sipsteainanxiety · 10 months
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assigned bunny at holiday 🫵🫵🫵🫵
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azsazz · 4 months
Midnight Muse (Part 17)
Azriel x Reader [Art School AU]
Summary: You and your best friend Feyre have just moved into a new apartment for your sophomore year of college at art school. What you didn't know when you signed the lease is that you'd be living next to three rowdy boys.
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 2,902
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8] [Part 9] [Part 10] [Part 11] [Part 12] [Part 13] [Part 14] [Part 15] [Part 16] [Masterlist]
There’s a knock on your door and it’s the one time you’re thankful that Rhysand has taken Feyre out on a date.
Your heart thuds uncomfortably fast in your chest and your hands shake with nerves as you smooth them across the skirt of your dress one last time.
After you had parted ways with Lucien at the coffee shop yesterday, you’d taken a solo trip to the mall to search for something to wear to the opening of Azriel’s exhibition tonight.
After trying on too many dresses to count, you had settled on this one, black and elegant, the fabric clinging to your curves in all of the right places. The store employee had halted in her tracks on her way through, as you stared at yourself in the full length mirror, contemplating whether it was too simple, or too fancy for the event.
The woman had been overcome with emotion, complimenting you so many times that you weren't even sure how to acknowledge her gushing after the plethora of nervous thank you’s you’d offered in response.
You don’t know why you’re so nervous. Azriel has made it clear that he’s not trying to impress you tonight, and you shouldn’t be trying to either, but you want to look nice for the occasion anyway. This is a real exhibition, not put on through the art school, and it’s the first you’ve been personally invited to, by someone you like or not, and you wanted to be dressed appropriately.
You’d done up your hair in a simple, yet elegant style. Your makeup accentuates your staggering beauty, matching the dress, and you’ve slipped into a pair of black kitten heels, low enough to be considered appropriate for the occasion, but tall enough to give you that boost of confidence.
Overall, you look smoking hot.
But you’re still facing nervousness as a knock on the door sounds again. It’s gentle, not impatient like you’d expect Azriel to be. He’s promptly on time, seven thirty just like he said he would be, and you have been ready for fifteen minutes, making sure you were punctual as well as not to piss him off.
With a last breath, you open the door.
It’s Azriel, of course, and the sigh you were in the middle of releasing wooshes out of you with force as you drink him in. 
You know that he’s a handsome man, shockingly so, but tonight he looks like a god. He’s wearing simple black trousers with a matching black button-up, the top three buttons undone to show off the tips of the tattoos across his collarbones and his golden skin. 
His hair is clean and brushed, and it looks like he may have taken a pass at it with a bit of gel because it’s perfectly set in a naturally tousled look.
He looks incredible. Good enough to eat.
In your trance, you hadn’t noticed that Azriel had fallen into a similar one, golden eyes going molten at the sight of you in your dress. You don’t see the way that his heart picks up in his chest, how his fingers curl into fists to stop himself from reaching out because they’re stuffed deeply into his pockets.
Shaking yourself from your stupor, you clear your throat lightly, trying to dispel the tightness lingering there.
Azriel blinks once, twice, and his eyes meet yours again. 
“You look…” he trails off, eyes dipping down again. He needs you to turn around so that he can get a full view of you, but he shoves that thought from his head as quickly as it enters. “Yeah,” he finishes awkwardly, lamely. He wants to punch himself, because your cheeks go red.
“Uh, thanks, I think,” you respond softly. You don’t invite him in because you’re still too stunned to say anything more. Of course, Azriel looks amazing in his normal t-shirt and jeans, but seeing him dressed so smartly has something warming in the pit of your stomach.
“Don’t overthink it, princess,” Azriel continues, schooling himself back into his stoic self. “Are you ready to go?”
You nod, “Let me just grab my bag.” 
Azriel waits by the door while you turn and now he has the entire view. The back of your dress is low, showing off the length of your spine. It curves around your bottom like a fucking peach and it’s difficult to force his eyes away from the sight of you like this, but he manages, shifting on his feet as his cock twitches in his pants.
You lock your apartment door and follow Azriel down the hall. You can see the muscles of his shoulders straining against the fabric of his shirt and you wonder if that’s why he hadn’t buttoned the top buttons of his shirt, because they’d surely burst. Your gaze travels lower, into betrayal territory, and you bite your painted lip at the sight of his taut waist and tight ass.
Good enough to eat, indeed. 
“Elevator or stairs?” Azriel asks you as you approach the end of the hall. There had been a maintenance team who had been working on the elevator after you’d been trapped within its metal confines, and it is now back up and running. You haven’t been on it since yesterday morning, and you’re still feeling a little weary of it, so you opt for the stairs.
Azriel slows his pace as you carefully make your way down the stairs in your heels. They’re not tall, but the dress is snug around your calves and ankles, and you really can’t trip up not only because you don’t want to embarrass yourself, but because you don’t need to give Azriel the ammunition. 
“Are we taking your bike?” you question as you reach the lobby landing. You pause for a moment to tug your dress back into place. You wince. You hadn’t thought about trying to wear a dress on his bike. “Because I don’t think I’ll be able to get on it in this.” 
Azriel thinks that he could help you out of it, and he doesn’t dare look at you as he pulls out a pair of keys from his pocket, showing them off. There’s a few keys attached to the ring, along with a fluorescent keychain with the words ‘getaway car’ scrawled in bright ink.
“We’re taking Cassian’s car,” Azriel says, holding the front door of the building open for you. “If that’s alright.” 
“More than,” you exhale thankfully, shoulders relaxing their tension. You hadn’t wanted to start an argument this early in the night, and thankfully Azriel has been nice enough to accommodate you.
He seems so unlike the Azriel that you know that you almost ask if the real him has been abducted or something because he’s opening the passenger door for you, telling you to mind the rust and hole in the floorboards, waiting for you to put your seatbelt on, and shutting the door behind you before making his way around to the driver’s side.
“Cass staying home tonight?” you question, breaking the silence. The vehicle had started up with a rough cough, and the ride is bumpier than you remember it being the first time you were in it, but you’re sure you’re being hyper aware of everything right now because you’re nervous.
Azriel shrugs. He’s tapping his fingers nervously against the steering wheel and you can’t help but to stare, noticing each groove and patch of marred skin. The beauty of something so torturous happening. You still don’t know what it is that caused that scarring, but for him not to let it stop him from creating his art, you’re in awe.
“He lets me use his car sometimes, if I let him use my bike.”
You raise a brow in shock. “You really trust him on that thing?” 
Azriel huffs a laugh and your heart stutters. He glances at you and your heart completely stills at the gleam of amusement in his golden eyes. “I trust Cass with my life.”
The rest of the short ride is silent, except for the loud sounds of the hardly running Bronco and the tires against the road seeping in through the hole in the floorboards between your feet. If it’s because Azriel is nervous, you don’t know. You don’t know him well enough to know his tells, but he’s still tapping along the steering wheel. Otherwise, he is as cool as a cucumber.
You, on the other hand, are stewing in your nervousness. You’re feeling jittery, on edge the closer and closer you get to the building Azriel’s exhibition is being held in. It’s not far from your apartment, but each rotation of the tiers closer sets your teeth on edge.
You know that this means nothing. Joining Azriel tonight isn’t anything more than someone not wanting to be alone. You know that he doesn’t care much for your opinion, he had made that clear yesterday in the elevator, but with the attention on him all night, there’s bound to be some on you as well. 
On the other hand, it feels like more than just an event he needs someone to attend with. The mere twitching of his fingers gives away how important this night is to him. You can’t help but to wonder why he hadn’t invited Rhysand of Cassian, if he trusts them with his life. Why wouldn’t he want to share such a moment with them? And why bring you?
Azriel rolls the car to a stop between a packed, well-known restaurant and a jewelry store. Flanked by each store is an elegant, sleek looking gallery. The outside is covered in black marble, and the lighting looks expensive and bright, the sign above the door reads ‘Opulent,’ in large black letters. 
The front matches the name.
There are black curtains pulled down across the large windows beside the door. They must be pulling them open later in the night or even later in the week when the exhibition is open to the public.
You turn, looking at Azriel who is staring out the front of the car, hands twisted tightly together in his lap. 
In a move of confidence, you gently place a hand on his shoulder. He flinches and you watch him try to cover it up, but it’s too late, you’ve already seen the pain flashing across his gaze. You rip your hand from him as fact as you can.
“You ready?” you ask, and you don’t like the way your voice trembles a little.
Azriel nods once, then again, firmly. “Yeah.”
He opens your car door for you once more and allows you to find your footing before he’s locking up behind you. There’s a bit of a breeze now that the sun has dipped down behind the large buildings and you shiver a little, more so when Azriel places a warm hand at your lower back to usher you inside.
His skin doesn’t breach yours, touching only the sliver of silken fabric just above your ass. His palm is a heavy weight against you, and the mindless rubbing he’s circling his thumb in has your knees wobbling a little as you walk, warmth stirring to life in the bottom of your gut.
Your breath catches in your throat so harshly you nearly choke, stepping inside of the well lit area. The gallery is empty of patrons, but filled with art. The most beautiful charcoal drawings you’ve ever seen line the walls. Most of them are drawn on large canvases, bigger than your torso, and you can instantly tell how much work has gone into the creation of them, because they’re simply breathtaking. 
“There he is,” a man greets with a broad smile. You tear your gaze from the artwork on the walls as Azriel gently nudges you further in the door. You blush, not realizing that you’d stopped in your tracks upon seeing the gallery. You don’t know where to look, it’s all so beautiful, but you politely drag your gaze to the man headed your way despite wanting to stare at all of the artwork. “The man of the night! And who is this lovely lady?”
His voice is rich and deep, much like the color of his upswept eyes, glowing bright with excitement. He approaches you and Azriel, patting the artist on the arm as if he knows that he doesn’t favor shaking hands or hugging. You watch, waiting to see if Azriel flinches like he had in the car when you’d rested your hand on him, but he doesn’. There’s a tightness to your body and an edge to his jaw that tells you he might have anticipated the move, as he eases slightly once the man’s hand is removed from his arm.
“Thesan, this is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Thesan. He is the owner of Opulent.”
“(Y/N),” Thesan greets you with a firm handshake and a knowing look in Azriel’s direction. He rolls his gold eyes in response as Thesan turns back to you. “So nice to meet you.” 
“You as well,” you smile softly in response. You don’t know why Thesan had given Azriel that look, and you’re not sure you’re going to find out because Thesan is whisking Azriel away, talking of some loose ends that need finishing up before the doors open to the show in fifteen minutes.
“Are you going to be okay out here while I go with Thesan?” Azriel asks you, and it’s almost jarring, how polite he is tonight. When you wave him off with a nod, he continues, brows furrowed a little like the thought of leaving you alone bothers him. Perhaps he’s worried you’ll do something to his art. A blasphemous thought. “I will only be gone for a few minutes. Feel free to look around if you like. I’ll bring you a drink on my way back.”
“Thank you, Azriel,” you answer, and his gaze lingers before he turns away, leaving you and his exhibition alone.
You look around at the empty gallery, unsure of where to start. The only sound throughout the space is the clacking of your heels on the floor. You refrain from pulling out your phone and texting Feyre and spilling the entirety of your night. You’re so nervous you hardly even know what to do with yourself.  You feel awkward, like an imposter as you decide to start nearest the entrance to the street, keeping a few steps away from the large drawing lit brightly on the wall. 
The piece before you is so dark you can hardly make out the forms. The entire canvas is black with deep sweeps of charcoal, only light areas have been reigned in by an eraser. You stare at it for a minute, two, allowing the painting to speak to you. 
It feels lonely, despairing, almost, and the next one you move to is an angry stroke of work, lines thick where Azriel had clearly pressed harder into the rough canvas as he drew. A canister of something spilling across the floor in waves. Two eyes ripple in the reflection of the liquid, no, there are four, their pupils malignant and cruel.
The image sends shivers crawling up your spine.
Each piece is more beautiful than the next. You find yourself both enthralled and rushed, wanting to spend as long as you want in front of each picture while you have the room to yourself, rushed because you want to see all of the work before others arrive. 
The charcoals become lighter, happier as you follow the path that you’re walking around the room. In the center, well lit and clearly the centerpiece of the collection, is a canvas that you’re not entirely sure could fit in through the front door of the building.
It’s titled ‘Not an Accident’ as per the plaque beneath the canvas. As it towers over you on the wall, you feel small, glued to your spot, throat thick and eyes prickling with tears as you scan the work, absorbing its utter, raw beauty.
A pair of hands, clenched together like they’re praying. Each finger presses into each other in a desperate way, as if seconds away from clawing through the skin. One is perfect. Smooth, clean skin, while the other is marred, so familiar that it makes your throat ache.
The skin of the second hand is puckered and ruined, tortured by something great, something that will always be carried, by both memory and sight. It’s Azriel’s hands, you would be able to recognize them anywhere, and the smoothed skinned one must have been what his hands looked like before whatever accident happened. It’s strong, healthy, fingers calloused with life. The other is tender, fresh skin pulled tight over jutting bones and weak muscle.
A tear escapes the corner of your eye, but you don’t wipe it away.
This artwork is a harrowingly beautiful sight. 
You hear the soft footfalls of Azriel moving closer, but you can’t tear your eyes away from the masterpiece in front of you. 
He strides up beside you, looking up at his work. 
“Are you ready for the event to start?” 
You nod, wiping the lone tear that has escaped. You don’t think Azriel notices. 
“Yeah, are you?”
“Yeah,” he breathes, “I think I am.”
MM Taglist P.1: @going-through-shit @honeycriess @natashachelsea @thisisew @kennedy-brooke @cat-or-kitten @sourapplex @magical-mischief-makers @reiincarnatiion @ccucumbers @secret-ly-here @throneofsmut @cami26cami @torchbearerkyle @a-frog-with-a-laptop @sevikas-whore @endless-worldss @vellichor01 @bangtans-jagiya @kalulakunundrum @pinksmellslikelove @sakurafrost3-blog @imxnotxhere @bookishbroadwaybish @justdreamstars @i-am-infinite @whichwitchisthebitch @i-am-a-lost-girl16 @sia-r @homeslices @quinzzelx @carlandonorri-s @juniper-july19 @ssmay123 @blackthorngirl @haivenhoule @18crazybutcutealsopsycho
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xxsunoosprincess · 3 months
Thinking about down-bad Heeseung again. Thinking about how he could not be subtle about having a crush on you for the life of him. He sends you lyric after lyric that he has written (about you) asking for your opinion. Not only are you pretty, he also thinks you are the smartest person he has ever met and values any input you give him. One night, he is still struggling with how he wants to sing a line and has already sent you a couple voice memos before he sends “… the phone just isn’t recording it well. Come over I’ll sing it for you.”
(nsfw below the cut, minors dni)
He is practically shitting his pants with nerves as he waits for you to show up and when you do… his heart fucking stops in his chest. You look so cute with your bonnet on and cute glasses and is that the hoodie he lent you when you complained about how cold the studio was? God. He can’t tell if he is going to cum in his pants or throw up.
You sit perched on his bed so pretty, and he can’t help but think about how thankful he is that he won that round of rock-paper-scissors that secured him a solo room. He can’t make eye contact with you, so shy to have a pretty girl in his room. Blushes so pretty when you giggle and tell him you think the way he is singing the part sounds good. It’s like you shut off his brain with that simple sentence, because he clearly isn’t thinking when he surges forward and kisses you. He immediately pulls back and apologizes profusely but is quickly shut up by you surging forward and kissing him passionately.
He whines as you pepper kisses down his neck. “Please, baby, please let me eat you out. Wanna make you feel good, please”. And who are you to deny him? Poor guy is already panting with his eyes rolled to the back of his head as he kisses your inner thighs. Starts grinding down on the bed when his tongue starts kitten licking at your clit. The gentle kisses and sucks at your most sensitive parts makes your hands shoot down to his hair and pull him closer. With his head buried in your cunt, he can’t help but moan so loud. And when you finally cum on his tongue, his hips stutter against the mattress and he is making a mess in his pants. Isn’t even shy about the obvious stain at the front of his sweats if the dopey grin on his face is anything to go by.
And when you spend the night for the first time and sleep in just as long as him, he knows you have been made just for him. You are hardly awake, eyes barely open before he is asking you to officially be his.
xx - princess
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writingforstraykids · 3 months
I owe you a kiss Pt.3
Pairing: Minchan x femReader
Word Count: 2420
Summary: Whilst Minho and you grow closer his relationship to Chan is strained, suffering from all the responsibility he has to carry for the group. You want nothing more than your boys to work things out..
Warnings/Tags: angst, fluff, emotional hurt/comfort, soft!min, mention of blood
A/N: I already know you guys will hate me, but I promise there'll be more in a week🥺🖤
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Two months later
You giggle softly as Minho pulls you into his arms and sways you through the kitchen. A sappy love song starts playing in the background. He pulls you in as close as he can, humming along to the tune, and rests his head against yours. You know, he had a long day, organizing their group's schedules and deciding what would happen now and what would wait until Chan was back. You let him take the lead and feel him relax, his breathing calming against your chest. Minho turns his head a little, planting soft kisses on your cheek, and you can feel him smile. “I love you, honey,” he whispers.
“I love you too, darling,” you whisper right back and turn to look at him. Your breath hitches at how soft and in love he looks. “I’m proud of you.”
“Hm?” he hums in confusion, still swaying softly. 
“I know how hard it is to manage everything without Channie at the company. It’s not what you signed up for,” you tell him gently. 
“He’s my husband, I’ve signed up for it the minute I let him love me,” he smiles tiredly.
“I know, but never alone before,” you remind him gently. “You’re doing great, darling. Chan and I are very proud of you.”
He smiles gently and brushes his nose against yours. “Thank you, baby.” His phone rings, and you can instantly see the stress flooding his face. It's a little worrying to see him dripping with the same exhaustion you only knew from Chan so far. You gently ease it from his pocket and smile, showing him the screen. “Oh,” he smirks and gives you an apologetic smile before taking the call. “Hi, Channie love,” he says, giving you a kiss and quickly going upstairs. You watch him with a soft smile, glad Chan has called at this very moment. The three of you worked out a rhythm with calling quite quickly; one day Minho, one day you, one day the two of you. This allowed you all to keep your personal relationship with Chan, as well as your marriage, intact.
“Hi, kitten,” Chan says sweetly.
Minho throws himself onto the bed with a soft grunt and stares at the ceiling. “How are you? Had a nice day?”
“Yeah, Hannah and I are about to go for a drive, she said she knows a nice place for dinner,” Chan tells him and shuffles through his old bedroom, searching for his sweater. “I'm good, actually.”
“That’s nice,” Minho smiles and turns to his side, trying to keep his eyes open. He realizes too late that he's been silent for too long. 
It’s quiet for a moment before Chan speaks up again. “How are you holding up?” he asks gently. “I hope the kids are supporting you well?”
“Don’t worry,” he chuckles. “Felix is hovering, Hannie and Changbin are busier than ever, Innie and Seungmin are getting on my nerves as much as they can, and Hyunjin took over most of my work with new dances.”
“Crazy as always then,” Chan giggles, and Minho’s heart hurts at the so dearly missed sound. 
“When are you coming back?” he asks quietly after a moment and bites his lower lip hard. Dumbass. “I don’t want to stress you, just wanna know.”
Chan is quiet for a while after that, and Minho closes his eyes, growing frustrated as tears well up in them. “I-I don’t know, Min,” he confesses.
“Mhm, okay,” is all he manages to say, trying not to start crying right here on the spot. He misses him so much that it’s getting a little too much lately.
“You’re mad.”
“I’m not.”
“Yes, you are,” Chan huffs. 
“I said I’m not,” Minho insists. 
“Stop lying,” Chan tells him, sharper than he had intended to. “You’re pissed you have to work double while I’m having fun out here.”
“I’m not…Channie,” Minho says firmly and sits up. “I’m too tired for this bullshit, seriously.”
“Mhm, okay, fine then,” Chan grumbles. “Sorry for calling.” 
“Chan,” Minho snaps. “I was asking because I fucking miss you,” he bursts out.
“If you miss me so much, you could just visit, you know,” Chan says, not really knowing why he’s so pissed either. 
“I can’t just disappear right now and leave them all hanging,” Minho argues weakly. “We're already behind.”
“If you’re so busy then what’s the point in me visiting, huh?” Chan asks sourly.
“Visiting? Is that what we’re calling home now? Is that all your husband and wife are now? A visit?” he snaps, tears finally falling down his cheeks. “Seriously, Chan?” he asks, voice cracking.
“Okay, you have five seconds to calm the fuck down, or I’m ending this call,” Chan says calmly. “I don’t know when I’ll come back, Minho, because honestly, I don’t feel like it right now. And if that is all that’s waiting for me, then I don’t know if I want to.”
Minho hangs up on him and sits still for a moment before throwing his phone onto the floor forcefully. He hears the screen cracking and winces softly but doesn’t bother to pick it back up. 
You race up the stairs and rip the door open, blinking at him, confused. “What was that?” you ask, speaking of the loud thump his phone made.
“My phone,” he says, and you glance down at it lying on the floor.
“What’s wrong?” you ask worriedly, spotting the tears in his eyes.
“Nothing,” he snaps at you. “Your husband is an asshole, that’s all!”
“Which one?” you ask calmly and raise your eyebrows at him. 
He takes a deep breath, reminding himself that you're not his enemy. “Both,” he says sourly. “But your Australian one in particular.”
You chuckle softly and make your way over, stopping in front of the edge of the bed. You soothingly run your hand through his hair and watch him thoughtfully. “He's not coming back yet, is he?”
“No,” Minho whispers and stubbornly stares at the mattress. “I know I was the one saying he should go, but-it's too much.”
“What is?” you ask patiently, wanting him to voice his thoughts. 
“Y/nnie,” he sighs softly. “Not now, please. Now I just wanna be pissed and sulk a little.”
You hum gently and brush back his hair. “Need some time alone?”
“Yeah,” he nods and flashes you an apologetic smile. You both know he'll get rid of his frustration more quickly if you don't see how shitty he feels. 
“That's okay,” you tell him and cup his face, kissing his forehead. “I'm taking you out for dinner tonight, yeah? Just us two at that place downtown you love.”
“Okay,” he smiles weakly and squeezes your hips for a brief moment before letting go of you. He watches you leave before falling back onto the mattress. Staring up at the ceiling, he thinks back to their conversation, and his throat tightens up painfully. Tears burn in his eyes, and he curses at himself quietly. “Stop being so fucking dramatic,” he tells himself and blinks them away. 
You glance up from your spot on the sofa as Minho comes downstairs only minutes later. “That was fast?”
“I won't ruin our date night,” Minho announces as he makes his way over. He stops in front of you and timidly tugs at his sleeve. “Also, I need a hug.”
Your smile softens, and you gently pat the space next to you. A surprised giggle leaves your lips as Minho places himself in your lap instead, burying his face in your shoulder. You soothingly rub his back and hug him tight, gently rocking him in your arms. “I love you, Minnie.”
“I love you too,” he says softly. 
“And Channie does as well, yeah?” you ask, and your heart drops as Minho doesn't answer. You gently pull him back, spotting tears in his eyes. “Oh, darling, that bad?”
Minho shakes his head and lowers his gaze. “I'm tired as hell. That only makes it worse.”
“Wanna tell me what happened?” you ask gently, and Minho gives in and tells you about his argument with Chan. 
“I know I was overreacting, but he pissed me off,” Minho sighs as he's done. 
“You were a little. But so was he,” you chuckle. 
“You're married to two idiots, I'm sorry,” Minho chuckles weakly and sighs. “Okay, come on.”
“We don't have to go if you're not feeling up for it,” you assure him. “We can order in, watch a movie or something.”
“No, if my beautiful wife wants to go out for a date, that's what she gets,” he shakes his head and smiles at you sweetly. You blush a little, which gives him the opportunity to kiss you fiercely. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you smile. 
Minho's gentle fingers brush against your skin as he laces up your dress in the back. As he's done, his eyes meet yours in the mirror, and they instantly soften, as they always do. His hands find your hips, and he leans down, pressing a small kiss on your shoulder. “You're so beautiful.”
You blush softly and chuckle at yourself for still getting flustered after all those years. “Min,” you say sweetly. 
“Don't even try to deny it,” your husband giggles and pulls you against his body. “I love you so much, never forget that, yeah?”
“How could I?” you ask, amused, and cover his hands with yours. “You're unforgettable Min, in every way,” you say and turn in his arms to face him. “My sweet Minho.”
A beautiful smile tugs at his lips, bunny teeth showing as he gives in to the feeling. It travels to his eyes, makes them sparkle so prettily, and you can't help but mirror his smile. He gently caresses your cheek and pulls you into a soft, loving, tender kiss. “My beloved Y/nnie,” he whispers against your lips. 
Not much later, you're at the restaurant and Minho seems to cheer up, chewing happily on his food. You giggle at him fondly. “You're so cute.”
He looks almost offended and quickly swallows. “Ey, I have a reputation.”
“Forget it,” you snort. “Everyone who could see you like that would agree with me.”
“Stay always agrees with you when you write those stupid little captions,” he snorts and takes the next bite, doing a little happy wiggle in his seat. His eyes widen as he catches himself doing so, and you start laughing. “Oh fuck off,” he laughs.
You giggle adoringly, and the two of you exchange a soft smile. “You're pretty.”
“Will you stop now?” he asks softly, slowly blushing. 
“Never. You're too cute,” you tease him. 
“Do I have to remind you again why we have two chopsticks and two eyes?” he threatens you jokingly. 
“No, thank you,” you laugh and glance down as your phone pings with a message. Channie. 
Minho notices you hesitating for a moment. “Go on,” he urges you gently. 
Channie angel❣️: Hey there, my beautiful baby, hope you're doing alright. Don't tell Minnie, but I'll be back for his birthday in two weeks. I love you so so much and can't wait to see you again!🌹🖤
You: Oh, that's exciting!!! I won't tell him a word, promise❤️
You:…but you should text him, Channie angel, he's hurt🥺💔
Channie angel❣️: I'll call him as soon as I'm back at my parents’ place. Enjoy your night out, baby🖤
Channie angel❣️: Tell him I love him. 
You look up from your phone and swallow softly, seeing Minho glancing at his broken screen timidly. “Darling?”
“Yeah?” he asks and puts on a warm smile for you. 
“Chan says he loves you,” you tell him, and Minho's smile falters a little in surprise. “He wants to call later.”
“Okay,” he nods gently. “Thank you.”
“You'll be okay?” you ask him worriedly and reach for his hand across the table. 
“Always,” he promises and brings up your hand to his lips, kissing it. “He can act stupid all he wants, I have you right here tonight.”
You chuckle, amused, and squeeze his hand. “Don't give up on him, yeah? I know it's not easy at the moment…but he still loves you.”
“I know,” Minho assures you gently. 
“You two are at your best when you're working together,” you tell him and search his eyes. “He loves you, no matter what.”
Minho nods gently, not wanting to get emotional out here in public. “Thank you for tonight.”
“Any time,” you smile at him softly. “Let's go home, cuddle?”
Minho's face breaks into a beautiful, soft smile, and you study his features as if you'd want to engrave this picture in your brain forever. “Let's go home,” he nods. 
Chan barely steps into his room as his phone rings with Minho's signature tune. He frowns softly, wondering why he was calling him now when he told him he would. Chan takes the call and braces himself. “Hey, Minho.”
“Channie,” Minho sobs into the phone and Chan's throat tightens at the broken sound. 
“Baby?” he asks worriedly. 
“I'm sorry, I fucked up. Fucked up so bad,” Minho rambles through tears, pacing the bathroom. “I swear I didn't mean to.”
Chan frowns softly, and he stops in front of his bed. “Minho, it's okay, it wasn't that bad, hm? It was just a small fight.” he tries softly, and a high-pitched sound leaves Minho's lips. Minho sinks to the floor, breathing heavily, and pulls his legs up to his chest as his shock takes over. Chan picks up on it and sits down at the edge of his bed. “Can we switch to a video call?” What the hell? 
“O-Okay,” Minho sobs and accepts the call. 
Chan's heart drops to his stomach as he sees him. Tears stream down his face, and he looks terrified. Truly terrified. There's blood on his shirt, there's blood on the hand he uses to try and wipe away his tears. “Minho, fuck, where are you?”
“Hospital” is all he gets out. 
“Why, what…Minho, where's Y/N?” he asks, his stomach tightening in fear at the pained sound that leaves Minho when your name is mentioned. “Min?”
Minho's breathing picks up, and he clutches the fabric of his pants tightly, trying to steady himself. “Someone crashed into our car, I-I swear it wasn't my fault. T-The airbag didn't open a-and-,” he breaks off with a sob. “Channie, there was so much blood,” he whimpers. 
“Where's Y/nnie?” he asks, barely audible, blank fear taking over him.
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Taglist: (Please let me know if you want to be added to/removed from the taglist!)
@atinyniki @kailee08 @galaxycatdrawz @silverstarburst @aaasia111 @lilmisssona @kthstrawberryshortcake @channieaddict @soullostinspaceandtime @malfoygalaxies @rebecca-johnson-28 @lixie-phoria @kibs-and-bits @xxstrayland
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edajcheel · 1 year
Summary: Which of three is in their favor?
Character(s): Jade L. & Floyd L.
Gender of MC: Female
TAGS: Suggestive, perhaps a little misspellings and grammar mistakes, blood, biting, marking, bruising.
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Image does not belong to me.
☆.。.: 𝐽𝑎𝑑𝑒 𝐿𝑒𝑒𝑐𝒉
Honestly, you took him by surprise when you asked him such a question while he was on his shift. "How relevant is this inquiry to you?"
Admittedly, you were the most amusement to him during his whole shift.
It was getting dull and quite boring since there were no special customers to deal with.
He decided to amuse your curiosity just as you to him. He has a soft spot for anything easy to the touch, as in, meaty and gelatinous objects. Something that's squishy and is soft.
Technically, that could apply to all three. But, he is also captivated by how thighs feel when their meaty, and squishy.
Behind closed doors, he likes to lend all his attention towards them. He likes littering little pecks, and small kitten-licks on them. Especially when you fumble over your words and get all hot and bothered. It's so easy to get on your nerves, how endearing.
Ohoho, now don't get so antsy. While his brother and himself have differing preferences, they also have similarities to follow along with that.
Jade's been listening on Floyd's rambles recently. He perked up when the topic suddenly went to.. he quote, "biting into Shrimpy's little legs."
He's been contemplating the idea since then, biting into the prefect's thigh? How scandalous you are, Floyd. Truthfully, he couldn't put the idea aside after his brother mentioned it.
Jade isn't shameful about it either, rather, he finds it intriguing. He already knows that merfolk and land dwellers have very different anatomy and different strengths and weaknesses. But he wonders several questions...
What would your reaction be? How would you feel? Just in the span of seconds after he sinks his teeth into your thigh. He wants to see little tinkles of blood dripping down so he could lick you clean.
Hmm.. Floyd's suggestion does sound tempting, perhaps he should try it out personally himself.
❃.✮:▹ ғʟᴏʏᴅ ʟᴇᴇᴄʜ
Squishy, and soft objects isn't just Jade's thing.
Floyd is shamelessly into fatty and fleshy things. He won't hesitate saying so. He loves the extra fat and squish that comes when he squeezes it.
"Aah? Shrimpy wants me to choose between those three?"
He likes all three cause their very squeezable, and you have the right amount of flesh and meat in all of them.. buuuuuuut–
He's definitely a very dedicated, and crazy boob man.
Yes, sometimes you find him cheating on your boobs by rubbing his face on your thighs or randomly GROPING you by the butt in the hallways just to see you get all mad and flustered for his own enjoyment.
But all parts of Shrimpy's body needs love and attention!
He shows his love to Shrimpy's boobs too, so they won't feel left out. He likes planting his head on them whenever he had a rough day of scolding by Azul, or got forced into eating one of Jade's dumb mushrooms, or even a bad day in general!
Ahh.. Floyd really loves marking you and biting you on your chest. He loves the purple bruising and bite marks after he's done. Especially your struggling. He loves it. It's so cute and adorable of shrimpy.
After both of you are tired out, or more like your tired. Your chest is littered with his teeth markings and there are a few bruises, it's not an emergency though! He didn't do it that hard.
He knows shrimpy is veeery fragile, but he couldn't help himself. He'll give you allowance to his personal stash to make it up, there's macarons, gummies, hard candies, cookies, and anything sweet
He really goes crazy for your boobs. Whether small or big, it doesn't matter. He loves them and will continue to love them. So remember to button your shirt correctly.
Maann, all this talk got Floyd riled up, and it's all Shrimpy's fault. Be grateful that he answered your question and give him a hand in appreciation.
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A/N: I really enjoyed doing this one. It was super fun. I hope I didn't get tooooo into it. mannnn jade and Floyd's characters don't disappoint. I love them so muhchchchch
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cookies-and-chill · 2 years
[part 2] [part 1] [final part]
[cat noir/adrian agreste x fem innocent reader]
[Also kinda plagg x reader]
Fandom: miraculous ladybug
° heavy nsfw °
warnings: scandalous outfit, blowjob, cum consumption, profanities, unrealistic etc.
[very long]
Characters are aged up. Very detailed writings. It might be to erotic for some readers.
♤: In which adrian agreste makes his innocent girlfriend tryout his hero costume but in the moment, forgot about an crucial information.
Note: part two is out ! :) and if you haven't read part one, i suggest that you read it first. ♡
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One of the reasons adrian adored his girlfriend was because of her shy and somewhat oblivious nature. Even the way she styled herself was too adorable for him. Most of the time what (name) wore were either her normal comfy clothes or his sweatshirts and hoodie.
He had never seen her wearing revealing cloths from the time they had been dating. Even tho the temptation of seeing more of her soft skin would consume him sometimes, but he would rather see her acting all cozy.
So even when (name) was transforming into cat noir, he didn't expect much and thought that the outfit will be similar to ladynoir's.
The male heard an thump as the glowing aura slowly began die down. "Love, are you okay?" Adrian asked worried.
"Ouch- i'm fine, just lost balance" he heard the female reply causing him to sigh in relief. Thank god she didn't injure her head.
He was about to pick her up but froze as the glow completely died down, revealing his beloved.
You rubbed your bruised hip a bit to sooth the pain. You can feel an different material of cloth hugging your figure, but for some reason you felt incredibly hot. Your cheeks were covered with an red hue.
You were suddenly out breath and your mouth felt dry, you frowned and opened you mouth to take in extra oxygen that you were suddenly lacking of.
You can feel an tingling feeling between your legs. You felt your eyes water, desperately desiring for something that even you didn't know. Suddenly feeling overly sensitive in your own body.
Adrian stared at you, his suddenly forgot how to breath . You has successfully transformed into cat noir except that the costume looked nothing like his or ladynoir's.
You were clad in an sleeveless black top, it hem tugging just below your chest perfectly. The upper part of the top was made from an black translucent mesh, covering your collar bone and cleavage.
It was no use tho since adrian can see right throught it had him gwaking, but the heart cut out in the center of the top, showing the skin of your breasts had his mind malfunctioning, all the blood rushing down to his cock.
An choker with an gold bell charm adorned your neck. The choker was connected to the black top along with an gold body chain trailing down till your waist connecting to the same gold waist chain.
And ofcourse you had the classic ears and tail made out of silicon. You also had an black thigh stap with gold chain and an gold paw charm.
Adrian gulped as he felt his cock getting full with blood all because of you.
But the look one your face had an different effect on him. The blush spreaded across with your cute frown along the huffing sound you made had his cock stirring and twitching. He can feel an wet spot in his boxers soaked with his precum
Your eyes widened when you realized what kind of costume you were wearing. "A-Adrian! t-this isn't your c-costume!! What did p-plag do!?" You stammered, your cheeks turning even redder.
You had never wore such scandalous outfit! so wearing this for the first time that to in front of adrian was overwhelming.
You oddly felt that you couldn't control your own body or mouth.
Your nerves were going crazy with the unknown desire that you still haven't figured out. You looked at adrian, only to see him in a daze.
You noticed an tent in his jeans, your cat ears flickered as your cat instincts came in, forgetting about the costume.
You were curious about the tent on his panta and figured it would be an toy. You got excited at the thought of playing. So you slowly crawled towards adrain, who was sitting in the edge of your bed.
[N-Name], what did p-plagg do to the r-regular suit?" He stammered noticing your intense stare at his boner.
He was just as shocked as ypu were with the costume. Why would plagg manipulate the regular costume into something scandalous like this.
Adrain broke out of his thoughts at the call of his name and saw you slowly crawling towards him. He gulped at your actions, an deep red hue resting in his face. It was turning on him even more.
Everything you did while being in this state turns him on.
The stare you were giving his strained cock had him silently groaning. Your curious, innocent eyes strailing over his boner almost had him cum untouched.
The inch by inch you came closer, the more heaviour adrian's breathing become. you finally reached him and sat between his knees, your tail swaying and ears flickering.
You slowly raised your hand and poked his boner couple of times. Adrian choked back an moan. He was getting sensitive by all the turn on acts you did subconsciously.
"Can i play with it?". You asked as looked up at him. That's when the blonde took notice of the look in your eyes.
There were tears resting in your tear line and you were breathing heavily. But the look on your eyes...he could see the neediness and desire for something that he knew too well, and that was something you had no clue about but why were you feeling that way so suddenly? You were just a few moments ago.
He knew the look beacuse even he had felt that way too, when plagg had transformed him during his hea--.
His eyes widened when It all clicked in. Plagg was in his heat cycle! How could he forget about it!?.
Your sudden change in behavior, the costume, it all made sense now.
"That little devil.." adrian thought. Nothing can be done. He will have to help you through it and maybe have some rewards in return.
"Y-Yeah..you can p-play with it". Adrian stammered while clenching the sheets tightly into his fist. Despit giving you an approval, his nervousness was blasting through his system and you referring his dick as an plaything made his ears burn.
You felt your arm move on its own, as you unbuttoned your boyfriend's pants, grabbing the hem of his boxers and pant, you slowly began to pull it down, adrian lightly moved his hips up to help you.
Your eyes widened at the long shaft that sprung up and hit adrian's stomach. Your excitement grew more at the thought of playing with it.
Andrian was an good 5.8inches. He was well groomed and no foul ordor came from his shaft. His cock stood straight as his plump pink mushroom-shaped head shined with pre-cum covering it.
Adrian observed you reaction. He saw how your eyes shined in excitement, all ready to play with his cock.
He swallowed the lump in his throat, an small silent whimper rumbled in his vocal cords as he saw you licking your lips subconsciously. More pre-cum oozed out of his tip and ran down through his length.
You gently took ahold of his shaft and eyed it curiously. At your daze you accidentaly squeezed his cock quite tightly. This caused adrian to instinctively jerk his hip into your palm.
"Urgh~" adrian moaned out at the feeling of your warm, soft palm holding him. Your head tilted at his reaction. you can clearly see that he was out of breath.
"D-dont squeez-ze it l-love-- ahh~!". He was cut of by his own moan. you couldn't help but squeeze him one more time but slightly more tighter, amused at his reaction.
You felt something trickle down your fingers while still holding your boyfriend's cock. It was sticky and clear but one odd thing about it was that it strangely smelled delicious and sweet to you.
You unwrapped your fingers from his cock, catching adrian's attention. He saw your fingers covered with his clear slick.
Adrian's eyes widen, his balls twitched at your next move. You bought your slick covered fingers closer towards your mouth and rolled out your tongue and licked your fingers.
Instant heart appeared in your eyes and you licked your fingers clean. It was so delicious and sweet! You wanted more!.
In your subconscious, plagg chuckled at your reaction.
With your own sweet personality, you had an obsession for sweet flavored delicacies. So he had manipulated your taste buds that made adrian's slick taste sweet to you.
The kwami knew that adrian would be in an long ride just by seeing your reaction and he will gladly enjoy the show.
"Hm~! Its so tasty~ can i have more?". You moaned out at the relishing taste, your tail swinging wildly as your ears twitched.
Adrian couldn't be more shocked and turned out by your reaction. His thighs and cock trembled as his mind replayed your reaction over and over again that he missed out your question/favor.
Without waiting for his reply, you took ahold of his cock again and licked his tip, causing adrian to snap out of his thoughts and flinch at your sudden closeness to his dick.
"L-love what are d-doing?-?". He stammered as he saw how close your mouth was to his tip. He can feel your breath on his head causing it to leak more of his clear slick.
"Adrian~ you taste so sweet that its addictive~!!" You moaned and without any warning, you took his cock's head in your mouth and sucked on it.
"Hngh~! Fuck!" Adrian tighted his hold on the bedsheet and moaned out loudly at the feeling of your warm, wet mouth sucking on his sensitive head.
He can feel an pit tightening in his core as you took more of him in your mouth. Your tongue circled around the surface of his shaft.
His head felt dizzy, every time you bobbed your head he can feel the walls of your mouth tightening around him more and more.
Drool seeped out from your mouth as your eyes rolled back from the taste of his pre-cum covered cock.
Suddenly without your control, you felt your silicon tail caressing your uncovered cunt. It was then did you notice that you weren't wearing an panties.
You moaned at the sesation and sensitivity, causing vibration to travel through his shaft.
You bobbed your head and sucked his cock, while your tail teased your delicate spot. You then unexpectedly, swallowed him whole.
The tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat.
Adrian's hips jerked violently as he thrusted into your throat more deeper causing you to chock on him. Your throat'swalls tightened around him.
It was his breaking point.
Adrian huffed and threw his head back, his mouth felt dry as another groan broked out fom his throat. Some of his hair sticking to his forehead by his sweat.
"Fuck~!! Its t-too much to handle!!"
Adrian's hand flew onto your head as lightly tugged at your hair. His eyes shook as tears edged on his tear line.
His mouth opened with his tongue lolled out, drool leaking from the corner of his lips.
The knot in his core brusted, his mild toned stomach rolled as he shot his orgasm in your mouth, while muttering about how the feeling was too much.
You moaned as an hot, thick substance flooded your mouth, some of it leaking from the corner of your lips.
You gulped down his cum with an sigh. Adrian stared at your action and realised that you had unknowingly gave him an blowjob through your hunger without you realising it.
This thought and action was enough to make him hard again.
Plagg who was watching the whole thing from your subconscious knew that it was gonna be an long night.
And he couldn't wait to relish at the sweet sound of your moans and whimpers.
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Note: hello! I hope you liked the post and i apologize for the long wait! Here is the reference of the costume decried in the post.
If there are any errors or mistake please inform me!!
And Thank you so much for supporting my first two-part series! I appreciate it so much♡! I hope you enjoyed it!!
I will soon publish an masterlist with some more random fics so that my blog isn't too empty lol.
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
I’ve gotten to the point that I don’t really have anything to talk about for the werewolf 141 and cat soap au but still obsessed with it so you just get angst
Soap tearing up whenever Gaz refers to him as his brother. Happiest grin whenever Laswell call him her kit (I’m sticking with the ‘Laswell is a werecat’ thing now, you’re trapped). Soap holding back sobs whenever Price calls him his son, and part of his pack. Soap blushing super hard whenever Ghost or Roach say anything nice to him. Just Soap experiencing true and unconditional love for the first time, where he doesn’t need to prove himself to be part of the family
Enjoy <3
That's not angst, that's hurt/comfort and I love it!! ❤️
Gaz just casually dropping it more and more, bc he noticed how happy that made Soap, and also bc he only has sisters that love to get on his nerves (as they should) and he's trying to get himself a nice little brother.
Now I'm imagining both of them transformed, Dish on his back trying to get Laswell to play with him by batting at her face like the kittens do with their moms, while she's just grooming him like a baby. (Nah Laswell being a werecat is perfect, I'm very happy to be stuck with that lmao, I just can't decide how big she'd be, like in my head werecats were more on par with BIG cats, like panthers, but I don't know if I should make her a bigger panthera or a panther-sized housecat 🤔 anyway, the old people are the holy trinity of werepeople, Price is a werewolf, Laswell is a werecat, and Nik is a werebear)
He probably has to be constantly reminded for a while in the beginning, bc he's used to people saying they love him but only to want things in return, and not unconditionally (like his family) so he doesn't really trust that he's actually in the pack for real. And Price makes a point to call him son as often as he can to try and replace his parents bc they don't deserve him.
Ghost and Roach are just so in love, sometimes he breaks their heart with how he reacts to the little things like affection and praises, but he's getting exposure therapy and he's getting better every day! He feels way better about showing his adhd too, bc before he did his best to keep it reigned in because he constantly got told he was too much for people to actually love, but they've told him and showed him that it wasn't true.
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bullet-prooflove · 10 months
WorkofArt Series! - Part Two: Starry Night
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Tagging: @proceduralpassion @crazy4chickennuggets @callsignartemis @kmc1989 @oureternalbond @words-and-seeds @darqchilddaydreamz @id1ehands
WorkofArt! Series:
Part One: Storm In A Teacup - Bobby decodes the letters you left him.
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Once a month Bobby receives a postcard of a semi-famous painting to his pigeonhole at the precinct. The only thing that is written upon it is the address of where he works, nothing else, and it makes him smile every damn time.
“I feel like I’m the best friend in a 1940s romcom.” Eames remarks as she shuffles the paperwork on her desk back into the manilla folder, before frowning at the image in Bobby's hand. “Huh, it’s different from the other ones.”
Bobby hands it over to her and she studies the painting on the front of the postcard. It’s garish and uncomfortable, a woman staring into the distance while she holds a kitten by the throat. It’s far from the usual images you send him which are usually complex interesting pieces with rich vivid hues. She turns over the postcard and notes the question mark on the back.
“She doesn’t understand why I like the painting.” Bobby explains as Eames hands it back to him. “She must have crossed paths with it when she was looking at one of the ones on her list.”
“I’m with her, it’s horrible.” She tells him, pulling a face. “Not the kind of thing I want hanging in my living room.”
“I don’t want it in my living room, I just like to think about it.” He tells her before he unlocks the top drawer of his desk and places it along with the others. There’s five of them. That’s how long it’s been since he last laid eyes on you.
He misses you. The sound of your voice, the way you laugh when something ensnares you. He adores the look in your eyes when you give him that smile, the one that tells him exactly what you’re thinking because Bobby can always tell what you’re thinking. He wishes that he was less restrained with his affection, that he had told you how he felt when he’d had you for the first time after your brother’s engagement party. He wishes he had told you every single other time after that too.
I love you, he had said when he had sat down next to you on that bench in Ithica.
It’s the first time he’s uttered those words and he hopes it won’t be the last.
You’re clever, much cleverer that Nicole Wallace has given you credit for, and he knows that that will be her downfall. Despite the fact you’re wounded, that you’re still recovering from the damage caused by the neurotoxin you’ve outsmarted her at every turn. You are the only two people in the world that know about the list.
It had started on the day you had taken him to see the Freud exhibition at the Met, the day he realised that he was in love with you. The two of you had been standing side by side in front of Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’ when he’d felt the shift.
It’s when you press your fingertips to your lips that he realises that you’re crying. He nudges you gently with his shoulder and you wipe at your cheeks with the back of your hand.
“Sorry, it’s just…”
He knows because the magnitude of the painting, he feels it too. The madness of the creative, the isolation of a genius. It was the first painting Van Gogh had painted after his break down and you can feel the threads of darkness searing through the brush strokes. There’s an ache in his chest because he knows that this is the real reason you invited him to the Met. You brought him here to see this painting, to show him that you understand his plight, that you know where it may lead.
“It’s not going to happen to me.” He assures you, his hand coming to rest on your shoulder, his thumb trailing over the nape of your neck. “Not when I’ve got you in my corner.”
You tilt your head up and that’s when it happens, that rush of emotion. That feeling, it starts deep in the very depths of his soul, and it surges through every single one of his nerve endings. He kisses you then, in front of a painting that reflects his future, the one he faces if he didn’t have you in his life.
In the aftermath the two of you sit in the café and you make a list of the paintings you each want to see. You plan to do it together. Your pen drifting down the paper and leaving tiny stars near the ones that reside within the state.
Now it seems that you’re taking the trip without him. Each postcard you’ve sent is a painting off that list, your way of telling him that you’re safe. It hurts in a way he can't explain, because Nicole is stealing away his time with you, running down the clock. He thinks that’s the real cruelty in what's she's doing. Even though she hasn’t killed you, she‘s still removed you from his life, stripped you of your own. She's found a way to prolong the pain for the both of you. Each time he receives a postcard is a reminder of another moment that's been snatched away, another time he doesn’t get to share the experience. He wonders how you felt looking at each and every one of those paintings, what you saw, what you thought and it wounds him.
His thumb smooths over the stack of postcards, flicking through them once more. He wants to know what happens when the list runs out, he wants to know what happens when you get tired of playing this game.
Love Bobby? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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blurryszn · 2 months
who do you think sucks off the other the most/best? josh or tyler?
josh is definitely better at giving head than tyler. josh had been experimenting with both guys and girls a lot longer than tyler had been. he had had his fair share of giving and getting head.
tyler isn’t bad, but he’s still learning all the tricks that josh knows. josh was the first guy he sucked off, and was the first guy he ever fucked. his whole life he told himself it was wrong to look at another man the way he did josh— religious trauma. but, with josh he didn’t care.
josh would be able to make the singer moan like there is no one around. just the sight on the older man on his knees for him does it for tyler. and to feel his tongue kitten lick his tip before swallowing him whole, has him gripping onto his hair. he would tug and pull. josh’s cock is probably a Little bigger length wise, but tyler had him beat with girth. and he loves the way josh’s lips stretch around him, how he gags a little when he’s in the back of his throat. makes him feel big. josh loves to suck off tyler, the weigh of his cock on his tongue, stretching his lips out. feeling tyler shake and crumble from his touch was powering. he would find the upmost pleasure in it. his eyes would roll back, and his lips were part as he shook when josh gagged slightly and deepthroated him. tyler is also Definitely the type of guy to make out after he cums in your mouth. he’d wanna see josh swallow his load, but keep a little on his tongue so he can taste it. he’d roll and suck on josh’s tongue so he can taste himself. he’s a slut.
tyler as said before wasn’t bad, but definitely no where near josh. the first time tyler decided to suck off josh was probably before a show, josh’s nerves at an all time high, and tyler not knowing how to calm him down.. took him to their green room and got on is knees. he would suck gently on the tip, his tongue dancing around josh’s slit. before he would take josh as deep as he could, jerking the rest of his length he couldn’t fit. he would cough, and gag and his eyes would water as he looked up at him. josh would also just start face fucking tyler, with almost no warning. he would simply mutter, “open wide n’ stay still,” before shoving his cock deep into tyler’s throat. the younger would grip josh’s thighs as he moaned around josh’s slamming cock. josh holding tyler head still as he used it like a little fleshlight. when josh would cum down is throat, tyler would stand up and show off the creamy substance on his tongue before spitting it into josh’s mouth. they’re both sluts.
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sadruru · 3 months
"Captivity begins with one's own mind."
A story about Melissa with an old illustration (old, yep, from last year!). As it turns out, Baphomet has played a cruel trick on her. This is a very important part in her story. Later I will illustrate this moment in the comic strip. Doesn't everyone in Baphomet's lineage like to play with nerves???? HAHAHAHAHA ;D I love how it turned out anyway! Why not post it here? I just wanted to reveal a bit of her character back when I wasn't drawing comics yet. I'm a not good writer. I tried very carefully to translate (maybe). That's a lot of reading to do, hehehe. Enjoy the despair ~ ...
The heart of demon lord Baphomet's domain - the Inevitability Prison. Another room. Another torture chamber. This place is part of an eternal labyrinth, littered with suffering souls and their torturers.
The labyrinth was the property of Baphomet, and once again the commander felt the call of the Abyss. The call of destruction and murder confused the thoughts in her head. The commander could hardly contain herself, venting her anger at the servants of the Father of the Minotaurs. A weary glance fell on the cracked mirror in the corner. The commander saw her reflection and - vaguely and briefly - the master of this prison glimpsed in it
No one noticed how Melissa had fallen behind the squad. Does no one see it but her? Does no one hear it?
- How long you gonna hide from us, goat?! I've had enough of these stupid riddles! Give me back the Hand of the Inheritor, or I'll gladly find you again and gut you! - a cheeky grin touched her face. Her eyes lit up with scarlet fire.
Baphomet let such a brazen insult pass his ears. He grinned, glaring intently at his enemy.
His eyes reflected… victory?
- An empty boast, mortal. But I see our last conversation has borne results,- he pointed a finger at his forehead with a bloody, burning star, repeating what he had once said: - "Captivity begins with your own mind". There was that phrase again. From the first few seconds it had been lingering in the commander's mind. Melissa didn't understand why those words were so irritating to her.
- Are you showing off again? Threats don't scare me.
- I'm not threatening you. Rather, I'm reminding you that I've studied you, your thoughts and feelings. There's no need to get rid of you myself. I wonder what will happen first - will your mind destroy itself now or afterward, if you close the Abyss? I've met your kind before. It doesn't always take physical strength to defeat you. - every word was infused with arrogance and poison.
- What the hell are you...
- A world-abused, terrified, unhappy tiefling-child. You know what I mean? You're in my domain. Your mind is like an open book. Still remembering all your hurts? - in the shards of the mirror there are pictures of the past and faces of familiar people, - Do you remember the face of your dear mother that day? No... But that look! So cold, unfamiliar, empty... You admired her so much.
The smug grin quickly disappeared from Melissa's face.
Everything came into view as if it had happened yesterday, when her happy childhood had begun to crack.
- And your beloved father? What did he do to you? Do you remember the mad fear for your life, the pleas for mercy? Which gods did you turn to then? A poor kitten, tied up, thrown into the raging river in a dirty, cramped sack, without the slightest hope of rescue...
- Stop it!
The wounds never healed, even after many years. The pain always returned, coming in waves, and each time it was worse. It became hard to breathe. Blood boiled with rage. A drop of cold sweat rolled down her cheek.
Trying to break free of the illusion was futile.
The commander realized that this was nothing more than another trick… But her soul was still torn apart.
The demon lord's words hurt like knives.
- What about old friends? A friend who deemed you useless and betrayed you for the sake of her freedom and safety. The laughter in her eyes. The cracked skull of a dear comrade who died because of you. And you only escaped and survived because of him!
- I said enough! Stay out of my head! - Melissa's voice trembled, her legs shaking under the weight of her past. Her chest was squeezing painfully.
- Have you ever thought about what will happen when the crusade is over? Will your "faithful" companions, all those people, still need you? What about that boy, who fell in love with someone like you? Have you wondered: are they not using you because you are useful?
The demon lord's voice changed. It became almost affectionate:
- They will quickly forget your existence and get rid of you. They will look at you the same way, like the dirt beneath their feet, tiefling. That's the way it was, is, and always will be. No one will be there for you like the day you died. It was scary to die helplessly, slowly, alone, with your neck cut, wasn't it? Once again, the world condemned you to die.
- Shut your fucking mouth, asshole!!!!
A cry of pure anger echoed through the dark corridors. Her fist struck the fragile mirror with all its force, ending its existence.
And only in her ears could she still hear the laughter of the Lord of the Labyrinth.
A hellish pain brought her back to her senses: the shards were embedded in her arm. The companions found Melissa quickly enough. The leopard led them to his mistress. She was sitting on her knees. As soon as she raised her head, she could read the shock and worry on her companions' faces.
It seemed like an eternity had passed, not a couple minutes.
Something was wrong.
Something had changed in the commander - everyone understood it from the first second. Melissa looked at her companions. In the red eyes read a lot of things… Doubt? Distrust? Despair? Like a wild animal trapped in a cage, surrounded by enemies.
From that moment on, nightmares and insomnia began to plague her more and more often, almost every night. In Drezen, many people noticed the change in Melissa. The fun, cheerful girl was turning into a walking corpse, repelling any attempt to speak or care for her. Periodically she repeated the same thing quietly, barely noticeable, like a curse:
- Captivity begins with one's own mind… She's broken like the shards of a mirror.
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teddyeyeseddie · 2 years
G is for Gold Dust Woman
Pairing: Dean x Witch!Reader
Warnings: Smut, Face Fucking, Oral (F & M Rec), Rough Sex, Unprotected Sex, Minors DNI
WC: 1,000+
A/N: Sorry I have been a little MIA. I had a great week finding out the gender of my little babe but then turned around the next week and my Dad was in the hospital. It has been up and down but I am hoping to get more writing done this weekend! Love you guys and enjoy G of my A-Z series ;) 
Dean Winchester’s A-Z
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Rulers make bad lovers
You better put your kingdom up for sale
“This is a bad idea,” he breathes against her skin, her boobs pressed against his chest as he pins her to the wall. She kisses up the column of his throat, chuckling once she reaches his pulse point.
“What? Something about sleeping with the Queen of Hell’s daughter scare you?” She sucks on the most sensitive part of his neck once the words leave her lips, the groan that leaves his mouth only enticing her further.
“Big bad Dean Winchester scared to get in bed with a witch? I thought you were fun,” she pulls away and fake pouts, batting her eyelashes at the man.
Having enough of her antics, he grabs her by the throat, pinning her head against the wall. The action causes her to smile which only sends more blood flowing to Dean’s already impossibly hard dick.
“Want me to show you ‘Big Bad Dean Winchester’?” he questions as he moves his hand from her throat to her shoulder, pushing her down to her knees, eye level with his boxer-clad cock.
“You’re gonna use that mouth for something other than talking back to me, yeah? Gonna let me fuck that throat until i’m satisfied and then,” he pushes at the waistband of his boxers, letting them drop to the floor as his hard member springs free, slapping soundly against his belly. “I’m gonna fuck you. Gonna be real nice to hear pretty little moans leaving your mouth and not your god awful nagging,”
Her demeanor changes at his words, her usual bitchiness gone as she hangs on every word the man above her says. Her mouth waters at the sight in front of her as she slowly reaches her hand out, her tiny grip barely enough to fit around the girth of him. She looks up at him through hooded eyes which only leads to a slight nod of his head. She presses a little kiss to the tip of his cock, lifting it up and letting it slap back down on her face as she attempts to coat the underside with her saliva.
“I think I said I wanted to fuck your throat, not be teased with some little kitten licks,” she nods her head at his words, taking the tip into her mouth and swirling her tongue around his cockhead before taking him deeper, as deep as she can before gagging. She goes to pull off of him, but the grip Dean has on her hair keeps her there. Once she relaxes her throat, he begins to slowly fuck her face, little gluck gluck sounds resonating through the small room of the bunker causing his balls to tighten. He forcefully pulls her off of his cock, the pull of her hair causing her scalp to burn in a way she never knew she would love.
“On the bed,”
She scrambles off the floor, reaching the bed and laying back as she watches Dean. His eyes are raking over her body as he slowly jerks himself. “Fuck, you’re something else,” he groans as he watches her hands snake between her legs, rubbing at her clit as she awaits his next move.
He bats her hand away before parting her folds with his index and middle finger, moaning audibly at the sight of her.
“Gonna have so much fun with you, maybe I’ll even fuck the attitude out of you,” he slides his finger through her slick, gathering a little bit before inserting two inside of her which only causes her to squirm underneath him
His hand presses into her lower belly to keep her still, leaning down to lick from where his fingers are inside of her to her clit. He moves his tongue around the little bundle of nerves which only causes her to writhe further.
“Dean, please.” he chuckles against her before pulling away, his fingers still moving inside of her.
“Please what?” He antagonizes her. The whimpers leaving her lips are not sufficient answers to his question.
“I said, please what?” his fingers begin moving faster inside of her, the curling of them causing an ever so familiar feeling to bloom deep in her belly.
“Pleasefuckme!” she rambles out, the air in her lungs barely there as she continues to gasp and whimper.
“That’s my good girl, love hearing you beg.”
He presses at her knees, opening her up for him as he crawls onto the bed. His hand gripped the base of his dick, threading it through her folds, smiling wickedly at the way her hips buck up trying to get anything, something from him.
He finally takes pity on her, pressing in roughly. She sucks in her breath through her teeth, her face screwing up in a mix of pain and pleasure as she tries to adjust to his girth. Dean slows his movements, gently fucking into her as he she watches her face contort from pain to euphoria.
“Yeah? That feel better?” he asks as he keeps his movements slow but harsh, the air in her lungs getting punched out with every rough thrust.
He finally picks up the pace, his hand finding its way to her throat as he fucks her. His fingertips dig into the side of her neck, keeping their eyes locked as the pair chase delirium.
“De- I’m gonna-” she moans. Dean continues his movements, maintaining eye contact as she falls apart beneath him.
“I’m right there baby- fuck I’m coming,” his head tosses back as he empties himself inside of her, his body collapsing on top of her. He nuzzles his face into her neck, placing little kisses along the expanse of her throat causing her to giggle.
“Fuck- that was so hot,” she breaths out which only causes him to chuckle.
“Yeah? It took me a minute to get into it. Think the Queen of Hell will want to kill me when she finds out im fucking her daughter?” she rolls her eyes at his words, shoving his body off of her before responding.
“Don’t make me change my mind about being with you, Winchester.”  
@winchesterfanatic1967​​ @akshi8278​​  @missannwinchester @thoughts-and-funnies​@stixnstripesworld@lyarr24@kazsrm67@laycblack @mrsjenniferwinchester @drakelover78​ @leigh70​ @siospins2​ @lfaewrites​ @deanwanddamons​
@winchest09​ the fic I was talking about writing the other day! I hope you don’t mind me tagging you lovely! <3
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paperstorm · 2 years
Wait I want to hear the thousand year rant about the scene in s1e3 👀 If you feel like sharing. No pressure!
TK slams his glass of water down so hard onto the table that it sloshes out. The kitten is big mad. His brag about saving someone from the Crysler Building, lol okay sweetheart we see you. You're mad but you also want Carlos to think you're impressive, and relatable tbh, Carlos is a snack and a half and I would also want him to like me. Carlos's "if I was a less secure MAN" and the face he makes idk that's just so funny to me but also so stupidly sexy. And also fascinating because Carlos is kind of not a super secure man? Like in some ways he is, he's very confident and direct, but also he's so hung up on the fact that he thinks his dad thinks he's soft, right. Like he doesn't think his father thinks he's good enough, or tough enough or manly enough, and he lowkey thinks Gabriel thinks that because Carlos is gay, and that's kind of a massive issue for him. I guess probably the show didn't know that at this time, it's such an early episode and I'm positive they don't put as much thought into these things as we do lol because they're just doing their jobs meanwhile we (I) am over here losing our minds over every tiny detail. But still. Also the fact that Carlos had to work up the nerve to ask him out idk that's just so freaking sweet. That part of the line gets me every single time. Carlos liked him SO MUCH right from the very beginning. Carlos has one of those hopeless romantic hearts and he saw TK and just went "that one. him. that one's mine." TK just FUMING, the feral cat is absolutely furious but also kind of in the wrong here, and Carlos calling him on it. I LOVE a relationship where one person is used to getting their way and the other one just comes in like a bulldozer and holds up a mirror to them. One of the best things Carlos does for TK is allow TK to truly see himself. Carlos doesn't let him get away with his shit. He loves him, but he holds him accountable, and TK needed that. I headcanon that TK had very ... let's say indulgent parents lol. Owen was the absent father who probably showed up now and then with a bunch of presents, and Gwyn strikes me as a very "my baby has never done anything wrong in his life" type of mother, at least when TK was little. TK really is used to getting absolutely anything he wants and used to being a brat and Carlos doesn't let him and I love that. TK grows up so much through their relationship. And then obviously the 'and I'm packing a piece' line LIKE. I am obsessed, OBSESSED, with the way Ronen plays that moment. It's like 3 seconds but you can see like 8 different emotions pass over his face. The way he just stops in his tracks, his whole tantrum completely forgotten. The way he sort of looks down a little bit, like he's going "... where. Where is it tho. I've been with you all night how did I not know you have a gun on you. Where is it Carlos." The way you can see him almost surprised by the fact that he's so instantly turned on?? This man is a liberal gay from Manhattan he didn't ever think he would find a gun sexy but in this moment he does and it fully catches him off guard. The way Carlos can so easily disarm him with just a few quipped words??? TK is so shocked by it, he's so used to being in control I think and Carlos takes that away from him and it surprises him but he's so into it. TK in this moment is still in the headspace of not really WANTING to like Carlos, but boy does he. He was all up on his bitchy high horse and then Carlos said five words and TK just started hearing circus music in his head. See it is a mistake to get me going. I have a lot of thoughts and I really need to be told to be quiet.
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itstheoneshot · 2 years
Kinktober Day 4
Choking/Spanking - Dylan Wang
!dom Dylan
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“No,” You shake your head, a slight smirk appearing on your lips, “I don’t want to.”
You maintain your testing stare and watch as Dylan’s brows furrow in a scowl. You were testing him, you know that what he was asking of you wasn’t anything that you couldn’t do but you felt like getting on his nerves. You felt like making him angry. He always looked so good when he was angry.
“Excuse me?” He asks, “Did you just say no?”
“I did,” You respond with another smirk, “Is that gonna be a problem?”
You watch his nostrils flare as he inhales and exhales in a feeble attempt to compose himself, and you maintain your emotionless stare back at him.
“I think we should take this elsewhere,” He tells you, glancing down at the dinner set in front of him on the dining table, “I think you’re asking for this aren’t you?”
You giggle at him, he knows you too well, and misbehaving is your favourite thing to do when you are feeling a little needy. You wait for him to stand up, though you don’t wait for him to tell you that you can follow, making your way to your feet without his permission, staring up at him as he glares you down.
“Oh, doll,” He sighs, “You aren’t going to obey me at all tonight are you?”
His words are drawn out and slow, the way that his speech gets when he is livid. He has little patience and harsh punishments for even the smallest mistakes, but you like him like that. You like when he shows his power over you, when he puts you back in line,
“No, Dylan,” You reply, “You’ll have to make me.”
As he steps towards you, your stomach drops. Something as simple as addressing him by his name, dropping any honorific or respect is enough to have him seething. You are in for it now, though you did ask for it, and you are ready for whatever he has to give.
He raises his hand and you stop yourself from flinching, you would take a slap if he wanted to give you one, but tonight he moves past your face, choosing instead to grab a fistful of your hair to pull you closer to him.
“You might regret that,” He growls, “I’m going to be nice and give you one chance to take that back and be the obedient kitten that I love.”
You look up at him, feigning ignorance with widened eyes, lips slightly parted as you pretend to contemplate his offer… take it back, be good, get made love to gently and be treated like a princess… or the opposite.
“Dylan,” You shake your head at him, trying not to cringe in pain as the pull of your hair on your scalp gets more intense, “I said no.”
Before you even have a chance to think, he turns you 180° so that you are facing away from him, and he pulls you flush against him, raising his other hand to your throat to keep you still.
“I won’t go easy,” He purrs, “But my kitten knows what her punishments are like, doesn’t she?”
You try to nod but you don’t get much movement, choking yourself on his hand wrapped around your neck, and when you try to speak, not a sound leaves your lips, winded under the pressure.
Resistance is futile now, and you so easily slip into the accepting-your-punishment headspace, allowing Dylan to lead you out of the dining room and down the hall to your bed, preferring it there, where he has access to all his toys… and his weapons.
You can feel your lips turning blue from the lack of oxygen, but the closer you get to fainting, the more aroused you get. It is pathetic, you know it is, and Dylan tells you that it is too, though he clearly loves it also, once he has gotten all of his anger out.
As your knees knock against the side of the mattress, you stupidly think for a moment that you will be freed from choking, as he lets go of you so that you fall face first onto the bed. You try to be inconspicuous, waiting until you assume Dylan is preoccupied, busy hitching your skirt up over your hips, and you try to peek at him in an attempt to prepare yourself.
“I didn’t say you could look,” Dylan hisses at you, “But if you want it so bad, maybe I’ll allow it after I’m done here.”
With one hand, he turns your head back down to face the covers, your vision gone, breathing is hard, and not a moment later you cry out as he lands his first strike on your ass with the other hand. You feel your skin welt up, and you let out a pathetic whimper as he gives no reprieve for the second, third, fourth, fifth contact, only a second in between each where he half heartedly soothes the raw skin.
You are sobbing by the time he flips you over onto your back, as his hand moves from your hair to your throat, and his other hand slips between your thighs. You watch his eyes glaze over as he touches you, and you swear that the touch is electric.
“You’re so fucking wet,” He murmurs, “You really like it when Daddy puts you in your place, don’t you kitten?”
You glance down to see just how hard he is through the sweats he is wearing, and with a sudden burst of energy it is as if the pain he inflicted on you never happened, and you want oh so much more.
“Yes, I do,” You nod innocently, “Dylan.”
Kinktober Masterlist!
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rubydoowhereru · 10 months
Chelsea and Ruby headcanons!
Chelsea has a fear of thunderstorms and would hide under something (Ruby's desk) to avoid getting struck by lightning and because of trauma. Also it's very dangerous for Mermaid's to swim in stormy weather.
Mermaid's are probably the biological cousins to cat's and it shows that Chelsea sleeps in odd catlike poses, purrs and does the whole sad puppy/kitten eyes to get what she wants. Also I think I remember cats having scent glands so Chelsea has one and is very territorial towards other potential rivals.
Chelsea digs around to look for seashells in the ocean.... No reason btw, she just does it.
Chelsea would kill a sea creature and bring it to Ruby, like all cats usually do. (Chelsea: Behold! Your dinner has arrived! Ruby: Aaaah! I'm a vegetarian! Chelsea: aww! )
Ruby is the biggest theorist to ever exist in Oceanside and it shows! She watches a simple show and goes into in-depth of it's lore and everything.
Ruby probably writes fanfics in her spare down and is too embarrassed for what she wrote. (It's fics about her dating Connor and Chelsea)
Ruby was once afraid of seagulls when she was young.
Ruby has zero idea that she holds the title for oceanside's biggest sweetheart award.
Ruby probably makes math equations to help calm her nerves.
Ruby actually has impressive upper body strength.
There's more but that's all I got, what do you think?
Thunderstorms not being a thing that they experience because they live decently deep under the water and as a result are terrified of them is a hilarious idea that I love.
The only iffy part for me is the cat-aspects but that's entirely me. I think it'd be better if merfolk were akin to seals. Like that one meme of the seal yawning but that causes it to roll down the hill it was one but for mermaids.
Seashells could be like a status symbol of some kind in merfolk society. That'd be pretty neato!
Absolutely agree with all the Ruby stuff though. It wouldn't hit her often but when she finds that show, Ruby goes all in and watches every single theory and lore video there is. Writes fanfic of it when she has the time and probably has a decent amount of followers for whatever story she wrote.
I wouldn't blame Ruby for being terrified of seagulls. They're a menace. I think her next enemy should be a giant seagull monster so she can punch it in the face.
She's an absolute bean shaped sweetheart and deserves all the awards!! Chelsea gets the you're the nastiest award.
They're really neat headcanons yea.
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seawitch62 · 2 years
Devotion and obessesion
Yandere horror
Word count 623
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          Here Kitty Kitty!
The slumbering purring machine that snuggles against your face, steals the pillow. The finicky consumer of edible delights, one day yes the next no. The agile athlete bouncing and pouncing  on real or imagined prey. Felis catus the scientific name  known worldwide as a cat. Felidae evolution has produced so many variants, color and size and breeds. A carnivorous mammal that we have domesticated.  Yet kittens raised without the loving hands of a human more often than not return to their wild nature. Feral, wild, community cats, they have many names. So have we truly tamed them or they us?
This tale is about a sleek shorthair black kitty named Joohoney he turned up one day on the doorstep of his soon to be new owner or some may slave. His selection of a  human was spot on, he is pampered, well fed, and has everything a cat needs or wants. He receives love and attention when he demands and cuddles every night loyally with his human, life is good for Joohoney. He has a secret that he has not disclosed to his pretty human slave, he is a skinwalker.
🐱 A skinwalker is a person with the ability to transform into any different type of animal at will.🐱
Joohoney in his human form met the pretty lady at a club, she was polite but showed no interest in him, well not the interest he desired. He could not forget her smile, her pretty face, he found himself languishing for her smile, her touch. Her scent pierced his mind and body. Try as he might, could he forget her, she became his obsession. So he watched her from afar, lingering in the backdrop, till an idea formed. He knew a way to be part of her life, and he took it. Arriving on  her doormat meowing in a pitiful tone he was immediately swooped into the pretty ladies arms and taken inside, that is where he has remained. 
Joohoney, as the pretty lady named him, never left her side, he loved his ears scratched, when her hands petted his body from head to tail. He was the most devoted kitty she had ever had the pleasure to share her home with. She shared her food with him and they watched movies and television together snuggling. They enjoyed music and he watched her dance with complete abandonment like no one was watching. His eyes devoured her form while she showered or bathed, he particularly loved the bubble baths, sitting on the tub edge keeping her company taking in the vision of her. Life was good. He listened as she told of her woes, always the patient ear. 
Joohoney remembers the anger he experienced when the pretty slave burst into tears, her boss, what a scumbag! Fondling her butt in his office, pervert! His head butts calmed her shattered nerves and the hugs he received, heaven! Laying on her chest her beating heart music to his fine tuned ears. 
Watching as that lowlife boyfriend fumble and kiss his pretty lady. The blinds paid the price, how she cried her eyes out when she found out he was two timing her. Once more he was by her side, comforting her.
Shuddering remembering the time that idiot! Nearly killed his lady, there are speed limits for a reason moron! She was shaken to her core, when that idiot clipped her with his motorcycle, luckily her injuries were mostly gravel rash, but still! 
No more! I have to protect her!
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'Breaking  News… three animal attacks occurred in the last 24 hours.  The victims were mauled.
Witnesses described a Panther as the perpetrator, no other sightings of the animal have been reported'
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theendlessrambles · 1 year
Life for me is still content. My biggest complaint is an auto shop overfilled my tires and popped on the highway in a construction zone. I got a new tire for 67 dollars but needed a new rim. Then ended up needed to get all new tires, they were older tires and then over filled with tire pressure costing me over 800 dollars after spending 400 dollars on the car already. That's about a paycheck and a half for me.Thankfully my partner was there with me to calme.me down as we waited three hours in the middle of nowhere for a tow and then be told he'd be back later since he did not have room for both of us to be taken to the shop and we had to call my partners mother who thankfully just got out of work. My phone is also badly damaged and I'm in desperate need of a new one and due to the car am having to hold of awhile longer rather than sooner.
Besides that I still have my adoring partner, a wonderful roommate, a cat, and a dog. Sunday we got more free groceries from my roommates family and were very thankful for that and my boyfriends mother always gives me eggs her chickens produce. With out the help i don't know how well we could stick our pantry and fridge I'm very grateful for them. I have a vacation coming up in July with my partner at cedar point in a cabin we rented alone. Then after my vacation I will attend another parade with my friend in a pirate charity group. Their father, who was the captain, recently passed away and they are continuing his work as the new captain. This parade will be in my home town and I am excited to see my family and friends there. My relationships with those around me are well, even my mother and I have bonded more especially with a kitten she's adopted that doesn't have a tail.
Though my relationship are they also have their struggles. My roommate still is looking for a new job and worried about driving. Their lack of transportation has been stressful on both of us. I told her when I finally save up for a new car, after getting a new phone, I would sell her the one I currently have if its still in good (and by good still safe and running) condition. Her place of work, where I used to work and my pirate friend works, is now open to 12 am and she gets home at 1am or later. I often have to pick her up which is also hard for both of us. My next closest friend is helping out her mother. Her mother's boyfriend/father of her child overdosed and they kicked him out of the house. It's a stressful situation. She is trying to get into trade school, but she is vocal about how nerve-wracking it is for her. My pirate friend is trying out the dating scene and has been quite lonely with her mother gone often with her new job running tour/party buses. The other night we went to the bar at Applebee's after spending a day on the beach. We were bought drinks and it was fun, however their was a drunk and sexist man who wouldn't leave us alone and hugged on us a couple times. She seemed okay and I handled him well, but that part was still unfortunate. My partner also struggles. He hit a deer on his way to see me two months ago and his car is still in the shop. He borrowed his oldest brother's car since he was jobless, but his older brother took his car back to Door Dash due to family pressures and needing to pay his medical bills. His car should be back this week and he is relieved about that.
I did change jobs as of last week. I moved up into a CMH building in a poorer county. I get paid less but there's health insurance, pto, paid holiday, and a union, which makes up the difference. I would of had my RBT, but due to how awful online testing is with their anti heating system I was disqualified when my face became out of view when asked to show what was in the background. So I'll have to take it again.
There are some concerns with my coworkers. They are wonderful techs and has nothing to do with their work with the children, but their standpoints. Even though it is a mental health there has been racist and transphobic comments from half of the techs. One of the techs also admitted to violently robbing hookers as a teenager. This shocked me especially since she is newly a mother. The comments however I am not surprised about since it's a poorer rural area and I have seen dozens of trump stickers on staff members cars. Even things on the road made me realize how rural the area is such as a diy wooden nativity scene with signs saying "FEAR NOT GOD" and "REPENT WHILE THERE IS TIME". I also am not a big fan of the puzzle pieces in the shirts and cubicles on staff when it comes to autism awareness, but most autism centers have puzzle pieces so I am not upset, but rather uncomfortable with it. The company autism speaks, which uses the puzzle piece, has many faults and often covers up the voices of autistic individuals rather than lift them up. I prefer the rainbow infinity symbol made by the autistic community. I find it hard to by myself there.
My supervisor assigned me a mentor. I would be job shadowing but due to subbing in the building for half a year I do not need to job shadow. My mentor in this case is someone to go to for questions, which I tend to ask the first person I see truthfully. My supervisor picked the newly mom who used to violently rob hookers. She said she needs to soften up and I need to toughen up. So far it's gone well, but we don't speak often. I do think she is a wonderful tech and that there is much I could learn from her.
National news is all over. Trumps next trial is in December and he is running. His old vice president he almost let get killed is also running so that should be interesting. I like this one women who is running named Marianne Williamson. She seems to be quite honest about what is going on in the country especially after the pandemic. I am still nervous about all candidates even her. I don't trust our system and I don't believe capitalism and democracy work together. Greed tends to overpower freedom. Whatever freedom means now a days.
There were also some multimillionaires who died in a submarine on their way to the titanic. We all joked about them online and I am guilty of this. The submarine was poorly built and for the trip cost them about an iced Starbucks coffee to us. Lots of tax payer money was spent finding the already dead millionaire as they let immigrant boats sink killing thousands. So there were more laugh than tears for the rich. I do feel bad for the child, 19, on board.
Russia has a coup that was stopped in a day, however it shows the Russian citizens and even military grows tired of the war in Ukraine. It may even spark or already has sparked a civil war.
Pride has not been fun this year I did not do much for it as I wanted to. In fact a national emergency has been called for LGBTQIA members. It makes me nervous, I know I have a male partner at this time which keeps me more safe but I am still afraid. Two women who kissed each other were arrested since a child has seen it. They are now considered sex offenders and in one state that crime is punishable by death. They are finding ways to kill us. Trans have it the worst and our country is committing genocide against them it's no secret. Again even at work the hatred of trans are spoken of. I have friends who are trans and I worry for them. It really is a national emergency.
I think that sums up the last few months. It's almost 4am here now. I fell asleep around 8pm and woke up when my roommate came home. I had an apple took my medicine and began to write all this down. I will likely write again in a few months.
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