#3p writes stuff
3pirouette · 4 months
My JoelxReader TLOU story is now 115K, 75% of it takes place over about 4 months, and the entire story is supposed to span a YEAR.
It’ll get posted. I just need to decide when I’m going to start that… when I have a good enough head start or once the whole thing is finished.
This story might kill me, but I love it.
God, I hope other people love it, too.
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fierceawakening · 1 year
hazel2468 hey @fierceawakening how did you get that written in Phyrexian? And do you know where I can find out how to say stuff in Phyrexian?
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I wrote it.
(lit. "I made the text." as I don't believe we have "write.")
(declarative) + (text) + (make 1p>3p).
Alphabet, posted by WotC, is here:
I keep a dictionary here, which is not completely up to date but has most of what we know:
Typing these made me realize I'd forgotten to add "place" the noun. So uuuuuuuuh it's there now. :'-)
Various fonts are floating around. The one I use I got here:
I believe there are newer versions that have numerals in them, as revealed by the Phyrexian die given out at ONE prerelease. This one doesn't, sadly, just 0123456789 as Arabic numerals, as seen on cards.
And I learned the grammar from GuruJ's Field Guide, which is out of date now sadly:
And here we go, Phyrexian grammar 101:
Most Phyrexian words have two vowel slots in them. The vowel at the end changes (including being dropped) for conjugations, the vowel at the beginning doubles for plurals.
So take the noun pxajt_r, praetor. If I want to say praetors, I double the a. So "praetors" by itself is pxaajtr, but if I want to say "my praetors" or "their praetors," I put a vowel between the t and the r.
Verb conjugations modify that slot also.
Phyrexian sentences are structured like this:
Mood/tense marker - subject - verb (conjugated for the relationship between the subject and the object)
Sentences begin with a bar and end with a hook. If a sentence is a question, a quote, an exclamation, etc. the starting bar is modified but the ending hook is not.
Mood and tense markers tell you when something happened and in what way. For example, xe is present tense/declarative/this is true now, 'u is past tense, lo is imperative (it's not the case now, it's something someone wants you to go and do), əl is negated present tense (this is NOT happening). We know several of them but not all of them. I believe there will be a chart in the Beadle and Grimm's booklet that's coming out.
The subject goes in the middle. If you have adjectives "a green Phyrexian beast" they get glommed on to the base noun. "!Is greenphyrexianbeast fight" = "The green Phyrexian beast fights!"
If you're trying to say "the green Phyrexian beast fights the fleshlings!" that would be "!is fleshlings greenphyrexianbeast fights (where the verb is conjugated as "it toward them," see below)"
Verb conjugations are... weird as hell.
Verbs are conjugated by changing the last vowel (usually the second though some prefixes have vowels in them.) So you have a word like "sol_m," hit, and you use a vowel in the _ spot to indicate who's hitting who.
There aren't transitive verbs (verbs with objects, "she hears music") and intransitive ones ("she dances.") Instead, you look at who is doing the action and then who it's "pointing at" as in: am I doing something to/for you, or am I just doing it myself, or... etc.
This is the chart:
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Nouns use this too. If I'm trying to say "my book," the noun would be "tek_t", and to say it's mine I start with me and then point at myself. So "xe tekot," "Declarative - book - me toward me," means "It's my book/The book is mine/etc."
The weird stuff in parentheses is "vowel harmony," but we haven't been told how that works yet. The possible explanation that makes the most sense to me personally is that when certain vowels are near certain consonants, that means the previous consonant's radical changes with it. I am not sure this is the case so I don't do it, which means I may slightly misspell some verbs. :-)
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elendsessor · 1 year
i’m assuming everyone and their mom has heard about what the p3 remake is removing but imma be real i think the issue goes beyond just removing content since what atlus ends up doing regarding extra content will determine if the remake is actually worthwhile. if you haven’t seen the announcement here it is:
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p3 has a ton of issues and yeah my biggest hope with any remake is to improve those issues but if they’re going to take away content they have to add content while making sure said content justifies the remake. we don’t need another pokemon bdsp situation.
idk much about fes but from all accounts it’s considered the definitive version and i know for a fact there’s extra story stuff included. p3p is piss easy to emulate and also has more content with the femc route (and imma be real outside of the ken social link the actual social links themselves are much better written than if you played as the male mc). removing the p3p content seems to be because “oh we rereleased p3p already” but i don’t see why fes stuff got removed. the add-on disc itself is currently stuck on the ps2 plus gonna be honest emulating ps2 games is a gamble especially if you don’t have the best pc.
in terms of the p3p port, it is really bad in comparison to the og, and this is coming from a guy who’s first p3 experience was emulating 3p on a shit laptop where it somehow runs and sounds better than the port released in 2023. it can definitely damper experiences and i wouldn’t be surprised if it has. it’s sad because there is stuff to like and even love about it. lots of p3’s problems stem from the gameplay, social link writing, and even some of the character writing for a good chunk of the cast (though that’s more subjective), but god the ost is amazing, the story is great, and the ending is downright near perfection.
the additions were what made p3 better or at least more fun to revisit. there’s a reason most people don’t go back to base versions of games when a rerelease comes out that includes more content.
persona 3 deserves a remake. arguably not as much as 1 and the 2 duology, but it still has enough issues that a remake is needed. all mainline persona games do deserve at least one shot since they all offer something unique that sets them apart from other jrpgs. the p3p port was trash and shouldn’t be the experience most people have with it. however, if reload can’t justify its existence and instead is just p3 but flashier and with (hopefully) some quality of life improvements, then i think that’ll define where the series goes as well as atlus remakes. it needs extra content. if they’re not bringing back fes or portable stuff, there needs to be new stuff included.
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inkofamethyst · 2 years
September 22, 2022
Please somebody stop me I’m watching day-in-the-life videos from PhD students.  I ain’t even contacted nobody yet; I ain’t even graduated.
I actually have contacted a person!!!  I’m incredibly nervous about this conversation we’re going to have because I don’t know what to expect from it!!!  I mean the good thing is I know her already but this interaction is far more loaded than any previous ones, she’s basically looking to see if I’m hirable.  After this first one, I expect that I’ll be able to start rattling off emails left and right, I just need to push myself through this anxious block.
Pros of having four-class-days:
your one-class-days are full rest/work days
Cons of having four-class-days:
it is legitimately difficult to maintain focus by the time 3p rolls around
too tired to do anything after classes
somewhat difficult to schedule meetings
high chance of having 2+ exams on one day (ahem, next thursday)
Pros of making a full box of pasta:
don’t have to make dinner for six days straight
super filling
toppings can be anything
Cons of making a full box of pasta:
minimal variety in one week
difficult to cook on student housing stove with small burners
takes up a ton of room in a fridge shared by four people
Today I’m thankful that my ecoanth class is forcing me to write a grant proposal for a grant that I plan to apply for and that I don’t have to write the grant on ecoanth but can do ~anything I want~ and that my prof for the class actually won the grant and is willing to coach us through it if we want :D  That class bores me out of my mind sometimes (these theory classes are interesting to some extent but honestly I would almost feel comfortable skipping and that’s saying something coming from me, I have never missed a class (perfect attendance is, for better or worse, bound into my personality)) but this is definitely an unexpected plus.  Unfortunately the grant is the final project for the class.  Fortunately the actual one is due in a month(!!!!) so as long as I save copies of my drafts as I go along, I won’t need to put too much effort into the versions I have to turn in for class.  Work smarter, not harder.  And don’t even mention self-plagiarism to me, I think it applies practically in very few cases (academia is one of them but like, I’m an undergrad and who cares). [edit, 1 month later: yeahhh I did not submit the application to that grant lol]
I’m also thankful for the little in-class participatory exercise my dev bio prof did today!!!  I made me feel like I was in elementary school, everyone (who showed up) was given a card with a role on it related to what we’ve been learning and we had to act out our role in the cell and it was just really cute (and also clarified some stuff tbh).
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steggyfanevents · 9 months
Hello to my favorite fan events people ever!
I’d like to apologize ahead of time for making my own rules to your Saturdays at the Stork Club event. (I’m going to use these Saturdays to write, even if I don’t have a new or finished fic to post) I have far too many WIPs and not enough time to work on them all, but I LOVE that this is going to force me to work on them and keep them in the front of my mind.
You can imagine me like the drunk at the bar, or the bum in the alley out back…
So before the craziness starts, I just wanted to say THANK YOU for another great event that’s sure to keep me focused on fic and will help me unwind from RL at least once a month. You’re the best!
Awesome! Feel free to share in-progress stuff, even if it's just a sentence that you're really proud of (or a gif set concept or a headcanon or a sketch that you're planning to spend more time on.)
This is a great opportunity for us to share what we're working on, even if it's not polished!
And if you don't feel like sharing this time, there's always next month!
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flamepoem · 3 years
07. speculate
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on what-ifs, and the warrior of light musing on how different things could be. light wolmeric+estinien mention.
Amira wondered, sometimes, what would happen if she ran away.
No warning, no goodbyes, no anything - she would simply leave and go far, far away, never to be seen or heard from ever again. It wouldn’t be easy, she knew, not when she was so easily recognizable now to almost everyone in the realm. She would have to do things like cut her hair, maybe even dye it a different color that wasn’t like her, and style it differently from what she was used to; she would have to change the way she dressed, and perhaps even the way she spoke, and she would have to keep a low profile, stay away from prying eyes. To use glamouring magicks would be easier and far more convenient, but she knew just how easily such things could be detected by a trained eye, and she would rather not arouse any suspicion.
She wondered where she would go, and where she would live. She didn't necessarily wish for an extravagant life, so perhaps just a little house would be enough, but it would have to be somewhere peaceful and quiet. The Steppe seemed like a good place to make a home, and she knew she could trust Cirina to help keep her identity a secret, too. She could have a little garden of her own, where she could grow flowers and even herbs and vegetables. Admittedly, though, she would first have to learn how to cook without burning the kitchen down, or she would end up starving.
She wondered, too, what she could do to earn a living. For a while, she had been entertaining thoughts of being a teacher, of how nice it would be to teach little kids how to read and write. Perhaps if she was able to alter her appearance enough, she could afford to do it without anyone recognizing who she was. It would be rewarding for sure, and it brought a smile to her face to think of young children learning their letters and numbers for the very first time.
Amira wondered, as well, how nice it would be if she could have Aymeric with her. It was something they discussed casually from time to time, after all, the two of them musing about the possibilities of retiring together in the future. She thought, fondly, of how wonderful it would be to have him at her side, neither of them bound by so much responsibility, just living their lives freely and without any worries. Perhaps they could even invite Estinien to join them, and he could teach her how to take care of sheep like he'd promised her.
Sometimes her thoughts went much further back in time, and she wondered what it would be like had she not joined the Scions nor even received Hydaelyn's blessing. She even let herself wonder, in her heart of hearts, how much different things would be had her parents lived, and what her life would be like had she met them, and been able to journey with them.
She wondered if she would even be able to take it, living such a life of peace when she had gotten so used to war. Once upon a time she had confided in Aymeric that she didn't want to fight anymore, and that she sometimes wished she had never been chosen by Hydaelyn, so that she wouldn't have to carry the burden of the realm's fate on her shoulders, and his smile had been rueful as he gazed at her and told her she couldn't have ever turned her back on the responsibility of saving the world. What hurt was that she knew he was right, and that even if she was given the chance to go back in time and choose differently, she would still walk down this same path, again and again.
Amira wondered about all these things and more, wondered about all the different ways her life as she knew it could be. For wondering was all she could do, and naught else.
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askblogfruk-archive · 2 years
Hello! Welcome to askblogfruk, here I will answer some questions you may have (not always all but at least we will have a good time!)
Please continue reading to know more information about this account and how to ask
How i ask?
That's simple, just put the question you want and use a tone indicator if is necessary please!
- I don't do NSFW/Gore/angsty stuff (i like to keep it happy)
- If you send anon hate or something pls don't you waste your time
- ALL the drawings are made to traditional
- I'm not a very good English speaker (I'm Hispanic) so if you see any mistakes in my writing please don't be rude to me or else I'll block you.
- Also i read spanish too so don't be afraid to send a ask in spanish!
- I may not be very active/present in this account because I manage many others, but be patient, I will answer you as soon as I can.
- I put a lot of hashtags for reach
- Be nice and I'll be nice to you
- Not all asks will be answered with drawings
- I do 3p and 2p FrUk (lol i have weird and bad tastes-)
- EDITED! When i talk on character i use:
—(name of character)
- Terfs
- Swerfs
- Proshippers
- If you support a problematic famous (liking his music, books or anything is ok, just don't give they your money)
-Think blackwashing is real (it doesn't lol and no, i will not discuss this with you, fuck you)
- Exclusionists or radical inclus (Imao, why?)
- Against blocklists
- If you mock DAS / fictives/IRLS /systems with fictives
- DMSP simps / FANS etc
- Neutral shippers and comshippers (y'all are fucking proshippers, cause you're letting people do nasty content lol)
- If you don't respect DNI's
- Fujoshis / Fundashis
- If you have even a single signal of LGBT phobia
- People who refuse to respect neuropronouns / pronouns or use tone indicators (c'mon man....)
- Against DNI'S
- If you're here to complain about my english (stfu i bet you won't understand a shit if i talk in spanish)
- mfs who hate on lgbtq flags (unless they are the ones that are parodies or just insulting like lipstick flag or shit)
That's all, I wait your questions!
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fxcesofhxll · 3 years
Permanent rp interactions!
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(This is post very temporary until I get off my ass and make cute art and stuff for the official post but I'd like to get this out there)
Hello! Welcome to my Hazbin Hotel multimuse rp blog!
My name is Kat and I've been rping for about 11 years now! (Lmao, I'm 20, I just started rping HELLA young). I have no triggers and am insanely obsessed with writing the most horrid things~
On this blog, I have a WIDE assortment of muses for you to pick and choose from! Such as:
The Hazbin Hotel Staff (Excluding Husk)
Clementine (Angel, Molly, and Arackniss's mother)
IMP (Excluding Blitzo)
Plus a LOT of secret muses that I'm keeping on a secret menu of sorts! (A mutual will Send in a password to gain access to certain secret muses)
To let me know that you'd like to interact at all, please like/reblog this post! I'm accepting of crossovers, OC's, fankids, AUs, 1p/2p/3p/etc, duplicates, multiples, aliens, ghosts, etc etc etc!
Liking/Reblogging this post will basically tell me that you want me to visit your blog, send in asks, interact with you, and over all annoy the shit out of you! Be prepared for some fuckin' love! <3
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beez-waxx · 3 years
Hi guys! My name's Bee 🐝 I go by she/her and I'm a student! This account will primarily be focused on hetalia x reader fanfiction, as well as headcanons, imagines and whatever else I decide for it in the future :)
I decided completely out of the blue to make this blog bc my hetalia phase has come back and it's hit me hard. I'm not only new to writing hetalia fic, but I've never writen fanfiction before... ever (I love writing original fiction tho!) so go easy on me!
For now, I've only got a few notes about what I am and am not open to writing about:
• I'm open to nśfw, but no p*dophilia, z*ophilia, or any par*philias or heavy k!nk stuff really. If you want more details on what this means just ask me
• Reader's perspective will either be from a woman or gender neutral, but I'll happily write male or female hetalia characters!
• Not writing 2ps 3ps, 738284ps or any of that lol I barely understand them and I don't care to
• Nyotalia is cool with me tho!
• Also open to AUs just let me know what you have in mind
• I'm only doing x reader ships. No canon/canon.
Please send me your requests!
This blog is pretty barren so I'll try to get a sample of my writing out soon, but your requests would really help to get the creativity flowing! Anyways, thanks for reading! I hope to post more soon :)
~ 🐝
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3pirouette · 5 months
So, just a stupid little update…
I’m on tumblr now, what, once every two or so weeks? I think it’s an improvement over the last few months.
My next wrist surgery is on Wednesday. After that, I’ll be 100% organic again. Sadly, my MD doesn’t think they’ll let me keep the plate once they take it out.
My Steggy secret Santa is finally coming along nicely. With the extension I think I’ll even get it in on time. The tough truth is, I don’t really think in terms of Steggy anymore, the ideas just don’t pop up and live in my head like they used to. Maybe that’s why this secret Santa’s been so hard to get out, I’ve told the majority of the stories I want to about them. Dunno.
This tends to happen with me when I’m satisfied with how the canon of the story goes. When my ‘ship ends up together, it’s less satisfying to write the what-ifs.
I’ve never really questioned my fic writing impetus before. I usually just go with what inspires me and makes me happy.
…which, apparently, is this Last of Us JoelxReader fic I have going. It’s now officially the second longest fic I’ve ever written (it’s currently 99k, longer than Nobody’s Baby by 2k and shorter than Innocence and Beauty by 24k) and while I’ve managed to get most of the main plot out (yes, the end is somehow written…don’t ask) I still have a lot of the softer plot and interesting moments and yes, sexy times, to write still.
I also haven’t decided if I’m ever going to publish it. If I do it will be 100% before TLOU season 2 comes out, so I’ve got some time.
Same goes for the MandoxReader fic I’m writing. It’s somewhere in the 65K area, and I haven’t decided when or if I’m finishing and posting it.
Damn you Pedro Pascal and your sexy characters.
Oh well. I think that’s it.
Happy New Year, all!
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fierceawakening · 1 year
Re annotation of translations of Phyrexian
Is it terribly confusing if I use abbreviations for 1st person, 2nd, 3rd, 4th?
(Verb 2p>3p) for “you verb to them”
It’s tiring to write it out every time but I also don’t want to get so deeply into jargon that people can’t learn from my translations if they want to.
Like the last thing I want to do is be gatekeepery about geek stuff i like! I strongly disapprove of people doing that. Cool stuff should spread like shiny oil be available to everyone.
But an abbreviation would be nice. Aaaaaa what do.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Friday 18 September 1835
8 ¾
12 ½
A- at Cliff Hill - fine morning F56°  at 9 ½ at which hour breakfast - no! called out to Mr Husband - the dry wallers not satisfied - Mawson came - after much talk left them to settle the matter - the job taken at 3/. a rood - but that not enough - desired Mr Husband to measure off what is done and came in to breakfast at 11 - the tea almost cold - out again about 11 ½ - 18 ½ roods done at 3/. = £2.15.6 but Mawson has paid the men £6.2.6 - to have his bill tomorrow - said I would pay the money but we must have a new ordering - kept 2 of the men at days wages till the job gets regular (the buttress to be done by Booth) and sent off the one most discontented waller - just looked at the Adney bridge masons and the 2 underfooting George’s room and stood by Booth and his 2 masons at the farm yard gate lowside buttress till after 1 - then to the tail goit - Robert Mann and his 3 men doing the job right - began it yesterday Holt came - he settled on the spot with Turner’s son to give 10d. per yard running measure for springers for turning the arch on in addition to the 6/8 per yard running measure according to the contract drawn up by Washington - I had ordered the drain cover to be 4ft. long and 6in. thick - then settled with Holt about the  Stump x Inn cistern - to be done with field wall-stones and well puddled instead of with single-stones which from the immense size (for a cistern 8ft x 4 inside) would cost delivered £10 told Holt of Mr Parker’s note - it seems that by making all speed I may be ready for the water on my own Engine wheel in eighteen months from this time - cannot therefore agree with Keighleys and co. to let them have it for 3 years - but I might let them have it for 6 months in the year when there is water enough and then take it back in summer - and as for loosing the coal in Northowram hills I might have an acreage upon it - told Holt to consider what he would advise me to do - and I thought he had better meet Hinscliffe on the subject here - Keighleys have nothing to do with the concern now - Samuel Holdsworth has bought their share and cannot return in on their hands - the K-s only apply to me because the parties think
they are the most likely to get me to make an agreement - told Holt to let me know his opinion on Monday when he will have to be here about other things - said I should tell Mr P- the K-s had nothing to do with it - and the parties really interested must apply to me, or I should take no notice - seeing that the 2 farmyard diggers would be long enough barrowing out the stuff for the dunghill went to Mark Hepworth (levelling at the cascade bridge fishpond side) and at 4 got 3 of his carts as they came from Northgate - stood in the farmyard till after 6 and John Booth and got a good deal of stuff out - think we can finish it tomorrow - had the clay taken to the intended new fishpond to be ready for puddling - then staid with Booth planning about pigsties and tower - came in at 7 - dinner at 7 ¼ in ½ hour - then ¾ hour with my father and Marian - said I did not think A- would agree to my taking all into my own hands - Marian thought it would be difficult to arrange money matters - it seemed she had thought of my taking the Shibden land (Carr’s and my father’s) and £300 a year - I said this was sufficiently near to my own calculation which was to take all and out of this allow my father £200 a year which only made a difference of about £30 per annum for taking all at £600 a year and deducting Carr’s rent (keeping his land in my own lands) £70.10.0 I should just have about £330 per annum into pocket instead as by Marian’s plan - said I supposed that, at this rate, I should just lose alias spend in housekeeping more than I do at present from 3 to 4 hundred or 4 hundred a year - Marian thought I was right and seemed pleased at my intended proposal being so near to her own plan - I am better as I am and so A- will wisely think and we shall go on as we do during my father’s life. On leaving my father at 8 ½ had coffee and read the newspaper till 9 40 then with my aunt till 10 - then wrote the above of today till 10 3/4 . Letter tonight from Mr Johnson on the 3p. of Mr Sharpes sheet which Mr J- owes is not a very precise answer to my letter to Mr J- whose manner of writing is as to the style rather more free and easy than I should have expected but he is very obliging - the parcel that came last night and letter neither of which I opened till this morning are from Rundell and Bridge with and about the watches A-‘s and mine - William Green gave me this morning his account made out by Messrs. Parker and Adam of moneys paid to him on account of the 2 cottages I have bought of him - I am to keep (take care of) this account for him - note this morning by Eliza Hepworth from A- Captain went last night to York - A- wishes me to have all ready for going tomorrow if it should be so determined on our talking matters over - fine day till about 5 - then an hour’s rain or more - but not heavy - F57° now at 10 50 pm - at accounts till 11 1/4
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hardkookiecookie · 2 years
i kno u said ratbite but im curious abt your iron leaguer ocs so
🎤 ~ favorite hobbies for bullseye? or like. all of them.
oh shit !! yeah sure !
Hobbies for my Leaguer team!
Bullseye - Bullseye used to work at a library! so he enjoys reading from time to time, like between matches, after/before practice or if he just has some time off :]
Hydroblade - Hydro's hobby is cooking/baking actually! they used to work at a café for a while and found they did enjoy baking and kinda missed it when they left to join The Sunrisers, so in their spare time they can be found baking something :] they like to also get the other leaguers and/or coach and owner in on it, just to have some fun!
Birdie - Birdie likes to write! he writes little stories and letters when he has the time :] he's nervous about showing others though cuz he's self con-see-ous about it </3 he's let them read some of his stuff tho!!
3-Pointer - 3P loves playing video games! their favourite is smash bros or Wii sports resort babey. They also enjoy playing them with others! if they can get them to play with them
Slap-Shot - Slap-Shot likes to paint things! he just makes abstract shapes and what not but he finds it really fun!! he also tries to paint flowers and others but he's better at shapes :]
Spike - Spike listens to music and dances when he can! it helps him wind down after games and practice :] sometimes he listens to it while practicing! mostly when he's alone though as he doesn't want to distract his fellow leaguers
Dive Start - Dive Start makes things out of shells and other things he finds in the ocean! from jewelry to little sculptures, he started doing it to trade for oil but once with The Sunrisers, it just became a side thing he does for fun :] he's made everyone on the team little bracelets!
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somevirtualnolife · 2 years
Second playthrough of TMGS4 complete! And the ending I got...?
... The 'normal' ending lol. Basically Marie graduates and ends up going to university and enjoying her time there, lol. I very much botched up the ending with Sassa, and somehow managed to get a bunch of Ryouta stuff at the end.
So I will try to replay the Sassa route!
Also because of my playthrough... I am kind of inspired to write a sort of love triangle fic with Sassa/Marie/Ryouta... The would have made a great 3P. We'll see if I actually follow through with it, lol.
Anyway TMGS4 is still tons of fun. I'm obsessed with it and I'm excited for the stream ban to drop so I can upload a few cute moments.
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ddarker-dreams · 4 years
This might be a little weird but I can’t get this question out of my head so here goes: for SR, during Chariot Requiem, who do you think reader would switch bodies with?
i’ve entertained a few possibilities, but the biggest problem is that in a non everyone lives AU, there’s only enough for what’s seen in canon. if abbacchio were to live it’d balance things out for reader’s addition, since i’ll focus on that possibility! i think it’d be most interesting for giorno and reader to switch bodies. the new guy on the block taking on the body of everyone’s crush seems kinda comedic in a way. reader who is typically joyful acting as the voice of reason. reader in giorno’s body smiling and joking around about the strange situation. lots of potential there imo...
anon 2 asked: Now you are making me want to see how Fugo would act after reader kills for the first time. Imagine him trying to help, and end up making Reader cry.
i’m back to the WIP for that scenario!! there’s a specific feeling i want to capture in it that i’ve been struggling with, so i keep readjusting it... there’s an emphasis on how bruno gives more of a compassionate approach versus fugo’s logical approach. neither are wholly wrong or correct, it’s up to reader to take elements from them both and come to a conclusion herself. fugo isn’t the best when it comes to dealing with emotions, but that’s okay, you can tell he’s trying. i hope i can get this Emotion across in the final thing hjrtkgerm
anon 3 asked: If I remember correctly, SR universe suppose to be similar to otome game, so I wonder have you ever consider the 3p route aka somewhat polygamous endings? I just wonder what would the dynamic of the relationship be like (Giorno x SR X Mista, etc.) If I say anything wrong about the universe, I am truly sorry.
no no you got it entirely right!! the main story line before VA and during VA is the same. the stuff after would branch out for each character like an otome game route, so what you’re saying is right. i haven’t thought much about a poly ending! i think it’d work well, i just don’t have any experience with writing poly relationships so i don’t know how well i’d portray it... 
the ones i could see working the best would be abbacchio x SR x bruno, fugo x SR x giorno. there’s something about pairing SR’s reader up with these guys that feels right? she provides this levity to their more serious dispositions. anon now you’ve got me thinking of all the possibilities shjrtnegkrm
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faunusrights · 4 years
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hello!!!!!!!!! if u didnt know, my Somewhat Beloved Huion GT-156HD pen display died, and left me bereft. so i bought a CINTIQ. but that was EXPENSIVE AS HELL. so now im OPENING COMMS! FOR YOU! TO PAY ME! TO DRAW YOU, ART! AND OTHER THINGS TOO! wow.
people! i love people. characters are everything 2 me.
nsfw! but there’s a 20% extra charge of account of NSFW taking me WAY longer than sfw art. anatomy is hard, y’all. BUT YOU CAN HAVE IT.
group shots! the prices above are per character (so each fullbody is £45), so go nuts.
anything from any fandom you desire (so long as you send references)! don’t b shy: i’m known for rwby and fallout and what have you, but so long as you send good references, i shall give you good art.
furries. i’m not very good at those yet! maybe one day i’ll be able to draw furries, but not today. sorry.
mech stuff. there are WAY better artists than me for that! ask them. not me. i just got here.
i’ve never done this before, so bear with, but i’m charging 3p per word, for you to get to CHOOSE what those words are ABOUT! this means 100 words is £3, and 1000 words is £30, and so on so forth. and yes, you can have NSFW: no extra charge, though, i’m just here to have fun. send an email with a query, and we’ll see what we can do!
send an email to [email protected] with your COMM DESCRIPTION/IDEA?/PITCH???, PAYPAL EMAIL, relevant art REFERENCES, and maybe a meme for good measure. i’m operating on a first-come-first-served basis, and i’ll reply to yr email once i reach you in the queue! i reserve the right to reject any comms if i think it’s beyond my ability/it’s something I Will Not Draw/Write About, but hopefully we’ll be alright. other than that uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh i think? that’s everything?
thanks for everyone’s help so far on paypal/ko-fi/patreon: it means the world to be and every $$$/£££ helps!!!!!!! ;w;
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