#4chan mention
richardsondavis · 1 year
I found out about Bleeding Fool today. It's a tamer version of Bounding Into Comics but that is not saying much.
They have opinions that touch on a variety of issues but what I do appreciate is that their headlines are not clickbait which is bleeding cool.
Though I do detect a hint of snark in one of the contributors there, it's not so much as so vitriolic. It is just worded strongly and feels like reading something George Carlin would say.
It also has the same range as BIC so I guess if I want to see what the anti-woke are saying, Bleeding Fool is the way to go. They have comments but they aren't filled with vitriolic dumbfucks like BiC comment section (No offense to John F. Trent).
Although nothing beats the 4chan boards for discussion, vitriolic or not.
Oh and there was this article I read that the prelude to the wave of censorship and the mistranslation epidemic was because of the introduction of trigger warnings in all the media.
I am quite a bit upset about the existence of trigger warnings. Disclaimers would do but trigger warnings are just yuck. I hate them and I am glad they dug into them.
Not so much with the translation issue. Thankfully they are not using misnomers and just call them translations instrad of how BiC just calls all mistranslations as localizations.
Makes them better in my eyes.
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junejasprose-addict · 6 months
So people on Twitter are using a vague deleted contrapoints tweet to wildly speculate that philosophytube is a rapist. Good to know that no one listens to or cares about trans women
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alilaro · 10 months
its so funny hbomberguy uploads a video like once every millenia, but when he does he manages to send every person he scrutinizes into oblivion, never to recover
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spookcataloger · 5 months
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The Lovers Pact (2015)
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chaifootsteps · 11 months
4chan’s comic & cartoons boards are officially over helluva, you can tell because an almost 3 day thread talking about it hasn’t been archived or even reach past 300 posts
They really are.
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dougielombax · 6 months
It’s amazing how often you’d come across somebody whose opinions on things like justice, human rights and other such matters are perfectly rational.
Then you ask them about something like international affairs or vaccines and disabilities and it turns out that they’re completely fucking insane and deranged.
Babbling all the usual conspiratorial drivel about how “tHa JeWz” are controlling everything and that their shitty internet connection is all the fault of the “ZOG”.
(What even is that?!)
Before going on the spout the usual drivel about vaccines causing autism. Which btw they don’t.
The cognitive dissonance on display is astounding.
They’re so close to seeing bullshit for what it is, and then they sell their brains to 4Chan or kiwifarms or wherever and embrace fucking bigotry!
It seems to be something of a pattern.
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zeb-z · 2 years
Syril. His weird fucking stalking of Dedra and his ‘oh your beauty and sense of justice as a fascist cop have captivated me and kept me from killing myself’. The danger of an entitled incel who’s choking hard trying to swallow that red pill and bootlick at the same time.
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you ever get reminded of how mainstream south park is
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firedragon1321 · 1 year
New idea based on the Green Acres theme song. I call it Rooftop Farms.
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Man wants that cottagecore life
Woman wants to stay in the city
You know the jist
Instead of getting sexist as fuck, they compromise like adults
"Why don't you see if the city will give you a permit to build your own farm?"
There is only one available and it's for the roof of the apartment they live in
The catch is Literally Anything can go on that roof, no matter how heavy (sitcom logic)
Every episode is about some kind of haywire misadventure involving a new machine/animal
Husband and wife argue, then work together to fix it
Wife eventually gets used to the smell of cow shit on the roof. Oddly, it makes her think of her husband.
Husband enjoys his little economically sustainable farm land, and the view of the city his wife loves
Neighbors include a grumpy Squidward-esque guy who constantly gets roped into shenanigans
50% absurdity, 50% the healiest relationship in sitcoms, 0% sexism
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bagelblogging · 9 months
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Found this gem
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selkieblood · 9 months
in the genre of people who seem fine but then you learn a little more about them and they are no longer fine. girls with shitty boyfriends. like chuddy bad opinion "racist as a joke but its not a joke" boyfriends. ive noticed an archetype. i dont want to be around these people. like why are you on the fence about that. its not even suspicious but beyond it because its blatent your feelings on the matter you even tolerate that kind of thing. my thesis is that the girl is shitty when the boy is shitty. i dont believe the "oh i personally dont like it but he can be better/he is a good guy most of the time" angle. the shittyness is literally why you like him.
not that its my business. but my baggage is this : make it more obvious you are a kind of person i dont like before associating with me
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spookcataloger · 1 year
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Schizoid Allan (2020)
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chaifootsteps · 11 months
new favorite thing is sending 4chan esc messages to practice my skills. for example
> viv says millies not defined by her trauma
> defines her by her trauma by making her the only character on screen to attempt suicide
Gotta love greentext. It's very efficient. Everyone say thank you, 4chan.
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Or maybe not.
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blurrymango · 1 year
>Go into the comments section of a youtube video about a 4chan post of a guy struggling with pedophilic desires.
>See people saying they feel bad for him because he clearly hates himself for it and also doesn’t act on it. They’re also saying it’s good that he recognizes he has a problem and that he should get therapy for it. These are good comments.
>Sees other people in the comments comparing LGBT people to child molesters.
MFW politics poisoned idiots can’t go five seconds without bringing up their braindead bullshit opinions.
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banbuvssummerhome · 7 months
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On the internet, there exists multiple levels depending on the depravity and exclusivity of certain cites, services and content. The surface web, the dark web, and the deep web. The surface web is the level you’re on right now, with things like Google, Yahoo, Facebook, etc. 
The deep web is stuff that’s below the surface, stuff that’s hidden from the public eye like government cites. 
And the dark web is what it says on the tin. From counterfeit items, luxury drugs to the most depraved content one can find from child sexual abuse to cannibalism to hitmen. Or luxury pickles. It’s a mixed bag.
Today we have a game that’s been rumored to originate from such a place, Lostboy.EXE. Look, it’s cliche, but we gotta start off with the classics.
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I’m sure I don’t need to introduce 4chan, it’s the edgy and lawless image board that birthed Anonymous as well as several iconic memes, the posterchild of online degeneracy. But on August 22nd, 2012, someone would unintentionally drop what I can only describe as a bomb onto the message board. An anonymous user would upload a Mediafire link to a game they’d made for the /v/ and /x/ boards, intriguing the other anons. It was some innocent fun, all things considered. 
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The game consisted of a single empty maze with several images of babies and religious imagery pertaining to demonic entities, you know, the usual for horror indie games. It doesn’t take a lot to unsettle someone. Just imply crimes against children and you got a free ticket to WTF-land. But otherwise it was a pretty boring game, so people in the board complained as per usual.
Imagine this: you’re the average 4chan user who just downloaded a shit game full of creepy ass imagery yet no gameplay. Just full of weird images of infants and satanic shit, you feel that you’ve seen either an edgy kid’s attempt at a game or something you shouldn’t have seen. Maybe if you played for longer you would’ve seen something truly fucked ala Sad Satan. You go to the message board where you found the link and try to figure out what the fuck you just walked into.
And then you see your full name, address, and phone number posted in that very thread. 
You see, what many users didn’t realize at first glance was that there were not one, but two links to the game, one of which being a fake malware version of the game that gave the second uploader remote access to the computers of whoever was unlucky enough to fall for the dupe. This way the anon who made the dupe was able to get their personal information and leak it into the /v/ and /x/ threads on the game. People got paranoid after this was found out–who knew what the hacker did with their computers, they could’ve taken pictures through their webcams or worse, filled their computers with illegal child sexual abuse material. Because 4chan is fucked like that. It wasn’t like the site was unfamiliar with csam being leaked onto their site, but some people weren’t as degenerate and didn’t want to be arrested for what was essentially a 2/10 indie horror. Admins would later delete the threads and put up a warning for users to not download any content found on 4chan.
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It wouldn’t be until 2023 that the alleged creator of the original safe version of Lostboy.EXE was even discovered, a Twitter user by the name of rob_is_an_idiot, who was interviewed by the French Youtuber known as Feldup. Unfortunately we do not know what the fuck was said in the interview as we are not French and refuse to learn French. But we will link to the interview, of course.
Alongside this, Rob would make a Twitter post about the subject:
“I made lostboy.exe back in 2012 and shared it with 4chan's /v/ board, it was a gamemaker 7 tutorial reskinned. There was never any other version. The "virus lostboy.exe" was just a RAT virus, not the game. They simply renamed their exe to lostboy.exe.”
While the original link still exists, I highly discourage downloading the game unless you’ve got a good antivirus or lawyer. We don’t wanna accidentally distribute “cheese pizza” or viruses here, but if you wanna seek out Lostboy.EXE that’s your prerogative, not ours. But yeah, that’s the story of Lostboy.EXE as it stands–a simple game made for shits and giggles turned into a backdoor for malicious activity and an internet urban legend that until now has been left unsolved. The moral of the story? Don’t download shit from 4chan.
Developer Interview: « lostboy.exe » le JEU PERDU de 4chan - Findings HS
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