#AND she can heal. just incredibly versatile
yuuminni · 1 year
the thing abt celine is. she's meant to be a swordmaster.
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utilitycaster · 1 month
Hi there,
You said in the answer you just gave that, "the Nein mechanically played really well to the casts strength." Could you talk more about that? I'm someone who hasn't actually played D&D before, and everything I've learned has been through osmosis with CR, and your more crunchy posts have been really interesting to read, too.
Hi anon,
Thank you! I can answer but this is definitely pretty subjective in terms of how I see the classes they played and my view of the cast's mechanical strengths so know that you're getting one very specific perspective here. You will notice as a theme that I am not one for indecision.
Anyway: I think Liam and Travis are both notable within the cast for being decisive, in and out of combat, and both played characters with a huge array of options, as arcane utility spellcasters (plus Fjord's melee and, later, paladin abilities) and so having people who can make a quick, confident decision and stick to it with their spellcasting was crucial. Travis also has, as I once put it, court sense, and so having a character with options at basically any range in combat (from melee to eldritch blast range) was extremely good for him. I also just think they like utility casting, which, as my url indicates, I obviously think is awesome; but not all people like it and that's okay! I also just think they like it - both have mentioned on 4SD that Orym and Chetney are much more limited in what they can do.
I think Sam can get really hung up on the optimal and ideal thing to do at times. Really, the best way to put it - and FCG's death is a great example actually - is that Sam is not precious at all with his own characters but is worried about letting other people down. So I think the fact that Veth had a limited but interesting number of choices was actually quite good for him - he could make creative decisions (and even think outside the box, as with fluffernutter) but didn't have an endless list. It also still provided spellcasting, which is important to him.
I think Marisha is one of the strongest players on adding flavor to combat which is purely non-mechanical but is important in actual play if you are playing a character who does mostly the same thing. For what it's worth a lot of the things Beau played to her strengths were on the RP side (give the notetaker a character who has a reason to know a lot of lore) and also, I like monks but they are very straightforward characters to play in battle for the most part so there's not a ton to say, but I think she had a good sense of melee combat and would love to see her play more melee characters; Keyleth was obviously incredibly versatile, but this meant she did spend a lot of time in melee! Marisha also has decent instincts for tanking (Keyleth as regular tank thanks to wildshape and Beau as a dodge tank) so Beau allowed her to exercise that.
Taliesin is also a generally strong player in terms of mechanics and I think, honestly, his strength is that he doesn't seem to have a strong preference on what sort of class he plays and therefore was able to lean into a character who was almost purely support without any resentment over not getting the kill. In general I think Taliesin is very good at just...doing what his character is built to do, which seems damning with faint praise but honestly I think people who get really obsessive about Subverting Their D&D Class are annoying so this is praise and respect.
Laura is an interesting one in that I think she really likes to do Big Damage but she actually is quite skilled at utility casting. Having Caduceus definitely allowed Jester to shine in that she didn't have to serve as dedicated healer, but she also was a strong healer. Laura can be somewhat precious about her characters and I think being a healer is a good antidote for that in that you have the power to heal yourself if you get worried (honestly, this is why I started off as someone who played healers until I allowed myself to accept that dying on graph paper, as Taliesin once said, is fine). Being a prepared caster is also good for someone who, like Laura, can be competitive - it's interesting because she and Sam have a lot of similarities but I think respond in different ways, and Laura having a lot of options and knowing she can change them works well for her approach.
Ashley is also quite strong at flavor descriptors but I also think she likes doing damage, and I think Yasha was very much a "right character at the right time" for her in that barbarians are complicated in the sense of maneuvering, but not in the sense of options - it's a much easier character to jump back into after being away because she is, for the most part, going to be hitting things with a sword. I think she's doing a great job with Fearne too, but wildfire druid is MUCH harder to put down and pick up.
Really, in short, I think the cast members who thrive on having a ton of decisions had them; the cast members who at times have trouble picking what to do had a much more limited list which helped them; and those who don't really have a strong preference had other stylistic elements that were a good fit.
(I also happen to think, as I alluded to especially for Marisha's portrayal of Beau, that the Nein played to the cast's RP strengths as well and/or were given the time and space for the cast to grow into things they were less confident doing, eg: Travis and romance; and I think that does bleed into combat in that it helps you take actions that feel right for the character which in turn helps the other people around you predict what you'll do. It's the drift compatibility.)
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shuttershocky · 1 year
Shutters, in your opinion what are some of the best designed operators? (as in their kit and playstyle)
Gladiia - I've already said in another post that Gladiia is the perfect unit, and I stand by it. She's extremely effective with only minimal investment (E1L1 with skill level 7 will have her do most pulling jobs) but then somehow just gets stronger and stronger AND STRONGER the more you invest into her. Gladiia never learned what 'Diminishing Returns' meant, the economics student that tried to teach it to her got shoved into a locker when he tried. She's a viable M9 unit, wielding utility, damage, tank, and even heal support for some fucking reason. She even keeps getting stronger when you raise other units (Abyssal Hunters). She's fun, she's strong, all of her skills do something unique, she enables strategies absolutely no one else can do, and best of all: she's free.
Saria - Saria is the best case study of how to make a powerful—even overpowered—kit in a genre that mostly cares about DPS without any DPS. Like Gladiia, all of her skills are good and provide unique utility, but unlike Gladiia nothing about her module upgrades or talents or skill numbers is immediately going to tip you off that Saria's incredibly powerful; she just is. You just use her and you realize this is one of the best units in the game, hard carrying your lineups from her sheer versatility and healing power, with some SP utility or debuffs to boot.
Stainless - I would put him on this list for the sheer versatility, fun, strategic potential, and truly clever design his S3 has, but his S1 and S2 are also really fucking good too and stand on their own merits. Like Saria, Stainless is another operator who impresses me by standing out via sheer utility in a DPS-focused game, but unlike Saria, Stainless doesn't bring sustain or bulk, he simply has an array of gadgets that expand your possible map solutions AND operator picks to a wild degree. I finished most of Il Siracusano's EX stages by using Stainless clears—the way this guy enables bad operators with bad skills like Tachanka S1 cannot be matched by anyone. This is my single favorite operator gameplay wise to have come out in the last 2 years, insane how he and Dorothy are the least popular 6 stars when they're both so much more fun than their competition.
Gravel - You know what Gravel does. I think Gravel's kit was a marvel of its time, some truly inspired game design. You see, when Arknights first came out the primary faces of Tower Defense was Plants vs Zombies and Bloons. Gravel's low redeployment time and usage of throwing herself at the enemy team to constantly delay them simulated the feeling of having a mobile character in a genre about putting down towers that don't move, while Gravel also took advantage of enemy targeting priority being based on last deployed unit to act as bait for ranged enemies. She was the best unit to show off how Arknights differed from its competition, by taking advantage of all the design decisions that made Arknights a different beast of tower defense. Simple, effective, and unforgettable.
Hellagur - Hellagur's another example of an operator that does just one job just like Gravel, but approaches it in a way that emphasizes Arknights' unique approach to tower defense: Hellagur holds one spot, often right in front of the enemy gate and without support from his team. As the first Musha, he introduced a highly aggressive playstyle that was all about risk evaluation. You ask "Can Hellagur handle this?" and then see if he can. if he can't, you either buff him or try another approach. If he can, he often solves a big section of the map by himself by simply blocking a whole gate, freeing up the rest of your squad. High risk high reward is a common trope of game design because of how engaging that feeling of ramping tension can be; when Hellagur gets brought down to 1/3rd HP as he's dueling a particularly strong enemy, time slows down a little as you nervously watch him to see if he can handle it, and if he does and reaches back to full health before the next enemy comes, that release of tension and anticipation is its own special high.
I love this ask! Really fun question!
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oltammefru · 3 months
IS4 is coming out soon so I'll post some things about IS4 I've heard from CN players. Some of these are probably outdated and no longer true. Also fair warning that these things are very D15 IS4 skewed because the people who told me these are D15 players.:
Endings are actually consistent (although I've been told double ending is decently hard?).
The primary enemy gimmick of the theme is absurd mobility, so good slows and immobilizing effects are very good.
There's no more +res at higher difficulties and casters are a lot better than they are in IS3. They're still generally one of the weaker classes though, since they are now living in Reed's (flame) shadow instead. Mostima is still goated.
It actually plays like a roguelike in that there's so much more room to pick operators based on what collectibles you get rather than the optimal picks still mostly being the same regardless of relics (in earlier ISes.)
Boss 2 is an anomalously easy boss one and is generally considered to be easier than Boss 1. One person in particular told me that D15 Ending 2 Boss 2 is easier than IS2 normal mode phantom (just comparing boss to boss, the side enemies in the IS4 D15 ending 2 stage are definitely harder.) I'm not sure if I quite agree with that statement but it seems quite reasonable (you can stall this boss with 1 defender 1 medic at D15.)
One of the endings requires picking up a collectible which affects (by which i mean increases) the enemy spawns for every subsequent map. I think is a really neat way of doing an ending collectible but also like holy fuck that's an impressive amount of work done for like just one ending.
With how foldartals work it's much easier to avoid specific hard stages since you can actively change the layout of the map to some degree, although the hardest stages in is4 are somewhat harder than in is3. (this was said before expansion 2 I'm not sure if that's still true.)
Cuora has a fair argument as a top 10 operator at d15 and actual defensive defenders are really strong in the gamemode in general. (I think this one might be outdated.) Horn is not terrible but definitely a lot worse. Jessicalter has a reputation as an incredibly versatile unit that synergies with a ton of otherwise generally not that great collectibles.
Pre-expansion 2 D15 IS4 is generally considered to be a lot easier than D15 IS3. CN players complained hard enough about all of this that they added alternate (which is to say, harder) versions of all the bosses The ending 1 boss also seems to be widely disliked among D15 players (mostly for being boring. I very much see where they're coming from this boss does not seem very good and I'm already expecting to not like it.)
There's a lot more variety in the starts you can play. Someone played Carnelian start in one of the CN IS4 tournaments. I've been told about someone playing Hoederer start and having it be reasonably ok.
Taking advantage of the new investment system is sort of annoying since normal gameplay generally involves taking out way more than you put in and you so should play IS4 with MAA to fill your investment if you care about that.
Between how anti-interference index works and how much much stronger shops are, it's way easier to get to a critical mass of really good collectibles. There's a video on bilibili of someone getting 103 collectibles.
Healers are far far more important in IS4 than IS3 (in which they were barely even necessary). As far as a specific focus on healing goes, Eyjalter is considered the best healing option despite IS4 being very elemental damage light. (which I think says a lot about her, that she's far far better than IS4 than IS3, this is because she isn't actually an elemental healer and her ability to elemental heal is a relatively small part of her kit, despite what her "subclass" might say.)
The IS4 analogue of the rejections system provides team wide debuffs instead of individual ones.
Surtr finally manages to be a good unit. Qiubai is one of the best guards. Popukar is the best 3 star guard. Beagle is generally the best 3 star defender. Dorothy is very good.
The ending badges on each of the squads have multiple variants, the highest one requires at least D10. Post expansion this goes up to D12.
Deep investigation still doesn't have difficulty select. Maybe can we get it by IS6 or IS7.
Reed2 is generally the best starter before expansion, Degenbrecher after. Lava/Spot/Kroos is a pretty good start team that I think does everything f1 leakless except 1 or 2 emergencies.
Early rushes are more prominent, especially in contrast to IS3 where opening never really requires vanguards (with the exception of like 2 stages total.)
Hope is way way way way more plentiful than any of the previous ISes.
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cerastes · 6 months
I don’t know who to put in the shop for kernel locating. On one hand, if I get Saria, I’ll totally complete Rhine Lab (including Mumu), but I already have Blemishine as a 6* guardian. On the other hand, I could choose Aak and complete Lee’s detective agency, and get the only Geek in global. What would you do?
First priority is always who you want more personally.
Second priority is who you need more from a gameplay perspective.
Assuming there's no real winner in those two layers: I'd personally pick Saria. Yeah, you have Blem, but Saria and Blem are very different units. Blem is more of a sub-damage dealer with sustain than a true tank, able to heal allies and provide Sleep, Arts damage, healing and Defensive SP Charge utilities while also being 3 block and having decent bulk. Saria is a full on bona fide boulder. She has no damage to speak of, but has 3 very good skills, including a huge and hefty true AoE heal in S2, a personal-or-adjacent unit big heal on charges with S1, and a massive heal-and-Arts-damage amplifying field that also slows down units on S3. all of her heals that refill missing HP also grant SP to allies, furthering her utility. They are very different units and Saria is incredibly good at doing what she does. A versatile unit that can easily find a slot in any team for a myriad of purposes.
Aak is a fun unit but far more limited in scope: His S3, the main reason people use him for, allows for some goofy goober stuff with its ATK and ASPD upgrade given to his victim and to himself, letting him be a very effective sub-DPS with volatile, minor CC due to his talent. S1 is slept upon but it's very good for dedicated sub DPSing and inflicting a bunch of CC effects at random (Aak actually has very good auto attacks, making him prettty good for Mumu cloning). For the most part, though, Aak in your team more or less necessaily means unique positioning to better use his buff as well as other units to accomodate for it. A very fun playstyle, just not for everyone.
Saria is more flexible and can be used in just about any situation whereas Aak is more of a hit or miss that needs a bit of prep work --as befits a Specialist-- so he's not for everyone. If what Aak offers sounds fun to you, then go ahead, but Saria is guaranteed dividends, also Saria is cool as hell.
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sassykinzonline · 3 months
Genuinely though! The same people who go on about how Shino's incredibly versatile and strong, even though his shows of strength are on the sparse side, are ALSO the types to downplay Tsunade for the EXACT. SAME. REASON. Like these characters are both interesting and strong for different reasons! Why is it that, when characters have unexplored use for their jutsu/tactics, guys get the lion's share of charity and gals just get written off??
Like god... On Reddit so many people don't understand the Sannin dynamic and label Tsunade as the "weakest" one, disregarding the entire DEADLOCK aspect of them, just because they can't consider her doing anything besides healing or punching.
I dunno. It just seems like people can think up everything under the sun for dudes, but they don't care to do the same for characters who're feminine. And it's always like this. Everywhere. Every time. :(
if you wanna get even angrier, tsunade saved the leaf singlehandedly two times (beating orochimaru then defending against pain) and is the only sannin not to die nor be surpassed by her student and they still think she's the weakest along with being "boring"
then you have the fact that she actually saved lives by formalizing medical ninjutsu, which apparently tobirama in all his henry kissinger-esque wisdom didnt think of
anyhow, reddit is a useless place given that they hate me there (a red flag)
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cherengymleader · 10 months
Normal Type Exposition @ Kalos. Part 2
Hello everyone! Welcome back to another exposition on normal types! Today we are going to talk about their weaknesses, which is one, and their effectivenesses, which is none. Alright thank you for coming— no no, I'm joking. Well, not on the numbers. There is a lot more to talk about when someone says that normal type is't really good against anything.
Well, it's true. Normal types aren't effective against absolutely anything, in fact, they can't hit rock or steel types very well and they cannot touch ghosts at all. As for weaknesses, they are weak against only fighting, and are also unable to be touched by ghosts at all. Surely, I bet many of you think, there are far better options.
Well— here's the thing about that. While normal types aren't good at exploiting any specific type weakness, they are very good at doing neutral damage. And you might say, what good does that do? Well it's because likewise, they are very good at taking neutral damage as well. Let's go back to the weaknesses chart. Normal is weak to fighting. And only fighting. The only other type that I can think of that has one weaknes is electric but even then not everything will take the same damage if hit with an electric type move.
I'm sure many of you have encountered a Blissey that will just not faint. Normal types are special like that. You may hit them all you want but if they have a high defense, you better hope that either you have a very strong fighting type or have enough pokemon to take it down before you run out of options. And that is assuming the pokemon doesn't hit hard either. Again, Whitney's Miltank is a very good example for this. High attack, high defense, and it can heal itself.
But believe it or not Miltank isn't the only one that does this, Normal types are incredibly versatile in what they can do. One could be a terrain hazard, another could give you and your entire team status effect after status effect. A deerling might seem unasuming even when it's raising it's own stats. Oh theyre low level and not very strong what could they even do? And then they use batton pass.
[ Cheren whistles, extending his hand to catch a Porygon-Z that fell from somewhere above the ceiling while a little Wooloo casually strolls up to him. ]
I have two friends with me here today, one of them is my Porygon-z. His name is Sebastian, and this little one with me is a Wooloo, her name is Cupcake. Now Sebastian has a high special attack, while Cupcake isn'tespecially remarkable. That being said,
[ He pets Cupcake's head and takes several steps back, letting Sebastian hover in the air. ]
Now, she is going to handle a Hyper Beam.
[ The Porygon-Z charges up and, with a bright flash of light, it blasts a beam of silver energy onto the unsuspecting Wooloo who is sent flying towards somewhere behind the stage. After the attack, Cheren walks back to the ceenter and simply kneels with a berry on his hand. Soon enough Cupcake can be seen strolling back for her snack as if nothing had happened. ]
As you can see, that was a very strong hit wasn't it? And yet here she stands—
[ While Cheren talks, Reshiram can be seen poking it's head out from behind the stage curtain attracted by the berries. ]
Is she hurt? A little. Her wool is ruffled up and she is a bit tired, but her wool did the job and shielded her from the worst of the attack, now—
[ Cheren notices the conmotion and turns back to see the culprit, Reshiram simply sniffs and scoots closer. Cheren stands up, taking another berry from his pocket and feeds it to the white dragon, immediately pushing thir snout back behind the stage curtains and coming back to stand in the center as if nothing had happened. ]
As I was saying, many of you might be wondering why did I do that? truth be told, I wanted to show off. A lot of pokemon types are really good at doing a lot of damage, but not a lot of them are good at taking a lot of damage. In fact, remember how normal types can't hit ghosts? They can just hit with a different attack, or us another move to make ghosts vulnerable to their attacks. Sure, it might not be as flashy as say, a dark type or another ghost. But it will get the job done.
Next time you battle a normal type, instead of wondering what else is on the trainer's team, maybe wonder what that specific pokemon does. You don't want another Miltank on your hands, do you? Thanks for coming to today's presentation and I will see you next time! No, the Reshiram isn't avaliable for pets, as they are not my pokemon. Have a good day.
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hero2222 · 3 months
New muse...and material:
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**Gender/Sex:** Female
**Age:** 23
**Height:** 5'6"
**Weight:** 135 lbs.
**Personality:** Liora combines her introspective personality with the laid-back, adventurous spirit. She's fiercely independent and a bit of a loner, preferring the company of her thoughts or the quiet companionship of a few close friends. Her exterior might seem cool and detached, often hiding her emotions behind a facade of indifference. However, beneath this exterior beats the heart of a true hero, driven by a deep-seated desire to make a difference. Liora shuns the spotlight and is uncomfortable with praise, often slipping away after doing something heroic before anyone can even thank her. She expresses herself through her mastery of Flexilum, finding solace in its transformation and the creative outlet it provides.
1. **Flexilum Mastery:** Liora can effortlessly manipulate Flexilum, shifting it between its playful, elastic form and its hardened, protective state. This ability mirrors her dual nature—flexible yet unyielding, reflective yet bold.
2. **Adaptive Constructs:** With a skater's agility and an artist's touch, Liora crafts Flexilum into dynamic constructs for swift movement, armor for defense, or chains to bind. Each creation is a reflection of her mood and intent, sometimes dark and edgy, other times vibrant and energetic.
3. **Defensive Shell:** Preferring defense over outright aggression, Liora can envelop herself or others in Flexilum armor that's tough yet subtly reflective, much like her personality. It's her way of protecting without drawing attention, her form of quiet resistance.
4. **Subdued Influence:** Through the subtle modulation of Flexilum's colors, Liora can dampen hostile intentions or calm a tense situation. This ability allows her to avoid conflicts or resolve them without escalation, staying true to her aversion to the spotlight.
5. **Healer in the Shadows:** Liora uses Flexilum to aid and heal in secret, leaving her mark through the mysterious appearance of Flexilum casts or supports. She doesn't stick around for gratitude, embodying the essence of a hero who doesn't need recognition to do what's right.
Liora is a study in contrasts—stoic yet deeply caring, cool yet passionate about her causes. Her journey is not just about battling external threats but also about navigating the complex terrain of her emotions and relationships. In her, the essence of Flexilum finds its perfect counterpart: an element that is as versatile and profound as the person who wields it.
### Properties
- **Flexibility and Elasticity:** Flexilum is naturally soft and exhibits incredible elasticity, allowing it to stretch and compress with resilience. This property makes it an exceptional material for creating items that can absorb impact or require flexibility.
- **Color Transformation:** Flexilum is light pink in its soft, elastic state, symbolizing its pliable nature. Upon hardening, its color deepens to a rich shade nearing purple, indicating its transition to an incredibly tough state that rivals the hardness of graphite.
- **Adaptability:** This element can adapt to various external stimuli, such as temperature changes or exposure to specific energies, which trigger its transformation between soft and hard states. This adaptability makes it versatile for both creative and practical applications.
- **Energy Conductivity:** While in its hardened state, Flexilum can conduct different forms of energy, including magical, thermal, and electrical energies. This conductivity, combined with its toughness, makes it valuable for technology and magic-based applications.
#### Origin
Flexilum is formed under rare conditions where magical and natural forces converge, such as at ley line intersections or during specific celestial alignments. This rarity and the conditions of its formation add to its value and mystique.
#### Utilization
- **Manipulation Ability:** Individuals with the ability to manipulate Flexilum are rare and possess a deep connection to the natural and emotional world. This connection allows them to guide Flexilum through its transformations, mastering the timing and conditions to harness its full potential.
- **Applications:** The dual nature of Flexilum offers a wide range of applications. In its soft form, it can create protective barriers or cushions. When hardened, it is used for constructing durable structures, crafting weapons or armor, or even forming tools that require both strength and a degree of flexibility to prevent brittleness.
#### Cultural and Mystical Role
Flexilum's unique properties and the nuanced skill required to manipulate it make it a symbol of status, power, and mastery in various cultures. It plays a significant role in rituals, serves as a medium for artistic expression, and could even represent a connection to the divine or the planet's soul.
Integrating Flexilum into your world not only enriches your setting with a unique element but also opens avenues for storytelling through its diverse applications and the depth of interaction required to master its manipulation.
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ansbobcar · 24 days
Rinka Ontarin [Revamped Profile]
[Needed a revamp lol]
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General Profile:
Name: Rinka Ontarin
Other names: Rinka Onoji, Bloody Sicko, Inky, Rat, Sunshine
Sex: Female
Age: 25 (not at the start of the fic)
Birthday: December 5th
Blood Type: O
Dominant Hand: Left
Height: 170cm
Weight: 68kg 
Foot size: 25cm
Occupation: Divine Visionary (current), Vice head of the Magical Power Administration (current), Head of Magical Power Administration (former)
Affiliation: Bureau of Magic (current), Easton Magic Academy (former), the Onoji Family (former)
Hobbies: Reading about obscure spells
Favourite Food: Baked Sweet Potatoes
Favourite Word: “Irrational Judgement”
Favourite type of the opposite sex: “Ew.”
Dislikes: People turning back on their promises, Irrational decision making, Drunk people
Frequently visited Bureau spots: Hallways, Orter’s office, Sophina’s office, the Director’s office
She has her blonde hair up in a half ponytail with frosted lavender tips and brown eyes. She typically wears a light grey dress shirt (sleeves are rolled to just below her elbow) paired with a dark grey vest and matching pants, alongside a dark green tie. Occasionally (when seen outside), she wears a muddied orange trench coat with her divine visionary emblem (I’m sorry I haven’t figured this out yet TwT). Her magic mark is shaped like ‘J’ on her left cheek under eye.
At first glance, she seems like a cool beauty archetype and is more easily reasoned with compared to the other Divine Visionaries. She almost always manages to keep her composure and smiles kindly regardless of who is in front of her, but she tends to be more expressive around those she’s closer to. She trusts her colleagues rather easily and tries to accommodate for everyone she encounters unless they’ve absolutely broken a law.  It must be noted that she will typically prioritise efficiency/results in regards to magic.
General Magic:
Rinka has one of (if not) the best applications of magic amongst the Divine Visionaries (in regards to stability, reliability and speed) which makes her incredibly valuable as an ideal subject for new tools being developed, amongst other strenuous things. Paired with her diverse knowledge and understanding of spells (offensive, defensive, healing, daily use, and the obscure) and fine control over her magic (mana I guess) she’s considered by her peers to be the most versatile in any given situation but she tends not to utilise this knowledge immediately in order to give her more options.
Personal Magic:
Sangs - Her personal magic on paper is blood manipulation. She is capable of manipulating her own blood internally and those within a nearby vicinity (1km radius). She’s incapable of making blood out of magic.
Sangs Bindings - Using her blood as well as those around her, she can solidify them into chains and bind her targets within them. They can take the form of a rope or anything. She avoids using this as much as possible because she loses a lot of blood.
Sangs Rupture - Targeting a living being with this spell causes their blood to disperse instantaneously and as a result, completely destroys and kills the target. Requires a significant amount of magical power to utilise’ especially if the target is bigger than her. This is her most commonly utilised instant kill spell
Sangs Puncture - She can aim highly pressurised needle-like or blade-like projectiles towards her target using her own blood or her target’s blood.
Not much is known whether she has a secondths due to her knowledge on advanced spells but she is able to unlock a third-line.
Helios (God of Sun) - Her wand burns into a handcuff on her wrist with shackles as a bright halo appears above her head. Almost blindingly bright. She is overshadowed by a veiled head which spiked shell-like helmet. Not much is known regarding any specific spells.
Basic Wand - You would expect her wand to look customised to fit her vibes but instead, like everyone else, she wields a basic wand. The wand itself is unrefined, with sharp edges and bits of grain sticking out and feels incredibly used.
Paring Knife - She draws blood quite a lot.
Bandages - Due to her utilisation of blood, she always carries extra rolls of bandages and some gauze. She prefers to use magic as first aid towards others though. These bandages are mostly for herself.
Bloodloss/Anaemia - The moment she stops circulating her blood by solidifying it is the moment she loses a shit tonne of blood circulating in her system. Sure she may never run out of blood but it doesn’t circulate. So she’s prone to fainting through bloodloss or just lack of circulation if she doesn't keep it in check.
Overreliance on Magic Enhancement - If she’s up against someone who can cancel her magic, she’s fucked because it’s what makes her invincible to majority of opponents.
Often forgets to keep a defensive stance- This is mostly out of habit, and prioritisation of efficiency over sustainability.
Extra Info/Trivia:
She was the champion of the girls' cross country (broom-flying) for 5 years in Easton
She was in the custody of her mother after her parents divorced the school year she became Divine Visionary
She barely remembers anything from her Easton days
She’s closer to Ryoh and Kaldo because they were the most welcoming of her at the time she and because as a teen, she was placed with the Magical Power Administration of all things and the two of them helped her out, however all the DVs have a positive/amiable relationship with her
Her alcohol tolerance is very high (highest amongst her peers) even though she only started drinking when she was 22
She is considered the director's favourite (by far)
She used to have an assistant who has been presumed dead for the past 3 years (from the time period of part 1)
_ _ _
Yuhhhhh. I might edit this later.
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spyridonya · 1 year
can I get uhhh C, U, Q for the three?
@commander-lariel! Hello! <3
C - Control -   How dominant are they?
They're all a variant of versatile, notably so as they become more comfortable with one another. When they begin as a thruple, Daeran and Lann have an unspoken challenge on who is the more dominant in the relationship based on gender concepts, though it seems Daeran has the easier grace due to experience and not being 'stealthed' into a BDSM relationship like Lann was. Kadira doesn't have time to figure out who was in charge of the bedroom and was glad someone wanted the reins from her. 
Eventually, the context between them changes as the relationship deepens and continues. 
U - Urge - How often does the desire to have sex strike them? What happens then?
Lann likely has the most modest sex drive of all of them, despite his once short lifespan. I think it's simply due to having the best self regulation of the three.. When getting into the relationship with Kadee and Daeran, there's a little boost in his drive, but Lann is all right with having a night to himself.  Once or twice a week is good for him. 
Kadira has a slightly higher sex drive, though it's more driven by need of touch and affection than just the desire for sex. It's easier to get her engine going compared to Lann if she starts out a little 'cold'. She genuinely is able to keep up with both Daeran and Lann after the Crusade, much to their delight and Lann's relief. 
Daeran has a very, very tricky relationship with sex. He had it young, it started having it for not so good reasons and often with not so great people before he became a not so great person. It was mostly an escape method and self medication for depression, fear, and why the fuck should you be careful when you can heal yourself and can die at any second? 
Prior to the destruction of the Other, Daeran has an incredibly high sex drive, and getting into a polycue with Lann and Kadira helped with the transition to polyfidelity. The loss of the Other brought Daeran from several times every other day to 4 times a week, though for a long period after the Crusades are over, Daeran is pretty listless as he tries to figure out his life. 
Q - Quirk - Does their love-making have any unique elements?
With a set and a half of horns and a tail and the occasional set of wings, there's a lot of unique elements going on. Kadira, despite what game mechanics says, can unsummon her wings and often does when being intimate, but Lann thinks they're beautiful and loves getting a chance to include them in love making.
Lann is super sensitive about his scales, but Daeran loves how sensitive they are while Kadira smugly sits in a corner and goes 'called it'. Both men have experienced the girth of Kadee's tail and Daeran just cannot get over her hooves, he loves them. 
Of the three, Daeran might be the most mundane one when it comes to a quirk. 
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shuttershocky · 1 year
Hey there! I'm going to send this now before it's too late and before I forget, but I have enough to spark for this banner. I have every rate up operator from this banner, so I was wondering who you'd recommend sparking for and why. I don't have any of the previous limited operators. I'd like to know for a midgame player and newbie (asking for my friend). Thanks!
I don't recommend you spark to be honest, if you already have both Penance and texas the Omertosa. Just save those rolls for the next limited banner, when Chongyue comes in about 2 and a half months.
I would say for both a midgame and newbie you will get more value from rolling on new banners as they come and getting spooks to get the majority of non-permanent operators (many of whom are ridiculously strong), especially when you've already gotten the current limited's limited operator (and she's already busted as fuck).
If you absolutely insist on sparking (and I don't suggest you do until the very last day, as every day of the limited banner gives you 1 free roll which means there's always a chance for a spook), Nearl the Radiant Knight and Skadi the Corrupting Heart are two very powerful units. The former is sometimes called a cheat operator, as her Skill 2 is an assassin-type skill that has the incredibly unique ability of ignoring deployment limit, meaning even if you have 0 deployment limit, you can still send NTRK crashing down on an enemy's head to annihilate them with her physical burst. She also has True Damage on her S3, always a powerful tool. The latter is a highly versatile support unit, healing from Bards ignores "cannot be healed" debuffs as Bard heals are classified as HP regeneration instead of heals, and Bards also have a unique buff type called Inspiration, in which they share their base stats with their allies around them. Skadi's version of Inspiration on her S2 shares both her ATK and her DEF to all allies within her singing range, which is an incredibly cost effective way to simply brute force many stages with raw stats.
Rosmontis and W aren't bad and are actually personal favorites of mine, but they're the sort of units you use because they're extremely fun, not because they're so ridiculous you're cavemanning your way through stages.
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crystalelemental · 10 months
Unit Teambuilding - Challenger (Alt) Gloria
Again with alt.  Then again, I have no idea what else to call this.  I went with Stadium since it’s the sports attire, but I guess Challenger is the common term?  Not a fan of the sports aesthetic, but we all know that.  But hey, at least she got Shado-...no.
General Overview Challenger Gloria comes in as a Fire Tech pair, with the ability to type shift into Fighting or Flying, by using her Max move once.  Using said Max Move additionally applies -2 rebuff to the target.  Her moves are Pyro Ball, Bounce, and High Jump Kick.  Pyro Ball is a 4-bar move with high damage, but 85 accuracy.  Notably, Gloria does not self-buff accuracy outside of specific grid nodes; her trainer move is a standard +4/+3, but with +1 evasion.  Depending on type, her passives change.  Fire gets Fuel Economy 2 and Brawn Sync 5, so a good natural boost to sync and an incredible -2 on gauge consumption.  Flying gets Piercing Blows, and -2 cooldown when using a quick move, such as Bounce, which functionally gives -1 as it’s a two-turn move, but the frontloading nature of this effect could have implications.  Fighting gets Piercing Gaze so you never risk killing yourself off High Jump Kick, and an unspecified amount of healing per hit.  Her grid focuses largely on the damage angle of each type, but notably has the option for Slippery Slope 9 to boost evasion every time a foe misses, and +2 physical moves up next when a miss happens.  With Bounce, both are guaranteed.
What is interesting about Gloria is the alleged versatility.  Any sync type can be used when fighting off-type, such as Gauntlet, and thus any set of passives can be chosen based on the team at hand.  If you’re running with slower options, Fire keeps gauge under control.  If you’re worried about gimmicks but don’t have something to check it, Flying has Piercing Blows, which still impacts your Pyro Ball.  If you’re worried about Latias’ evasion crap, Fighting ensures you hit.  Gloria can mix and match her skills at will, but only makes the selection one time, so it’s important to consider what you want and what the team is calling for.
And with those positives out of the way, I can cut to the chase: I do not respect this Gloria.
I’ve outlined the central issues in a separate post, but the short of it is that Gloria doesn’t add anything unique, and has severe sync issues for longer fights.  Most Techs operate in a building up fashion.  Once their conditions are fulfilled, they sync with obscene power forever after.  Gloria is the inverse.  She gets one burst to apply rebuff, and her sync is only good while it’s applied.  When it’s not there, her sync drops to a third of her damage.  Her DPS is also calculated based on rebuffs being present, and without them...it’s good but not great.  Pyro Ball and High Jump Kick are relevant, but don’t outperform previous heavyweights like SS May or SC Diantha.  Bounce is just bad DPS, only achieving relevance through very specific means.
Gloria is a gun with a single bullet.  Max Move, -2 rebuff, highest sync nuke in all three types when the rebuff is applied.  Great.  Without that rebuff?  She’s barely worth talking about as a sync nuker.  Once that sole target is dead, Gloria’s utility is dual strike.  Provided she’s on Fire parameters, or is spamming Bounce for some reason, Gloria’s gauge control is divine.  High Jump Kick as a one-bar spam?  That’s ludicrous.  Gloria excels by ensure the demise of center, and relying on allies to keep up DPS pressure for the sides.  Which isn’t a terrible strategy.  I do not mean to imply Gloria is terrible and never worth pulling.  But I want you to look at this kit, and tell me that this is top meta.  Gloria is good, but far from a demand.  The general community elevated her to the most meta relevant pick this month, and were talking about the next step in powercreep and all these things...and apparently a lot of people who pulled her are realizing she didn’t hold up to that expectation.  Pull her if you like her, but you’ve gotta recognize her limitations.  Because they are there.
EX and Move Level? While Tech usually means EX, Gloria’s sync is so abysmal without Rebuff that I honestly think you could do fine without it.  Her DPS is more her focus, and you don’t need EX for that.  Some will argue for evade tanking, and there the 20/20 stats are helpful.  Move level...I also have some trouble with.  Gloria’s DPS is also not exceptional, and her grid offers squat for direct DPS.  That said, I would argue the value of 2/5.  Pinpoint Entry is really useful given her moves can miss, and Slippery Slope is the skill to acquire for evade tanking.  If going Slippery Slope, 3/5 is an option for the +2 physical moves up next effect on a dodge to augment DPS.
Team 1: Alt Gloria, Gordie/SC Steven/Silver, H!Caitlin What’s that, a pair that caps crit and-you know the drill.  This time H!Caitlin is actually optimal, because she fixes accuracy issues for free.  What a hero.  Gordie is chosen for a very significant reason.  Fire Rebuff.  Gloria relies on rebuff, but her Max Move is its own nuke.  Gordie can apply a Fire Rebuff to foes, allowing Gloria to get her multiplier back.  He also sets Sun with his own Max Move.  As an alternative, SC Steven works for literally any of these damage types, and his Buddy move drops defenses rapidly.  But, if you want to aim for Dual Strike, Silver’s a decent pick.  His DPS isn’t fantastic, but his sync sets sun, and the combined DPS can blow past sides, while Max Move into Gloria’s sync will easily shred center.
I will mention two other dual strike components: SS Hilda, and SS May.  These two are worth noting, because Gloria works well with them as dual strike components for Fire.  That said, SS Hilda’s 4-bar spam means you’ll want more gauge support, while SS May in 3v3 fights is also very demanding for defense drops.  The two of them together in CS is a nightmare, because once a target is down, you start on the next one with nothing.  SS Hilda is also so powerful for 3v3 content that frankly, she wants Sun more than Gloria.  You can do SS Morty, but without him, other comps are preferred.
Team 2: Alt Gloria, H!Caitlin, Colress/Anni Steven/Summer Liza I say this entirely dependent on how the cooldown work.  Two-turn moves have a particular drawback, but it can be worked around.  Specifically, if you reach sync before the second half of the attack queues up, you can sneak in a Support EX to double that damage.  Gloria’s rotation is her trainer move, then Max Move to go Flying, then Bounce.  Given Bounce’s -2 cooldown, if this applies similar to SS Ethan’s trainer move, where the cooldown activates before the attack and animations complete, Caitlin can throw in a Support EX for a sure denial on left side, maintaining pace.  Another denial on right, then nuke center, which is where the Max Move should be aimed.  Colress is here to drop defense for the best odds of success.  While Dual Strike is possible, especially given the lack of gauge consumption for Bounce, I feel like there aren’t too many options to use with it, but you can throw in Anni Steven for a DPS complement, or Summer Liza for a sync complement (and DPS, she’ll manage well with Caitlin).
Team 3: Alt Gloria, Aura Cynthia/Marley, BrunoNC Hop Fighting aligns much better to Gloria, as far as Zone is concerned.  On the one hand, Aura Cynthia pumps defenses to maximum, which works well with the evasion Gloria starts with.  Since Gloria’s sync is bad after the rebuff is gone, Cynthia can just hog it for Zone benefits.  Cynthia is also exquisite at facilitating Dual Strike, which is Gloria’s favorite thing.  That said, Fighting is what Gloria does worst at for Dual Strike, given the lack of Fuel Economy 2, and 3-bars for her move.  But Cynthia makes up the difference, and the option for Bruno is very tempting (though man we need more Fighting pairs).  Alternatively, NC Hop can be used for the dual strike and field component, given his abilities.  In that case, bring Marley.  Team Sharp Entry saves Hop a turn of buffing, and she can cap speed to better manage the gauge.
Final Thoughts Stadium Gloria is an interesting case of great tools in the wrong place.  Type Shift is divine, but only doing it once on Max Move is a far cry from the Greninjas.  Being able to apply Rebuff is nice, and -2 is devastating, but only on one target by using an explosive Max Move is an incredibly limiting way to set it up.  With a complete lack of other team-based tools, Gloria relies on her sync, which is cut to a third its damage without a rebuff, and her DPS, which is adequate in Fire and Fighting but lacking in Flying.  Her best role, then, is dual strike.  Fire and Flying handle Dual Strike excellently thanks to low gauge cost for the damage she deals, but Fighting still feels reliant on others.  Gloria seems like an odd pair whose only standout trait is building evasion into +2 physical moves up next per dodge.  With this, she can contribute in a way beyond her competition.  But getting Slippery Slope and Phys Boost +2 is...a lot of energy, and highly RNG reliant.  To get both, you give up Haymaker entirely.  And she doesn’t really have multipliers for DPS.  Most of her focus is on-type, which is bad in the current meta.
So forgive me, but how in the hell is she the fan favorite right now?  I don’t even mean by “people like Gloria/Cinderace” standards, the latter of which will always be a mystery to me.  I mean people have been arguing on Reddit constantly that she’s the next evolution in powercreep, and it’s like...are we looking at the same pair?  This isn’t just not the new broken, it’s not even that good.  I really, truly do not see whatever it is others are seeing.
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gamingow · 1 year
Mid-Season 3 DPS Tier List
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Mid-Season 3 DPS Tier List these are the ranking from the best to worst DPS heroes currently during the Mid-Season 3 patch. There will be a simple explanation on why each hero is within the category chosen. This is the Mid-Season 3 DPS Tier List.
S- Meta
Cassidy Cassidy with his recent damage reduction buffs and his Magnetic Gernade change from his previous Flashbang and his 25 hp buff has made him a very strong duelist that can win pretty much every duel in overwatch. That's one of the reasons as to why Cassidy is in S Tier Hanzo Hanzo's great mobility and his multiple styles of damage from one shotting like a sniper to a tank shredder makes him a versatile pick in any situation. That is one of the reasons as to why Hanzo is in S Tier. Pharah Due to the mercy changes Pharah has drastically increased in her effectivity. Her overall Huge amount of consistent damage coupled with mercy's new strengths with healing make her much more difficult to kill then before. Those are some of the reasons as to why Pharah is in S Tier. Tracer Tracer's Survivability and Independence from her supports and her team as a whole, her consistent up time in team fights coupled with her easy to obtain Ultimate makes her a very strong and reliable pick. Those are some of the reasons as to why Tracer is in S Tier. Widowmaker Widowmaker is primarily an individual reliant hero, meaning she is as good as the player that's piloting it. However, her skill ceiling is arguably the highest in all of overwatch and her potential is so great that she is included in the S Tier catagory.
A- Amazing
Echo Echo is an all around very good character, her potential to burst down high hp targets and her mobility make her an incredible character. The reason she is A Tier is that her ultimate is very difficult to charge up and does not give enough value compensating the difficulty. That is one of the reasons why she is in A Tier. Mei Mei is a very strong pick in any brawly team composition, from her slow to her damage from her Alt-Fire and her wall that can negate a lot of play from the enemy. However, she is A Tier due to her being primarily good only in Brawly meta and cannot be flexed in other team compositions. That is one of the reasons as to why Mei is in A Tier. Ashe Ashe is a very strong pick due to her consistency in different forms of damage, AOE damage from her dynamite and consistent headshots with her scoped shots. Her Ultimate is also very powerful engage and defensive tool. What makes her A Tier is she has a hard time winning duels solo and doesn't do well short range. She also is a lesser version of what the S Tier heroes have to offer, A better duelist in Cassidy and a better Sniper in Widowmaker. Those are some of the reasons why she is in A Tier. Junkrat Despite some of the nerfs Junkrat is a very strong hero due to his one shot potential and a very strong ultimate if used correctly. He has consistent spam and mobility with his mines. However what makes Junkrat A Tier is his lack of belonging in any specific team composition and mainly works as just his own hero. That is one of the reasons as to why he is in A Tier. Sojourn Despite the many nerfs on to Sojourn she is still a very solid hero. From her Mobility to her very high Damage uptime and her Ultimate being a very strong win condition. However due to the nerfs she is a lesser version of herself Dropping from S to A Tier. Torbjörn Torbjörn despite popular belief is a very strong hero. His Overload makes him virtually a second tank and his added attack and movement speed make him very hard to deal with. Due to the transition from 6V6 to 5V5 There is one less player to shoot the turret making it harder to deal with then before. Those are some of the reasons as to why Torbjörn is in A Tier. Sombra Sombra after her rework has become a very strong hero. Her win condition Ultimate and her ability to teleport away makes it very hard for her to die in duels keeping her up time in a game very high. She also has a lot of damage due to the damage increase on her hack and can be used to burst down both tanks and squishies. Those are some of the reasons why Sombra is in A Tier.
B- Good
Bastion While Bastion is not good as other heroes he forced the enemy to have to play differently and adapt to him or they will lose. His High damage uptime while in Assault mode can make him hard to deal with in an uncoordinated setting. That is some of the reasons as to why Bastion is in B Tier. Genji Genji is the least strong Dive hero within the game due to his low damage consistency and more reliance on his one shot potential and resets. However, Genji's ultimate can be a great win condition that can be used to win a team fight necessary to win the game. That is one of the reasons as to why Genji is in B Tier. Soldier 76 Soldier 76 is lower than the rest due to many other heroes having more damage in burst setting and his lack of utility. However his Visor can be a very strong win condition as well while he also can have a very consistent damage up time and an independence due to his heal and mobility. That is some of the reasons as to why Soldier 76 is in B Tier.
C- Bad
Reaper Reaper is very weak due to the fact that many other heroes do what he can do but better, from Mei and Cassidy brawling better than him and his need to get up close makes him a very bad hero. The reason he is in F Tier is due to his ultimate still being fairly strong and his really high damage when he can get really close in uncoordinated settings. Those are some of the reasons as to why Reaper is in C Tier. Symmetra Symmetra is a bad hero due to her lack of mobility and reliance on her Teleporter and that many of the other heroes having the capability to do what she wants to do way easier and better overall with Mei and Cassidy brawling better than her. However, her teleporter can still be useful on some maps due to her Teleporter like Lijang Tower making her not in F Tier. Those are some of the reasons as to why Reaper is in C Tier.
F- Terrible
There are no F Tier heroes this patch because every DPS hero can be useful in certain situations. While some better than others every hero can have its spotlight!
If you'd like to ask specific questions about our DPS Mid-Season 3 Tier List or if you're curious and would love to delve deeper in discussion Join our discord that offers that and much more! : https://discord.gg/M4gVncbqPg Read the full article
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wyvernwriterarchive · 3 months
The main cast of a story that'd been constantly on my mind since middle school that I have remade and workshopped since middle school.
Heroes of Dawn! An RPG about fate and taking your life into your own hands.
Y'know this post? Yeah, this is the RPG idea I was talking about.
Main cast and other info/themes below the cut.
Maeve, The Dawnbringer
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A young girl from a small island country who dreams of being free and seeing the world. And the fastest way to do that? Becoming the legendary Hero of Dawn and traveling the world. All she needs to do is save the world from a dark lord. What's so hard about that?
Skilled in most forms of physical combat, as well as a bit of magic, she's a wild card who's great in any situation. Fitting for an all changing hero.
Tadhana, The Scholar
A nice, yet eccentric wizard whose family is known for their powerful wizards. She wants to hone her skills, not just in magic but in socializing. It's a good thing that she's friends with a girl named Maeve.
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Arcane magic bends to her will and melts all her foes with. If only her physical attributes were ad powerful.
Solal, The Acolyte
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A devout cleric of the Goddess of Fate,who once served alongside the old Hero of Dawn before he mysterious vanished. He seeks to make amends with his loss and serve the new generation well.
A powerful yet slow wall who can deal decent damage to enemies and strike down any fiendish foes, with some incredible healing thrown in. Nothing gets past him.
L'Jaya,The Mercenary
A mercenary who traveled all around the land. Their quick wit and skills have carried them far, even while alone. Reluctantly, he joined the party to serve the Hero of Dawn.
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Swift, and adept at getting critical strikes, he excels in ending combat fast. He can also help gather gold and equipment.
Archibald IV, The Sorcerer
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A haughty nobleman from a land of plentitude. He desires nothing more than to be able to live up to his lineage of one of the heroes of legend, believing he is in some way blessed.
His holy magic is versatile, and he's especially good at decimating enemy defenses. Careful, his magic is powerful but tends to run out quickly.
Eurydice, The Performer
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A traveling performer who's trying to prove her worth to her family and country. And what better way to do that than to help out the hero of dawn! Mature and mild-mannered, she often acts as the party's voice of reason.
Adept at striking quickly and dodging dangerous strikes, she dances around the battlefield, supporting her allies with her moves and songs.
Svallin, The Guardian
One of the many beings known as Soterians, designed to protect the people of the world. He was lost in a previous battle with darkness and has now reawakeed with the birth of a new hero. They seek to protect the world when they can and find that hero
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He is incredibly resilient, and versatile, though is especially adept at knocking enemies down with efficiency, and protecting the party with heals and wards. When pushed to his limits, he may be stronger than imagined.
Lilith, The Witch
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A demure and paranoid young woman supposedly cursed by fate to be a dark lord...despite the real dark lord being alive and well. She aims to clear her name by fighting to end this dark fate of hers.
Her dark magic is great at sapping the strength of enemies with debuffs and ill conditions. She is good for taking down strong foes, and is decently strong herself, if not...a tad slow.
SO TIME FOR INFORMATION! This will basically spoil the first part of the game, plus some minor stuff.
The game would follow Maeve, a girl who wants to do things with her life outside of the stupid island country she lives in, and seemingly had her wish come true when she heard of a tournament deciding who could become the hero of light.
Only the strange thing is...the hero of light was already chosen? That's kind of weird.
Maeve is very clearly supposed to be the hero, and for dome reason the world seems very strict about forcing her along a path. She can explore and have fun like she wanted, but everything seems...kind of forced in a way.
Also, she dies early into her journey but is revived by the goddess of fate... because ...that can't happen. Aka, she game overs.
Maeve struggles with being free of this fate for the entire game and will do anything she can to do things with her own life or to at least figure out what she's doing.
The other party members follow a similar path and are either struggling with their identity or their fate in some way. And in order to get the true ending, you'd need to help them through their journey.
Some interesting characters you may meet
A traveler who seems to want explore the world one final time before some sort of illness takes him.
Three holy sisters of the goddess of fate who are trying to help you along...and seem to be all powerful
The one who is mad that they LOST to you and weren't chosen as the hero of light.
A mysterious merchant who wants to listen to your stories and trials as a form of currency.
And many more
Here is an older version of the cast. Before it was basically a dnd game but uhh...changed that real quickly.
Expect to here things about it...sometimes.
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dangerous-realms · 6 months
☮ Do you like to fight? Why or why not?
✈ Do you prefer fighting in the air or on ground? The sea?
☠ What kind of death do you expect on the battlefield? //Azice
Oh? Who was this calling upon the fusion born of the potara? They seemed friendly to say the least, which was good. She didn't feeling like turning someone into minced meat at the moment.
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"Hmm, do I like fighting? I mean, yeah. Both my 'parents' liked to do such. Though one liked to fight prove her strength for the purpose of survival and protecting her children. Meaning the other fought for fun and protecting his children and wives. Both worked in the military, one as a captain and the other as a spy."
The fusion states, this wasn't the question asked but for some reason this felt like a good explanation as to her love for it; but an explanation for her reasoning for liking it was still needed.
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"I do like fighting. I'm from a warrior race after all. There is a thrill to it, to knowing that I'm one of the strongest things alive. I like to challenge myself to only using a couple techniques and magic during such to make it even more exciting, and for that I've been called an adrenaline junky. But how can I not be when life is as amazing as it is and has so much to offer."
The next question was met with open ears, an intresting one of weather she like aerial fight, ground fighting, or water combat. Such was intresting due to how she was far better at two then the all three.
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"Each has their own perks but I like to mix ground and aerial combat. Both are perfect for ki attacks and magic while being more versatile for physical combat as well. Ground having many things you can use while also having a sturdy footing whilst aerial I can maneuver somewhat quicker and, depending on how hard the hit is, I can recover quicker then if I was skipping across the ground."
Her opinion on aquatic fighting was that she wasn't the best, she had skill she can use for it and she could hold her breath for a long time. But, she moved slower in water as she used her wings as a form of propulsion. The perks of it being she can easily just drown someone or freeze them in the water.
The next question would gain a look of surprise from the woman, it was not one she thought of at all. The kind of death she expected on the battlefield, it would make her think for a good few minutes.
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"My healing factor is quite high, it makes me near impervious to death. So, I expect it to be a battle of glory or someone I trust stabbing me in the back when my guard is down. I can only imagen how intricate the plot of my downfall would be and how skilled the people would have to be as well. I expect my death on the battle front to be me missing most of my body while laying in a pool of my own blood. If not that, possibly in the hands of an embodiment or someone with an incredibly powerful weapon."
She couldn't see her death not being a tough fight, she was incredibly powerful but that didn't mean she couldn't fault the probability of a supposed friend to stab her in the back.
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linuxgamenews · 6 months
Unlock Epic New Features With New DLC For Darkest Dungeon II
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The Binding Blade DLC releases for Darkest Dungeon II is Linux playable and Steam Deck Verified via Windows PC. Thanks to the help and support of developer Red Hook Studios. Available now on Steam with 81% Very Positive reviews. Red Hook Studios has just launched 'The Binding Blade,' a thrilling new DLC for their epic adventure, Darkest Dungeon II. This expansion is a must-have for fans and is now up for grabs. So, what's The Binding Blade DLC all about? Well, it's a game changer, quite literally! It brings in two amazing new heroes: The Duelist and The Crusader. Each hero brings something unique to your team. The Duelist is a master of combat, skillfully switching between Defensive and Aggressive stances. This means she can either protect your team or go all out in attack mode, slicing through enemy defenses. Her strategic buffs are super handy in tough situations. On the other hand, The Crusader is a returning favorite with his righteous blade. He's your go-to guy for front-line battles, not just dealing damage but also healing and helping your team deal with stress. Talk about a versatile hero! But wait, there's more! You'll also encounter The Warlord, a new roaming mini-boss. This guy adds an extra layer of challenge and strategy as you travel to the Mountain in Darkest Dungeon II. Plus, The Binding Blade DLC includes special quests, unique trinkets, and signature items, all adding depth to your adventure. The heroes even have their own backstories, complete with fully voiced flashbacks. It's like you're living their stories.
Darkest Dungeon II - The Binding Blade DLC Launch Trailer
Darkest Dungeon II itself is an incredible journey. You get to lead a team through five different campaigns, each with its own scary boss and unique mechanics. With the addition of The Duelist and The Crusader, the roster now boasts 14 heroes to choose from with the The Binding Blade DLC. That's a lot of options to tailor your team just the way you like it. The game also features 'The Altar of Hope,' a unique way you can progress even further in the game. There are over 70 achievements to unlock on Steam, and 10 companion pets, each with unique abilities that can totally change your gameplay. And for those who want to tweak the difficulty, there are Radiant and Infernal Flame items. These let you adjust how challenging you want your adventure to be. Darkest Dungeon II is about setting off on a perilous journey in a world that's falling apart. You form a party, equip your stagecoach, and face all sorts of dangers – some even from within your own team. The Binding Blade DLC adds so much more to this adventure, making it an even richer experience. So whether you're a long-time fan or new to the game, this is an expansion you don't want to miss. Priced at $9.99 USD / £8.50 / 9,75€ on Steam. What makes Darkest Dungeon II even better is the 25% discount during the Steam Winter Sale. Dropping the price to $29.99 USD / £25.12 / 29,24€. Regular price on Humble Store. Along with Linux support via Proton, plus this title is also Steam Deck Verified via Windows PC.
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