coconurt · 2 months
Ye would go to jail for being TOO SWEET AND AWESOME AND LOVING
Against the law. Can't believe ye're breaking the law Cookie smh /j /silly
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But hey!! Hold up just a gosh darn minute!!!
If being sweet and awesome and loving is against the law, then that means you're gonna come with me!!!! We're gonna be jail buddiesssssss 💖💖💖
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skullsemi · 1 year
Hey Mi, have you heard of the Disney Dreamlight Valley game? I know it’s not completely finished yet but I wanted to know your thoughts and opinions about the game. I got too impatient to wait for the full game to come out for free, so I bought it instead. (Mixed feelings on my impulse buy as a college student lol) I do like it so far, I have lots of fun talking with the Disney characters and enjoy decorating the whole island!
and the lore oh boi
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this post by @/whencartoonsruletheworld sums it all up really
I admit I did get the chance to play it one time and really, the amount of stuff you can do is incredible, from personalizing your own clothes and accessories to even moving furniture and houses around it's so cool! Not to mention all the characters gosh they're amazing
I even forgot I did some sketches on that game, don't believe I posted these
I made a Clarabelle Cow personalized backpack since she is not on the game (I personally like to think she's not there because of the Forgetting and all)
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And depressive Mickey Mouse is something I really didn't expect when playing, he really barely leaves his house and seeing Minnie Mouse ghost around got me everytime
Anyways, it's a pretty fun game! Hanging out with the disney characters, helping them, seeing their silly attics here and there and decorating everything however you like it's the coolest
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cheekinpermission · 2 months
Get better soon pookie
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Here's some cow pics to help (the brown one is mable and the black is priscilla)
Oh my god?? I love Mable and Priscilla!! 💖💕
Thank you so much for your kindness. And the cows. Especially the cows. I love the cows.
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 7 months
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It’s the silly squad! Care to nap with them?
Do I care to-- tch.
Shouldn't even be a gosh darn question.
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ftm2bbw · 1 year
As you stood outside in the 95°F sun, dressed in a full-length cow print onesie and twirling a sign around to this shit-ass chain restaurant, you were wishing you could be doing literally anything else. The cheap, polyester fabric was completely unbreathable, trapping in every ounce of sweat as you put on your little show shilling for the overpriced food and underdressed servers. It wasn’t like you even liked this place; it was a low-rent gimmick restaurant called “Out to Pasture” and their claim to fame was that their waitresses would wear skimpy cowgirl costumes: cow print bikinis with elbow-length gloves, cowbell chokers, and a horned headband with cow ears on the sides. It was all pretty ridiculous, and you couldn’t even appreciate the view because you were stuck out here in the sweltering heat. You needed the money though, and they didn’t give you any hassle about covering your hormones on their health plan, so you figured you would just have to grin and bear it.
Or at least you would later, because as your watch started beeping, you knew that it was break time. Drenched in sweat, you made your way through the lobby to the breakroom in the back, hoping to cool off. Parking yourself in front of a fan, you unzipped the onesie down your navel, exposing the top of your ample stomach and showing off the plain, black fabric of your binder. Your friend Cathy, one of the bustier servers and the one who helped you get this job in the first place, stared at you like she had another one of her brilliant ideas. She pulled out a little pill bottle and handed it to you.
“Try it,” she said sweetly, “I always take one to take the edge off when I’m on the job. It gets pretty warm in here too. Take it with water and you’ll be cooling off all day.”
And with that, she bounded off back to her shift, bouncing in her uniform all the while. You had your doubts about her mystery pills, but you were sweltering out there, so it wasn’t like you had many options. With pill in hand, a paper cup with water, and some cheesecake you snuck from the fridge (you were hungry, shut up), you took a moment to dab away some of your sweat and zip yourself back up. Standing on the sidewalk and back in the sun, you had to admit, you did feel at least a little cooler. Maybe she was on to something with those pills. You’ll have to ask her where she got them fr-ACK!
You suddenly felt a rumbling sensation in your stomach. It gurgled and complained like you wouldn’t believe. “Fucking Cathy: never listening to one of her stupid ideas again,” you thought to yourself as you clutched at your mid-section. Just as soon as it came on, it stopped, but was soon replaced with the feeling of your chest vaulting forward. They surged in size, swelling to watermelons in a matter of seconds. Your binder was no match for them and you felt the spandex collapse and burst inside the onesie. The titanic, swelling bust pushed against the polyester fabric, filling out the bust of your onesie and threatening to burst out. Little tears were forming in your sides, exposing puffy bits of chest and back fat. Your nipples rubbed and chafed against the fabric and you fell to your knees in pleasure. You might not be sweating from the sun anymore, but you were feeling sweaty for an entirely different reason.
Hearing the commotion, Cathy had come running outside to see what was the matter. She asked you what was wrong.
“Those stupid pills you gave me did this!”
“You didn’t take any dairy with it, did you? If you took any dairy with it, you’d start producing truckloads of milk.”
“...just a little bit of cheesecake.” you whimpered sheepishly, feeling an unbearable stirring in your womb and chest. “A bunch of cheesecake.”
With that, you could feel wet patches on the inside of your onesie. Your continually swelling teats, compressed and squished by the now unbearably tight polyester, had begun seeping milk from the pressure. Pressure that now was about to burst out. The tears in the sides of the fabric had grown, showing off whole windows of tit meat, holding their integrity for dear life. They finally give up and collapse in a resounding rip. You could finally see the full size of your swelling bust: enormous beach balls filled to the brim and leaving streams of cream on the sidewalk. You were a more appropriate mascot for Out to Pasture than ever before. Kneading your fat teats and blushing at the size of them, you asked Cathy how big you would get. She admitted that she didn’t know.
You gave her a wry look, held out her pill bottle, and asked, “want to find out?”
Mmm, I do love cheesecake...
I wouldn't be able to stop feeling up my heaving udders, even there on the sidewalk. Hefting them and kneading into all that heavy softness, working my hands towards my nipples to milk myself and get some relief.
I wonder if I'd get a promotion then, after such a transformation. I'm sure it would come with enough of a pay bump I'd have a hard time saying no. Encouraged to show off and revel in my newfound assets, even as my brain ping pongs between embarrassment and pleasure.
And I wonder if there'd be an incentive to swell even bigger...
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lightwood-carstairs · 10 months
You little bitch. Stfu I saw the posts in which you shared hate about julian. We all know you'd be banned by now if it were another character. BUT NOOOO nobody be protecting julian and so you say all that bs. I hope you have a great time in hell. Actually, on a second thought, I hope you suffer for enternity. Even that is not enough for y'all filth bags. This is for every julian hater in existence not just you. Sending pain ❤️
✨Fuck Julian Atticus Blackthorn✨
Oh and it's E T E R N I T Y I see you can't spell
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decembermoonskz · 11 months
soooo… uh anyways….
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i love this man :)
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stagefoureddiediaz · 1 month
7x07 Costume Meta
Well!! Where does one even start with this episode!!!
We start with Hen - thats where! Well actually we start by saying that no Bobby or Athena in this meta - as they were only seen in uniform!
I also want to say - starting with this one, I'm going to have to pull back from the very full on costume meta's I've been putting out each week - work has got incredibly busy (I'm about to undertake a massive multi £million project) and I just don't have the capacity - mentally and physically or the time, to write meta for every single one of our main (and the regulars/guest) cast. These metas take a huge amount of effort and energy and while I love writing them, I need to have the time to pursue other things alongside them, (which I currently don't) and give myself time to rest - I don't want my AuDHD to spiral me into burnout.
So while I'm still going to be putting out a costume meta each week, I cannot guarantee which or how many characters and costumes I talk about - I may do all the characters but not all their costumes or just a few of the characters but all their costumes - it depends on my capacity that week. I will commit to doing Buck and Eddie every week (unles they're only in uniform) because they are the reason I started doing these metas in the forstplace and are my blorbos!
I hope you can understand and still enjoy what I do produce and my inbox will always be open if you have specific questions you'd like to ask! Thanks for understanding
Now on with the meta - below the cut as usual!
Hens costumes go on a bit of a journey in this episode
Not going to lie - this t-shirt - I am obsessed with it as a choice for Hen and for this scene. Loewe t-shirts start at $300 - I am clearly in the wrong job and universe!! But that aside - we have this bright cyan blue (because its a cyanotype design!) which means trust and loyalty, but it is combined with a cow parsley print and cow parsley in flower language means safety sanctuary and refuge - due to its prevelance in church yards and churches being places where one could seek sanctuary (hisotrically speaking). So this is hen offering all of those things to Mara (on behalf of the Wilson family) and that is just beautiful to see.
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Hen in a bright pink hoodie when the pink = naivety and innocence theme we have for this season is going strong, it does also play into the idea of secrets and cheating a bit as well - as we see Deidra give them a way to contact Maras half brothers family, and the implication that Mara's mother cheated on Maras father is made clear as well.
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Then we get this birth of love jumper with pink roses on a gold background. gold in colour theory mean optimism, enlightenment and prosperity and with pink roses meaning gratitude and new beginnings, the symbolism of the sweater is pretty clear - even without the words 'the birth of love' wrtien on it - along with mara being in yellow and back in contact with her baby brother, all things are looking pretty positive in the Wilson household right now!
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its all about the pale blues and lavenders for Maddie this week.
The pale blue we see Maddie in here plays into the same blue theming we've seen Buck wearing since the end of season 5 - this is all about Maddie getting some closure and moving on from her past - leaving Doug and the trauma he put her through in the past. The blue bookends that mini arc for Maddie in this episode - showing her still doing a bit of processing over her trauma surrounding Doug and his kidnapping of her.
We also get the tan coloured jacket with its golden wrm undetones - its within the brown spectrum of the colour wheel and therefore plays into the theme of stability and protection.
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We also get this beautiful lavender colour in the middle of it all as well. Lavender is a colour of cleansing and tranquility - which ties in nicely to Maddies pale blue closure and moving on journey for the episode.
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Buck decided to just play out the green and blue colour theme on his own this week - the dark bottle green shirt with a navy blue apron thats messy and stained is an interesting choice! This is the second time this season we've seen Buck in this dark green shade, and both times have been around Eddie and both scenes have related to issues with Eddies relationship with Marisol and the idea of keeping secrets of some description.
combine this with the other times we've seen Buck wearing this dark bottle green and things become even more interesting
-2x18 - Buck and Ali relationship end -3x12 - skateboarding -3x16 - when Buck takes Red to see Cindy -5x13 - when he confesses to Taylor about kissing Lucy -5x18 - when he breaks up with Taylor
the skateboarding scene is the only one that doesn't fully fit the bottle green narrative at play in the other three scenes - its also the only other scene where there is no blue present - Eddie is wearing white and buff, so it can be discounted from the pattern by virtue of the lack of blue.
All 4 of the other scenes involve a relationship crisis point of some description - Ali all but ends their relationship (side point here, Buck is also wearing blue and green in this scene as the hoodie is lined in navy blue).
- Red discovers Cindy has dementia and cannot remember him - ending any hope of that relationship being something he can pursue. This scene does however sit slightly apart from the later scenes as well - by virtue of Red being the character involved - and not someone Buck has a close personal relationship with - Red is a new friend.
Buck confessing he kissed Lucy puts his relationship with Taylor in jeopardy and it then ends in 5x18 - both of these scenes play into the theme of the lack of trust and of secrets on top of the relationship crisis points.
So to combine those scenes with the two from this season - all involve a crisis point in a close relationship along with secrets and to a greater or lesser extent a lack of trust, leading to a breakdown or termination of a relationship. So while on the surface this is all pointing towards some form of relationship termination, my feeling is that isn't the whole story. I do think it still points towards a relationship crisis point for Buck and Eddie (as well as Eddie and Marisol and Eddie and Kim) when the fact Eddie is cheating on Marisol comes to light, the fact that Buck is also the one wearing the blue and not Eddie, points me towards thinking that Buck will also be the one to ensure that any break between him and Eddie is only temporary - because ultimately Buck has been on both sides of the coin - he has been cheated on (Abby did't technically end their relationship so Buck was technically being cheated on) and been the one to do the cheating.
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Chris is the only colour in this scene - we have Eddie in white and buff and Marisol in white and black - both effectively devoid of colour - meanwhile Chris is sat between them wearing green and red - and check gets thrown into the mix as well.
The fact he is placed directly between them for most of the scene is an indicator that it is this 'family' dynamic that is going to fall under the curse of the check pattern - the check is foreshadowing the entrance of Kim later in the scene, as well as the future end of the relationship between Eddie and Marisol and Chris and Marisol.
The green is also closer to Eddies army greens than we've seen Chris in before - playing into the idea of Chris and Eddie being similar in their behaviours and mannerisms - again its a form of foreshadowing Eddies cheating arc sitting in parallel to Chris's one.
Meanwhile the red is a signal of danger (it can mean passion, love etc as well, but in this instance - as its being used in check pattern - its more a symbol of danger - a warning!).
I'm also fascinated by the foreshadowing this outfit gives us as well - the red and green of Buck and later outfits - a signifier perhaps of the check also hinting at conflict ahead for Buck and Eddie over the fact Eddie is lying to Buck and to Chris - as the use of the two colours on all three of them in the episode (and only the three of them) really highlights them as a unit once again.
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Then we have Chris in a white tee and a two tone denim jacket. I am sincerley hoping that the white tee is not a signifier of the same things as Buck being in white - Chris so rarely wears white, that I am hoping it is merely playing into the idea that Chris is a true innocent in the tangled web that Eddie is weaving - the web centred around his internalised idea that he needs to find another mother figure for Chris.
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Marisol in back and white stripes is paying into stripe theory rather nicely - its indicating that change is coming. We see the beginnings of that change later in the scene with the introduction of Kim. The choice to have the stripes in black and white is also telling - its a literal representation of things being black and white and plays into the theme of Eddie and Marisol's relationship lacking colour - its very telling that both her and Eddie have worn black and or white around each other far more than any other colours, I'm not saying we haven't seen them in other colours - we have - Marisol has also worn the bright pink top in 7x01 and the blue dressing gown (and the blue top from later) and Eddie has worn his army green but the fact of the matter is that black and white are the over arching colours the two of them wear in relation to one another and tied into that is the fact that none of the scenes she has been involved in have been about establishing her as a character in her own right - all of her scenes have been set up for either Chris or Eddie - the audience is being given very little to endear her to them and the black and white also plays that out - in fact we have had more establishment of Eddie and Tommy as friends in one episode than we have had of Eddie and Marisol as a couple across multiple episodes.
There is also the fact that white means purity and innocence - which as a novice nun is on theme for her - but it also plays into the idea that she is also an innocent party in the road Eddie is about to send them on.
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We also get more Marisol in Blue - its a bright blue that is very reminiscent of the bright blue that the Virgin Mary is depicted wearing in Catholic art - it plays into the theme of Eddies Catholic guilt that was established in 7x05 when Eddie found out she was a novice nun - its just yet more layering of this positioning her as a representation of the Catholic faith - as a representation of purity and goodness - she is intentionally meant to seen bland and too good an pure - its her literal narrative purpose.
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Ok sooo Kim the Shannon Doppelgänger! They've done a great job with costuming her to make her look very differnet to Shannon - which is a key thing. To start with all the colours we've seen her in so far sit on the opposite side of the colour wheel from Shannon - who was much more in the yellow orange and pink side of the wheel, while Kim here sits in the blue side of the wheel - interestingly the same side of the Wheel that Buck sits on. I've spoken at length about How Buck in the pale blues we've seen him wearing since the end of season five was about his journey of self discovery and figuring out who he is and what he wants - about moving forward and leaving the past in the past. The same could be said for Eddie here its just manifesting in a very differnet way - Kim is a projection of Shannon, so moving on from Shannon and leaving her ghost in the past is what Eddies journey is all about.
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I am fascinated by the fact that this suit choice - with its vertical striped pattern and white shirt underneath also plays into 6x01 Buck and the lasagne of it all - especially considering we see Buck attempting a new lasagne later in the episode - there is something in the concept that Buck getting his lasagne right in that blue zip front jacket when Eddie is there to eat it, and then not getting the new lasagne he is trying out right when Eddie is not going to be eating it - things being successful and right when the three of them are together as the Buckley-Diaz family, but not being successful or right when one of them isn't present.
This as a concept places Buck along side Shannon - something we've already seen explicitly stated on screen in this season and in direct contrast to Kim - because not only is Kim a doppelgänger for Shannon, she becomes a doppelgänger for buck as well.
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The blue and white striped top in the second Kim scene also mirrors Buck costumes from season 6 - the vertical stripes and the use of blue and white - it further emphasises the paralleling of the pair of them - because the implications are clear - Eddie thinking he's found this second chance with Shannon - a second chance at happiness with when the reality is that Buck has been there all along - it plays perfectly into the Vertigo arc that Tim is using as well - Buck in the place of Midge - the best friend but the actual right fit for Eddie who has been there all along.
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This black sheer top and leather jacket with the knotted updo is playing into so many themes that it makes me happy! the first and most obvious one is that its a very stereotypical 'other woman' outfit - the sophisticated seductress. It also plays her into the opposite of Shannon - dark versus light - all the flashbacks of Shannon we saw in this episode were brightly lit and bathed in light - giving her an angelic and heavenly aura - a play on her status as an angel (both in terms of her being dead, but also in terms of Eddie having rose tinted glasses on in regards to their relationship and her as a person - that common trait of making saints of the dead - especially when their death was traumatic and left things unfinished - as we have with Eddie)- Kim her is lit far more darkly and the glow of the light has a much more orange and therefore darker tone to it - its a play on temptation - the updo and leather also give her a slightly serpent like air - she is Eve tempting Adam to eat the fruit - it is serpent like. This theme plays on the other religious theme we've had established around Eddie - with Marisol being placed into this Virgin Mary role - here we have Kim being placed into her opposition as the devil - I am not saying she is evil - this is about Eddie being tempted by trying to get back what he has lost - she is a physical manifestation of what is happening - of Eddies internal struggles with his catholic guilt - much in the same way Marisol is a manifestation of the opposite side of that catholic guilt coin - they are the extremes that are pulling on Eddie in physical form and Eddie needs to find the balance.
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Boy oh boy do we have a lot to talk about with Eddie this week!1
There are three key themes at play with Eddie in his costuming this week and its so so good, I'm obsessed with the choices being made.
Starting out with this white tee and buff suede jacket which ties into three separate scenes which are key in relation to Christopher and Eddies relationships with women and the the theme of Eddie looking for a mother for him.
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up first - the moment Eddie lets Shannon back into Christophers life - this one is pretty obvious on the mother front - Eddie is literally letting Christophers actual mother back into his life. this jacket is closer to brown than the buff colour of the one above, but it still plays into the theme - its the point at which the theme is established.
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Then we have Eddies talk with Bobby about Shannon and re proposing to her as well as the possibly of her being pregnant again. Its a key turning point in his the relationship with Shannon - it is the moment that idealisation starts to creep into Eddies perspective on her and the moment when past, present and future collide - the concept of having Shannon and not having Shannon.
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Finally we have the skateboarding scene - which while being a key moment of bonding as the Buckely-Diaz dynamic continues to be established in season 3. The jacket here is the closest to the one from 7x07 and this scene comes on the back of a couple of scenes with Ana - who was wearing pale blue in one and white (with red flowers) in the second.
All of these scenes when combined with the scenes from 7x07 establish this white tee - buff/beige jacket or shirt colour way as being about Christopher and Eddies desire to give him a mother figure - that the final scene - the skateboard scene very clearly shows Buck becoming a key figure in Christophers upbringing in a far more visual and physical way - Eddie is and active participant rather than standing on the sidelines as he is in all the others - along with the choice to show buck in the dark green in the same episodes - showing Buck in a semi parental role back then to show him in an even more parental role in this one (the 'we won't wait up' was a definite choice on the script front when it had been established that Chris was staying over at Bucks and Eddie wasn't returning until the following day) - especially when you also have Chris wearing red in both episodes.
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Eddie in a black shirt - one that is the same as the one from 7x06.
There is a lot at play with this black shirt, and a lot at play with black on Eddie more widely, but first up - The Christopher watch. It was so very present in this episode - the shirt cuff has been tucked underneath the watch to ensure that it is visible - because they want to ensure that we see that Christopher is still front and centre in Eddies mind through all of this - it is an indicator that Eddie is not dating any of these women for himself - they are all in one way or another for Chris.
The clincher on the watch front is that the first time we see it is when he goes on his first date with Ana - the first time he is trying to 'recapture' the magic he had with Shannon and the first time he starts dating to try and give Chris a mother figurre. The fact it is so present when he goes back to the store to see Kim the Shannon doppelgänger is proof enough that this is as much about Chris as it is Eddie - the ghost of Shannon continues to loom large in both of their lives and Eddie is very much still trying to find her again for the both of them.
The other - slightly more unhinged aspect of this is that he wears the Christopher watch out to his date with Kim later on - making it still about Christopher. The reason this is unhinged is that the one time we have seen Eddie go out on something resembling a date and not wear the Christopher watch was the poker night with Buck - I said at the time the fact that both Eddie and buck were wearing new watches was important - here we start to see its significance play out - that poker night was for Eddie (and Buck), not for Christopher in any way - if Marisol or Kim were meant to be endgame or even truly long term - then he would be wearing that watch on his dates with one of them - the fact he hasn't speaks volumes (and speaks volumes for the buddie of it all!).
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the shirt itself being worn for this meeting and coming off the back of two key scenes in 7x06 tells its own story. Whilst Bucks coming out to Eddie scene is about his coming out, it is also about establishing Eddie not knowing/realising that Tommy was gay, as well as about the idea of
His wearing it to reverse his relationship with Marisol back to them not living together - to start over is obvious - the magic with her wasn't magicking, but because of his determination (subconsciously) to find a mother for Chris he rewinds rather than ending the relationship. This remains the key scene for this shirt in that episode and ties into his wearing it in this one - its all about rewinding the clock and trying again.
The thing with Eddie in black (apart from the singlets which are their own themed thing - although it still ties into the wider Eddie in black theme) is that its a colour he has worn so specifically in relation to his mental health and in connection with Christopher (and Shannon).
I'm not going to go through every instance of him wearing black - it would take way to long, but I am going to pick out a few key moments when he is wearing it - specifically shirts
2x17 - the reproposal/ divorce scene 3x12 - parent teacher night at school - mets Ana for the first time 3x15 - Christopher birth (flash back scene) 4x13 - follow your heart not Christophers scene 5x01 - Panic attack scene 5x10 - tells Carla about the hostage situation - after Chris's meltdown 5x17 - Ramons retirement party
We also have him in 6x11 in his widows weeds at Bucks bedside and in 6x17 a long sleeved waffle tee when he 're' meets Marisol at the DIY store
In regards to Marisol - he has worn black more than any other colour in relation to her (not that they've had many scenes together, but half of their scenes have been in black, and that includes their 're' meeting in the hardware store - not technically their first meeting, but Eddie was in uniform the first time they met.
The black is playing two roles with Eddie - there is the fact that it has duel meaning - it is associated with magic - specifically dark magic as well as darkness/depression, secrets and power. I know I haven't listed all of the scenes he wears black and long sleeves above - but the fact that those scenes I've listed are so very central to Eddie, fatherhood and the various women in his life is pretty telling. The fact that both Ana and Marisol were both met in scenes where he was in black or that so many of the other scenes were connected to pivotal moments in his relationships with all three women (Shannon, Ana and Marisol) - in the same way the the dark green has been for Buck - and the fact that so many of the scenes tie into the theme of his heart and not following it plays into this idea that he is in mourning - that his grief is central to all of these relationships - and that includes this new one with Kim.
Setting his first meeting (as in actual conversation) with Kim against this backdrop of his previous relationships, grief and his 'struggle's with fatherhood (including his relationship with his own father) sets this relationship off on the wrong foot regardless of the cheating aspect or the fact she is Shannons doppelgänger.
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Sorry, both the pictures from 7x07 have terrible lighting - it was basically impossible to get a good still of either shirt that showed off the colour!!!! I am however obsessed with the choice to put Eddie in maroon twice in this episode - and in long sleeves at that!
The reason for my obsession - the way it plays into yet another Christopher theme. Eddie wearing Maroon long sleeved shirts (espeically Henleys) in relation to Christopher and his choices as a parent. So in this Episode it happens twice - we have his meal in the Diaz kitchen with Marisol, and then at the end of the Episode - his date with Kim - While neither scene directly involves Chris, both play into this idea of everything Eddie does in terms of his relationships in connected to Chirs - he daydreams about bringing Shannon back into Christophers life - in a better more honest way than he actually managed to do in the real world (proof of his rose tinted glasses being firmly on when it comes to Shannon) - righting the wrongs he feels he did her, then later on he drops Chris off with Buck (the other actual parental figure in Chris's life) before going on a secret date wit ha woman who looks like Shannon and Eddie is viewing as a second chance - a second chance not just for himself, but also for Chris - because Chris is missing his mom - something the show established early on in the season and the trigger that is sending Eddie into this current spiral.
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All of the scenes Eddie has worn this colour in previously (by this I mean without the presence of other colours via jackets etc) - and they're aren't that many - are deeply connected to Chris and Eddies struggles with fatherhood.
We have this scene from 2x10 when Chris confesses his Christmas wish is to have his mom back - which leads to Eddie feeling guilty about his choices as a father and ultimately leads to Shannons return to Christophers life.
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then we have Fight club Eddie in the aftermath of nearly killing a man from 3x08 - This is the only other time we see him in a Henley and the fact that the conversation he has with Bobby is so heavily intertwined with the concept of Eddie needing to be in control for Christopher - he is once again at the heart of the scene, even in his physical absence from it. It is also turning out to be an even more key scene - Bobby makes the all important comment
'Eddie I just want to make sure you don't think you have to lose everything, before you can allow yourself to feel anything'
this line is very much coming into play now - Eddie did not listen to Bobbys advice and is now setting himself on a course to lose everything. That implies that he will then finally start to feel things - able to move past his continued grief and build a future for himself. The overarching implication is that Eddie has remained in fight club mode since this scene - just that the fight club is internalised and with himself - his failings as a husband and father.
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Chris goes off to summer camp in 3x18 - again a scene about Chris and Eddies role as father
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and finally his first date with Ana - this scene while not obviously about Chris in the moment - is in fact all about Chris - we see it borne out over the course of Eddies relationship with Ana, but the key factor is that this is the first time we see Eddie wearing a different watch to his work watch - a second watch - his Christopher watch - which I explained the significance of above.
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I've also included this tee from 6x12 because although it has short sleeves rather than long ones, it is adjacent to all of the above - he is making Christophers lunch while he and Buck talk later on after Buck has enjoyed his nap on Eddies couch, but it is also the closest they have come to talking about the will. Eddie is also not wearing a watch at all at this point - in a precursor to the poker date two episodes later, this moment - about letting yourself feel things rather than boxing them up inside feels like a key counterpoint to the reality of Eddies arc for this season.
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The other thing about the red shirt black jacket combination along with all the above, is that it also juxtaposes the date with Vanessa that Pepa set him up on - the idea of wanting to be on a date versus not wanting to be on a date, whilst also ensuring black is a central theme with Eddies costuming arc this season.
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Thats all for this week - Sorry again that it took so long to get written and posted - but I hope you enjoyed it none the less!
Tagged people below!
@theladyyavilee @mistmarauder @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @bewilderedbuckley @spotsandsocks
@bewitchedbewilderedbisexual @rogerzsteven @wanderingwomanwondering
@oneawkwardcookie @leothil @copyninjabuckley @shammers86 @crazyfangirlallert @missmagooglie @katyobsesses
@radiation-run @gayandbifiremenofmine @bi-moonlight @crazyaboutotps @princesschez75 @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove
@sherlocking-out-loud @satashiiwrites @lover-of-mine @yramesoruniverse @extasiswings @favouritealias @pop-kam @b-dwolf @maygrcnt
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housecow · 4 months
Imagine you're about to be milked properly for the first time.
You've been claimed, and had twins fucked into you by your stud, who is encouraging you to "make sure you eat enough for the babies". While most girls might gain 30 or 40 lbs, you're taking full advantage of being a house-cow, and absolutely ballooning from your now constant snacking and stuffing habits. You weren't small before, and now it really does feel like all you're doing is either cooking, or stuffing your face- you've forgotten what "hungry" feels like almost entirely. You are looking at 50 or 60 pounds from your first litter alone, and while you're rounder than ever, certain things are a little more challenging than you expected. For one, while you've gained everywhere, your chest has kept pace with your belly, and you've outgrown pretty much every single one of your bras (new ones provided by Master... all of them cow print). You have a slightly hard time interlocking your fingers in front of your now massive stomach, and it's kind of tiring to hold a pump up to your chest, now that your milk is coming in.
Master takes care of it. The two of you tried a few different positions, but not all of them worked. Kneeling in doggy-style was a little questionable- not a lot of clearance between your udders and the bed, and you were just a little embarrassed about how your belly rested so firmly on the surface. Standing and gripping a counter worked, but it was tiring for you, and master had a hard time reaching around your now very wide body. So, what was settled on, was a seated arrangement- master would have you sit down on the bed, and then sit behind you, and gently lean you back, until you were resting your considerable weight on him, and from that position, he would be able to reach forwards and milk you properly. Master once jokingly asked you to moo, and you jokingly responded, only to find to your surprise that mooing helped the milk flow better. Master also tried with the pump a few times, before experimenting with hand expression- after which, you never go back. It became an evening ritual- you, leaning back on Master's firm body with your soft, doughy, ample frame, and feeling his strong hands empty you out gently while you moo quietly. Afterwards, Master would store the milk, and joke about needing to fill you back up, which typically would involve 3 or 4 servings of pasta- and so, with a very tightly packed stomach, a womb growing fuller by the day, and empty udders, you'd drift off to sleep.
to everyone that reads this: you’re WELCOME for oosting this masterpiece. it sat in my inbox for way too long 🥺
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judasgot-it · 10 months
Hellooooooo! I would like to request, how do you think hunting dogs would be when they play Minecraft with their s/o🤭
I have so many asks in my inbox so I'm now getting to them. Also, minecraft time babyyyyyyyyyyy
Headcanons: playing minecraft with the hunting dogs
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He can't really play along with you since it's point-and-click, so sometimes he'll partake in listening in on your Minecraft sessions that you play with everyone else
He gives unnecessary advice and will insist on killing any mob you spot. Even the sheep :(
Jouno also named all of your dogs. He was heartbroken when Teruko killed one on accident and demanded retribution
You give him a play-by-play of the shenanigans that go on in the community server. He tries to get you to kill Tecchou and if you're playing during work hours he'll mess with Tecchou or Tachihara occasionally.
You built a house for the two of you in game. There's a homemade torture chamber inside just so he can enjoy the sounds of pistons and villagers being pushed into lava.
It's constantly being repaired due to Teruko's griefing
For the most part he does his own thing and adds commentary. Does cuddle with you when it's a more chill game.
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You are the classic "builder vs. Miner" couple
He collects flowers for the two of you and gets distracted a lot
Insists on building iron golems for villages and fighting pillagers
You will get distracted EASILY with this guy
He won't play easy mode with him he has to do it hard mode. He needs the challenge
Tames every dog he sees and is sad when he loses one
Treats them like they're your kids
Your house is overrun with them. Stop him please.
They're all named after foods.
His builds aren't aesthetic, definitely a dirt hut kind of man. He'll mine diamonds for you though
If you're a miner then good luck
You'll have a beautiful dirt hut. Or a pretty cave ♡
Probably beat the game in like 3 minutes and is now just fucking around
Has no idea how potions and enchantment work tho. You need to build that shit for him, since he probably has more levels than you and can enchant all your stuff.
Dude is just gonna use some random iron sword he found in a villager's chest anyway. He cares about providing for you more than himself.
Rip to whoever he robs. Probably local villages. He lives like he's homeless. Probably is.
Most likely he would just live in an old desert temple or village if it weren't for you
Also insists on riding a horse everywhere. Doesn't matter if there's a faster method. He wants to be a cowboy ○]:)
Loves the Minecraft farmer life
The one building he does have is a stable. His horses deserve the best life. He doesn't even have a bed most of the time.
Will gift you all of his goods tho. Anything you want? He'll get it. Only the best. Man will go to the ends of the blocked earth to get you a mushroom cow if you want. He's that guy.
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Redstone god
Literally will automate the whole game
Find him a dungeon and BAM automated
Don't try and test him, he's just good
But he's hopeless in the beginning, he runs away screaming and crying from creepers
Protect him
After you beat the game and go to the ender he is PROVIDING
Literally, don't let him go mining he will die 30 different ways
If you do at least protect him. Seriously.
He will most likely die from a creeper. they are his mortal enemy. Creepers? Awwwwwww man.
But do let him build. He's just a natural genius
Probably builds like the notre dame in a day
you guys have the cutest house. builds you whatever you want, wherever you want.
Puts your beds next to each other and is like :3
Cries over creepers tho. They destroy his builds all the time. He loves his Minecraft cats and names them after his friends ♡
Has a dog named after you. He's sentimental like that
He built half of the buildings everyone uses. Is at war with everyone else since they keep letting mobs destroy them
And then has the audacity to cry about phantoms attacking him even when he has OP armor.
When he's building you need to be there other wise he'll 100% die from fall damage probs. He just always does.
Getting materials with him is great, you find the best spots for your Minecraft dates
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She's the worst
Literally has nothing
She will just keep getting flint and steel and burning shit
or finding TNT and blowing up random shit
With nothing she will keep fighting whatever she can
Lives off of raw meat and villager farms
Please keep her alive
If it's a community server she is a serial griefer
Seriously someone stop her
She relies on everyone's leftover stuff from their mining trips
Will follow you when you go down and demand a 50/50 split
Does protect you from mobs tho
Best person to take to the nether for some reason. She's just immune to fall damage and lava.
Will always luck out and find exactly what you're looking for.
She will never destroy Tachiharas Redstone farms. But will destroy his house. They are at war rn
She declared war on everyone and took over several villages. She's trying to establish a tax system
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Played for like 3 days
Has a house that's abandoned
Teruko lives there sometimes
Tachihara put up a poster of two guys kissing right by his house and no one has taken it down
Fukuchi doesn't even know the chaos his Minecraft home causes on the daily
There's now a giant dick-building contest right next to it and no one wants to admit a loss.
It builds morale
everyone plays when he's gone on some special meeting. It's unspoken.
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the-summ0ning · 4 days
Sleep Token HC: being in a relationship with II
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This took longer than I wanted, also got extremely carried away w this one. I have a soft spot for II 🥹 usual NSFW ELEMENTS, fluffy nonsense, not proofread well
Our sweet quiet short king…until he’s comfy then he becomes a certified yapper.
II the bf that had to keep you informed and make you the first to know everything
New brand deal with his favorite drum company? He’s FaceTiming, grinning ear to ear and his eyes the brightest crystalline blue. “Babe, I’m so fuckin’ excited! They even sent me a sick PR package!”
He finally pranked Vessel back? Oh he’s recording the whole ordeal and it’s going to you first, listening to his quiet excited diabolical giggles in the video
His favorite drummer followed him back on instagram? He barreling into your room, and lying right on top of you to show you
A text message of the sandwich he had for lunch? Nothing was off limits
Especially late at night, when he was thinking about you on tour, keeping quiet in his bunk on the bus. Sending you pictures and videos palming himself, teasing you.
“Sweet thing, I need u so badly. Look how hard I am for u. 😕”
II the bf that ties your shoes for you, bending on one knee making you put your foot on his thigh
And if no one was looking would press a soft kiss to your ankle or the side of your inner knee. The sweet gesture wasn’t as always innocent as it seemed when his fingers would lightly graze your calf as he did so
I’m sorry I just see II clingy… so physical touch and quality time would be his top two love languages
Always needing to have a hand on your lower back leading you through crowds or hands/pinkies intertwined, arm around your shoulder
It helps him more than anything than a ‘I wanna lay the pda on heavy’ type thing. You made him at ease during social settings if he could be touching you even if just the littlest brush of your skin on him
hand on your thigh at the table during dinner sometimes testing his limits and bringing it further up your inner thigh delighted by watching you squirm
His phone background would be a picture of the two of you during rehearsal, you sitting in his lap at his drum set and his hands holding yours attempting to teach you a song. moments after that pic was taken vessel pouted that II never did that with him
He loved laying on top of you scrolling on his phone or watching tv, because you would start absentmindedly rubbing his shoulders (which were almost always tense from drumming)
II would enjoy any time he could afford with you
Whether that be an hour out together going to browse a vintage antique store and grabbing coffee before a studio session
If you had free time to go to one of his drum shoots with him and then get dinner and drinks after
He would have a triangle, symbols, cowbell, tambourine—maybe even a microphone, so you could join his jam sessions when he would practice at home
He ends up getting distracted by how cute and silly you look trying to play a cow bell to a beat of their song every time or singing along lost in your own world
II the bf that would use pre show jitters just have an excuse to have you in his grasp
Bending you over the sink in the green room bathroom, pounding deep inside inside you relentlessly. Him putting his hand over your mouth, “don’t want anyone to hear us, right darling?”
Then afterwards snatching your underwear and shove them in his pocket. “Need a good luck charm.” He winks cheekily before leaving.
Also very into spanking and being rough with you…
Loves seeing his handprint on your ass, always making sure to massage and pepper kisses to it afterwards
I believe this man would have your initials tatted on him somewhere
Just want to thank everyone for liking III and IV HCs, I hope you like II’s!!! If you want to request any HCs or just to chit chat my inbox is always open 🤭🫶🏻
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Two is Better Than One ~Simon "Ghost" Riley x Reader x König Imagine~
Requested by anonymous:
Hi hi!! Can I please request something with Ghost and König with their gf who's like, kinda high maintenance and a crybaby? THANK YOU AND CONGRATS ON 5K
Summary: Both Ghost and König are back home to you. Even if you tend to be a little too much.
Author’s Note: When I tell you these men are so fine! I will literally let these men do anything to me. Also, why is this the only gif of them together? I'm hoping that the new Call of Duty game or at least the next one to follow the CoDMW2 (2022) will have more of König and Ghost together.
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: polyamorous relationship, Ghost and König like each other romantically as well because why not, fluff with some angst in the end, praise kink in a way but nothing sexual
Side Note: This is a secondary blog. If you comment a question down below, I will not answer since this is not the main blog. Please send the question to my inbox if you want a response back!
Do not repost this anywhere!
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Ghost and König can both agree one one thing. The two of them would do anything for you. Even if it meant having to go to McDonalds at the dead of night just to get fries or run to the nearest store for some ice cream. No matter what, they would do anything for you.
So when they came back home to you, they were happy to just have a quiet day together. You all were in the living room as you snuggled against König on the couch, watching TikToks on your phone. Ghost sat in the recliner chair as he watched the latest football match.
As Ghost watched the match and König slept soundly holding you, the two didn't miss the sound of you sobbing. König woke up quickly before looking over at you.
"What's wrong?" Ghost asked you.
"It's just a sad TikTok," you frowned as you sobbed. Ghost let out a sigh before walking over and taking your phone out of your hand.
"No more for you for now," Ghost said.
"Simon!" You whined.
"No buts. Be a good girl and just cuddle with König. And later, I'll hold you while you watch TikToks again," Ghost ordered. You nodded before turning to König.
Whenever you and your boyfriends would go out, the two tend to be more protective of you from any dangers. The other thing they also tend to do is having to keep you away from all the things you would want for no reason.
"König! Can I please have this plushie?" You asked him as you held up a cute cow Squishmallow.
"You already have a lot of plush toys, meine Liebe (my love)," König tells you.
"Bitte (please)," you pouted at him. You had been practicing a few German words to practice to communicate with König.
"Nein, meine Liebe (no, my love)," König answered.
"But König!"
"If König says no, he says no," Ghost tells you from behind. You jumped a little from Ghost startling you. You turned over and looked up at your other boyfriend.
You gave Ghost the puppy eyes with a pout. You clutched the stuff toy against your chest as you stared up at Ghost. He could see the tears begin to form in your eyes, still always questioning on how you was able to do that.
"If we get this for you, then you're going to have to pay the price later," Ghost tells you. You nodded at him before smiling up at him.
"Make sure she doesn't stray away from us," Ghost tells König.
"Come here."
You held onto König before the two of you headed to the aisle with the items you actually needed.
The worst part when it comes to the two or even just one of them having to leave for a mission. Before you three became a throuple, you had met the two when you were still an active solider on duty. However, due to a mission gone wrong, you were honorably discharged. But luckily, you three kept in touch and became a throuple.
"Do you have to go?" You asked, already sobbing a little.
"I'll try to come home as soon as possible," Ghost tells you.
"But then if you leave, then König will have to leave at one point as well," you started to sob.
"Darling, the sooner we go, the sooner we are able to come back," Ghost assures you as he held you in his arms.
"Promise me you'll come home safe," you tell him as you held onto him tightly.
"I promise. I'll come back home to the two of you," Ghost said.
"Liebe, he needs to go," König said. You nodded before pulling away from Ghost. Ghost quickly lifted his mask up a little before leaning down to kiss you quickly on the lips. You kissed him back, tasting a little of your salty tears.
"I love you," you tell him.
"I love you too. I'll see you soon okay?"
"Okay," you nodded. Ghost pulled away before looking over at König before giving him a kiss as well.
König held onto you as you both watch Ghost leave your shared home. You looked up at König before he picked you up. You wrapped your arms around him as he pressed his forehead against yours.
"Let's go watch some movies and have cuddles. Okay?" König asked. You nodded before resting your head onto his shoulder as he carried you over to the living room.
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gabessquishytum · 2 months
Hi, everyone! Gabe/Leo here. Welcome to my new pinned post. You'll find lots of info here, including a new tag library curated by @seiya-starsniper which should help you filter (or follow) particular bits of content. This post will be updated from time to time and will also tell you whether my inbox is open or not <3
For reference, my inbox is currently OPEN.
Since you've found yourself on my blog, please note that a lot of my content is not safe for work! I am over 18, and if you're on my blog, you should be too! Content rated over 18 will also be tagged as #nsft
Here on my blog, people like to send me asks with scenarios, prompts or fic ideas that they have had, and I take a bit of time each day to respond with my own “yes, and” - collaborating with the original asker to make a small piece of fandom content. Sometimes other people are inspired by this and write their own fics based on the posts! It's a lovely collaborative space where all are welcome - including those who wish to stay anonymous.
I am primarily focused on dreamling! But I also love to write other ships in the fandom. The tags I use for ships are:
#immortal throuple
#hob x everyone
#hob x lucifer
The general tags that I use for sandman/writing content are as follows:
#dream of the endless
#ferdinand kingsley
#fic recs
#hob gadling
#horny q
#my writing
#the sandman
I also have some specific alternate universes which you can find or filter out with these tags:
#ace dream
#ace hob
#ballet au
#bdsm au
#bratty dream
#bratty hob
#disabled dreamling
#dreamling gender swap
#chef hob
#cow hob
#fantasy au
#fat hob
#fem dream
#fem hob
#mafia au
#mob au
#sugar daddy au
#the addams family
#trans dream
#trans hob
#vampire au
#werewolf au
#warprize au
#warprize hob
For more of your tag filtering or searching needs, the following is a list of content warning tags that I will strive to use consistently. This list will be updated depending on what comes up in the future:
#dead dove do not eat
#cw age gap
#cw age regression
#cw agrere
#cw alcohol or #cw intox
#cw attempted murder
#cw birth
#cw biting 
#cw blackmail
#cw blood
#cw body modification
#cw body mutilation
#cw breeding
#cw child abuse
#cw cheating
#cw choking
#cw christmas
#cw cnc
#cw cucking
#cw daddy kink
#cw dark content
#cw death
#cw dermatillomania
#cw diaper
#cw disordered eating 
#cw domestic control
#cw dubcon or #cw dubious consent
#cw drugging or #cw drugs
#cw exhibitionism
#cw feederism or #cw feeding kink
#cw findom or #cw financial domination
#cw food
#cw food issues
#cw free use
#cw genitalia
#cw grief
#cw guns
#cw homelessness
#cw humiliation
#cw hunger
#cw hybrids
#cw infertility
#cw infidelity
#cw internalized homophobia
#cw kidnapping
#cw lactation
#cw major character death
#cw malnourishment
#cw manipulation
#cw medical
#cw memory loss
#cw menstruation
#cw mental health
#cw monsterfucking
#cw mpreg
#cw murder
#cw noncon
#cw object insertion
#cw objectification
#cw omegaverse
#cw omo
#cw overstim
#cw oviposition
#cw parent death or #cw patricide
#cw pain
#cw physical abuse
#cw piss
#cw pregnancy
#cw prostitution
#cw rough kink
#cw rough sex
#cw s&m
#cw scars
#cw scat
#cw self harm
#cw sex addiction
#cw sex pollen
#cw sex work
#cw sexual harassment
#cw sleep paralysis
#cw somnophilia
#cw spiking
#cw stalking
#cw suicide
#cw sui mention 
#cw stockholm syndrome
#cw teacher x student or #cw teacher/student
#cw tentacles
#cw threats
#cw toxic relationship
#cw transphobia
#cw violence
#cw vomit
#cw voyeurism
#cw watersports
#cw weight
#cw wetting
#cw yandere
Finally, some of my anons like to identify themselves with emojis! This isn't mandatory at all. But here's a list of anons who have emoji-fied themselves (please note this may not be a complete list):
#yan anon
#🐈‍⬛ anon
#🍃 anon
#🦇 anon
#💳 anon
#🦊 anon
#🧀 anon
#🚒 anon
#🔪 anon
#💄 anon
#🌳 anon
#🎮 anon
#💍 anon
#🦒 anon
#🌘 anon
#🎸 anon
#🦎 anon
#🍓 anon
#🤜 anon
#🐙 anon
#🐉 anon
#💎 anon
#🎭 anon
#🌛 anon
#🌻 anon
#🎉 anon
#❄️ anon
#🍐 anon
#🍭 anon
#🦋 anon
#🖋 anon
#🏵 anon
#🪐 anon
#🦄 anon
#💥 anon
#🍰🐲 anon
#☂️ anon
#👠 anon
Thank you for reading, I hope you have a lovely day! ❤️
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tobias-hankel · 11 months
Morgan x reid headcanons? (fluff and angst please?)
I'm so sorry this has been sitting my inbox for like 2 months at least. I miss doing headcanons so much, thank you!
Morgan takes it upon himself to make sure Spencer eats. Spencer can get so caught up in his own head that he will forget to do basic things. He has also reminded Spencer to use the bathroom but they both would never tell a soul about that.
Spencer in turn makes sure that Morgan doesn't work out too much. It's great that Morgan is into fitness, but Morgan can turn his stress into a workout session that lasts hours and leaves him dehydrated and drained.
Derek is always quick to say what is bothering him while Spencer doesn't like confrontation and will bottle everything up until he pops - crying and yelling over something Derek thinks is small but really was months in the making.
When Spencer has something he wants to communicate to Morgan but he doesn't know how to get his words out - he will write Morgan a letter. Morgan keeps all of the letters - with his favorite being a letter explaining how Spencer really wanted to go to a farm and pet a cow but he wants to make sure he isn't called childish or anything by wanting or doing that.
Finding time for date nights is hard for any working couple, but even harder for people who are always on call and can be home one day and then thousands of miles away from home the next, so Morgan and Spencer don't plan dates - they consider their dates to be anytime they can do something they enjoy together.
For being so in love, Derek and Spencer don't really have much in common - to combat this, Spencer reads about topics that Derek enjoys. Cars, construction, sports - Spencer might not be able to build anything or play a sport but he can still hold a conversation with Derek about it.
Derek makes a point to listen and learn what Spencer is talking about. Spencer loves teaching and sharing what he knows and he loves nothing more than when someone actually cares about what he has to say. Derek hangs onto every word that comes from Spencer's lips.
Derek has a no work talk at home rule. They are at the office enough that Spencer can talk about it there and if they have to talk about it at home, they go for a walk or sit on the patio. Spencer had a hard time with it at first but quickly found out it improved his mental health.
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epitomereally · 8 months
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Celestial Navigation by @sabrecmc
18 year old Omega!Tony finds himself Bonded to Captain Steve Rogers. He isn't happy about it until he is.
An absolutely gorgeous story of learning to love yourself, even when you feel like you don't fit in & that you grew up wrong. I'm so happy to have gotten to bind this mammoth work for Sabre & as a gift exchange for @mourningmountainsbindery (who bound me this beautiful copy of Astolat's Let the River Run—JUST LOOK AT THAT COVER!).
Also to anyone who has @ed me lately (looking at u, em @powerful-owl & tacky @tackytigerfic particularly) & I've been derelict in responding, here is WHY.
This has been the longest binding project I've undertaken, both in page count and in time. My original message to Sabre was on March 16th—can't decide if I want to use the laughing or crying emoji here—and the colophon says I made the book in April 2023 (which was when I started typesetting, maybe). I had been randomly perusing dying videos on Youtube in bed on a Saturday morning, as one does, and came across a video showing how to spiral tie-dye. I IMMEDIATELY had a design premonition of the full design for this fic as a two-volume set, planted into my brain wholesale by the binding gods. I learned many new techniques throughout the process (edge painting, edge trimming/sanding, tie-dying/dyepainting, embroidery, typesetting meta from tumblr which copy-pastes with the worst goddamn formatting in the world, kill me now). Overall, alternately extremely painful & wonderful, and I'm extremely proud of this set.
Design-wise, I went whole-hog with the scifi stars theme. Endpapers are recolored versions of the star charts from the Apollo 11 mission:
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Title page & chapter titles are both rips in the galaxy:
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Epigraphs both star-themed:
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Some more glamor shots because I'm so proud 💕
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8.6 lbs // 3.8 kgs worth of books (~3000 total pages) 🥰
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Celestial Navigation is also INCREDIBLY popular, and Sabre has been incredibly generous answering asks on her tumblr + writing additional one-shots in the universe. There is also a veritable volume of fanart. I was so inspired by seeing @robins-egg-bindery copy of ********, with its appendix of fanart & meta, that I promptly copied them.
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fanart redacted because lots of the artists are no longer active on tumblr but just know i am ECSTATIC about the amount of art in these books
Lastly, I love how @clovenhoofbindery includes their 'Illustrator mess' with their bind posts, as a behind-the-scenes look into the wild process of designing these books. I don't actually have an Illustrator mess for this book (the chapter titles & title page pretty much came in one take), but I do have a DYING MESS. It took me sososo many tries to figure out how to get the dye to look how I imagined in my head. I ended up 'dye painting' instead of tie-dying in the end, but my inbox is always open to chat hand-dying/tie-dying/dyepainting (or what I did differently between any of these attempts). Numbers are the dying attempt.
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Last process shot: I hand-dyed variegated linen thread to match the colors of the bind, which ends up being incredibly difficult to see on the finished bind, but was super fun while I was sewing!
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Body font: Kepler
Title font: Compaq 1982
Chapter number font: aliens & cows
Endpapers: recolored versions of the star chart used by Michael Collins during the Apollo 11 mission (archived at The Smithsonian)
Bookcloth: dyed using Dharma Trading Procion Fiber-Reactive Dyes
Title page and chapter headers: designed in Photoshop using the Ultimate Space brush pack by jeffrettalyn on DeviantArt
Metallic embroidery thread: Cosmo Nishikiito thread
I would dye for this embroidery thread. It is LIGHT YEARS better than the classic metallic embroidery thread from DMC: much easier to work with & much more sparkly. Literally so eye-catching; it truly doesn't translate to photos.
Paint for edges: Daniel Smith watercolor tubes in Iridescent Sunstone and Prussian Blue
Note: these are GORGEOUS watercolors. The color is so saturated and strong and beautiful BUT I don't think I'd recommend watercolors for edge painting. They went on very differently depending on the grit of the sandpaper I used for the edges + they sometimes bled into the pages + they had to be set with fixative, which then stuck the pages together.
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didyoutrydynamite · 1 year
Alright, after all these questions about pregnancies and babies my inbox has nearly over twenty more questions asking the same thing, therefore I need a palette cleanser.
Jaune/Cinder/Neo/Adam: *Eating at a rest stop diner for lunch*
Jaune: *About to bite into his hamburger before noticing Adam*
Adam: *Staring at Jaune grumpily*
Jaune: *Looks at his burger than looks towards Adam's horns* Oh crap, I'm sorry! Was it insensitive of me to order this?
Adam: What on Remnant are you talking about?
Jaune: Its just that I ordered a beef burger and you have... uh... *Waves at Adam's horns*
Adam: *Takes a few moments to piece it together before snarling* Did you just make a cattle joke towards me?!
Cinder: Adam. We talked about your tone. Besides, how is Jaune not supposed to worry about upsetting you when you're always glaring daggers?
Adam: I'm not glaring. This is how I look all the time- and I'm still eating that!
Neo: *Innocently puts the fries back down on Adam's plate*
Adam: As I was saying, this is just my resting face.
Jaune: That's your "resting face?" I've fought Beowolves with a more welcoming prescence.
Adam: OK now I know you're mocking me.
Cinder: Jaune, does have a point though, Adam. You do have a case of what they call "Resting Bitch Face."
Adam: *Scoffs* Like you're one to talk.
Neo: *Mouths out an "Oooooo!"*
Cinder: ... Jaune, did he just call me a bitch?
Jaune: No! I-I think he's just saying that you also have an... well I wouldn't put it as hard a "Bitch Face" but more of a...
Neo: *Handsigns with a mischievous grin*
Jaune: *Snaps finger* PERFECT! You just look like you're silently plotting everyone's demise.
Cinder: *Pause before chuckling* Fair enough. And who says I'm not?
Neo: *Pokes Adam's shoulder and conjures up some subtitles* Why would you care about a cow joke anyways?
Adam: *Points up to his horns with an "Are you serious," look*
Neo: *Looks confused than conjures up an image of a Chibi Adam, an equal sign, and a cute cartoon goat.*
Adam: N-No! I'm not a- why does everyone keep thinking I'm a goat!?
Cinder: Because you have goat horns, you goat.
Jaune: To be fair, I assumed you were a cow faunus this whole time.
Adam: Bull faunus! I'm a bull faunus!
Neo: *Silently chuckling as she eats Adam's fries*
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