#5 cm per second
yuronoki · 1 year
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If you take elements from these 3 movies and combine them, you get my love life :D
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memoryfuel · 1 year
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Fan art of my fav scene from one of my fav movies of all time, 5 Centimeters per Second 👁️ 👁️
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farever · 2 years
5cm Per Seconds (2007)
Habis rewatch 5cm per seconds karena kirain belum nonton. Tapi ternyata udah pernah, dan tetap melanjutkan aja karena tumben bisa lupa udah nonton suatu film. Akhirnya memutuskan buat menulis ini biar inget.
Jujur pas nonton pertama kali kayaknya gak mengambil apapun dari film ini makanya terlupakan. Tapi setelah nonton ulang bisa berkesimpulan kalau 5cm per seconds tuh sangat menggambarkan realita.
Bisa jadi semua orang di dunia pernah mengalami apa yang Takaki & Akari lalui. Masa saling mengenal dan mengistimewakan satu sama lain--baik sebagai teman, sahabat, atau lebih dari itu. Kemudian seiring berlanjutnya hidup, jarak dan waktu hadir di antara kita tanpa diminta.
Kita pikir kemajuan teknologi bisa mengakali itu semua. Satu, dua, bahkan ratusan kata masih bisa tersampaikan tanpa benar-benar harus bertemu. Tapi ternyata di antara pesan-pesan yang datang bergantian itu tetap terselip kekosongan.
Awalnya kita merasa kehilangan, namun lagi-lagi dunia terus berputar, waktu terus berjalan. Pertemuan dan perpisahan yang datang bergantian mengajarkan kita bahwa mereka adalah sesuatu yang niscaya. Sampai di satu titik, momen beserta orang-orang baru di dalamnya mengisi ruang kosong yang kita ratapi sebelumnya.
Pada akhirnya kita sadar bahwa apa yang kita pernah punya bukan lagi sesuatu yang spesial. Kita sudah selesai.
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fregolicotard · 2 years
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This sky reminded me of Makoto Shinkai’s films. Extremely beautiful animated sunsets seem to come in contrast with his characters' loneliness and melancholy. Even when next to each other, people seem to be wishing to be somewhere else or with someone else. Shinkai’s works tend to touch upon this theme a lot. His characters seem to always have some kind of barrier in between, which can either be metaphorical or literal. His films explore communication issues, temporal misalignments, emotional misalignments and feelings of longing that arise from both physical and emotional distance.
One of his first works, She and Her Cat, is narrated from the perspective of a cat who is in love with his owner, but can't express his feelings.
The idea of barriers in-between characters comes up again and again in Shinkai’s films and almost always, those barriers are enough to sabotage a happy resolution in relationships. His love is not breaking all barriers and eventually winning against all difficulties, but remains inside of people, unaccomplished, stale and heavy for the rest of his character’s lives. 
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saskayzx · 2 years
Twenty One Pilots - Level of Concern
It is Friday and that means I am back with another published video. This week we are sharing a nice upbeat amv edited to the song level of concern by twenty one pilots. Mixed to scenes from two beautiful anime movies, Your Name and 5 CM per second. the video was edited by Visual Reality Studios' member hearthshade. We hope you enjoy this video and please share your thoughts and suggestions, it helps us to continue improving. Thank you kindly for your time.
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istudyjapaneseorsmth · 6 months
Language goals for the month, year, etc.
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So I finally decided to start making specific goals. Just one per time frame so I'm more focused, but uh...I haven't really done this before somehow, so I'll figure it out as I go. Here's mine, I'm skipping my shorter term goals for this post so I don't have to constantly update:
Month (April 2024)
Complete chapters 6 and 7 of Genki I with complete understanding of the concepts and vocabulary.
Quarter (March - June 2024)
Get to (and finish) chapter 12 in Genki I
Year (2024)
Be able to pass JLPT N5
Is the year goal specific? Probably! I just have to work towards it. Hopefully making goals will help me. If I pass them ahead of the deadline, then I'll make new ones.
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bethanythebogwitch · 5 months
Wet Beast Wednesday: pistol shrimp
Oh snap, it's the snapping shrimp post for Wet Beast Wednesday! Snapping shrimp or pistol shrimp are loud little critters that have evolves a very useful and fascinating tool in their pincers. Let's not waste time and shoot off to learn about these little gunslingers.
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(Image: a pistol shrimp. It is a mostly white shrimp with red stripes. One of its claws is considerably larger than the other. It is standing on gravel and next to some seaweed. End ID)
Pistol shrimp are over 1,000 members of the family Alpheidae, which is part of the infraorder Caridea. This means they are true shrimp, not to be confused with superficially similar animals like brine shrimp, mantis shrimp, tadpole shrimp, and prawns. Yeah, I only recently learned that prawns and shrimp aren't a language difference between British English and American English like chips vs fries. They're not even that closely related. As true shrimp, pistol shrimp have two main body parts: the cephalothorax and abdomen, which are composed of 19 body segments. The abdomen forms a flexible tail with a fin on the end. When startled, the fin can rapidly curl under the body, propelling the shrimp backwards. Like other decapods, there are 10 limbs. The front pair of limbs have evolved into claws used to manipulate objects. The claws are the most distinguishing feature of pistol shrimp. They are asymmetrical, with one growing extremely large, over half the size of the body. The big claw has a modified version of the typical pincer. This pincer has an upper claw that can open up at a right angle. Under the claw is a pocket in the lower pincer, into which water flows. The upper pincer then slams down into this pocket, forcing the water out. The pressure of the pincer closing water in the pocket creates a cavitation bubble that is forced away from the claw at up to 26.8 meters per second. This is enough force to seriously wound small animals and hurt larger ones into leaving the shrimp alone. The cavitation bubbles can reach up to 4,427 degrees C (8,000 F) . For comparison, the surface of the sun is about 1,000 decrees (C) hotter. When the bubble pops, it creates a snapping sound that can reach 218 decibels. For comparison, most gunshots max out at around 170 db. This puts pistol shrimp is the running for the loudest ocean animals, with whales being the other main competitors. If that all sounds like a lot, the whole event happens so fast that the heat doesn't have time to affect much and the noise sounds like a moderately loud snap to us. Adults can snap their claws shut with an acceleration of up to 30 meters per second squared and juveniles can do it up to 20 times faster. The whole process takes less than a millisecond. When the cavitation bubble collapses, it can produce light. This is called sonoluminescence and nobody knows how it happens. If a pistol shrimp loses its large claw, the small claw will grow into a new large one while the missing limb will regenerate into a small claw. Adult pistol shrimp average between 3 and 5 cm long.
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(Image: a drawing showing the process of a pistol shrimp snapping its claw. In the first panel, the claw is closed. In the second, the upper claw opens at a 90 degree angle, revealing a cavity. In the third panel, the cavity fills with water. In the final panel, the claw is closed again and a jet of water is ejected from the claw. End ID. Source: Wikipedia user Carermyers)
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(Gif: black and white, slow-motion video of a pistol shrimp's claw snapping shut and creating a cavitation bubble. End ID. Source)
Pistol shrimp live worldwide, though most species live in tropical or temperate water. There are some cold water species and even freshwater species. Most prefer habitats where they can make burrows and where there are plenty of other animals. Coral reefs, oyster reefs, seagrass beds, mangrove groves are common habitats. Snapping is used for hunting and communication. They typically hide in burrows, waiting for fish or other small animals to pass by. When prey passes, the shrimp will snap to stun or seriously wound the prey, then drag it into the burrow. Some social species actually form eusocial hives with a single queen who produces all offspring. These shrimp are the only known marine eusocial species and all occur within the same genus (Synalpheus), though not every member of that genus is eusocial and eusociality appears to have evolved at least 3 times within that genus. It appears that a reason why only this genus developed eusociality is their larvae do not disperse, instead staying in the same area as the parents. The hives are usually located within sponges. Other social species are not eusocial, but still live together in colonies. Many less social species have formed a symbiotic relationship with gobies. Both species live in burrows, but gobies are bad at digging while the shrimp have poor eyesight. The goby will protect the shrimp while it digs a burrow, then the two live together. They will forage together, with the goby using its superior eyesight to watch for predators and warn the shrimp to get back to the burrow. Pistol shrimp are monogamous, the same pair coming back to mate over and over again (this does not apply to the eusocial species in which only the colony's queen is permitted to mate). The female is only fertile during a short period after molting. The male will stay with the female and protect her during the vulnerable period after mating and some species will remain with each other until the eggs hatch or permanently.
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(Image: a eusocial pistol shrimp queen with eggs. Her body is translucent and multiple eggs are attached to her abdomen. The eggs look like translucent balls. The is inside of an orange sponge. End ID)
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(Image: a pistol shrimp and goby emerging from a burrow in the sand. The shrimp is a mottled green and white. The body is a bright yellow fish covered with blue spots. End ID)
Pistol shrimp are a major source of noise in the places where they live. If you've ever been swimming and can hear repeated cracking noises, that may have been a bunch of pistol shrimp. Some scientists monitor the level of pistol shrimp noises as a method of monitoring the ecosystem. If the noise level drops, that is an indicator that the local ecosystem is suffering. The noise of the shrimps can get so loud that it actually interferes with sonar and forms of underwater communication. During World War II, members of the navy realized that the shrimp disrupted sonar enough to hide submarines, so they started hiding submarines near reefs with lots of the shrimp to keep them from being found by enemy subs. Weirdly not the only small marine animals to mess with submarines. I'll get the the other major one soon. The largest threats to pistol shrimp come from habitat destruction. Some species of pistol shrimp have entered the pet trade. As coral reefs, seagrass beds, and other habitats are destroyed, the shrimp that rely on them will suffer as well.
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Yet another time I get to use one of these cards in a post
(Image: the Weird n' Wild Creatures card featuring pistol shrimp. End ID)
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random-shit06 · 2 years
— Pulse rate: 60-100 beats per minute
(A fitter person will have a rate towards the slower end of the margin and a child or young person will have a naturally high rate. Any drastic increase or decrease in pulse rate is cause for concern.) 
— Blood pressure: 120-140 over 70-90
(This can vary with the time of day, amount of stress and a number of other factors) 
High blood pressure: not usually immediately dangerous but can cause long term damage.  
Low blood pressure: can cause fainting, dizziness and blackouts 
— Body Temperature 🌡️: 36°C (98.6°F) to 37.5°C (99.5F) 
— Blood:
In adults- 5L (1.2-1.5 galleons) 
In children: about 3L for a 40 kg child (varies with age and size) 
In newborns: About 80ml/kg (varies) 
(the bigger the person’s body is, the more blood it will contain)
— Age: 72 years avg
— Blood loss: loss of 40% of blood (approx 2.5 l)
— Dehydration: approx 1 week (depends on conditions)
— Body Weight: record of approximately 1,400 lbs (usually fatal over 750 lbs)
— Weight to lift: record of 1,000 lbs
average men can lift 25kg (55llbs)
average woman can lift 18kgs (40llbs)
— Height:
Shortest person ever: 1ft 9inches (54 cm) approx
Tallest person ever: 8 feet 11 inches (272 CM approx)
— Alcohol consumption: 0.40 BAC/ 25 standard drinks
(anything higher is at high risk of coma & death, 0.08 is intoxicated)
— Record for holding breath: 24 mins 3 seconds
(Average person can hold upto 2 mins, 10mins with training in rare cases)
— Cold water: 30 minutes in water 35-40 degrees fahrenheit
— Internal body heat: 107°F/40°C
— External Heat: 230 degrees fahrenheit up to 4 minutes/ 40° in humid temperature for 4 hours
— Fever: 104°F
— Elevation: 15,000 feet / 2.8 miles
(consciousness fades, altitude sickness begins at 1.6 miles)
— Starvation: record for 1 year
(Average person can survive 2-3 weeks on only water)
—Water deprivation: record of 18 days
(Average person can survive 3 days)
— Water Depth: 60 feet without equipment / 1000 feet record with equipment
— Venomous snake bite: can survive 2-3 days untreated before bodily functions break down
— Longest ever lived: 122 years 5 months
— Hearing: 20 hertz (lowest) to 28,000 hertz (highest)
Hope that was helpful, reblogs and likes appreciated <3
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puuta-heinaa · 8 months
Joker Out -sweater series Post 1 Post 2 Post 3 Post 4
Happy Carpe diem's birthday!
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As promised, here's the chart now that I've finished the yoke! The four rows I added on the go (20, 22, 29, 31) are now part of the chart, so no need to knit any row twice. I did alter the most annoying cloud rows slightly.
There's "colours only" chart at the end of this post.
What you'll need:
Technique Ladderback jacquard/invisible stranding technique is a MUST, and honestly it makes following the chart easier as well! If you don't feel like learning it, you might want to mark the blue lines with stitch markers. Here's an EXCELLENT video of the technique in Finnish, it's very visual + auto-translated subtitles seemed to work reasonably well, so it might work even for non-Finnish speaking people! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtapBYocY80&t
Yarn I'm using Drops Alaska, 17s/10cm in color 15 and 58 and 3. It is widely available and affordable yarn. It's not soft but it's not worst either, somewhere around 29-33 microns I'd say.
In reality I'm using Drops Nepal 0501 for the grey, as I was going to use Nepal in the first place as it is a lovely yarn!!!! I'd say around 25-27 microns, and 35% alpaca, makes even warmer sweater! Colours are sold out in most places in Jan and Feb as it's always on big sale in Nov-Dec, but 6790 or 1709 would work for blue, and 2923 for the yellow.
I used one skein of grey, 1(2) skeins of yellow and as I'm making a crop version like I always do, about 8 skeins of main colour. If you want a regular sweater, you'll need 10-12 skeins of blue depending on your height.
Friendly reminder to check your local shepherd's and local mills' yarns before buying Drops, if that is something you financially can afford.
Needles 5 mm needles. I've recenlty fallen in love with addi's unicorn needles. They're easy for the hands as they are slightly shaped. No need to grip hard = more knitting time per day! And they're pretty! You want to use lacquered or metallic needles for this yarn, you will struggle with bamboo needles.
Some adjustments The chart is not scaled. It's one size. It makes size M/L. The widest part of the yoke is 150 cm, and I'm aiming for 100-105cm for the body. If you need a bigger sweater, use yarn that has 15 or 12 s/10cm and bigger needles, or add a few (blue) stitches on each side of the chart. If you need a smaller sweater, use yarn that has 18-20 s/10 cm and smaller needles. Do some math before choosing your yarn. And please swatch!! It's boring and annoying but you will thank yourself later.
+ stitch markers (you can use yarn loops)
I'll write up the whole pattern once I have energy to do that. I started with 86 stitches, knit rib for 5 rows, placed the stitch markers (17,17,17,17,18), did some shaping for the neck (5 short rows with 42 stitches in total) and moved on to the chart. 1-2 rows with just blue to cast off the ladders, and then I'll move on to sleeves. I don't promise my pattern will be any clearer than these quick notes right here, but if you know someone who knits or have already knit few sweaters, these should give you a decent starting point.
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One with only the colours. The numbers on the cloud are upside down when you're knitting, but they still help somewhat (I had put them in the same table/layer with the colours, and couldn't hide them easily, so we'll just have to live with them.)
Dark grey boxes are stitches that don't exist yet, but where will be a stitch later on on the chart. You add the stitches on rows where the boxes turn white.
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And the second; what you might want to embroider on the suns and clouds as finishing touches.
And yoke part of the sweater for those who hadn't yet seen it yet and didn't click the links:
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angelsandemons · 3 months
Alfred "Pringles" Impington
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About the Muse
Date of Death :: N/A
Pronouns :: He / Him
Species :: Demon (Hellborn)
Height :: 3’ 5" / 63 cm
Alfred knew from a young age exactly what he'd do for the rest of his life: serve the Ars Goetia family, just as every member of the Impington family has for generations. His master was Stolas, the same Goetia his father had served when the prince was a child. Unfortunately for Alfred, Stolas only seemed to get more miserable the older he got, so by the time he was Alfred's main assignment, he was far less pleasant than he had been as a child.
Stolas was also the one that gave him the name 'Pringles' shortly after he started serving him. It happened the second day he was at work when Stolas asked for Pringles, and Alfred came right over, understanding that the prince wanted something but not being sure what. Seeing the Imp empty-handed amused Stolas greatly, and he asked Alfred if that was his name. Before Alfred could respond, Stolas continued on, commenting on how it was an adorable name and he'd have to remember that, but what he actually wanted was the food from the kitchen. Not feeling like it was his place to correct him, Alfred simply fetched the food and brought it back, and the name had stuck ever since.
Stolas was never particularly cruel, per se, but given that he and his wife, Stella, often treated him with the same care they did their inanimate possessions, he sometimes went through quite a lot physically on a day-to-date basis. His father had assured him that this sort of thing was not atypical for the Ars Goetia, and in fact was a sign that he was doing well. "If they forget you are there, you're doing your job properly," he'd said. Octavia didn't tend to pick him up, so he enjoyed serving her the most on days where the married couple got particularly heated.
Despite all this, he didn't resent Stolas at all. He was happy to be someone to listen when Stolas had no where else to turn, and eventually he found himself rather personally invested in the family's life, even outside of his duties.
Additional Notes
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foodshowxyz · 4 months
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Chicken Parmesan Full Recipe
For the Chicken:
4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts (about 680g)
100g all-purpose flour
2 large eggs
100ml milk
150g breadcrumbs
100g grated Parmesan cheese
100ml olive oil for frying
Salt and pepper to taste
For the Tomato Sauce:
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 medium onion, finely chopped
3 garlic cloves, minced
800g canned crushed tomatoes
2 tablespoons tomato paste
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon dried basil
Salt and pepper to taste
For Assembly:
200g mozzarella cheese, sliced
Fresh basil leaves, chopped, for garnish
Prepare the Chicken:
Preheat the oven to 200°C.
Pound the chicken breasts to an even thickness of about 1.5 cm.
Season the chicken with salt and pepper.
Set up a breading station: Place the flour in one bowl, whisk together the eggs and milk in a second bowl, and combine the breadcrumbs and grated Parmesan cheese in a third bowl.
Dredge each chicken breast in the flour, shaking off any excess, then dip into the egg mixture, and finally coat with the breadcrumb mixture, pressing lightly to adhere.
Fry the Chicken:
Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat.
Fry the chicken breasts until golden brown and crispy, about 4-5 minutes per side. Work in batches if necessary to avoid overcrowding the pan.
Transfer the fried chicken breasts to a paper towel-lined plate to drain.
Prepare the Tomato Sauce:
In a medium saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium heat.
Add the chopped onion and cook until softened, about 5 minutes.
Add the minced garlic and cook for another minute until fragrant.
Stir in the crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, sugar, dried oregano, and dried basil.
Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Bring the sauce to a simmer and cook for about 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the sauce thickens slightly.
Assemble the Dish:
Place the fried chicken breasts in a baking dish.
Spoon the tomato sauce over the chicken breasts, ensuring they are well covered.
Place slices of mozzarella cheese on top of the chicken.
Transfer the baking dish to the preheated oven and bake until the cheese is melted and bubbly, about 15-20 minutes.
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somer-writes · 9 months
favourite animes??
Oh man I used to keep a spreadsheet of all the anime I watched but I have a pretty consistent top 3-5
FMAB. Like cmon what else would it be XD
Chuunibyou! it’s so cute and funny and v pretty
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju. So so so good and lovely
Natsume Yuujinchou. It’s funny and cute and creepy and fuzzy
I think Frieren has this slot rn.
Apothecary Diaries is really good. JJK I prefer the manga. Waiting for Kagurabachi to inevitably be picked up for an anime bc it’s so good. My comfort shows include Snow White with the Red Hair and Mushishi. Movie wise I like The Wind Rises, Princess Mononoke, Kizumonogatari, and 5 cm per Second.
I don’t watch as much anime as I used to. I’ve gotten really into manga in the last year or so (used to read it a lot in middle and high school). I mostly read shounen, sports, and romance. Currently catching up on Kaiju no 8 and Undead Unluck. Both are fucking hysterical and also I love the characters so so much. Disappointed to see Jiangshi X ending bc I really like the art.
I do also like Heaven Official’s Blessing and The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation but I prefer the books on both counts and The Untamed is much better than the donghua. I recently picked up Stars of Chaos but haven’t started it.
what about you???
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thatdayindecember · 6 months
Part 2, labor + delivery
It was time to get induced.
I got the balloon thing on Monday the 5th around 11. Around 1pm, we were home and I was already having contractions 5 min apart. Within a few hours, they were 3 min apart. And they were baddd. There was no position possible. I was in AGONY. Like, 9/10 pain. Called the hospital but since the balloon catheter hadn't fallen out, I just had to wait at home until my appointment the next morning.
Needless to say, didn't sleep all night. Contractions never stopped.
At 7am, we had to he back at the hospital. They checked me and, thank god, I was 3 cm dilated. They started me on meds to speed it up. The pain got even worse. After a few hours, they finally decided to break my waters. And the pain got worse again. Around 1, after 24 hours of crazy contractions, I was only at 4/5cm and I couldn't take it anymore so asked for epidural
I got it around 2.30pm. And I didn't feel anything anymore. It was great lol. Then my blood pressure dropped a lot. And everyone started to panic, bc baby's heartrate was also dropping. Luckily they somehow fixed it real fast.
I didn't feel any contractions anymore so i was even able to sleep a little bit. Around 4.30, I woke up bc I was feeling contractions again. Everyone thought I'd just didn't push the epidural button in time so we waited for it to kick in again.
But it didn't. The pain continued to get worse. Finally, at 6pm, they decided to check me again. To everyone's shock, I was fully dilated.
Baby was still up a little high though, so they told me to lightly push on every contractions to see if baby would come down. Around 7.15 they came back. Baby hadn't moved. I was starting to panic, bc I hadn't gotten more epidural anymore so I could feel the pushing better, which meant I was in A LOT of pain. So the midwife decided it was time to just start active pushing and see what would happen
Well, what happened was I PANICKED even more lol. It was so scary and painful and I truly thought I wouldn't be able to do it. With every push, 4x per contraction, contractions basically back to back, I thought I would pass out or throw up. It was insanely painful. I kept saying I couldn't do it. But after a while, suddenly everyone got excited bc they could see baby's head! That helped me feel more confident so I somehow managed to find more power and pushed harder.
But then the midwife and nurse got stressed. They told me to stop pushing bc baby wasn't doing well anymore. I wasn't allowed to push for the next contraction. Let me telllll you, that was a nightmare. Pushing hurt like hell, but NOT pushing was even worse. Luckily after not pushing for one contraction, baby's heartratw was normal again so I could continue.
It wasn't long before I felt the infamous ring of fire and I had to slow down so I wouldn't tear open completely lol. Slowly but surely, I could feel baby coming out. It hurt like a mf. It felt like an eternity. I was so exhausted. But I had to keep going. And then the midwife said the next contraction would be my final pushes and then he would be out
And he did. I pushed and I felt him come out. A little after 8pm on feb 6th, my baby was born <3. Within seconds he was on my chest and after a few more seconds, my little perfect baby boy was crying.
I'll never say I instantly forgot the pain (everyone who says that is either a superhero or lying) but it was all worth it.
Unfortunately I did tear a little but, but luckily not that much. The stitching was horrible though. The tried to numb me but needles down there is noooo fun lol. And it didn't really work everywhere either. So half of the stitches I felt being done. And it took ages.
We stayed in the hospital for one night to monitor baby since I had taken benzos a few times in the last weeks. He was doing great though, and I was OK too, so around 11 the next morning, we got discharged and could go home
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idkfitememate · 2 months
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Harry Motherfuckin’ Potter OC Pt. 2
Basic Information
Full Name: Eden Dolion Alaister-Harrow
Meanings: Eden; Place of pleasure and delight, Dolion; Deceit & Betrayal, Pagonis; Peacock/Vain & Showy, Harrow; To Ravage/Plunder/Seize or Capture
Nickname(s): Crow, Peacock, Big Bastard, Shifty Shit
Birthday: 9/24/1979 (Month/Day/Year)
Age: Eleven (At start); Twelve (when in school)
Zodiac: Libra
Gender: Nobody knows (Genderless/Neutral/Intersex/Fluid)
Pronouns: They/Them He/Him She/Her (They do not care)
Romantic Orientation: Biromantic
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: African-American/Greek
Current Location (Home): New York & Washington
Living Conditions: High-Class, Cleanly, safe
Title(s): The Bosses Kid, Next in Line, Underboss, Second in Command
Birthplace: Jersey City, New Jersey
Hometown: Stenhekin, Washington
Social Class: Upper/Higher Class
Education Level: Slightly elevated/Eighth Grade
Father: Alfe Bertrand Harrow (Wizard/Unknown Location)
Mother: Kalma Solanine Alaister (Mob Boss/Alive)
Sibling(s): None
Birth Order: N/A
Children: N/A
Pet(s): Parson’s Chameleon (Fem;Named Chel), White Bellbird (Male;Named Albert Anastasia)
Other Important Relatives: Aunt (Runs personal Safe House; Named Dionisia Hemkock Alaister)
Previous Relationships: None
Arrests: Wanted American Criminal
Prison Time: Over one life sentence
Occupation & Income
Primary Source of Income: Working under Mother (Mafia)
Secondary Source of Income: Mixologist/Bartender (Illegally)
Tertiary Source of Income: Underground Fight/Dog Fight ring (Super Illegal)
Approximate Amount Per Year: $3,476,450 USD (£672843.95 Pounds)
Content with their Job (Or Lack their Of): Entirely Content in their situation
Past Job(s): Barista
Spending Habits: Fast Food, plushies, weapons of all kinds
Most Valuable Possession: A Dakin Garfield Plush
Skills & Abilities (Ten point scale)
Physical Strength: 8/10
Offense: 10/10
Defense: 7/10
Speed: 8/10
Intelligence: 6/10
Accuracy: 8/10
Agility: 8/10
Stamina: 10/10
Teamwork: 5/10
Talents: Hand to hand combat, Marksmanship/Gun wielding, knife combat, blunt object combat, chemical weaponry, torture techniques, leadership, planing, intimidation
Shortcomings: Magic, listening, anger management
Language(s) Spoken: English (American & British), Modern Greek, Slav-Macedonian
Drive?: Able too (illegally)
Jump-start a Car?: Able too
Change a Flat Tire?: Able too
Ride a Bicycle?: Not able too
Swim?: Able too
Play an Instrument?: If screaming counts
Play Chess?: Not able too
Braid Hair?: Able too
Tie a Tie?: Able too
Pick a Lock?: Able too
Physical Appearance & Characteristics
Face Claim:
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(Found on Pinterest!! If anyone finds the original, please tell me so I can credit!!!)
Eye Color: Deep Brown/Black
Hair Color: Black
Hair Type/Style: Voluminous & Fluffy, curly and course; Large Afro puff that covers the eyes and stops on the bridge of the nose, back stops at the bottom of the head.
Glasses/Contacts: Needs reading glasses
Dominant Hand: Left hand
Height: Six ft One in; 182 cm
Weight: 150 lbs; 68 kg
Build: Sleeper
Exercise Habits: Every other day;Switch arms and legs every other day
Skin Tone: Dark brown with deep brown freckles
Tattoos: A Family Crest on the chest (above the heart) and sleeve of ravens/crows/the night
Piercings: Full ear, septum, snake bites, tongue, sternum
Marks/Scars: In general around the chest/neck/face; bullet grazing on the neck, rope burns on arms/chest, bullet wounds on one knee, a thin scar across the eye (no blinding)
Notable Features: Sharp teeth (shark-like), painted nails (usually black, green, or gold)
Usual Expression: A wide grin, teeth on full display; muscles are usually tensed (only un-tensed around trusted friends/family); eyes are wide and alert
Clothing Style: Black Tie/Formal; Suits, ties, long cocktail dresses, lace/velvet gloves, etc
Jewelry: A silver tooth, family ring on right pinky finger
Allergies: Fur, peanuts
Body Temperature: 99° F (37.2° C)
Diet: High carb, many vegetables, many fruits, hates banana
Physical Ailments: Ears are a bit shot/slightly deaf (blame the gunshots)
Jung Type: ESTJ-A
Jung Subtype: Extorvert
Enneagram Type:
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Moral Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Temperament: Sanguine/Chloeric
Element: Air/Fire
Primary Intelligence Type: Itrapersonal Intelligence
Approximate IQ: 120
Mental Conditions/Disorders: Paranoia, PTSD, schizoaffective disorder, BPD
Sociability: Extremely
Emotional Stability: Extremely Unstable
Obsession(s): Friendships/Relationships
Compulsion(s): Making sure area/position/place/building is safe, checking on friends to make sure they’re safe
Phobia(s): Autophobia, Aphenphosmphobia
Addiction(s): None
Drug Use: Cigar (tobacco)
Alcohol Use: Various kinds
Prone to Violence?: Absolutely, Extremely
Speech Style: Constantly joking with dark humor, uses formal language
Accent: Slight New York
Quirks: Runs fingers through hair, bites tongue and lips till they bleed
Hobbies: Mixology, roller skating, assembling/dissembling weapons
Habits: Spinning pencil/pen like a butterfly knife, unneeded flirting
Nervous Ticks: Punching solid objects, scratching skin
Drives/Motivations: Money, making others uncomfortable, defending friends
Fears: Getting kidnapped, Mother betraying them/Betraying their Mother, killing Mother
Positive Traits: Fiercely loyal, somewhat logical, physically inclined
Negative Traits: Batshit insane, heavy trigger finger, incredibly violent
Sense of Humor: Extremely dark and constant, a coping mechanism
Do they Curse Often?: All the God Damn time
Catchphrase(s): “Now, let’s fight like real men.” “Jesus motherfucking CHRIST.” “I’m going to rip your nerves out and tie you into a braided knot.”
Activity: Mixing drinks, rolling blunts, making money
Animal: Chameleon’s, Lyrebird
Beverage: Fluffy Duck (alcohol)
Book: Mob Girl ~ Teresa Carpenter
Celerity: Al Capone
Color: Teal, Crimson
Designer: Christian Lacroix
Food: Deep Dish Pizza, Strawberry ice cream
Flower: Chrysanthemum
Gem: Pearls
Holiday: Mother’s Birthday
Mode of Transportation: Car
Movie: The Godfather
Musical Artist: Frank Sinatra
Quote/Saying: “Gag me with a Spoon.”
Scenery: A dark warehouse only lit but a single cigar
Scent: Tobacco and gunpowder mixed with blood
Sport: Baseball
Television Show: Family Matters
Weather: slightly overcast, little humid
Vacation Destination: The Bahamas
Greatest Dream: To take over the Family Business
Greatest Fear: Failing Mother
Most at Ease When: With Mother/Friends
Least at Ease When: Alone with their thoughts
Worst Possible thing that could Happen: Mother dies by their hand
Biggest Achievement: Taking down a rival groups kid
Biggest Regret: Getting close to that kid and gaining genuine love/respect for them
Most Embarrassing Moment: Walked in on a meeting in pajamas
Biggest Secret: Has killed a few wizards (both knowing and unknowingly)
Top Priorities: Keeping friends safe, pleasing Mother, keeping Mafia safe
House: Slytherin
Wand: Pine wood with a phoenix feather core, 13 and rigid flexibility
Standing: Half-Blood, Metamorphmagus/Animagi
Animagus: Lyrebird
Pet: White Bellbird (Male; Albert Anastasia)
Top Classes: Transfiguration & Charms
Affinity For?: Dark Magic
Affiliation: Our fuckass group (name work in progress)
Eden was born to a single mother in the heart of New Jersey, and immediately their fate was set in stone.
They were destined to take on their mother’s business, being taught for day one that the world was cruel and not worth any light, only the darkness they will inevitably find.
They were hidden from public view for years, which severely impacted their psyche. Declared criminally insane, that’s what they all said Eden would be when they finally started to work…
It was fine, fun even! to be covered head to toe in the sticky red substance that others would call blood. What they did came naturally, weapons becoming an extension of themself. Teeth, bones, severed limbs, they all became trophies that proved Eden earned their spot next to Mother, as the Underboss.
It came as a shock that they were of magical descent, never believing in the mythological. There was no point, no physical evidence, at least, not until Eden subconsciously transformed into a past victim when speaking about the things they did to his corpse. Sure, they were used to looks of fear from their men but damn that weren’t this bad before.
It was a weird talk, having to hear about their Father who wore robes n’ shit and cast spell and blah blah blah, they honestly fell asleep in the middle of it all.
It ended with them getting a bunch of… Knuts, sickles and galleons?? And told they were going to a magic school for a couple years and that it would be safer????? Alrighty then, whatever Mother says goes.
Now they’re here, traumatized and tired, riddled with dark humor and the tiniest understanding of magic, a weird ass stick and some other guys.
Maybe they can make a Wizard mafia… wonder if any of these stick twiddlers know how to fight fist to fist.
They have killed before and will do it again.
If you really wanna get to know this bitch you’re gonna have to PRY-
They bring roller skates to Hogwarts and rollerblade around but always keep them under their cloak, so people just think their fast as fuck boiiii
Can and will tell you how to disassemble any gun imaginable and perfectly rebuild it from memory but will struggle with basic grammar
Can only swim due to assassination attempts. Can also taste/smell many types of poisons, same reason
They’ve beat up Draco before.
Fucking hate Dumblebitch (real)
They once opened an underground bar for ghosts and only closed it when the ghost started acting batshit insane and drunk and the smell could be traced back to the Slytherin
(Any questions please ask I’ll probably write a more cohesive backstory later I’m tired lololol. Questions are more than welcome tho I did make this bitch on a whim!!!)
@libraryraccoon I deserve a damn award for this.
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localkiss · 1 month
omg hihihi <33 i love your nana pfp EEE that anime is amazing, are there any other ones that you like?
hiii!!! It's a long list. Here is what I can remember rn. I've watched soo many things, it's hard to keep track!
I like Kamisama kiss, I want to eat your pancreas, horimiya, my little monster, basically all studio Ghibli films (heavy on ponyo and howls moving castle!!), fruits basket, your lie in april, maid sama, Kimi ni todoke, a silent voice, full metal alchemist (i want edward elric so bad.. lord help me), weathering with you (sobbed so hard😭), 5 cm per second, blue spring ride, orange, my love story, kiss him not me, itakiss, ride your wave, black clover, black butler, ergo proxy, princess yona, the wallflower, noragami, sounds of life, jjk, summertime rendering (a lil weird at first...), aot, mha, Tokyo ghoul, death parade (decim... 😋), a whisker away, josee the tiger and the fish, your name, the garden of words, road to you, avatar the last airbender, the legend of korra. That's all I can think of ☺️!
(this look me like 15 mins I swear 😭)
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the6pathsofpain · 2 years
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5 cm per second is the eternal truth of life
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