#7 Solutions That Can Save A Relationship
menacing-menace-rat · 5 months
Can I get platonic yandere headcanons for all of the founding members of the Justice League?
I definitely can! Also sorry it took me so long to get to this. I'm still learning about how the inbox stuff works.
I'm going to have to make this in parts because it's alot to look at with all 7 members. This is part 1 of ?
I'm gonna use the founding members from the animated universe. More members and I love Martian Manhunter. If you were looking for the Snyder universe let me know and I'll edit the post and add Cyborg for you. 🤗
Warnings: kidnapping, gaslighting, obsessive behavior, general yandere creep stuff.
Platonic yandere justice league members part 1
You were a scientist at LexCorp
After some questionable experiments you knew you had to blow the whistle
So you went to the Daily Planet.
That's where it all stared.
So smart with a kind heart, how could he not protect you?
He's deluded himself completely.
He can't see how he can be the villain in anyone's story let alone yours.
He's very aware of his own strength thankfully.
You are more of a risk to yourself than he is. At least physically 👀
You'd be moved to a farmhouse almost right away.
When it comes to kidnapping you, he has no self control, it's near instant.
he knows how fragile humans are and he refuses to take any chances.
No matter how much you pleaded with him it was no use.
He was the only one who could help you and stop Lex.
This man has a scary amount of patience. No amount of hitting or screaming is going to set him off.
He will subconsciously prolong any solution that would make Lex and his people less of a threat to you.
He'd insist on sharing a bed. If he was anyone else you'd be worried he would try something.
If he wanted that kind of thing from you, you knew he could just make you.
So you were pretty sure whatever this was it was at least a platonic infatuation.
At night he'd hold you so tight it was difficult to move.
A physical reminder of what you already felt inside, trapped.
There was no escaping that farm. Anywhere in the city he could hear you.
He'd hear the front door open or your panting as you tried to run for the nearest road.
He wouldn't allow any kind of phones or computers in the house.
Why would he? Need help? He'll be there faster than any cop. You are lonely? That's fine he'd love to have hour long talks about anything you want.
Your best bet is to play along for years maybe. How ever long it takes for him to maybe let you make a grocery run alone.
He found you on the streets. Maybe it was your sad eyes or your dirty face but he knew he had to take you in.
He'd tell himself he could help you learn to fight. That you'd make a great Robin.
Deep down he knew he'd never let you fight in any way.
He's not like Superman. He knows how much he cares for you is unhealthy. He knows it's wrong to take you in and effectively trap you in a huge manor but what else can he do?
He is a world class manipulator. He also has far less patience then Superman.
Too many escape attempts and he's going to make a plan.
He'd go as far as to allow you to "escape". Only to orchestrate some horrible traumatic event so he can find you and save you all over again.
Depending on how strong willed you were the worst it would be.
It was twisted and horrible but he almost craved reassuring you.
He loved your tears so long as they weren't for a real reason.
Bruce kept a tight lid on his emotions. You'd never see him lose it. He'd never show he was upset with you.
Despite this being a very unconventional child/parent relationship his go to punishment is normally grounding and lost of privileges.
You'd be home schooled of course.
He isn't all that hands on unsurprisingly.
He'd ask one of the other kids to keep en eye on you or even another justice league members.
Asking them for help wouldn't work.
The kids are on board with Bruce. Even if they weren't what could they do?
As for the other JL members he'd tell them you were mentally ill and confused.
He'd get his colleagues/friends admiration for being so selfless by raising a sick child and you'd just look crazy.
Bruce is not known for his affection but he does try.
If you are crying or screaming he might try and comfort you with a hug or by rubbing your back.
He's not the best at comforting words either but his little acts of kindness are where he shines
He'd do his best to make most of your days as structured and predictable as possible.
You'd be kept in the best health imaginable. whether you liked it or not.
Anything you can ask for he'd give you, so long as you don't ask for freedom.
He even makes time to tuck you in every night no matter your age.
If he has time he might even read to you.
You probably are never getting free of him and his kids but your best bet would be utilize the uncontrollable.
Batman is a planner. He likes to be able to predict things.
Try and wait till something goes majorly wrong.
All of Arkhams prisoners being released or an alien invasion are your only chances of slipping out of that place. You'd only get one shot though.
Diana isn't crazy right off the bat.
Wonder Woman
(This one might be the only non gender neutral one.)
You were an anthropologist given the rare opportunity to study the amazonians from the island of Themyscira.
She is cool under pressure and isn't easily impressed.
After so long of staying there she'd start to feel like you were her sister.
But once she's invested in you there is no going back.
She would follow you back to whatever city you called home.
She isn't shy about her sisterly love for you. There would be no mind games with her.
She respects you too much for that.
She is so direct about it she would likely just tell you, you were going to go back to the island with her and be with her forever.
Depending on your reaction towards her directness she may not even make you.
She might be okay with you just visiting. For a while at least.
She's confident and self assured.
If you liked being around her as much as she likes being around you things would be easy.
If not life was going to be hard and potentially painful.
Rejecting her affection and forthcomingness will break her heart.
She would blame herself and work to be better.
Unfortunately being better to her means giving you even less space.
She'd make you come back with her.
An island full of tall strong women all who listen to Diana's will.
You are not escaping.
She is near impossible to trick twice if you have already tried to get away from her.
That being said it wouldn't be all that bad.
She would be painfully gentle with you. So long as you just listen.
You are her little sister after all.
She differs from Kent and Bruce in a big way.
She would train you, she is pragmatic and understands one day she may not be there to protect you.
Long and rigorous training sessions would be the norm for a while.
On Themiscyra you'd have much more freedoms. You would even be able to walk around alone if you showed you can handle it.
Your happiness is her second priority after your safety.
She'd being you anything you wanted from your part of the world.
She would like for you to participate in amazonian traditions and customs but she'd never make you. Even if she wants to sometimes
She'd relish in watching you acclimate to her world.
She would insist her sisters treat you with the love and respect she feels you deserve.
Your only hope of escape would be to somehow get off the island and disappear.
Nothing sort of complete disappearance would work. If she ever caught you again you wouldn't be leaving that island for a second time.
More to come hopefully soon. There will be 2 or 3 parts in total not sure yet. Hope you enjoyed!
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snitchcrimsonwrites · 4 months
Maybe pt.9
Pairing: Norm MacLean X Female Reader or OC if you squint
Former friends to a relationship?
Life is pretty easy in Vault 33 until you're trying to rekindle a former friendship and Raiders attack. Now, our main characters are trying to navigate newfound feelings, all while undercovering the mysteries of Vault 33. Stay tuned. Follows the main storyline of season 1; some events may be reordered for plot.
The council calls another general assembly to democratically decide how to proceed with the prisoners in the reading room. As emotions erupt, things get tense and a little passionate, leaving you both to decide what comes next.
Part 1 Here Part 6 Here Part 12 Here
Part 2 Here Part 7 Here
Part 3 Here Part 8 Here
Part 4 Here Part 10 Here
Part 5 Here Part 11 Here
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Norm was one of the last to arrive at the general meeting. As he entered the Vault atrium, he spotted you with a seat saved for him and headed over, grateful for the familiar face. Woody and Reg were already at the podium, delivering initial remarks as he hustled to his seat. Based on how his personal meeting with the Vault council went yesterday, he already had a decent prediction of how this meeting would go. 
Woody continued to address the members of Vault 33 as Norm took the seat next to you. “We can judge people and society by how they treat their enemy. And here we are with sixteen highly violent individuals incarcerated in our temporarily repurposed reading room. It’s an ethical dilemma like nothing we’ve dealt with before.”
Reg chimed in, turning the microphone towards his side of the podium. “Personally, I’d say it’s more of an ethical opportunity to demonstrate to the surface dwellers and to each other what we mean when we say we’re going to build a better world.”
Woody nodded. “Thanks, Reg. That is a positive spin to put on it.”
Reg’s voice grew firm. “It’s not a positive spin to me. It’s the goshdarn truth!”
“Okay, well, uh, the fact remains we need to decide what to do with these prisoners. And that is a decision we need to make as a collective,” Woody continued.
“In a manner befitting our shared values,” Reg added.
The space erupted in clapping and cheers.
Betty stepped forward, calling for order. “I think this conversation would benefit from some actual ideas.” At least someone was interested in addressing the problem, not just pandering for support. 
You raised your hand. “Hi, I was just curious if we’ve done anything to establish why the raiders were down here in the first place? I mean, they seemed to be here for a reason, and what if they come back? Shouldn’t that be under consideration as well?”
Reg nodded, affirming your comment. “Excellent point and question. We’ve spent numerous hours and resources trying to connect with these raiders for those exact reasons. For example, the young man Woody interrogated this morning left an impression on me.”
Woody interjected to uncomfortably clarify, “That would be the gentleman who showed me his butthole.”
“Yes,” Reg continued, undeterred, “but what I took from that is a desire to communicate. To reach out across the cultural divide. That’s a spark we can work with to create a great citizen. Given our recently dwindled numbers, the most ethical solution would be to rehabilitate the prisoners and then integrate them into our vault society.” He’s actually serious. 
“To be clear, this is not a process that will happen overnight,” Woody added. “Based on what I saw this morning, it may take years.”
Reg nodded in agreement, trying to get his two cents in, but was cut off as Woody continued. “But there’s nothing we can’t do when we set our minds to it!”
The Vault dwellers in the crowd responded with a resounding “Yes!” They were all seemingly on board and ready to take on the task at hand, eager to dazzle these Raiders with the formal education process. This feels surreal. 
“I can teach the raiders Shakespeare, and when they’re ready, Marlowe.”
Marianne retorted, “Now, I don’t want to be insensitive, but I think Shakespeare might be too advanced for these people. I would like to start with a moral framework. Kant, Mill, and so on.”
Another voice chimed in, “I’d be happy to teach them introductory calculus.” You had expected that the Vault would engage in rehabilitation with its newly acquired prisoners, but no discussion of the danger or concerns was honestly just negligent. These people have demonstrated how violent and dangerous they are.
Norm scoffed, unable to contain his skepticism. Reg noticed and addressed him. “Is there something you’d like to say, Norm?”
All eyes turned to Norm. He spoke up, doubling down on the rhetoric from your private discussion. “I don’t know. I don’t think it’s our job to help these people. They’re murderers.”
Marianne countered passionately, “They didn’t know any better. And how could they without a formal education?”
Reg pressed on, “Norm, buddy, the hard truth is we can’t just let them go.” Laughing nervously, he added, “They have intimate knowledge of our vault security. So what do you propose we do?”
Norm’s voice was cold. “We can do what they would have done to us.”
The crowd gasped. “Wow, geez Louise, Norm.”
Betty stood, taking control of the situation and backtracking on Norm’s behalf. “Young Norm was just expressing a feeling. I know. I’ve got anger. We all do. But I think you’d agree that murdering these prisoners is not under serious consideration.”
“Hear, hear,” Reg affirmed.
Norm backed down, his defiance softening. “I’m sorry, you’re right. It was not my intention to question your leadership, Overseer,” he finished with a smirk. He knew what he was doing. 
Woody and Reg replied in unison, “Thank you.”
You and Norm left the community meeting together, the tension from inside still lingering in the air. As you walked down the dimly lit hallway, you couldn't hold back your frustration any longer.
“You know, I expected them to dismiss my question, but the rest of that display, ugh,” you said, making a gagging noise, “those two were more interested in political plays than actually solving problems.”
Norm nodded, his face grim. “Yeah, I noticed. It’s like I told Lucy at that last meeting. Woody and Reg don’t want to do anything that hurts their chances of filling the gap left by my dad. There will need to be a new Overseer. ”
“I still think the raider point was valid,” you continued, venting your frustration. “The more I sit with it, the more it doesn’t add up. Reg wasn’t wrong when he said they had intensive knowledge of the Vault; that’s clear. But no, let’s focus on grandiose plans to teach them Shakespeare and calculus instead.”
Norm sighed. “No one wants to admit it, but I don’t think we have the luxury of moral constructs anymore. We’re living in a world where the old rules don’t apply anymore,” he finishes, leaving you with the sheer weight of that sentence. 
Sensing both of you were tired and frustrated from the meeting, you turned to Norm with a hopeful smile. "Hey, how about we try to lighten the mood a bit?" you suggest. "Would you like to come over for dinner? You still haven’t regaled me with how surprised Chet was that night I stayed over. " 
“As fantastic as that sounds, I don’t know if I’d be a good dinner guest tonight. I’ll probably just turn in early if that’s alright with you?” 
You felt a twinge of disappointment but quickly masked it with a smile. “Yeah, of course, Norm. I understand.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, though,” Norm reassured, taking your hand in his. You allowed him to pull you in closer, both of you standing there momentarily, the weight of the day hanging between you.
Then, Norm took a step closer, his gaze locked onto yours. Sensing his boldness, you took advantage of the moment and closed the gap, crashing your lips onto his, desperate for contact. The passion between you ignited instantly, and you responded eagerly, your arms wrapping around his neck. The kiss conveyed all your shared frustrations and unspoken emotions. 
When you finally parted, you became acutely aware of how public your display of affection had been. A wave of mild embarrassment washed over you. “Sorry, I kinda got wrapped up in the moment there,” you said softly, your voice tinged with warmth and lingering desire.
“I didn’t hate it,” he replied, his eyes still locked onto yours, filled with the same longing and affection. “I’ll see you tomorrow, (Y/N).” 
“Night, Norm.” You watched as he walked away, and a mix of contentment and concern settled in your chest.
Norm didn’t end up going home like he told you. Instead, he wandered aimlessly around the vault, his thoughts a tangled mess. Eventually, he found himself on one of the balconies overlooking the main atrium. The soft hum of the vault's machinery and the distant murmur of conversations below provided a comforting background noise.
He opened his Pip-Boy and stared at a recent photo of his father, his heart aching. The absence of his father and sister was becoming a heavy burden, a void that he couldn’t ignore. You were able to fill a small part of that hole inside him, but the longing to know if they were safe gnawed at him constantly. Norm wondered if Lucy had managed to hunt down any minuscule clue that could help her track him down. He thought about her relentless determination and felt a pang of guilt. Did she miss him too? Was she struggling as much as he was? He couldn’t help but question his own worth. Did Lucy need his help? And even if she did, would he actually be of any help if he left the Vault?
The questions swirled in his mind as he gazed out over the atrium. The vault was a place of safety, but it also felt like a prison, keeping him from those he loved. The weight of his worries pressed down on him, making the darkness of the night feel even more oppressive.
He closed his eyes for a moment, letting the sounds of the vault wash over him. In the silence, he heard footsteps approaching. Rounding the corner was Betty Pearson, two plates of pie in hand.
“There you are. I thought you might be up here.” Norm couldn’t help feeling it was an odd coincidence that he’d run into the former Overseer two nights in a row. “Made pie if you’d like a piece,” she said, already offering him the second plate.
He took the plate, eyeing her cautiously. He had already deduced why she was there. “Thanks.”
Betty settled beside him, a small smile on her face. “I was there the first time you tried rhubarb pie and ice cream. You sure did like pie that day.”
Norm sighed. “You came to talk to me about what I said at the assembly.”
“And why do you think that is?”
“It upset people. You don’t like when people get upset.”
“But you do?” Betty sighed and shook her head. “You’re not the only one who feels the absence of your father. People here are hurting. Disoriented. And with your sister gone, you’re the last standing MacLean. Your voice carries more weight than you might realize.”
Norm stared down at the pie, his appetite gone. “I hid. During the raid, I ran. I got in a storage space, left my sister and my best friend to the raiders, and hid.”
“Does that make you angry?”
“Why does it matter?”
“Regular boys can get angry, and they’ll just pee on the wall. When clever boys like you are angry… Hmmm. You’re lucky not to have seen where that can lead. Just tread lightly,” Betty cautioned. “That’s all I ask.”
She stood up, leaving him with his thoughts and the pie.
After Norm's conversation with Betty, he decided he wasn’t waiting any longer. Spurred by the realization that days weren’t always guaranteed in the Vault, he didn't want another day to go by without embracing his true feelings for you. With a newfound sense of urgency, he headed down the Vault corridor and knocked on the door to your living quarters.
You answered, surprised but happy to see him. "Norm, what are you—"
He cut you off by wrapping you in his arms and pulling you into a strong, passionate kiss. 
Norm kissed you deeply, pushing you back into the main living space as you hit the button for the door sealing you both inside. His hands roamed your back as he guided you further inside, the kiss growing more intense with each passing second. You felt the urgency and desire in his touch, and it mirrored your own.
As you moved together, your surroundings blurred. Norm's hands found the small of your back, pulling you even closer while your fingers tangled in his hair. You could feel the heat between you rising, the connection deepening with every touch, every kiss.
He gently maneuvered you towards the couch, never breaking the kiss. The world outside ceased to exist, replaced by the overwhelming need to be closer, to express everything you both had held back for so long. Norm's lips moved to your neck, and you sighed, your body responding to his every touch. The top half of your Vault suit restricted his advances and became his next target. With a determined yet tender touch, Norm moved his hands around you to unzip the remaining fabric standing between him and your body, spurred on by your urging. However, in the urgency of the moment, he accidentally bumped into an injured section of your arm.
You let out a small yelp of pain, instinctively grabbing the affected area with your opposing hand. Both of you recoiled, the sudden reminder of your fragility hitting harder than either of you expected.
“I’m so sorry,” Norm stammered, his eyes wide with concern and guilt as he scooted back.
“It’s okay,” you said, wincing slightly but trying to reassure him. “I just wasn’t ready for that.”
His face contorted with anguish, the reality of your injuries stark against the backdrop of his longing. He reached out as if to help but then hesitated, unsure of himself, unsure of everything. “I’m sorry, this was a mistake. I need to–” Norm’s voice trembled, his eyes darting away from your injuries peeking out from your Vault suit. 
“Norm,” you said firmly, stepping forward to close the gap between you, “is that what you really want? Cause I don’t buy it, really ask yourself.”  
Norm shook his head, his hands balling into fists at his sides. “You don’t understand. I hurt you. I don’t deserve–”
“You don’t get to decide what either of us deserve,” you interrupted, placing a hand gently on his arm. “That’s for us to figure out together, if we want to. Running away isn’t going to make it better for either of us.”
He looked down at your hand, the touch grounding him, pulling him out of the whirlpool of his thoughts. His breath hitched, “I can’t–” he started, but his voice cracked.
“Yes, you can. You didn’t do this to me and I don’t blame you for any of it. Honestly, if you didn’t leave taking those raiders with you we both would have died in that corridor. Deep down you know that kept us alive, and you might feel guilty about that, but it’s true,” you said, slidding even closer, so close that you could feel the heat of his body, his breath mingling with yours. Norm’s defenses crumbled, he let out a shuddering breath, his eyes filling with tears he’d held back for too long.
“I don’t know how to fix this,” he whispered, his voice barely audible.
“You don’t have to know right now,” you replied, your own voice trembling with emotion.
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germiyahu · 6 months
If someone derails your conversation about Israel to be about Israel's treatment of this or that group, Mizrachim, Beta Israel, etc. you may just want to consider their motivations, and do a little digging into the kinds of subjects they normally talk about on their own blogs.
If someone who has staunchly antizionist views, like I'm talking thinly veiled genocidal fantasies about destroying Israel and reveling in the chaos that would bring, and having no concern for the future of 7 millions Jews, their concerns about Medinat Yisrael's treatment of minority groups are not valid.
This is Concern Trolling.
If someone is derailing you to accuse Israel, through accusing you, of sterilizing Ethiopian women, stealing Mizrachi babies and having them raised by "white" parents, trying to destroy Yiddish, all these alleged violent assimilationist policies that Israel employs against fellow Jews?
A non Jew barging into your space and bringing up intra-community issues and grievances is a red flag. Do not fall for the sealioning trap. Do not turn out your pockets. Do not fall for the concern trolling.
Because what is their solution to these problems? To eliminate Israel as a state? And what about these minority groups within Israeli society then? Their answer is the same as their answer for the Ashkenazim: who cares? They largely imagine all Israeli Jews can simply move to the United States or France or something. The fact that over 95% of Israelis cannot just go to the countries of their parents or grandparents is of no concern to them.
That's why it's concern trolling. They're trolling you by pretending to be concerned, and baiting you into discussing an intra-community issue because they think that'll be the argument that finally gets you to disavow Israel. Because now you'll have no choice but to agree Israel is irredeemably problematic, because now it affects other Jews. So they are exhibiting a kind of bitterly envious brand of antisemitism. They think that all Jews believe in Jewish supremacy. They're quite mad about it. This is an aspect of the Chosen People canard.
But the main reason concern trolling is bad is because they don't care about these groups they bring up. They're not defending them, they're not championing their rights. They're trying to distract you and make you look like a hypocrite. When they cheer for Hamas raping and pillaging and spraying bullets into Israelis, they don't care if it happens to Beta Israel women who've supposedly been mass sterilized against their will. They cheer all the same. So much for their legitimate concerns that Israel is antisemitic in of itself I guess?
If the solution to a problem faced by a minority group within a country is "destroy their country which they also believe has saved them from ethnic cleansing and mass death, and figure out the rest later," you're not an ally to that group; stop pretending you are!
This is tied into pinkwashing, but from a sort of opposite approach. If any societal progress that Israel makes for minority groups is a psyop and a marketing ploy to cover up Palestinian Genocide, the concern trolling is antizionists holding Israel hostage to any societal progress it has not made. But they never intend on letting Israel improve these relationships. Israel is too nice to gay Jews, and not nice enough to African Jews. The only course of action therefore, is to let Hamas butcher them alongside straight Jews and "European" Jews.
So if you see someone trying to engage in this game, ignore them! Your time is worth so much more, and the vulnerable minority groups of Jews (both in Israel and the Diaspora) are much safer with Jews who discriminate against them than goyim who tout social justice rhetoric but want to see them dead. Plus, so many Jews are already doing the work, learning and listening, and trying to improve. This enrages the concern trolls like nothing else.
Call out Israel's bigotries, but you know, maybe don't trust the people who aren't affected by those bigotries invading your space and demanding your allyship to groups of people they'd be content seeing die en masse. Like "Israel is actually antisemitic against this vulnerable group of Jews!" and "All Israelis are settlers, none are truly civilians, and any form of violence against settlers is justified" are two stances that do not mesh very well...
Because at the very least, they're separating good Jews from bad Jews again, just based on what they perceive intra-Jewish oppression to be like. And they expect these good Jews to cheer and happily live as dhimmis in the absolute chaos that is a 100% inevitable Hamas-Fatah civil war and total societal collapse... and spit on the graves of their kinsmen.
And at worst, the concern trolls won't bother distinguishing these vulnerable Jews from their alleged oppressors anyway, and happily watch as they all flee with the clothes on their backs or get gunned down or enslaved by Hamas "Resistance" Fighters.
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actual-changeling · 5 months
Heya! Do you have any msr fic Recs?
I do have a lot! My ao3 bookmarks are all public, so you can go and browse those by fandom since I save every single fic I read. Fake/pretend relationship and anything involving them figuring out their relationship while around people are two of my all time favourite tropes. Here are some of my favourites though, they're either oneshots or completed:
Planes, Trains, and Automobiles (~66k, E)
Getting home proves to be challenging for our favourite agents. Set during Season 7, after Millennium.
True Lies (~106k, T)
Post-Terma, Scully can't help but think they need protection against any future kangaroo court congressional hearings and comes up with a rather unconventional solution that she proposes of Mulder.
Since We Fell Apart (~23k, T)
Post One Son, Scully is fed up with playing second fiddle to everything in Mulder's life, and decides it's best to just be done with him. Skinner asks her to work one last case for the X-Files - undercover in Arcadia.
Keep It All the Year (26k, M)
Scully is summoned to San Diego for a funeral at Christmastime, and ropes Mulder into her family dysfunction. Set in S6, canon divergent but not wildly so.
The Whole Story (~2.6k, T) by @sisterspooky1013
If they thought Maggie couldn’t tell when two people are holding hands under the dinner table, they've got another thing coming.
The Marriage Spectacular (~20k, M)
Lost FBI agents. Stormy weather. A marriage retreat in a mountainside inn with one room available.
una via (~19k, M)
Mulder and Scully's changing relationship in the period after Amor Fati.
Plus some of my favourite authors whose works I am still digging through and enjoying a lot. There's nothing better than reading a great fic, going to their profile, and then realizing they have like 100 more of them.
Skinfull @baronessblixen OnlyTheInevitable fragilevixen @danascully77 cecily_sass audries kittenscully
I'm probably forgetting a bunch of people, so you're very much invited to add your favourite fics and/or your own (self promo is explicitly welcomed!!).
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diazguzman · 3 months
Part 1 of interviews and articles focused on Ryan and Oliver talking about Eddie and Buck
I used to do this kind of data compilation/summary? for the DBSK fandom so I hope this can be helpful for anybody trying to find a specific interview or article.
I tried to post something like this days ago but I wasn't happy with the result so this is the improved version.
24/03/11 ‘9-1-1’: Oliver Stark Says Season 7 Buck Is ‘A Brand-New Man’ & Doing What Makes Him Happy
24/03/11 '9-1-1' Star Oliver Stark on Move to ABC: 'It Certainly Came As A Surprise' (Exclusive)
24/03/12 ‘9-1-1’: Ryan Guzman Says Eddie’s Learning More About Himself in Season 7
24/03/12 Ryan Guzman Teases 'Hopeful' Eddie Diaz & 9-1-1 Season 7 Humor
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24/03/12 9-1-1's Oliver Stark Teases a Crossover with Another ABC Show (Exclusive)
24/03/13 9-1-1 Duo Previews How Buck and Eddie Will ‘Lean on Each Other’ in Season 7 — Plus, Which ‘Ship Is Sunk?
24/03/13 '9-1-1': Oliver Stark Previews Season 7 Premiere's 'Ambitious' Cruise Ship Disaster (Exclusive)
24/03/14 '9-1-1': Oliver Stark Teases 'Fresh New Cycle' for Buck in Season 7 (Exclusive)
24/03/14 9-1-1 boss on that surprise character return in the season 7 premiere (Tim talking about Shannon and Eddie)
24/03/14 ‘9-1-1’: Oliver Stark on What Buck’s Relationship Status Means Going Forward
24/03/15 Why 9-1-1 boss 'wasn't really interested' in Buck dating death doula Natalia — and what's to come in season 7
24/03/20 911's Oliver Stark Teases That Bachelor Nation Crossover: 'I Feel Really Lucky' (Exclusive)
24/03/20 ABC 9-1-1 comes back for season 7
24/03/21 'It Was Brutal And Physically Exhausting': Oliver Stark Looks Back At 9-1-1's Tsunami And How It Compares To Season 7's Epic Cruise Ship Crisis
24/03/21 9-1-1's Ryan Guzman on Playing a Father Before Becoming a Dad: 'Almost Tearing Up Every Take' (Exclusive)
24/03/21 911's Oliver Stark Teases Buck's Love Life, Talks Buddie and Christopher Bond (Exclusive)
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24/03/22 Oliver Stark Reflects On 100 Episodes of 9-1-1 & Talks Buck Leaning On His Support System
24/03/25 ABC's 9-1-1 is Back for Season 7 | Cincy Lifestyle
24/03/28 9-1-1 First Look: Lou Ferrigno Jr. Returns to Save Bobby and Athena — What’s Next for Tommy Kinard? (Exclusive)
24/03/28 After 9-1-1's 'Huge Spectacle' Solution To The Cruise Ship Crisis, Oliver Stark Hypes An 'Intimate' 100th Episode
24/03/31 'I See Plenty Of Potential For More': 9-1-1's Oliver Stark Opens Up About ABC Crossover Potential Ahead Of The Bachelor Event
24/04/02 Exclusive set visit: '9-1-1' meets 'The Bachelor' in a primetime crossover event
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Part 2
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satureja13 · 7 months
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💞 Valentine's Day Special - Part 2 It starts -> here 💞
Jack went over to Saiwa, who buried himself in work to not have to deal with his embarrassment and shame for having a fake relationship with Kiyoshi... Jack: "Sai, let's go out. You haven't left your room for days." Sai: "I did." Jack: "Yes. To the bathroom and to grab some food. Come on. I'll treat you to the market, hm?"
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Sai: "I'm busy with the game. We need to earn money to pay back Rubyn and the others for helping us finding our home." Jack: "They wouldn't want us to suffer because of this. Just for an hour, hm? I'm your Valentine today!" Saiwa sighed. Poor Jack also has no date today. Sai: "Ok, I'll save and then we can leave." Jack: "That's my boy!"
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Sai: "Let's go." Jack: "Aren't you going to change clothes?" Sai: "What for?" Jack: "True." But he's worried. Usually Sai never would leave the house like this...
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Sai: "Thanks Jack. I love you." Jack: "I know."
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And then they saw them. Kiyoshi and Jeb. On a Valentines Date! (Of course it wasn't. Jeb dragged Kiyoshi away from home because he had the same plan as Jack with Saiwa...)
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Poor Jeb. He already is so afraid that Sai will break up with him because he urged him in a fake relationship with Kiyoshi to bring him back. (That hadn't even been necessary...) Why are they even here? Sai hadn't left his computer for days, why now?
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Jeb: "What are we supposed to do now?" Kiyoshi: "I don't know."
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Sai knew what to do: "Let's leave the love birds on their own so they can enjoy their date. We are going to go home and watch a Star Wars movie." That would usually bring tears of joy to Jack's eyes - but not today... Since he has no better idea either they left. Jack wants to avoid Kiyoshi at any cost.
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Of course Jeb and Kiyoshi didn't enjoy their 'date' after Sai and Jack left.
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Jack is in his happy place. At least Han and Leia are happy together.
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Poor Saiwa. They need to find a solution for this dilemma. Soon.
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Vlad and Ji Ho enjoyed their date. Jack made Heart's Desire Waffles for them.
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They helped Vlad to calm down and Ji Ho's nervousness also faded. Vlad is still new to eating food and so this date was very special for him. His first sweets. He's hooked. And Ji Ho is so sweet and beautiful.
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After they finished, they stood up to go back to their rooms. Jack hadn't told them what to to after eating the waffles ^^' They didn't talk either, as always. The Bond told them how they felt and that they both had a good time today. Baby steps.
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They stood at the stairs to their rooms and it's awkward, as always. What now? Say something? Quickly charge the bond? They are so lost without Jack ^^'
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Jack's waffles gave Ji Ho the confidence to embrace Vlad to charge the Bond and then he even kissed Vlad's neck! And Vlad liked it <3 And the goats too: 'Yay!' 'Finally!' 'Best Valentine's day ever!'
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'Looking back on all the time we spent together You oughta know by now if you wanna be my lover Wanna be my lover Go ahead and take your time, boy, you gotta feel secure Before I make you mine, baby, you have to be sure You wanna be my lover, wanna be my lover, wanna be my lover'
La Bouche - Be my Lover (Link above leads to the MV on youtube)
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From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest 🛺 'Home happy Home' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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iamnot-crazy · 7 months
Stowaway Chapter 10
Trafalgar Law x Fem!Reader
The reader is a slave to a nobleman due to her devil's fruit ability which allows her to control the emotions of the people around her. She flees to bump into Trafalgar Law and boards his ship.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 11
A/N: I guess I should give a warning for this chapter. It is a heavy one that deals with depression, masking, and suicidal thoughts. These aren't conversations new to OP just new for me to write so ya... I hope y'all like it it was definitely not an easy one for me to write.
As you stared at the snail in your hands a small paper fell from the back band on the snail falling gracefully to the ground. A vivre card. You had a jolt of realization as you scrambled to your feet, head throbbing as a torrent of memories flooded back. Doflamingo's voice echoed in your skull, each cruel word a fresh blow to your reawakening self.
You pull yourself off the ground and hold your head as your thoughts race. A ringing bursts through your ear as you try to find a solution to this new revelation. He can find you he has a part of your Vivre card.
You began to stumble across the deck holding your head as it spun. A kaleidoscope of fragmented memories assaulted you: Doflamingo's chilling laughter, the crushing weight of being his puppet. His voice, sharp as a shard of ice, echoed in your mind: 'You will be my tool.' 'The only thing you have of worth is your ability to serve me.' 'You won't be able to run from me ever.' 'You will be what allows me to defeat Law.'
His last statement sat in your head it was the first thing he said to you after he left you in the cellar with no food or water for a week. You still held your stubbornness at the time and Doflamingo used your relationship with Law as the biggest catalyst for your mental break.
Your gaze drifted towards the ship's edge, a silent beckoning towards the churning water below. You stumbled with each hesitant step, your body protesting against the ship's gentle sway. You pull yourself onto the edge. You stood up taking in the salty air and the mist that came from the water hitting the boat and reaching your face. 'you will be the reason he dies.'
The rough wood of the rail scraped against your skin, a fleeting comfort before it slipped away. Gravity seized you, pulling you down with an inexorable force. The salty air whipped past your face, as the waves almost felt like they were calling you as you fell. You close your eyes and accept your body's solution.
A shout, sharp and desperate, pierced through your despair. Your eyes snapped open just as the water rushed to meet you, a cold abyss promising an end. The terror of your action hits you as the water hits your face. You weren't ready or willing to die yet.
As you sink into the sea you turn over to watch the Sunny continue to sail away leaving you behind. Your vision began to go black just as something jumped into the water above you. You reach your arm out begging the figure to save you, you weren't ready. Your lungs burned, demanding air that your numb body refused to provide. A single, desperate breath escaped your lips, a silent plea for salvation as darkness consumed your vision.
The pit in your stomach felt heavy as it pulled you down. It almost felt peaceful as nature attempted to take back the devil fruit inside of you pulling you down faster and faster.
At least this way you can't cause Law any more pain and your suffering can end.
You felt a push on your chest and a pressure built in your throat that pushed its way out of you. Your body forced itself to the side as you spit out the seawater that filled your body. The green grass filled your vision as it began to return. You looked up to see you were on the deck of the Sunny.
"what were you thinking!?" an angry voice spoke above you.
Your head snaps up in search of the voice and find the swordsman of the ship Zoro. You sigh in relief that it wasn't your worrisome captain to save you.
You lolled over to your back sitting up slightly while continuing to catch your breath, "Thank you." you sigh.
The swordsman scoffed, "You didn't answer my question."
You look away from him, "I was trying to keep Doflamingo from finding us." you pull your legs up to your chest for warmth as you shiver in your wet cloths.
"and how would jumping off the ship help?" he spoke down to you.
"He made me a vivre card," you admit.
"That doesn't mean you jump off the goddamn ship!" Zoro shouted not even giving your revelation a thought. You look up at him to see not even a flicker of concern. "So what if he can track you we are heading to him anyways to kick his ass." the confidence of the man raised your own as you smile at the thought of them beating doflamingo.
Another thought flew into your head, "Please don't tell Law."
Zoro's brow furrowed in confusion. "He should know about the vivre card," he muttered, his voice low and gruff. 'We need to plan, strategize.
You shook your head, "No about... The whole jumping off the ship thing..."
Zoro sigh before sitting next to you, "Just promise not to do it again."
You nodded in response before staring off at the sea.
"why don't you want to tell him?" he asked pulling your thought out of your head.
"Law has already been through so much and a lot of the pain he has faced was because of me. I don't want him to worry about me anymore," you respond.
"If you didn't want him to worry why do it to begin with?"
"I guess I wasn't thinking of him, everything in my body just wanted it all to stop, the pain, the noise. The thought of him coming back for me terrified me." You bury your head into your knees tears refusing to fall.
Zoro's hand rested on your shoulder, "He won't hurt you again, I promise."
You look up at him, "but what about Law?"
Zoro looked over at the door to the boy's bunk, "I don't think our captain will let anything happen to him either."
You looked over at the bunks as well where the straw hat captain slept and you recalled his strong determination.
Zoro pushed himself up and offered you a hand, "Let's get out of these wet clothes."
You smiled taking his hand and he guided you to the bath he showed you the basics of the large bath and then left you with an old outfit of Robin's which was a long skirt and crop top.
You take the opportunity to bath in peace under the moon light. Feeling the warm water on your skin washing away the salty water pulled a weight off of you as you reflect on your conversation with Zoro.
As the first rays of dawn kissed the horizon, you emerged from the bath, the warm water washing away more than just salt water. When you climbed down the ladder you expected the ship to still be quiet with only the soft sounds of the waves hitting the boat. The clanging of dishes in the kitchen indicates someone else was awake.
You make your way to the kitchen by following the smell of cooked sausage. In the kitchen, their blonde cook danced over the stove cooking up a beautiful breakfast. You quietly sat down on a bar stool facing the cook as you watched him gracefully between the multiple pans on the stove each cooking a different part of the meal he was preparing for the whole ship.
When he finally turned around he jumped back at the sight of you, "Oh my sweet you scared me. I hope I didn't wake you?" his voice was still raspy showing signs of waking.
You shook your head in response. Sanji turned around to his domain pulling out a plate and shoveling food onto it, "Here is a beautiful breakfast for a beautiful woman!" he placed the plate in front of you. You muttered a thank you before digging in and the chef smiled before turning back to his work.
As you ate Sanji placed another plate beside you right before the door opened and Robin walked in with a book in hand. She gracefully walked to the chair next you and began to eat and speaking with Sanji who excitedly asked her how her food was.
"immaculate as always Sanji," she spoke joyfully before looking at you and analyzing your outfit, "Is that one of mine?"
You looked down, "I'm sorry I can take it off!" you spoke in a panic.
Robin just laughed, "No please don't, it looks good on you. I insist you keep it." she smiled softly which warmed your heart and you smiled in return.
You continued to eat your food as you noticed that her eyes had not left you. You felt her studying you, dissecting your emotions like a skilled archaeologist uncovering a hidden treasure. You return her stare with a questioning look as she analyzed you taking in every information she could about you. "What?" you speak up.
The woman just shook her head and turned back to her food, "I find you interesting." Your eyebrows raise in confusion, "Just the other day you were void of emotion and now you are flooded with emotions and worry for your captain. And yet the way you sit there you look like you belong here you look almost happy."
Your eyes dash to your plate as you think about her words and your past. "Ever since boarding your ship, I've been feeling all your emotions." You admit, "Your ship is so full of hope I have that to thank." You look back up to her and flash a large smile.
But the two pirates frowned at your response they both almost looked angry. Your smile quickly dropped as you tried to reach your power to feel their intention and you felt their disappointment and empathy.
"Then why try to kill yourself," Sanji spoke abruptly speaking in a tone that was unidentifiable if you didn't just read his emotion.
You froze thinking about your actions earlier and your failed attempt to hide your hurt. A tear starts to fall from your eye, "I wanted to prevent any more conflict." you spat, "How do you even know." your sad eyes dart between the two who share a look at each other.
Sanji shrugged, "Zoro informed me."
"I heard what happened while I was up reading," Robin admitted.
You push yourself out of the stool your mask completely falling your eye bags darken as your frown pulls them down and your eyes become red from the effort to keep them dry. The two pirates realized they had struck the nerve they were trying to pick and watched you with sorrow as you aimed for the door only to be stopped by the door flinging open.
The bouncy captain blazed into the kitchen running past you. You froze as you watched him run to Sanji and fought past him to reach the food. Next Usopp came following after the captain wiping the sleep from his eyes. He greeted you with a raspy morning before pulling himself into a chair at the table.
With the new people in the room, you pulled your mask back forcing a smile and clearing your eyes.
Luffy looked over at you and waved, "Morning, y/n! Come eat breakfast!" He shouted. You smiled in return and returned to your seat glad for a distraction. The two pirates interrogating you earlier frowned but decided to continue their roles.
Shortly Nami, Franky, Brook, and Chopper joined very excitedly for their breakfast. The loudness of the kitchen finally woke Law who ran into the kitchen in a panic as you were no longer in his arm. He burst through the door with his eyes darting around only to relax when he saw you laughing with the straw hats. He made his way towards you but as he approached Nami jumped up grabbing your arm, "y/n! Let me show you the rest of the ship!" Usopp jumped up as well grabbing your other arm and they pulled you out of the room.
Law frowns as the three of you push past him laughing. Law was glad you were laughing and smiling again even if it wasn't with him and let you go. He turned to the rest of the crew claiming a plate and chair. The chef and archaeologist watched him carefully.
You were pulled through the ship by the two pirates who excitedly showed you their favorite parts. You found where the swordsman has been hiding in the lookout tower where he slept with an empty plate beside him seemingly his breakfast that Sanji brought him.
Throughout the tour, you conveniently avoided Law as he tried to catch up just as you would pull the crew to the next location. You were amazed by everything the ship had to offer and you showed that with amazed gasps and a large smile.
Robin and Sanji watched from afar both seeing through your mask.
By the end of the tour, you were exhausted and had found a quiet spot at the back of the ship by the garden where you could watch the Straw hats laugh and play on the grassy deck but not be spotted. You watched while Law glared at them as Luffy dragged him into their fun.
You wanted so badly to smile as you watched your 'edgy' captain looking so odd amongst the crew of joyful sports but now that you were away from any supply of joy. The weight on your cheeks pulled your lips into a deep frown your tears free to fall as you hid behind the mast.
Tears streamed down your face, hot and unchecked, as you huddled behind the mast. Wrapping your arms around your knees, you pressed your forehead against them, seeking solace in the familiar warmth.
A prickle on your neck sent shivers down your spine. You knew Robin was there before you even turned around. "I don't need your pity," you spat, your voice trembling slightly as you felt her emotions cover you.
Robin's voice softened. "I'm not here to pity you," she said, each word carefully chosen. "I came to apologize." She slowly emerged from her hiding spot, her blue eyes filled with a mixture of understanding and sorrow.
she found her place next to you, "I can never relate to what you have been through but I can relate to wanting to throw everything away for the people you love. It was wrong for Sanji and I to try to push you like that but we didn't like seeing you hurt alone."
You looked away from her, "I don't like it when others worry about me." You spoke plainly.
"Is that because of your powers?" She asked gently, "I noticed you'd mimic the emotions of the people around you."
You frowned, your brows furrowing into a deep crease, "Maybe," you muttered, "It's easier to pretend to be hopeful when you can steal that emotion from someone else but when everyone else is full of anxiety..."
"You feel anxious." Robin finished for you, her voice laced with empathy.
You nodded, "I used to wear gloves with sea prism to avoid feeling other people's emotions but now I don't know if I can feel any emotions without latching onto someone else's."
"But you are feeling your own emotions," Robin said softly, her blue eyes meeting yours with a newfound understanding. "They just aren't bright right now. It's okay to feel sad, angry, scared. We all carry those burdens. It's easier to pretend like your emotions don't exist and that you have to latch onto someone else's but you still have trauma you need to move past. Just like the rest of us."
You paused at her last sentence, "the rest of you?" you questioned, your voice barely above a whisper as you looked down at the joyful crew dancing as if they never faced a hardship before in their life.
You knew how hollow Luffy had felt when his brother died, but he was dancing and laughing as if that day never happened.
Robin nodded, her gaze unwavering. "All of us have faced some kind of dark past that we are all working to put behind us," she said, her voice filled with a quiet strength. "I too wanted to die, I thought there was nothing more I could do with my life, but then I met Luffy. He has saved me twice from myself."
You wanted to push Robin away, to retreat back into the shell you'd built around yourself. But a tiny flicker of hope, fueled by her words, threatened to crack through the facade.
You looked off at the crew, a small smile gracing your lips even as tears flowed down your face. For the first time, you allowed yourself to feel everything – the joy of being alive and safe, the sadness of having your life stolen so many times now, the panic from knowing you were risking everyone's lives by being alive, and the overwhelming relief of knowing that you would be protected. It was a whirlwind of emotions something you were glad to feel again.
Next Chapter
A/N: Wanna read more of my work check out my MasterList
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toh-tagteam-au · 2 years
Tag Team AU Synopsis – Pre-Canon Events
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Alright! Let's get started. This is the beginning of a Very Boring Blow-By-Blow Explanation of the whole Tag Team AU.
Luz falls into the water of the Old Gravesfield cemetery at age 7. Her dad had just died a few days prior – noteworthy because she has not read the first Azura book yet. The water is infused with Titan’s blood, and she is shunted to the demon realm. 
Luz finds herself in the woods near the Emperor’s castle during a storm, and she quickly finds out this place is out to get her. She learns to run first and ask questions later, at least until a 9 year-old Hunter discovers her on a mission. The basilisks broke out during the storm, so the coven has all hands on deck hunting them down. 
Luz and Hunter quickly become friends, once Luz realizes he’s not going to eat her skin. Hunter sneaks her food during the next few days until actual coven scouts find her hiding out. They bring her back to the castle, thinking she’s a basilisk in disguise, and she is brought before Emperor Belos. Hunter sees her brought in, and quickly comes to her defense saying that she’s harmless. 
Belos, confronted with a human for the first time in centuries, immediately locks onto how quickly Hunter comes to her aid. Seeing an opportunity to maybe have a successful grimwalker clone of Caleb this time around, he takes Luz in and gives Hunter full responsibility for her, just as Caleb did for Philip. He lies and says he will look for a way to get Luz back home, but until then she has to keep the fact that she is human a secret – who knows what witches will do to her if they find out what she is.
Hunter does not take this well, and his and Luz’s relationship sours quickly as they’re forced to stay together.
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It isn’t until Belos tells Luz around the one-year mark that it may be impossible for Luz to get back home, that Hunter and Luz start actually getting along – Hunter realizes how terrible he has been to her, and Luz starts putting down roots. It’s also around this time that Eberwolf meets Luz and gifts her Backup, the gildersnake. (He probably would have been named stringbean if I had written this part post season 3.)
Meanwhile, Vee successfully escapes the Emperor’s Coven on the day Luz arrives and eventually makes her way to Eda the Owl Lady, who takes her in. Eda worries about Vee being in danger in the Boiling Isles, especially with Eda’s not-very-low profile, and she doesn’t get a solution until one of her ventures into the human realm, where she is suddenly held at bat-point by Camila. 
Camila is heartbroken, having lost her husband and her daughter in the span of a week, and she still believes that Luz is still out there. Especially when she sees a strange woman appear in town doing strange things, and disappearing into a houseless door. After tracking her down to the old abandoned shack, she jumps Eda and demands/pleads for help finding her daughter in the witch’s world. Eda agrees to look for Luz, and asks for help with her Vee situation in return. They make a deal: Camila takes Vee in, and Eda comes by every week or so with updates on if she has found Luz + Vee’s magic food.
Back to the siblings: Luz has been raised as a scout alongside Hunter. She rediscovers Azura at age 10 (Hunter age 12), and organizes a small book club with other coven scouts. Through many shenanigans, it turns into a blown out shipping war that splits the coven apart for 3 months. It only ends when Belos publicly chastises Luz, restricts her creative work, and bans Azura from the castle.
(Link to the Azura Incident fanfic can be found here.)
Hunter, realizing the power and creativity that Luz has from this incident, confronts her. He’s been trying to think of a way to use wild magic to heal Belos, and he wants her help. She accepts immediately, because if there’s a way to save a father figure in her life she’s going to try her hardest. She eventually learns her first glyph with Hunter: Light. 
Over the course of the next few years, Luz and Hunter find the rest of the elemental glyphs, they are officially made into the Golden Guards, and they start experimenting with glyph combos. There’s the Iced-Over Conformatorium Incident, where they create the Super Glyph (the one Eda made in Escaping Expulsion) and have to deconstruct it under pressure while it takes over the Conformatorium, and the Smoke-Bomb Incident, where they try to combine different magic items with the smoke combo glyph to see if Belos could inhale their magic essence that way. They don’t get caught either time, but Lilith strongly suspects it’s them.
Hunter also gets his magic staff when he becomes a Golden Guard, although Luz is told she isn’t old enough to wield one yet. This holds up until she turns 14 – the same age Hunter was when he got his staff – and she is still told that she can’t have one. 
This is where the comic starts. You guys know this to a degree already. Luz and Hunter make a deal with Eda to learn wild magic. Hunter takes Luz’s place in canon, etc etc. Everything up until the end of Teenage Abomination was written in comic form which is WAY COOLER THAN THIS. IF YOU DONT KNOW WHATS GOING ON READ THE COMIC RIGHT NOW. HERE'S THE FIRST PART.
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destinygoldenstar · 18 days
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(This is from my Episode 10 Reaction of Disventure Camp)
"I found the clue to the location of an immunity totem. It should be right here."
Okay he doesn't know of her thinking about flipping, to be fair. But still.
"I sure hope no one STEALS the idol or anything!"
Counter: 1
They're gonna steal it.
Counter: 2
Ellie's gonna tell Fiore & Alec, "Hey guys, I know how to save you guys. Tom has an idol. Steal it from him and use it for the council."
Counter: 3
That's definitely a plan!
"This is not good. That totem gives Tom more power than he already has."
Counter: 4
And I'm not even saying she shouldn't side with the villains if that's a game move that works for her. There's just a dozen impersonal ways to play this game.
You can win, AND keep your friendships!
Just find out who the target is, steal the idol from Tom when he isn't looking, use it to prevent the tie, and then FLIP.
Counter: 5
"If I vote with you, won't it just end in a 3-3 tie?"
"Not if we find a way to split that alliance."
Counter: 6
"You talk to Jake a lot, you must have noticed how insecure he is."
"If you can trick him by telling him some lie about Tom, he'll surely believe it."
Counter: 7
"But how would they steal the idol?"
Counter: 8
Just tell Tom and Jake to go hang out and be all cute, like go swimming or something. Tom will have to leave this stuff behind for that. And when they're gone, STEAL THE IDOL.
Counter: 9
"But he'll notice"
Ellie KNOWS what these idols look like! Gabby used one for her!
"I'll also make sure Jake never trusts Tom again."
WHAT?! NO!!!
Counter: 10
"Tom possibly has an immunity totem."
Okay. Steal it.
Counter: 11
"We need a plan to counter it."
Counter: 12
Counter: 13
"I did my part. Now who are we going to vote for?"
You know what the weird part is? I don't even know how this benefits you guys.
Tom has an idol.
You didn't even have to gaslight Jake. You could've just stole the idol.
Counter: 14
I'm pretty sure the game NEVER said that the person who got the idol was the only one who could play it.
😭Just steal the goddamn idol...😭
Counter: 15
"Alec, Ellie, and I voted for Jake. So if you don't use your totem to save your little dumb boyfriend, he's gone tonight."
Unless she's lying and she and Alec flipped...
You betray Ellie, YET AGAIN. You LOSE HER as an ally.
Unless you're trying to boot her and have her be 5th place. BUT THEN YOU HAVE JAKE AND MIRIAM AS AN ALLIANCE TO WORRY ABOUT.
Just convince Ellie to be on your side to get her to flip, vote for who you want out, convince Tom & Jake to do something that forces Tom to leave the idol behind...
Counter: 16
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"But what about the idol?" In this universe, Tom got the idol. He told Ellie he was getting it. She could've convinced Tom "Hey, give that to me, I need it more and I can help you if you take me to the finale." If Tom agrees, you have an idol and you are in a much more protective position than you were previously.
"But what if Tom doesn't want to give anyone his idol?" Are you ready for it?
Counter: 17
The game NEVER says that the one who finds it is the only one who can use it. So if you STEAL it, you can use it to nullify the other alliance's votes and get someone there the boot instead.
Counter: 18
You didn't need to pull any of this flipping bullshit that Fiore & Alec did here. It was a complication that was not necessary.
"But what if Tom doesn't ever part with his idol?" Then MAKE HIM part with it! Invite Tom and Jake to go swimming or something, a situation that forces Tom to not take the idol with him, and when no one is in the cabin, make an excuse to leave, and steal the idol.
Counter: 19
"I sure hope no one STEALS the idol or anything!"
They're gonna steal it.
Steal it from him and use it for the council.
steal the idol from Tom when he isn't looking
"But how would they steal the idol?"
And when they're gone, STEAL THE IDOL.
Okay. Steal it.
You could've just stole the idol.
😭Just steal the goddamn idol...😭
So if you STEAL it
and steal the idol.
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pandasmagorica · 15 days
4 Minutes pre-ep 8 (Mon 9 Sept) musing on sad endings
I'm among those anticipating a sad ending to 4 Minutes. But what exactly is a sad ending in Eastern culture? This is a thoroughly Western take, so please feel free to correct me if I get it wrong.
This post contains spoilers for
Bungee Jumping of Their Own (Korea),
He's Coming to Me (Thailand),
Eternal Yesterday (Japan),
Until We Meet Again (Thailand),
Century of Love (Thailand),
To Sir With Love (Thailand),
55:15 Never Too Late (Thailand),
The Miracle of Teddy Bear (Thailand),
Something in My Room (Thailand),
Once Again (Korea),
and, of course, episodes 1 through 7 of 4 Minutes.
Mention in this paragraph or post does not necessarily mean the show has a sad ending - although there's a good chance of it - so this paragraph is not in itself a spoiler.
This is a long post.
I want to discuss three works that treat reincarnation as an important theme in the work: Bungee Jumping of Their Own, Until We Meet Again, and He's Coming to Me.
Here is the question: In cultures or individuals that believe in reincarnation, does death count as a sad ending?
The first time I had to ask myself this was many years ago after seeing the Korean queer-themed film Bungee Jumping of Their Own at the San Francisco Frameline Film Festival, one of the largest queer film fests on the planet. In this film, a man and a woman in love are engaged to be married. The woman is killed in a vehicle collision. The man remains single and becomes a teacher.
Sixteen and some years later, he becomes convinced that one of his male students, who is 16 at the time, is the reincarnation of the woman he loves. This ultimately turns out to be the case, and they begin a relationship which is roundly (and understandably) criticized by the people around them. At the end of the film, they commit suicide together by sabotaging a bungee jump. But we don't see them die, we see their spirits in conversation about what the possibilities would be for their reincarnation and reuniting, and that they will plan to be together as a same-aged couple, whether straight or gay.
So is this a sad ending on not? It's sad that they couldn't find a way to live in 2001 Korea - really, one solution would have been to wait until the student was an adult - but if it's clear they would likely be reborn and find each other once more, then it's merely bittersweet.
By the way it's a good movie if you can find it.
I understand Dew the Movie (Thailand) is a remake which starts with the gay couple who then get reincarnated as a straight couple, but I haven't seen it and can't comment on it.
Until We Meet Again (Thailand) is a sad beginning, opening with a double suicide of a gay couple sometime around the late 1980s. They get reincarnated, sort of, perhaps 13-15 years later, and ultimately find each other and instantly recognize their connection, even if they're not sure how or why. A better way to describe it is that their spirits kind of hitchhike with their new personas, as it ultimately turns out that they are both combined and separate from the new couple, who have their own personalities. But the spirits of the original couple are ultimately at peace and the successor couple are on their way to forging their own unique and happy relationship. So happy ending for a sad story.
He's Coming to Me (Thailand) is also a sad beginning. Med dies, and is somehow being prevented from being reborn, so is stuck as a ghost. He befriends a young man, Thun, who can see ghosts. Thun solves the blockers that are keeping Med from reincarnating, but in the meantime they've fallen in love, so Thun is heartbroken that he's going to lose Med. Sad ending for Thun, bittersweet ending for Med. But surprise, it's not Med's time to die yet, so they are reunited at least for now. Happy ending!
Century of Love (Thailand) is more of a comedy all the way through once we've gotten past the sad beginning of the female romantic interest dying to save the life of the male lead. The male lead makes a deal with the goddess to live 100 years more so he can try to find the reincarnation of his love and break the spell or else die trying. When the 100 years is about to expire, he thinks he has found her in the guise of a morally gray young man. He has to work through his internalized homophobia and falls in love with the man. But then a woman shows up who might be the reincarnation. Ultimately, we never know for sure if either of them or both are the reincarnation of the male lead's original loved one, but it takes both the young man and the new woman to break the curse. Happy ending!
Again, I am commenting as someone who grew up in Western Judeo-Christian culture, so am at risk of overestimating how important a belief in reincarnation is to Eastern culture. But it does seem to play a big part. I'll acknowledge that Western culture has reincarnation stories as well, but I don't think they have the emotional hit that the Eastern stories I've seen do.
Moving away from reincarnation:
Eternal Yesterday (Japan) has a high school queer couple separated by a fatal traffic accident aka the white truck of death. Except that the impactee gets up and smiles and moves around. But he's still dead. This is the opposite of a scary ghost or zombie flick: he's kindly and they are still in love which each other and doing their best to cope with this change in events. But ultimately it becomes clear that the survivor is keeping the dead one alive, and it's too hard on the dead one to keep going. There was no way this could have had a happy ending, but it's incredibly life affirming. I'm moved to tears just thinking about this series, and would watch it again and again, already have rewatched it once. Don't fear sad endings. (Okay, it's your choice, but I don't fear them.)
To Sir With Love (Thailand) has the least mystical relationship with death, but there is a lot of it in the series. The ending is bittersweet. The queer couple is together, but the mother committed suicide to save them from the bad guy by tricking him into taking poison.
55:15 Never Too Late (Thailand) provides the redo by transforming the five 55 year old mains into their 15 year old bodies. On their way back to being 55, one of them dies, and the others face an uncertain future with the opportunity to try again. Bittersweet.
The Miracle of Teddy Bear (Thailand) gives a teddy bear life and love, but ultimately the bear relinquishes his life so that the human who gave him life could be reunited with the teddy bear's owner. But the owner could still show him love as a teddy bear. Bittersweet.
Something in My Room (Thailand) has a living human and a ghost fall in love with each other. They are ultimately separated, but reunited many years later when the human dies of a terminal illness. So they're together (happy) but the human is now dead (sad). Bittersweet.
Once Again (Korea) sends a young man back in time to meet the man who died saving him from a child abductor as a kid. They fall in love, and the time traveler tries to prevent his savior's death but the guy dies saving him again anyway and the time traveler is thrust back into the present. The savior sends a note through a friend to the time traveler telling him let's do this again every 7 years that some people have taken as being a time loop but which I take as just the savior trying to make the time traveler feel better about not being able to change the past. On the sad side of bittersweet.
Now lets get back to episodes 1 through 7 of 4 Minutes, and look at what beliefs might go into a happy, sad, or bittersweet ending to episode 8.
In the redo timeline, Great's father makes a reference to the three realms, Heaven, Earth, and Hell. Unlike Western culture where Heaven is eternal reward and Hell, at least in Christian culture specifically, is eternal punishment, in Thai culture they are waystops. Again, Thais please feel free to correct me if I'm off. But we don't know if redo Great's father is speaking from belief or experience.
We've also paid a visit to the 4:00 room where people go to - what? - be in limbo? wait to find out if they live or die? move on to the next life?
There's a bed in that room. Will Great and Tyme use it for sex? To nap together?
It would not be surprising for Great to live and Tyme to die, based on the circumstances of their respective entries into 4 minutes territory. Tyme has asked for Great's forgiveness - he would not now expect Great to give up his life just to be with Tyme. This would be sad or bittersweet. How far along that scale it would be would depend on what Great does with his life going forward, which would possibly be shown briefly with a time jump.
We don't know what role if any reincarnation plays in this series. It hasn't been mentioned but is related to the three realms belief. So, they could both die and be reincarnated in the next life, leading to a happy ending a la Until We Meet Again. Obviously with only one episode remaining, we would not get much of a picture of this, but remember Bungee Jumping of Their Own ended with the mains clearly in an unreal space and assumption of further reincarnation awaiting them. It could still be part of the ending. And it would be bittersweet - that they can't be together now but would have a chance to be together in the next life.
We probably are not going to get an unambiguously happy ending. Even if they were both to survive, the police chief would still be out to get Tyme and possibly Great.
Actually that would be a question if just Great survives.
I eagerly await Friday (Saturday for you folks who are ahead of me on the International Date Line) and the conclusion of this series.
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tarotfairy0919 · 25 days
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷Suit of Wands - 7 of wands🧨
©tarotfairy0919 - all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter or repost my work.
Please REBLOG if you find this information useful! ༄˖°🪐.ೃ࿔*
💥7 of wands - Lord of Valour
this is a warning of obstacles & difficulties ahead
encourages you to be brave & creative in your solutions
Season: Mid-Summer
Element - earth
Astrological association - Mars in Leo
Keywords for the 7 of Wands
effort, challenges
standing up for yourself
fighting an unknown adversary
obstacles that must be overcome
pushing through obstacles
challenges from many sources
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💫Upright meaning
obstacles in your path but you will overcome them
regardless of how difficult the conversation becomes there’s a need to keep talking and stay in conversation until you are satisfied with the outcome
defending others not just your interests
need to stand up for those who are not able to speak for themselves
relationship - you are fighting to save something that you believe in; potential for a struggle to keep the authenticity and morale of the relationship which can at times be exhausting and challenging
health - slow down; your body may suffer from physical aches and pains because you are holding on so tightly to the frustrations of your experience
work - challenges that you can definitely meet; if you have an idea about how to create a business, you will want to get a lawyer friend involved to make sure that you do everything right
💫Reversed meaning
feeling overwhelmed
giving up
losing your nerve
suffering losses
losing your footing
you doubt your purpose
you may struggle to be heard and may have to overcome constant obstacles
anxiety and hesitation
feeling overwhelmed with continual problems
focus on the area when you can still make a difference while accepting the things you cannot change
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fatelesschild · 11 months
FC's Doctor Who Fic Masterlist
Pseudonyms: Laurawrzz, reddwarfaddict, fatelesschild 10Whump, H/C, TenxRose
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(Image by @fritzmetzger)
The Doctor's new life in "the adventure he thought he could never have" is in full swing, and it's nothing like what he thought it would be. With Rose and their children by his side and the support of Jack's Torchwood, Sarah Jane, UNIT, new friends and old friends alike, the Doctor faces some of the biggest challenges he's ever had in an increasingly hostile universe full of age-old enemies and dangerous new villains.
In this collection, the Doctor and Rose try to nurture a relationship and raise children in a Universe with other ideas. Facing amnesia, torture, imprisonment, childbirth, illness, corruption, war, hate, love, loss, plus all the trouble and fun in between, being "the Doctor in the TARDIS with Rose Tyler" was never going to be normal.
TenxRose A/U of post-Journey's End. All stories carry tags/warnings for 10Whump, H/C, graphic violence and emotional trauma, general dark themes, and some descriptive sex.
Mainline stories
1 Destiny (Novel, Explicit) [TenxRose, Torchwood, Master] ﹂"I think he's from the future. This is a future me." The Doctor and Rose are in a fledgling relationship travelling the stars, until one fateful day, the Doctor's tortured future self arrives in Torchwood, intent on breaking the laws of times and changing his own past.
2 Paroxysmic (Novel, Mature) [TenxRose, Torchwood, UNIT] ﹂“That boy who died… He had what Leah has.” The Doctor and Rose's two-year-old daughter suddenly falls ill and is taken to a UNIT hospital. But when unexplained deaths of children in the ward begin to occur, the Doctor must race to solve the mystery before it takes his girl away too.
3 The Debt (Novel, Explicit) [TenxRose, Torchwood, Shadow Proclamation, Master] ﹂“Theta needs Koschei's help one last time.” When his young daughter is put into mortal danger, and Rose is imprisoned by a corrupt Shadow Proclamation, the only one the Doctor can turn to for help is the Master, calling in a debt from their childhood. But he can't be trusted …. Can he?
4 Mother's Nature (Novel, Explicit) [TenxRose, Torchwood, Ulysses, Penelope Gate] ﹂“… But what if she's not real?” The Shadow Proclamation upgrade Earth to a Level 6 planet, endangering visiting species as humans turn hostile. Seeking refuge, some old family members of the Doctor turn up, but … haven't they been dead for hundreds of years?
5 Echoes (Novel, Mature) [TenxRose, Torchwood, Shadow Proclamation, Braxiatel, UNIT, Master] ﹂“I want to remember. I sound so happy.” After receiving a message from his future self and fleeing Torchwood in a hurry, the Doctor turns up on the Master’s doorstep three months later with utterly no memory of who he is, how he got there, or what happened to him and his family.
6 Time (Novel, Explicit) [TenxRose, Torchwood, UNIT, Braxiatel] ﹂"He is very, very ill. I believe he has three months to live." After twelve years of imprisonment in Volag-noc the Doctor is terminally ill, giving him and Rose three months to find a lost memory so he can regenerate into the same body. However, someone has been chasing the Doctor for a very long time ...
7 Mind Games (Short, Mature) [TenxRose, Multiple Doctors + Companions, Master] ﹂“You need to go inside his mind, find him, and bring him out." The Doctor has regenerated and become trapped within his own mind. Rose must enter to save what's left, battling riddles and games and searching his deepest, darkest memories to reach Ten and free him from his own mental prison.
8 Co-consciousness (Novel, Mature) [TenxRose, Torchwood, Braxiatel] ﹂‘Tell him that I love him too. And also that I hate him.’ A freak accident has left Rose’s consciousness trapped inside the Doctor’s head, and the only solution is on the most criminal-infested planet in the Universe. With Jack's help, the Doctor has to find the cure before his brain shatters under the strain.
9 Insurgent (Novel, Explicit) [TenxRose, Torchwood, UNIT, Braxiatel, Master] ﹂‘I love you, all of you. Don’t stop. Never stop.’ With UNIT having faked his death, the Doctor goes undercover to save Earth. But this time, his adversaries are out of his childhood nightmares, and his family are under severe threat from a xenophobic human race.
10 The Ten Keys of the Moirai (Novel, Mature) [TenxRose, Torchwood, Braxiatel, Master] ﹂'I don’t believe in fate.' Someone is finding the fabled Keys of the Moirai. The Doctor and his friends must embark on the greatest treasure hunt ever known, as the rumoured prize is to become the immortal ruler of the Universe, and who knows who's about to claim it?
11 Memento (Novel, Mature) [TenxRose, Torchwood] ﹂'This isn't a story. This is your life, and you need to remember it.’ The Doctor wakes up with a damaged memory as a prisoner of an unknown entity. With him is someone who claims to be his friend. Time is apparently running out, and all the Doctor has to reconstruct his life are stories told by a man he can’t remember, and is not sure he can even trust.
12 Panacea (Novel, Mature) [TenxRose, Torchwood, Millennia] ﹂You should've killed me. On a mission to cure his paralysis, the Doctor heads with Jack to the most renowned clinic in the universe, where he meets a very old friend. But with infected Rose one step ahead, the threat to the Doctor and his family has never been so personal.
13 The Things in the Dark (Novel, Explicit) [TenxRose, Torchwood, Millennia, Daleks] ﹂‘Who says you’re imaginin’ anythin’?’ After being blinded by Rose's disease, the Doctor must prepare the TARDIS to navigate through one of the most hostile regions of space to save her, but old traumas die hard ...
14 Oblivion (Novel, Mature) [TenxRose, Torchwood, Millennia, Eternals, Ravenous] ﹂‘Just … acknowledge what I said. I’m telling you what to do if I die.’ A blind Doctor, his six-year-old daughter, Jack Harkness, and Millennia embark on an Odyssean journey into an extremely hostile region of space in a race against time to find the cure for a diseased Rose Tyler. But their ticket may only be one way.
15 Twilight of the Innocents (Novel, Mature) [TenxRose, Braxiatel, Master] ﹂‘Haven’t you learnt not to trust the villain yet, Doctor?’ To save Rose Tyler and free the Universe from a sentient disease's grip, the Doctor, the Master, and Irving Braxiatel must work together: forced to navigate the complexities of their relationships, face the depths of their fears, and consider the cost of their decisions. But can the last three Time Lords, so deeply divided by distrust, be trusted with the fate of the Universe?
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22 Weeks (Oneshot, Explicit) [Ten, Jack, The Master] ﹂'I'm Jack. I love you; I'm not going to hurt you.' During the Year That Never Was, Jack struggles to take care of a brain-damaged Doctor over the course of one week following the Master's relentless assault.
Santa's Not Real (Oneshot, General) [TenxRose] ﹂'Santa is real, Leah. He needs you to believe in him.’ The Doctor’s daughter doesn’t believe in Santa, but that might just be the undoing of Christmas for children all over the Earth.
Other Series
A weed inside the TARDIS has buried itself so deeply in her heart that reality becomes an illusion. When Rose is poisoned by the weed, the Doctor has five hours to obtain the cure, fighting reality and unreality to save his companion.
1 Weeds (Two-part, Mature) [Ten, Rose, TARDIS] ﹂“Help,” the Doctor whimpered, his eyes filling up with tears. A destructive weed is inside the TARDIS and poisoned Rose. With five hours on the clock, an injured Doctor must find the cure, but to get it, he must venture into the very heart of his own beloved ship.
2 Pains (Two-part, Mature) [Ten, Rose, TARDIS] ﹂"I am the emergency medical interference for this time capsule, TARDIS type 40, mark 3." The weeds are still in the TARDIS, and the Doctor is lying useless in the infirmary. Rose takes it upon herself to kill the weeds, but straying too near the TARDIS Heart and its terrible effects may end up killing her.
3 Hearts (Two-part, Mature) [Ten, Rose, TARDIS] ﹂"No, I don't want you to be my champion. I want you to be my slave." The weeds are multiplying, and Rose and the Doctor are lying at the bottom of an access shaft, badly injured. The Heart of the TARDIS is screaming for help, but is there anyone left to answer?
4 Minds (Two-part, Mature) [TenxRose, Jackie, TARDIS] ﹂“I've only… I've only ever been with you.” The weed has taken the Doctor's mind, placing him in a made-up world with little memory of the TARDIS or the danger she and Rose are in. Rose can only communicate with him through his dreams, and who says he wants to leave his dream world anyway?
5 Bodies (Two-part, Mature) [Ten, Rose, TARDIS] ﹂"Take me over, fry my brain, sacrifice me, I don't care. Whatever it takes. Just beat this weed. For the Doctor, okay? It's what he'd want." It's the end of the line, and with the Doctor's body dead and his mind held captive, it's up to Rose and the TARDIS to kill the weed once and for all.
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The DoctorRose Fic Marathon 2022
Collection of Ten and Rose-centric stories created for the 2022 Doctor Rose Fic Marathon, ranging through lovely fluff, absurd crack, genuine horror, and intense whump / H/C.
The Man in the Leather Jacket (Oneshot, Teen) [Ten, Rose] ﹂'But you don't know where I'm going. You don't even know who I am.' After five years of working listlessly in Henrik's, a very strange customer walks in looking for a new outfit and changes Rose Tyler's life forever.
The Bitter Pill (Oneshot, Teen) [TenxRose] ﹂'Oh god, I took so long that you've had a stroke.' A Gallifreyan biological curiosity causes a severe medical emergency for the Doctor, leaving Rose to pick up the pieces.
Tell Me What I'm Thinking (Oneshot, Teen) [TenxRose] ﹂'Wait, that means I could use telepathy like you if I trained it, yeah?' Over the course of two months, Rose tries to get the Doctor to teach her how to use telepathy.
Goodnight, Sleep Tight (Oneshot, General) [Ten, Rose] ﹂'Oh my god, are you actually doin' this?' Rose and the Doctor share a single bed for the night, and it’s not quite as romantic as Rose imagined.
Sale of the Century (Oneshot, General) [Ten, Rose] ﹂'When you come through here every so often with fifty trolleys, you tend to stick in the mind.' When the TARDIS food stocks run low on Earth supplies, the Doctor has to go on his centennial grocery shop. Unfortunately, this time Rose is along for the ride.
Bet Your Life? (Oneshot, Mature) [Ten, Rose, Jack] ﹂'I'm tired, Jack, I'm s-so tired of w-watchin' him die …' The Doctor's temporary death causes temporary chaos for Jack and Rose.
He May Surely Have Bad Dreams (Oneshot, Mature) [TenxRose] ﹂'Stop. Please. Please. I'll do anything. Just let me wake up.' Have you ever had a nightmare you couldn't wake up from?
School's Out (Oneshot, Teen) [Ten, Rose] ﹂'I'm … from the future.' A new student appears at Jericho Street Comprehensive, just as schoolgirl Rose Tyler needs saving.
Her Last Goodbye (Oneshot, General) [TenxRose] ﹂'I know it'll hurt. But remember. You gave me the best life. The best.' After nearly three centuries of travelling with the Doctor, Rose Tyler dies. But she’s not quite done looking after him yet.
Standalone Novels/Shorts
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Death in Paradox (Short, Mature) [paused] [Ten, Martha, Rose] ﹂'If I’m going to die, I‘d like to see what finally killed me.’ After seeing a past version of himself shot dead by an unknown assailant, the Doctor, with the help of Rose and Martha, must embark on a murder mystery to solve his own killing before time corrects and his death catches up with him.
Xeno (Novel, Mature) [Ten, Donna, Jack, Martha, UNIT] ﹂Why wasn’t Martha speaking the right language? Unless, of course, he was speaking the wrong one. Donna is still looking for the Doctor when a UFO crash lands outside of Downing Street, containing the severely injured Time Lord. Trouble is, the human race is about to be the victim of genocide, and the Doctor can't speak English. Russian translation available here
Jack (Novel, Mature) [Ten, Rose, Jack] ﹂"I'm Cap'n Jack Harkness. Who the hell are you?" The Doctor and Rose are forced by the TARDIS to the 52nd century, where they meet a Time Agent Jack in the middle of his two years of missing memories fighting a gruesome biological war.
Eli (Novel, Teen) [Ten, Sarah Jane, Martha, Jack, Rose] ﹂'All grown-up humans need is sleep, food, something to amuse them, and some attention. Right? So you need that too. Just in smaller doses.' In the wreckage of a crashed ship, the Doctor discovers a sole survivor - a small human boy in the tight grip of his dead mother. While finding him a home, the Doctor has to look after him. The problem is he has no idea how human children work.
Ordinary World (Novel, Mature) [edit pending] [TenxRose, Jackie, Jack, Sarah] ﹂'Them aliens out there? They're s'posed to be the killers, yeah? The murderers? The monsters? Well they're not. The monsters are right here. It's us.' A malfunctioning TARDIS has sent the Doctor, Jackie and Rose to an alternative version of Earth. Without the TARDIS, the Doctor, Rose and Jackie are forced onto separate sides of a gruesome alien vs. human war.
Reborn (Novel, Mature) [edit pending] [Ten, TentooxRose, Jack, Martha, Sarah Jane, Multi-era, Koschei, Theta. Romana] ﹂'We have to stop the Darkness before it consumes everything.' When the walls of reality begin to break down, the 10th Doctor and every person he has ever known assemble in one reality. The Darkness is coming, and not all of them will reach the light.
13 Woodcutter Road (Short, Teen) [Ten, Donna] ﹂"Something's not right with this street, Donna. I think it's some kind of alien intervention, a front for some sort of operation…" After a misadventure that needs the TARDIS to self-repair, the Doctor and Donna have to live in a temporary Earth house. But while Donna thinks he's going mad with boredom, the Doctor is convinced that something very strange is going on in Woodcutter Road.
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(Image by @fritzmetzger)
Time With Mother (Oneshot, Mature) [Ten, Jackie, Rose] ﹂Somewhere over the course of the afternoon, he'd stopped being a stranger, and started being a member of the family. The newly regenerated 10th Doctor finds himself trapped and injured with Jackie in the stairwell of a shopping centre on Boxing Day, where they find they've got more to talk about than the sales.
Happy Othersmas (Oneshot, Teen) [TenxRose] ﹂'I know it's just some silly human holiday that doesn't make much sense, and it shouldn't feel so important, but it does.' Rose’s plans for her first Christmas without her mum are scuppered by a highly contagious alien disease, and she and the Doctor are forced to spend 48 hours in TARDIS quarantine.
The Curse of the Time Lords (Oneshot, General) [Nine, Ten, Rose, Martha, Donna, Multi-Doctor, Multi-Companion] ﹂'It's you …' TARDIS ground rules: 1. Don't put posters up. 2. Don't be overly joyful before 10am. 3. Don't go into the attic.
The Monster's Ball (Oneshot, Teen) [Ten, Rose, Jackie] ﹂'I now, officially, have utterly no idea what's going on or how I'm supposed to stop it.' The Doctor and Rose accidentally visit Jackie on Halloween, just in time for the Powell Estate annual Halloween party. Audiobook version available here
Dear Santa (Oneshot, General) [TenxRose] ﹂WE WOOD LYK TO SAAAAY THAT YOOOU SHOOD NOT GET THE DOKTAH A PREZENT THIS YEEEEAR!!! Documenting a series of "umails" from the Doctor and the Daleks to Santa, asking him not to get the other one presents.
Shipwrecked (Short, Teen) [edit pending] [Ten, Multi-companion] ﹂"We're stuck in the void…" The TARDIS has crashed, leaving the Doctor and eight companions trapped in the console room with only twenty minutes of oxygen.
Yet to be AO3'd
All below have yet to be AO3'd. Most are on FF.net.
Key: - Rewrite probable - Can't decide - Let the internet swallow it into the abyss
Novels/Shorts (a-z)
Casperton Horror Laura's description: Fun horror with blatant TenxRosexTentoo, even though it wasn't Rewrite notes: Nice premise, deserves another outing
Dreams Laura's description: James Bond, but it's the Doctor, and he can't stop being heroic. Plus helicopters Rewrite notes: Has a special place in my heart, seems likely
It IS Halloween Laura's description: Series of epic 10Whumps tenuously linked by Halloween subplot Rewrite notes: ... Ahahahaha!
Lector Manor Laura's description: What you get if you mix Kingdom Hearts with Saw but still want it Saturday-night friendly Rewrite notes: Always liked its vibe, I'd like another crack
Lure of the Sirens Laura's description: If Lost had more sex, 10Whump, and bears, because every desert island has bears Rewrite notes: Totally oversexed, but nice premise with a desert island survival vibe that could be more fun if I thought about it
Memories Laura's description: A story to remind you that Laura likes medieval RPGs and plot duality Rewrite notes: I always liked this one, it at least deserves a look at
Miss Doctor and Mr Rose Laura's description: Bodyswap with author's blinding pubescent overtones Rewrite notes: Noooooo. No. Nope.
My Darlin' Rosaline Laura's description: If Doctor Who was a Western everyone would have Western names and talk about the Calaboose Rewrite notes: Some very nice H/C but ... nah.
Ransom Laura's description: Tentoo has a really bad time, like REALLY bad. Also, there's plot. Rewrite notes: Always intended to repost
Shipwrecked Laura's description: Time petals with canonical context. Rewrite notes: Probably best left to the furnace
Ten Minus Five Laura's description: An excuse for cute tiny Ten, validated by plot Rewrite notes: It's the only deageing fic I've done, maybe it needs some love ...?
The Long Meaningful Rambles 1-4 Laura's description: If you read the Destinyverse, it's like that, but written by a child Rewrite notes: Nice moments, but ultimately defunct
Unwanted Lodger Laura's Description: MPreg, but it's not an MPreg, MPreg, but it's not an MPreg ... Rewrite notes: Barely remember besides the obvious, need to review, but seems unlikely
Walking Dead Laura's description: The dead Doctor wants to eat your face, Rose Rewrite notes: Kooky idea with some cool moments, not a rewrite but a recycler
YinYang Laura's description: A very long excuse to bury the Doctor alive Rewrite notes: Has ultimately led to ideas for the Destinyverse. Defunct.
Oneshots/Twoshots/Other (a-z)
TARDIS Drabbles of Randomness Laura's description: Intermittent brain splurges of varying quality Rewrite notes: I like a lot of it, but not sure anyone else would 😂
A Christmas Story About Christmas (and a Wii) Laura's description: If crack took a crack and married Mrs Crack who gave birth to a baby named Crack at Christmas Rewrite notes: No, tah.
A Pound of Potatoes and a Broken Nose Laura's description: What happened when a child Laura went to Sainsbury's and thought, 'how can I hurt the Doctor in here?' Rewrite notes: Absolutely not.
A Year's Free Supply of Marmalade Laura's description: Do you remember that time before Gen Z learnt to walk and the concept of babygirl didn't have a name? Yeah, it's that. Rewrite notes: Not even a tiny bit of me wants to rewrite this but it's always available for posterity.
Beyond the Void Laura's description: Something that began as an attempt to fix Doomsday but somehow made it even more traumatic Rewrite notes: Not worth a rewrite, but the spirit lives on in pretty much everything since.
Chocolate Spread or Marmalade? Laura's description: Laura can't grieve properly so had to turn Rose's loss into a small crackfic Rewrite notes: Even if God commanded me, he couldn't make me redo this.
Circle of Life Laura's description: A neat little oneshot that seemed real mature at the time. Rewrite notes: It's a really interesting premise but has ultimately made its way into other fics in other forms.
Dear Mr Dalek Laura's description: A confirmation that if Laura does naff poetry it needs to include naff whump. Rewrite notes: Nope.
Help! I'm a Cat! Laura's description: A short little ditty that turned the Doctor into cat (I think it was all the rage in noughties fics?) Rewrite notes: Even my cat hates it. No.
Kiss of Death Laura's description: Classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the horror and the size of the teenage ability. Rewrite notes: Yeah ... no.
Parallel Valentine Laura's description: Excuse for a TenRose fest and no other reason. Rewrite notes: It's actually not COMPLETELY terrible, but still pretty terrible.
Perils of Parenthood Laura's description: A spin-off of Unwanted Lodger that I actually sort of like Rewrite notes: Kind of funny, but ultimately has no place anymore.
Pranks Laura's description: Crack, before I even knew what crack was Rewrite notes: I think you'd like it in a strange endearing way, but it's going nowhere.
Sacrificial Time Lord Laura's description: Yet more crack for (I think?) April Fool's, involving traumatising Rose Rewrite notes: Never have I used the phrase 'lol' with more conviction
Sleepwalking Laura's description: Even more crack, this time with things that kinda seemed cute at the time to my teenager self but with the hindsight of maturity was actually non-con Rewrite notes: No thank you
Spin the Bottle Doctor/Donna Laura's description: If Doctor Who was a 90's sitcom this is at least two episodes Rewrite notes: It has absolutely nothing to bring to modern life but hey it was fun
The Day the Doctor Couldn't Save Her Laura's description: Absolute whumpfest with no real plot Rewrite notes: Lots of lovely whump but no story. Not worth reviving.
The Doctor GO!/The Doctor ACTION! Laura's description: Yet more crack, this time with the help of Teen Titans Rewrite notes: You've GOT to be kidding.
Timeout Laura's description: Another April Fool's fic. Becoming apparent I was less April Fools and more 'let's completely fuck them all up, isn't that hilarious!' cos that's the kind of stellar girl I am Rewrite notes: Rewrite? I should probably delete it.
Tomorrow Never Comes Laura's description: A short actually written for my GCSEs in school that got full marks, marked by a teacher who I don't think had ever seen Groundhog Day. Rewrite notes: Nice marker in my life, but not very noteworthy.
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miss0atae · 3 months
Random Thoughts about Dream Episode 7:
We are at episode 7 and we're still waiting for the romance to kick in. You know I believe Wan and Kim fans are strong soldiers because these two can't seem to find the way to express themselves properly. I'm not saying they have it easy, but being this bad is kind of a performance. They never get a time were they could share a romantic moment or sharing an activity where they are happy together. The only time we see them a little bit happy is in Dream Land and I don't count this as a real time because Kim can't remember being with Wan there.
I'm half believing they have Toon and Minnie in the series, to show us a beautiful and loving relationship. They are incredible. If only the series was about them at this point, because at least there isn't any misunderstanding between them. They are just in love and it's beautiful. Also, this intimate scene was…. wow.
It was kinda cool to see Wan saving the day and taking down the pervert who took pictures of the woman in the club. It's just so sad that Wan has this cool personality that she doesn't show all the time. To be honest, I even thought she wasn't really friendly with other women from what we saw on previous episodes. Except for her group of friends, she seemed rather hostile to everyone. It was a nice change. Of course, it didn't turn out on her favor and that what bother me. I know violence is not the solution, but frankly this man deserved it.
Mawin is a bit too much, no? He did this big event just to ask someone out . I mean, yeah, Kim deserves to be loved. I see how Mawin thought it would be just a big romantic gesture to do. It's cute… but also very much suffocating. At least, it is for me. I don't think Kim is also a fan because she wasn't really radiating happiness at this moment. Also, why would you invite your girlfriend's mom?! So weird.
So my problem this episode was when they revealed Wan's depression. I think it's important to show that people can have depression and when they are helped by someone, they may overcome it, with time (some people find the way by themselves but it's another story). As someone who was very depressed some years ago, I'm glad we can find a representation. Not every depression is the same. It is different for everyone. It's great they showed Wan seeking help from a therapist. A positive representation of therapy is always good. So many people still believe only crazy or weak people seek a therapist. I just wished they gradually showed us about Wan's depression. It felt to me like it was just one big surprise that came out from nowhere, because we never really saw it before (maybe the flashback but the focus wasn't on this, so I'm not sure). Also, social media detox can be good, but do you have to go MIA from your friends and family to do it? I've never done it, but I don't think it would be wise.
Again, it's so hard to really like this series because they have really good ideas but it doesn't work. The actors do their job well and they are convincing, but I wished the producers and screenwriters just chose to not follow the book and only took the names and few ideas to create something new. We'll see what they have for his in the next episode.
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monratarot · 5 months
Suit of wands - 7 of wands
Please like and reblog if you find this information useful! 🌸🎀💕
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7 of wands - Lord of Valor
this is a warning of obstacles & difficulties ahead
encourages you to be brave & creative in your solutions
Season: Mid-Summer
Element - earth
Astrological association - Mars in Leo
Keywords for the 7 of Wands
effort, challenges
standing up for yourself
fighting an unknown adversary
obstacles that must be overcome
pushing through obstacles
challenges from many sources
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💫Upright meaning
obstacles in your path but you will overcome them
regardless of how difficult the conversation becomes there’s a need to keep talking and stay in conversation until you are satisfied with the outcome
defending others not just your interests
need to stand up for those who are not able to speak for themselves
relationship - you are fighting to save something that you believe in; potential for a struggle to keep the authenticity and morale of the relationship which can at times be exhausting and challenging
health - slow down; your body may suffer from physical aches and pains due to the fact that you are holding on so tightly to the frustrations of your experience
work - challenges that you can definitely meet; if you have an idea about how to create a business, you will want to get a lawyer friend involved to make sure that you do everything right
💫Reversed meaning
feeling overwhelmed
giving up
losing your nerve
suffering losses
losing your footing
you doubt your purpose
you may struggle to be heard and may have to overcome constant obstacles
anxiety and hesitation
feeling overwhelmed with continual problems
focus on the area when you can still make a difference while accepting the things you cannot change
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percyaugod · 5 months
Dadbot au; how is Donnie's individual relationship with his brothers?
It's kind of strained with Leo. Leo was more focused on protecting his brothers and didn't pay much attention to the bots besides anything that helped save their world. Donnie pointing out things wrong with Space heroes and insulting Captain Ryan didn't help Leo like him anymore. Leo ended up acting pretty cold to Donnie for most of the adventure.
So now when Leo tries to get along with him Donnie feels like it's out of a sense of obligation since he's their brother. That or he wants something. Donnie hasn't failed to notice how ready Leo is to rely on someone else now that the option is there.
It's not like Donnie is complaining. A lot of it is pretty simple and he has his dad to help if things start to like up. Besides, a lot of it he was going to do anyway because this place really needed some upgrades. Now he just has a list of which to focus on first.
Donnie's relationship with Raph is pretty strong. Raph has someone else to fight with a temper like him. Sure he has Casey, but despite how Casey acts he's not nearly as durable as them, and holding back is a pain sometimes. After fighting and losing a few… dozen times he's finally starting to get a read on how Donnie moves! He'll win soon, just you see!
Raph also appreciates Donnie being there to help Leo. He doesn't know what it is about "space genius" which means Leo can rely on Donnie instead of him and Mikey, but at least Leo is finally relying on someone. It's nice seeing his older brother not stressed out of his mind 24/7.
Not to mention Donnie giving Raph and Mikey tasks so they can still help. Even if it's simple things like helping him carry stuff, watching the equipment when it's working, or helping him clean the lab.
Now if only Donnie didn't bring the bug with him.
Donnie adores Mikey. Right off the bat he was amazed by everything, including Donnie, and treated Albert like the precious creature he is. They talked for so long about their pets. Donnie still wants to know how Mikey accidentally mutated a cat into ice cream.
Mikey seemed interested in the "gremlin" fighting style Donnie uses with his long limbs and asked to be taught. It's adorable watching Mikey skitter around. Donnie is starting to understand why his dad is so quick to pull out a laser to defend him.
Mikey seems to have trouble remembering the names of substances and machinery but can identify them, which should and shouldn't go together, and in what order if told. So Mikey appears to be a genius in his own right. They bond putting something together. It just looks like bubbles and makes popping sounds when you poke it, but Mikey wanted it and Donnie couldn't say no.
Donnie helps Mikey with a couple pranks. After all, imaginative solutions have helped him out of more than a few tight situations when cornered. Have to keep those ideas flowing. No other reason. : )
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diacripticcomplex · 11 months
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DL boys as fathers:
Shu: I’m sorry but not sorry, he would be such a deadbeat father fr. Wouldn’t remember his kids birthdays, “ask your mom..” type of energy, do not leave him with his own kids he will either lose them or they’ll end up hurting themselves really badly and will most likely be hungry cause he ain’t feeding them. He solely relies on the mother of his children to take care of them.(2boys 1 girl) (shu is my favorite DL boy but he literally hates doing things)
Reiji: a very strict father, not emotional at all but will cut up fruits for his kids and give it to them while they study, he would be active in their studies and would enjoy teaching them chemistry and other science related things, plus he’d always make sure they’re fed, he’d teach his kids manners and how to cook clean iron clothes by the age 3. (2 girls, 2 boys)
Ayato: a super cool and proud soccer/basket ball father, he’d want his kids to actively be in sports and make sure they are always playing and having fun as well, he’d teach his kids to play pranks of their mother, however he might struggle with his narcissistic traits, if his kids don’t do something he wants it might feel like a personal attack for him. (1 girl, 3 boys)
Kanato: he’s the type to only hair daughters and really be a girl dad. He would absolutely spoil the hell out of his daughters, he does have a habit of screaming and overreacting however so he’s definitely traumatizing his kids. (2 girls)
Laito: he’s the type to have children from multiple baby mamas, talking like 7 kids and 7 different moms, he’d have a strained relationship with the moms and honestly wouldn’t be super active in the kids lives but he would spoil them for their birthdays and holidays, also he pays child support and takes care of all his baby mamas so money is never an issue he’s just never emotional mentally and sometimes even physically there. (4 boys, 3 girls)
Subaru: super overprotective father. Will fly to save his kid before the kid falls and scraps it’s knee or something like that. He’s super caring and pays attention to everything his kids say, he loves listening to the silly things they say and is very happy with them, they’re his rocks. (2 boys)
Ruki: would honestly be a rather controlling father, he’d block certain apps and media from his kids phones, wouldn’t want to get them phones to begin with, his kids love his cooking and he makes sure that they always sit and eat together at least once a week. (1 boy 1 girl)
Kou: he’d be such a “they’re just jealous of you” type of parent, he’d definitely make his kid feel like a superstar because in his eyes his kid is a superstar and his whole world. He’d take off from work just to attend his kids ceremonies or talent shows. (1 girl)
Yuma: he’d honestly have a few of his own kids and adopt a few as well, so he’d have a lot of kids and he would put them to WORK! Yuma loves gardening and that does not stop, matter fact having kids just makes the garden grow into a whole farm, yk that meme from the movie Holes? “I’m tired grandpa” “WELL THATS TOO DAMN BAD” yea that the energy Yuma has with all his kids. (6 boys, 3 are his, 3 are adopted, 5 girls, 1 is his the rest are adopted)
Azusa: surprisingly he’d be a very calm and nice father, he would definitely hide the fact he’s into pain from his kids, he doesn’t want his children ever getting hurt, he’s also kind of a clingy parent, like his kids will spend all day with him but he’ll still wanna spend more time with them. (2 girls, 1 boy)
Carla: Appears to be a super stern and asshole of a father and can be but for the most part his kids and family mean everything to him, he’ll sacrifice a lot to make sure his kids are well, he also is a super health freak and makes sure they eat only organic foods and take care of their health. (4 girls)
Shin: he’s the type of father to not understand his children at all, and he thinks that the solution for everything is giving them gifts or money, he doesn’t know how to take care of them at all, the mother of his children scolds him often and tries to tell him how to improve his parenting but he doesn’t really comprehend it. (2 boys)
Kino: he’d be such a good father, especially since he lacked that, but he would want to be an accepting and compassionate father for his children and their friends since he was able to get that from the ghouls. He also loves playing games with his kids and teaches them how to play better. (1 girl, 1 boy)
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