shokogast · 10 months
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mothranting · 2 months
i am soooooo incredibly tired of people turning characters that are men into women. sorry. like obviously there is nuance here and i have seen some GENUINE WONDERFUL transfem headcanons for canonically male characters. but i am sick and fucking tired of everything else. "he's like a woman to me" "he's a girlfailure" "he's such a lesbian" can you like fuck off.
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bread--quest · 10 months
It's 2012 somewhere. Welcome.... to Night Vale Tumblr.
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👁️ nvcr-official
Hi guys! I'm Intern Sarah! Excited to be joining you all!
👁️ nvcr-official
To the friends and family of Intern Sarah, she was a good intern and social media manager, and we are sorry to see her go. We will work to find a new intern as soon as possible.
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🦉 dark-owl-records
hes gotten away with shit for too long and im sick of it. tl;dr horrific intern mistreatment with no compensation, mountain denier, homophobic
keep reading
❌ number-one-moonhater Follow
Hey uh. Aren't you a company account? Why are you posting this
🦉 dark-owl-records
L + ratio + god forbid women do anything + your music taste is trash
🙈 seesomethingsaynothing Follow
Isn't Cecil literally gay?
🦉 dark-owl-records
he's homophobic
🪼 jeebyfish Follow
he has a husband...
🦉 dark-owl-records
yeah and he won't fucking shut up about it
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🤫 cecils-private-blog
Carlos hasn't liked any of my woodcarving posts in THREE DAYS!! I'm so scared what if he's going to break up with me :((
👁️ nvcr-official
Cecil he's your husband he's not breaking up with you. also this isn't a private blog you just put private in the url
🤫 cecils-private-blog
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🏜️ sandeater Follow
tamika flynn spotted in ralph's dairy aisle "slaying" the milk
🦂 scorpiansscuttle Follow
op i know this is a joke but one time i was in the ralphs dairy aisle and there was some butter up on a really high shelf and someone said "don't worry, i'll get it" and i turned around and it was fucking tamika flynn
☁️ average-weather-enjoyer Follow
fake story :/
📚 isurvivedthesummerreadingprogram
No it's true I was there
🚂 traintonowhere Follow
🏜️ sandeater Follow
what the fuck is happening on my post
8,345 notes
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👁️ nvcr-official
can you guys please stop sending cecil weird shit... i don't want to have to explain to my boss what a dilf is
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🐚 mariella-shella
Hey guys!! Sorry for the lack of posts recently! I entered a hole in the wall and when I got out I realized I didn't know how long I'd been in there, or where I was, or who I am, and I'm not sure that I'm still the person who entered that hole however long ago. Anyway, the normal posting schedule will resume as soon as I remember what my normal posting schedule was, and if I'm still the person who had that posting schedule!
🌪️ sandstorm-gf Follow
omg mariella!!! missed u so much girl glad ur back!
🐚 mariella-shella
i miss me too
42 notes
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😎 Anonymous asked: Response to the homophobic allegations?
🎙️ cecilpalmer
🎙️ cecilpalmer
@nvcr-official What does this mean? Is it new slang?
👁️ nvcr-official
uhhhh dont worry about it buddy
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🧤 missy-mittens Follow
hey guys im in quarantine for eating wheat and wheat byproducts uh...send asks?? i might be in here for a while lmaooo
🧤 missy-mittens Follow
oh lights in the sky its been 5 years since i made this post
☁️ glowcloudapologist Follow
how's it going op
🧤 missy-mittens Follow
i miss my family
506 notes
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🐚 mariella-shella Follow
hey if anyone remembers anything about the person running this blog can you tell me? trying to recover the fragments of my identity from the void of memory lol
🥔 potato-enthusiast Follow
you were really hot
🐚 mariella-shella Follow
89 notes
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🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
just a reminder that new residents of east night vale are fully welcome to interact with this blog!!!! you will not be harassed and any hate will be blocked. this blog is safe even if this town isn't sometimes <3
🌻 sunflowergirl Follow
This is so sweet, thank you so much! Just so you know, even though it's officially called East Night Vale now, a lot of people still call it Desert Bluffs! Just thought you might want to know :)
🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
i'm not calling it that sorry
🌻 sunflowergirl Follow
What??? Why??
🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
just kind of sucks. as a name
🌻 sunflowergirl Follow
170 notes
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⬜️ kentuckymeatshower_deactivated11051983
what does this mean....
🌌 cece-xeze Follow
another great post from huntokar herself
16,683 notes
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🚁 helicopters-in-your-area Follow
🌲 little-miss-ectoplasm Follow
you don't like pine cliff? 👻 oo ooo?
👁️ nvcr-official
806 notes
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😁 the-happy-smiler Follow
Hi everyone!! Since Twitter went down, I figured I'd try my hand at this Tumblr thing! I'm so excited to meet all of you!! Hope you're ready for some pictures of CENTIPEDES!! Feel free to AMA about the Smiling God!
👁️ nvcr-official
🦉 dark-owl-records
🎙️ cecilpalmer
📚 isurvivedthesummerreadingprogram
🙈 seesomethingsaynothing Follow
🚂 traintonowhere Follow
🦉 a-weird-bird Follow
🌌 cece-xeze Follow
🐚 mariella-shella Follow
🚁 helicopters-in-your-area Follow
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gettinontopic · 2 months
This is so transphobic like what the hell is this
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[Image Id: A large addition to a tumblr poat reading "Also if I'm going to be honest, passing as a man is also just easier than passing as a woman. The rules to being a man and passing as a man are much more lenient than being a woman or passing as a woman. Trans women have to worry about shit like "I need to wear an outfit that distracts people from the fact I have an adams apple, and not allow people to see that I have shoulders, and learn makeup and basically become a voice actor and etc. and maybe I won't be called a man today" (and if you pass too well and the wrong cis guy feels guilty about being attracted to you, you get murdered meanwhile if you're a trans guy and you wanna pass as a man, you gotta like have short hair and hide or remove your boobs and at this point you can already just go to the grocery store and most people will see you as a man. Once you get facial hair and a deeper voice, most people will just see you as some guy. Like I don't understand why transmascs insist on this idea that they could never really pass. Like the idea that trans man who passes is almost far-fetched. Weird as hell." End Id]
Lets upack this shall we?
1."Passing as a man is easier than passing as a woman"
No it's not. The rules to being a man and passing as a men as strict as lots of rules for women. Have you ever seen a cis guys who fails to pass? They're called names, theyre physically beat, and theyre often ostracized from their cis peers just as fast as any trans person. Cis boys cant even pass half the time by the rules they made. Quit fucking lying about men just magically having it so easy.
Your experiences as passing as a man aren't universal and if you've never passed as one what makes you think it's fucking easy?
Also god forbid you're a black man, or a black man who is into something deemed feminine. Shit I've seen guys call black men women for wearing a damn hair bonnet.
Oh not to mention I'm only a man to transphobes when they can call me a "dangerous black man" only to switch back to tryibg to detransition me by saying "you can just be a masc girl!"
2.Adams apple
While you have to hide yours, I have to wear shit that distracts people that I *don't* have one. Cause, and I know this is wild, if they expect you not to have one for being a women, what do they expect me to have for being a man? Hmm? And if you're a man who's adams apple never came in? I've seen them called girls to. Shit I've heard a guy called not manly for missing his, and he was still in puberty!!
While you have to hide you shoulders, I have to do whatever I can to have the.. small shoulders on men? maybe if youre in a "non manly" field like music or art, but I do gym work. I better look likeit regardless of the disability that effacts my muscles growth and development or I am called maam by every guy there. Which sucks btw.
4. Makeup and voice acting:
Trans men also are regularly advised to wear makeup that masculinizes them and do voice training. thats some of our oldest passing tips. thats litterally never been unique to trans women. what the FUCK kinda of implications are you trying to put out here?
5. Murder:
Hey did you know cis guys will murder trans men bc they were attracted to them and then found out they werent "real men" and then kill them. shit cis women also kill us if they find out they were attracted to us and we aren't their ideal man anymore. do u know how men who hear im butch and into women behave?
Fuck right the fuck off trying to tokenize the murder lf trans women while throwing trans men murders in the "that doesn't happen" bin.
6. How many times have we said short hair and no boobs dont fucking automatically gets us gendered correcly!! We have voices that have to be trained, we have muscles were expected to build,and some men even watch the way you walk to guess if you have a dick or not.
Listen to any trans men. any of us for five minutes. those things do not making an easily passing trans man fuck you for lying about our experiences as not a trans man.
7. "You gotta like have short hair or remove your boobs"
Untrue! just Untrue. we also have to preform the rules of manhood really well. ive seen beareded transmen clocked for like so many different other reasons and you wouldn't listen to those men if it would save all trans people lives forever. cis men constantly dig at other men presentation to keep each other in line. Its a regular for them.
Also: not all of want to pass with those features. I deserve to have long hair and not bind and still pass as a man and you suck for defining everything around passing.
8. I don't know why you insist on this idea that trans women never really pass without obscene work (when ive met trans women that admit they have it easy by throwing on a dress and wearing her hair down) and that all trans men who have ascess to transition magically do pass (When multiple of us transitioning have said we dont)
If we can't talk about the ones who don't pass then you kinda can just sweep away the idea we don't face discrimination or danger and that's getting us killed actually.
None of us have said we can all never really pass any who say they can't are usually speaking on their own experiences. Because you want us all to pass so bad you don't care that we don't, and that it gets us backlash and hurt.
Also, if you ever read this, kiss my black ass and go reevaluate what makes you think you should speak on experiences that aint yours as if you're the one with the Hard Cold Facts.
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possessedpasm · 4 months
sorry if this question sucks. do you have any wisdom on how to keep going. maybe even specifically as an artist. i cannot keep any hope. dont feel too pressured. im just desperate for answers. and i love your art.
Hey, it's ok :} I'm glad you reached out-- This is definitely not an easy thing to ask, but I'll try my best here
Personally, the things that keep me going aren't gonna be very grand or deep to everyone, but I don't think that there Has to be any deeper meaning or point in the things that help uplift you...
With art, I've come to love and appreciate imperfections in the things I see and do. Like, uh, my art is Super sloppy sometimes, or i don't like my anatomy, or I could go on... but does that make it any less valuable to me? It's part of me. The same goes for other people. However small or seemingly meaningless something they make may be passed off as. They still made something from a part of themself. And with each imperfection they may see, I see something unique and beautiful and human! I love it :} and like... people are still creating art, 10's of thousands of years later. Like. We haven't stopped. Nothing can stop us. It's inherent. Reflecting on it is kinda mind-blowing...
(And as a "Thing I Learned" side note: I feel we're often told we need to have A Big motivating factor behind the things we do in life (for me, the thing I do is make art). Usually, those motivators include but are not limited to: Being A Success, Having A Larger Purpose In Life (tm), Proving Yourself, ect ect... and I've kinda had to let that go, as scary as it may sound. I let go of the notion of Needing to be A Success (tm) because what are the limits of success? Where do they end? Begin? It's arbitrary. And it drove me into a corner. We make those lines ourselves, lest society do it for us (god forbid.) I took the time and found what makes me happy, and do those things instead of focusing so hard on what other people expect of me. It's a slow process, but it's paid off emotionally)
I know you will find something that creates a spark in you, eventually. That goes for anyone else reading this feeling similarly. Hope (for anything) is something that grows, and growth takes time. So be patient and kind to yourself as you grow, or re-grow. Think of yourself as a little plant... would you be mean to a little plant? I hope not
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roadkillremi · 1 year
Love Sucks Part 3
Randy Meeks X F!Gothic!Reader
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Warning : Mentions Sex, Language, A threat is given
Summary : When a New Girl moves to Woodsboro Randy falls Head over heels for her. Despite her weird interests and odd habits the friend group accepts her.
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"Do you think we can eat inside today?" You asked Tatum. Tatum looked over, "Why? Are you alright?".
"Yeah just bad sun burns and I don't wanna get worse." You smiled. Tatum nodded, she turned to Stu and Billy.
"Can we eat inside? Y/N has a sunburn."
"I guess." Stu shrugged. You smiled putting notebooks in your looker. Randy closed his locker, "I, uh... found this for you." He held a necklace in his hand. You gently picked it up observing it, it was a black pendant necklace with silver around it.
"It's beautiful... Thank you!" You hugged Randy. He hugged you back, "I'm glad you like it. I saw it and thought of you." You put it on letting it rest on your chest.
"Awh" Tatum gushed, Stu shook his head, "Come on let's get food.". You grabbed Randy's hand, "I love it..". Stu wrapped his arm around Tatum, "Did Randy actually give a girl a gift?!". Randy rolled his eyes, "I know! It's shocking." Tatum joked nudging Randy's shoulder. Randy huffed, "God forbid I give someone a gift! I just saw it okay?!". You smiled at him, "Well thank you.". Billy walked up to Stu, "Why aren't we outside?-".
"Y/N has a bad sunburn." Tatum said. Billy glared at you, "I have an umbrella in my locker.". You nodded, "They'll work I guess.". Billy went towards his locker, Tatum rolled her eyes.
"He is such a drama queen.".
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You offered to work behind the counter at work. You started to stay in the dark and shadows more. You didn't go near the big store windows until the sun went down. Randy figured it was the sunburn and ignored it. He restocked the shelves while you rang up customers. Randy checked on you when the video store started closing.
"Hey, are you okay?"
You weakly looked at him, "Just.. hungry.".
"I have a granola bar if you want it."
"No, it's fine. I'll eat after work.". You smiled weakly at Randy. Randy leaned close to you, "Have you been sleeping?".
"As best as I can." You whispered. Randy nodded, "Well, go head home I'll lock up.". You nodded, "Thanks, Randy." You went to grab your book bag from the back. You punched your time card out and headed towards the front.
"Bye." Randy smiled. You smiled back, "Bye Randy.".
Randy watched you leave from the window. He sighed turning off the lights and locking the doors. Once he got home he flopped in bed staring at the phone. He waited for a call, for a sign to call. He read a comic book and watched part of a movie to pass time. He huffed out of annoyance and dialed your number waiting.
"Hello?" You picked up sounding more energetic.
"Hey, did you eat?"
"Yeah, thanks for checking in.."
"No problem."
"Did you need anything?" You asked softly. Randy sighed, "I.. just wanted to hear your voice.". Your laughed passed through the phone, "Well here it is! But Thank you for the necklace again. No one's ever really given me a gift in a while..".
"You're welcome. You deserve it.". Randy relaxed in his bed holding the phone close to his ear.
"Randy, shouldn't you be asleep?"
Randy grunted, "Yeah I'm trying."
"I can stay on the line if you want."
"I'd love to but my mom would kill me." Randy chuckled softly. You smiled, "Didn't think about that, Sorry.".
"I'd love to though. But Goodnight, Y/N."
"Goodnight, Randy."
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You hung up the phone putting it back on the receiver. You walked to your room to change into comfortable clothes. The phone rang throughout the house. You sighed walking to get the phone.
"Hello?" You asked leaning on one hip.
"Hi" an anonymous voice echoed through the other side. You looked at the number not seeing one, "Whose this?".
"I dont know, Whose this?" The voice chuckled. You huffed, "Well you got the wrong number, Sorry." You hung up. You sighed about to walk away from the phone again. It rang once more, you picked up, "Hello?".
"Hey again." The voice said.
"Why'd you call back?"
"You seemed, Lonely."
You looked around your surroundings, you carefully checked around the corner in the kitchen. You took a deep breath walking through the halls towards another house phone.
"Why'd you go silent?" The voice cooed.
"Nothing on my mind. Listen it's been great meeting you but I need to go."
"But we're having fun, Y/N..". You gripped the phone, "Listen Douchebag, you're making a huge mistake. I'd leave before you get hurt.".
"Oh really? Like how those people went missing when you moved in?! Now back away from that other phone or your dad will get it!"
"I have nothing to do with that." You said sternly slowly backing away from the phone. A knock on the door made you jump, you looked out the window to see your dad. You sighed, opening the door, the phone line hung up.
"Everything alright?" Your dad asked as he walked in.
"Yeah, just a guy called about the missing people...".
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You went to school the next day, looking for Randy. He was leaving his history class as you found him.
"Randy!" You ran up to him, "Someone weird called me last night...". Randy looked down at you, "It's probably a prank call.".
"Yeah, but they knew I was alone and knew my name..". You whispered. Randy looked at you, "That is a bit weird..". You sighed, "I don't know, just freaked me out.". Randy kissed your cheek, "It's alright. It was maybe some jerks.". You nodded walking towards the fountain with Randy. You placed a hat on and tried to shade yourself from the sun.
"How's your sunburn?" Randy asked, sitting in his usual spot. You sat beside him, "A bit better.". Sidney and Tatum walked over, Sidney looked more anxious than usual.
"Did you guys receive a weird.. call last night?" Sidney asked while checking her surroundings. You looked at Randy then at her, "I did..". Sidney sat beside you, "What'd he say?..".
"He accused me of cashing the people to go missing. He knew I was alone."
She bit her lip, "Sidney it's not that big of a deal." Tatum added in.
"Yeah, Randy said it could've been a prank." You said trying to help. Sidney sighed, "It just seems odd.".
"It's some douche trying to scare you two." Tatum said. You shook your head, "He knew I was alone. He knew who I was. Doesn't make sense.".
"Maybe it the sunburn getting in your head." Tatum said. Randy leaned over to look at her, "Sun burns don't work like that.". Tatum rolled her eyes, "Listen it's gonna be okay. Stu lives like 5 minutes away from you.". You blinked, "I don't know how that's helpful.". Randy held in a laugh, "It's helpful cause Randy here can't protect a girl!" Tatum spat. Randy gave her a look, "How is this my fault?!".
"I don't know, you're the horror film geek."
You leaned towards Tatum slightly., "I'll be fine. Randy's right it was just some prank.". Tatum sighed, "If you say so.". Stu sat between you and Tatum and wrapped his arms around your shoulders.
"What's up, Dudettes!!" He smiled. You took his arm off your shoulder, "Nothing much... 'Dude'." Tatum answered. You leaned closer to Randy due to Stu getting close to you. Randy gently put his hand on your back.
"Listen I'm thinking of a party at my house next Friday. You in?". Stu asked looked at you.
"Whose all gonna be there?" You asked softly.
"Don't chicken out on me!" Stu laughed, he smiled getting close to you, "Beside Randy boy is gonna be there and you know what that means.". Stu put his finger into a circle shaped form of his other hands jokingly. Tatum hit Stus shoulder, "Come on, Man! Stop it!" Randy complained.
"I'm just trying to help these two virgins out!" Stu joked, motioning to the two of you.
"I'm not a virgin."
Everyone turned towards you, "No way!" Stu yelled. Tatum tilted her head at you, "Was it someone in Alaska or.." she mouthed Randy's name.
"It was some old fling, it's over." You said. You cleared your throat from the awkwardness. Stu blinked at you, "I mean you are hot so-".
"Stu!" Tatum yelled.
"What?! It was a compliment!" He whined. You looked over at Randy, he awkwardly sat there.
"You made it weird!" Tatum complained. You gently put your hand on Randy's knee and gave him a smile.
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You were busy restocking one side of the store while Randy did the other. You two would make eye contact every now and then and smile.
"Do you have the Exorcist?" Billy asked. You looked at him, "I'm not sure, I can check in the system to see if it's here or checked out.". You said walking to the counter. He followed closely, you got to the counter typing in the password on the computer. Billy watched you closely, "So are you and Meeks dating?". You glanced over at him, "Uh, not really-".
"So you don't like him?"
"I didn't say that-"
"So you like him?-"
"Listen do you want the exorcist or not?" You fussed. Billy smirked, "Sorry just curious..".
"I like him. But I just met him." You started walking to the horror movie aisle as Billy followed.
"he seems like a nice guy. But I don't wanna-"
"Get hurt?" He interrupted.
"hurt him." You said handing him the Exorcist.
"And why would you hurt him?" Billy Whispered. You shook your head, "I don't need to justify anything to you. Now do you need anything else?".
"Got Psycho?" He asked. You grabbed it off the shelf handing it to him.
"That all?" You asked, he nodded walking towards the counter. You rang up his rentals watching him leave. Randy walked up to you standing beside you.
"What'd he do this time?"
"Nothing really. I just.. get a weird feeling from him." You whispered. Randy looked down at you, "Yeah I think we all do.". You put your elbow on the counter leaning onto it. Randy mocked your position, he looked at you.
"I was wondering.."
"About?" You asked looking over at him.
"If you wanted to come over to my place tonight. To watch a movie."
"Sure!" You smiled at him, he smiled back.
"we can watch the fog." He offered. You shrugged, "I'm thinking something more old school.".
"Night of the living dead. It's a classic. Or The Blob" You smiled. Randy nodded, "Good thing I already own those two at home then.". You shook your head, "Randy. Do you know where someone could buy a voice changer box?".
"No.." he said checking the returned cassettes. You sighed, "The guy that called me, it just.. didn't sit right. What if he's stalking me? You heard Sidney she got a call too!".
"I know but it could be just a prank. We can wait and see if he calls again." Randy said. You pulled yourself up to sit on the front desk.
"Still doesn't make sense. This town is so goddamn weird.". You mumbled. Randy nodded and put his arms on either side of you leaning towards you.
"I think everyone in this town is weird." He smiled. You leaned towards him, "That makes you weird.".
"I guess so." He said with a grin. You both locked eyes, his face went pink and he backed away. You grabbed his arm pulling him into a kiss.
"Was that okay?" You asked. He nodded, "Yeah. It was." He smiled.
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scp230kinnie · 2 years
may I request agent strelnikov, dr gears, dr clef, dr bright, dr glass, and dr gerald with a researcher reader that they see as their kid?
also do you have a character limit? i couldnt find one so i apologize for the long request
Hi thanks for the request 🫶🫶 no character limit !! It should probably just fit into the Media Limit so i can put photos of the characters lol
Anyways I present;
SCP Foundation Personnel with researcher! Reader they See as their kid
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Characters: Agent Strelnikov, Dr Gears, Dr Clef, Dr Bright, Dr Glass, and Dr Gerald
Warnings: gn!reader, cringe, blood, death, & SCPS
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Agent Dmitri Strelnikov
Nah cuz I love him
He’d throw things at you and say “think fast” lmao
Oh you get sick one day? No you dont
He will force feed you soup
If you don’t want to take medicine may the lord help you
Hes not a big fan of affection but if you ever need it he would give you like one of those weird side hugs
He does his best to keep an eye on you when he can
He doesn’t rlly show it that well but he does care about you deeply
If anything happened to you like you were hurt, or god forbid killed, he would go feral
Or if he catches you crying his first instinct would be to ask who he needs to kill
Changing the subject lol…
Do not tell him if you have a crush on anyone in the office
He will bully you relentlessly LMAO
He genuinely thinks of you as his child
Has introduced you to a few people accidentally saying “and this is my kid (Y/N)”
He’s got a shit music taste but he will force you to listen to it
Sure, he’s the tough guy.. but not around you
He feels a bit more comfortable around you
He sucks at board games, and is a sore loser
When he’s out on missions, separated from you, he gets a but anxious but he asked people to keep their eyes on you for him
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Dr. Gears
He would be you mentor when you first come to the foundation
Being in that position made him feel like a father towards you
Not affectionate whatsoever
Will pat your shoulder if you’re upset tho
He usually keeps his phone on do not disturb, aside from anything work related, and you of course
Your contact name on his phone is “dumbfuck”
Everyone at the foundation knows he’s basically your non official dad
Very persistent in making sure you get enough sleep or drink enough water
If you got hurt, especially by an SCP he would be PISSED
He has some power at the foundation tho so he would make sure it would somehow never happen again
He never smiles or laughs or anything, but he finds it endearing when you try to get him to tho
He doesn’t listen to music.
For the first time ever, you come before his job
He lends you books because I like to think he reads if he has free time 😈
He tries to make sure you steer clear of bright or clef
Tbh he doesn’t really want you to be like them (even if you already are)
He teaches you anything and everything he knows even if its the most basic task
He’s also rlly patient with you so that makes it a bit easier for you
If he ever catches you slacking he doesn’t really yell at you, just gives you a lecture
Just like a dad would
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Dr. Alto Clef
Lets say you guys met through bright
He immediately takes a liking to you (platonically of course)
He buys you lots of stuff despite him probably having no money lol
He begs other people for money just so he can buy you something nice he found the other day
He just likes to see you happy
His one and only goal is to protect you
He will go out of his way to keep watch over you
Bro even recruits bright to help him
If you ever got hurt he would have his shotgun out in seconds
He would not hurt you himself, unless you take his pen /hj (reference to my other fic lol)
He will teach you how to play guitar !!
And shoot a gun 😈
He tries to help you with your work, but he ends up getting distracted then starts distracting you
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Dr. Jack Bright
My bae fr
You met because you got caught up in one of his pranks 💔
He will not let you ANYWHERE near the amulet
He’s so scared something will happen to you but he doesn’t show it very much
If someone makes you upset, he has already fed them to some SCP
He always has an eye on you, no matter what
He helps you with work and he’s actually mot that bad but about halfway through he will get distracted lol
When he’s doing some prank he wants you to join him, unless it means you or someone else is probably going to get hurt
He’ll probably try to teach you how to drive (if you don’t know how) then would hijack it lololol
If there’s a containment breach he is heading your way immediately
He needs you to be safe no matter what
He buys you stuff lolol
You get sick and he’s in full dad mode
If you were to die he wouldn’t know how to survive
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Dr. Simon Glass
Constantly worried for you
He’s a psychologist lol he can tell when something is wrong
Or when you’re lying
He also just generally wants to help you with anything
He can be as manipulative as he wants, but if he uses it, its only to keep you safe
He helps you with your work and researching ❤️
He’s also memorized your order for everything so he will go get you stuff on his breaks
He does absolutely everything he can to make sure you don’t get sick or hurt
If you ever do get sick or hurt, he absolutely panics
He recruits anyone to watch over you when he cant
Or he convinces the o5 to let him look at you through your office cameras
Its not creepy he’s keeping you safe I promise
He truly does think of you as his child
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Dr. Gerald
He’s so funny
He generally tries to distance himself from you because he doesn’t want his bad luck / clumsiness to get to you 😭
He does try to protect you tho
Even if its from himself
Or inanimate objects
Or anything
He loves to brag about basically being your father
He loves that you still consider him a father too despite all his issues LMAO
He is kinda scared of you
He’s very good at his work despite everything so maybe get him to look over your work when you’re done
From a distance
He doesn’t really know what to do if you get hurt or if you’re upset
He will probably think it was something to do with him aw
Same if you’re sick
He will try his best but ultimately will get someone to bring you soup
He tries his best be nice
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Still working on requests so have this while u wait 😍
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wiltking · 9 months
the recent YA discussion here has me wondering, what kind of books did you read as a kid/teen? would you go back to them now? personally, I'm in my early 20s and I don't hate YA so much as i believe i've just outgrown it. Which is a bit odd if you consider that i'm actually a "young adult" now, as opposed to when i was 16. Some of the genre's stylistic trappings annoy me, but that's true of adult fantasy too, sometimes. I don't know that there really is a fantasy book market for 20-30 year olds (and god forbid anyone older than that, right?) I definitely feel like my fantasy reading took a hit between the ages of 13-18, which sucks because I never stopped loving fantasy series. My book lists got taken over by the likes of the mortal instruments and twilight and beautiful creatures and so on. You know the type, urban fanatasy romance stuff. No shade (well, maybe a little shade for tmi), but I probably wouldn't go back to any of that stuff now
full transparency i pretty much only read manga as a teen and only made the switch back to novels when i was 16/18. my favorite books i read at that time were intended for adults and i still really enjoyed them when i went back to read them in recent years (havemercy, captive prince, hexslinger). i dont have any desire to reread the few YAs i did love (coda by emma trevayne, proxy by alex london) and the YAs i hated even as a teen were witch eyes, and the raven boys... so, its complicated? but i've always liked my books to be challenging, and seeing the general market focus so heavily on books that are dumber and offer less substance than any that came previous goes beyond any question i have of who YA is 'for'.
there most certainly should be a market for 20-30+ year olds who like fantasy, because plenty of fantasy books from the 90s and early 2000s were made with adult reading levels in mind. these readers havent gone away, and those books are still better than a lot of what gets published nowadays. if you want to get back into fantasy i can give you some places to start, if you will only take my hand 🫴
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lunatic-fandom-space · 10 months
I dont think ive mentioned this at any point but Im actually really obsessed elisabeth but I cant engage with it at all or even think too hard about it without feeling like Im gonna start biting people. like, ive been making a lot of tanz der vampire posts and whenever one of my original posts gets interacted with I go and check the account because Im a freak like that and surprise surprise, people who like that musical also often like elisabeth, theres one account in particular who might even recognize me because its a fairly small fandom, and whenever I look at their account Ive always completely forgotten that they post a lot about elisabeth and I get jumpscared and have to very quickly click away as my heartrate inexplicably spikes for a second. And it really sucks because one time one of the posts I got jumpscared by was this one that pointed out how deaths carriage was also rudolfs bed and I hadnt noticed that and its really neat and I would love to see more posts like that about what is basically my favorite musical ever but I cant. look at them
I think the reason my brain is so weird about letting me enjoy it is that it is rpf and also german in origin. or well its from austria but you know what I mean. And i dont know why because its not like hamilton where all the songs slap but its weirdly patriotic so i dont really wanna watch it in full ever again, not only do all the songs in elisabeth slap but its also not patriotic as a whole, like thats the reason i was able to listen to it almost every day while taking the bus to school for about three months, i couldnt do that if it was weirdly patriotic yknow. Speaking of me listening to the soundtrack almost everday for three months, whenever I would do that I would imagine these elaborate and usually very romantic animatics in my head and thats perfectly fine but god forbid i wanna read a fanfic thats just a non-musical prose version of Die Schatten Werden Länger (Reprise) because like, no offense but what other kind of fanfic could you possibly write about this musical. Or maybe I just lack imagination idk
Also, speaking of the nature of this musical as rpf, because Death is the only character thats not like, real, hes the only character that I can read or write fanfic about, like I found a fic about him intracting with the von Krolocks and I liked it so much that I wrote my own oneshot about him having a weird tender moment with Herbert and I have ideas for like 3 more, which is kinda ironic because hes the character Im the most unwell about for all the obvious reasons and usually when Im this degree of unwell about a character i can hardly stand to even think about them but I guess the fact that I can already barely bring myself to think about the musical hes from kinda cancels that out
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surpriserose · 6 months
i cant get over how fucking fascist the dark knight rises is which like...i knew going in it would be if only because its based on frank millers the dark knight comics (and also no mans land???) And frank miller is the biggest piece of shit in comics whos not alan moore or garth ennis but christ i think nolan managed to go even more mask off
Okay grain of salt im not the biggest comics guy i just read the good stuff sylvie sends me so im not as knowledgeable about comic stuff but i stay silly anyways im gonna go character by character thats easiest for me
So batmans barely here except to become disabled and then practically heal overnight so very cool point number one 😐 but half of the movie hes stuck in the scary pit prison (because the Lazarus pit is too silly for nolan) with all the arab guys who didnt get whitewashed and its so boring and it sucks and only white people made it out of the pit ever basically who gives a shit it sucks honestly the only reason im mentioning this is because i honestly forgot bane wasnt the main character about an hour in because like? He should be? and ill get to that
Joseph gordon levitt is there and his character has a name and i do just want to call him joseph gordon levitt instead but thats long as fuck and hes robin so im just gonna call him robin even though he sucks ass. the whole point of his character is to be the good cop to gordons bad cop but it doesnt really work because thats a shitty fucking thing you see in media all the time because they always just go for the its just some bad apples approach look at this good apple dont you love apples approach but honestly nolans deepthroating the boot so much its even worse here. and yeah dudes robin but hes like.... nolans oc as robin because thank god i dont want dick in this movie (which would bring the whitewashing count up to 4 characters) or god forbid jason todd but i think its really telling how even robin in this universe has to be a fucking cop instead of like any of the disadvantaged kids bruce actually takes in like yeah this robin is still an orphan but thats way less important to the narrative and to nolan than being a cop.
gordons also barely here and i dont give a shit about him i wish he died i mean i always wish he died because hes a cop he is THE cop in every batman piece of media (except when he was jack the ripper one time or something?) and why even the most benign batman media is copaganda because theyre fucking besties. really i just want to talk about one scene before I get to the bulk of this post bane. late in the fucking almost THREE HOUR LONG MOVIE theres a scene where gordon is rallying the cops and goes to some cops door and hes like "why did you let your wife answer the door dont you know whats going on out there?" as if women are being raped on the streets of gotham which we never even see a fucking hint of??? the actual main issues affecting gotham at the moment are food issues and even thats not a problem because aid is getting in slowly and thats actually how gordon gets MORE FUCKING COPS into the city its insane and im gonna come back to this again with bane but while we're talking about the misogny -
-lets talk about catwoman who just kind of exists doing the catwoman thing of oh im on batmans side but not really and im on banes side but not really and it sucks but lets start with the misogyny before i talk about catwomans spineless centrism. when catwoman is caught by joseph gordon levitt shes taken to prison and the cops specifically point out shes taken to a mens prison (?????) because of the new laws because shes such a risk that a maximum security womens prison cant hold her but a mens prison can because womens prisons are all knitting circles i guess. This is really just an excuse so she can be in the prison that bane stages a prison break on (based) and come back for the climax and also have a hashtag girlboss moment where she does a sexy flip attack against a man threatening to sexually assault her which is just so classy nolan. and i want to fucking point out that this is blackgate prison which in most batman media is ALREADY FUCKING COED this shit was so unnecessary and gross and i just...its still pissing me off obviously so lets get to catwomans shitty fucking robin hood shit and why robin hood narratives are rarely ever radical. yes stealing from the rich and giving to the poor is cool but here and in most narratives its really only cool because its..one person or a small group. A society wide redistribution of wealth? out of the question thats too scary just go back to helping one kid steal an apple lady and hating that bane is literally crashing wall street (based) and breaking into rich peoples homes and bringing them to sentencing trials for crimes against humanity (based). Catwoman will have no part of that thank you and will instead just kind of...hang out until batman gets back.
side note what the fuck is up with the timeline in this movie batman gets his back broken and taken to the pit which is located in....an "ancient part of the world" the batman wiki tells me which holy shit okay the racism continues forever. but batman is not in gotham and again his back is literally BROKEN until it gets healed because he....was hoisted into a standing position with a rope? and idk how long that takes whether its months or a day because the movie seems to suggest both???
okay lets talk about talia al ghul and ras al ghul really quick before i get to based bane. Ill start by saying they're really fucking whitewashed like probably the worst example ive ever seen? Talia (or miranda tate as she's called for most of the movie) is played by a white french actress and Ra's al ghul is played by white irish actor and racist liam neeson. Because the comics are also racist ras al ghul never is really given a clear country of origin besides vaguely arabic slash east asian partially because hes so old but also again the racism but hes certainly not white again...because of the racism. and neither is talia who is only slightly less vaguely chinese and arabic. nolan gives even less of a shit than most batman writers though which is a high bar. talia was so boring and poorly written i barely remember her but they gave her half hearted attempts at environmentalism (incremental and done by begging the rich for everything though of course) before saying oh its actually because she and bane want to blow gotham up with a bomb which...god its all so stupid i honestly forget the bomb shit exists because it makes no sense and seems to have a detonation timer of 24 hours which again is why i literally have no idea what the timeline is. this shit is so stupid and unnecessary except to be the secret reason banes populist revolution of gotham (based) is actually bad but its so fucking tacked on even beyond most reasons why communist characters in media eat a baby to show theyre actually bad and so is communism because communists love neutron bombs.
BANE TIME! I'll also start out by pointing out that bane is whitewashed since hes supposed to be from a fictional south american slash caribbean island prison which......man. He's just tom hardy here though. Lets keep talking about communists eating a baby so theyre bad now. I think this is a trope people associate more with the mcu which is fair the falcon and the winter soldier pulled some shit because of course it did but i think we should consider the dark knight rises as a prime example instead. Not the originator since anti communism didn't start with nolan although i wish i could blame him for that too. Banes list of crimes batman has to stop him for are killing cia agents (based), crashing the stock market which he didn't even kill anyone at (not as based as he could have been), stage a prison break as previously mentioned (based), revealing police corruption (based), forming a militia to govern gotham while theres a transition of power from the rich and the police to the people (based), killing a bunch of cops (based), exploding some of gotham including all but one of the bridges out of the city (really just a strategic decision since hes about to have the american military on his ass and needs to counter that), and blowing up the pittsburgh steelers (extremely based). hey why is this guy the villain again? hey why does gotham have a wall street now why is this such a big deal is it possibly because the occupy wall street protests happened before during and after production of the movie? no that certainly couldnt be the case theres no way nolan would hate peaceful protests and create a movie where god forbid they werent peaceful and cops were instead treated like they treat protestors so we feel bad for them instead of people who are literally sick and tired of their labor being exploited by capitalism for the benefit of the rich. like jesus christ this movie is so blatantly fascist explaining the plot should have anyone going hey wait a minute. and you may say im biased in favor of bane as a communist but jesus christ are you seeing the shit nolan is pulling im being even handed in comparison i mean the fucking climax is batman showing up to rally the cops against bane and the mostly citizens militia of gotham like jesus fucking christ. banes not even a fucking dictator hes literally just some guy in most of the scenes after gotham is taken back by the people hes not even the guy sentencing and killing the rich and the police thats scarecrow! hes just on the sides like everyone else. and while im on scarecrow (jonathan crane hes not called scarecrow in the movie but he is that judge guy) nolan treats it as unreasonable that these are not hearings to determine the guilt of the police and the rich they protect because the people have already determined that theyre guilty but they just fucking are by definition. you dont get rich under capitalism by working hard you get rich by exploiting hundreds of thousands or millions of people out of their labor and livelihoods these people are fucking guilty even if they havent killed anyone with their own hands. but because bane does kill people on screen we're supposed to think hes worse but he only kills rich people and cops and the pittsburgh steelers!!!! like holy shit i hate this fucking movie i hate christopher nolan
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bunnihearted · 10 months
umm no but rlly we are all so fucked. countless scientists and experts are saying that we are so so close to the point of no return regarding the climate crisis. we are extremely close to it and when we reach it we can never turn it back. we can only wait for the apocalypse to fully break out (it has already started). and what do all the men in power do? they relentlessly mock ppl like greta thunberg and decide to put more effort into nuclear power, and make thousands other choices detrimental to the environment. and what do ppl in society do? jack shit. environmental activists who are screaming and pleading for ppl to listen only get ridiculed, physically abused and assaulted, jailed and murdered. ppl dont listen. ppl dont care. ppl dont fucking do ANYTHING.
what we desperately need is eco fascism. the entire world need military rule, the state needs to make laws, forbidding for example the use of gasoline etc etc. we're at the point where fucking fascism is the only thing that can save this planet. bc ppl dont do anything. ppl dont care. they live their stupid fucking lives that are in this state completely insignificant because we dont have a future. in a real way. not like oh yeah in 30 years we will have killed the earth. no. now. we dont have more than a couple of years before everything's fucked. so their silly lives dont even matter. yet they refuse to fucking change. all of society all over the world (rich parts of the western world are the main culprits tho) need radical change. and it's sad but true that we can only do it by force and laws. because people just dont care enough. the sad thing is that the men in power find money in their pockets righ this second more important than our (immediate) future.
it makes no sense bc in all the dystopians i've read, the state always does something to save humanity and stop climate change. but in real life, they dont do anything. thats so crazy to me. also, everyone in the entire fucking world needs to go out there, be on the streets, REFUSE to partake in "normal life". we need to protest and demonstrate and be on strikes. if there are no cogs in the wheel turning the capitalist hell machine then they have to listen and take action. but another sad truth that shows me humanity is garbage is that nobody wants to do that. they wanna continue living their dumb little lives, only valuing their immediate comfort and luxury and privilege. like mention global warming to almost anyone and they'll roll their eyes and scoff and start ranting about how that are just conspiracy theories. we're all fucked.
it's all making me so angry and hopeless and dejected because even if all y'all wanna do is cover your ears and go lalallalala and pretend like nothing's happening, you will die and suffer too soon. no one will be spared if that's what y'all think. it's bad enough that the western world are living far beyond our resources and that other parts of the world such as south america and africa suffer environmental catastrophes bc of it. but nobody cares. bc watching netflix and ordering food and partaking in mass consumerism and working some boring soul sucking job and driving ur car every fkn where is waaaaaay more important than banding together, taking a stand and trying to fight to end our imminent destruction and murder of the planet. god. i think most part of humanity deserves what they get (NOT the ones who fight or who are completely powerless in this) but the thing is the animals and nature dont deserve it. it's all so fucked. why dont anyone wanna fucking do something???? ig all there is to do is to sit and wait and see what part of the armageddon is what kills you.
like im sorry but so many ppl are like lalallala peace on earth we can change this :D ppl are fundamentally good we believe in us lallallala peace and love ppl are so good hihiihihihihi we can still revert it. yet......... no one (besides actual environmental activists) wants to do smth real. no one is willing or prepared to radically and fundamentallty change society and the way we live. bc that will be uncomfortable and difficult but it is absolutely neccesessary. it's not enough to sit there and say that humans are so good and u love humans and there is a way to revert it. u actually have to be willing to do it to. because as it is looking now, most ppl just wanna fkn talk abt for five minutes then that's enough effort for them. if ppl were truly willing to fix this and to fight, we woul be out there together and organizing and doing somthing real, but nobody listens or meets the ppl who reach out halfway. if u even suggest it ppl immeditately shut u down. how the fuck do u radicalize ppl if they dont wanna listen or take u seriously? sigh
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scruffedknife · 2 months
what in the actual fuck did i just read. Airy PLEASE DONT LISTEN TO THAT ANON Your art is amazing god forbid someone has their own unique interpretations. if they dont like your art style thats their problem
youre genuinely such a great inspiration for my art. It lets me know that: oh yeah! there are truly no rules when it comes to designing things! it ABSOLUTELY SUCKS that theres people out there that dont appreciate that.
sorry this whole thing is poorly worded [im not good with words in general] but please keep doing what you do i love it so much. hope you feel better /gen /vpos
wahtigfjdusgd,,, ?? mman, sobbing. thank you very much. im trying very hard not to let it get me down. honestly it would've hurt less if they'd told me to kms atp but!! shrugs!!! what can ya do,
sometimes having wild and whimsical designs feels like that tiktok of a kid having tons of backpacks thrown at em, and trust i understand if people don't enjoy what i create!!!! half the time /I/ don't enjoy my own works!!!! but i see lots of people enjoying so i keep makin stuff for yall!!!
thank u again, i really hope people can just learn to curate their online spaces... if ya dont like my stuff, ok! block me so you wont see it!! if you DO like my stuff then yay!!
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got me like this LMAOOOO
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ender1821 · 1 year
more hzd soup au thoughts: factions edition (also yeah that’s what im calling this random au for now sue me/j)
The Hermits (similar to the Quen)
Members of the hermitcraft server, they don’t have an actual leader and are more like different groups/individuals banding together to inhabit an incredibly large region with vastly different landscapes, such as deserts and mountains
All about efficiency and trade, members of the faction get together to discuss important decisions for the lands and to share their own new discoveries
They prefer to be secluded and be left to their own devices, but once you’re in their community, they won’t hesitate to help out
Very advanced in terms of technology
The redstoners are focused on cracking the technology and ruins left behind, so they’ve gathered focuses and given them to the other hermits
Impulse (and in extension Gem and Pearl after they’ve been left by their original tribes) live on the outskirts of the Hermits’ region, in a cozy lil valley
The Empire (similar to the Carja/Oseram)
Subjects of the empire are recognisable via crown-like headwear
It is led by a council of lords ruling over respective regions, some of which are particularly religious and faithful to ‘gods’ which are mostly the AI left behind from before
The Evolutionists (similar to the Nora)
Tribe members are recognised by the watcher symbol marked on their bodies, as well as a veil they use to cover their face with and their general black and purple colour scheme
They are interested in researching (…and worshipping-) the past and the people before them
Largely disbanded now as most have left/died due to an incident, previous members can be found in the other tribes
yeah very original and creative names i know/s
i have some ideas for other potential factions but these three are the important ones in terms of lore (limited to only the story of hzd for now)
i do realise now that a lot of people have no idea what im talking about and i mean same lmao im genuinely making au for ✨vibes✨ only, i might make a post later to expand on some backstory and other characters, but i dont think im going to write any fic for this au at the moment because im already swarmed with plans for other fics (and god forbid i make any art for this au because they would suck. genuinely.)
thank you for sticking around to read me ranting about this really random video game au???
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This is just a small self insert drabble fic rewrite of the scene where Astarion first drinks your blood except its me and my self insert and him and it gets a little bit horny at the end, no sex, but very homo-erotic blood sucking and heavy flirting, i kinda went off the rails towards the end lol,
This is just pure self indulgence , so dont like dont read!!!
At first, Astarion hadn’t thought much of his tiefling companion. He held the all too familiar air of a haughty nobleman, and he most certainly held the naivety of one with the way his bright smile shone towards others, regardless of situation. A pillar of charisma trying to woo his way into the hearts of others to gain something, a mere act that the vampire knew all too well. He was certain that false curtain would fall the very moment he found out the truth about his new companion, the secrets that lay behind the pale elf’s sealed lips and the eternal hunger that was wrought upon him.
He spoke lie after lie behind a docile grin to gain the tiefling’s trust, eventually beginning to call him by his name, Zayne, rather than “the tiefling” as it became more apparent that they would have to travel together to find some sort of answer for the parasite wriggling behind their eyes, though he was thankful that Zayne hadn’t probed into his mind even though he very well could have. It was a subtly decency that Astarion hadn’t quite expected of the cunning noble, but a decency he was thankful for regardless.
Although it all seemed to be going quite smoothly, the vampire’s hunger grew, and not being accustomed to spending nights near so many defenseless warm bodies left him feeling more than a little curious about what the blood of a thinking creature would be like. He had only ever dined on beasts previously, but never something that could talk back to him, or gods forbid beg him for mercy. Though he knew his temptations would only be his downfall, as certainly nobody would trust him if they discovered him, let alone found him drinking from one of the party members, but Astarion’s curiosity only grew in his resistance to the matter, until he couldn’t resist any longer.
Zayne had become the unofficial leader of the group, so drinking from him would be either the best plan of action or the worst. The others were more twitchy, more likely to wake certainly, but a nobleman? They could sleep through anything, at least he hoped as he quietly crept over towards the tiefling’s sleeping form by the waning coals of the fire, knowing that if he was discovered he’d certainly have a stake through his heart or worse, a slow agonizing death by the hand of the powerful mage. The best option was to be quick and gentle, and hope to the gods that he didn’t wake, as Astarion’s curiosity became far too much for him to ignore any longer.
Too unfortunately for him then was the crinkling of distress and hiscomfort from the nobleman’s face as his tail lashed about in his sleep, rousing himself from a nightmare while Astarion’s bright ivory fangs hovered mere inches from the man’s neck. Crimson red eyes swiftly flicked upwards to meet with ethereal blue irises hovering in their inky abyss of a sclera, wide in shock and most certainly horror as the gentle moonlight glinted off of Astarion’s fangs which he quickly withdrew, shrinking back on himself with a soft curse under his breath before panic rose to batter at his chest and he frantically began backing up.
“I-its not what it looks like I swear!” Asterion stammered, hands flying up to brace himself for an attack that never came, his eyes sheepishly avoiding any contact other than that of the ground’s gaze lest he anger the tiefling any further.
“A vampire, how facinating…” Came the calm, almost light-hearted tone as Zayne stood to face Astarion. “You know, I had my suspicions about what you may be hiding from me, but I would have never guessed a vampire was what you were!”
“I’m really, really sorry, I wont hurt you, honest! I-I’ll even pack up and leave so I won’t bother you again just please- please let me go and you’ll never have to see me again, I swear it!” He grovelled, tears quivering around the corners of his eyes out of fear and humiliation.
“I’m not going to do anything to you.” The nobleman spoke softly, with that same gentle grace he treated so many others with, cautiously stepping closer as if the vampire would startle like a newborn fawn. “You can still leave if you want, or, stay, and if you need to, you’ree free to have a bite.”
“Wh- really?” Astarion flubbered, hesitantly peering upwards finally at the tiefling’s gentle smile as he searched for any hint of deceit, though he found none. “You’re not going to drive a stake through my heart or bear a cross and scream holy verses at me until I hiss and run to cower in the shadows?”
“Now why would I do that to such a pretty thing like yourself?” Purred the tiefling, his tail swishing softly behind him not too dissimilar to a feline’s swish of curiosity. “Besides, surely you realize what I am? I’m no stranger to dealings of the darker kind.”
It was in that moment that it finally clicked for Astarion, all the spells and the way the nobleman held himself, the things he recognized and the charasmatic nature, he was a warlock, not merely a simple mage. Part of his soul likely belonged to some terrible beast from the hells, and yet he carried himself like he was pure and innocent. Perhaps it would be best to string this man along, make him feel like he’s got everything firgured out while Astarion stayed one step ahead at all times, guaranteeing that he would remain a powerful pawn instead of becoming a dangerous enemy.
Quickly, Astarion attempted to compose himself, straightening up slowly from his feeble cower to stand with what little regality he still held as he continued to converse with the nobleman.
“I see, well, sorry to have awakened you- um, that offer for a bite was merely metaphorical, was it not?” Astarion laughed awkwardly as his wrists fell in a loose gesture, his deep crimson eyes still unwavering from Zayne’s neck as he spoke, deool building up and wetting his tongue, forcing him to swallow to keep his hunger at bay. “I mean, surely you wouldnt want to be seen fraternizing with blood leaking from your neck, right?”
“Oh you’re so sweet, actually pretending to back off once I woke up.” Cooed the tiefling as his steps continued cliser, a clawed fingertip threatening just beneath his chin, tilting hit upwards to meet his gaze. “But yes, that offer is still on the table. We’ve been traveling for quite some time, and if I’m not mistaken, you haven’t fed in a while. Surely you must be so exhausted.”
It was true, Astarion realized with the familiar painful twang of his lethargic body, practically screaming for him to tackle the man in front of him and drain him for all he was worth. He was too close, far too close, his breath ghosting upon Astarion’s own neck and for a moment, he himself felt the prey cornered by the predator, a position he wasn’t entirely unused to, but one he certainly wasn’t expecting from anyone else.
A soft blush rose to his cheeks as the tiefling moved in closer, his neck tilting to bare itself towards him and Astarion felt it even harder to resist, his hands raising to grip onto the tiefling’s shoulders like a desperate vice as he tried to hold his focus on the tail that swished back and forth like a hunting cat’s.
“Go on, you’re free to bite if you need.”
“W-why are you letting me do this, theres got to be a catch…”
“Mm, I guess I just thought you were cute, so I wouldn’t mind, plus, it’ll make you stronger, a better fighter for me, I dont see the harm in it.”
“I could drain you dry you know, kill you on the spot.”
A soft shuddering gasp escaped Astarion’s throat as he felt those clawed fingertips softly tighten around the curls at his nape.
“Oh I’ll make sure you won’t. I know how much you want this.”
And he was right, Astarion wanted this more than anything, and finally, he caved.
Leaning forward his fangs brushed cautiously against the tiefling’s neck as they sesrched for the right artery, eventually finding it and plunging just deep enough to puncture, but gentle enough as not to sever as the blood bubbled up to the surface and Astarion’s lips locked tightly around the wound as he began to suckle the contents from the noble’s willing neck, still confused as to why he was allowing this but grateful nonetheless as he continued to feed until he was unceremoniously yanked backwards before he could entirely loose himself to the taste.
“Easy now, I’m staring to get a bit woosy now, but that felt good. And I’m sure it was for both of us.”
Astarion could do nothing but solemnly swallow what was left in his mouth as a small dribble rolled down his chin, the tiefling quickly swiping his thumb over it with a cheeky grin as he released Astarion from his grip.
“You’re free to have more though, some other night when I’m not as drained.” He spoke with a sly wink, turning to leave Astarion and head back to his bedroll. “I’m sure we’ll both enjoy it even more next time.”
Astarion’s face burned at the implication, and as hunger continued to gnaw at him from within, he couldn’t help but feverishly wonder just what he had gotten himself into.
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enevera · 2 years
i am sorry except i’m not; tw: yelling, me being far angrier than normal mhm
i refuse to take all my shit out to the living room at 1:30 am bc me watching netflix on my PHONE at ALMOST NO BRIGHTNESS WITH SOUND-PROOF HEADPHONES ON is somehow “too much” and you “can’t deal with it” girl i don’t type i don’t turn the brightness up i am not laughing or talking or snoring or coughing FFS please buy a FUCKING EYE MASK like I FUCKING DID and LEAVE. ME. the fuck ALONE HOLY SHITT
i put my back pillow on the ground and she told me to just go into the living room girl i am going to sleep i am doing what you wanted me to do suck it up or shove off and shill out the extra cash next time to not have to room w ppl when you don’t know how shit works.
she is the reason we can’t have the ac on at night bc it supposedly blows right in her face like no it doesn’t stop being a whiny shit pls and thanks i’m not your parents i’m not going to pick up after you and go out to the living room bc you can’t fall asleep bc i picked up my tea mug to take a sip wtf
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Krogers Reddit Censored This...instead of letting truths be told.
FIRSTLY, Don't read this if you're not looking for truth.. Don't read this if you're a CL manager who can't see further than your own job, and don't read this if you're set with being content with .... subpar support from Corporate.
Secondly... my god it's impossible to post ANY TRUTHS on here. r/krogers mods have made it VERY HARD TO GET THIS PUT ON HERE. Every single sentence of this has been tweaked 6 times to pass their ... censors...
You know, I just want to put out there. And it's more of a general RANT.... that when the store looks like doodoo the Click list department is going to be doodoo. When the website is selling stuff from tomorrow's sale, and customers order it early... with trucks not being unpacked until 6-7am, how does corporate expect FILL RATE to be above 95?
Got NEWS FOR EVERYONE. Quarter 3, they want 98% fill rate.
When department heads, aren't held accountable because... the union babies everyone and let's lazy people keep their job, trucks don't get done and the 'leave it for the closer' attitude sincerely sucks... I don't know if it's every Krogers but it's... a blatant issue... atleast in 3 of 4 stores I visit.
When Pepsi, Coke, and the other distributors that bring stuff to the store CANNOT MAINTAIN PROPER INVENTORY levels.. CLICKLIST is going to have doodoo fill rate.
Why is it, that the corporate BUSY BODIES visit the stores, they will peak around the store... and then start commenting on how we should be nearly 98% accuracy at 9am in the morning (*when most orders aren't even placed until 10am - 1pm.... *)....
I have a Store Leader, who is PHENOMINAL and I can't even TELL YOU HOW MUCH THEY DO OR DON'T DO, because I would only get them in trouble for ACTUALLY HELPING US... Do you know Corporate wants your lazy managers to sit and WATCH you struggle? They want the lack of HIRING THEY DO, and the LACK OF HOURS they give us to show clearly..
HERE'S a tip to Corporate. Butt out of Clicklist, because you're ruining it. Stop the CORPORATE BUSY WORK and wanting to continually ask for the impossible. I pick NEARLY 1000+ pieces EVERY SINGLE day, and ... GOD FORBID out of those 1000 pieces that we AND the customers took ALL the Pepsi and ALL the coke... and we end up with a 88 percent (which mind you means the REST OF THE STORE isn't stocked and USUALLY it's DSD's fault) which is STILL only 120 pieces that were subbed, or NOT available. Well here's a few reasons WHY it might be that way..
Red Baron AND other inventory managers for distributors not good at their job.
Our stores are ANCIENT and only have enough ROOM for a daily truck
We are given 27 hours for the WHOLE department some days.... and other days we are simply lucky because our managers are smart enough to GHOST hours so we dont get screwed.
We are at a point in our store where we have to decide EVERY DAY .. do we do OUR job, or the STORES job? I literally mean this. We are paid to PICK.... We are NOT paid to HUNT through the BACK OF THE STORE and STOCK SHELVES so our teams can pull those items. We are NOT paid, to listen to the CRAP ROLL DOWN HILL and effect us from customers. Sadly it's NOT the department heads fault most days. It's simply Corporates INABILITY to get their head out of their buttand stop being so selfish to ONLY care about sales.... they don't care if WE have ENOUGH PEOPLE to cover the LOAD OF WORK... they only care about the # differences between what they pay us and what they can make off of each sale. It's dispicable and I for one, after 2 years in Clicklist am READY to put Krogers problems on the laundry line and put in my two weeks to head back to the factories.
Customers who gets subbed and then come in 4 HOURS LATER when they pick up.. will CHECK to see if we actually have it or not... and BECAUSE of ALL THE SAID issues above.... we might just have it... That causes MANY customers to become irate, because.... well, they were too lazy to go in and buy it themselves and when we DIDN'T have it...they chose to make it effect the people picking... or to come in the store and throw baby fits, cuz they should have got what they wanted.
People can say oh well we have every 30 minute updates and maintenance to the store counts, etc etc... but let me tell you.. if WALMART says they have it ONLINE, their system is ACCURATE AS heck and Krogers website REGUARLY is inaccurate.. ....
It's TIME for Corporate to cut the corporate salary and maybe RODNEY our CEO should start either donating some of his money to DOUBLE THE WORKFORCE in Krogers or CUT BACK on the amount MAXED OUT hours that we can have during the day.
I WATCH my department have to stay over work nearly everyday to make sure that the people around them don't BURN UP because of Corporates lack of concern. You show up once a month, talk shit about how god awful the %'s are even though they are REGULARLY above minimum for 1st quarter 2023...... Why do people stay over? No idea, honestly, cause it's sure not for the money. 14.25 .. we were given 0 voice during our contract negotiations with the Union in Central Ohio, and when we VOTED TO STRIKE, They refused to CALL A STRIKE, and FORCED us to continue to vote on things we already voted to strike on. Then they hopped in BED with the Company and gave them a little pat on the butt to ensure that we would not be able to strike like we wanted.. gave us NO TIME to review, or demand the bargaining council be removed..... And... they still suck less than Corporate who we later found out bought Albertsons and plans to give that money to SHAREHOLDERS instead of make our lives easier and better.
To all the Krogers managers. I'm sorry, you are given 0 to work with, and as soon as you get to doing a good job, you're gonna be taken and moved to a new store, because forget your hard work you should have to keep breaking your back to make sure Corporate Higher Ups look good.
I think Dana, from Central Ohio should come WORK WITH US for a WEEK...and see if there is enough hours to get the work done... Maybe even cut her own SALARY every time that she and her people cut our hours. We were given NO hours practically on memorial day and were SLAMMED. I was off, and I am very glad.
The HOURS in the WHOLE store.. is at the end of the day why Krogers clicklist is going to end up a long term failure. Our store, does phenominal, but ONLY because everyone SUCKED IT UP about 14.25 and we work like we get paid 20 $ an hour and the ONLY reason ANY of us do that..is because we like our CL manager so much, and because when they FINALLY removed the last store lead (who j.f.c didn't know ANYTHING other than smoking outside EVERY HOUR ON THE HOUR) our new store lead came in and MAKES THINGS HAPPEN.... but yet, is still short on people EVERY SINGLE DAY... cause Corporate Krogers are a bunch of greedy people.
--- I'm sure a sleuth will find out who I am after posting this, and it shouldn't be too hard. If Krogers doesn't want embarrassing rants like this... then they need to stop hoarding the hours.. and stop hoarding the money. I get 40 hours.... my friends get 40 hours... but we NEED about 10 more people PER HOUR in our store if we want 98% accuracy every day by Q3....
Here is to all those people are who are going to feel like Krogers is all they can get, and are going to suck it up this summer and fall to make sure Corporate's greedy stuff is possible.
- Local Clicklist Speed Demon
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