#30 year anniversary
randomfoggytiger · 8 months
"The Next Chance"
An AU where mature Mulder and Scully had a different, mellower life post Je Souhaite.
They were beautiful-- ages chronicled in loosening flourishes across 30 years of countless reports, receipts, and rejection letters. Salt and pepper, red and white; laugh lines and crinkle marks; longer walks and blood pressure medications. Letters tucked away of lives saved and scientific advancements achieved because of their work. An annual Spooks Event to honor them-- drawn more from a series of fictional biographies than the truth-- that was best shrugged off, though less passionately each year.
They sat, as ever, in their office, amused that the fresh blood trickling (no longer pouring) into the FBI were still as appalled and questioning as in 1993. Most of their peers and superiors had long since fallen in the line of duty, transferred out, or retired at a respectable pace (or quite handsomely, like Skinner); and, failed Head of the Bureau predictions aside, Agents Mulder and Scully seemed complacent to spend the twilight of their careers pruning through old files and selecting potential new recruits.
In this world, there was no child to lose somewhere between mythology and conspiracy; there were no greater problems than agile monsters and increasing joint pain; and there would be no second uprising from a shadow group that seemed-- in another life-- to have waxed instead of waned in the ashes of their defeat. Their constants remained the same: each other, their belief in the supernatural and its plausible explanations, and the rising and setting of the sun (though that was spiritedly debated whenever caseloads grew low.)
30 going on 40; and, if neither lost each other in the myriads of dark hallways stretching from a question to its answer, then 50. And if even 50 proved too short a time, then eternity could be negotiated.
Together, anything could be achieved.
Thank you for reading~
Tagging @today-in-fic
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I don't think they're celebrating their anniversary ☹️ if they really formed sometime between New years day and Till's birthday, then they would've released or announced something already. Did they even celebrate their 20th, because I don't think they did.
Well, i wonder if they ever agreed on an anniversary date (or a founding date) for the band in the first place, because the bandmates have, i think, mentioned several different dates in interviews through the years 😄
From what i read on Till's current tour, differently from before, several Rammstein crew are involved, like from Rammstein management, Tom the band assistant etc, so i can totally imagine they want Till's tour to be completely over, give him a chance to rest, and then get together to decide on what to publish and when...
it is a six-men-marriage after all 😊 well, maybe not, but Rammstein is very much a democracy, so i doubt they would release anything when they haven't all given their input on it...
And besides...the year is only 5 days old 🌺 there's still time for them to release something...Maybe if we haven't heard anything say around april, i can go to Berlin on behalf of the Tumblr fandom and have a word with the guys? (cough live dvd cough dvd with all recent mv and making ofs) 😊😄
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shrineofwill · 1 month
I've been a Korn fan since I layed eyes on Korn's music video "Here To Stay" in 2002 as a teenager 13 years old. I'm now in my 30s & I'll be a KoЯn fan until my last breath. Love you guys ❗️🎵 ✨️♾️ ❤️
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"I'm taking a temporary break from social media and pausing my music projects, Shrine Of Will and Midnight Raven 88, to focus on a personal matter that requires my full attention." - Willem
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mutifandomfan · 2 months
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My mom finally got me Wallace and Gromit for my birthday. I love claymation, so this is absolutely lovely.
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thescarvedinsect · 10 months
One second of every 2 Stupid Dogs/Super Secret Secret Squirrel episode
I recently rewatched this hilarious show and had no idea it turned 30 years old this year...
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sp00ky-p00ky · 2 years
One day I will own Mortal Kombat in an arcade cabinet 💕💜
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dippedanddripped · 10 months
ECKŌ UNLTD x Dear1993.art | 30 year anniversary | Collaboration with Marc Eckō
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anarchoarchie · 1 year
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“[k.d. lang] is a woman who was clearly born to perform.”
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“Not that you’d necessarily know she’s a woman at first sight. Tall and broad-shouldered, wearing a black cutaway coat flecked with gold, black pants, and her favorite steel-toed black rubber shitkicker work boots, she looks more like a cowboy. Her glossy dark hair is full but short, and when she tosses her head and strides across the stage on those long, strong legs, you suddenly realize she’s moving with a kind of physical freedom you’ve never seen a female singer display onstage before.” (Leslie Bennetts, 1993)
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socialistexan · 10 months
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Beware of The Trans, because this is what 3 years on hormones does to you!
You may also gain fulfillment, happiness, and the ability to look at yourself in the mirror and not see a stranger!
Nov 2020 -> Nov 2023
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Mr Koch, whenever you're ready, we are waiting for the new, 30th anniversary band photo, sir. 🥺
still miffed that Olaf Heine's photobook on Rammstein got axed 🥺
I'd love for a new photobook to happen, or a live dvd or something...but for now i'm happy with the tour start and i'm sure we have much more to enjoy 😊
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pokimoko · 1 year
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One year ago today, The Goldfish (Moon Knight) gave me Problems (brainrot).
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strobbylemonade · 9 months
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Fire◎Flower getting a remake was NOT on my 2024 bingo card
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luminarytex · 1 year
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can’t believe ranboo’s new vtuber is cunty
oh and happy three years btw!!!
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zombiechara42 · 6 months
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quick doodle for gerards birthday C:
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ssaalexblake · 10 months
The absurdity of them trying to peddle that dw started in 2023 on the episode to mark the 60th anniversary of the show being on air is the funniest example of (kind of) gaslighting that I've ever seen
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You literally Have to be kidding us with that, right?
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