door aware of him following me.
"You still pissed at me?" he asks surprising me.
"Probably." I say throwing my keys and phone on the island.
"Are we going to talk about last night? "
"I don't want to talk about that."
"Well we are going to have to."
"I know." I say sighing standing in the middle of the living room my back to him.
"Scar you gotta talk. " he says touching my arm.
"Not today."
"When? "
"I don't know..."
"No Dean don't okay. " I say pulling away from him.  Away from the tingles and the warm feeling in my stomach from my skin making contact with his.  Away from the edge. Away from the want to wrap myself around him and forget about everything.
My job, my house, my loyalty to my sister.
"What happened today? Don't tell me you needed to think you think better at work then home."
"I lost my job, okay?" I yell turning around to face him.
"I lost my job because I wouldn't sleep with my boss. I'm going to lose my house and probably lose my sister as well."
"Why would you do that?" He asks taking a step closer to me but not touching me.
"Because I slept with her husband."
"Your not the only one who is guilty. She won't blame you."
"Yeah that's what you think. She knows I've liked you since I met you she is not going to think it was an accident."
"It wasn't an accident. I wasn't lying last night."
"Dean don't. You don't have to act like you love me or something. You- We were both stressed out last night. We had sex with my sister in the next room. We are not going to live happily ever after. From my day today I think I'll get the opposite." I say wrapping my arms around myself.
"You don't believe in that stuff do you? We messed up. I messed up I should have said no or left or something."
"Why didn't you?" I ask looking up at him his heavy green eyes meeting mine.
"Because I didn't want to." he says clenching his jaw.
Feeling my heart pound against my ribs. I look away from him knowing if I didn't I would give in.
Dean was my weakness.
Seeing him move closer I feel him grab my elbow. His thumb softly rubbing my arm.
"I'm going to tell her. I won't tell her it was you. I'm sorry sweetheart." He says softly brushing his lips over my cheek.
Closing my eyes I try to remember the way he smells scared this is the last time I'll see him.
My heart racing at the thought. Fear filling my chest.
"Dont." I say looking up at him.
"Don't tell her. We'll just never talk about it. Act like it didn't happen. Don't tell her please." I say grabbing his arm.
"Why? "
"Because if you tell her she'll make you leave and if you do I'll never see you again and I can't… I can’t live with that." I say my eyes burning from unshed tears.
Smiling softly he nods.
"Alright. It never happened."
"It never happened." I say nodding taking a step away from him.
Before either one of us could say anything else Dean's phone rings.
"It's Sam. I'll be right back." he says stepping outside.
When he does I take a much needed breath. My heart feeling like it was going to explode. Running my fingers through my hair I move into my room and start taking off my uniform.
Hearing a knock I roll my eyes surprised Dean locked himself out.
'Okay just breathe Scarlett. It's just Dean nothing happened you are just friends nothing more.' I think to myself opening the door.
I take a step back when I meet Richards dark eyes.
"What are you doing here?" I ask
"We need to talk." he says pushing past me and into my living room.
"About what?"
"About how rudely you treated me this afternoon. I was trying to help you and you threw it back at me"
"Okay you asked me to sleep with you to keep my job and I said no.  So get out of my house."
"Or what you'll get the idiot outside to beat me up."
"Don't be ridiculous I can take care of myself."
"Well then do the right thing." he says pulling me closer by my arm.
"I am." I say clenching my jaw.
"I'm trying to help you."
"No you are trying to help yourself. I don't know what kind of game your playing but I'm not some whore you can buy." I say jerking away from him.
Grabbing me roughly he jerks me towards him glaring at me.
"Your going to regret this."
I didn't get a chance to respond before he slammed his mouth into mine. Trying to push him away he holds onto me tightly his fingernails digging into my arms. I push at his chest and bite his lip. Pulling my head back I scream hoping Dean didn't leave. Smacking me he yanks me back and shakes me.
"Shut up!" he yells at me.
I try to get away from him hot tears staining my face. I jump when he is jerked off me. Hearing shattered glass I see my lamp fly to crash into the floor.
Blinking I take a step back realizing Dean is standing over my boss hitting him repeatedly.
It taking a moment for me to do anything.
"Dean stop." I say running up to grab his arm.
"Not until he apologizes." he growls out jerking Richard back to his feet.
"Tell her your sorry."
When he didn't get a response he slams his fist into his jaw.
"Dean, don't. He's not worth you getting in trouble."I say grabbing his bicep.
"If you ever show up here again. I'll kill you." he says letting him go Richard barley getting out if the apartment before Dean slams the door. Locking it he turns to face me pulling me into his chest.
As soon as he does the smell of him wraps around me. Leather, oil and whisky fills my nose. I can’t help but burry my face into him. Taking a shaky breath I grab his shirt so hard my fingertips turn white.
"I'm sorry." he says just holding onto me.
"For what?" I choke out no longer crying just jittery.
"For scaring you."
"You didn't scare me. You saved me."
"So your not mad at me for beating the crap out of him?"
Laughing softly I shaking my head sniffling.
"No, I'm not mad at you." I say pulling away from him.
Wiping my face with the back of my hand I smile at him.
Returning my smile he brushes my cheek with his thumb.
"You alright?"
I nod tucking my hair behind my ear. Taking a breath I smile softly.
"A little shaky but I'm okay. Thank you."
"You want me to stay here?"
"That's probably not a good idea."
"Yeah probably not but who said anything about the good idea?" he asks grinding.
"I actually don't even want to be here right now. "
"You can come to the shop. I'm sure Bobby would be happy to see you."
"Are you sure?"
"Sure enough." he says smiling.
"Okay." I say pulling away from him us still pretty close to touching.
I grab my bag throwing my keys and phone into it.
I try not to think about Dean pushing my shattered lamp out of the way.
Getting into the impala I take a deep breath feeling like the air is clearer here.
"You want something to eat?" he asks pulling out into the street.
I started to say no but I quickly remembered I haven't ate anything since dinner last night.
"Sure." I say shrugging.
Driving in silence for a while he pulls to my favorite fast food place and surprises me by ordering exactly what I like.
"How did you know all that?" I ask while we pull up to the window.
"Because you like the same healthy stuff Sam likes."
"I don't think pasta is healthy."
"Better than pie maybe." I say laughing as he looks at me from the corner of his eye.
"Leave my pie out of this." he says handing me my food.
"You are not going to eat."
"I got food while bringing your keys back."
"Oh. Thank you for that by the way."
"Don't thank me I'm glad I was there to stop that asshole from touching you."
"Right." I say picking at my food thinking about what could have happened if Dean wasn't there.
I slowly eat trying to figure out what made him do it in the first place.
"Son of a bitch!" Dean yells slamming on the brakes as a bike pulls in front of him.
"Are you okay?" he asks looking at me.
"I'm okay." I say picking the food off my shirt.
"Nothing soap can't fix." I say looking up at him.
My eyes catching the site of red on his knuckles.
"Oh my gosh Dean!" I say pulling his hand to me.
"What?" he asks looking at me then the road.
"Look at your hand" I say looking at the busted knuckles.
"Darlin' relax it's fine."
"No it's not you got hurt." I say softly touching around the broken skin.
Moving his hand he softly pats my leg and returns it to the wheel.
"Dont worry about it." he says silence falling around us.
It stays that way the only sound is our breathing and me taking a bite of food.  
I can't help but feel bad. Like I done something wrong.
Well of course I done something wrong I slept with my sisters husband and then told him to act like it didn't happen.
Most men would he happy for that but I can't help but feel like Dean was angry with me.
When we got to the car repair shop Dean quickly got out and slammed the door making me jump.
I watched him walk into the office but stayed where I was.
'He really was mad at me I guess' I think slowly getting out of the car.
I shut the door and take a deep breath of fresh air to clear my mind.
It working for a total of two seconds.
My mind going back to everything that happened today and last night.
Last night a mistake but I would be lying if I said I didn't want it.
It wasn't even the sex it was just getting close to someone. Getting close to someone like Dean would have made me happy but getting that close to someone you love is different.
'Oh gosh I'm in love with Dean Winchester.' I think laying my forhead on the black roof of the car.
"Well look what the cat dragged in." says a familiar voice.
Looking up I meet Bobby's kind eyes.
"Hey Bobby." I say accepting his hug.
Bobby was always one of my regulars at the dinner but after Rebecca and Dean got together it felt like he was more family then I had in awhile.
"Someone looks like they could use a drink." he says holding me at arm's length and looking me over.
My arms stung a bit from earlier but I didn't say anything.
"How about two?" I ask laughing.
"Have a rough day?" he asks taking me around back to his house.
The place used to be Bobby's but he sold it to Dean and just leaves as a shut in. Or as he says a paranoid bastard
"You could say that. " I say walking into his house.
Books and clutter everywhere. His wife died a few years back making the house lacking in presentableness but it felt homie somehow.
"Dean told me about what happened." he says handing me a beer.
"What?" I ask almost choking.
"Your sister started using again." he says making me remember he gave me advice on how to get her clean last time.
"Oh right. Yeah I don't know what I'm gonna do." I say leaning on the counter.
"Ain't nothing you can do. Beat some sense into her maybe but she is gonna do whatever she wants."
"Yeah I know.  But she's the only family I got. Without her I'm left alone with nothing." I say taking another drink.
"Well how do you plan on fixing it?"
"Lock her up and detox her I guess." I say laying my head on the fridge.
"What's Dean have to say about this?"
"Me and Dean are kinda not talking at the moment."
"Why the hell is that?" he said asking the one question I didn't want to answer.
"I don't know." I say honestly not really knowing why he was mad at me. Though I had an idea.
"Now don't go acting like a couple of babies fighting. Becca is gonna need the both of you together if you want to save her. Speck of which where is she anyway?"
"I don't know."
"Hell don't you know anything?"
"I thought I did but I'm starting to think I don't know anything."
"Damn it Scarlet stop speaking in damn riddles and tell me what's going on." he says looking like he is about to start yelling.
Sighing I bite my lip knowing I'm going to have to tell someone.
"You can't tell Rebecca or Sam or even Dean I told you." I say
"I ain't into keeping secrets from my boys."
"Trust me it won't be hard to keep."
"Well what the hell is then?"
"I slept with Dean last night." I say slowly.
"Well it's about time you two get your head out of your ass and finely do something about each other."
"Wait your not mad?"
"Why the hell would I be mad? I knew you two would end up together. I don't know why he decided on your sister in the first place. I told him he was making a mistake. But he is stubborn just like John can't tell him anything." he says walking into his living room.
"Wait if you knew that then why not tell me?"
"Because he was marrying your sister I'm a drunk not an idjit." he say looking at me like I'm stupid.
"So what do you plan on doing?"
"I don't plan on doing anything. I had sex with my sisters husband. It's not like I can tell her or anyone else. Me and Dean agreed to pretend it never happened."
"If you think that's gonna work your a bigger idiot than I thought."
"It has to work. I have to get Rebecca clean."
"Say you do that then what? "he asks leaning back in his chair.
"What do you mean?  Then nothing."
"You really think what you two did will just disappear?"
"It has to."
Squinting at me closes his eyes.
"You let me know how that goes." he says pointing at me with his beer.
Sighing I get up knowing Bobby has spoken his mind no use trying to change it.
Walking outside in the sea of cars I jump when I hear a loud bang.
Ignoring my instincts I follow the sound breaking glass filling my ears followed by another bang and something snapping.
Walking around a pile of cars I see someone beating up an old truck with a tire iron. I quickly realized its Dean.
I hide behind the cars wondering why he is doing that.  He keeps hitting it denting it up. His muscles straining and his face red.
"Son of a bitch!" he screams loudly making me jump.
Throwing his weapon of choice down he stands there panting heavily.
Deciseding it's safe not wanting to leave him like this I slowly move closer to him.
"Dean." I say softly scared he'll lunged at a loud noise.
"Are you okay?" I ask when he doesn't respond.
"I'm fine." he says not moving.
"Is this about last night or something?"
"I don't want to talk Scar." he says his voice making me jump though it wasn't loud.
"Okay we won't talk. " I say taking the last few steps to be behind him.
"I don't think you should be alone." I ask my voice shaking.
With my heart racing I move around him and sit in the truck the doors missing. I look at the other cars, or the ground or sky but never at Dean. I knew he needed space but I also knew he didn’t need to be left by himself. God knows what he would do if he was left alone with his thoughts and anger.
“Your scared of me.” He says running his hand down his face.
“Why would you think that?” I ask my voice sounding as shocked as I felt.
“Your shaking.” He says walking up to me.
I jump when he grabs my hand off my lap but it was surprise more than fear.
“Look.” He says dropping my arm.
Holding it in the air myself I watch my hand shake slightly.
“Sorry.” I say crossing my arms over my chest.
“Don’t apologize.” He says clenching his jaw and grabbing his jacket.
In a matter of seconds I go from trying to keep him from feeling alone to being left behind.
I watch him disappear in the sea of cars half wondering how I’m going to find my way back to Bobby’s or the shop. The other half wondering what I did to make him so angry at me.
I sat in the truck for at least an hour. Thinking about everything that happened and everything that happened today. I felt like I was being punished. The only thing I could think of was what I did with Dean. I betrayed my sister. Not even that I did it while she was recovering from an almost overdose in the next room.
But I wasn’t the only guilty one. Dean told me he didn’t want to stop. So did that mean he had feelings for me? Or was he just in a low place and needed his own kind of fix?
When I heard footsteps I looked up to see a mess of brown hair.
"There you are." Sam says smiling at me.
"Here I am... "I say sighing.
"You alright?" He asks climbing into the truck with me.
"Define okay?"
"Okay like I can fix whatever is bothering you."
"Then I don't know if I'm okay." I say honestly.
"Dose it have something to do with why Dean peeled out of here like a bat out of hell?"
"That's part of it."
"What's the other part?"
"Rebecca is using again. Going off last night she is using whatever is cheap."
"Oh Scarlet I'm sorry." he says touching my shoulder.
"Don't be. I don't even know how I feel about it yet."
"You wanna talk about it?"
"What's there to talk about? My sister is on drugs, I lost my job and your brother is pissed at me."
"Well maybe I can help with one of those."
"Oh yeah what's that?"
"Find out why Dean is mad."
"I know why and before you ask it's okay I'll figure it out."
"Well what can I do? "
"Take me home?"
"Of course." he says smiling.
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mydaydreams · 7 years
Getting over bucky
First fic please be nice
Warning: smut, fingering, vulgar language
Sum: Bucky over hears a convo with you and your best friend talking on the phone about fucking peitro to move on from bucky.
We were at the tower, i was sitting comfortably on the main living room couch racking my fingers through my hair, and texting on my phone. Most of the avengers were here sitting in the living room as well, all watching whatever was on tv and talking amongst themselves. My eyes however were fixated on Bucky. The way his lips moved while he talked to Steve. I watched the way his body moved as he breathed. The way he was sitting on the couch. He legs spread with his hands resting on his thighs. I wanted to rest on his thighs. My legs on each side of him. I texted my friend.
‘i wanna sit on his Dick🍆🥒🍌’ i sent
Not but maybe 30 seconds later my friend maddy sent back
‘Fucking do it.👅 Your always talking about him. why don’t you just put on something sexy and go to his room tonight?’
I rolled my eyes and turned the brightness down on my phone just in case someone was looking over my shoulder in this crowded room.
'I totally would if i knew he liked me back. I don’t want to completely humiliate myself. And he would never go for me.’
I could practically feel maddy rolling her eyes when she texted back
'Omg Y/N just do it. You would have him begging for you all night long’
This time i rolled my eyes.
'Its more like me begging for it…fuck dude I’m begging for it now. Man i just need to get real. And get over him.’
She replied in seconds
'Yea ride that cock🐓’
I sighed loudly and replied back
'Oh my god thats totally not what i meant. But its nice to think about. I gotta go B ill call you later❤’
I stood from the couch and walked toward the kitchen. I needed some cold water. I thought about it..,Wearing the white set of lingerie me and Wanda picked out a few weeks ago. I thought of sneaking into his room while he was sleeping, crawling up his body the white silk of my bra slightly rubbing against his bear cheat as i would tug his pajama bottoms down. I closed my eyes and took a big swig of the ice water. God i have never seen him naked before. I have imagined him nude a few times over but i could never actually picture his true “form”. God i wonder how big he is, how thick. I could feel my stomach tighten.
I looked over to the living room. My eyes searching for Bucky. He was still sitting on the couch. But now his legs were crossed and his hands were together laid out on his knee. Oh his hands. I couldn’t help but think about what that metal arm was made of. I sighed and gulped the rest of the water down and placed the cup in the sink. I could feel the pool in my underwear getting deeper. I groaned and stormed out and toward the elevator. I had no clue eyes had been on me the whole time.
When i had gotten to my floor i pulled my phone out and called Maddy. She answered within seconds.
“Oh my god Y/N i knew i was gonna get a horny phone call from you.”
I walked into my apt in the tower. I left the door open. “Oh my god i know I’m sorry i just….i don’t know what to do. I can’t stop thinking about him know. You know what i blame you! This is your fault.” I said putting her on speaker and setting her down on the counter.
I walked to my closet and pulled my short shorts down. I had still been in my pj’s. “Hey I’m not the one making your panties wet Y/N. You can blame that on that sexy avenger of yours.” I sighed and pulled my tank top off. “You know i just need to stop thinking about him and get real. You think Peitro is still DTF? i can’t sit around and wait for him to ask me out and come to me you know. I gotta take what i can get.” I heard her cough “ take what you can get?… bitch i bet you if you told Bucky how you feel he would fuck you just how you like. All you would have to do is ask.” I pulled a bra and crop top on. “ i totally would if buck was into me. Witch he’s So Not!” I half yelled as slipped my skirt on. “ he has never been into me and he never will. And the only way to cope is for someone else to take his place in this welcoming pussy because i know another avenger that would love to cure my dry spell and i am about to make a move.” I said slipping my heels on and walking out of my closet to grab my phone. “What ever i still ship you and Bucky and i still think you should totally make a move on him instead of waiting for him to chase you. I mean can he even be any good in bed. I feel like he would always cum fast because of the speed. Oh well speed is probably what you will want so you can hurry back to daydreaming about bucky plowing into you instead of mister quick and fast” she said i quickly took her off speaker. “Jesus Maddy. I love you. Im gonna go try and get fucked.” I said she laughed “Peace”. I hung up the phone.
●Meanwhile in Buckys head.●
“Dude you really should just ask her out. I don’t think she will say no to you.” Steve said as i sat down on the couch beside him. I looked over at Y/N she was sitting on the couch on the other side of the room. Her shorts were riding up her thighs and her tank top was slightly flowing down every time she moved, showing me more and more of her chest. “I think she would. Look at her. She’s probably texting a boyfriend right now.” I said watching her type on her phone. Steve gave me a look as he said “well why don’t you go over there and ask.” I scoffed at him and shook my head and tried to pay attention to whatever was playing on the tv.
I heard a soft moan from across the room. I looked up at Y/N and watched as she shot off the couch and walked over to the kitchen. Her shorts rode higher up her legs making it to wear you could slightly see her ass. I licked my lips and tried to control my breathing. God, what i would give to grip that tight ass of hers. I watched her as she poured herself some water. She was still typing wildly on her phone. I rolled my eyes in jealousy. Maybe she did have some secret boyfriend she wouldn’t tell anyone about. Steve broke me from my thoughts by saying “Your staring” i sighed and looked away from her. I crossed my legs. My jeans were getting a little tight. How is it at all fair for her to be walking around wearing basically nothing. I looked back at her and watched as she chugged the remaining water in the cup. I watched her neck move as the water flowed down her throat. I imagined her swallowing my cock instead of that water. I closed my eyes for a minute trying to control my self. “Go after her!” Steve said. My eyes shot open in search for her. I spotted her in the elevator going up. “Damn” i said jumping up and walking as fast as possible to the elevator doors and waited for it to come back down to me.
Once i got to Y/N’s room i saw her door was left hanging wide open. I was about to walk in when i heard her speaking “just….i don’t know what to do. I can’t stop thinking about him know. You know what i blame you! This is your fault” my head hung low at her words. She did have some kind of boyfriend. “Hey I’m not the one making your panties wet Y/N you can blame that on that sexy avenger of yours” i heard another voice speak. She must be talking her her friend on the phone. She can’t be dating an avenger. “You know i just need to stop thinking about him and get real. You think Peitro is still DTF? I can’t sit around and wait for him to ask me out and come to me you know. I gotta take what i can get.” I was shocked. Who was she waiting on to ask her out. Doesn’t 'DTF’ mean down to fuck? She wants peitro? Fucking quick silver? “take what you can get?… bitch i bet you if you told Bucky how you feel he would fuck you just how you like. All you would have to do is ask.” Her friend said. Oh my god. Oh my god she likes me. “I totally would if buck was into me. Witch he’s So Not! he has never been into me and he never will. And the only way to cope is for someone else to take his place in this welcoming pussy because i know another avenger that would love to cure my dry spell and i am about to make a move.” What? I’m so into her it drives me crazy. I can’t believe she would fuck him just because she couldn’t have me.
I would love to help her out of her dry spell. Shit she’s gonna make a move on him. I can’t let that happen. “What ever i still ship you and Bucky and i still think you should totally make a move on him instead of waiting for him to chase you. I mean can he even be any good in bed. I feel like he would always cum fast because of the speed. Oh well speed is probably what you will want so you can hurry back to daydreaming about bucky plowing into you instead of mister quick and fast” i 100% agree with her friend. And i would love to plow into her and she will have no issue with my stamina. I could totally chase her. I can’t believe this. I turned around and all but sprinted to the elevator and went up back to the living room. I smiled a little at the thought of actually being able to be with her. Be with her In every way possible. First things first though. I need to get rid of the neighborhood quickster.
When the elevator doors opened i scanned the room for the fast little twerp. Y/N’s friend was right he probably wouldn’t last the first 30 seconds with someone as perfect as Y/N. God i couldn’t wait to have my hands on her. Ill have her screaming my name in a matter of seconds. I spotted peitro in the kitchen going through the fridge. I smiled and walked over to him. I looked around the room for Steve. He was no where to be seen. Ismiled.
“Hey” i said patting his shoulder with my metal arm. “ Steve said he needed your help with something in the gym.” I said he looked up at me. “Yea? Ill go in a min.” He said digging in the back of the fridge. I looked over to the elevator and watched as the numbers were slowly going down. I growled and pulled him away from the fridge, slammed the door shut, grabbed a bag of chips off the counter, shoved the bag into his chest and pointed toward the back door. “Go.” I said and with a flash he was gone. I looked around the room.Thank god no one was here to see that.
I looked over at the elevator just as it opened. Y/N was wearing a rose pink crop top a black flowie mini skirt and some strappy heels. I can not believe she dressed up for him. She walked into the living area but looked at me. “Where did the party go?” She asked i shrugged and opened the fridge acting like i was doing something. I didn’t know how to go from here. If she wants me to chase her how would i go about doing that? Should i try and ask her out or should i seduce her to help with her “dry spell”. I do love her, i don’t want her thinking i just want her for sex if i seduce her. “Damn.” She said jumping up onto the counter. I smirked. This is perfect.
“So uh, you going to Starks homecoming party tomorrow night?” She asked i turned toward her and shut the fridge door. “Homecoming?” I asked she nodded “yea its supposed to be a play on words or something like that because he’s introducing peter to everyone tomorrow and hes still in highschool…homecoming.” she said i smiled at her. And nodded “i would go if i had a date.” I started as i moved over to her. I stood in from of her as she sat on the counter. My eyes trailed up and down her body. “Yea?” She asked looking up at me. I nodded and rested my hands on each of her legs. She flinched but didn’t protest. “Maybe..” i said as i started drawing on her knee with the tip of my metal finger. “Maybe?” She asked begging me to finish. “Maybe you would like to accompany me?” I asked racking my hands higher up her silky smooth legs. I looked up at her face. Her cheeks were red. I smiled as i watched her nod her head fiercely at my request. I grabbed one of her hands in mine and brought it up to my mouth to kiss. I watched as Goosebumps started trailing their way up her arm. I could tell i was driving her crazy.
“Its a date then.” I said as i started to back away from her but her legs caught my hips so i was now standing in between her legs. I raised my eye brows at her. And placed my hands back on her legs. I swear i heard a small whimper coming from her. “ now what was that?” I asked slowly moving my hands up her legs and under her skirt. I could already feel the heat radiating from her core. Oh how i desperately wanted to be inside of her. My pants had never been this tight. I bet she was tight.
“I…uhm..” she stammered but i felt her legs wrap themselves around my waste and i felt her ankles lock behind my back. I didn’t know how long i could hold about before kissing her. Me trying to drive her wild was only making me go mad. My boner was pressed against the edge of the counter just aching to be touched. I watched her face as i gripped tightly to her thighs under her skirt. I needed her consent before touching her.
As if she could read my mind she spoke up “oh my god bucky please touch me!!” She said placing both of her hands on my biceps. I swear i could have cum just from hearing her beg for me like that. I let my hand continue up toward her core till i felt wet silk. I smiled and let my finger slip under her panties. I fucking moaned when i felt her. Just so warm and hot and wet. “ you are drenched ” i said finding her clit. I flicked my finger against it making her jump closer to me on the counter. She now sat on the very edge of the counter her hands pressed against my chest with her legs still wrapped around me. I slowly pushed one finger into her she arched her back and moaned almost immediately as i curled my finger in her. I pulled out and added another finger into her and curled again and again quickening my pace. I snaked my other metal hand up under her skirt and into her panties as well to rub her clit with my thumb. I looked into her eyes as i fingered her. Her eyes were wide and her mouth was hanging open. One of her hands held my shoulder while the other gripped my wrist as i pumped my fingers in and out of her. “ buck…Ohhhh” she moaned the squashing sound of our activity echoed along the walls. She dropped her head down against my chest as I went faster. I could feel her start to clench around me so i knew she was close. “ Y/N,…” i said she looked up at me. “Cum for me!” I said her eyes closed and her arms wrapped around my neck holding me to her as i tried to pump faster into her while she came all over my hands and all down the counter top. “Buckyyy!” She moaned one lest time before falling limp against me. We stayed like that for a few minutes before she pulled back a little letting my hands free. I pulled my fingers from her earning one last moan. I brought my hand to my mouth and licked it clean. She tasted so good. Fuck i can’t take this anymore. I pulled her off of the counter and into my arms. She again wrapped her legs around me as i held her up with my metal arm. I searched the counter top for a towel and some cleaner spray and quickly cleaned our little mess up. When finished i practically ran up to the elevator.
In the elevator i set her down on her feet and looked down at her. I backed her up against the wall. “You know? We still haven’t kissed yet.” I said moving my arms up so they were on either sides of her head. She was trapped there. “ then kiss me”
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gaydemiboy · 5 years
I can't sleep and I just found the need to rant
Alrighty so, I'm pretty sure I suffer from anxiety for a very long time. I mean, years. Have I tried to tell my parents? Oh yeah, multiple times. My dad's always like "Back in my day we didn't have depression and anxiety" or "It's like the school system is telling you to be depressed". Honestly, he isn't too wrong about the latter, but sometimes depression starts at home. I even told him that and he gave me this look, like, "Are you tryna blame me?" And honestly, I kinda can. I mean, whenever I told my dad and mom back in sixth grade that I had attempted suicide over 5 times in multiple ways, they shrugged it off and were like "It's a phase". Literally, I wanted to kill myself and came closer because I wanted to get a point across. Then I got my prescription for glasses, and hoooo boy, that was one hell of a ride. Now, I knew that I needed glasses for a very VERY long time. Like, my school would send letters asking my parents to let me see an optometrist of some sort. But I finally got my prescription for glasses and. My. Parents. Flipped.
Literally lost all their shit, like. They say that if I wear glasses I "don't look normal" and that "my kids are gonna have to wear glasses and they're gonna hate me for tbe rest of my life". And honestly? That fucking broke me into a million pieces, because basically my parents were calling me a freak for something I didn't have control over.
Then I try to come out to my mom ad bisexual (I used to be bi) and she was like "Oh you're just confused" and "It's a phase, it'll pass" So yeah, I just love getting my feelings rejected by my own mother. Woop woop.
Seventh grade, I got sexually harrassed by a childhood friend. When I told my mom, she was like "oh im sorry" And hugged me and was kinda awkward about it. So then she told me dad and older brother and they told me to tell the principal. I just, i just needed someone to hug me and tell me everything was gonna be okay. I needed someone else to do the talking because i didnt feel brave enough to tell me principal. So, they send me to school like any normal day as if nothing happened. Externally i looked dead and numb, while internally i was screaming in pain, betrayal, and just. Many more more bad emotions. I told my vice principal (who was my gym teacher) and she promised to help me. And she did, the boy got in school suspension. I remember the day i told her, i didnt cry. But my voice was dead and my eyes were lifeless. Mostly because i hadnt gotten a wink of sleep that night. My family moved on as if nothing happened meanwhile i was left to deal with all that emotional shit by myself because i didnt know anyone who had been through someone like that. And my parents didnt know what to do either so they were like "eh she can deal with it herself".
Then enter eighth grade. I finally told my ELA teacher (whom I love very much and I am forever thankful to) that i was suffering through depression. I had started cutting in eighth grade, i used scissors. I basically told her everything that happened up above and some other stuff. My hands started shaking and i started crying because i never realized how much that had really hurt me until i said it out loud. I will never forget the look on her face. She looked really sad and shocked. You see, im a pretty decent student. I keep my grades up, am a good athlete, im pretty smart, and i stay outta trouble. And im also known as a quiet kid since i dont speak much except to my friends. So i kinds guess thats why she was shocked. After i finished, she hugged me really tight and said, "Sh, everything's gonna be alright. I'm so glad you told me this" And i cannot express how that made me feel. It made me feel heard, it made me feel loved. And i hugged back and kept crying. She then took me to the counslers and was there with me and helped me talk to her. I haf basketball so we walked down to the girls locker room and she hugged me one last time, "im so glad you told me this Jenny" And i hugged back them went to change. It was empty with other girl's stuff because practice had began like 30 minutes ago. I remember i started crying, but not because i was sad, i was happy. I was, extremely happy. I finally told someone and they listened and they are helping me. I quickly wiped away my tears and got changed and sprinted to the gym for practice.
Time skip, i see a therapist and my parents are finally understanding a bit better. But they mostly still think it's all in my head. My dad had the audacity of telling me, "Hey the therapist isnt cheap so like. Could you try to have less anxiety?" And honestly? That felt like a slap to the face. In my head i was like "bitch what. Did i hear right??? DID HE JUST ASK ME TO HAVE LESS ANXIETY????" and externally i was like, "um, its pretty hard to have less anxiety when ive bern dealing with it for years" And he kinda gave me this glare and turned away. I felt hurt (yet again) and so i didnt say anything else. My teacher was the only one who truly understood me. Somedays, i would skip classes to go to the counslers office because i wasnt emotionally or mentally good. ELA was my last core class of the day, so one day i go back to class. That day i had skipped my first, second, and fourth period (i had gym my third period). Then when i entered class her face seemed to light up. She was walking around, tslking about the lesson of the day. She was writing something down, then when she passed my desk she left a sticky note. I discretely grabbed it and when i looked at what it said i felt like crying. She wrote on it, "I'm so glad you're here today! ❤" And drew a heart.
This gets better.
Okay, so its the end of the year and i finally had figured out i was genderfluid. I really really really wanted to tell my ELA teacher because she is basically the only adult i trust enough. So, we went to the library one day to return our books. I was known as a bookworm and i came to the library often during the week so the librarian knew me well enough. My teacher was at the desk typing some stuff in, then i came up to her with my school agenda and pencil in hand. I told her i needed to talk to her. Then i wrote down, "I'm pansexual, demisexual, and genderfluid" She read it and gave me the biggest smile, "that's amazing to hear! You're part of such a great and beautiful community." My teacher has a part time job in the weekend as photographer. She told me she was a photographer for a gay wedding (one of the groom's later came out as trans) and i felt so happy and proud. I couldnt erase my smile off my face and like, ahhhhhhhhhh.
So, moral of this rant, please dont commit suicide. Dont think that life doesnt get better, because it does. I went from suicidal everyday to being constantly and truly happy. I am forever thankful to my teacher, Mrs. Davenport, for showing me that i dont have to go through everything alone and that someone cares. I love you, Mrs. Davenport ❤
Anywho, if anyone ever needs to talk about something, im always here and ready to listen
I hope you sll have a great day/night/afternoon
Signing off,
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1. What are your hobbies?-Working out, playing video games, playing ukulele2. If you could have dinner with any 3 living or dead people, who would they be and why?-Selena Gomez, cuz god damn I want to meet her so badly. Lauren Sanderson for the same reason. And Lisa Kudrow because l love friends and I wanna hear all about it from her3. What makes you laugh?-Comedians and children falling4. What was the last good thing that happened to you?-I got my internship in San Diego for the summer5. What is your biggest goal?-To marry the woman of my dreams and be financially stable and happy 6. What do you think is the meaning of life?-To make the most out of it, however you can7. Do you believe in an afterlife?-Yes8. Do you have any pet peeves?-Semi trucks passing each other, asking for advice but completely disregarding it, and having your read receipts off (which Faith has hers off and it bugs the living shit out of me 🙃)9. What do you like to do on the weekends?-Ummm when I'm at home I do the same thing I do all week and play video games. But when I'm at school I go to parties and do my homework during the day 10. What was your favorite TV show growing up?-Wizards of Waverly Place11. What is your favorite TV show now?-FRIENDS12. What are your favorite movies?-Perks of Being a Wallflower, The Hurt Locker13. Tell me one surprising fact about you.-I'm not really surprising, what you see is pretty much what you get14. What do you look for in a significant other?-Someone who understands sacrifice, someone who is kind, someone who is understanding, someone who will reciprocate all of the love I show them, and someone who will always do whatever they can to pick me up when I'm down. 15. What were you like as a child?-Really really angry because I was in the closet for 10 years and wasn't happy with my life at all16. What are some things on your bucket list?-To go skydiving, meet Selena Gomez, get married to the woman of my dreams, have children17. Who has had the biggest influence on your life?-Honestly, I can't pin that down to one person. There's a couple people who have had a definite influence on who I am today 18. Do you have any pets or have you ever owned any?-I have a dog19. Talk about a challenge you had recently and how you overcame it or how you plan to.-I was struggling really hard to get an internship and it seemed like every place I applied just wasn't interested or I couldn't do it and I finally just kept at it and found the perfect opportunity 20. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what song would you choose and why?-Anyone by Lauren Sanderson21. Talk about a favorite childhood memory.-the day we got our dog. We got him when he was a couple weeks old and he was such a little cutie and I remember how happy having him made me 22. What is your favorite commercial?-I hate commercials 23. If you could give your younger self one piece of advice, what would it be and why?-Stop being angry, your time will come. Just let yourself be happy and you'll come out when you can and you'll be accepted24. If you were stuck on a deserted island and could only bring one thing, what would it be?-My girlfriend 25. Who is your celebrity crush?-Selena Gomez26. Who is your favorite musical artist?-SELENA GOMEZ AND LAUREN SANDERSON27. What is your favorite music genre?-Pop28. What is your favorite color?-Purple29. What would you do if you won a million dollars?-Move Faith here, get her anything she wants, and take care of my parents 30. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?-Flying31. What is your dream vacation?-An Italian Villa with the girl I love 32. What actor or actress would star as you in a movie about your life?-Selena Gomez pretty please33. Where did you grow up?-Central Indiana34. If you could trade lives with anyone else for one day, who would you trade with?-Lauren Sanderson35. What is your favorite book?-Jerk, California 36. Who is your favorite author?-Don't have one 37. Who do you look up to?-Selena Gomez, Lauren Sanderson, Demi Lovato38. What is your favorite food ever?-Mashed potatoes 39. Are you a picky eater?-Kind of 40. Drunken story time! Go!-This one time literally a couple weeks ago, I was really fucking drunk at a party across the street from campus. Well it started storming really really badly and I wasn't about to get in the car with my drunk friend. So I decided to sprint across campus back to my dorm. I got across the street and sprinted all the way to the main building, stood under the awning for like a minute, ran to another building and stood under the awning. Then, while having an asthma attack and trying not to get struck by lighting while completely hammered, I took off my hat and wasn't gonna stop running until I got back to my dorm building. It was still a solid 5 minute run. So I took off. I got to the building and was dripping wet. Like I just got out of the shower with all of my clothes on. And my asthma was killing me BUT I didn't throw up!41. What beverage do you consume most often?-Pepsi 42. What is the first thing you wash in the shower?-My hair 43. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?-Absolutely. I'll be kissin her soon 44. How are you feeling right now?-tired but happy and at peace45. Do you plan out your outfits?-Sometimes46. What is the closest red item to you?-my PS4 controller has a red Nike covering on it47. Talk about the last dream you remember having.-It was my dream where Donald Trump stole my puppies, I'll reblog it48. Do you love yourself?-Much more than I used to 49. When was the last time you cried and why?-3 weeks ago I think 50. Have you ever met a celebrity?-Unfortunately no 51. Have you ever been to a concert?-Yes52. What are you listening to right now?-Kodaline53. Have you ever flown in an airplane?-Yeahhh54. What is the craziest thing you've ever done?-I don't do too many crazy things but the craziest thing I guess I've ever done is borrow my friend's car to go meet my ex girlfriend who lived in Iowa and I couldn't use my debit card or they'd know and I ended up using it in Indiana for has a couple times and had to lie but yeah it was pretty crazy for me. I don't do crazy things 55. Are your parents or guardians strict?-Yeah kind of 56. Did you have a good childhood?-My childhood wasn't happy but my parents did the best they could for me so I guess so. Some people don't get that lucky so I'm appreciative 57. Have you ever been in love?-A couple times 58. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?-Depends 59. Did the one person who hurt you most in your life ever apologize?-No and I don't expect them to 60. What are some of your turn-ons?-Neck kissing, aggression, wondering hands, ear biting61. What are some of your turn-offs?-Skipping foreplay, not listening to what I say I want 62. Would you go skydiving?-Yes63. What are you thinking about right now?-How happy Faith makes me 64. Do you ever rent movies?-Sometimes65. Do you ever illegally download entertainment such as music, movies, etc.?-No66. What is your zodiac sign?-Gemini67. Do you believe in karma or predestiny?-Yeah 68. Is there anything you want to say to anyone right now?-Yeah69. Would you rather live a shorter life but be wealthy or live a longer life and struggle financially?-Wealthy 70. What is your stance on abortion?-Pro choice my dude71. Do you believe in ghosts?-ABSOLUTELY72. Who do you admire and why?-Lauren Sanderson because she never stops going after exactly what she wants and she doesn't settle for anything less than her dreams and she puts in all the hard work to get where she wants to be73. What was your worst experience while under the influence of drugs or alcohol?-I punched a wall at a party once 74. Have you ever had a near-death experience?-Yeah probably75. What do you daydream about?-I don't daydream76. Where do you want to live after retirement?-I don't know77. What would you change your first name to?-I wouldn't 78. If you believe in a God or Higher Power, what one question would you want to ask Him or Her?-why do you let your children suffer with illnesses like cancer and allowing some to be so unhappy they feel like suicide is their only option 79. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic?-I'm a lot more optimistic these days80. Are you more introverted or extroverted?-Introverted 81. What is your dream profession?-Acting, honestly 82. What do you worry about most?-My future and if im going to succeed 83. When was the last time you tried something new and what was it?-I honestly don't know 84. Who do you compare yourself to?-Nobody anymore85. What excites you about life?-Having the opportunity to love the girl that I do86. What five words would you use to describe your personality?-Funny, quiet, geek, weird, interesting87. What is one life lesson you learned the hard way?-sometimes things happen and you may not think it's for the best and it may be excruciating to go through, but you'll come out better at the end 88. What belief do you have that many people disagree with?-I don't know 89. If not now, then when?-What?90. Is it possible to lie without saying a word?-Yes91. What activities make you lose track of time?-Talking to Faith 92. If you had to teach an academic subject, what subject would you want to teach?-History93. What is your biggest regret?-I don't have regrets honestly 94. What will matter most to you when you're 80 years old?-If I was happy95. Are you a messy person or a clean person?-Eh a little of both 96. Are you a perfectionist?-Definitely not 97. How tall are you?-5'798. What is your guilty pleasure?-I don't have one 99. Do you prefer sweet or salty?-Sweet100. What is your favorite social media website?-Tumblr
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