star-mum · 9 months
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alex-just-vibing · 3 months
grah my head feels like it might explode
#this essay prompt makes 0 fucking sense#love this teacher. fucking hate how she teaches tho#we're supposed to have a rough draft by the end of class tomorrow#okay not too horrible#IF MOT FOR THE FACT SHE KEEOS CHAINGING THE ALREADY FUCKIBG CONFUSING ASS PROMPT#i can write essays about whatever stupid fucking novel you need me to#but myself??#a significant memory i have??? that i learned a stupid fucking lesson from?????#i have like 0 significant memories from before the age of like. 10. and still not all that many after thay <3#should i talk ab how my dad fucking died? would you like that you asshole?????????#what fucking lesson would I have learned from that? dont become a fucjibg alvoholic?#shit i feel like im gonna fucking cry again i cant do this shit#i have the general vibe for each paragraph listed out ill work on it more in homeroom tomorrow#we wont even have the full fucking class for this tomorrow cuz she's a fucking asshole who gives us like five fucking seconds in class per#assignment#fucking hell dude#especially since half the class said they hadnt even started writing by like halfway through our (shortened!) class yesterday#im gonna fucking explode#my stuff#alex is not vibing.#also pjysicially too my dumbass forgot to eat dinner cuz hehe haha omg i can sing and suddenly uts 10 and i havent showered yet and my mom#will be getting home soon so i need to shower then rush my gay ass to bed#which i am in currently.#so im also feeling the forgor to eat feeling too <3
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widevibratobitch · 2 months
i spend a few days in Poznań and i immediately start ignoring everything about Wrocław. all uni groupchats. all uni friends. none of it is real none of it exists i am happy here and i never wanna go back <3
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iloveyou-oliveoil · 1 year
someone shake me by the shoulders and remind me i cant do everything at once
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pauli-writes · 3 months
Could I request Aventurine not so subtly demanding affection from his s/o?
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warning: lots of kisses, suggestive content?
pairing: aventurine x reader
author’s note: i guess i’m the aventurine gal now. thank you for the request, i didn’t really know what to do with it at first so i hope you enjoy the direction i took (ALSO I HAVENT FINISHED THE 2.1 STORY QUEST YET DON’T SPOIL ME PLS)
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“reader, can you come to my office?” was the first thing you heard once you answered your phone, not even a hello, how are you? straight away he goes about commanding you around as if he was your superior, which he technically was, but that’s not the point.
you picked up your paperwork and put the phone in between your ear and your shoulder as you wandered the lower hallways of the ipc headquarters. “what do you need?”
“aventurine…” you replied annoyed. he had a habit of calling you during a work day for no reason, but to play around with you. it was charming at times, but most often than not was annoying since you weren’t in such a high position at the ipc that you could afford slaking off for any period of time.
“i’m bored and i happen to know you have a free schedule too.”
you held back a sarcastic remark, of course he knew your schedule, topaz probably told him. “yeah, okay, but your office is sooo high up.”
“i’ll repay you~” he said in a sing song voice, making you let out a tired sigh.
“in what?”
“whatever you want~” he answered in that same silky sweet tone, that has so many people wrapped around his finger.
“okay, i’ll be there in a minute.” it was never about his gifts, but you knew if you didn’t agree to meet him he’d never relent. and so you began you treacherous way to the elevator, that would bring you all the way to aventurine’s office. he had one of the nicer office spaces in ipc, no surprise there, but you hated making the trip from your lousy office to his fancy one.
you knocked twice (your secret signal to tell him it was you) and walked into his office and were immediately grabbed by the waist and pulled into him. “come here.”
he sat you on his lap, as he sat in his very nice office chair behind his imposing desk. he tightly wrapped his arms around your waist, and started peppering your face and neck with quick kisses, making you giggle. he never lingered on one spot for too long, leaving you overwhelmed with sensations.
“what’s up with you?” you asked curiously as he readjusted his hold on you. aventurine was touchy at times, but this seemed more than that.
he only smiled, continuing to press kisses on your neck and collarbone. “just missing your company, is that a crime?”
he continued his assault of kisses, not that you minded of course. aventurine knew when you had enough, despite his flippant attitude, he was respectful of your boundaries and feelings. so, you let out a breath and leaned back, your head resting against his chest and savoured the feeling of his undivided attention on your.
although as you adjusted your position you spotted something on his desk. “oh, you’re heading to penacony tomorrow?”
you felt him pause for a fraction of a moment, before ignoring your question and continuing to kiss you. you sighed, turning around to face him and cupping his face in your hands. “aventurine. i asked you something.”
“oh, it’s nothing important,” he replied, taking your hand from his cheek and giving it a shallow kiss. “i’ll be back before you know it.”
“yeah, but-“
“no buts, only kisses.” he gave you a kiss on your nose, almost making you giggle again.
“you are going alone,” you said, trying to stay on topic, “that worries me a little.”
aventurine only laughed, waving off your concern as his hands moved up and down on your body. “i won’t be alone, the doctor will be there.”
“that does not reassure me. what if- Ow!” he had given you a small bite on your neck, cutting you off. it didn’t particularly hurt, but surprised you nonetheless.
as you stopped talking he cupped your face in his hands, making you look at him and straight into his colourful eyes. “stop worrying. don’t you trust me?”
you nodded, there was no one you trusted more in the ipc. “i do.”
“good,” he let go of your face and gave you a quick peck on your lips, lingering for a moment before pulling away. “now how about we have lunch together? it’s my treat as always.”
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mugentakeda · 6 months
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i saw fanart for this age old unfinished fic and was so interested by the premise that i simply HAD to give the concept my own spin.... Ill put my notes under the cut cus it got kinda long lol
-FIRST OF ALL. i headcanon lu ten as a powerful firebender (like, lightning bending powerful. not an expert at it yet, but can generate it at will. only recently picked it up before the siege.) that can Also use a weapon. he picked it up for funsies and ended up taking it seriously and then excelling. he learned under piandao and in turn later introduced him to zuko. His weapon that he made with piandao was a more traditional jogekama yari, which he had on him when he was captured. long feng destroyed it and had a new jogekama yari made for lu ten in a more sleek earth kingdom style, with longer and more savage blades. **ALSO: lu tens jogekama yari is based on saras yari from samurai champloo!!!! i just made the side blades curved in opposite directions (which made it a jogekama instead of saras type of yari) -lu ten does not interact with the other agents. whether brainwashed or amnesic in this, hes not even one of the secret police that go around arresting people. hes a lone agent that works Directly under long feng and is more of an assassin and spy thats permitted in and out of ba sing se for the missions and jobs long feng sends him on, unlike the rest of the agents. as a gift for his (made up) birthday, long feng gave him a hand carved stone earring. Yes, its a tracker. yes, lu ten knows that. No, he doesn't care and wears it anyway. his boss can do what he wants, and he trusts his boss with his life (lol). the other dai li agents know of lu tens existence, less have seen him with their own eyes, none are permitted to speak to him if they do. they dont know hes a "nonbender". -i havent decided on whether or not i want lu ten brainwashed in this or simply amnesic?? it would be neat if he was the brainwash soft launch since the ba sing se conspiracy brainwashing only started After the siege. lu ten is a firebender, has that fn royalty brand iron willpower, so youd think thats hard to brainwash especially if he was the soft launch, but if long feng kept up the sessions regularly over the course of 6-ish years (and as their brainwashing techniques improved), id doubt it would rub off. its a seven layer salad of brainwashing. and even if he was amnesic rather than brainwashed, theyd still need to do some adjustments in lu tens head to TOTALLY wipe out any idea of firebending, on top of regular chi blocking. -as for the amnesic part, i read a theory that introduced the idea that lu ten being killed was an inside job orchestrated by ozai. which i dont think would be canon, but it would be pretty cool?? like especially considering how FAST he jumped on azulon about heirs. very suspicious indeed. and all too convenient: have a group of moles set in irohs army, once lu ten moves out away from iroh then corner him, kill him, make it look like the earth army did it, sneak back to the fire nation, ozai gets the crown. easy as pie. -and to combine one of MY OWN aus with the above, aka the one where zhao and lu ten were both taught together under jeong jeong, the first time that zhao REALLY made a big move into ozais pocket was offering to be the head mole in irohs army. it made perfect sense to ozai, and he gladly sent zhao on his way- him being close rivals with him will catch him off guard and make the job far easier. and if zhao succeeds, and KEEPS succeeding, when ozai undoubtedly snatches the crown, he will grant zhao all the rewards and titles he could ever want until the cows come home. snazzy deal.
so whichever one of those you guys find cooler will be the one i go with because frankly both of them have the same amount of fun angst and drama idk......................
-as for lu tens face and arm, i base that off how i think lu ten died, not even gna lie. in the case where he is dead i think half his skull got crushed open and his arm was blown right off from the bicep. the stitches are just for aesthetic purposes. i was inspired by how scars are drawn in one piece, and because they give a "frankensteins monster" type look, which i found fitting, since this is a 'came back wrong' trope/winter soldier-esque au. the bandages covering his face was a suggestion from an anxious long feng to hide his face in public, while the ba sing se conspiracy was still fresh and the citizens might recognize the spawn of the dragon of the west if they looked long enough.
-as for lu ten and long fengs relationship, i havent thought about it enough, but im definitely imagining smthn along the lines of "you were always working for me, i picked you up and trained you when you had nothing, you owe me your life and loyalty", mixed with some gentle stockholm syndrome. like, a combination of "the king and his most loyal guard dog", a very strange psuedo father-son relationship??? (which was honestly accidental on long fengs part. but he kept it up because he found the irony amusing. yes he will try and rub that in irohs face. yes iroh will beat his skull in for it. its chill)
-this has nothing to do with the au but please see iroh and zukos body language in the third panel of the comic... i love to portray them as protective of each other... zukos blade placed before iroh, irohs arm switching from shoulder to shoulder as zuko turns, always placed between him and whatever is approaching... Heurghhh (GRIPS HEAD
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theosconfessions · 6 days
Hello it's me and I'm in your "Asks" ☺️
What/who made you come to simblr and what/who made you stay?
omg i love this one. LOVE this one. so i just came back to tumblr last year. i dont think ive even been back for a whole year yet. but before that i did have another one that started off in 2012 as a sims 3 tumblr called klauseconfessions. but what MADE me start it is one day i was scrolling through tumblr looking for cc. and i was just a lurker but i came across leiland by my good friend @gloomymoood and i was like k im signing up lol.eden and i became good friends <3 and still are. in fact she is a big reason i even know how to use blender in the first place haha! who also taught me discord to keep my characters straight bc im an old lady sometimes haha. i love her and she makes beautiful sims and you guys should take a peak over there if you havent already. she also made jamis girlfriend and someone whos yet to be introduced <3 shes amazing. ill sing her praises. and back then it was crazy i lost friends over ships before but edens always been my steadfast and i just love her to bits.
what made me come back was i missed everyone. i missed sharing with everyone. i missed writing with daisie [dustins creator] i missed reading what you guys wrote. theres nothing that sparks my creativity up like seeing you guys on my dash.ive been in and out this week so youll have to forgive me. its a strange mental health weak. i have panic attacks and theres things that happened that if i dont regulate myself ill go insane :) BUT none the less. i love seeing you guys on my dash. and i really do feel like youre all my friends.
i have some talented friends. <3
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myillusions · 10 months
Noisy Sunday (Joel Miller x f!reader)
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Summary: You've entered a mindset you're unsure how to come back from, your own emotions drowning you in a pool of despondency. Joel is there, trying to help you pull away from it.
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: HEAVYYY angst, fluff, cursing, large descriptions of depression, anxiety, dark thoughts, undefined age gap (reader is of age), kind of dark themes its very somber
A/N: hi hi!! oh my, im so sorry i havent posted in so long. life has been so busy lately with exams and work, but here's this whilst i struggle with that and writers block! sorry (not rlly) that its so angsty, THANK YOU SO MUCH to anyone who reads, i hope u enjoy lovelies! also please please PLEASE i cannot stress this enough; if any of the warnings i've stated make you uncomfortable, please DO NOT read this!! and for anyone who may need to talk, my messages are always open <33
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It’s peculiar, you think. How it eats away at you, gnawing down against supple flesh when you’ve already been forcefully spiralled onto the floor. Most say it’s like greeting an old friend; and you agree. It’s almost like reuniting with a family member whom you rarely see at a gathering. The one which then continue to pester you with inquiries you don’t have the vigour to answer. 
It comes in a moment. Sometimes for no reason at all. It reminds you of the subject which stops your musical theatre production mid-way, shining a glaring light towards you whilst you stare wide-eyed back; a deer caught in the headlights. Your character starts to break down around you whilst you’re stood onstage, its pieces cascading along your incapacitated physique like thrashing water which you’ve just dived into from a twenty-foot jump, limbs flailing by your head until the inevitable crash through the translucent liquid stings at your skin.
It attaches itself like a shadow to you, not always so visible yet constantly looming from around your shoulder. It never really made sense to you, how the more the light shines against this tenebrosity, the darker the shadow it casts. Shading you. Smothering you. A copiously adamant fire which refuses to be extinguished, its embers dancing up past the hillocks perched in the distance and threatening to singe anyone who comes near.
It made you yearn for a reposeful night, where the stars shimmered like pools of water in reflection to the sea rather than your own tears surging down your cheeks. Where a modest zephyr tapped gently at your swaying hair, twirling locks around its invisible finger gingerly. Where the whole world paused on its axis, bringing forth those few moments of pure solace. Nothing to bother you, and nothing for you to bother.
“How long has it been since you’ve slept?” A husky voice drawls out from beside you after the door to the front patio squeals open on its hinges, revealing Joel; adorned in his sleepwear of blue plaid print trousers and a black long-sleeved sweater. Considering his normal attire of worn-down jeans and a permanent scowl, he looked almost ridiculous, but in an admiring sort of way. His inquiry forcefully dragged you from the dazed state you had found yourself caught in, your eyes hauling themselves to face him laboriously slow, like it was strenuous to do so. You blinked a multitude of times to attempt to clear your head of its cloudiness.
You gave a harsh swallow before you even attempted to reply, “Not long. I just needed some water and air.” You lied right through your teeth, wincing towards the factor that a glass of water was sitting idly beside you on a tall and round wooden coffee table, still full to the brim with the reflecting liquid. Joel didn’t look convinced. To be honest, you had maybe caught a total of eight hours of sleep in the past three or four days, if lucky. Your body drums with craving for rest at the deprivation, but you couldn’t bring yourself to relax for long enough to lull into even a light rest, thoughts striking their way through forcefully in the canvas of your head, ripping downwards to leave their mark fiercely, consistently reminding you that pain is not an easy thing to ignore.
If you could say the apocalypse surfacing has brought you anything, it’s that it’s made you tired. So tired. But there are two types of tired, you suppose; one is a dire need of sleep, the other is a woeful need for peace.
Joel exhales past his nose harshly, his head dipping downwards for a moment, maybe in disappointment- you’re not sure. Either way, your stomach lurches with guilt, and you turn your head to face forward once again and pay rigorous attention to each detail lining the Jackson street in front of your given accommodation. The street was entirely empty, the only sound to be heard within earshot being the light whisk of the breeze against your supple skin, reddening the tip of your nose and turning your fingertips numb. You should’ve guessed Joel wouldn’t believe your white lie. Knowing him, he likely noticed you retracting the sheets from your legs and his arms strewn around your waist at just the start of the night, before tiptoeing down the stairs as quietly as possible to weave through the kitchen then to the front patio, where you have been set for a couple of hours now.
You’re both silent for multiple pregnant pauses, and you have to fight the urge to nibble nervously against your bottom lip, apprehension swirling within your chest.
“Do you want to come back to bed?” Joel tries cautiously, to which you visibly tense. You tilt your chin downwards dubiously, before giving an almost indistinguishable shake of your head from side-to-side.
Joel doesn’t give a response to your discreet answer, but instead pushes himself forwards from where he’s leaned against the doorframe to move past you and settle against the uncomfortable wooden chair opposite your own. The chair creaks as he perches himself there, the only intruding sound to the tranquillity before it swallows you both whole once again, thudding against the thin air which is gradually turning palpable. It’s suffocating.
“…Would you-“ He starts, his gaze turning upwards from the patios surface to face you, “Want to talk about it?”
Your heart throbs agonisingly at his offer, your fingertips tracing the wrecked linen material of your pants. You try a small, consoling smile, one that barely reaches your eyes; your head lifting to face him.
“There’s nothing to talk about.” You murmur back, sombrely. You weren’t fibbing about this, though. There was no explanation as to why you were feeling this surge of perplexing emotions. It appeared as if it were just a protruding root sticking awkwardly out from the soiled terrain, its only task to trip and surprise anyone who were unfortunate to tread along. Even if you wanted to talk with Joel about it, you weren’t sure how to put it into words. It’s fine, until it’s not; a surprise.
“I can’t help you if you won’t let me.” Joel speaks, his voice softer than usual, as though he was afraid for what your reaction would be.
You bottom lip purses as you bite down against your tongue roughly, almost drawing blood to quarrel against the melancholy rising in your throat. You’re not sure how to reply- you don’t wish to reply. You would rather descend into the quietude than face this situation. It’s not that you liked the silence, no- you actually despised it. Silence gave any thoughts swirling around the midst of your head permission to inflate and rise to the surface, bobbing up and down there, whilst its limbs helplessly thrash around, wishing to get back to shore.
It's only after you notice that Joel is still peering over at you expectantly do you swallow gratingly, opening your mouth to answer.
“Well, I- It’s not anything, I’m fine-“
“Why can’t you just stop for once in your life?”
“What?” You ask, your voice cracking at its edges. Your brows shoot upwards at his words, taken aback.
“You lie to me, act like you’re okay- when you’re so clearly not and you won’t even let yourself realise that you need help.” He speaks sternly, eyes firmly trained on you- whilst you can’t even meet his gaze, eyesight shifting to anywhere but where he’s sat opposite you.
You weigh over your words, a trepidatious lump forming inside your throat. Your vision blurs at its corners, your brain fogging over with despondency.
“Please don’t make me say it.” You eventually speak again, your voice strained painfully, as your head drops down in a swaying motion, defeated.
Joel doesn’t reply, but instead reaches forward, gently placing his hand atop your own where its set against your thigh. He gives a gentle squeeze, urging you to blink back up towards him, where he’s peering at you with a softened gaze; and you can’t fight off the tears that instantaneously build up against your vision, attempting to rip past your shields and barriers which are gradually toppling down around you.
“I am barely holding on.” You admit, your shoulders slumping forward with the heaved effort of speaking without letting a cry rip through in interruption, causing a few teardrops to plunge down the canvas of your cheeks. A harrowing headache thrums against your forehead, your field of view only worsening, but not enough that you can’t see the way that Joel’s expression is overcome with visible empathy, which only results in making your stomach lurch more.
“And I-“ You exhale sharply, “And I can’t even tell you why. I just- there’s this thing, and it’s weighing over my shoulders. I can’t shake it.”
“You don’t have to find the perfect words. Just tell me what you’re feeling. I’m here.” He encourages softly.
“It’s like- like I’m here, but I’m not. I’m away from my body, watching over myself; whilst continuously being dragged backwards by this unknown force- pushing me somewhere I think I know. It’s like déjà vu, when you walk into a room, and you don’t where you know or remember it from, but you can feel that you recognise it. I-I’m angry, I’m sad and I’m confused. Maybe I just have a built-up resentment against the world.” You speak rather sullenly, but try to mask it with a small, tight-lipped smile towards Joel once your brief monologue comes to an end.
“I can’t say I know exactly what you’re feeling. But… I don’t want you to push me away. I want to try and help you, in any way that I can. But I can’t if you won’t allow me to. And… I don’t want it to seem like I’m tryin’ to coddle you, or anythin’. It’s because- y’know, I care about you.” Joel speaks steadily, his gaze shimmering with uncertainty.
Your heart lurches downwards in repentance with his words, as though you were liable for your own shifting thoughts and feelings. It bruises you; how much you’ve allowed your emotions to take hold, guiding the wheel in a swerve as rubber burns against asphalt distastefully. How far you’ve come, just to end up here. You know you need help. You’re just unsure how to accept any. But you know that you wish to breathe again. To hold out a hand to loved ones. To be afraid of death again. To have excitement at the idea of different winding roads. To feel free as a light breeze washes against your skin, clearing any distress from you in a wave. You wish to dream again. This longing is what powers your words onwards, as you peer over at Joel, vulnerable,
“I need help.”
Joel’s hand raises from the back of your palm, and instead encompasses your icy fingers with his warmer ones, intertwining them. He searches your eyes for a moment, and once he discovers a bold outline of authenticity, he promptly nods towards you.
“Together.” You reply.
It evokes a memory of a familiar oak tree. One you were very accustomed to when you were younger, before the outbreak. As a child, you used to wonder down the street to the park perched at the end after every school day. Outlining the grounds, just opposite a wooden bench, was an oak tree. Tall and mighty; confidence resonating from its stance, daring anyone to meddle with it. Thick arms branching from its moss-coated wood, whilst the lime-coloured leaves bundled against each other cascaded the surrounding distance in shade. You would lay beneath it, basking in the frigid yet reassuring atmosphere it created, hair messily sprawled out around your head. You would frequently come to the spot to just rest within the constant spiralling of the world, watching as the tree’s features changed with the reoccurring seasons; its leaves shifting from green to gold, from gold to ginger, then from ginger to cherry, and then falling, oscillating down to the soil with the wind, before repeating its cycle. It was almost soothing, watching its colours shift around with the change of the earth, whilst resolutely remaining staunch in its attitude, its branches a prime symbol of vigour. Changing, but still remaining what it is; strong. You deeply envied that, and hoped- wished, that someday you would build yourself up to resemble that oak tree.
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"We drink the poison our minds pour for us and wonder why we feel so sick." - Atticus
Noisy Sunday - Patrick Watson
Comments and feedback are appreciated!
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itzynabi · 3 months
born to be world tour: seoul
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— if you thought a little extreme physical exhaustion was gonna stop her from performing with her members, you were wrong
— but she also rested the entire week except for practices (she only did one music show perf for until spring on mucore)
— she didn’t use as much energy as usual just because her health rn is 👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾 but best assured she is a performer
— mr. vampire is HER song guys, like, the babygirl that she is OMG😩
— and then the little break before the solo stages
— when i tell you this girl was snacking backstage during chaeryeong’s performance (after changing into her outfit ofc)
— granted her snacks were to ensure she’d have enough energy, but miss girl was swinging her feet and twirling her hair as she ate her snacks
— she’s no fucking angel, she’s no fucking goddess‼️‼️
— nobody thought she was gonna swear but she did
— and the choreo *chef’s kiss*
— then back to backstage to change and rest some more
— she almost took a power nap, but all her naps turn into 4 hours of unconsciousness
— listen she’s a dynamite truther so you know she slayed during that performance
— and she’s also a not shy girlie so… the dance was dancing
— time for ments
— nabi: honestly, the number one song i was looking forward to performing was icy. i was looking forward to performing it, but it isn’t on the tracklist 😔 it breaks my heart, but at least not shy is here 😕
— during the more freestyle stages (no choreo just fun) the members checked on nabi’s condition
— at some point ryujin pulled her to sit down together and just vibe
— during the encore stage, her and yuna swapped mics so they could hear each other in their in-ears
— and it was chaos😭😭😭
— nabi’s voice is naturally a bit loud so yuna was suffering (one reblog is one prayer for yuna 🙏🏾)
— day 2 let’s go!
— since it was the second day she was better at controlling her energy
— you can say many things about nabi, but you cant say she isnt a performer
— bcs how the hell did she turn born to be into a babygirl anthem 😭😭
— the transition from the other members being girl crush personified to her smiling so big and being so cute gave everybody whiplash
— but then she started being on her hot girl shit immediately after
— and second day of no angels and no goddesses
— dynamite was made for her
— perfect balance between girl crush and cutie girl galore
— and psychic lover her beloved
— nabi singing love is to yeji with the biggest smile the world has ever seen
— ment time lets go!!!
— “the members are very… i’m very grateful to have them in my life. i hope we stay together for a long time and continue to love each other the way we do now. thank you for allowing me to be in your lives and to cry with you, laugh with you, sing with you… thank you for everything. crazy things are going to happen this year, but all six of us will get through it together”
— and she started tearing up as she was speaking🥺🥺 but she couldn’t handle the attention so “that’s all i have to say, stop looking at me”
— then she made eye contact with lia in the crowd and started crying
— nabi: and you havent *sobs* even been *sobs* to *sobs* my apartment yet *sobs*
— then it turned into yuna and nabi hugging each other while crying
— yuna: unnie *sobs* said if lia unnie doesn’t *sobs* like her *sobs* apartment *sobs* then she’ll move out
— then you’ve got ryujin “but when we sent jisu unnie the photos, she said it was cute”
— it was just crying and crying
— yeji, ryujin, and chaeryeong trying to get the oldest and youngest to stop crying
— chaeryeong: unnie, your parents are telling you to wipe your tears and stop crying
— “my parents are here😭😭? do you WaNt Me To CrY a RiVeR??”
— somebody please get this girl tissues bcs it was getting ugly atp😭😭😭
— and midzys are watching all of this happen mind you
— tuna crying and holding onto each other went viral and you know it!
— but then they both calmed down
— nabi: i need to take a nap
— and lets go home everybody!
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tagging: @seolboba // @ateezivy // @ateezjuliet // @cafemilk-tea // @smh-anon // @alixnsuperstxr // @cosmicwintr // @girlzwfun // @txt-yaomi // @moongrlz // @novwonia
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©️ kim nabi
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reotacchii · 1 year
HIII i told u i’d req soon so here it is ‼️
can i have gepard (hsr) x fem!reader whos really reckless and wont stop getting hurt all the time
- your mentally ill requester, 🎧anon. gepard has taken over my mind <3
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・─ pairings !! gepard landau x fem!reader (tho- I never specified feminine pronouns in here 😭)
・─ prompt !! headcanon / tiny-ish scenarios of gepard and reckless reader ; fluff writings ; tw!! none
・─ a/n !! the "🎧 anon" come back with a CUTEST idea and hopefully I wont go too ooc in this one. Truthfully, I havent yet see his story but an idea of reckless reader can be relatable at a times. Anyway, hope you enjoy this writing and have a good dayyy 💗 !!
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「Thoughts of my troubles crumble to pieces and scatter」
★ sometimes, you have your own dumber moment.
��� not like academically stupid, but the fact your own decisions could lead you into troubles. How so?
★ you cannot walk an inch without yourself getting tripped and fell as a result. You thought sliding on a stairway wearing a thick fluffy coat would decrease the falling damage — spoiler alert, it doesnt. And once, you also covered yourself in snow and call it a snow bath, then ended up fell sick (sampo behaviour/j).
★ and ofcourse someone would be so worried about you, none other than gepard himself.
★ he thought you were only clumsy, but then he realizing you are so careless and act to an extreme degree.
★ it means, you just cant stay out of trouble.
★ knowing that fact, gepard would be so cautious and protective of your act.
★ "y/n, I will bring the stuff. That looks so heavy," gepard insisted.
★ " why? I'm strong enough to bring it myself!" you asked curiously. He never answered back after.
★ though he remains quiet, deep inside he's caring for you and dont want you to get hurt! Only if he's able to express those words instead leaving you clueless with his protective and aware act.
★ he doesn't want his love to be hurt, it's like his duty to taking care of you. Dark and menacing alleyway at night? Let's take another path! Suspicious looking food in shop? Gepard will cook you his food instead! You fell off the stair? He'll pick you up as if you're a princess!
★ "y/n, y/n? Are you hurted? Do you need me to take you to the doctor? If there's anything sprained, please tell me!" his worriness that soon dominates him.
★ you'll reply with a chuckle instead. Your own recklesness somehow gave you immunity to pain at this point, but watching how gepard looks so worried of your state, you wanted to lighten up the mood. "How silly.. You don't need to exaggerates it so much! I will just sleep it off and everything will be fineeee,"
★ ofcourse your solution to your own trouble is sleeping, sleeping is your cure by this point.
★ however, gepard find your answer not pleasant to him. He would be your personal doctor and will feed you many healthy food to speed up the recovery of your possible injuries.
★ you can't help but to fall in love with him again. His caringness and the way he treat you, it's full of countless love within.
★ he'll wrap both of his arm around you securely, he find himself relaxed whenever he doing it with you.
★ "I never want to see you get hurt ever again, my love.." he whispered. As if the sadness will soon revolves in him, you proceed to assure him with a kiss on his cheek.
★ "thank you, I appreciate that you always looking out for me," you said as you caressing his cheek. Soon, it left him feel embarrassed; yet a burst of happiness filling him, he always feel like his heart beats faster whenever you do it. You can even see he blushed so hard, you always love this reaction <3
★ before both of you fell asleep, you both will cuddling as gepard would humming you a lullaby.
★ if you are around, he feels comfortable with his singing, but mostly he feel more happy if he's able to do it around the one he loved.
★ his voice is so endearing, its a bliss for your ears. There's something in his voice that manipulate you to feel sleepy, starting your journey into the dreamland.
★ noticing you fall asleep, gepard would brush your hair to the back and kiss your forehead.
★ "goodnight, love".
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thithesandofferings · 3 months
Be-comings of Ardor: pt. 2
Summary: Raian sees you as something other than nothing
Pairing: Raian x Reader
AN: Shorter chapter this time. Smut coming soon muahahaha
Tags: Descriptions of violence. Slow...slow burn. (Its actually not that slow theyre obsessed with each other) Eventual smut. Multi-chaptered. Nothing too crazy. I havent decided if I wanted to get any crazier lol. Honestly this is just an excuse to learn how to write descriptively so please bare with me.
Part 1
Its two weeks before you see him again.
You don't even try to look for him the first few days. Knowing that his presence will be celebrated by others, you would rather die than have that kind of uneasy attention on you.
Doesn't mean you don't feel him. He's a constant being in your psyche. Pressing heavily at your tendons. Puncturing your dreams and basking wantonly in your nightmares. He avoids you, but you see whispers of him. Your peripheral is haunted by the monsters he creates around the corners. If you didn't know any better, you'd think he wants you to put him back where he came from. To retract your winnings.
Your silence and withered patience seems to please him. If only a little. Humor sings cruelly into your fingers when you know he's close by. Because once the two weeks is over, you hear him beacon for you. Its startling. Grating when you hear his voice in your head. Pains the nerves, making you blink rapidly as shadows vibrate the hollow of your skull. Doesn't even deem you significant enough to say words. Just lets his intention fold you into an obedient thing.
Your sandwich tastes of dust, gritty-digging into your gums and eating away at your flesh when you chew. looks even less appetizing. This does not stop you from grabbing it and bringing it over to him. Where he sits alone. A throne in its own right. Not a follower to be found. You hear whispers burn into your neck, but when you turn, heads are down and the heated words are not towards you. Not that you believe for a second they aren't interested in what you have to say.
Or why you're not dead yet.
Picking yourself up becomes easier the closer you get to him. You sit, but make sure to leave his heated gaze. It burns to look at him. Blood vessels crack when your knees press against his. You don't deem it important enough to move it. There is an unspoken crime to be had. One where the strangers of the Kure family didn't think important to tell you. Your shoulders start to lift straighter, and breathing becomes easier. They don't tell you that being away from your demon causes your soul to experience lacroysmic pain. Tears and sheltered screams covet the pillows every night. Or if there inst a brush encounter, then you forget who are for hours. Dissociating as your skin becomes parlor and your cells take on a pewter tone. Hollowed and feeble, for once, you want something permanent. Want him to stain your skin so you never have to go through the kind of pain you did for those two weeks.
"You feeling it now?" You don't even have time to feel embarrassed. Needles prickling at your spine when he speaks to you for the first time. You barely can scramble out a mumbled reply.
"If I had known that not being around you would cause this much annoyance, I would have followed you just like your little groupies" Being snarky with a war demon may not have been the best idea, but two weeks and having to deal with soul sucking despair, you'll say just about anything.
He seemed to enjoy the comment. Studying you before the next moment and smiling cruelly.
"You weren't ready for me, brat-" He leaned in to grab your jaw, pulling you closer. "I needed to know how loyal you were." Wrenching yourself back before his touch burned you alive, you couldn't help but scoff in anger. He could have just asked, or even let you know what was going on with his little test.
He gets up suddenly and doesn't wait to see if you follow. He knows you will. The sandwich is laid limp and cold on the table. The Kure family begins to hover over it. Birds flocking to pieces of meat that smell of you and your demon.
The demon says nothing as you both walk, but you make sure that you are close to him. Breathing in his ashen scent, brushing the molten skin minutely. You take your time to gaze up at him. He looks like he was getting used to the skin he'd been given. Starting to look like the old pictures his relatives had. You didn't see him sporting the purple hue anymore, it fading into a skin tone not quite grey, not quite purple. Blending seamlessly into each other. Didn't seem to care that you were staring either. Making sure to look over at your form, slowly roving over your form in a way that feels like he's pushed you into a lake of fire.
"Stop-" You start, only for him to deliberately stop short.
"You started it first. Don't look if you don't want that shit returned." It has your nerves pushing and trembling anxiously when you follow his broad back passed the back entrance to the training room.
You're about to fight.
Specifically. You're about to fight a demon. Your demon.
Its all a blur after the third time he puts you on the mat. The pain is irrelevant. It always is. But the rush of satisfaction bleeds into your disappointment.
He's out of breath.
His resolve blows gently against your face. Soothing the itch that has been shadowing you since he walked away. Contentment digs its way through your belly, unfamiliar, but not unwelcome. The demon sees it in your face, when you look up at him, brief flashes of surprise melting into the blacks of his eyes.
When he pulls away from you, it feels like puling flesh from muscle. Aches in greedy ways. You want to keep him on you. Inside you. As one. The hunger borderlines on inappropriate. Makes your face flush in embarrassment when you finally start to hear the excited echoes of the Kure family needling at one another.
Silence balances the room entirely when he sticks a hand out. To help you. Roughened palms from decades of blood spilled underneath his fingerprints. Its warmer than you'd expect when you grasps them. Callouses digging into your palm, wanting to rip away tender skin in the brief moments of contact. Rough skin scorching when it presses against yours. Seeing the size of his palm eclipse yours and it makes your throat run dry. Clicking hard as you swallow through your need. His eyes flicker a garish red only to blink and its gone quickly. But you feel it, old weight buried on your body as he assesses the damage he has done. Can hear the eldritch being admit a deep rumble of a satisfied purr when he sees that you have his marks on you.
The look wrenches you open, swallowing you whole in its rapacity. Its hard to look away from him, but his followers take his attention- pushing you out the way without ever touching you. You're used to that by now. Being the strongest doesn't always give way to respect you've learned. That doesn't stop the demon Raian from looking away from you. Eyes shifting and pulling pieces away from you and making them his. You'll have to decide what offering is best to give him the next time you meet.
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zenderstorm · 5 months
i remembered i havent posted this yet here, so have this !
concept & headcanons !
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ive read some of those ideas which another “boss” clone is formed when a clone besides sekido absorbs the rest. this is my take on it ^^
all four of them are “zohakuten”, and they represent different ways one can show and feel hatred. [I didn’t go with “evolved emotions” like anger -> hatred or sadness -> depression because 1. you can feel hatred without anger and 2. its funnier with more haters on the team]
i made it so that all their abilities are related to music (?) like how the OG uses drums. [ik zohakuten’s drums are based on a japanese thunder god’s drums or something but i only remembered that after i finished this 😭] all of them have around the same levels of strength, but have different techniques.
theoretically it’s impossible to manifest them all at once.
any clone can absorb the rest to form zohakuten. but the clone with the final say is often sekido, because he’s more aggressive and dominant compared to the rest. so they form the OG (who has a personality similar to sekido.) however there’s a chance that another clone gains control, creating the variations.
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fusion probability 7%, formed from karaku, finds pleasure in hating
extends fights for over weeks on end, because he gets a bit relaxed with attacks. his defence is really high though so u can’t really take advantage of his relaxation.
fights with explosions. his explosions have the qualities of each emotion clone like sonar screech explosion, weeping spears explosion, etc. the explosions are triggered landmine-style and when you step on it it plays a piano-like sound. different notes represent different attacks. he’s immune to the explosions.
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fusion probability 0.5%, formed from aizetsu, hates those who make him sad
most likely to spare victims. if you don’t make him feel miserable you can probably get away. but like he won’t let you win, he’ll just let you escape.
fights with wires. the wires are strong & thin enough to cut flesh, and spread further out the longer you fight him. they sprout out of trees, an even if they look organic up close, are electrically charged. he strums them to control them (wrap around victims, strengthen electrical current) and is unharmed by the wires.
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fusion probability 90%, he OG formed from sekido, we know how this works, he hates those he sees as villains.
his probability is the highest cuz the other clones kinda let sekido form him, since this zohakuten is the hardest to fight and won’t play around.
we know how this pookie fights. however I headcanon he can transform surrounding trees into even more wooden dragons.
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fusion probability 2.5%, formed from urogi, hates those who he thinks are happier than him, so don’t you dare show him a smile.
quickest to eat his victims. like he wants to chow down so bad. sometimes even if he hasn’t killed them yet he’ll just start biting.
hearing him sing causes small figs to sprout in your ears, which can grow into full on trees. he can hide & sprout his wings (i let him do this cus of that one scene where tanjiro cut urogi’s wings!! so this zohakuten can hide his to prevent it from getting cut) he can also use the emotion clones’ techniques while singing.
maybe i’ll draw them fully one day 😭 idk. thank you for reading my yapping this far here are his beans
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kingdoms-and-empires · 3 months
Okay, so three things (I can’t create new lines for some reason so I am sorry about the paragraph splurge). 1. Your story is fantastic, thank you for your hard work! 2. Thank you for not making a stoic/imperious personality constantly have a stick up their butt. I play a stoic/imperious MC and I can still sing inappropriate songs with soldiers, chase pigs, ect. 3. Have you played the IF the exile? I realized while playing my character is starting to dangerously resemble Marcelle.. just, oh no.
Thank you fam!!!
Youre welcome, i fucking hate those stick up the butt MCs too!
I havent yet, i really havent had time to even try other wips while writing my own and having a life lmao, i honestly gave up that stuff once i had to write lololololol You recommend it though? I heard really good things about it
And a duck just because
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 6 months
hello its been a long time l havent seen any long fic l am on a holiday and l’d like to know longest M rated klaine fics preferably on fanfiction.net its really nice to read on the app but searching is very hard thank you so much! and happy holidays!
Ok, longest M rated Klaine stories on fanfic (in English!) ~ Jen
Kurt and Blaine, A love story by sweetgirlgml
This is how I picture canon Kurt and Blaine s relationship since the first day. There are few characters of my own creation thrown in the mix for fun purposes. Lots of romance, some laughter and a few tears. Basically a shameless ode to Klaine fluff. You ve been warned so I won t be held responsible for dentists bills, just saying. Chapters: 72 - Words: 465,199 -
Crowded House by kellyb321
All of your favorite Warblers and a few new faces, too. Follow our boys as they start their lives in NYC, each couple facing their own challenges, heartbreak, self-discovery and redemption. Stick around as they realize support, acceptance and most importantly, true love can all be found in one big Crowded House. Heavy on the Klaine and Niff. Chapters: 117 - Words: 924,400
Another Tomorrow by  xCaellachx
How many times will it take for Blaine to get it right, when he doesn't even know what to fix? Supernatural elements. Chapters: 47 - Words: 167,708
Ambassadors Abroad by jcrissrid
Klaine, The Warblers and New Directions find themselves getting a trip to Europe to sing for 2 weeks this summer. Perfect summer romance for Klaine. Some smut, but M for possible later chapters Chapters: 75 - Words: 243,903
Westerville Abbey by@hkvoyage
Blaine, the spare heir of Westerville, sets out to fulfill his duty of finding a wife. He soon realizes he is more attracted to the new footman, Kurt, who has just arrived to work alongside his father, Westerville Abbey's butler. Will Blaine and Kurt overcome 1910s England's class differences? Will their forbidden love survive WW1? A Downton Abbey inspired historical Klaine Chapters: 64 - Words: 249,587
and sequel Life in the Big Apple By @hkvoyage
Sequel to Westerville Abbey. Kurt and Blaine are reunited, but their happily ever after comes with a whole new set of challenges: relationship hiccups, jealousy, sabotage, war memories, and family troubles. Yet with love and perseverance, they can make it through. A Klaine historical AU set in the 1920s. Chapters: 50 - Words: 201,545
Distance makes the heart grow fonder by Grace Ryan
Kurt is back at McKinley. Klaine are trying to make things work despite the distance. Rated M for fluffiness and future physical contact. ; Not really great at summaries. Chapters: 87 - Words: 223,369
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bitwynn · 1 year
Not a fan
A SAGAU Impostor AU Songfic
Song used: Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
...so I caved. Yep. Starting a new series even though i already have one. To be fair, i felt like i needed a break from that series since that beast needs a whole lotta world building and im planning for it to get into some heavy fucken subjects. This one tho is more chill and light-hearted, since theyre all just a bunch of kind of disconnected one shots that are all kind of connected. So like-- when this series gets a lil longer, you can literally start from any fic since its all connectedly disconnected. A better example was my original idea of me just writing the end goal where they finally defeat the impostor like-- directly after the Castaway fic to rlly show how connectedly disconnected it is but i refrained myself since i wanted to write more wanderer. Been playing as him a lot but i havent rlly done the archon quest yet lol but hes just a blast. Hes an annoying lil shit (affectionate)
Blue for Barbara, Yellow/Gold for Zhongli, Green for Wanderer, red for Diluc, Italics is Reader/General, Combined is Everyone. Colors only used for singing parts.
Is this the real life?
You were running again, the spears and arrows of the Millelith chasing you all across Liyue.
Is this just fantasy?
Zhongli was by your side, steadfast as a rock as he shielded you from their weapons-- both with his Jade Shields and his body.
Caught in a landslide,
A loose rock almost sent you tumbling down into the depths of the Chasm, Barbara grabbing you just in time.
No escape from reality.
Diluc recognizes the path you were taking towards Tiangong Gorge, immediately rushing off to the Chasm's Maw and letting loose Dawn-- his phoenix rising up into the sky like a blazing beacon, just buy the rest of you more time. He'll rejoin you once again, he knows the path you'd take. He's your main afterall.
Open your eyes,
The three of you make it, the relief from seeing the glow of the blue Waypoint almost bringing you to your knees.
Look up to the skies and see,
You stumble in, Barbara hauling your arm over her shoulder as Zhongli collapses the tunnel behind you. You may be Overseer of Teyvat but he is the Overseer of Liyue, and its stones still answers to his call. There is nothing left but the browns and greens that creep towards the borders of Liyue.
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy,
Your little group exit the cavern, the fresh air of the rainforest cooling the sweat on your backs and you see Haypasia's "little neighbor" peeking up from behind a leaf.
Because I'm easy come, easy go,
The tiny Aranara, though a little hesitant that more people could see him now, takes your hand and guides you through Avidya Forest. Thank goodness you had caved from your siblings nagging and finally done at least a part of the Sumeru quest.
Little high, little low,
You were still unfamiliar with the lands of Sumeru, trusting your little lettuce friend to lead you to a place of safety, of rest.
Any way the wind blows doesn't really matter to me,
Lettuce, as you had affectionately named him, lead you all deep into the rainforests of Sumeru all while deftly avoiding the little village of forest rangers and the rangers themselves. You hadn't said a word to him but you knew, deep in somewhere, that he would be leading you somewhere safe. Somewhere protected.
Though this... wasn't what you expected.
To me.
He turns to your group, the smell of tea faintly wafting from the pot he was tending. "I don't think I need to introduce myself, do I?"
After the short but silent panic that washed over the three of you (it took the you and Barbara 5 minutes to even get a centimeter pulling Vortex Vanquisher out the cave wall while Zhongli aggressively apologized to him), the four of you were sat on the floor watching the Wanderer tend to the bubbling pots of food he was making.
There was a strange... very not tense(?), and very awkward energy in the air as he set aside cups and bowls for all of you, his own cup still full with steaming almost black water. Zhongli was very noticeably trying not to stare at his oversteeped tea.
Little Lettuce had already left, presumably to keep an eye on the area or watch out for Diluc. You didn't want to use him as a shield or a way to break the ice or something but god-- the energy in the air was just so uncomfortable.
You all watched Wanderer in this terse silence prepare your food, his soft chopping of the grilled unagi sounding like death knells in your cave. He took each of the bowls he set out, placing a considerable amount of rice in each and a small handful of dried seaweed and sesame seeds. Bringing out a jar of umeboshi from his inventory, he placed each slab of unagi with a single umeboshi atop the bed of rice and seaweed.
He pours out the tea onto the rice, 1, 2, 3... and stops. He cocks his head. Frowns.
"Wasn't there supposed to be four of you?"
And the silence was broken.
"W-well, little lettuce already left--"
"Not the aranara-- wait, you named him lettuce? Tsk, whatever. Where's the other one? The red one?"
"Oh, uhm, Diluc?"
He nods, the small scowl on his face almost carved into him. You feel your face heat as you turn your face away from him.
"He ran off. To the Maw. Let out his burst as a diversion to buy us time --but he'll find us. He'll come back. He knows the way, he knows how I think, he knows what I'll do. He'll come back."
Wanderer sighs, disappearing the extra bowl. You're not sure whether you said all that to stop his retort or to diminish your own worry.
You're shaken from your thoughts by Barbara holding your hand. She gives it a squeeze, and you squeeze back, thankful for the comfort.
"Are you just gonna keep staring at your food or do you want to die of both exhaustion and starvation?"
"Okay, eating now!"
You're handed a warm bowl of Shimi Chazuke, Wanderer's specialty. It didn't look like its in game icon, only having the plump umeboshi on top of a bed of rice and seaweed with the pale tea glistening in the light. But you had come to learn that many things in game didn't translate directly, there sure as hell no quest or mention of a "Divine Overseer, and yet-- and yet.
You bring the bowl up to your face, the warmth soaking into your aching, tired hands and its steam gently caressing your face. You mix a portion of the rice together with the tea, scoop it up, and put it into your mouth.
And practically turn into jelly at the taste.
"Umai...!" you moan, savoring the taste of it all.
The fresh rice soaked in the bitter tea tasted amazing, each bite slowly turning into a different flavor as the oils and sauce from the grilled unagi gradually mixed in with the rice. Cutting up a bit of the eel with your spoon, you mix it with the rice and your mouth burst with deliciousness.
The eel was grilled to perfection, plump and juicy and flaky. And with the addition of the tea, it introduced flavors you hadn't even imagined from a simple grilled fish.
As you were about to burst that plump little plum, the Wanderer stopped you, a strange look on his face. He handed you a handkerchief.
"Wipe your face, the flavor's gonna be off if you mix it with your tears."
Stunned, you took the handkerchief. "Oh."
It... had been a long time since you've eaten good food and found a place to rest. Too long.
You hold it close to your chest, eyes squeezed shut as you tried to calm down. After a moment, you wipe away the sweat, and tears, and snot, and grime that had accumulated on your journey. It had been such a long time since you first found kindness in this world, even if that kindness came from an emotionally stunned automaton designed to be a god.
You chuckled to yourself, a wet little thing, as you realize that you kept weeping harder and harder with each swipe of the cloth. You bury your face in it, the handkerchief practically soaked with your tears as you take a few calming breaths to finally stop your tears.
"I'm... I'm sorry, I-- its been a while since I've... yeah. Uhm..."
You take a breath, still wet with your snot. "I, uh... I'm gonna keep this, I uh-- ruined it. I'll, I'll clean it though! If you want it back."
Wanderer, handily ignoring your breakdown just earlier, cringes in disgust. "No thanks. Keep it, you need it more than me if you decide to bawl your eyes out again."
Despite the harshness of it, you soften, tucking the offending handkerchief away. "Thanks." "Don't ever mention it."
He reclines back into his little designated space in your cave, and hesitantly stokes the fire with his anemo vision. You pick your unfinished bowl of chazuke, umeboshi still waiting to be eaten. It was good to know that at least there was a few things that didn't change now that you're here.
"Are you finished yet? Stop gawking at your food and finish it so I can do the dishes."
Yep, some things just never change.
You finally finish your meal with the silence in the cave now something much more comfortable, the crackling of the fire and the quiet rushing and clanking of dishes almost lulling you into a sense of "you don't have a bounty placed on your head and are definitely not running from anyone and everyone for fear of them betraying you and handing you over to your megalomaniacal doppelganger".
Wanderer, having lost the argument of who does the dishes against Barbara, was definitely not sulking in his little corner and absolutely not fiddling with his new(?) anemo vision. "So, why'd you come here to Sumeru anyways? I know you definitely were not looking for me, considering the fact you tried to impale my head on sight. Which to be fair," he chuckles at Zhongli's sheepish face, stood near the cavern entrance. "I would do the same."
You absentmindedly plucked the strings of your Windblume Lyre, the instrument becoming a sort of stimming/coping device, helping you deal with everything that had happened to you. He hummed to himself, the cogs turning in his head. "I can't think of any other reason why you'd come here-- finding and trusting in me is a huge gamble that you won," he clarified, turning away from Barbara's blank stare. "the ancient Khaenri'ahn technology scattered around Sumeru won't be of any use if you were considering taking the fight to your impostor, the Irminsul Tree could be a good reason but I can't see any way you'd use it to help you, though knowledge is always good to have anyways."
He scoffed, reclining into the dirt of your cave. "Archons, imagine how ridiculous it would be if you just ran here because you had no choice but to! Like a bunch of scared animals, ahaha!"
You slowly sink behind your lyre as he continues.
"In my time here, you're infamous for always evading their grasp-- heck, there's even an entire division of scholars here dedicated to just trying to figure out how in the world you do it. Some say you're a master at faking trails, some say you have some sort of... psychic power that lets you read the mind of your enemies so you can anticipate their moves."
He shrugs.
"Honestly, I'm more inclined to believe that last one-- in my brief time as your Vessel before your descent, you somehow managed to find information about me, despite my entire existence being wiped from the Irminsul Tree. Add to that the experiences that your other Vessels had, and it's a pretty compelling case." A sigh. "Shame that probing is one-sided though, a peek into the mind of the 'Divine Deceiver' or 'Overseer' or whatever fancy title you call yourself would be quite intriguing. Who knows what schemes are you cooking up in there. Now tell me,"
He straightens, eyes boring into yours from where you were, at this point, hiding in shame behind your lyre. "why are you here in Sumeru?"
"Aha... ha... haaa..." If you had a pyro vision, your face would be on fire by now. You had to turn away, the warmth of embarrassment creeping down your neck. "Well, uhm..." You clear your throat, gulping as you try to even find the words to explain how much of a legitimately normal person you are, who was practically forced to grow brain cells specifically for scheming because if you didn't you would die.
"So, uh...ah he he he... heh..." you take a breath, a shaky grin on your lips. "So, you know how reality is sometimes stranger than fiction?"
He raises an eyebrow.
You vaguely gesture, hoping that your flailing would get your message across.
He stares at you. He stares some more. He blinks.
His mouth drops in shock as he tries to process what you're implying. The rumors painted a... much prettier and mightier picture of you than the both of you thought.
"I-- you-- wha-- how-- what?!"
He takes a breath, chest rising despite his lack of a need for air. He pinches the bridge of his nose, and you get the feeling that he's restraining himself from grabbing you by the shoulders and shaking you stupid.
"So, you're telling me. That the 'Divine Deceiver' and their little posse made of a literal god, the once-captain of Mondstat's Knights of Favonius, and Mondstat's most renowned healer idol, have, quite literally, been running around like rats all over Teyvat and somehow, somehow staying alive by a thread?!"
"Oh my--"
He begins to growl, a black orb of anemo energy collecting in his palm. You squeak as you try to scramble to your feet, his face full of rage.
And the whirling winds in your cavern suddenly stops, Wanderer dismissing the dark energy in his hand. "Oh, relax."
He blows a raspberry at you, as you groan and sit back down. You bring your lyre back out from where you unconsciously disappeared it and clutch it like a lifeline.
"God, I never knew your idle could be that scary."
Barbara waves off his question, a sheepish expression on her face as she fixes her curls back into place. "Its... complicated. You'll learn more about it as you travel with us." She hands him the used and cleaned bowls and utensils. "You... will travel with us, right?"
He scoffs, taking the bowls and disappearing them with a flash of light. "Of course I will. Its literally in my name. Besides, I have nothing that ties me down anymore so I might as well wander with you guys."
She smiles at him, ever sweet and ever kind. She settles back down near the fire, drying her soaking hands. Though Zhongli is still taking watch by the cavern entrance, you could see the slightest look of pleased approval in his face. "Though if you are going to be travelling and running from the law with me, we need to make a plan instead of scurrying around like rats."
And at that, the entire cavern groans in exhaustion. "Not now, please." "We'd like to have some rest first, Wanderer!" "Please, fuck, no-- I've had enough scheming for 3 thousand years--"
"Wait, so you did have a plan going into Sumeru?!"
You wave him off, hands going to rest back upon the strings of your trusty lyre. "Well, it was more of like... a guideline? A safety net? We had a couple ideas on what to do if we ever ended up in Sumeru and we, yknow, ended up in Sumeru so we'll probably do that."
You pluck a couple strings as you remember what you "planned". "I hadn't finished the Sumeru main quest yet and I hadn't unlocked all of the Statues of the Seven yet either. We were thinking of unlocking all the Statues first since, without them, my 'all-encompassing' game map is jack shit here in Sumeru, and then we were thinking of finishing the main quest to both progress the story and better the... political? climate here along with a few other benefits. After that..."
You make a face, much more aggressively playing at your lyre. "We really didn't want to split up the party but, I kinda wanna finish the main story quest in the Chasm but also we need to collect all the Dendroculous and Electroculous for more stamina and stuff. But also, I kinda wanna visit Dragonspine since..." You let yourself trail off, the makings and ideas of plans evident in your voice.
Wanderer merely stares at you for a moment, the game terms flying over his head as Barbara mouths at him, "I'll tell you about it later". You sigh, dreading the planning of tomorrow as your fingers calm on the strings. "But, we can plan tomorrow. Please. We almost died multiple times again." He sighs, relenting. "At least you have the skeleton of a plan."
Humming, you sink into the soft ground, thanking the soils of Teyvat for giving you some comforts in this trying time. What little grass in the cave caresses you in gratitude, as you pluck at your instrument.
The Wanderer sighs, as he prepares a small pot of tea. "You've been messing with that thing all night and its about to grate at my ears. Do you even know how to play?"
You chuckle a bit, sheepish as you hand the lyre over to Barbara who plays a quick, jaunty tune with a flourish. "Well, I can sing...?"
He sighs again, bowing his head and resigned to the confirmation that you were much more... ridiculous than the gossip and rumors painted you as. "Then why are you the one with the lyre?"
You shrug as Barbara starts up another little song. "Gives me something to do with my hands. Helps me calm down. Diluc and Barbara have been teaching me though when we have the time."
Your soft smile at Barbara's song turns cheeky as you turn to him. "Wanna hear what they've taught me?"
"Sure, better than forcing this inane conversation."
You giggle maniacally as you smile at Barbara, the singer immediately catching your drift. "Follow me?" "To the ends of the earth."
You laugh, as she tunes the instrument to the right notes. "Not like that you sap!" "I know, I know! But yes, of course. His song right?"
You nod. "Yep."
"'My' song...?" Wanderer tilts his head in confusion, before realization dawns on his face.
"Hey, just because it has my-- ...that name, does not immediately mean its 'my song'."
The two of you handily ignore his slip up, you drinking some water in preparation for singing and Barbara testing the lyre if its in tune. "Oh, please," you say, sitting up. "you haven't even heard the full thing yet! It's definitely your song."
He sighs, leaning back against the cavern wall. "Very well then. Indulge me."
You start, reciting the beginning "poem" from memory. Barbara watches and waits, fingers hovering above the strings. Wanderer cocks his head, clearly interested. She begins playing as you get halfway, the lyre an excellent substitute for the piano. You continue, the Wanderer scoffing a little at the poem's mention of a poor boy needing no sympathy, but you pay it no mind. He hasn't heard the rest of the song yet.
Barbara picks up on her playing, wringing the lyre out for all its worth for those deep chords and piano-like sounds.
"Just killed a man,"
You summoned the small drum you bought from a merchant in Inazuma in preparation.
"Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger now he's dead,"
You close your eyes, swaying to the tune of the song.
"Mama, life had just begun,"
You didn't need to open your eyes to know that he's really listening now.
"But now I've gone and thrown it all away!"
You quickly tap on the drum, trying in vain to mimic the band's performance.
"Mama!, oooh,"
Zhongli was sat at the entrance with his legs crossed and humming along.
"Didn't mean to make you cry,"
Wanderer was still. You could almost hear the turning of the cogs in his mind.
"If I'm not back again this time tomorrow,"
The steady beat of the drum was a stark contrast to the deep, heavy feeling inside his chest.
"Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters."
His Vision pulsed, as his hand unconsciously came to caress it. Was this what it was like to have a heart?
Barbara's fingers were gentle on the strings as a set of footsteps approached the entrance of the cave. You could hear Little Lettuce's pitter-pattering and the dulcet tones of Zhongli and Diluc's voices as they catch up in the short time they've been separated.
"Too late, my time has come,"
He had closed his eyes, listening intently to the music as the waves of sound rocked him gently and deeply into his sea of memories.
"Sends shivers down my spine,"
He can see it now, those old fleeting moments of happiness before they were all ultimately destroyed.
"Body's aching all the time."
He could feel it, suddenly hyper aware of his joints and limbs. The feeling of phantom strings and hands pulling and pushing him like he was some puppet. (But it wasn't like he was ever anything else.)
"Goodbye, everybody. I've got to go,"
He could hear it, everyone's cries and wails of despair filling his ears as he sailed towards Inazuma City to beg the Shogunate (his mother) for mercy that they would not grant.
"Gotta leave you all behind to face the truth."
He could also hear the Doctor's cackling laughter as he began to weave his web of lies, webs that would replace the strings that she had put on him. That he had cut away.
"Mama!, oooh,"
He could see it, the light shining through the patches in the walls and the roof of that old hut. The kind and innocent smile on that sickly, young face.
"I don't wanna die,"
He could see it, red, red, red lapping up and eating away at the walls and roof of the house. Red, red, red all around them. As if he was asleep in a meadow of flowers. (or sinking into a pool of blood)
"I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all.!"
You all gave him his moment, deep in his sea of memories. Diluc was wordlessly playing the zither, an imperfect substitute for an electric guitar. He'd noiselessly joined into your impromptu concert after he was caught up on the situation by Zhongli who had promptly disguised the mouth of the cavern as some kind of rock formation.
As he played, you thought back to the Wanderer's words. To the moment you first heard him say that-- his character teaser. Your heart had clenched back then, tears pricking the corners of your eyes but you couldn't help chuckling at his words-- that ever iconic song playing in your head. But you know that there was nothing to chuckle about here, Wanderer holding the brim of his hat in an almost vice-like grip. His jaw is clenched.
You all silently agreed to let the solo drag on at least a little bit longer. He takes a sharp breath. (You all know its his way of saying his thanks.)
Barbara begins plucking the lyre in a jaunty little tune, and you couldn't help but crack a grin. The atmosphere's heavy, but it's beginning to lift anyway.
"I see a little silhouetto of a man,"
The Wanderer scoffs, already knowing the next few lines by heart thanks to you. You all readily ignore the wetness in his sound.
"Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the fandango?!"
You were surprised at everyone joining in. Wanderer especially, being caught so off-guard that he jumped in his seat. "For the nth time, no I won't!" Barbara giggles as you push onwards, a manic grin on your face.
"Thunderbolt and lightning!"
Diluc only smiles at the mildly disgruntled Wanderer, his Divine Overseer and Mondstadt's Deaconess having stood up to sing their hearts out. "I'm pretty sure that's not gonna be the last time you say that to them."
"Very, very frightening, me!"
The singing duo once again became lost in the music of the song, belting their hearts and lungs out for their one audience member. Said audience member could only crack a smile and reply, "I had a feeling."
"Galileo, Galileo,"
You had all but screeched out said scientist's name as you pointed to Zhongli. When faced with the Wanderer's incredulous look, he could only gain a fond look in his eyes, shrug and say, "You get used to it over time."
"Galileo, Galileo,"
"Wait, you're all used to this?!" Barbara's sheepish as she answers. "They sing as a coping mechanism. We kind of picked it up over time as well." Diluc shrugs again. "It's better than alcoholism."
"Galileo, Figaro! - Magnifico, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,"
Wanderer cringes-- despite this, a smile is growing on his face. "You don't have to vocalize the echoes, you imbecile!" You merely put a hand to your forehead, aiming to up the drama with your next lyrics.
"I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me,"
He feels the tug of old memories, of old traumas still clinging to his skin. But he pays them no mind, knowing he must march onwards to the future. A future paved by a ragtag group of wanted divine beings and important people that are beginning to worm his way into his chest.
"He's just a poor boy from a poor family,"
Oh no. He's feeling it again.
"Spare him his life from this monstrosity!"
He cannot help but watch you all sing.
Barbara's fingers fly on the strings.
"Easy come,"
He felt what he felt back then, before she had forsaken him.
"Easy go,"
He felt what he felt back then, before he was fooled into thinking he had left him-- left them.
"Will you let me go?"
He felt what he felt back then, before he was torn away from him with no bigger enemy to blame but his own mortality.
"Bismillah! No!"
It was affection. It was care.
"We will not let you go!
(Let him go!)"
Oh archons, he's starting to care.
"Bismillah! We will not let you go!
(Let him go!)"
For hundreds of years, he's hardened his heart and closed himself off from everyone and everything. Sworn to scrub himself clean of human emotions.
"Bismillah! We will not let you go!
(Let me go!)"
And yet, for those same hundreds of years, he had never fully closed himself off-- never fully scrubbed away the feeling of... feeling.
"Will not let you go! (Let me go!)"
He couldn't help but glance at those two, fingers flying across the strings of their instruments. Humans, can they really be trusted?
"Will not let you go! (Let me go!)
His eyes slowly drifted to the other two, one ancient and the other practically a newborn. Can the gods really make him feel anything other than loathing?
"Never let you go!
(Never, never, never let me go!)"
He takes in their entire performance, all of them being their pure, complete, and unadulterated selves. With no masks to keep on, or roles to maintain. Merely singing, and dancing, and playing these instruments just for the heck of it.
"Oh, oh, oh!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!"
For centuries, he has roamed this world-- seeing and meeting many new people, and yet never regarding any of them as his companions.
"Oh, mama mia, mama mia!"
Would he be able to regard these people as such?
"Mama mia, let me go!"
Would he be able to trust them, like the did with the others? To stay and not break their promises with him?
"Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me,"
Would he be able to hold on to them, and they not let go as they had been claiming over and over?
"For me!"
Well, he has no choice in the matter. He's stuck with them now, as wanted fugitives.
"For me!"
Only time will tell if they forsake him like those before him. At least he's safe in the comfort that the world had forsaken them as well. Just like him. He hopes that strange sort of kinship makes you understand. He hopes it makes you stay.
You whooped with joy as Barbara absolutely nailed that note, Diluc quickly shredding on the zither afterwards. You would've given it to Zhongli but-- the man hasn't played a guitar before. And you need a certain "je ne sais quoi" to really pull off what Queen was doing. ...Also, you needed the sound of a guitar for the song.
You glance back to the Wanderer, mostly silently listening this whole time. He was lightly bopping his hand to the beat. You smile, taking whatever victories you can get. "Beelzebub? Really?" You blow a raspberry at him, preparing for the next part of the song. "I'll tell you about it later!" You clear your throat.
"So, you think you can stone me and spit in my eye!"
Diluc hits that sick riff.
"So, you think you can love me and leave me to die?!"
Barbara, even if she's practically undetectable underneath Diluc's strumming and your-- excuse me, Zhongli's drum beating, is still managing to bring up and compliment every single one of you performing.
"Oh, baby!"
You swear, if you all weren't wanted fugitives forced to live on the LAM because of a crime you didn't commit, you'd be a killer band.
"Can't do this to me baby!"
You do gotta thank Zhongli for subtly swiping away the drums from you-- you frankly weren't quite sure how you'd be able to focus on giving this song the power ballad it deservers while also playing an instrument.
"Just gotta get out,"
Despite all your peeking on Wanderer for his opinions on the song and to check on his emotional state, you weren't exactly omniscient. You were, afterall, still performing and still getting lost in the music.
"Just gotta get right outta here!"
So you didn't notice the twinge of an... almost fond emotion lacing his face as he watches you rock out to this classic. What can you say, Diluc kills it on the zither.
The sound builds and builds, Barbara layering on top of it and you not being able to resist the urge to air guitar to it as it slowly reaches its crescendo... And crashes back down, Zhongli and Diluc humming along to the sound.
"Ooh, yeah, ooh, yeah,"
You gasp for breath, the end of the song finally coming up. Diluc's energetic playing slows down, signaling the finale.
"Nothing really matters,"
You feel sweat dripping down your skin, having danced and moved around-- possessed by the power of the song.
"Anyone can see,"
You lean your back against the cave wall, relishing in its coolness as you bring the song to a close.
"Nothing really matters... Nothing really matters, to me..."
You sigh as you sink, pleased and satisfied at everyone's performance.
"Any way the wind blows..."
Zhongli finishes it off with the rapping of the drum, mimicking a cymbal crash to his best ability. Barbara beams at the Wanderer, who looks like he's regretting singing along to that last part.
"So," you ask, out of breath. "what'cha think about the song?"
Wanderer waves off Barbara's tired but happy smile, poofing the fourth bowl back into existence and busying his hands. He prepares Diluc's Shimi Chazuke as he hums.
"Well, despite it being a complete emotional roller coaster and the utter gibberish that it contains, I suppose that its worthy being called 'my song', as you will."
"I'll fucking take it! Fives all around guys, good job!" You quickly double high five everyone in the group-- Zhongli letting you slam your hands down on his, Barbara being a quick pair of one-two taps, and Diluc just lightly bumping his full hands into yours. You turn to Wanderer, waiting for him to high five you. "You too, hat boy-- you joined in the song, you get some fives."
At least Diluc had the decency to look away when he huffed in amusement. "Hat boy?! Let me tell you, I've gone through many names and titles during my journey. And each one is more eminent than any ordinary mortal could ever imagine!"
As he said these words, his heart slowly sank to his feet as he saw the stupid, cheeky smile growing on your face. "Yes, yes... But! and I quote, 'they're all just water under the bridge to me now.
Call me whatever you like. Go ahead, let me see what you can come up with.'" The Wanderer's eye twitched.
"And that's the best you can come up with?! If you know me so well, oh, great Overseer, then you would very much know that I'm also telling you to not disappoint me! Tell me, All-Knowing Guide, am I not disappointed?!" You snorted, too tired from the day's events to feel any sort of proper fear and trepidation at this situation. "Then, I'll just keep thinking of names until something sticks, mushroom head." You pat his head. "Now, how in the world did you even get here Lulu?"
He sips from his bowl full of rice and tea. "Doro44 Sumeru Chasm sneakpeek. Would've gotten here faster if the place wasn't absolutely surrounded by treasure hoarders and Fatui. Had a bit of trouble finding it as well, since it was behind some rock walls." He grabs a small twig from the ground and starts drawing. "Its a sort of cave that's absolutely overgrown by giant roots." "You dare to ignore me?!"
You flash that same cheeky grin at him again. "We didn't ignore you, we just changed the subject!"
Nope, he takes it all back. He hates all of you.
AND THATS A FUCKING WRAP AUGHHHHHHHHH-- broooooo, you would not BELIEVE how hard this was to write. both because Bohemian Rhapsody is SUCH a long song but also because of SOOOO many outside circumstances. like BRUH i was supposed to release this like a day after my castaways fic but NOOOOOOOO-- life got so in the way man. my parents started breathing down my neck for chores, we had to visit my relatives in the province (still in the province btw lol), i got FUCKING SICK BECAUSE OF STRESS AND DUST ALLERGIES and i literally spent like-- my first few days sick making my sickness FUCKING WORSE since our house was literally covered in dust and i was the only one who could clean it fucking apparently. bro, i even spent this goddamn christmas fucking sick. ugh this has been such a hell week. literally the only comfort i found this week was all genshin related AHAHA-- i was playing genshin, visiting the SAGAU tag a lot, waiting for fanfics to update, just generally genshin brainrotting.
ugh thank god i finally released this one. i do have a lot of ideas for this down the road and hell dawg! i even got a request! thats the one thatll be coming up next. i wrote like-- a massive part of this sick and it got sOOOOO out of hand ever since i didnt get to finish it that day so i hope it sticks together well and is mostly coherent. enjoy!! :))
198 notes · View notes
antiwhores · 2 years
I really loved ur short story ‘Bakugou’s game’ I would love to see a part 2 of it. Maybe a few months later or something reader is trying to get over bakugou and is really cold to him when he tries to fix their relationship and he sees her at a party with a date and he gets super jealous and possessive after seeing them together. Which leads to make up sex and hopefully reader giving bakugou a chance to make it up to her. Or be totally angsty and make reader pull a uno reverse of him.
Bakugou’s Game: Part 2.
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Requested by: @jasmixs @ooftrain-12 @tsukikoxo @coffeeginie
Part one: https://antiwhores.tumblr.com/post/693877274172440576/bakugous-game
Sorry this shit took so long frfr. Ive been SO busy lately to the point its actually insane. Havent had time to even write a sliver of this. Yall probably lost interest but ill post it anyone out of respect for the og request
Warnings: Jealousy, minor violence (reader slaps bakugou again LOL L bozo), rough sex, creampie, happy ending and shit, make up sex, NOT EDITED - BARE WITH ME HERE.
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Bakugou was misreable without you, the break up eats him away until he forced himself to go out to speak to you.
Bakugou never understood the idea of someone being so sorrowful about a break up that they forget their pride and beg for the person back. That is, until now. He’s starting to understand why people take break ups so badly. Cause he’s taking it badly.
Everyday is a new thing to notice. Everyday is a new thing he didn’t even know he was used to after dating you so long gone.
When he came home to his apartment you weren’t there to welcome him. When he walked past the bathroom you wernt there to sing horrible on purpose in the shower to annoy him. When he ate at the table you wernt there to tell him about your day in an exaggerated tone. When he sat down on the bed without changing you wernt there to yell at him for his outside clothes touching the clean mattress. When he spiced his food to hot you wernt there to dramatically cough and pretend to fall over. When he woke up in the middle of the night you weren’t there to tell him to “close them damn eyes again”.
Everything was different. He hasn’t moved a single bit of his furniture yet the house changed drastically.
He started to lack on his chores, throwing himself into his hero work. He exhausted his body to the point of throwing up. That and the combination of the lack of sleep and the lack of rest.
He had nightmares of how he acted. It would usually play out with you doing what he did to you. It was insufferable. Every single thing in his dream was something that he’s done before.
He looked down at his phone with his newly founder insomniac eyes.
Doll, Im so sorry. It will NEVER happen again. Im a fucking idiot and I’d do anything to make it up to you. Please just respond back.
Read 34 days ago
Y/n, I see you reading my texts. Just please let me apologize.
Read 33 days ago
Do you still want that car? I know you told me to not buy it but I’ll order it without a second thought if you talk to me. Please.
Read 32 days ago
Okay, Im sorry about the car thing. That was weird. I don’t think you’re a prize to be won with money. I just want you back.
Seen 31 days ago
Stopping by your house today, I need to see you.
Seen 29 days ago
Im sorry. I can’t loose you y/n. I cant.
Seen 27 days ago
My mom is so mad at me. I dont blame her, loosing you is like loosing half of my heart.
Seen 25 days ago
Its been so long since I’ve lived without you I dont know how to do its
Seen 23 days ago
Please love me again.
Seen 22 days ago
I know you see these. Do you enjoy seeing me like this?
Seen 19 days ago
I love you.
Seen 16 days ago
No other person will ever count to me. That stupid bitch at the bar is nothing compared to you. None of them are.
Seen 15 days ago
I left a letter under your mattress. Please read it.
Seen 12 days ago
Coming to your house tomorrow, I really need to see you. I’ll do anything.
Seen 9 days ago
The notes still here, you really break my heart. You know that?
Seen 8 days ago.
I still love you.
Seen 5 days ago
Ill fucking never look at another girl again. Swear.
Seen 4 days ago
I love you even more today
Seen 2 days ago
Whenever you’re ready.
Sent just now.
It was true, you read every single text. You read them almost 10 times over. You weren’t ready to respond.
At first, Bakugou’s texts confused you. This was against his pride. He would never suck up to you like this. So you laid it down to drunk, sad, sleepy, and/or desperate texts. It wasn’t his character so naturally you went looking for answers.
The last month has been terrible for you too. You were staying at your bestfriends house, who was GLAD to have you.
You avoided everything that mentioned him. News, certain social media platforms, public areas, etc. if it wasnt for your friend, you wouldve never gone out.
After that last text he stopped reaching out for the coming months. Things were peaceful, you were okay.
You hadn’t gone back to any club/parties since the incident. But your friend, being a party person, forced you out to a nearby club. They also made you agree to going with this guy, whatever his name was, to have a little blind date. Your friend figured it’d been a couple months and you needed to touch some bitches. You were against it, still getting over Bakugou, but they used the favor you owed them to seal the deal.
So now you found yourself at the club, chatting with a guy at one of the booths. He was actually tolerable, not your type romantically, but someone you’d be friends with. You supposed that the first step to a relationship was being friends so you continued to persue.
He was rather handsome too, not godly handsome like your ex- you needed to stop doing that. Comparing everyone to Bakugou is whats gonna make you single for life. Bakugou was not an easy man to pass.
You laughed at his joke as he continued to tell it. “Yeah man, she was crazy! She ended up calling my mom and telling her that I had set the house on fire! My mom was worried to death! Then she hit me after she found out the house was okay like I told her!”
You shook your head, “Exes man, I swear!” He leaned down towards you, “You got any exes that make you want to start a war?” You immediately nodded, “My last ex was a handful.” “Did he tell your mom you set the house on fire too?” You laughed, “Nahh, thatd be so much easier to manage. My ex, well, he-“
Prying red eyes watched you from the corner of the room. Bakugou didn’t even wanna come to this club tonight. He was, like you, forced to come out of pity of his friends. To think he could’ve missed the chance to see you and this guy flirting and laughing together.
It could be a close friend, maybe a relative, he didnt know. He wasnt close enough to make oht a single word. There was some part of him that aas glad for that nad another part that was incredibly annoyed.
No matter who it was, Bakugou’s hands started to smoke up. His teeth gritted hard against eachother. While he was moaping and suffering you were over here on what looks like a date?
It took everything in him to not just stomp over there and drag you away from the piece of shit. He was glad he hadn’t enough alcohol in him to follow those urges… to a degree.
So he waited. He waited for an opportunity. And he sure as hell got one.
“Oh!” You gasp at the ringing of your phone. You tilt the screen towards you before looking back up at your date with apologetic eyes. “Sorry, I absolutely need to take this!” He laugh, “its okay!” His back cracks when he lifts his arms to stretch. “I needa go to the restroom anyway!”
You smiled that smile that he loved. The smile that should only be directed at him. Not at some random guy you just met.
He stalked carefully behind the guy until he was walking into the back hallway with him. The guy barely had a chance to comprehend a single thought before he was slammed up against the wall with his shirt fisted by the blonde.
The man looked startled and freightened. Who wouldnt be? Bakugou’s stare was one to rival Medusa’s. He felt frozen by the pure hatred glazed over.
“What the hell are you doing with y/n.” The sentence came out between his teeth. The man put his hands up defensively, “Aye man, we’re just on a blind date!”
Bakugou’s palms sparkled threateningly, “Im gonna give yoh one chance,” He leaned down to be exactly in the guys face, “Fuck. Off.”
That was all the guy needed before he was out of the door and on his way home. An immediate wave of relief washed over him at the thought of the date finally ending. The positive emotions quickly disappeared at the sound of a famiiar voice, his favorite voice. “Seriously?”
He snapped his head over to look at you. You were even more heavenly up close, just as he remmebered but better. Your arms were folded and you looked at him with such disapproval that he wanted to immediately crawl to his knees and apologize.
“We’re not even fucking dating anymore. You just chased off my date.” He winced, “Fuck.” You scoffed at his curse to whomever. “I should be saying that not you. Leave me alone, asshat.”
Before he could stop himself he had grabbed your arm and pulled you into the closest vacant guest room. He pinned you against the doorway. You were wide eyed and your mouth slightly open. It had happened in an instant, so fast your brain was still trying to comprehend him grabbing your wrist.
Bakugou bit his lip so hard you thought it would bleed. He didn’t know were to start. This day had been rehearsed in his mind over and over again. Yet the words, the speeches, and the numerous i love you’s were gone.
“Im sorry.” Was all he could get out. Your eyebrows furrowed when he mumbled the words. He snaked his hand around your waist as he whispered in your ear. “Im sorry. Im sorry, swear on it y/n. Talk to me again. I miss you. I’m sorry.”
His head dove into your neck, kissing and sucking on every sensitive spot he gained access too. You didnt even have time to gasp before his thigh pried both your legs open. He grinded the muscle against you.
It took everything in your being to not just give in and let him pleasure you. The resolve in your head, the one that told you that him acting like this is conmmunication is what ended the relationship in the first place, slapped the hell out of you though.
His face broke as you roughly pushed him away. He whimpered while trying to trail his hands on his belt to unbuckle it.
The skin of your palm met his face quickly. He completely stopped this time. The sound of the slap reverbing in his head along with the sting. Not just the sting of the slap, but the sting of knowing he fucked up again.
“Have you learnt anything?!” You yelled, tears brimming in your eyes. “This is the reason we broke up! You can’t resolve everything with sex!” You jammed your finger into his chest, “Start thinking with your head instead of your dick! After all this time, I thought you changed. Im so ignorant.”
You turned to leave out the door. Bakugou saw everything flash before his eyes. He saw the relationship you and him had before. He saw the relationship you could have now. And he saw the relationship that fucked up and now has fucked up his life.
“I dont know HOW!” He didn’t mean to yell, really. But something just snapped in him. You stopped to listen so he continued. “I’ve spent the last several weeks missing you. I never even realized how much I fucking… damn it!”
The knot in his throat was getting tighter. You hadn’t turned around yet. “But I just dont know how…” His voice broke halfway through the sentence. He wrapped his arms around you. You felt no lustful intent, only the desire to hold his #1. “I only know how to show my love through fucking. I can be more open! I just dont know how!”
He started to shake, squeezing you even tighter. After a long while, you finally spoke.
“Then I’ll teach you how.” He looks up in bewilderment, is this you forgiving him? In one swift movement you pushed yourself towards him. You grabbed his worried face, tilting him up to look you in the eyes. He was panicked, a panick you’ve only seen a few times since knowing him. “But for now, tell me how you feel in the ways you understand.”
He seemed confused when your hands encircled around his belt and snagged it off. “What? Wait-“ you cut him off with a hefty palm on his clothed cock. His breath caught into his throat. He barely chocked back the moan that you attempted to tear from him as you dove your hands under his pants. He was puzzled, yet his arousal and the feels of your hands encircle around his throbbing cock hypnotized him.
Instinctively, he reached between your legs to rub you in return. He whined when your hand gently pulled his away. “I’m okay, you just focus.”
Easy for you to say, he thought, or atleast tried to. It wasn’t easy to focus on the situation when you began to pull his cock out and rub it against your entrance. It felt too good. It had been too long. Too long having to rub himself out to a picture of you. The real deal felt euphoric.
His hips bucked into yours, starting at a brutal pace. He picked up your legs to give himself more range. The sounds of skin on skin were loud, not as loud as the combined sound of the moans and groans you both chocked out, but loud.
He tilted his head back, his whole chest was flushed a deep red. He cursed into your neck where he had begun to lick and suck. “Damn it, I-I missed you.” Your whole body tensed when he angled himself to hit that spot deep inside of you. It was your turn to curse.
“I just- these past couple of weeks- nghhh… ive been- I cant live without you alright!” His thrusts picked up, “I regret everything I have ever done to make you upset- hhhnnm…”
Tears well up in your eyes when you start to reach your orgasm. You weren’t gonna last long either. Like him, the sensation was a lot after being away from eachother so long. He had forgotten his strength as he thrusted into you so hard you wouldn’t doubt if angry bruises were already forming.
“Katsuki… I love you,” You whined desperately. He started to unwind, tensing and untenseing, when you came around his cock while moans spilled through your mouth. It almost hurt how stong the orgasm was. Almost.
He bite into his lips so hard it began to draw blood. “Fuck, I love you too y/n! So fucking much!” With that he exploded inside you. His hot seed painted your walls without missing a single spot.
He slowly lifts you down to your feet, only to stabalize you when your knees buckle. He wrapped his arms around you, “I fucking missed you.” You breathed in deeply when he kissed at your temple, “I missed you too Katsuki.”
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