#59 interrupted declaration of love
quail-in-red · 6 months
Uhh mashup! drarry + 58 Accidental Eavesdropping and 59 Interrupted Declaration of Love. Yay!
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Ron is best boy
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sionisjaune · 5 months
59. interrupted declaration of love + 90. unexpected virgin....? -kane :)
The way I've been seeing this url in my notes for WEEKS and did not put together that it was you... here you go:
Lewis is cooking dinner, monologuing about what happened when he met Rick Owens, how he tried on the giant acrylic platform heels and nearly tumbled flat on his face. Mick watches him gesticulate affably in front of the floor-to-ceiling kitchen window, the smoggy skyline of New York unfurling behind him. Mick clenches his fists under the table, listening to Lewis explain how he wants to try the shoes again, wants to practice in them so he can wear them through the paddock and piss the geriatric fucking oil barons off—Lewis’s words. Mick feels bad about interrupting, but he has to say it before he loses the nerve. 
“Lewis,” he says, abortively. He feels his cheeks heating. Now that he’s paused, it’s going to be a thousand times harder to get the words out. He sets his jaw and makes himself say it. The words exit his mouth in a jumble: “I have—feelings for you.” 
Lewis drops the spatula he was working with, and his head snaps towards Mick. Mick’s heart nearly arrests right there, under Lewis’s assessing gaze. The careful opaqueness of Lewis’s face is going to break his heart—Mick knows it. He readies himself for the worst possible reaction, which he figures will be pity. that someone like Mick loves someone like Lewis. 
Lewis blinks. The pan on the stovetop steams and sizzles. “Oh thank God,” says Lewis. “I thought I was wrong and that I invited you here for nothing.” He wipes his brow, cracking a relieved smile. Something tender and happy unfolds inside Mick’s chest. He watches Lewis flick off the stove while Mick’s hands shake, his fingertips pressed into his thighs. 
“Let’s not even bother with this,” says Lewis, nudging the pan off the stove. “I want to fuck you so badly. God. Can I say that?” 
All of a sudden Lewis is crossing the open-concept apartment, his bare feet on the ridiculously ornate tiles, and Mick is still frozen at the dining room table, distantly aware that his mouth has dropped open and that he must be staring at Lewis with awe in his eyes. It’s almost like he can’t believe it. He doesn’t believe it, even though he heard it from Lewis’s mouth. 
Lewis pauses half a metre away from Mick. Mick finds himself tilting his head up to look Lewis in the eye. 
“I thought Seb was going to kill me,” said Lewis. “I felt so… dirty? I haven’t felt that way for… at least a decade.” He takes another step towards Mick and reaches for Mick’s jaw. “Is this okay?” 
Mick feels himself nod. Then Lewis’s lips are meeting his, his mouth is opening to Mick’s, and Mick is hauling himself out of his chair to mold his body to Lewis’s while he kisses him. Lewis rakes a hand through Mick’s scalp, fingers closing around a fistful of hair, and Mick lets himself be led to the sofa. Lewis pushes him down onto it, their mouths never parting, and climbs on top of Mick. 
“You’re so fucking hot,” says Lewis, when he pushes Mick’s shirt up above his nipples. Mick experiences a double rush of arousal at the feeling of Lewis’s hand tracing his abdomen and the idea that Lewis thinks he’s hot. 
Lewis ducks back in to kiss him again, and feeling bold, Mick reaches around to hook a few fingers into the belt loops on Lewis’s jeans and pull his hips against Mick’s. Lewis groans, rolling his hips into Mick’s erection, and a shock of ecstasy pulses up Mick’s spine. He momentarily loses his coordination and finds his lips mouthing messily at Lewis’s beard. 
Lewis chuckles like it amuses him, and then his hand is slipping down Mick’s abs and towards the elastic waistband that’s peeking out of Mick’s jeans. “Tommy—I like it,” Lewis murmurs, into Mick’s neck. His hand travels further, thumbing over the button of Mick’s jeans, popping it open, and then—
“Wait,” says Mick, tearing his mouth from Lewis’s. “Just. Hold on a second.” He swallows, working up the nerve for the second time this evening. “I’ve… never. With a guy.” 
“Oh,” says Lewis, pulling back. There’s an impossible flush on his cheeks. His hand remains where it is. Mick swears that his pupils have dilated, that there's a crazed light shining behind his eyes. “Okay,” he tilts his head from side to side. “I can work with that.” He dives back in.
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autumn816 · 6 months
59 Interrupted Declaration of Love and 14 Bodyguard AU!! <3
So I might have written a scene instead. I used this universe.
George wipes his knife on the handkerchief, the material darkening from the blood. “Well, that wasn’t too bad, was it?”
Lewis raises an eyebrow, looking up at George from where he is crouching down and searching for something in the dead man’s jacket. “You say that because you won’t be the one cleaning the mess.”
“You won’t be either. We have a cleaning crew for a reason.”
George looks around at the mass of dead bodies, floor covered in blood. Yeah, that’s gonna be a lot of work. He makes a mental note to send a gift or something to the cleaning crew for their efforts.
Lewis finally finds the chip he was searching for and stands up. “How far away did they say they were?”
“5 minutes.”
“Good.” Lewis walks up to George. He licks his thumb before wiping away the blood on George’s cheek. “You should clean yourself up. I have a spare set of clothes in the car.”
George pulls at Lewis’ other arm, guiding it to wrap around his waist. He presses their stomachs together and leans in to whisper in the older man’s ear. “Or we can make the best out of these 5 minutes and do something else.” He kisses the tattoo behind Lewis’ ear.
Lewis twists his head and catches George’s lips into his own, kissing him for a solid fifteen seconds. “Nice try but if any of them tells Susie they saw you like this, she’ll have my head.”
“Scared of her, are you?”
“She assigned me as your bodyguard. I’m supposed to protect you, not involve you in these things.”
“I can protect myself.”
“I know.” Lewis steals another kiss. “And you look very hot doing that.”
George grins against Lewis’ lips. “I lo–”
Lights flicker through the window, lighting up the dark room. George and Lewis break apart.
“I thought you said 5 minutes.” Lewis’ forehead crinkles.
“They did.”
Both George and Lewis press themselves against the wall on either side of the window. Lewis peeks through the gap of the curtain and the window. “That’s not them.”
“Blimey!” George whistles when he sees the silver car. “That’s a fancy car. Can we take it with us?”
Lewis pulls out his gun. “The one with the most kills gets it?”
George smirks, pulling out his gun as well. “You’re on.”
Mash-up trope
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 2 months
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starsfic · 9 months
59 81 Mollibby and (former) Mollie
59. Interrupted Declaration of Love and 81. The Missus and the Ex
It's not that Molly didn't like hanging out with Libby. On the contrary, she loved her girlfriend. It was just annoying to have the weekend she intended to confess how much she loved her to be the same weekend of the annual ghost-hunting convention.
The one where Libby had won tickets to meet Ollie Chen.
Molly's ex boyfriend.
Yeah, this weekend could be better.
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theramenbandit · 4 years
20 and 59 for the mashup au prompts. Any pairing that strikes your fancy :)
From this post here 
Describe how I’ll combine them: Co-teachers to lovers via secret admirer shenanigans.
“And don’t forget, project drafts are due next Thursday.”
So far, so good, Lena thinks as she gathers up her belongings and heads out the door of her first class of the day. She likes it here in Midvale. It’s a lot slower, a lot quieter, a lot--
Force, mass, velocity, something bumps into her hard.
“Oh shoot! I am so sorry. Here…” 
The woman who apparently was the thing that bumped into her bends down and picks her things up off the floor. 
Lena is, of course, properly miffed and halfway to a firm scolding until the woman straightens up again and Lena forgets how talking works for a moment.
Her hair is flowing in golden locks and the bluest eyes she had ever seen are looking at her from behind dark-rimmed glasses.
“Wait, you’re the new girl, right? Lena from Metropolis?” 
“Yes,” Lena clears her throat. “Yes, that’s me.”
“Sorry about that,” the woman says nervously. “Let me make it up to you. Lunch in the hall at lunchtime?”
Lena should say no. She’s not here to make friends. But the blonde is cute and her shoulders are...nice. So…
The blonde gives her a thumbs up and turns to leave, but quickly turns around and jogs back to where Lena is standing mutely. 
“It’s Kara, by the way.” She extends a hand towards Lena in introduction. “Kara Danvers. I teach English.”
Kara Danvers takes it upon herself to be Lena from Metropolis’ first ever official work friend.
Lena loses a fight with the coffee maker. She’d been having a bad day already, see. Her mother had called this morning, so naturally, by the time the damn machine stopped working, she was on the brink of tears. 
“Hey there, is everything alright?” Kara asks cautiously as she walks into the break area. 
“Everything is fucking dandy, thanks.” Lena growls, angrily swiping a hand at her eyes.
“Whoa, okay… You know, Noonan’s is right over there and your next class isn’t til 3, we could--”
“How did you know that?”
Kara casually points to the schedule on the board behind her.
Lena only growls again.
“Okay, you’re really wound up. Come on, a walk could do you some good.”
Kara learns that Lena is here as a middle school science teacher because she wants to prove something to her mother. And the pressure is getting to her.
“Sometimes you don't have to do amazing, just have to do your best.” Kara says reasonably. “Look, you're great and your students love you. So don't worry about what your mother says. Judge your work by the proper standard or... something.”
Lena chuckles at that. Kara was probably right. 
"Thank you. I… I really needed that." 
Kara nods sagely and continues to sip at her iced coffee. "What are friends for?" 
The note is simple and plain and handwritten and she has absolutely no idea what it means. Or who it’s from, for that matter.
It’s, well... It’s notes. The note contains notes. That much she can suppose from the five lines and the G-clef and the black dots staring back at her. She looks around for anyone who might have left it there by accident, but she’s alone in the faculty room. What’s more, the note is wedged between the pages of her lesson plan for today, the only thing currently lying on her desk. Frowning, she looks back down at the small piece of paper and shoves it into one of her drawers. She’ll decide what to do with it later.
The note notes are piling up now and she thinks this might be something worth investigating. She'd gotten three more over the last week, each with the same handwriting and the same paper, but the notes on the staff (she does know some things) seemed to be different every time. She lines them up in order of the dates she got them and squints intensely at them, daring the offending dots to tell her what the hell is going on. 
Kara's eyes widen in horror when she walks into the faculty room and sees Lena glaring at the notes. 
Her notes. 
She quickly makes to get out again but Lena's already seen her. 
"Kara, hey!" 
"Hi, what's up?" the blonde responds, her voice suddenly pitchy. 
"Can you help me figure this out?" She scoots over as Kara leans into her space and over her desk. 
"Oh, they're notes," Kara tries nonchalantly. 
"I can see that," Lena deadpans. "Notes to what?" 
"Ehm, well this is a G, and this is a D… That's an E minor… It's a song."
Lena fights the urge to dramatically roll her eyes. "Do you know what song it is?" 
Dammit, this is wonderful. 
"It could be any song, Lena." 
She's still trying to dodge it but Lena is adamant. And Kara doesn't want to lie, but she doesn't want to be found out, either. 
"Uh... I could play it and maybe we can figure it out?" 
"Okay, let's try that." 
The music room is empty, much to Kara's eternal chagrin, so she and Lena walk up to the piano and she starts to play the notes that Lena holds up in front of her. 
"It's Elvis," Kara says simply. 
Lena soon recognizes the tune and starts to hum along with the keys. Just then, Kara slowly looks up from her seat and is mesmerized by the sight: the light is hitting Lena's face just so, illuminating the lines of her jaw, the curve of her lips, the dark red of her hair. She wishes she could stay in this moment forever. And if Lena were paying attention, she would notice that Kara wasn't even looking at the notes anymore. She was playing by heart. 
"Oh, that's sweet," Lena whispers when the tune is done. "And you never told me you could play." 
"My dad taught me the basics. The rest I figured out myself," Kara says quietly. 
"Aren't you full of surprises?" 
"It might be Mike, you know, that guy from the marching band? He is objectively good looking." 
"He chews with his mouth open." 
"Ooh, could it be Jack from phys ed?" He walks around with a guitar most Fridays." 
"Lena, Jack is so gay for the bar owner and you know it." 
"Well, who could it be?" 
Me, Kara wants to say. But she doesn't. She doesn't want to make things weird. 
They're sitting on the bleachers during the afternoon break, Lena leaning into her side munching on the donuts Kara had gotten for them. It wasn't hard for them to fall into this sort of easy companionship. Kara was open and friendly, and Lena, once her walls had gone down, was sharp and fascinating. And Kara fears that the feelings she's developed might ruin whatever this was that they had. So instead of being honest with herself, she just shrugs and bites sullenly into her own donut. 
"It could be anyone." 
People are starting to notice how often they are together, start talking about how cute they look next to each other. And so people waste no time in throwing them into each other's paths, especially since prom is three days away. 
“Come ON, Lena!” Kara yells as she grabs Lena’s hand and drags her to the dance floor. Lena tries her best until she isn’t so much trying as she is struggling to keep up with Kara, who seems to have only got more hyper as the night wore on. But the joy on her face is infectious, and honestly, if she got to see this every day, Lena wouldn’t mind.
The song ends and the band’s vocalist approaches the mic.
"Hey, hey, everybody, y’all having a good time?” 
The crowd whoops in affirmation. 
“Alright! Well I think it’s about the proper hour, so we’re gonna slow things down a bit starting with a classic.” 
The opening strains of a piano-driven ballad fill the air, and Kara politely extends a hand towards Lena.
Lena accepts.
Wise men say only fools rush in / But I can’t help falling in love with you
The world around them dissolves as they sway together, Kara’s hand gentle against the small of Lena’s back, Lena’s arm reaching up behind Kara’s shoulder. 
“It’s Elvis,” Kara whispers against her hair.
“It was you,” Lena chuckles in response.
“You knew?” Kara says as she draws back to look at her.
“No. But I was kinda hoping.” She smiles warmly and Kara has never seen anything more beautiful in her life.
“You’re not mad?”
“Darling, why would I be mad?” Lena lifts her hand to brush it across Kara’s cheek. “You had me at Oh Shoot."
Kara laughs as she ducks her head in embarrassment and Lena cannot help but join her. 
"I'd really like to kiss you right now."
"Please do."
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leiakenobi · 2 years
For the prompts!
19. Summer camp AU and 59. Interrupted Declaration of Love for Finn/Poe pretty please!❤
Send in 2 numbers and a character or ship and I’ll write a lil blurb!!
Oh my, Em, this is a superb combo!!!
And surprise, I ended up writing what amounts to an 850 word summary of a much longer theoretical fic, so we'll pop it under a cut.
Right off the bat, I'm picturing a larger sleepaway camp that spans middle and high school, with Poe as a counselor for the youngest kiddos and Finn as a counselor for incoming juniors or seniors.
Poe is so good with the younger kids, of course he is. He comforts the ones who are missing home because it's their first time away from their parents for so long, he's great at reorienting their energy and keeping up with how lively they are. And obviously the older kids can be a handful too, but Finn can be a little more subdued with them and he takes them seriously and talks to them like equals, which they like and respect.
They've both been working the camp together for a few years, now, and they've become real close and last summer, the last night there was this moment where they were sitting up late together on the last night and Poe was thinking about maybe, possibly just...
But he'd lost his nerve.
And then this summer they get back for the all-staff meeting before campers are due to arrive the next day, and they fall back into their old vibe so quickly and so easily and Poe lies awake half the night thinking about it, and then the other half of the night hyping himself up to pull Finn away from breakfast and confess his feelings.
Unfortunately for Poe, his sleepless night leads to him accidentally sleeping through breakfast. He stumbles out of bed and cleans himself a little bit, but he feels like a mess and looks it, too, by the way Finn asks if he feels alright when he barely makes it to the meeting that morning on time.
But Finn's eyes are so kind when he asks...
The second the meeting is over, Poe nudges Finn's side and mumbles, "Hey, can we talk for a sec?"
On the shore of the little lake where they've spent countless hours over the past few years -- laughing over the campers during the day, chatting in the dead of night when their kids have gone to bed -- Poe fidgets with his hands and gets about as far as, "I've just been thinking... I'd really like it if maybe..."
And then, from a little further along the shore, one of the other counselors calls out to tell them that the first bus of campers is arriving.
Poe feels like an idiot until Finn squeezes his arm and says, "We'll finish this tonight, okay?" and the sweet smile playing at Finn's lips is telling enough.
Poe's not anxious in the slightest, now.
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callivich · 3 years
Oh, oh, oh, 59 + 60, Calli, please 😍
Hi Evie! Thanks for the ask! 💖
59. Interrupted Declaration of Love + 60. Poorly Timed Confession =
As Ned is operating on Mickey after he gets shot, Ian is next to him. Mickey reaches out and grabs Ian’s wrist, squeezing it because he’s in so much pain. He doesn’t seem to realise he’s doing it. Something about the whole crazy situation makes Ian do something without thinking. He leans down and whispers “I lo-” but before he can actually say “I love you”, Mickey is shouting out in pain as Ned gets last bullet (or should it be described as a shotgun pellet?) out. Later, Ian doesn’t think Mickey realised what he’d been about to say but when they are alone the next day - Mickey says “hope you weren’t gonna say what I think you were gonna say while I was ass out on your kitchen counter….”
Fanfic Trope Mashup
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strawberryjamsara · 3 years
59 + 30 for keishin?
59. Interrupted declaration of love
30. Holiday fic
Established dating fic, Shin is being forced to dress up as Santa for his job, “since he’s so good with kids” so now he’s dressed up in an oven of a suit asking kids what they want for Christmas. Keiji visits him during work, mostly to tease him, and at one point when Shin is on his break, he’s giving Keiji a piece of his mind, and Keiji is about to say something to knock Shin off his feet, and then some kids come in and are like “SANTA?! :o” and Shin is like “Hohoho that’s right children! Merry Christmas!” And Keiji can no longer flirt with Shin without traumatizing these poor children
Send me a ship and two tropes and I’ll tell you how I’d combine them in a story
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internalsealpanic · 3 years
Love Through the Ages (Jason Todd)
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Summary:  Love like baggage needs to be declared.
a/n: This is part three of a series that is a fic rec list disguised as a fic. For these fics, most of the characters will be speaking different languages, so unless specified otherwise assume that the characters are speaking in the first language I mention. They’re all vampires with centuries under their belt. Why wouldn’t I make them all polyglots.  Also, thank you to the proof reading gang for putting up with my shenanigans.  I will have links to the fics I recommend in the fic itself. ALSO, y'all can thank @littleredwing89 for the poem that comes up.
Warnings: Everyone is dramatic.
Series Masterlist.
You tap at your phone screen, planting seeds in a satisfyingly hypnotic rhythm, the sounds of the train vacillating in and out of your periphery. It was soothing having your own compartment, a little world you can isolate yourself in while you anxiously await for the inevitable. 
It wasn’t a secret that you found Gotham stressful. It was about as much a secret as Tony Stark’s civilian identity. You pulled your knees up to your chest at the thought. Big cities were stressful but Gotham was a different beast entirely. It was a writhing monster of steel and smoke. You wrinkle your nose deciding to sweep the thought away. 
Instead, you concentrate on your plants and your farm. You wince looking at your journal. It looks like you’d forgotten another quest. Pursing your lips, you decide to turn your phone off for a bit and pretend the NPCs can sort it out on their own as you look out the window. 
You lean against the wall, pressing your cheek to the cool window. You can’t help but smile to yourself thinking of a sea of black curly hair interrupted by a shock of white, sea green eye perpetually alight with mischief or intelligence (9 times out of 10, you really couldn’t tell which it was.), freckles like star map, and a mouth permanently set in a cocky grin. It’s hard not to smile like an idiot when thinking of Jason Todd.  
   Your skirt flutters in the wind as you dance your way through the crowd, bobbing up and down on your tiptoes over the sea of humans. Sometimes the smell of them still makes your mouth water but not now, not when the smell of Gotham is so pungent in the air. 
You see a gloved hand wave at you on the other side of the crowd. You pin your sunhat against your head as you rush through the crowd, your luggage dragging behind you.
Jason waves a two fingered salute at  you in front of a motorcycle, his foot clearly stomping a cigarette. You toss your hat to him. It flutters over the crowd. Jason catches it easily, putting it on his own head. 
"Hey Princess, welcome back." Jason greets, the syllables of your native French gliding off of his tongue so easily. Fighting down a blush, you swallow your own greeting. Jason would have been a great ambassador in a different life were he not inclined to murder someone with a desert spoon for being a jackass.
He offers his hat back to you, but you shake your head. "You might freckle too much in Gotham's sunny weather." He gives you a hearty chuckle keeping the hat on. 
"Missed you too, princess."
You roll your eyes. Pinching your nose, you look around. "You forgot to tell me to bring a gas mask."
"Every city smells like this."
"Darling, you've been in Gotham for too long."
"And you've been in your French villa for too long." Jason says, putting his sunglasses on you. You glare at him through them.
"First of all, it's a cottage."
Jason snorts, "As if that makes a difference. It's still in the idyllic French countryside, isn't it?"
"I rest my case."
You cross your arms. "You're welcome to visit, you know?" It was a hopeful suggestion at best. 
"We both know the quiet will drive me crazy."
"I said visit," you say, "besides, I think the train ride alone would drive you up the wall." You remember how Jason is with tight spaces.
"Not with you there." Jason winks.
Your heart presses a bruise into your throat and you hate Jason Peter Todd all over again. 
"Ah yes, you plan on driving me mad. Evil. Truly evil of you." You say, grinning back at him. 
"Here's a wild idea, how bout we just not listen to Roy? How does that sound?" Jason gently suggests, handing you your offensively pink cup of caffeinated goop. Jason can smell the sickening amount of sweeteners added. He might gag. 
"Nope," you say, smiling at him as you slurp your ooze. Jason's stomach rolls. Alfred would have an aneurysm. "He was even nice enough to get us both tickets." You hand him one, fingers brushing against his. They felt calloused as they always did. Jason suppresses any oncoming reaction.
He instead turns his attention to the ticket in his hands. Love Through the Ages: Gotham Museum Exhibition on expressions of love. Jason runs through the numbers. "These are $59 each."
"So sweet of him, isn't it?" You chirp adorably.
Jason makes a mental note to kill both of you. "You're only going along with this cus you want to watch me suffer." Jason says, slumping his chair. His foot kicks out to tap your foot. 
"I'm doing it affectionately," you say, tapping his foot with yours. "Besides, it's a universal pass time at this point." You swirl your drink and grin at him. It was your real grin, all bright and eager and stupidly sweet. Something in Jason's chest twists. It's always hard to breathe when you smile at him but really Jason would rather all the oxygen in the atmosphere be burned up than see your smile disappear. 
He sounds dramatic and he knows that but still he knows it's true.
"C'mon Jay, it'll be fun."
Shoulders slouched, Jason smiles at you indulgently. "Fun for who?"
"Mainly me but you can have fun too."
"You are so lucky you're adorable when you're being evil."
Your smile brightens and with a tap of his foot against yours, he thinks he'll survive whatever Roy has in store for him.
You and Jason have been walking around the museum for quite a bit with Jason's arm wrapped tightly around your shoulders and homicide radiating off of him every time someone even looks at you funny. He'd said that the arm slung around your shoulder was so that you wouldn't get lost. As for the homicide,  he elected to ignore the question entirely. 
You flush as Jason quotes another line from 'Master Valentine' back to you. You definitely regret letting him house sit. You regret even more not hiding your books. You squirm as Jason whispers the quote in your ear in a husky drawl. The erotica in the book is amazing and you're normally comfortable with talking to Jason about everything, but this- this was just cruel and unusual punishment. It's what you get for trying to make him suffer.
All the pet names he murmured in your ear crawled up your spine. You shove his face away hiding your own in your sleeve. He laughs into your hand enjoying your sudden bout of shyness.
Jason mumbles a half-hearted apology into your hand, pressing a soft kiss into your palm. You lower your head. You're still clearly avoiding his gaze but you let him press you to his side. Jason Todd is an asshole.
You point to a pair of ice skates so well worn and well loved that you almost miss the little penguins stitched on the side. "Love on the ice? That's so cute!"
Jason glances at them with mild interest. "Sounds like hypothermia." He says, shrugging. 
Swatting at his chest, you pout at him. He rolls his eyes nudging your shoulder with his. You scowl at him and stick your tongue out. Jason leans down, unable to stop the urge to press a kiss to your brow. You scowl even harder. 
"Admit it, doll. The whole exhibition is just Dickie's favorite fanfiction tropes."
"Professor Todd, be a dear and enlighten my troglodyte ass."
He snorts, "Princess, if I was a professor we both know I'd have the highest attendance rate."
"And the highest failure rate." You say cocking a brow. 
"You're terribly humble today."
"I just know I look good."
No, you don't, you think. You shake your head. "That explains the leather jacket."
"You love my leather jacket."
"Well, Biscuit certainly loved your previous one."
Jason wrinkled his nose thinking of the yellow disaster. "That dog was a menace."
"She is the sweetest creature on earth."
"She destroyed my jacket and ate my wallet AND phone."
"I never said she was smart... wait, we're getting off topic."
Jason narrows his eyes at you then points to a crown. It was an intricate lattice of silvers and golds with diamonds that glittered like starlight. "Royal AU," he says simply, "go on read the description."
"A prince and a princess from rival nations are bound by a marriage of convenience. Through a series of missteps. They fell for each other.... that one was pretty easy. Do it again."
He points to a blue feather. "Mythology AU."
You arch a brow at him. He waves at it, urging you to read. "A god descended to earth to be with his mortal lover only for him to lose his memories of her." The feather's glow is incandescent. You can feel the power radiating off of it, a sure sign of divinity.
Once, you would have brushed it off as mere story. You've spent more than twice your lifetime now dipped into the world of myths. You glance at Jason.  Simple divinity no longer fazes you.
"I- Nope."
"You're just being stubborn."
"Would you have been my friend if I wasn't?" Would you have saved me if I wasn't?
You think Jason hears your unspoken question when he frowns. Instead, he turns on his heel to face the other direction. He points to a bouquet of wilted roses tied together by a green ribbon. They still smell of blood and something you couldn't identify.  Your eyes drift down curious. Your eyes trace over the words feeling your stomach tumble.
"Gruesome." Jason vocalizes inanely. He hooks his head on the crown of your head, neatly slotting your body under his. You're safe, surrounded by walls of muscle. The crease in your brow softens. You would think that Jason would be less protective after you'd turned but now that you were a vampire, he was somehow even more protective. Roy always joked you only got Biscuit and your other dogs as lap dogs because you already had Jason. He may not have been too off on his guess.
"This should be in a horror exhibit," you say leaning into Jason's chest, "kind of reminds me of you though." You tilt your head up grinning at him. 
"If you make a joke about me being jack the ripper again, I swear I'll-"
"-Bury me alive 6 feet under concrete with a recording of Roy singing Auld Lang Syne in a terrible British accent. Got it. What I meant was... you're just as protective as the man in the story." You say, smiling at him. 
For good reason, Jason thinks. 
Jason buries half of his face in your hair, hiding his answering smile. You smell like sugar and cinnamon. It's a familiar combination of smells that puts him at ease despite the atrocious amount of people in the museum.
You point to another artifact, afraid that you'd accidentally picked at an old wound. 
"Star-crossed lovers." He mumbles into your hair. 
"Read it and weep, doll."
You read the plaque and the words 'meet' and 'different world' assault your eyes. You scowl at him. "Fuck you."
The grin on Jason's face is genuine. It makes something in your veins sing knowing how much fun he's having. 
Your face softens. "You really love this romance stuff, huh?"
Jason narrows his eyes at you.
"You were the one bawling your eyes out when we binged Spaces Between Us. Who the hell cries during erotica?"
"IT'S TRUE LOVE AND YOU KNOW IT IN YOUR SOUL," you protest, pounding your fist against his chest,"besides, you're the one who was crying nonstop when we watched the IDHY duology."
"I was crying because they were accurate book adaptations."
You blink at him confused. "There's a book?"
"Yes, you illiterate heathen."
"You sound like a conquistador."
"At least they got their happy ending." You say, changing the subject.  
"That's true."
"Still better than Titanic."
He furrows his brow at you. "What's wrong with the Titanic?"
"First of all," You pitch your shoulders like you're about to give him a lecture, "That was 3 hours of my life wasted on a shitty movie. It wasn't even that accurate."
"Princess, not everyone can survive the Arctic."
"And second, the most romantic scene in that romantic movie was the old couple staying together as they sank."
Jason laughs, a deep rumbling sound. It scrambles your brain, almost dissolving your annoyance until he opens his mouth again. "You sound like Damian."
"Jason Peter Todd, take that back." You screech, swiping at him. 
He jumps back, his laughter still echoing. "Stop sounding like the demon brat first."
You run after him, telegraphing your murderous intent. Jason walks away faster, sticking his tongue out at you. Your growl and claw at the air. You screech obscenities as Jason continues to evade you. He is having way too much fun with this. 
You chase Jason around the exhibition for a solid half hour before you come to a skittering halt.
Your eyes land on a vermillion book, leather bound and carefully crafted by skilled hands. You step closer to admire the swirling, arabesque patterns lining the leather. No title is embossed on the front.  It's thick. You would wager it was at least 400 pages.
Your eyes drift down even further, finding a  familiar scrawl. Below the book were photocopies of some of the pages. Pablo Neruda's 'If You Forget me', Beethoven's 'Immortal beloved', Ibn Hazm's 'My Heart', and a bunch of other poets you didn't know but recognized as ...
"Jason these are your favorites."
"What?" He says, walking over to you cautiously.
You look back down at the pages and your eyes catch on the one in the middle. From the numbering, it was the last.
Love is such a hard thing to define,
I don’t know if I could ever find,
The words to truly express the complexity of such an emotion.
It is an emotion felt in the heart,
Long before it makes sense to the mind,
illusive and uncertain until suddenly it just clicks.
Like so many things in this world,
we tend to know it when we see it in others,
even if we can’t be sure of it ourselves.
I think I’ve always known how much I love you,
When I look at you, 
I see everything I’ve ever wanted.
When I look at you,
I see nothing else but your perfect beauty.
Inside and out.
I'm not a poet, (Y/n), but I will tell you anyway I can how much I love you.
-Jason Peter Todd
Jason is a stone next to you.
His mouth is filled with sand as he looks at the far too familiar handwriting. He knew. He knew the moment he saw the red book what it was. Hell, the moment you told Jason it was Roy who told you to go to the museum, he knew what it was. God, why can't he just turn to ash. 
Jason can't make himself turn to you. He can't bear to see what ever disgusted expression you make. He just can't. 
He feels a tug on his sleeve. He doesn't move. He  feels another tug, this time harder. When he doesn't respond the second time, you lace your fingers in his and spin him around. 
You squish his cheeks in your hands. "Jason, you actual sap." You say. You look like you're glowing. You beam at him, all toothy and scrunched faced. Jason's lungs stop working again. His mind can't process what you're saying. All Jason knows is that something warm is crowding his chest, pushing everything else out.
"Jason, you absolute dork!" You repeat, unfazed by his temporary bout of insanity.
Jason is blushing, looking like a strawberry with his freckles. Jason is more adorable than anyone has any right to be. But that's ok. That's perfectly ok cus he's yours.
In a moment of uncontained affection, you pull Jason to you, pressing a kiss against his lips. It's soft and earnest and exciting. It was a kiss Jason spent lifetimes dreaming about. It was you and completely you.
"Jay, they're beautiful." You say in a breathless laugh. 
Jason looked down at his feet. "I-" was never planning on giving it to you, he thinks. Because, why would you ever love someone like Jason? Especially, after what he'd done to you. 
As if reading his mind, you press your forehead against his. "I love you too, Jay, and you can't argue me out of it. Sorry bud, you're stuck with me."
Jason can't help the smile as it curls on his lips.
He's happy. He's so stupidly happy and he blames you.
"Plus, I already knew."
"Why didn't you say it first?" He asks, his fingers brushing against his tingling lips. 
"Cus," you say, pirouetting away from him, "you wouldn't believe me if I did."
You put your hand up. "Trust me, Jay. I've tried before." You tilt your head back looking up at the sky light. The curtain of light fell on you like a spotlight highlighting everything ethereal about you. "Remember in Milan? When I told you I cared about you and you told me I didn't."
Jason remembered that. He was angrier back then. He snarled that to you like some wild animal and threatened to throw you out on your ass if you ever so much as spoke a word of that nonsense again. It was the first time he'd seen you look hurt. You face was wide open with shock.  Jason felt something in his chest tear at that look. He stormed off, leaving you in that room. 
When he came back, you offered him warm tea and a smile. You were quiet, inconsolably quiet.
It didn't…
He didn't…
It didn't occur to him that look in your eyes was heartbreak.
Jason curses under his breath.
You chortle at him, the mirth in your eyes incandescent.
"Yeah. Exactly." You say, clasping your hands behind your back. Jason would like to be buried six feet under with the only words carved into his gravestone 'I am so sorry (Y/n)'.
You snick seeing the look in his eyes. "Or that time in Paris. The one in the little patisserie when I told you in perfect Catalan that you meant more to me than anything else and do you remember what you told me?"
"I told you you were possessed." Jason's shoulders slump. "Please tell me you don't have a third example."
You smile at him pityingly. "I don't-"
"I have 50. Well, 51 but the last one didn't count since I was joking that time."
In Jason's mind, his jaw hits the obsidian floor with an audible 'plop'. It would be loud enough that the entire museum would hear it were it real. He blinks at you. "You tried more than 10 times?"
"I was encouraged." You say shrugging.
"Of course, you were," he grumbles and you laugh. Jason's heart skips a beat but he pushes past the feeling in favor of pleading with you. "Please don't list them."
"Oh, I'm not." You hum. 
Jason sighs with relief. 
"I'm gonna leave that to Roy."
"Son of a- He knows?"
You look over your shoulder. "Yeah. Who do you think I complain to?"
"Who else knows?" He asks, trailing behind you as you walk to .... Jason doesn't know at this point and he doubts you do too. 
"Oh just your family."
"I'm surprised they haven't given me shit about it."
"Oh I bullied them into not doing it."
"Impressive." He whistles and you preen. 
"Always," you say smugly. You begin to walk a bit faster, craning your neck. "Now, let's go find out if Dickie installed that bakery I asked for." 
"That's what you're after?" Jason laughs.
"It's a noble goal." You protest. 
"You don't even need to feed."
"I need to feed my inner sweets monster. She's very fussy and is demanding crepes specifically."
Jason smiles softly at you, amused that of all the human traits you could have retained after being turned was a sweet tooth.
"Sorry to tell you doll face, Dickie still hasn't done it."
You look aghast like he'd slapped you in the face with a large baguette. 
"He hasn't put in your suggestion from 10 years ago."
"Where am I supposed to get my fix?"
"Are we still talking about sweets or have you moved on to cocaine?"
"Dunno, have you tried snorting sugar?"
"No. Why- Have you?"
"...my lawyer advised against answering this question."
Jason cackles. "How am I the stupid one?"
"I-" Your scowl turns sickeningly sweet. "Yanno, the third time I tried was when-"
"OK. Stop." Jason's face lights up again. "I give." 
"Pfff." You smile, looking far too pleased with yourself.
Jason straightens up, something sly passing through his eyes. You stop. The look in his eyes makes you nervous. 
"I think I know where you can get something sweet."
You swallow nervously.
Jason leans in. He’s so close to you. You can feel his breath brush against your lips. Nothing else around you seems to exist at the moment. 
You lean in to kiss him but you freeze when you register his voice. 
“I’m taking you downtown. There’s a new bakery there and I heard the crepes were to die for.” He chuckles, turning to walk towards the exit. 
“What the hell?!” You call out falling into step with him. 
He grins down at you, arms folded behind his head. “Something wrong, princess?”
Heat rises in your cheeks and elbow him in the side. 
“I want to take you on a proper date and I sure as hell am not starting here.” He says, rubbing his side and conspicuously not looking at you.  There’s a dust of peach on his face. Your anger fades away. It gives way to a fluttering in your chest. 
He looks at you then, brow furrowed. 
“Why don’t I take you to the fair, princess? There’s plenty of sweet treats there that’ll tickle your fancy.”
Your mouth waters when you think about all the cotton candy they have. 
“I heard there’s a kissing booth too, so if you’re lucky,” Jason continues, winking at you. Predictably, you blanch at him. You knock your knuckles against his chest. Jason chuckles, rubbing his chest. “Sorry princess, I mean if I’m lucky enough to get a kiss from you.”
The temerity. 
The gall. 
“As long as you get me something sweet.” You huff, exiting the building. 
Jason stops on the steps, turning to you with a sly smile. Crossing your arms, you pause bracing for whatever trick is up his sleeve. Jason tilts his head. He says something but the little noises of the city make the words hard to discern. You lean closer to hear him better. Jason steps closer to close the distance, his lips warm against yours. You’re stunned. Your entire body divided on how to react, some parts stiffen while others turn to jelly. 
He pulls away, wolfish grin unwavering. "That sweet enough for you sweetheart?"
@batarella​, @anothertimdrakestan​, @lucy-roo​, @multifandomgirl-us​, @bungunz​, @birdy-bat-writes​,  @boosyboo9206​, @americasmarauders​ , @l-inkage​, @arestorationofbalance​ , @cloudie-skay​, @wunderstell​   @hyp-oh-critical​ @glorified-red​
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tempestaurora · 3 years
59 and 63 for buddie?
59: Interrupted Declaration of Love + 63: Everybody Knows/Mistaken for Couple
okay so the immediate thoughts are:
buck and eddie have been working together for well over two years and the team (plus extended family) are all pretty convinced that something has been going on between them for at least half of that
i mean, did you see buck's face when eddie and christopher reunited after the tsunami?
but buck and eddie actually aren't dating for a whole myriad of reasons, but most of them are dumb and about preserving the current relationship as it stands
everyone kinda just assumes the boys are being private about it and are trying to respect that, even if they gossip behind their backs
bobby's the only one who doesn't entirely buy that they're dating, but that's only because he tried to bring up the necessary relationship disclosure papers with buck and buck acted very confused, and while bobby thinks buck would do just about anything to avoid filing paperwork, he's pretty sure buck wouldn't just pretend to not be dating eddie so he wouldn't have to sign his name like three times
but he lets the others have their fun because he's trying to keep his being called a killjoy tally low this month
but buck and eddie have been working their way towards a relationship for some time, they're just taking it slow and feeling it out and trying to tell if the other one is even interested in them, which isn't easy when you're not communicating about it
it all comes to a head after a particularly long five alarm fire and after they've showered and changed, buck and eddie are sitting in the locker room, just trying to wipe the memories of their night away
and eddie says that when shift finishes in an hour, buck should come stay at his
buck: i don't know man, you probably want your rest. you don't want me around
eddie: ??????
eddie: buck i always want you around
and i guess that's all it takes for them to stare at each other and let the reality of their situation click into place
and buck's like...... i always want you around too
and i swear to god eddie is going to tell him he loves him right then and there
but then hen and bobby and chim come through the doors talking loudly and bickering about something dumb, but upon seeing buck and eddie, they stop abruptly and hen's like, sorry are we interrupting your romantic moment?
and chim's like, well if we're gonna talk about it at last, i'm really impressed that you two have kept the pda to a minimum, you know?
and buck and eddie are just staring at them like
buck: do you think we're dating?
hen: duh
chim: obviously
bobby: not really
eddie: guys we aren't dating yet
buck: yet?
buck goes back to eddie's place that night and they make out a lot, like, guiness book of world records a lot
the end
Send me two (2) tropes from this list + a ship and I’ll describe how I’d combine them in the same story
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theroguesharlequin · 3 years
14×69: Bodyguard AU×Flirting under fire
6×95: Bookshop AU×Sleep intimacy
66×100: It's not you, it's my enemies×Accidentally saving the day
22×59: Space AU×Interrupted declarations of love
25×60: Fairytale AU×Poorly timed confession
I'll break these up into separate posts (my bad for misunderstanding the question before XD)
Has anyone seen The Hitman's Bodyguard with Jackson and Reynolds? Imagine that but Len's a master thief and Barry is top security, they constantly run into each other.
When Len steals something from the Santinis, he sees something that makes him agree to testify against them. Who better to make sure he gets to the courtroom safely than the top security guard, Barry Allen.
They learn more about each other over their misadventures, with Len bound and determined to flirt his way in to Barry's bed and maybe more, and eventually arrive to court date intact.
Afterwards, they grab a drink, and see where that leads them.
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al-the-remix · 3 years
58 & 59 (Tanger and Jake numbers) for the trope game!
Accidental Eavesdropping + Interrupted Declaration of Love 
This one is Jake/Kris 😌
“What are you listening to?“
“Shh,“ Kris said, pressing his ear closer to the swinging door that lead to Sid’s kitchen. 
Geno rolled his eyes but acquiesced, leaning against the door frame and chewing on the tiny straw that floated in the mixed drink Sid had made him. If those two got any more domestic they were going to have to invest in joint burial plots. 
"It's not a crush," came Jake’s voice from beyond the door, going a little pitchy and a little breathy like it did when he got all worked up. 
"Dude, you wrote a book report on him," Dumo argued. He’d been really hitting that point hard, likely to his detriment. Jake had debate club on his high school resume and wasn’t afraid to whip it out whenever he was feeling just self righteous enough. He’d say that it wasn’t, occasionally, endearing, but that would probably be a lie. 
"And so did half the guys our age,” Jake shot back, “That's not even, like, a rational argument." So maybe he’d gotten a bit rusty over the years. 
"That's not even a rational argument," someone Kris couldn’t pick out repeated high pitched and breathy while others in the room laughed way too hard. Kris sighed internally, rookies with no tolerance for alcohol. Lovely. 
It only made Jake’s indigence burn brighter. "It's Sid he's like everyone's weird uncle,” he carried on, like an engine picking up steam, “and besides, he's not even the hottest guy on the team."
"Try telling Instagram that,” one of them remarked dryly. Likely Rust.  
"Who is the hottest old guy then?"
Geno snorted derisively. Kris had sort of forgotten he was there. “Old,” Kris heard him mutter darkly followed by the high pitched whine of sucking seltzer through a too small straw. 
He’d tell Geno that it looked like he was sucking on a tiny schwantz, but he probably wouldn’t get it.  
"I mean, it's pretty obvious right?" 
He'd listened to enough of this nonsense.
Kris pushed through door open. "Gossiping, ladies?"
Jake went as bright red as the Molson can sweating in his hand.
Dumo looked back at him over his shoulder from where he’d become one with Sid’s island, lounged agains it. His cheeks were also tinged red, but that was likley due to the bottle of tequila in hiis hand and the twinkle of mischief in his eye."Jakey was just about to tell us who he thinks the hottest guy on the team is. "
In Jake's defence, he played it off pretty fucking cooly. Possibly cooler than Kris would have in his position. But then Kris actually liked sucking dick. Whether Jake did was still up in the air.
“Well then?“ Kris said, “Don’t let me interrupt you.“
Jake leaned one elbow casually against Sid's granite countertop, eyes downcast, peering into his can like there may actually be something interesting I there besides pisswater.
"Like I was saying, the answers obvious; Tanger is the hottest, he's the best dressed and he's got that scruffy mountain man thing going on."
The only thing that gave him away were his cheeks that remained a bright, candy apple red.
Hottest old guy. 
Kris didn't know whether to be more insulted or flattered.
There was a serious of oooooos and bestowing of noogies and generals things that Kris had little time for now a days. 
Geno reached past all of them, wrapping one mitt around the tequilla bottle clutched in Dumo’s hand and appropriating it. “This is mine now,” he said, pausing before leaving. “Also, you’re all fined.”  
That put a general dampener on the gather in the kitchen and they all filed out behind Geno to join the rest of the party, leaving a graveyard of empty cups behind them. 
“Hey,“ Kris said, letting his fingers wrap loosely around Jake’s elbow. “Stay here a minute.”
A vaguely apprehensive look shadowed Jake’s face but he did as he was asked, waiting until the door finally stopped swinging on its hinges. 
“Are we cool?” Jake asked, the same apprehension threading his voice.
Kris sighed. Yeah, he was kind of an asshole--but he wasn't actually an asshole--if you caught the drift. “We’re cool he assured,” then after a beat. “You really think i’m the hottest.”
Jake tilted his head, curiously, studying Kris for a quiet moment. The close inspection of his blue eyes making Kris itch in a way he hadn’t anticipated. 
It was easy to forget sometimes that Jake wasn't really a rookie anymore, not in the way i counted. He'd done his time, put in the work. Still, it was hard not to feel that way about anyone in the league under 30.
He wasn’t anticipating it when Jake leaned in, pressing his mouth lightly to Kris’. It wasn’t hesitancy that made it soft, Jake’s his were turned towards him, his eyes closed, there wasn’t any question that he perfectly happy to kiss Kris in this kitchen that Martha Stewart would be jealous of. 
It was curiosity, Kris decided, as he reached up to cup the side of Jake’s neck, the tips of his fingers brushing golden curls. He hadn’t expected the grit of Jake’s stubble against his chin or how willingly he opened up. 
Jake kissed easily, practiced, and explorative, as if he were seeing how Kris sized up to all the kisses he’d had before. It make something warm and intent unfurl in the pit of his stomach. 
When Jake eventually pulled away he was grinning from ear to ear, a little sideways, like he always had.   
“Yeah, I do“
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oilux · 3 years
For the trope mash-up:
11 and 59 for itafushi and
25 and 40 for sukufushi
(or the other way around)
Neighbor AU and Interrupted Declaration of Love
For itafushi omg, this would be funny because they would be the best neighbors. They would be the ones that the HOA is gossiping about saying that they are really fucking. Everyone wants them to date. Yuuji brings cookies and other baked goods to Megumi's house at least once a week.
Yuuji tries to tell Megumi several times that he loves him, but always gets interrupted by other stuff. Megumi somehow ends up being the first one to say it.
Fairy Tale AU and Almost Kiss
Sukuna would be a fae who would play that 'give me your name' game with Megumi, but Megumi just tells him that it means 'Blessing' to get out of it. Sukuna barters that he needs something to let his Blessing go, and Megumi offers him a kiss only to disappear before Sukuna can take it.
Cue Megumi getting harassed by fae Sukuna.
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tbcc · 3 years
9, 59, krexie for the mash-up?
Dance au and interrupted declaration of love
I am so excited to receive a request for one, but I`m even more excited to do the prompt!
This would be before the world starts to end.
Douxie and Krel go to prom together as friends. Douxie feels like this time especially; is the perfect time to ask him out, officially. They would be in the middle of a slow dance and Douxie asked "Could I ask you something?" and Krel nods and as Douxie says "Would" a person pushes past him causing him to step on Krel's foot. Douxie is mortified.
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gentrychild · 4 years
19. 59. Tododeku?
Airport/Travel AU + Interrupted Declaration of Love
If you think you can put my ship anywhere near an airport without me jumping on the occasion to have a mad race to declare one’s love before it’s too late, you’re wrong.
“Do you think I should accept this internship? It’s a little far and I don’t know when it will end but it would be a great opportunity.”
“Didn’t you say before that you wanted to leave your comfort zone?”
“You’re right. America, here I come!”
Like All Might before him, Izuku goes to America. Todoroki, helped by Uraraka and Iida being absoilutely insufferable, realizes that it can’t end this way and he runs to the airport, determined to at least confess his feelings to his friends.
When he arrives, Izuku is still in line and very surprised to see him. Shouto opens his mouth, ready to finally admit his feelings out loud, but Izuku received a text from the hero he was supposed to intern with. He broke is leg skiing. The internship is cancelled.
“What did you want to tell me?
“I... I... I came here because you forgot your favorite All Might figurine and I thought you would miss it.”
“Awww. Thanks, Todoroki. You’re a real friend.”
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