#5am questions
yeosin-n · 3 months
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the ppl have spoken (poll below)
Like over 100 ppl said he was stinky 😭
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erineas · 3 months
I would give your version of horror so many kisses, he deserves them
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Oops, srry, he has trouble accepting compliments, but don't worry he'll keep thinking about those kisses for a long while *wink*
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erinravenseeker · 19 days
Just had a middle-of-the-night “ohhhh” moment as I just figured out that Kim Dokja needs the Fourth Wall not because of the scenarios but because it was essentially his survival mechanism for life.
Now I have only read the novel once so I could totally be forgetting stuff & way off-base but this is what I remember. Inane rambling under the cut, major spoilers included.
We know he’s generally antisocial, placing himself outside of society like a reader, and he internally smoothed over Sangah’s rough points even before the scenarios, making her into a ‘character’ (a caricature of herself) that fit into an archetype.
Dissociating from reality & viewing himself as a reader is his coping mechanism & “WoS coming to life” provides a convenient excuse to keep ignoring that fact.
This kind of ties in with an idea I’ve been forming about the Fourth Wall, which is that KDJ is fundamentally incapable of believing that “The Characters” (read: everyone) can experience growth as a result of his actions. He exists outside of the story, he is in the audience beyond the fourth wall, so he cannot affect the characters.
Hence the paradoxical nature of the Fourth Wall. For as long as he is a Reader, the Fourth Wall is maintained. And as long as the Fourth Wall is maintained, he will continue to be a Reader.
(Warning this is where it gets incoherent and messy.)
Kim Dokja fundamentally NEEDS the Fourth Wall to be maintained. Not just because of the OD stuff, but because it’s the way he’s learnt to cope with existing. It’s also why dying is so easy for him—we know he cannot deal with the guilt of making people he cares about suffer, but if he’s just a Reader, that means he can’t really have any meaningful impact on their lives, so it’s fine for him to just… disappear.
Kim Dokja is not actively suicidal, he’s just invested himself so far into the worldview of himself being a Reader that to him, his temporary deaths no longer register as dying. More like… stepping out of the theatre for a bit.
It gets complicated when we hit OD. Because then we realise the KDJ we’ve been accompanying is essentially a self-insert OC. So we can ascribe the way he thinks to OD, including all the coping mechanisms and self-distancing. But where OD manages to escape the narrative along with SP, at the same time the KimCom Crew escape the narrative, KDJ actually kind of… doubles down?
Like, OD does what any Reader does and learns from the book. When KDJ says “I, someone of no redeeming quality, could be loved by the others.” It’s not just him learning this lesson. It’s actually kind of the opposite. OD is Reading this lesson so he learns that he’s allowed to accept the mercy of SP & the 999 crew. So they escape the narrative.
KimCom also manages to escape the narrative but KDJ… can’t. He comes to the conclusion that he was actually backstage all along. But that means he’s still not ON stage. A Character can’t feel for the Script Writer or Director or Stage Manager. So he doubles down on his separation from them, stepping into that role. And then then KimCom comes banging on his door backstage because they’re not just characters, they’re the Actors now, and KDJ disappears because he can’t deal with that, because he fundamentally cannot exist on the same plane as them.
I think that’s why I’m hopeful at a post-epilogue ending. KDJ The Reader exists at essentially a higher tier than the people around him, and so he believes he cannot be loved in a way that has a lasting impact on them. But he DID spend years being affected by WoS, by Yoo Joonghyuk. If he becomes the Character, and them the Readers… maybe, just maybe, he can actually accept that love.
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bloo-the-dragon · 2 months
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readthephible · 5 months
Damien x Shayne Ship Questions (from @zillaphoneswag)
Who is the cuddler?
Who makes the bed?
Who wakes up first?
Who has the weird taste in music?
Who is more protective?
Who sings in the shower?
Who cries during movies?
Both depending on the movie
Who kisses more roughly?
Shayne, maybe…???
Who is more dominant?
Damien ofc
Who is the most affectionate?
Damien (I can literally give one hundred examples)
Most common argument?
Silly: video games, serious: challenging each other’s thoughts almost therapeutically about body image, guilt and shame, habits, etc
Who apologizes first?
Damien, just bc he’s a very apologetic person, but Shayne wouldn’t have any reason to withhold apologies either
Favorite (non-sexual) activity to do together?
Video games, cooking, silently working on projects side by side
Who drives and who rides shotgun?
I think Damien would more often as a gentleman but idk (I’m recovering from driving phobia, I would be curious what their driving journeys looked like. Were they eager to get behind the wheel, or anxious?”
Who is most likely to carry the other?
Damien (for reference)
For Damien: Dames, Dee, Damienuh, babe, honey, dude, man, idiot, nerd, weeb (probably)
For Shayne: Shay, Shanyé, baby boy, baby bird, babe/baby, hun/honey, my guy, angel, darling (tbh, anything to get him to blush or laugh)
(bonus: scrub, dumbass, sweetheart, good boy, pet, puppy)
Who proposes?
Damien (either, but my heart says…)
Who sings along with the radio?
Who worries the most?
Damien, but both
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
Who is embarrassed to take their clothes off in front of the other?
Both, at first
Who tops?
Who initiates kisses?
Both, mostly Damien (he’s so touchy. his love language is touch)
Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
Who is more ticklish?
Who brings home an animal they found?
Who holds the umbrella for the other when it rains?
Who tries to playfully embarrass the other in public?
Who kills the scary bugs?
(Damien seems more KILL IT, Shayne is more well let’s at least try to release it outside)
Who asks weird questions at random in the middle of the night?
Who hogs the blankets?
Who wants to stay in bed just a bit longer?
Damien (but both if they’re together)
Who always makes coffee for the other in the morning?
Shayne (only because he probably got up first)
Who says “I love you” first?
Who tells their friends/family about their relationship first?
Shayne is very casual about it even though his friends/family are excited, sappy and want to make it a bigger deal. Damien is nervous and makes it a bigger deal than it needs to be and feels a wave of relief after finally admitting it
Who is more likely to ask the other to dance with them?
Who cooks best?
Who wears the other’s jacket?
Who uses cheesy pickup lines?
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Who makes the other one laugh the most?
Who needs more reassurance?
Who would have to bail the other out of jail?
What would be their theme song?
Rather Be or Glue Song
What do they do when they’re away from each other?
Text or call with life updates and sappy sweet nothings
Who eats the other’s uneaten pizza crusts?
Who would accidentally set the kitchen on fire while cooking?
Who would throw the other into a pool?
Who is the morning/night person?
Shayne - morning, Damien, night
Who gives the other person cool-looking rocks?
Who is the big spoon? Who is the little spoon?
Damien - big, Shayne - little
Who talks smack when playing video games and then loses?
Who wants to take lots of pictures of them together?
Damien (have you seen how often Shayne is on his instagram)
Who is most excited to tell their friends they’re dating?
Who still blushes when they say ‘I love you?’
Who is the protective one?
Who likes to jump into the other person’s arms?
Who likes to take artsy photos together?
What do they like to watch together after a long day?
Anime, probably
Who is most likely to kiss the other on the cheek?
Who is most likely to break out in a spontaneous dance?
Who would sing a love song to the other in the car?
Who can’t help but giggle when the other compliments them?
What do they say to one another before they go to sleep?
“I hate you” (affectionate)
Who looks at the other person like they are their world when they’re not looking?
Who would win in a pillow fight?
Who loves to be held the most?
Who asks the other how to spell a word?
Who loves to have the other rest their head on their chest?
Who makes funny faces to make the other person laugh?
Who puts their hand on their partner's knee while driving?
Who goofs around in the kitchen more?
How do they say “I love you” without really saying it?
Damien: “I’m proud of you”
Shayne: “Remember when…”
What would they marathon?
Anime, probably
What would their wedding song be?
Starlight by Muse
Who nuzzles into the other?
Who kisses the other on the head before they go to sleep?
What position do they fall asleep in when sleeping in the same bed?
One laying on top of the other is my favorite trope, so Shayne crushing Damien
Who initiates the first kiss?
Who asks the other out on the first date?
Who gets the other out of a speeding ticket?
Who sleeps with their dog cat when the other one is gone?
Who still has the first gift the other gave to them?
Who likes to see the other wearing their sweater?
Who is the sleepy cute one?
Who gives the other person the best cards?
Both give either funny, possibly cursed cards or extremely sentimental and heartfelt, there is no in between.
Who gives a hilarious speech at their wedding about how they met?
Damien (see: Shayne’s graduation)
Who has a vast knowledge of random facts?
Who likes to clean?
Who would be a lovey-dovey drunk?
Who can’t stop laughing at their own jokes?
Who distracts the driver by being a bit too provocative in the car?
Who is the competitive one?
Shayne (Damien’s argument: there’s no need to be competitive if you’re just good)
Who asks the other’s parents for their partner’s hand in marriage?
Who puts their cold hands/feet on the other?
Who worries more about the other?
Who is more likely to lock themselves out of the house?
Shayne (Damien can just lock pick, and has facetimed Shayne to teach him before)
Who would slide down the hall in their socks?
I can picture both doing this. nerds
Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place?
Who likes to walk around the house naked and who tells the other to go put some clothes on?
1) Shayne 2) Damien
Who takes photos of the other while they sleep?
Who likes flower crowns more?
Who is the meme lover?
Who has to teach the other how to fold a fitted sheet?
Who’s afraid of thunderstorms?
Neither, but on a sensitive day, Damien, which of course Shayne is receptive of and gives extra affection and care
Who cries over the ASPCA commercials?
Who considers the other the love of their life?
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scarefox · 4 months
How do enigmas even know that they are enigmas?
What if Charlie is one without knowing?
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fudgecake-charlie · 6 months
sorry i havent been online i listened to one of my narrative playlists and ended up stuck down a fl Seeking plotline rabbit hole on the wiki. walked out there no longer normal, covered in wounds and wax and betrayal etc. don't talk to me about it. tag ramble
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deepspace-letters · 2 months
i am not trying to sound like a hater or anything so I'm clarifying this before that I'm in no way hating but it's just genuine curiosity. Isn't mc supposed to be everyone of who plays the game then isn't making a single account of mc kinda weird because mc is everyone of us?
i assume this is about the MC ask blog, yeah?
by your logic babe, then that one singular account can exist too, right? it's someone's MC's interpretation too, isn't it? and i have to argue that the MC rp account is actually the closest we have to a canon MC, devoid of personal headcanons and whatnot. hence the MC ask blog not even having a proper name.
at the end of it all, though, it is all just fun and games. you are always welcome to make your own accounts (whether it be another MC or another Zayne, for example). it's just that the group linkon playground seems to have found their own little community with each other
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justewil · 2 months
(Kind Of a reference to this post of mine .which people seemed to Enjoy)
no middle ground you Have to pick one of them ^_^ discuss.
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oatbugs · 13 days
man the perpetual all nighters have been doing wonders for my skin
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thesquidwizard · 2 years
As an indigenous radfem, what do you think of third genders, like two spirit? I notice many poc cultures have third genders. How are third genders different from trans ideology?
*disclaimer i'm just me and do not speak for any larger demographic*
anyway 2Spirit isnt anything. its not even a 3rd gender its a word invented 30 years ago during a gay& Lesbian international gathering
It was never meant to even describe a "third gender" it was more intended as like a uniforming word to distinguish NDN gays and lesbians and their unique experiences as its own community within the lgbt and give them a word that wasnt insulting or degrading. (this isnt even a secret this is all googlable and you can verify it like 9times over)
What do i think of third genders. I think for the most part they were a way for various societies to maintain their own status quo. the main purposes they fulfilled were
1. a lesser role to force upon gay men
2. a way to have working women without giving the majority of women this option
You can find a few historical stories where a woman may have pretended to be a man for various reasons usually escape male abuse or dream of something more so not at all different from figures like Margaret Ann Bulkey.
If you pick any 3rd gender ndn or otherwise ask yourself
any evidence the individual made this choice and their people just accepted this? or is it society driven
why?? is there a place or role that can only be handled by these people. is it a punishment or incentive to avoid something else.
do we have any info on how the people labeled with that gender felt about it.
are they all male and their role just seems to be "youthful pretty" ...
its not gonna take you very long to realize you just can not compare whats happening today to anything from the past.
And i am intentionally focusing on the past. because yes some of these roles still exist today but it is highly altered influenced by todays culture and world access ( and mostly still just men who feel feminine)
any 3rd gender today seems to just follow trans rules its a individual feelings thing that serves no purpose and greatly relys on gender roles to establish themselves.
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dodgebolts · 4 months
i looked up munchy crew and an older post of yours from your abandoned blog showed up, it almost made me cry.
so now im here to drop a follow :)
hi anon! oh man.. what a time, welcome welcome! fair warning I've been getting my ass kicked by school over and over and over again since the start of the new year and I've been SUPER ia recently because of it but rest assured I still love the gang dearly and I hope to see everyone in florida again soon :,)
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caramellody · 1 year
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oh i am EXCITED for the silly guys and silly gals acid trip
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mcchicken-scratches · 8 months
Hi! I saw you shared your favourite fanfic on non vore blog. I got curious what your favourite vore writings?
This was much harder to decide on (especially since I haven't really touched the rec feature when it comes to vore fics), and there's alot less to pick from, but here's a handful I picked out:
• ultimate hugs, bro by CuddleCave
• Extraterrestrial Desensitization by level3security
• A Place To Get Away From It All by CuddleCave
• accidental ingestion and the anxiety that comes with by Anonymous
• In The Dark by deminwrapped
• Daycare Treats by Mango_the_dango
• Coming up for air by Bomblethebee & verdantElf
Tbh it's hard to find good SFW vore fics. I'm pretty sure I'm missing a few I really loved, but either I didn't remember to bookmark them, accidentally skipped over them while trying to make this list, or they've (most likely) been deleted. I'll add them later if I find them.
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I've queued bingo to post at 10am BST, just so you're all aware that it is indeed set in motion.
Hopefully that'll give everyone enough time to print it or get it downloaded onto their phones while on the hotel wifi or whatever you all want to do with it.
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drowsystarlight · 1 year
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Runner five! And some background
Finally doodled my runner five! Not a lot of substance yet since im pretty early in ZR still but im so excited to learn the world with them ahehe (more rambling in tags)
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