#ABO Virus
fruity-mega-coconut69 · 10 months
Back In Your Arms Again {pt. II}
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[pairings]: Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
[summary]:Tara sighs and closes her eyes, trying to keep her  tears in as her lips tremble. Why did I even think she’d wanna talk about it?stupid.
[warnings]: my writing, but other than that nothing else
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You, Zhanna, Andrei and Bao are sitting in their kitchen, having dinner and talking about random stuff until Andrei speaks up -as he was pretty quiet until now-. “So, Y/N..” He starts and all of you turn to him. You cock your head to the side, awaiting his question. “Are you… or are you not moving in with us? Cause like, you taking your sweet time deciding and it has been a while so you must’ve made a decision by now.” Andrei raises his eyebrows while looking at you as he puts down his fork.
“Well, I mean I already told you guys that I don’t wanna be a burden and I’d rather suffer with……….Tara” You swallow thickly while avoiding Zhanna’s gaze.
“OH come on!” She exclaims. “You  can’t be serious! That bitch doesn't deserve you, not even your presence!” Zhanna huffs angrily while looking at you.
Bao sighs and places a hand on Zhanna’s forearm. “Babe,  calm down. She didn’t say she forgave her, she said she’s willing to share a dorm with her. Not the same thing.” She tries explaining to Zhanna who’s still glaring at you. Zhanna just huffs again and looks away from you, deciding to glare at the table instead.
“Yeah, Z. And if I really can’t tolerate it anymore, I’ll come here. First thing” You try reassuring her to which she responds with only another huff and a turn to the side. You shake your head softly while sighing deeply before getting up. “Speaking of… I need to get back. By this hour she’s probably asleep which gives me enough ‘me’ time in the dorm.” Andrei raises his eyebrows at your statement to which you only react with a roll of your eyes before going around and hugging everyone then saying goodbye before walking out to the streets.
Although it’s only November, the streets of New York City are covered in snow. The snow that's currently crunching underneath your boots as you walk.
After a good 20 minute walk, you found yourself back on campus and walking to the dorms. Once you’re at your door, you stop and stomp a little to get rid of the remaining amount of snow on your boots before hesitantly opening the door. As you step in, you see -to your dismay- Tara by her desk. You suck in a deep breath and that’s when she looks up.
“Y/N. Hi. Where’ve you been?” She asks, turning to you as the orange light of Tara’s desk lamp illuminates on her face.
You blink once. Twice. And three times before answering her while turning to take off your winter coat and boots.
“I don’t see how that’s your concern and business.” You bluntly blurt out, walking over to your wardrobe and taking out your pajamas.
Tara huffs and bites her lip. “Why not?” But, oh, she knows all too well why not. But, nevertheless she still asks, which results in you turning to glare at her before storming into  the bathroom. Tara watches with sad eyes, biting her lip before shaking her head and looking back down at her book.
About half an hour later, you return from the bathroom and sit down on your bed while drying your hair with a towel. You stared at the back of Tara’s chair for a while before speaking up. “ Did ….Chad come around today?” You say his name almost like it’s a disease. One that can not be cured. A virus that can not be killed.  
Tara pauses her reading for a moment before looking up at you. “No. He didn’t”
You wouldn’t admit it out loud, but that kind of relieved you. You let out a small ‘hum’ of acknowledgement.  Tara looks at you a minute longer before looking back down at her book. The atmosphere is awkward. The tension can be cut with a knife as silence falls upon the two of you.
The silence only lasts about 3 minutes before Tara speaks up.”So, I know we have a lot to talk abo-” Before she can finish her sentence you cut her off.
“Night, Carpenter.” And with that statement you turn off the lamp on your bedside table and lay down.
Tara sighs and closes her eyes, trying to keep her  tears in as her lips tremble.
Why did I even think she’d wanna talk about it?
Tara thinks to herself before swallowing thickly and letting out a shaky sigh. Her head turns to the direction of your -now- sleeping form. You have always been fast to fall asleep. Her eyes scan your body before shaking her head and looking away as she gets a text. She looks down at her phone.
Chad 😊💕
-hey, Tar. You up?
Tara sighs and hesitates before texting back. 
Tara 🤭
-yes. why?
Chad 😊💕
-wanna meet up? 😎😉
Tara feels her jaw clench as she looks at the screen. Ever since you’ve been living in the dorm, she’s seen Chad less and less. She knew why. He knew why. Even you knew why. And Chad is still trying to save what’s worth saving. And..maybe Tara should, too. But she just couldn’t bring herself to. Not when you’re a part of her life again. She’s not gonna let go this time. She’s gonna keep holding you until she physically can’t anymore.
Tara 🤭
-no. sry. Have to study for midterms.
Chad 😊💕
-okay.  that’s fine.
But then again, are you going to try coming back to her again? Do you still think about her when you’re alone? Do you still think about that night?
Cause she does. And even Chad can’t bring her mind to peace about it. How could he? He wasn’t even there, nor does he care enough.
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A/N: again, it has been a while which I'M sorry for. also this is really short but since you guys wanted a part 2 (me too), here it is.
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karoochui · 9 months
I just wanted to say I am so enamoured with Binary Insurgence! I eat up everything, every little crumb, you drop about it and the entire idea is so interesting to me! I'm so in love with stories and worlds like this! I'm also curious to know about the relationship between Sun and Moon, if it's alright to ask. How was it before the fire compared to after? Does their relationship begin to mend (because I'm certain over the years it deteriorated) when y/n comes back into the picture? If any of this is too spoilery or you just haven't fleshed it out yet then you don't have to answer! I'm just super curious about the boys and how you see their dynamic/relationship. I just look forward to seeing how their bond has grown and/or broken and how it may be mended over time.
AHH im glad you like it so much!! Im happy to talk about what i've got, but you are right not everything is fully fleshed out. I have points i wanna get to but while im brainstorming and planning i make up a lot of stuff as i go and then go over it again later to see if i like it or can connect stuff in any way. I have 3 chapters for Arc 1 fully summarized as of now! (Which probably doesn't seem like a lot but i like my chapters long, so it's quite a bit actually).
I wanna say, too, that i'm planning for the first story to be more in the perspective of the reader, so most things about Sun and Moon's personal thoughts and feelings are gonna be more implied than said. I might have some switching points of view, i'm not sure, but i haven't found a place i'd do it or think it's relevant. The sequel is gonna be more from their perspective since it'll mostly be about them.
NOW! I see Sun and Moon as brothers, so they really treat each other in a way that's like that. Before the fire they get along pretty well. Most instances of issue would be when Moon blocks out Sun when he fronts, or just mutual panic over the fact Moon lost his shit w/ the virus. They'll have their disagreements about things (i havent planned specifics yet) but generally they're chill. Sun just worries about Moon hurting people, but Moon worries too. With the way the virus functions in this AU it's hard for Sun to fully fault Moon for what he does, especially because he's also affected by it but not nearly as bad. (I'm gonna explain this more in another ask i have).
Plus, even before the virus they were always glitch/bug-ridden because technicians fucked up their programming continuously after removing them from the theater to work in the daycare. So they had to kinda navigate through that together, glitches and errors on both ends (though not deadly). They hate P&S bc of this, obviously. Hardware fixes suck but they fucking HATE software examinations.
Later on though some issues come into play whenever Sun starts getting worse by being further exposed to the virus (it gets worse for him when they eclipse) because it presents itself in Sun differently than it does Moon. He gets snappier and angrier at times (that comic i made that's captioned "well someones snappy") and while they both understand he doesnt mean the shit he does it's still not great. And nobody's gonna just let themselves be talked to like a dog even if the reason it's happening is because of something the other person can't really help. They're still relatively fine at this point, though.
It's at the end when shit goes really bad, because this part of the story does end badly. I won't spoil specifics but after the fire Sun loses his shit. He starts trying to put the blame on Moon for everything (the virus enhancing his already bad habits/fucking with his line of thinking) out of grief and anger. That carries over into the apocalypse and he just gets worse in general. He gets irrational.
It's a long period of time though, so he eventually also manages it, in his own way. But! I did say before in an ask that in the sequel he's "not evil, persay, but he's a fucking nut". He damns Moon to an hourglass to just fucking get rid of him about 100~ years before they meet you again (he fully thinks he's in the right for this (and he also just hates him) and the only reason he really even stayed around after that was to make sure Moon didn't get out again). He's not a bad-intentioned individual, but he's off the fucking wall at many times bc of the virus having made him worse. He's stubborn as all hell to an infuriating degree, he's irrational, hard-headed, reckless, and while a good bit of his old, kinder self is still pretty prevalent he can be downright fucking mean if provoked. Again, worse than before, and it doesn't take much these days! I always imagined him to have more dramatic, snappy, diva aspects to his personality (even before Help Wanted 2 came out) bc hes so theatrical and intense, so basically take a Sun that's like that, crank it up to 100 and put him in a Bad Situation. That's what Round 2 Sun is like at his worst. He's not a complete lost cause though, and he's far from dumb when he does stuff, just clouded by his own judgement. He doesn't think anything's wrong with him (or does he?).
Moon doesn't really hate him like Sun hates Moon, because although he knows that what happened (the ending of the first story) is technically both of their faults he just feels guilt. They do fight a lot, though. Most of it is Moon trying his best to tell Sun that he's basically full of shit and not seeing things right after Sun starts something, but Sun's at the point where he's gotta learn by consequence. Part of the reason he's so bad is bc 1: hes been infected by the virus for so long now and 2: in his grief, anger, and resentment he's learned to live with it rather than fighting it.
But the sequel is gonna be a feel-good story! Falling in love w/ the reader all over again, i want things to get cleared up - or at least some kind of middle ground between Sun and Moon - the whole sha-bang.
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planetofsnarfs · 2 months
The transgender daughter Elon Musk says is dead to him is lashing out at her father -- ripping him as an absent parent who knows nothing about her transition.
Vivian Jenna Wilson is going scorched earth on Elon after her father claimed the "woke mind virus" brainwashed her into transitioning from a man to a woman.
In a social media rant, Vivian says Elon is lying about her picking out clothes for him when she was 4 years old and calling those choices "fabulous" ... and she says she wasn't born "slightly autistic" and wasn't into musicals and theater, as the Tesla chief claims.
Vivian says Elon is just throwing out stereotypes and tropes to garner sympathy points.
Elon shares Vivian with his ex-wife Justine Wilson, who divorced him back in the 2000s, and Vivian says Elon doesn't know her because he was never around when she was growing up.
In their limited time together, Vivian claims Elon relentlessly harassed her for her femininity and queerness.
As we reported ... Elon says Vivian is dead to him after transitioning during the pandemic and allegedly tricking him into signing medical paperwork to give the green light to whatever treatments she received.
Vivian is adamant Elon is lying about the stories he shared with The Daily Wire ... adding, "I think that says a lot about how he views queer people and children in general."
The way Vivian sees it ... Elon is spewing hate from a "ketamine-fueled haze ... desperate for attention and validation from an army of red-pilled incels and pick-mes who are quick to give it to him."
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Will add more later but like. A/B/O worlds never made sense to me. Like there’s no way, at least how most people have it, that things would evolve that way. It makes no sense, there’s no advantages of evolving to be practically useless for however long or be hyper aggressive with each other. Like even in wolves, which is what the thing was based on, aren’t like that. Wolves don’t even have ‘alphas’ or ‘omegas’, that was based off of a bunch of captive wolves that were stuck in the same enclosure, which is why they fought. Most packs are actually a pair of parents and their offspring. So really in humans it wouldn’t be like the BS stories have it as, it just doesn’t make any sense. Even in the beginning humans wouldn’t really start to evolve into castes or whatever, or we already would’ve. So what if it wasn’t a natural thing. 
So. A/B/O world, but it’s like a bacterial infection. Aka, spreads through bites, not unlike a zombie virus or rabies. ‘Betas’ are simply asymptomatic carriers. Omegas and Alphas are two strands of the infection, one slightly more outright aggressive and the other more like an ambush predator.  With it being similar to rabies, there’s also a surprisingly large miss ratio for infection. Unless it’s similar to a komodo dragon, which while does have venom also has a mouthful of bacteria. Which would increase the chance of infection should an uninfected get bitten by any of them. 
Different infections IRL can even influence the way chemicals are released in the brain, which could be a reason for some having a more irritable temperament during parts of the year. But again, a majority of ABO stories just don’t make sense and aren’t even written well or anything. Which is just annoying. I may rant more later but for now I am going to bed.
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dzthenerd490 · 2 years
SCP: Horror Movie Files
Description: Throughout the multiverse, the SCP foundation prides itself in capturing and containing the anomalous and unknown. Of course, if you want to see the SCP's contained in our universe just look it up on their website but what about in the Cinematic or any other Universe? They are contained right here in this little collection called the Horror Movie Files! 
Obviously, most of these will be based on horror movies, shows, cartoons, video games and MAYBE, but don't count on it, Anime. I will include anything and everything that I believe deserves to be an anomaly. It will sort of be like several fanfictions in one big fanfiction universe if that makes any sense... which it probably doesn’t. Also, I will be including my own fanmade SCP's, MTF's and GoI's because why not.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from the SCP mythos. This will be a fanfiction based on the American side of the SCP foundation, International SCP’s might be mentioned but that’s it. Also please don’t assume I know everything about every cannon because let’s be honest no one does. So, if I say something that contradicts the current SCP universe then just assume I don’t know or don’t care about it. This is a fanfiction after all so things are bound to get messy. So please bear with me as I try to make this mess work.
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SCP-ACD - Deadman Wonderland
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SCP-AES - Pikmin - Smoky Progg
SCP-AET - Dave Made a Maze
SCP-AEU - Candyman
SCP-AEV - Picture Inspiration 1
SCP-AEW - Pikmin - Bulborbs
SCP-AEX - Brightburn
SCP-AEY - Junji Ito - Uzumaki
SCP-AFA - The Invasion of Godzilla
SCP-AFB - Stung
SCP: AFC - The Magic School Bus
SCP-AFD - Transformers - Energon
SCP-AFE - The Twilight Zone S1 E6
SCP-AFF - Truth or Dare
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SCP-AFU - Pontypool
SCP-AFV - Goosebumps - Let's Get Invisible
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SCP-AFZ - Resident Evil 7
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SCP-AGW - 4.n0m4ly - They Found Something Underground
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SCP-AGZ - Krampus
SCP-AHC - Sharktopus
SCP-AHA - Trick r Treat
SCP-AHE - Annabelle
SCP-AHF - As Above So Below
SCP-AHG - Adventure Time - The Lich
SCP-AHH - Alan Wake
SCP-AHM - Assassin’s Creed - Crystals
SCP-AHO - Coco
SCP-AHP - Children of the Corn
SCP-AHS - Sharknado
SCP-AHT - The Smile Tapes
SCP-AHU - Mary Poppins
SCP-AIA - Harmony and Horror - Bonzo
SCP-AIC - My Life as a Teenage Robot
SCP-AIF - Harmony and Horror - Sophia
SCP-AII - Paul
SCP-AIJ - 4.n0m4ly - The Cult of M’rohoj
SCP-AIL - Harmony and Horror - Henry
SCP-AIN - Transformers - the Covenant and the Quill
SCP-AIP - .Flow
SCP-AIQ - X-Files S2 E3 Blood
SCP-AIR - Yume 2kki
SCP-AIS - Omega Mart
SCP-AIU - The Secret World of Arrietty
SCP-AIW - The Twilight Zone S1 E34 The After Hours
SCP-AIX - The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl
SCP-AIZ - Inspector Gadget
SCP-AJE - Pikmin - Man-at-Legs
SCP-AJI - Turning Red
SCP-AJK - Puppet Master
SCP-AJW - Oculus
SCP-AJX - Hellboy
SCP-AJY - Arrival
SCP-AKS - Goosebumps - Stay out of the Basement.
SCP-ALK - The Ring
SCP-AMS - The Last of Us
SCP-AMZ - Gemini Home Entertainment - Wood Crawlers
SCP-ANE - Gemini Home Entertainment - Nature’s Mockery
SCP-ANJ - Gemini Home Entertainment - Neptune
SCP-ANO - Gemini Home Entertainment - The Iris
SCP-AQO - Parasyte
SCP-ARF - Resistance
SCP-ARN - Slender Man
SCP-ARR - Raving Rabbits
SCP-ASR - Siren
SCP-ASZ - Before I Wake
SCP-ATA - Junji Ito - The Long Hair in the Attic
SCP-ATI - Goosebumps - Welcome to Dead House
SCP-ATP - Annihilation
SCP-ATQ - Infamous: Ray Sphere
SCP-ATV - Infamous - The Beast
SCP-AUX - Vintage Eight - The Tangi Virus
SCP-AVC - Vintage Eight - The Oracle Project
SCP-AVH - Vintage Eight - Prophet
SCP-AVM - Vintage Eight - One of Us
SCP-AVQ - Local 58
SCP-AWS - Winter of 83
SCP-AXA - Vita Carnis
SCP-AXI - Hell Girl
SCP-AYJ - Junji Ito - Dying Young
SCP-AZJ - Village of the Damned
SCP-AZX - Zalgo
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unohanabbygirl · 5 months
Because Luke rejected Aemond’s bite and attempted mating when he was assaulted, does that provide him with some kind of advantage against Aemond in the future? Like he’s immune to whenever Aemond tries to use his scent or a command to influence/oppress Luke? It was a small kind of evolutionary protection when Luke was able to reject him, and I’d imagine/hope that protection his body afforded him would stay with him for the rest of his life. It’s like anything Aemond does just won’t work because of the attack. I guess it’s just that Aemond hurt him so badly and I’m hoping that in the future Luke won’t be affected by anything Aemond’s tries to attempt using his scent or alpha tendencies to try and show they should be mated. It would be such a mercy to Luke when Aemond starts to harass and stalk him in kings landing. I want to give Luke some kind of advantage like being nose blind or immune to the abo nonsense Aemond is trying to pull. In westerosi society, if an omega rejects the bite of an alpha, does that mean people think the gods have decided they shouldn’t be together at all? It would be really interesting if while Aemond was trying to play the patriarchal “father card” as an excuse to marry Luke, all of society was just saying no not just because of the assault but because of the rejection of the bite. It shows what Aemond did was in fact SA and that the gods have rejected him.
Omega’s being able to reject an alphas bite during high moments of distress is very much an evolutionary advantage for them that Luke’s thankfully been afforded. Though he’ll still be able to smell Aemond’s scent and recognize that his “alpha voice” is in use it won’t be nearly as potent, therefore will have little to none of the desired effect. Something Luke can brush off and go on about his day even though it’s triggering to experience.
Think bite rejection like a vaccine of sorts; the body has come into contact with this specific virus before, recognizes the pathogens, and so it’ll be able to fight them off in future events. Avoiding succumbing to sickness if they ever just so happen to be encountered again. And once an alpha’s mark on an omega is rejected it’s basically game over— you’ve lost whatever right the laws of nature once afforded you according to most.
They could try forcefully marrying the omega of course since alpha’s like Aemond don’t take rejection well. But finding someone to sanctify said marriage would be a nearly impossible task since a rejected bite is seen as a sign of unworthiness for various reasons.
Going back to biological defenses, being able to reject a bite is very hit or miss in these situations. Kinda similar to fight or flight. When made to face such a terrifying situation your body will either kick into drive and fight back, or you’ll go still in shock. Sometimes bites are rejected and others they take, It all just depends which is one of many reasons rape culture thrives so heavily in Westerosi society. Had Aemond’s mark actually took then the amount of people who’d believe an assault occurred and those who wouldn’t would be fairly split whereas in the canon TL most of everyone is on the same page in believing Luke’s story.
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I've done sirens, infected, abo, a love virus, bees, even lotus eaters, as aus...
But what about A Selkie AU?
You know... the fair folk of the sea, the mammalian mermaids, the fuzzy sirens... they're part seal. They can turn into a seal, can be part human and part seal like a merperson, and can be entirely human. But... the thing is... they have a pelt. Their seal skin. It is a part of them, no matter what, with it or without it, whatever happens to it, they can feel it.
Would that be a fun au to explore? I think so. Will I do something for it now? I don't know. But... the potential. It is there. So many characters... so many seals... and so much platonic yan fluff...
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Go Hajime!
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So then... given what you learn, when you want to start bringing people back?
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Maybe we should start right now?
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After all, I'm sure Hajime would want that too, wouldn't he?
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Yeah... I think we should start right abo-.
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Wait a moment, there's something I want to ask if it's alright so my apologies...
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Huh? You want to ask something?
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Well okay but to be sure, how much of the Junko Virus was remove?
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Well if going with calculations; it would be 40% that Junko and Monokuma which we only have 60% remain. So by 2 months; everyone should be awake.
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So it isn't remove, okay then can you show me a list of those that died in the simulation and how long it would take?
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Nagi? What are you getting at...?
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It's just something I want to know and to be sure...
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Oh yes - right here's the list including percentage as well if we are to remove the virus as the despair virus is connected to those in the simulation...
Particpants: Ultimate Imposter - 5% (6 to 7 days) Teruteru Hanamura - 5% (6 to 7 days) Mahiru Koizumi - 5% (6 to 7 days) Peko Pekoyama - 5% (6 to 7 days) Ibuki Mioda - 5% (6 to 7 days) Hiyoko Saionji - 5% (6 to 7 days) Mikan Tsumiki - 10% (13 to 14 days) Nekomaru Nidai - 5% (6 to 7 days) Gundham Tanaka - 5% (6 to 7 days) Nagito Komaeda - 10% (13 to 14 days)
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Hm, okay then...
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Then can I ask of how many hours in a day Hajime has to do this?
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Oh right, I want to know that too so what gives?
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Well if going by the amount of hours including bathroom breaks and eating...
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It should be 8 to 9 hours in total from my calculation...
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Nagi... what are you getting at here? Is something the matter here? I thought we do this...
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Well yes, I think it would be a good idea but I do want to make a suggestion here;
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Would you be okay if we do this next week...? Hajime is working on setting up security and that's going to take 3 days and Hajime does need to rest?
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Next week?! Why are you saying next week - couldn't he do this now along with the security?
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Or are you saying you don't want to bring anyone back?
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Of course not, I'm not suggesting that at all but the thing is that Hajime can't use his talents all the time, the thing is that he has a time limit he can use them for 3 to 4 hours and needs to come to me to cool him off because if he doesn't then his brain will suffer a brain aneurysm if he overworks himself which cooling him off takes an hour.
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crimsonbluemoon · 2 years
When i was reading chapter 3 of your abo fic and the doc is like “the o strand stand for the omega strand” i read “the o strand stands for the oatmeal strand” and i was like ?????!???!?!?!?!?! whAT but then i looked back and realised lol
Not gonna like, I almost choked on my water when I read this.
Ah, yes, the three strands of the Virus...Alpha, Beta, and Oatmeal...oh the humanity!!! XD
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rainsofarkanis · 2 years
Of all the terrors of the Arkanis ocean, the Depth-Calling is the most feared by Oceanic Arkanans. 
The Depth-Call is a phenomenon that happens primarily in male presenting Oceanic Arkanans, resulting in the individual diving deep into The Depths, never to be seen again, but does not die. If impeded, the Called will go into a Frenzy, becoming a destructive force that can decimate a pod. 
Oceanic Arkanans are Matriarchal, with a community made of multiple large pods- all but one existing in the ocean waters. Their territory spans from the surface to 3,000 meters below, which is an established boundary between them and the Anaithnids.  The lone pod that does not dwell in the ocean is the Coastal pod, and the members dwell in the shallows, on the surrounding cliffs, and sometimes on land. The pod consists almost entirely of male presenting members, as they are more susceptible to Depth-Calls. 
Oceanic Arkanans- or Maraí in Arkanan- are the largest and most long-lived sub-species of the Arkanan species. Their size is only inhibited by availability of food, the population of the pod, and their rank.  The average Arkanan lives to be 150-250, depending on genetics, breeding, sub-species and environment. Maraí, on the other hand, can live to 200 and older. Currently, the oldest recorded Maraí is the Matriarch Niuala, who is currently 354, and is also the second largest recorded Matriarch, with her aquatic form at 60 feet long. The largest recorded Matriarch was her great-grandmother, Matriarch Saoirse, who was nearly 80 feet long before her passing at the age of 315.  All Arkanans are bound by mycosymbiotes- they all come from the same evolutionary origin, but they vary by the sub-species and environment they occupy. They are all a form of fungal spore that take up residence in the Arkanan lymphatic system, and cross into the nervous system.
  These mycosymbiotes create a bond between Arkanans that allow them to sense one another’s presence over great distances, feel one another’s emotions, ascertain a general idea of one another’s physical state, create a group immunity to certain diseases, and most importantly, they help preserve memories by creating imprints of each individual’s neural network and chemistry, which is preserved in the genetic memories of the mycelium networks of Arkanis.  Mycosymbiologists agree that this connection is what facilitates and allows for Depth-Calling to occur. However, a combined effort of various biologists, endocrinologists, neurologists, and other various fields cannot come to a theory or hypothesis on why Depth-Calling occurs in male-presenting Maraí 99% of all occurrences. 
It is also not fully understood, and it is not clearly classified- some Maraí believe it is a true calling to return to the Depths from whence they believe they originated, the heart of Arkanis. This belief is highly controversial, as it brings up the argument of Arkanan origins and evolution.*  Other Maraí (and many scientists) believe it is an affliction- a corruption or infection similar to a hive virus, contracted by the mycosymbiotes. 
Depth-Calling is usually easy to detect, but deadly if it reaches its final stage and the afflicted (referred to as the Called) are prevented from making the Final Dive. 
It usually occurs in male-presenting Maraí between the ages of 50-100, with the highest occurrence rate happening between 50-60. The risk of being Called declines sharply- from 99% to 60%- after 60, but Depth-Calls can still happen up until age 100. After a Maraí reaches the age of 105 and older, the risk of being Called is negligible, with a 1% rate. 
The first sign of being Called is a nagging feeling between and behind the eyes- a feeling described as the slightest bit of pressure, like the tension right before a fatigue headache. The feeling never gets beyond a 1 on the pain scale, but can become an annoyance after some time. It is often alleviated by spending time under water at 100m or deeper. This phase lasts for about 2-4 years. 
The second phase is feeling, sensing, or hearing a presence or voice no other Maraí can detect. It has been recorded by Called being similar to when their own mycosymbiotes first took root and spread like when they were a pup, the difference being that they can’t tell where the other end of the connection goes. 
The third phase is a growth spurt. Almost all Maraí stop having growth spurts at around 15-20, so a growth spurt at 50 is a definite sign the Calling has taken hold. The first two phases can be missed- especially if the Called hides it from their pod- but a growth spurt cannot be overlooked, especially when a thirty-foot long male suddenly grows to forty or more. 
The fourth phase is increased activity- the Called will be restless, and will continuously dive, diving deeper, and staying underwater for longer. Another sign of note is that the Called can- and will- dive past the 3km mark, and the Anaithnid will not challenge their intrusion. It is believed that this is the first phase that a Frenzy can be triggered, and the Anaithnid can sense this somehow. It is also believed that this period of activity is strengthening and training the body for the Final Dive. 
The last and final phase is the gorging. The Called’s appetite will slowly, but steadily increase until finally, even their repeated diving is put aside to sate their hunger. The Called also begins to grow more and more reclusive, the Calling pulling at their attention. 
When the Called begins to gorge, the pod will hold a feast as a Last Meal, a final goodbye to their family member. The Called will stuff themselves until their body tells them to stop. They then rest for only a few hours before the Final Dive. During this time, and during the Feast, the pod will say their goodbyes. It is a sombre affair, similar to a wake. 
After they have rested, the Calling will seize control, and the Called will no longer be themselves. They will take one last, deep breath, adjust their ribs, and dive. 
At this point, the pod can follow them to the Boundary, but they must do so at a respectable distance, so as not to trigger a Frenzy. If the Called thinks there is someone or something that wants to stop their Descent, they will go into a rage that will not stop until the obstacle is eliminated, or they are killed.
  During a Frenzy, adrenaline output is increased by 100%. The Called feels no pain or fatigue, and their venom output and concentration also increases. A bite from a Frenzied Depth-Called will result in near instant death- if not from the sheer bite force, aimed at vulnerable places, then death will come from the venom. 
Anaithnid will flee at the sight of a Called doing their Final Dive, and a Frenzied Called will result in Anaithnid fleeing and not returning for weeks at a time. 
The Called will go far past the depth of the Anaithnid’s territory, and will continue to unrecorded depths of the bottom of the ocean, it is theorized, but any attempts at tagging a Called for research resulted in a Frenzy, in which the tracker was destroyed.  Once the Called passes the 3km mark, the pod goes no further, watching until their presence fades to a gentle nudge. They will then return to the surface, and hold a mourning ceremony in which the Called’s possessions are willed out according to their last will and testament. 
The Called doesn’t die, however. They are simply dead to the pod in that they never return. When an Arkanan dies, their presence fades from the mycosymbiotic bond, but their essence remains in the genetic memory of the mycelium network. The presence of a Called, in comparison, doesn’t fade. 
“He’s alive,” Matriarch Niuala said in an interview after her mate dove into the Depths. “His essence is in all of us, but his presence… it’s still there. It fades to almost nothing from time to time, but some days, it’s as bright as the suns on a rare cloudbreak, and I almost expect to turn and see him beside me, it’s so strong.”
Her look is haunted, disturbed.
“He’s alive… somehow. I find I am not comforted by it, though. How can he survive down there? What’s down there that has him enthralled? Does he even know his own name anymore? Is he even Arkanan anymore, under all that pressure? ….I don’t want to think about it anymore, I’m done, please, stop the interview.” 
There is no cure, no treatment for Depth-Calling. Only preventative measures.
When a pup is born to a Maraí pod, like all Arkanans, they are not pressured or encouraged to pick a gender presentation or role- sexual roles aren’t even considered until after puberty, when the ovotestis is mature and ready to allow the individual to switch roles at will. Until that time, pups are encourage to explore their gender expression at their leisure. At the onset of puberty, between the ages of 10-13, Maraí adolescents will be encouraged to consider their gender presentation, and those who chose a male presentation- and later, a sire role, should they chose it- will be watched with close, loving attention. 
When a male Oceanic Arkanan reaches the age between 50-60, he becomes susceptible to Depth-Calls. While this age is not a guarantee that he will succumb, it is when Depth-Calls begin to be heard. The average instance of a Depth-Call coming to a head in the form of a Frenzy is between the age of 50-60, coming to a peak at 100. To avoid this altogether, males are sent to the Coastal pod to avoid exposure to the unknown triggers of the Depth-Call.  The other option is for the individual to assume a female presentation/gender, but it is never forced. 
Some individuals spend their lives from childhood to 50 as androgynous roles, making bonds with the pod, then transition to male and spend a few decades with the Coastal pod in order to enjoy their male expression and company. Some are happy to live their lives as males with the pod, others are comfortable assuming a female role once they hit the age of 100+, and return to the pod to raise a new generation. 
The purpose of Depth-Calling is still unknown, and the ramifications of denying the Depths their Called are also unknown. 
*Arkanans evolved from humans, who colonized Arkanis in 4200 BBY, originally from the planet Ator. Between the mycosymbiotes, and the extremes of Arkanis’ unique climate and specialized biomes, evolution was a necessary part of survival- even if the reasons, methods and mechanics of Arkanan shape-shifting are still a scientific mystery. 
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stuckyversebingo · 1 year
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All hail @smutconnoisseur, the master of fic recs! ;) Thank you once again for giving us something to satisfy our Stucky werewolf fix.
Fang & Claw (29742 words) by cobaltmoony, Dizia Chapters: 8/8 Fandom: The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Captain America - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Maria Hill/Sam Wilson, Loki/Thor, Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov, Nakia (Black Panther)/T'Challa Characters: Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, Sam Wilson, Maria Hill, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanov, Pepper Potts, Tony Stark, Wanda Maximoff, Peter Parker, Thor, Loki, T'Challa, Shuri, Okoye, M'Baku, Brock Rumlow, Jack Rollins, Ulysses Klaue, Grant Ward, Alexander Pierce, Arnim Zola, Johann Schmidt, Nakia, Erik Killmonger, Helmut Zemo, Bruce Banner Additional Tags: Stucky - Freeform, Omegaverse, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, ABO, Alpha Chief!Steve, Omega!Bucky, Alternate Universe - Werewolf, Alternate Universe - Vampire, Zoophilia kinda sorta, Consensual Sex, Enthusiastic Consent, Male Pregnancy, Male lubrication, Anal Sex, Anal Knotting, Oral Virginity, Oral Sex, Deepthroating, messy blow job, Face-Fucking, Oral Knotting, Possessive Sex, Possessive Behavior, top!steve, Bottom!Bucky, Scar Worship, Graphic depictions of violence - Freeform, Blood Drinking, Blood and Gore, Non-Consensual Body Modification, Dark!Steve, Werewolf!Steve, hybrid!bucky, Body Dysmorphia, Panic Attack, Dissociation, Minor Character Death, Pepper the Pyromaniac: an ode to the Extremis Virus, pack mentality, Pack Dynamics, steve's magical healing cock, lycanthropy, Fucked up imagery, Captain America Reverse Big Bang 2018, Cock Warming, Dom/sub Undertones, Author should see a shrink... probably, Dogs and cats living together, Mass hysteria!, Plot With Porn, Assume everyone is naked unless otherwise noted, Social nudity, Nudity, Art By CobaltMoony, NSFW art in Chapter 4, Competance Kink, Anal Rimming, Hair Pulling, mild body horror Summary:
Alpha Chief Steve and an Omega, Bucky were a mated pair of lycans; mated since they were old enough to be allowed to in the White Star tribe. When Bucky went missing, a suspected victim of a vampire attack, Steve grieved over him and their broken bond. He was sure Bucky was dead.
Years later, Steve leads his pack on an assault against the vampire coven responsible for his mate's death.
Inside, they discover a dungeon where a vampire is being tortured.
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treesap-blogs · 1 year
Sorry about being gone for an extra week! Finally putting up my TRR Reviews, starting off with “Hell Followed a with Us” by Andrew Joseph White!
Hello, Tumblrians! As some of you may know, I participated in Sim Kern’s Trans Rights Readathon this year! I only posted about it on my Instagram, since I don’t use Tumblr that often, but I read 5 books within the original deadline. The first of which was Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White.
Mandatory summary time! Hell Followed With Us follows Benji, a teenage trans boy turned into a bioweapon called The Seraph by the religious cult he grew up with (and is now on the run from). He’s found by a group of ragtag queer folks from the Alcheson Youth Center(affectionately called the ALC), but must keep a secret: the bioweapon virus’s been mutating him into a new entity altogether, and if he loses his humanity to it, he runs the risk of the group’s leader, the mysterious Nick, killing him. (Body horror ensues.) But Nick’s got secrets of his own, too. Can Benji trust him, as the cult and background he’s just left behind starts to catch up with him?
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This is definitely a book that you can only read if you’re a) in the right headspace for it, and b) have a strong stomach. The (frequent) body horror and gore is both beautifully and vividly described, throughout the story our protagonist, Benji, is fighting to survive, and a multitude of tough subject matter is covered relating to toxic relationships and religious trauma/bigotry. But, I found myself so engrossed in the pages, and finished this in such a short period of time(this was something I read in under a day, started in the backseat of my drive to school and ended by my bedside lamplight). 
The premise itself was so interesting, and I just loved all of the horror elements, the parallels to the current day in how religion is used to oppress, how current events and the censorship of trans individuals and their creative works make this book an incredibly, disturbingly relevant read right now. Seraph was also written interestingly: oddly, it tied into Benji’s gender identity, as he began to embrace his transformation and view it as a way of separating himself from the female body he’d been born with. This was demonstrated in the final fight scene, with him being a little disoriented by his brief transformation back to his original human body, and how he got to eventually tell the rest of the youth center teens about being turned into a bioweapon (and choosing not to use those abilities to benefit the cult that raised him). Depending on how you view or analyze that, it can be a bit muddy, but I personally liked that approach; there’s something so fascinating about queerness being reclaimed in horror, after years of queer-coded villains and queerphobic archetypes within the genre. I enjoyed that in some of the subtext for The Honeys’ ending, and I liked it here. (Yes, before you ask, It Came From The Closet is on my TBR, lol.) 
I do wish, though, that the other queer kids within the youth center were fleshed out a little more. Found Family was such an important part of this book, as both of our main characters (Benji and Nick) came from unaccepting backgrounds(although the latter’s backstory isn’t revealed until much later), and both queer joy and survival is an essential part of this story. If we had a little bit more time, if the book was a little longer, we could have more time to really become deeply invested in all of these characters (well…except for that one asshole who I couldn’t wonder if he had an infamous truscum commentary YouTuber as his namesake). A bit of a side note, though, I think that this was the first book I’d read that featured a character that used neopronouns?!?! I use ze/zir along with he/they, so it meant so much to see that representation! And xe was also one of the highlights of the youth club, imo, xe had a talk-no-shit attitude that is useful in an environment like this.
I don’t know what else to comment about this, except for that I loved it a lot! I don’t know if “enjoyed” is the right term considering its heavy subject matter, but it had a satisfying ending.
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(And here are some pictures I made of Benji, as I was making fanart for TRR.)
Book Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 stars! 
(Book content/trigger warnings: Graphic body horror and gore, violence; murder and mass murder including children, arson, warfare, and terrorism, transphobia; deadnaming and forced de-transition, return to abusive relationship and victim self-blame, ableism, religious abuse/Christian terrorism combined with elements of eco-fascism, emetophobia warning throughout, some instances of racism.) 
(Andrew Joseph-White has a comprehensive list of trigger warnings in his Goodreads “review”, with more general warnings included at the start of the book.)
~Paz, signing off!
Trans Rights Readathon Reviews: 1/5
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macbetha · 2 years
1, 4, 7, 10, 17 and 25!
Hello! Thank you for asking and I’m sorry the spacing is so jacked up in my answers. Appreciate you! 🌸
One: What font do you write in? Do you actually care or is that just the default setting?
I care so much about the font I write in. I don’t prefer straight fonts like arial; I want a little curve to them. I actually love writing in the font used for the Twilight Saga! It’s called Zephyr. A bit whimsical and very pretty.
Four: What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral?
Halcyon. Lavender. Carousel. Summoned.
Seven: What is your deepest joy about writing?
Hm. I love most everything about it, even when I’m stumped it’s still a fun sort of challenge. Just off the top of my head, one of the best feelings is when my readers catch a clue I’ve slipped in. Even better when they theorize. I love love love it. Even though I do try to be specific about what I’m trying to get at, I love interpretation and learning about a reader specifically by what they think some certain symbolism could mean!
Ten: Has a piece of writing ever “haunted” you? Has your own writing haunted you? What does that mean to you?
Yesss. Trigger Warning for this answer: Cannibalism / body horror.
I read Tender is the Flesh by Agustina Bazterrica a while back and hooooly. Here’s an online summary:
Tender is the Flesh is a dystopian novel by Argentine author Agustina Bazterrica. The novel was originally published in Spanish in 2017 and translated by Sarah Moses into English in 2020. Tender is the Flesh portrays a society in which a virus has contaminated all animal meat.
So it’s basically hive-mind cannibalism. That’s the only meat in the world not contaminated. Certain people are born specifically for the purpose of being eaten and they use meat processing plants once intended for cattle. The main character works around these plants.
The whole novel is very jarring but there’s one scene where you see one of these humans for eating in detail. I skimmed it since it was so awful but in short, an adult woman was being used specifically for “breeding” (horrible) and her arms and legs were cut off since the plant had no “reason” for her to have them. The scene really showed how detached society was about the whole thing.
I heard the story is being adapted for television and I might watch it but I haven’t picked up the book again after finishing it. The writing was great and the book was very impactful, and I hope it really is being adapted because the author proceeded with the idea fantastically, but whoo that book spooked me good.
As for my own writing haunting me, I’ve only read the first chapter of EWOATT a few times since I published it. Not even three full times, I don’t think.
Seventeen: Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
It’s Haikyuu. Fantasy but Medieval Fantasy? Not modern and not in our world. Very inspired by Avatar: the Last Airbender and the political games of Game of Thrones.
It’s also ABO / omegaverse. It’s a huge project so I’m not sure what won’t make it into the story, but there’s different courting methods depending on each nation in the story. So with the nature-focused nation, an alpha would hunt and present an omega with furs to show commitment / interest. Blankets, vests, that sort of thing. The language of flowers is also common knowledge and everyone gives flowers for certain reasons.
In the ocean-focused nation, you would hunt specific marine creatures to show interest. If the creature had bones, you’d bring them to an artisan and they’d make things like figurines, combs, more delicate and fanciful presents.
I’ve had a ball with coming up with stuff like that! I love the different interpretations of omegaverse and exploring how it might work in a specific environment.
Twenty-five: What is a weird, hyper-specific detail you know about one of your characters that is completely irrelevant to the story?
I’ll go with canon inspirations first. For Free!, Haruka canonically looks away from a person when he’s flustered in conversation. Sousuke closes his eyes a lot in general and looks down frequently. Kisumi is generally laid-back but there’s a few times in season three when he appears quite alert and serious in conversations. He’s a good friend!! Nao smiles like he knows how the world will end, we all know this.
In EWOATT, I didn’t mention enough that Haruka’s knees hurt all the time. Nao is just as romantic as Natsuya even if he teases him about it. Remember Nao knows pretty much every sonnet mentioned by Natsuya! 💖
And I can never mention enough that Natsuya absolutely swept Nao off his feet from the start. Nao loooves him. Down bad, friends 💗
Also in EWOATT, Haruka and Nii are cousins via their mothers but they don’t know it.
If I wrote Coral and Bone now, I’d have the sirens sing more and would come up with my own lyrics.
In Haikyuu, someone mentioned on Twitter (I can’t find the tweet, forgive me) Kuroo often cradles his head in hand in conversations and they said this could hint at a lot about his character. I absolutely agree and this has really made me consider his character differently when writing him for the new story! The Haikyuu Twitter community is great about character studies and using canon examples for them.
Thank you for asking~! 🍄🍓
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the-mainverse · 1 year
H-how do you know abo-
Virus: Because…that’s…who made you like this. You warned me that it was Chara.
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sk270114 · 1 year
Before a kidney transplant, several compatibility tests are conducted to assess the compatibility between the donor and recipient. These tests help determine the likelihood of a successful transplant and minimize the risk of organ rejection. Here are some common compatibility tests: Blood Typing: The ABO blood group compatibility is checked between the donor and recipient. ABO compatibility is crucial to avoid blood type incompatibility, which can lead to severe complications or organ rejection. Tissue Typing: Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) testing is performed to assess the compatibility of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins between the donor and recipient. HLA markers are inherited and used to determine the degree of similarity between individuals. The closer the HLA match, the better the chances of a successful transplant. Crossmatching: Crossmatching involves mixing a sample of the recipient's blood with the potential donor's blood to check for compatibility. The two common types of cross matching are: Direct crossmatch: Recipient's serum is mixed with the potential donor's lymphocytes to check for any pre-existing antibodies that could cause rejection. Indirect crossmatch: Recipient's serum is mixed with the potential donor's serum to detect any pre-formed antibodies that could react against the donor organ. The crossmatch results help determine the risk of antibody-mediated rejection and the suitability of the donor organ. Viral Screening: Both the recipient and potential donor are screened for viral infections, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV. This screening is crucial to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases through the transplant.
Serological Testing: Various serological tests are performed to screen for infections or diseases that could affect the transplant outcome. These tests may include tests for syphilis, cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and other infectious agents. Imaging and Medical Evaluation: The recipient undergoes a comprehensive medical evaluation, including imaging tests like CT scans or ultrasound, to assess the suitability of the transplant. This evaluation helps identify any anatomical abnormalities or conditions that could impact the transplant surgery. It's important to note that the specific tests and procedures may vary depending on the transplant center's protocols and the individual circumstances of the donor and recipient. The transplant team will determine the appropriate compatibility tests based on medical factors and guidelines. There are many hospitals in Mumbai where kidney Transplant is done with great success.
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drpriya · 1 year
Before a kidney transplant, several compatibility tests are conducted to assess the compatibility between the donor and recipient. These tests help determine the likelihood of a successful transplant and minimize the risk of organ rejection. Here are some common compatibility tests:
Blood Typing: The ABO blood group compatibility is checked between the donor and recipient. ABO compatibility is crucial to avoid blood type incompatibility, which can lead to severe complications or organ rejection.
Tissue Typing: Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) testing is performed to assess the compatibility of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) proteins between the donor and recipient. HLA markers are inherited and used to determine the degree of similarity between individuals. The closer the HLA match, the better the chances of a successful transplant.
Crossmatching: Crossmatching involves mixing a sample of the recipient's blood with the potential donor's blood to check for compatibility. The two common types of cross matching are:
Direct crossmatch: Recipient's serum is mixed with the potential donor's lymphocytes to check for any pre-existing antibodies that could cause rejection.
Indirect crossmatch: Recipient's serum is mixed with the potential donor's serum to detect any pre-formed antibodies that could react against the donor organ.
The crossmatch results help determine the risk of antibody-mediated rejection and the suitability of the donor organ.
Viral Screening: Both the recipient and potential donor are screened for viral infections, such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV. This screening is crucial to prevent the transmission of infectious diseases through the transplant.
Serological Testing: Various serological tests are performed to screen for infections or diseases that could affect the transplant outcome. These tests may include tests for syphilis, cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and other infectious agents.
Imaging and Medical Evaluation: The recipient undergoes a comprehensive medical evaluation, including imaging tests like CT scans or ultrasound, to assess the suitability of the transplant. This evaluation helps identify any anatomical abnormalities or conditions that could impact the transplant surgery.
It's important to note that the specific tests and procedures may vary depending on the transplant center's protocols and the individual circumstances of the donor and recipient. The transplant team will determine the appropriate compatibility tests based on medical factors and guidelines.
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