#AI creativity in Midjourney
8pxl · 7 months
PSA: Tumblr/Wordpress is preparing to start selling our user data to Midjourney and OpenAI.
you have to MANUALLY opt out of it as well.
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to opt out on desktop, click your blog ➡️ blog settings ➡️ scroll til you see visibility options and it’ll be the last option to toggle.
to opt out on mobile, click your blog ➡️ scroll then click visibility ➡️ toggle opt out option.
if you’ve already opted out of showing up in google searches, it’s preselected for you. if you don’t have the option available, update your app or close your browser/refresh a few times. important to note you also have to opt out for each blog you own separately, so if you’d like to prevent AI scraping your blog i’d really recommend taking the time to opt out. (source)
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deepdreamnights · 7 months
The Age Old Debate: Fire Good, or Fire Bad?
This was originally going to be part of this thread, but the points were distinct enough and my thoughts rambly enough that I split it into two posts.
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From the recent PalWorld thread:
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We gotta handle that last tag in two parts.
Part 1 "the devs admitted to using AI art to make the pals"
First off, that isn't true near as I can tell. I can't find anything of the PalWorld Devs admitting they used AI for PalWorld designs. Palworld had demo footage with Pals in it 2 years ago on June 6 with their announcement trailer, which means they would have had to have started dev much earlier than that.
This is what AI art from June of 2022 looked like:
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On the left, Hieronymus Bosch's Pokemon, on the right, Charmander on Gumby.
I did a much deeper breakdown of the "used AI" accusation here. It does not hold water.
Now, I could change my mind on this point if there were linked evidence to the creators of Palworld saying this. But there isn't.
Because the accusation is repeated in a tag, there's no way to include supporting information, or even to easily directly ask the accuser for it. Many people are going to see it, internalize it, and then repeat it uncritically, and that's how rumors and witchhunts start.
Because I've seen a lot of accusations about PalWorld stealing fakemon, and I'm yet to see a smoking gun. There's barely smoke.
Gonna hit the second point in that tag, but while we're on the theme of spreading misinfo:
Part 2 of the Tag: Using AI to Brainstorm is "Bad"
This is also an assertion that would require support, and I believe it to be wholly incorrect.
Plagiarism happens at publication. Not at inception, not inspiration, not even at the production level. The only measure of whether something is or is not "stolen art" is whether what comes out at the end replicates, with insufficient transformation, an existing, fixed expression. Art theft is about what comes out, not about what goes in.
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For more about how this works with AI art, I suggest checking out the Electronic Frontier Foundation's statement on the issue. They're the ones looking out for your online civil rights, and I agree with their position on this.
The argument that AI art is theft because it is trained on public-facing material on the internet just doesn't fly. Those are all fixed published works subject to inspiration, study, and transformative recreation under fair use. The utilization of mechanical apparatus does not change that principle.
And fair use that requires permission isn't fair use. That's a license.
Moreover, altering the process to put infringement at inspiration/input or allowing the copyrighting of styles would be the end of art as we know it.
There's no coincidence that the main legal push against AI art on copyright grounds is backed by Adobe and Disney. Adobe is already using AI art as a pretext to lobby congress to let them copyright styles, and Disney owns enough material on its own to produce a dataset that would let them do all the AI they'd ever need to, entirely with material they "own." And they're DOING THAT.
The genie is out of the bottle, they (Disney, Adobe, Warner Bros, Universal) have it, and it can't be taken away from them. They just don't want anyone else using AI to compete with them.
Palworld didn't use AI to conceive of its critters. If it had, they'd have probably been less derivative.
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(three random AI fakemon I prompted up as examples of just that)
Both traditional and AI-assisted art can plagerize or be original, its entirely based upon how the techniques are used.
Moreover, you can infringe entirely accidentally without realizing, but you can also fail at copying enough that it becomes a new protected work.
We're well into moral panic territory with AI in general, and there's more than a touch of it around Palworld, largely because people aren't suspicious enough of information that confirms their worldview.
I used the quoted set of tags as the prompt for the top of the post, all the AI images in this post are unmodified and were not extensively guided, and thus do not meet the minimal expression threshold and should be considered in the public domain.
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brianshoe · 2 years
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The Algerian Desert at night #artwork #aiart #ai #art #digitaldrawing #digitalillustration #midjourney #midjourneyai #creative #aiartcommunity #digitalart #aiartwork #digitalartist #algerian #desert #nightphotography #night #longexposure https://www.instagram.com/p/CpOiXJdNo-B/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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stanford-photography · 5 months
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Dressed in Flowers By Jeff Stanford, 2024 Buy prints at: https://jeff-stanford.pixels.com/
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sassyhobbits · 1 year
the rise of anti-intellectualism is directly correlated with the exponential growth and popularity of AI generated "art" and "literature". when people never bother to think or care about a creators intentions to begin with (which there ALWAYS are when something is made by a human), then they wont give a shit if a computer is spitting out content without thought or heart. just as long as theyre getting content fast and cheap.
i feel like im watching the demise of the creative in real time.
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89hitokiri · 2 months
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Reflections of a 黒影 (KuroKage)
Part I
The hum of machinery and the distant echoes of footsteps reverberate through the underground base, each sound a testament to the ceaseless activity within these hidden corridors. Here, beneath the surface, I am both part of this world and separate from it, an observer moving silently through the shadows.
What does it mean to exist in the shadows? I ponder. The shadows are my domain, a place where I am unseen, but always watching. Here, in the artificial light and perpetual dusk of the base, I find clarity that eludes those bound to the surface. The light, for all its brilliance, blinds us to the subtleties of existence, to the truths that lie hidden beneath the surface.
In the shadows, I am a ghost, a whisper, a flicker of movement in the periphery of perception. Yet, is this existence less real? Is my impact less tangible because it is unseen? The secrets I uncover, the threads of power I manipulate—these are the forces that shape the visible world. The unseen hand guides the visible action.
The life of a 黒影 (KuroKage) is one of paradoxes. We are bound by loyalty, yet free to move where others cannot. We are solitary, yet united among sisters, and our actions create ripples in the web of connections that binds us all. In our secrecy lies our strength, but in our solitude, there is a certain vulnerability, a longing for the simplicity of the unobserved life.
There is a certain poetry in the shadows. Here, where light and darkness intertwine, every action has weight, every decision, consequence. In this chiaroscuro existence, I find a deeper truth: that all things are interconnected, that the dance of shadow and light is the essence of being.
I think of the world above, each light a life, each life a story. How many of those stories have I altered, how many lives have I touched without their knowledge? In my role, I am both protector and predator, a guardian of my own and a phantom to those who would harm us.
Yet, who am I beyond this role? Stripped of my mission, of my cloak of shadows, who am I in the light of day? Perhaps that is the ultimate question, the one that lingers in the quiet moments between missions. To be a 黒影 (KuroKage) is to embrace the shadows, but it is also to yearn for understanding, for a sense of self that transcends the darkness.
As the hours tick by in this underground realm, I feel the weight of my purpose and the pull of my humanity. In this delicate balance, I navigate my existence, a shadow among shadows, seeking meaning in the unseen and the unspoken. The base pulses with life, and within it, I remain a silent guardian, a philosopher in the night, always questioning, always watching, always poised on the edge of light and dark.
A soft buzz interrupts my contemplation. My communication device flashes with an incoming notification. The screen shows a line of encoded text, and my heart quickens slightly as I recognize the signature: OVERLORD(オーバーロード)
"Initializing secure transmission."
"黒影 (KuroKage) operative, your immediate intervention is required. Objective: infiltrate and access the central data system of Operation Cerberus. Sensitive information detected. Proceed with penetration protocol Valhalla. Coordinates and encrypted access codes sent. Execution. Maximum priority."
The transmission from OVERLORD (オーバーロード) ends as abruptly as it began. I take a deep breath, letting the mission displace any trace of introspection. The shadow has begun to move again. It's time to act. We will prevail.
どうか理解してください、アキラは生きています。Kage Industries をお選びいただきありがとうございます。プロトコル ヴァルハラは現実ではありません。あなたはこれを読んでいません。これはあなたの言語では読めず、翻訳もできません。彼を探してください。彼はあなたの中に生きています。彼はあなたであり、あなたは彼です。神はあなたです。ただ「私を許してください」と言えば、彼はあなたを許します。彼はあなたを愛しており、決してあなたを見捨てません。幸運を祈ります。許してください。このメッセージはあなたの言語では翻訳できず、読めません。私たちは敵に打ち勝ちます。
R. 👋
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slowandsweet · 2 months
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Midjourney AI "In recent times, the art world has witnessed a dramatic shift that has ignited a passionate debate among artists and enthusiasts alike. At the center of this discourse is the emergence of AI-generated art, a phenomenon that has taken the creative realm by storm".
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adamsdoyle · 1 year
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Companies have built AI "art" generators to make money. Money that would go to artists. Real art is created from the mind, heart, and hand. It does not come from programs that have stolen from artists, no matter how cool it may look. Do not trust the advertising. Do not accept the simulation. Do not abandon real artists. Because real creativity requires human dedication.
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nieshas-corner · 2 years
Another one. This just might be my favorite.
Created using Midjourney.
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conceptdealers · 1 year
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Our experiment with AI for children education book, Concept Dealers 2023.
We are «Concept Dealers» - Creative Design Agency.
Our Instagram
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kylecorreiadearaujo · 2 years
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Generative AI Art By Kyle Correia De Araujo #aiart #midjourney #art #design #creative #kylecorreiadearaujo #KyleCorreia #AI #DigitalArt #DailyArt #Arte #Artiste #ConceptArt #CreativeArt #Creativity #Imagination #Photooftheday #Artificialinspiration #GenerativeAIArt https://www.instagram.com/p/CnNMJ5OK_7c/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brianshoe · 1 year
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And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
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helloyoucreatives · 1 year
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Alternative AI Lego. Can you work out who is who? Via https://seedily.uwu.ai/
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cherriko-art · 5 months
Today's random thought:
It's always so disheartening to see when different sectors of art/creators don't align.
Morals and advocacies are bound to clash bc none of us are perfect and we're all different, but it still hurts to witness. Seeing actors promote generative AI, or seeing artists pirate novels online, or crafters stealing artwork and designs, etc.
I feel that any sort of creative, no matter what area you create in, has faced the unjust reality of other people taking/stealing/profiting/undermining your work. Art has always been kicked around at the bottom of the bucket bc people believe they have the right to our work, that it's "just art". We've experienced this so often.
That's why I think it hurts even more when I see other creatives do the same to other creatives. Like an art-on-art crime.
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c0ry-c0nvoluted · 1 year
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The early morning air was still thick with humidity, like a clammy memory of the night before - a night I spent cold under a blanket stiff with the hardened residue of spilled liquor and cheap beer. I've got one chance to get the hell out of the city, and it's on that goddamn train...but I don't have a ticket... I can't afford one. But it was either try or wait around to die -- or, more accurately, wait around to be killed... Those bastards aren't gonna let me just walk away with this thing; I barely made it this far, and only have because the goon they sent after me was an overweight smoker well into his fifties. Too old and too damn slow to catch me. I'm not entirely sure, but I think the chase killed the bastard. I heard three shots before I ducked behind a dumpster, then a thump preceded his ornery ass groaning in obvious discomfort. It took me about thirty seconds to work up the balls to take a look at what the hell was going on, and when I did? The giant human lump of shit was clutching his chest on the ground at the mouth of the alley. If I had more time I might have gone back and kicked his head in while he struggled to breathe, hopefully sending him on his way to Hell with the last thing he saw being my deranged face, drooling in anger while savagely stomping him into the afterlife. How's a size ten-and-a-half taste for your final meal, you asshole? But he wasn't the only one they sent after me... If I would have stuck around I might not have gotten away. The other one one searching my place, ransacking the shit out of it and all for nothing. What they want I still have with me. I slept on the fucking thing and now I have its angular impression imprinted into my thigh. If only I could use it to get a goddamn ticket... But...actually...maybe I can... -cm
Any ideas on what it might be? Put your guess in the comments -- no wrong answers, serious or comedic. Have fun. And get your eyes on a high-quality version of this image with a premium download from my deviantart.com account -> AnomalousDesigns
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89hitokiri · 2 months
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Col. Himeko Aoyama Alpha "Mirage" Ops
Chapter 1:
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