awweshuuks · 1 month
I feel like he was either peer pressured by his team to just have somthing with a women or bc he’s a greaser he wanted to be cool and brag by “pulling a older women” . I would hope 🙁
im also pushing my Darry is into men propaganda so if that’s what u think then he just wanted to prove to himself he’s into women.
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neutronstarchild · 2 years
I'm sorry if you've already been asked these!
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
🍦 What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
Thank you! <3
Ohhhh @serial-doubters-club... I thank you so much for giving me this opportunity. Because... ancient archeologist Neut found a thing.
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
I will take you back to the 1990s. To a time when your dear Neut was a horse girl, and was writing original fics on Microsoft Word. These days of yore were before the internet, so this particular hobby of mine has not yet been witnessed. But... I want to show you something a 13 year old horse girl me wrote.
In part because I cringed when I read it, and in part because it's a nice reminder of how far we can come with experience and practice. Very few people are born ultra-talented. We all work to get better and to grow creatively and with our use of language.
So, I give you. An original fiction by 13 year old me. Behold and cringe the cringiest cringes, but also smile and know that when we work at things, we improve, more and more and more! So let all of us keep doing things that we thoroughly enjoy, knowing that each time we ask "how can I make this better? what can I improve?", we truly do.
Without further ado, you will find The Call of Courage under the cut (edited only for 1 or 2 typos. Every other grammatical error has been left inside for all). Written by 13 year old Horse Girl, Neutron.
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There is a ranch of endless fun and unmistakable pride in their horses, which have been educated by only the best; Rachel Marcus  and  Claudia Mitchell.
   "Bulls eye," boasted Rachel in victory "You'll never top that Claudia"
   "Try me," answered Claudia as a dart seemed to cut through the air and made a direct hit on the bulls eye almost on top of Rachel's.
   "I can see you've been practicing," said Rachel glumly
   "Yup," replied Claudia
    The two put the darts away and went out to the pony pasture and spotted Shadow Rider and Devil’s Tomb , the two bay haflingers who fled when they saw the bridles in the hands of Claudia and Rachel.  Claudia cornered them so Rachel jumped on  and hurled the bridle on the head of Shadow Rider, the unhappy pony.  Then she flung herself on top of him.  Shadow Rider didn't agree to the idea of being ridden so he put up a fight by rearing, bucking, and shying up a storm.  Claudia brought Devil’s Tomb  under control quickly, and maneuvered her toward the gate.  Devil’s Tomb  was a fairly large pony at 14 hands (4’ 8”) and was strong, whereas Shadow Rider was a lot friskier than Devil’s Tomb,  but Rachel finally brought him under control.  Claudia started Devil’s Tomb  into a canter since the fence was low and she had done this trick 100 times before.  Devil’s Tomb 's hooves met the air and they flew over the fence as if they were champion show jumpers.  Rachel followed, quickly but cautiously as both of the ponies made graceful landings.  Rachel trotted Shadow Rider into the ring.
   "That was exhilarating," remarked Rachel "C'mon Claudia"
    The ponies' erratic behavior disappeared as two well trained ponies entered the ring.  Claudiawalked and then trotted around the ring.  At that moment Brian walked up and he looked like he was bringing good news. 
   "Guys," he exclaimed "There are 5 new people coming to the ranch and their names are Matthew Ellison, Nate Smallhurst, John Foreman, Monique Jinnerson, and Samantha Jackson!"
   "Cool," said Claudia calmly
   "Maybe we can be friends," chorused Rachel
    The trio went, and planned out a way to welcome the newcomers..
    Of course Milley, Jacoline, Jinny, and Whitney wanted the newcomers too.  Milley Smits was Claudia 's cousin and a mall-o-holic.  She had green-gray eyes and blonde hair.  Milley looked like Claudia but was uglier.  Claudia had innocence imbedded in her eyes which were in a shade of blue that would make any model die of jealousy.  She also had very long legs and a perfect figure, and on the otherhand, Milley was stumpy.
   Milley was hiding in the bushes near the driveway where she thought the 5 would show up, it was the wrong drive way though.  The people would have to join Milley's club which she called The Secret Society, but Claudia called it The Mental Society.  Claudia was admiring the pigment in the red roses which brought a glimmer to the garden as she saw a van pull up with lots of luggage.  Claudia was the first to the van.  Then out two girls walked, followed by two good looking guys but as if lady luck gave a jolt with all her might the last guy walked out.  He had hair of pure gold, and eyes the same color as Claudia's.  Rachel and Brian saw the same things with other people.  Then there were two who were being all cuddly with each other each of them had blonde hair and cute brown eyes.  Then all eight of them immediately united and became inseparable friends.
   "I'm Claudia Mitchell," said Claudia breaking the silence
    "I'm Matthew Ellison," said the "perfect" guy
   "I'm Brian Hepler," said Brian staring at the girl next to him
   "I'm Monique Jinnerson," said Brian's girl
   "I'm John Foreman," said the guy as he nuzzled the girl
   "I'm Samantha Jackson," said the girl who was nuzzled
   "Don't forget about me," complained Rachel "I'm Rachel Marcus"
   "And I'm in love..... I mean I'm Nate Smallhurst," said the guy admiring Rachel
   "Cool, now we all know each other," stated Claudia "You should be able to see the cabins now"
    The 8 of them hurriedly retreated to the cabins, and all of them had good ones in a small, grouped in area.  All of them sat down as Milley came running up and then started screaming.
   "You two-timing, twit!" she screamed with all the force her little lungs could make "These people are supposed to be mine!"
   "Me being the two timer?" snapped Claudia "You are a two timing, mall hopping, guy hopping, psychotic gossip!"
    Milley looked at her with revenge in her eye and she knew how to get it too.  She trudged back to her bunk, and sneered, then smirked.  Claudia was finishing up her chores and planning on spending the rest of the afternoon giving Matthew a tour.  The bond between them grew, with every step they took together.
   "Y'know, I am hoping on going canoeing with you tomorrow so we can see the woods," whispered Claudia
   "All I want to see is you,"  said Matthew subconsciously
   "That is the sweetest thing you have ever said to me," said Claudia, a little bit flattered and embarrassed
    As the bond between them grew, so did the romance.  They had started going out, but the surprise was the first kiss.
   "What a beautiful sunset," commented Claudia "I didn't think it was so radiant"                                                             
   "The radiance would never compare to your own," muttered Matthew sweetly
     The two of them held each other and their eyes locked.  An urge wavered through Claudia's body as she closed her eyes andthe kiss came.  That one kiss made sparks fly in the relationship, and made the two fall even more deeply in love.  They were more then two people who have nothing in common getting together to catch a movie, instead they were like two snowflakes dancing in the gentle breeze, or puzzle pieces that can only be whole with one another.. 
  "Okay then the moment will have to end now I guess," sighed Matthew
   Milley watched devilishly as the two got up from the bench and headed toward the bunk houses.  She had kidnapped everyone, including Rachel, but she had to tie Rachel to a tree in the woods.  Whitney borrowed her dad's Magnum and had taken Monique, John, Rebecca, Brian and Nate;  Matthew was next on the list.  Little did they know Rachel was working vigorously to untie herself.  Matthew was almost asleep when he heard a CRASH in his room.  He rose his head, terrified, he bolted up as he broke into a cold sweat.  
   "W-W-Who's there?" he asked in barely a whisper as he heard tip toes heading his way.
   "Matthew," the voice rasped "You gotta get outta here"
   "Listen to me, you and Claudia will be separated permanently !"
    Matthew would not let that happen so he followed the person's every command as they got into a canoe and rowed down the creek to Paradise Lake and soon Matthew found out who it was..... it was..... Rachel.
    Meanwhile Claudia had heard the crash in Matthew's cabin and she was over there to investigate.  Claudia had one of the keys to the cabin as she quietly unlocked the door.  Then she switched on the light which revealed Matthew's glasses and.... not Matthew.... but Milley !
   "What are you doing here?" Milley rasped
   "The question is what are you doing here?" requested Claudia "I came to check on my boyfriend"
   "Looks like I have to get rid of you," sneered Milley as she grabbed Matthew's bed lamp and flung it at Claudia but it missed
    Claudia, who had just dodged the lamp grabbed a rope and tried to trap Milley, but Milley grabbed it and yanked it so it backfired, so Claudia got tangled in the rope.
   “What are you going to do to me?” demanded Claudia
   “Something that was coming to you,” screeched Milley
    Milley looked at her with craziness in her eye as she knocked Claudia out.  Milley brought her to Paradise Lake and placed her in a wagon.  Claudia woke up to see 5 of her friends looking at her and desperately searching for answers to questions which were unanswerable.  Then came a glimpse of hope when she didn't see Matthew or Rachel.  The hope, she knew would come in handy.  Milley still had the evil look in her eye as she nudged the wagon which went tumbling down the hill and hit the water which made it sink.  Even under the water Claudia could still hear the crazy and uncontrollable laughter of Milley.  Claudia tried to unwrap herself but without air she got weaker and weaker.  Suddenly at the last moment Claudia thought  she had to live she felt strong arms pull her up and above the water.  Soon her weakness melted away as she opened her eyes and saw the fantasy that she once thought was a dream.... it was Matthew.  Milley looked helplessly as Whitney ran away and took the gun with her.  The sneakily, Rachel ran up to her and wrestled her to the ground.  Claudia untied herself and tied Milley up.  Milley then was taken to a Children's Mental Hospital and would probably stay there for a long time.  Claudia and Matthew kept their bond as strongly as ever.
    "Y'know how you saved me," said Claudia "Did you know that was me?"
    "No; butI had an impulse to jump in and risk it," replied Matthew "It was a call of courage"
   Micki chuckled as the two of them walked off into the sunrise and to their bunks.
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mrsdawg4908 · 2 years
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Loretta Lynn
April 14, 1932 - October 4, 2022
Lynn was born Loretta Webb in Butcher Hollow, Kentucky. She is the eldest daughter and second child born to Clara Marie "Clary" (Ramey; May 5, 1912 – November 24, 1981) and Melvin Theodore "Ted" Webb (June 6, 1906 – February 22, 1959). Ted was a coal miner and subsistence farmer. Lynn and her siblings are of Irish and Cherokee descent, although she is not enrolled with any Native tribe. She was named after the film star Loretta Young.
Loretta's father died at the age of 52 of black lung disease a few years after he relocated to Wabash, Indiana, with his wife and younger children.
Through her matriline, Lynn is distant cousins with country singer Patty Loveless (née Ramey). The former Miss America, Venus Ramey, who died in 2017, was also her distant cousin.
On January 10, 1948, 15-year-old Loretta Webb married Oliver Vanetta "Doolittle" Lynn (August 27, 1926 – August 22, 1996), better known as "Doolittle", "Doo", or "Mooney". They had met only a month earlier. The Lynns left Kentucky and moved to the logging community of Custer, Washington, when Loretta was seven months pregnant with the first of their six children. The happiness and heartache of her early years of marriage would help to inspire Lynn's songwriting.
Loretta and Oliver Lynn had six children together:
Betty Sue Lynn (November 26, 1948 – July 29, 2013)
Jack Benny Lynn, (December 7, 1949 – July 22, 1984)
Ernest Ray "Ernie" Lynn (born May 27, 1951)
Clara Marie "Cissie" Lynn (born April 7, 1952)
Peggy Jean and Patsy Eileen Lynn (born August 6, 1964; twin daughters named for Lynn's sister, Peggy Sue Wright, and her friend, Patsy Cline.)
Lynn's son, Jack Benny Lynn, died at age 34 on July 22, 1984, while trying to cross the Duck River at the family's ranch in Hurricane Mills, Tennessee. In 2013, Loretta's daughter, Betty Sue, died at age 64 of emphysema near Loretta's ranch in Hurricane Mills.
In 1953, Doolittle bought her a $17 Harmony guitar. She taught herself to play the instrument, and over the following three years, she worked to improve her guitar playing.
Lynn began singing in local clubs in the late 1950s. She later formed her own band, the Trailblazers, which included her brother Jay Lee Webb. Lynn won a wristwatch in a televised talent contest in Tacoma, Washington, hosted by Buck Owens. Lynn's performance was seen by Canadian Norm Burley of Zero Records, who co-founded the record company after hearing Loretta sing.
Zero Records president, Canadian Don Grashey, arranged a recording session in Hollywood, where four of Lynn's compositions were recorded, including "I'm A Honky Tonk Girl", "Whispering Sea", "Heartache Meet Mister Blues", and "New Rainbow". Her first release featured "Whispering Sea" and "I'm a Honky Tonk Girl". Lynn signed her first contract on February 2, 1960, with Zero. Her album was recorded at United Western Recorders in Hollywood, engineered by Don Blake and produced by Grashey. Musicians who played on the songs were steel guitar player Speedy West, fiddler Harold Hensely, guitarist Roy Lanham, Al Williams on bass, and Muddy Berry on drums. Lynn commented on the different sound of her first record: "Well, there is a West Coast sound that is definitely not the same as the Nashville sound. It was a shuffle with a West Coast beat".
The Lynns toured the country to promote the release to country stations, while Grashey and Del Roy took the music to KFOX in Long Beach, California. When the Lynns reached Nashville, the song was a hit, climbing to No. 14 on Billboard's Country and Western chart, and Lynn began cutting demo records for the Wilburn Brothers Publishing Company. Through the Wilburns, she secured a contract with Decca Records. The first Loretta Lynn Fan Club formed in November 1960. By the end of the year, Billboard magazine listed Lynn as the No. 4 Most Promising Country Female Artist.
Lynn's relationship with the Wilburn Brothers and her appearances on the Grand Ole Opry, beginning in 1960, helped Lynn become the No. 1 female recording artist in country music. Her contract with the Wilburn Brothers gave them the publishing rights to her material. She unsuccessfully fought the Wilburn Brothers for 30 years to regain the publishing rights to her songs after ending her business relationship with them. Lynn stopped writing music in the 1970s because of the contracts. Lynn joined the Grand Ole Opry on September 25, 1962.
Lynn credited Patsy Cline as her mentor and best friend during her early years in music. In 2010, when interviewed for Jimmy McDonough's biography of Tammy Wynette, Tammy Wynette: Tragic Country Queen, Lynn said of having best friends in Patsy and Tammy during different times: "Best friends are like husbands. You only need one at a time."
Lynn released her first Decca single, "Success", in 1962, and it went straight to No. 6, beginning a string of top 10 singles that would run throughout the 1970s. Lynn's music began to regularly hit the Top 10 after 1964 with songs such as "Before I'm Over You", which peaked at No. 4, followed by "Wine, Women and Song", which peaked at No. 3. In late 1964, she recorded a duet album with Ernest Tubb. Their lead single, "Mr. and Mrs. Used to Be", peaked within the Top 15. The pair recorded two more albums, Singin' Again (1967) and If We Put Our Heads Together (1969). In 1965, her solo career continued with three major hits, "Happy Birthday", "Blue Kentucky Girl" (later recorded and made a Top 10 hit in the 1970s by Emmylou Harris), and "The Home You're Tearing Down". Lynn's label issued two albums that year, Songs from My Heart and Blue Kentucky Girl.
Lynn's first self-penned song to crack the Top 10, 1966's "Dear Uncle Sam", was among the first recordings to recount the human costs of the Vietnam War. Her 1966 hit "You Ain't Woman Enough (To Take My Man)" made Lynn the first country female recording artist to write a No. 1 hit.
In 1967, Lynn reached No. 1 with "Don't Come Home A-Drinkin' (With Lovin' on Your Mind)", which became one of the first albums by a female country artist to reach sales of 500,000 copies.
Lynn's next album, Fist City, was released in 1968. The title track became Lynn's second No. 1 hit, as a single earlier that year, and the other single from the album, "What Kind of a Girl (Do You Think I Am)", peaked within the top 10. In 1968, her next studio album, Your Squaw Is on the Warpath, spawned two Top 5 Country hits, including the title track and "You've Just Stepped In (From Stepping Out on Me)". In 1969, her next single, "Woman of the World (Leave My World Alone)", was Lynn's third chart-topper, followed by a subsequent Top 10, "To Make a Man (Feel Like a Man)". Her song "You Ain't Woman Enough (To Take My Man)", was an instant hit and became one of Lynn's all-time most popular. Her career continued to be successful into the 1970s, especially following the success of her autobiographical hit "Coal Miner's Daughter", which peaked at No. 1 on the Billboard Country Chart in 1970. The song became her first single to chart on the Billboard Hot 100, peaking at No. 83. She had a series of singles that charted low on the Hot 100 between 1970 and 1975. The song "Coal Miner's Daughter" later served as the impetus for the bestselling autobiography (1976) and the Oscar-winning biopic, both of which share the song's title.
In 1971, Lynn began a professional partnership with Conway Twitty. As a duo, Lynn and Twitty had five consecutive No. 1 hits between 1971 and 1975, including "After the Fire Is Gone" (1971), which won them a Grammy award, "Lead Me On" (1971), "Louisiana Woman, Mississippi Man" (1973), "As Soon as I Hang Up the Phone" (1974), and "Feelins'" (1974). For four consecutive years, 1972–1975, Lynn and Twitty were named the "Vocal Duo of the Year" by the Country Music Association. The Academy of Country Music named them the "Best Vocal Duet" in 1971, 1974, 1975 and 1976. The American Music awards selected them as the "Favorite Country Duo" in 1975, 1976 and 1977. The fan-voted Music City News readers voted them the No. 1 duet every year between 1971 and 1981, inclusive. In addition to their five No. 1 singles, they had seven other Top 10 hits between 1976 and 1981.
As a solo artist, Lynn continued her success in 1971, achieving her fifth No. 1 solo hit, "One's on the Way", written by poet and songwriter Shel Silverstein. She also charted with "I Wanna Be Free", "You're Lookin' at Country" and 1972's "Here I Am Again", all released on separate albums. The next year, she became the first country star on the cover of Newsweek. In 1972, Lynn was the first woman to be nominated and win Entertainer of the Year at the CMA awards. She won the Female Vocalist of the Year and Duo of the Year with Conway Twitty, beating out George Jones and Tammy Wynette and Porter Wagoner and Dolly Parton.
In 1973, "Rated "X"" peaked at No. 1 on the Billboard Country Chart and was considered one of Lynn's most controversial hits. The following year, her next single, "Love Is the Foundation", also became a No. 1 country hit from her album of the same name. The second and last single from that album, "Hey Loretta", became a Top 5 hit. Lynn continued to reach the Top 10 until the end of the decade, including 1975's "The Pill", one of the first songs to discuss birth control. Many of Lynn's songs were autobiographical, and as a songwriter, Lynn felt no topic was off limits, as long as it was relatable to women. In 1976, she released her autobiography, Coal Miner's Daughter, with the help of writer George Vecsey. It became a No. 1 bestseller, making Lynn the first country music artist to make The New York Times Best Seller list.
In 1977, Lynn recorded I Remember Patsy, an album dedicated to her friend, singer Patsy Cline, who died in a plane crash in 1963. The album covered some of Cline's biggest hits. The two singles Lynn released from the album, "She's Got You" and "Why Can't He Be You", became hits. "She's Got You", which went to No. 1 by Cline in 1962 went to No. 1 again that year by Lynn. "Why Can't He Be You" peaked at No. 7. Lynn had her last No. 1 hit in 1978 with "Out of My Head and Back in My Bed".
In 1979, Lynn had two Top 5 hits, "I Can't Feel You Anymore" and "I've Got a Picture of Us on My Mind", from separate albums.
Devoted to her fans, Lynn told the editor of Salisbury, Maryland's newspaper the reason she signed hundreds of autographs: "These people are my fans... I'll stay here until the very last one wants my autograph. Without these people, I am nobody. I love these people." In 1979, she became the spokesperson for Procter & Gamble's Crisco Oil. Because of her dominant hold on the 1970s, Lynn was named the "Artist of the Decade" by the Academy of Country Music. She is the only woman to win this honor.
On March 5, 1980, the film Coal Miner's Daughter debuted in Nashville and soon became the No. 1 box office hit in the United States. The film starred Sissy Spacek as Loretta and Tommy Lee Jones as her husband, Doolittle "Mooney" Lynn. The film received seven Academy Award nominations, winning the Best Actress Oscar for Spacek, a gold album for the soundtrack album, a Grammy nomination for Spacek, Country Music Association and Academy of Country Music awards, and several Golden Globe awards. The 1980s featured more hits, including "Pregnant Again", "Naked in the Rain", and "Somebody Led Me Away". Lynn's last Top 10 record as a soloist was 1982's "I Lie", but her releases continued to chart until the end of the decade.
One of her last solo releases was "Heart Don't Do This to Me" (1985), which reached No. 19, her last Top 20 hit. Her 1985 album Just a Woman spawned a Top 40 hit. In 1987, Lynn lent her voice to a song on k.d. lang's album Shadowland with country stars Kitty Wells and Brenda Lee, "Honky Tonk Angels Medley". The album was certified gold and was Grammy nominated for the four women. Lynn's 1988 album Who Was That Stranger would be her last solo album for MCA, which she parted ways with in 1989. She was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame in 1988.
Lynn returned to the public eye in 1993 with a hit CD, the trio album Honky Tonk Angels, recorded with Dolly Parton and Tammy Wynette. The CD peaked at No. 6 on the Billboard Country charts and No. 42 on the Billboard Pop charts and charted a single with "Silver Threads and Golden Needles". The album sold more than 800,000 copies and was certified gold in the United States and Canada. The trio was nominated for Grammy and Country Music Association awards. Lynn released a three-CD boxed set chronicling her career on MCA Records. In 1995, she taped a seven-week series on the Nashville Network (TNN), Loretta Lynn & Friends.
In 1995, Loretta was presented with the Pioneer Award at the 30th Academy of Country Music Awards. In 1996, Lynn's husband, Oliver Vanetta "Doolittle" Lynn, died five days short of his 70th birthday. In 2000, Lynn released her first album in several years, Still Country, in which she included "I Can't Hear the Music", a tribute song to her late husband. She released her first new single in more than 10 years from the album, "Country in My Genes". The single charted on the Billboard Country singles chart and made Lynn the first woman in country music to chart singles in five decades. In 2002, Lynn published her second autobiography, Still Woman Enough, and it became her second New York Times Best Seller, peaking in the top 10. In 2004, she published a cookbook, You're Cookin' It Country.
In 2004, Lynn released Van Lear Rose, the second album on which Lynn either wrote or co-wrote every song. The album was produced by Jack White of The White Stripes, and featured guitar work and backup vocals by White. Her collaboration with White garnered Lynn high praise in magazines that specialize in mainstream and alternative rock music, such as Spin and Blender. Rolling Stone voted the album the second best of 2004. It won the Grammy Award for Best Country Album of the Year.
Late in 2010, Sony Music released a new album, titled Coal Miner's Daughter: A Tribute to Loretta Lynn, featuring stars like Reba McEntire, Faith Hill, Paramore, and Carrie Underwood performing Loretta's classic hits spanning 50 years. The CD produced a Top 10 music video hit on GAC of the single, "Coal Miner's Daughter", that Lynn recorded with Miranda Lambert and Sheryl Crow. The single cracked the Billboard singles chart, making Lynn the only female country artist to chart in six decades. Lynn performed at the Nelsonville Music Festival in Nelsonville, Ohio in May 2010. Lynn also performed at the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival on June 11, 2011. In 2012, Lynn published her third autobiography, Honky Tonk Girl: My Life in Lyrics. She contributed "Take Your Gun and Go, John" to Divided & United: Songs of the Civil War, released on November 5, 2013.
In November 2015, Lynn announced a March 2016 release: Full Circle, featuring Willie Nelson and Elvis Costello. The recording became Lynn's 40th album to make the Top 10 on Billboard's best selling country list and her album debuted at No. 19 on the Billboard Hot 200. The recording is combination of new songs and classics, and includes duets with Elvis Costello and Willie Nelson. Lynn's Christmas album White Christmas Blue was released in October 2016. In December of the same year, Full Circle was nominated for Country Album of the Year for the 59th Annual Grammy Awards.
Lynn's album Wouldn't It Be Great, the third album of her five-album deal with Legacy Recordings, was released in September 2018 after being delayed by health issues. Her health prompted Lynn to cancel all 2017 scheduled tour dates. Lynn was named Artist of a Lifetime by CMT in 2018. On October 19, 2019, Lifetime aired the highly anticipated movie Patsy & Loretta which highlighted the friendship of Lynn and Patsy Cline. Lynn attended the Nashville release of the film.
On March 19, 2021, Lynn released her 50th studio album Still Woman Enough, the fourth album of her deal with Legacy (and to come from the cash cabin recording sessions). It features Carrie Underwood and Reba McEntire on the title track alongside original tracks and duets with Tanya Tucker and Margo Price on re-recordings of "You Ain't Woman Enough" and "One's on the Way" respectively.
Lynn owned a ranch in Hurricane Mills, Tennessee, known as Loretta Lynn's Ranch. Billed as "the Seventh Largest Attraction in Tennessee", it features a recording studio, museums, lodging, restaurants and western stores. Traditionally, three holiday concerts are hosted annually at the ranch, Memorial Day Weekend, Fourth of July Weekend, and Labor Day Weekend.
Since 1982, the ranch has hosted Loretta Lynn's Amateur Championship motocross race, the largest amateur motocross race of its kind. The ranch also hosts GNCC Racing events. The centerpiece of the ranch is its large plantation home which Lynn once resided in with her husband and children. She hasn't lived in the antebellum mansion in more than 30 years. Lynn regularly greeted fans who were touring the plantation house. Also featured on the property is a replica of the cabin in which Lynn grew up in Butcher Hollow, Kentucky.
Loretta died peacefully in her sleep on October 4, 2022.
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dailyreverie · 3 years
Hello! 👋🏼 Could you please do number 14 from the physical affection prompts with Bucky? :)
Thank you!
14. play wrestling
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warning: language, kind of steamy, Bucky sucks at Mario Kart.
It was painful. The way Bucky couldn't understand how to drive a freaking videogame car was the most painful thing you had ever witnessed.
The little Toad kart was moving slow across the screen as Bucky's sight went from the screen to his hands, analyzing the controller and the buttons in it until he found the one that sent the red shell to attack.
"Jesus fucking- Buck! You have to keep pressing the A button so the car keeps moving!" Your hands pointed at the button and he pulled it away from you.
The frustration in your voice made his eyebrows set in a deeper frown. "It's easier said than done, doll!"
"My 4 year old cousins can do it, so can you!" His thumb pushed harder on the big A button and Toad finally began to move again, rushing through the screen.
"OH! NO NO NO! COME ON!" Bucky shouted when, after 5 seconds of moving forward, his kart slipped with a banana peel and crashed into a wall, stucking the kart against a wall.
"It's fine, just press the B button to go in reverse." You indicated him, but his stubborn thumb kept jamming into the A. "N- No. Bucky, it's the- it's the other button." You tried to push the button to show him, but once again he took it farther from you. "I'm trying to show you!"
"I can do it on my own!" Bucky said back.
"You clearly can't!" You reached across his lap as you spoke and tried to reach the controller.
"Oh that's how you wanna do it?" He snapped, chucking away the controller and grabbing your hips to pin you back down with your back against the couch. "You are a terrible driving instructor, by the way."
You laughed at his comment and grabbed his wrists. You gathered strenght and pushed him back, propping yourself up in the process to straddle him with your thighs at each side of his torso. "It is an animated car, its not supposed to be that hard."
"How the hell did you learn that move, babygirl?" He asked with an amused smirk on his face, his hands traveling up to your waist.
"Nat gave me a self-defense class to be able to get away from pervs." You quickly grabbed his wrists and pinned them above his head. "Just like you." The last words were spoke so close to his lips that, if he just lifted his head slightly he could close the distance between the two of you.
"I'm pretty sure she never covered this move though," Bucky stated with a confident smile.
"Which mov-BUCKY!" You squealed when he broke from your grasp and began to tickle your sides, shifting you in a swift movement so he could lay on top of you. "This is unfair! You are a trained solider!"
"Too bad doll," He dipped down, kissing your lips softly. "You started it, you can't complain."
"At least I can kick your ass in Mario Kart."
"Hell no," His hands reached under your shirt and he kissed you again, deeper this time, tongues meeting each other in between your lips. "I'm getting rid of that stupid game."
"Absolutely not." Your hands dragged his shirt over his body, fingertips ghosting over his bare back.
"We'll see." Maybe with a few more kisses he would be able to convice you.
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myblueeyedbuggers · 3 years
My Boys
Chapter 12
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11  Chapter 13 Chapter 14
Pairings: Steve Rogers X Reader (Best Friend) Bucky Barnes X Reader
Word Count: 2420
Warnings: Slight bit of swearing
Summary: After being abandoned by her parents in Brooklyn in 1929, y/n makes a living for herself by working for the Црни лабуд gang until she meets two boys in a back alley and her life slowing begins to change.
Eyup My loves! Soo How’s your week been? Good I hope, so a bit of news for you all, there’s only  two/three more chapters left till this book is finished and then we’ll be moving onto (Drum roll) The First Avenger! Woooo! I hope you’re all as excited as I am. Anyways without anymore rambling, I give you chapter 12, enjoy!
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So I can safely say that the rest of the week passed pretty quickly, with only a few ‘minor’ incidents, one of em being a massive food fight caused by yours truly and Steve getting himself stuck in the basement for 2 hours after seeing, and I quote ‘a possessed girl dressed as undead batman’.
I still haven’t told him that was me….oops
Apart from that it was pretty normal, cut to today where I’ve been blessed with the task of lookin’ after my best girl for Buck’s parents anniversary whilst they go into the city to celebrate, I mean it’s the least I could do for em. Plus, the last time the lads were trusted with lookin’ after Becca, Buck’s parents came home to the entire house covered in flour with Becca laughin’ at em cause they managed to lock themselves in a cupboard. We had to call the fire department to get em outta there.
Anyways, we kicked the boys outta the house so Becca and I could have a girls day in, now don’t get me wrong I absolutely adore this girl and I would practically do anything for her.
“Y/n can we play princesses please?! Mama got some dresses from our cousin we can wear!”
I can literally feel my soul burning right now. I honestly tried to say no, there’s nothing more I hate more that being forced into them things but one look into her bright little eyes made all my resistance die away and so I uttered the words that sealed my doom. “Of course, Becs only if we can have a tea party in em”. So here we are, me in a navy style party dress, lace covered my arms and the hem of the sweetheart neckline resting just on my collarbone,  the knee length satin skirt covered my legs.
Honestly, I wasn’t as bad I thought it were gonna be, I even let my hair outta the classic ponytail it’s always in so Becca could style it a tiny bit, to her credit she did a decent job. My h/c locks fell in small waves across my back, with the longer strands near my face tucked behind my ears and Becs even convinced me to pop on some of her mama’s makeup. Now I ain’t a fool, I know makeup’s pretty expensive and only let her pop on a shimmery light gold eyeshadow and some tinted lip balm, much to her disappointment I confiscated the mascara, I refused to let that death stick near my eyeballs.
Becca looked absolutely adorable, we’d managed to find her dance dress from last year and it suited her down to the ground. Baby pink lace covered her arms up to her wrist, the middle part had little gems dotted here and there with a pink satin ribbon separating the skirt from the top, from the looks of it the skirt was made outta some layered netting that poofed outwards when she span around. Don’t ask me how but I managed to wrap some ribbons in her braids and added a lil tiara on the top of her head and if you’d asked me, she looked like a real-life princess to me.
“So, your highness, what would one prefer to do? Would one like to have tea in the parlour or waltz in the ballroom?” my attempt at the British accent was apparently appalling, judging by the level of giggles coming outs Becca’s mouth. Eventually she calmed down enough to give me an answer “I think a waltz would be most fun lady y/n” she said in an equally bad accent. Slowly a smile spread across my face as I moved over to the record payer, I didn’t even pay attention to which one I put on before I turned back to Becca and offered her my hand, lowering myself into a bow that looked like a squid tryin’ to tap dance. Very elegant I know.  
You’d think after the past few weeks I’d been with the Barnes family, I’da got used to being tackled by the siblings, but alas I am surprised every-time, hence why I’m on the floor with a hyperactive 4 year old sat on top of me. Becca’s giggles filled the entire room, she quickly got off me and started jumping around to the sound of the jumpin’ jive and leaving me to slowly die on the floor, for all of 5 seconds before she yanked my arm outta my socket to get me dancing with her. I swear this girl isn’t even human, one second she’s sweet and delicate the next she’s bulldozing people to the ground and pullin’ em to the next life, I mean she’s 4 she shouldn’t be that strong!
Thank the lord she’s adorable. Quickly the music took over my mind, my feet moving along to the music, Becca was doin’ some twirls around me with the biggest smile on her face, I don’t know what made me do it but I grabbed her gently by the waist and spun us around in time to the music, her little arms reached into the air as we both laughed our heads off. Of course, me being me, I lost my balance and my butt suddenly met the sofa, with Becca landing next to me with a small yelp, it was quiet for all of 2 seconds before we burst out laughin’. Think it took us about 3 minutes before we calmed down, a comfortable silence fell between us, the music slowly faded to a stop as the record reached its end, and we stayed like this for a while before Becca broke the silence.
“Y/n, can you sing like mama? She don’t do it often cause it reminds her of my nana….” My eyes drifted over to Becs, her lil eyes dulled a little when she said it and now they were filled with a small glimmer of hope, and I really didn’t wanna be the reason for that light goin’ out. If I were being completely honest singin’ wasn’t something I ever wanted to do again, during my time with the Црни лабуд, singing was the only thing that made me feel like….well me I guess. It was the only sliver of light in so many years of darkness and once I was free from them I made myself a silent vow that I’d never do it again, that I was a new person. But one look in her little eyes was enough to make me break it. “I ain’t too bad, only know a couple of songs on the piano but I can try if you wanna”
Apparently Becca didn’t need to be told twice, in a flash of pink she was off to the other room, bellowing for me to follow her, I mean it ain’t like I gotta choice in the matter is it ? the sound of something hitting the floor in the room opposite me made me move even quicker (if that were even possible). Becca was stood in front of a oldish looking piano, a small bench was tuned over in front of her, and a white sheet was discarded on the floor next to her as she bounced up and down excitedly, I couldn’t help the smile on my face as I turned the bench over on it’s feet. Not even 2 seconds later Becca clambered up on it and looked at me with a bright smile, I swear she gets cuter every second like how does this happen ? I try it and I end up put away in a mental asylum.
“You got any requests princess ?” my legs carried me across the room and towards the seat, cracking my knuckles together and stretching out my fingers before turning to look at the younger lass, a look of concentration covered her face in response and it took her a few seconds to answer. “Dream a little dream of me ? think that’s what mama calls it” I swear I tried to stop the soft smile, but I really couldn’t help it this time. “sure sweetheart” and with that I hit the opening notes, the feeling of the keys under my fingertips were so familiar it was like no time had passed since I last played, I kept my voice soft and quiet as I sang. I think I was halfway through my second verse when I felt Becca cuddle into my side, she ducked her head under my arm and put her head in my lap, a soft yawn left her mouth as her eyes started to close to the sound of the music. It was at the end of the song that I looked at her again, soft snores escaped her mouth and her hand was grasping gently at the top of my skirt, I felt my heart melt even more that I thought possible, completely unaware of the small audience I’d gathered until a small cough came from behind me.
Aw shit…..
Bucky’s POV
If you’d told me a year ago, that after spending a couple of hours at Coney island with my best mate I’d come home to what must be an angels voice singing my sister to sleep. I’da never of believed ya, think you coulda imagined our confusion when me and Steve heard piano coming from the dining room. Steve shot me a look of pure bewilderment, and I couldn’t blame the guy to be honest, “thought you’d said your mama gave up piano couple a years ago”. I’m guessing my face mirrored his, cause I ain’t the slightest clue either, mama stopped playin’ years ago so who the heck could it be? “yeah she did bud, swore she’d never set her hands on it again…..”. I’m completely and utterly baffled at this point, where’s Y/n when ya need her ? she’d figure this out.
We both took a step towards the closed door, eager to know what the hell was going on when something stopped me, the sweetest sound I’d ever heard in my life sang along with the melody, I coulda sworn it sounded like the lullaby mama sang to us when we were kids. I guess I spent too long listening cause Stevie boy pushed past me and walked in, the sounds were so much clearer and more vibrant it felt like I’d died and gone to heaven right then and there. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I realised just who was creating this beautiful sound, there she was, sat in front of the piano as her fingers danced gracefully across the keys. Her voice, oh god her voice sounded like that of an angel, the weak afternoon sun shone over her hair and made her look even more angelic than humanly possible. I barely even noticed Becca asleep in her lap before Y/n finished her song and the ever-living pain in my ass decided to reveal that we were there. I mean he coulda chosen any other way of revealing our presence but no he had to let out the tiniest little cough, coulda got her back for the eyebrow incident….
Y/n literally went stiff as a board before she turned to look at us, her cheeks were red as a rose and a sheepish smile covered her face, it was only a couple of seconds after that both Steve and I noticed what she was wearing, he burst out laughin at her but me, I for once in my life couldn’t say a damn thing. She looked absolutely breath taking, her hair fell down in soft waves and framed her face, the shade of blue in her dress brought out the small flecks of green in her e/c eyes and brought out her hourglass figure. Her lips were drawn into a natural pout and it was that second it dawned on me she asked me somethin’….shit.  
“whaaaa…….” Nice one Bucky.
Steve, the lil punk, could barely stop himself laughin’, at some point he’d moved to take Becca off Y/n and stood behind y/n with his fist in his mouth to smother his laughter. My best friend ladies and gentlemen. If looks could kill he’d be 10 feet under right now.
“Buck ? I was askin’ if you were okay ?” Y/n’s face showed a tiny bit of confusion and much to my horror amusement, “YeAh I’m okay….” And just at the moment puberty strikes in the form of a voice crack, as if this weren’t embarrassing enough. At this point Steve was barely keeping it together, he had actual tears coming outta his eyes and went bright red in the face tryin’ to stop himsen laughing, in front of me y/n furrowed her eyebrows and did look genuinely concerned for my mental state. She didn’t say anything for a few seconds, just looked at me before she lifted her hand to my forehead and held it here for a minute, thank god Steve chose to leave the room before this or I’da never heard the end of it.
“You sure you’re okay, feelin’ a bit warm and ya actin weirder than usual Buck” okay quick say something before this gets even more embarrassing, first thing that pops into ya head in 3,2,1…
“Yeah I’m sure, think I ate somethin’ funky down at the pier, makin’ me real gassy”……why am I like this? Normally I can charm any girl of their feet but with y/n, I’ma bumbling mess.  She didn’t say a damn word, she just raised her eyebrows whilst a small smirk covered her face, before she turned and left me to have a very small breakdown underneath the dining table.
Meaning I let out a noise that sounded like a bear stubbing it’s toe in the middle of winter.
I thought my luck couldn’t get any worse, but nooo old lady luck decided today I needed a second helping, cause the second I did that Y/n walked back into the room. Brilliant. I was too busy stumbling over my words to processes what she was doin’, before I knew it she’d walked back to me and stood on her tip toes….then planted a small kiss on my cheek.
“You’re cute when you’re flustered Barnes”
And just like that, she left me with my jaw on the ground and heart beatin’ outta my chest, cause I’m starting to think that she was right. I’m sure as hell coming down with something, and I’m pretty sure it ain’t a regular ol’ bug…..
SOOO, if you got this far hope you enjoyed it, as always any feed back or constructive criticism is welcome, thank so much for reading and hope you have a great day/night/week.
lots of love
Rose xxx
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ourimpavidheroine · 3 years
You always post your writing soundtracks. Mind sharing your top ten albums with us?
I actually laughed when I read this because I’m thinking of the Anon who complained that all of my music was OLD. I mean. I’m old! What did you expect?
Never mind me, I’m easily amused. Thank you for using the word album so I would not feel like Lady Danbury with my lethal cane.
Yes, sure I can do that! I don’t know that these are my forever and ever amen top ten, but they are the ones that are coming to mind right now. So.
Under a cut, it’s long. 
In no particular order.
Brutal Youth - Elvis Costello
My ex-husband was in love with Elvis Costello and who could blame him? The man is a genius lyricist. This is not one of his more commercially popular albums but I love every single track. (I also lined up at Ticketmaster in Oakland, CA when the man was touring in order to get tickets for my ex. I got there at midnight and spent the night, meeting a group of drag queens who were getting tickets to see Barbara Streisand. God, that was a fun night, we ate donuts one of them went on a donut run for and sang showtunes for hours. One of my favorite memories.) This verse, from Clown Strike, is one that has resonated with me since I first heard it.
Tell me what you want of me Or are you terrified of failure? You put on a superstitious face Behind all this paraphernalia We're not living in a masquerade Where you only have three wishes It isn't easy to see In a lifetime of mistaken kisses
Unrepentant Geraldines - Tori Amos
I remember the first time I heard a Tori Amos song. It was the summer directly after I’d graduated from college, I was driving my ex-husband’s car and Silent All These Years came on the radio and I was just fucking gobsmacked. I bought Little Earthquakes that day and haven’t looked back. I have all her albums. I am a big, big fan.
Unrepentant Geraldines, though. God. It came out the year before my wife died and it got me through her death. The song Weatherman is about a man losing his wife, and how he sees her in the nature surrounding him. 
No, sorry, I can’t write more about this, not right now. But I sing it to her sometimes. 
He is not a weatherman But his bride lies with the land And she will whisper to him I'll be dressing up in snow Cloaked in echo it's almost As if only Nature knows How to paint his wife to life With every season's tone "One more look from her eyes One more look can you paint her back to life"
Ray of Light - Madonna
This album got me through my divorce from my ex-husband. I’d go out every single day during my lunch hour, this on my walkman, and walk and walk and walk until I got myself in enough control to go back and finish my work day. It’s a great album and I still listen to it a lot. It empowers me. And then my daughter was born and Ray of Light has always been her song to me, even though that wasn’t the song on the album that Madonna herself wrote for her daughter.
Faster than the speeding light she's flying Trying to remember where it all began She's got herself a little piece of heaven Waiting for the time when Earth shall be as one And I feel like I just got home And I feel And I feel like I just got home And I feel
Seven and the Ragged Tiger - Duran Duran
This one was a difficult choice. For one thing, I really love their album Big Thing, which almost nobody’s heard about but one I love deeply. This one though...I think it’s the memories, including going to see them at the Oakland Coliseum with my cousin during their tour for this album and finding out they were partially filming the video for The Reflex that night. I like to think of us as being one of those girls in the audience. (Although I wasn’t screaming. I am a Capricorn. Have some dignity.) Duran Duran were responsible for my first fanfic and I’ve had a love for them since my Dad bought me their first album for my 13th birthday. I am nothing if not loyal. I have all of their early albums, all of their 12″ singles, too, including Secret Oktober, which I have always loved with a passion.
Also, Roger Taylor can still get it.
Freefall on a windy morning shore nothing but a fading track of footsteps Could prove that you never been there Spoken on a cotton cloud like the sound of gunshot taken by the wind And lost in distant thunder racing on a shining plain And tomorrow you'll be content to watch as the lightning plays along the wires and you'll wonder
Touch - Eurythmics
Another band I still love and listen to on the regular. Annie Lennox could sing me the telephone book and I’d be thrilled. Seeing her at age 14 in the Sweet Dreams video for the first time in my Grandmother’s living room quite literally woke something in me that led to moving across the world for a woman years later. (GOD.) I have all of their albums and choosing a favorite is difficult but this one won by a narrow margin, if only for the song Regrets, which is one of the songs that describes me until I became a mother, really. Like I RESONATED with that song. Still does in certain ways, if I am being truthful to myself.
I've got a delicate mind I've got a dangerous nature And my fist collides With your furniture I've got a delicate mind I've got a dangerous nature And my fist collides With your furniture I'm an electric wire And I'm stuck inside your head
Combat Rock - The Clash
Ah, teenage Impavid first understanding that music can also be political. Listen, I didn’t know much about what was going on outside of my own miniscule sphere - I was young and the internet didn’t exist yet. We got what news we got from our local paper and TV stations and they weren’t really reporting on what was happening in the world, not in 1982, let me fucking assure you. I got this album because my Dad was a part time DJ at a radio station that played mostly country music and the general manager of the station would just toss the rest of the non-country albums they’d get as promotions. My Dad would bring them home to me to listen to. You can imagine thirteen year old me listening to this album that opened with “This is a public service announcement - with guitars!” going WHAT THE FUCK? Let me just say there were a lot of trips to the library to read various newspapers after that.
Not to mention Rock the Casbah. What was a muezzin? I had no idea. I spent half a year reading books about Islam, about the Middle East and Northern Africa, which led to a curiosity about other religions beyond the Roman Catholicism in which I’d been raised, about other cultures as well. This album and The Color Purple by Alice Walker were the two things in my teen years that woke me the fuck up.
Now the king told the boogie men You have to let that raga drop The oil down the desert way Has been shakin' to the top The sheik he drove his Cadillac He went a' cruisin' down the ville The muezzin was a' standing On the radiator grille
Synchronicity - The Police
This fucking album. This fucking album. This album reached deep down into me and pulled out my soul and kicked it around for awhile. Every single song on this album hit me like a brick wall. Still does. Most likely always will.
Listen, you either like King of Pain or you live it. There’s no in between.
There's a little black spot on the sun today It's the same old thing as yesterday There's a black hat caught in a high tree top There's a flag pole rag and the wind won't stop I have stood here before inside the pouring rain With the world turning circles running 'round my brain. I guess I'm always hoping that you'll end this reign, But it's my destiny to be the king of pain...
Sign O’ The Times - Prince 
The soundtrack to my University days. Jesus, it starts out with “In France a skinny man died of a big disease with a little name,” and it just keeps going. Pain, sex, wonder, glory, politics, love. It’s all there. I wore the vinyl out on this one. Amazing, amazing album. In fact, I still play it so often my kids practically know it by heart, and they don’t even like Prince!
To this day I think If I Was Your Girlfriend is the sexiest song ever written.
I will tell you this much: Sayuri’s main writing soundtrack song is Starfish and Coffee off the album, the same song I used to sing my kids as a lullaby. This should tell you a lot about her.
Cynthia wore the prettiest dress With different color socks Sometimes I wondered if the mates where in her lunchbox Me and Lucy opened it when Cynthia wasn't around Lucy cried, I almost died, U know what we found? Starfish and coffee Maple syrup and jam Butterscotch clouds, a tangerine And a side order of ham If U set your mind free, honey Maybe you'd understand Starfish and coffee Maple syrup and jam
Nina Simone Sings The Blues - Nina Simone
This was one of my Daddy’s albums. He loved it and so did I. As a child I just loved the sound of her voice - something in it both soothed me and pulled at me, made me want to run and just keep running. She still makes me feel like that. If you don’t know Nina Simone I urge you to change that, right now. There’s nobody at all like her. She’s irreplaceable. All of her material is good, not just her blues songs. Not to mention, she was an absolute brilliant genius at the piano, never mind the strength she had as a Black woman in a time when doors were shut in her face on a daily basis. Seriously. Read about her.
When I became a woman, of course, her songs took on a much deeper meaning for me, one that I could relate to. Isn’t that the hallmark of a good album, though? One that stays with you and changes with you? I think so.
If you’ve never heard her cover of I Put A Spell On You then do yourself a favor and go right now and listen. You’re welcome.
Oh and Buck from this album? Nuo to Wing, right there.
Also one of the sexiest songs ever written, this one. Especially how she sings it. The Hot Frenchman (have I ever told you about The Hot Frenchman? no? OH BOY THERE’S A STORY) told me he thought it was about drugs and I was like, honey, this tells me a whole lot about you, more than you probably wanted it to.
I want a little sugar In my bowl I want a little sweetness Down in my soul I could stand some lovin' Oh so bad I feel so funny and I feel so sad I want a little steam On my clothes Maybe I can fix things up So they'll go Whatsa matter Daddy Come on, save my soul I need some sugar in my bowl I ain't foolin' I want some sugar in my bowl
I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got - Sinéad O’Connor
This is a beautiful album, full of pain and joy, her hallmark. She sings every single word with everything in her; she’s far too intense for many, many people (and while she’s been open with her mental health struggles I’ve often wondered if she isn’t somewhere on the spectrum as well) but never for me. Her raw honesty has always appealed to me. She’s political, she’s a lover, a mother, a survivor of horrific abuse, someone who keeps reinventing herself as a way to find her way through pain. I always feel, when I am listening to her music, that I am bearing witness. I’m not afraid of pain; I’ve survived it as well. This album, one of her oldest, is still my favorite.
The line “You used to hold my hand when the plane took off” is the most evocative lyric I have ever heard with regards to the ending of love. It’s a punch to the heart - she felt it and she shared it with us, her fragile heart in her palms. Oh, Sinéad.
This is the last day of our acquaintance I will meet you later in somebody's office I'll talk but you won't listen to me I know what your answer will be I know you don't love me anymore You used to hold my hand when the plane took off Two years ago there just seemed so much more And I don't know what happened to our love
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elderling-magic · 4 years
Character Descriptions: Farseer Trilogy
FitzChivalry Farseer: He is tall for a Buck man (Chivalry’s height) and his fine curly hair is not as coarse as most of them. Fitz has the jaw, the folds of his eyelids and the curve of his lower lip equal to Shrewd’s and Regal’s. He is only a bit wider and muscled than Regal and neither of them are close to Verity’s body features. Fitz has a dark tan, black hair, noticeable cheeckbones and gets a wiry curled unruly beard in AQ that is then trimmed by Starling and shaved at one point. Fitz cuts his hair for mourning throughout the series and likes to tie it in a warrior’s tail when the hair is long enough. He gets a scar on his left shoulder after fighting the Forged in AA and a scar under his eye and down his right cheek along with a broken nose and a white streak of hair above his brow that reminds him of wolverine’s markings after the events in RA. Fitz gets the Fool’s fingerprints in his left wrist in the events of AQ.
Fitz is 6 years old at the start of AA and 15 by the end of it. In chapter of AA Fitz gets the following clothes: 2 outfits in the ordinary brown most children wear and 1 thin blue cloth that on the breast has a buck’s head  done in silver thread with a red stitching that cut diagonally marching right over the design (This symbol for Fitz is later changed by Verity for a buck’s head ready to charge. Men at arms and Burrich wear a leaping buck, Verity and Regal a buck’s head.). Shrewd’s pin: red stone in a nest of silver. Lady Grace gives Fitz a tiny pin in the shape of a fish’s bones in RA.
Fitz wears a brown blouse and green trousers that everyone thinks is an awful combination as his first outfit after he arrives in Buckeep in RA.
In AQ Fitz wears the following clothes to go see Kettricken: White loose-sleeved shirt of soft warm wool, dark leggins and a short dark surcot the color of the leggins. In the Mountains quest he wears a coat that closes on the throat, a shirt and sacklike boots (no mention of pants so make of that what you will).
Shrewd Farseer: Brown eyes, beard and hair freshly groomed, clothing immaculate, folds of silk at his troat, has a scar on his left temple covered by grey hair.
Verity Farseer: A stocky man with a widely muscled built. He has black eyes and a bushy disarray of dark hair and beard. He has heavy brows, a barrel of a chest, shoulders that strained the fabric of his shirts and fists square and work-scarred. When Fitz meets him in AA he is wearing a jerkin closed with an intricate buckle shaped like a buck’s head. Verity dresses as his men dress - in pratical woolens, sturdy weave and subdued colors. Crest with gold and silver thread on his breast. In AQ Verity is old and thin, has a lot of grey in his coarse black hair and beard, ragged garments grey with stone dust, a smear of grey in one cheek, knees scabbed and bloody showing through his trousers, feet wrapped in rags and hands and forearms covered in silver.
Verity’s Dragon: Dragon with black eyes and turquoise scales with silver.
Regal Farseer: Dark hair curlier than Fitz’s and finer features, his jaw, folds of his eyelids and the curve of his lower lip is the same as Shrewd’s. He is only a bit less wide and muscled than Fitz (neither of them close to Verity’s body) and has a different skin tone than Fitz’s. Regal often wears silver on his throat and hands. 
When Fitz first sees him in AA he is like Verity around the jaw and eyes, his cheeks are beardless and he has scented and smoothed brown hair. He is dressed in scarlets and primrose with a cloak drooped with twice the width of cloth needed to cover a man. The doublet beneath it is a rich cream, laden with lace and he wears a scarf secured with a leaping stag done in gold, with a green gem for an eye. Regal in RA has black hair and in the horse riding scene he is wearing glossy black boots and gloves and is dressed in scarlet and gold with a riding cloak flung back from one shoulder. 
Burrich: Angular and narrow tanned face, brown eyes, black unruly hair and beard, long-fingered hands and bad right leg. Burrich dresses in a fine thin cloth of brown and yellow with a bit of silver chain across his jerkin to go see the king in AA. Women say he has a small scar shaped like a crescent moon high on his hip. Burrich has a stripe of white hair where the Chyurda guard hit him in AA.
Molly Chandler: Short, rich brown eyes (Fitz says they shift to dark amber according to her mood because he never heard of the effects that light has over colors. But nice use of Amber there, Fitz :3) and has dark hair with a bit of red. As a child she had bruises on her face and thin arms in shades of purple, blue and yellow. Her hair used to be in sensible braids behind her ears and she dressed in a jerkin and loose trousers. When Fitz sees her again at15/16 years old her hair falls free past her shoulders and she is dressed in a blouse and a woolen red skirt. She has a read shawl and a red cloak. (2 years older than Fitz)
In RA her hair is in two thick braids and pinned about her head like a crown, her dress is of a simple blue and has a collar of delicate white lace and lace cuffs (work).
Fool: Bird-boned, lean cheeks, high forehead, long straight narrow nose, narrow lips, firm chin, long and thin fingers and bony wrists. In the first 2 books he has very pale blue eyes, white skin with a pale pinkness to it and pale dandellion fluff hair. He has small white separate teeth like a baby in the first book. In AQ at first his skin is the colour of old ivory and his hair is the colour of fresh ground flour. He has a tint of yellow to his eyes and his body is lean, slight and muscled as tumblers are. By the end of AQ his skin is a pale gold, there is a tawny edge to his hair and his eyes are a pale topaz (wth). The Fool has 3 silvered fingertips in his left or right hand (Fitz doesn’t know left from right because it changes), according to the events in AQ.
As the king’s jester he wears a motley of black and whites in Winter and a blue and red silk motley jacket and trousers in the Summer. In RA he wears a new motley of black and white with sleeves embroidered with black vines crawling up his arms like ivy, a black collar and silver bells for Winterfest. The Fool changes his rat sceptre, Ratsy. One time it’s a rat set atop the wand as if prancing and another is only a rat’s head.
In the Moutain Kingdom in AQ when Fitz first sees him he is wearing a soft robe of white wool with a round collar, his hair is smoothed back sleek on his skull and confined to a single plait. To go see Kettricken he wears a woolen dark blue robe with embroidery at the sleeves and hem. In the Moutains quest he wears a fur-rimmed hood coat and a gay (nice one Hobb) woolen hat with a tassel on the end of it that bobs as he walks.
(Fool’s mom had long dark curly hair and green eyes, his fathers were 2 cousins: one broad and swarthy, ruddy-liped with brown eyes and bronze skin and the other narrow with golden skin and blue eyes. He had an older sister with blonde hair.)
Chade Fallstar: Dirty white hair and beard, green eyes, has tiny pox scars of angry pinks and reds like small burns on his face and bony white hands with tendons showing. Red scars in the back of his left hand. The brow, the way his ears are set and the line of his lower lip are the same as Shrewd’s. Chade dresses in a robe the color of undied sheep wool. In AQ his white hair is in a warrior tail and he has a short grey beard. Chade uses a band of leather across his brow and centered on his forehead is a medalion with a silver buck with antlers lowered to charge. To see Kettricken he wears a white shirt and dark leggings with a long woold vest gaily embroidered.
Kettricken: Tall, has blue eyes, a straight nose, a solemn mouth, muscular arms and an immense mass of long yellow hair. Kettricken cuts her hair short in mourning in RA and it doesn’t reach her shoulders. In AQ she is thin and has the bones and planes of her face showing, her hair is too short to be confined well. In the moutains quest she has a short scruffy braid.
When Fitz first sees her she has some of her hair braided and coiled about her head and some flowing loose down her back. She usually has braids on her hair even if the hairstyle changes. Her riding clothes consist of loose trousers in crocus purple adorned with intricate embroideries in rich colours and tucked into her boot-tops. Her boots are almost to her knees. She wears a short jacket of voluminous white fur with a high collar, black gloves and a knitted cap of every bright color. Later in RA when she is wearing simpler clothes Kettricken has a soft grey tunic and leggings and a simple single necklace of green and blue stone beds. Usually she wears a simple style in purple with white. Sometimes she wears light blue.
Patience: Dark, short, slender, hazel eyes, straight mouth and dark curly hair that she tries to restrain but ringlets of it escape at her forehead and neck.
Lacey: Plump, round face with dimples and birdlike bright eyes.
Starling (AQ): Handsome, has dark hair and eyes and is no taller than Fitz’s shoulder. She had the two smaller fingers of her left hand broken during the events of AQ. While traveling she wears blue leggins and a tunic, no earrings and rings. When Fitz meets her again on the tavern she is dressed with a black thick woolen cloak trimmed with yellow embroidery, a belted tunic, laced boots and has small silver rings in her ears. The hair is fastened with a couple of small combs. In the mountains she binds her wet hair into smooth braids coiled to her head and pinned down.  
Kettle (AQ): Sharp black eyes, black hair with some white and obviously from Buck. When Fitz first sees her she is swathed all in black, well bundled in a cloak, hood and shawl, with traveling blanket on her knees. She has an headscarf from Chalced and the embroidery on her black cloak is also black. 
Celerity: Dark blue eyes, hair dark and sleek cut short, high cheeckbones. (14 years old in RA, 2 years younger than Fitz) 
Faith: Celerity’s older sister. She has dark blue eyes and sleek black hair too.
Duke Brawndy: Grey hair and beard.
Galen (AA): Skinny cheeks, pale eyes and has a hawk’s nose. So skinny that bones show through his skin. He is about Burrich’s age, dresses well and wears a chain with 3 gems given by Queen Desire. Clothes in the first Skill lesson: Fur at his collar and neck, amber beading so thick on his vest it would have turned a sword, clothing tailored snugly, high boots fitted to his calves, carries a little quirt and wears a shirt as tight as cat skin.
Serene: Long midnight hair, thin face and has hands like claws. When Fitz first sees her for the first time in RA she is wearing a midnight blue robe richly embroidered, silver on her neck and fingers and hair bound back intricately with burnished wire strung with ivory ornaments.
Justin: Tall, gangly and dressed in a dark blue robe. (2 years older than Fitz)
Will: Dark and slender with half lidded dark eyes. One eye sunken deep in its socked, clowdy in the dephts after RA events. Wears well tailored clothes in dark blue, a single chain of silver, a silver ring and silver earrings in AQ.
Burl: Big husky boy, fat and has dark hair that he curls in immitation of Regal’s in AQ. He is shorter than Fitz.
Carrod: Sort of a dandy with the ladies, wears ribbons and charms on his clothes and has dark skin.
Rosemary (RA): Dark curly head, dimpled smile.
Verde: Handsome, blonde, very tall and fair. Wears a badge of the Mountwell with a Farrow’s golden oak and a Farseer buck overleaping it in AQ.
August Farseer (AA): 2 years Fitz’s junior, dark as the Farseers are, broad built like Verity.
Rurisk (AA): Jade eyes, straight nose and solemn mouth. Kettricken’s older brother and alike her as a twin save his hair is cut severely short at the collar. 
Jofron: Blonde with blue eyes.
Nik Holdfast (AQ): Brown hair, blue eyes and dressed in leather. (25 years old)
Pelf (AQ): Nik’s sister. 12 years old and dressed the same way as the brother.
Tel (AQ): short young woman with a mass of red hair.
Tassin (AQ): Blue eyes and no more tha 16 years old. 
Cob (AA): Short and dark. (10 years old when Fitz meets him in AA) 
Hands: Has hands. (Fitz says literally nothing about him so I’m just assuming)
Harper Josh (AQ): Gray hair, eyes hazed over grey (blind).
Honey (AQ): About Fitz’s age and has long black hair.
Piper (AQ): Blue eyes and black hair. (14 years old)
Rolf (AQ): Small black eyes, wrinkled face and a beard.
Holly (AQ): Short hair sleeked to her head like an acorn’s cap, brown/black eyes (Fitz make up your mind).
Nettle (AQ): Baby with black curled hair.
Hap (AQ): Black hair, one brown eye and the other blue. He was seven when he was presented to Fitz and nearly 10 at the end of AQ. 
Woman with Chade in AQ: Long brown hair past her shoulders in warrior tail, sword scars down her ribs, not young (from Fitz’s POV) and almost as tall as Chade.
Nosy, Vixen (AA): hounds, stick tails (Vixen: old with whitened muzle and one torn ear) (Nosy: half-grown pup with green eyes - copper eyes as an adult and red fur)
Smithy (AA): Black terrier, black nose, short smooth coat, thick neck, mouth like a coal scuttle, short tail, one white spot on his chin, another on his left hind foot.
Nighteyes: A grey wolf. Green eyes when a cub and dark eyes as an adult, dark muzzle, buff at the base of his ears and throat, coat peppered with stiff black guard-hairs, especially on his shoulders and the flat of his rump, and huge feet.
Hilda (AQ): Brown bear with little eyes deep set above her muzzle.
Sleet (AQ): Small hawk.
Jeppas (AQ): wide flat feet spread in the snow as much as the wolf’s did.
Girl on a Dragon (AQ): Emerald green dragon with a woman on top (Salt) with frozen tears in her cheeks and dressed in a sleevless jerkin, leggings and sandals. (Salt reminds the Fool of his older sister).
Realder’s Dragon (AQ): Knobs of bone at the apex of its wings (similar to those on a gander), barbed tail. 
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make-it-mavis · 4 years
Homesick (Entry #14)
(cw: drug withdrawal, vomiting) <-Previous ----------
01/02/88  1:34 PM
Can’t believe I’m still going to all the effort of writing this dramatic, emotional crap down while you’re not even here to be uncomfortable about it with me. This is so unnatural. But I keep coming back to it, so…
Showering felt good. I wasn’t too happy about smelling like Fix-it’s bath products, but clearing away the grime was therapeutic in its own small way, especially since my skin was smooth and intact again. No dirt, no blood, no wounds, no outward evidence that anything had happened to me at all. 
The feeling of cleanliness was tragically short-lived, however. I’d barely finished drying off before my skin clammed up and my body felt wrapped up in a hot, wet blanket. Boost withdrawal had snuck up on me, hiding behind other, much bigger stressors. Fix-it would soon regret lending me his disturbingly comfortable, silky, immaculately free-of-his-cousin’s-sweat pajamas.
I was in for a long night.
When I left the bathroom, I found Fix-it sitting on the couch next to a folded-up blanket and some pillows, looking thoughtful or troubled or something inexplicably annoying. He straightened up the second he saw me, and gave a wobbly sort of smile. “Did it do ya good to get clean?” he asked, painfully awkwardly.
I just grimaced, waist-deep in withdrawal, not loving the irony in his question.
I sat next to him, leaned my head back, and put a cold, wet hand towel that I’d nicked from the bathroom over my face. It relaxed me a bit, but relaxing wasn’t much of an improvement. My idle mind had no safe path to wander, no distraction other than my climbing fever. So I resorted to focusing on that, and let myself sink like a rock into that post-Boost depression. I needed a hit so badly. I just imagined that sweet electric rush dissolving the withdrawal, blowing away the fog over my senses, charging me back up with fierce courage so I could get back out there and face the arcade. Thinking about a remedy only made me feel sicker, but I didn’t care. More sickness meant more distractions from… other things. 
I was in for a really long night.
It wasn’t until Fix-it said “Mavy..?” that I realized he had been talking. Silently asking the Devs why he was still trying to have a conversation with me, I replied with a grunt.
Assumedly repeating himself, he said carefully, “I just wanted to say thank you… You know, for… trusting me.”
I figured he was kind of putting words in my mouth, but whatever. I was willingly staying in his home, so he wasn’t completely wrong. But I knew he really meant trusting him with… well, everything written on my body. To that, I did not know what to say. I lifted the corner of the cloth on my face to peer at him. He was giving me those earnest eyes again, the ones that his binary may as well tumble out of. I could almost feel the bags under my eyes getting heavier. It felt like anything I could have said would only have made me worse off.
After a sufficiently weird pause, I figured out what to say.
“Do you have a bucket?”
“...Beg pardon?”
“So I don’t puke on your floor.”
He sprung up like a popcorn kernel, disappeared for a second, and returned with a gross-looking utility bucket, probably the only dirty thing I’d seen in his apartment thus far. It had definitely been used for paint at some point, of all things. Then, seemingly trying to top his personal best record for stupid questions, he asked if I was nauseous. I didn’t dignify it with a response. After that, he just insisted on brewing me some tea that I can’t remember the name of, because it would, as he put it, soothe my “tummy” and help me sleep.
I told him that if he said “tummy” again, I might miss the bucket.
While the tea steeped, we had some minor disagreements about the sleeping arrangement. He wanted to take the couch while I slept in his bed, but I was having none of that. The final verdict was that he’d take the bed, I’d take the couch, and if I somehow needed something that I couldn’t get myself, I could wake him up.
The tea was counterproductive. When I went to drink it, the mug didn’t even make it to my lips. I took one whiff of the scent -- not a bad one, but a scent nonetheless -- and my stomach lurched. I retched into the bucket not a moment later. Fix-it sprung up and practically started whining like an anxious dog. At the same time, though, he looked like he was fighting the urge to sympathy vomit. We had agreed on lights out just a moment ago, but he insisted that he must stay up with me for just a little while longer.
I groaned into the bucket in my lap, “To do what, read me a bedtime story?”
He gave up after that. At long last, he turned in for the night. He got me a glass of water, turned off the lights, and pretended to close the door behind him when he went into his room -- he left it cracked, for some reason I’d no doubt disagree with.
Once the lights were off, it really stood out to me just how wrong it felt spending the night inside Niceland again, after all these years. It was obscenely quiet, the only thing close to white noise being Wreck-it’s distant snoring. The windows didn’t need any blackout shutters like they would in your game, what with our game’s permanent night setting, but the cold, dim light from the cabinet’s screen around the corner was just enough to cast faint window-shaped squares on the floor. For most, it all probably would have been ideal for sleeping. But for me, it was too rigid. Too manufactured, sterile, too clean-cut. I needed mess. I needed a raw, wild, pass-out-drunk mess. Old pilled blankets, misshapen cushions, stained pillows, creaky springs in a mattress way too small for two sprites. If nothing else, I needed the stars. But you can’t see them from the windows of Niceland.
I thought of the places I wished I could be, threw up again, and began my really, really long night.
Most of the night felt like some kind of time loop, just the same awful crap for Devs know how many hours. Throwing up, washing out the bucket, sipping water, refilling water, refreshing the cold towel, burning up, shivering, throwing the blanket, bundling up in the blanket, throwing up again. Startling flashes of memory still kept me from drifting off, but it wasn’t just the fireworks anymore. There was also barking. There was that freak’s grating, screeching abuse. There was the garbled, distorted sound of metal splitting. Worst of all, the feeling of fading into sleep almost felt like fading into near-death again, kicking up that terrified, tooth-and-claw refusal to die. In those cases, I’d wake up screaming.
Freaked the hell out of Fix-it every time.
Something else happened that night. I have no idea what time it was. There was nothing left in me to throw up anymore. My teeth were chattering, but my sweat had still soaked well into the couch. I’d tossed away the warm and damp pillows in favor of resting my burning cheek against the cool cushion beneath. I was just trying desperately to creep past the obstacles between me and anything resembling rest. That’s when things got a little… let’s say “creative.”
I tried to fool myself into thinking I was somewhere more conducive to a good night’s sleep, and it worked. If I really thought about it, I could smell chips, popcorn, and Burger Time grease in the cushion under my head. I could make the upholstery feel frayed and slack. In my feverish delirium, I could even change the room around me. I could picture the walls pulled closer, and an impressive amount of junk for such a small space, all of which I knew by heart. There would be a stereo across from me, a kitchen counter down past my feet, half-full soda cans close to my head, empty six-pack rings hanging on the door handle, a jumpsuit thrown over the corner of the couch, and above me, a rack of meticulously polished trophies. As long as I kept my eyes closed, I was in your trailer. 
For those fleeting moments, everything felt normal again. It was as if nothing ever changed.
I heard your bed creak, and your footsteps shortly after. You paused close to me for a second before continuing into the kitchen. Jars rattled when you opened the fridge, a cupboard creaked as you looked for a glass that was actually clean, and I heard you pour something -- could only have been soda, in the middle of the night, you spectacular trainwreck. Then you crossed back to me, set your glass on a surface that shouldn’t have been there, and stopped moving. You just went quiet. So much that I thought you must have been plotting a way to mess with me in my sleep. I welcomed it, too. I couldn’t wait to catch you in the act and tackle you to the floor.
Then I heard, soft as a mouse, “Mavy?”
The illusion dissipated the moment Fix-it spoke. Reality struck again, landing a critical hit on that miserable withdrawal depression. It wasn’t you. It was just Fix-it, who had apparently come to get me a new glass of water. Part of me wanted to spring up and deck him, but I stayed perfectly still and silent. I didn’t want to encourage him to keep talking to me. In all honesty, I felt too heavy and lifeless to do anything at all.
“Mavy?” he said again. “Are you awake?”
Another stupid question. I just imagined that he wasn’t there, in hopes that it would come true. But, much to my regret, I heard him sit on the coffee table again. I could feel him looking at me. He was silent long enough for me to think that he had come out just to watch me sleep, like an absolute creepazoid. But just as I was bucking up the moxie to tell him to buzz off, he spoke again.
“Mavy… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have yelled at you, or-- or tried to pressure you, or…” 
The first of many long pauses. 
“...I never should have doubted you. You’re worth so… so much more than anyone gives you credit for, and… I’ve known that since day one. Somewhere in this mayhem, I… just... lost sight of that. I know you won’t listen to how sorry I am… but I promise you, Mavy, it won’t happen again. Families support each other… and… this little family of two is all we’ve got. And I know…”
A long pause.
“...I know that you don’t… want a family. But, darn it, Mavy, you need a family, now more than ever. It… It hurts so much watching all this happen to someone I care about. I’m trying so hard to help you, but I just…”
Another pause, exceptionally long this time. For a minute, I wondered if he had left without me noticing, but sure enough, he spoke again. This time, his voice trembled. He’d started crying.
“I… don’t know… how to be the family you need. It... seems like everything I try just… pushes you away even more. I’m not asking you to forgive me, even after all these years, I just… I wish… I wish we could just talk about it. I wish we could just start over and… be better.”
He sniffed, and fell silent again for a minute. When he spoke again, his voice was even quieter.
“You know, for all the trouble you two got into, I… I just loved seeing how happy he made you. I may not know how to be what you need, but… sure seemed like he did. No one else could make you laugh quite like him. ...I miss that laugh.”
Then, by some miracle, I managed not to jump when he squeezed my hand. It was disgusting. He wasn’t wearing his gloves, so it was full skin-on-skin contact, and my hand was slimy with sweat, and for the Devs’ sake, Fix-it, I was asleep, as far as he knew. What kind of creep touches someone while they’re sleeping? Yeah, it was just my hand, but it’s the principle of the matter. I did not consent to that contact, and I would not have, even if he asked me. The whole idea of it pissed me off so much.
It didn’t make sense to me, then, why I didn’t pull away.
Maybe I was paralyzed with subconscious rage. Maybe I was too sick and depressed to move. Maybe I really, really didn’t want him to know I’d heard all that. Or, maybe pulling away would have conveyed a message that I didn’t want to send, one I didn’t think he fully deserved at the time.
Probably the rage.
Whatever my reason, he held my hand long enough to test me. Not even my gross, soggy palms deterred him. The binary in my hand was starting to really ache by the time he went on.
“You don’t deserve a broken heart, Mavy. I wish I could do more. I wish I could just… wave my hammer and bring him back for you. I’m so--... I’m so sorry I can’t give you that. There are some things I just… can’t fix.”
I heard him take a deep, slow breath, and it sounded like he rubbed his face with his free hand. For another few moments, I felt him watching me.
“Dream of something nice for me,” he finally muttered, and gave my hand one final squeeze before letting go. He stood, and, despite the fact that I was burning up, draped the blanket over my shoulders like some sappy cliché. Then he went the whole nine yards.
“Love you, cuz. Hope you know that.”
With that, he left me be. I waited until I heard his door creak and his duvet rustle to throw the blanket off and wipe my hand all over the couch. There was barely any mind power left in me to process what had just happened, but I suppose I ought to have thanked him for it -- it took my mind off of the things keeping me awake, and I eventually fell asleep, lost in uncomfortable thought.
I wasn’t angry, really, or even annoyed. I didn’t want to run away or chew him out. I just took bets with myself over how much longer it would be ‘til he realized he was wasting his time on me.
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
A Random Survey Inspired By My Tweets Created by Guia from scyphozoan
1) How are you doing in this time of COVID19? Do you personally know anyone who is not taking COVID19 seriously? Well, now I’m a real hermit crab because I only leave the house literally once a month for my doctor appointments. Pre-Covid I spent most of my time at home, but I got out more compared to this. It’s been a stressful and scary time to say the least. However, a lot of people have been hit hard and seriously affected by this in different ways, so much more than me, and it’s heartbreaking. And yes, I have some cousins who aren’t taking it seriously at all. They’re still going out all the time, partying with large groups of people, and just going about life as normal. 
2) What do you think of TikTok? Have you jumped on it yet? Why or why not? I love TikTok. I don’t make them, but I watch a lot of it. There’s a real wholesome side to it that I really enjoy. 
3) What game have you gone back to playing or missed playing because of this time of self-quarantining? There hasn’t been any.
4) How internet-savvy are your parents? Can you think of time(s) when they surprised you with what they know (i.e. memes, platforms, emoji uses, etc.)? My dad has a Facebook, he browses and shops some online (though he often asks me to do it), and I think he watches YouTube, but that’s about it. He often asks my brother and I for help with something. In fact, I handle all his online billing for him. He’s not hip with memes and whatnot. I was surprised when he mentioned TikTok once haha. As for my mom, she’s a lot better at it. She has Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat. She likes to spend a lot of time watching videos on Facebook. She likes sending Snaps to her friends. She texts a lot and uses emojis and Bitmojis and all that. She’s familiar with memes and whatnot. She does her own online billing and shopping. She only asks for help with something now and then.
5) What is your favorite foreign cuisine? What is your favorite food/dish from that cuisine? Italian. I’m a pasta gal. I used to really love Mongolian BBQ, Chinese, and Mexican, but not as much anymore because a lot of what I liked was spicy and I can’t eat spicy foods anymore. :( Mongolian BBQ was my absolute favorite, but I used to load it up with spicy stuff and sauces. I still eat Mexican and Chinese, but it’s not the same. I miss adding hot sauce and hot chili oil to everything.
6) What is an electronic gadget that you’ve had for more than 5 years? Would you say it was worth your money? Do you plan on replacing it any time soon? My laptop, phone, and TV are all less than 5 years old. I do want to upgrade my phone because it’s the XR and in tech world that is considered old.
7) What TV show would you say you’ve re-watched more than two times? Are you re-watching anything now? I’ve seen all of Roseanne (its original run, not the reboot) and The Golden Girls numerous times. I started to re-watch Sister Sister recently.
8) Do you remember the moment when you started feeling alarmed by the development of the COVID19? How did your life change since? Back in March when the lockdown stuff started happening. That’s when shit got real. Like I mentioned earlier, I don’t go anywhere now except for my once a month doctor appointments.
9) What viral video/meme last made you furious or annoyed? Hm. I can’t think of one at the moment that made me furious or annoyed.
10) When was the last time you woke up feeling pumped and determined to have a great day? How did that day unfold for you? Uhhhh. I don’t think I’ve ever woken up feeling like that to be perfectly honest. Certainly not in the last few years. I’ve just never been like a super optimistic, positive person. Well, not when it comes to myself anyway. I am for other people. I don’t know, man. I don’t wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day. It’s definitely been the worst the past few years with my severe lack of energy and motivation, but even before. I did used to have more energy and I actually had motivation once upon a time, but.. I don’t know. It’s hard to explain. Like, I didn’t set out to have a bad day, but I wasn’t so... gung-ho either. Now I’m just grumpy and moody.
11) Do you use e-mail a lot at work? If so, what are your biggest e-mail pet peeves? If not, what mundane task do you do on a regular basis at work and what do you dislike about it? I don’t have a job.
12) What hobby or interest of your significant other do you have ZERO interest in? What about something you actually think might be fun or something you actually picked up thanks to them? If you don’t have an SO, you can think of a relative or friend as an example instead. My dad is obsessed with sports, which I have zero interest in.
13) Do you use Uber? If so, how often do you use it or cabs in general? Have you ever had an awkward moment with a cab driver? I’ve only used Uber a few times and it was during my vacation at the start of this year. I’ve only taken a cab a few times as well. 
14) If you are employed, what would you say are the best and worst parts of your company’s culture. If you don’t work, what would you say is the busiest part of your day? I don’t have a busiest part of my day, I do nothing. 
15) What was the last craving you fulfilled? I had Wingstop for dinner and I got my white chocolate peppermint mocha from Starbucks as well, which I’ve had just about everyday since Starbucks released their holiday drinks. I’m obsessed.
16) Do you like stand-up comedy? Who are your favorites? When was the last time you remember discovering someone new that you actually liked? I find Kevin Hart to be funny.
17) Have you ever felt affected by the death of a celebrity or public figure? If so, who? Do you remember when you found out and what was your reaction to it? Yeah, there’s been a few. For example, Ryan Dunn’s death was crazy. I had been really into Jackass and the guys for a long time and it was just really sad.
18) What positive affirmation do you need to give yourself right now? Uhhh.
19) How often do you get headaches? What are usually the cause(s)? What are your go-to remedies for it? What was the worst headache you’ve ever had?  I get tension headaches a few times a month. I used to get them more often in high school. I can’t take aspirin and stuff like Advil and Ibuprofen don’t do shit for my headaches. Tylenol definitely doesn’t, which I don’t take anyway because it has acetaminophen and the pain medication I take regularly does as well and it’s not good to take too much of that. So, the only thing I can do is a cold washcloth over my eyes and sleep.
20) What was the last purchase you regret making? What about it that made it regrettable? How about the last purchase that you found absolutely worth your buck? The face masks I recently ordered because they’re way too thin. As for worthwhile purchases, I’ve done pretty well with my Christmas shopping. I’ve found good deals. And I just love buying gifts for my family, so that makes it worth it in itself.
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fioress · 4 years
chicago’s very own fiore gattuso has been spotted on madison avenue driving a 2020 bentley continental gt v8 in red , welcome ! your resemblance to lorenzo zurzolo is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty first birthday bash  . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re impatient , but being cunning might help you . i think being a libra explains that .  3 things that would paint  a  better picture of you would be bloodshot baby blue eyes, long drives without a specific destination, getting high by the beach. ( i have been conning money out of older women and men ever since my parents disowned me  ) & ( cismale + he/him  )
tw : abuse, homophobia
Tumblr media
full  name : fiore emiliano luca gattuso ( first name pronounced fee-oh-reh, also see here! )
nicknames : fifi, emmy ( by people who know his middle name ), some people might say... flower boy ( fiore literally means flower in italian ) 😳
gender : cismale
height :  5 ′ 8
age : 21
birthday : october 14 , 1998
zodiac : libra  ( leo moon, aquarius ascendant )
right  handed  or  left  handed : left  handed
eye  color : baby blue
hair  color : basically dark blonde / light brown
piercing  &  tattoos : the libra symbol on his left wrist, a cartilage piercing on his right ear
languages  spoken : italian  ( native  tongue ), english, spanish, sicilian ( after many summers spent in his parents’ summer house in sicily )
sexuality : bisexual
place  of  birth : napoli, italia ( naples, italy in english )
last  3  songs  listened  to : dimmi che mi ami by dj matrix ( a full on fucking italian boy tbh ), talk is cheap by chet faker, west coast by lana del rey
character  inspo : maxxie oliver from skins u.k , adam groff from sex education ( think season 2 adam ), alyssa foley from the end of the fucking world, david rose from schitt’s creek, michael kelso from that 70′s show, a mix of nick miller & winston bishop from new girl, maeby funke from arrested development 
♡ so fiore was born to an american mother named lindsey harrison & a fully italian father named gian gattuso. his mother is a very well known politician & his father is heir of a very popular gas company, literally named gattuso gas ( yikes lol ). besides that, he is also a preacher. without saying much, his parents are very well off
♡ fiore grew up with anything he’s ever wanted ( materialistically, of course ). besides that, his parents genuinely weren’t the best of people. his mother stole millions from the so called campaigns she ran & was a generally very corrupt politician, his father treated his employees like shit & was a pretty hateful person altogether
♡ they were people who expected a lot out of their only son, which made fiore feel an insane amount of pressure from the very start. at a very young age, he showed characteristics lots of boys his age didn’t show. he did things like peeing while sitting down instead of standing up, preferred to play with dolls instead of ‘boy toys’, favored the color pink, got along better with girls, preferred to watch shows that were considered ‘girly’, etc etc. 
♡ they were very harmless things honestly, things that most parents would laugh about & turn a blind eye. however, fiore really wasn’t that lucky when it came to his parents. any time he would do anything his parents claimed a ‘normal boy wouldn’t do’, he would get a huge lecture & a beating to go with it. needless to say, he learned to hide a lot of who he really was from a very young age
♡ he did a lot of things to seek the approval of his parents. he wasn’t smart academically ( dumb boi 101 tbh ), but he tried to make them happy in other ways. fiore was never fond of sports at all, but he started playing tennis at seven years old, because it made his parents happy. truth be told, he hated tennis with every fiber of his being, but again, he did this, simply because it satisfied his parents 
♡ fiore grew up trying to be the perfect son, considering the fact his parents were very much in the public eye of everyone. it was all smiles for the pictures, but behind closed doors, he really wasn’t the happiest boy ever
♡ simply put, he has always known that he likes boys. he likes girls too, don’t get him wrong, but he knew, literally since he could remember, that he also had a thing for guys too. of course, he knew this wouldn’t settle well at all with his extremely strict & religious parents, so he buried his feelings incredibly deep 
♡ he has a lot of charm & wit & found himself getting into relationships quicker than most of his friends. he briefly dated a girl when he was fourteen, but it was when he was sixteen that things really began getting, dare i say, spicy?
♡ there was an american boy new to his very #elite school & if you guessed it, they began to date! yup, his first boyfriend at sixteen years old. fiore was basically living two lives at this point. at school, he was himself, loud & proud, but when he got home, the facade began. the way he would switch up as soon as he entered the front door to his house was honestly shockingly scary 
♡ he really felt himself falling in love with this boy even though they were both fairly young. they snuck around forever. when no one was home, he would sneak him into his room to have sex, sneak out of his house when his parents were asleep, all that fun stuff. their relationship was forbidden ( at least to fiore’s parents ). this is where it gets juicy af tho, hear me out 
♡ so one day, fiore & him get really really drunk & honestly? video record themselves having sex! 😊 they didn’t do this to post it anywhere or show anyone or anything, they really just did it for themselves. they made a few copies & kept it for themselves ( stupid boys, i know! ), but they really felt like they would get married & all that gooey lovey dovey shit so they did it because yolo i guess? this is where it gets peak #juicy
♡ so fiore & him are walking back from practice. this is a time where fiore knows no one is home & no one is coming home for a while, so when they get to his house & see his father’s car parked outside, he lowkey panics a little. of course he makes the guy leave & goes inside to see what’s going on
♡ his father asks him to come upstairs & surprisingly, leads him into his room. he says something along the lines of ‘i just want to show you this so i can hear your explanation on what the fuck this is’ & this is when fiore’s entire life practically takes a 360. his father turns on his tv & legit starts playing his sex tape with his boyfriend. just picture this though; your extremely religious & hateful father & you sitting on your bed, watching your gay sex tape with your boyfriend
♡ obviously, this news isn’t well taken by his father. to make a long story short, he gets his ass beat. like, literally almost dies type shit. when this happened, he was seventeen, almost eighteen. he knew if that was ever discovered by his parents, it wouldn’t go well, but he really didn’t think them discovering his sexuality would be that brutal
♡ his parents basically disown him at that moment. they bought him a ticket to chicago & told him they never wanna see him again. it’s sad, but he packed his things & left in two days to go live with his cousin in chicago. citizenship wasn’t a problem because he had dual citizenship due to his mother being american
♡ it doesn’t really take an expert to figure out that fiore did not take this move well at all. for months, he was really depressed. he wouldn’t go out & would just lay in bed for the longest time. he was really hurt by everything that happened & it took him a while to recover. he has also lived in italy his whole life & wasn’t really used to life in america at all, but after like the fourth month of just feeling sorry for himself, it was his cousin who snapped him back to reality
♡ slowly but surely, he began putting himself out there. his english honestly #sucked when he first got to america, but it’s gotten a lot better since then ( he still has a pretty deep italian accent though ). at first, he began working at a pizza place, but fiore slowly began to realize how much he despised working. his entire life, he received everything on a silver plater with pure golden spoons, so this? he was for sure not used to it at all. again, his life completely did a 360. he went from living in a three story mansion in the most prestigious part of rome to living in a very shitty part of chicago, broke almost always, & working a job he hated with everything he had, splitting rent with his cousin
♡ fiore did not want this at all for himself. it wasn’t until he went out clubbing ( fake id & all ), that one his friends showed him the wonders of conning people. they walked into the bar with twenty bucks and left with four thousand dollars 
♡ quickly, fiore began to learn his friends’ ways. his looks, personality & his thick italian accent helped him tremendously; it was like people literally couldn’t get enough of him. soon enough, he was conning & finessing the fuck out of older men & women for their money. he once walked into a casino with five dollars and walked out with over twelve thousand, & it was only because he stayed for like an hour only
♡ finessing people became a huge hobby of his. it was with all this money that he bought himself a luxury car & jump started his model & influencer career. it was also with this money that him & his cousin ditched chicago & moved into a much better apartment in new york. with his looks & persona, he gained followers like crazy & posted videos on youtube as well, getting sponsorships & recognition easier than he expected. he was literally living off his looks & his personality & honestly? he was here for it! 
♡ there is still a part of fiore that has a lot of issues & trauma. honestly mommy & daddy issues af, but he doesn’t talk about this at all. no one really knows how he came up or where his family is & he keeps it this way, dodging questions about his personal life as much as he can
♡ in a way, he is kind of relieved with everything that happened with his parents because now, he’s completely free to be himself & do whatever the fuck he wants, knowing very well they can’t really touch him now. of course, it still left a mark that he’s never going to be able to erase or forget ( both in his heart & on his body too ), but he feels free for once in his life & he’s honestly kind of happier now 
♡ relationship wise, he really doesn’t commit to anyone. after practically being forced to leave his now ex boyfriend at almost 18, he kind of feels like he doesn’t deserve love? it’s really fucked up but he’s genuinely convinced that no one is ever going to genuinely love him or want to be with him so he just avoids any romantic relationship of any kind, usually just hooking up with people & then leaving as soon as it’s over. the truth is that he really does want to be loved, accepted & cared for by someone he loves, accepts & cares for as well, but will it ever happen if he continues pushing people away? probably not tbh 
♡ he is a fucking drinker & hella pot smoker!! legit give him some alcohol & weed he’s happy. he always has either one on him, or both tbh 
♡ this is all that’s coming to mind rn but underneath is his bio!!
       fiore was born to lindsey and gian gattuso in naples, italy. from a very young age, he showed characteristics most boys his age didn’t show. he would pee sitting down, every time he would visit his cousins, he would rather play dolls with them instead of ‘boy toys’, favored the color pink, watched things that were considered ‘girly’, etc. of course, this never settled well with his extremely religious parents, and every time he would do something even remotely different than a ‘regular’ boy would do, he would get a huge lecture, and a beating to go with it. that being said, fiore was quick to learn to hide a lot of who he really was. he absolutely despised tennis, but he played it anyways, and he did it, simply because it made his parents happy. the gattuso’s had a ton of money, so he played tennis in nearly all of europe. he has always known that he likes boys, maybe even a little bit more than he likes girls. literally since he’s had a sense of judgement, he’s just known. of course, he kept this a secret, practically living a double life, being himself at school and someone completely different at home. it didn’t take long for him to get a boyfriend, and soon, he found himself slowly falling in love. secretly sneaking him into the house when his parents weren’t home to have quickies, holding hands with him down the school hallways, and even lying to his parents and telling them he was going going to tennis practice just to hang out with him. however, one mistake costed him, well, everything.
        they were drunk and goofing around, and decided to record themselves having sex. it was innocent and pure, both of them just making love to each other in the rawest, loveliest form. the two boys made copies of it, and fiore kept one for himself. one day, when he was trying to sneak his boyfriend into the house, he saw his dad’s car parked outside, which was odd because he was never home around that time. his boyfriend left, and he went to go investigate. his father was beyond calm, and bought him up to his room. his room. fiore was confused as his father told him to sit down on the bed, and soon, his worst nightmare became a reality. his father began playing his damn sex tape on his dvd player, and to say he was mortified was an understatement. he was humiliated, and most of all, afraid. it came without much warning, but soon, his father was throwing punches to his face, his stomach, everywhere, dragging him down the stairs just for it to continue. all he saw was blood. for the first time in forever, fiore truly felt like he had hit rock bottom. they took away his cellphone, any type of technology he had to communicate with was gone, and before he knew it, he was being shipped off to america, completely cut off by his parents.
        fiore definitely didn’t take the move so well. he was a depressed mess. he wouldn’t eat, wouldn’t sleep, and over all, just felt out of place. it took him a pretty long time, but eventually, he began adjusting. of course he was still super hurt over everything that had happened, his parents cutting him off, him being away from his now ex boyfriend, his first true love, but time luckily healed most of his pain, and soon, he found himself bettering his english, making friends, and fitting right in. at least he didn’t have to play tennis here. living with his cousin wasn’t so bad either. they constantly smoked, drank like there was no tomorrow, and he even managed to land him a job at a pizza delivery place. fiore hated this job though, but after a night our with friends, he found himself learning the art of conning and finessing older men and women. he does this like there’s no tomorrow, the money he made from all these schemes helping him jumpstart his career as an influencer and model, which bought him back to his typical luxurious lifestyle. fiore is just trying to get by, one day at a time.
extra spice:
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
We’ll Be Home For Christmas 2.2
Title: We’ll be home for Christmas
Day Two – Aboard This Tiny Ship – Part 2 Prologue | 1.1 | 1.2 | 2.1
Author: Gumnut
14 - 18 Dec 2019
Fandom: Thunderbirds Are Go 2015/ Thunderbirds TOS
Rating: Teen
Summary: The boys can’t fly home for Christmas, so they have to find another way.
Word count: 2576
Spoilers & warnings: language and so, so much fluff. Science!Gordon. Minor various ships, mostly background.
Timeline: Christmas Season 3, I have also kinda ignored the main storyline of Season 3. The boys needed a break, so I gave them one. Post season 3B, before Season 3C cos we haven’t seen it yet.
Author’s note: For @scattergraph. This is my 2019 TAG Secret Santa fic :D I hope you enjoy it.
This section is a touch shorter than the last one, but the next section will be much bigger.
Many thanks to @vegetacide and @scribbles97 for cheering me on and their wonderful support through this craziness. And to @onereyofstarlight for geeking out with me over the setting.
Disclaimer: Mine? You’ve got to be kidding. Money? Don’t have any, don’t bother.
 Scott was ready to chew an arm off just to entertain himself by the time Gordon announced they were approaching L’Esperance Rock just after lunch. He’d seen it enough from the air to know it meant they were around halfway home. The thought did give him some relief and he stood at the bow of the boat watching the islet come into view.
A grunt behind him had him turning to find Virgil making his way forward, coffee in one hand, abdomen in the other. He darted in to help his brother up the steps.
“I’m okay.”
“I know you are. Just being useful.”
That earned him a stare and an arched eyebrow. “You’re bored shitless, aren’t you.” It wasn’t a question.
“I’m okay.”
Virgil snorted. “I had a bet with John you’d last until tonight at least. You’ve shafted me fifty bucks, big brother.”
Scott grunted. “Well, that explains why he was so happy to steal my phone.”
“He stole your phone?” Brown eyes frowned up at him.
“Oh, yes. On Grandma’s orders apparently.”
“That’s cheating.”
“Heh, that’s between the two of you. I’m only the subject of the bet, not the umpire.”
“Null and void. He’s not getting a cent.”
Scott grinned as he held his brother’s elbow, surprised he hadn’t been shook off.
“It is beautiful, isn’t it?” Virgil’s voice was wistful as they approached the railing. “Sometimes I think we get too busy or just take it all for granted. We do live in a stunning corner of the planet.”
“Dad always thought so. I wouldn’t have called him much of an environmentalist, but he knew what was important.”
“Hmm, I think you underestimate him. You were off the Island when Alan brought two rats home as pets.”
“He did what?!”
Another arched eyebrow. “Yes, he did, early on. Snuck them in. Dad went ballistic when he found out. The words he used had Grandma blushing. Let’s just say that Beau and Belle were deported rather abruptly and Alan now has an unofficial degree in environmental management.”
“Hmph, serves him right.”
Virgil smiled at him. “Sounds like you might be a bit of an environmentalist yourself.”
A tolerant glare at his brother. “I do what is necessary.”
Scott was surprised when Virgil’s response to that statement was a sigh. His brother’s expression was almost sad.
“You need to relax.”
“I am relaxing.”
“No, you’re not. You’re wired tighter than Two’s primary generator. You need to find a way to wind down. We’re on vacation.”
“We’re on mandatory lockdown.”
“Grandma is right. We need a break. Preferably before we break something we can’t repair.”
“It’s not just about us!”
“Yes, it is! You need to let go! Focus on you for a change.”
“Is not here! You have the right to a life, Scott. You have the right to look after yourself, to have a little fun, for god’s sake. When was the last time you read a fiction book? Flew a kite? Sat in front of the projector and binge watched an old television show?”
“There are more important things-“
“Importance is relative. It was you who blew my head off a matter of days ago about priorities, was it not? Our business forces us to prioritise according to lives at risk, I get it. I know it. I live it beside you. But you are my big brother, you are the leader of this team, your health affects our effectiveness. To put it harshly, some may die today, so many more can be saved in the future.” Virgil visibly swallowed. “I know International Rescue is important, but please, take the time, Scott. If you have to, do it for IR, do it for us or me or whatever gets you going, but most of all please do it for yourself.” Quietly. “I can’t lose you.”
What the hell? “You’re not going to lose me.”
“If you don’t look after yourself, we will!” He didn’t think it was physically possible for his brother to frown harder.
“If you don’t look after yourself, you’re going to blow your stitches.”
“This isn’t about me, it’s about you!”
“So, what are you thinking? Yell at me until I crack? I’m not finding this relaxing at all, Virg.”
“Well, it seems I need volume for you to actually hear me, because you certainly don’t listen otherwise.”
He couldn’t think of an immediate retort to that and to be honest he was worried Virgil was going hurt himself if he wasn’t careful, he appeared so uncharacteristically angry. “You’re that worried?”
“Of course, I’m fucking worried!”
Whoops, wrong thing to say.
“Virgil! Calm down. You’re the one who needs to relax.” He reached out and placed his hands on his brother’s shoulders. “Take a breath.”
To his surprise, Virgil was actually trembling a little. He was that passionate about this? He hadn’t been doing that badly, had he?
His brother did as requested and took a deep breath. “You are so hard to look after sometimes.” It was breathy and full of exhaled tension.
“You don’t have to look after me, Virg.”
“Somebody has to.” He looked up and brown eyes caught his. “Because you don’t.”
Ah, shit. A sigh and Scott gently drew his brother into a hug. “Okay, I’m sorry, I’ll try to do better.”
His brother didn’t answer, but he did lean in a little, one big hand reaching around Scott’s back and returning the embrace. “Please try.”
Virgil pulled away slowly, not looking up at his brother, but focussing on the coffee he held in his other hand. He brought it to his lips and turned away slightly.
Scott stared at the back of his brother’s head and frowned.
The boat slowed as they approached the Rock. As jagged as its distant cousin, the Rock was like a miniature version of their home, the very top of a huge undersea volcano.
“Are we stopping here?”
Virgil’s question echoed his own thoughts. He thumbed his comms. “Gordon, are we stopping here?”
“Only for a moment. Just grabbing a sensor snapshot for Mel.”
Melissa Fisher, their closest neighbour. Blonde and sharp, she would remind him of Penny if it wasn’t for her obsession with all things Kermadec. That and the twigs in her hair. Even Dad had been a little wary of stepping on anything living when visiting Raoul Island. And visit they had. They needed to keep up relations and the woman was a mine of information when it came to ecological stabilisation and rehabilitation. Tracy Island had its issues when his father bought it and ever aware of the ecological importance of the area, once Brains had built the necessary infrastructure, his father had attempted to re-stabilise the ecosystem.
Melissa had been very helpful.
Gordon had taken to her immediately, jabbering in biology terms. For a bit there, Scott had wondered if the two of them might get involved with a different kind of biology, she was a little older than Gordon, only a year younger than Scott, but that might just float his brother’s boat. But apparently, they were too distracted by what they were discussing to notice each other.
Scott hadn’t seen her in years.
The boat came to a complete stop not far from the Rock and a moment later, Gordon appeared on the starboard side and threw out his sensor buoy.
Virgil was staring at him.
Scott blinked. “What is it?”
His brother didn’t answer immediately, those dark eyes assessing him a moment longer before sipping his coffee. But then a decision flickered across his expression and his hand reached out and gently took Scott’s arm. “Come with me.”
His brother turned slowly and led him off the bow. He negotiated the stairs and walked Scott back into the living area where Gordon was once again staring at holographic fish.
“Sit down and wait a moment.” His brother disappeared off into the depths of the living quarters.”
Gordon’s jubilant yell made Scott jump. What?
His little brother was staring at a huge fish. A huge and weird looking fish. “What is that?”
“That, my wonderful big brother, is a sunfish or Mola mola, to be more specific.”
“And that is?”
Gordon glanced at him and frowned. “Heaviest bony fish on the planet. Came close to extinction twenty years ago. Saved by the World Council and its endangered species bill in 2039.” He turned back to the holographic display. “Though this one appears to have had some challenges.” Gordon’s fingers traced some gouges on the fish’s flank. “Old, but nasty.”
His brother snorted. “No. That’s net scar. It’s been caught in a fishing net at some point. I can’t see any trace of the net, so this has to be one of the lucky ones.” The giant fish drifted lazily across the table as Gordon grabbed his tablet and stabbed his finger into it several times. “It must be well travelled. We are quite a distance from the fishing zones here.”
“I thought I told you to sit down.” Virgil edged carefully back into the room carrying his keyboard.
“And I thought you weren’t supposed to be lifting anything.” Scott hurried over and took the instrument from his brother’s hands.
“It’s not heavy.”
“So I have to look after myself, yet you don’t?”
Virgil’s shoulders dropped. “Okay, okay. Give me a second.” His brother grabbed a couple of cushions and shoved them together on a lounge chair to support his back and lowered himself into it. “Put it here.” He gestured across the arms of the chair and his lap.
Wary, Scott put the keyboard, that, yes, actually was quite heavy, down where his brother told him too. “Be careful.”
Virgil frowned up him with an expression that plainly said, ‘What am I? Stupid?’
“Well, you did carry the keyboard out here, did you not?”
His brother muttered something Scott couldn’t quite hear and wasn’t sure he wanted to.
“Now, you sit down and close your eyes.” A pause. “No, actually, lie down on the couch and close your eyes.”
“Just do as I ask.”
Scott rolled his eyes, but lay down. “You didn’t used to be this bossy.”
“You didn’t used to be this stubborn. Call it evolution in trying times.”
“Smart ass.”
“Shut up and close your eyes.”
Scott muttered under his breath, wriggled where he lay and did as his brother told him. Anything to stop the man from freaking out.
His brother began to play, the keys soft and blending with the water lapping against the hull. With his eyes closed, his mind focussed on the sounds around him. Gordon’s fingers on his tablet, heard just under the music. The distant calls of seabirds. Actually, it wasn’t much of a step from the sounds of home. Virgil playing his piano. Gordon sitting on the lounge playing with his tablet. The balcony doors open to the breeze, the distant sound of the waves on Tracy Island rock, the distant call of the bird colony on Mateo. John would be in his room reading. Alan would be playing a video game in the kitchen while Grandma attempted to make dinner. Brains, as always, would be in his lab.
Virgil playing the piano.
Waves against the rocks.
Birds calling...
Virgil kept playing ever so softly. Gordon had stopped working and was staring at the two of them, frowning.
Scott started snoring.
Gordon’s eyes widened and he mouthed words at Virgil. ‘How do you do that?’
Virgil just smiled and kept on playing, drifting into a long, gentle piece his mother had taught him long ago.
At some point he closed his eyes, too, and let himself go with the music, let his fingers do what the music asked.
He woke to find both Scott and John sitting opposite him.
“That was dirty pool, Virg.”
He blinked. Someone had taken the keyboard away and shoved a few extra pillows into the chair to support him. “You knew what I was doing. I’m just your excuse. How long did you last?”
It was John who spoke up. “About twenty minutes. It was enough. Gordon had to get the boat moving. He woke up the moment the engine started.”
“You, on the other hand, have been out for over two hours.” Scott was smug. “You missed the active volcano.”
Virgil turned to John. “Anything worth looking at?”
His younger brother shrugged. “Looked like an island to me. Bigger than the Rock. No activity at the moment.”
Virgil turned back to Scott. “Sounds like I didn’t miss anything. Where are we now?”
“Anchored at Macauley Island.” Gordon strode across the room. “Hey, Virg. Good to see you awake. You might like to see this.” His fish brother’s grin was highly suspicious.
It took both Scott and John to get him out of the chair. He should not sleep sitting up with abdominal incisions. Ow.
For a moment there he thought Scott was going to send him to bed or demand he take painkillers, but he didn’t. His brother didn’t say anything, and even if he did, a familiar roar distracted Virgil enough that he wouldn’t have noticed if his brother said anything anyway.
He pushed himself forward, leaving his helping hands behind and stepped out onto the deck.
His beautiful ‘bird was roaring in from the north. She moved so fast, he blinked and she was coming to a halt some distance away, VTOL firing her into a hover.
He just stared as she dropped her module.
He blinked as Gordon and Alan suddenly started the engine of an inflatable dingy and tore off towards the module sporting its proud number four.
“Thunderbird Two to Virgil.” Kayo’s voice startled him out of his stare. “So how did I do? Score out of ten.”
The door to the module lowered and Gordon leapt out of the little boat and jumped on board.
“Oh, ten, I guess.”
“Ten?!” Gordon’s outrage yelped across comms as the aquanaut turned in the distance and put both hands on his hips. “I knew he liked you more than me. I haven’t managed anything higher than an eight and I’ve been trying for years!”
Kayo didn’t answer as his ‘bird turned and took off for home, but Virgil grinned. “Keeps you on your toes, bro.”
“You suck.”
Their sister snorted across comms as Alan turned the dingy around and headed back. Gordon glared a glare that made it across the ocean despite the distance and stormed off into the module.
Virgil’s grin just got wider. “Why did he call for Four?”
“Something about helping Melissa. A sensor malfunction in the Macauley caldera.” A glance at Scott found him grinning, too. “You know he’s not going to let that go, don’t you?”
“We’re stuck on a boat, captained by him, in the middle of the ocean and you want to set Gordon off?”
Virgil shrugged. “He’ll enjoy it.”
“We won’t.”
“We’ll live.”
“If I wake up with pink hair, you’re dead.”
“I love you, too.” Virgil was still grinning.
“You do know that you still have your comms on, don’t you?” His aquanaut brother’s voice was admittedly amused.
“Yes, Gordon, I do. Got some good ideas?”
“I guess you’ll have to wait and see.” And with that, Four’s rear thrusters fired and she shot out of the module and into the ocean.
“You got your uniform on?”
“Yes, Mom.”
“Fly safe.”
End Day Two, Part Two
Day Two, Part Three
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communist-dinosaurs · 4 years
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so have any of y’all seen that old College Humor picture of the Venn diagram of Muppet names?
yeah, me neither.
anyway, the other day at work i was thinking about it--and i had just watched Starship Genius parts 13 and 14, so i was in a pretty Ratboy mood--when i had an epiphany.
the name of every character in the Ratboy Genius mythos can be described as:
a common american given name
a name that’s a title
a name that’s a description
or some combination of the three.
so, uh...i made this.
full character list, footnotes, and more after the cut:
full character list:
common (american) names: Bob, Clyde, Fred, George, Sue
titular names: The Professor
descriptive names: Bat Friend, The Caveman, Green Flipper Friend, Green Monster, Happyman, Hat, The Hoo Hoos, Leaping Friend, The Little Summer Solstice Baby, Old Fingerhead, Old Froggy, Ratboy Genius, Sneezy, Very Tall Friend, Yoga Friend, Young Mouthbottom
common / titular names: Big Cousin Fred
common / descriptive names: Buck Dodger
titular / descriptive names: The Big Fish Boss, Caterpillar Minister, Miss Big Feet, Mister Bigarms, Mister Fisheater
common / titular / descriptive names: Little King John
1. i love how even within the constraint of this weird naming schema, Little King John still manages to be extra as fuck by being the only character who fulfills all three name types. i mean, look at him. he’s little; he’s a king; he’s John. amazing.
2. i’m assuming the “Dodger” part of “Buck Dodger” is descriptive, based on this line from The Flood part 6: “i used to travel from planet to planet / dodging the stars, chasing the comets”
3. in Starship Genius part 14, Bob refers to himself as “Captain Bob.” this might be a plot point that hints at some upcoming character development. or it might’ve just been thrown in to make Bob’s name scan better with the original Happyman Opera lyrics. i’m assuming it’s the latter. but if Bob does end up changing his name to Captain Bob, he’ll just be shuffled over to the “common / titular names” category.
4. due to the...uh...mysterious nature of the Hoo Hoos, i wasn’t exactly sure what their name is supposed to mean. are they Hoo Hoos because they go “hoo hoo hoo”? is “Hoo Hoo” some sort of title? is it referring to the abstract concept of “hoo” that Old Fingerhead repeatedly says he wants none of in the Galactic Superheroes series? the world may never know. i ultimately decided to stick ‘em in the “descriptive names” category, as you can see. but if you disagree, i would be tickled pink to see some Hoo Hoo-related discourse in the notes ;)
5. as far as i can tell--and believe me, i watched a lot of RBG videos while preparing this chart--the only character whose name is never mentioned anywhere in canon is Miss Big Feet. i got her name from the Ratboy Genius wiki.
6. ah, the Big Fish Boss. i put him in the “titular / descriptive” category because, in my mind, “Boss” counts as a title. but i waffled for a long time between that and just the pure “descriptive” category. do you think i made the right decision? discourse away ;) ;)
7. and last but not least, Big Cousin Fred. this is one of the few category decisions i’m not currently accepting discourse on, for a couple reasons:
i parse the name “Big Cousin Fred” as referring to a big cousin (as in, an elder cousin) whose name is Fred. the other option--referring to a cousin who is named Fred and who happens to be big--just doesn’t make sense. plus...
...that would’ve put BCF in the center category, alongside Little King John, and i don’t think John would take well to sharing that rare, coveted spot with a third-string character who hasn’t been seen since 2007 :D
whoo! this was actually a lot of fun to put together. it compelled me to rewatch Ratboy’s Kingdom, which i hadn’t watched since i first got into RBG, uh, like...two years ago? dang. (i’m sure i’m not the only person who got into RBG via Worthikid’s explanation / tribute video circa 2017.)
anyway, it allowed me to re-remember just how cute-fun the music in Ratboy’s Kingdom is, which is always a good thing.
i also have to express my undying gratitude to the Ratboy Genius wiki, which allowed me to fact-check the details on the more esoteric characters...
and mad props to this picture by opaattack, which helped remind me just how many characters the Ratboy Genius mythos has in it.
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elijahcarrol-blog · 5 years
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- ̗̀   ––  ( charlie heaton, twenty three, cismale, he/him. )  hey, is that elijah carrol over there?  rumor has it,  they’re one of those summer birds,  originally from ruston, louisiana.  i’ve heard they’re pretty downbeat,  it’s just too bad they’re also hare-brained.  they remind me of cigarette buds fallen into the passanger seat,  ripped tie-dye shirts,  music drowning out the chatter of an overly crowded van.   ̖́ - 
hey all!  it’s fran here  &  i’m more than excited about finally kicking things off here  &  introducing you to my laid-back,  larger than life,  wanderlust driven son!  i’ll leave some potential connections below for you to take a peek at  &  maybe spark some inspiration for plotting as well as go over the basics.  i’m always available through ims or discord for those who ask for it!
elijah was the youngest of three siblings born to a well - off middle class family in ruston,  louisiana,  with his older brothers having seniority over him by a few years.
being the youngest,  a lot was expected of elijah.  his parents had hoped he’d follow in his brothers footsteps,  with one moving on to be a lawyer  &  another finding success elsewhere  &  a new family of his own to show for it.
with the constant pressure to conform to his parents idea of ‘a son they could be proud of’ elijah strayed further  &  further from their expectations. now, their relationship wasn’t bad--  in fact,  despite the growing distance caused by disappointment  &  polar opposite perspectives,  they did love their son.  &  he loved them too.  they wanted what was best for him,  but they had a very strict opinion of what that was. 
by nature, he was nothing like his brothers. while they thrived on success,  elijah focused on the bigger picture.  he could never see himself working an office job or spending every hour of every day listening to an old man who lost all his potential in his own youth telling him what,  where  &  when to be.  no,  that wasn’t elijah.
his relationship with his brothers weren’t strained either. of course,  he never appreciated the constant comparisons  &  ‘why can’t you be more like your brother?’ remarks his mother would make over coffee every morning,  but they were a good family.  they understood how their parents could be  &  while they wanted to see elijah succeed,  they wanted him to succeed in what he wanted to do.  or at least the eldest did.  &  he wasn’t shy of making that known.  when he was told to follow what he wanted to,  that was the day elijah knew his brother had been destined to be a father,  just as much as he’d been meant for other things.
his first year out of high school was tough.  he’d managed to graduate,  got his diploma  &  made his parents proud.  however,  things became much more real to him when his days of smoking behind the bleachers,  playing trombone in the school band every pep rally  &  barely escaping trouble were over.  his parents were furious when they discovered he’d not applied for any colleges--  not even the ones they recommended as second,  third or fifth choice.  he was intelligent,  he could get accepted anywhere if he tried.  his teachers always said he could be brilliant if he just made the effort.  his mother wept  &  cried about how he’d never get anywhere if he kept doing what he was.
that night elijah carrol left the town of ruston for good.  a few beers  &  a handful of joints after their fight had led him to having the epiphany that he should just leave.  go wherever he wanted,  do whatever he wanted,  be whoever he wanted.  he packed what he could,  left a note for his family,  traded in his car for a new set of wheels  &  left.  he was nineteen.  &  he’s been on the road every since.
personality wise,  elijah is very laid-back!  he’s a big people person.  he loves talking,  opening up to people,  hearing their stories,  being someone they can confide in regardless of who they are.  he’s been known to pick up hitchhikers here  &  there.
because he wants to live his life to the fullest,  he can be brash with his decisions sometimes!  he can fail to think things through entirely before he does them.  which is partially how he ended up with a van full of people he travels with.
he just wants to experience everything!  good,  bad  &  ugly.  he does believe life is truly beautiful  &  in his own opinion,  he’s seen enough of it to attest to that.  he’s a firm believer that people shouldn’t to live up to anyone’s expectations or standards.  he wants people to be true to themselves,  what they want  &  helping them go for it.  because of this,  he’s obviously very open-minded  &  accepting of a lot.  he gets very enthusiastic about people  &  the things they’re passionate about.  he’s the biggest hype man.
he’s definitely a stoner.  he smokes a lot,  occasionally drinks,  won’t turn down much.  he lives by the ‘i’ll try anything once’ mantra--  with the exception of a few things.  think of travis from clueless when it comes to elijah’s overall vibe!
unlike most summer birds,  elijah discovered erith springs by chance.  he was just passing through when he found the town  &  saw so much potential that he decided to prolong his stay.  he stays in his van  &  can be found parked up on the lot of the beach homes,  keeping close to the beach.
43% the caregiver  ––  friendly,  sincere,  &  compassionate,  the caregiver finds their reward in helping others.  no one could ask for a better best friend.
the teacher.  confident as they are curious,  archetypal teachers are excellent listeners who are also willing to admit when they don’t know something.  seldom shy or at a loss for words,  many succeed at teaching because they are charismatic.
the rescuer.  rescuers are courageous  &  selfless,  throwing themselves into dangerous situations because they genuinely want and need to help,  not for fame or glory.
the bff.   bffs are the people you know you can turn to at the worst  &  best of times.  they are there when the going gets tough  &  ready for fun when the living is easy.
the mentor.  unselfishly open to those hungry to learn,  great mentors give confidence to those who need it.
43% the visionary  ––  leave it to others to live by the status quo. the visionary is interested in new ways of seeing,  solutions not yet imagined,  products not yet built.
the detective.  you see  &  sense extremely fine details that may ordinarily be missed.  you can also be a snoop  &  very intrusive.
the futurist.   futurists have incredible minds  &  are tenacious about achieving their goals.
14% the rebel  ––  the rebel is comfortable throwing caution to the wind,  &  bucking the system,  if that means getting their point across.
the saboteur.  like their archetypal cousin,  the jokester,  rebels live to upend anything that smacks of banality or conservatism.
the wild man.  wild men  &  wild women are the most outrageous of rebels.  these are the people who are in touch with the side of themselves that doesn’t want to settle or be forced into any box.
the hedonist.  hedonists are wonderful hosts  &  guests.  they bring added pleasure to any pleasurable occasion by noticing and appreciating the details  &  savoring each element.
smoking buddies!  he smokes so much it’d be impossible for him not to have a few. but it could be fun if he had someone he introduced a little sweet mary jane to, if you catch my drift.
a boss!  except,  not really--  at all.  instead,  someone elijah has done a few odd jobs for  ( landscaping, gardening, things like that )  &  although he made it clear he didn’t need or want any money from them,  they insist anyway.  just a soft dynamic.
occasional hook-up.  someone he’s been seeing while he’s been in erith.  no strings attached,  casual hang outs,  all of that good stuff!
friends, friends, friends!  he can never be short on them.
enemies.  someone that,  despite elijah’s knack for befriending almost anyone,  ruffles his feathers.  someone that gets under his skin someway or another.  someone he doesn’t find agreeable at all.
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trauma-13 · 5 years
All the asks!
1. Zodiac sign
2. Sexual orientation
I'm bisexual.
3. Relationship status
I'm very, very happily engaged.
4. Someone you miss
You!!! (@car-one-responding )
5. Person who’s arms you’d like to be in
My fiance's 🥰
6. What you find attractive in Men/Women?
Men-tattoos, taller than me, dark hair, light eyes, funny, good cook/likes to cook, ambitious, family oriented, laid back personally.
Women-around the same height as me, tattoos, dark hair, funny, nice boobs.
7. How tall are you?
I am 5'6"
8. What you love about yourself?
My determination, how quick of a learner I am, my passion for medicine and animals.
9. What you’re doing tomorrow?
Uh going with Fiance to get his hair cut.
10. What are your future plans?
Get married, go to Disneyland, become a pediatric trauma ICU nurse, have babies.
11. Your last night out in detail
Tbh it's been AGES since I've gone out. I think since I graduated and we all got drunk at a casino and laughed at porn descriptions 😂
12. Your favourite book
I have many.
13. All of pets you’ve ever had
Hugo, standard sizes dachshund. Hugo died when I was 20 or 21.
Sam, gray and white cat. Sammy died when I was 20 or 21.
Stitches, tabby cat. He died when I was 6 or 7.
Jessie, micro mini dachshund. She died when I was 19.
Freddy, dachshund Chihuahua mix. He died 3 years ago.
Vinnie, dachshund mix (lives with mom)
Tig, dachshund mix (lives with mom)
Axel, jack russle beagle mix, he's the first pupper I've owned on my own. He's my baby boy.
Dakota, God knows what mix. She's the sweetest dog you'll ever meet. She's so caring and concerned all the time, for everyone.
Marshmallow, fluffy white cat. 1/2 of kitty twins. Fluffy freeloader.
Magic, fluffy black cat. 2/2 of kitty twins. Also a fluffy freeloader. My familiar 100%.
14. Something that changed your life
Since I talked about my first medical experience I'll do something different for this one. When I was 18 years old, a close friends' cousin died unexpectedly in a freak sports accident. I was there when it happened, and at the ER with him and his family, as well as everyone who showed up who was at the game when it happened. I stayed with his family until they got him on the helicopter for air transport to the ICU about 10-15 minutes (by flight) away. His heart stopped in the helicopter and they could never get him back. He died when he was 12 from some thing that should've never happened. It made me want to become an ER trauma nurse, and specifically in pediatrics. It also made me incredibly passionate about the families being involved in the emergency and life saving care we do for our patients.
15. Do you remember your last dream?
The last one I remember, I won 60,000 bucks at a slot machine haha
16. What your last text message says?
It was a picture of my cat in a bag.
17. Do you respect your government and the way your country is run?
Not currently.
18. Where you would like to live?
Realistically? Portland, OR or somewhere in Colorado.
Pipe dream? Naples, Italy.
19. Your  favourite flavour of ice cream?
I'm not a big ice cream person, but I like cherry garcia, french vanilla, and peanut butter with that chocolate shell stuff.
20. Last thing you ate?
A bite of the pasta salad I made for dinner
21. Which swear word do you use the most?
Either fuck or shit.
22. Your plans for summer?
Work, sleep, repeat.
23. Any upcoming concerts?
Not really, fiance and I were just talking about going to one in October.
24. Something that you’re proud of?
My career, my licenses, my fiance.
25. Do you still talk to your first crush?
I don't think so?
26. What language do you want to learn?
Spanish, sign language, and Italian.
27. Where you  have lived before?
Winslow, AZ
Safford, AZ
And Phoenix, AZ (current)
28. Eye color
29. Favourite style of clothing
I'm a pretty laid back person, I like jeans, tshirts, leggings, tank tops. Basically if it's comfy hah
30. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
Ranges from 10 minutes to an hour.
31. Where did you go today?
Got waxed, Costco, Fry's, OHSO brewery.
32. Where are you right now?
The couch!!
33. How many countries have you visited?
Just this one.
34. Something old
The bracelet I have on, had it since I was 11ish.
35. Something new
My necklace! I got it yesterday!
36. Something inherited
I'm not currently wearing it, but I have a ring that has been in my family for generations.
37. Is death more scary than life?
38. Experience you’ll never forget
Hmm. Graduating nursing school, meeting my fiance, marrying him (72 days!!).
39. What’s your favorite part about today so far?
Spending the majority of it with my fiance.
40. Who is your hero?
My mom and Walt Disney.
41. Are you happy with where you live?
Yeah, for the most part!
42. Do you like your handwriting?
Sometimes, yes.
43. What do you wear to bed?
Depends where I am. Home? Underwear or nothing at all.
My mom's? Shorts and a tank top/t-shirt.
44. Tea or coffee?
45. Chocolate or Vanilla?
Ooooh depends.
46. Are you excited for anything?
Our wedding and honeymoon
47. How late did you stay up last night and why?
I think around midnight, and that's just when I fell asleep.
48. What’s your ringtone?
The Wonder Woman theme from the new movie.
49. Did you have a dream last night?
If I did, I don't remember it.
50. What keeps you going each day?
My dogs, my fiance, my goals.
51. Picture of yourself
From the other night at work!
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lakersworld · 5 years
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1. Kevin Durant
Player Option / Small Forward / 6-9 / Team: Golden State Warriors
26.0 ppg, 6.4 rpg, 5.9 apg
One of the three best players in the NBA. Rumors are swirling about his interest in joining the Knicks, but when it comes time to make a decision, will he really opt to leave the perfect situation he’s currently in?
Agent: Rich Kleiman 2018/19 Earnings: $30,000,000 Career Earnings: $157,183,333
2. Kawhi Leonard
Player Option / Small Forward / 6-7 / Team: Toronto Raptors
26.6 ppg, 7.3 rpg, 1.8 spg
Now healthy, he’s one of the best players in the league again and will surely command a huge contract next summer. The question is: Has Toronto done enough this season to convince him to stay long-term?
Agent: Dennis Robertson 2018/19 Earnings: $23,114,066 Career Earnings: $60,899,944
3. Kyrie Irving
Player Option / Point Guard / 6-3 / Team: Boston Celtics
23.8 ppg, 6.9 apg, 40.1 3P%
One of the hardest-to-defend point guards in the league. Will he listen to outside suitors this offseason or is him re-signing in Boston an inevitability?
Agent: Jeff Wechsler 2018/19 Earnings: $20,099,189 Career Earnings: $75,108,436
4. Kemba Walker
Unrestricted / Point Guard / 6-1 / Team: Charlotte Hornets
25.6 ppg, 4.4 rpg, 5.9 apg
For the past three seasons, he has performed at an elite level but hasn’t been paid like it. That will undoubtedly change this offseason.
Agent: Jeff Schwartz 2018/19 Earnings: $12,000,000 Career Earnings: $46,199,401
5. Klay Thompson
Unrestricted / Shooting Guard / 6-7 / Team: Golden State Warriors
21.5 ppg, 3.8 rpg, 40.2 3P%
One of the best shooters in league history, he is also an extremely able defender who seemingly never gets injured. 2019 will probably be the summer he gets his first massive contract, and it’ll probably come from Golden State, barring a huge surprise.
Agent: Greg Lawrence 2018/19 Earnings: $18,988,725 Career Earnings: $59,318,274
6. Jimmy Butler
Player Option / Shooting Guard / 6-7 / Team: Philadelphia 76ers
18.7 ppg, 5.3 rpg, 1.9 spg
A tough, two-way wing who can defend multiple positions and score 20 per night at an efficient level. His fit with the 76ers isn’t totally ideal, however, so it wouldn’t be shocking to see him end up on a different team this summer.
Agent: Bernie Lee 2018/19 Earnings: $19,841,627 Career Earnings: $60,025,227
7. D’Angelo Russell
Restricted / Point Guard / 6-5 / Team: Brooklyn Nets
21.1 ppg, 7.0 apg, 36.9 3P%
He played the best basketball of his young career this season, helped lead Brooklyn to a playoff spot and got the first All-Star bid of his time as a professional. Looks to be someone the Nets might build around, but those plans could change depending on how they fare in free agency this summer.
Agent: Austin Brown 2018/19 Earnings: $7,019,698 Career Earnings: $15,998,280
8. Tobias Harris
Unrestricted / Power Forward / 6-9 / Team: Philadelphia 76ers
20.0 ppg, 7.9 rpg, 39.7 3P%
After averaging career-highs across the board this season, he couldn’t be going into free agency at a better time.
Agent: Torrel Harris 2018/19 Earnings: $14,800,000 Career Earnings: $55,749,880
9. Kristaps Porzingis
Restricted / Power Forward / 7-3 / Team: Dallas Mavericks
After a trade landed him in Dallas, team owner Mark Cuban made it clear the organization plans to keep him around for the long haul.
Agent: Janis Porzingis 2018/19 Earnings: $5,697,054 Career Earnings: $12,953,040
10. Khris Middleton
Player Option / Small Forward / 6-8 / Team: Milwaukee Bucks
18.3 ppg, 6.0 rpg, 4.3 apg
One of the most underrated wings in basketball. He scores efficiently and also distributes, rebounds and defends at above-average rates for his position. First-time All-Star this season.
Agent: Michael Lindeman 2018/19 Earnings: $13,000,000 Career Earnings: $46,177,719
11. Nikola Vucevic
Unrestricted / Center / 7-0 / Team: Orlando Magic
20.8 ppg, 12.0 rpg, 3.8 apg
His numbers this year, across the board, were monstrous, but a porous showing in the playoffs could hurt his stock as a free agent.
Agent: Rade Filipovich 2018/19 Earnings: $12,750,000 Career Earnings: $42,838,639
12. DeMarcus Cousins
Unrestricted / Center / 6-11 / Team: Golden State Warriors
16.3 ppg, 8.2 rpg, 1.5 bpg
Upon returning from a torn Achilles, he had a good run to close the season, even flashing moments where he looked like his old self. However, a quad injury in Game 2 of the playoffs will force him to miss the postseason, and cast a shadow on his impending free agency.
Agent: Jarinn Akana 2018/19 Earnings: $5,337,000 Career Earnings: $80,711,986
13. Julius Randle
Player Option / Power Forward / 6-9 / Team: New Orleans Pelicans
21.4 ppg, 8.7 rpg, 3.1 apg
Elite finisher around the paint. Specializes in using athleticism to drive by slower big men. Averaged career numbers in multiple categories this year.
Agent: Aaron Mintz 2018/19 Earnings: $8,641,000 Career Earnings: $13,545,962
14. Al Horford
Player Option / Center / 6-10 / Team: Boston Celtics
13.6 ppg, 6.7 rpg, 4.2 apg
He doesn’t score a bunch of points, but his all-around game is excellent. Few big men share his blend of playmaking and defense.
Agent: Jason Glushon 2018/19 Earnings: $28,928,710 Career Earnings: $129,458,059
15. Marc Gasol
Player Option / Center / 7-1 / Team: Toronto Raptors
13.6 ppg, 7.9 rpg, 4.4 apg
His skill as an outside shooter and passer should help his game age nicely. Does a bit of everything from the center position. His showing in the playoffs, primarily his outstanding defense, will help elevate his stock as a free agent.
Agent: Steve Heumann 2018/19 Earnings: $24,119,025 Career Earnings: $128,292,718
16. Bojan Bogdanovic
Unrestricted / Small Forward / 6-8 / Team: Indiana Pacers
18.0 ppg, 4.1 rpg, 42.5 3P%
Put up a career-high in points, rebounds and assists. One of the best shooters in the NBA. His value as a free agent is only hurt by his lackluster defense and the fact he just turned 30.
Agent: Jason Ranne 2018/19 Earnings: $10,500,000 Career Earnings: $21,091,796
17. Brook Lopez
Unrestricted / Center / 7-0 / Team: Milwaukee Bucks
12.5 ppg, 4.9 rpg, 36.5 3P%
One of the few big men in the league who can shoot threes and protect the paint at above-average rates. He’s already in his 30’s, but his game has aged nicely thanks to his high skill level.
Agent: Darren ‘Mats’ Matsubara 2018/19 Earnings: $3,382,000 Career Earnings: $117,423,487
18. DeAndre Jordan
Unrestricted / Center / 6-11 / Team: New York Knicks
11.0 ppg, 13.1 rpg, 64.1 FG%
Even in his 30s, still one of the best rebounders the NBA has to offer. Elite screen-setter as well.
Agent: Jeff Schwartz 2018/19 Earnings: $22,897,200 Career Earnings: $106,710,175
19. Malcolm Brogdon
Restricted / Point Guard / 6-5 / Team: Milwaukee Bucks
15.6 ppg, 3.2 apg, 42.6 3P%
Can play either guard spot effectively, both on offense and defense. Has blossomed into a knockdown three-point shooter.
Agent: Danielle Cantor 2018/19 Earnings: $1,544,951 Career Earnings: $2,237,611
20. Nikola Mirotic
Unrestricted / Power Forward / 6-10 / Team: Milwaukee Bucks
15.2 ppg, 7.4 rpg, 36.5 3P%
An adept floor-spacer from the 4-spot with quick feet on the defensive end. Can be quite streaky with his shot, however, which hurts his value.
Agent: Bill Duffy 2018/19 Earnings: $12,500,000 Career Earnings: $29,131,175
21. Paul Millsap
Team Option / Power Forward / 6-8 / Team: Denver Nuggets
12.6 ppg, 7.2 rpg, 1.2 spg
Averaging his lowest points per game in nine years. Still a versatile big man who can defend at a high level and score when needed. One of Denver’s better performers in the playoffs.
Agent: DeAngelo Simmons 2018/19 Earnings: $29,230,769 Career Earnings: $121,314,973
22. Goran Dragic
Player Option / Point Guard / 6-3 / Team: Miami Heat
13.7 ppg, 3.1 rpg, 4.8 apg
He displayed clear signs of regression this year, which makes sense since he’ll be entering his age-32 season next season. Reportedly undecided on whether or not he will exercise his player option this summer.
Agent: Rade Filipovich 2018/19 Earnings: $18,109,175 Career Earnings: $77,379,858
23. Danny Green
Unrestricted / Shooting Guard / 6-6 / Team: Toronto Raptors
10.3 ppg, 4.0 rpg, 45.5 3P%
Relocated his elite shooting form in a big way this season. Shot over 45 percent from three while playing hounding defense on the perimeter in 2018-19.
Agent: Joe Branch 2018/19 Earnings: $10,000,000 Career Earnings: $42,607,624
24. JJ Redick
Unrestricted / Shooting Guard / 6-4 / Team: Philadelphia 76ers
18.1 ppg, 2.7 apg, 39.7 3P%
Despite it being his age-34 season, putting up a career-high in points. One of the best sharpshooters the game has to offer.
Agent: Aaron Mintz 2018/19 Earnings: $12,250,000 Career Earnings: $78,516,715
25. Harrison Barnes
Player Option / Small Forward / 6-8 / Team: Sacramento Kings
16.4 ppg, 4.7 rpg, 39.5 3P%
He’s still just entering his prime even though it feels like he’s been around forever. Good scorer, especially out of the post, and was a true threat from three this year.
Agent: Jeff Schwartz 2018/19 Earnings: $24,107,258 Career Earnings: $57,874,032
26. Marcus Morris
Unrestricted / Power Forward / 6-9 / Team: Boston Celtics
13.9 ppg, 6.1 rpg, 37.5 3PT%
Provides the Celtics with an element of toughness they wouldn’t have without him. Solid scoring big man who can iso, post-up and shoot the long ball.
Agent: Rich Paul 2018/19 Earnings: $5,375,000 Career Earnings: $22,928,419
27. Thaddeus Young
Unrestricted / Power Forward / 6-8 / Team: Indiana Pacers
12.6 ppg, 6.5 rpg, 1.5 spg
A hugely impactful contributor thanks to his plus defense and finishing around the basket.
Agent: Jim Tanner 2018/19 Earnings: $13,764,045 Career Earnings: $81,810,523
28. Rudy Gay
Unrestricted / Small Forward / 6-8 / Team: San Antonio Spurs
13.7 ppg, 6.8 rpg, 40.2 3P%
Can still score when called upon. Maybe not at the high-volume pace of his prime, but he has become a better three-point shooter to make up the difference.
Agent: Roger Montgomery 2018/19 Earnings: $10,087,200 Career Earnings: $124,025,870
29. Ricky Rubio
Unrestricted / Point Guard / 6-4 / Team: Utah Jazz
12.7 ppg, 6.1 apg, 1.3 spg
Reliable floor general. Coach-on-the-floor type who has become a somewhat respectable three-point shooter. It seems likely that he’ll be wearing a different jersey next season.
Agent: Jeff Schwartz 2018/19 Earnings: $14,800,000 Career Earnings: $55,216,408
30. Derrick Rose
Unrestricted / Point Guard / 6-3 / Team: Minnesota Timberwolves
18.0 ppg, 4.3 apg, 37.0 3P%
Almost out of nowhere, he had moments this year where he resembled his old self. Shot a career-best percentage from three, which helped him offset his drop in athleticism. Nagging injuries still a problem.
Agent: BJ Armstrong 2018/19 Earnings: $2,176,260 Career Earnings: $120,415,866
31. Al-Farouq Aminu
Unrestricted / Power Forward / 6-9 / Team: Portland Trail Blazers
9.4 ppg, 7.5 rpg
Not a great scorer, but does the little things that help you win. Plus defender on the wing.
Agent: Raymond Brothers 2018/19 Earnings: $6,957,105 Career Earnings: $35,502,591
32. Willie Cauley-Stein
Restricted / Center / 7-0 / Team: Sacramento Kings
11.9 ppg, 8.4 rpg
Bouncy big man who can switch defensively and throw down with the best of them.
Agent: Roger Montgomery 2018/19 Earnings: $4,696,874 Career Earnings: $15,350,475
33. Jonas Valanciunas
Player Option / Center / 6-11 / Team: Memphis Grizzlies
15.6 ppg, 8.6 rpg
Put up crazy numbers per-36 minutes this season at 25.2 points and 13.8 rebounds per 36. Great rebounder and post scorer with a decent jumper.
Agent: Leon Rose 2018/19 Earnings: $16,539,326 Career Earnings: $45,082,618
34. Enes Kanter
Unrestricted / Center / 6-11 / Team: Portland Trail Blazers
13.7 ppg, 9.8 rpg
Great scorer down low, ferocious rebounder and a good finisher out of the pick-and-roll. His problems are a lack of a three-point shot and subpar defensive contributions. A good showing so far in the playoffs has helped his stock as a free agent.
Agent: Mark Bartelstein 2018/19 Earnings: $19,264,603 Career Earnings: $74,898,362
35. Terrence Ross
Unrestricted / Shooting Guard / 6-6 / Team: Orlando Magic
15.1 ppg, 3.5 rpg
Athletic perimeter player who can knock down triples with aplomb and score off the dribble.
Agent: Aaron Mintz 2018/19 Earnings: $10,500,000 Career Earnings: $42,589,837
36. Terry Rozier
Restricted / Point Guard / 6-2 / Team: Boston Celtics
9.0 ppg, 3.9 rpg
Numbers have taken a dip now that he’s returned to a full-time bench role. Proved in 2017-18 that he can handle starting point-guard duties, and handle them dutifully.
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newstfionline · 6 years
At the border, uncertainty about the migrant caravan and military’s concertina wire
By Dan Lamothe and Maya Averbuch, Washington Post, November 14, 2018
BROWNSVILLE, Tex.--Pfc. Jordan Wilson and Alexis Espinoza Padilla stood 500 miles apart in separate worlds, and yet undeniably were linked by practical and geopolitical forces.
Wilson, 25, and his fellow U.S. soldiers worked in the shadow of the Brownsville and Matamoros International Bridge crossing into Mexico, stretching out 50-foot rolls of concertina wire near the banks of the Rio Grande on Sunday afternoon. His green camouflage uniform, helmet, body armor, protective glasses and thick gloves were required by commanders, even if he was working stateside. Just a block away, civilians walked to a Dollar General discount store.
A few hours earlier, Espinoza Padilla, 23, fiddled with a cord connecting his cellphone to a solar-powered battery pack on the outskirts of Santiago de Queretaro in Central Mexico. He wore a sweater and had pulled his cap down low to protect him from the sun while waiting for a ride in a truck heading north.
The two 20-somethings are at the center of an issue that could percolate for weeks: The potential arrival of a caravan of thousands of migrants at the U.S. border at a single location and the military’s possible role in dealing with it.
The Trump administration has dispatched more than 5,900 active-duty troops to the border to buttress U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents processing asylum claims. Federal law and Pentagon policy limits the scope of what the troops can do, though the military has said they could be asked to fly CBP officers in helicopters to less secure parts of the border if the caravan attempts to enter the country there.
The first group of migrants, meanwhile, decided last week to turn west toward Tijuana and began arriving there Tuesday. They numbered a few hundred on Wednesday. They could disperse into smaller groups, but other caravan groups are still moving across Mexico and it is unclear where they will go.
On the border, U.S. service members are expected to cede all law enforcement missions to the Department of Homeland Security, adhering to the Posse Comitatus Act and Pentagon regulations.
But some sort of significant encounter remains a possibility, even as Wilson and some of his fellow soldiers struggle with how to characterize their mission.
“This will kind of be like my deployment here, if you call it that,” said Wilson, who has been in the Army less than two years and not yet been overseas.
Asked what he would call it, he said he wasn’t sure but would do his job to the best of his ability.
“I shrug,” he said. “I don’t know the answer.”
In Texas, images of soldiers stringing concertina wire emerged just before election day and have become the main motif of the mission. More than 150 miles are available, military officials have said. The Pentagon initially called the operation Faithful Patriot, but disclosed just after the election that it had stripped it of that name amid complaints that it had partisan overtones. The military now simply refers to operations as “border support,” and plans to send the troops home by Dec. 15.
Wilson, of the 887th Engineer Support Company, of Fort Campbell, Ky.,--and his fellow soldiers arrived in Brownsville last week to string the concertina between the Matamoros bridge and the Gateway International Bridge, less than a mile to the northeast. CBP officials said they once found a hole cut in the chain-link fence near the Dollar General, Wilson said, presumably allowing someone to slip into Brownsville.
In response, the Army delivered scores of wooden pallets stacked with concertina. Halfway through the one-mile task, more than 40 50-foot rolls were stacked, tightly coiled, on each pallet. Wilson looked on as soldiers put about a dozen pallets at a time on a 10-wheel flatbed truck and drove it from a CBP parking lot down a hill that was covered in scrub brush and dying castor bean plants. They parked it on a sandy bank near the Rio Grande.
There, the troops pulled the pallets off the truck on skids, broke them down and got to work.
“I bet you five bucks we have to take all this down in a few weeks,” one soldier said to a friend while they tied wire. The fellow soldier scoffed at him.
In a statement to The Washington Post, the CBP said the issue is not yet settled.
Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen visited soldiers at the border in Texas on Wednesday. When one asked whether the Army would have to remove the wire, Mattis said: “We’ll let you know.”
The issue was a long way from Espinoza Padilla’s reality in Mexico.
He and his father had left their home in Honduras while fearing the malevolent reach of the MS-13 street gang, which already had killed his cousin. Two sisters in Texas, both undocumented, told him he could go back to Honduras, but that it was worth trying to reach the United States, he said.
Standing near a highway toll booth on Sunday, he prepared to shift west, toward the city of Irapauto, and eventually California. His father, dressed in a red baseball cap, a tan zip-up jacket, and jeans, still wore a yellow wristband from Mexico City, where officials had tried to count a group that seemed unaccountable, because nobody stayed still for long.
Espinoza Padilla said he initially left home without a phone, but grew impatient about it. He bought one on the road, he said, using money he and his father collected by selling cigarettes for a peso each--more when people were stressed out. He used the phone to communicate with his mother in Honduras and his sisters, at least when he found enough power to do so.
Espinoza Padilla had tried to travel to the United States before, but was deported by Mexican immigration agents, he said. He was trying again now, hoping to reach an official port of entry to apply for asylum and make his case why he should be allowed to stay. He had heard that the border was now lined with armed police, but said he had faith that God would protect him.
“We’re peaceful, so we want to see whether they give us refugee status,” he said. “But it depends on what the judge says--or at least that’s what they told us here in Mexico.”
Back in Brownsville, Staff Sgt. Javone Somersall scanned the surrounding area for potential threats. Somersall, a military policeman from the 287th Military Police Company at Fort Riley in Kansas, carried a holstered 9mm M9 pistol. It was light weaponry as military work goes--only the MPs were armed, and none had a rifle.
Somersall had deployed three times to Iraq during a career that started as the United States invaded there more than 15 years. Now he was watching the muddy Rio Grande for any crossings from the Mexico side. None had occurred in the last week, but soldiers reported to law enforcement an instance of being watched from the other side of the river, he said.
Migrants on the bridge overhead also peeked over the edge occasionally at the troops below, while a few Border Patrol agents posted on the bridge observed the migrants.
“Every once in a while we make eye contact and let them know we’re coming through,” Somersall said of the Border Patrol.
A few hours later in Mexico, Veronica Georgina Trochez Castellano and her 14-year-old son prepared to stay the night at the government center in Irapuato. She said she departed the town of Santa Cruz in Honduras last month after her son was nearly recruited by a gang to serve as a “banderin,” a neighborhood lookout.
Traveling with nine others seemed like the best way for Trochez Castellano and her son to stay safe, she reasoned. They lost track of each other for days at a time, and then found once another again.
Trochez Castellano was worried about her son, but also imagined a better life for herself in the United States in which she would be able to buy some land of her own.
“At 43, there’s no way I can find work, and the government in Honduras is miserable,” she said.
Trochez Castellano had laid out her cot alongside a fence outside the government center, wedged between a 31-year-old fish farmer and an elderly man, who peeked his out of his makeshift tent only to peel an orange.
In the afternoon, Trochez Castellano tied the edges of a blanket to a fence and huddled underneath, to avoid the sun. As night fell, the same blanket would protect her from the cold. It was not as good as the tents that other people carried. But it would have to suffice.
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