#4 .be a weapon of war tho
drumlincountry · 9 months
uhmmm it's so hard to come up with new years resolutions b/c my two basic desires are "find peace" and "go to war"
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lovely-hikari-cosplay · 11 months
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“Learning a new weapon” pains 🥲
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lovewireds · 3 months
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been meaning to post my designs for these little guys forever. insane splatoon rambling under cut to explain design choices and lore related things ... read my autism boy
btw this is a repost from our art side blog this was written and drawn like months ago <- minorly rewrote some things tho
thx splatoon users drfreeman & drcoolatta for fueling my splatvrai autism brainrot ... i hate u /J
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idk how to explain this but Theoretical Physicist is inkling coded . maybe its cuz splatoon species social hierarchy
Native ink color is Orange, but he has Dark Brown tentacle roots.
Uses custom weapons to attach in place of his prosthetic; It works best with Splatlings but can be adjusted to attach other weapons.
If the thing above didn't make it obvious, he's a Splatling main. He switches out depending on his mood though.
sighhhhh technically an Agent... stares at the ceiling...Main character...
His arm loss is like pretty much the same as in-canon but it's with the octarian army shrugs. don't ask me why he doesn't just regenerate it cuz hes a squid thats for me to know and you to find out. (get partially sanitized loser)
Born & Raised in Inkopolis pre-splashtags; He wasn't informed of the switch to Splashtags being expected when participating in most activities around Inkadia.
I forgot why i made him an inkling why did i do that. I think it was bc i didnt wanna make them all octolings but i was wrong srry we all make mistakes /hj I ALREADY REDREW HIM ONCE IM NTO DOING IT AGAINNN
Native ink color is orange-brown.
His hat has an eye guard for sensory reasons; He covers up as much of his skin as possible because he doesn't like the feeling of foreign ink on him.
He isn't a specific weapon main, he just uses any long-range weapon to minimize the possibility of getting ink on himself. If he has enough guarding, he prefers to use N-ZAP '89.
Makes his own gear for sensory reasons as well :) It's legal when ur dad's the G-Man.
Exclusively plays in Turf Wars, Anarchy Battles, etc with friends. He hates playing with people he doesn't know.
Born in Splatsville !! He feels like a Splatsville resident. His occupation is resident I cannot imagine him doing Anything
His dad is that creepy curtain in one of flounder heights windows /j
Octoling bc I wanted him to be sanitized :) Other than the visual part of being sanitized, I thought him being clinically dead fits /hj also lore reasons below
Pre-sanitization, his native ink color was blue.
Great Turf War veteran; He didn't do anything in the war itself, he was just enlisted lol. He was primarily security for the Octarian Domes in the years after the war. Yes, that also means he is over 100 years old.
"Raised" (debatably) in Octo Canyon.
E-liter main (4-star Base + 5-star Scope) and avid squidbagger. He also uses any heavyweight weapons (dynamo, tenta, etc)
Absolutely hates working at Grizzco, he only does Turf Wars and Anarchy Battles. He only works at Grizzco during Big Runs. The type of guy that does X battles.
Professional Anarchy / Ranked / X Battler btw. That's literally 90% of what he does.
Got on Gordon's azz over him not having a Splashtag; i wonder what that parallels.
Genuinely don't have a lot to say about his design. He gives off Splatoon 2 Octoling vibes (showoff /hj) also i wanted to make his hair wispy like it should be.
Native ink color is a light blue-gray gradient.
The drawing doesn't give it credit but I swear those are glasses not goggles .. they're opaque-colored slanted oval glasses !! ^_^ u can interpret them as spiked or just eyelashes, both are right.
oh also the text under bubby says "Is Best" in some splatoon font we downloaded awhile ago . i think it was ripped from splatnet
Blaster main. I don't know how to explain this one but it feels right.
helps with the practical Map props (ie ink rails) and with some weapon gear manufacturing ^_^ tech guy
Was going to make him an Octoling for the convenience of making his hair curly but i didn't want to make all of them octolings + i think his personality generally fits Inklings more.
Native ink color is an off white gradient.
Slosher main cuz he likes moving his arms. this makes sense to me. Also is a fan of Splatlings and other Shooters.
i felt ill trying to design coomer without making his eyes two lines with eyelids
War Veteran...Stole some octarian tech and got fucked up super limbs. Cyber Inkling stealing from octos !! [inkadia crowd goes wild] /j
anyways outside of the war™ he's a data researcher. just generally. he does shit with splatfests and eggstra work.
If you splashed him with ink he would stand unmoving. He would not shake it off.
Ok i'll be honest the Octoling choice is primarily bc Octolings have the afro style & inklings have no textured hair styles (i didnt have the energy to design smth that could work) . His personality fits octoling too though :3
Native ink color is red-orange.
The fucked up guy that makes those drink effects people never use ( i use them ... )
He doesn't participate in Turf Wars or Anarchy Battles, but he works some gigs at Grizzco for extra cash every once in awhile !
the type of guy that goes after flyfish cuz no one else will . god bles !!!
not a lot to say about his design & his place in inkadia , it kinda speak for itself . he just wants to get by and make his drinks in peace . #autism ... he is pretty much exactly the same as his canon self
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moonspirit · 4 months
Do you think Levi hates Annie?
Hello anon!
Haha tho, no, Levi doesn't hate Annie. I don't think Levi hates anybody really. (Zeke is another can of worms, let's not go there rn)
First off, what I understand about Levi is that he's a deeply empathetic person. He holds a LOT of compassion and places a lot of value on human life (e.g: he isn't happy to learn that titans were all once humans). At the same time, Levi is someone who recognises that sometimes, it's necessary to make choices that can be violent and ruthless (one e.g: him torturing Sannes; he doesn't enjoy it but it came to that and had to be done). These are two personality traits that can actually coexist.
Coming to Annie. Much of the animosity towards her back when S1 aired was because 1. We didn't know everything about her, and 2. She killed Levi's elite Squad in a particularly violent fashion. She did kill Levi's Squad, and he was enraged, this much is painfully clear, I think. There's no denying he was furious seeing the talented people he worked with all dead in seconds.
But while I believe Levi is an emotional person who takes the deaths of his comrades very seriously, he is faaaaaarr from being vengeful. Remorse, regret, sorrow, and despair, these are things he feels, yes, but irrationally? just for the sake of being angry? No.
When we see the RBA "attacking" Paradis and trying to kidnap Eren multiple times, we (the audience) don't see them as children - we see them as young adults committing unspeakable acts of violence against an innocent population (this is exacerbated by the fact that Reiner is older than the others).
But they are mere KIDS to Levi, who's much older. He isn't stupid. He sees these kids, turning into titans and trying to kill them, and wonders why. Why are these children acting this way?
Also, try to look at it like this and see if it makes sense to you: Once the Scouts reached the basement and discovered the truth of the world, learned of the Eldian race, the Titan powers, Marley's existence, of Liberio within it, of the Warrior programme and how those human war weapons are all just children of 8 and 9 and 10, brainwashed with propaganda and bred to be nothing but tools and monsters - they understood. The Scouts understood before anybody else did, that the world was unfair on both sides of the wall.
Levi too, understood. He watched Annie kill his squad, and he understood at some point in time during the 4 year timeskip, that she was a child when she did what she did, and she had no choice but to do it.
While Levi doesn't express his emotions well, he doesn't dislike someone for the sake of disliking. He's blunt, he's foul mouthed, he's brutally honest and says what's on his mind... But him not openly talking to someone or showing care for them does not mean he hates them.
In fact none of the Warriors wanted to do any of the things they did, they committed those irreversible acts of murder and violence simply because they wanted to go back home. And maybe Paradis was the first place where they experienced some kind of friendship and equality, but it was still the target of their mission, a place they couldn't stay in. They still wanted to go back home to Liberio, back to the people they called family.
Annie, to the family she called her father.
A person as compassionate as Levi doesn't hate Annie, because he knows she did what she had to do when she was just a guilt-ridden teenage kid, even if that came at the cost of losing his friends.
Tell me also: Who in the Alliance hasn't lost their loved ones at the hands of another?
Around that fire with Hange, they've all killed someone dear to the other.
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michaela-o · 2 months
Okay not really sure if i ever mentioned this but i really like writing poetry and i kinda wanted to share this one with you that i wrote about a human and Cybertronians even tho i don't usually share my poetry with anyone cuz im pretty shy about it-
But anyways since i can't really draw rn i'll share my writings with you at least !! Really hope you like it ! 🫶🏻
(P.S. i'm feeling a little bit better after 4 ibuprofens🥹)
Metal and Flesh
In the quiet dawn where the sun shines its first light, a human stands, hands as tender as the morning warm breeze, teaching an old Cybertronian, mighty, as old as the time, the delicate art of gentleness, so long by them forgotten.
A warrior, forged in battles fierce and cold, his hands, instruments of power and might, now guided by her as they tremble and pause, learning to cradle, to nurture, to softly hold.
"Feel the earth" she whispers, her voice a soothing stream "Touch it as if it were a newborn's breath, for in gentleness lies a strength unspoken. A power that does not destroy but heal."
He kneels, immense, beside her fragile form, hands once weapons, now brushing petals lightly, each movement a lesson in restraint and care, his touch soft as a whisper, a promise of peace.
"Here" she shows him, placing a flower in his hand, "See how it bends but does not break? How beauty thrives not through force but grace? Because in gentleness you will find life's true embrace."
He watches, awed, as the flower blooms, yet unharmed by his once destructive grasp. In her teachings, he discovers a new way, a path of calm tenderness, of hope.
Together they tend a garden of dreams. Her guidance a beacon, his spark learning anew, for in her hands she holds the power to transform a warrior into a guardian, gentle and true.
As the sun rises higher, painting the sky gold, They stand, side by side, a silent harmony of spark and soul.
For in her, he finds the essence of life’s gentle kiss,
And in him, she finds the protector of fragile things.
(i'm really nervous about posting this but i hope you like it !!🫶🏻🧡 I really like the concept of humans teaching the old war ridden Cybertronians some peace and gentleness😌)
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splatoonpolls · 3 months
The Inkoid Typhoon that Ravages the Shoreline by @nylonvintage vs Pumpkin by @judithan-xing
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The Inkoid Typhoon that Ravages the Shoreline (Typhoon for short)
Backstory stuff:
She became inkfish-shaped due to her egg being stolen by an inkling and nearly sold off, but she hatched before that could happen and ended up wandering around Splatsville in her earliest years
Later she was able to rejoin a school of salmonid during a Big Run, but the early influences of Splatsville caused her to grow up shaped Like That (aka it's what made her a salmonling)
Despite her build, she's gotten herself a pretty solid place in her school! Her battle prowess especially is what earned her a name
Her necklace is made of fishing line and the charms were debris collected from the ocean
She wears stolen grizzco uniforms because they're the only clothes she has access to that actually fit her. The stolen grizzco weapons are just for funsies tho
She sometimes joins runs, but only ever comes out during low tide (since that gives her room to run around)
She Does Not like inklings or octolings. At all. Both because she got stolen by one and because the constant fights are getting annoying
She plays pots and pans as drums
He's a pro-rank turf war player who had to drop out after his mom's death - resulting in a steep decline in performance and attendance. Eventually he tried to get back into the swing of things by trying to steal equipment from Spyke. Doesn't work, he gets caught and is instead recruited to become Spyke's errand boy and bodyguard.
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alvisthefox · 9 months
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Name: Alvis Winter
Nicknames: Al (gose by Al mostly) 113 (called by eggman when he was in his controle)
Language: default is English (He is Polyglot so he can speak any language)
D.O.B: Unknown but was born in The War to Take Back the Planet (Sonic Forces) but guessed to be in November
Species: Fox (Genetically modified)
Age: 13 (depends on when story is, some could be him in 20s but looks mostly the same)
Gender: Male
Hight: 106cm
Alignment: True Neutral / Chaotic Neutral
Abilitys: Teleportation, electricity (He's resistant to electricity. Just cant control it. But can direct thru his gauntlets) (more but not gonna say)
Skills: Smart, Good fighting (hand to hand and weapons), Engineer/Electrician, Tech, Baking, musical instruments, Mimic voices, Parkour/Gymnastics/Brake dance
Team: Team Sonic. But work alone and with others to help
Info: Alvis (Al) use to be known as 113 was once pronounced as a missing child presumed dead before a altercation as 113 with Sonic reviling the hold time he was in Eggmans captivity. Since Eggman let him go and was found 3 months later in the mountains living out a crashed G.U.N cargo plane. He's slowly getting a somewhat normal life with team sonic. Giving inside of working for Robotnic, why he is purple ect but keeps something still to himself. Like birthdays and why he tenses up around the mayor's wife. Almost like he is holding back anger. Alvis most open with Miles "Tails" Prower. Being when was he was 5 they did meet and found out he was a HUGE and still is a Tails fan. But Tails has mentioned how he was in Eggmans position in the first place was he was sold. But is keeping alot secrate. What els dose Alvis know. What els, he has the memories of the 4 who's DNA was used to chnage Als DNA and give powers?
Edit: That last thing. Yes. Said he had identity problem and even others saying for example "Sonic" Alvis would react like you said his name, and was mentioned he hallucinates seeing one of the 4 or all 4 at the same time. Can feel how it Felt being super in space, How the space ark food tasted, How lonly it is on angel island and how it feels to bullied to then find someone who accepts you and treats u like a brother
(This is a AU.)
Yet a nother awesome peace from @catragemiau they did a amazing job with my Sonic OC and got a charicter sheet.
I cant stress anuff that @catragemiau is worth every penny! If you want art at grate quality! @catragemiau is the one!
(Pls leave a slot for me to get art tho 🥺)
I can just go on for days about this! This is my 2nd art from them. And just like last time. So happy.
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((Should mention. These are all versions. I'm kinda just re using the look of past versions of Al in my AU))
V1 (first ever alvis back in 06)(IRL 06)
V2 (pre experimented Alvis)
V3 (half way thru fur changing colour)
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Sonic Prime AU
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--Carbine-- --Captain Iceberg-- --Savage--
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Sword gays showdown, round 1, bracket two
For Adolin Kholin:
HIMBO SUPREME!! Fights with a giant-ass fantasy sword. Unlike everyone else, he does not have superpowers, but he is REALLY GOOD AT SWORD!!! Best duelist in the kingdom, doesn’t want to go to war, just wants to be a jock. He’s still really good at war tho. Once took on a 4 on 1 duel in the most epic chapter ever written and won (ish). Befriends the sword. Her name is Maya. Befriends everyone he meets, actually. One character really wants to hate him, but can’t cuz he’s just genuinely a nice dude.  Super supportive of his girlfriend, knows she’s a girlboss. Talks to his dad’s horse. Probably bi. 
His church lets you pick One Thing to train yourself in, his is magic sword fighting (and hes only second to his father in it) on book 2, chapter whitespine uncaged, he fought basically (his friend helped but was super unprepared)  4 on 1 with an unfair judge and WON
He's almost canonically bi Loves his wife *SPOILERS* Loves his sword so much he resurrected her immortal soul
Omg he LOVESS swords so much. Which sword? Any and all. He talks to his sword before duels, he brings like 30 different blades on a mission and when prompted starts info dumping about what each of them is useful for. His ideal date - sword training his fiance. He is THE sword guy. And also him and Shallan are so bi4bi <3
For Nicky:
Nicolò di Genova (aka Nicky) is an immortal warrior who was raised to become a catholic priest and fight in the Crusades with his two-handed long sword. There, on the opposite side of the crusade invasion, he meets Yusuf al-Kaysani (aka Joe), who is of a religion that Nicky was raised to hate. After killing each other, coming back to life and killing each other countless times, they eventually make peace, learn each other languages, become friends, and fall in love. They now fight alongside each other in the Old Guard as the immortal husbands (paralleling Andromache and Quyuh’s immortal wives duo). They will do anything for each other and their found family. Nicky is deadly efficient with his longsword as well as with any weapon/hand combat. Nicky and Joe once took out a truck full of armoured guards while handcuffed. Nicky is very caring and empathic but tough when he needs to be (is able to fight despite being experimented on for days) and is worthy of the title of best gay swordsperson <3
He’s very neat
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sakuraharuno156 · 4 months
Temari would wipe the floor with Hinata 🤷‍♀️
We all know that Hinata fans are extremely delusional, but saying that Hinata has any chance with (OR EVEN WORST - COULD WIN WITH) Temari is on a different level....
The simplest explanation is the fact that Temari was promoted to a junin at 17 yo, while Hinata is just a chunin at 32 yo.
There is no "junin exams", to become one, you have to be a chunin that is seen as a strong ninja by your Kage. It's not that Hinata has never participated in an exam, or she just chose not to be a junin, she was never deemed strong enough to be one. Therefore Temari is canonicaly stronger. That should be the end.
And don't come at me with "But NARUTO WAS A GENIN WHEN HE WAS THE STRONGEST 🤓" bullsh*t. To become a junin you have to be a chunin that is strong enough to be promoted. If Naruto was a chunnin in Shippuuden, he would become a junin after Gaara retrieval arc. Hinata was a chunin, so if she was strong enough - she would be promoted. Simple as that.
It should be obvious, but for Hinata Fans obvious is not enough, so I'll try to explain it further. I'm getting tired of people bluntly lying to themselves 🤷‍♀️
In a real fight there are a few key abilities:
Additional skills (healing, genjutsu, summonigs, etc.)
Fighting style
1. Speed and strength:
Hinata has never been shown to be fast, BUT let's assume her speed to be high, only for the argument seak, but is she faster that Lee? No way in hell.
Are her attacks strong in anyway? No. She uses gentle fist that is a high level taijutsu, but again, is she stronger at taijutsu than Lee? No way in hell.
Why am I comparing Hinata to Lee when it's Hinata vs Temari fight? Because of this one panel:
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We will assume that Lee didn't use his maximum speed and strength (although he was really angry at what Temari did to TenTen), but he was fast enough to attack her without Guy stopping him. Guy didn't manage to stop Lee, his beloved student that risked disqualification. Yet, he easily stopped Neji, who was so fast that Hinata didn't even move away from the attack.
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Obviously, I'll assume (again, in favor of Hinata) that Guy didn't think Lee would attack or that the attack wouldn't disqualify him (but we know that it will cost him the whole exam if he managed to hit her, as we learned from later) OR Guy has known that Temari can protect herself.
I don't think it's needs any explanation. Lee's kick is stronger than any attack that Hinata can master. Mind you, it wasn't any kick it was his technique:
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Both Naruto and Neji had known it wasn't a weak attack because they immediately screamed. If Lee was bearly touching her OR if the attack was slow, they wouldn't make such a fuss.
And Temari stopped it like it's nothing.
2. Durability
We have nothing on their durability, exept that Hinatas is extremely low:
Fight with Neji - she's almost dead.
Fight with Pain - she's almost dead.
War, where everyone was fighting - she's on the floor.
For the seak of the agreement, let's again assume in favor of Hinata, that Temaris durability is just as low (even tho it should be a crime, because Temari is a damn Junin, BUT LETS SAY).
3. Intelligence
Intelligence is obviously Temari. She was smart enough to get into a real mind game (and be VERY GOOD AT IT) with Shikamaru during chunnin exams, and Shikamaru is the smartest.
Meanwhile Hinata....
Had to be reminded to even look at the enemy
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And to use her byakugan... her only damn weapon
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Let's just say she's not the smartest tool in the shed 🤷‍♀️
4. Additional skills
Hinata has:
Byakugan and... that's it
She has "lion fists", but it's just a waste of chakra because that jutsu HAS NEVER DONE ANYTHING.
Temari has:
Her summoning, that can cut the whole forest and kill a person in one sweep
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She can FLY
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She has her fan that is extremely durable and allows her to channel her wind better
5. Fighting style
Hinata is strictly short distance, with an exception of an air palm that still is short to mid range.
Temari is mid to long distance fighter.
If that fight was to occur, because of Temaris high intelligence, it would be definitely long distance. Hinata (if she remembers to activate it) would see where Temari is with her byakugan, but it wouldn't amount to sh*t because just seeing her move wouldn't allow Hinata to stop Temaris wind.
Hinata may try to close distance, but Temari is too smart to go into close combat (like she did in chunin exams fight against Shikamaru), and even IF Hinata somehow can get close to Temari... Temari can FLY AWAY ON HER FAN. How would Hinata counter it? By doing an air palm and blowing Temari even further away?
Hinata can't do rotation like Neji, her air palm wouldn't move A WIND THAT CAN CUT DOWN A WHOLE FOREST, and even if it could protect her in any way, she can't do it for a long time, while Temari can spam with her wind for long enough to keep 3rd Raikage away.
But even IF Hinata somehow gets to a close combat, Temari has a fan that can protect her from stronger attacks than Hinatas (like Lee's kick) and a summon that can separate them.
So even if we take all unknowns for Hinats sake - Temari is winning with no difficulty. There is no doubt that Temari slams Hinata to the ground.
Obviously, the winner is Temari. Every Temari would destroy every Hinata with no difficulty 🤷‍♀️
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The same goes for Sakura, who would k*ll Hinata in seconds, Ino, who would destroy Hinata with her mind and TenTen who would also win with almost no difficulty, but she deserves her own post 🤷‍♀️
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worldismyne · 29 days
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Iceberg Bing for layer 3 and 4.
My memory is really bad, so some of these might have already appeared in earlier layers.
AMVs - Either specific songs that were popular to use in the fandom, or any fanmade content from during the manga's run that was popular
Soul and Maka Split up - Apparently this interpretation of Maka and Soul's final discussion in the manga is a hot take. There was a lot going on in the final chapter, but here are the phrases from the manga that gave me that impression.
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Will cross this box off for any analysis from that final chapter tho.
Thompson Twins - Can't remember if this specific reference was pointed out, but stands in for any pop culture references brought to light.
The Dress - This is a newer development, but at some point this dress got listed on Devil Inspired and advertised heavily on instagram.
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A bunch of Chrona cosplayers independently saw it and adopted it. (There were at least 3 or 4 at the first con I went to after it was listed). It's so prolific I've seen it in fanart of Chrona now.
Mary Shelly Theory - Saw someone in the tag a while back theorize Marie might be an allusion to Mary Shelly. It would add a layer to the electricity power outside of the Mjolnir reference.
New Art - Any mention of the 20th anniversary drops. (It didn't fit well in the square)
Purple/Pink Gate - Another one I can't remember if it's already been covered. Despite most fan artists color picking a dusty rose for Crona's hair, lavender wigs are still more common for cosplayers. I am a pink wig truther.
Shinobi - Okay, this is a PS2 game that predates the manga by two years. The main mechanic is a katana that sucks the lifeforce/soul of the user unless it's constantly fed other souls. I am fairly sure this is the inspiration of the uncanny sword. Even the cover art gives post time skip vibes.
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If not, both pieces of media have to be referencing the same thing.
Zagreus + Dionysus : Death the Kid's role in SE has similarities with the god of the rebirth. Particularly the part of the legends where he's dismembered and eaten. There is some confusion in greek mythology if these are just different names for the same god or just two gods whose roles overlap, thus why I put both names.
Ragnarok - Particularly how he stops being a character after Salvage. Will also check off for mention of the war of the gods.
Merch - There's a lot of merch out there. Apparently they made a speaker inspired by bonus art. I'm sure there's a bunch of official stuff I haven't seen before.
Official Cosplay - There's a few talking points here that come to mind. Like how Soul is the only weapon with an official cosplay prop. Any Spirit, Ragnarok or Tsubaki props you see were made by the cosplayer. Death the Kid rings get sold one at a time, even if they're advertised as a set.
Translations goofs - There's little things like Afreet and Kishen being used interchangeably in the sub. The Witch hunter evolutions have a few different names. I'm sure there's other translation stuff that I don't know about that might pop up.
Demi-god Black Star - Another umbrella square. Black Star's arc towards the end seems to be referencing something specific. Idk what it is, but Marie goes out of her way to put him and Death the Kid on the same level and snubs Maka at the end of the manga.
The Dread Queen - Comparing Chrona to Persephone is really common in the Kirona crowd. After listening to some deeper dives on the topic there's actually precedence for them to be an allusion ancient underworld goddess that predates Persephone and Hades, but not the abduction myth. They're never referred by name only by titles. Crona's name being literally Dark One in Japanese fits with this theme, as well as usually being referred to as the Demon Sword rather than by their given name. This could be more coincidence than anything else though.
Unlocalized content - The iceberg has already covered the games, but there might be audio dramas or other in-character content that didn't make it's way over when SE was popular in the US.
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meganechan05 · 3 months
(Spoilers ahead!)
So here's what we know about the Royal Armament programs.
The Ohger Calibur ZERO has existed for over 2000 years and has always been in the Hastie's possession. Its way of activation is a blood sample from the bloodline.
Jeramie's KumonoSlayer belonged to his father which also meant that his dad was able to transform into SpiderKumonos as well.
Yanma and N'kosopa developed the OhgerCaliburs by basing them off of ZERO but never got the Ohgai Busou programming done until Yanma studied the Shugods and Calibur. (HimeRita had the Caliburs when they took the throne; long before Yanma touched one)
Rhyniol even noted after everyone transformed that they are nostalgic forms. (Tho I'm not sure if he's specifically talking about King KuwagataOhger, but considering what I said about Jeramie, it's possible he could've seen the same for the others as well)
Now Chikyuu had 6 Heroes. 5 of which became Kings while one was "banished". Considering ZERO was made specifically for the Hastie bloodline and the same for the KumonoSlayer, surely the other heroes would've had their own weapons with their own Ohgai Busou programming. The only thing that separates them from the other two would possibly be that their weapons were destroyed during the war which prevented them from passing on their weapon compared to the other two.
I don't know when exactly the Caliburs were made before they got the Armament programming, but I do know it was during the time when the key to activating ZERO was lost which was why it has the beetle horn and a way to unite the five Kingdoms.
But the biggest question I have is what kind of weapon did the other 4 Kings have? Were they also blades like ZERO and KumonoSlayer? Or were they weapons that inspired the development of the King's Weapon that came with 5 distinct Modes?
Sword (ZERO/Shugoddom)
Gun (N'kosopa)
Sickle (Ishabana)
Bow (Gokkan)
Claw (Toufu)
And while Racles is able to use all 5 Modes, the other Kings solely rely on the modes they are primarily seen using.
But what about the mural that shows the 5 Heroes with swords?
Well that's the thing. Jeramie was the one who wrote the legend of KingOhger, not his father. It's possible he either didn't know about the different weapons or he simply used swords to make drawing easier and to fit the idea and the motif of the season's team.
Then again, I don't know how much of the 6 Heroes were completely thought out considering we never met the rest of the original team. All I know is that there is a lot to think about and the possibility on why Kings of each country were raised to fight with a specific weapon.
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insideliascrazyhead · 11 months
The great expressions of High & Low 10
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It´s too dangerous to go and fight alone.Here take the strawberry full of weapons.
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„Oh great!Do I get siblings too?!Wait!No one we know from Hope Hill right?!I will not live with Yasushi and I can´t date my step brother so Tsukasa is out too right?RIGHT?!Mom please!Speak to me MoThEr!!!“
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„We´re so gonna need to walk home after that fight don´t we?“
„We could totally get killed man.“
„Yeah,so what?Do we gotta walk home tho?Cause I really don´t wanna!"
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Murayama:„Seki,my dear buddy,now tell me,why Cobra-chan needs to be there when we fight?“
Seki:--- Furuya:Because Murayama doesn´t wanna die alone. Murayama:Exactly!Murayama doesn´t wanna die alone!That´s why my future husband who doesn´t know he´s my husband yet,is gonna need to be there.
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„I´m speaking 4 languages but right now I´m judging you in 9“
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The four heavenly Kings:Gonna scream a war cry,Leading towards great revenge,no thoughts just vibing,fancy Lóreal in leather zombie
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„I wonder how often I will be able to punch Yasushi until I need to pull out his teeth from my knuckles?“
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„Guess those sorry losers are gonna be single like a pringle at home tonight,cause I´m gonna go to a party.“
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„I look like death“
„Cobra you always look like death.That´s your mental health issues.“
„Not now Yamato,I think I will go and piss blood.“
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„We can´t mansplain,manipulate or manslaughter our way out of that one,so manwhore it is!“
„Cobra,no!The last time you said that you we´re gone for nine days,came back with so many hickeys that we thought someone tried to beat you to death and your clothing was ripped!What ever happened there was probably so kinky too!You just sat in the diner,staring into the distance,downing tequila for two hours before reacting to us screaming at you!So leave it be.“ "Nah,that shit was fun.I´m gonna do it anyways."
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meteor752 · 10 months
Spent a whole week binging rwby because why not
Here are mah thoughts
Very interesting decision of the show to open on literally the best character, like I’ve heard of peaking early but come on
No but fr Roman is actually so special to me
I just finished volume nine and I broke down crying at his and Neo’s final moments
Thing is, I’m a person with daddy issues and my favorite family member is my uncle so like of course Qrow is second favorite guy
We love us a bisexual subby whore
Ozpin is number three so like guess what my favorite ship is
(Side note, My Own Worst Enemy by Elektric Angel is one of the best fics I have ever read and I cannot recommend it enough)
Why the fuck did this show start out with having one of the four main characters be racist?! What a bold choice
I hate Jaune so fucking much. If you like him, cool, but he’s one my most hated fictional characters ever, not just him but like what he represents
Tho it is worse with Neptune, who’s also like why tf are you here bruv
It’s very funny to have a borderline kinda racist character and a literal meme from 2014 be drafted into war
It took me five days to break and create ocs. They’re called Lemon Lime, Azure, Iris, and Koral. Team LAIK. Maybe I’ll talk about them more at some other point
Listen okay I know that animated shows like to have your hero be depressed in a whole arc, but like god Ruby was kinda grating in season 9.
Blake is kinda rolling with like, one personality trait, but ya know good on her for getting a cool gf
Yang is also the best out of the main four girls
So is Tai, Summer, and Raven’s relationship supposed to be a polycule? That must have been awkward for poor Qrow back in school
Why the fuck is everyone so mad at Ozpin all the time. Like boohoo, daddy didn’t tell you Santa isn’t real, get fucking over yourself Qrow you’re forty three
But fr what is the animosity about. I think Jelloapocalypse summarized it the best in his rwby video
Also did you know the top comment on there is from Technoblade? Check it out, it’s true. No idea he was a rwby fan, but like good for him
Season 6 episode “Alone in the woods” is the best episode by far. I really like when they do more unique stuff with the Grimm, other than just ‘monster’
That being said I’m always a sucker for a space whale
But the line from that episode, “No one was angry or sad or scared. No one was anything. And then, no one was left” is so powerful
Season nine is like fully a fever dream, but it helps with connecting to the main four again, so I like it
Also they need to stop introducing characters we don’t need any more it’s so cluttered
Why the fuck did the tree have Summer’s weapon? What the fuck was she doing there, frolicking in wonderland? Gurl…
I miss Oobleck. He hasn’t been around since like season 4, like what the hell man
What the fuck is Cinder and Emerald’s relationship supposed to be? Are they sisters? Friends? Is Emerald in love with her? Because she seems to be.
Emerald and Mercury are fully siblings tho. Also I love Mercury
Arthur’s monologue to Cinder was one of the best scenes in the show. I loved it, I’m sad he died
The character I relate the most to is little scorpion freak, because honestly dude saaaaaaame
God I want Salem to fuck me
The motivation of the villain being that they’re an immortal being, who wants the world to end because then they can die, is so fucking interesting and I’m surprised I don’t see more of it.
Do you guys think the only reason that Jaune was made leader of team JNPR was because they couldn’t think of a colour with those letters that started with P?
Do you think that’s how they choose all leaders?
How the fuck is Ren supposed to be a version of Mulan? Apart from him being Asian, there’s no correlation. Jesus Christ…
Him and Nora are very t4t tho. Very glad that they established boundaries about their relationship tho, like open communication is all I need
Why is Ambrosius kinda 💅
This isn’t related to rwby but there’s like a bird or smt screaming outside my window and it kinda sounds like a ghost girl and now I’m scared…
I feel like Salem and Ozpin’s relationship is very uncomfortable with Oscar stuck in the middle. Like why did they have to make him fourteen
If I had a child in this universe I would absolutely name them something that starts with a vowel. Some of these team names are a fucking stretch, I mean SSSN?!
Another bold move by the creators is having the first few seasons villains be minorities fighting for Justice and equality. Like idk anything about these dudes, but it’s a little yikes
The fact that everyone in this world is an X-men and the show took four seasons to actually explain that is hilarious
Actually the show taking its time to explain anything is hilarious
Like, six seasons in and we find out the villain’s motivations. Hell four seasons in and we find out the villain
The first opening song was easily the best. Like I said, peaked early
The ship names of this fandom are fucking baller dude. Very creative
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moonlightgrisha · 1 year
Ride on
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Ch. 4 When you meet the Black General during your morning ride, challenging him to a race, you are not expecting to face a life changing consequence. [Masterlist] Previous - Next
You need a distraction. You go riding at first light, up to the hills on royal grounds. You don't care if the tsarina has given you permission as long as you have a chaperone - you go all alone and you ride as fast as you can, until dawn breaks in.
The moon is no longer in the sky and you sigh with relief. The dream still lingers on, though. You just can't stop thinking about it.
You almost don't believe your eyes when a rider emerges on the other side of the hill. It's a black rider.
It's him.
As he comes closer, you have to believe it's a coincidence. It's too scary to think that he's following you. It's even scarier to think that he had the same dream as you, last night.
"A morning stroll", he says, half smiling, instead of a formal greeting. But he doesn't forget his manners and bows his head. "Milady".
You do the same, happily avoiding his glare. "We seem to share this habit".
"Indeed, we do".
"Well, I'd hate to keep you, General", you mutter, your heart beating fast and not for the ride. "I shall-"
But he doesn't let you go. "Allow me to apologize for last night".
For a moment, you think he's speaking of the dream. But he couldn't actually have had the same dream as you, couldn't he? You look at him, harshly, and you wait.
He continues. "I could see I made you uncomfortable. Forgive me".
"I shall forgive you", you say, abruptly. Your horse is restless, he's struggling to go, and you feel just the same, so you get bold; too bold, as usual. "I shall forgive you if you reach the top of the hill, before me".
He looks puzzled.
You continue. "Oh, c'mon, General. You wouldn't think you could lose?"
He smiles, now, slightly amused. "And if you win?"
You smile back. Too bold. "I will not forgive you, then".
Your horse takes off and you leap forward, eyes on the hill, not even bothering to look if he's coming or not.
He is, of course, galloping straight towards you, so you spur your steed even faster, so much it feels like flying.
He could easily beat you, you are sure of it, but he doesn't, and now you're running up the hill side by side.
You realize it's more fun to ride together, than to ride alone.
"You didn't win on purpose", you say once you reach the top. You're out of breath, so you sit under a tree. He dismounts too, but remains standing, and you feel relieved he doesn't come to sit next to you. You almost laugh thinking of what the tsarina would say, if you told her you eventually had a chaperone, on your morning ride, and that it was the Black General himself.
"I also didn't lose", he replies. "Sometimes, a draw is the wisest result to be achieved."
He's clever. You like that. You also know you can't trust him.
But the dream you had last night lingers in your body and makes it difficult to keep a straight face.
You wonder how it would be if you told him everything.
No more hiding. You could blend with the moon every night, if you wished so. Your eyes fill with tears just thinking about it.
"There is something I must tell you", you suddenly say. The thoughts so fast, they escaped your mouth.
He tries not to look too interested, but he is. He's trying to hide it. "No need. It's a draw, isn't it? A truce".
"I must", you repeat, mostly to yourself. "I..."
Then you remember that Grisha are weapons, around here. That war is not a symbol on maps and books, and that you are no fighter. That's what you had been told, over and over, and it scares you.
"I... sleepwalk".
"You... sleepwalk?"
"That's how I ended up on Little Palace grounds. An incident". That's not even a lie. It's fine. You didn't lie to him. Nothing to hide. "I trust you will keep my secret. I should get back, now. Thank you for the... ride."
You raise your eyes, to meet his. He is bending over you, offering his hand. "Of course I will keep your secret".
Those words make you shiver. He's just helping you up, there's no reason to refuse. Still, you hesitate.
"I could never go with you", you think. "No matter how I wanted to".
But you do want to take his hand. That's the point.
You place your hand in his, and he pulls you up.
But he doesn't let go.
Instead, his grasp grows so strong it almost hurts.
Right in the moment your bare hand has touched his, you have started to shine. Moonlight runs on your skin, in your eyes, on your hair, and you look at him in shock. You didn't even know you could summon in the daytime. What is he doing to you?
You feel naked. You feel free. You feel terrified. You feel powerful.
The Darkling looks at you like he knew all along. Your faces are so close, you could just lean over and resume were the dream has ended.
Instead, you pull away, abruptly, freeing your hand.
Like a signal has been cast, his shadows come out from everywhere. You have never seen them before. They run towards you like wolves, they crawl like dragon tails, and you respond.
Beams of moonlight spur from you, glimmering and glistering, pure ferocious night light in the middle of the dawn, chasing the shadows away.
But they are not really gone, they are hiding in the grass, observing you.
The Darkling has said nothing yet.
You turn away, get on your horse, look at him - just staring at you, and a million things unsaid in that stare - then you leave.
The Darkling doesn't even bother to come after you. He knows that you are not running away.
There's no running away, not anymore.
Are you having fun with this, yet? I'm having a LOT of fun. Feel free to leave a comment, if you appreciate this pastime and want to know what happens next.
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swervenation · 2 years
Swerve x Human Liaison Reader PART 3
Another continuation of the fanfic inspired by @i-starcreamed: Swerve + a human liaison who starts off as quiet and distant. This is gonna be long as hell tho, I’m 5k words in and not even halfway done.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / ?
The song for this chapter is overdone but whatever.
The following day, you were working as diligently as always. You were proofreading a scheduled update on post-war developments for Earth with Ultra Magnus. (He was, by far, the bot you spoke with most aboard the Lost Light. Still, your conversations never got more personal than talking about rhetoric.) The two of you were debating the use of an Oxford comma in your report when Rung came by and asked for a moment of your time; you put a swift end to your quarrel by sending your message according to your grammatical tastes. Magnus opened his mouth as if to further argue, but looking at Rung, paused, closed his optics, and you could swear he took a deep meditative breath before nodding at you and walking off. Given the effect he had on your colleague and his slim un-warlike frame, it was easy to deduce his identity as a distinctive recurring character in Swerve’s tales.
As he approached you with intent and far too much warmth to be genuine, alarms went off in your brain… were you in trouble? Did they think you were mentally unstable? You controlled your voice and introduced yourself, then, before he could answer, you said, “You’re Rung, the ship’s psychiatrist - correct?”
Rung was somewhat taken aback that you knew who he was (and pronounced his name right, at that.) “Why, yes! How did you know?” His head was cocked in genuine confusion as he offered his servo for a handshake; the familiar gesture made you smile. Swerve had been the only other bot to extend the Terran introduction. This guy must have done some research on your culture beforehand.*
You didn’t really want to tell him he matched the description of the guy Swerve used as a weapon to bravely rescue Thunderclash, Rodimus, and Magnus. “Lucky guess. Is something the matter?”
“Not at all. I thought you might be having some difficulty adjusting to life on the ship, so I wanted to extend my services to you. I would have done so earlier, but I only recently learned that human and Cybertronian psychology were similar enough to make the offer useful to you.”
You realized this was the perfect opportunity to learn more about the way your crewmates acted and thought and accepted, deciding to meet when you were done with work that day. This was an opportunity for you - you’d pretend to benefit from therapy (because you were fine and everything was fine and you DON’T have self-confidence issues) in order to do more research.
You were about to turn back to your work when Tailgate came in - he and Rung greeted each other as they passed. He too walked right up to you.
“Hello, Tailgate, what brings you up here? I’m afraid you just missed Ultra Magnus, but I can go get him for you.”
“Actually, I came here to see you!” His voice was cheerful, even if you couldn’t read his hidden expression.
“Really?” A twinge of panic. Did this have to do with last night? Or had you done something else noticeable, without realizing it?
“Yeah! I know you usually sit alone in your little penthouse, so I wanted to invite you to sit at the bar with me and my friends.”
“O- oh. At Swerve’s? Right up there, at the bar? Well, I’m worried I’d get crush. Crushed. Whirl almost sat on me when I first came in.”
“Don’t worry, we’d look after you! Cyclonus is a great bodyguard,” he remarked, gushing over him. You knew that those two were an item, and maybe Cyclonus wasn’t as scary as he looked. But still. You weren’t eager to come face to face with him after that glare he gave you. You knew some bots held grudges against organics, and you worried that he was one of them. “Actually, you could probably sit on the bar. That would keep you safe, and I don’t think Swerve would mind.”
The suggestion made your blood run cold. You thought about it often enough. Your legs dangling over the bar, onto his side - you’d probably kick them mindlessly like you usually do when you’re really absorbed in his storytelling. Sometimes, you preferred to imagine you were invisible in this scenario - same deal as the organic suite, but with a better view. Other times, you’re chiming in with witty comments that everyone appreciates. Especially him. Laughter lights up his face and you’re in the blast radius of that breathtaking smile. Maybe he looks at you as you make your remarks, the way you look at him. Maybe you don’t look away from him, maybe you’re so sure of yourself and so sure that you can fit in this alien setting that you don’t even flinch when you make eye contact. A favorite version is when you stay as the bots trickle out for the night, so lost in conversation that you forget to leave. He’d have his work cut out for him, cleaning up, but you’d slip onto the other side of the bar and help out. He would be moved. He would offer to escort you to your habsuite on the other side of the ship. On the walk, you would string together a magic combination of words which would -
“You okay?”
“Oh! Yeah. I, um, I’m not sure. I mean, I really appreciate the offer. It’s just. I. Uh.” You could not think of a single excuse. You moved your hands around as though you were still speaking and looked up at Tailgate. Your throat was dry, you couldn’t breathe. “I’m … Not … ” you squeaked out, somehow unable to shake the last word from the tip of your tongue even after a few excruciating seconds. Gesturing hopelessly at yourself, you wished that he could understand this floundering charade. Ready. I’m not ready.
Tailgate was puzzled by this malfunction. He didn’t know what the end of that sentence was, but it certainly wasn’t good. “Oh … ok … bye, see ya.” He felt like he had made a fool of himself as he left. He should’ve stuck with his gut and not listened to Cyclonus. Here he was, going out of his way to be rejected.
You couldn’t handle thinking about your absolute failure. At least not until your appointment with Rung. When you had blazed through your tasks for the day, you asked Magnus for more work to do. Anything to put off remembering that interaction. He instantly forgot your grammatical spat and was thrilled by your burgeoning workaholism, especially since he himself was drowning in responsibilities. It felt good to be appreciated. It’s possible you were rather starved for any positive interaction.
Well aware that it might be a little pathetic, you were rather excited for your appointment with Rung. He was about as unintimidating as giant robots came, and you imagine he’d understand your floundering more than the others, if not help you stop it.
For the first part of the session, he asked for the broad strokes of your personal history. When he started asking about your life on the ship, though, you were reluctant to speak.
“Have you made any friends on the Lost Light?"
“I don’t think so,” you mumbled.
“ Have you been socializing with anybody on board?”
“Ultra Magnus, I suppose.”
“Great! He’s very level-headed, very responsible, it makes sense that you’d get along. I’m glad to hear you’re spending time with him outside of work.” He jotted down some notes but, looking back at you, noticed that your expression was contorted, as though you were considering correcting that assumption. “... Outside of work, right?”
“... No.”
“Hm. I’m noticing there isn’t much of an ‘outside of work’ for you. So, what drew you to this work?” Rung asked, closing his datapad. “Most ‘liaisons’ we’ve had on board were here mostly for the adventure. If I may be so bold, that doesn’t seem to be your motivation.”
“Are you trying to tell me you don’t think arguing with Magnus about punctuation is adventurous?” you laughed.
“Perilous? Maybe. Adventurous? I don’t think so.”
Your humor apparently wasn’t enough to deflect this line of questioning. With his head tilted, hands folded on his lap, optics on you, and expression accepting and curious, you couldn’t help but answer. “It’s … rather creepy. But I’m kind of fascinated by Cybertronians.” You went on to describe how much you’ve studied to prepare for a diplomatic role like this one, learning as much as you could to be able to understand and interact with their species.
“That’s not strange at all,” he assured you, “Especially considering the impact our kind had on your planet. I know some bots on this ship with a similar appreciation for Earth culture, actually. Anyways, what’s become of that fascination?”
“Now that I’m here, it makes me feel … paralyzed. Suddenly you all are more than a history lesson or a TV program or a textbook diagram. After waiting for an opportunity like this for so long, I’m afraid I’ll mess up and make everyone on the ship hate me.” Something about him made it difficult for you to keep any of these thoughts to yourself.
“I sincerely doubt that’s possible. Someone on this ship shot me in the head, and I’m still friends with him.” Seeing your dropped jaw and utter confusion, he helpfully explained, “Don’t worry, I got better. The point is, it’s more difficult than you think to ‘mess up.’”
“But just after we met earlier today, I did just that. Tailgate invited me to hang out tonight with him at Swerve’s -” your throat caught at this name but you powered on. “I was so nervous, I said no … but I couldn’t come up with a good reason why. I panicked so hard that I couldn’t even explain why I was panicking - I probably gave him the impression I dislike him.”
You began to lament that you destroyed any chance of friendship with him, but Rung pointed out that the ‘damage’ wasn’t irreparable - you shouldn’t assume Tailgate was unwilling to hear your explanation. So you drafted a comms message to Tailgate, with Rung stepping in to ask therapist-y questions and give therapist-y advice. (“You apologize repeatedly - why do you think that is?”) You thought the message was pretty effective:
Hi, Tailgate! Your invitation was such a pleasant surprise. I’m sorry if it seemed like I didn’t care to spend time with you. I turned your offer down because, although I would really like to get to know you, I’m still very nervous on this ship. A crowded environment like the bar would overwhelm me right now. Would you be interested in hanging out on the observation deck instead?
You smiled as you sent it off. It felt like a weight had been lifted from you. But now, there was the new pressure of waiting for his response. Would he believe you? Would he hold a gr- nevermind, he already responded. That was quick! You would see him tomorrow after work, but right now, you were ready to curl up in your own room. No Swerve’s tonight - but you weren’t so convinced anymore that you’d never return to your favorite bar.
Rung, on the other hand, was at Swerve’s. He was having a pleasant conversation with Nightbeat when the bartender abandoned his post to interrupt him.
“Hey, Rung,” Swerve said as he tucked one shanix into a compartment on the psychiatrist’s shoulder, “That’s my copay - you’re my counselor now, so you’re legally not allowed to tell anyone what I say to you.” He remembered something like this from Breaking Bad. Granted, that was a fictional show set in an entirely alien legal system, and the guy who was paid was a lawyer, not a psychologist - but the same rules probably applied.
“That’s not how it works,” Rung sighed, “But I can promise you as a friend I’ll keep it between us.”
“Gotcha - anyways, I’m worried about y/n. They always show up here, no matter how much work they have, but they didn’t come tonight.”
Rung cocked his head, unsure what Swerve wanted him to do with this information, and unsure of why you didn’t mention your constant visits to the bar. “Why do you need this to be confidential, exactly?”
“Well, why do I say anything? I thought it was funny. It’s an Earth joke - trust me, if you were Terran, you’d be rolling. But it’s all good, man.” (a smile to himself.) “Seriously, though, I know they like staying on the sidelines,” he chattered as he gestured to your ‘organic suite,’ “So I don’t think they’d want people speculating on their disappearance.”
“Aside from yourself, I take it?”
“I’m not gossiping, I’m just worried! I wanted to mention it to you because I know you talk to them.”
“Who - how do you know what patients I’m seeing?”
“Heh. You just told me.” Swerve smirked in spite of himself. He always wanted to use that line. “But in all seriousness, I didn’t mean ‘talk’ in a professional way. Tailgate just told me he bumped into you two earlier today.”
Rung rubbed his helm in frustration. “There are a lot of bots on this ship - a lot of them my clients - that would jump in an escape pod were they suspected of caring for their mental health. Why is Tailgate going around telling people who’s seen with me?”
“Don’t blame Tailgate.” Swerve jumped to the defense of his friend, perhaps a little thoughtlessly. “I asked.”
“You … asked?”
“I was just wondering about them, because they weren’t here, you know? And he just told me he’d invited them to sit at the bar earlier today, and they reacted strangely, so I just asked for context.” His already fast rambling sped up frantically. “They said this place was too ‘overwhelming.’ I still thought I’d see them here, though. They’re always here. They’ve seemed perfectly whelmed this whole time. What could it mean? Do you think they’re sick? Did they get in trouble? Are they alright, do you know what’s going on? Do they not like my bar anymore, I-”
“Okay, I’m keeping this ‘copay,’” Rung patted the compartment Swerve tossed the Shanix into, “And you’re coming to my office tomorrow. Let’s plan on two cycles before you open.” He was already entering it into the calendar on his datapad.
everyone is going on a mental health JOURNEY we are becoming MINDFUL
“Wh- huh? What? Why?!” - Rung opened his mouth to respond - “Actually, don’t answer that. Fine. Whatever. I’ll be there,” then, glancing back to the bar and racing back to his usual spot, “Hands off, Getaway, I’ll pour it myself! If you break that distillery, you’re paying for it!”
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pls lmk how characterization is for rung and swerb, i’m not sure i got it right. you can pry the breaking bad jokes from my cold dead hands tho. also ik i’m being silly with mags, i think i deserve that as a treat :3
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isas-bathbombs · 6 months
If you’re gonna ask me questions I’m gonna ask you questions!
1. Favorite ambiance? (Like rain at midnight, sunrise etc)
2. If you got stuck in an escape room, which mutual or friend would you bring along?
3. What artists do you listen to? (I KNOW Taylor is gonna be on that list)
4. If you were a magical being, what would be your weapon of choice?
5. If you could travel to any period in history, not affecting the timeline, to see a major event what event would you want to see?
6. Cats or dogs? (Or both!)
7. If you could choose to manipulate any element, what element would you pick?
1. soft rains during late afternoon when im just in bed is really nice! and i really like sunsets too, i have a lot of pretty pics of it that i took. midnights where its cold and you’re watching the stars is also a good vibe.
2. i’d bring @oneginn not cuz if i think we’d be out quickly. but if i’m gonna suffer, then so is she 😒
3. ur right, i <3 taylor swift she’s all i listen to most of the time plss but i do also like the smiths, TV girl, IV of spades and sunkissed lola
4. power of friendship solves it all /j hmm i dont know honestly, it depends. can the weapon be literally anything since i’m a magical being? like a sword gun? a wand that talks? gun that blasts cakes??
5. this was hard lol but i’d say, the great emu war. i just wanna see australians get their ass beat by a bunch of birds LMFAO
6. both!! i lean more towards cats tho
7. oohh like atla? i think water would be cool. it’s usually what i get in avatar quizzes
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