#4x12 black mirror
dgct2 · 1 year
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Kristin pulling Remy back from the edge.
6 notes · View notes
bronx-bomber87 · 8 months
Happy Monday wonderful fandom :) This episode. It doesn’t need much of an intro. I remember just being so excited I couldn’t stand it ha (how I'll be in 36 days for the premiere) I had to wait an extra day cause I have Hulu and not live cable. This one is just amazing from start to finish. Once again did my best to get everything in within the limits of tumblr. 30 is just never enough especially in this season ha Off we go.
5x10 The List
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Our babies get the cold open as they should this is basically their episode. They deserve the open and what a cold open it is. I can’t get over how much I love them both emptying out their closets. I wanna break this down with Tim first then Lucy. Our boy is SO SO nervous it’s so cute I cannot stand it. He wants to look good for Lucy and I wanna squee so hard at that. He’s trying so hard for her and my heart is gonna implode.
My fav for him personally was the black shirt cause god damn he looked delectable in it. But they’re all fine af on him. Man is a delicious treat we all get to enjoy with our eyes. The way he stretches out his arms each time trying to calm his nerves. It’s so cute. Loved them showing how very nervous they both were. Be still my heart.
Let’s move to Lucy. She of course is just as nervous as Tim. It’s precious. I also adore the nod to previous moments for them as she looks at her dresses. The ones from wonderful moments such as 4x12 and 4x18. Lucy looking at them and rolling her eyes. Having just as much of a struggle as Tim. Saw a good parallel between this and Bailey with her first date with John. Wanting to look hot but not too hot. Ha She nails that BTW When she finally lands on her final choice.
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Tim is nervous and uncertain so what does he do? He calls Lucy. Because he doesn’t know what to wear to this. What does one wear when they’re in love with their best friend and going on their first date? So he defaults to calling his best friend about his problem. It just so happens he’s also going to be on a date with said best friend. hehe I love them so much I might die haha
Lucy sees Tim calling and immediately picks up. Makes me happy how open and honest they are right off the bat. Tim knows she isn’t ready because he isn’t ready. Just knows her so damn well. Lucy asking if he’s ready? The cute panic in his voice when he says ‘No!’ Oh my lord I cannot. Eric crushed that line. His panic continuing through asking her if this place has a dress code?
Lucy deciding messing with him is more fun than helping him. Saying he could wear cargo shorts if he wanted….Tim believing her for a moment. Then realizing what she’s doing. Calling her out for it. He is all smiles when he does though. My goodness this man is happy. So very nice to see. I love his Lucy smile it does things to me. Lucy rolls her eyes but is beaming just as much at his reply. This scene is them being love struck idiots and I’m here for it.
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He couldn’t be cuter asking her what she’s wearing? Trying his best to match up. Lucy tells him she has a lot of outfits she knows she isn’t going to wear. LOL Tim reminding her about traffic is the most married thing. Doesn’t want her to be late. To their first date. Which is beyond adorable in itself. They’re both so excited I’m feeling their excitement as they get ready.
Lucy says it’s silly she knows. She just needs to make a decision. Then decides to go with the iconic green dress from 3x14. Tim knows exactly what dress that is when she mentions it. The man is legit beaming when she says that's her pick. Have we ever seen this man this happy? The answer is no LOL
He is so damn excited they’re doing this. Her picking the dress means it’s really happening. Lucy tells him it’s decided then looks in the mirror and says ‘No…’ I was rolling so hard. Melissa and Eric CRUSHED this scene. Hell this entire episode really. Cracks me up she changed her mind last minute but it’s a damn good change up as we will see below.
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The awkwardness that is them begins at the restaurant. Talking about bread and the assortment being good. LMFAO What are you guys doing? It’s so funny to see Tim being so incredibly not smooth. He could not be more obvious in checking her out above. Man likes what he see’s and isn’t being subtle about it at all. Elevator gaze and no shame in the game as he does.
Lucy’s little shimmy. I’m dying. She’s very glad she decided to change from the green dress. As she should my god what a bombshell she is in that outfit. Holy hell. She nailed it. Shows off her body, plunging neckline, with the perfect necklace, and just enough cleavage she got Tim checking her out shamelessly.
Lucy came to play with this dress. She knew exactly what she was doing when she picked that whole outfit out. I think she’s very excited he’s checking her out. There’s a look of pride on her face above. Lucy knew she was driving him wild and was feeling pretty damn powerful in this moment. She has Tim Bradford panting after her. So she should be feeling as such. Well done my friend haha
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Let's not over look Tim looking fine af too. I see you Tim. Mighty delicious. You know him looking hot as hell is part of Lucy's nerves as well. He dressed that way for her. So you know that's making her feel some things. They try and do some small talk and it’s quite painful tbh lmao. No one does awkward better than Eric and Melissa though. Talking about what they ordered for dinner. It's so awkward but I love it so much at the same time. Why you ask?
Because this means so much to the both of them. Neither of them want to mess it up or say the wrong thing. So they’re radiating nervous jitters. Which is adorable. Lucy answers his question that she ordered the sea bass. Tim continuing the small talk train replying he almost ordered the sea-bass.... Lucy’s reply ‘Oh, cool…’ Is it though? LOL I’m rolling at how stilted this whole conversation is. Not like them at all.
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Lucy points out the awkwardness between them because she can’t not. Asking him why this is so weird? Poor Tim the panic and gulping he does when she says this. We see his eyes bulge a little too. He’s so worried she’s going to want to bail on this now. That she is regretting doing this at all. He wants this to work so badly. He’s afraid he’s messed this up already. My poor love. He is so nervous that it spills into his next comment. Awkward Tim is hilariously adorable.
He instantly regrets saying ‘Naked time.’ the minute it leaves his beautiful lips. You can see it written all over his face. Being as smooth as crunchy peanut butter my love... He has sex on the brain because of that outfit. Hence his comment. She looks so beautiful his brain is actually melting LOL Lucy is smiling so hard at his nervousness though. She loves her goober so much. Lucy knows how he is feeling what she is. So she doesn’t give him too much crap for the comment but her face and reply say it all for her haha
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Lucy decides this is the time for them to have convo about expectations. I commend her for sharing this right away. It was good for her to set this boundary early on. These two are one massive boiling cauldron of UST ready to overflow. It was an important tone for her set for them. Lucy is just wanting them to date first. See what it is like to be a couple before entering into the physical part of this all. This really was a smart move on her part IMO.
We all love the sexy times and we get lots of it this season. But it was important they took their time like they did. Just like I was glad they didn’t get together in 5x01. I was glad they didn't rush this either. Delayed gratification is a beautiful thing. I LOVE how Tim is staring so lovingly at her as she says all this. That man would’ve done ANYTHING she wanted in this moment. Absolutely anything. He could not be more in love with her if he tried. Look at that man above as she speaks.
Looking like she hung the moon and stars. He would do whatever it is she wanted. Because he’s so gone for her. Lucy could’ve asked for the world and he would've delivered just simply because she asked. There is no hesitation or regret on his face. He is truly listening and wanting to do whatever she is comfortable with. Eric just crushing it out here with his facial expressions. He would give her whatever she wants whenever she wants it. That’s what his face is screaming to me In this moment. She has him hook, line and sinker.
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Tim hears the back door open and looks up. Lucy sees the panic on his face and gives him crap for it. Asking if he’s worried someone from station will see them? Tim shrugs it off and says 'What are the chances? ' A fight breaks out in the kitchen and Lucy seems worried about it. Tim tries to play it off not wanting it to interrupt their date.
He just wants this date to go well so badly. Doesn’t want whatever this is to get in the way. Sadly it doesn’t go their way and the employees end up fighting and knife is drawn. Unfortunately the cops are called and their dinner is ruined. Lucy making the comment ‘What are the chances someone from the station walks in now?’ HA
They both look so sad and exasperated their date was ruined like this. All they wanted was to enjoy a meal together. Figure this whole thing out while they did so. AMAZING cold open for them though holy hell. Excellent way to open up this episode for them. Lots of goodness in it. I knew we were in for quite a ride from getting all that in the open alone.
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The next morning they could not be more suspicious or obvious if they tried. Trying to figure out how to explain their presence in the police report. This whole scene is hilarious. It’s like they don’t know the entire station doesn’t suspect something to begin with…Trying so hard not to stand super close to each other while they figure this out. They’re so bad at hiding this it’s insane. So good at their jobs so very bad at this. I love Lucy just wanting to be open and honest about them. Chris had to drag every single moment out of her for months. Was like pulling teeth. Half a date with Tim she’s ready to shout it from the rooftops.
*sigh* I love this sfm. Tim warns her the dangers of them doing that this early on. He’s not wrong about Smitty LMFAO. It’s so true. Lucy’s brain kicks into gear saying could’ve been doing a UC OP. Tim getting excited by her brain. They start flirting while figuring this out. Their chemistry just coming off them in waves. The back and forth banter as they work out the details. The irony of them being all smiles and flirty while trying to hide their date. I cannot with these two dorks. Tim is beaming with love and pride by the time they’re done plotting.
Once again so bad at hiding your feelings and or relationship you two so bad…I saw a funny post saying this scene was a 'How to on not being good at hiding your secret relationship. ' LMAO YEP. John arriving and Lucy just going off about their OP without him even asking. I’m dying so much it’s hilarious. Tim going into protect Lucy mode when John is confused is everything. Telling Nolan decisively 'Nothing.' When he questions what they're talking about? Mmm tell him babe. Doesn’t want Nolan on their trail whatsoever. Good thing it was John though cause dude didn’t notice at all. He is a space cadet so they dodge a bullet.
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They get called into Grey’s office for a heart attack basically. The way he starts off you think he is talking about them. The absolute panic on both of their faces. Especially Tim’s oh my lord. I love how Tim goes to reach out to comfort Lucy and has to stop himself. Now does Grey know at this point? I mean yeah probably.
I know lots of people think Grey was being a troll in this moment. Poking at them and knowing for sure when he had this talk with them. To gauge their reactions. I mean they are showing their cards like crazy in this scene. Their reactions alone are enough to solidify what I’m sure Grey suspects.
Luckily he says he’s just talking about Celia and Aaron. We watch them both relax and deflate their anxiety a bit. So happy Grey isn’t talking about them in this moment. He asks them if they’ll go and talk about this with them? Doesn’t want Celina to get off track in her rookie year. That Aaron is just out of long sleeves. They’re both so relieved they just say yes LMAO They would've agreed to anything to get out of his office at that point.
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Tim holding the door for her my damn heart. Chivalry isn't dead with that man and I love it. There was a BTS post on how Eric wanted Tim to do that for her. Because well Tim Bradford and all that. It's just who he is. Of course he would hold the door for his girl. This next scene is pure married energy. Tim dreading having to have this conversation with Aaron. The last thing he wants to be doing but doesn't have a choice now that he's agreed HA
Lucy feeling it’s hypocritical if she tells Celina not to. Then realizes she can use Nolan to her advantage LMAO Smart woman being smart. Tim calls her out for cheating haha Or is she just being strategic Timothy? Lucy leaves him in the dust before he can pout any further with her. Tim being the exasperated husband as she walks away from him with her plan in place. Her 'Mmhmm.' as she leaves lol
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We rejoin our beautiful couple on the sidelines of a hostage situation. One of the guys from Nyla’s bank robber situation has taken one. They’re all in a standoff waiting to see what they should do. Lucy commenting on the severity of the situation. Trying to make a light joke. Saying 'Remember when dating in secret was their biggest problem?' Love her using ‘Our’ it’s the little things.
Lucy asking him how his talk with Aaron went? Tim bringing up all the things that make their situation ‘problematic.’ To say the least. Yeah it sucks they have to face this stuff. But nothing worth having is ever easy. I love them forging forward despite this. Because as they decided in 5x08. They are worth the risk.
They needed time to figure this out despite the possible complications. So yeah there were potential problems but they were worth the risk of all those. They both knew it. It's why they didn’t bail at the first sign of possible issues. I just love it. It’s what makes 5x12 and the decision Tim makes so prominent and special.
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They end up saving the woman who was taken hostage earlier. Unfortunately there is still two more on the run. Tim and Aaron get wind of them and end up in a parking structure. They make it to the top and don’t see them waiting for them. They push them to the very edge and leave them hanging. Literally. This is where Aaron becomes a damn icon. LOL
When Tim tells him to get out of the shop Aaron’s reply is the actual best. We all knew he suspected but this line of his confirms it. Also he’s not wrong…Lucy would kill him for letting Tim die. Kills me Aaron always telling it like it is to Tim. I love him so very much. He’s just saying what everyone is thinking. Being the mouth piece for the fandom once again. Tim doesn’t deny it but tells him to get out of the shop. LMFAO
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They make it back to the station and Lucy is of course with Tim. Like a moth to a flame. Telling him she’s glad he didn’t die. Since he owes her for a re-do on their date. Tim being as sassy as can be in his reply. First off could they be any closer in this shot? Second the smirks and flirting are telling everyone in that bullpen what you’re trying so hard to hide you two lol my god. Tim is eating it up her wanting another date and it shows.
She is once again affectionately violent in her reply with Tim. He is all smiles when she says this too. The man is an open book of love for her. He couldn’t be happier with this banter going into their ‘second’ date. Anyone watching them can see something has changed but they're too lost in their own banter to notice that. Damn I love these two goobers so very much I might implode haha
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Ahhhhh the Treats of Vietnam scene. I can’t get over how damn close these two are. It’s why that far away shot of them is my avatar. They are as close as two people can be in public sitting across from each other. She is basically sitting between his legs and I’m losing my mind about it everyone. Bouncing her leg against his. Legs for days and I'm ship drunk off this alone tbh. Also want to comment on how much I love the lighting in this scene.
The lights above them set this beautiful relaxed tone I adore so much. Tim making a slight joke thinking it's funny this where they ended up. Going from a super fancy romantic restaurant to a food truck. Saying he guesses this is their official first date. Lucy coming in hot with a curveball of an answer. Blowing his damn mind like only she can. Saying last night was for sure. Better story for the grandkids.
I love her face after she says this. Just gauging his reaction. No regrets whatsoever in saying this. This is the same Lucy Chen who couldn’t handle calling Chris her his GF. Legit panicked about it and fought him on it. Was one giant commitment issue with that boy. Half a date with Tim she’s thinking about grandkids with him. Lucy said she wanted to take it slow in the bedroom. She didn’t say anything about their life plans LOL *squee* She is so all in and this line screams that. Makes my shipper heart so damn happy.
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Tim isn’t at all upset about her reply. This man was in a relationship with a woman who didn’t want any of that. Didn’t want any of his dreams. Now here comes Lucy Chen. Talking about grandkids on their second date. His face is pure joy. His dreams coming true with this woman next to him. He is beside himself with happiness. It’s written all over his face. Tim is giddy really. Lucy’s cute giggle afterwards I cannot. Her man making her laugh *heart clutch*
These two are gonna kill me with their cuteness. Give me diabetes from how sweet they are. Lord. Tim having cop eyes can’t help but see the idiot trying to break into a car. Says his frustration out loud. The last thing he wants is another interruption with his girl. Lucy is so lost in her date with Tim she doesn’t even see this guy. Which I love. She is so wrapped up in him her cop eyes are off. Not seeing this guy on her radar at all.
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Tim doesn’t even get up from their spot. Just yells at the moron and shows his badge. Not wanting to do more than that. Lucy pointing out he’s just going to steal a car in another neighborhood. Which Tim could care less about tbh. The only thing that matters to him in this moment is her. It’s why this next line is so god damn romantic. We truly see how far Tim has come in this moment.
Why is this growth you ask? Because Tim ‘rules matters’ Bradford is picking his girl in this moment. She is more important than chasing some punk for breaking into a car. To touch back on an OTP line from S2. ‘Some things matter more.’ Lucy matters more in this moment to him. More than anything else and he’s letting her know that. Telling her in his own way she matters more to him.
I’m losing my ever loving mind at how romantic this is. I adore him declaring this and being the one to initiate their first real kiss. Lucy looks so in shock. Wondering if this is real life? Did Tim Bradford just pick her over arresting someone? Over the rules? He sure did and he would do it again. Nothing is going to stand in his way of being with her tonight.
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Gah it’s the way he softly touches her hair and gently cups her face with his hand. Looking at her like she is the most precious thing in the world to him. Because she is. Let’s be honest she is. Lucy brought this man back to life in so many ways. There is nothing more important to him especially in this moment than her. Never be over her face when he touches her hair. Like she can't believe Tim is looking at her the way he is.
I adore Lucy smiling into this kiss. I’m sure she can’t believe her own luck right now. The man she loves, loves her right back and chose her in this moment. Over everything else he wanted to stay present in this moment with her. His hand on her face while the other is on her THIGH. Her thigh everyone. His love for her thighs continues on in this first real kiss. It was bouncing earlier against his. I'm sure he put it there partly to ground her during this kiss. Also because we all know he has a penchant for them hehe
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I’ll never be over how tender and soft this kiss is. The complete opposite of the two they’ve shared before. Those were hot don’t get me wrong so very hot. But this one has a lovely tenderness to it that makes me giddy. The wind soft picking up her hair as they melt into one another. It’s the perfect first kiss. His hand in her hair, his other on her thigh, Lucy smiling dreamily into their kiss. I am a puddle.
It just shows it was never about the right restaurant or outfit. It was just about being together. This scene showing how at ease these two are with each other. That’s beautiful base of friendship they built over the years coming in clutch here. They just look at home with each other this entire scene. *dreamy sigh* Makes my soul happy.
If you didn't watch this scene million and one times when it premiered you're lying haha Hell I did it this time around. I remember losing my damn mind with this scene. Never be over how easily they went from friends to this. Every moment leading up to this is utter perfection. Beautiful start to something more.
Side notes -Non Chenford
Nolan’s conversation with Celina was so painfully awkward and hilarious I loved her reply to him asking about Aaron she crushed it.
Also Tim is sexy af figuring out how to get that woman out from her car like he did. Mmm love watching that man in the field. Delicious to say the least to watch him in action.
Aaron and Celina playing D & D 😂😂😂 made me laugh so hard. Aaron is SO embarrassed.
I forgot to thank you all last episode. Apologies thank you all who continue to support these reviews. I adore you all more than you will ever know. Your likes, comments and reblog are everything to me. Especially as I tackle these seminal moments in s5. I shall see you all in 5x11 :)
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afaimsarrowverse · 1 year
250(ish) Favorite Arrowverse Episodes: Part 3: 200-176
Picked from „Arrow“, „Black Lightning“, „Supergirl“, „Legends of Tomorrow“, „The Flash“, „Barwoman“ Season 1+2 and „Superman & Lois“ Season 1+2. I did consider kicking „Superman & Lois“ of this list, but since it pretended to be part of the Arrowverse for its first two seasons I left it on here.
 200. White Knights (Legends of Tomorrow 1x4)
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4, Written by: Sarah Nicole Jones, Phil Klemmer, Directed by: Antonio Negret
 "Don't trouble yourself. I'm not a damsel in distress." "Good, because I'm not a white knight."
 199. The Sound and the Fury (The Flash 1x11)
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11, Written by: Alison Shapker, Brooke Eikmeier, Directed by: John Showalter
 "Smart enough to figure out who Harrison Wells really is, you see I know his secret."
 198. The Chicago Way (Legends of Tomorrow 2x8)
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24, Written by: Sarah Nicole Jones, Ray Utarnachitt, Directed by: Ralph Hemecker
 "Why am I not surprised? Wherever Darhk is, you're not too far away."
 197. City of Heroes (Arrow 2x1)
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24, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg, Directed by: John Behring
 "The city still needs saving. But not by The Hood. Or some vigilante who's just crossing names off a list. It needs something... more." "It needs a hero, Oliver."
 196. Kara (Supergirl 6x20)
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126, Written by: Jessica Queller, Robert Rovner, Rob Wright, Derek Simon, Directed by: Jesse Warn
 "Oh, Kira, I always have a point. Now, let's take a look at everything that Supergirl and Kara Danvers have accomplished separately. And then let's imagine what you could do if you became one integrated, authentic being."
 195. The One with the Nineties (The Flash 7x6)
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139, Written by: Kelly Wheeler, Emily Palizzi, Directed by: Jeff Byrd
 "I think we just time traveled."
"For real? So we gonna party like it's 1998?"
 194. Menagerie (Supergirl 4x12)
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77, Written by: Robert Rovner, Daniel Beaty, Greg Baldwin, Directed by: Stefan Pleszczynski
 „We protected the humans of this city by killing a monster. Not even Supergirl could do that."
 193. Grinning from Ear to Ear (Batwoman 1x14)
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14, Written by: Denise Harkavy, Directed by: Michael Blundell
 "You're right. As long as I am with the woman who wears a mask, I'll always be wearing one myself."
 192. The Flash is born (The Flash 1x6)
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6, Written by: Jaime Paglia, Chris Rafferty, Directed by: Millicent Shelton
 "Looks like you were born to take a beating."
 191. The Legion of Doom (Legends of Tomorrow 2x10)
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26, Written by: Phil Klemmer, Marc Guggenheim, Directed by: Eric Laneuville
 "I mean, fair question. Why does a time-traveling speedster need to rely on anyone? Thawne's hiding something. Wouldn't you like to know what it is?"
 190. Don’t Run (The Flash 4x9)
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78, Written by: Sam Chalsen, Judalina Neira, Directed by: Stefan Pleszczynski
 "The lesson I have prepped for today is much more simple. Life 101: there are no happy endings."
 189. Land of the Lost (Legends of Tomorrow 2x13)
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29. Written by: Keto Shimizu, Ray Utanarchitt, Directed by: Ralph Hemecker
 "Rip? That really you?" "I don't know who I am anymore, Mr. Jackson."
 188. Attack on Central City (The Flash 3x14)
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60, Written by: Benjamin Raab, Deric A. Hughes, Todd Helbing, Directed by: Dermott Downs
 "No matter what I do to stop Grodd, he just keeps finding new ways to attack, new ways to destroy, and I... Iris doesn't think I should, but the only way this ends is if I kill him."
 187. Love is a Battlefield (The Flash 6x11)
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125, Written by: Kelly Wheeler, Jeff Hersh, Directed by: Sudz Sutherland
 "Neither one of you are ever gonna stop growing. I mean, marriage is like a tree. I mean, bear with me. Look, the branches, they grow from the center. They grow farther and farther away from the center, but what you have to remember is underneath, the roots? They're mirroring the branches. They're growing just as much. So you're growing your foundation. Now of course, you gotta tend to the soil, communicate with each other, take care of each other, look out for each other, but as the branches grow, so does your foundation. So you grow together."
 186. Livewire (Supergirl 1x4)
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4, Written by: Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, Caitlin Parrish, Directed by: Kevin Tancharoen
 "No. Leslie Willis is dead. D-E-A-D. Dead. She died in that CatCopter of yours. This is Leslie 2.0. Livewire. And you and I... we're gonna have words."
 185. Fadeout (Arrow 8x10)
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170, Written by: Marc Guggenheim, Beth Schwartz, Directed by: James Bamford
 "Of course, life will go on. It always does. But how? What twists and turns it will take, I can't say. I don't know what the future holds...except to say expect the unexpected. Oliver may be gone, but his mission endures. That mission lives on, Oliver lives on, in the people he inspired. Some will take that mission to the rest of the world...maybe even beyond that. Because if the past eight years has shown us anything...it's that this universe is far bigger than any of us could have dared imagine. Even if it is a little less bright without him in it."
 184. Beyond Redemption (Arrow 4x4)
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73, Written by: Beth Schwartz, Ben Sokolowski, Directed by: Lexi Alexander
 "Living in this city, dealing with what we're dealing with right now? We're all desperate. We've all been made to do desperate things. Terrible things. But I got to believe that we are not beyond redemption. And I got to believe that this city can still be saved, 'cause once we stop believing that, that's when this city really dies. And us, us, right along with it. Maybe, just maybe, we start saving our home by saving ourselves first.“
 183. Pilot (Arrow 1x1)
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1, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg, Directed by: David Nutter
 "The name of the island they found me on is Lian Yu. It's Mandarin for 'purgatory'. I've been stranded here for five years. I've dreamt of my rescue every cold black night since then. For five years, I have had only one thought, one goal: survive. Survive and one day return home. The island held many dangers. To live, I had to make myself more than what I was, to forge myself into a weapon. I am returning not the boy who was shipwrecked but the man who will bring justice to those who have poisoned my city. My name is Oliver Queen."
 182. The Good, the Bad and the Cuddley (Legends of Tomorrow 3x18)
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51, Written by: Marc Guggenheim, Phil Klemmer, Directed by: Dermott Downs
 "All right. We're facing an army of Romans, Vikings, and pirates. But you know what today is? Today is the day that we prove that Rip did not sacrifice his life in vain! And today is the day that we prove that we are not losers! And today is the day that we earn the name 'Legends'!“
 181. Draw back your Bow (Arrow 3x7)
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53, Written by: Wendy Mericle, Beth Schwartz, Directed by: Rob Hardy
 "I understand that you're hurting... and I know what it's like to want someone... but not be able to be with them. How you wish things could be different, but they can't. I can't be with you. I can't be with anyone. I have to be alone."
 180. Suicide Squad (Arrow 2x16)
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39, Written by: Keto Shimizu, Bryan Q Miller, Directed by: Larry Teng
 "Give me a break, this ain't no task force. Let's call it like it is. Welcome to the Suicide Squad."
 179. Uprising (Arrow 3x12)
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58, Written by: Beth Schwartz, Brian Ford Sullivan, Directed by: Jesse Warn
 "I've been gone and I'm sorry, sorry for what the city has had to endure in my absence. But you did endure it and the evidence of that struggle is lying at my feet. You did not fail this city and I promise I will not fail you by leaving it again."
 178. Year’s End (Arrow 1x9)
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9, Written by: Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg, Directed by: John Dahl
 "What do you want with me?" "What any archer wants. To see who's better. First Hunt, then Ravich, and now you. I know about the List, and the man who authored it wants you dead. They call you 'the Hood'. Let's see what you look like without it."
 177. Armageddon Part 1 (The Flash 8x1)
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152, Written by: Eric Wallace, Directed by: Eric Dean Seaton
 „Like a superhero team-up with the Atom?“
 176. Last Sons of Krypton (Superman & Lois 1x15)
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15, Written by: Kristi Korzec, Michael Naducci, Brent Fletcher, Todd Helbing, Directed by: Tom Cavanagh
 „All I wanted was a family, Kal.
„You had it. We were brothers.“
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supernovagifs · 1 month
Pretty Little Liars Masterlist
Below are/will be episodes of
Season 1
1x1 - Pilot
1x2 - The Jenna Thing
1x3 - To Kill a Mocking Girl
1x4 - Can You Hear Me Now?
1x5 - Reality Bite Me
1x6 - There's No Place Like Homecoming
1x7 - The Homecoming Hangover
1x8 - Please, Do Talk About Me When I'm Gone
1x9 - The Perfect Storm
1x10 - Keep Your Friends Close
1x11 - Moments Later
1x12 - Salt Meets Wound
1x13 - Know Your Frenemies
1x14 - Careful What U Wish 4
1x15 - If at First You Don't Succeed, Lie, Lie Again
1x16 - Je Suis Une Amie
1x17 - The New Normal
1x18 - The Badass Seed
1x19 - A Person of Interest
1x20 - Someone to Watch Over Me
1x21 - Monsters in the End
1x22 - For Whom the Bell Tolls
Season 2
2x1 - It's Alive
2x2 - The Goodbye Look
2x3 - My Name Is Trouble
2x4 - Blind Dates
2x5 - The Devil You Know
2x6 - Never Letting Go
2x7 - Surface Tension
2x8 - Save the Date
2x9 - Picture This
2x10 - Touched by an A-ngel
2x11 - I Must Confess
2x12 - Over My Dead Body
2x13 - The First Secret
2x14 - Through Many Dangers, Toils and Snares
2x15 - A Hot Piece of 'A'
2x16 - Let the Water Hold Me Down
2x17 - The Blond Leading the Blind
2x18 - A Kiss Before Lying
2x19 - The Naked Truth
2x20 - CTRL:A
2x21 - Breaking the Code
2x22 - Father Knows Best
2x23 - Eye of the Beholder
2x34 - If These Dolls Could Talk
2x25 - UnmAsked
Season 3
3x1 - It Happened 'That Night
3x2 - Blood is the New Black
3x3 - Kingdom of the Blind
3x4 - Birds of a Feather
3x5 - That Girl Is Poison
3x6 - The Remains of the 'A'
3x7 - Crazy
3x8 - Stolen Kisses
3x9 - The Kahn Game
3x10 - What Lies Beneath
3x11 - Single Fright Female
3x12 - The Lady Killer
3x13 - This is a Dark Ride
3x14 - She's Better Now
3x15 - Mona-Mania
3x16 - Misery Loves Company
3x17 - Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Inferno
3x18 - Dead to Me
3x19 - What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted
3x20 - Hot Water
3x21 - Out of Sight, Out of Mind
3x22 - Will the Circle Be Unbroken?
3x23 - I'm Your Puppet
3x24 - A DAngerous GAme
Season 4
4x1 - 'A' is for A-l-i-v-e
4x2 - Turn of the Shoe
4x3 - Cat's Cradle
4x4 - Face Time
4x5 - Gamma Zeta Die!
4x6 - Under the Gun
4x7 - Crash and Burn, Girl!
4x8 - The Guilty Girl's Handbook
4x9 - Into the Deep
4x10 - The Mirror Has Three Faces
4x11 - Bring Down the Hoe
4x12 - Now You See Me, Now You Don't
4x13 - Grave New World
4x14 - Who's in the Box?
4x15 - Love ShAck, Baby
4x16 - Close Encounters
4x17 - Bite Your Tongue
4x18 - Hot for Teacher
4x19 - Shadow Play
4x20 - Free Fall
4x21 - She's Come Undone
4x22 - Cover for Me
4x23 - Unbridled
5x24 - 'A' is for Answers
Season 5
5x1 - EscApe from New York
5x2 - Whirly Girlie
5x3 - Surfing the Aftershocks
5x4 - Thrown from the Ride
5x5 - Miss Me x 100
5x6 - Run, Ali, Run
5x7 - The Silence of E. Lamb
5x8 - Scream for Me
5x9 - March of Crimes
5x10 - A Dark Ali
5x11 - No One Here Can Love or Understand Me
5x12 - Taking This One to the Grave
5x13 - How the 'A' Stole Christmas
5x14 - Through a Glass Darkly
5x15 - Fresh Meat
5x16 - Over a Barrel
5x17 - The Bin of Sin
5x18 - Oh, What Hard Luck Stories They All Hand Me
5x19 - Out, Damned Spot
5x20 - Pretty Isn't the Point
5x21 - Bloody Hell
5x22 - To Plea or Not to Plea
5x23 - The Melody Lingers On
5x24 - I'm a Good Girl, I Am"
5x25 - Welcome to the Dollhouse
Season 6
6x1 - Game On, Charles
6x2 - Songs of Innocence
6x3 - Songs of Experience
6x4 - Don't Look Now
6x5 - She's No Angel
6x6 - No Stone Unturned
6x7 - O Brother, Where Art Thou
6x8 - FrAmed
6x9 - Last Dance
6x10 - Game Over, Charles
6x11 - Of Late I Think of Rosewood
6x12 - Charlotte's Web
6x13 - The Gloves Are On
6x14 - New Guys, New Lies
6x15 - Do Not Disturb
6x16 - Where Somebody Waits for Me
6x17 - We've All Got Baggage
6x18 - Burn This
6x19 - Did You Miss Me?
6x20 - Hush Hush Sweet Liars
Season 7
7x1 - Tick-Tock Bitches
7x2 - Bedlam
7x3 - The Talented Mr Rollins
7x4 - Hit and Run Run Run
7x5 - Along Comes Mary
7x6 - Wanted Dead or Alive
7x7 - Original G'A'ngters
7x8 - Exes and OMGs
7x9 - The Wrath of Kahn
7x10 - The DArkest
7x11 - Playtime
7x12 - These Boots Were Made for Stalking
7x13 - Hold Your Piece
7x14 - Power Play
7x15 - In the Eye Abides the Heart
7x16 - The Glove That Rocks the Cradle
7x17 - Driving Miss Crazy
7x18 - Choose or Lose
7x19 - Farewell My Lovely
7x20 - Till Death Do Us Part
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darkstorm1720 · 2 years
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
Once Upon A Time Rewatch: Links to My Recaps
So, I finished 3 year long rewatch of ouat & ouatiw a few weeks ago and I thought I’d post links to my live reaction posts of each episode. If anyone’s interested in anything specific you can find it here. It’s also just to have them all in one place. I would love to see your comments about the episodes or in regards to any questions I raised, or anything really if you would like to add anything! I’d love to talk Ouat with you!
All Episodes Tag
Chronological Order | Last To First Order
Season One
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1x01 Pilot | 1x02 The Thing You Love Most | 1x03 Snow Falls | 1x04 The Price of Gold | 1x05 That Still Small Voice | 1x06 The Shepherd | 1x07 The Heart is a Lonely Hunter | 1x08 Desperate Souls | 1x09 True North | 1x10 7:15 A.M. | 1x11 Fruit of the Poisonous Tree | 1x12 Skin Deep | 1x13 What Happened to Frederick | 1x14 Dreamy | 1x15 Red-Handed | 1x16 Heart of Darkness | 1x17 Hat Trick | 1x18 The Stable Boy | 1x19 The Return | 1x20 The Stranger | 1x21 An Apple Red as Blood | 1x22 A Land Without Magic
Season Two
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2x01 Broken | 2x02 We Are Both | 2x03 Lady of the Lake | 2x04 The Crocodile | 2x05 The Doctor | 2x06 Tallahassee | 2x07 Child of the Moon | 2x08 Into the Deep | 2x09 Queen of Hearts | 2x10 The Cricket Game | 2x11 The Outsider | 2x12 In the Name of the Brother | 2x13 Tiny | 2x14 Manhattan | 2x15 The Queen is Dead | 2x16 The Miller's Daughter | 2x17 Welcome to Storybrooke | 2x18 Selfless, Brave and True | 2x19 Lacey | 2x20 The Evil Queen | 2x21 Second Star to the Right | 2x22 And Straight on 'til Morning
Season Three
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3x01 The Heart of the Truest Believer | 3x02 Lost Girl | 3x03 Quite a Common Fairy | 3x04 Nasty Habits | 3x05 Good Form | 3x06 Ariel | 3x07 Dark Hollow | 3x08 Think Lovely Thoughts | 3x09 Save Henry | 3x10 The New Neverland | 3x11 Going Home | 3x12 New York City Serenade | 3x13 Witch Hunt | 3x14 The Tower | 3x15 Quiet Minds | 3x16 It's Not Easy Being Green | 3x17 The Jolly Roger | 3x18 Bleeding Through | 3x19 A Curious Thing | 3x20 Kansas | 3x21 Snow Drifts | 3x22 There's No Place Like Home
Season Four
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4x01 A Tale of Two Sisters | 4x02 White Out | 4x03 Rocky Road | 4x04 The Apprentice | 4x05 Breaking Glass | 4x06 Family Business | 4x07 The Snow Queen | 4x08 Smash the Mirror, Part 1 | 4x08 Smash the Mirror, Part 2 | 4x09 Fall | 4x10 Shattered Sight | 4x11 Heroes and Villains | 4x12 Darkness on the Edge of Town | 4x13 Unforgiven | 4x14 Enter the Dragon | 4x15 Poor Unfortunate Soul | 4x16 Best Laid Plans | 4x17 Heart of Gold | 4x18 Sympathy for the De Vil | 4x19 Lily | 4x20 Mother | 4x21 Operation Mongoose, Part 1 | 4x22 Operation Mongoose, Part 2
Season Five
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5x01 The Dark Swan | 5x02 The Price | 5x03 Siege Perilous | 5x04 The Broken Kingdom | 5x05 Dreamcatcher | 5x06 The Bear and the Bow | 5x07 Nimue | 5x08 Birth | 5x09 The Bear King | 5x10 Broken Heart | 5x11 Swan Song | 5x12 Souls of the Departed | 5x13 Labor of Love | 5x14 Devil's Due | 5x15 The Brothers Jones | 5x16 Our Decay | 5x17 Her Handsome Hero | 5x18 Ruby Slippers | 5x19 Sisters | 5x20 Firebird | 5x21 Last Rites | 5x22 Only You | 5x23  An Untold Story
Season Six
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6x01 The Savior | 6x02 Bitter Draught | 6x03 The Other Shoe | 6x04 Strange Case | 6x05 Street Rats | 6x06 Dark Waters | 6x07 Heartless | 6x08 I'll Be Your Mirror | 6x09 Changelings | 6x10 Wish You Were Here | 6x11 Tougher Than the Rest | 6x12 Murder Most Foul | 6x13 Ill-Boding Patterns | 6x14 Page 23 | 6x15 A Wondrous Place | 6x16 Mother's Little Helper | 6x17 Awake | 6x18 Where Bluebirds Fly | 6x19 The Black Fairy | 6x20 The Song in Your Heart | 6x21 The Final Battle, Part 1 | 6x22 The Final Battle, Part 2
Season Seven
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7x01 Hyperion Heights | 7x02 A Pirate's Life | 7x03 The Garden of Forking Paths | 7x04 Beauty | 7x05 Greenbacks | 7x06 Wake Up Call | 7x07 Eloise Gardener | 7x08 Pretty in Blue | 7x09 One Little Tear | 7x10 The Eighth Witch | 7x11 Secret Garden | 7x12 Taste of the Heights | 7x13 Knightfall | 7x14 The Girl in the Tower | 7x15 Sisterhood | 7x16 Breadcrumbs | 7x17 Chosen | 7x18 The Guardian | 7x19 Flower Child | 7x20 Is This Henry Mills? | 7x21 Homecoming | 7x22 Leaving Storybrooke
Once Upon A Time In Wonderland
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1x01 Down the Rabbit Hole | 1x02 Trust Me | 1x03 Forget Me Not | 1x04 The Serpent | 1x05 Heart of Stone | 1x06 Who's Alice | 1x07 Bad Blood | 1x08 Home | 1x09 Nothing to Fear | 1x10 Dirty Little Secrets | 1x11 Heart of the Matter | 1x12 To Catch a Thief | 1x13 And They Lived…
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princeescaluswords · 3 years
Fandom: "Derek Hale deserves Nice Things(tm) aka Alpha status, Self Insert Stan in a Stiles Nametag and two dimensional betas who are slavishly devoted"
Me: "But I thought the world was a cruel, hard place for gritty grey survivalists? Why do you want Derek swaddled in blankets, when he should be risking his life for the Territory?"
Fandom: "But-"
Me: "Also, Stiles is a weak human unworthy of being with a mighty born werewolf from a distinguished lineage. Also, Stiles is best friends with that dastardly Scott, why would you want the bestie of a guy like that to be with Derek?"
Fandom: "Wait-"
Me: "He deserves nice things, right?"
So, let's focus for a moment on something about Teen Wolf that is incontrovertibly true: Derek Hale Got Nice Things. When he departed the show at the end of Smoke and Mirrors (4x12), this is what he possessed:
he had achieved the full shift, claiming his mother's legacy
he had an indescribably hot girlfriend who had proven her feelings for him and would kick the ass of anyone who tried to hurt him
he had family in Cora and Malia
he had his wealth
he had the brotherly relationship he had always wanted with Scott McCall
While it's funny when you ask yourself how many more nice things did he need, what's even funny is when you look at this image below:
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And you realize that 998 of those 1000 stories were published after September 8, 2014, which is when Season 4 ended. Apparently the tag should read "Derek Hale Deserves Different Nice Things."
But you've already listed what the fandom thinks that Derek Hale deserves.
justification for all the violent decisions he made and pre-emptive murders he planned
a significant other who is always there for him when he needs him, who never goes behind his back, and never says things that hurt his feelings (in other words, who looks like Stiles but doesn't act like Stiles)
the alpha authority (even though it made him miserable and paranoid)
betas who serve him but never actually demand anything from him (like the truth or safety)
justice for those people who say mean things to him (like the Latino omega or the black veterinarian)
They never talk about health, wealth, or power, because he has all those things. The real Nice Thing that he's missing is authority and immunity from consequence. So, apparently, what he lacks is White Supremacy.
I'm only partially kidding. Okay, I'm not kidding, I'm stretching, but just a tiny bit.
Because it's fascinating to me that all the Derek Hale Deserves Nice Things only seemed to appear after he left the show in triumph and comfort. The fandom is saying that what he didn't have when he left the show was that he deserved was, quite frankly, the show. He wasn't the lead protagonist. The plots weren't centered on him and the characters weren't defined by their relationship with him. And they never would be.
This is only reinforced by the idea that they insist on looking at the show through the lens of what Derek lost even after he wasn't even involved in the plot anymore. How many times have you seen speculation that Derek would have prevented Season 5, even though Theo would have been able to play him like a kazoo, even as he played the others. Do they not think Theo could have turned Stiles against Derek or Derek against Scott? Most likely, though, they simply don't care. It's not about what would have happened if Derek was there -- it's about white characters being on top.
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I would love for you to talk more indepth about the montage. To me it feels so off and weird. Almost like a parody? So many scenes in it are "funny" moments that just don't make sense in the context of an emotional overview of the road so far... (Like all the scenes where Dean is eating, Donna with donut dust on her face, Sam getting hit during the game show.) I don't know. Isn't the montage supposed to make me nostalgic, teary-eyed? This one definitely doesn't do it for me!
Here I am! Yes, I absolutely agree. The montage is Weird(TM). It’s kind of a tone rollercoaster. It’s very full of funny/silly moments, with some serious moments smacked in. And it definitely looks like... there’s something about it.
For an easier consultation I will reference the gifs I have made of the montage sequence here.
[Gif 1] It starts pretty much like I’d expect a Supernatural goodbye montage to start. The two brothers meeting for the first time in the pilot, a reminder of their childhood with John, their banter still from the pilot, a couple moments of them driving in the car in the first seasons, Dean saving Lucas in 1x03 which is the first Dean-heavy episode and also an extremely symbolic moment for Dean’s entire journey - just think at how Lucas as a mirror was still relevent during the “drowning” Michael possession arc. Everything feels normal so far. We’re starting from the beginning! Now--
[Gif 2] Interesting and weird choices start here. Them pretending to be high school teachers from After School Special 4x13 - actually a very iconic moment for the fandom, remember that post of Dean in shorts from that episode that you had to reblog when it came on your dash? (Actually I’m not sure if I ever reblogged it lol.) Dean celebrating getting young again from The Curious Case of Dean Winchester 5x07 (and Jensen showing off his agility). The two of them showing their FBI badges to Jesse Turner’s biological mother in 5x06. Dean mowing the lawn of Mary’s house in the Djinn dream and immediately after Jess and Sam kissing also in the Djinn dream, from What Is And What Should Never Be 2x20. Then Dean after killing the witch when he was under the memory loss spell, in Regarding Dean 12x11. Sam happy when they celebrate Christmas in A Very Supernatural Christmas 3x08. Them being “lucky” under the effect of the rabbit’s foot in Bad Day At Black Rock 3x03. Sam also happy in Baby 11x04.
Again the present, then the montage starts again with the water-related ghost from Red Sky At Morning 3x06, a Bela episode, and then Bela herself from her first episode, 3x03 again.
What do these moments have in common? Not all of them, but for many of them I’d say reality being manipulated. The Djinn dream, the rabbit foot, Dean’s aging, the Antichrist... and it’s not over yet. Also, them pretending to be teachers, agents etc - not “real”.
[Gif 3] The tone suddenly gets more serious and relevant to current events: Chuck in The Monster at the End of This Book 4x18 (eh). Death in Two Minutes to Midnight 5x21 (the first appearance of Death, while now we’ve had Billie’s last and a very short-lived new one), and then two major moments from Lazarus Rising - Dean emerging from the grave and finding the handprint on his shoulder. Crowley’s first episode, Abandon All Hope 5x10. Zachariah’s death in Point Of No Return 5x18. Anna from The Song Remains The Same 5x13, where she is the antagonist having been brainwashed successfully by heaven. Michael burning and Sam jumping in the cage with Michael in 5x22, then another moment from 4x01 (the brothers hugging after reuniting). A moment from The French Mistake 6x15 (reality fuckery again!). Sam in Frontierland 6x18.
[Gif 4] Reality fuckery continues with Becky marrying Sam in 7x08. Funnily enough, this is the peak of Becky’s obsessive behavior which she went to therapy for and grew away of - it definitely emphasizes how far Becky has come. Donna’s first appeance in 9x13. That iconic shot of Dean in Bloodlust 2x03 because he’s pretty. Charlie’s first appearance in 7x20 while she dances to Walking On Sunshine (relevant?), Kevin’s first appearance in 7x21 when he becomes a prophet (lots of firsts). Abaddon’s first appearance in As Time Goes By 8x12. Then there’s the first appearance of the bunker, in the next episode, a couple shots in fact. Then more 4x01, Ruby pretending to mistake Dean for the pizza man (eh). Then more present...
This section seems to be mostly “first appearances” - including Ruby’s s4 meatsuit, i.e. Genevieve’s first appearance.
[Gif 5] We suddenly jump to more recent events with Kelly and Jack in heaven in Byzanthium 4x08. Jack’s iconic hello from 4x16 Don’t Go In The Woods. Dean teaching Jack how to drive in 14x07 Unhuman Nature. But then we suddenly go from Jack things to something completely different on the surface: two consecutive moments from Changing Channels 5x08, including the iconic Nutcracker scene, and Sully from Just My Imagination. We are actually back to the previous theme: reality fuckery. Gabriel’s episode was about placing them in “television shows”, Sully, while real, is literally a child’s “imaginary friend”. And then... a moment from the cartoon part of Scoobynatural! It doesn’t get more reality fuckery than that. Oh, wait! Charlie and Dorothy going to Oz in 9x04. That’s a pretty strong contender. Dean being hit in the face by a fairy in 6x09 - also about a realm Dean briefly went to. And, in case we felt like we hadn’t gotten enough 4x01 yet, Pamela’s first appearance (her last, albeit a hallucination, was about the whole “How come you only want what you can't have?” thing).
[Gif 6] We continue again with a mixture of firsts and weird things. Ellen’s first appearance in 2x02, Dean and Cas in 4x18 (we saw Chuck from that episode earlier), Jody’s first appearance in 5x15 Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid. Rufus in 6x04 Weekend At Bobby’s (not his first but a good episode...), Garth in 9x12 Sharp Teeth (not his first but the first in which he is a werewolf and is married... relevant to recent lamp events??), Missouri in 1x09 (her first appearance).
Then Gabriel from 13x21 Beat The Devil (an episode where he plays a trick on Lucifer) and Rowena from the same scene (in fact a scene where they’re flirting).  Then Eileen coming back to life in 15x06 and smiling at Sam. Jo flirting with Dean in 2x02 - her first appearance, again. Funnily enough, she had been introduced as a love interest, but ended up being repurposed as a sisterly figure. Tempted to say it’s relevant in an ironic way. Mary in 14x11 Damaged Goods, when Dean has a goodbye mother-son moment with her. Amara in 11x09 Oh Brother Where Art Thou when she was looking for her brother. Then Lucifer in two different vessels (12x07 Rock Never Dies and 12x21, when Lucifer regains control over the vessel).
Then Metatron doing the find a wife make babies speech to Cas in 8x23! Relevant??? Dun dun dun. Then Ketch for some reason (the first episode where we see his face, 12x08 LOTUS).
[Gif 7] Then Jo/Anael in 13x13, another first appearance. (I cropped these horribly I should have cut them when the present happens lol.)
Sandwiched between two shots from the present, Dean Sam Mary and John having dinner together in 14x13 Lebanon.
Then we start again with Dean riding Larry in 12x11, Dean and Cas dressed as cowboys in 13x06 (mini pattern here...), Asmodeus with the archangel blade in 13x13 (insert meta about Asmodeus in Christian lore here), and the really intriguing “Intermission” shot from the play in 10x05.
[Gif 8] To continue a certain pattern we might be tempted to see, Dean eating piecake from 14x06 Optimism (an episode about a distorted version of romantic love), then Dean eating noodles from 10x13 Halt & Catch Fire (the ghost is a husband that passes on thanks to his wife). Dean after his dentistry session with Garth in 15x10. Meg from 6x10 Caged Heat (the episode with the pizza man porn). Dean and Sam investigating in 4x12 Criss Angel Is a Douchebag (an episode about growing old poorly). Crowley in 10x16 Paint It Black (that episode). Dean playing that game in 14x17 Game Night (the episode Cas calls for God, and when Mary dies - the one playing the game was God...). Sam and Dean getting out of the car in 13x05 when they visit the traumatized kid (peak mourning Dean episode...). Then we go into reality fuckery territory again with 14x15 Peace of Mind, Sam under the psychic’s control and Cas disgruntled about it.
[Gif 9] Mick Davies from 12x16 Ladies Drink Free, when he learnt a lesson about monsters. Dean geeking out about the Hatchet Man - so heavy with mirror significances - in 14x04 Mint Condition. Belphegor - Jack’s dark mirror - in 15x03 The Rupture, the break-up episode. Donna’s first episode again, this time Dean and she eating donuts. Dean, Sam and Mary hugging in 12x22 after the confrontation in Mary’s head. Kaia in 13x09 The Bad Place, when Jack uses her to find the way to where Mary is (Mary pattern?). Claire&co rescuing Jody and Donna in 13x10 Wayward Sisters. Dean in 1944 dresses as a sailor in 11x14 The Vessel. Baby nyooming in 15x11 The Gamblers...
Aaand more Changing Channels, the genital herpes ad. It’s almost like reality fuckery is a theme. Followed by Sam drinking the anti-cold concoction at Garth’s in 15x10 and the two of them outside the monster fighting pit in the same episode. Then Cas, Dean, Sam and Jack on a video call with Ketch in 14x09 The Spear when they talk about the egg to trap Michael.
[Gif 10] We stay in the same episode with the four of them heading to Michael. Then the four of them celebrating Jack’s return to life (after Cas’ deal with the Empty). More present, and then the iconic “we’ve got work to do” [trunk closes] moment from the pilot.
So: some of these moments seem like genuine moments you’ll want to put in a montage, but there’s a weird predominance of characters smiling and looking happy or goofy. It’s kind of... not exactly representative of the show as a whole, you know? There are moments that fit as, you know, iconic steps in the story, but surprisingly few, and many moments you’d expect to be in a “final” montage are blatantly not there. Several moments with, let’s put it like this, suspicious meta connotations. Moments that, well, we don’t know what happens in the finale yet, but smell like they might be relevant to future developments. (Metatron’s speech to newly human Cas anyone?)
What really strikes me is the amount of moments connected to reality being manipulated or distorted in some way. Lots of Changing Channels, fantasy elements of various kinds (the Djinn dream, Scoobynatural, Oz, the imaginary friend Becky’s wedding to Sam, the fairy, ...), them acquiring luck (s3) or losing it (s15), and so on. It’s almost like the sequence is telling us something...
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lunmelia · 4 years
A List of All of Dean Winchester’s Injuries
Yes. I did. I did go through every single episode of Supernatural and recorded every time Dean got injured. Do not question me, I know what I did, I had no one tell me ‘no’ so I did it, and now I’m done. 
Now, this list might not be the most accurate. I did not sit down and watch every single episode in full, eyes glued to the screen for every time Dean got injured. I only skimmed. Here’s a gif I made to show how I did it: 
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(sorry it’s bad quality it’s the first gif I’ve ever made) I skimmed through the episode and used the little preview screen to look for any time there was fast movement, blood or a spell that might require someone cutting their palm. I also kept an eye out for angel-banishing sigils. Since I only skimmed, there’s a chance I missed some injuries or even times that Dean was magically healed. So again, might not be an accurate list but I did my best. Feel free to tell me anything I missed. 
Here’s a key to help you through the list: - most of this lists the actual injury, e.g. “cut on left temple” but other times it’ll list an action that may cause injruy, e.g. “thrown into wall”  - “thrown into/against” means that he impacted the object, but the object did not break / he did not go through it - “thrown through” means that the object broke on impact and he ended up on the other side - “internal pain” means that someone used magic to do something to him, but I have no idea what, all I know is that he looked in pain and was mostly gripping his stomach - “handcuffed” means actual handcuffs were used, “tied around wrists” means either rope or zip-ties were used - “punched” means just punched in the face, any other area on the body will be specified - any episodes that aren’t on the list means he wasn’t injured in them
Some misc notes: - I do not include any injuries that don’t actually happen, e.g. future visions, nightmares, hallucinations or a fake reality - I might be inconsistent with the amount of times I specify what was used to knock Dean out, and not listing what was used. Sorry about that. It’s because I either just couldn’t see the object, or I was lazy that day - I don’t usually specify the size of the injury either, I usually just say “cut”, sorry. I only realised like 6 seasons in that I probably should be specifying the size, and also taking screenshots, but I couldn’t be bothered going back and fixing it, nor could I be bothered specifying the size from then on. I’m sorry, it was just going to feel weird if 6 seasons in I only then start specifying - I don’t include possessions, but I do specify when injuries happen while possessed - I include some commentary of what kind of injuries I thought should’ve happened based on the action - There will also be a list for Sam’s injuries posted later, but there will not be one for Cas. Going into this, I only wanted to know Dean and Sam’s injuries for some redesigns I want to do, I didn’t feel it was necessary for me to know Cas’ because he won’t have scars in my redesign (at least his vessel won’t). Please don’t expect me to go back and make a list for Cas, this already took up so much of my time and I don’t want to do it again. 
Let’s begin, shall we?
Season 1
1x1: Pilot - jumps off a bridge 1x2: W*ndigo - wrists tied above his head - cut on left side of forehead - cut on right cheek - cut on right side of neck 1x5: Bloody Mary - infected by Bloody Mary 1x6: Skin - tied to a chair around his chest, hips, wrists and ankles 1x10: Asylum  - shot in the chest with rock salt - mind almost influenced by Ellicot, manages to burn the corpse before he can, but it did cause him pain 1x11: Scarecrow - knocked out with the butt of a gun - wrists tied up above his head 1x12: Faith - electrocuted, passes out - heart attack - heart is damaged (their words not mine)  - healed by a reaper - life drained from him, process is stopped before completed 1x15: The Benders - cut above right eye - knocked unconscious with a pan - punched - burn on upper left pec 1x16: Shadow - cut on edge of right eyebrow - wrists tied - four claw marks down the left side of his forehead 1x18: Something Wicked - cut on left side of hairline 1x22: Devil’s Trap - thrown into a windshield - diagonal cut across his chest
Hey! Under the cut this post is really long!! Please be sure you want to read the rest before clicking because you’ll be scrolling for a while!
Season 2
2x1: In My Time of Dying - in a carcrash  - vertical cut on right side of forehead - cut on right ear - cut on left cheek - bruised and cut knuckles - head truama - cut on left forearm 2x2: Everybody Love a Clown - punched 2x3: Bloodlust - punched - thrown into a table 2x7: The Usual Suspects - handcuffed 2x10: Hunted - knocked unconscious by the butt of a sniper rifle - tied around his wrists and ankles 2x12: Nightshifter - choked - punched 2x14: Born Under a Bad Sign - knocked unconscious with a gun - shot in the left shoulder - thrown against a wall - punched - cut above left eye 2x15: Tall Tales - thrown around - punched 2x16: Roadkill - cut along the right side of his jaw / cheek - thrown against a wall 2x19: Folsom Prison Blues - handcuffed on wrists and ankles - punched - cut on left cheek - hit in the gut 2x20: What is and What Should Never Be - strangled - put to sleep by a Djinn - wrists tied above his head - drained of his blood 2x22: All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2 - thrown into a gravestone - diagonal cut on the right side of his forehead
Season 3
3x1: The Magnificent Seven - hit in the face and stomach 3x2: The Kids are Alright - thrown around - punched - kneed - elbowed  3x3: Bad Day at Black Rock  - stumbles and falls into a table - hit in the chin with gun 3x4: Sin City - thrown around - strangled 3x5: Bedtime Stories - strangled - thrown into a cabinet (probably has cuts since the cabinet had glass) - punched - cut on left side of his hairline 3x6: Red Sky At Morning - thrown into a gravestone 3x7: Fresh Blood - slash on inner left forearm - thrown into a wall - bit on the right side of his neck 3x8: A Very Supernatural Christmas - head banged against a wall and knocked unconscious - tied to a chair by his wrists and ankles - slash on inner left forearm - slash on inner right forearm - cut on right side of hairline - punched 3x9: Malleus Maleficarum - either hexed, sick by voodoo or a spell, they never really specify, but he vomits blood (healed by a potion) - thrown into a picture frame (likely bleeding at back of head) 3x12: Jus in Bello - handcuffed - shot in the left shoulder - punched - thrown against wall 3x13: Ghostfacers!  - thrown around 3x14: Long-Distance Call - punched - cut on right eyebrow 3x15: Time is On My Side - thrown into a cabinet 3x16: No Rest for the Wicked - kneed - punched - cut above right eye - thrown onto a table - torn to shreds by a hellhound - (3 long slashes on left thigh) - (4 long slashes down chest) - (1 long slash from right shoulder to hip, back and front) - DEAD 
Season 4
4x1: Lazarus Rising -(resurrected by Castiel, clean slate, no scars) - handprint burnt into his left shoulder - cut on inner left bicep - bruised and cut knuckles - bleeds out of his ears from Castiel trying to talk to him 4x2: Are You There, God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester - punched - kicked in the face - kicked in the gut - Victor’s ghost hand in his chest 4x3: In the Beginning - thrown into a wall - punched - kicked - thrown into a bookshelf 4x4: Metamorphosis - thrown against a wall - strangled - slammed into a table and knocked unconscious - cut above right eyebrow 4x5: Monster Movie - shoved into a wall - drugged - tied down in a metal contraption - punched 4x6: Yellow Fever - crashed into a shopping cart - infected by “ghost sickness” - three scratch marks on inner left forearm - punched - both inner forearms scratched up (disappears once the ghost is killed) 4x7: It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester - internal pain - thrown into a wall 4x8: Wishful Thinking - super punched into some trash cans - possible broken knuckles - strangled 4x9: I Know What You Did Last Summer - shoved into a wall - punched - jumped out a window - dislocated shoulder - cut on outer right forearm - possibly some cuts along his torso - slash on outer left forearm 4x10: Heaven and Hell - punched - choked 4x11: Family Remains okay so I literally could not see a thing this episode, it was a very dark episode, but I think Dean got punched 4x12: Criss Angel is a Douche Bag - hung by his neck 4x14: Sex and Violence - infected by a siren - punched - thrown around - stabbed in the back of his right shoulder 4x15: Death Takes a Holiday - thrown into a gravestone and knocked out 4x16: On the Head of a Pin - punched - cut across nose - cut above left eye - strangled 4x17: It’s a Terrible Life - thrown into a shelf - thrown against a wall - cut on left side of hairline 4x18: The Monster at the End of This Book - hit by a car (he’s fine) 4x19: Jump The Shark - thrown through a glass door - punched 4x20: The Rupture - cut above left eyebrow - punched 4x21: When the Levee Breaks - punched - kneed - thrown face first into a mirror - thrown into a glass table - strangled 4x22: Lucifer Rising - punched Cas, hurt his knuckles
Season 5
5x1: Sympathy for the Devil - punched through wooden railing - kicked through a door - kneed - drew an angel banishing symbol so there is a cut either on his left forearm or left palm - stage 4 stomach cancer (healed) 5x2: Good God, Ya’ll! - kneed in the groin - punched 5x4: The End - knocked unconscious - handcuffed - punched 5x5: Fallen Idols - punched - knocked unconscious - tied around wrists 5x6: I Believe The Children Are Our Future - thrown into a wall - strangled 5x7: The Curious Case of Dean Winchester - aged rapidly into an old man 5x8: Changing Channels - grabbed on right bicep with super strangth - shot in the back (possibly healed by Gabriel? they don’t specify what happened) - shoved into a door 5x9: The Real Ghostbusters - thrown against a wall - strangled 5x10: Abandon All Hope - punched into a tree - cut on edge of right eyebrow 5x11: Sam, Interrupted - thrown against a wall - punched 5x12: Swap Meat - thrown into a wall - thrown into a mirror 5x13: The Song Remains The Same - strangled - thrown through a window - knocked unconscious  - thrown around 5x14: My Bloody Valentine - punches Cupid - thrown into a door - cut above left eyebrow 5x15: Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid - handcuffed 5x16: Dark Side of the Moon - shot in the chest - DEAD (resurrected by Joshua) 5x17: 99 Problems - bruised and cut knuckles - strangled 5x18: Point of No Return - drew an angel-banishing sigil so he must have cut himself somewhere but it isn’t visible - shoved against wall - punched - kicked into chain-link fence - cut on left cheek - handcuffed - split lip - cut on his chin 5x19: Hammer of the Gods - thrown into a shelf 5x20: The Devil You Know - cut on left side of hairline - kicked 5x21: Two Minutes to Midnight - affected by pestilence (stopped later on) - faints  - fingers stepped on, possibly broken  - left palm burnt 5x22: Swan Song - thrown into windshield - punched - cut on right cheek - broken nose - cut above left eyebrow - (all healed by Cas)
Season 6
6x1: Exile on Main St - stabbed in the chest with a syringe - poisoned by Djinn 6x2: Two and a Half Men - thrown around - strangled and passes out 6x3: The Third Man - there’s an angel banishing sigil that I’m assuming he drew, so there might be a cut on one of his forearms or palms 6x5: Live Free or Twihard - thrown into a dumpster - punched - forced to drink blood of vampire - passes out - cured of vampirism  6x6: You Can’t Handle The Truth - knocked unconscious - tied by his wrists 6x9: Clap Your Hands If You Believe - abducted by fairies (don’t know if he was knocked out or if something else happened) - punched - handcuffed - thrown into iron bars - cut by right eye 6x10: Caged Heart - knocked unconscious 6x11: Appointment in Samarra  - DEAD (brought back by Dr. Robert and Eva) 6x13: Unforgiven - tied up with webs - strangled 6x15: The French Mistake - thrown through a window - punched - internal pain 6x16: ... And Then There Were None - infected with the khan worm - electrocuted on his left outer forearm, leaves a horizontal burn mark 6x18: Frontierland - jumps through a window 6x19: Mommy Dearest - bit on the lower left side of his neck, near the nape (healed by Cas) 6x20: The Man Who Would Be King - punched 6x21: Let It Bleed - thrown into a car - strangled - punched 6x22: The Man Who Knew Too Much - in the impala when it’s flipped over - thrown over stairs and impacts onto a metal table (that honestly should have straight up broken his back)
Season 7
7x1: Meet the New Boss - horizontal cut on right forearm - thrown into a metal table and glass jars 7x2: Hello, Cruel World - left palm cut, maybe back of hand - broken right leg 7x3: The Girl Next Door - cut on left eyebrow - cut on left ear 7x4: Defending Your Life - possibly knocked unconscious - chained to a chair 7x5: Shut Up, Dr. Phil - thrown through a glass door - punched 7x6: Slash Fiction - handcuffed - thrown into a trophy cabinet 7x7: The Mentalists - window exploded next to him (he should earn some cuts from that) - punched 7x8: Season 7, Time for a Wedding! - thrown into a column - strangled 7x9: How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters - poisoned by goo (nothing serious, he’s just unconcerned with everything for a bit) 7x11: Adventures In Babysitting - horizontal cut on his left outer forearm - strangled 7x12: Time After Time - handcuffed - punched - strangled 7x15: Repo Man - stabbed with a syringe on the right side of his neck - tied around his wrists - vertical cut on his left outer forearm 7x16: Out With the Old - kicked in the face - thrown into a glass cabinet - thrown into a table with glass on it - thrown through a glass door 7x17: The Born-Again Identity - head banged against glass - thrown into a shelf 7x20: The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragon Tattoo - somersaulted through glass 7x21: Reading is Fundamental - drew an angel-banishing sigil, so there is a cut on one of his forearms or palms 7x22: There Will Be Blood - cut on left palm - thrown around
Season 8
8x1: We Need to Talk About Kevin - horizontal cut on his left outer forearm - horizontal cut on his left inner forearm - honestly cannot tell what’s meant to be his injury and what’s meant to be someone else’s blood. He might have cuts on his ears, head and neck, right cheek, and nose. Maybe along his chin and jaw too - bruised and cut knuckles - strangled 8x2: What’s Up, Tiger Mommy? - cuts around his right eye - cut on his upper lip - thrown into a wall 8x3: Heartache - punched - slammed onto his back - five holes in chest from fingers 8x4: Bitten - thrown into a wall 8x5: Blood Brother - cut on his left cheek, though I’m not sure if it’s new or from the last Purgatory flashback 8x6: Southern Comfort - punched - strangled - thrown into a table - infected by a coin? I’m not completely 100% sure what happened there - thrown into glass 8x7: A Little Slice of Kevin - horizontal cut on left inner forearm - rolled down a hill - thrown into some chains 8x8: Hunteri Heroici - hard impact on floor - hit in the face with a pan 8x9: Citizen Fang - punched - handcuffed - cut above right eyebrow - thrown into some wood planks - slice on the left side of his neck 8x10: Torn and Frayed - threw himself against a door multiple times - thrown against a window - strangled 8x12: As Time Goes By - handcuffed 8x13: Everybody Hates Hitler - thrown into a car - punched 8x14: Trial and Error - possible claw marks on left side, he puts his hand there but injury isn’t visible and not treated after 8x15: Man’s Best Friend With Benefits - thrown into a bedside table and knocked unconscious - thrown into a painting and tables 8x16: Remember the Titans - tripped and tossed onto the ground - flung back against ground - thrown against column 8x17: Goodbye Stranger - thrown into a wall - either broken or twisted right arm - punched - cut on left eyebrow - cut on bottom lip - cut on left cheek - cut near centre of forehead - cut on left temple - cut on nose, nose also probably broken - (all healed by Cas) 8x19: Taxi Driver - thrown into a tree 8x23: Sacrifice - handcuffed
Season 9
9x1: I Think I’m Gonna Like It Here - head banged against boot of impala - windows exploded around him, might earn him a few cuts - strangled - cut on left side of hairline - cut on left eyebrow - cut below left eye - possible cut below lip, can’t tell if it’s meant to be a cut or if it’s just a lot of blood - either a cut on his left ear or his ears bled from the sound of angels - possibly went unconscious for a second - two cuts on right cheek - cut near his left temple 9x2: Devil May Care - punched - arm twisted - thrown through a window 9x3: I’m No Angel - thrown into a counter and hits a trashcan when he falls off 9x4: Slumber Party - punched across room - kicked in groin while possessed by a witch 9x5: Dog Dean Afternoon - punched - kneed - elbowed - tied around wrists 9x6: Heaven Can’t Wait - thrown against a wall 9x7: Bad Boys - thrown against a wall - choked - thrown into a table - handcuffed 9x8: Rock and a Hard Place - enveloped by blue flame - thrown through table and knocked unconscious 9x9: Road Trip - punched unconscious - thrown against column 9x10: Road Trip - thrown into a bookshelf 9x11: First Born - thrown onto a table x2 - kneed - punched in the chest - shoved into a shelf, counter and wall - Mark of Cain transferred over to him 9x13: The Purge - passes out 9x14: Captives - knocked unconscious - cut on left eyebrow - tied around his wrists - cut on right side of neck, under jaw 9x15: #THINMAN - tasered unconscious - handcuffed 9x18: Meta Fiction - cut up knuckles 9x19: Alex Annie Alexis Ann - knocked unconscious with a piece of wood - punched through a chair 9x21: King of the Damned - thrown into a glass frame painting 9x22: Stairway to Heaven - handcuffed - punched 9x23: Do You Believe in Miracles - vomiting / coughing up blood - thrown into a concrete wall x2 - kicked in the face - crushed wrist - cuts along hairline - cut on right eyebrow - cut on left cheek - stabbed in the centre of chest with angel blade - cuts on chin - possible split lip - cut above left eyebrow - DEAD (wakes up as a demon)
Season 10
10x2: Reichenbach  - cut on left palm (heals itself) - cut on left cheek (heals itself) - handcuffed 10x3: Soul Survivor - tied around ankles (still handcuffed) - needle in right inner forearm x 4 - needle in back of neck 10x4: Paper Moon  - hit on the back of head with gun - punched 10x5: Fan Fiction - thrown into a wooden set piece - backhanded a few feet 10x6: Ask Jeeves - thrown into a bedside table and lamp - hit shoulders against doors multiple times 10x7: Girls, Girls, Girls - punched - hit in the face with a gun - hit in the gut - cut on left cheek - cut on left eyebrow - cut on right side of cheek 10x8: Hibbing 911 - knocked unconscious - tied around wrists - punched 10x9: The Things We Left Behind - bottle smashed over his head - cut on left side of head - kicked in the face 10x10: The Hunter Games - bruised and cut knuckles 10x11: There’s No Place Like Home - strangled - punched - kicked - kneed - thrown - cut across nose - cut on right eyebrow - bruised and cut knuckles 10x12: About a Boy - strangled - elbowed - hit repeatedly against tiled floor and fridge 10x13: Half & Catch Fire - thrown into a brick column - thrown through a door and into a shelf - strangled 10x14: The Executioner’s Song - hit in the right side - thrown around  - punched - thrown through a window - lots of small cuts around right eye - strangled - split lip 10x15: The Things They Carried - thrown onto a table and into the edge of a fireplace - tackled into a table 10x16: Paint it Black - backhanded across a room - strangled 10x17: Inside Man - hit in the back - tackled into a wood column - tackled onto a pool table - strangled - punched 10x18: Book of the Damned - tackled by someone who just jumped through a window - punched 10x19: The Werther Project - cut on right side of hairline - possibly a cut or two on or behind right ear - cut on left side of hairline - bruised and cut knuckles  - tied to a chair by wrists, middle and ankles - horizontal cut on right forearm 10x20: Angel Heart - kicked - punched 10x21: Dark Dynasty - kicked in the back - strangled  - thrown into a dumpster 10x22: The Prisoner - handcuffed - plastic bag over head, suffocated - tied down to a table by wrists and ankles - maybe some cuts on his head, arms and knuckles but honestly I think all the blood on him belongs to others, I don’t think he was injured at all while killing the Stynes 10x23: Brother’s Keeper - punches a mirror - cut on left palm - punched - struck by lightning that removes the Mark of Cain
Season 11
11x1: Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire - pushed to the ground 11x2: Form and Void - headbutted - thrown through a door and into a wall 11x3: The Bad Seed - thrown into a concrete wall - thrown through wood pallets - thrown into a chain-link fence - punched - cut above and below left eyebrow - split lip 11x4: Baby - punched - strangled - cut above left eye - two cuts below left eye - handcuffed - three cuts on right cheek, close to jaw - cuts worsened from the impala crashing - cut on or behind right ear - shoved against impala  - bit on left side of neck - cut on right temple - cut on nose - cut below lip - (all is hinted to be healed by Cas later on) 11x5: Thin Lizzie - knocked unconscious - cut on left side of hairline - tied around wrists - hit in head by gun 11x6: Our Little World - thrown through a mirror - thrown against stone pillar - thrown against wall 11x7: Push - face smashed against bars - thrown against desk - thrown through glass door - strangled 11x8: My Imagination - tied around his wrists - cut on left cheek - cut on left ear 11x10: The Devil in the Details - vomited - kicked - strangled - cut above and below left eye 11x11: Into the Mystic - eyes and ears bleeding from Banshee’s screech - head bashed into wooden column multiple times - cut on right side of hairline 11x13: Love Hurts - target of the “Kiss of Death” curse - wrist either broken or twisted 11x14: The Vessel - head banged on table - thrown onto table and lands on floor - shoved against stone column 11x15: Beyond the Mat - thrown against a metal beam - thrown through a door and into a wall - thrown down onto concrete ground - punched - tied around wrists 11x16: Safe House - hit by something and impacts the ground - knocked unconscious - cut on left palm - punched (while possessed by Soul Eater) - elbowed (while possessed) - thrown into table (while possessed) - chair smashed over him and knocked unconscious (while possessed) 11x17: Red Meat - punched - tasered unconscious - skid marks around left eye - broken ribs - overdoses on barbiturates (resuscitated) - handcuffed - strangled 11x18: Hell’s Angel - either internal pain or choked 11x19: The Chitters - punched 11x22: We Happy Few - thrown against a metal... cage, thing (I don’t know what it’s called) 11x23: Alpha and Omega - absorbs a couple hundred thousand souls that are later extracted by God
Season 12
12x1: Keep Calm and Carry On - arm pulled - foot pressed against throat - arm twisted - punched - knuckles punched with brass knuckles - thrown into car 12x2: Mamma Mia - handcuffed - hung by his wrists - punched with brass knuckles - cuts behind left ear - punched - (possibly healed by Cas seeing as he’s completely fine in the next shot) 12x3: The Foundry - throws himself against a door multiple times - elbowed in the face - choked - almost frozen - thrown against wall 12x5: The One You’ve Been Waiting For - tackled into a metal cabinet - punched - headbutted - thrown through a window 12x6: Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox - thrown into a table - thrown through a glass door 12x7: Rock Never Dies - thrown off a stage 12x8: LOTUS - handcuffed around wrists and ankles 12x9: First Blood - DEAD (ressurected by Billie) - cut on left palm 12x10: Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets - momentarily blinded - thrown into a wall x2 - right palm cut 12x11: Regarding Dean - blasted with a spell and knocked out - gradually loses his memory (restored by Rowena) 12x12: Stuck in the Middle (With You) - elbowed in the face - flung backwards - hit in gut with base of spear - headbutted - hit in the face with base of spear 12x16: Ladies Drink Free - shoved into a shelf 12x17: The British Invasion - flung back and hard impact on ground - thrown into big wheel 12x18: The Memory Remains - fell off railing and onto floor, knocked unconscious - cut behind right ear - wrists tied - head hit onto tiled wall 12x19: The Future - broken arm (healed by Cas) - elbowed in face 12x20: Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes - internal pain 12x21: There’s Something About Mary - kneed in the groin 12x22: Who We Are - stone dust in eyes - really bad gash in left knee - sedated (needle in left side of neck) - thrown into bookshelf - punched - injured leg kicked - elbowed in face - cut on right cheek - cut on left earlobe - injured leg hit with a piece of wood - hit with piece of wood - strangled with a piece of wood 12x23: All Along the Watchtower - previous injuries healed by Cas - hit in the face with gun - punched - kicked
Season 13
13x1: Lost and Found - thrown into a wall and knocked unconscious - cut on lower lip - cut knuckles from punching wood sign - handcuffed - punched - hit in the face with base of angel blade - punched in side - kicked into desk - headbutted 13x2: The Rising Sun - punched in the back and face - shoved into table - tackled through wood room divider - choked 13x4: The Big Empty - knocked unconscious x2 - handcuffed - hit in the face with gun - cut on left cheek 13x5: Advanced Thanatology - thrown into chain-link fence - kills himself (resurrected by Billie) 13x6: Tombstone - thrown back into trolley 13x7: War of the Worlds - punched - strangled 13x8: The Scorpion and the Frog - middle finger pricked 13x9: The Bad Place - headbutted 13x10: Wayward Sisters - hit in the face with base of spear and knocked unconscious - tied around wrists 13x12: Various & Sundry Villains - hexed with love spell - hexed to stay in one spot - thrown into wall - thrown into glass frame picture - strangled - hammer to the back of left knee 13x13: Devil’s Bargain - thrown through door and into wall - internal pain 13x14: Good Intentions - kicked by big strong man - choked 13x15: A Most Holy Man - handcuffed 13x17: The Thing - shoved into wall - strangled - knocked unconscious - tied down to a table by wrists and ankles 13x18: Bring ‘em Back Alive - shot in the right shoulder - poisoned by bullet (antidote applied by Ketch) 13x19: Funeralia - hit in neck / face not sure which one - punched - cut on left cheek - strangled - elbowed in face - punched in gut - thrown into table - headbutted - thrown around - kneed - cut on left side of forehead - right side as well - cut on nose - bruised and cut knuckles 13x20: Unfinished Business - whipped - super slapped by Loki - punched in gut - punched 13x23: Let the Good Times Roll - windows exploded near him - arm twisted and punched - strangled - cut on bottom lip - elbowed in the face - hard impact onto ground - punched in the gut and face (while Michael possessed him)
Season 14
14x3: The Scar - hit in the face with hilt and base of spear - tackled into wood column - headbutted - kicked in the face - punched - strangled 14x4: Mint Condition - headbutted - thrown into morgue drawers - strangled 14x5: Nightmare Logic - thrown across room - strangled 14x6: Optimism  - tackled into bookshelf 14x9: The Spear - elbowed in face - punched in gut - kicked - strangled 14x11: Damaged Goods - hard impact against floor 14x13: Lebanon - either jumped back and hit the wall or he was thrown back by the force of the fire - elbowed in the face x2 - kicked - headbutted - thrown onto counter and hits ground - super backhanded - punched - thrown into shelf with glass cups - strangled - cut on bottom lip 14x14: Ouroboros - backhanded - face slammed into wood pillar two times and knocked unconscious - cut on right temple - not able to breathe - temporarily blind - internal pain 14x20: Moriah - thrown into bookshelf - thrown through gravestone
Season 15
15x1: Back To The Future - thrown against dumpster 15x2: Raising Hell - thrown through shelf 15x5: Proverbs 17:3 - shoved against wall - strangled - thrown back - cut on left cheek - cut on right cheek - cut on left side of torso - cut on either right side of torso or front of right thigh 15x6: Golden Time - thrown across hallway and into wall - internal pain 15x7: Last Call - knocked unconscious - tied to a chair by wrists and ankles - blood being drained from left arm - punched in side - punched - bottle smashed over head - cut on left eyebrow - hit with pool stick 15x8: Our Father, Who Aren’t in Heaven - cut on left palm (healed by Cas) - punched - kneed - thrown - strangled 15x9: The Trap - knocked unconscious - super backhanded by God 15x10: The Heroes’ Journey - kneed in the groin - headbutted - strangled 15x12: Galaxy Brain - hit on wrists and face with stick - strangled 15x14: Last Holiday - thrown back - hard impact on ground - thrown back into wall 15x16: Drag Me Away (From You) - slammed onto ground and strangled 15x18: Despair - thrown into wall x3 - elbowed in the face - thrown back - pain in heart 15x19: Inherit the Earth - headbutted - thrown into wall - thrown back across beach - internal pain - punched - kicked - broken right arm - broken right leg - two cuts beside left eye - cut on nose - cut on bottom lip - cut above left eye - (all healed by Jack) 15x20: Carry On - slammed to ground - impaled on a piece of broken rebar - DEAD (permanently) 
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Once Upon a Series Rewatch: the Complete Schedule
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With only three weeks to go before the rewatch we thought we’d give you the full rewatch schedule.  All times listed are Eastern Standard Time.  
August 26, 2018. 8:00 pm: 1x1 Pilot; 9:00 pm: 1x2 The Thing You Love Most
September 9, 2018. 8:00 pm: 1x3 Snow Falls; 9:00 pm: 1x4 The Price of Gold
September 16, 2018. 8:00 pm: 1x5 That Still Small Voice; 9:00 pm: 1x6 The Shepherd
September 23, 2018. 8:00 pm: 1x7 The Heart is a Lonely Hunter; 9:00 pm: 1x8 Desperate Souls
September 30, 2018. 8:00 pm: 1x9 True North; 9:00 pm: 1x10 7:15 a.m.
October 7, 2018. 8:00 pm: 1x11 Fruit of the Poisonous Tree; 9:00 pm: 1x12 Skin Deep
October 14, 2018. 8:00 pm: 1x13 What Happened to Frederick; 9:00 pm: 1x14 Dreamy
October 21, 2018. 8:00 pm: 1x15 Red-Handed; 9:00 pm: 1x16 Heart of Darkness
October 28, 2018. 8:00 pm: 1x17 Hat Trick; 9:00 pm: 1x18 The Stable Boy
November 4, 2018. 8:00 pm: 1x19 The Return; 9:00 pm: 1x20 The Stranger
November 11, 2018. 8:00 pm: 1x21 An Apple Red as Blood; 9:00 pm: 1x22 A Land Without Magic
November 18, 2018. 8:00 pm: 2x1 Broken; 9:00 pm: 2x2 We Are Both
December 2, 2018. 8:00 pm: 2x3 Lady of the Lake; 9:00 pm: 2x4 The Crocodile
December 9, 2018. 8:00 pm: 2x5 The Doctor; 9:00 pm: 2x6 Tallahassee
December 16, 2018. 8:00 pm: 2x7 Child of the Moon; 9:00 pm: 2x8 Into the Deep
December 23, 2018. 8:00 pm: 2x9 Queen of Hearts; 9:00 pm: 2x10 The Cricket Game
December 30, 2018. 8:00 pm: 2x11 The Outsider; 9:00 pm: 2x12 In the Name of the Brother
January 6, 2019. 8:00 pm: 2x13 Tiny; 9:00 pm: 2x14 Manhattan
January 13, 2019. 8:00 pm: 2x15 The Queen is Dead; 9:00 pm: 2x16 The Miller’s Daughter
January 20, 2019. 8:00 pm: 2x17 Welcome to Storybrooke; 9:00 pm: 2x18 Selfless, Brave and True
January 27, 2019. 8:00 pm: 2x19 Lacey; 9:00 pm: 2x20 The Evil Queen
February 10, 2019. 8:00 pm: 2x21 Second Star to the Right; 9:00 pm: 2x22 And Straight on ‘Til Morning
February 17, 2019. 8:00 pm: 3x1 The Heart of the Truest Believer; 9:00 pm: 3x2 Lost Girl
February 24, 2019. 8:00 pm: 3x3 Quite a Common Fairy; 9:00 pm: 3x4 Nasty Habits
March 3, 2019. 8:00 pm: 3x5 Good Form; 9:00 pm: 3x6 Ariel
March 10, 2019. 8:00 pm: 3x7 Dark Hollow; 9:00 pm: 3x8 Think Lovely Thoughts
March 17, 2019. 8:00 pm Save Henry: 3x9; 9:00 pm: 3x10 The New Neverland
March 24, 2019. 8:00 pm: 3x11 Going Home; 9:00 pm: 3x12 New York City Serenade
March 31, 2019. 8:00 pm: 3x13 Witch Hunt; 9:00 pm: 3x14 The Tower
April 7, 2019. 8:00 pm: 3x15 Quiet Minds; 9:00 pm 3x16 It’s Not Easy Being Green
April 14, 2019. 8:00 pm: 3x17 The Jolly Roger; 9:00 pm 3x18 Bleeding Through
April 28, 2019. 8:00 pm: 3x19 A Curious Thing; 9:00 pm 3x20 Kansas
May 5, 2019. 8:00 pm: 3x21 Snow Drifts; 9:00 pm 3x22 There’s No Place Like Home
May 19, 2019. 8:00 pm: 4x1 A Tale of Two Sisters; 9:00 pm: 4x2 White Out
June 2, 2019. 8:00 pm: 4x3 Rocky Road; 9:00 pm: 4x4 The Apprentice
June 9, 2019. 8:00 pm: 4x5 Breaking Glass; 9:00 pm: 4x6 Family Business
June 23, 2019. 8:00 pm: 4x7 The Snow Queen
June 30, 2019. 8:00 pm: 4x8 Smash the Mirror, pt. 1; 9:00 pm: 4x9 Smash the Mirror, pt. 2
July 7, 2019. 8:00 pm: 4x10 Fall; 9:00 pm: 4x11 Shattered Sight
July 14, 2019. 8:00 pm: 4x12 Heroes and Villains; 9:00 pm: 4x13 Darkness on the Edge of Town
July 21, 2019. 8:00 pm: 4x14 Unforgiven; 9:00 pm: 4x15 Enter the Dragon
July 28, 2019. 8:00 pm: 4x16 Poor Unfortunate Soul; 9:00 pm: 4x17 Best Laid Plans
August 4, 2019. 8:00 pm: 4x18 Heart of Gold; 9:00 pm: 4x19 Sympathy for the De Vil
August 11, 2019. 8:00 pm: 4x20 Lily; 9:00 pm: 4x21 Mother
August 18, 2019. 8:00 pm: 4x22 Operation Mongoose, pt. 1; 9:00 pm: 4x23 Operation Mongoose, pt. 2
August 25, 2019. 8:00 pm: 5x1 The Dark Swan; 9:00 pm: 5x2 The Price
September 8, 2019. 8:00 pm: 5x3 Siege Perilous; 9:00 pm: 5x4 The Broken Kingdom
September 15, 2019. 8:00 pm: 5x5 Dreamcatcher; 9:00 pm: 5x6 The Bear and the Bow
September 22, 2019. 8:00 pm: 5x7 Nimue; 9:00 pm: 5x8 Birth
September 29, 2019. 8:00 pm: 5x9 The Bear King; 9:00 pm: 5x10 Broken Heart
October 6, 2019. 8:00 pm: 5x11 Swan Song; 9:00 pm: 5x12 Souls of the Departed
October 13, 2019. 8:00 pm: 5x13 Labor of Love; 9:00 pm: 5x14 Devil’s Due
October 20, 2019. 8:00 pm: 5x15 The Brothers Jones; 9:00 pm: 5x16 Our Decay
October 27, 2019. 8:00 pm: 5x17 Her Handsome Hero; 9:00 pm: 5x18 Ruby Slippers
November 3, 2019. 8:00 pm: 5x19 Sisters; 9:00 pm: 5x20 Firebird
November 10, 2019. 8:00 pm: 5x21 Last Rites
November 17, 2019. 8:00 pm: 5x22 Only You; 5x23: An Untold Story
November 24, 2019. 8:00 pm: 6x1 The Savior; 9:00 pm: 6x2 A Bitter Draught
December 8, 2019. 8:00 pm: 6x3 The Other Shoe; 9:00 pm: 6x4 Strange Case
December 15, 2019. 8:00 pm: 6x5 Street Rats; 9:00 pm: 6x6 Dark Waters
December 22, 2019. 8:00 pm: 6x7 Heartless; 9:00 pm: 6x8 I’ll Be Your Mirror
December 29, 2019. 8:00 pm: 6x9 Changelings; 9:00 pm: 6x10 Wish You Were Here
January 5, 2020. 8:00 pm: 6x11 Tougher Than the Rest; 9:00 pm: 6x12 Murder Most Foul
January 12, 2020. 8:00 pm: 6x13 Ill-Boding Patterns; 9:00 pm: 6x14 Page 23
January 19, 2020. 8:00 pm: 6x15 A Wondrous Place; 9:00 pm: 6x16 Mother’s Little Helper
January 26, 2020. 8:00 pm: 6x17 Awake; 9:00 pm: 6x18 Where Bluebirds Fly
February 9, 2020. 8:00 pm: 6x19 The Black Fairy; 9:00 pm: 6x20 The Song in Your Heart
February 16, 2020. 8:00 pm: 6x21 The Final Battle, pt. 1; 9:00 pm: 6x22 The Final Battle, pt. 2
February 23, 2020. 8:00 pm: 7x1 Hyperion Heights; 9:00 pm: 7x2 A Pirate’s Life
March 1, 2020. 8:00 pm: 7x3 The Garden of Forking Paths; 9:00 pm: 7x4 Beauty
March 8, 2020. 8:00 pm: 7x5 Greenbacks; 9:00 pm: 7x6 Wake Up Call
March 15, 2020. 8:00 pm: 7x7 Eloise Gardener; 9:00 pm: 7x8 Pretty in Blue
March 22, 2020. 8:00 pm: 7x9 One Little Tear; 9:00 pm: 7x10 The Eighth Witch
March 29, 2020. 8:00 pm: 7x11 Secret Garden; 9:00 pm: 7x12 A Taste of the Heights
April 5, 2020. 8:00 pm: 7x13 Knightfall; 9:00 pm: 7x14 The Girl in the Tower
April 19, 2020. 8:00 pm: 7x15 Sisterhood; 9:00 pm: 7x16 Breadcrumbs
April 26, 2020. 8:00 pm: 7x17 Chosen; 9:00 pm: 7x18 The Guardian
May 3, 2020. 8:00 pm: 7x19 Flower Child; 9:00 pm: 7x20 Is This Henry Mills?
May 17, 2020. 8:00 pm: 7x21 Homecoming; 9:00 pm: 7x22 Leaving Storybrooke
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dgct2 · 1 year
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Dylan McDermott and Alexa Davalos as Remy Scott and Kristin Gaines in FBI Most Wanted 4x12 Black Mirror.
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austencello · 7 years
Lian Yu - Arrow Music Notes 5x23
The end of this season brings Team Arrow (plus a few former enemies) against Team Prometheus with many epic fights and small character moments as Oliver deals with the residing guilt over his father’s suicide as he fights for his own son.  Meanwhile, Oliver races against Kovar and time to get to the boat to return home in the Flashbacks bringing the 5 seasons full circle back to the pilot.
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Usually, I divide the episode review up into characters or places.  However, the episode is so intertwined with returning themes, new themes, and the Flashbacks that I will point out important themes and characters as the episode unfolded.
The episode begins with the opening line from the Pilot about Lian Yu (Purgatory) with the Lian Yu sound (”Five Years” 1x01) as it transitions to Oliver recruiting Slade to help him.  As Slade explains that he is sane again, the music “Promise Kept” plays (2x20 - Slade kidnaps Oliver, Moira and Thea before Moira dies).  It is eerie and reminds us (along with Slade) of the man and monster Slade had become in Season 2.  Oliver is literally facing his demons and one of the worst nights of his life to defeat Prometheus and find his son.  Slade recognizes that Oliver should have killed him but Oliver says that this could be the reason he didn’t.  He offers redemption to find their sons and then gives him the Deathstroke mask accompanied by the electronic Deathstroke sound (1x05 - “Deathstroke” - first with Billy Wintergreen, then Slade later on.)
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The Deathstroke motive (low brass tri-tone - 1x09 “Deathstroke”, again first with Wintergreen then Slade) plays as he appears with Oliver and Harkness in his full gear.  Meanwhile, in the flashbacks, Kovar discovers that Oliver has escaped and the music has a sense of urgency as Oliver runs with a repeating string pattern, cimbalon, electronics, and percussion.  (This was one of my favorite new music moments.)  The cimbalon plays as Oliver flashbacks to his agreement with Anatoly that the boat would arrive soon.
Back in the present day, Slade, Oliver, and Harkness discover part of Team Arrow in cages accompanied by a repeated pizzicato pattern (pizzicato was also used for the trap set for Thea and Quentin in 5x22).  Slade at first appears to help the enemy but then gives a clue to Oliver: “There is no giving up to these guys” - a reference to their training in 1x14.  The same timpani hit with brass plays for both times he says that line. The electronic Deathstroke sound plays as Slade punches Harkness.  The fight that ensues with Talia and Evelyn (and Harkness) has an almost techno feel in the syncopated electronic and percussive beats.
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Felicity and Thea are not happy to see Oliver teaming up with Slade and that he wants them to leave so Thea brings Oliver to the side to talk.  Hammered dulcimer (Oliver’s instrument) plays as he asks her for help regardless of the situation.  Because she loves him, she agrees.
Oliver gives Felicity a tablet containing imagery of the Island: “Just in case.”  Harp (Felicity’s instrument) and piano (Oliver’s instrument) plays “Purest Heart” as Felicity kisses him: “Just in case.”  “Purest Heart” is from 2x21 as both Walter and Oliver tell Thea how much Oliver loves her.  This returns several times throughout the series as Oliver expresses his love as her brother and how much he needs her: 3x03, 3x20, 4x12.  Oliver will always love Thea, no matter what.  His love is strong, loyal, and faithful and he will always believe the best in her.  The other woman that he loves this much is Felicity.  He will always love Felicity with this depth, strong and loyal.  She is his world and he believes in her.  (Thanks to Blake Neely who helped clarify this for me!)
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Men’s choir (often used for religious spaces) sings as Diggle and Quentin are brought through the Chinese Holy Retreat by Black Siren to where Dinah and Rene are chained up.  Meanwhile, Oliver and Slade talk about his past coming to haunt him.  Slade tells Oliver it all comes down to his Father’s suicide and the guilt he carries from it. The only way to move forward is to forgive himself.  During this scene, strings and horn (Hero theme 2) plays.
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Malcolm tries to initiate conversation with Thea, who wants nothing to do with him.  Crutales (a callback to “Like Father, Like Daughter” - 3x03 when they trained together) play over an electronic repeated note before Thea steps on a landmine (with the Lian Yu sound.)  Malcolm pushes her off and sacrifices himself as his theme in the harp plays with a new theme in strings.  Malcolm was a selfish villain and had a twisted sense of love but he gets a chance for redemption for finally putting Thea first.
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Oliver, Nyssa and Slade arrive at the Retreat site and split up.  Slade knocks Oliver out (appearing to betray him) and the first note of the Deathstroke motive plays as he hands Oliver over to Black Siren. 
Meanwhile, Thea and Felicity talk about their evil dads as Thea struggles with the reality that Malcolm just died.  Regardless of their issues and terrible parenting, both Dads ultimately were willing to sacrifice themselves for their children when in harms way.  As Felicity tells Thea it is okay to miss Malcolm, a new melody plays in high bell-like tones over strings.  Thea got to see the father Malcolm could have been but too late.
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Back with the rest of the Team, Oliver gives Dinah the device Curtis created to bypass the sonic dampeners.  As she lets go a scream (and named Black Canary by Quentin), a new triumphant brass motive plays.
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Talia hears the Canary Cry and turns to stop the prisoners but is interrupted by Nyssa.  As they deal with “unfinished business” by dueling, a lot of Nanda Parbat/Nyssa instruments are featured especially with the duduk and drums. The Season 2 mirakiru horns (interestingly mirroring the melismas in the duduk) play as Deathstroke jumps in and stops Talia’s League.
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Oliver and the rest of the team joins up with Nyssa and Slade as hero horn 1 (first heard in 1x01 “Sacrifice”) plays but then switches to Prometheus’ tick-tock and string glissandos as he appears with his team.  The tick-tock continues as he continues to taunt and mess with Oliver’s head.  A fight commences and the music plays the themes of each character as they fight: Arrow, Deathstroke, Diggle (in horns) and Wild-Dog. It’s pretty awesome.
The music morphs as the fights morph from Flashbacks to present day: cimbalon and low Russian strings as Kovar knows he just has to make Oliver miss his boat, to Team Arrow music timbre with higher strings as the team fights, to more electronics as the Canaries fight.  Horns begin the Canary theme (2x03 “Canary”) and then changes into the last 3 notes of the new melody with Dinah’s cry earlier in the episode.  Electronics pick up again as Black Siren walks over to Dinah but then quiet as she gets knocked out.  Horn (hero) plays as Quentin explains he had to: “for so many reasons.”
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Chase tries to get Oliver to kill him but Oliver ultimately refuses as the slow version of the Arrow theme plays in the lower strings (used in emotional moments for Oliver - “I forgot Who I was”)  As he tells Adrian that he is no longer that killer, the violins play it faster overlaying the slower version (Green Arrow plus Oliver Queen): “That’s not who I am now.”  Horn joins with a new theme as he declares that he is done blaming himself for his father’s death.  Violins play the slow Arrow theme again as Chase tells Oliver that William is dead, a moment of brief anguish.  Cellos and basses play as Oliver refuses to kill Chase and become that murderer again even if that is true.
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Oliver runs to catch Chase (in a boat) while in the Flashbacks he gets ready to catch his boat accompanied by “Saving Oliver” (1x14 - Diggle and Felicity race against time to save dying Oliver.)  This track gives a sense of urgency of life and death.  The Arrow brass glissando occurs as present Oliver jumps and races down the pier to catch Adrian’s boat.  A version of the Arrow theme plays as he attack Chase.
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The music switches to “Five Years” as a shortened opening sequence from the Pilot is shown of Oliver being rescued bringing the series full circle.
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The team discovers that the escape plane has been sabotaged as the strings maneuver around (similar but longer pattern to “The Team Continues Without Oliver” in S3).  They tell Oliver and then Chase brings out William giving Oliver an ultimatum: save the team or William.  The horn plays a new melody starting on a dissonant note before resolving and repeats it.  Dissonance always gives musical tension which amps up the tension for this horrible situation.
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Oliver shoots Chase in the leg and rescues William from Adrian’s grasp.  Then Flashbacks begin with Oliver calling Moira that he is still alive.  “Returning Home” plays which is the same music when she sees him for the first time in the pilot: “My beautiful boy.”
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As Chase begins to monologue about how fitting it is that William should discover his father’s identity in the same place that Oliver learned the truth about his, a high eerie pitch plays over a slow minor scale in the strings.  It gives a hint that something is not quite right and then the tick-tock begins as his final plan comes into play to destroy Oliver.  His string glissandos are added as the gun comes out and Oliver realizes in horror that Chase is going to kill himself and blow up the Island with everyone on it.  A very low rumble and the high pitch is left hanging before everything becomes silent except for the bombs exploding.  Leaving Oliver and William (and the audience) in complete anguish and shock.
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Extra Notes
- What an ending.  This reminded me of Season 1 when Oliver believed he had won only to have the villain have a final twist up his sleeve.  To finally choose to let go of his past and trust his team only to have them ripped away from him is heartbreaking.  (Thankfully we know that Arrow will not have killed off almost every cast member so we have a bit more hope)
-  It has been a joy to go through this music again this season.  Thanks for all of your support and encouragement.  Thanks also to Blake Neely and his team for writing fantastic music that gets us all so excited (and for answering my questions!)
- Until next time!
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@herskirtsarentthatshort @pulpklatura @academyofshipping @mel-loves-all @ah-maa-zing @smoakmonster @jorahandal @marniforolicity @lovejesusarrowavengersblog
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thewhumpproject · 8 years
Crime Shows Whump Catalogue (WIP)
Crime/Cop/Detective/Investigative dramas/whodunnits/Murder mysteries/whatever you want to call them. Incomplete and will be updated as I write it all up.
NCIS - DiNozzo:
Found this halfway through making this list. Goes as far as 8x15. Has every little thing [x]
1x20 – Drugged, kidnapped
2x22 – Plague
2x23 – Still lowkey weak from Plague, gets almost blown up and ‘collapses’, continues to need rest
3x08 – Tied to a chair (w/ Ziva) and punched
3x12 – ‘Shot’ (scratched) in arm
3x16 – Injures ankle
3x23 – Bloody nose
4x04 – Knocked out
6x24 – Fight, breaks arm
6x25 – Still has broken arm, gets tackled by Ziva
9x01 – Shot in head, amnesia
10x21/22 – Car crash, unconscious, cut nose (Ziva hurt more these eps)
NCIS: LA – G. Callen:
[NCIS 6x23] – Shot multiple times
1x08 - Hit over head/‘concussion’
4x01 – Captured, beaten
4x20 - Poisoned
5x04 – Thrown/knocked out by explosion
6x12 – Exposed to ‘deadly’ virus
7x01- Tased (tasered? Shot with a Taser? ...Mildly electrocuted)
8x24 - Shot in vest
NCIS: NOLA – Christopher Lasalle
1x15 – Gassed/high
1x22 – Shocky (emotionally)
2x02 – Shot in Kevlar
JAG – Harmon Rabb:
1x20 – Captured, tied up, drugged, interrogated
2x03 – Head injury, blinded
2x13 – Hit by car, nasty gash, ligament damage, slight concussion
2x14 – Knocked out, hits head again
3x01 – Deteriorating concussion
4x01 – [After ejecting from plane, wakes up in a tree] Knocked out
7x01 – Head injury, severely hypothermic, amnesia
9x01 – Knocked out in plane crash, head injury
Criminal Minds – Spencer Reid:
An in-depth breakdown [x]
1x06 – Hostage, kicked
2x15 – Kidnap, torture, drugged (begins drug addiction arc)
4x24 – Anthrax
5x01 – Shot in leg (covers actor’s own injury) on crutches in further episodes
6x12 – Headaches (storyarc that sort of fizzles out)
9x23 – Shot in neck
Derek Morgan:
4x18 – Tackled through window, knocked out
5x23 – Knocked out, tied up
9x23 – Shot in arm
11x16 – [11x15, drugged and kidnapped] drugged, tortured, chemical burns
Chicago PD – Antonio Dawson:
[Chicago Fire 1x13 – shot. 1x14 – Shooting aftermath]
1x13 – Shot
1x14 – Shooting aftermath, hospital
Jay Halstead:
3x01 - Torture
CSI:NY – Don Flack
2x24 – Explosion
6x08 - Beaten up
Mac Taylor:
4x10 - Knocked out, drugged, kidnapped
8x18 - Shot
Danny Messer: 
6x01 - Shot
CSI (Las Vegas) – Nick Stokes:
2x19 – Pushed out window
5x25 – Buried alive
Greg Sanders:
3x22 - Caught in explosion, hospital
7x04 – Beaten up
Numb3rs - Don Eppes
1x02 - Shot
2x24 - Drugged
5x20 - Stabbed
Hawaii 5-0 – Steve McGarrett:
1x01 - Fight
1x20 – Falls off cliff, head injury, broken arm
2x01 – Stabbed, collapses off-screen
2x10 – Captured, tortured
2x16 – Hit by car
4x08 – Shot in arm
4x19 – Trapped in building collapse
4x21 – Captured, beaten, tortured
5x01 – Shot in leg
5x07 – Gassed, drugged, tortured
5x13 – Car crash
6x06 – Fight
6x17 - Gassed
6x25 – Shot on a plane
7x01 – Continuing issues from liver transplant
7x04 – Stabbed (but apaaaarently he’s too tough for being stabbed in the back with a kitchen knife to do more than be momentarily inconvenienced)
7x25 - Peaky, turns out he has radiation poisoning
Danny Williams:
1x01 – Bullet grazed arm
1x23 – Sarin poisoning
3x10 - Shot
4x19 – Trapped in building collapse, impaled
5x16 - Stabbed
6x17 - Gassed
6x25 – Donates some liver
Lethal Weapon – Martin Riggs:
[Emotional whump like every episode especially the first half of the season]
1x01 – Shot twice, shoulder + foot
1x02 – Bar fight, black eye, crashes through window from building across street,
1x03 – Cattle prod-ed
1x04 – Fight
1x07 – Hit by car door, tortured,
1x10 - Drugged
1x12 – Almost drowns
1x13 - Shot with nail gun
1x16 – Angsty, smashes head into mirror
Quantico – Ryan Booth:
1x01? - Shot
1x07 – Shot
1x08 – Continued from shooting
1x09 – Tortured
Bones – Seeley Booth:
1x15 – Explosion
2x18 – Knocked out, tied to chair, beaten
3x05 – Shot in leg
3x08 – Car crash/explosion (Bones in car too)
3x14 – Shot and ‘dies’
4x13 – Breaks his hand punching someone, knocked out, concussion
4x14 – Kidnapped, trapped in box then on ship, hallucinating, explosion
4x25 – Hallucinations
4x26 – Brain surgery, coma
5x10 – Explosion
9x24 – Shot
11x01 – Shot
Graceland – Mike:
1x09 – Stabbed
1x10 – Continued stab wound, attacked
2x01 – Tortured
2x13 – Shot, suffocated
3x01 – Continued shooting injuries (drug addiction arc begins)
3x07 – Drug withdrawal, sweats, vomiting, delirious, ice bath
Rush – Michael:
1x09 – Car crash, knocked out
1x10 – Head injury
2x10 – Captured
3x07 – MMA fight, nasty fight later (attempted eye-gouging involved)
3x15 – Tumbles down hillside
3x22 – Speared
4x06 – Knocked out (beginning of story arc to 4x08)
4x07 – Kidnapped, head injury, shot
4x08 – Coma hospital scenes
1x04 – Hit on head, collapses
1x06 – Smoke inhalation
2x08 – Shot in leg
2x11 – Kneed by suspect
3x09 – Fight, stabbed, injures arm/shoulder, hospitalised
3x14 – Falls through ceiling, dazed for a second, shot (in vest)
4x06 – Fight
4x11 – Comes to on a boat, shot, falls overboard
2x01 – Caught near explosion, minor head injury
3x17 – Hit by a car
4x12 – Hit on head
3x19 – Knocked out
1x10 – Caught in explosion, hospitalised for head trauma
2x18 – Glass in face
1x04 – Hit in face
1x10 – Caught in explosion, collapses, hospitalised
1x03 – Shot in vest 
New Blood: Stefan –
1x02 (Case 1, Part 2) – Drugged
1x03 – Caught in explosion
1x04 (Case 2, Part 1) – Dog bite, drunk, punched
1x05 - Knocked out, strung up
1x06 (Case 3, Part 1) – Car crash (tbc)
1x07 – Fight, car crash, thrown by explosion
1x03 – Caught in explosion
1x04 – Kicked in the nads, drunk
1x05 - Knocked out, strung up, punched
1x06 – Car crash (tbc), hit, thrown to ground
1x07 – Fight, car crash, thrown by explosion
The Glades – Jim Longworth:
1x01 – Alligator bite
2x01 – Dog bite
2x08 – Snake bite
2x11 – Fight – sand in eyes, knocked out, attempted drowning
4x13 – Shot (cliffhanger, last episode)
The Finder – Walter Sherman:
1z12 – Shot (fine, later complications: subdural hematoma)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine – Jake Peralta:
1x06 – Concussion from falling from ceiling
2x13 - Exercises, flops to the ground
2x19 - Kidnapped
2x20 – Falls through car sunroof, various broken and bruised bones, later hit by car, hospitalised
3x10 - Knocked out
3x16 - Knocked out
4x01 - Run over by go-kart
4x02 - Fight
4x03 - Hostage, shot in leg
4x04 - cont. shooting recovery (cane)
4x17 – Hungover, mentions that he might have injured his ribs
Psych – Shawn Spencer:
3x11 – Knocked out
4x09 – Shot
5x04 – Barely poisoned
6x13 – Appendix burst
7x08 – Head injury, concussion
Endeavour – Morse:
0x01 – Faints
1x02 – Stabbed
1x04 – Shot
2x01 – Knocked out, tied up, beaten up
2x02 – Falls through floor
4x02 – Drugged
4x04 – Head/ear injury from grenade
Lewis – James Hathaway:
2x03 – Drugged, trapped in fire, caught in explosion
4x01 - Shot
5x04 – Mild arsenic poisoning
7x01 – Whiplash
Midsomer Murders – Ben Jones:
15x02 – Knocked out, tied up, concussion
19x03 – Knocked out, tied up
Grimm – Nick Burkhardt:
1x01 - Injected with a toxin, collapses
1x08 – Brutal fight
2x13 – Drinks a potion, stomach pains, collapse
2x15 - Blinded
3x01 – Zombified, enraged and gets into fights
3x02 – Continued ‘zombification’, fights as his pals try to capture him, injected with painful cure
4x02 – Sudden headache
4x06 – Sudden headache develops into general weakness gets worse over time
5x21/22 – Fight, torture, hallucination, shot
6x04 – Lightheaded for a moment
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This Black Wall Mirror – 4-inch x 12-inch would be a great addition to your home. Black locker mirror measures 4 by 12-Inch and comes with hanging hardware. Hang vertically or horizontally
Black Wall Mirror – 4-inch x 12-inch
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0 notes
lunmelia · 4 years
A List of All of Sam Winchester’s Injuries
Now, this list might not be the most accurate. I did not sit down and watch every single episode in full, eyes glued to the screen for every time Sam got injured. I only skimmed. Here’s a gif I made to show how I did it: 
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(sorry it’s bad quality, it’s the first gif I’ve ever made) I skimmed through the episode and used the little preview screen to look for any time there was fast movement, blood or a spell that might require someone cutting their palm. I also kept an eye out for angel-banishing sigils. Since I only skimmed, there’s a chance I missed some injuries or even times that Sam was magically healed. So again, might not be an accurate list but I did my best. Feel free to tell me anything I missed. 
Here’s a key to help you through the list: - most of this lists the actual injury, e.g. “cut on left temple” but other times it’ll list an action that may cause injury, e.g. “thrown into wall” - “thrown into / against” means that he impacted the object, but the object did not break / he did not go through it - “thrown through” means that the object broke on impact and he ended up on the other side - “internal pain” means that someone used magic to do something to him, but I have no idea what, all I know is that he looked in pain and was mostly gripping his stomach - “handcuffed” means actual handcuffs were used, “tied around wrists” means either rope or zip-ties were used - “punched” means just punched in the face, any other area on the body will be specified - any episodes that aren’t on the list means he wasn’t injured in them
Some misc notes: - I do not include injuries that don’t actually happen, e.g. future visions, nightmares, hallucinations or a fake reality - I might be inconsistent with the amount of times I specify what was used to knock Sam out, and not specifying. Sorry about that. It’s because I either just couldn’t see the object, or I was lazy that day - I don’t usually specify the size of the injury either, I usually just say “cut”, sorry. I only realised 6 seasons in that I probably should be specifying the size, and also taking screenshots, but I couldn’t be bothered going back back and fixing it, nor could I be bothered specifying the size from then on. I’m sorry, it was just going to feel weird if 6 seasons in I only then start specifying - I don’t include possessions as injuries, but I do specify when injuries happen while possessed - I include some commentary of what kind of injuries I thought should’ve happened based on the action - There’s also a list of Dean’s injuries, but there won’t be a list for Cas. Going into this, I only wanted to know Dean and Sam’s injuries for some redesigns I want to do, I didn’t feel it was necessary for me to know Cas’ because he won’t have scars in my redesign (at least his vessel won’t). Please don’t expect me to go back and make a list for Cas, this already took up so much of my time and I don’t want to do it again.
Let’s begin, shall we?
Season 1
1x1: Pilot - five holes in centre of chest from fingers 1x2: W*ndigo - falls down a hole 1x4: Phantom Traveler - head banged against wall 1x5: Bloody Mary - infected by Bloody Mary 1x6: Skin - tied to a chair around his neck, chest, hips, wrists and ankles - bottle smashed over head - tied around wrists - cut under right eye - punched - kneed  - kicked into bookshelf - hit across face with pool stick - elbowed in face - tackled into table - strangled - cut on left side of forehead 1x7: Hook Man - stabbed in right forearm with hook  - thrown into bookshelf that then falls on top of him 1x9: Home - strangled with lamp cord - thrown into walls and cabinets 1x10: Asylum - mind influenced by Ellicot - punched and knocked out 1x15: The Benders - cuts on both hands  - cut on chin 1x16: Shadow - 4 claw marks across left cheek - wrists tied - cut across nose 1x17: Hell House - choked with an axe handle 1x18: Something Wicked - life force sucked out of him, process interupted before completed 1x19: Provenance - hit by a dresser 1x22: Devil’s Trap - punched - split lip
Hey! The post under the cut is really long! Please be sure you want to continue reading before clicking, because you’ll be scrolling for a while!
Season 2
2x1: In My Time of Dying - in a carcrash - 2 cuts on right cheek - cut near right eye - cut across nose - split bottom lip 2x3: Bloodlust - knocked unconscious with an iron - wrists tied - cut on left forearm 2x5: Simon Said - sprained wrist? his right wrist / arm is in a cast but I searched and it’s not there in the previous episode and nothing happens between then and this episode that would’ve caused it, so I have no clue what happened. If someone does please let me know 2x9: Croatoan - diagonal slice on upper left pec 2x10: Hunted - kneed - elbowed in face - kicked in face and through wall - cut on left cheek 2x14: Born Under a Bad Sign - burned with holy water (while possessed by Meg) - jumped out a window (possessed) - punched unconscious (possessed) - tied to a chair by wrists and ankles (possessed) - binding lock on right inner forearm, that’s a circle with a line going through - burn over binding lock (possessed) - punched 2x17: Heart - 3 slashes on left cheek 2x19: Folsom Prison Blues - handcuffed around wrists and ankles 2x20: What Is and What Should Never Be - strangled - hit in the head 2x21: All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 1 - abducted by Azazel (I’m assuming he was knocked unconscious) - super punched across yard - possible dislocated shoulder - stabbed in the back - DEAD 2x22: All Hell Breaks Loose, Part 2 - resurrected by demon deal
Season 3
3x1: The Magnificent Seven - thrown - strangled 3x2: The Kids are Alright - punched - kneed - thrown around 3x3: Bad Guy at Black Rock - strangled - fell over and scraped knees - fell again and knocked himself unconscious - punched - shot in left shoulder 3x4: Sin City - thrown into a windshield 3x7: Fresh Blood - thrown through a wall - thrown into a shelf - kicked in the face - face banged against table - cut on right eyebrow 3x8: A Very Supernatural Christmas - strangled - head banged against wall and knocked unconscious - tied to a chair by wrists and ankles - nail taken off right index finger - punched - thrown into a table 3x9: Malleus Maleficarum - thrown into a wall 3x12: Jus in Bello - handcuffed - punched - thrown against walls 3x13: Ghostfacers! - tied to a chair by wrists and ankles - cut on left cheek - thrown around 3x14: Long-Distance Call - knocked unconscious with a bat - tied (very tightly) around wrists - cuts around wrists where tied 3x15: Time is On My Side - head banged against steering wheel - chloroformed - strapped down to a table 3x16: No Rest for the Wicked - punched - thrown into a wall
Season 4
4x1: Laxarus Rising - tackled into table and chairs - punched 4x2: Are You There, God? It’s Me, Dean Winchester - shoved into metal lockers, a wall and a mirror (probably has cuts on his left hand from it) - head banged on sink - cut above left eye - thrown into windshield - squashed between a desk and a shelf 4x4: Metamorphosis - thrown against a wall  - punched and knocked unconscious - 5 little holes / cuts on left side of forehead 4x5: Monster Movie - thrown through fake wall 4x6: Yellow Fever - thrown around - head banged against floor 4x7: It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester - internal pain - punched - strangled - thrown into wall 4x8: Wishful Thinking - struck by lightning and knocked unconscious 4x9: I Know What You Did Last Summer - thrown down stairs - jumped out a window - horizontal slash on left outer bicep - punched - kneed - strangled 4x10: Heaven and Hell - choked 4x12: Criss Angel is a Douche Bag - tied down by his wrists and ankles 4x13: After School Special - punched (when he was a kid) - stabbed with a pencil on upper left pec - kicked in the groin and face - punched (as an adult) 4x14: Sex and Violence - cut on left side of neck - infected by a siren - punched - broken / twisted arm - tackled through a door 4x15: Death Takes a Holiday - hit in the stomach 4x17: It’s a Terrible Life - thrown into a shelf - thrown against a wall 4x19: Jump the Shark - knocked unconscious with a shotgun - tied down to a table by his wrists and ankles - horizontal cut on inner right forearm - gash on his left side - vertical slashes on both inner forearms 4x21: When the Levee Breaks - thrown around into walls - tied down to bed by wrists and ankles - punched - kneed - kicked
Season 5
5x1: Sympathy for the Devil - kneed - punched - broken left leg - lungs taken away (put back) 5x2: Good God, Ya’ll! - shoved into a shelf - strangled - hit with a bat - hit with a shotgun and knocked unconscious - tied to a chair by middle, wrists and ankles - cut above left eye 5x5: Fallen Idols - strangled - thrown into tables - thrown into a column - knocked unconscious - tied by wrists 5x6: I Believe The Children Are Our Future - thrown into a wall - strangled 5x7: The Curious Case of Dean Winchester - strangled 5x8: Changing Channels - hit in the groin 5x9: The Real Ghostbusters - super slapped - thrown around 5x11: Sam, Interrupted - tied down to a bed by wrists and ankles 5x12: Swap Meat - hit in both sides of neck with darts and passes out, body swapped with teenager - tied to a chair around middle, wrists and ankles 5x13: The Song Remains The Same - thrown through a wall - kicked - stabbed in the stomach with a pipe - DEAD (revived by Michael) 5x14: My Bloody Valentine - punched - handcuffed 5x15: Dead Men Don’t Wear Plaid - handcuffed 5x16: Dark Side of the Moon - shot in the chest - DEAD (revived by Joshua) 5x17: 99 Problems - gash on left shoulder 5x18: Point of No Return  - thrown into metal room divider - hemorrage (healed by Zachariah) 5x19: Hammer of the Gods - strangled 5x21: Two Minutes to Midnight - affected by pestilence (stopped later on) - faints - strangled 5x22: Swan Song - shot in the back and chest (while possessed by Lucifer) - jumped into the hell / the cage (Lucifer still possessing, but Sam in control) - DEAD - rescued from the cage by Castiel, however without his soul. Not sure if this required Cas to rebuild his body like he did with Dean, so I guess this part can be entirely up to your interpretation 
Season 6
6x1: Exile on Main St. - horizontal cut on inner left forearm 6x2: Two and a Half Men - thrown around 6x6: You Can’t Handle The Truth - knocked unconscious - tied by his wrists - punched - strangled - three claw marks on right cheek 6x7: Family Matters - cut on left side of forehead - cut beside left eye - cut on left side of jaw - cut under right eye - bleeding out of right ear - broken nose - tied by wrists - Cas reaches into his... soul? idk what he reached into since he has no soul - (previouis injuries healed by Cas) - strangled 6x9: Clap Your Hands If You Believe - beat with a cane - cut on left side of hairline 6x10: Caged Heart - knocked unconscious - bites into his own right inner wrist 6x11: Appointment in Samarra  - knocked unconscious with a baton - cut on left side of hairline - vertical gash on right side of right let - punched unconscious - handcuffed 6x13: Unforgiven - possible gash on right shoulder (not sure if that was his blood or someone else’s) - handcuffed - thrown face first into wall - tied up with webs 6x15: The French Mistake - thrown through a window - punched - internal pain 6x16: ... And Then There Were None - tied around wrists - electrocuted on his wright forearm, leaves a horizontal burn mark 6x19: Mommy Dearest - handcuffed 6x20: The Man Who Would Be King - thrown into a table 6x21: Let It Bleed - knocked unconscious 6x22: The Man Who Knew Too Much - comatose (he wakes up)
Season 7
7x1: Meet the New Boss - cut on left palm 7x2: Hello, Cruel World - knocked unconscious with a pipe 7x3: The Girl Next Door - punched and knocked unconscious 7x5: Shut Up, Dr. Phil - internal pain - strangled 7x6: Slash Fiction - handcuffed 7x8: Season 7, Time for a Wedding! - poisoned with love potion - knocked unconscious with sandwich cooker - tied to chair by wrists and ankles - thrown into a table and knocked unconscious - strangled 7x11: Adventures In Babysitting - strangled - bit on left side of his neck x2 7x12: Time After Time - cut on left palm 7x14: Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magic Menagerie - punched - thrown into a windshield - kicked - hit with a wench - cut on left side of hairline 7x15: Repo Man  - hit the back of the head with a piece of wood - thrown around 7x16: Out With the Old - thrown into a desk 7x17: The Born-Again Identity - hit by a car - broken rib - cut on his right outer forearm - cut on his left hand - cuts around his left eye - bruised and cut knuckles - skid marks on right elbow - tied down by his wrists and ankles - electrocuted 7x18: Party On, Garth - knocked unconscious 7x19: Of Grave Importance - ghost hand digs into back 7x20: The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo - somersaulted through glass 7x23: Survival of the Fittest - strangled
Season 8
8x1: We Need to Talk About Kevin - horizontal cut on inner right forearm 8x2: What’s Up, Tiger Mommy? - thrown into a table 8x3: Heartache - thrown into tables and chairs - strangled 8x4: Bitten - strangled 8x6: Southern Comfort - elbowed - headbutted - kicked into a table 8x10: Torn and Frayed - strangled - threw himself against a door multiple times 8x11: LARP and the Real Girl - strangled 8x12: As Time Goes By - handcuffed - knocked unconscious - tied around wrists 8x13: Everybody Hates Hitler - strangled for a second - dart in left side of neck and poisoned with spell - effects disappear once spellcaster dies 8x14: Trial and Error - arm glows and cramps with pain from completing the first trial 8x15: Man’s Best Friend With Benefits - thrown into a wall - knocked unconscious - thrown into a painting and tables 8x16: Remember the Titans - fell down stairs - flung back against ground - thrown against column 8x17: Goodbye Stranger - punched - tackled through glass door 8x18: Freaks and Geeks - knocked unconscious - tied to chair by wrists and ankles 8x19: Taxi Driver - punched - horizontal cut on left forearm x2 - thrown into a tree - hand glows and cramps with pain from completing another trial 8x20: Pac-Man Fever - punched - pushed into a fence - thrown around 8x21: The Great Escapist - really sick, passes out 8x23: Sacrifice - bit on left inner forearm - 2 cuts below right eye - cut on left palm
Season 9
9x2: Devil May Care - punched - thrown into a metal counter - head banged against wood 9x3: I’m No Angel - thrown through a glass door - punched - knocked unconscious 9x4: Slumber Party - hit in face with a piece of wood (while possessed by witch) 9x5: Dog Dean Afternoon - four claw marks on left side of neck (healed by Gadreel) - knocked unconscious 9x7: Bad Boys - thrown into a door - choked 9x8: Rock and a Hard Place - thrown through wood planks and knocked unconscious - burn on left lower side of torso, above liver 9x10: Road Trip - punched unconscious (while possessed by Gadreel) - tied to chair around wrists and ankles (possessed) - 2 needles in left temple (possessed) - needle in right temple (possessed) - needle in centre of foreheard (possessed) - (needle wounds healed by Cas) 9x11: First Born - needle in right side of neck 9x12: Sharp Teeth - knocked unconscious - tied around wrists 9x13: The Purge - cupboard dropped on top of him - punched - kicked through a wall - strangled - split lip 9x15: #THINMAN - tasered unconscious - handcuffed 9x16: Blade Runners - cut on right cheek - cut on right side of neck 9x17: Mother’s Little Helper - punched into a pile of boxes - kicked - choked 9x19: Alex Annie Alexis Ann - hit in the gut - blood drained from both forearms 9x23: Do You Believe in Miracles - punched unconscious
Season 10
10x1: Black - broken arm (I have no clue how it got there) - punched unconscious - tied to a chair by wrists and ankles 10x2: Reichenbach - chokes on smoke / gas - punched unconscious 10x4: Paper Moon - strangled x2 - punched in the gut 10x5: Fan Fiction - knocked unconscious 10x7: Girls, Girls, Girls - punched 10x8: Hibbing 911 - knocked unconscious - tied around wrists 10x11: There’s No Place Like Home - wrists and ankles tied - choked 10x12: About a Boy - elbowed in the face - thrown into a cabinet 10x15: The Things They Carried - thrown against a wall - strangled 10x18: Book of the Damned - strangled 10x19: The Werther Project - 2 horizontal cuts on right forearm 10x20: Angel Heart - knocked unconscious with pipe - handcuffed - headbutted - punched - thrown into a wall 10x22: The Prisoner - thrown through window and into tiled wall 10x23: Brother’s Keeper - punched - cut on left cheek - cut near left eyebrow, close to nose
Season 11
11x1: Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire - thrown into a shelf - infected by a rabid 11x2: Form and Void - burns the infection off (it’d be pretty sick if he actually had burn marks from this) 11x3: The Bad Seed - thrown into a pile of boxes 11x4: Baby - jagged cut on right cheek - 2 jagged cuts above right eye - (injuries hinted to be healed by Cas off screen) 11x5: Thin Lizzie - tied around wrists 11x6: Our Little World - headbutted - punched - strangled - throws shoulder against door multiple times - thrown against door and knocked unconscious 11x7: Plush - shoved against walls - strangled - thrown into cabinet - thrown against impala - knocked unconscious 11x10: The Devil in the Details - punched - cut beside left eye - headbutted - elbowed - cut on nose 11x12: Don’t You Forget About Me - hit in gut and face with sledgehammer - hit in back with piece of wood - falls off railing and hits titled floor - hit multiple times with piece of wood 11x13: Love Hurts - I assume he hit either a wall or a table, he was thrown but the impact wasn’t shown - choked 11x14: The Vessel - shoved against stone column - soul touched by Lucifer - cut on left palm 11x15: Beyond the Mat - thrown against a metal beam 11x16: Safe House - possibly cut one of his palms, I’m not sure if they purchased that blood or if it’s Sam’s - punched - thrown into counter - punched in the gut 11x17: Red Meat - thrown through table - shot in left lower torso - choked - body went into shock, heartbeat slowed down to almost nothing - cut on nose - falls down stairs 11x18: Hell’s Angel - either internal pain or choked 11x20: Don’t Call Me Shurley - infected by Amara’s fog, passes out - infection healed by God, probably 11x22: We Happy Few - Mark of Cain burned into his right forearm, process interrupted before completed 11x23: Alpha and Omega - strangled - shot in left thigh / knee
Season 12
12x1: Keep Calm and Carry On - tied to a chair by ankles and wrists (tightly handcuffed, looks like it could cut, maybe) - electrocuted - tortured with a cold shower - 2 burn streaks on right side of right foot - needle on right side of neck - drugged - punches a mirror - cut on left palm - kicked in the face 12x2: Mamma Mia - either stabbed in the mouth or a tooth taken out, they never show what actually happened - cut on left shoulder - cut on left cheek - cut on left side of forehead - elbowed in the face - (possibly healed by Cas, seeing as he’s completely fine in the next shot) 12x3: The Foundry - throws himself against a door multiple times - thrown into a shelf 12x4: American Nightmare - knocked unconscious - tied around wrists 12x5: The One You’ve Been Waiting For - elbowed in the face - punched 12x6: Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox - thrown into a table 12x8: LOTUS - handcuffed around wrists and ankles 12x9: First Blood - DEAD (revived by Billie) - cut on left palm 12x10: Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets - punched 12x11: Regarding Dean - thrown into a bookshelf - ears profusely bleeding - tied to a chair by wrists 12x12: Stuck in the Middle (With You) - shoved into a wall - glass smashed over his head - fell through wood railing, over porch and impact on ground - punched - elbowed in the face - hit with pieces of flying wood - flung backwards - hit in gut, face and neck with base of spear 12x16: Ladies Drink Free - headbutted - falls back through wood room divider 12x17: The British Invasion - thrown into metal door 12x18: The Memory Remains - either hands or face hit with a hammer - face then clearly hit with hammer and he stumbles back into a pile of boxes 12x19: The Future - thrown through park bench 12x20: Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes - shoved into a wall - punched - thrown through table - strangled
Season 13
13x1: Lost and Found - thrown into a wall and knocked unconscious - strangled - thrown into a wall again - kneed in the face - punched - kicked 13x2: The Rising Sun - choked 13x5: Advanced Thanatology - thrown across floor and hits chair and table 13x6: Tombstone - thrown back into floor 13x7: War of the Worlds - kicked into wall 13x8: The Scorpion and the Frog - punched - thrown across floor - hit with rock and knocked unconscious 13x9: The Bad Place - hit in the face with base of angel blade 13x10: Wayward Sisters - hit in side and face with base of spear and knocked unconscious - tied around wrists 13x11: Breakdown - knocked unconscious - tied down to a table by wrists and ankles 13x12: Various & Sundry Villains - tackled onto hood of impala - strangled x2 - hexed to stay in one spot - thrown into bookshelf - thrown through table 13x13: Devil’s Bargain - thrown into beside table - internal pain 13x14: Good Intentions - knocked unconscious 13x15: A Most Holy Man - handcuffed - knocked unconscious 13x17: The Thing - possibly poisoned, I’m not sure but he faints after eating food - tied around wrists 13x18: Bring em Back Alive - tackled into control panel - punched in side - thrown against wall - internal pain 13x19: Funeralia - passes out from spell - tortured by Rowena’s magic 13x20: Unfinished Business - thrown into wall - strangled 13x21: Beat the Devil - neck torn out on right side - DEAD (resurrected by Lucifer) 13x23: Let the Good Times Roll - windows exploded behind him and he was flung back into the impala from the force of the explosion - punched - hard impact on ground - kicked in the face - strangled
Season 14
14x1: Stranger in a Strange Land - thrown through table and chair - punched - kneed in groin 14x3: The Scar - hit in back of knee with spear - tackled through table - punched - strangled 14x4: Mint Condition - hit in face - flung back against counter - knocked unconscious 14x9: The Spear - hit in back of head with bat - thrown into truck x2 - knocked unconscious - internal pain 14x11: Damaged Goods - hard impact against floor 14x13: Lebanon - either jumped to the side and hit the bookshelf or he was thrown from the force of the fire - hit in the side and face with gun - choked - punched - thrown through table - head banged multiple times against table - cut on nose 14x14: Ouroboros - thrown into counter - thrown onto table (during this, his back impacts a glass dead on and when I was 10 I jumped off a couch and my foot hit a glass dead on and my foot was cut open so I expect cuts on his back) - not able to breathe - temporarily blind - internal pain 14x15: Peace of Mind - brainwashed by the town / the witch, forgets who he is and thinks he’s someone else - hard impact on ground - almost gets his head blown off, process interrupted before completed 14x16: Don’t Go in the Woods - strangled 14x17: Game Night - punched - hit in the face with rock - shoved against impala - cut on left temple - cut and bruised knuckles - (all healed by Jack) 14x20: Moriah - thrown into bookshelf - shot in left shoulder with the Equalizer 
Season 15
15x1: Back To The Future - cut on left side of torso, near waist (healed by Cas) - punched - kicked 15x5: Proverbs 17:3 - shoved against floor - thrown into wall - thrown back and knocked unconscious 15x6: Golden Time - internal pain x2 - hexed to spit up blood - wrists tied - voodo stabbed in chest - voodo arm twisted 15x7: Last Call - flung back into brick wall and knocked unconscious - partially healed by Sergei, bullet would still weirdly infected though 15x8: Our Father, Who Aren’t in Heaven - kicked - punched - strangled 15x9: The Trap - tied to chair by wrists - bullet wound dug around in with a scalpel 15x10: The Heroes’ Journey - punched - hard impact on ground 15x12: Galaxy Brain - hit in face and gut with sticks 15x13: Destiny’s Child - thrown 15x14: Last Holiday - fingernail taken off from 3 left fingers - thrown into wall 15x17: Unity - choked - punched - headbutted 15x19: Inherit the Earth - thrown into a bookshelf - thrown across beach - internal pain - punched - hit in the neck - kneed - kicked - kicked in the face - broken right arm - cut on left eyebrow - 2 cuts on left cheek - cut on right temple - (all healed by Jack) 15x20: Carry On - hard impact on ground - punched - knocked unsconscious - DEAD (old age, permanently) 
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samuelmmarcus · 4 years
Utah New-construction Home
  Before finding the right lot and a builder you can trust to build your dream home, we all go through many years (or at least months) of collecting inspiring ideas for our new-construction home. We often collect ideas that will be transformed into what works for us and if you’re in the phase of finding the best ideas for your new home, this recently-built Utah home should fill up your inspiration file.
I have loved the many homes built by Millheaven Homes for many years now and this one was certainly built with a young growing family in mind.
Make sure to take notes on all details shared by this talented builder and make sure to pin your favorite photos and ideas. I hope this helps and inspires you with your dream home!
  Utah New-construction Home
Tired of white siding homes? This color will stand the test of time! It’s classic and far from being boring. Home Exterior Color: Samovar Silver by .
Trim/Pop Outs/Shutters: Extra White by Sherwin Williams SW7006.
This builder really knows how to build a beautiful home. Look at the classic architectural details!
Shingles: Certainteed Natural Timber.
Metal Roofing: Burnished Slate.
Garage Door: Design: Clopay Coachman Design 21. Window Style: Arch 3 Windows. Color: white.
Stone: Antique Pearl Stone with Trinity White Mortar.
Sconces: Hinkley Revere Wall Mount Lantern.
Ah… that feeling of walking into a brand-new home! I immediately start working the decor in my mind whenever I see an empty room. Do you feel the same or do you feel lost?
This Entryway feels grand but still welcoming. The formal Dining Room is located on the right and the Home Office is located on the left.
Walls/Ceiling: Silent White by Clark+Kensinton CW-C1.
Front Door
Entry Door: Custom design with custom stain.
Sliding Barn Doors
Sliding Barn Door Paint Color: Mindful Gray by Sherwin Williams SW7016.
Home Office
Custom built-ins are perfect to add storage and value to your home.
Sconces: Savoy House Morland 1-Light Adjustable Sconce in Polished Nickel.
Paint Color
Cabinet Paint Color: Iron Mountain by Benjamin Moore 2134-30.
Hardware: Pulls: Top Knobs Kinney Pull in Polished Nickel. Knobs: Top Knobs Lily Knob in Polished Nickel.
Dining Room
Accent Wall Paint Color: Balboa Mist by Benjamin Moore #OC-27.
Lighting: Savoy House Middleton 8-Light Chandelier in Polished Nickel.
This home features a gorgeous kitchen with a dream layout. The warm gray cabinets work beautifully with a custom-stained island.
Pantry/Homework Room Doors Paint Color: Chelsea Gray by Benjamin Moore #HC-168.
Kitchen Island
Kitchen Island: White Oak with Custom Stain.
Wood Flooring Throughout: Artisan Hardwood English Forest Collection in Newborough – Others: here, here, here, here & here.
Ideas to Refresh your Kitchen:
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Perimeter Cabinet Paint Color
Perimeter Kitchen Cabinet Color: Balboa Mist by Benjamin Moore OC-27.
Tile: Bedrosians Cloe 2.5X8 Tile in White 50% Brick Set w/ Herringboned Hood Detail – This tile is gorgeous in person!
Pot Filler: Pot Filler: Moen Show House Pot Filler in Chrome.
Kitchen Lighting
Kitchen Lighting: Island Pendants: Visual Comfort Aspen Large Conical Hanging Shade in Blackened Rust – Other Inspiring Options: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Kitchen Hardware
Hardware – Pulls: Berenson Metro Pull in Flat Black. Knobs: Berenson Valencia Oval Knob in Flat Black.
Sink & Faucet
Sink: Elkay Quartz Luxe 33X20.5” Undermount Sink in Ricotta.
Sconce: Savoy House Glenn Sconce in Polished Nickel.
Faucet: Moen Patterson Kitchen Faucet in Chrome.
Countertop is Contempo Arabescato Polished.
Breakfast Nook Lighting: Quorum.
Great Room
The Great Room features high ceiling with Tongue and Groove and custom box beams.
Great Room Cabinet
The custom built-in offers plenty of storage and shelving space. Cabinets are in Balboa Mist by Benjamin Moore OC-27.
Ceiling Fan: Savoy House Bluffton 72” 8-blade Ceiling Fan.
Fireplace Millwork Paint Color: Silent White CW-C1 by Clark+Kensington.
Cabinet Hardware: Knobs: Berenson Valencia Oval Knob in Black.
Tile: Bedrosians Cloe Tile 2.5”X8” 50% Brick Set.
Music Room
Sliding pocked doors in Balboa Mist by Benjamin Moore add some privacy to the Music Room/Den.
Paint Color
Walls/Ceiling/Trim: Trout Gray by Benjamin Moore 2124-20.
Lighting: Capital Lighting Sedona 1-light Pendant in Oxidized Brass.
Staircase Paint Color
Newel Posts/Balusters: Balboa Mist by Benjamin Moore.
Newel Caps/Railing: Custom Stain.
Stair Runner
Carpet: Tuftex Scout Carpet in Oyster Shell.
Upstairs you will find a cozy loft with custom built-ins and a long window-seat. This is a great spot to read to the kids.
Sconces Going Down (not shown): Savoy House Clifton 1-Light Wall Sconce in Polished Nickel.
Staircase Lighting
Chandelier: Generation Lighting Southold 4-light Lantern in Polished Nickel – Large.
Built-ins Paint Color
Built-ins Paint Color: Chelsea Gray HC-168 by Benjamin Moore.
Lighting: Savoy House Glenn 1-Light Sconce in Matte Black.
Laundry Room
The Laundry Room is located just off the Loft. Barn door paint color is Balboa Mist by Benjamin Moore.
Cabinet Color: Van Courtland Blue by Benjamin Moore HC-165.
Countertops: MSI Stellar White.
Floating Shelves: Custom, White Oak – similar here.
Backsplash: Floor and Décor Equilibrio Encaustic Cement Tile in Gray – similar here.
Floor Tile: Bedrosians Chateau 12X24 Tile in Midnight 50% Brick Set.
Master Bedroom
The Master Bedroom features wall paneling with a custom design and beautiful carpeting flooring.
Carpet Throughout: Tuftex Purrsuasion Carpet in Backdrop.
Master Bedroom Decor Ideas:
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Ceiling Fan
Ceiling Fan: Fanimation Spitfire Motor in Brushed Nickel w/ Fanimation Spitfire Blades in Brushed Nickel.
Master Bathroom
The Master Bathroom features large custom cabinetry in White Oak with a custom stain. Countertop is Silestone Desert Silver, Polished.
Vanity Backsplash: Designer 4X12 Clear Glass Tile in White – similar here.
Sinks: Toto Waza Sultana Undercounter Lavatory Sink.
Faucets: Moen Weymouth Series in Chrome.
Lighting-Vanity: Vanity Light in Chrome.
Hardware: Pulls: Amerock Revitalize Pull in Polished Nickel. Knobs: Amerock Revitalize Knob in Polished Nickel.
Flooring: Bedrosians Chateau 12X24 Tile 50% Brick Set.
Towel Ring: Moen, in Chrome.
Beautiful Mirrors: here, here, here, here, here, here & here.
Shower Tile
Shower Walls: Arizona Tile Core Subway Tile in White Glossy – Herringboned – similar here – Others: here, here, here, here, here & here.
Accent & Floor Tile: 1X1 Mod Dot Mosaic in White Carrara.
Fixtures: Moen Weymouth Series in Chrome.
Yes, your kid would definitely love this… even I would! LOL  The custom playhouse siding/shiplap paint color is Riverway by Sherwin Williams SW 6220.
Ladder/Door/Trim Paint Color: Revere Pewter by Benjamin Moore HC-172.
Wallpaper: Saugus Olive Branch in Teal.
Hanging Chair
Hanging Chair: Wayfair – Others: here & here.
Kids’ Shower Tile Inspiration
Shower Walls: 4X16 Subway Tile in White Glossy 50% Brick Set.
Accent Tile: Bedrosians Costa Allegra Wave Mosaic in Adriatic – Similar: here, here & here.
Guest Bedroom
This guest bedroom features board and batten wall paneling in Balboa Mist by Benjamin Moore.
Lighting: Savoy House.
Guest Bathroom
This guest bathroom features an inspiring design that doesn’t break the bank! I love what they did with the shower tile. Countertop: Silestone Desert Silver, Polished.
Hardware:  Pulls: Amerock Blackrock Pull in Polished Nickel. Knobs: Amerock Blackrock Ring Pull in Polished Nickel.
Sink: Decolav Rectangular Undermount Lavatory.
Lighting-Vanity: Z-Light Mariner Vanity Light in Chrome.
Faucet: Moen in Black.
Shower Fixtures: Moen Doux Series in Black.
Shower Walls: 3X6 Subway Tile in White Glossy 50% Brick Set.
Shower Wall Accent/Shower Floor: Bedrosians Chateau 2X2 Mosaic.
Downstairs you will find a bright basement with plenty of space for entertaining and fun times. Notice the adorable Playhouse!
LVP Flooring Throughout: Mannington Dockside Distinctive Plank in Boardwalk.
This kitchenette is perfect for preparing some snacks or drinks.
Countertop & Floating Shelves: Custom, White Oak.
Backsplash: 3X6 Subway Tile in White Glossy 50% Brick Set.
Lighting: Savoy House Bayden 4-Light Pendant in Black.
Paint Color
Paint Color: Tricorn Black by Sherwin Williams SW 6258.
Hardware – Pulls: Top Knobs Kinney Pull in Honey Bronze. Knobs: Top Knobs Knob in Honey Bronze.
Sink: Elkay 16X16 Quartz Luxe Sink in Caviar.
Faucet: Moen Patterson Faucet in Black.
Basement Family Room
Fireplace Stone: Antique Pearl Stone w/ Trinity White Mortar.
Cabinets are in Repose Gray by Sherwin Williams SW7015.
Home Theater
Cabinets, Walls & Ceiling Paint Color: Repose gray by Sherwin Williams SW 7015.
Sconces: Matteo Wall Sconce #S02702MB in Matte Black.
Flooring: Stanton Rejoice Carpet in Deep Sea.
Beams: Custom Stain.
Mudroom Locker Paint Color: Boothbay Gray by Benjamin Moore HC-165.
Lighting: Generation Lighting Nuance Large Flush Mount in Aged Iron.
Flooring: Crossville Gotham 12X24 Tile in Mainline Herringboned – Others: here, here, here & here.
    Many thanks to the builder & designers for sharing the details above!
Builder & Interiors: Millheaven Homes (Instagram – Facebook).
Photography: Miranda Kimberlin.
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  Wayfair: Up to 70% off on Kitchen Renovation.
  Pottery Barn: Premier Event: Up to 70% OFF.
  Serena & Lily: Enjoy 20% Off with code: ATHOME.
  Joss & Main: Under $200: Large Area Rugs.
  West Elm: Premier Event Up to 70% Off.
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“Dear God,
If I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me. If I start to give-up, keep me going.
Lead me in Light and Love”.
Have a wonderful day, my friends and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”
with Love,
Luciane from HomeBunch.com
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