aria-baerose · 1 year
Tim: What is love?
Jason: An emotional minefield.
Damian: A neurochemical reaction. 
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simseez · 8 months
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aimlay7research · 10 months
Navigating the Top ABDC Journals in India for 2023: Insights and Significance
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As we step into 2023, the academic publishing landscape in India is witnessing unprecedented competition. In the midst of numerous journals vying for recognition from the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC), identifying the most worthwhile ones can be a challenge. To aid your scholarly journey, we've curated a list of the foremost ABDC journals in India for 2023, delving into their significance and unique attributes. Whether you're an experienced researcher or a budding academic, this post is indispensable for elevating your research pursuits in the upcoming year. So, let's delve into the details!
Exploring the Landscape of ABDC Journals
India, a nation of contrasts, presents a tapestry of diversity. From the world's poorest to its most prosperous, a blend of history and modernity, and a fusion of tradition and progress define the nation. Correspondingly, the Top ABDC Journals in India mirror this complexity. Their mission is to foster a platform where scholars across disciplines engage in critical dialogues concerning India's pivotal concerns.
These journals are published quarterly in March, June, September, and December. Each edition features an editorial preface and peer-reviewed articles spotlighting cutting-edge research across domains such as politics, economics, social policy, education, religion, culture, and more.
Presently, these journals hold the esteemed fourth position among ABDC sociology and cultural anthropology journals.
Understanding the Significance of the ABDC Journal List
The ABDC Journal List stands as a catalog of business and management journals published in India. Compiled by the Association of Business and Management Schools in India (ABMSI), this list emerged in 2013.
Ranking criteria encompass peer reviews, global visibility, and citation impact. To be included, journals must meet all three criteria. The list undergoes an update every two years.
The most recent iteration, released in 2019, comprises 34 journals. Among these, the top five are:
Indian Journal of Operations Management
Vikalpa: The Journal for Decision Makers
Business Quest
Corporate Ownership & Control
South Asian Journal of Management
ABDC Journal List in 2023: A Glimpse
In 2023, the ABDC Journal List encompasses 26 journals, up from 23 in 2020 and 18 in 2019.
For Indian researchers, this list is a vital compass for determining optimal publication outlets. The biennial compilation ranks journals using metrics like Impact Factor, article influence score, and h-index. While the number of listed journals has increased over the years, it remains modest in comparison to other countries. The UK's counterpart, for instance, lists over 200 journals.
This scenario has both advantages and considerations. While competition for ABDC Journals publication is relatively lower, researchers must carefully select their target journals for optimal success. Fortunately, all journals on the ABDC list maintain a high standard, ensuring that your research garners peer recognition irrespective of your chosen journal.
Reviewing the Premier ABDC Journals in India for 2023
The Association of Business Doctors of India (ABDC) stands as the primary organization for business doctors in the nation. A non-profit membership body, ABDC champions the development of Business Doctorate programs in India.
The ABDC Journals, regarded as top-tier business journals in India, command respect from academics, researchers, and practitioners alike. These peer-reviewed publications accentuate research pertinent to Indian businesses and society.
The Triumvirate of Top ABDC Journals for 2023 Comprises:
Journal of Indian Business Research: As ABDC's flagship journal, it holds the top rank in India for Business research. The journal disseminates high-caliber theoretical and empirical papers significantly enhancing our comprehension of contemporary Indian businesses.
Indian Journal of Management: Ranked second in India for business research, this journal accentuates management theories, practices, and Indian-relevant issues. Its reputation lies in publishing avant-garde research with a pronounced focus on policy implications.
South Asian Journal of Business Research: Grasping the third rank in India for business research, this journal sheds light on the distinctive attributes of South Asian businesses. Through high-quality papers, it augments our understanding of the region's business environment.
The Importance of ABDC Journals
Peer-reviewed journals wield myriad merits. They keep researchers abreast of cutting-edge research, facilitate discovery of novel methodologies, aid in forging collaborations, and track the impact of personal work. While Indian researchers have long been engaged in international scholarly publishing, a recent surge of high-quality peer-reviewed Indian journals augments their options for disseminating work.
A selection of top ABDC-ranked journals published in India spans diverse disciplines, from engineering to medicine to humanities and social sciences. Though not exhaustive, this list offers a glimpse into the gamut of exceptional Indian academic journals.
Indian Journal of Medical Research
Bulletin of Materials Science
Current Science
Chemical Science
Resonance: Journal of Science Education
Economic & Political Weekly
Social Scientist
International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology
Journal of Applied Mechanics
Sadhana: Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences
While a plethora of academic journals emerges from India, only a select few attain the distinction of being top ABDC journals. These journals wield significance by disseminating high-quality research on Indian topics, enriching scholarly dialogue, and influencing public policy.
Key Benefits for Academics and Researchers
The premier ABDC Journals in India hold substantial relevance for academics and researchers, stemming from several reasons. Firstly, ABDC Journals undergo rigorous peer review, ensuring the publication of top-tier research. Second, they command immense respect within the academic community, resulting in frequent citations by fellow scholars. This fosters validation of research findings and amplifies their impact. Thirdly, these journals boast substantial circulation, facilitating wider exposure to the latest research. Competitive publishing fees render them affordable for researchers and academics.
The ABDC journals serve as pivotal avenues for disseminating high-quality research pertinent to India. This article spotlights India's top journals and delineates their significance when contemplating research submissions. Irrespective of your domain, these journals offer indispensable resources for honing your academic writing prowess and refining research skills. Opting for one of these powerhouse journals can make a significant difference, ensuring your work is acknowledged by India's preeminent experts and academics. So, if you possess compelling insights to share, selecting from these preeminent journals is crucial!
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lastonestanding1 · 2 years
Fave dance teams not in order
Royal family
Fanny Pak
Quest crew
Dragon house
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lesbiangallagher · 4 months
unpopular opinion or maybe popular opinion we need to bring back dance competition shows but specifically america’s best dance crew…heavy hip hop themes…this is how we can save pop culture
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smol-tiny-bee · 10 months
…slowly realizing I’ve been into masked men since season 1 of America’s Best Dance Crew. 11 year old me was not ready for the JabbaWockeeZ 🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻
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emeraldgreaves · 2 years
HI hihihihi halcyon for beloved Moira? <3
absolutely 💕 let’s goooo
halcyon (adj.) - denoting a period of time in the past that was idyllically happy and peaceful.
~970 words, no plot just food
The sun sets on Westwood, turning the prairie to amber and sending rays of light through Grandmama’s crystal punch bowl in the cabinet. The one “for special occasions,” her mother had said.
“Birthdays are special occasions,” said her father, and stole another piece of carrot from the serving dish.
Today must be a one such day, because years later Triba Lari takes it down and wipes it out with a gingham cloth. “Fetch me some snow, Moira,” she says, and Moira hurries to comply, grabbing the tin bucket by the door that holds flowers in the summer. The freezing metal stings her fingers as she scoops up the cleanest patch she can find and rushes back into the kitchen, already full of women chattering as pans sizzle on every surface.
A million different smells float through the kitchen—butter and dill for the crisp golden potatoes ladled into a dish, a soft dome of cornbread steaming in a skillet, a roast crackling in the oven. A squat, round cake sits patiently in the icebox with the first of the strawberry preserves between its layers—Miss Corinne had watched the oven like a hawk yesterday, oblivious to her and Zori sneaking spoonfuls of jam behind her back.
Her father hovers uncertainly in the doorway. The hesitation is almost comical on a man his size, but he’s in charge of every piece of Westwood except for the space in this room. Triba Lari scoops in some snow and pours over something red and sweet-smelling, then takes pity on Yorick and passes him the punch bowl before loading up Moira with the potatoes and shooing them both out of the kitchen.
The mayor’s house is the only one large enough for a separate dining area. She spent all afternoon scrubbing this room before company came, dusting the baseboards and wiping down the windows out of some vague sense of obligation to the way her mother used to keep it. Someone’s spread the table with their second-best blue tablecloth, and wooden chairs from the neighbors’ house crowd at the corners. A couple of crates lie stacked by the door—supplies for her Flower Day next week, things too fragile to stay in the shed.
Golden light seeps through the windows, making the creamy white porcelain gleam. Her father follows her to the empty place in the table, setting the bowl between the empty gravy boat and a dish of orange sweet potatoes with sage and onion. Away from the bustle of the kitchen, the silence seems to settle back into place, a heavy crate sinking to the bottom of a pond.
“She used this at our wedding,” Yorick says suddenly. “Your grandma, she gave it to us. Said it was traditional.”
He’s still staring down at the punch bowl, never at her, like he’s afraid some part of Elinor will look back. But an opening’s an opening, and she tries to think of something to ask.
A peak of laughter breaks it like glass before Zori comes tearing in, flour in xeir coppery hair. “Sorry,” xe gasps, hands braced on their knees. “Turns out I can’t steal a taste after all.”
They all crowd round the table shortly afterwards. The room fills with laughter as the sun disappears, leaving a comforting quilt of blackness beyond the blue curtains. Zori sits next to her through dinner, chatting brightly about skating on the creek as Tekrom Galen sneaks another helping of stewed apples to her right. Someone proposes a toast to surviving another year. The punch must be spiked, because they grow increasingly more elaborate—a toast to Yorick, for leading their little town, to the Autarch in faraway Haven, to the moon for rising so beautifully full.
Zori’s father Thom catches the two of them just as the plates are being cleared. “You kids want to try something?” he says, grinning with the mischief of a man half his age. Brimming with the confidence of nearly being trusted adults, they follow him eagerly to the shed.
The fireworks for Wintersun had come on the caravan with the rest of her Flower Day decorations, but her Uncle Thom had winked and said they’d better test them, just to be sure. The first singing candle goes flying in an arc across the plain; the second sputters and fails to light, but the third soars high into the air, whistling merrily as it shoots out of sight. The noise draws the rest of the adults out onto the porch, the women in their colorful shawls and men in their greatcoats. Someone fetches the cake and passes around slices.
She and Zori are each handed a sparkler and promptly go tearing off together through the tall grasses behind the house, golden light hissing and spitting in their hands. It’s like holding a shooting star. She lifts it and trails it through the air, dreaming for a brief moment of flying like one of the candles, floating untethered among the constellations.
“Someday, I’m going to be a pilot,” says Zori.
“Only if you take me,” says Moira. “Someone’s got to keep you on course.”
Xe grins. “Perfect. I’ll fly, you navigate.”
“Shake on it.” And after one complicated spit-handshake, the pact is sealed.
They duel with the sparklers until their weapons finally fizzle out, leaving them to trudge home in their heavy boots and collapse on the doorstep. Far above them, the last few fireworks glitter against the first crackles of winter frost. Her father passes them the last slice of cake, patting her briefly on the shoulder before going to double-check the shed.
Later that night, watching the stars through her bedroom window, she counts them one by one, safe in the knowledge they’ll always be there for her.
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aimlayresearch · 6 days
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Navigating the ABDC Journal List: Essential for Business Researchers 
The ABDC Journal List, curated by the Australian Business Deans Council, is an essential resource for business scholars. It categorizes journals into quality tiers, guiding researchers toward reputable publications. Regularly updated, the list ensures alignment with global standards and academic excellence. Utilizing the ABDC Journal List enhances the credibility and impact of research, supporting career advancement and contributing to the broader business academic community. 
Visit us now for more information:  
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Bräärijä at Allas Sea Pool
Fuck, all the things I do... it's already fucking broken. [giggles] Fucking bra. It's really great. What's the cup size, BC, AD? ABDC-- Fucking tight, they don't even fit me. Everything's in the tummy. Sized by inch... Fuck, these are sturdy, HUH?!
Feeling bit weird now. Thank you for coming to Käärijä's show, everyone.
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peachjagiya · 1 month
One disguised jikkoooker anon mentioned how jkk always were there for each other, waited for each other during concert practices, used same cars etc. I would like to add of course would happen because their schedule was prepared that way. To understand this, all you have to see is their song sequence in concerts. Plus they have the most lines in BTS songs doesn't it makes sense for them to practice together.
I'll give you two instances where you'll see how bght controls/influences the narrative.
1. As is the focus on ships at a particular time, majority of time their seating, beds, would be prepared. Like I was watching a video at that time taejin was very famous and whole BTS went somewhere where they had to get bunk beds. Jimin and Jungkook got btm and top beds respectively and so did taejin and sope. You see it was simply an easy to guide a narrative that it takes sometimes so many watchings and objective view to see what's happening.
2. Staff giving jk paper where it it written that he has to say he likes serendipity. Can't he answer for himself. Makes you wonder how much is comp narrative.
3. That 2 run episodes. One is the famous thigh slapping epi where they were so focused on pointing out that jkk have to leave together. I'm not saying they didn't point is it looked like out of vminkook jkk are more closer. While in that abdce recitation of tae epi where kook was expecting for tae to wait for him they made it a point to show how tae went before kook making a point to shoot that he is really leaving.
All these nuances we think are small are actually the staff jobs to cater to. They are given instructions by top mgt with set narrative and the rest is history.
Ok JK being given Serendipity on a bit of paper is a thing I knew happened but I assumed I'd just been tricked because I struggled to find it again.
I find it makes me angry as a person who values Jimin and JK's friendship. I'm just like... why? Let these people BE.
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wanderingbards · 2 years
JRWI characters as out of context quotes my friends and I have said!
(If a line has a - that means it's a follow up to the previous line)
Rumi: Pretty privilege exists but it's only me fueling it.
Jay: Fight, flight, but we're all forgetting the third response.
-Chip: ...FUCK?!?!
--Jay: FREEZE!!!
Jay: Congratulations. Now we're all co-conspirators in avian war crimes.
Finn, to Arlin: Why is your kid a fruit?
Jay: Those were some big emotions there bud.
-Chip: Not as big as my dick.
Dakota: You're bullying a child. It's me.
Chip: My first boyfriend was an accident!
Peter: Thanatos, tone down your he/him pronouns and let the she/her speak!
William: I don't know enough about you to diagnose you on the omegaverse spectrum.
Rumi: I like my men pathetic and fruity, you wouldn't understand.
Rumi: All I'm saying is god forgot to give me self-hatred.
William: Wyoming would maybe be my least-favorite state if it existed.
Vyncent: I need a girl with a nose ring to tell me what planet is making me sad.
-Cantrip: It's Prime.
Dakota: Whoa, this is just like the ending to Kung Fu Panda 3!
-William, about the same movie: Oh my god this is just like Pacific Rim-
Jay: Hey, hey Gillion? On a personal level, what does gunpowder taste like? And how do you know this?
Peter: I'm a quirked-up white boy goated with the sauce, and the sauce is the blood pooling in my feet.
William: Uh, no, only the hoodie stays on.
Gillion: That's it, I'm gonna go drink vanilla now.
Vyncent: Have you ever heard of Homestuck?
-William: ...I am the sacrilegious one.
Chip: Good words start with gay. ....no wait-
Dakota: I'm not picky, I have taste.
-William: And the taste is autism?
--Dakota: I legally don't have to answer that.
Jay, with confidence: ABDCE- wait fuck-
Chip, about Goobleck: That thing doesn't deserve pronouns, it's ugly as fuck!
Peter: Tareus was pretty chill, just not with capitalism.
Chip: Jay's getting proposed to this winter.
-Gillion: CANON?!?!
Rumi, to Peter: You won't be made if I call you short king, right?
Vyncent: If you're gonna stab me, at least make it a pretty knife.
Chip: Is there a spell for getting bitches?
Lizzie: Just because I don't hate gay people doesn't mean I don't hate you.
Ollie, a confused child about Chip: Why is he gay but for women?!?!
Peter: I would cry at a lot of things, that's just one of them.
William, driving: I am making multiple tactical errors as we speak.
Jay: Because your frog is 2 feet tall, and a frog!!!
Peter: I'm gonna peg him, just to prove a point.
William: My infodumping is the sexiest part about me.
-Vyncent: It is~
--William: ...fuck off, simp.
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aimlay7research · 1 year
Understanding ABDC Journal Rankings and Their Significance
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ABDC journals play a pivotal role in the academic world, serving as a benchmark for evaluating the quality and impact of scholarly research. As academics, researchers, and students, it is crucial to comprehend the significance of ABDC journal rankings and how they influence the reputation and recognition of scholarly work. In this blog post, we will delve into the intricacies of ABDC journal rankings, shedding light on their relevance and providing a comprehensive understanding of their impact on the academic community.
What are ABDC Journals
ABDC journals, standing for Australian Business Deans Council journals, refer to a collection of scholarly publications in the field of business and management. These journals are rigorously reviewed and ranked by the ABDC, an esteemed authority in the academic community. ABDC journals serve as a measure of quality, impact, and credibility within the discipline. They showcase the latest research findings, theoretical advancements, and practical insights, making them a valuable resource for academics, researchers, and students seeking authoritative and reliable sources for their studies and intellectual growth.
Categories or Ranking of ABDC Journals
ABDC journals are classified into different categories based on their quality and impact. The ABDC journal rankings serve as a guide for researchers and scholars to identify journals of varying levels of recognition and credibility.
The highest category is A*, which includes top-tier ABDC journals known for their exceptional quality and international reputation. These journals are considered influential and highly prestigious within the academic community.
The next category is A, comprising high-quality ABDC journals that make significant contributions to their respective fields. These journals are recognized for their scholarly excellence and impact on the discipline.
The B category consists of ABDC journals that maintain a good standard of quality and impact within their specific sub-disciplines. These journals are respected sources for research and knowledge, although they may not have the same level of influence as A* or A-ranked journals.
The lowest category is C, which includes ABDC journals providing valuable insights and research findings, but with a relatively lower level of impact and recognition compared to higher-ranked journals.
Researchers often strive to publish their work in higher-ranked ABDC journals to enhance their academic reputation and ensure the visibility and credibility of their research. However, it is important to note that the ranking of ABDC journals is just one of many factors to consider when choosing the right outlet for publication.
ABDC Journals In India
ABDC journals are primarily associated with the Australian Business Deans Council and their rankings. However, it is worth noting that ABDC journal rankings are not limited to Australia alone. Scholars and researchers from around the world, including India, contribute to ABDC-listed journals and benefit from their recognition and impact.
In India, there are several journals that are included in the ABDC journal list. These Indian ABDC journals cover a wide range of disciplines, including business, management, economics, finance, and more. They provide a platform for Indian researchers and scholars to disseminate their work and contribute to the global academic community.
Being published in ABDC journals offers Indian researchers the opportunity to showcase their research findings and ideas to a wider audience, gain recognition for their work, and enhance their academic reputation. It also allows them to connect and collaborate with scholars from different parts of the world, fostering international academic partnerships and knowledge exchange.
Indian researchers are encouraged to explore and consider publishing their work in ABDC journals, as it can significantly impact their academic career and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.
ABDC Journal List in Management 2023
Here are some ABDC journals in the field of Management:
Academy of Management Journal (A* ABDC Journal)
Strategic Management Journal (A* ABDC Journal)
Journal of Management Studies (A* ABDC Journal)
Organization Science (A* ABDC Journal)
Journal of International Business Studies (A* ABDC Journal)
Human Resource Management (A ABDC Journal)
Journal of Applied Psychology (A ABDC Journal)
Journal of Business Ethics (A ABDC Journal)
Journal of Operations Management (A ABDC Journal)
Journal of Marketing (A ABDC Journal)
Journal of Organizational Behavior (A ABDC Journal)
International Journal of Human Resource Management (B ABDC Journal)
Journal of Business Research (B ABDC Journal)
Journal of Management Inquiry (B ABDC Journal)
Journal of Supply Chain Management (B ABDC Journal)
Asia Pacific Journal of Management (B ABDC Journal)
These journals cover various aspects of management, including strategic management, organizational behavior, human resource management, marketing, and more. Publishing in these esteemed ABDC journals can enhance researchers' visibility, contribute to their academic reputation, and provide opportunities for collaboration with renowned scholars in the field of management.
The Role of Peer Review in ABCD Journal Publishing
Peer review plays a crucial role in the publishing process of ABDC journals. It is a rigorous and essential quality control mechanism that ensures the credibility, validity, and integrity of the research published in these journals. Here are some key roles of peer review:
Quality Assurance: Peer review helps maintain the high standards of ABDC journals by subjecting submitted manuscripts to rigorous evaluation by experts in the field. It ensures that only research of high quality and relevance is published, contributing to the advancement of knowledge.
Evaluation of Methodology: Peer reviewers assess the methodology used in research papers, ensuring that it is sound, appropriate, and transparent. They evaluate the research design, data collection methods, and analysis techniques to ensure the validity and reliability of the findings.
Constructive Feedback: Peer reviewers provide valuable feedback to authors, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement in their work. This feedback helps authors refine their research, enhance its clarity, and address any potential gaps or limitations.
Unbiased Assessment: Peer review ensures an unbiased assessment of research papers. Reviewers, who are experts in the field, evaluate manuscripts based on their scholarly merits, irrespective of the authors' affiliations or backgrounds.
Identification of Errors and Flaws: Peer reviewers play a critical role in identifying any errors, inconsistencies, or flaws in the research, including issues related to methodology, analysis, or interpretation. Their input helps maintain the accuracy and integrity of the published work.
Gatekeeping Function: Peer review acts as a gatekeeping mechanism, ensuring that only high-quality research that meets the standards of the ABDC journals is published. It helps maintain the reputation and credibility of these journals within the academic community.
In summary, peer review serves as a critical quality control process in ABDC journal publishing. It helps uphold the standards of academic rigor, fosters improvement in research quality, and ensures the reliability and validity of the knowledge disseminated through these reputable journals.
In conclusion, peer review plays a vital role in ABDC journal publishing. It acts as a quality assurance mechanism, ensuring the credibility and integrity of published research. Peer review evaluates the methodology, provides constructive feedback, and helps maintain the high standards of these journals. It serves as a gatekeeping function, upholding the reputation and reliability of ABDC journals within the academic community. Overall, peer review is essential in advancing knowledge and ensuring the dissemination of high-quality research in the field.
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tomatoland · 11 months
Japan fan meeting game putting their childhood photos in chronological order.
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They both got each other’s right ☺️
Answers below
Force: ABDC
Book: ACBD
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jtrbluv · 1 year
DAWG I MISS RHPC TOO </3 but i meant i was watching old abdc quest crew performances LMFAOOOOO i need to see a yoongi and dtrix dance battle fr
dawg the way i looked back on my comment and stumped myself bc how did i get them confused but dude stop I MISS ABDC HUH i watched kaba modern live the other week at a comp (and like it does not compare at all to their abdc) days but dayum. also i miss yoongi, Real and rhpc, also Real
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Marriott Place Project South Baltimore Lovecast Point
Silo point Secured pentdomicile love is nuclear silo Security
Marriott An Institution Corporation
Our mission to enhance the community of Marriott Place
Marriott Place I A Block or Two Hopkins place Hawkins Place
Marriott Plaza Project hàs to be in Marriott, I may walk into the area not far 1234 Cooksie or 1243 Harbor island walk I apologize to my neighbors 1234 Harbor Island Walk ABCD , ABDC Security
Cookies secured Cooksie C O K Security
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Datacenters, energy and the power grid conundrum
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The growth of increasingly powerful and power-hungry datacenters exerts pressure on the power grid and energy availability and Brazil, the largest market for hyperscale datacenters in Latin America, has the same problem.
This was one of the topics covered in a virtual event promoted by Brazilian datacenter association ABDC.
“We carried out a survey recently and estimated that the consumption of commercial datacenters in Brazil is currently around 1GW and our energy matrix ended 2022 at 185GW [of available power],” said ABDC's vice president, Luis Tossi.
In other words, just under 1% of all power consumed in the country corresponds to datacenters. That may not seem like a huge amount, but the sector is seeing very rapid growth in power demand.
Continue reading.
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