#85 hours on that mf
azuree1733 · 6 months
I been gone 😔😔😔 playing ff7 rebirth 😈 no spoilers but I just wanna say hmmm 🤨
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jklpopcorn · 3 months
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crying and sobbing i was supposed to draw doodles of my ocs but instead all there is is Siffrin
they're so shaped i have to draw them
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100% :)
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iamjustbread · 10 months
I made a thingy !:D
It's just an animatic that I'm thinking of polishing and tweeking a bit at somepoint, buuuut I need a break hehe
So take it!
Have fuuuun
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froody · 3 months
what 2 hours of antiquing in 85° weather will do to an mf
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msmk11 · 3 months
Marauders Era Gym HC’s
What I think these crazy kids would get up to at the gym.
A/n: I’m trying to have a more consistent workout schedule and writing this was very motivating for me. Enjoy!
James Potter
- James Potter is 100% an arm day guy. I mean, have you seen how broad his shoulders are? That’s not all natural baby. Whether it’s shoulder, back, chest, or arms, James is doing it. And boy is he strong. He could and would pick you up and throw you around like you weigh nothing because, well, to him- you don’t.
- His arms are so buff, most of his shirts strain under the bulge of his arm.
- When he bear hugs you you are literally smothered in his muscles.
- He’s so strong that he’s not always aware of his strength though..: Sometimes you have to remind him to loosen his grip on you, whether he’s holding your hand or hugging your waist.
- Two words: muscle. tees.
- Veiny hands ;)
Lily Evans
- Lily Evans, conversely, is a leg girl. One, that woman has legs for daysssss oml. But also, her thick thighs?
- Girl can squat 200 pounds easily.
- She also loves the stairmaster and anything that makes her ass looks nice (cuz me too).
- You know that trend where partners work out together and the stronger one finishes off where the other stopped? Yeah, James would give up on legs so fast and just stand in awe as Lily easily passes him and more.
- Those strong legs don’t just look great. They feel great too. If you know what I mean ;)
- Leggings.
Sirius Black
- To no one’s surprise, this man has to have it all.
- According to him, he needs to “look beautiful everywhere.” He does ab day, leg day, arm day, cardio, you name it.
- Sometimes he likes to do all in one day. Tbh he could spend hours at the gym and not get tired because he’s hyperactive.
- This man loves protein shakes like it’s no one’s business.
- Jacked. Literally everywhere. I mean he’s Sirius mf Black for a reason.
- Will listen to any music when he’s working out!
- Low-rise sweat pants
- Stamina. Necessary when Remus is your boyfriend <3.
Remus Lupin
- Remus Lupin, being a werewolf, gets plenty of exercise in his arms and legs. So when he works out, he prefers to do abs. Plus it’s something he’s able to do when the rest of him is sore after transitions.
- Has a six pack but is really good at hiding it. Everyone is always shocked when his shirt rides up while he’s pulling off his sweater.
- Our boy is still a little insecure so he likes to wear long sleeved baggy shirts when he works out.
- Listens to classical music when he exercises because it “grounds him.”
- Once Sirius learns about his six pack, he’s obsessed. Always begging for Remus to be shirtless.
Peter Pettigrew
- You will not catch Peter Pettigrew dead around weights and workout machines because he thinks they’re boring and monotonous as fuck.
- However, Peter loves to be active, particularly in sports.
- Whether it’s basketball, quidditch, football, soccer, etc. Peter will play it.
- He’s eerily good at picking up any sport he learns.
- Why, you ask, is he not on the Gryffindor team? Cuz he chokes under pressure.
- Plus, he wants to play for fun, not for competition.
- If he’s at the gym, you can guarantee he’ll be wearing some sort of graphic tee.
- Also, carries around a ginormous water bottle. Like the 85 ounce ones and downs it so quickly. (Ofc it’s red).
- He has beautiful skin because of how much water he drinks (and everyone’s jealous of it.)
Marlene McKinnon
- Marlene is not against weight training- she does it for quidditch all the time.
- However, she much prefers a workout that stimulates her overactive brain. That’s why she loves rock climbing.
- Not only does it make her ripped, she also likes the challenge of planning out each step, trying not to fall.
- She’s got strongggg fingers ;).
- Super light on her feet and flexible. She can climb those rock walls like a spider monkey.
- Sports drinks like Gatorade get her hyped.
- Opposite of James, Marlene is not broad but incredibly lean. Her muscles are so fucking toned.
- Sports bra with muscle tee.
Dorcas Meadowes
- She could not give less of a fuck about lifting weights. But, she lives and breathes cardio.
- This girl LOVES to run. When it’s nice out she likes to run on trails or around the Black Lake. When the weather is shitty she’ll run on the treadmill.
- And Dorcas doesn’t just casually jog, she likes intense running. While everyone else is struggling to keep up with an incline of 1, she runs at a 6 no problem.
- She has a hella good playlist to run to as well.
- Cardio=sweaty so you can be assured that she’s always in a sports bra and biker shorts. Even if it’s 30 degrees out.
- Girl also has long legs so she runs one mile SO quickly.
- Don’t even ask her to race because she will beat you, every time.
Mary MacDonald
- Mary does not like to workout alone. That’s why she loves exercise classes!
- She loves that with Zumba, she can dance for exercise.
- Girl loves cycling too and will try to convince everyone else to join her for a class.
- Hot yoga? Pilates? She’s there.
- She’ll even sign up for a water aerobics class and make friends with the sweet elderly women there.
- For her, working out is more of a social opportunity than anything. (Though the endorphins are a plus)
- You know Mary has the cutest outfits and leaves everyone wishing they had her clothes.
Pandora Lovegood
- Pandora doesn’t really care about nurturing the body as much as she does the soul and mind. So she’s big into yoga and meditation.
- Honestly, she could, and sometimes does, lead yoga classes for other students in the room of requirement.
- She will do yoga or meditation literally anywhere. Everyone knows not to bother her when she’s doing it.
- Miss girl is flexible though because of it.
- Calmest person you’ll ever meet and will make you try yoga when you’re feeling stressed. (Regulus pretends to hate it but secretly loves when she makes him do it.)
Regulus Black
- This man literally refuses to work out besides when he’s playing quidditch.
- Yet, he’s still fucking fit? Damn Black genes.
- Oh, he does get a lot of exercise from his late night brooding walks by the lake.
- Starting to do yoga a little with Pandora.
- If he does work out, he won’t go to a gym because he hates working out with other people.
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gh0stg1rl95 · 15 days
Hello! I’ve been meaning to post my stats.
Age: 28
Height: 5’7” , 170 cm
SW: 90 kg, 200 lb
CW: 85 kg, 187 lb
GW: 65 kg, 150 lb
GW 2: 60 kg, 130 lb
UGW: 55 kg, 120 lb
I naturally build a LOT of muscle. I still fkn hate my thighs, arms, and lower abs. I used to be a lot lighter and smaller until I went way too heavy in weight training and I bulked up like a mf. I just need to cut my calories and move even more.
Rules for me:
-1200 cal max a day. Try not to go higher and if I’m lower that’s better.
-10k+ steps a day. No excuses.
-Walk 3 miles at least a day.
-Gym 4 days a week.
-3 liters of water a day.
-12 hour intermittent fasting per day.
-24 hour fast at least once a week.
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#i usually dont like at all it but if its incorporated into a dessert well then im okay with it
My Top Posts in 2022:
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With the stress brought on by the Noah's Ark Circus case, and the added stress of illness, Ciel's mental state begins to fall apart at the seams; revealing a side of himself that neither he nor Sebastian never knew existed.
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Reblogs are dearly appreciated 💛
9 notes - Posted July 19, 2022
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It's Ciel's seventh birthday.
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Reblogs are dearly appreciated 💚
9 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
If anyone is looking for an editor for your fanfiction or original stories, I'm available for hire. I charge $20 dollars an hour, and all transactions will go through Cash App. Whether you have trouble with English, or just want someone to do the annoying part of writing for you (trust me, I know the feeling lol), I'm here to help.
I do have one condition: I won't edit anything that has non-con in it. I don't mind a bit of dub-con, but for personal reasons, I don't do the hardcore shit. Other than that, I'm game for anything.
I'm currently trying to create a steady income so I can afford to pay rent on an apartment for me and my best friend. We're both in our own shitty living situations at the moment, and we're desperately trying to find ways to earn enough cash to financially support ourselves in a place of our own.
So please, if anyone sees this and needs help, or knows someone who does, send me a massage. If neither of these apply to you, then please give this post an reblog. I'll take as many reblogs as I can get lol.
16 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
Attention Prodigal Son fandom: I’m going to start writing an essay soon on what the show means to me and why I believe it deserves a second chance, and I would love to have some of y’all’s own thoughts and feelings to add to it.
If you’re interested, please email me by Friday at [email protected] . In one or two paragraphs, tell me why the show means so much to you. I probably won’t be able to put everyone’s in, but I promise I’ll put as many of you as I can. Also, at the end of the email, please add whichever social media @ that you’re comfortable with so I can credit you.
If y’all could also RT this post, that would be awesome. Thank you. <3
I don’t know if this essay will do anything at all, but I can still try. I haven’t given up hope that we’ll get this amazing show back. I refuse to give up.
23 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
It fucking baffles me how there are antis in the Rick and Morty fandom. Why tf are you even here?? Have you even seen the show??? It's not exactly a wholesome fucking watch. Rick is the farthest thing from a good person, and Morty ain't exactly a sweet angel boy, either. Rick has quite literally destroyed civilizations (including his own), and both these mfs have killed a shit ton of people and aliens (some who did shit all to deserve it), but you're mad that people irl ship them?? Just shut the fuck up.
Nobody in this show is what's considered a good person. Nobody. They either have toxic traits, or are just straight up toxic af. But that's the fucking point. This show isn't meant to be Steven fucking Universe, ffs. It's an Adult Swim cartoon that's about an old alcoholic asshole of a scientist and his horny naive 14 year old grandson who go on or get sucked into dangerous adventures every episode. So if you're gonna be that pressed about people shipping them, or literally any other characters together, then maybe you should stop watching the show entirely, since everything that's said and done is SO far from being the "uwu I love my family and feel nothing but wholesome love for them" good morals that you fantasize every show and movie catering to.
24 notes - Posted August 23, 2022
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wishesmsg · 1 year
Guillain-Barre syndrome
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Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is a rare autoimmune disorder in which the body's immune system attacks its own nerves, causing muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis. It is named after the two French physicians who first described it in 1916. GBS can affect people of any age, but it is more common in adults and in males. The exact cause of GBS is not known, but it is thought to be triggered by an infection or a virus, such as the flu, Zika virus, or Epstein-Barr virus. The symptoms of GBS can develop rapidly over a period of hours or days, and they typically begin with tingling or weakness in the legs that then spreads to the arms and upper body. In some cases, GBS can cause complete paralysis of the muscles, including those used for breathing, which can be life-threatening. Diagnosis of GBS is typically based on a combination of symptoms, physical examination, and tests such as nerve conduction studies and spinal tap to check for elevated protein levels in the cerebrospinal fluid. Treatment for GBS usually involves hospitalization and supportive care, including close monitoring of breathing and other vital functions, as well as pain management and rehabilitation therapy to regain muscle strength and mobility. In some cases, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) or plasma exchange therapy may be used to help stop the immune system from attacking the nerves. Most people with GBS eventually recover, although the recovery process can be slow and may take several months to years. However, some people may experience ongoing muscle weakness or other complications, such as chronic pain or difficulty with balance and coordination.
The symptoms of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) can vary from person to person, but they usually begin with tingling, numbness, or weakness in the legs that then spreads to the arms and upper body. The symptoms typically develop rapidly over a period of hours or days, and they can progress to more severe muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis. Other common symptoms of GBS may include: - Difficulty with walking or climbing stairs - Loss of reflexes - Difficulty with eye movements, facial movements, or speaking - Sensations of pain or discomfort - Difficulty with bowel or bladder control - Rapid heart rate or fluctuations in blood pressure - Difficulty breathing, especially if the chest muscles are affected It is important to note that the symptoms of GBS can be similar to those of other neurological conditions, so it is important to seek medical attention promptly if you experience any of these symptoms. A healthcare provider can perform a thorough evaluation to determine the cause of your symptoms and recommend appropriate treatment.
There are several different types of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), including: - Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (AIDP): This is the most common type of GBS, accounting for approximately 85% of cases. It is characterized by inflammation and damage to the myelin sheath that covers the nerves, which can cause muscle weakness and paralysis. - Miller Fisher Syndrome (MFS): This is a rare variant of GBS that accounts for about 5% of cases. It is characterized by weakness in the eye muscles, difficulty with coordination, and absent reflexes. - Acute Motor Axonal Neuropathy (AMAN): This is a less common variant of GBS that affects the motor nerves and can cause rapid muscle weakness and paralysis. - Acute Motor-Sensory Axonal Neuropathy (AMSAN): This is a very rare variant of GBS that affects both the motor and sensory nerves and can cause severe muscle weakness and sensory loss. - Bickerstaff Brainstem Encephalitis (BBE): This is a rare variant of GBS that affects the brainstem and can cause symptoms such as double vision, difficulty with coordination, and altered consciousness. It is important to note that these different types of GBS can overlap and may not always fit neatly into one specific category. A healthcare provider can perform a thorough evaluation to determine the type of GBS and recommend appropriate treatment.
When to see a doctor
It is important to seek medical attention promptly if you experience any symptoms of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), as early diagnosis and treatment can help to reduce the severity and duration of symptoms. Some signs and symptoms that may indicate GBS include: - Tingling, numbness, or weakness in the legs that spreads to the arms and upper body - Difficulty with walking, climbing stairs, or performing other everyday tasks - Loss of reflexes - Difficulty with eye movements, facial movements, or speaking - Sensations of pain or discomfort - Difficulty with bowel or bladder control - Rapid heart rate or fluctuations in blood pressure - Difficulty breathing, especially if the chest muscles are affected If you experience any of these symptoms, you should contact your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Your healthcare provider can perform a thorough evaluation to determine the cause of your symptoms and recommend appropriate treatment. In some cases, GBS can be a medical emergency, so it is important to seek immediate medical attention if you have difficulty breathing, severe muscle weakness, or other concerning symptoms.
The exact cause of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is not fully understood, but it is thought to be an autoimmune disorder in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the nerves that control muscle movement. This immune system response may be triggered by a viral or bacterial infection, such as: - Campylobacter jejuni: This is a type of bacteria that is commonly found in contaminated food, particularly raw or undercooked poultry. - Cytomegalovirus (CMV): This is a common virus that can cause mild symptoms in healthy individuals, but may trigger an immune response in people with a weakened immune system. - Epstein-Barr virus (EBV): This is the virus that causes mononucleosis, a common viral infection. - Zika virus: This is a virus that is spread by mosquito bites and has been linked to an increased risk of GBS. - Influenza virus: This is the virus that causes the flu, and some studies have suggested that it may increase the risk of GBS. It is important to note that not everyone who develops an infection will develop GBS, and the exact mechanisms that trigger the immune system response in GBS are not well understood. Other factors that may increase the risk of GBS include a family history of the condition, being male, and being older than age 50. Risk factors There are several factors that may increase the risk of developing Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), including: - Infections: As mentioned earlier, infections with certain bacteria and viruses have been linked to an increased risk of GBS. - Age: GBS can affect people of all ages, but it is more common in adults over the age of 50. - Gender: GBS is more common in men than in women. - Family history: Although GBS is not thought to be directly inherited, people with a family history of the condition may be more likely to develop it. - Recent surgery or vaccination: In rare cases, GBS may develop after surgery or vaccination. - Other medical conditions: People with certain medical conditions, such as HIV, Hodgkin's lymphoma, and lupus, may be at increased risk of developing GBS. It is important to note that not everyone with these risk factors will develop GBS, and the exact mechanisms that cause GBS are not well understood. If you have any concerns about your risk of developing GBS, you should discuss them with your healthcare provider.
Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) can cause a range of complications, some of which may be serious or even life-threatening. Some of the possible complications of GBS include: - Respiratory failure: In some cases, GBS can affect the muscles that control breathing, leading to respiratory failure and the need for mechanical ventilation. - Blood clots: People with GBS may be at increased risk of developing blood clots, particularly if they are immobile or confined to bed. - Pressure sores: People with GBS who are confined to bed or a wheelchair may be at increased risk of developing pressure sores. - Abnormal heart rhythms: GBS can affect the nerves that control the heart, leading to abnormal heart rhythms. - Autonomic dysfunction: GBS can affect the autonomic nervous system, which controls functions such as blood pressure, heart rate, and digestion. This can cause symptoms such as fluctuations in blood pressure and heart rate, abnormal sweating, and difficulty with bowel and bladder function. - Chronic pain: Some people with GBS may experience chronic pain, which can be difficult to manage. - Emotional and psychological effects: GBS can be a challenging and traumatic experience, and some people may experience emotional and psychological effects such as anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is important to note that not everyone with GBS will experience these complications, and prompt and appropriate treatment can help to reduce the risk of complications and improve outcomes. If you have any concerns about the possible complications of GBS, you should discuss them with your healthcare provider. Read the full article
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cleostoohot · 2 years
a little funny revision
it’s 85° where i’m at rn and i had completely sweat out my edges while helping my fam set up for the function. i affirmed “my edges still look perfect” consistently for maybe an hour and it looks like i just did them. like they never messed up or anything. i’m so happy because i definitely brought my edges brush but forgot the mf gel-
- its funny to me bc chileeee the struggle be reallll😭
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yoimix · 3 years
haikyuu!! as types of best friends.
➼ ft. hinata, sugawara, bokuto, osamu+atsumu.
➼ playlist. talk too much - coin, higher - banks, romanticism - mrs green apple, me and my friends - james vincent mcmorrow
➼ a/n. these have light bff2l undertones hhn i love that trope, pls forgive me. </3 + there’s some timeskip spoilers for atsumu & osamu’s part.
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❀ hinata :-
i wish the childhood best friends trope a very good evening.
no one’s better than hinata at making friends, even if you met after he spiked a ball into your face. you’re childhood best friends too !! so imagine being a child and having to pick up this goofball by the scruff, who has the audacity to ask you to play with him after giving you a scratched up forehead and teary eyes from a ball to the face. but, like, you were the one who said yes so it’s on you :-)
sometimes you bicker but it’s ok bc he would literally go to the ends of the earth for you if you asked. no kidding. he hates sitting still anyway so he’ll just gravitate towards where you are like you’re the sun. also gets you taiyaki in the evenings but climbs in through your window instead of using the front door like a normal person. (he has too much energy </3) if you hear someone yelling your name outside your window and ranting about volleyball games, you know who it is.
ok when he makes you mad with his bullheadedness, you'll be complaining with kageyama (who agrees vehemently) and hinata gets pissy bc you get along a little too well when you're throwing insults about him. (he's not jealous, no, of course not.) but.. how long can you stay mad at this sunshine child anyway?? you'll be pretending you never got mad at all within a few hours and go back to joking around.
he gets distracted if you're watching a match sometimes (bokuto somehow got it into his head that he needs to show off in front of you) so you got banned from watching. he overcomes it later on so you can cheer him on in his jersey too <3
gives you ALL his attention when you talk or even complain about your life. he reacts a lot to whatever you have to say so you have to pretend there aren’t people behind you glaring at hinata for having the same decibel sound level as a jet engine.
you have matching keychains you bought at a local fair !!! (you got a pochacco one for hinata but it’s super worn out by now so he keeps it in his wallet instead.) 
he has not won a single multiplayer video game against you (*cough cough* mario kart *cough*) and you don’t even have to be good at it. if you call him a loser, he’ll lose even harder. gets unnecessarily mad at just dance and you have to calm him down.
... you’ve probably kissed bc the two of you (mostly him) were too eager for a first kiss and you got fed up with his pubescent ramblings and ended up kissing him. and then had an early mid-life crisis bc you guys are definitely just friends. (unless.. unless he doesn’t think that way.. surprise surprise 😳) also he's.. kind of bad for make out practice... it’s like kissing a month old puppy.. sorry :/. if you happen to make a lot of offhand comments and tease him about his kissing skills, he WILL turn tomato red and argue in gibberish. only do that in private bc the rest of the world thinks you’re sickeningly cute together >:(
overall, your best friend is a ball of sunshine (who occasionally pisses you off) and your #1 motivation to get out of bed. it's mostly bc he's somehow there to get you out of bed though you've repeatedly told him to not climb in through your window. at least the sun is smiling upon you every day <3
❀ sugawara :-
being best friends with him is such a secure relation !! 
he’s your soft place to fall but also would provide gentle (not so gentle) reminders for your wellbeing (STUDY!!! WATER!!!! BREAKFAST!!). doesn’t get mad when you say you skipped breakfast but gives you this look of disappointment which is 100x more effective. still gets a granola bar for you though. also he literally carries bandaids for u and he’s been doing that since second grade bc you fell off the swing ONCE. you know, just in case. if you’re an accident-prone hazard to society, you’re in luck. 
BEST HUGS especially if you had a rough day and want to sob into his shoulder. if u damage his $85 hoodie tho, he will make u do his laundry and also buy snacks for him. but like he is so soft (his skin is SUPER soft bc he actually follows a skincare routine now) and cuddly like a teddy bear, it's a small price to pay for salvation.
he will hype you up for anything you do !!!! new outfit? offers to be your personal photographer. scored an A+? will treat u to your fav ice-cream. new job? will tell everyone just how proud he is. 
ALWAYS shares the last bite with you and smiles to himself when you eat it so contented. also!!! hanging out at cafes and taking cute pictures is a must <3 even though you’re not dating, you’ll have photos together that make you look a real couple which ensue teasing from daichi and asahi and admiration/jealousy from noya and tanaka. also he gets weirdly protective of you around the team (i’m looking at the moron quartet) and you have to pull the “koushi you’re not my mom” card. it really strikes a chord with him when you say that out loud.
will egg your ex's house with you if you say the word. somehow gets more pissed than you at your ex (if they're a shitty one). it's kind of scary when he's mad too so.... good luck calming him down. he's also really good at sarcastic trash talk so if you happen to meet your ex on the street... send prayers for their self-esteem.
you don't really fight often but if you happen to disagree, he'll go about it in a pretty mature way and talk it out. if you pick a fight on purpose, he'll catch on to it and either tickle you (excessively) or flick your forehead as punishment for trying to rile him up. it’s impossible to prank him!!!!! it’s like he’s got a sixth sense or something so you might as well give up on anything of the sort. 
you said you want to get a dog (or cat) with him in the near future and he somehow equated that to having children. turned bright red and started saying it’s too soon to be thinking of that while you had daichi stop you from smacking some sense into your overly imaginative best friend. (i mean, you do need to live together if you want to raise a pet sooo)
his lockscreen is a picture of the two of you so a lot of people who try to hit on him take the hint quick. he says it’s unintentional but you know he can be terribly scheming at times. if you say something like “why don’t you date me for real, coward” he will malfunction and not be able to look you in the eye. (“don’t joke around, y/n” “what if i’m not” “it kind of feels illegal to date you” “what do you mean?!���”)
anyway you are one lucky mf if you have sugawara koushi as your best friend even if there are both ups and downs (mostly ups). having someone care for you so blatantly certainly makes the question of romance arise but you’re content with the most loving best friend ever.
❀ bokuto :-
you guys are the “two best friends in a room, we might kiss” “yes we will” “what” type of best friends PLS
it doesn’t matter what stage of life you met him, it’ll feel like you’ve been best friends since the beginning of time.
it’s just so easy to make friends with this airhead and by god’s gift, you cannot physically get annoyed at this man. sometimes his friends will complain about him being forgetful or blunt but you’re just there like. yeah. that’s bokuto. love him for it. (you seem to have a lot of patience.)
he probably gets into trouble with authority unwittingly, so save your weekends to sweet talk his way out after accidentally implying the coach has a weak mindset. afterwards, you go get ice cream or something and hang out at the dog park to forget it happened. (the amount of second hand embarrassment bokuto has given you though... you need some hard drugs to forget all of it.) 
you probably make a lot of friends through him in high school/college but at the end of the day, it’s just you and him and sometimes akaashi making sure you guys are alive. if you guys are alone together on a friday night, you’ll still be having fun!! very often, it takes shape as karaoke :-) bokuto thinks he’s really great at rapping for some reason (he’s not) so cue you screaming the lyrics in an attempt to ruin your part of the song equally. also he always sets the key wrong??? although you sing the same songs each time?? sometimes he picks a song neither of you have ever heard and the both of you try to guess the melody. he’s terrible at it but at least he’s funny. there’s not a single song he hasn’t had a voice crack in.
if you go clubbing/partying with him, get prepared to be introduced as the friend of “the guy who did four keg stands in a row before proceeding to do a cartwheel unprompted and somehow not throw up”. is on first name basis with the bartenders/hosts and gets you free drinks. also gets hit on often but is oblivious unless they’re being very straightforward. if he’s not into them... you have to pull the s/o card and save his ass. oh also he barks at anyone that gets near your drink.
will always exaggerate when introducing you to new people. “y/n and i met when i saved them from drowning a terrible death.” “it was the children’s pool and you were the one that was screaming.” “and then y/n didn’t really thank me but it’s not like heroes need thanks to do the right thing.” “kou, i will push you into a pool right now, let’s see how well you swim.” (he learned swimming to impress you so joke’s on you.)
he likes to watch you do stuff at the end of the day, so if you see him go o_o at you doing homework, you can just put your earphones on and focus on your work. even if he’s making.. a strangely.. adorable expression. also LOVES to listen to you talk about your day when he’s tired, he says it helps him sleep better (so expect a lot of nighttime calls). moreover, if you say you had a bad dream, he’ll comfort you with his ridiculously confident tone of voice (unless the dream was about something bad happening to him, then he’ll freak out and you’ll have to comfort him instead </3)
ok one thing that’s annoying about him is that he probably leaves food crumbs over your stuff like laptop, bed sheet, etc. you clean it up but bokuto.. is a bit... distracted to notice the mess he’s making. it’s usually pretty difficult to get him to be more aware, but like your glare is enough to make him at least try to be careful from the next time. (either that or he’s become sensitive to your change in mood/emotions bc you know... you’re best friends after all.)
i’m not gonna lie, he probably catches feelings for you at some point. he wants to, like, keep it lowkey bc akaashi told him to take your feelings into consideration too but?? it’s so hard?? you’re literally so pretty?? everything you say is like music to him??? he reacts reflexively to all the firecracker feelings u give him. he probably says he likes you all the time but you dismiss it with “as a friend right :-)”. there’s no climbing up from that one, sorry bokuto.
to summarize, if a moody golden retriever was your human best friend.exe
❀ miya twins :-
they feel like a set. it would be strange to have one of the twins as a bff and not have the other one around whoops 🤷‍♀️ 
either you and osamu bully atsumu in your free time, or you and atsumu annoy osamu for fun (or both) <3. it’s always a good idea to team up with osamu and prank atsumu for fun btw. (put wasabi in his breakfast pancakes and you’ll get a very pissed off but weirdly cute tsumtsum. you can blame it on osamu if you don’t want to face his wrath.) your alternative is to embarrass osamu in front of strangers with atsumu, have fun with that. (second hand embarrassment also works.)
when you were younger, you pretended to not be able to distinguish the twins bc it would visibly rile atsumu up and then you’d go “ok you’re atsumu”... which would further rile him up. osamu got used to your shenanigans though it ticked him off the first time too LOL. call them the wrong name on purpose and they’ll start a riot; be careful when you’re playing with fire pls.
you guys played a lot of knight and prince/princess/royal when you were a kid and atsumu would always try to make osamu the evil dragon holding you captive. in the end, you were somehow the knight, osamu the prince to be rescued and atsumu the big, bad dragon. (it’s kind of funny in hindsight. your parents have photographs of the three of you fighting like no tomorrow.) also speaking of which, your parents are also friends and have bets on which twin you’ll marry (or if you will at all). it’s tearing your parents’ friendship apart.
these two have DEFINITELY fought over whose jersey number you’re going to wear to the games ( “oi, ‘samu, stop brainwashing my best friend into wearing your stupid double digit number” “you know i’m the best friend, ‘tsumu. they clearly like me better over yer ratty ass.” “what did ya say?!?!? if anything, you’re the one that looks like ratatouille.”) you wore kita's jersey number to games.
imagine sunday picnics with the boys !!! by that, i specifically mean osamu and his perfect bento boxes <3 sometimes the two of you will cook together before your outings while a sulking atsumu stands outside bc you didn’t let him. (let him in, you monsters.) he says he can cook too but the last time the twins’ bickering almost burnt the whole kitchen down. the picnics continue well into adulthood and you get to diss your boss to the twins who will always support your rants. (sometimes atsumu will tell you it’s your fault but you can smack him off. we only need supportive besties here 🙄)
if someone hurts u.... they’re going to need divine intervention to be safe... you have two well-built, physically adept best friends ready to beat the shit out of anyone who deliberately breaks ur heart. 
when the twins get into a physical fight...... oh boy. it kinda pisses you off that they’re spewing profanity at each other and you’re the one getting glares. but at the same time, you don’t really want to step into a fight that has nothing to do with you. people should solve their interpersonal issues on their own. they have never fought over you, this isn’t twilight <3 
but the question did come up once on which twin you like better; it’s not something to seriously fight over though. if you chose osamu, atsumu will complain for six days straight and you’ll start to regret ever answering the question. if you say atsumu, osamu won’t feed you his onigiri anymore for a few days which is just as bad. the safest choice is to say neither bc it will both be funny and you won’t suffer too many consequences. if you say you love the both of them for being your best friends all this time and go all mushy, there’s a slight chance they’ll go soft too. god help you from the bone crushing hug you’re about to receive 🙏
you make sure to not miss any of atsumu’s official games !! sometimes he’ll wave at you and make the reporters give you hell bc he’s a little shit. just push osamu to them and run away if it gets that bad. (he gets free advertising for his shop, he should be grateful.)
osamu is super good at cheering you up!!! whether it’s with food or with pleasant talk, you’ll be feeling much better with a full stomach and a calmer state of mind. as for atsumu, he’s really good at you cheering you up by distracting you. he’ll talk about his team or this new serve he learnt and the world will seem a lot brighter bc he seems so happy about it. whichever twin you go to, it’s win-win. 
in return, the twins take up a good chunk of your time. sometimes atsumu will crash at your place after a game though you’ve told him to not lead the damn reporters here. osamu makes you taste test his experimental onigiri... which are not always good..... no seriously, why’d he put honey and tuna in there ?? but still, your life is ridiculously colorful with them around.
anyway, what can i say except what’s better than one best friend?? two best friends !!!
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when vacationing in florida:
tips from a born and raised floridian
wear (reef safe) sunscreen
this is a given y’all. if you’re out in the sun for longer than 10-15 minutes you need to have sunscreen on and re-apply every hour. let it soak in for about 30 minutes before you go into water. if you don’t you will get a nasty sunburn, and skin cancer isn’t fun either but it takes a lot of sunburns to get to that point. however, you can get sun poisoning from one really bad sunburn. sun poisoning, or photodermatitis, is a form of allergic contact dermatitis which is your skin having an allergic reaction to sun exposure. it can lead to swelling, difficulty breathing, burning sensations, an itchy red rash that looks like small blisters, skin peeling, nausea, and itchy brown/orange tinted blotches that mostly appear on your face/neck area and can stay there for days after the initial poising.
see the point on reef safe sunscreen to learn more about why you need to use reef safe sunscreen.
take your jewelry off before going in the ocean. sharks are attracted to jewelry, blood, and things like surfboard or boogie boards that make you look like a seal
sharks don’t eat people on purpose, they can’t see very well so they rely on their sense of smell, to smell blood, and their limited vision which mistakes shiny jewelry for shiny fish scales and boards for seals due to the similar shape. sharks do something called sensory biting, meaning they will bite you to see if you are food. don’t do things that make you look like food.
avoid swimming at night
during the day sharks tend to stay out past the sand bar, an area off the shore where sand has built up to a platform. however, at night they move closer to the shore, so try to avoid night swimming. and because the moon is out, the waves are always bigger and rougher.
stingray shuffle
the stingray shuffle is getting your feet buried slightly under the sand in the ocean and shuffling your feet aa you walk, hence the name. depending on what time of year you come it may be stingray season and it’s recommended to do this during that time to avoid getting stung.
be cautious of currents
currents can move you every which way and suddenly your 30 feet away from your set up on the sand. currents can also move you out to sea which can be extremely dangerous. so if you notice a tugging feeling or notice that your further away from your stuff, watch yourself to make sure you don’t stray to far away.
try not to shave the day of going into the water and try not to enter the water with open wounds
while oceans aren’t as bad as lakes when it comes to bacteria, they are still very bacteria filled and you can get an infection real quick. so shave a day or two before and make sure your wounds are closed because some infections can lead to rashes, bubbles, or even amputation.
check for red tide and research it
red tide isn’t talked about very often but it is disgusting. red tide is discolored sea water caused by toxic red dinoflagellates (microorganisms). it kills tons of sea life which causes said dead sea life to wash up on beaches and float in the water which attracts predators like sharks and big fish. it also releases toxins into the air which makes it hard to breathe, and for people with asthma or any other respiratory problems this can cause serious illness. the west coast of florida is dealing with some red tide right now if you want to research it.
try not to honk at people while driving
this is something taught in other southern states as well, and my parents taught it to me when i was learning to drive. if you honk at someone you are running the risk of being followed and shot. a lot of people have guns down here and they aren’t afraid to use them. now this will not happen every time you honk, i have been in cars where the driver has honked and nothing happened. but it’s better to be safe than sorry because some people don’t know how to handle their road rage.
prepare for the humidity
i know your weather app says that it’s 85 degrees but it feels like 93 when you go outside because of the humidity. that’s why florida people wear layers.
rain does not last as long here as it does in northern states
if it starts raining your day is not ruined. in florida , unless there is a hurricane or tropical storm, rain storms normally only last for like 20-30 minutes at a time. if there is a little group of them you will get spurts of rain and no rain for like an hour or two at most. when there are big storms they normally last for a couple hours, but we don’t get storms like that super often.
gator safety
something that it taught in all florida elementary schools, if an alligator is chasing you run in one direction for 10-15 feet, then make a hard turn in another direction and repeat (this is what we mean when we say running in zigzags, not like hopping side to side as you run), if an alligator has a grip on one of your limbs or someone else’s, plug your fingers or something else up it’s nose so it’s forced to open its mouth the breathe, and don’t touch gator babies, the mom can and will come for you.
shark safety
also something that is taught in all florida elementary schools, but shark safety is more common knowledge than gator safety. it a shark has a grip on you, punch them in the nose. it’s a sensitive point and they normally release you and swim away. as previously mentioned, sharks don’t like to eat people, they don’t think we taste good. so unless it’s starving sharks won’t try to eat a human that they can tell is a human. however if you don’t follow the previously stated shark safety tips, they may mistake you for a fish or seal.
unless you’re on a private beach, spots on the sand are first come first serve
just because you had a spot yesterday does not mean you have that spot for the rest of your vacation, that’s not how the beach works. you have to get there early if you want a specific spot.
don’t touch the manatees
manatees are an endangered species, meaning that you can not touch them. it’s illegal. that being said, if the manatee floats it’s happy round little self over to you and touches you then that’s fine, you can’t control what the manatee does. but if you actively swim towards and reach for the manatee and someone with a legal standing or a life guard sees you, you can get in trouble.
most sea life is not violent until provoked
manatees are not violent at all, they just float there, that’s why they’re endangered. but creatures like sharks and stingrays are not dangerous unless they think your there to fight or they mistake you for food. that’s why you stingray shuffle, because if you step on a stingray it will see you as a threat and sting you. and that’s why you take the shark prevention seriously so they don’t mistake you for food.
dolphin safety; admire from a distance
oh but dolphins are nice! wrong! dolphins are very dangerous creatures, just not in all the same ways that sharks are. they are one of the only creatures on the planet aside from humans who do malicious things knowing that they are malicious. dolphins at swim with experiences have given humans lacerations and broken bones. they are still predators and while it only happens rarely, dolphins do bite and attack people. dolphins are incredibly smart, strong, and fast. if they feel threatened they will swim at you full force and hit you with their head/body as hard as they possibly can. one woman named valerie ryan was hit by a dolphin which resulted in six spinal fractures, a damaged lung, and ptsd. dolphins are civil for the most part, but they are astonishingly smart and strong, and will attack if provoked or threatened, so it’s better to avoid close contact with them and admire from a distance or from a boat.
get reef safe sunscreen
all spray sunscreens and quite a few lotions contain toxic chemicals that are contributing to killing reefs. australian gold makes botanical reef safe sunscreen with spfs from 30 to 70, and they make a spray with the smallest amount of the toxic chemical that they can if you desperately need a spray. get reef safe sunscreen. it doesn’t matter if you’re not swimming in the ocean all run off from showers, sinks, toilets, and other water systems ends up in the ocean. so even if you spend the day in the city or at a theme park, if you come home a wash off that sunscreen it will end up in the ocean.
theme park tips
bring a mini battery powered or chargeable fan or you will wish that you did. watch the weather, if it looks like it’s going to rain head to a restaurant and eat lunch or dinner, by the time you’re done the rain will most likely be over. do what you want to do the most or what normally has the longest line right when the park opens, the line will be the shortest then. download the park apps to monitor the wait times for rides and to see if any are closed, delayed, or virtual line only. if you plan on buying souvenirs do so an 2-3 hours before the park closes, this way you won’t have to carry the bags around all day and you can beat the closing crowd. try to plan your route ahead of time so that you won’t be walking to and fro because someone wanted to do this ride that’s on the other side of the park and after that someone else wants to do a ride that’s right by the place you were before, if you don’t your feet will hurt like a mf at the end of the day and you’ll waste time walking all over the place. bring a travel sized deodorant, baby wipes, hand sanitizer, period products, and anything else you may need that they might not sell.
theme parks with kids (courtesy of my mother)
bring your own snacks and water (you’re allowed). once again, mini fan. frog togs are another way to keep kids cool without having to do much cause you just like put it on their neck. find a rest spot, my mom said that when she and my dad would take us to theme parks when we were little they had designated rest spots where they would sit and let us nap, eat snacks, and cool off in the shade. put a bead bracelet on your child with your name, their name, and your number on it if your worried that they may get lost. make reservations, hungry kids are no fun, and if they have to sit and wait for a restaurant for a long time they will get hangry, making a reservation around the time that they normally get hungry is a way to avoid this. bring a change of clothes.
think that’s all, and enjoy your vacation lol
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bboyplankton · 3 years
Hip-Hop/Rap Albums 2021
1.Tyler, the Creator – Call Me If You Get Lost
2.Benny the Butcher & Harry Fraud – The Plugs I Met 2
3.Curren$y – Collection Agency
4.Casey Veggies – Cg5
5.Denzel Curry & Kenny Beatz – Unlocked 1.5
6.Young Dolph & Key Glock – Dum and Dummer 2
7.Conway the Machine – La Maquina
8.Gotham, Talib Kweli, & Diamond D – Gotham
9.Cordae – Just Until…
10.Moneybagg Yo – A Gangsta’s Pain
11.J. Cole – The Off-Season
12.DMX – Exodus
13.Smoke DZA – The Hustler’s Catalog 2
14.Big K.R.I.T. – A Style Not Quite Free
15.Wale – Folarin II
16.Lloyd Banks – The Course of the Inevitable
17.Vince Staples – Vince Staples
18.Duke Deuce – Duke Nukem
19.Larry June – Orange Print
20.Russ – Chomp 2
21.Migos – Culture III (Deluxe)
22.Fred the Godson – Ascension
23.Jim Jones & Harry Fraud – The Fraud Department
24.Czarface & MF Doom – Super What?
25.Dave East & Harry Fraud – Hoffa
26.Dave East & Millyz – Pablo & Blanco – EP
27.The Alchemist – This Thing of Ours
28.Dark Lo & Harry Fraud – Borrowed Times
29.Key Glock – Yellow Tape 2
30.Nas – King’s Disease II
31.Drake – Certified Lover Boy
32.D Smoke – War & Wonders
33.Joell Ortiz – Autograph
34.Westside Gunn – Hitler Wears Hermes 8 : B Sides
35.Snoop Dogg – Snoop Dogg Presents Algorithm
36.Dave – We’re Alone in This Together
37.Benny the Butcher & 38 Spesh – Trust the Sopranos
38.Lil Nas X – Montero
39.Benny the Butcher – Pyrex Picasso
40.French Montana – They Got Amnesia
41.Animé – Twopointfive
42.Big Sean & Hit-Boy – What You Expect – EP
43.Maxo Kream – Weight of the World
44.Guapdad 4000 & !llmind – 1176 (Deluxe)
45.Brockhampton – Roadrunner: New Light, New Machine Plus Pack
46.Gucci Mane – Ice Daddy
47.Payroll Giovanni – Giovanni’s Way
48.Duckwrth – SG8*
49.Various Artists – Judas & The Black Messiah: The Inspired Album
50.Peter Rosenberg – Real Late
51.Armani White – Things We Lost in the Fire – EP
52.Skepta – All In – EP
53.Boldy James & The Alchemist – Bo Jackson
54.Styles P – Ghosting
55.Pop Smoke – Faith (Deluxe)
56.Isiah Rashad – The House Is Burning (Homies Begged)
57.Megan Thee Stallion – Something for Thee Hotties
58.Payroll Giovanni & Cardo – Another Day Another Dollar
59.Yelawolf – Mud Mouth
60.K Camp – Float
61.Young Thug – Punk
62.Reason, Wale, & Benny the Butcher – No More, No Less: Demo 1 – Single
63.Mickey Factz, Blu, & Nottz – The Narrative – EP
64.Curren$y – Still Stoned on Ocean
65.Belly – See You Next…
66.Gucci Mane – Ice Daddy
67.Terrace Martin – Drones
68.Young M.A. – Off the Yak
69.Homeboy Sandman – Anjelitu – EP
70.Tsu Surf – Until Further Notice
71.Blu – The Color Blu(e)
72.Dom Kennedy – From The Westside With Love Three
73.Larry June & Cardo – Into The Late Night
74.Kevin Gates – Only the Generals II
75.Drake – Scary Hours 2
76.Common – A Beautiful Revolution Pt. 2
77.Armand Hammer & The Alchemist – Haram
78.Logic – Bobby Tarantino III
79.21 Savage – Spiral: From the Book of Saw Soundtrack – EP
80.Young Dolph & Paper Route Empire – Paper Route Illuminati
81.Don Toliver – Life of a Don
82.Baby Keem – The Melodic Blue
83.DJ Khaled – Khaled Khaled
84.Westside Gunn – Hitler Wears Hermes 8: Sincerely Adolf
86.Mozzy – Untreated Trauma
87.Lil Baby & Lil Durk – The Voice of the Heroes
88.Pop Smoke – Faith (Deluxe)
89.GoldLink – Haram!
90.Paul Wall – Hall of Fame Hustler
91.Twista – Shooter Ready
92.The Alchemist – This Thing of Ours 2 – EP
93.Meek Mill – Expensive Pain
94.Various Artists – Chillhop Essentials Winter 2021
95.Various Artists – Chillhop Essentials Fall 2021
96.Various Artists – Chillhop Essentials Spring 2021
97.Various Artists – Chillhop Essentials Summer 2021
98.Dark Lo & Havoc – Extreme Measures
99.Lil Wayne & Rich the Kid – Trust Fund Babies
100.  Sy Ari Da Kid – Sy Ari Not Sorry
101.  True Story Gee & RARE Sound – Bucket Hat Shordie
102.  Bia – For Certain (Deluxe)
103.  Young Thug & Gunna – Slime Language 2
104.  TyFontaine – Ascension (Deluxe)
105.  G Herbo – 25
106.  Various Artists – The Harder They Fall (The Motion Picture Soundtrack)
107.  Fetty Wap – The Butterfly Effect
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rotblut · 3 years
will you be watching netflix's HELLBOUND?
NAAAAAAAAAAAAAA so mad first of all ep1-3????????? fucking waste of time do not need .was not helpful. YAI was a creepy leader with no charisma and good for me and him that he died. fucking HELL GOD GAVE THIS POS 20 YEARS FOR HIM TO GET BRUTALLY BEATEN TO DEATH AND DIE WHILE ALL THE OTHER PEOPLE GOT LIKE A FEW DAYS??????????????? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE??????????? a girly girl got only 30 sec before they killed her????????????? fucking hell
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these 3 mfs i swear
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this gif was basically all of hell/bound summed up
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anyway fucking hell what a lame performance of YAI but his character was lame so i guess he did what he had to do but DAMN THIS WAS NOT FOR HIM THIS WAS NOT DOING HIM ANY FAVOURS! the other character in ep 1-3 aside from this bish
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can and should have all died the way they were annoying. and i mean every single one of them all the side characters all the extras. the old main cop cop and his fucked up daughter? throw them in the trash. it would have been better if they died too damn. the fuck happened to those that made it out alive after ep 3???????????? doesn’t matter because nothing makes sense.
and i was this petty i did not want to fast forward or skip scenes so i needed 2 fucking hours more or less to finish a 40-50 min eps like i cannot. the first 3 eps could have been easily edited into 1 ep and be done with.
i swear. ep1-3 was a 1/10 rating this felt more like a prologue. it was dumb.
ep4-6 was better than the first 3 but also fucking annoying to watch. would give the last 3 eps a 4/10.
this husband king tho the mvp kinda and saved it for me!!!!!! he kinda not good looking but he did so much for me!!! he outacted everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he got me a lil weak for real him and WJA??????????? they pushed me to finish this shit. but both him and his wife made sometimes annoying ass choices.
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NO WONDER GOD WANTED IT TO DIE AT FIRST BECAUSE I WOULD WANNA KILL THAT ABOMINATION TOO: there was no point of a cgi baby god. killed the mood  whenever there was an emotional scene between hubby and wifey. they were crying because of their cgi baby and they focus on the baby
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anyway ugly cgi baby aside look at them
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did not expect them to be the ones i would come out with but they were tragic sad and he loved the wife and baby a lot he was crying 85% of the time. for real i love a man when he cries because of the love he has for his fam. only good thing about this damn ass drama was this man. every other man was trash. top 5 best men in 2021 and he’s in the top 3 of best dads. he was a good one. a good short lived dad. 
moving on
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this crazy ass mf outacted YAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this mf saved the 2nd part when it comes to the bad guys. he was GOOD! it’s the glasses. and the crazy eyes. and the hair. 
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international year of plant health
hi. i made a playlist of a snapshot of the stuff i’ve listened to this year if you’re looking for some recommendations! xoxo mae
1. little simz - might bang, might not 2. jean deaux - recipe! 3. logic - open mic\\aquarius iii 4. spittzwell - the lesson 5. ivy sole - kismet 6. vel the wonder - fine art 7. megan thee stallion - shots fired 8. kari faux - look at that 9. rico nasty - own it 10. flo milli - beef flomix 11. kodie shane - 2 many 12. kali uchis - ¡aquí yo mando! 13. tkay maidza - shook 14. bree runway - atm 15. yung baby tate - i am 16. almondmilkhunni - grapefruit 17. princess nokia - soul food y adobo 18. bosco - attention 19. kiana ledé - movin. 20. diamond white - secondhand 21. queen naija - i’m her 22. danileigh - mistreated 23. parisalexa - 2 optimistic 24. qveen herby - farewell 25. jhené aiko - p*$$y fairy (otw) 26. chloe x halle - forgive me 27. kehlani - water 28. umi - pretty girl hi! 29. rimon - i shine, u shine 30. disclosure - birthday 31. phora - cupid's curse 32. roy ayers - synchronize vibration 33. thundercat - unrequited love 34. thelonious coltrane - perfect timing 35. [ k s r ] - passion 36. alina baraz - more than enough 37. alayna - glowing 38. savannah cristina - self love 39. paloma ford - rain 40. nakala - she interlude ii 41. orion sun - lightning 42. jaz karis - hold you 43. cleo sol - when i'm in your arms 44. keiyaa - do yourself a favor 45. alicia keys - me x 7 46. yazmin lacey - morning matters 47. be steadwell - succulent 48. daniela andrade - k.l.f.g. 49. yung lean - dogboy 50. bladee - sun 51. blackwinterwells - algae 52. sullii - moonlight 53. misogi - heart chained 54. aminé - talk 55. tobi lou - lingo starr: drunken master 56. busta rhymes - look over your shoulder 57. 2 chainz - southside hov 58. atmosphere - the future is disgusting 59. meltycanon - moody blues 60. alfred. - sheeshfred 61. love-sadkid - ephemeral 62. jay squared - vision like you! 63. tuamie - you needed time you said 64. oatmello - blue 65. wun two - a noite 66. kuranes - calm 67. omaure - drama 68. dust and moonlight - sleeping or sinking 69. phlocalyst - image 70. ocha - r33 71. sugi.wa - love u 72. palm - memories of winter 73. goosetaf - tripwire 74. bryzone_ybp - the count 75. orancha - smoky banana 76. evil needle - midnight 77. eevee - romance 78. chief. - can't explain 79. ngyn - aerith 80. fujitsu - move on 81. meitei - nami 82. swum - breezy 83. chris mazuera - perspective 84. jinsang - maybe 85. tesk - cascades 86. saib - nautica 87. mf eistee - uprising 88. kaskade - when you’re dreaming 89. tatsuya maruyama - love you - lo-fi remix 90. towerz - before i gave in 91. baechulgi - abyss 92. underbelly - glitchwater 93. notsure - icecoffee 94. yutaka hirasaka - arise 95. akisai - ecossaise 96. nom tunes - missing piece 97. sweet dove - on the viewless wings 98. park bird - new place, same people 99. city girl - ji-eun's favorite 100. katie dey - loving 101. mary lattimore - sometimes he's in my dreams 102. teen daze - peaceful groove 103. pacific coliseum - turquoise 104. tycho - outer sunset 105. [.que] - glimmer 106. lights & motion - separated hearts 107. roger eno - celeste 108. talsounds - opening 109. alva noto - xerrox voyage 110. 36 - stasis sounds for long-distance space travel (stage 2) 111. stan forebee - bedscape 112. daniel avery - illusion of time 113. arbee - 2sum - charlie dreaming remix 114. okada takuro - waterfront (up-01) 115. gabriel ólafs - lóa - bing & ruth rework 116. warmth - the creek - mixed 117. rhucle - rev 118. com truise - surf 119. sarah davachi - still lives 120. gastón arévalo - sur les traces des explorateurs 121. peter bark - ascension 122. kara-lis coverdale - flutter 123. totally enormous extinct dinosaurs - brockley 124. green-house - peperomia seedling 125. four tet - green 126. morimoto naoki - aru 127. kaitlyn aurelia smith - remembering 128. dj python - te conocí 129. ocoeur - glow 130. christina vantzou - snow white 131. alonefold - strange rainbows 132. savoir adore - dancing temples 133. tengger - water 134. suzanne ciani - a sonic womb pt. 3 135. mogwai - major treat 136. this will destroy you - entrance 137. sleepmakeswaves - time wants a skeleton 138. elsa hewitt - rebird 139. ulla - i think my tears have become good 140. aether - she isn't here 141. zoe polanski - the last frontier 142. lyra pramuk - witness 143. ana roxanne - a study in vastness 144. julianna barwick - nod 145. the leaf library - about minerals 146. gia margaret - barely there 147. lucy gooch - my lights kiss your thoughts every moment 148. briana marela - forgiveness 149. loma - homing 150. mree - open arms 151. ellis - saturn return 152. alexia avina - fit into 153. fenne lily - to be a woman pt. 1 154. noble oak - evaporate 155. mint julep - blinded 156. rush week - best laid plans 157. mini trees - slip away 158. winter - bem no fundo 159. yumi zouma - cool for a second 160. laura veirs - burn too bright 161. terry vs. tori - keepsake box 162. castlebeat - shoulder 163. candace - still phase 164. tiny deaths - if i'm dreaming 165. lydia - heavy 166. caspian - nostalgist 167. nova one - lovable 168. corey flood - heaven or 169. hazel english - off my mind 170. bantug - dizzy 171. tops - colder & closer 172. the hidden shelf - miracles 173. ruru - 99 174. widowspeak - even true love 175. cheerleader - providence 176. wild nothing - blue wings 177. deradoorian - corsican shores 178. strfkr - second hand 179. mint field - contingencia 180. ringo deathstarr - god help the one's you love 181. no joy - dream rats 182. white poppy - orchid child 183. keeps - swiggum 184. flung - firstly zested 185. the bilinda butchers - rie 186. sipper - kid 187. radiator hospital - imposter syndrome 188. addy - equinox 189. boyo - dogma 190. alexandra savior - the archer 191. phoebe bridgers - chinese satellite 192. soccer mommy - circle the drain 193. routine - numb enough 194. quarter-life crisis - comfortable 195. madeline kenney - sucker 196. layne - linnea 197. wilsen - align 198. pynkie - you 199. bandanna - ghost home 200. waxahatchee - can’t do much 201. crisman - portrait 202. liza anne - i wanna be there 203. purr - gates of cool 204. honey cutt - hung up on me 205. the beths - out of sight 206. the ophelias - grand canyon 207. sjowgren - flip phones 208. haim - gasoline 209. thanya iyer - i forget to drink water (balance) 210. sad13 - good grief 211. porridge radio - give/take 212. lannds - not in a good way 213. katie von schleicher - wheel 214. hey cowboy! - detective farmer brown 215. tombo crush - pink 216. eliza moon - tell me / why'd you 217. anna mcclellan - raisin 218. this is the kit - this is what you did 219. snarls - walk in the woods 220. blushh - deal with it 221. long neck - cicada 222. chloe moriondo - ghost adventure spirit orb 223. momma - biohazard 224. varsity - runaway 225. land of talk - footnotes 226. bully - stuck in your head 227. diet cig - stare into the sun 228. expert timing - gravity 229. slow pulp - track 230. maddie jay - shakes 231. beabadoobee - together 232. luna aura - crash dive 233. sorry - perfect 234. torres - good grief 235. partner - honey 236. beauty queen - this time around 237. maggie lindemann - knife under my pillow 238. bryde - paper cups 239. mundy's bay - sleep away the summer 240. squirrel flower - red shoulder 241. mourn - stay there 242. dream wife - so when you gonna... 243. illuminati hotties - superiority complex (big noise) 244. l.a. witch - true believers 245. hinds - burn 246. beach bunny - cuffing season 247. suzie true - idk u 248. bacchae - hammer 249. peach kelli pop - stupid girl 250. oceanator - heartbeat 251. pins - read my lips 252. best coast - different light 253. muncie girls - take steps 254. kailee morgue - this is why i'm hot 255. beach slang - let it ride 256. silverstein - take what you give 257. new found glory - scarier than jason voorhees at a campfire 258. the lawrence arms - quiet storm 259. mikey erg - bon voyage 260. pet symmetry - had a name, don't remember it 261. thank you, i'm sorry - backpack life 262. ratboys - alien with a sleep mask on 263. joyce manor - leather jacket 264. jeff rosenstock - scram! 265. the aquabats! - aliens and monsters! 266. the used - the lighthouse 267. hidden hospitals - how amazing 268. dikembe - all got sick 269. time spent driving - trust no 1 270. the casket lottery - more blood 271. record setter - someplace 272. emma ruth rundle - out of existence 273. gulfer - blurry 274. options - don't mind 275. i love your lifestyle - stupid 276. orchards - stealing your sleep 277. no tongues for quiet people - lake house lake house 278. into it. over it. - hollow halos 279. mountains for clouds - full disclosure 280. joan of arc - destiny revision 281. no thank you - saturn return 282. the front bottoms - camouflage 283. ride your bike - make like a tom and cruise 284. dragon inn 3 - yer brothers 285. the goalie’s anxiety at the penalty kick - jars filled with rain 286. mansions - laser beams 287. waveform* - hello goodbye 288. owen - headphoned 289. cassino - tacoma 290. ajj - normalization blues 291. penelope scott - sweet hibiscus tea 292. angel olsen - (new love) cassette 293. trace mountains - fallin' rain 294. johanna warren - part of it 295. frances quinlan - lean 296. tomberlin - hours 297. samia - triptych 298. field medic - better way 299. adrianne lenker - my angel 300. jack m. senff - another day 301. lomelda - polyurethane 302. rosie carney - high and dry 303. brigid mae power - i had to keep my circle small 304. overcoats - new shoes 305. anna burch - not so bad 306. hop along, queen ansleis - the cactus 307. mandy moore - easy target 308. laura marling - held down 309. lisa loeb - doesn't it feel good 310. trixie mattel - gold 311. lilly hiatt - move 312. molly tuttle - sunflower, vol. 6 313. sarah jarosz - pay it no mind 314. katie heckel - help you mend 315. katie pruitt - my mind’s a ship (that’s going down) 316. in love with a ghost - trans rights 317. snail's house - imaginary express 318. isuka hino - dreamin' adventure!! 319. 4s4ki - nexus 320. lapix - loneliness 321. you - painter 322. aice room - dreary planet - yukiyanagi remix 323. zekk - oxygen 324. lu-i - loved happiness 325. synthion - volt switch 326. sanaas - polestar - junk remix 327. mameyudoufu - fluffy 328. awfuless - redemption 329. rejection - around you 330. toriena - getting into a pose 331. cosmo@bousoup - mow*mow*abduction!!! 332. yunosuke - ziqqurat 333. android52 - lovin', scratchin' 334. サクラsakura-lee - nobody else 335. desired - emotions 336. mikazuki bigwave - sakimashita bloomin'!! 337. skule toyama - smooth 338. adrianwave - goodbye 339. macross 82-99 - melt 340. cape coral - 707 hotline 341. 80kidz - heat 342. night tempo - baby 343. yaffle - lng, before 344. greyl - let me be with you 345. serph - palmtop tiger 346. happy kuru kuru - natsu no hi no labyrinth 347. couple n - earmie 348. airuei - magic sign 349. somunia - non player girl - nyankobrq 2p ver. 350. cosmicosmo - those that we once loved 351. maeshima soshi - the terminal 352. kijibato - 1room 353. yuc'e - ghost town 354. neko hacker - erased 355. jam2go - apotrope 356. mizuki ohkawa - cosmic cleft 357. singto conley - flora 358. 2tonedisco - shoelaces 359. cy8er - もしもしじゃぽん 360. nayuta - connect 361. t+pazolite - himitsu cult 362. milkoi - higher, higher, and then... 363. freezer - caramel rain (sanaas remix) 364. kotonohouse - pitter, patter 365. aika - superstar 366. yukiyanagi - love overdose 367. nanahira - twinkle password 368. ducky - hyper bloxxd 369. porter robinson - something comforting 370. moshimo - シンクロ 371. bish - スーパーヒーローミュージック 372. scenarioart - it's all right 373. base ball bear - ポラリス(c3 mix) 374. majiko - エスカルゴ 375. akaiko-en - ジャンキー 376. the peggies - weekend 377. lovely summer chan - more light 378. polkadot stingray - sp813 379. shishamo - フェイバリットボーイ 380. aimer - run riot 381. österreich - i'll take you everywhere 382. sora tob sakana - 夜間飛行 383. the shes gone - ふためぼれ 384. aimyon - marshmallow 385. cö shu nie - supercell 386. kensei ogata - violin case 387. せだい - yellownola 388. yonige - あかるいみらい 389. bearwear - i think 390. hitsujibungaku - ロックスター 391. cidergirl - 飛行船 392. room97 - faq 393. she's - ugly 394. bbhf - tokenai mahou 395. alisa takigawa - 夢 396. satomoka - glints 397. radwimps - shinsekai 398. pinoko - コリドー街 399. helsinki lambda club - you are my gravity 400. lucky kilimanjaro - 君とつづく 401. dish// - sauna song 402. zombie-chang - snooze 403. mizuki ohira - 無重力 404. みゆな - 歌おうよ 405. iri - come back to my city 406. aya a.k.a panda - i miss u 407. chelmico - disco (bad dance doesn't matter) 408. seiko oomori - 絶対彼女 409. yaeji - my imagination 상상 410. daoko - zukizuki 411. eill - night d 412. cifika - déjà vu 413. yeye - step in time 414. saevom - just like i dreamed then 415. cheeze - today's mood 416. stella jang - reality blue 417. younha - one day of twenty 418. jeong eun ji - whoo 419. fromm - aliens 420. crush - tip toe 421. heize - 1/1440 422. femm - level up 423. awich - poison 424. jessi - nunu nana 425. (g)i-dle - luv u 426. summer soul - tinder 427. taeyeon - worry free love 428. boa - l.o.v.e 429. fromis_9 - feel good (secret code) 430. faky - re:chase me 431. monsta x - night view 432. twice - up no more 433. loona - hide & seek 434. wjsn - pantomime 435. iz*one - fiesta 436. exid - ddd jpn ver. 437. gfriend - crème brûlée 438. april - lalalilala 439. weki meki - 100 facts (cool eng. ver.) 440. momoland - starry night 441. steve aoki - play it cool 442. bts - dynamite 443. sakurako ohara - shine on me 444. sumin - zaza♡ 445. onepixcel - lagrima 446. little glee monster - i feel the light 447. celeina ann - purikura 448. アイラヴミー - そのまんま勇者 449. okkyung lee - here we are (once again) 450. luca - lune 451. hakushi hasegawa - hikari no rock 452. haruka nakamura - your sonnet 453. itoko toma - shade 454. rina katahira - hoshizora* 455. ichiko aoba - easter lily 456. satoko shibata - 変な島 457. 角銅真実 - 6月の窓 458. 熊川みゆ - sixteen 459. 眉村ちあき - 緑のハイヒール 460. 竹内アンナ - striking gold 461. saucy dog - film 462. kaede - -ending- night blue 463. aseul - paradise 464. 박혜진 park hye jin - like this 465. charlotte is mine - road movie 466. plastic plastic - ฮัม - (hum) 467. clams - shiny rider 468. seventeen years old and berlin wall - no paradise 469. nuit - nightbirds 470. fulusu - ghost 471. rammells - sennengo 472. stargaze shelter - emulation (mode:totonee) 473. ヨルシカ - 昼鳶 474. nakamuraemi - 大人の言うことを聞け 475. kenshi yonezu - ひまわり 476. tk from ling tosite sigure - reframe 477. penguinrush - 色彩 478. lee jin ah - candy pianist 479. mei ehara - どちらにピントを 480. jizue - because 481. mouse on the keys - room 482. fox capture plan - stand my heroes - groove version 483. ryutist - girls 484. yeti let you notice - bouquet 485. tricot - 真っ黒 486. madison cunningham - giraffe 487. covet - atreyu 488. floral - maybe not one day 489. envy - eternal memories and reincarnation 490. baths - mikaela corridor 491. sufjan stevens - run away with me 492. fractures - feel 493. the 1975 - frail state of mind 494. dan mason ダン·メイソン - everytime i cry 495. brothertiger - cannonball 496. porches - rangerover - bonus track 497. tame impala - instant destiny 498. washed out - paralyzed 499. pink skies - portland 500. so below - bone 501. purity ring - silkspun 502. llll - breathless 503. slow magic - somewhere 504. kasbo - lune 505. cloudnone - let the music in 506. jody wisternoff - blue space 507. drama - hold on 508. satin jackets - meridian getaway 509. direct - opal 510. lane 8 - road 511. baile - jlm 512. yuni wa - starships 513. nora van elken - sakura 514. geotheory - the day i left you 515. yota - hazy paradise 516. spencer brown - chance on us 517. the avener - conscious shadows 518. kalbells - mothertime 519. bella boo - in love 520. kirara magic - neon 521. mija - digressions 522. cuushe - emergence 523. transviolet - rituals 524. keep shelly in athens - steady to go 525. young ejecta - ah ha 526. annie - in heaven 527. lany - good guys 528. dominic pierce - glad xoxo 529. tender - what you're missing 530. alice jemima - binge love you 531. kitty - baby pink 532. faye meana - like honey 533. lunadira - am i gonna die? 534. loony - white lie 535. justine skye - fav 536. wafia - good things 537. victoria monét - jaguar 538. malia civetz - love thing 539. keiynan lonsdale - i confess my love 540. deaton chris anthony - tuethday 541. kallitechnis - body&soul (ish d remix) 542. talitha. - ineedsomeone 543. keke palmer - thick 544. kesha - birthday suit 545. l.e.j - pas l'time 546. selena gomez - rare 547. the aces - daydream 548. jessie ware - mirage (don’t stop) 549. joan - try again 550. melanie c - blame it on me 551. astrid s - dance dance dance 552. little mix - holiday 553. justin bieber - yummy 554. ariana grande - positions 555. bea miller - feel something different 556. lady gaga - rain on me (with ariana grande) 557. raye - regardless 558. the weeknd - hardest to love 559. andrea valle - lovergirl 560. k/da - the baddest 561. allie x - susie save your love 562. terror jr - dinner plate 563. shawn wasabi - halo halo 564. benee - snail 565. sevdaliza - oh my god 566. gupi - modest 567. six impala - sweetsweetsweetlikebubblegum 568. charli xcx - i finally understand 569. golin - hanakotoba 570. shygirl - freak 571. madge - ethanol 572. arca - afterwards 573. kelly lee owens - re-wild 574. ari mason - pangaea 575. gabrielle aplin - dear happy 576. taylor swift - the 1 577. awfultune - buds 578. sneaks - scorpio on your side 579. izzy camina - kill your local indie softboy 580. mxmtoon - ok on your own 581. wens - giant bat 582. billie eilish - my future 583. tash - when you leave 584. fletcher - the one 585. silver sphere - ghosts! 586. tei shi - ok crazy 587. dounia - sucked all the fun 588. tatiana hazel - carmen sandiego 589. magdalena bay - killshot 590. kllo - insomnia 591. leisure suite - closer 592. morgan saint - i dreamt that i knew you 593. ayelle - got love 594. michi - escondida 595. lyrica anderson - lyfted 596. sasha sloan - lie 597. niki - plot twist 598. sarah reeves - heart first 599. salt cathedral - caviar 600. chelsea cutler - sad tonight 601. rituals of mine - heights 602. e^st - flight path 603. sara diamond - great together 604. phem - stfu 605. carlie hanson - daze inn 606. lauren aquilina - latest ghost 607. caroline rose - command z 608. misterwives - oxygen 609. ella vos - turbulence 610. austra - i am not waiting 611. triathalon - you 612. phoebe ryan - icimy 613. katzù oso - kiss u better 614. luwten - control 615. raveena - heartbeat 616. oohyo - 2020 617. oklou - another night 618. jouska - bring you back 619. fleur east - easy to love 620. soft glas - overbite 621. jaden - muted sunrise 622. snny - better to leave it 623. saint mela - alkaseltzer 624. mia gladstone - ego 625. helena deland - truth nugget 626. oh wonder - oceansize 627. steven padin - sashimi 628. kacey johansing - i try 629. treasureseason - spinning plate 630. landshapes - drama 631. tennis - matrimony ii 632. pomplamoose - morning waterbug 633. soko - being sad is not a crime 634. the big moon - barcelona 635. shamir - diet 636. knox fortune - static 637. carly rae jepsen - let's sort the whole thing out 638. real estate - the main thing 639. hayley williams - roses/lotus/violet/iris 640. nada surf - something i should do 641. bombay bicycle club - is it real 642. the seshen - faster than before 643. thao & the get down stay down - how could i 644. marla hansen - path 645. christine and the queens - la vita nuova 646. half waif - siren 647. malena zavala - ritmo de vida 648. bendik - himmelen 649. hanna järver - kalmar slott 650. frida sundemo - anything 651. kate nv - telefon 652. ambar lucid - questioning my mind 653. coco reilly - mirror 654. ghostly kisses - lydian 655. kacy hill - told me 656. lianne la havas - can't fight 657. donna missal - how does it feel 658. felivand - gone 659. jordana - divine 660. empress of - void 661. banoffee - ripe 662. vanessa carlton - i can't stay the same 663. fiona apple - heavy balloon 664. poppy - concrete 665. rina sawayama - stfu!
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btsinlondon · 5 years
So my friends @sweet-teeth-mfs & @gotmetalkinginmysleep are meeting in real lyfe this weekend 🎉
And so we should all send them questions to answer in their podcast/live q&a
Pick some of these and spam their inboxes 💜 or make up your own questions.
Be curious, they will share and discuss anything 👀
(List by @beneaththeflame-blog )
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
4: What do you think about most?
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
7: What's your strangest talent?
8: Girls... (finish the sentence); Boys... (finish the sentence)
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
13: What's your religion?
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
17: What was the last lie you told?
18: Do you believe in karma?
19: What does your URL mean?
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
23: How do you vent your anger?
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
26: Are you happy with the person you've become?
27: What's a sound you hate; sound you love?
28: What's your biggest "what if"?
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
32: What's the worst place you have ever been to?
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
36: Define Art.
37: Do you believe in luck?
38: What's the weather like right now?
39: What time is it?
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
41: What was the last book you read?
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
43: Do you have any nicknames?
44: What was the last film you saw?
45: What's the worst injury you've ever had?
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
48: What's your sexual orientation?
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
50: Do you believe in magic?
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
52: What is your astrological sign?
53: Do you save money or spend it?
54: What's the last thing you purchased?
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
57: How many relationships have you had?
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
59: Where were you yesterday?
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
62: What's your favourite animal?
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
64: Where is your best friend?
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
66: What is your heritage?
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
68: What do you think is Satan's last name?
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
74: What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
77: How can I win your heart?
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
80: What size shoes do you wear?
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
82: What is your favourite word?
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
85: What's the last song you listened to?
86: Basic question; what's your favourite colour/colours?
87: What is your current desktop picture?
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
89: What would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on?
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren't really doing anything, they're just standing around your bed. What do you do?
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
98: Ever been on a plane?
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
Copy and paste a question or ask them stuff 😘
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size=270,99 Megabytes
Audience score=48 Votes
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published Date=2014-02-08
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