#3d hologram fan
superbholo · 4 months
Revolutionizing Visual Experiences with 3D Hologram Display Fans
Immerse your audience in the future of visual communication with our state-of-the-art 3D Hologram Display Fan. This cutting-edge technology goes beyond conventional displays, creating stunning three-dimensional visuals that captivate attention and leave a lasting impression. Elevate your advertising, marketing, and events with holographic displays that bring products and ideas to life in ways never seen before. Join the visual revolution and showcase your brand or content with unparalleled sophistication and innovation.
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3dhologramledfan · 2 years
Persistence of vision of holography
Holography is a method that permits the light scattered from an object to be registered and later reconstructed so that when an imaging system is placed in the reconstructed beam, an image of the thing will be seen even when the thing is no longer present. The image varies as the position and direction of the viewing system transformation in the exact way as if the object were still present, thus creating the image seem three-dimensional. 3D Hologram led Fan will obtain the motion picture, scan an image for television, and the sequential reproduction of the flickering visual pictures they produce.
These function partly because of an optical phenomenon called the perseverance of vision and its psychological partner, the phi phenomenon, the mental bridge that the sense forms to satisfy the gaps between the frames or pictures conceptually.Holography is the lens of photography in which a picture is captured not as an image focused on film but as an interference pattern in the film. Generally, coherent light from a laser is imaged from an object and connected to the film with light from a reference beam.This recorded interference pattern contains much more information than a focused image and enables the viewer to view an actual three-dimensional image which exhibits parallax.
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rexpectnerds · 1 month
Unleash the Magic of Anime and Games with the RexpectNerd 3D Hologram Fan!
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optoma1234 · 3 months
Optoma's range of DLP home & business projectors, interactive flat panel displays, LED displays, projection screens & accessories.
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mellowwillowy · 1 year
Yan Gamer with (both F/M) Game-character Reader
{A wide variation of shameless, calm but not stoic and the shy one~}
Also there's a special snip where it shows your POV~~
So you see, this person right here is a WHALE when it comes to you. (Yan? Tendencies below)
Summer costume dlc where you wear bikini or shorts, revealing all your skins for player to see? Take their card. They'll enter their pin the moment the dlc is released.
Dlc for extra route that involves you? Come at them. They don't mind whose route it for as long as it involves you, even if you just show up for a few moments. If the OG game doesn't really give you that much of a screen time, they'll spam the creator to y'know, at least make an exclusive dlc or pack that stars you.
Depending on the game, I'll be taking Dead or Alive as an example. So it is a 3D fighting game that is infamous for its chicks and dlcs yeah, and what if you are there. For fem, they'll just flash their camera to your chest or butt (doesn't matter if you are flat in and out coughs) everytime they win the game before continuing, observing you closely like look at you, so adorable in that outfit. For male, they'll prolly just shoot at your whole muscles (whether you have it or not but he'll just stare at it anyway) or your ass.
If they are a ryona fans then good luck dear reader because you'll be forced to be other character's punch bag.
Or maybe they just enjoy punishing people so you'll just whoop people's ass mercilessly.
How about fanservice beach game? (Coughs DOAXtreme3). I bet they will just go nuts when they know you are also in the game and will start grinding like crazy to earn anything that is involving you. A puzzles to obtain a set of swimwear (bikini or shorts, your call)? They'll have it obtained real fast. A limited edition dlc that can only be obtained with real money? Kaching, purchased just like that. Oh? A limited edition reward where only few people can get it? They'll compete with the others like crazy to obtain it and they WILL. See, you look so good wearing that while playing volleyball with the others~
A *coughs* sensual scene where you are playing with the volleyball alone? Their camera is all set and (please look away minors) their hand just knows what to do. Another scene where you are doing a pole dance? God they sure knows what to do with the camera angle, it helps him with his relief so much. Oh, that noise you made is also really cute~
Lying on the bed all by yourself while waiting for them to log in? Cmon, you make them feel bad having to leave their PC for their work. Don't worry though, they'll make it up to you soon~
If uncomfortable with Yan, look away
But it's really sad how they know none of this will ever exist in real life. You are just a character from a game and it will always be like that. Even if they can invest a whooping millions just to create a VR game or that hologram capsule where they get to communicate and interact with you, they will never be able to feel the warmth of your skin. Oh how they will do anything to be in the same space with you...
Oh what's this? A message...?
It's really different from what you are programmed to say. Depending on what kind of personality you have, if feisty or sadistic (hello Cat) you'll leave some kind of mean words to them that they never know you are capable of, or if you are sweet (hello Fox) you'll leave some kind of sweet message that encourage them to work diligently~ No matter how hard they try to search it up, no one has ever encountered this before! Is this some kind of bug or unused files?
It happens again the next day
They log in and see you standing instead of lying on the bed like usual, with a message that asks them to hurry and finish their work so that they can play with you and shower you with his love. Another bug?
It's getting out of hand now
Their PC suddenly turns on by itself, blasting the mp3 like crazy to wake them up. They wake up and see the notepad next to the mp3 player, something written on it.
"You won't forget playing with me for today too right? I really miss you. It feels lonely without you. You need to play with me unless you want me to delete your whole files ♡"
Not like they are complaining or anything. Delete it all you want, if anything, they are glad you'll punish them for their mistake in abandoning you. A bad lover has to receive their partner's chiding and punishment every now and then right? There's no way out anymore and they don't mind it at all. At least the obsession is mutual. Oh how happy you are whenever they spend fortune just for you ♡ It feels nice to be loved and adored to this extent, you've always yearned for someone's love after all.
You'll leave them lots of messages every day and they will also leave lots of files in their directory for you to peek. They'll also comission few artworks of you and them, setting it as a wallpaper where you can see everyday. It feels like a wedding portrait now, right?
They'll hate it whenever other people talk about you, especially if you come from a fanservice kind of game. They just realllllly want to destroy their PC every time they talk about you ( How? Each varies, prolly in a shady way)
There'll also be some kind of anniversary date between you two where you'll just do something special that only they are allowed to know. If coughs fanservice game then perhaps the pole dance might become a show of.... you know. If it's just a wholesome dating game the you might prepare a whole new date scenario of you and them. Incoming immoral activities! Handholding and hugging!
They've fallen into the rabbit hole way too deep and there's no way out now. Perhaps, this has always been their wish? It's only a matter of time for them to find another way to connect with you directly ♡
No proofread, I wrote this blurb before bedtime
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So, fandom seems to have all jumped on the Dream-can-shapeshift train. Mostly from Alex’s dream where Morpheus gets his revenge in the show. And then likely Tale of a Thousand Cats.
However in the comics, Alex is following the cat that was sacrificed to summon Death and then Dream shows himself. And it’s also a bit clearer that the cat (like any living thing) is viewing Dream’s feline aspect.
So the question is…do you think Dream (or any Endless) Can shape shift in canon? Or is this just a headcanon run wild because it makes for good fan fiction?
i mean, i'm never one for ruining fandom's fun, so i think if people are enjoying that headcanon, then by all means run wild with it - there's no reason why he couldn't, in theory, shapeshift
(he can certainly modify elements of his appearance, see: i hate it when you get big, or delirium changing forms every five seconds)
and i think going back to the comics it's not necessarily a given that the cat in alex's dream isn't dream?
however you are right in that shapeshifting is not normally what dream is doing when we see him change forms
and i definitely get where the confusion is coming from, particularly for show only fans, because the show doesn't really explain what's going on, the best you have to infer it is the kai'ckul scene, and if you haven't read the comics i think it's a little hard to follow that to the correct conclusion
but i think the actual answer is even cooler! so, for show fans who are interested, i'll avoid plot spoilers on this one, but to explain what's actually happening
the endless have thousands and thousands of forms, one for every species and culture that experiences them, in this case, everyone who dreams has a personalized Dream
and every endless is always all of those forms at once - it's likened to gemstones, in the comics, you only see one facet at a time, but that doesn't mean there isn't many more, and if you turn it you'll see a different shape - but the stone was always all of those shapes (and we'll never be able to see the true form of the endless in the same way you can't infer the whole diamond when all you can see is one triangle)
who knows how the endless see each other when they're alone, with no other creature to inform their shape, but the fact that dream always looks human is explicitly because the reader is a character in the story. we have to look at him to read the comics or watch the tv show, and therefore we will see him in a familiar shape
still, that familiar shape is nothing but whatever you call an optical illusion when it concerns all of your senses
it's not a hologram, you can touch him, he can interact with things, and it looks like he's doing so as a human - but the endless do bend reality just a little bit around them, and to a different species of observer dream's gonna interact with things in a slightly different way. again to the gemstones, it's like we're 2d beings trying to watch a 3d shape move around - there's always going to be some motion that seems nonsensical and makes it look like the 3d shape is changing forms, because we can't see that extra dimension informing it
even among humans, like we saw with nada - it doesn't always mean you'll see the pale skinny dream. it depends on who's watching
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(what they were trying to convey in that scene in the show, is that matthew is seeing the dream played by tom sturridge the whole time, but nada only ever sees kai'ckul - dream doesn't change shape, the camera changes perspective)
so if a human and a cat are looking at dream at the same time, the human will see our familiar dream, and the cat will see the king of cats - but he's both, he's always been both, and he's never going to stop being both
and yeah, while i have absolutely no issue with "hob has to deal with meowpheus" fic (i say this with love, but let's be real, it's always dreamling fic), i'd love to see more of "hob has to deal with the realisation that dream is in cat form right now, he just can't see it"
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mochiimadness · 2 years
Hi! Can i request a headcannon for rottmnt where the guys find out their s/o is a huge fan of horror & mystery. Like for example buzzfeed unsolved and movies like the conjuring and/or it? Thank you!
Neon Leon
Leo’s a huge horror skeptic
“Psh, ghosts aren’t real! It’s probably just the wind.”
Which means for the most part, he isn’t afraid to watch horror movies or read scary stories
Which is great for you!
He won’t object to watching them
He also, well, a huge-
H u g e
“That isn’t even possible!”
“How did he catch up to them, he was walking!”
It can get to be a bit much
If you’re fine with that, cool!
Critique with him, you two will end up laughing at most of the movies and stories
(Mikey walks by and sees you two laughing at the scariest thing he’s seen and is convinced you two are possessed-)
If you’re not okay with that, just let him know!
He won’t take offense
Realizes his critiquing can take away from the horror atmosphere
He’ll tone it down and instead opt to laugh quietly at some scenes
Is absolutely down to lay down with you and scroll through some buzzfeed unsolved articles
“Maybe I’ll end up on there one day! I’ll be famous, baby! Just make sure they put the best photo of me.”
Leo no
He does get a bit freaked out with horror movies based on real events
Tries to laugh it off
“C’mon, it can’t actually be real.”
He’ll manage to keep up his unphased image at first
But the second the scary scenes come on, he’s clinging to you
Will try to play it off
“I just thought maybe you were scared- ahaha…ha…”
You’re not fooling anyone Leo.
Please give him a hug.
Don Tron
One word
He loves to theorize about the paranormal and such
Will share his theories with you
D o n n i e
He’s so excited to share his theories with you, especially since you listen
You two regularly have a horror movie/reading binge at least once a week
It’s one of y’all’s favorite thing to do
You’ll both curl up with some pillows and blankets
Snacks and drinks within arms reach
The highest quality screens he has
And ofc he has note pads by him
If you also love theorizing, he sets up a space in his lab for you two to record your theories
Y’all probably have a podcast or YouTube channel
And you both wear hoodies with horror puns and references on them.
He still gets scared and will knock over a bowl of popcorn or too-
But don’t worry, Shelldon helps y’all clean it up
Speaking of Shelldon-
He joins y’all every now and then
His fans whirs loudly when he gets scared but he’ll deny it.
Donnie sometimes grabs your hand when he gets really scared
Just hold his hand and tell him it’s alright- you’ll throw hands with any monster
“You can’t hit a ghost-“
“Watch me.”
Mystic Mike
Mikey likes watching horror movies every now and then
But can he handle horror???
N o
It’s okay, he’ll still try to be brave with you
“With my s/o with me, there’s no monster we can’t beat!”
Two seconds later he’s popped into his shell
Just pick him up and put him in your lap
Scratch his shell gently and he’ll pop back out after a moment
Mikey definitely clings to you during movies, and keeps a blanket wrapped around you both.
He does much better with reading horror
Loves to read buzzfeed unsolved with you
“Hey wait a minute- I’ve seen that guy!”
“W h a t?!”
He’s definitely seen one or two ‘missing’ people
Usually they’ve just been mutated
If you want, he’ll introduce you to them!
You two usually curl up on his bed and read horror stories together
He even gets a few scary scrolls and books from the Hidden City library for you two to enjoy
More often than not, they’re mainly illustrated- like a comic book.
Mystic horror books are on a whole different level
Sometimes the books come alive and try to eat y’all
Other times, they sort of work like a mystic 3D hologram-
Using magic to show the events of the story happening around you
You two get so invested that you both shriek when the monster suddenly appears in front of you both
10/10 for practically being in the stories yourself
Big Red
Oh sweet, sweet Raph…
He can’t handle anything horror to save his life
He’ll try to tough out watching a movie or two for you
But he always ends up shrieking and nearly breaking your tv- or his dads projector
(Okay, he has broken his dads projector repeatedly)
He thinks you’re the bravest person ever for enjoying horror
If you want him to watch a movie with you, you’ll usually have to coax him into it
Make the couch super comfy and cozy- with his favorite blankets and pillows
You’ll have to keep a light on- or get fairy lights
He’ll sit with you in his lap, with his arms around you
This way he can hold onto you when he gets scared
(Also so he can hide behind you)
He’ll be so happy if you get him some noise cancelling headphones
The movie will still scare him, but he’ll be able to handle it a bit better.
If you’re reading some buzzfeed unsolved or horror stories,
He’ll gladly sit next to you with a book of his own, or his phone
While he won’t read it with you, he’s more than glad to spend time with you
You both get to enjoy time together while doing what y’all like
He usually falls asleep with his head in your lap while you scroll through buzzfeed unsolved, or watch movies on your phone with your headphones in.
He may feel a bit guilty over not being able to enjoy horror with you
So he gets you a poster of your favorite movie
Or asks Splinter if he knows one of your favorite horror actors so he could get a signature for you
“I uh- know ya really love scary stuff, so I got ya a signature from that one actor you like!”
Sweet boi
He’s trying.
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Thanks for requesting, I hope you liked it!!
This was pretty fun to write ^^
Reblogs appreciated :3
Updated and edited as of July 2023
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nilliby · 9 days
I need to dump a concept on the next splatoon game here before I forget it again. Though it might be interesting to see
So in splatoon 1 and 2 we had two idols, with splatoon 3 having three.
Instead of having 4 idols (or the usual two), there is 1 idol, a solo-inkling(or octoling) making the music, announcing the stages on the news/splatcast, and performing for a live audience! She can maybe be a DJ or have the talent to play multiple instruments!
"But Nilly, how will the splatfests work if we only have one idol?" more under the cut!
It is most likely that we are going to revert back to 2 topics per fest (4 would be too crowded, admit it, considering how 3 turned out to be), so his idol is going to get lonely.
What if the opposing team was the Band that debuts on the trailer for that season?
To have the community eat up more of this, since every season we get about 2 splatfests, the 2nd fest of the season can have a splatband returning from the previous game with 2 new songs that play during the fest. This way, we can save the new seasons for new/changed bands and the second fest to add more songs to existing bands!
This will get hype for fans of the soundtracks to experience having their favourite bands to have cameos!
Unfortunately, and realistically, the cameos would only be 2d animations on the tv screen because let's face it, budget wouldn't be so nice as to add 3d models for at least 3-4 characters, rig them, and voice them without
1. Burning out the people that work on this game
2. Due to this burnout, the final piece being flawed/low effort in at least a few ways
3. Them not being able to focus on and polish much else because of all the effort being put into such a small timeframe
Going back to the fun stuff, the usual idol-battle would now turn into idol vs band, and there is potential in special dialouge, where if the bands win more often than the idol, in future games the idol finds joy in being part of groups rather than feeling ganged up on. And that's where the official Nintendo hologram concerts come in! That would give me a good feeling that this idol joins all the idol groups from previous games into a big band together, with her as the leader and truly finding happiness in the end!
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk
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azure-daybreak · 2 months
So I went to Miku Expo 2024 last night (the Vancouver show) and I wanted to talk about it while it's top of mind.
TL;DR I had a lot of fun, while there were some things I wish were different (mostly the screen), it wasn't a bad first Miku concert IMO (But I do wanna see more shows). More under the cut!
First of all, it was super cool to see all the different people there to see Miku and the other Vocaloids. Like, I've been to conventions before and it's always cool to see a horde of people dressed as various anime characters or animals, but to see everyone dressed specifically as Voicaloids and Project Sekai characters was new for me.
About the merch on sale at the concert, I was surprised that they were doing most of it outside and that the inside merch stand had barely anything- at least when I got in. That could just be bad timing on my end. If you're reading this and you wanna buy merch at one of the upcoming shows (especially a glowstick), make sure to get there early. For Vancouver, they did send out an email the day before saying that they were selling merch outside starting at 2pm, but I wasn't able to get there before then.
I did get the VIP package merch but it's kinda.... well it's not bad or anything, and I'm glad to have it but some of it feels a little cheap. For example, the hand fan is cute but feels flimsy, and the tote bag has a really nice design but the heat pressing makes me not wanna use it because I'm worried about cracking the art. On the other hand, I really like the lanyard that came with the package; The art was done by Socky and I liked it so much that I bought the backpack that also has that art.
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Onto the show. You may have already heard this but yes, It wasn't the usual hologram, where they have a sheet of glass with the visual projected onto it, it was just a normal screen where they played the visual. It did feel like I was watching one of those hologram-ready videos on my phone but on a giant TV, but it was still cool to see.
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Here's also a side-by-side of how the hologram looks vs the display using on the rocks from Magical Mirai 2021 and last night's show. While it's not fair to use a pro-shot vs what looks like a musical theater bootleg sime tutorial to show this, I hope it gets the point across. (Miku Expo 2024 on the left and Magical Mirai 2021 on the right)
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I liked the setlist also, it can be found at this link here, but some standouts to me were, Miku by Anamanaguchi, The Vampire, Unknown Mother Goose, Childish War, On the Rocks, Sore ga Anata no Shiawase to Shite mo, Gimmie x Gimmie (Love this song so much), World is Mine (everyone screamed at the first "Sekai de" (including me)), the band introduction, Tell Your World (It's not my favorite or anything, but they shot out confetti at one point and that was cool.), and Intergalactic Bond.
I want to expand a bit on the band introduction and them as a whole, I loved that the band got attention and their names were shown. I watched some Magical Mirai videos and I see that this practice might be from that, so I'm glad that was carried over. They all were stellar and watching them was really exciting, the drummer- Dylan was always so cool to look at, Tobias the keyboardist was dancing near the beginning of Gimmie x Gimmie and that was a vibe, the bassist and guitarist- Leanne and Vixen's Diary respectively were fun to watch when they would get into the song and headbang and bounce around.
Lastly, I was surprised that Luka only got 2 songs (one of them was a duet with Miku). I (very sadly) expect MEIKO and KAITO to get shafted when it comes to songs, but not Luka!
Quick shout-outs to some specific concert goers; Shieonn, who made stickers and was handing them out before the show (Here's her Twitter!),
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The person near me who shouted either "I LOVE YOU JERMA!" or "I LOVE YOU DRUMMER!" at the end of one of the songs (I think it was World is Mine), the girl near me who was trying to get pictures and video of the show using her 3DS, and this one person I saw outside the venue entrance as the show was letting out who was dressed up as Sonic Miku, I wanted to say that I loved the fit, but I didn't wanna just walk up to you randomly at almost 10PM and possibly freak you out.
Overall, I'd go again but please for the love of god, don't just have a screen for the Vocaloids!
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superbholo · 19 days
Transform Your Displays with 3D Hologram Display Fans
Bring your presentations to life with our 3D hologram display fans. Ideal for advertising, exhibitions, and events, these fans project stunning 3D images that grab attention and engage audiences. With high resolution and vibrant colors, our display fans ensure your content is seen in the best possible light. Enhance your marketing efforts and create unforgettable visual experiences with our 3D hologram display fans. Visit our website to learn more: 3D Hologram Display Fan.
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dallieart · 11 months
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Long post incoming! I wanted to share my thoughts about the Hololive EN Connect the World concert I went to last night.
overall, the concert was fun and amazing and I had a really good time. it was great being surrounded by other fans. it's like being in a comfy swarm of strangers that are somehow also your friends. it's surreal.
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I was sitting waaaaaay in the back, so while I got a clear view of the entire stage, the giant screen felt small. they weren't Hatsune Miku style holograms as I had thought. but I will say that this was the only negative thing I have to say.
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it really felt like yet were actually looking at us and hearing us. the only awkward one was Kiara, who had quiet pauses at the end of her sentences 🥲 still love you, Kiwawa!
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hopefully it was audible, but after Fauna's performances, dudes would yell "I love you, Fauna!" "I love you, Fauna!" and I tagged on at the end "I also love you, Fauna!!"
this happened 2 or 3 times lol 😂 I wanted Fauna to know that she has female fans, too!!!!!! 💚
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fans are great. While waiting for a ride back to the hotel, I spotted a squad wearing Deadbeat shirts and I yelled, "Let's go, Deadbeats!" and they all cheered really loud!! My Calli nui high fived another one! it was a special moment lol
Calli was amazing as always. I'm glad she got to use her guitar scythe. wanted, wasted is such a hype song, I wished I knew the lyrics better to sing along! 🩷
I'm so glad Kiara sang SPARKS. I've recently started getting more into her music, but I've always admired her as a dancer. the song was so hype, I was bouncing out of my seat. just such a good song. 🧡
Ame had improved SO MUCH since her debut. absolutely amazing. ChikuTaku is an insanely fun song. I was singing along. Such a stark contrast to her purin song at 3rd fes. she was really moving and singing, she feels like an idol 💛
Gura did great as always. looking forward to the song when it officially comes out. Gura fans are always so hype, it was great 🩵
Ina did amazing on Ghost. she's another one who's singing has improved and become so much more confident since her debut. and the takodachis are nuts as always. but so much fun.
they were so hype, they jumped the gun on Ina's call and response lol. just way too much excitement!!!! 💜
I can't believe Kronii wasn't at 100% because of her jaw??? because she did freaking amazing. I love her singing voice. such a legend. her dancing was so good, too, I did not expect her to shake it so much on that stage. just amazing. 💙
Mumei took me by surprise. I knew she was a good singer, but she really delivered the emotion of the song. just wonderful. 🤎
Bae was incredible as the opening singer. she freaking delivered. dancing, singing, her performance was amazing. I loved that she encouraged everyone to sing along with the end of the song. what a way to start, just blowing it out of the park. ❤️
Fauna!!! my dear kirin...she was amazing. her singing and dancing have improved SO MUCH since she debuted, it blew me away. even since 4th fes she's just improving exponentially. She was so cute, it warmed my heart and soul. I ALSO LOVE YOU, FAUNA!!! 💚
finally, Irys was every bit the idol that you'd expect. Amazing performances, I really liked her song choices. You're not alone. 💗
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The guest performances were also great, as expected from the jp senpai and ID girls are all so cracked. I was hoping they'd sing more with the EN girls and maybe get some shuffle units in there, but I'm also satisfied with what they all sang.
I was worried about what they'd do for Council's unit song, Rise, in regards to Sana's lines. but I'm very happy with how they handled it.
everyone singing Sana's final "for eternity" together felt very poignant. hit me right in the kokoro, as it always does.
the audience chanting for an encore was funny because we chanted for so long we got tired and started to lose hope...and then BANG. Encore song.
that little video of everyone's 3D journey almost got me. tears did well up. 🥹
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Hololive EN forever! 🩷🧡💛🩵💜💙🤎❤️💚💗🪐
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lenievi · 6 months
Spock, Messiah!
as is typical, the ending was a bit rushed, but otherwise it was an ok novel imho possibly not very Star Trek-y but I didn't mind that. It's also aimed at adults.
I thought the characterization of McCoy and Kirk was pretty decent, so I'm good, especially since I got some pretty nice scenes between them out of it. And they pretty much spent the whole novel together, so that automatically overshadows all the bad lol
If you're a huge Spock fan, maybe avoid this book? idk He's not physically in it anyway.
Based on the reviews, I expected something really terrible (also the title doesn't leave you with much confidence lol), so I went into it with this is gonna be bad, but it was fine. Your mileage may vary though.
I also enjoyed that this novel written in 1976 used visual screens (you could just pull out of the desk) and colour-coded 3D holograms on the Enterprise because it makes fans who complain about modern trek books putting in more modern technology kinda silly.
Kirk called McCoy "sir" thrice, so that was fun too :D
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rose15lalonde · 6 months
Miku likely refers to Hatsune Miku, a Japanese virtual singer developed by Crypton Future Media. She is part of the Vocaloid software series and was released in 2007. Hatsune Miku is known for her turquoise twin tails and her ability to perform on stage as a 3D hologram, using a technology called Pepper's Ghost.
Here are some key points about Hatsune Miku:
1. Vocaloid Software: Hatsune Miku is a "Vocaloid," which is a singing voice synthesizer. Users can create songs by typing in lyrics and melodies, and the software then uses Miku's voice to sing the lyrics.
2. Popularity: Hatsune Miku has gained a large and dedicated fanbase not only in Japan but also internationally. She has been featured in numerous concerts, video games, and even has her own line of merchandise.
3. Character Design: Miku's iconic appearance, which includes her turquoise hair and futuristic outfit, was designed by the artist Kei. Her design has been updated over the years, and she has various "modules" that represent different outfits and styles.
4. Concerts: One of the most notable aspects of Hatsune Miku is her live concerts. Using a combination of projection technology and a semi-transparent screen, Miku appears on stage as a 3D hologram, interacting with the audience and performing songs.
5. Collaborations: Hatsune Miku has collaborated with various artists and has appeared in video games, commercials, and even had a collaboration with the popular rhythm game series, "Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA."
6. Fan Culture: Hatsune Miku has a vibrant fan culture, with many users creating their own songs, artwork, and videos featuring the character. This has led to a wide range of fan-created content and a strong sense of community among Miku's fans.
Hatsune Miku's impact on popular culture, music, and technology has been significant, and she continues to be a prominent figure in the world of virtual idols and entertainment.
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optoma1234 · 3 months
Optoma's range of DLP home & business projectors, interactive flat panel displays, LED displays, projection screens & accessories.
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devildomwriter · 2 years
Obey Me As Tumblr #18
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Simeon: What are the healthiest teas
Raphael: Honesty
Luke: integrity
Michael: loyalty
Simeon: Can y’all ever just give me a normal answer
Luke: I’ve noticed a trend in life. The larger a thing is, the more likely it is to be evil. This applies to companies, YouTubes, people, and mountains.
Lucifer: In cases of dogs the direct opposite is true
Diavolo: A notable outlier
Leviathan: I’m not going for the ‘best post ever’ vibe
I’m going for the ‘it’s 4am and this is literally the only post that has popped up on my feed so I might as well reblog it’ vibe
Mammon : You’ve failed at both
Leviathan: I am going to liquidate all of my assets and use the money to hire hitmen to slap you daily for the rest of your life
Satan: Gentle reminder not to eat too much candy before bed
Mephistopheles: No
Satan: This was a gentle reminder, yet your words of defiance brings me ungodly amounts of rage
Lucifer: Word*
Satan: I want nothing more than to uppercut you directly to heaven’s front door
Leviathan: Fan fiction is always like “I’m Sonics husband and I’m from - ! Illinois!”
Mammon: My teacher made a fan fiction where he shot me
MC: Not to sound like a person who can predict the future, but you’re definitely going to get shot by your teacher in real life
Mammon: Still don’t know how to spell spagetti without autocorrect
Simeon: Where’s the h
Mammon: An H???
Raphael: What are YOUR resolutions for the new year?
Leviathan: 1080p
Raphael: Back to hell with you
Mammon: I feel 144p
Raphael: This post is 5 months old yet you decided to bring it back mid year for the same joke someone said literally right above you
Asmodeus: Remember to drink water babes
Mammon: No
Asmodeus: Then become the dirt I walk on
Diavolo: I am the tsar of tumblr now if you wanna do something you gotta ask me
Asmodeus: Permission to cum sir
Diavolo: I am no longer the tsar of tumblr
Leviathan: The future: holograms can physically touch you and there are 12 cases of homicide committed by Hatsune Miku
Diavolo: De…
Past: -ez nuts
Present: -spacito
Future: -nmark has fallen
Michael: Diavolo are you trying to tell us something…
Diavolo: Just funny jokes gaha g
Leviathan: Jk howling needs to shut up before she makes ganondorf canonically have a 16 inch penis
Simeon: I know your mind is a dark place but… you can’t just… say things like that
Leviathan: Time and time again has it been proven that I CAN and WILL say these things
Belphegor: I have too many enchanted crystals and not enough blood sacrifices to do anything with them
Asmodeus: Hiii
Belphegor: Heeey sacrifice
Solomon: Fun Fact, if you were to take all of the blood out of your body and put it in a bathtub you’d die
Barbatos: Source?
Solomon: No
Mammon: My new song ‘toss me into the sun’ will be the antithesis to fly me to the moon
Simeon: Then call it “Toss me into the sun”
Mammon: What part of this post did you manage to miss
Barbatos: What are your opinions on clocks/time?
Asmodeus: I thought you were asking my opinion on cocks and slime and I simply took it like a normal ask
Beelzebub: Why the fuck is brown sugar so goddamn TASTEE
Solomon: Try gray sugar!
Raphael: Gun powder?
Solomon: Too busy eating gray sugar to fucking care what you just said
Diavolo: When’s your bedtime
Solomon: Whenever I next collapse is purely up to the gods
Diavolo: Hey do any of my followers know how to render REALLY good?
Lucifer: I can render my enemies immobile
Diavolo: I meant 3D computer render but I’ll keep you in mind for future reference
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