#3E-Respect. / TRAITS
3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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evanhunerberg · 1 year
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talenlee · 1 month
3e: Eberron is A World Of Locks
Hey, do you know the world of Eberron?
Eberron is, in my opinion, probably the best setting Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 ever had. This is partly because of what it presents as available, with its world-native Changelings and Warforged. Another part of it is that it was (at the time) a fresh world which wasn’t already filled edge to edge with Important NPCs you needed to recognise and respect and route around, which like it or not, is one of the predominant things about the Forgotten Realms that stands out in my memory. There’s a wealth of ways players can anchor themselves in that world, with its recent civil war, its dragonmarked houses, and its various discarded, collapsed empires. There’s a lot of stuff to interact with, a lot of means to have a place in that world.
In addition to all that though is an interesting addition to the world that may be a bit less obvious because of how it changed a 3.5 D&D skill in the context of the whole world, and made room for characters who were in a way, trickier.
That is, Disable Device.
If you’re not overly familiar with the way the skill system of 3e D&D, it was a point-based system where your class informed how many skill points you got each level, plus more for your intelligence and plus more for weird extra reasons. These skills then added to your ability scores as appropriate; to jump required Strength, to Hide required Dexterity, all that sort of thing. Sometimes you got advantages based on traits about your culture, like your size or your gross physical qualities, sometimes you had cultural background advantages. It’s like how Elves got a bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot, while Dwarves got a skill bonus to who cares, they’re dwarves.
The skill system was elaborate in a way that didn’t usually wind up producing necessary results. This is a structure that often gets referred to as fiddly. It was worth having 5 skill ranks in a skill you didn’t plan on using because of how it improved another skill, but also that didn’t necessarily matter most of the time, meaning there was a sort of budgetary exchange that once you got it, kind of just dangled there. It also had the weird effect where skills spread out across a bunch of things – being good at jumping, riding, and climbing were all different skills even though fundamentally, those were kinda the same thing and reasonably, being better at any of them would make you a bit better at all of them.
There were some skills that were fantastically specific, like decipher script (that could be used to uh, decipher scripts), or very broad like use magic device (which could fake all sorts of nonsense and work as a skill check for making almost any kind of spell available to the people with the skill). And in this space there was a skill that served to show how skills could be setting specific.
In conventional D&D, high fantasy worlds like Greyhawk, machinery was okay-but-not-worth-it. Disable Device largely lived as a sort of ‘pick locks’ skill, which was usually useful for disabling traps in a dungeon delving environment, or opening doors you didn’t have access to. These two applications steadily became less and less important as magical ways to open locks and close them show up starting as the players level up into the higher level material of level 3. At around that point, the capacity of Disable Device to meaningfully address a need of the party becomes somewhat token, as you can use Knock to bust magical and nonmagical doors and locks, and traps start becoming magical and therefore, best addressed with spells and spellcraft.
It’s a shame too because in terms of an actual skill, like ‘a thing people can do’ Disable Device is pretty cool. It indicates a skill and thoughtfulness that seems like it should be applicable to more things. Toolkits were sometimes connected to the skill, armour repair sometimes but the actual craft of being good with devices was orphaned for its impact in the world and its application to adventurers with a degree of experience.
Welcome to Eberron then, where everything is high magic, sure, but the magic is used to catapult past the industrial revolution. This is a look you may know as Magepunk (which I think is reasonable to use as a term for describing my own setting, Cobrin’Seil). In Eberron, there are trains. There are machines. There are devices that people use in their everyday life, and with that comes a more widespread vision of the applications of disable device.
Now, this isn’t to say that I’ve grabbed the entirety of the Eberron compendium and dug through it for every single time Disable Device is used for every kind of system or interface. But rather that I know, as a GM, in that world, when people are surrounded by trains and chains and industrialised components, and the creation at the scale that suddenly, you didn’t need to consider things like unique, individualised magical creations to keep things safe or secure or operate things.
This has an effect of turning most forms of leaders and threats, people who have spaces that players want to approach and interact with, suddenly don’t have to answer a kind of outsourcing question. If magic is what makes a place dangerous, the people who command dangerous places are going to trend towards being magical. Wizards are the ones who have menageries and laboratories and fancy alchemy stations and whatnot, and those are the things that sites tended to need.
Except if suddenly, locks and tools and machinery exist that mean that you can have a site-based challenge that cares about material components without necessarily everything being a bespoke magical construction, and that means that suddenly the boss that runs this place isn’t the wizard who makes it work, but instead the person who has the power, the means, and the access to construct that sort of space.
Disable Device becomes more useful as a game tool, but also, the world is a place that allows more people to have access to the status of being a kind of ‘boss monster’ character at the end of a character’s narrative. And that’s all through the transformation of the world-centering power of characters.
High fantasy, unconsciously or not, directs all the attention towards the wizard.
Which is a pretty sad trick.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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jodie-dreams · 1 year
Challenge Sims 4 | Hôtel Challenge
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Nous sommes le 2 janvier 2019, j'ai eu l'idée de ce challenge cette nuit. J'ai rêvé que je jouais aux Sims 4 et que je tenais un hôtel. Il n'y a pas d’hôtel dans les Sims. Donc pourquoi ne pas en créer un parfait dans un challenge ? 
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Votre sim rêve d'avoir un superbe hôtel. Toute sa vie va tourner autour de ça ! Le but de ce challenge est de vous amuser. Donc n'hésitez pas à faire un hôtel ou des chambres à thème. Et surtout à votre goût et selon vos capacités ! Amusez-vous ! Le challenge s'arrête quand votre hôte meurt ou que vous en avez marre. Il est considéré comme réussi. Si vous avez un hôtel valable de 5 étoiles.
Vous commencez le challenge sur un terrain de 40 x 50 ou 50 x 50 avec un.e sim jeune adulte. Vous pouvez vous mettre dans n'importe quel quartier tant que vous respectez les dimensions. Vous devrez utiliser le reste des simflouzes pour commencer la construction de votre hôtel. Vous devez commencer avec les deux traits de terrain, Gremlins et dégouttant. Vous n'êtes pas autorisé à en mettre un 3e pour le moment. Vous êtres libre de choisir le sexe de votre sim ainsi que ses traits. Je vous invite à le faire en durée de vie normal. Mais vous pouvez le faire dans la durée de vie de votre choix. Suivant la difficulté que vous désirez avoir.
⚠️ Si vous n'avez pas les traits de terrain car vous n'avez pas les addons, vous pouvez ne pas en mettre du tout. Mais vous devrez respecter les règles pour en ajouter. Voir plus loin.
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- Il est INTERDIT d'utiliser un code pour tricher. Genre motherlode. Mais vous pouvez utiliser le code money pour faire les paiements des clients. Ou le resetsim pour reset un sim bugué. Vous pouvez également utiliser le code pour changer les saisons. Car les saisons n'auront pas d'utilité dans le challenge. Vous pouvez également utiliser le cas.fulleditmode pour modifier votre sim, s'il ne vous plaît plus. Ou alors bb.moveobjects on pour décorer à votre goût.
- La challenge commence dés que votre sim est installé sur le terrain ! Il doit donc recevoir des clients ! Mais vous pouvez commencer par un jour le jour de congé autorisé par semaine.
- Il est INTERDIT de travailler. Mais vous pouvez gagner de l'argent en vendant des peintures, des bouquins que vous écrivez. Ou les objets que vous faites avec l'atelier d'ébéniste.
- Votre sim peut être spécial. C'est-à-dire, ça peut être un vampire, un extra-terrestre, une sirène ou jetteur de sort.
- Vous pouvez gagner de l'argent en vendant des choses que vous récoltez.
- Vous pouvez décorer et meubler l'hôtel avec vos créations.
- Vous pouvez avoir un animal si vous le voulez.
- Vos clients peuvent rester autant de temps que vous le voulez. (Sauf le jocker amour) Mais ils doivent payer en fin de séjour. (Je vous conseille donc de tenir des notes pour suivre correctement vos clients.)
- Vous ne pouvez pas faire de dortoir.
- Le fait que votre sim soit célèbre ne change en rien le standing de votre hôtel.
- Les clients peuvent venir d'où vous voulez. Vous pouvez les créer ou les prendre dans la galerie.
- Votre sim ne peut pas se marier. Mais peut avoir un enfant via le jocker amour.
- Votre hôte peut offrir en héritage l'hôtel à son ou un de ses enfants. Mais l'enfant doit avoir 3 traits obtenu via l'éducation, pour reprendre l'hôtel. Si vous n'avez pas le pack être parent. Votre progéniture devra avoir 4 points de compétence en cuisine, bricolage et créativité. Mais vous pouvez faire ça même si vous avez le pack Etre parent.
- En devenant ami avec Jacob et Michaëlla, vous aurez des cadeaux lorsque vous gagnerez une étoile. Voir “Jacob et Michaëlla” et “Gagner des étoiles”.
- Vous ne pouvez pas en compter plus que 5. Mais vous pouvez faire tout ce qui est dans la liste pour en avoir.
- Vous pouvez utiliser 3 jockers durant la vie de votre hôte. Les jockers se renouvellent quand vous changez d'hôte. Voir “Jockers” pour plus d'informations.
- Vous ne pouvez pas changer la tenue de votre sim si vous n'avez pas de commode à vous. Pareil pour la coiffure avec le miroir.
- Vous êtes autorisé à avoir un hôtel sans client 1 jour par semaine.
- Votre sim est autorisé à quitté le terrain.
- Vous pouvez avoir un domestique pour nettoyer votre hôtel. Mais pas de majordome.
- Vous pouvez appeler un réparateur pour réparer ce qui tombe en panne.
- Il vous sera interdit de comptabiliser les étoiles même si vous accomplissez les tâches, si vous n'avez pas un “Hôtel Valable”. Voir “Un hôtel valable” pour plus d'informations.
- Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser de potion pour rajeunir votre sims. Exceptez Jocker vie. Voir Jocker pour plus d'information. - Si votre hôte meurt et que son enfant le plus âgé est ado, vous êtes autorisé à le faire vieillir pour qu'il reprenne la challenge.
- Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser la potion de rajeunissement. Sauf Jocker vie.
- Si vous avez les Sims Saisons, vous êtes autorisé à jouer à la loterie. Bonne chance !  • Concernant les clients : Vous devrez ajouter les clients à votre foyer. (Via gérer les mondes ou un mod qui vous permet de le faire.) Mais vous ne pouvez pas jouer avec eux. Donc, n'oubliez pas d'activer l'autonomie. Si de l'argent s'ajoute lorsque vous ajoutez le client au foyer, retirer l'argent. Vous serez payé en fin de séjour. Vous pouvez tout de même passer temporairement sur eux pour voir leurs besoins.  Les clients peuvent venir d'où vous voulez. Vous pouvez les faire vous même. Ou les prendre dans la galerie.
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Pour vous aider dans votre entreprise, votre hôte aura droit à 3 jockers au cours de sa vie. Le compteur de Jocker tombe à 0 quand votre hôte meurt et que votre progéniture reprend l'hôtel. Vous pouvez utiliser plusieurs fois le même jocker. Par exemple: vous pouvez utiliser 3 fois le jocker amour. Mais du coup, vous ne pourrez pas utiliser les autres.
• Jocker amour : Votre sim.ette va tomber amoureux.euse d'un.e client.e. De cette aventure naîtra un enfant. C'est uniquement de cette façon que votre hôte pourra avoir un descendance. Le client en question quittera l'hôtel sans payer. Vous devrez alors lancer un dés à 6 faces. Ou demander à siri ou google un nombre entre 1 et 6. Suivant le nombre, il vous arrivera la chose suivante. 1 : +10 000 $ | 2 : + 5 000 $ | 3 : + 2 500 $ | 4 : - 2 500 $ | 5 : - 5 000 $ | 6 : - 7 500 $ Attention ! Si vous devez retirer de l'argent mais que vous n'avez pas assez dans les fonds du foyer, vous devez revendre des objets ! Où si vous jouez en modé, vous pouvez ajouter le mod Simcity Loans qui vous permet de faire un prêt. 
• Jocker vie : Vous pouvez acheter via les récompenses la potion de rajeunissement une fois !
• Jocker magique : Si vous avez le kit Jardin romantique, achetez le puits. Vous devez alors lancer un dés à 6 faces. Ou demander à siri ou google un nombre entre 1 et 6. Suivant le nombre, il vous arrivera la chose suivante. Vous pourrez utiliser le puit le nombre de fois écrit sur le dés. 
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Pour avoir un hôtel valable, vous devez avoir certaines choses. Il est clair que vous ne saurez pas avoir tout dés le début. Le but est d'avoir tout cela le plus rapidement possible !
- Hall d'entrée : Avec un bureau et un ordinateur pour accueillir les clients.
- Un bureau : Avec une bibliothèque, un bureau et ordinateur
- Une cuisine : Avec tout le nécessaire pour faire de bon petit plat. Vos clients ne peuvent pas avoir accès et se servir eux-mêmes. Vous devrez mettre les plus accessible sur les surfaces pour que les clients se servent.
- Une salle à manger : 1 table, 4 chaises , 1 meuble pour poser vos plats
- Votre chambre et votre salle de bain. Vos clients ne doivent pas y avoir accès. Et ces pièces doivent être de vrai pièce ! Vous ne pouvez pas mettre votre lit ou votre douche dans la cuisine !
- Une chambre pour accueillir vos clients : un lit double ou 2 lits simples. Une table de chevet et lampe de chevet par côté de lit. Une commode ou une garde-robe. Un bureau et une chaise.
- Chaque chambre doit avoir une salle de bain : 1 douche ou 1 baignoire. Vous pouvez mettre les deux si vous le voulez. 1 WC, un évier, 2 serviettes 1 papier toilette.
- Un Salon détente : 1 Canapés minimum 2 personnes et une télé.
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- 100 $ par sim par nuit. Attention ! Si vous accueillez une future maman et qu'elle accouche. Le bébé ne comptera pas au vu des circonstances. Mais si vous accueillez une famille qui a déjà un bébé, il comptera. - Si un client décède dans votre hôtel, la famille ne payera pas son séjour.- Une étoile vous rapporte 100 $ par sim par nuit. - Si vous gagnez une étoile durant le séjour de clients, vous pouvez mettre leur faire payer le prix avec l'étoile.
• Par exemple: Si vous avez un hôtel 3 étoiles. Vous aurez les 100 $ de base plus les 300 $ (grâce aux étoiles) par nuit. Vous accueillez un couple pour 2 nuits dans votre hôtel. Vous avez donc gagné 1 600 $ à la fin de leur séjour. Afin de vous faire plus d'argent, vous pouvez organiser un événement par semaine. Cela vous rapportera 50 $ de plus par sims. Mais pas par nuit ! Vous pourrez vous les donner dés l’événement sera fini. Et vous ne pourrez être payé que si vous avez réussi votre événement au niveau or.
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Jacod et Michaëlla sont frère et soeur. Ils sont les enfants d'un riche entrepreneur. Si vous êtes meilleur ami avec un des deux. Et ami proche avec l'autre, ils vous offriront parfois des cadeaux lorsque vous gagnez une étoile. Voir la partie "Gagner des étoiles" pour plus d'informations. Vous pouvez les trouver dans la galerie avec #HotelChallenge Mon ID Origin est JodieDreams.
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Afin de pouvoir amasser des pépètes, votre sim.ette va devoir améliorer son hôtel. Pour se faire, il pourra proposer des services ou monter des compétences pour offrir certains services de meilleure qualité. Il y a plein de façon de gagner des étoiles ! Mais vous ne pouvez en compter qu'un maximum de 5. - Compétence de cuisine à 10 : (cadeau de Jacob et Michaëlla : Frigo et cuisinière)
- Une salle de sport : Dois compter 3 appareils de sport.
- Compétence de sport à 10 : Valable uniquement si vous avez une salle de sport.
- Un spa : Doit compter 2 meubles de massage et un sauna.
- Compétence de bien-être à 10 : Uniquement si vous avez un spa.
- Avoir une piscine de 10 sur 5 : (cadeau de Jacob et Michaëlla : 2 matelas gonflable flottant ou 2 chaises longue. Ou 1 de chaque)
- Une salle informatique : doit compter au minimum 5 bureaux avec 5 ordinateurs.
- Compétence bricolage à 10.
- Compétence cuisine gastronomique à 10.
- Compétence pâtisserie à 10.
- Compétence mixologie à 10. (Si vous avez un bar quelque part)
- Si votre hôtel est bien décoré : Je sais que les goûts en matière de déco sont propre à chacun.e. Mais si vos client.e.s ont un buff dans disant que c'est bien décoré, leur lorsqu'iels sont dans TOUTES pièces accessibles ainsi que le jardin, vous pouvez ajouter une étoile. 
- Si toutes les chambres de vos client.e.s possèdent un frigo et une télé. Si votre salon détente a un jeu de société, une console de jeux. Si votre salon détente ou salle à manger à un bar et une cabine DJ. Vous pouvez ajouter une étoile.
• Conseil : Je vous conseille de ne pas hésiter à foncer dans les services. Car imaginons, votre premier hôte à la compétence de cuisine à 10 mais pas son héritier.ière... Vous perdrez donc une étoile !
• Quand votre hôtel gagne une étoile : vous pouvez ajouter un trait de terrain de votre choix. • Quand votre hôtel a 3 étoiles : vous pouvez changer un trait de terrain de votre choix. • Quand votre hôtel a 5 étoiles : vous pouvez changer un trait de terrain de votre choix. Vous n'avez plus de restriction de trait de terrain !
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 • Si vous jouez en modé, je vous conseille 2 mods. Le premier s'appelle SimCity Loans consiste à effectuer des prêts. Vous ppouvez faire des prêts dans le jeu afin d'avancer un peu plus vite. Et que votre aventure soit plus facile. Le 2e est UI Cheats. Ils vous simplifiera les transactions financières avec les clients.
• N'hésitez pas à avoir de quoi noter et une calculatrice sous la main pour vous aider lorsque vous devez compter les jours des clients.
• Si vous avez l'addon des saisons, vous pouvez créer des jours de fête pour vos évènements.
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thecreaturecodex · 3 years
Hellfire Engine
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Image © Wizards of the Coast.
[The hellfire engine is one of several devils and devil-adjacent monsters in Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes that first appeared in the D&D 3.5 book Fiendish Codex 2: Lords of Hell. This version is a combination of mechanics from both of those editions--it has the thunder cannon from 5e, the hellfire of 3e, and a few general tweaks. The CR is in between as well. The 3.5 version is a slightly-too-powerful CR 19, and the 5e version is a pretty respectable CR 16.]
Hellfire Engine CR 18 LE Construct This massive wheeled vehicle is mounted with a leering fiendish face, opening into a blazing cavern of fire. Clawed limbs, blazing pipes and other, stranger weapons are mounted along its upper surface.
The hellfire engine is the brainchild of Moloch, and is among his deadliest inventions. They are massive wheeled constructs, with an array of melee and ranged weaponry. Even more sinister, any mortal killed by a hellfire engine is immediately damned, being consigned to Hell and strengthening the forces of Asmodeus. Understandably, hellfire engines are seen as a threat to the balance of power in the planes, and psychopomps especially view them as abominations to be destroyed without question.
A hellfire engine is barely sapient, able to understand simple commands in Infernal. They are sometimes treated like favored pets by pit fiends, malebranches and infernal dukes. Such powerful devils occasionally ride an infernal engine into battle. They cannot be manufactured by mortal spellcasters. An infernal engine requires such exotic ingredients as brimstone drenched in angel’s blood and cold iron etched with acid from the swamps of Stygia. Only the touch of a pit fiend or greater devil can animate an infernal engine, although most of the physical labor is performed by lesser fiends as a matter of course.
Hellfire Engine      CR 18 XP 153,600 LE Huge construct (extraplanar) Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low light vision, Perception +15, see in darkness Defense AC 35, touch 11, flat-footed 32 (-2 size, +3 Dex, +24 natural) hp 235 (30d10+40 plus 30) Fort +12, Ref +15, Will +12 DR 15/good and adamantine; Immune construct traits, fire; Resist acid 10, electricity 10, sonic 10; SR 29 Defensive Abilities fire shield Offense Speed 40 ft. Melee 2 claws +38 (4d6+10 plus 4d6 fire) Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks breath weapon (60 ft. cone, 1d4 rounds, Ref DC 25, 18d10 fire), crushing trample, hellfire, thunder cannon, trample (Ref DC 35, 8d6+15 bludgeoning and 2d6 fire) Statistics Str 30, Dex 16, Con -, Int 3, Wis 11, Cha 1 Base Atk +30; CMB +42; CMD 55 (cannot be tripped) Feats Acrobatic Steps, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (claw), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Lunge, Nimble Moves, Power Attack, Stand Still, Step Up, Toughness Skills Acrobatics +18 (+22 jumping), Perception +15 Languages Infernal (cannot speak) SQ cold iron construction, damnation, teleport tagalong Ecology Environment any land and underground (Hell) Organization solitary, pair or fleet (3-8) Treasure incidental Special Abilities Cold Iron Construction (Ex) A hellfire engine overcomes damage reduction as if it were a cold iron, magic, evil weapon. Crushing Trample (Ex) A creature that takes damage from a hellfire engine’s trample attack must succeed a DC 35 Fortitude save or be staggered for 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Strength based. Damnation (Su) A mortal creature slain by a hellfire engine is damned, consigned to Hell regardless of their alignment. Any attempt to return a person slain by a hellfire engine to life must succeed a DC 29 caster level check, as if overcoming the hellfire engine’s spell resistance. Otherwise, the spell and its material components are wasted. Fire Shield (Su) A hellfire engine is protected as if by a fire shield spell (CL 15th, warm shield only) as a constant supernatural ability. Hellfire (Su) Any fire damage dealt by a hellfire engine’s attacks or abilities is treated as half fire, half unholy damage. Teleport Tagalong (Su) A hellfire engine can be teleported by a creature with a greater teleport spell-like ability that only functions for itself and 50 lbs. of objects. Thunder Cannon (Su) As a standard action once every 1d4 rounds, a hellfire engine can fire an explosive at a range of 300 feet. It erupts in a 20-foot radius—all creatures in that radius take 10d6 points of bludgeoning damage and 10d6 points of sonic damage (Reflex DC 25 half). The save DC is Constitution based.
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About Assassination Classoom Characters - Isogai Yuuma
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Our resident ikemen.
Isogai’s defining characteristic is pretty much ‘good at everything’. Assassination, sports, academics, looks, personality. He quite literally has it all. 
His warm, caring, and humble personality stop others from truly resenting him for it, though. 
It says that “poor” is his only bad trait, but honestly I don’t think that even really counts. His financial situation has probably even stood to help him develop into such a modest and caring guy. 
His main function, being a leader and the male representative for 3E, is the boost in morale he gives. He’s super approachable, so he’s a leader everyone can trust. 
On being super caring, it should be noted that his prized possession is his family, along with Maehara. Clearly, on top of how naturally sweet that is, it goes to show that he doesn’t prioritise material things so highly. 
A very important, yet often overlooked part of Isogai is his backstory. 
It’s super tragic, but his father died due to a traffic accident during his first year at Kunugigaoka. Whilst the inheritance was enough to keep him afloat in a shabby apartment, paying for his and his younger siblings’ school fees with just his (apparently sick) mother’s part time salary isn’t enough. 
His determination to help his mother is why he defies the school policy about part time jobs. It’s clear he’d do anything to help them. From the korotan art, we can see his siblings were actually rather young, so it seems to me than Isogai might be taking on an almost parental role when it comes to them. 
It also makes even more sense, knowing he lost one of them, that his family is his most treasured thing. 
Despite all of this, though, it really seems that Isogai manages to keep his head above water. Even with his father’s death, his grades didn’t slip. The only reason he’s in 3E is for breaking the part time job policy. 
A part of me wonders if his mother puts a little bit too much pressure on him, but with Isogai I can almost imagine it’s 100% voluntary.  
Something somewhat positive out of this is that Isogai really looks up to Karasuma. It’s definitely possible that he sees him as the closest thing he has to a father figure, and it’s really good for him to have someone like that. 
His fashion style, though cheap, manages to look presentable and almost cool. Irina mentions that he’s a little bit proper with his style, though. Maybe Isogai is a little concerned about his perfect image, deep down. 
Notably, though, the way he speaks (in Japanese at least) is very casual, relaxed, ‘teen boy’ speak. 
Of course, being number one ikemen, Isogai is very popular. 
He’s one of the few students who still receives love letters and the like from even the main campus. 
He’s too busy to date, though. Unlike Maehara, he’s not really girl crazy. Part of me thinks this might be due to his relationship with his mother, but he has a decent amount of respect for girls. He doesn’t want much part in Maehara’s lewd conversations. 
A little like Maehara actually, I think he gets along well with a lot of people, but he only really has one super close friend. He knows his entire dating history, apparently, which seems like quite a feat. 
I like to imagine them just hanging out, Maehara ranting about some new girl he’s interested in. It seems like Isogai is just nodding along and tuning him out, but he’s actually taking very good mental notes. 
Kataoka seems like his next closest friend, due to their ‘work relationship’. It’s said she’s really good at reassuring him in those rare moments he does feel a little down, though. 
He’s very often used as a go between or mediator for people. He can talk to most without stirring up bad feelings, since he’s diplomatic like that. Specifically, he has no fear talking to Karma, where some others are a little put off. 
Apparently he finds the Terasaka squad a little concerning... I can see why, though. I’m not sure they have the same core values. There’s no real dislike though. 
Sometimes, his classmates look out for him, and can tell when he really just needs to take a break. It feels to me at least like Isogai isn’t so proud to ignore them, and would step down for a bit. 
In summary, can Isogai be any more perfect? Maybe he’s a tiny bit of a mary sue, but it’s kind of impossible to hate him. It’s a good thing, I guess, that Matusi didn’t make his role crazy hyper important to the plot as a whole. That being said, I would love to see more depth about him pushing himself too far for the sake of others, as it seems to me he’d easily be in danger of doing that. 
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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evanhunerberg · 1 year
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Favorable Role Models?
C'est los angeles 3e fois que Spider-Man, un des super-héros Marvel les plus populaires, voit ses aventures adaptées, dans un cycle indépendant, avec des acteurs différents: un" reboot" (relance) dans le slang nerd. Botchan will earn more than $20,000 for officiating one championship game and also the Super Bowl. Enligt islamisk sharia betraktas en muslimsk kvinna eller male fortfarande gift även om hon eller han har erhållit en civila skilsmässa. Lego have introduced that there is a brand-new series of Super Hero Lego being available in 2012 and that is going to consist of the Eco-friendly Light. Again, that will definitely be like a man taking place a journey, who called his servants and delegated his property to all of them. They are actually lying, manipulative, activity playing animals, I presumed I was tainting a modern-day enlightened guy off India however he ended up being the most backwards man on this the planet. To get a man stimulated, there are actually even more traits that must be actually done than merely contacting or wiping. Laurence Kim Peek (1951 - 2009) had breathtaking sage skills and was the ideas for the sign of Raymond Babbitt, played by Dustin Hoffman in the flick Rain Man. Women singles that target bad boys for dating and also partnerships will commonly end up hurt as well as declined. Currently, the females could additionally come to be super heroes and can reveal men that they are actually not the only ones with the toughness! Throughout a March 2016 episode from OWN's Super Soul Sunday," he recollected the character he obtained off Nancy, the woman who mentioned she was actually the mother from the male he got rid of. One of the largest mishaps after an additional relationship affair in a marital relationship is that the inherent count on between both is shed nearly for life. In their second battle, points go somewhat much more in a different way, as Batman possesses, and many more points, outfitted himself along with generally an armoured fight fit - in addition to worked out pretty a whole lot, although that won't aid considerably against an individual who is actually practically extremely powered. A list of pickups that could be gotten are actually: Connector, Spiked Wall, Laser" Weapon, Turret Weapon, Defense, Addition Life, Amount Ongoing Of Money. This was Vaughn's role in the quick lived TV set The Helpmate that caused his ultimate casting as Napoleon Solo in The Man coming from U.N.C.L.E If you desire to decrease on a fella and give him incredible foreplay, thus you cannot fret about points. After The Reptile crushed Peter's web shooters, Crawler Guy ended up being much more unsafe as well as vulnerable to additional damages. Take this for approved that your lady will have to many outstanding climax ever if you possess a two-day stubble. Such modification from placements will guarantee that her clitoris does not lose the sex-related experience and also it is actually consistently properly taken care of. This would also ensure that she has the best and the absolute most outstanding sexual climaxes ever. It was the kind of session no super had challenged prior to; though the principals didn't adore exactly what Romer needed to say, this was actually challenging not to respect him for experiencing them head-on. Soft face bending quick hairstyles, in addition to the pointed major very brief boy reduces.
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bartlebysghost · 7 years
The Anatomy Of An Adventurer: Part One: Attributes
(The evocative title I unrepentantly stole from the Torchbearer rulebook)
Humankind seems to have an incurable fascination with the classification of it's own members. We desperately wish we could decompose the maddening complexity of our fellows into pure stark lines. Star signs. Myer Brigs.
But of course, how impoverished is any such attempt. We are all of us large (we contain multitudes). Even those of us who deny it of ourselves ("I'm such a Libra!"), yes even those, within them there is much ("Know thyself" is an goal strained for, not achieved, even by those who earnestly seek it, let alone those who wantonly spurn it).
Something of these tendencies pervades the hubris of a roleplaying games systems. We have our "character sheets", preposterous things that purport to contain in a few dimensions a character.
Perhaps these baroques arrays of panels and boxes and numerals say something about those who created them, and those who use them.
Now, with such asides vented, we turn our attention to surveying the landscape of RPG attribute systems.
Dungeons & Dragons
Ah yes, that hoary old thing. The attributes, rolled 3d6, are well known:
These six attribute illustrate a few themes that will recur.
Every attribute system implies that a person could be simultaneously deficient in any one attribute and abundant in another.
Body vs Mind: The first three attributes are clearly concerned with the character's physicality, and the latter three attributes are clearly concerned with mind and spirit. This division comes readily to in western culture: it is the tireless division between jocks and geeks. One wonders what cultures might have existed that perhaps did /not/ subscribe to this distinction so cleanly.
A few further distinctions are made:
High Strength, Low Dexterity, Low Constitution: Implied is the possibility of a brute with no finesse or stamina. The first distinction, ok. But the second, high Strength, low Constitution, is puzzling and difficult to imagine. The converse, I suppose, not so much: it is easy enough to imagine stick thin marathon runners.
High Intelligence, Low Wisdom vs Low Intelligence, High Wisdom: The possibility of the "absent minded genius" and the "streetwise but unschooled"
High charisma, low intelligence, low wisdom: apparently a lovable idiotic buffoon is an option.
Even though these attributes imply the possibility of certain combinations, in practice, some of them do not occur.
These attributes take on different dimensions in randomised vs allocated determinations. In the allocated determination, some are clearly more desired than others, and some are frequently "dump stats". Constitution, having generally some role in adjusting Hit Points, is overall the most sought after stat. Dexterity gives bonuses to defence, and is hence also handy to have. In 5e, Wisdom soundly takes precedence over charisma, strength and intelligence, because it determines resistance to the effects of many spells, and is used for many important skills, including such numbingly vast generalisations as "perception" (and the standard character sheet even calls this skill out as singular amongst all skills, as the only skill to get its own "passive" box).
The issue of "balancing" stats is a wider one that numerous systems wrestle with.
D&D in first edition had numerous tables restricting what "class" and "race" a character could take dependent on their abilities, including such oddities as, for "5" in Dexterity "Here or lower the character can only be a cleric" (I guess if any class were going to be clumsy, the cleric would be it...)
3e D&D has an implied secondary division in it's saving throw scores: Reflex, Fortitude, Will.
I don't know GURPS, but according to wikipedia it uses these basic attributes:
Coming here from D&D, it is startling how mental attributes collapse to one. Amusingly, "perception" and "will" are listed as secondary stats, but are "equal to IQ". Presumably they can be modified separately.
"Image and Looks" and "Social Background" are described separately from the attributes. They seem to be allocated with the same pool of points, though.
This ties into another tactic that numerous systems use: having different parts of the character build system draw on the same pool of points, the ability to trade off such disparate areas as attributes, skills, relationships. I'll probably touch on this again later.
Torchbearer/Mouse Guard/Burning Wheel(?)
I don't have the rules for Burning Wheel, because bizarrely you can't get them in PDF. But based on rumour I'm taking a punt on it having the same division of attributes as it's derivatives.
There is something shocking in the starkness of this system.
To me, it is deeply, deeply appealing. Torchbearer uses these attributes only for "beginners luck", almost any usage with real heft instead uses skills.
This has a startlingly humane implication: to be good at something requires only experience. I won't dwell on skills here, that is the topic for another article, but another remarkable feature of these systems is that they require failures and success in (almost) equal measure to be marked off for progression in a skill. The structure of the character sheet itself (boxes for success and failure) implies attributes progress in the same way, but such is the baroque complexity of Torchbearer that I can't really remember what circumstances count as a test for an attribute.
I tell a fib, actually. Health/Will are clearly the most traditional of the two attributes for a character, but characters have two other oddball stats that are quite different:
All adventurers have their Might fixed at 2. One wonders why this is listed on the sheet at all.
Nature is weird as fuck.
It is in some sense how much of  a stereotype of their race they are. It can be used to do steroetypically dwarfy, halfingy, elfy or humany things. At the same time, and I suppose not incongruently, it limits how quickly a character learns new skills. You can also by certain metagamical conceits use it for pretty much anything, but doing so and subsequently failing decreases it (I suppose there is a certain logic to that. A dwarf acting contrary to their dwarfyness becomes a little less dwarfy).
Actually, this digression makes me imagine a system where instead of being coupled to your race, Nature would be coupled to your traits. That has potential.
Storytell(er|ing) System
(The wording of the wikipedia article implies there are two systems, Storytell/er/ and Storytell/ing/. This means nothing to me)
Again, I don't know much about this system. But from a few sources I gather that it uses the most profligrate of attribute systems I have seen, with a whopping 9 attributes. However, it somewhat ameliorates this excess by laying over them a pleasing symmetry:
||Physical|Mental|Social Power|Strength|Intellect|Presence Finesse|Dexterity|Wits|Manipulation Resilience|Stamina|Resolve|Composure
All of which is pretty compelling, as far as such things go. I'm a sucker for symmetry.
Some of the social combinations are strange: a character with strong presence but no composure takes a second to imagine (but imagine a raging boss, or a diva actor). I like that, on consideration, the attributes couldn't express those characters in many systems (you'd have to resort to "Traits", which will be another installment)
I suppose this is as good a time as any for a digression into the implicit divvying up of "times to shine" for different character configurations (this is a general note, not specific to Storytell(er|ing)).
Generally, physical attributes are good for fighting, and for some weird shit that doesn't often happen (climbing, breaking things down). Mental attributes are good for fighting if you're a magic user, and for some weird shit (knowledge and "investigation"). Social attributes are no good for fighting[1], but obviously the main thing in social situations. Some systems let you mix in a bit of mental, especially if they have a "Wisdom" attribute.
[1] Well, unless you're kicking it /real/ old school D&D, where Charisma determined how many mooks you could drag along with you and throw into whatever meat grinder was ahead of you in the dungeon.
Savage Worlds
Notable for a particular omission:
Vitality (= Constitution)
Agility (= Dexterity)
Smarts (= Intelligence)
Notice what's missing? Charisma! Or, any sort of social attribute.
In fact Savage Worlds includes a Charisma score for a character, but it's not a primary attribute you can assign points to in the normal way. Most characters have 0 Charisma, but they can take "Edges" (what might in D&D parlance be called "Feats", which I guess must be the topic of yet another post), that amongst numerous diverse other things can increase Charisma.
There is a remarkable practicality to this design: Charisma only gets you so far in a Savage World, so making it secondary takes some stress out of character specification.
Blade Of The Iron Throne
This is so fucking weird.
The delirious praise resounding for this system makes me think I just haven't grasped it yet.
The book includes a nice diagram that offers some clues: It shows a sort of ven diagram of physical, social and mental/spiritual domains, with brawn, heart and tenacity residing entirely in each respectively; and daring, sagacity and cunning straddling the intersections of physical and mental, mental and social, and social and physical respectively.
So brawn and heart are straightforward enough. Tenacity is Will, basically. Cunning seems to cover roguish things, both what would have been Charisma (deception etc) and what would have been Dexterity (sneaking, lockpicking etc). Whereas daring covers some fighty things that might have been Dexterity.
We also get 5 "derived" stats that almost by linear algebra give us some clues:
Reflex = (Cunning + Daring)/2
Aim = (Sagacity + Cunning)/2
Knockdown = (Brawn + Daring)/2
Knockout = (Brawn + Tenacity)/2
Move = (Brawn + Cunning + Daring)/3
This whole thing is very odd and I the first suspicion that comes to my mind is that they worked backwards, listing skills and combat stats first and then working backwards to get a "balanced" set of attributes.
To come:
Part Two: Skills Part Three: Traits Part Four: Feats Part Five: Relationships
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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3rdeyeinsights · 1 year
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