crazy-hand-official · 4 years
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a mini collage thing I made
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brockachu · 3 years
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and if i gasped over adam’s slutty ripped shirt collar & stacked bracelets while i was hunting clips for my win fancam, who are y’all to tell me to keep it in my pants?
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darthstitch · 2 years
Strange Things That Happened In History Class
Cryptid Teachers
Professor Gadling had to take a moment. He really did.
It was that or explode into hysterical laughter right that very second and that really wasn't going to help his cause now, was it?
The paper he was trying to grade was supposed to be an essay on the suicide of Crown Prince Rudolf at Mayerling and its indirect effect on World War I. Instead, what he got was "Our Four Cryptid Teachers on Campus."
And a List, which deserved to be quoted in its entirety:
a. Professor Robert "Hob" Gadling - Probably knew Shakespeare IRL; explains why he has such a hate-boner for him
b. Professor Adam Pierson - has an actual motherfucking SWORD hidden somewhere in his clothes (maybe it's like Hammerspace?!!) and might possibly DUEL other immortals; maybe the OLDEST immortal because he talks about ancient EGYPT like he's been there, done that and worn the t-shirt
c. Professor Duncan Macleod - the OTHER sword-wielding immortal
d. Professor Nicholas Chevalier - VAMPIRE?!!! OMG?!!! Also, his Dad is legit creepy and we sincerely believe he's legit a vampire?!!!
Honestly, there was only one, sane, sensible way to respond to this.
Dustin, interesting essay choice there, lad, but I was rather expecting something about poor Crown Prince Rudolf and not speculations about my cryptid status. Incidentally, thank you for realizing that I'm not the Oldest Immortal around, yes, Professor Pierson wears his Ancient Egypt T-shirt with pride and yes, you'd do well to steer clear of Lucien Lacroix, that one gives me the willies.
You have a day to give me the right essay, so chop chop!
2. The Cat Thing
"So maybe his fursona is a cat, did ya ever think of that, genius?!"
"Ahahahaha, right, sure, Steve, he uses meows, purrs and trills like a legitimate language and the cats understand him - this is NOT a fursona thing my friend!"
"Also, Steve-o, I didn't think you knew about things like fursonas..."
"Eh, you've been around the Internet long enough, you pick up on some things, Wheeler."
"So Murphy speaks Cat like legitimately, actually speaks Cat, not just like us humans doing random meows."
"Score 1 for the Cryptid Candidacy! We're adding Murphy to the list."
"Actually, humanity knew how to speak feline once. The knowledge was lost, aeons ago. Isn't that right, Miette?"
"I could tell you that Story, if you've a mind to listen."
3. Typhoon Morpheus
First off, Isabel didn't really actually mean to eavesdrop.
She'd submitted the wrong paper for the classwork they'd done today and while it wasn't as spectacular a mistake as Dustin Henderson's Cryptid List - it was still, obviously, the wrong paper. So she was just hurrying to fix things, although she was a little nervous, because Professor G seemed to be in a bad mood the whole day.
She was just about to knock on the door when she heard:
"Look, Gadling, you gotta do something. Caw!"
That voice sounded oddly familiar.
"Oh, Christ, what now?"
"Whatever it is you two did, fix it, for the love of Murphy. Do you see these feathers, man? I am soaking wet - it's been raining in the Dreaming and it hasn't stopped. Lucienne's already got all the rest of us trying to save the books in the Library from the flooding."
"Yeah. The boss thinks you don't love him anymore. So, boom, cue the rain. Thunder and lightning. Sturm und Drang - the works, you know?"
"Wait. Hang on, he thinks we've broken up?!!"
"Duh? Yeah?!!"
"Oh for Chrissakes, it was just a silly, ridiculous argument - I'm - hey, Matthew, remind me to kiss the stupid out of that idiot. After I yell at him. And kiss him stupid again."
"Reminder set, Other-Boss. Can we go now?"
Isabel told herself she was never, ever, going to speak of this to anyone - even if the fact that she had witnessed Matthew talking was probably enough to confirm Murphy's Cryptid Status on Dustin's stupid list.
4. Stranger Things
"Run this by me again, love," Professor Gadling said, in obvious bewilderment. "You're a Dungeon Master? What is that?"
"Not anything kinky, Professor G! AHAHAHA!" Dustin Henderson said in overly cheerful tones.
Murphy slanted the boy a look of wry amusement. "I think he understands that already."
"He's our DM for Dungeons and Dragons, Professor," said Will Byers. "It's a storytelling game."
"Ah, of course, a storytelling game, why wouldn't His Darkness the Prince of Stories be interested in that?" Professor Gadling said wryly.
"He's the best DM ever," volunteered Iggy Pop. "Like, the way Eddie went down fighting the demobats with Metallica, that was like, truly epic."
Murphy inclined his head in a regal almost-bow. "I can only but inspire. And I rather enjoyed young Eddie's performance. Truly something only a Master Bard could do."
"I'm still dead though!"
"Relax, man, we'll bring you back in flashbacks or something. Or maybe make you into a vampire!"
"Hey, you'd better - because I am this close to writing the Love Song of Eddie Munson and Steve Harrington and posting it on AO3!"
Professor Gadling knew when to give in. "Fine, you can use The New Inn for your session tonight. Just try not to wreck the place while you're off trying to fight the forces of darkness or whatever."
Murphy leaned over to drop a kiss into his hair. "We'll put all the breakables away before we begin our quest anew, dearest."
Footnote the First: Shortly after Dustin compiled his List of Cryptid Teachers on Campus, a new Professor joined the faculty, having retired from his former tailoring job at Kingsman. His name? Michael Percival Archangelus.
Footnote the Second: Dream of the Endless is not quite sure how he ended up adopting Hob's students and joining their D&D group, but he is quite charmed at their imagination and creativity and thoroughly enjoyed the idea of designing a villain formidable enough to test them.
Footnote the Third: Look, Dream still hadn't quite gotten all the nuances of a healthy relationship but he's at least figured out that minor spats and squabbles do not equate to breaking up and ending things forever. Hob's made sure of that. The kisses definitely helped.
Did I also just crossover Forever Knight, Kingsman and Stranger Things into this ridiculousness? Yes, yes I did. Nobody tell Neil.
Also, the "Michael" in this story is the headcanon Michael I came up with for the Lucifer show. Except obviously, this Michael isn't an evil twin douchecanoe but is an actual legit good guy... who uh.... spent a few years with Kingsman.
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songficsbyrissi · 2 years
Do You Remember? part 3
A/N: I'M BACK with an update for this series! I promise the next won't take so long to come! Click for part 2!
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You have been Erik’s girlfriend for some time now, and it was safe to say you were head over heels. You didn’t know if he had always been this sweet or if his daughter softened him up, but you were happy you were in a relationship with him. However, Your past heartbreak made you still made you anxious about it. It felt like yesterday….
“Baby, please! There’s gotta be other ways! We could try-“
He cut you off with a look that displayed pure anger. “I can’t try anymore! I’ve been trying! I just can’t do this anymore!"
You were taken aback by his outburst. You understood his frustration. You understood his disappointment. You understood his hurt.
But why was he not understanding yours? Didn’t he love you?
Right then and there, your question was answered, and at the same time, your fragile heart was shattered into pieces.
“Give me the ring back.”
The number of tears bursting out of your eyes increased as you managed to choke out a weak “What?”
He was adamant. “Give me the damn ring, Y/N! We’re done.”
You were shaken out of your flashback when the little humans you were teaching shuffled in after their lunch breaks. You looked down to notice you barely ate the food you brought for your lunch. Shit. It’s whatever. You’ve gone without eating before. You’ll be fine.
That was a lie. You felt weak, but you wanted to hold it together for your little ones. Thankfully, you made it through the day. Barely. Erik has been doing great with picking Ashanti up on time, but today was one of those days when he was late. He did text you to inform you this, and you usually don’t mind, but today…today you did. You just weren’t feeling ok. Mentally and you didn’t know how long you could hold it together. Your chest was tightening and your airflow constricted. You couldn’t breathe. Ashanti, being very observant for her age, noticed and began to walk up to your desk.
“Miss Y/L/N, are you ok?”
You managed to plaster on a fake smile and nodded vigorously. “ I’m great! Just do me a favor and go back to your seat, ok, sweetie?”
She outstretched her little arms. “Do you want a hug?”
You avoided the question by standing up and opening the door to the next-door classroom. Evan hasn't left yet. Thank God. He was at his desk grading and looked up at you with concern.
“Y/N? Are you ok?”
“I’m fine! Can you please watch her for me?!” You were able to pant out. Once he accepted your request, you scrambled out of your classroom and ran to the nearest girls' bathroom.
You tried to hold yourself as your heart was pounding out of your chest. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Tears were streaming down your cheeks. This was a panic attack. You haven’t had one in a long time, but here it is now. You thought you were over it. You were over it.
Then why are you having a panic attack in an elementary school bathroom?
Once your attack subsided, you fixed yourself up and walked back to your classroom. Once you got inside, you were shocked to see your boyfriend conversing with your coworker. Erik was carrying his daughter and her face snuggled into his neck. Both pairs of eyes fell on you, both of them filled with a mix of worry and relief. Erik was the first to approach you and you stiffened.
“Are you ok? I heard that you ran to the bathroom sick.”
This caused you to relax. Why were you half expecting him to get angry with you?
For the first time today, you were able to smile a genuine smile. “Yes, I’m fine, Er-“ you remembered Evan was still in the room and cleared your throat. “I’m fine, Mr. Stevens.”
He took the hint and smirked at you. “That’s good. Can’t have my daughter’s favorite teacher getting sick. She comes around you too much.”
You giggled at his remark as he said his goodbye to Evan and sent a wink to you. You waved goodbye to Ashanti, but she turned back into her father’s neck. That’s so unlike her. You tried not to take it personally. She’s a kid who’s been at school all day. She could be tired.
You turned around to see Evan watching you, with his arms folded. You went to your desk and gathered up your things, avoiding his gaze.
“Thanks for watching her.” You breathed out, and he chuckled in response.
“No problem, but I just wanna know… Are you dumb, or do you think I’m dumb?”
You weren’t sure what he was talking about, so you choose to play innocent.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Either that man is in love with you and you’re too dumb to see it or he’s the man you were telling me about. You tell me which.”
Damn it.
You sighed in defeat. “Yes, that’s him, and I don’t need no damn lecture on how it’s inappropriate to be dating my student’s dad, ok? He makes me happy, and this isn’t affecting anything going on here, so spare me.”
Your friend held up his hands in defense. “Girl, I only lecture 2nd graders, not grown-ass adults. It’s just that it was so obvious y’all were feeling each other.”
You sighed once again. “Damn…”
“But I like him for you. He seems like a good guy. I just wanna make sure you’re sure about this. Especially since this involves your student…” Evan took a seat on the edge of your desk and stared down at you.
“Evan, please don’t say anything.” You pleaded, and he shook his head, chuckling once again.
“I ain’t no snitch! Honestly, I’m offended you think I am!”
You laughed, covering your face in embarrassment. “My bad! Just wanted to be safe!”
“Well, your secret’s safe with me. Were you nervous about getting caught? Is that why you ran out like a track star?”
You rolled your eyes with a deep sigh escaping your lips. “No. I just….had a flashback to me and my ex and…I don’t know. I freaked out and had a panic attack. I haven’t had those in a long time.”
“Now, what triggered this?”
You squinted your eyes at him before you burst out laughing. “Ever since you married a therapist, you became mine, huh?”
He got off the desk with his hands up in defense. “I’m just trying to be a good friend. You could always talk to Shontelle.” You got up and pulled your friend into a hug.
“I appreciate that, and I’ll keep that in mind.”
Evan left right after, and right then and there, Erik had texted you, asking if you wanted to have dinner at his house. You haven’t eaten all day and didn’t feel like cooking, so you agreed to come. Once you got there, you couldn’t help but giggle at the takeout on the table. He didn’t feel like cooking either. You two were one and the same. He greeted you with a kiss and hug, which made you smile so warmly. In the hug, your stomach chose to rumble at that moment. Shit.
“You didn’t eat?” Erik gave you a disapproving look, and it caused you to smile nervously and shake your head. “You know how I know you lying? You get all wide-eyed when you lie. Come and eat.”
You sat down to eat and noticed an adorable little six-year-old wasn’t in attendance. You asked Erik, and he shrugged his shoulders while grabbing a chicken wing.
“She seemed down since I picked her up, and just wanted to be in her room. I made a plate and figured I would just give her a little space before I interrogated her. I know most people wouldn’t approve of that, but I think it’s important to teach her it’s ok if you need space. Just remember the people who love you are always here to listen and fix the problem if possible.”
You couldn’t help the stupid grin that spread across your face at his words. He was so good at this. It’s like he was made to be a father. Then you felt a pang of sadness. Erik noticed and grabbed your hand.
“Adults need to be taught that shit too.” He gave you a warm smile and you could read between the lines and know what he meant by his words.
“I had a panic attack. Haven’t had one in a long time. I had a flashback to my previous relationship that ended terribly. I was so heartbroken. I guess I started thinking about you and me and how serious we’re getting, and I don’t want it to end because I know it will. I know you’ll leave me, and I’m trying to prepare myself for it.”
Erik got out of his seat quickly, and wrapped you into a bear hug. “I’m not going anywhere, ok? I love you. I don’t care what your bitchass ex did. I’m not him.”
You relaxed into his hug and even smiled while you were in it. From the corner of your eye, you saw Ashanti come out of her bedroom. Upon seeing you two, tears welled in her eyes, and she returned to her room. Erik released you at the sound of the door slamming.
“Ok, a nigga is all for understanding she got emotions and shit, but slamming doors, in an apartment she don’t pay bills in is crazy!” Erik stood up, but you grasped his wrist to stop him.
“Let me go talk to her. For some reason, I feel like her problem is with me.”
Erik furrowed his thick eyebrows. “Why?” He knew you would never intentionally hurt his daughter, and she always adored you, so he was confused, as to why you thought she was beefing with you.
You shrugged your shoulders. “I don’t know. Women’s intuition?”
His fingers interlocked with yours. “Is women’s intuition telling you to stay the night? Because I feel like you should stay the night.” He brought your knuckles up to his lips and you giggled at this sweet gesture. You grabbed his face, planting a kiss on his plump lips and his hands found your waist, deepening the kiss. You pulled away before you two got too far.
“I will, but I gotta make nice with your daughter first.”
You knocked on Ashanti’s white bedroom door that was decorated with a bright, sparkly violet A. You heard a soft “come in” and opened the door. Once her eyes fell on you, she turned away immediately. You sighed deeply at her action and sat on the edge of her bed.
“Ashanti, are you mad at me, sweetheart?”
“Yes.” She mumbled, still facing the wall. You took a deep breath and spoke again.
“Can you please look at me? What do I always say in class?”
“We listen with our ears, our eyes, and our hearts.” She answered reluctantly as she turned to face you. You smiled in response.
“Now I can see your pretty face, and be able to properly listen to you and you can do the same for me. So, why are you mad at me?”
The little girl sat up and couldn’t help the pout that was on her face. “You don’t like me anymore.”
You were genuinely shocked and confused at her response. “That’s not true! Why do you think that?”
“You didn’t play with me when we were waiting for daddy, and you didn’t want to hug me.”
You shook your head, taking her hand. “Sweetie, I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I was feeling…sad and didn’t want you to know that or for you to get sad. As for the hug, I wasn’t in the mood to hug. What would you say if Luke wanted to hug you?”
Ashanti put a finger to her chin in thought. “I would say…don’t touch me, white boy. I am a black queen!”
You bit back a laugh because that would be super inappropriate. You couldn’t even scold her because that was obviously her father’s teaching and that was on you using a white boy as an example.
“….Please don’t ever say that. Ok, what if Simone wanted to hug you, but you didn’t want to?”
“I would say “no, thank you.”
“And can she get mad at you for that?”
She shook her little head. “No!”
“Because it’s my body, and I have the right to say no!”
You grinned proudly at her remembering your mini-lesson on the importance of consent. The first-grade version, of course. “So you can’t get mad at me because I said no.”
The little girl frowned, looking down. “But you didn’t say no. You just…ran away from me.”
That’s when it really clicked for you. She looked up to you. Shit, she saw you as a mother figure, and you rejected her. She spent the early years of her life without a mother, and when she gets someone who fills that void, they run from her. She’s feeling unlovable. Abandoned. You and the little girl had more similarities than you thought.
“Honey, I didn’t want to hurt you. I would never run away from you. Never!” You declared, opening your arms wide. “Now, if you still want to, I would like that hug now.”
Ashanti giggled happily, throwing herself into your arms. You hugged her tight, caressing her head that was covered in the plaits that her father did. You decided to fix them as she opened a book for you to read with her as you worked. Unbeknownst to you two, Erik was outside the door and heard the whole conversation. He couldn’t help the smile on his face and peeked in to see you redoing her braids as she read from a 3rd-grade level book, and you helped her pronounce the words she couldn’t get. He decided to get ready for bed and wait for you.
When you did finish, you stayed with her until she fell asleep. You found yourself falling asleep until one thought came to you and caused you to pop your eyes open and stare at the ceiling, frozen.
Erik said he loves you.
TAG TEAM: @fd-writes @lishabaybee @novaniskye @lifelover4u @dessianna1 @brattywriters-anonymous @marvelmaree​ @purple-apricots @blackpinup22 @ljstraightchaser @slimmiyagi @cancerianprincess @iamrheaspeaks @blowmymbackout @vibranium-chakra @nerd-lovely @chaneajoyyy @ohliyaxoxo @chefjessypooh @yourfavoritefavorite @airis-paris14 @ljstraightnochaser @quietstorm-73 @msincognito67 @sociallyawkward18 @mychemicalimagines @nerd-lovely @marvelpotterlove   @destinio1 @madamslayyy @thehomierobbstark @brattywriters-anonymous​ @thattinycookiemonster @raysunshine78​ @harleycativy @coveredingodiva @izraahh1​ @nataliehasgrace​ @champagnesugamama​ @destinio1​ @rbhp @foulmouthedandfrank @m3ntallygon3​ ​ @ohliyaxoxo @chefjessypooh @yourfavoritefavorite @airis-paris14 @ljstraightnochaser @quietstorm-73 @msincognito67 @sociallyawkward18 @mychemicalimagines @nerd-lovely @marvelpotterlove   @destinio1 @madamslayyy @thehomierobbstark @fd-writes​ @semianta​ @raysunshine78​ @fd-writes​ @rbhp @fandom-fangirl22​ @bigchoose​
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p0is0nvalz · 2 years
Ahem.. *picks up mic*
could i get st characters ( eddie and chrissy but separate bc i have jealousy issues and i cannot.) w/ a gf whose like morticia adams?
Skips away giggling
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*ties up my hair and fixes my glasses* i got this yo. My god im so excited.
warnings: smut (it will say when), but mostly fluff, perv!chrissy kindof
are you ready!?!!?!
you better be ready.
omfg. Hed die for you. the first time he buys you flowers, hes absolutely heartbroken when he sees you cutting off the flowers. “The thorns are so beautiful, darling! Thank you” you ran up to him the next day and gave him a kiss on the cheek
hes so interested in you omg. Smut (kindof? I didnt put it into great detail)
you guys are horny 24/7 , of course you guys are gonna have sex, but oh my god. You guys have tried almost everything. hes so obsessed with your body, confidence radiating off you, your tight black dress fitting perfectly, he shoves both of you in a closet
(he ruins ur dress😐. You have 20 of the same pair exact but that one was ur favorite, but you gave him a punishment later xx)
the second you introduce yourself infront of the class as the new student, she feels hot all over. Shes fanning herself and seeing if anyone else is feeling the same way. But no. Just her
at first, she thought she was jealous. Face burning red at the sight of you in.. anger? But she didnt feel any negative way towards you! Until one day, eddie gave a strange comment that made her realize everything “you giving heart eyes at Adams again? You’ve gotta get over her man, this isnt the place you’d be very..accepted as a gay couple” he kept his voice in a whisper “w..wha?”
then it clicked! Shes in love
smut smut smut!!
When you guys finally were a couple, it was sex. Every. Day. you guys couldnt get away from eachother my god. Every day you guys would go to one of your houses and fuck. Scissoring? Absolutely! It was a favorite with the couple. Dildos/strap-ons? I mean, they didnt do it alot but they were fine with it! Oral? Fuck yea! Fingering? For sure. You guys mostly paid attention to eachothers clits. after your guys’ clits started to get numb, you decided probably not.. every day (sadly), you guys were all over eachother every chance you could get
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optimist-pine · 3 years
The turtle bros reacting to reader showing up at the lair with a cut on their face?
A/n: Thanks for the request, Anon! :) (It made sense that possibly a low-level Foot member or some other thug would be the reason for the injury. I also picked the Rise turtles since no particular universe was specified. Hope it's what you had in mind.)
Universe: Rise
Word Count: 588
Warnings: Mentions of injury, implied physical assault, & negative emotions (anger, fear, etc.)
- Had a nightmare like this once, so he's feeling a lot of emotions at the same time
- The strongest of which is concern, yes because of your physical injuries, but more so concern for your mental/emotional wellbeing
- He can see how scared you are behind the reassurances that you're fine
- Once Donnie fixes you up, he manages to get the others to leave the two of you alone for a bit
- Just so he can reassure you that if you need to cry or anything, he's not going anywhere
- He takes in all of your leftover fear and panic, silently offering himself as a security blanket of sorts
- If you want him to he'll hold you until you're better, or until you've fallen asleep, whichever comes first
- There's a lot of anger and sadness in his heart, and it may be the first time he's been purely enraged
- When it comes to you, he doesn't take things lightly
- Instantly blames himself for not making sure you had better protection
- You aren't built like him and his brothers for starters, no protective shell makes you much more vulnerable
- You remind him that he was the one who made sure you had above average self-defense training, but he still can't help but dwell on thoughts about what would've happened if that hadn't been enough
- Hovers over you so much, there's no room left to wonder how much you're cared for
- It was a frightening situation, so if you need to cry or get anything out you know he's going to be right there for you
- He's adamant about the fact that you're never going to have to face anything like that on your own ever again
- He won't make the same mistake twice. Not when it comes to your safety
- Has to make sure you're okay before anything else
- Of course, he's 100% thorough checking you over, but to his relief, the only major thing is the scratch itself
- He's furious about the entire situation, but he processes such a strong emotion by becoming very silent, determined, and cold like he's directing all of the bad inward on himself
- Physical injuries make sense. But emotional ones? Not so much... He doesn't know where to begin trying to comfort you
- All he can think to do is put his hand on you
- If you need to, you'll pull him into a hug
- He'll let you be held as long as you need it. It's not everyday somebody relies on him in this way
- He'll always be there to take care of you, even if he doesn't know how to
- Immediately needs to know who he's gotta fight
- It takes some gentle nudging from Raph, but he's reminded that maybe he's needed more there comforting you, than out being reckless
- It kinda worries his older brothers, that change in him, and they realize it's because of how much he cares for you, and his lack of understanding on how to process what's happened
- It doesn't take him too long to calm down, but he's still a little on edge
- Will literally baby you, holding you and humming, and making sure you're cleaned up and comfortable
- And of course, he'll kiss it to make it all better
- Asks his brothers to order your favorite takeout, and you cuddle up and watch a favorite comfort movie or show
- He's always going to be there to make you feel better, and he swears to himself that he'll never hurt you
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muppenthings · 2 years
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(Start) (Previously) (Next)
After further reassuring Coral, the two return to the reef to continue with their daily chores. For Merry it was weaving nets.
The day passes uneventfully, with Merry completing their quota and still having some free time.
After a good night's rest, Merry heads out early to gather the offering to Tide.
As they exit the reef, they notice a fairly sized group of mers entering. It looks like the neighbouring community mers and... was that a few Open ocean mers too? While their visits aren't common, Merry doesn't think much of it; their community have good relationships with all of their neighbours. Their visit was likely for trading; the others can take care of them. Merry continues with their task at hand.
In hindsight, they should've stayed.
Following day, Merry is yet again hauling a full harvest bag to the kelp beds where Tide is waiting for them. He's draped over the slope, belly down and head cushioned on his crossed arms, eyes closed.
They chirp out a greeting to get his attention, his eyes slowly opens and he gives them a toothy grin along with a lazy wave. As they get closer they notice a large human-made net pinned under his torso.
"What's the net for?" they ask as he takes the bag from them, eager to get his hands on the snack.
"To catch little mers of course," he grins while turning his focus on the bag. After some silence, he glances at Merry who's staring back at him bug-eyed.
"That was... a joke. I use it for fishing. But it tore this morning and I gotta get a new one."
Merry chuckles awkwardly; of course he wouldn't do that.
"Ooh I got it. But you're not going to leave it drifting in the sea right?"
"Of course not, I'm not a human." Tide rolls his eyes. "I'm gonna trade it for another net at their docks."
Not that the humans had a say in the "trade" anyways. Merry rubs their chin in thought while Tide digs into the food.
"I might be able to fix it, let me see," Merry motions to the net. Tide puts the half-full bag down with a slight pout, not all too happy about having his meal interrupted.
Taking the net out from underneath him, he holds the torn area up for Merry. They swim up to it; it's a fairly large tear but they have materials back home to repair it. They figure it's a better solution than to have Tide steal another net.
"I think I can make it as good as new! If you'd like?"
Tide hums while tucking the net underneath himself, picking up the bag again.
"Do what you want, but I won't trade that favour for my snack," he shrugs before he pours the rest into his mouth.
He's really adamant about those snacks huh.
Merry smiles, "I wouldn't dream of trying to bereft you from your sacred snack. Can you manage without the net for a while?"
Tide blinks, "Of course. I can hunt without it."
"Great! Bring it here next meeting and I'll fix it then!" Merry beams.
They couldn't bring such a large human-made net to their home since it would raise questions. And it would be difficult for them to drag both the net and a full harvest bag.
"Don't think you're big enough to order me around, small fry," Tide grins as he pokes their side playfully, making Merry whistle like a baby seagull.
They continue talking for a while after, with Merry attempting to dodge a prodding finger every now and then. Tide apparently found their reaction amusing.
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saintomura · 3 years
Your face is flushed with sudden warmth and if it wasn't for the fact that you and your boyfriend were awake at eight on a Sunday morning, you're certain he'd have been testing your limits by now.
Luckily, he's just as out of it as you are when you both entered the bathroom, picking up your brushes for cleaning up after yourselves.
Your arms are sluggish and you barely lift the toothbrush up to your mouth, still very reluctant to do anything other than stay in and sleep the day away. But it's been weeks since you've spent any time with Suna and he's adamant on having a date with you after so long.
He wants to make up for all the times he had to neglect you for volleyball (You were mature enough to understand that it's not something he can necessarily control. He’s worked hard for it and even on days when it gets especially hard to deal with being without him, you suck it up and support him like any good girlfriend would) and who were you to deny him that? So you complied.
And now you wonder if it's too late for you to surrender and crash back into your warm bed. Warm and cozy and certainly soft against your sore body, as you close your eyes and sleep the day away without any worries…...
Suna looks at you through the mirror, narrowing his eyes at how your back slumps against the wall, sleep heavy in your eyes as you try not to give out from the effect your sleepiness has on you.
Spitting the paste into the sink and rinsing himself clean, he turns around and tugs you by your arm towards him. And you don't resist, crashing into his chest with no warning.
He lets out a "Oof-" as your head rests against his chest, his heartbeat lulling you into a state of domestic bliss, wondering how you ended up with someone like Rin. Rin, whose smiles make the dimples in his cheeks stand out a bit more. Rin, who’s stubborn and hell bent once he commits. Rin, who just makes it easy for you to love and forgive so easily; he’s not perfect, but if something was to come close to perfection, it will probably be him.
“Get up, stinky”, he shakes you awake and you whine out an exaggerated, “Nooooo!” while your hands grab at his hoodie, clinging onto him as you rest your tired body on him.
He’s reluctant to push you away but he knows it’s only a matter of time before you sleep on him, desperate to seek the warmth his sore body radiates. He lets you nuzzle into his neck, your soft breaths tickling his skin as he coos over how cute you are even when you’re half asleep. He wonders if he pushes your buttons even more, would you stomp your feet like a little brat and whine about him being a mean boyfriend? But he refrains from that, instead holding you upright as he plants a soft kiss on your forehead, your soft skin making him crave you even more.
“You gotta wake up, baby”, he coos at you, tucking the loose strands of hair behind your ear.
“How about I get the shower running and you clean up first? I’ll fix you breakfast, okay?” he offers, hoping to let you have a moment of reprieve after a stressful week of managing work, home and looking after him.
You nod softly, rubbing at your eyes and he’s tempted to take you back to bed and snuggle you to sleep for the entire day.
But there’s a table for two booked at your favorite restaurant and the box with the ruby ring still sits heavy in his sock drawer, waiting to be taken out today.
He just hopes you say yes.
“Okay, babe. How about I help you brush and take off your clothes, huh?”
You reply, stifling a yawn, “That would be nice, yeah. Very nice”.
It would be great, yeah. Being with you is always great for Suna Rintarou.
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note - another repost. another drabble. ehh.
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Welp, against my better judgement I looked at the Hazbin Hotel leaks and ooh boy, do I have a lot to say!
I know some people are very skeptical of the legitimacy of these leaks, but considering that the person who leaked all these character slides also leaked stuff from various other IP’s, I do believe that these leaks are legit.
First off, I really hate how Alastor’s voice breakdown states that “any ethnicity” is fine. Like seriously, why even give him a New Orleans Voodoo aesthetic if he’s just gonna be voiced a white dude? Now granted, they can fix this issue in the final product by ditching the Voodoo aesthetic and going full on 1930′s radio host. But it’s still annoying none the less.
Also, I love how Vox is supposed to have a 1950′s TV show host motif but he looks like a parody of the Tumblr Sexyman trope. I guess Viv thought that giving him a TV head was good enough.
Another reason why I’m convinced that these leaks are real is because a lot of the character designs are bad. Why is Adam just a black repaint of Bltizo? If Carmilla is meant to be an arms dealer, why does she have a ballerina/fashion icon aesthetic? Why is Angel wearing white gloves when his fur is already white? And why does Velvette look like a regular human when she’s supposed to an Overlord of hell?
The only design I kinda like is Lute, mostly because I like the concept of a demonic looking Angel/Nephilim slaughtering other demons.
Oh, and is it possible for Viv to come up with a father character who isn’t estranged from his daughter? Stolas’ antics in Helluva Boss are bad enough, but now we gotta go through the same shit with Lucifer on Hazbin? No thank you. I also wanna talk about the theory that Viv herself is the person who leaked all these slides onto 4chan, which isn’t true at all. Now yes, it’s not uncommon for creatives to leak stuff online, but in most cases they only end up doing that for shows/projects that have already been scrapped or cancelled, thus there’s no need for them to worry about getting into trouble with companies for breaking NDA’s.
Viv doesn’t need to leak anything to generate interest in her shows because her shows are already popular, so many industry professionals consider her a success story. I really doubt she’d be so worried that the hype surrounding her shows would die down that she’d resort to leaking character slides on 4chan to drum up interest.
Though I do find it odd how the leaks popped up on 4chan a few days after Viv announced that she needed more animators to work on her shows. But make of that what you will.
Overall the leaks don’t give me much hope that Hazbin’s writing is gonna be better than Helluva Boss’. But I’ll most likely end up watching the first episode out of boredom or if I need some background noise while working.
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don-daygamerz · 3 years
Lovely Morning
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Husband!Billy Russo x Wife!Reader
Summary: A lovely morning filled with sweet delights. Breakfast with the Russo family.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1.3K
He couldn’t help but stare at you…his wife…of 6 years…6 wonderful married years. It was around 7 in the morning on a Saturday, Billy had woken up to you facing him with your eyes still closed and hair was strewn like an endless (h/c) sea. He couldn’t help but bring you closer to his chest and stroke your soft cheek. He loved to see you at ease and resting after a hard day of work at your bakery shop. Slowly your eyes opened from the tender touches that awoke you. Billy smiled as he watched your hazy (e/c) were revealed, “Hey, morning. Sorry if I woke you.”
You just smiled sleepily at him, “That’s fine. Waking up in your arms is something I look forward to.”
“You’re so cheesy.”
“Yeah but you love it.”
“Indeed I do,” Billy could not deny the fact of how he loves the way you unconditionally love him back and were such a sap about it.
“What time is it?” you asked.
“It’s 7:15…just go back to sleep,” he tried to coax her but she softly refused his offer, “As much as I want to, gotta get up and make us some breakfast,”
“Why don’t I take over the kitchen,” he offered.
“No, thanks besides I’m making us a special breakfast,” you sat up and got off the bed then grabbed your robe since it was still chilly. “Why don’t you go back to sleep? You’ve been dealing with the new recruits and stuff,” you told him as you fixed yourself in the master bathroom. Billy just laid propped up and turned on the T.V. at a low volume to check the news, “Yeah, it’s been a lot of paperwork, reviews, speeches-” he was interrupted as the bedroom door was opened slowly and there a cute little head poked around before landing their dark orbs on Billy.
“Daddy!” Billy smiled wide as he watched his sweet little girl run on her little legs towards him. She tried climbing up the bed but couldn’t so Billy bent down and lifted her to sit her on his blanket-covered lap. Two years into your marriage, you and Billy welcomed a beautiful baby girl whom you proudly named, Isabella Maria Russo. She was born with a head full of soft black hair and a pair of gorgeous dark brown eyes. All in all, she was a beautiful baby in her parents’ eyes. Sweet little Izzy as she liked to be referred to as, though similar in looks to her father, acted just like her mother. She was a perfect mix.
“What are you doing awake so early?” Billy kissed her soft but messy hair. Izzy crawled to her father’s side and got under the warm blankets. Her head rested on the pillow as she looked up at her father with sparkling dark orbs in wonder. “I’m not sweepy anymore…wanted to be with daddy,” she said cutely. Billy hoped she wouldn’t grow up too quickly.
“Hmm…did the sandman give you any sweet dreams?” he asked her in child-like curiosity. Izzy was a great storyteller when describing her dreams, she liked to read just like Billy, something Billy was adamant that he introduce his baby girl to the world of literature.
“Yeah, he did! This time I dreamt that I was in Candyland and I made new fwends. We had adventures, we ate so much candy…” Billy looked to his daughter listening to every word she said. These were one of the moments he truly enjoyed being a father.
You came out of the bathroom freshened up and caught sight of your baby girl laying by her father’s sides as she talked animatedly with him. You could see Billy lovingly stare at his daughter while rubbing her back while she told him of the crazy dream she had.
“And what is the little princess doing up so early?” you teasingly asked your pride and joy. Izzy looked at you with a big smile on her face shouting, “Mommy!”
“Morning my sweet little angel,” you walked towards your family and sat by them. Your hands caressed your daughter’s cheek, you leaned in to give her little butterfly kisses. The kisses all over her face made the little Russo girl giggle. “Stop mommy, that tickles!” she laughed.
“Why don’t you and your dad watch something while I make your favorite pancakes. And how did you like your pancakes? I seem to forget…what was it?”
Izzy giggled but replied back, “Mommy you know it. I like it fluffy. Fluffy pancakes!”
“Of course,” you laughed, “I was just messing with you. And what will my handsome hubby like for breakfast?” You turned to Billy as he answered back, “Eggs and bacon if you will.”
“Eggs benedict?” she asked.
“With the hollandaise sauce?” Billy loved your eggs benedict. Whatever you made, your husband loved it. A way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, right? You were a great cook and an amazing baker, a bonus for Billy. “Yes, with the hollandaise sauce. And the special bacon,” you kissed Billy lovingly then pulled away as your beloved daughter said “Eww,” while laughing.
“Eww? You don’t like when mommy and daddy kiss?” Billy poked at Izzy’s side, tickling her which caused her to scream in pure laughter and joy. He kissed, cuddled, and tickled little Izzy while you were in the kitchen already preparing breakfast for your family.
You could hear Billy and your daughter playing from the kitchen, their laughter ringing through the house. After some time you called your family to come to eat, “Billy! Izzy! Breakfast’s ready!”
Isabella immediately ran as soon as she heard you announce breakfast was ready. She sure really loved those fluffy pancakes of yours. “Woah, slow down, Izzy,” Billy coaxed her as he helped her to get settled at the table.
“Wow,” Izzy was in awe as you put a plate of her favorite pancakes in front of her. “What do you say?” Billy asked. “Thank you, mommy!”
“You’re welcome, baby,” you smiled at your sweet little girl as she finally dug in.
“Mm...yummy! Try some daddy!” Izzy offered Billy a piece she stabbed with her Cinderella fork. Her father leaned in and took a bite then gave a hum in delight from the soft but sweet flavor of the pancakes his wife made. Billy loved his coffee, black, with less sugar, or no sugar at all, but you, his wife, managed to persuade his taste buds otherwise. Since he met you and tried your dishes, Billy immediately got hooked.
“Really good,” he complimented, “Mommy’s the best cook huh?”
“The BEST!!” Izzy exclaimed as she chowed down her fluffy pancakes with chocolate chips, topped with whipped cream, and strawberries. Just the way she liked it. You, her mommy, always knew what your baby liked.
“And here’s your eggs benedict,” you slid over Billy’s breakfast to him alongside his coffee. Billy thanked you and pecked your cheek. He sat beside Izzy and ate whilst reading the newspaper.
“You want some orange juice, Izzy?” you asked.
“Yes, please.” That made you and Billy proud of Izzy’s manners. Billy came a long way in his career. You and Billy dated since his Marine days and had gotten married before he was discharged from the Marines. Billy alongside his pal Frank, worked hard to put together his company that is Anvil, he and Frank managed to find a trusted funder, some good investors, contacts, etc. Now Billy was a successful CEO, Frank took the position as COO as well as trainer, and their business was quickly expanding. His biggest motivation to working harder was his wife, you, but also his beloved little girl, Isabella Maria Russo.
You and Billy had an important life goal of raising your daughter to be a proper young lady. Billy made it his life’s mission to do everything right by your family, he would do everything in his power to protect you and Isabella.
Author's note:
Sorry, I know it isn't much. I was really going through some writer's block. So this is what I could put out for dad!billy russo. There'll be more to come, this is just the beginning of my work. Thank you.
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thebadboyfanclub · 3 years
You Are My Light (Rio x Reader)
Hey, so I'm super excited for this cause I haven't written for Rio in so long. Enjoy!
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Rio was a tough cookie, a man of crime which only meant he was surrounded but those types of people. When he had met Beth back in the day he was intrigued because her life was so different from his, so... Colorless and grim, a life of routines and packed sandwiches. For a while it was fun to shake up her life, until she became like all the others in his cycle, greedy for power and sneaky, now she was "his girl" which meant she was his fall person, gave her the keys and put her name so if anything goes wrong she can be the one to take the blow.
"Alright little man today is mother's day, you gotta pick the best flowers for mama"
Rio said to his son as they stood in the flower shop, Marcus was going all around the shop, dragging the man that worked there with him so he can point out which flowers he wanted.
"Your son has a great eye for arranging a bouquet"
"He's a momma's boy that's why"
At that the phone rang. The man went to pick it up and it seemed to be important, he covered the phone and yelled a name, then she came out. A girl with hair falling on her face and wearing an apron
"Can you fix the bouquet for the gentleman? I need to take this"
"Umm o-ok"
Rio was interested as soon as he saw her, her soft spoken voice was barely above a whisper as she approached the counter top and clearly tried to avoid eye contact. Her hands were not that steady but she seemed to know what she was doing, rio thought that she was acting like this because she wasn't comfortable doing it in front of a crowd. As she was finishing up she finally looked up to him but only for a quick second as she bit the inside of her cheek to look back down.
"It's ummm 30$ s-sir"
Rio smiled at her shy demeanor it felt like a century had passed from the last time he had met somebody so timid, it was mesmerizing to him. He gave her the money and then passed the bouquet to Marcus who seemed super excited for this purchase and the creation he had made
"Excuse me miss, may I ask your name?"
"(Y-y/n)... Sir"
"Call me Rio, I'll see you around sweetheart"
After that Rio came to the flower shop every day to buy a single white Rose and every day (y/n) found one waiting on her cars windshield with a note that always said "you looked beautiful today. To say she was flattered was an understatement, one side of hers was thrilled that such a handsome man was showing interest in her, the other was surprised that a man as confident and as determined as he was had decided to take the time and pursue her in such romantic way. After two weeks of roses he had waited to give her the rose in person along with the proposal of a date.
That's when he found out she wasn't comfortable with anyone in general, it wasn't about his presence that made her shy, she was like that with everyone. After a while he felt the need to be the one to take care of her, protect her in any way, even if that was making an order for her at the restaurant while she scooted closer to him and held the him of his shirt to feel secure.
"I'm going to the bathroom"
"Ok mama"
Rio said as (y/n) left him at the bar, it was Rios birthday so they had gone to a bar to celebrate. She finally had a reason to wear the midi white satin dress Rio had bought her, she had to admit it looked beautiful and she slowly came to the realization that Rio had connected her with the color white. As she reached out her arm to open the bathroom door a man grabbed her arm to stop her
"Hello gorgeous"
She felt like somebody threw cold water at her, she froze on her spot while the man smiled at her in a way she could tell was not just friendly. (Y/n) immediately looked down as she took a step back to get some distance from the man.
"Did I scare you? I'm sorry I just wanted to know who you are"
"She is taken"
Her head shot at the direction her boyfriends voice came. She didn't even realize that she was walking to him and then proceeded to stand behind him, hiding away from the man that had scared her. She grabbed his shirt and leaned in to him as she tried to stop her legs from shaking.
"I didn't know she was mute"
"She is not, she just talks to people that respect her personal space"
Rio thankfully had seen the scene go down and in a blink of an eye and out of pure instinct he had shot out of his chair and basically ran to (y/n). The man wasn't already laying at the ground for disrespecting her because he knew how upset (y/n) would get. She hated any type of fighting and even after dating for so long (y/n) didn't really know what Rio's occupation was, he didn't want her to be scared of him.
"I don't want no trouble man"
"Yet you tried to put your hands on a woman, see where I'm from that means you are asking for trouble"
Rio stood proudly in front of his woman as he could feel (y/n)s shaky breath on his neck. The man looked uncomfortable and a little bit scared, just how she felt before Rio stepped in. All Rio could think about was how this scene might have played if he wasn't there and that angered him even more. He might be a man of the night and balls deep into illegal things but he respected two rules "you don't touch women and you don't touch children" unless you trynna see God.
"(Y/n) go back to our spot please"
"(Y/n)!.... I'm sorry, go and wait for me ok baby?"
He didn't mean to yell at her, he just wanted to shield her from seeing his ugly side. So he turned around and placed and gentle kiss on the top of her head before (y/n) walked away, as soon as her back was turned and she had made a few steps he pulled the guy into the man's bathroom and slammed his back against the wall.
"What's your name?"
"Jason Adams"
"Now you listen here, by an hour I will know every detail about you. If I find out you ain't keeping your hands to yourself again... You won't even hear the knock on the door. Got it?"
At that Rio let him go, the guy let out a huff and turned to the sink to splash some water on his face. As Rio turned to leave, (y/n) came to his mind, how scared she was and the sound of her breath as she hid behind him.
"On another thought"
Rio said and grabbed the guys head, with one swift powerful movement his forehead got smashed to the sink, the sound was deafening and after that the guy was unconscious, Rio knew he wasn't dead so he just fixed his collared shirt and walked out of the bathroom.
(Y/n) was sitting down looking at something on her phone, Rio knew she would pull out her phone went she was alone as a defense machenism to hide from the world. As he approached he gave her a big hug that she very much needed. She felt her muscles relax as she took in his cologne, she closed her eyes to fully let go of her worries and feel safe once again as her man was here. She looked up and smiled at him, feeling the warm sensation of serenity taking over her.
"Thank you"
"Don't ever thank me for protecting you, I am here for that"
She smiled even brighter as Rio leaned in to give her a gentle, intimate kiss on her painted lips. She was his source of purity in this love, this warm light that showed him what it feels like to surrender to love, to fully know that the person next you could never harm you or anyone else.
"You are my light"
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adammilligan · 2 years
i need you all to see my vision with this postcanon au of mine. gabriel keeps bouncing back and forth between heaven and michael and adam’s house because he’s rebuilding his relationship with raphael at the same time that he’s rebuilding his relationship with michael but the thing IS. heaven’s kind of a wreck. and every time he goes up to heaven raphael keeps wrangling him into helping fix it. which is good and all and he does want to help but he spent millennia dodging everything okay sometimes you just gotta ditch work on your lunch break and go bother your other big brother and his husband in their home on earth which is much more relaxing. and boy oh boy does he bother him
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jjungkookislife · 3 years
Enemies to lovers + rough sex and spitting kink with namjoon?
Best (Friend) Man
pairing: namjoon x f. reader
tw: brother's best friend, unprotected sex, spitting, hair pulling, creampie
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Okay, okay... this wasn't how you planned on your day going. You were a bridesmaid, a fucking hot one, okay?! You had several duties to complete before and during your older brother's wedding. Hoseok had been adamant about everything being perfect for his bride and you loved your new sis-in-law so you wanted to do your best.
Now, what you didn't have planned was getting your guts rearranged by the best man in the bridal suite while clutching the bride's bouquet and wearing her garter that Namjoon had caught. Call it destiny, call it a coincidence but Namjoon had you bent over the vanity in the suite, purple bridesmaid dress hiked over your hips and his hand on your shoulder, gripping tightly to keep from gripping handfuls of your hair.
"We should get back out there," you manage to say in between moans, and it had taken you so damn long to string a sentence together, Joon had stopped paying attention.
"Out there, hmm. Yeah. Do." Namjoon grunted in response, not paying the least bit of attention as his gaze focused on the way your wet cunt sucked him up. Fuck, he wanted to stuff you full for the rest of his life.
"I can't stand you!" you had huffed earlier that day, storming off into the bridal suite when you had caught the bouquet and Joon had caught the garter right after. Hoseok had glared at his best friend, nothing, not even your hatred of each other, would dampen his new bride's day.
Namjoon had huffed and puffed but had eventually gone to find you in the empty bridal suite, shutting the door behind him that automatically locked.
"Look," he sighed, carding a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry for being a dick. You look beautiful in your dress."
"I'm sure Hobi sent you here," you spat but Namjoon nodded. "Can't ruin his big day."
"Whatever. Just go away," you sniffled and Namjoon felt like shit as he approached you, handing you a tissue and carefully wiping away the bit of mascara that had run. When your eyes met him, he leaned and kissed you. All thoughts of your long rivalry were gone as you ended up seated on the vanity, legs wrapped around his hips, thick cock pressed against you.
"Namjoon," you moaned, looking at your reflection in the mirror as he fucked you harder, nearly slamming your face into the vanity. He chuckled, who knew you were so easy to crumble. His heart soared at the thought of finally making you, his.
"Focus, baby. I'm up here," he smirks. Your eyes meet his in the reflection, moaning and nodding as he presses his fingers to your lips, mouth opening to accept them.
The sound of skin slapping skin fills the room, your cries of his name joining in a perfect symphony of eroticism. Namjoon finally gives in, gripping your fancy updo, pulling you to him, back arched as he removes his fingers. He's not surprised to see your lips remain open.
"Do it," you plead him, licking your lips as he runs his tongue over his mouth, leaning over you. Your heart thuds against your ribcage, pussy clenching around him as he spits in your mouth.
"Fuck, such a slut," Namjoon coos, kissing your cheek and that's the first thing that has heat rushing to your cheeks. Namjoon chuckles, pace never faltering as he holds you against him, kissing his way up the column of your throat, nuzzling his face into your skin.
"You're mine."
"What about Hobi?"
"Don't mention him when my cock is stuffed inside you, babe. We'll figure it out. Right now, I need your cunt to cream my cock."
"Fuck," you groan, nodding as his fingers rub your clit in tight circles that send electricity to all your nerve endings. Your moans fill the suite, crumbling beneath Namjoon as he grunts, cursing your name as he fills you with cum.
"Fuck, we gotta get back out there," Namjoon pants as he zips up, helping you fix your panties and your dress. There's nothing he can do about the 'just fucked' hair and makeup tho.
"Think they'll notice?" you ask as you look at your reflection. The poor bouquet has one flower left, bent and barely hanging on. Oh, yeah, they'd notice.
Namjoon smiles. "They'll notice when your hand is mine. Come on, baby. Let's give 'em a show."
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hereforhalstead · 3 years
Little legs
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*Gif not mine, credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader.
• Requested: Yes.
“I’m leaving” “Of course you are, that’s all you know how to do”
“Hey, look at me. Focus on me alright?”
• Warnings: swearing
• Summary: Jay notices you’ve been off and when he decides to confront you about it, you break down.
• Words: 3107.
• A/N :   Thanks so much for this request I feel like it was a bit of a rollercoaster and slightly all over the place but hope you enjoy!
“Y/N? Voight calls you from across the room, you peer over to see him stood in the doorway to his office. He tilts his head to gesture you to join him as he enters, you feel the eyes fall on you as you walk through but you keep your eyes on Voight to avoid contact. The last desk you pass is Jay’s who slides to the edge and leans on his elbow about to speak but you continue walking. 
You take a seat at the desk whilst Voight is still pacing around, he walks back over to the door and closes the blind. You instantly panic and try to recall everything you’ve done recently and ready to hold yourself accountable, you hadn’t been yourself for a few weeks but thought you had kept it together well enough and it had gone unnoticed. Considering you partner, Jay had a habit of being the one to pick up on your down moments and he hadn’t mentioned it, you thought you were in the clear. 
Your bounced your leg under the desk and found yourself picking at the skin around your nails, Voight notices and chuckles “Calm down Y/N, I haven’t called you here to have a go” he takes a seat in his chair and casually leans back “I know how nosey you lot are, especially him” he looks towards Jay. He intertwines his hands in his lap and takes a moment before he speaks “What’s going on with Halstead?”
“I’m sorry?” you question, confused as you still thought you were in some form of trouble. “He’s been off with everyone for weeks, I walked into the storage room yesterday and he was tearing into Adam about filing something wrong.” he rubs his hand along his jawline and pauses “I don’t give a shit if something is filed wrong so he certainly shouldn’t”. You rack your brain to think of the past few weeks but obviously you haven’t been paying attention well enough “Sorry Sarge, he hasn’t seemed off to me. Clearly I need to be better at my job” you relax as you see him smile in response but continues to probe “I don’t think he knows how to be off with you, this is the problem”. He leans forward on the desk, weight on his forearms as you find yourself feeling tiny in your chair as he stares you down “I think something has gone on with the two of you and he’s taking it out on everyone else. You’re partners Y/N, if something has gone wrong it needs to be fixed” he adds but you can tell he isn’t finished. 
“Kim even mentioned to me he’s been digging at her. You need to find out what’s going on with him Y/N, you’re the only one who he will open up too”. He huffs and you feel the pressure considering he’s just accused you of being the route of the issue “I gotta say Sarge, I don’t know if I’m the best one considering you think I’m the problem”. He purses his lips together in thought before laughing to himself “I didn’t say you’re the problem, I just think you underestimate how much of an effect you have on him. If you’re having a good day, he has a good day. If you’re having a shit day then he has a shit day. You just don’t realize it kid” he takes a sip from his mug and you slump in your chair “Really making me feel like a great Detective here Sarge” you roll your eyes before a knock at the door makes you interrupts you. 
Seconds later, Adam slightly opens the door and peers in “Sorry to interrupt but I need your help on something Sarge and it’s kind of urgent” he quietly requests and Voight signals for him to step in and join the pair of you “Come in and shut the door”. Adam looks down at you confused but you just shrug your shoulder in response “You noticed Jay being off?” Voight asks and you immediately wish you were anywhere else but in this seat “Are you kidding? He’s been a dick for weeks, I kind of avoid him at the moment to be honest. Can’t be bothered to be his punching bag anymore” he stands behind you with his arms folded, Voight flicks his eyes down to you and then back up to Adam “That what you guys are talking about in here?” he questions further and Voight nods “Was hoping Y/N could shed some light” he grunts “But she hasn’t seen a change in him”.
“Clearly, he could be in the worst mood and still wouldn’t be a dick to Y/N” you feel Adam rest his hands on your shoulders “So we have to take the brunt of it”. You hang your head as he adds to the guilt you already feel “Don’t make me feel worse than I already do. Clearly I’ve done something to piss him off and he doesn’t want to talk to me about it.” You stand from your seat and make your way past Adam to the door “Leave it with me and I’ll figure it out.” You swing the door open to see only Jay sat at his desk, typical the one person you now wish to avoid. In seconds, he is on his feet and stood in front of you to block the path back to your desk “Everything okay?” you can see the concern in his face but you can’t ignore the anger you’re feeling for him being an arse to the rest of the team. “Fine” you mumble as you nudge past him, leaving him stood shocked as he watches you sit down. You hear him scoff and return to his paperwork, a few moments later he picks up a file and heads over to Kim.
You watch as she seems to avoid his eye contact and continue working, he leans over her and it sounds like he’s yet again moaning “I asked you to submit this last week, if we loose this trial then it’s on you. Hope you’re happy with that” he puts the file down in front of her with force and you feel sick, you’d never seen him act this way to a suspect let alone one of your own. 
She doesn’t respond but just nods and picks the file up, she looks at you as she stands and she just looks defeated and like Adam she is fed up of being Jay’s punching bag. Jay seems to sulk off and heads into the kitchen, you find yourself storming towards him before you can even think about what you’re going to say or what you’re going to do. You follow him in and shut the door behind you, he jolts but seems to ease when he realizes its you.
"You just completely ripped her head off Jay, what the fuck is your problem?” you tried to remain calm but he had pushed you to your breaking point, you felt incredibly guilty being the innocent party when everyone else was being dragged through the shit. This wasn’t him and you knew it. 
 "You wanna know what my problem is? It's you Y/N" he stood with his back to you, arms crossed behind his head as he paces back and forth "Excuse me?" you leant back against the counter, standing your ground.
"You heard me" he quickly turns in his spot and you straighten up as he makes his way over to you in just a few steps "You're fucking with my head". You glance up at him, his chest rising and falling in which you couldn't tell if it was from anger or passion "You strut round here without a care in the world, meanwhile I'm watching your every move waiting for you to fall apart" You stand in silence, unsure of how to respond as his eyes scan your features in search for answers "I'm leaving, we're done with this conversation" you retaliate and slide out from your confined space "Of course you are, that's all you know how to do" you hear Jay half laugh at the end of his sentence and you want nothing more than to run at him to take your anger out and show him you don't need him but you can't. It's like you're frozen in your spot, waiting for him to make the first move but of course he doesn't.
You watch him stare you down, stern look and furrowed brows . You could tell he was looking for an argument and you were in the mood to bite back so you said the one thing you knew would piss him off more than anything "why can't you learn to leave me the fuck alone. Stop acting like you care when you don't". The way his eyes turned from somewhat doting to now dark and vengeful, you couldn't help but already regret the words slipping out. "What the fuck did you just say to me?" he taunted.
“You heard me, just leave it alone and stop being a dick to everyone when they’ve done nothing wrong”. Jay makes his way over to you by the door, puts one hand to the side of you head to force it shut, leaving him yet again stood over and looking down on you. “You don’t get it do you? You’re not looking out for yourself so I have to do it for you”, you notice his eyes flicker between your eyes but you force yourself to ignore it and not give in to his charm. You manage to loosen one of your arms and twist the door knob that was currently pressed into your back, the door begins to open as Jay rolls his eyes, causing you smile with sarcasm “leave me alone”. 
You don’t try and head back to your desk as you know he will just follow you and perk himself on the edge, forcing you to talk to him. Instead you go down the stairs and stroll over to the front desk where Trudy resides, clicking away on the keys of the computer but giving you a stare over the top of the monitor. You lean forward and put your head on the desk in front of her, she finishes her typing and turns her attention to you “what’s going on with you then?” She huff as you don’t respond “I’m not a mind reader, incase you haven’t guessed”. You can practically hear the gloat rolling off her tonuge and picture the way her eyes roll when you don’t look up at her.
 “Uh oh, chuckles isn’t looking too happy” she soon adds as you snap your head up to see Jay storming down the stairs. “Fuck sake” you mumble under your breath but she clearly hears by the way her eyes widen “Trouble in paradise?” she questions and laughs but you don’t find it as amusing “No such thing as paradise at the minute with him” you quickly respond before you find Jay stood at your side. 
He places a hand on the small of your back as you and Trudy stand in silence “Alright if I just have a quick word with Y/N in the back office?” he asks and you stare at Trudy, hoping to have some form of telepathic talent and that she will get the hint to say no. “Go ahead, rather her than me” she offers with a smile but again, Jay is not amused. Your face drops at Trudy’s response as you subtly shake your head at her as she passes Jay the key “Won’t be long, come on little legs” he sarcastically grins whilst snatching the keys from her grasp. “You know I hate when you call me that” you turn to Jay who looks proud of himself but chooses to ignore your comment.  “Who’s pissed you off?” she looks between the pair of you and you shrug “Something tells me it’s you sweetheart”.
“Sweetheart? What is going on with everyone today?” you await Trudy’s reply but instead find Jay tugging on your arm, in the direction of the back office. “You know this is technically assaulting a police officer” you chuckle to yourself but Jay’s eyes remain on the hall ahead “You don’t have your badge on you smartass, so technically you’re resisting and giving me reason to use force”. You roll your eyes and follow along with his jip “Someone remembers their training, you do surprise me detective”. Jay places the key in the lock and swings the door open, he doesn’t even stop to remove it as he ushers you inside and soon follows. You walk into the room and examine the empty space, leaving the feeling of you and Jay being alone more intimidating than ever. 
“We gonna get this over with or?” you slump your arms by your side as he reaches up to scratch the back of his neck with a weak grin “Will you shut up and stop acting so big and clever for 1 minute to just let me speak?”. You do as he wishes and fold your arms in response, leaving him to make the next move. “You haven’t been yourself for weeks and you won’t tell me why?” he questions and just as you open your mouth to speak he continues “I go home every night to sit and go over everything you’ve done that week to see if something or someone has pissed you off and I can’t work it out. If I’ve done something to annoy you, just tell me Y/N”. He huffs out a deep breath and you still stand in silence, you look down at the floor and can’t stop the smile spreading on your face but not out of happiness, out of anger.
“Why do you always have to make it about you?” you can tell he is taken back by your reply as he raises his brows “You’re being a dick to everyone apart from me yet apparently I’m the reason for your bad mood? Why can’t you just grow a pair and speak to me about it instead of feeling like you have a right to take it out on everyone else?”. You take him by surprise as you make your way over to him, a sign he sees as that you’re heading for the door to leave “Because I care so fucking much about you Y/N it messes with me.. You act like you’re fine when you’re not but you won’t let me help you?”.
You feel defeated as you can’t seem to take your eyes off a speak of dust on the floor. Jay places a hand on your shoulder but you jolt under his touch “Why won’t you let me help you?” his quiet and caring tone has the opposite affect on you as you sense a pit of anger rising in your stomach. You nudge his hand off and frustratedly run your fingers through your hair as you attempt to take a few steps away from him “I don’t ask for help Jay. I don’t tell people when I’m feeling down, I don’t expect people to be watching my every move as they wait for me to fall apart. I keep it to myself and deal with it, i don’t want help and If you know me as well as you say you do then you should already be aware of that”. You yet again look around the room for something to distract you but it feels emptier than ever, not even papers you can a cabinet to lean against or a chair to take the weight off. 
“So what, I just have to watch you loose yourself and I’m not allowed to help you? I’m not that person when it comes to you Y/N, you’re my partner.” His tone rises with every word he spits out and the vains on his arms start to throb as he lashes his arms around in passion when he speaks. You feel the air getting thick and it suddently feels harder to breathe, you back yourself up to the wall and slide down to bring your knees to your chest.
Not even a second later, Jay is in front of you. You can see the panic in his eyes but he tries to remain calm, he notices the tear roll down your cheek and quickly wipes it away “I’m sorry” is all you can mutter out. Jay places his arms on yours and rubs up and down to try and bring you a form of comfort “Hey, look at me. Focus on me alright?” his now quiet voice, miles away from his passionate stance just a few seconds ago seems to be doing the trick to calm you down but you still  feel unable to control your actions out of panic. “Come on Y/N, stand up for me” he puts light pressure on your sides as he brings you to your feet, as soon as he feels you’ve steadied yourself he doesn’t waste any time in wrapping his arms tightly around you, he places his head on top of yours as you nestle into his chest. “I’m sorry Jay” you whisper as he softly runs his hands up and down your back before resting his hand on the back of your head. 
“There’s no need to be sorry Y/N. Just talk to me if you feel yourself slipping, I can’t stand seeing you like this” he rests his chin on the to the top of your head before you pull back and wipe a tear from your eye so it doesn’t soak into his t-shirt “Only if you stop being a dick to everyone”. You feel your heart pull as he smiles before yet again bringing his hand to the back of your head to pull you into him. You nudge yourself further into his chest as he faintly whispers “You’re lucky you’re my little legs”.
Inbox and requests always open🥰
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saintchrollo · 3 years
straight razors are sexy. the smell of aftershave and a smooth adam's apple.
you’re right, nonnie. it’s not here, but emotionally, i’m licking a stripe collarbone to chin. minors do not interact
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there is nothing more attractive than a well groomed man.
that’s the partial quote from your grandmother. and nothing less attractive than a woman you can hear coming, is the second part.
before you even step foot in the bathroom, chrollo’s gaze is already fixed upon you, with his straight razor already lowered, stroke interrupted on his neck.
he looks kind of funny, with shaving cream on his face, half of it done.
“hi sexy,” you say with a smile that chrollo matches.
“hello, darling,” chrollo says, eyes dropping down to your robe and then back to your face. “have a good nap?”
you smile bashfully and rest your cheek against the doorframe, looking to the side. “yeah. ‘m still sleepy but i saw you, ‘n i had to come say hi.”
“oh?” chrollo extends a hand out to you.
wordlessly and with a smile, you take his hand and let him pull you close. you rest your head on his smooth chest, eyes fluttering shut, hands finding the softness of his lower back with ease.
“i wanna cuddle.”
chrollo hums, thumbs pressing into your soft and stiff muscle. “i need to finish shaving first, sweetheart.”
you nod, and remain in your place. chrollo’s chest is too comfortable to warrant you moving. he smells better than bed, heartbeat better than the chill of the pillow.
after realizing you weren’t going to move, chrollo continues. you stay as still as possible, eyes slipping back shut as sleep threatens to take hold of you again.
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spread out on the bed, everything is so soft. the duvet, the pillows, chrollo’s hair between your fingers, his mouth against your wet sex.
the only cuddling occurring is chrollo’s head between your thighs, hands running over your thighs, grip holding you in place.
his tongue swirls around your clit, lazy with his attentive gaze rolling up your body. one of his hands rests on the soft of your stomach. the haze of your last orgasam rolls through you, warm and gentle in your gut, smeared across chrollo’s face.
you lift yourself up onto your forearms, trying to get a better look. chrollo’s brow furrows, his head lifts.
“please lay back down.” his voice is like honey, and you can’t help but do as he asks. he raises himself along your body, chin to nose glistening. his eyes trail over your body before back to your lips.
your hand finds its way back to chrollo’s jaw, urging him close.
“wanna kiss,” you murmur through long lashes. “gotta have a kiss.”
chrollo gladly obliges. you’re fresh on his lips, smooth skin moving against your lips, your tongue swiping into his mouth. you moan into his mouth, light and surprised as he pulls your tongue into your mouth, then away with a pop.
“you’re so mean,” you whisper.
“i could be meaner,” chrollo whispers back. his eyebrows raise, almost playfully “want me to?”
you nod, and chrollo chuckles. laugh lines and dimples.
“just let me finish up my work here,” chrollo promises, descending back down your body. his middle finger slides through your folds, and he looks back up with a glint in his eyes. “roll over for me, sweetheart.”
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doctorprofessorsong · 2 years
@valleydean posts the last chapter of Redux Sunday, so allow me to tell you why you need to stop everything and go read it immediately.
I could tell you it's exactly like the show to the point that I often felt like I had it back, or I could tell you that she somehow managed to make the canon ending into something incredible. Instead, enjoy some spoiler free things this fic has made me yell in the comments.
Jesus. I had to put the phone down for a minute. As always, you have such a way with words.
Ha! Dean you messy bench, you aren't fooling anyone. Xoxo
Fan-freaking-tastic episode. 10/10. If the CW threatens us with more Supernatural again, I'm throwing you at them
S C R E A M. Dean, you disaster. But good for you, sweetie. You deserve a little kink. You waited long enough.
Expect a letter from my lawyer
Hmm, status of the lawyer letter is unclear actually
I would threaten to track you down but you could definitely take me. 😆 but I am extremely unhappy about this and I will be writing you a very sternly worded letter
That is my personal hell. Unless Joey Lauren Adams and Stan Lee are there. Yes this is a Mallrats joke in the year of our Jack 2021.
Let me be clear. If you [redacted], I will name a character after you in every fic I write and kill them spectacularly. 😆 [I did this!]
H E L P. Your mind. I need 200k words of this. I want to live in this episode. I want to read it every day at breakfast. You are deranged for doing this. I am on one knee proposing. How so you feel about polyamory? If it's a dealbreaker, I just gotta get a quickie divorce
God, I just. This sentence makes me want to break through a wall like the kool-aid man. It's perfect.
You are actually evil for this, you know.
You're gonna break me, aren't you? Stop grinning. I can feel your glee at this comment from here.
I will murder you in your sleep. How fucking dare you?
You're the best (worst). <3
Finally managed to put words on paper and get myself into a place where I can cope with angst. Let's see if I can immediately cause imminent psychological damage through fic. My safe word is Asmodeus (that'll ruin the mood)
ASMODEUS. Well, I got deep into the chapter. Why are you like this? do you LIKE hurting me? Fine. I'm gonna keep going. It's my fic-sub nature. But I'm gonna be a brat about it. Fic-Domme away.
Yes, hello? I'd like to report a murder. Whose? My own.
I just want to fucking talk. *remembers you're a badass.* um, I mean that literally?
I can't decide if this fixed me or made me worse.
This chapter is going to make me claw my own skin off.
Castiel James Novak-Winchester, what the fuck?
I am snacking on my drywall over here. Like fuck me
Seriously. A knife between the ribs would be more merciful.
I should have thrown you off the roof (affectionate).
Holy shit, Mallory. This is fucking phenomenal. I want to chew off my own arm. What in the actual fuck? You are so talented.
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