#A healthy digestive system
biohackhealthnow · 6 months
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The Holidays are here, and so are delicious meals. Let's give our gut some extra love and support for processing these delicous foods for us and keeping our digestive system optimal and healthy 💛
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timemachineyeah · 2 years
Do you ever think about the invasiveness, danger, and side-effects presented by weight loss surgery
compared to any kind of gender affirming surgery
and then compare the relative ease of access
and want to scream because of how clearly this is not about health, it’s about conforming to society’s expectations.
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bunnihearted · 4 months
#need to clear my head;#im in such a bad mood. my face is in a perpetual angry state. im just so so bitter nd pessimistic rn#trying not to get stuck in negative chaos thought spirals nd to just take it as it come#nd be patient bc recovery takes time i know. but i havent been able to feel healthy or functional for 7 months nd i am so tired#i cant help but worry abt my health nd what kinda diet i can have nd how to work all of that out.#like the removal of the gallbladder dont ensure a good digestive system. they remove it bc it can irrepairably hurt u#also im so so stressed out abt school nd my courses. i already had to drop one last week. nd it isnt looking like i'll be able to pass my#eng class.. it just isnt looking like it's realistic at all :/ i personally dont mind if i fail. but i can get issues w my wellfare hmm#bc like im still feeling rough nd u only get sick leave for one week after surgery.. so i have to go on thursday nd friday but im gnna#be in pain plus be so hungry nd be unable to concentrate idk#idk idk!! im already willing to take out loans to finish my upper secondary school.. but i have to make it work w timing nd stuff so im not#sitting here unable to pay rent or the bills or food lmao. so idk have to fix it somehow#nd the pressure of this country rapidly declining state is stressing me tf out!! having nazi conservative rightists in the ruling is just#dreadful!!!! for many reasons but atm idek if i can do distance classes like i wanted to ://#i just.. wanna be able to go for my long walks. go to the gym. eat normally. have coffee. study nd finish highschool.#then apply for whatever program i can nd move to another calmer city. prob eventually find a path to move to another country. like norway..#im thinking too much but my thoughts are spinning nd killing me like i cant stop it im so scared nd anxious lmao 💀#im also trying to be brave and write to the psych clinic for personality disorders nd be upset nd 'beg' them for help ksksksks.#but like... the thing abt having avpd is that i kinda dont wanna bc im scared of the possibility of them helping me lol#im just in a low place nd bad headspace and it's just getring worse nd im getting more nd more tired#i dont have much more energy to keep it together nd pretend like im ok or like i have hope lmaoooo idk what to do#anyway... idk idk guess i just gotta .. keep crawling forward anyway i can
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helladventurers · 7 months
Oh yeah before I head to bed, in good news, all my exams came back ok 😆 had a few minor hitches here and there, but thankfully my efforts to eat healthier have indeed materialized in much better exam results, combined with there being no new health complications related to older problems, this is very good news to end the year on
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johnbly · 1 year
nothing like a mild inconvenience to inform you that you may not be as mentally stable as you thought
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luminiera-merge · 2 years
claire luvcat’s latest video on diseases and conditions in cats is SO good...i’m just at the interview with the milkybokitan channel owners. that being said i kinda wish surinoel’s mr butler had shown up since he has three scottish folds and has shown himself to be very vigilant re feline conditions
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vuals · 3 days
Beetroot, with its vibrant color and earthy flavor, has become a popular superfood in recent years. But as with any food, some people wonder about potential side effects. One common question is: can beetroot cause constipation? Let's dig into the facts and explore the relationship between beetroot and digestive health.
Read full article.
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neotonutrition · 1 month
Buy The High-Quality Digestive Enzyme Online From Neato Nutrition
Neato Nutrition's high-quality, scientifically formulated enzymes aid in the efficient breakdown of food, promoting optimal nutrient absorption and reducing digestive discomfort. Perfect for those seeking to improve gut health and overall well-being, Neato Nutrition's online Digestive Enzyme supplements are crafted with care and precision. Experience the benefits of improved digestion and vitality with our trusted, natural products. Shop now and support your digestive health with Neato Nutrition.
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Title: The Evolution in Probiotic Therapy
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vick5212025 · 1 month
🌐 SynoGut Official Website: https://hotm.art/synogut_official_site 🌐 SynoGut Official Website: https://hotm.art/synogut_officialsite
✅How SynoGut Works? Discover the transformative power of SynoGut's natural blend. Each ingredient is meticulously selected to restore balance and enhance nutrient absorption. From psyllium husk to bentonite clay, SynoGut aids in detoxification, ensuring a healthier gut. Experience the difference with SynoGut's reliable formula, designed for your well-being.
✅ Benefits: Unlock a plethora of advantages with SynoGut. Attain digestive equilibrium, enhanced nutrient assimilation, and consistent bowel regularity. Experience the purifying impact, diminishing inflammation and fostering gut wellness. Embrace a lifestyle of vigor, vitality, and self-assurance with SynoGut as your ally.
✅ Ingredients: ⛔ Psyllium, Bentonite Clay, Black Walnut, Oat, Flaxseed,Prune, Aloe Vera,L. Acidophilus,Apple Pectin,Glucomannan.
✅How to Use Synogut? The recommended dosage is 2 capsules of Synogut daily, taken with a large glass of water for optimal absorption.
💰 Risk-Free Guarantee: Synogut offers a 60-day money-back guarantee for customer satisfaction.
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healixhospitals24 · 3 months
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Discover the impact of nutrition on gastrointestinal health. Explore the latest research findings and insights into maintaining a healthy gut.
Do Visit: https://www.healixhospitals.com/blogs/the-impact-of-nutrition-on-gastrointestinal-health:-latest-research-findings
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good-night-space-kid · 3 months
Having a functional stomach would fix everything wrong with me actually
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kauveryblogs · 3 months
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wow-an-unfunny-joke · 4 months
I don’t know shit about overwatch. I am not in the over watch fandom I’m in the Junkrat fandom. Which is to say that I have an idea and k really want to write it!!! But I don’t know how. I want to write about Junkrat and Roadhog getting out of junkertown and the outskirts, getting safe and like getting better. Healthy diets, less explodey, no more radiation.
Do you really think Junkrat treats his wounds properly? Do you really think they have the stuff to treat them?
I would love to write it, but I don’t know exactly how it would happen? Why would the two even leave? Why would they ever agree to anything like that? I mean I feel like it would have something to do with Overwatch but idk, I don’t know anything about this fandom.
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gutfoundation · 4 months
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Probiotics And Prebiotics: What You Should Know?
Discover the importance of probiotics and prebiotics for gut health in this detailed guide. Learn about their roles, sources, benefits, and how they work together to promote a healthy digestive system. Explore the latest research findings and practical tips for incorporating probiotics and prebiotics into your diet for improved overall well-being.
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Why Am I Always Tired?
Chronic fatigue can be more disruptive to your life than others might realize. That constant feeling of being tired is debilitating, affecting your ability to work, stay alert and get anything productive done. It can even be dangerous, especially when you need to get behind the wheel.
Fatigue is not the same as being sleepy. It feels similar, but being constantly tired means you lack energy. You might get tired shortly after starting an activity, struggle to get motivated to complete tasks, struggle to concentrate, have difficulty remembering things and experience slow reaction times.
It's frustrating, and you might try everything to overcome it. But understanding what's causing fatigue is the only way to fix it. Here are a few common reasons why you might always feel tired.
Anxiety or Stress
Are you dealing with chronic stress? Maybe you have a high-pressure job or a chaotic schedule that always worries you. Whatever the case, stress and anxiety could be the reason why you feel so tired.
Stress is like a threat to your survival. Your brain increases more cortisol. Cortisol is the stress hormone that affects your body in many ways. One is by contributing to a feeling of emotional and physical exhaustion.
Cortisol levels increase significantly with stress, anxiety and depression. Taking B vitamins for energy can help. However, it's also important to improve your mental health to see improvements.
Anemia is a condition that occurs when you don't have enough healthy red blood cells. Those blood cells, called hemoglobin, deliver oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body. Oxygen is crucial to staying alert and healthy.
Anemia can make you feel chronically tired and weak. Fortunately, you can fix it with improvements to your diet or supplements. The condition is a byproduct of not getting enough iron. Improving your iron intake can lead to substantial changes.
Those are two of the most common causes of chronic fatigue, but many other health-related links exist. If you're always tired, consult your doctor and consider taking B vitamins for energy. They help the body convert the food you consume into glucose. That glucose is a source of energy for your body's cells, so taking B vitamins can help you kick midday slumps to the curb.
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