#ANY reason to push Johnny to the side and shit on his character. right?
zappedbyzabka · 1 year
Kreese definitely was abusive to all the Cobras and left a mark on them back then but Johnny was always a focus for him from the very start.
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yutahoes · 3 years
All About You
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pairing: nerdy! Yuta Nakamoto x rich! bratty! Y/N (I hope I made justice) other characters: Johnny as your twin brother, Taeyong as your bestfriend word count: 4.2k words genre: fluff summary: He’s supposed to teach you Math, why is he teaching you to love? warnings: cursing, Y/N has a bad temper, cheating, cringe  Some scenes are inspired from ‘It Started with a Kiss’ 
a/n: Based on this ask. I’m sorry anon, this took such a long time to write. 😭 I just feel unmotivated to write and the week had been such a whirlwind of emotions. I’ve also been so busy, it’s so crazy. 
Also, this is my thank you post for reaching another milestone of this writing blog. I never expected that I’ll past 500 followers but now, it’s in 1.5k. Thank you for following me and reading my works. Please, don’t hesitate to give me feedback even if it’s good or bad. 😅  
"Y/N!" Your eyes shoot open at the sound, groaning when you realize that it was your brother shouting. "You'll be late for school." You hid your head under the pillow to shut down the noise coming from outside the room. "Your car is towed, have you forgotten about it?" Once again, you groaned. "If you don't come down after five minutes, you'll have to take the bus." 
Once again your eyes opened, raising your head. Five minutes? How will you get ready in five minutes? Your allowance is almost gone. You needed to go to school with Johnny or you might end up taking a bus. You were wearing your school uniform when you heard a car engine and saw Johnny leaving already. "Fuck!" You whispered to yourself before taking your bag and hurriedly ran down the stairs. 
"Fuck you, Johnny Seo!" You shouted in annoyance, dragging your school bag outside the gates of your large house while taking your phone out and calling your bestfriend. "Pay for my cab fee." 
“I don’t have any money left,” Taeyong whined. “Just take the bus.” He said before hanging out that pissed you off much more. 
You groaned in annoyance before walking to the bus stop. You will get scolded for being late again if you don’t take the bus. You just wished that no one is going to see you. 
Luckily, the bus isn’t that crowded but there’s only one seat available, beside a guy who had the same uniform as yours. How annoying.
The guy was focused on answering a worksheet, his name written above. Yuta Nakamoto. You heard that name before but instead of pondering over it, you decided to shrug it. You were thankful that he’s the only person from your school who is on the same bus as you or it will be really embarrassing. Once you walked to the gate of the school, you noticed the discipline director on the gates. Shit, you thought, you forgot your necktie. This has detention written all over it. This day is so unlucky. 
A piece of fabric can be felt on your neck followed by the same male student walking before you. The discipline director saw him and scolded him for not wearing a necktie that startled you. You glanced at the necktie hanging on your neck and hastily fixed it before getting inside the campus. Your eyes meeting with the same guy you were sitting next to earlier on the bus. Yuta Nakamoto. 
You shrug while passing him. It's his fault that he's punished like this. Why would he give his necktie to you? When you arrive at your locker, you exchange the worn-out necktie with the spare you have in your locker. "Hey, did you study for our Math exam?" Taeyong greeted that made you roll your eyes. He knew you never study for anything. 
"You know everyone in school, right?" He's such a social butterfly, everyone is his friend. You handed him the necktie, "Return this to Yuta Nakamoto."
"You know Yuta?" But you didn't answer him and started walking the opposite way to your first class in English. Johnny's eyes were on you as you entered the class you shared with him, raising your middle finger as you sat down on your chair and slept on the desk. 
The bell rang. English is done. Lifelessly, you walked to the other side of the building to attend your most loathed class of all. Math. 
Everyone was busy reading notes as you sat next to Taeyong. "Did you study?" You asked and he nodded, grinning. "Just open your paper." He groaned and you gave him a glare before the teacher came in with papers in his hand. He asked everyone to keep their notes and handed out the worksheets. 
Your head was aching at all the numbers and letters on the paper. Your eyes glanced at Taeyong's paper, lightly elbowing him to show his answer. The teacher passed your table and Taeyong lightly glanced at his paper then glared at you. 
"Let me see." You whispered when the teacher passed your table. He opened his paper, lightly glancing around as you try to copy what is written. Someone called for the teacher while you were busy copying the numbers from Taeyong's paper then someone called your name. 
"Copying, Ms. Y/N?" the teacher asked that made you turn to him. "Thank you for informing me, Mr. Nakamoto." Nakamoto? You lightly glanced at the guy in glasses next to the teacher. Of course, it’s him. 
You were brought to the detention room after class. An hour of doing nothing. What’s more annoying is the fact that you were given a failing grade in Math already. There’s nothing you can do but hiss in annoyance. 
When you got home, you had an earful from your grandfather about how you’re such a disappointment to your mom and even comparing you to the perfect Johnny. “Get Y/N a personal tutor.” the older commanded your twin brother, “Maybe she’ll stop cheating in exams.” 
You were annoyed. It’s a one-time event. This is your first time copying from Taeyong since you really didn’t know about the Math exam. Why are they all acting like you’re a serious offender? This is all that guy’s fault for snitching on you. 
The next day was more annoying because you came face to face with Nakamoto Yuta, the snitch, who even had the guts to sit in front of you. “He will be your tutor,” Johnny claimed that made you wide-eyed. He’s kidding. “Grandpa already agreed to it. He said if you pass Math, you’ll get back your car.” You glared before sighing. You needed the car back, going on the bus is a hassle and Johnny isn’t even helping you at all. 
Even if you hated and wanted to ruin this guy’s life, he’s your only choice to getting what you want. 
From your usual seat, you were always transferred to sit beside Yuta as per your grandfather’s wishes. If he’s this influential in school, why are you even bothering to study? Yuta is always with you every class and you were annoyed at how he seemed like a bodyguard, making sure that you attend classes, rather than a tutor. He’s quiet, you have to give him that. Always buried in his books. You believe he doesn’t even know your name. 
That was until you pushed all his buttons. 
It’s not because you’re dumb but school is unmotivating for you so you never put in any effort into your subjects especially Math. “You got this wrong again, Y/N.” Yuta exclaimed while pointing at your answer. Wow, he knew your name. “I’ve been explaining this for hours. Are you stupid?” 
“What did you call me?” 
“Stupid,” he said while looking straight at you. “Even a second-grader would know how to multiply numbers.” You hissed before taking the paper and started answering the question properly. Yuta chuckled when you returned the paper to him, checking your answer. “You have such a bad temper.” 
“Piss me off more and you might get the worst temper ever.” You warned but he only smirked that annoyed you more. “Annoying loser!” you muttered under your breath. 
"That's the reason why you don't have any friends." He really is here to annoy you, isn't he? And you have a friend, Lee Taeyong. Pissed off, you pulled the first thing you saw from him, his glasses, then threw them on the ground before stepping on them. 
Johnny's booming voice can be heard in the library and you know, you're in deep trouble already. 
"You broke your tutor's glasses?" your grandfather asked, voice rising. You rolled your eyes, poking the beef on your plate before cutting it so small. “Apologize to him tomorrow.” 
You stared at him in surprise. You? Apologize? To that nerd? He started it! “I won’t, just buy him new glasses.” 
“I already did,” Johnny whispered, drinking his juice. 
“See?” You smiled cheekily, “Problem solved.” 
The older man sighed before dropping down his utensils that startled your twin brother. “You’re hopeless, Y/N.” He claimed while glaring at you. “If you don’t apologize to Mr. Nakamoto, I’ll cut off your allowance in half. And we’ll pretend that the discussion about your car didn’t happen.” What? You gasped but he only stood up, making Johnny sigh. 
“Y/N, please be nice to Yuta. He’s been through a lot.”   
You have no choice but to wake up extra early and come to school with Johnny. You were napping on your desk when you felt a thud beside you. Yuta is here. “Is that really Yuta?” You overheard your classmates asked that made you curious. When you raise your head to look at him, you were startled at his shining, glassy eyes staring at you as well. Before you could say anything, a female classmate called his name. “Yuta, do you want to eat tteokbokki with us later?” 
You sighed before taking out your book, tapping a pencil on the cover. “Yeah sure,” Yuta claimed and you inwardly smile, no tutor lesson today. “Do you want to come, Y/N?” The girls were looking uncomfortable so you just shook your head, claiming that tteokbokki is disgusting which made Yuta roll his eyes. “Then I’ll just come to your place later for the tutor session.” A groan escaped your lips. What the hell? 
It was late afternoon when the maid called for you, saying that Yuta is looking for you. Johnny welcomed him and even claimed that he asked the maids to prepare the garden for the session. You were seated in front of him, looking uninterested, books sprawled in front of you as a tower of cupcakes and tea was on another table. “Your house is on another level. Must be nice living in a house like this.” 
You smirked before trying to substitute x with the equation. “It’s nice because I’m always alone.” 
“Why?” He asked, “Johnny seemed so cool. Your grandfather, I met him once, he looks kind.” 
You giggled, multiplying both sides of the equation. “I’m not like them.” You whispered. “I’m stupid and I have such a bad temper.” You focused on the numbers in front of you.
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” Yuta whispered, putting down his pen. “That was insensitive of me to say those things and I understand why you hate me.” You lightly glance at him. What’s with the turn of events? You should be apologizing for breaking his glasses. “But I want to be your friend, Y/N.” 
“My friend?” 
“I don’t have lunch plans. Whenever Taeyong or Johnny leaves you during lunch, I want to sit beside you.” You only stared in curiosity. What is he saying? “Let’s be friends, Y/N.” He held out his hand and you saw your grandfather watching the two of you from afar with a smile on his face. Hastily, you took his hand and shook it, smiling at him. Maybe your grandfather will return your allowance to normal. 
The maid went out with a large bowl which made Yuta smile while thanking her. “I brought tteokbokki. Do you want some?” He asked but you shook your head, giving him a disgusted look. “Just try one.” He poked one tteok covered in orange sauce, showing it to you. “Just say ah.”  
How weird. But you opened your mouth to taste this almighty tteokbokki he loved. It was so chewy in your mouth, the taste of spiciness and sweetness playing in your mouth. “How was it?” 
You didn’t realize how lonely it is to eat alone if not for Yuta. Whenever Taeyong would eat lunch quickly because of council duties or Johnny with his radio show, Yuta would always sit beside you and offer you dessert. He would ask you if you have trouble understanding something in class when you’re seated next to each other in almost all classes you have. 
“Maybe they’re dating.” You overheard in class once, female classmates looking at you who just entered the room. “Why would Yuta reject you if not?” She was talking to a girl seated in front, touching her hair.  
Another girl came to your table. “Are you and Yuta dating?” 
What? You and Yuta? A chuckle escaped your lips. “Of course not, who would fall in love with that nerd?” You saw how the girl seated glared at you followed by a thump beside you. Yuta laid his head on the desk and the girl scrambled back to her seat just as the teacher came. You shrugged. 
During lunchtime, Taeyong immediately left for a meeting in the council. But unlike any other day, Yuta didn’t sit beside you. It was weird. He was consistent these past few days. Why would he suddenly change? But once again, you shrugged. It’s not even lonely to sit alone. 
You waited the whole afternoon for him to come to your tutor session but he's a no-show which startled you. He never misses a day even if he has part-time jobs to do. And you need him now because tomorrow is your exams in Math, the make and break of your car. 
From Taeyong, you found out that he works part-time in a coffee shop near the school. He looked startled when you came in, even ordering a lot since you'll be studying. Yuta only laughed before taking your order. 
The cake looks unappetizing after you kept poking your fork in it, annoyed at how you cannot understand the equation. Why are there letters in Math? It should just be numbers. "You're substituting it wrong," Yuta mumbled before placing his tray on the table and taking your extra pencil. He leaned closer to write on your paper but your gaze was on him. 
You've been seated next to each other but this is the first time you saw him this close. He's handsome. A boyish charm that you cannot see in anyone else. When he turned to look at you, you blinked in surprise. He's so handsome. His red lips, the high nose, his glassy eyes. "Did you get it?" 
A heavy breath followed by a shake of head, to return your focus to the equation and not the image of Yuta. "How did you get this answer?" You asked, looking at the answer which is way different than yours. Are you getting stupider? 
He sighed heavily then glanced at his wristwatch. "Wait for me. I'll just finish my shift." And you nodded. That was your goal all along. 
But instead of doing some practice exercises, you were focused on Yuta serving drinks. He looks like an invisible person in school but a really charming man outside. Whenever he looks at you, you look away from him and pretend to be busy in your workbook. Why are you so worked up because of him? This is crazy! Yuta is making you crazy. 
He's a nerd. He's annoying. He's such a know-it-all. "Yuta doesn't like you, Y/N." you whispered to yourself then gasped when you realized you said it out loud. To your annoyance, Yuta just passed by your side with an empty tray. Did he hear that? You hope not. 
It was the fifth equation when Yuta sat in front of you, yawning and stretching his arms. He was done with the job and had some break before he had to go to the gas station for his second part-time job. "You have a lot of jobs." You claimed while he checked your work. "Do you need that much money?" 
"I have to pay for my tuition." 
"Why would you go to a private academy if you can't even pay for it?" 
Yuta put down your workbook, showing the mistakes and where you missed the question. "My parents met in that academy so it means a lot to my mom for me to graduate in the same alma mater as her." They did? Then Yuta might be rich. "My dad is filthy rich. She got pregnant but his parents don't want the child. My mom left him." 
"That's just tragic."
Yuta smiled. "You know, it’s the typical rich boy - poor girl love story. It will just end that way." You glanced at him before pursing your lips. "Just try finishing three questions. It's the exams tomorrow, you need rest." Once again, he yawned. "And I have to walk you back home."
You stopped after one equation seeing how he almost fell asleep while waiting for you. He might be tired and you don't want him to be late for the next job. You promised you'll do the remaining exercises at home and show him tomorrow then hailed a cab so he won't have to walk you home. Just to be sure, you promised to message him when you arrive home. 
But you never did. Never messaged him, never answered the remaining problems. All that's running in your mind is him. Yuta Nakamoto. He's not bad yet he's not great either. But something about him is piquing your curiosity. Something about him makes you want to be closer to him. 
"Aish!" you shouted. You should be studying. 
You were surprised when the girls were left inside the room and the guys were brought outside for the test. You cannot copy from Yuta. Maybe it was your grandfather’s plan. Surprisingly, the questions aren’t as hard as you thought they would be. Or maybe you just got smarter. The studying to distract your mind from thinking about Yuta has paid off. 
Taeyong sighed heavily while seated in front of you during lunch. “I think I’ll fail the exams.” You glance at him in surprise. Do you have a different question as him? You asked him the first question which you remember clearly and you had a debate on what the right answer is. When you showed him the solution, Taeyong just whined in defeat. “Wow, you’re teaching me Math now.” he claimed before tapping his chin. “Should I get Yuta as a tutor as well?” 
“You can’t.” You raised your voice at him. “Yuta is mine.” 
Taeyong snickered. “Speaking of him, did you know that he was sleeping while taking the exam?” That took your attention. “I don’t even know if he finished the questions. He’s just out of it.” Now, you’re worried. What happened to him? Why did he just sleep when he’s taking exams? 
“How were the exams?” Yuta asked when you met in the library but you only stared at him. “Is it hard?” 
You shook your head. “Did you finish your exam?” He chuckled while nodding, asking if it was Taeyong who told you. “You finished everything?” 
Again, he nodded. “Don’t worry. I just didn’t get enough sleep last night.” You asked him why but he just smiled. “The exams are now done. We’ll just have to wait if you pass to get your car back.” 
You nodded. “You want a ride?” 
Yuta shook his head, smiling at you. “I’ll have to resign as your tutor, Y/N.” You stared at him in surprise. Wait, why? “I’ll have to take a new job…”
“My grandfather can pay you.” But Yuta shook his head. “Why do you need that much money anyway? Are you dating someone?” He smirked before leaning his back on the chair. He didn’t say anything but the smile in his eyes was enough proof to know that he is indeed dating someone. 
Nakamoto Yuta? The nerd? Someone actually had the nerve to ask him out? Someone actually raced you to ask him out. 
You passed by the tteokbokki shop and ordered some of Yuta’s favorite food. It does taste weird, but addicting. You poked one tteok and put it in your mouth, munching on it with a lot of annoyance. Why doesn’t it taste good now? It tastes good when Yuta was feeding you one. You just wasted money on this food. 
You were annoyed. At Yuta. At this girl. He seemed friendly with everyone, it’s annoying. You sat beside Taeyong in class which surprised your friend. “You broke up with Yuta?” he teased that made you roll your eyes. “I thought he’s yours.” You stepped on his foot, earning a yelp from him which made the whole class look at the two of you, even Yuta. 
When the results came out, you rushed to see if Yuta is still the first-rank student. You were worried the whole time when you found out he slept in class. What if he lost the top rank? He lost his scholarship? You grasped your hands together, wishing that he’ll remain in his spot. When you opened your eyes, in front of the rank one student, you beamed at the sight of his name. Yuta Nakamoto. 
He’s still the rank one even if he slept during the exams. Yuta is really amazing. 
Your phone rang and you answered it without even looking at the caller ID, “Where are you?” Yuta. “Did you see your rank?” Wait, what? “I don’t think your grandfather…” A crowd of students came and you almost lost your balance if not for someone who caught you. Him. “Hey.” 
“Hey,” you called then glanced at your phone. You were just talking to each other. “My rank?” 
He smiled. “Twelfth.” You almost ran to the part of the bulletin board that has the top 10-20 rank list. On the twelfth rank is your name, three spots higher than your twin brother and seven spots higher than your bestfriend. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you turned to hug the grinning Yuta. “You did it, Y/N.” He whispered against your ear, “I’m proud of you.”  
You lightly glanced at him. The first person who told you that he’s proud of you. Now, you had an answer to yourself on why Yuta is someone you cannot shake off. He is the first person who believed in you. 
“I’ll treat you to tteokbokki.” Yuta glanced at you in surprise before you took his hand. 
The old woman greeted you and Yuta was surprised when you greeted her back. “We should eat something you like. I’ll treat you.” But you shook your head, licking the sauce from your fingers. “When did you start eating tteokbokki?” 
You shrugged then dipped the tteok to the red sauce. “Why were you on the first bulletin board? Do you think you’ll get the top rank?” A light kick from you under the table made him wince. 
“I thought you might lose your scholarship.” You claimed before eating tteokbokki again. "You were distracted during the exam so I was worried." He stared at you in surprise before smiling. "Shouldn't you stop all these part-time jobs if you want to keep your scholarship?" 
"I lost the gas station gig," he confessed, poking his fork on the tteokbokki. "I'm worried that you didn't come home that night so I skipped work. Johnny told me that you did when I came to your house but I can't sleep that night." 
That night? You were thinking about him that night. "Eomma said someone might be thinking about me." Shit! "But I guess I'm just worried about you." He's what? "But don't mind it." He shrugged before eating the tteokbokki. 
"You were worried?" 
He rolled his eyes, looking at you deadpan. "Of course. What if you fail your exam? Your grandfather's payment will all go to waste." You just munched on the tteokbokki, chewing loudly. "You're enjoying the tteokbokki so much. I thought it's disgusting." 
You shook your head, stuffing your mouth with the chewy tteok. "When did I say that?" 
Yuta chuckled, wiping your sauce-clad finger with tissue. "You're really charming, aren't you?" You rolled your eyes. Why is he shaking you like this? He's already dating another girl. "Just let me save a little more money before asking you out on a date, hmm?" 
What? You choke on the chewy rice cake, coughing at his statement. Ask you out on a date? "I don't want us to be like my parents' story so I need to work hard to at least reach halfway to your world." He munched on the tteokbokki but your eyes remained on him. "Please wait for me before I can take you out officially." 
Is that why he resigned as your tutor? How did this turn into this? "How are you so sure that I'll wait for you?" 
"You said so yourself, I'm yours." He chuckled and you mentally killed Lee Taeyong. "And I do like you." Shit! He did heard you back in the coffee shop. This is so embarrassing. "Even if you don't like me romantically, just let me take you out on one date." 
"Sure." You claimed, "Since you sound so desperate and I'm such a nice girl to reject you." 
Yuta chuckled. "Of course you are." 
“Treat me to ice cream after this.”
The guy nodded that made you smirk to yourself. This nerd isn’t so bad at all.  
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the-lone-writer94 · 2 years
Tainted Love
Tony Blundetto (The Sopranos) x Female Character  Rating: 18+ (Warnings: Sex, m*sturbation)  Word count: 7,275
Summary: Paige Dennings has moved back to her hometown of New Jersey where she runs into the one and only Mr Tony Blundetto... completely captivated by him she is under his spell, they both quickly spiral down a dangerous road. 
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Paige Dennings peered down at her watch and groaned. Danielle was late again. She sat by the window with two cups of coffee, no doubt, Danielle’s was already ice cold by now. Paige had gotten a chocolate chip muffin and had taken several bites every now and then as she waited. Danielle better have had a good reason for being late, especially when this was the only time Paige was able to get time off. 
It was late in the afternoon and Jenny’s Cafe was always a Ghost Town. Paige sat back in the metallic chair and huffed. Summer was approaching and she felt the sweat dribble down her back, her tank top clinging to her body like a second skin. 
“Any chance to amp up the air con, Jen?” Paige whined to Jenny, the owner of the cafe. She was a woman in her late sixties with a messy bun and she wore a floral apron. 
Jenny shook her head. “Sorry, dear- I’m trying to save as much as I can, and this time of the day- there isn’t much business. So the air con is turned down… low.” She explained apologetically. 
Paige fanned herself with her hand, she felt bad. She had known Jenny her entire life, she was the woman who always baked her birthday cakes every year. And she was aware of the struggling businesses in the neighborhood. 
Just then, the bell above the door rang and in came Danielle. She was of average height with a thin body, she always wore tight clothes that showed off her figure and her red hair was teased. She wore heavy makeup with large gold hoop earrings. “I know-” Danielle immediately said. 
“You’re late.” Paige said, and folded her arms over her chest. 
Danielle sat down opposite of Paige and took off the sunglasses which sat on the top of her head, then placed it beside her. “I’m sorry- I was on the phone with Max-” she explained then rolled her eyes. Max was Danielle’s boyfriend, they had broken up and gotten back together more times than Johnny Depp and Winona Ryder, plus their constant bickering drove Paige insane, but Danielle was her best friend and Max was still her friend (somewhat, anyway), and so, she would endure. 
“The coffee is cold, but that’s what you get.” Paige spat. 
Danielle and Paige held their gazes, then both burst out into laughter. 
“I’m still mad though, this is my only day off.” Paige said, then took a sip of her lukewarm coffee. 
Danielle sipped her coffee, then took Paige’s chocolate chip muffin. Paige tried to bat her hand away but Danielle was as quick as a cat. She took the muffin and bit down, then smirked at Paige. 
“God- why are you working at that shithole anyway?” Danielle asked. 
Paige sighed. “It’s the only job I can get.” 
“You went to University of California? I don’t understand why you’re pushing papers for Rosalie Petrillo at that God awful dingy travel agent.” 
“I need the money-” she explained. “Of course, I’d rather be off writing for the New York Times, but I gotta pay my dues alright. And right now, Rosalie Petrillo is what's keeping my wallet lined… slightly, anyway.” She added. 
Paige groaned and she reached up to the side of her neck. The crick in her neck had been torturing her for at least two weeks now. She massaged the side of her neck, hoping to relieve it. 
“Just go to a chiropractor, would you?” 
“Fucking insurance doesn’t cover it.” Paige fumed. 
“Well, just go for a massage then.” 
Paige shook her head. “I tried it… those masseuses can’t do shit, they just rub you with scented oil. No, I need someone that is either a chiropractor or a licensed massage therapist- but cheap. I can’t afford shit right now.” 
Danielle’s brows furrowed. “Actually, I might know someone- yeah,” she said. 
Paige peered up at Danielle. “Seriously? That’ll be great.” 
Paige despised living in the basement of her parent's house. Her parents had already converted her old bedroom into a gym when she had gone off to California for college. Ever since graduation, which was about a month ago, Paige had moved back to Jersey. It was definitely odd- being back here, it suddenly felt as if she had never left, that those four years in California were nothing more than a distant memory. 
At least her parents were away for the weekend and she would enjoy having the house to herself, and Danielle had come through in finding a cheap massage therapist. Danielle had gotten in touch with Adriana who had arranged the session. Paige didn’t know how they managed to get a licensed massage therapist for hardly any money, and that they did house calls. It was certainly too good to be true, but she wasn’t going to complain, as long as they were able to help her. 
The massage therapist would be here any moment, and Paige decided to change out of her clothes and into the white robe. She then proceeded to head upstairs into the living room, where she had pushed the armchair aside to make room for the massage table. Paige inspected the area and nodded, that should be enough room as she thought. She peered at the clock that rested on top of the mantel above the fireplace, her appointment was at 08:00 P.M. 
Ding dong. The doorbell chimed. Speak of the Devil, Paige thought to herself. She strode out of the living room and into the hallway, she unhooked the door chain and opened the door. To her dismay she saw a man who was around his late 40s, he had dark hair which was slicked back, with huge cerulean blue eyes, he wore some sort of a uniform that was dark blue with an embroidery on the left hand side that read Kim’s Southside Laundry, his sleeves were rolled up revealing his numerous tattoos, the top several buttons were undone and Paige eyed the gold chain around his neck. Although, she must admit that he looked vaguely familiar, but she couldn’t quite pinpoint where she may have seen him before. 
Paige clutched her robe and shifted in her position. “Can I help you?” She asked with caution. 
“I’m the massage therapist.” He said. 
Paige’s eyes widened in horror. 
“I’m… Tony Blundetto.”
“Paige-” she said and nodded. “Oh- sorry, I thought you’d be a woman.” 
The man looked down at himself then back up and met Paige’s gaze. “No.” He chuckled. “So… Can I come in?”
Still in utter shock, Paige edged to the side and allowed him to pass through. He carried the portable massage table into her home and she shut the door behind him. 
“Just through there.” Paige said and gestured towards the right where the living room was. 
He smiled and strode into the living room. What the Hell was Danielle thinking? Did she know that it was a man? Not that there was any problem, but Paige felt incredibly awkward about an unfamiliar man touching her. But the neck pain was worsening, so perhaps she would suck it up. 
She watched as he set up the massage table, he bent over and pulled out a large thin white sheet. 
“Hmm- so where does it hurt?” He asked. 
Nervously, Paige responded, “so it’s just the side of my neck,” she raised her hand and glided across her bare skin, then she reached down to her shoulders and explained, “then the pain goes down here.” 
He nodded. “Okay, well, you can keep the robe- but it’s more effective if I’m able to really get deep into the muscles.”
“Oh, right-” Paige responded, her voice was quiet like a mouse. She felt incredibly nervous being around him, in fact, Paige had always had a desire for older men, and it was no doubt that she was definitely very attracted to him. 
He handed the sheet to her. “If you could wrap this around yourself and lay on the table face down,” he explained, then added, “I’ll be out in the hall. Just call me when you’re ready.” He said. 
Paige took the sheet from him, and their fingers touched briefly which sent a jolt through her veins. Their eyes met, and he walked away from her out into the hallway. Paige’s heartbeat pounded against her chest, so loud that she could almost hear it. Hurriedly she took off her robe and wrapped the thin white sheet around her body. She had kept her underwear on but she felt very aware that the sheet was indeed very see-through. 
She climbed onto the massage table, face down and shifted in her position. “I’m ready,” she called out. 
Footsteps prodded across the floorboards and she felt Tony’s presence near her, hovering over her body. His fingertips brushed aside her long hair, and he gently pressed onto the side of her neck, it immediately sent electrical impulses through Paige. He then began massaging her neck, then moved down to her shoulders and then to her shoulder blades. Pleasure found her, and Paige released a moan. She tensed. Tony obviously remained silent, now both his hands were positioned on either side of Paige’s shoulders as he gently pressed down onto her muscles. 
“You’re holding a lot of tension here,” he commented. 
No shit. Paige thought to herself- how could she possibly relax when he was touching her? 
“Hmm yeah-” Paige said, her voice slightly muffled. “So… hmm, have you been doing this long?” 
He let out a low chuckle. “It’s okay- you don’t have to respond to me, just try to relax and untense.” He suggested. 
For the next couple of minutes, Paige had tried her hardest to untense, but she couldn’t stop fixating on the fact that Tony’s hands were all over your body. 
“Hmm, if you could turn over,” he said. 
Paige tensed. He moved back and she pushed herself up, clinging onto the sheet, she shifted in her position and laid flat on her back. She fiddled with the sheet over her chest, but she was suddenly very aware that her nipples were poking out. 
Tony stepped around to Paige’s head, as his fingertips pressed down onto each side of her neck, he then closed the gap between them and Paige was well aware that his crotch was now a mere inch away from her face. He leaned over and massaged her pectoralis major, her breathing quickened and she clenched her legs together, trying her best to not get turned on. 
A couple of more minutes had passed and somehow Paige had actually fallen asleep. “Well, we’re all done here,” he said, which sent Paige snapping back to reality. 
“Oh, wow,” she said, as she sat up and clutched onto the sheet, her bare back was exposed and Tony couldn’t help but look. 
She reached up to her neck and felt relief. 
Tony wiped his hands with a linen cloth and said, “I’ll let you get dressed,” he said and smiled before he walked off again. 
Paige almost felt disappointed. She jumped off the massage table and unwrapped the sheet from her body, then she pulled her robe back on and called for Tony, who responded immediately. He proceeded to pack up his things as Paige went to grab her wallet. 
“It’s thirty bucks right?” She asked. 
He nodded. She handed him the money and he slipped it into his shirt pocket. He grabbed the table and his bag then Paige guided him out the front door. “Listen, if you want another session-” He began, then paused. 
Paige smiled and nodded, “Hmm sure, I’ll let you know.” 
He smiled back and before Paige knew it, she was alone in the house again. She paused and recollected what had just happened. Immediately she charged to grab her cell phone off the counter, she flipped it open and punched in Danielle’s number. 
It rang for a couple of seconds before it connected. “Hello,” Danielle’s voice said. 
“How could you not tell me the massage therapist is a man? And it’s fucking Tony Blundetto of all people-”
“Woah, honey, slow down- look, I didn’t think it was a big deal that it was a guy. You needed someone that was cheap and knew what he was doing. Tony hasn’t technically gotten his license yet which is why he only charges so little, and who cares if it’s Tony Blundetto… you’re not bothered about you know,” she said. 
Paige flinched. She knew exactly what Danielle was saying, after all, Paige had grown up in Jersey her entire life and was perfectly aware of what was going on around the neighborhood. In fact, she had heard of Tony Blundetto and how he was connected and served a fifteen year prison sentence. “Oh come on- it’s not  because of that. It’s just weird to have a guy touching you like that.” 
“Well, did he at least help fix your neck pain?” 
Paige sighed. She knew this was a losing battle, and so she responded, “yes he did.”  
Tony hated himself. 
He should have asked Paige out… but he protested the idea. He had been in the can for so long that he had almost forgotten how to ask out a woman. Plus, he figured a beautiful girl like that, no doubt she would already have a boyfriend- and even if she didn’t, why would she go for an oldie like him. 
He laid in bed and contemplated his thoughts. He would have to be up in three hours for work. Kim definitely worked him like a dog, but he figured he had to pay his dues now that he’s a citizen again. Whenever he felt like quitting, he would remember his main objective- opening his own massage parlor. 
He rolled onto his side, trying to fall to sleep but whenever he closed his eyes he only thought of Paige. He thought of the way his fingers gilded across her soft skin, the way she moaned beneath his touch. He chuckled to himself, imagining how she would react when it wasn’t just his hands touching her. He shook his head, then sat up in frustration. 
Tony turned and his hand reached out to his bedside table. He pulled out several pieces of tissue paper and laid them beside him. And, he would do what he had done so many times whilst he was in prison, jerk off. 
It seemed sad and pathetic now, all of a sudden. Obviously, in prison he had no choice but to jerk off in the shower, after all, he was only human. 
His hand glided over his boxer shorts as he stroked himself. Immediately, his breathing quickened as he closed his eyes and thought of Paige. Imagining her hand over him. It didn’t take him long to get hard, and he pulled out his dick. He then reached for the hand lotion that rested beside him on the bedside table and pressed down on the pump, it was St. Ives, the expensive shit as well, which cost him about nine bucks. After all, now that he was out, he was certainly going to treat himself to the fancy stuff. He wrapped his hand around the thickness of his cock, gliding up and down and up down.  His chest heaved, as he quickened his pace, going up and down. He pumped his cock faster, his breath quickened. Imagining Paige’s lips wrapped around him, was enough to drive him into ecstasy. His hand moved faster and faster, before he released his seed and moaned at the same time. 
He threw his head back as he tried to catch his breath. He knew full well that there was nothing going to satisfy him until he had Paige underneath him. 
Paige wore her best black halter neck dress tonight, it opened on the side revealing her long legs, she wore her black pumps and had a sparkly silver clutch. It had been a long week and she was ready to blow off some steam. Adriana was having a ‘90s night at her club, The Crazy Horse, which Paige thought was odd as the ‘90s weren’t that long ago. However, she swallowed the skepticism and would enjoy herself tonight. 
Once Paige and Danielle entered the club, it was buzzing with energy. Music was blasting through the speakers and the ground beneath them vibrated. 
“I’m gonna get a drink!” Paige yelled over the music. She pushed her way through the sea of bodies, glancing behind her to make sure Danielle was still there. 
It took a while before Paige reached the bar, she was immediately greeted by Adriana. “Hey girls,” Adriana said cheerfully. 
“Hey Ade,” Paige responded, then leaned over the counter and kissed Adriana on the cheek. 
“Hey,” Danielle said and repeated Paige’s action. 
“Busy night?” Paige asked. 
Adriana huffed. “Don’t even get me started- two toilets are blocked in the ladies, which Chrissy was meant to get someone to fix but the plumber was a no show. Then, the alcohol guy is running late… and I’m low on beer-” she whined. 
“Oh God-” Paige said. 
Adriana shrugged. “Oh well- what can I get you girls?” 
“I’ll have a Jack Daniels and Coke.” Paige said. 
“Cosmo.” Danielle said. 
“Coming up!” Adriana responded, then snaked her way through the end of the bar. 
Paige shifted in her position and rested an arm on the counter, her eyes scanned the club as the sea of bodies bounced up and down towards the rhythms of the music. 
“See any cute guys?” Danielle asked and smirked. 
Paige stared at her unamused. “That’s not what I was looking for.” 
“But… is there anyone you like?” 
Paige pursed her lips. “Nope,” 
“Seriously? What about Mikey… he was checking you out the other day.” 
“You mean Michael Giordano?” 
“Yeah, why not?” 
Paige pulled a face. “That guy is such an idiot. Didn’t he try to inhale a plastic balloon and pull it out of his throat?” 
“Come on- that was in high school.” 
“No, thank you- I need a guy who I can actually have a conversation with, and isn’t going to be pulling some stupid practical stunts like that.” 
“Like an old guy?” 
Paige shot her a cold glare. Just then, Adriana returned with their drinks and slid them across the counter. Paige fumbled in her clutch, and Adriana raised her hand. “It’s alright sweetie, it’s on me.” She said. 
“Thanks.” Paige said cheerfully, she took the drink and sipped it. Suddenly, a beat that Paige knew all too well came on. Only Happy When it Rains by Garbage was playing through the speakers. She turned to Danielle and said enthusiastically, “Oh my God, I love this song! Let’s dance.” 
Danielle moaned. “I’m not really in the mood for dancing… I think Max is gonna be here soon, I don’t want him to not be able to find me if I’m on the dancefloor.” 
Paige rolled her eyes. She knew this was going to happen when she had heard that Max would be joining them tonight. “Well, look after my drink please,” she said, as she took a few more sips and set it back down onto the counter. 
Paige strode into the center of the dance floor and lost herself to the music. She closed her eyes and allowed the music to consume her body, she swayed and raised her arms in the air, then she ran her fingers through her hair. Paige danced and danced… she completely forgot where she was, then she opened her eyes and to her dismay she realized someone was watching her. Tony Blundetto. 
He was seated on a barstool, beside him was Christopher, Adriana’s boyfriend. Tony watched her like a hawk, he smirked and he took drags of his cigarette. His hair was slicked back and he wore a crimson red polo shirt that was unbuttoned on the top, revealing his gold necklace and Paige noticed part of his tattoo on his chest that peaked out. Paige blushed. She twirled her fingers at him, and he simply nodded. She spun and continued to dance, knowing full well that Tony was watching her. Paige danced the night away, and she finally paused when she felt her body drenched in sweat, she was completely parched and figured it was time to take a break. Disappointment found her as she wasn’t able to spot Tony. 
She made her way out of the crowd and back towards the bar, her eyes scanned for Danielle but she was nowhere to be found. 
“Where’s Danielle?” Paige asked Adriana who was fiddling with the bar tap. 
“Oh sweetie, she told me to tell you that she had to bolt- something with Max came up.” 
Rage shot through Paige. “What! She was my ride.” 
“Hon, she’s sorry… here, have a drink,” Adriana suggested, then slid a glass containing Jack Daniels and Coke to Paige. 
Paige raised the glass to her lips and sipped on the drink through the plastic red straw. She slammed the glass down on the counter. “Listen hon, I can drive you home, but you’re gonna have to wait till I close up-” 
Just then a figure loomed nearby Paige and she immediately found herself tensing. “Hmm- I can take you back now if you like?” A familiar voice said. 
Paige was almost afraid to turn. Her heartbeat quickened at the sound of that low and seductive voice. Tony. “Hmm… I wouldn’t want to impose.” Paige stuttered. 
Tony flashed a smile. “I was just leaving anyway.” 
“Thanks,” Paige responded and smiled, then added, “maybe after this drink, we can go.” 
“Sure,” Tony said, then turned to face Adriana, “how ‘bout a Scotch neat.” Adriana nodded, then retrieved a glass and a bottle of Scotch, she slid it across to Tony who wrapped his large hand around the glass. He raised the glass near Paige and said, “Salute.” 
“Salute.” Paige repeated after him. Once the glasses clashed against each other she felt a pang of awkwardness rush through her. Her palms were wet and she felt her heartbeat pound against her chest, so fast that she thought it was going to lurch out of her chest. 
A couple of minutes later Paige found herself following Tony towards his car. They paused in front of a white SUV. Tony opened the car door and raised his hand. Reluctantly, Paige placed her hand in his as she allowed him to help her into the passenger seat. He closed the door and walked around to the other side. It left Paige unsure on how to feel, she had never been with a man that had such courtesy. 
Silence lingered in the air and Paige shifted in her seat, fiddling with the seatbelt. It didn’t take Tony long before the car roared into life and they were on the road. 
“So… how did you like Adriana’s club?” Paige finally broke the silence. 
Tony seemed taken aback. “It was nice… hmm, not exactly my scene,” he said and chuckled. 
“Yeah- I guess not,” Paige said and laughed. 
“How’s the neck?” 
Paige’s hand reached up to her neck. “It’s a lot better… yeah. I think I was also sitting incorrectly for too long at work.” 
“What do you do?” 
“Oh, I’m just temping for Rosalie Petrillo at the travel agents… it’s hmm… kinda long work.” 
Tony scoffed. “Rosalie Petrillo will work you like a dog.” He commented. 
Paige ignored his remark, she didn’t want to risk anything bad getting back to Rosalie Petrillo’s ear. “It keeps me going… especially after graduation-” She said then paused, suddenly feeling awkward for sprawling her life story out to Tony Blundetto, who she was certain wouldn’t give a damn. 
He peered over to her. “Hmm, graduation.” He said, suddenly he pondered about the age gap between himself and Paige. 
The rest of the car ride was a mixture of awkward silences and conversations, then finally, Paige recognized the familiar streets that were her home. Tony pulled up in front of her house and Paige found herself not wanting to get out. 
“Thank you for driving me home. Danielle can be-” she said and then paused, shaking her head. “No, nevermind.” 
Tony smiled. “It’s really quite alright. And, if you need another adjustment, just give me a call-” 
“Yeah… sure, thanks.” She responded. She took off her seatbelt and paused again. 
Just when her fingers curled over the door lock. Tony said. “Actually… hmm- would you like to have dinner sometime?” 
Paige was taken aback. “Oh-” she watched as Tony's jaw clenched. “I would love that.” She finally said and smiled. 
Tony smiled. “Great.” 
The boiling water had overflowed and flooded the stove. “Fuck!” Tony cursed. He stepped to the other side of the kitchen counter and pulled the first rag he could get his hands on. He padded it carefully around the stove, then turned the heat down low. He hadn’t cooked in a while and his skills were definitely rusty. 
He peered at his pot to make sure that the ravioli wasn’t overcooked, before he made his way to fix up the salad. Tonight was his date with Paige and to say he was nervous was an understatement. Of course, he would have loved nothing more than to treat her to a nice fancy expensive meal at Vesuvio, but money was still rather tight for him- especially how he had blown most of his recent earnings buying the twins game consoles. What choice did he have? He hadn’t been around for most of the twins’s lives, and he was just trying to make up for lost time. 
Tony tried to set the table as nicely as he could, he had managed to get his mother out of the house and had rummaged through the linen closet for the best tablecloth they had owned. He also bought a couple of candles from the store and took out the fancy china he had used during his wedding night with Nancy. God, that seemed as if it were forever ago. 
He quickly glanced down at his wristwatch, he still had about an hour before Paige would get here, he wiped the sweat away from his forehead and returned back to the stove. He hated that he felt this nervous. 
Paige huffed and threw away the dress she had placed in front of her body. She stared at the mountain full of clothes she had dumped onto her bed. Nothing felt right. Paige also hadn’t exactly dated in a while… She was just tired of all the boys she met in college. They all smelled and would constantly stare at the floor when she spoke to them. 
Paige stood in front of her mirror and placed both hands on her hips. She quickly glanced at her digital clock that sat on her bedside table, time was running against her. And then she quickly settled on a white halterneck dress which reached down to her knees, she didn’t bother wearing a bra, knowing full well that her nipples would be peaking out of the fabric- that was exactly her intention, she was going to seduce Tony Blundetto. 
She wore open toe white high heel pumps, which revealed her candy pink toenails which she had painted the night before. Paige strode over towards the bathroom and applied mascara to her lashes then powder to her face and pink lipstick, she ruffled her hair and then took a couple of steps back to admire herself. With her all dressed in white she almost looked virginal, she scoffed- there was clearly nothing virginal about her. 
Paige took a huge deep breath, took her keys and made her way up the stairs leaving her home. 
The drive over to Tony’s place wasn’t too long, after all they lived in the same neighborhood. As Paige pulled up in front of his house she turned off the ignition and breathed in and out. She closed her eyes and muttered to herself, “You can do this. It’s just a date… you’ve been on dates before, this is just like any other.” 
Finally, Paige removed herself from the car but not after exhaling deeply. She gripped the bottle of red wine she had picked up on the way over here and made her way towards the front door. Nerves found her and she tried her best to stop her hands from trembling. She knocked on the door and soon after the door was ajar. 
“Hi,” Paige said, her voice was slightly squeaky and she blushed. 
“Hey,” Tony responded and flashed a smile. “Come in.” He said and stepped away to allow Paige to cross over. 
Paige stood awkwardly as she waited for Tony to guide her. “I bought wine,” she blurted, “it’s hmm- nothing fancy.” 
“I’m sure it’s fine.” He said, then took the bottle of wine from Paige. He strode through the house and Paige followed him on his heels. Paige tripped over an object which made her jump. Tony spun around and saw the plastic toy that was on the floor. He groaned and picked it up, then cast it aside. “I’m sorry- my kids were here this morning, I didn’t really have time to clean up.” 
“Oh, it’s okay-” Paige said. 
They walked in silence as Tony guided her towards the kitchen, he immediately went towards the stove and scooped out the ravioli onto two plates. 
“Hmm- it smells good.” Paige said, and was able to gaze at Tony. His hair wasn’t slicked back like it usually was, instead his chestnut brown hair was tousled and flopped down the side of his forehead. Paige liked it this way, and she thought of running her fingers through his hair. He wore a black shirt that was unbuttoned at the top, which was then tucked into his black pants and he wore black leather brogues. Paige’s attention became fixated on his black leather belt, she imagined unbuckling it and pulling it off aggressively. Her sinful thoughts made her wet and she almost sank to her knees. She bit her lower lip and placed her thumb near her lips, gently nibbling on her nail. 
“I hope you like it-” Tony said, which brought Paige back to reality. 
“Can I help you with anything?” She asked. 
“No, you’re a guest,” he said, then added, “why don’t you sit down and I’ll be right out.” He added, then gestured towards the dining table which was adjacent to the kitchen. 
“Sure,” she said and smiled, then walked over towards the dining table and seated herself down on the chair. Paige twirled the ends of her hair and hiked her skirt up, then crossed her legs over each other. She shifted in her chair and positioned herself so that her bare legs were exposed and in view when Tony would walk in. 
Not long after, Tony appeared and set down two plates of ravioli with pesto sauce. He paced back and forth, this time he brought over the wine. Paige leaned forward to help him, but he insisted that she sit back. 
Finally, he sat down opposite her and he raised his wine glass, Paige repeated his action and they both clinked their glasses together. She set down the wine glass and said, “This all looks really good. I hope you didn’t go to too much trouble.” 
“It’s no trouble at all.” He said.
Paige took a first bite of the ravioli and moaned. “Wow, this is really good. Better than my ma’s,” she said, then added, “don’t tell her- she’ll probably kill me.” Paige laughed, and so did Tony. 
“Your mother’s Gloria Mariano right?” Tony asked, his brows furrowed. 
Paige nodded. 
“I went to high school with her.” 
Paige was taken aback, then pondered the thoughts. “Hmm, I guess you would have-” It was suddenly odd to fixate on the fact that Tony and her mother crossed paths. 
The realization found Tony that he had perhaps made things awkward. He cleared his throat, then proceeded to pick up the wine glass. He sipped a couple of sips before he set it back onto the table. “So-” he began, “I heard you recently graduated. What did you study?” He wanted to cringe. He clearly hadn’t dated in a very long time, that he wasn’t even sure how to hold a conversation anymore. 
“English Lit,” 
Well at least Tony did a ton of reading whilst in the can- this was a subject he was able to explore on. “What are your favorite books?” 
Paige set her fork down, then pouted. “You’re gonna think I’m so stereotypical-”
Tony smiled. “What? No, I’m not- come on, what is it?”
“Promise me you’re not going to laugh.” Paige teased. 
Tony raised his hands in the air. “Promise.” 
Paige stared at him, her eyes narrowed and she giggled. “Jane Austen… Pride and Prejudice.” 
Tony smiled. 
Paige playfully slapped him on the arm. “See! I knew it!” 
“What? I didn’t say anything.” Tony laughed. 
“You were thinking it,” Paige whined, “of course a girl in her twenties is going to like Jane Austen, right?” 
“Hey, I’ve read Jane Austen-”
Paige cocked an eyebrow. 
“I have- I had a lot of time in the can. I read anything-” he said then paused. “I’m sorry… I know it makes people uncomfortable when I talk about… that.”
“No, that’s not what I- Tony, I don’t care about that,” Paige said, then gently placed her hand on his arm. Her gaze met Tony’s and she smiled, then removed her hand. “So- I told you my favorite book…” 
Tony leaned forward in his chair. “You wanna know mine,” he said, then laughed, “well- to tell you the truth, I’m rather stereotypical myself-” Paige cocked an eyebrow, as she waited for his answer. “Jack Kerouac… On the Road.” 
The rest of the evening had taken on a life of its own, there were still moments of awkward pauses, but both Tony and Paige had managed to relax over the course of the next few hours. After they had finished dinner, they had proceeded to move over to the couch in the living room. Paige sat on the couch beside Tony, every now and then, she would inch closer towards him. She was practically sitting on his lap. Her bare legs were pressed against his, and Tony tried his hardest to not fixate on that fact. Paige held the glass of wine in her hand, and she felt the alcohol hitting her. 
They talked and talked. About books and political events. She enjoyed being in Tony’s company, and finally felt as if she found someone who matched her intellectually. 
Paige’s gaze met Tony’s. She stared at his hands that rested on his lap, remembering how his long fingers had brushed over her body, the way his hands were all over her bare skin, and it made her ache. Suddenly, there was a loud crashing sound of thunder and Paige jumped up from her seat. She glanced at the clock that was in the middle of the mantelpiece just adjacent to Tony, and her eyes widened. 
“Oh my God! Look how late it’s gotten.” She gasped. “I should get going-” Even though her mouth was telling her to leave, her body certainly was telling her to stay, as she did not move a single inch after she had declared her departure. 
Tony edged closer to her. “It is late…” he said. 
“Yeah,” Paige said breathlessly as she realized just how close she was to Tony. Her legs were now resting upon his thighs. “It’s also starting to rain…” she swallowed the lump in her throat. 
Tony edged closer toward her, his hands were now on Paige’s arm and she felt a jolt course through her. “The rain is going to get heavier later on… and it’s dark… It'll be hard to drive in it. Maybe it’s safer to stay indoors.” He whispered. Paige felt his hot breath caress her skin. 
“I guess it is safer to stay here… with you.” 
Desire possessed them. Tony’s lips came crashing down on Paige’s and she moaned into him. Paige’s lips parted and Tony’s tongue slipped into hers. Immediately her hands became wrapped around Tony’s neck. He pulled her in closer so that Paige was sitting on his lap. Paige’s fingers became entwined in Tony’s hair, she tugged onto it with much urgency as she deepened the kiss. Tony’s hand caressed Paige’s shoulder then he moved down to her arm and then he placed it on her waist, gripping down hard. He had forgotten the feel of a woman, the last time when he had touched Paige it clearly left him wanting more, she was like his drug and he was addicted. 
Paige pressed her chest against his, Tony’s hands rested upon Paige’s hips and he pulled her in closer. Paige’s hand caressed the side of his face, it then draped down to his neck and then his chest. Her fingers fiddled with the collar of his shirt as she tugged down, then with the help of her other hand she began unbuttoning his shirt. Tony did not protest, as his tongue continued to dance against Paige’s. Paige practically ripped his shirt open, exposing his tattoos. She opened her eyes for a mere second and traced the tattoos with her fingers. Abruptly, Tony stood up and Paige’s legs became wrapped around his waist. She wrapped her arms around his neck harder as he carried her across the living room. He made his way towards the basement where his room was. He reached the threshold and then paused. 
All of a sudden, Tony drew back and set Paige down on the ground. Taken aback, Paige stared at him. Her mouth ached from the makeout session, she wiped the corners of her mouth which were completely wet. 
“Is everything okay?” Paige asked. 
Tony stuttered. “Yeah- it’s just… I’m sorry, but it’s my fault. You’re a very nice girl, and-”
“What’s going on?” 
“Is it too fast for you?” 
Paige’s eyes widened. She realized where he was taking her… to his bedroom. Was she really just going to jump into bed with him on the first date? They were both consenting adults and fuck rules. “Hmm, we can slow down if you want?” 
Tony remained silent and exhaled deeply. 
“It’s just… Well, I don’t want to slow down…” Paige confessed. 
Tony smirked and immediately they embraced each other again. This time, Paige took Tony’s hand and walked down the stairs towards the basement. Once they reached the basement, Tony scooped Paige up in his arms and placed her on the bed. He climbed on top of her and Paige’s fingers traced his collarbone and then his chest. He lowered himself and kissed her, his gold necklace dangling in her face and tickled her. He groaned and pushed it aside. 
“Sorry, I can take it off-” he said. 
“No…don’t, I like it-” Paige said breathlessly. 
Tony smirked and descended down onto Paige, his mouth crashing down onto hers. Her lips parted and he slipped his tongue into her. Paige moaned, as her hands ran across Tony’s back and then back to his chest. Her fingers gripped on the edge of his shirt as she pulled it down, he allowed her to do so and slipped his arms out of the sleeves. Paige dug her fingernails into his back, hard. Tony groaned, he enjoyed the pain and pleasure. 
Tony’s hands caressed the side of Paige’s breasts, his hand lingered over her breast and he hesitated. He then grabbed onto Paige’s breasts and she moaned. His thumb gliding over her already hardened nipple. It felt so fucking good. 
Paige reached up to undo the straps to her dress, Tony helped her and peeled off the dress, exposing her naked body. Immediately, Tony lowered himself down onto her breast, he placed his mouth over her nipple and sucked down. Paige threw her head back, her hand found its way into Tony’s hair as she tugged onto it. 
“Oh God-” Paige cried out in pleasure. 
Tony then sucked on her other breast and then went to leave a trail of kisses down Paige’s stomach before he reached down to her crotch. Tony glanced up and watched as Paige writhed, her eyes were closed and her mouth was in the shape of an O, her hands ran over her breasts and she pinched her own nipples. Tony placed his mouth over Paige’s folds and Paige immediately moaned. His tongue flicked her clit and she cried out. Tony knew that the guys like Tony S. and Sil liked to joke about a man going down on a woman, but Tony was never like that. In fact, he loved nothing more than to watch a woman moan and cry out wanting for more. His tongue went in circular motions and Paige screamed in pleasure, her legs closed squishing Tony’s head slightly and he loved it… loved that she was all his. 
He went down on her for several more moments, just right before Paige was about to reach ecstasy, he drew back. He wiped the corners of his mouth, and Paige realized he had stopped. She opened her eyes and watched as he knelt there, his hair was tousled and he had a devious look in his eyes. 
“Now what do you want me to do to you?” He asked seductively. Paige wanted him so bad, like he was her poisonous apple. 
Paige swallowed the lump in her throat. “I want you to fuck me.” She said breathlessly. 
He smirked again, then leaned over her. His face was so close to hers that she felt his hot breath on her skin. “Really? Is that what you want?” He teased. 
Paige nodded. “I want you to take me and fuck me-” she repeated. 
Tony smirked again, he remained silent as he unbuckled his belt, very slowly. Anticipation was killing Paige and she sat up, her fingers immediately curled over his pants as she undid them and pulled them off, she chucked them aside as she was faced with his long hard member. 
He reached over towards his bedside table, pulled open the drawer and took out a condom. He tore it off with his teeth and slipped it over his cock. He then positioned himself by Paige’s entrance and then he slipped inside of her. Paige moaned. 
Tony’s hand cupped the side of Paige’s face as he began to thrust inside of her. He groaned and grunted. 
“Oh God- yes-” Paige moaned. 
He thrusted harder and faster into her. Paige grabbed the edge of the pillow, she bit down onto her lower lip as she called out Tony’s name, which made him hornier and he thrust into her harder. He gripped the sides of her waist for support as he continued to thrust into her. 
He fucked her hard. Paige wasn’t sure how much longer she could take, the pleasure was killing her. She moaned again and again as Tony’s cock continued to ram her. And then, they both reached ecstasy as they cried out in unison. 
They were both panting and trying to catch their breath. Tony slumped down onto Paige, their sweaty bodies clung to each other. He discarded the used condom and pushed his hair away from his forehead. Then, his hand patted over his bedside table for his pack of smokes. He drew a cigarette and sparked it up, allowing the smoke to reach his lungs. Paige had immediately fallen asleep, and once Tony had finished his cigarette he wrapped his arms around Paige as they both slept. 
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raibebe · 3 years
I’ve wanted to do this for a while now, so....
Here is me sorting NCT up until the 00 line into dom/sub/switch categories...
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Taeil: vanilla leaning dom
I don’t think Taeil would care for power dynamics honestly. Like he would maybe naturally take charge in sexual situations but that doesn’t make him a dom.  I see him as pretty laid back and that it’s more about the intimacy for him than anything else. That being said I am 100% certain he knows how to keep it fun in the bedroom either way. 
Johnny: soft dom but can be mean if you want him to, daddy dom?
Please Johnny is a big softie. You’d be his perfect pillow princess. Will 100% get absolutely smug of he gets you begging for him. But also loves to see you riding him, softly helping you along to see you falling apart.  Also... Yeah... He could very well have a daddy kink. He might either be really into it or 100% despise is. Like you say it and the next second he pulls out because it’s such a turn-off... I don’t think he has it in him to be mean/degrading or into anything too into the BDSM range. But will try his best to pleasure you.
Taeyong: sub
He always has to be in charge when he’s at work, so I can totally see him as the type who just wants to shut his brain off and let go of all thoughts during sex.  Honestly don’t know if he would want a hard or soft dom. I can see it going both ways: A soft dom who just pampers him and showers him with love, giving him everything asks for and more until he’s crying with overstimulation or a hard dom who will push him around and use him for their own pleasure until his mind is rendered numb.  Will also be down to try more freaky, BDSM-type of stuff.
Yuta: dom
This man is into some freaky shit and you can’t convince me otherwise. Hard dom but is very set on consent. Very down to experiment with whatever. Very open and communicative before doing a scene.  I can see him really being into tying his partner up weather it is with rope, handcuffs or simply his belt. Temperature play as well, especially with wax.  Will mumble absolutely filthy shit in your ear and not even have the decency to blush.  I feel like he’s the type to favor “no strings attached” kinds of arrangements.
Kun: dom (daddy)
Well, like Taeyong he has to always be in charge as well but I feel like he gets another outlet because his stress is different than Taeyong’s.  Has set rules that both of you need to abide by and if you don’t... Well he gets to punish you, letting out all his stress as he spanks you until your ass is raw, letting his frustrations bleed away.  Loves the power play aspect, loves seeing you absolutely submit to him and follow his every command. 
Doyoung: dom
Now... Doyoung is a unfair one. Will tease the shit out of you and then proceed to make fun of you for being so turned on. Probably gets off on degrading his partner.  Would probably like a really obedient partner but rise to new heights with a bratty sub, loving the challenge of breaking them down until they’re putty in his hands. 
Ten: switch?
Ten is my first wild card. I don’t see him as either really but at the same time I feel like he would be really into power play. It probably really depend on the partner.  I feel like he’d need a hard dom though or he’ll be too bratty.  Probably a dom bottom tbh... Why did my mind immediately go: with sub top Johnny?
Jaehyun: vanilla leaning dom?
He just extrudes this lovely himbo energy sometimes... But then he’s weirdly aggressive with everyday objects and it makes me wonder... The frat boy in him probably just loves hitting it from the back while smacking ass.  Is most likely not into any hard power play, similar to Taeil he’d probably just naturally take charge.  Could see him randomly thinking that his hand would look very sexy wrapped around his partner’s throat though...
Winwin: dom???
I actually have no idea. Winwin is such a wild card for me. Like he just extrudes this natural cuteness all of NCT cannot shut up about but I can’t imagine him as a sub.  While sub is a definitive “no”, dom is more a “no?”  Could be secretly very freaky...
Jungwoo: vanilla???
Jungwoo is just... Very... Chaotic?  Like... Even in the way he expresses his love. To the point where I have no idea how he’d be like in the bedroom. I don’t think I have ever read or really seen smut for him... Because he has a generally softer character, I’m inclined to rule out dom.  Might just be vanilla tbh.
Lucas: wants to be a dom but is actually vanilla
Talking about himbo energy... This boy...  Wants to be a dom so badly. But this boy is an absolute sweetheart and gentleman at heart.  Probably just loves the intimacy of it all.  I am convinced he’s horny 24/7 though. Will ask you to suck him off in very inappropriate situations. His dominant facade will crumble the moment you get your mouth on his dick though, just too taken away by the pleasure. 
Mark: switch, doesn’t care too much
I think sex with Mark would be super laid back and chill. Like he just extrudes this dude-bro-energy.  Neither especially dominant or submissive but will get shy if you start to talk about it while other people are around. Can see him giving up control for the night though if you promise to give him the succc of his life and ride him into oblivion after.  But would also not say no to bending his partner over the desk to fuck them stupid. 
Hendery: vanilla, doesn’t care
Similar to Mark. The type to make stupid jokes while he’s literally balls deep in you to lighten the atmosphere.  But can also get really into the mood and be really open and vulnerable while making love to you. 
Xiaojun: sub who wants to be a dom
This dude wants to be dominant so badly. But he’s just not. Once his partner lets him have control, it goes right for maybe 10 minutes and then he’ll either get insecure or won’t know what to do, so they have to take charge again.  Could either need a soft dom to ease him into the role of a sub or a hard dom who just “forces” him to submit. 
Renjun: switch
Listen. I’m all for sub Renjun agenda but. Hear me out.  Hard dom Renjun. Having you under his spell despite his smaller frame. The smacks of his hand against your skin resounding in the room. Would definitely not let you cum until you’re a sobbing mess for him. Mmmmmh very sexy. 
Jeno: SUB
Is anyone surprised? Like anyone at all? Everyone who knows me or my blog knows I am the cult leader of the sub Jeno cult. Just... Obedient puppy Jeno who tries his hardest to follow your commands, preening under every praise that falls off of your lips. His chest flushed, heaving with breaths as his muscles play under his skin as you deny him of yet another orgasm, leaving him writhing and struggling against his restraints.... Sigh... I am getting side tracked.  Just... Sub top Jeno...
Haechan: switch (bratty sub, mean dom)
Will challenge his partner for dominance every chance he gets and if he gets his shot, he will use it. And not have mercy. If you don’t submit, he will make you submit. Rather with actions, he’ll have you crumbling just with his words alone. Degrading. Meanie.  Needs a hard dom or he will not end up subbing. Low key might get off of pain? Needs to be broken down and have the brattiness fucked out of him...
Jaemin: soft dom (the softest)
Similar to Jeno, who knows me and me blog knows that I am all about soft dom Jaemin.  “What baby wants, baby gets.”  And if baby is begging for an orgasm, Jaemin might just give you one. Or five until you’re crying and your head is spinning all while he gently smiles at you and strokes your hair. And if you’re begging for his cock? Well. Who is he to deny his baby?  Also @ncteaxhoe has convinced me that he likes being called “Nana” in the bedroom.  Low key exhibitionist tendencies as well... Gets off on knowing he can make you feel good. 
Yangyang: vanilla, doesn’t care about dynamics
Similar to Mark and Hendery... It’s just the dude-bro-fratboy energy.  Lighthearted sex? Does that make sense? Like... It’s just right. Nothing overwhelming. Just. Yeah. I don’t want to call it dude-bro-sex but that’s what I’m thinking.  Both just enjoying how you make each other feel while sharing little giggles when something you want to try doesn’t work out 100%...
Shotaro: sub
Inclined to say sub without giving a real reason because I ‘ll be honest, I don’t know him very well and low key don’t want to think sexual about him because he just seems... so pure..? yeah idk
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Feel free to disagree with me and tell me why or do your own sorting! ✌ This was so much fun to do! Low key want to do a NSFW A-Z now...
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sly-merlin · 4 years
KILLING ME - 13 | n.y
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pairing : law student!reader + yuta
genre :    angst , mafia au/ arranged marriage au.
warnings of this chapter : mentions of brutality described in previous chapter, mentions of strained breathing, curse words. For future chapters, major character death(s).
words : 4.5k
summary :
“life’s never fair y/n. realise it as soon as you can . it is the only secret for living a regretless life.”                                  
 “  curiousity got the cat hitched”
K.M masterlist
K.M 12
taglist : @kpop-choco @moon-yuta @kawaiiayasan @btm-taeyong @exfolitae @lanadreamie @cheersskznct @hyuckiesgf @theworld-accordingtocasey @yiyi4657 @sorrywonwoo @sillywinnergladiator @minejungwoo @leesalts  @mal-nakamoto23 @ro2424 @itlittlefangirl @nctzens-world @bl--ankhaeji @simplybree @ncttboo @jeaneteflo @nuoyii @bralessmermaid @minhoseyeliner
In the silent room, the sound of taeil's shoes reverberated as he paced back and forth. Of the seventeen men standing in the living room, most had their heads hung low while some paid side glances to Jaehyun and ten as they fell prey to Taeil's anger.
"Last time!" Fingers pointed in the air, taeil asked in a dangerously calm voice, "don't make me repeat myself. Who left the door open?"
Messing his hair, jaehyun began,
"We didn’t know she was still there in the basement. Usually she’s out by-
“just answer me already.” Taeil shouted in exasperation.
“we don’t clearly remember. Me and ten were busy interrogating him.'' Jaehyun's voice was barely above a mumble but it still managed to reach everyone in the parameter.
Taeil turned to ten, furiously rubbing his forehead, impliedly asking for a reply but he merely shrugged in shame.
“Since when you have been butchering people with doors ajar for everyone to see?” the volume of his voice sent shivers to each and every presence in the room. Taeil never lost his calm, this was, after all, his metier. But he knew when to let go of his usual demeanor and nobody plucked up the courage to question him either.
“we didn’t do it deliberately. It was a mistake. An accident. Why are you drawing this so much.” jaehyun daren’t raise his voice above a whisper but his words were alarming enough
“You all need to recall the rules we stand by. What if jisung had gone down? Would you throw the same lame excuses even then? Won’t you be sorry if he or chenle or sungchan had seen a human being cut open like that? you and ten are both equ-
“we are ready to apologise to her okay. I’m not running from responsibility here. Nobody i-”
“Accepting a mistake is not even the bare minimum. We don't need your hollow apology if you don’t mean it. just because she’s understanding doesn’t mean the blood would leave her head. There’s a reason those rooms are forbidden for some of us here.”
Jaehyun’s unexpected raspy chuckle earned multiple gasps from the room. Taeyong was about to reach him but taeil stopped him by a show of his palm.
Jaehyun pinched his nose before barking,
“when jisung and chenle are told not to enter forbidden areas, they actually do listen but your pretty sweet y/n never does that. she’s just reaping the fruit of her own reckless behaviour again. it’s not my mistake that she’s so damn nosy all the –
Taeil knew he shouldn’t have said that. Jaehyun’s darkened eyes calmed Taeil instantly as he realised he too had crossed a line.
as he angrily took a step forward towards taeil, jaehyun was abruptly halted by johnny and taeyong as they kept the two men apart. The reason for the argument left Jaehyun's mind, the mere mention of nara was enough to blow his fuse. He was furious yet he didn’t resist the boys and let his sharp breathing convey his message to taeil.
“Stop it you both. Go back to your rooms everyone.” Johnny announced, hands still holding Jaehyun's arm and torso, almost hugging and shielding him from taeil. “let it go jae. Just calm down. Please.”
Everyone remained glued to their feet, too afraid to make any noise. Huffing loudly, Jaehyun pushed Johnny away. Jaw clenched, chest heaving in rage, he furthered himself and instead of going for taeil’s neck as everyone has thought, his hand reached for the vase and the very next moment, the beautiful curved glass met the ground, shattering into innumerable pieces, right where taeil stood.
Taeyong roared watching younger and the older staring each other down.
“never compare nara to her.never!” With a perilously low voice, jaehyun glowered at taeil. “measure them up on the same scale again and you won’t be alive to regret again!”
Jaehyun stormed out upstairs. Soon after, without saying or expressing anything, taeil left too, masking his emotions just like usual times.
“when are they going to talk this out. It’s been three years already.” Johnny mumbled more to himself but everyone heard him and each and every presence in the room understood him.
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Sleep despised you. Even sleeping pills had turned their back on you. Sprawled on the bed, you prayed to some magical being to descend and help you but no matter how humbly you pleaded, there was no end to your misery.
"He was a drug supplier, one of the accomplice of importing life threatening drugs in korea. He had it coming when he refused to tell us about other handlers. What you need to know is we have done a favour by taking his life."
Taeyong's words were seeded into your head. Your fear was fine, he had told you. He also said you’d forget about it in no time but he couldn’t mark when the “no time” would end. The vision of what you witnessed was quite blurry by now but the awful feeling in the pit of your stomach chose not to leave you yet. From what taeyong explained, that man was a mere pawn. A hidden syndicate was exporting deleterious drugs and they were just trying to find out the people behind it.
The only thing you had gathered was that just like every normal entity, criminals like neos weren’t fond of any sort of competition. With a pack of sleeping pills given by xiaojun, meant to help you sleep through the night, you were dropped at your house by dear Mark who kept stuttering explanations while driving. They have never killed anyone innocent, Mark said and kept it repeating in different possible ways a sentence could be transformed into.
You weren’t sure if you believed him yet. But even the mere thought of getting used to the brutality was horrendous than what you had seen once.
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Two days later, at black neos. 9: 50
“when do you want us to sue them y/n?” mr. jung questioned, rotating his walking stick by the wooden head.
Sitting on the sofa, just beside him, you wondered why you were always so conscious of all the eyes directed at you. or maybe you were distracting yourself from answering the man. Among all the things, his way of showing his care was not settling in.
one amusing revelation was that Jaehyun's father, mr. jung or senior jung, as hyuck called them, was the only person with the capacity of putting a noose around all the valiant necks that were ever present in the house. The wrinkles of old age held enough authority to shut each and every young mouth, including yours even though you kept your quiet.
And he adored everyone, johnny, yuta and haechan among his favourites of course. He was also persistent and you were struggling with coming up with an answer because of this very trait. He kept asking you and your eyes remained transfixed on the papers bunched up in your hands, that were shoved into your hands upon your arrival. They opened the chapters you always had doubt about but no corroboration.
You had no home, the reason you were sent into that orphanage in the first place. The little kid that witnessed her parent’s death in front of her eyes didn’t understand why her parents took so long to wake up or why they never did when she waited for so long hiding among strangers or despite having a home, why she was sent to a place where she knew no one. There was no answer to why you never saw your uncle and aunt again and why they never came to take you back. As you grew up, you gave up on them. the car crash had crushed every relation you had with the home you once dearly loved and now you were conflicted with the new information that was thrown your way. your uncle and aunt were under illegal possession of the house that allegedly belonged to your father and after his demise, to you. but what would you gain by going back? Bricks and cement could never compensate or alleviate the pain that you had learned to live with. Even with law on your side, tormenting them would be of no benefit to you. So you said what you had decided years ago.
“I-I don’t want to sue them.” you replied meekly, eyes still fixated on the thread holding the legal papers together.
A sound of disapproval caught your ears as mr. jung spoke against your decision,
“no y/n. Those leeches abandoned you to rot in an orphanage and are living comfortably with insurances and the house that belongs to you. all that money could have been used for your future. You don’t need to be afraid of them. kun would provide you the finest lawyers and within two hearings, they would be in jail for committing fraud and trespass. And as a lawyer yourself, you should know better than to let them go off like this.”
Everybody heard but no one spoke.
“no.” you raised your head to face him and swallowed hard before continuing, “I do not want to meet them”
“don’t you want to go back there? that’s your home.” Somewhere from your left, Johnny spoke.
“never.” You refused immediately. “the people who live there were never my family. They never wanted me a part of their family. I’m clearly not their blood. The people who adopted me are not alive anymore. Those who loved me left me years ago. For a ridiculous sum of money, they didn’t even say their goodbyes to me. I was left there thinking that maybe one day someone would come. But money wins over love. It always does. And i don’t give a shit about them. I have learned to live on my own. I never needed their love. And I certainly don’t want more of their hatred.”
Inhaling sharply, you spat your speech in a single breath. Your words weren’t emotionless still you didn’t feel them like others did.
“I think we should bury this matter.” this time your voice was polite.
They nodded.
Mr. jung, however, wasn’t done.
“Okay so no one would mention this but keep these papers with you. you never know when this might come handy. After all, you are the sole owner of those properties your father left. Now you see, we grease the palms of officers so we can escape the shit we create for ourselves but people like your family are worse than the devil hi-
Multiple coughs halted his train of words. His breather was immediately fished out of his pocket and handed over to him. once he regained his senses, he begin again,
“never mind. Family must be protected y/n and those who fail to do so slaps the most precious value away from them. it’s not necessary that you should cherish something when it’s really out of your reach. at least i can die peacefully knowing that you all would settle down finally. If yuta can leave his chaser personality to find love, there’s hope for everyone here and speaking of yuta, when he’s arriving?”
“in two hours”
Your eyes widened and a hiccup escaped your throat. You voiced out a hum of surprise, gathering everyone’s attention.
“You weren’t told?”
You football sized eyeballs told mr. jung that you certainly weren’t aware.
“I guess I just spoiled a surprise then. Forgive me, I'm old and I am also hungry. Show some courtesy to your guests and feed me and y/n.”
Hyuck jabbed at him before they all got up to run for their seats in the dining room. “You are old. Why do you even need to eat anymore. Go to himalayas, eat snow and acquire some peace. That’s what old people should do!”
Everyone seemed too occupied with their bickering to pay you any mind so you dragged a reluctant taeil to his room, demanding answers for the latest drama they had launched in your name.
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"I'm so sorry about that. The day after reception at the office, uncle suddenly asked about your family and that got me curious too so I ended up searching in deep and that led me to this whole discovery. I swear i never meant to breach your privacy y/n." Taeil pleaded in a low whisper as he locked the knob.
"Why would he do that though?"
"He's just too sensitive when it comes to families. He even told me to find your real parents but I got no luck there because you were adopted from an open adoption center from a different country. I found no information on them but I'm sorry about that." His ramble was again reduced to a murmur..
Playing with your fingers, you signed heavily before replying,
"Thank you for your effort but you should have asked me first.”
"Did you perhaps know anything about their schemes?"
"Right since I learnt about the adoption laws. I couldn't have been adopted without a security registered under my name. Maybe that property was the house where they are living right now"
"I'm sor-
"When were you going to tell me about that little whiny bitch? He's coming back in a few hours? I have to live with him again? " Scrunching up your nose in disgust, you bellowed.
"Yeah. He and taeyong had a long love chat yesterday. He was indeed being dramatic so i wonder what happened between them that he agreed. But he's coming back yeah. It was inevitable anyway. I don't know how you want to approach this but I'd say don't choose conflict. Eventually you have to live together so why try to break each other's necks. I've said this before and I'd say it again he-
"He's not that bad? I don't understand how easily you forget that I'm in this predicament because of that man. How can you expect me to make peace with that fucking piece of shit who had his gun pointed to my head since very first day?"
"Are we that insufferable?"
"Don't change the topic"
"I'm not changing it.You said predicament. We are also part of it right. Do you really hate us that much?"
Your eyes softened, reflecting his tone. No, they were just mildly bearable. And no, there wasn't any need to admit it either.
"Taeil, you sound like the voice of reason here. Taeyong seems fishy too but he's too unpredictable. He's like a chameleon. Others don't seem to have any power in your stupid hierarchy I've come to notice so it's you right? You are the one who told taeyong to marry me to that poopface and spare my life. It is definitely you.” staring him right in the eye, you pointed your forefinger at him.
"Please do me a favour and don’t use your brain too much y/n. I already have too much on my plate. I don’t need another one. If you don’t want our uncle to die due to a heart attack caused by your and yuta’s actions, stay shut. Now let’s eat before they gobble down everything.”
Our uncle! Yeah sure, you thought.
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Standing alone in the kitchen, fidgeting with your hands, you tried your best to eavesdrop but nothing coherent met your ears. You indeed expected the army of men to have a party when their estranged soldier would arrive but the welcome outside sounded more like a hue and cry. The screaming indicated anything but happiness.
Your dilemma ended when you heard your name being called, the voice belonging to senior jung. You couldn't understand why he loved shouting when clearly his lungs couldn't take anything in higher volume.
Walking into the living room, you saw everyone seated in a very civilian manner but their conversation was difficult to hear amidst the babble.
“Come sit” Mark, who had gone to fetch yuta from the airport, spoke.
As you took the seat next to taeil, your eyes fell on the raven haired man and met his own. If his blonde hair shrieked peril, the black softened all the darkness his previous hair projected. Mayhaps, it was the black rimmed glasses he wore. You didn’t even know he had eyesight issues. He looked different.
He might have looked non-barbaric for a few seconds but his intense eye roll with the twitched lips upon meeting your eyes caused you to scowl. That’s when you noticed the elbow crutch on his left arm leaning against his outstretched leg. Nothing seemed wrong. You sized up his both legs with a crease of confusion forming on your forehead. You might have been looking too hard for your unasked doubt was answered by none other than yuta himself.
“I’m fine. It’s just a scratch.”
You scrunch your nose at the politeness that dripped from his lips, the honeyed words clearly in contrast from the uneasiness he felt while uttering them. Though the words were directed at you, he never regarded you directly and you weren’t sure how one was supposed to act in such a pretentious setting.
“No, definitely not a scratch.” Mr. Jung interrupted your internal unrest, interpreting your silence to be worry for the boy. “His left thigh is bandaged so it needs a lot of care. You might need to take some days off given how much movement hurt him. and you! I know you don’t want to worry her but lying around won’t work. she can’t tend to you unless she knows where you need care.”
He mildly instructed him as you found yourself staring at yuta’s brown cargo pants which hid whatever injury was being mentioned. The said words were dodged by your ears even before they’d have entered. The problem laid with the response that was expected of you. you couldn’t have possibly replied to him your true intentions that included ducking every wifey duties you were supposed to fulfil but like everyone else and as taeil had explained, you didn’t want the blood of an old man on your hands so you just played along.
That was enough for playing, you decided. Your quietness, for the first time won't be subjected to judgement as the dejection was expected.
“I think you both should go home now. I have some business to sort out here.” he got up and walked past you, not before petting your hair lovingly. He also smacked yuta on his head and mumbled something on the lines of how he should have enjoyed his last overseas trip and whatnot.
Once he, taeil and taeyong were out of sight, chatter started again. hovering over yuta, they dropped questions like he was in some interview and you remained seated, waiting for their next request they were possibly going to annoy you with.
“did you like france?”
“what the fuck! you didn’t tell me about the hair colour. Now I want to change mine too!” that was ten.
“why are you wearing pants if your thighs hurt?”
“I’m sorry for laughing at you earlier.”
Right when you thought you were specialising in drowning the sounds, Johnny's voice caused you to jerk your head towards them. Not the voice, maybe the question he asked!
“dude! Where did you exactly fall from? The room is on the ground floor and your work didn’t even require you to switch places. How can you break your leg while monitoring the local cells?”
Only two sentences were needed for the laughter to escape the confines of your stomach and the realisation that you actually thought about a bullet or a knife being the reason of the harm only elevated the amusement you felt. understandably, you became the center of their attention.
“who the fuck are you laughing at?” yuta sneered.
The twisted bitter smirk on yuta's face told you that he still needed some good time getting used to your unfiltered tendencies but by the suppressed snickers that chenle and hyuck let out, their voices recognisable to you by now, you were sure at least a few of them were enjoying your jabs as much as you did.
"Fuck off." He finally barked, breaking the harsh eye contact.
"Happily!" You remarked, raising yourself from the cushioned seat.
"Where are you going y/n?" Intersected jungwoo.
"Home. Tell mr.jung that college called. It's Saturday so I've to visit the library anyway."
"Wait I'll drop you both."
Glaring at Johnny, you wordlessly challenged him to repeat what he said.
"Yes. You and him are not leaving alone. Uncle is still here. God forbid if he decides to stay the night, we won't have answers for him." He rather whispered to you.
"That sounds like a problem for you. My pact was over as soon as I saw that face. And I can guarantee you the feelings are more than mutual from that side too." Rolling your eyes towards yuta, you said.
"No no no! You can't do that yet!" Johnny came closer and continued his whispering, "please y/n. I promise he'd behave. Uncle did so much for you, can you help us this one last time? And yuta was returning anyway. If not today, then four days later. Please? You'd do that for me right?"
Sometime while talking, his fingers had found your hand and you weren't sure if he was aware of it or not.
But you were. And that had caused a little temperature problem in your whole body as you felt warmness enveloping your whole being.
And it seemed like your ears had stopped working too.
"Y/n! Are you hearing me?"
"Are you fine?"
His hand on your cheek broke your trance and your eyes darted away to look at his eyes, finding the same worry in them. Why was he so genuine, you thought.
"Are you sick?"
He questioned again, to which you only stuttered.
"No. I'm fine john. What were you saying though?"
"I said yuta needs to go back home. Please. He can't stay here even if we don't want him to be alone."
Somehow, you found yourself mindlessly nodding at his words. A cheeky contagious smile appeared on Johnny's lips, your own slightly curving on both sides. He backed away after caressing your face, the action more noticeable to others than he probably had intended.
"Let's get you home baby boy." Johnny snickered at yuta earning a slap from him.
"Fuck off bitch. At least feed me something before I leave. I'm hungry!" He screeched, hitting Johnny's leg with the end of his stick.
"What about the jjajangmyun you had in the car? How can you still be hungry?” Mark chirped up innocently.
"Oh come on. Don't make excuses.I'll bring some food in the evening." Johnny offered when yuta was busy giving a stink eye to mark.
"I too need some compensatory food john.”
“What the fuck do you mean compensatory? You live in that house because of me! Don’t imply yourself as the owner of that place!” you rolled your eyes for the nth time at yuta’s words, dismissing his words with the action.
“Why dont you donate your eyeballs to someone like me who can actually make better use of them. Instead of rolling them to the back all the time, I shall happily play tennis with them.”
“If my habits annoy you that much then why are you going back to breathe the same air as me. I’d be more than happy if i don't have to see your cursed face daily!”
“Stop you both.” Johnny's back shielded your view as he spoke. “He’s still here! Renjun, go and run a checkup for him and tell me how bad his leg is in actuality or is he just crying like a baby.”
In defeat, you sat down again. Fifteen minutes passed and despite being sleepy, you tried your best to listen to donghyuck’s ramble of something that jeno did the other day. All you heard was how jungwoo and jeno had a fight over piggyback rides and after that every word was transformed into a chant of word sleep as it hit your ears. Though it was early afternoon, the whole week had been nothing but tiring.
Once again your relaxation time was robbed off by none other than yuta. Maybe this was the end of your peaceful days.
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Hopping off, you hurriedly whisked away before Johnny and Jungwoo could say anything to you. Two men were enough for towing the baggage.
As you stripped yourself off your jeans, an exhausted cackle left your lips when Johnny's words echoed in your head. During the car journey, he gave you some instructions in case of some emergency. That emergency being yuta! Not that you were going to put up with any of yuta’s demands, you listened to them anyway. Amusingly, yuta wasn't injured due to falling from stairs. He was getting drunk on the roof of a random building when he had launched himself into a sharp edge of a railing that gave him stitches all over his left thigh. Now he was as good as an exhausted car freshener.
As they settled him down, you didn’t bother going out even for a second. Choosing sleep over your much needed trip to the library, you tucked yourself into white sheets as the light breaths from air con lulled you to sleep.
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Sitting in the library, your fountain pen ran along the plain pages like you were writing a well known story and not your thesis. The words were flowing like water and you felt no difficulty as you finished pages with the speed of light. Everything was going smoothly. You felt happy. And suddenly your hand stopped moving. It was glued to a single point, the nib leaking out on that spot. Next moment, your thoughts were muddled and a distant shuffling distracted you. The more you tried to move your wrist, the more forceful the noise became. Your breathing got heavier and your body jammed, the whole weight punching onto the weak muscles of the hand.
Your attempts never stopped but the noise did and it transformed into loud thumping coming right from your heart.
You tried to inhale but something stopped you.
Then you heard the calls of your name.
Rapid and loud.
Your body jerked forward and your breath finally returned as your eyes opened.
You had woken up from a dream. You were still in your room and the loud thumping was the loud banging on your door.
“y/n! Are you sleeping?”
Registering his words, you replied in a groggy voice.
“What the fuck do you want?”
“Your phone. I left mine in the medical room. I need to call Mark right now.”
Whining loudly, you fell back on the bed. It was only due but flailing your arms and legs like a kid in a toy store, you let out a screech full of annoyance, cursing on your fate.
Were you really going to babysit him now?
Stay safe everyone. 2021 is just 2020 with a change of pajamas😑wear your mask and force others too🌝
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whatifxwereyou · 3 years
Ashes Chapter 14: Calligraphy
Fandom: Mortal Kombat 2021
Pairing: Liu Kang x Reader
Warning: This chapter has SPOILERS and some upsetting content (character death) so brace yourself.
A/N: boy oh boy what have we here. smooches, folks. genuinely cried writing this chapter, but also had a ton of fun putting it together! hope you like it!
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You were early to meet with the others in the lobby the next day. You’d finally gotten some greatly needed sleep and felt more like yourself. There was still a cloud hanging over your head of mixed-up emotions but there was no helping that. You’d gotten good at hiding it anyway. No one was there to meet you in the lobby so you went back to the little restaurant attached to the hotel. As you were about to be led to one of the tables, you spotted Cole and Emily waving to you to get your attention.
You thanked the hostess but let her know you would be joining your friends and walked past her.
“Y/N!” Emily beamed and offered you a hug, much to your surprise. You returned it and then took the seat between her and Cole.
“Glad you came to join us.” Allison smiled pleasantly though she looked weary, as if she hadn’t gotten much sleep the last few nights. You imagined this was much more difficult with a family to look after. “We just ordered so if we can catch the waiter then you’ll be right on time with us.”
“Perfect.” You then asked politely how everyone was doing that morning. It was nice to listen to them talk. It was such a normal conversation. Something you’d taken for granted in the past. You’d run from normal conversation for a while there. You’d run from any conversation now that you thought about it. You didn’t have much to contribute to the conversation but that was fine since Cole and his family were happy to talk. Emily showed you pictures that she’d taken while out and about in Los Angeles the afternoon before.
The waiter returned and you ordered granola and yogurt but even as you thought about eating it, your gag reflex kicked in. You just weren’t hungry. In fact, you were a little nauseated at the idea of it. The food was fine and you shoveled it down anyway but weren’t happy about it. It didn’t sit right either.
After you finished eating, Allison and Emily excused themselves to the restroom leaving you and Cole alone and waiting for the check.
“How’s things?”
“They’re about the same as yesterday.” You shrugged.
“How’s nothing?” Cole gave it air quotes this time, a bemused sort of look on his face.
“Are you really bothering me with that nonsense already today?”
“I wasn’t planning to but then…” He pointed to you as though you gave him an obvious reason to. You searched yourself but didn’t find anything out of the ordinary.
“What? What is it?”
“I’m pretty sure that nothing left you a souvenir.” He made to push your hair away from your neck and you swatted his hand away. Was he serious? Or was he just giving you a hard time. Had Liu given you a hickey like some horny teenager marking his territory? There was only one real way to find out but any sort of reaction was going to give you away to Cole. Your silence had probably already done that. Cole was looking at you as if to say ‘yeah, nothing’ again. You narrowed your eyes at him. “Hey, I’m not judging.”
“Cole… It’s…”
“I know, I know. It’s none of my business.” He tapped a finger against the table. “Whatever nothing is? It seems complicated. I get that. I’m just trying to help you out before someone with less discretion points it out.”
You sighed heavily and pushed your chair away from the table. “We are going to have words later.” You left money on the table for breakfast. “I have to grab something from my room.”
“Sure you do.” Cole laughed as you walked away. “You’re welcome!” He called after you. You walked into the lobby and found the restroom there, hoping to avoid Allison and Emily in the restaurant. You checked yourself in the mirror which was something you’d avoided doing the past few days.
Huh, funny, you were a little pale even though you felt much better. Maybe you’d hid in the temple too long after everything. You avoided thinking of the reasons behind the word ‘everything’. Sure enough, right on the side of your neck was the bruise-like mark that Cole had pointed out. An unmistakable sign that you’d been making out with Liu Kang. Oh the audacity of that man. After all the drama you had between you, after how complicated it already was, he’d given you a damn hickey.
You laughed, hands on the bathroom counter.
“Fuck.” You had to cover it up. So you went back to your room and covered the mark with makeup. You’d do your best to keep your hair over your neck but changed your jacket to one with a higher collar just in case. Then you made your way back to the lobby and to the restaurant where you found Cole, Allison, and Emily still seated. However, Liu Kang had joined them in the meantime. When you approached, he stood and grabbed a chair for you. Cole couldn’t have looked more amused. Liu bowed to you politely in greeting and then offered you the chair.
“Thanks.” You tried not to sound annoyed but you were annoyed. You couldn’t just yell at Liu Kang for giving you a hickey in front of everyone so you had to pretend you weren’t annoyed which was also annoying. You made casual conversation but you caught Liu throwing you a glance now and then. Eventually you chose to excuse yourself and joined Jax and Sonya in the lobby. Sonya was just as grumpy as you were that morning which was nice. At least it wasn’t just you. She was likely not looking forward to spending more time with Johnny Cage. Jax didn’t seem too keen on it either.
The others joined you in the lobby where Allison and Emily wished you luck and then left to go about their day. Then the group of warriors made their way to meet with Johnny Cage. It wasn’t a particularly long ride but it was long enough that the silence felt awkward. You wondered again why Raiden had sent you all there. There was something he foresaw as a possibility that you didn’t. There had to be. You could see why he would send you and Liu somewhere to sort out your shit but why everyone else?
When you arrived, you found that the house was surprisingly modest. A two-story bungalow standing alone on the side of the highway. Johnny met you out front and greeted you jovially but you checked out pretty quickly. The conversations with everyone were fairly circular. Too many hands in the pot. You enjoyed Johnny for the most part. He was quite funny.
The truth was that your fuse was short that morning and you were better off staying out of the conversation. To you, it didn’t matter how the conversation ended because if Johnny resisted then you were going with the backup plan.
A word that you had thought so many times the last few days it was funny. You kind of wanted to make it happen now. Could have been a fun change of pace.
That probably wasn’t healthy.
When you were restless the idea of causing trouble became tempting and this was one of those moments. It was something you could control in a world of things beyond your control. Kung Lao had kept you in check in moments like this. He’d allowed you to cause trouble without actually causing trouble. There was no one there to do that anymore. Except Liu. But causing trouble with Liu was exactly the kind of destructive thing you shouldn’t do.
“It’s beautiful, right?” Johnny beamed next to you, proud of the view of the beach from next to his house. You’d been walking alongside the fence. Where the hell was everyone else? Weren’t they supposed to be talking to Johnny? This was going great. “It’s part of why I bought this place. I know it’s old school for someone like me, but the view? Can’t be beat.” He continued on and on about the things that had drawn him to the house. The smell of the ocean. The moment he’d known it had to be his. The renovations that he’d had to do. It was nice to listen to him drone on, honestly. Had the others already managed to lose him? So much so that he was babbling about nothing to you?
You considered this would be a good moment to just knock him the fuck out.
“That’s a great idea. We’ll finish this discussion on the beach. The gate leads right down there.”
“You talked me into it, Y/N.” Johnny patted you on the shoulder then walked over to the gate and hollered for the others to follow him. Weather worn wooden stairs led from the gate next to the house and down to the shore. You hadn’t said anything so you had no idea what he was talking about, but fine. The others were soon walking past you. Sonya was grumbling something to Jax who was laughing in response. Liu walked past them all and was the first person down the stairs. Cole stood by the fence, hands in his pockets while he waited for you to join him. He nodded toward the fence. You shrugged and then joined him. You and Cole trailed behind the others.
“Now, hypothetically, if I agree to go on this journey with you then when exactly were you thinking we’d head out? Still unclear how we’re getting there but plane tickets are expensive short notice.”
“Tomorrow. Don’t worry about the flight. We have that handled.” Jax was the sternest negotiator amongst you and had the highest tolerance for Johnny Cage. You thought that Liu was more qualified and understanding at one point, but he was unpredictable now. So Jax it was. He was convincing and for some reason you trusted him immediately. That was not something that often happened for you.
“Yeah, that doesn’t work for me. I’ve got things to reschedule. I’m a busy man, I thought I made that clear.” He went on and on. You were over it. Just knock him out already. You walked past them to an old dusty picnic table in the sand. You’d let the others sort it out. Jax seemed to have it under control for now. Cole joined you at the table.
“Is this about what you expected?”
“Do you think if we let him keep talking until he’s tuckered out then we might get a word in edgewise?”
“I think that motormouth could go on forever if we let him.”
“Well, alternatively, we could just knock him out. Then I’ll call Raiden. Boom. Done. I’ll just drag him.”
Cole chuckled and ran his fingers through his short hair, elbows on his knees. “If it comes to that then I’m happy to help with the dragging.”
“I was hoping.”
Cole clasped his hands together, tapping one foot impatiently. You couldn’t blame him. You’d been given the runaround since you and Liu got there and you were certain it had been more of the same before that. “It’s strange seeing the beach this empty.”
“Rich people.” You gestured to Johnny and Cole chuckled again. “Look at those clouds rolling in. Looks like rain.”
“I didn’t see any in the forecast. Weird.”
“Weirder things have happened.”
Jax, Sonya, and Johnny were arguing. About nothing. You could hear their irate voices from there. Johnny had offended them, apparently. Liu was quietly trying to diffuse the argument but it seemed to be going poorly for him.
“You sneak over there and knock him out. I’ll carry him.” Cole joked. You laughed but when you turned to watch the waves roll out your stomach sunk.
There was a familiarity that you couldn’t shake and you couldn’t turn your gaze away. You got up and walked closer to the water. Even your shoes in the sand felt familiar. You’d walked here before. You’d seen these waves before. Even the clouds were ones you’d seen. Cole was following you.
“What is it?”
“I know this place.” But why? Why did you recognize it? You didn’t know. You just knew that you did. That happened to you sometimes but it had been years. With the visions you’d suffered as a child and the ones you’d had after discovering your arcana it had been a common thing once upon a time. It had been impossible to decipher what was a coincidence or déjà vu without help.
But this didn’t feel right and the drop in your stomach made you concerned enough that you had to say something.
“Liu?” You shouted with some urgency and he snapped his head toward you, stopping the conversation with Johnny with a wave of his hand. He started toward you but before he could ask you what was wrong, what was wrong made itself apparent.
The dark clouds spread unnaturally across the sky and the ocean shrunk back from the shore and crashed against an invisible wall instead of rolling back. Green mist swirled beyond the waves and gathered in a spiral energy. Opening at its center was a mirror of fire and darkness. You could feel the heat of it from there.
Your vision from the roof.
Unlike your vision where there had been a wave of bodies rolling in from the ocean, there were instead monstrous warriors with fire beneath their skin that rushed out of the hellish void behind the dark mirror. Was this why Raiden had sent you all there? Had he foreseen something like this happening? You stepped back into a defensive position and Cole joined you at the ready.
“What the hell is this?” Johnny shouted, lumbering through the sand to your other side, fists in a guard position. You were all ready for a fight. From behind the monstrosities emerging onto the beach an imposing armored man stepped from the portal of fire and green mist. Bald, gray skinned, symbols on his forehead and dark lines traveling up from his eyes, he was intimidating. Power radiated from him.
The monstrous warriors he’d summoned were snapping at you, growling, some holding weapons, others armed only with claws. With a wave of his hand, the monstrosities rushed forward.
You were ready for a fight but stumbled backwards in the sand. The déjà vu left you dizzy. Jax was in front of you smashing the creature that had come for you. You would have rolled out of the way but you appreciated the assist. “Get it together, Y/N!”
You put some distance between you and the others. You could handle the fight but you were better off in the back given what you specialized in. Then it was pure chaos. This was what the vision had warned you about. There was fire and the crashing of metal. Blades sliced and projectiles were thrown. Fingertips turning black, you summoned your arcana into blades and spun them at the ready.
Fire roared from Liu as he fought nearby. Jax was plowing through enemies while Sonya fought back-to-back with Cole who had not yet used his arcana but was doing just fine without it.
One of the monsters came toward you and you ducked beneath its blow then stepped back strategically in the sand. It rushed you and you twisted your blade and sliced the grotesque creature’s face. It roared, spit flying past its lips, then lumbered toward you even as your blade cut through it. You twisted aside and sliced across its chest and the creature fell into a pile of ash but you lost your footing on the sand. What the hell was wrong with you? It was like something had pulled your leg right out from under you but there was nothing there. Johnny helped you to your feet.
The creatures were no match for everyone’s arcana. Even Johnny Cage put up one hell of a fight which you were glad to see. One of the creatures struck him and he faked left, slipped beneath the blow, and then struck it repeatedly then kicked it toward you. “Catch!”
You spun and sliced the creature gracefully, relieved your body was obeying you this time. With a yell, Johnny kicked the creature to the ground. He stepped back into his stance and you grabbed his arm to pull him out of the way of a creature coming from behind him. He stumbled but caught himself quickly. Your blade pierced the monster’s chest and Johnny struck the monster in the face but then shook out his hand in pain. Then with a yell he kicked the creature so it slid off of your blade.
“Chill out, man!” He then targeted the wound your blade left behind and the creature fell to the ground and burst into ash with a comical spin. “Hey, can you do that thing where you duplicate me?” Johnny had nothing but excitement in his eyes.
“Is now really the time?” You laughed, shaking out your blade. Doing so would mean you had to take a back seat to the actual conflict.
“Come on, Y/N! Double Johnny! That’s my next damn movie!” He assured you with a big grin. “It’ll be a hit. No one will know how we did it!” There were more of those creatures coming through the sand toward you.
“You had me at Double Johnny.” You tossed the swords behind you and they disappeared in a spray of ink. Bracing yourself in the sand, you drew Johnny out of ink and had him join him at his side. While you controlled the drawing, you backed up and watched the others to make sure that they were holding their own. Cole had summoned the armor and tonfa of his arcana and was absorbing blow after blow before redirecting that energy back at his attackers.
Liu wielded fire in a graceful dance, holding his own with ease. Jax and Sonya held the front line, trying to make their way toward the man who ordered the monstrosities toward them from the portal by the water.
He made eye contact with you and then a horrible ringing began across the beach. You kept your grasp on the drawing of Johnny but it took tremendous focus not to fall. It was fighting more like you did but it was still doing its job. You dropped to one knee in the sand as the ringing in your head continued. You focused only on your ink and tried to drown out the horrible sound as it deafened you. Then an arm slipped under yours and helped you back to your feet.
“What happened? You hear something?”
“You don’t hear that?” You shouted over the horrid screeching.
“No, just fighting!” He steadied you then let go.
“There’s this ringing!” You shouted.
“There’s no ringing, Y/N!” Cole swung the grip on his tonfa and leapt before you, knocking the creature coming toward you aside, then spinning back and piercing it with the sharp end.
“Fuck this.” You muttered beneath your breath and then, despite the ringing, you drew Cole to join him in battle and together they batted back the flood of creatures rushing toward you. You were going to drive these things back to wherever the hell they’d come from. You stepped further back and drew Liu to join him. There was a deep pain in your chest and you pushed anyway. If you had to sleep for the rest of the evening it would be worth winning the battle.
The ink staining your fingers spread over your wrists and up your arms. You tossed your jacket off and into the sand. You drew Jax and the screeching in your ears was muted by exhaustion. The creatures were falling back, overwhelmed by the duplication of your fellow warriors. You kept scanning the beach to help your creations mimic their fellow warriors. You made to draw Sonya to help finish them off but then something struck you hard in the chest. There was nothing there but the blow was enough to knock you several feet backwards.
As you fell into the sand, you didn’t crash but were instead swallowed by darkness. You tried to fight it but your limbs snapped together and it was like you were bound, floating in a sea of shadow. You could hear combat below you, the grinding of a saw blade, and a familiar voice. It was like someone was controlling your body, guiding you through the wall of shadow against your will. It was like water, you couldn’t breathe.
Then your heart stopped.
You heard Kung Lao.
He was screaming in agony. Screaming for Liu Kang. Your whole body went rigid.
Then you fought to get free. You fought harder than you had ever fought in your entire life. He was screaming in agony and you were in the fight pit, floating above it. Shang Tsung had Kung Lao in his grasp and right before your eyes, you watched the life drain from the face of the man that you loved.
Liu Kang was running to him but it was too late. Anguish radiated from him but as he opened his mouth to scream, you heard nothing but that ringing again. In his last breath, Kung Lao froze. Then, quickly, the scene rewound before your eyes and you were forced to watch it play out again. You couldn’t breathe, you couldn’t think. You tried desperately to get to him, but you were trapped.
“You couldn’t save him.” A deep voice whispered, fading from one ear and into the other. “And you won’t be able to save them either.” You wanted to scream, to fight, but you could barely move, could barely breathe. The scene rewound again and you shook all over in terror. Darkness swallowed you and you tried desperately to close your eyes to it, to get away from the screams of the man you loved at the last moments of his life.
You tried to summon your arcana, to lash out like you used to in a panic with spears of ink.
In a burst of energy, you fell through the shadow, limbs free of where they’d been bound. You collapsed in a heap onto something hard and solid but it wasn’t the beach. You weren’t anywhere. You didn’t care where you were. You grasped your hair desperately, sobbing hysterically. Why? Why?
You hadn’t ever wanted to see that!
You didn’t want that in your head!
His last moments alive captured and replayed. You couldn’t help him. You pulled your hair, tried to get a hold of yourself but you couldn’t stop sobbing, couldn’t catch your breath. You were hyperventilating, shaking.
Footsteps approached you but you didn’t get up to greet them. You were helpless, sobbing and curled up on the ground. Whoever it was approaching you stopped right in front of you and crouched. You froze.
It was Kung Lao. You didn’t have to see him to know it was true.
He wrapped his arms around you and you sobbed against him, grasping onto him desperately. He felt so real, warm, and comforting. He was there. But you knew it wasn’t real. He wasn’t real. You could see the last moments of his life repeating in your mind’s eye. His lips brushed against your forehead, one of your fondest memories, something you were sure your subconscious was repeating to comfort you.
“They need you, Y/N.” He whispered. His voice was so familiar and comforting that you clung even tighter to him, your sobs catching in your throat. It hurt. To hear his voice so clearly in your head and know it wasn’t real. “Breathe, please.” His strong hands brushed down your arms to try and soothe you. You nodded and shakily took deep breaths. Even if it was just your subconscious, it felt so real that you took comfort in it.
He left that kiss on your forehead again.
“I didn’t… I didn’t, Kung Lao… I didn’t want to see you die, I… I can’t… I couldn’t… I’m sorry.” You sobbed, covering your mouth. “I miss you so much.”
“I know. I know you do. But you have to wake up, Y/N. I need you to wake up.”
“I don’t know how. I don’t know where I am, I don’t know… I don’t…” You wiped your eyes furiously but couldn’t take your eyes off of him. This was how you wanted to remember him. Not rotting away. “I can’t do this without you.”
“Yes, you can, Y/N. You have to wake up.” He tilted your chin up and just as his lips brushed against yours in a kiss, he was gone and you were alone.
Gasping for breath, you opened your eyes to the tumultuous skies over the beach. Liu Kang was pulling you from the sand and into his arms. It was chaos. There was yelling you couldn’t make out all around you. Green smoke engulfed the beach and your fellow warriors were falling back. Liu scooped you up into his arms but you fought him and he stumbled.
“Y/N! Y/N, don’t! We have to go!” Liu grasped again for you but you fought to get away from him and fell into the sand.
“He’s right, we have to go!” Cole argued and tried to help get you back up. Johnny stopped him.
“Let her do what she needs to do.” Johnny knelt next to you. You were shocked by how much he had chosen to trust you. Now you felt a little bad about the kidnapping thing but you were too emotionally raw to even be sarcastic. The monstrosities were rushing toward you, barely kept back by Sonya’s arcana.
Getting back to your feet, you focused on your arcana. Even if it took every bit of the strength that you had left, you would make them pay. You were furious. The last thing you’d remembered before you fell were the eyes of that man. He’d made you watch Kung Lao die again and again. He had imprisoned you in somewhere dark and he would pay.
You would do this for him.
For Kung Lao.
The ink covered your hands again and spread up your arms. You imagined the world as your canvas, the whole beach your art. You drew around the creatures running toward you and it felt to you that they moved slower than your arcana did. The stone walls that you drew on either side of them popped into existence and then slammed into the sand. They were huge, towering above the creatures. You collapsed to your knees in the sand but Johnny slipped his arm under yours and helped you back up. You made eye contact with the leader of these horrible creatures. He was scowling behind his warriors and then he turned and stepped back into his portal.
With a yell, you slammed your hands together and the stone walls crashed together, crushing every single one of the monstrosities that had come through the portal that was closing behind your arcana. The sound of the ink slamming together was deafening and the ground shook beneath you. Your ears were ringing now for a different reason.
You dropped into the sand, only kept upright by Johnny Cage. You sat back on your heels. The ink walls disintegrated and poured like rain into the sand, staining it. The creatures within had fallen to ash. Dark clouds grumbled overhead.
All that remained was the inky silhouette of a man.
Kung Lao.
Vision blurred by tears, you commanded the drawing of him to brush his fingers over his hat in victory. Then he disappeared into nothing. You let your weight fall back against Johnny Cage. He was talking to you but your head was spinning and everything was muted. Liu crouched in front of you and took your hands to help you up. He was talking but you were struggling to even read his lips. You blinked your eyes closed to try and focus. You swatted Liu’s hands away and then pushed Johnny off of you too.
You took deep breaths and regained yourself before getting to your feet. Then there was silence. None of you were sure what had prompted the attack or who had even been behind it. The only thing any of you were sure of was that it was not good.
You were still furious.
“Okay.” Johnny broke the tense silence. “I’ll clear my schedule by the end of the week and we can go. No more questions… well, about that, at least. I have lots of other questions.” He looked to each of you. “That okay?”
“End of the week? Did you see what just happened? We are at war.” Jax argued. You got to your feet and walked a little away from them to let them talk. You shouldn’t have but you didn’t have it in you to listen to them arguing about something that seemed so trivial to you in the moment. You knew it wasn’t trivial but nothing else mattered to you right now.
Sonya joined you closer to the water. “That was impressive.” The blond had her arms folded over her chest. She was scraped up and looked weary but you weren’t worried about her. Sonya had more than proven herself as a warrior.
“Couldn’t have done that earlier?”
“What made you do it?”
“I’m furious.” You didn’t offer any further explanation. The last thing you wanted was to talk about it. You didn’t even want to think about it. But it wasn’t like you could get it out of your head. Who was that man who had done that to you? What were his motives? What good did he think would come of it? Why show you that? Why taunt you? To break you?
“I’d hate to be the one who made you that angry.” Sonya attempted to joke with you but you had zero sense of humor right now.
“I wouldn’t recommend it either.”
Sonya offered you a pat on the back. “Take it easy after that.”
“You too. Clean that up.” You gestured to Sonya’s arm. At least Sonya wasn’t treating you with kid gloves like the guys sometimes did.
“It’s just a scrape.” Sonya assured you. Liu joined you on your other side. The others were close behind now.
“We need to get back to Raiden.” You turned to Liu only for a second. You couldn’t look him in the eyes right now. You could only picture the anguish on his face in those last moments. “They weren’t from Outworld. They were from somewhere else.” Liu was watching you in alarm.
“End of the week is the best I can do.” Johnny spoke over anyone else who may have had something to say on the matter. “It’s only two days away. After that? I’m all yours.”
“That’s fine.” You agreed before the others could argue. If they disagreed then they could argue with you later. You were ready for a fight at this point. You didn’t care what their opinions were on the matter. Johnny had stood by you when you’d needed help even when he didn’t have to. You’d step up for him too. “It’s only two days. He’s right. By then Nightwolf should be up to speed and already training. With any luck it’ll be the leg up we need.”
“Nightwolf? Sounds like a Nordic death metal band or something.”
Sonya swatted Johnny on the back of his head inciting a laugh from Cole.
“Fine. Two days. That’s it. But we’re leaving first thing Saturday morning and if you don’t show up, then so help me, when we find you…” Jax continued to threaten him. Johnny insisted that his word was solid. You didn’t care what either of them said. If Johnny bailed then you would drag him kicking and screaming to China. But you had also accidentally bonded with Johnny Cage and trusted that he would do as he promised. You stepped away from the others, getting closer to the waves.
The ink had faded and so had the ash. The only signs of the battle that had taken place was the dug-up sand from the fighting. You felt Liu walking toward you before he was at your side. His energy was tangible and so uniquely him.
“What is it?” He whispered, voice nervous. “What do you know?”
“I know that I need to talk to Raiden.” You felt heavy, like another version of you sat on your shoulders. Grief. “I don’t know exactly what it is I know. I just know that it’s bad. That man… he’s trouble.” You knew that was vague but you had no other words to describe him without explaining what had happened to you. You knew so little other than a feeling. He had been trying to manipulate you. If that was his intent then he clearly knew nothing about you. All he’d managed to do was make you angrier.
You supposed it had beaten you down but you wouldn’t let it keep you down.
Kung Lao was still alive even if only in your head
Living enough to have comforted you when you’d needed it. The strength that you’d used to crush those creatures had been all because of him. You silently thanked him for watching over you as you admired the waves recovering from the magic of that horrible man.
“I can call Raiden. The others can meet us in China on the weekend.” Liu was terrible at hiding his worry.
You considered his offer but your gut was saying to stay in Los Angeles until you were all leaving. Raiden had to have known that something would happen. He had known you had to be there. Why? You hoped that he could shed some light on the truth of what was happening. This war had become more complex than any of you could have imagined. “No. I think we should wait. But I’m worried, Liu.”
“Yeah, me too.” Liu folded his arms over his chest. The tension in the air couldn’t have been more different than the last time you’d stood together on the shore.
“Are you okay?” You turned to give him a cursory glance. He was covered in soot. No surprise.
“I’m fine.” You felt the smile on his lips. “You’re gray again.”
“Well, I crushed an army.”
“Still.” He wiped the soot off of his shirt fruitlessly. “We should go.”
“I need a minute, Liu.”
“You can go, Liu.” You didn’t necessarily want him to go but you didn’t want him to sit there worrying about you pointlessly either. You would be okay. Probably could use a nap but you would bounce back from that just fine. It was the rest of what had happened that no one else had seen that would stick with you. Liu bowed his head respectfully but didn’t leave you alone. You had plenty to discuss but you had no words. Cole joined you moments later.
“You okay?” He asked casually and you were grateful that he wasn’t nearly as concerned as Liu was.
“I’m fine. You good?”
“I’ve had worse.” Cole smirked, arms folded over his chest. “You saw something back there, huh?” You supposed that of all the people you owed an explanation to, Cole was pretty up there. He’d been there when you’d realized what was happening and that you’d seen it before.
“Yeah. That happens sometimes.” You weighed whether or not you should elaborate. Later. It wasn’t the time or place.
“Good to know.” Cole offered you his arm. “Come on. We’re heading back. No one feels safe here now.” You took his arm and then started slowly with him back toward the steps leading to the beach house. Liu followed behind you. Your mind was buzzing with anger. He would pay. You would make that man regret putting those visions in your head.
Next Chapter >>
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trashcatsnark · 3 years
NGL I love how much you have embraced the silverv stuff here - its so nice to read. I submit for consideration, Rogue notices the tattoo while on the disaster date and both Johnny and V play it off as a joke and holy shit poor rogue stuck in a room with two morons.
Also - V getting dressed for that date and realizing they just MIGHT be a little jealous with a side of some thoughts of "Oh God Johnny Would NEVER Feel That Way About Me Gotta Bury This Deep So He Doesn't Know"
Johnny notices the anxiety but is very dense about the cause.
Oh hell yeah, I have fully embraced it and this ship; I was writing SilverV porn before the game came out, like I knew what my ship for this game was gonna be from the second I saw gifs of
“You’re a dick, Johnny” 
“And you’re a cunt, so maybe we’ll fit together after all.” 
That banter sealed my fate and I’m fairly sure I had named and created my V then wrote porn of her with Johnny literally a week later. The devil works hard, but my brainrot works harder and faster. 
Okay, so I’ve thought a lot about that date in both a silverv context (and largely how it fits with my V, Aidan and her fic) I’ll try to stay general though. 
Firstly, I whole heartedly believe Rogue sees through their bullshit. Not only is she just good at that, but Johnny even states she has MRE’s (?) and can see through people, like her eyes can pick up on signs of lying. And usually, thats not an issue for when V talks to her, but when she asks about Johnny and their relationship with him. Its a mess. And when Rogue asks Johnny about it, its a mess. 
And when Rogue notices the tattoo it’s like Oh... I get it . And Johnny is of course like, “hahaha, yeah I thought that’d be so funny, the kid hates it.” But Rogue isn’t stupid, she knows a lovey dovey heart with their names, something that looks like someone doodled it on their third grade notebook about their crush, is not really typical of Johnny’s “joking” She knows that if Johnny is not really the kind of guy to hahahaha its so funny to make it look like we love each other; he’d be more likely to get a dick tattooed on V’s arm if it was just to mess with them. For gods sake, look how many people didn’t pick “the other one” because they were convinced it was gonna be a dick. That’s a Johnny just trying to fuck with someone move. So, she doesn’t buy it, but doesn’t push it...with him. 
She asks V about and of course they play it off as “Yeah, Johnny thought it’d be funny, what a fucking asshole, its so fucking dumb, I totally fuckin hate it.” 
“So, why not get it removed?” 
“Uhhhhhhhhhhh, well you see what had happened was, um, I, just uhhhh, never been enough time, I guess yeahhhhhh.” 
Cause lets face it, in cyberpunk universe, getting a tattoo removed should be easy. If you can get blades in your arms and can have a completely newly reconstructed body in like an afternoon; you can get a tattoo removed in like twenty minutes. So, V still keeping it, says volumes about how they really feel.
Now, V’s jealousy and the date. 
I do absolutely agree that any anxiety or ill feeling V might have up until the date; Johnny is gonna feel, but not realize where it’s coming from. I think if anything, he’s gonna chalk it up to V being anxious about giving him control again and he’s gonna be like worried that maybe V doesn’t trust him as much as they let on. 
And I do think a V who has feelings for Johnny, would not be able to help feeling some jealousy regarding Rogue and Johnny. Just because jealousy is natural thing to feel and while you can debate if they were ever a good or healthy couple, you can’t debate they shared very real feelings for one another. And I think a lot of V’s jealousy would come from just how much Johnny seems to first think of/go to Rogue. When he needed to save Alt, first person he turned to, Rogue. When he wanted to bomb Arasaka tower (going by his memory of it and ignoring that the event was probably actually planned by Morgan Blackhand), who’d he go to? Rogue. When he becomes determined to get Smasher, who is he determined to get him with, Rogue. When he first decides to atone for his past mistakes, who’s the first person he wants to make up with, Rogue. When at the rooftop, who does he want to go grab to help him save V, Rogue. 
If you got feelings for someone, that’d hurt, I think it’s impossible for that not to spark some jealousy. And V if anything is also mad at themselves for having those feelings, because they like Rogue, she’s a badass, a legend, they respect the hell out of her. And of course they have feelings for Johnny and they wanna help him make shit right and they wanna give him a chance to enjoy himself. But this stupid reptilian part of their brain is screaming but i want to be the first person he goes to, the first person he thinks about, which they know is also stupid cause for fucks sake the man literally lives in their brain, they’re as close as two people can be and literally when Johnny has the power to go to someone for something, he can’t go to V because they’re reduced to sleeping essentially until Johnny hands back the reigns. Yet, feelings aren’t aren’t always, rational, sadly. 
And to Johnny’s credit, he probably doesn’t even give it that much thought. Rogue is a badass, someone he cares for, someone he can depend on and someone he hurt really badly. The two people he can and always has been able to depend on the most (other than Alt prior to her death) have been Kerry and Rogue. And, bless his heart, the fuck is Kerry gonna do? Kerry ain’t a merc, Kerry isn’t gonna bust into Arasaka Tower or plant a bomb. Kerry doesn’t have the connection to Smasher. So, of course, Rogue is gonna be his go to. And in terms of making things up to people...he literally cannot really do much to make things up to V, not the way he can for Rogue or Kerry. Cause, when him and V are both conscious, he can’t do much beyond touch and talk to them. Hell, even with Rogue and Kerry, he relies mostly on V to help him do anything. Even with people he can interact with and do something for; V is doing all the nitty gritty work for him. V drives Rogue to the theater, V breaks into the theater, V gets the projector going. V breaks into Kerry’s house, V disables the security. V gets in contact with Nancy. V gets Nancy out of Totentanz in one piece. 
Which probably if V actually thought about it critically, does mean he’s going to them and relying on them more than Rogue, but they’d probably dismiss it out of it being for necessity and not because he cares about them and feels he an depend on them. 
Anyhow, Johnny would probably love to do some nice gesture to make up for his bender to V, hell they probably were the first person he wanted to make things up since they are his catalyst for changing. But what feasibly can he do for them? Anything he’d want to do with/for them, would just be asking V go do this thing and i’ll also be here. Anything that would put them in public interacting is out, unless they want MaxTac called on V for looking cyberpsychotic. He can’t even do an at home date, because he can’t cook (engram or not) and he can’t buy them anything nice he has no money and also doesn’t technically exist. He could try to do so sneakily while he’s in control...but he’d be using V’s money so they might as well just buy it for themselves. he can play music for them,,. but that doesn’t seem too special and more than a little egotistical to think it’ll make V feel better about what he did... So... all he can really do, is prove he’s worth trusting by being on his best behavior and more importantly do what he can to save V’s life. 
Then there’s the date. And as usual, I have some opinions and feelings about a thing.  Like, okay, I’ve seen some people (aka Gamer Bros on Twitter) being like, Rogue is Johnny’s girl. Wanting to date either of them is wrong because they like each other. (then you also get the BUT ALT crowd, but rants for another day.) And I can’t help but ask, did we play the same date? Their entire date is about how they’re both desperately clinging to the past. Rogue is trying to reclaim 2013-2023 Rogue and Johnny just wanting for a night to feel like the world and his place in it haven’t been completely rearranged. And it ends with Rogue telling him, she is not that girl anymore, she can’t pretend to be, and frankly she doesn’t want to anymore. She wishes she could be, wishes she was still that tall haired street punk who’d never dream of working with corps or being a fixer, but she’s not. Her and Johnny are no longer the same people who met back in to 2010’s. Doesn’t mean they don’t care about one another and doesn’t mean what feelings they had weren’t real or important; but they’re just not those people anymore. Rogue more so than Johnny since he’s freshly on the course of change.   
Something else in regards to the date, that I think is important to talk about and how it relates to silverv and its something I personally have very conflicting feelings about. The fact that Johnny can initiate some physical intimacy with Rogue. See, I have never chosen the option to kiss Rogue during the date and actually did not learn until relatively recently, that if that choice is made it goes a biiit further than a kiss. I have watched the scene now.
And god I have mixed feelingssss. Like, I get it, but I’m not sure I like it. And I know full well, my silverv bias impacts my feelings on the matter, it’s be disingenuous to say otherwise. But I don’t think the ship is purely my reason for having these feelings. But at the end of the day, its all opinions. So, I get from a character perspective that Johnny and Rogue are trying so hard to reclaim their past and what they use to have that they get caught up in trying do what they would do if this was the 2010’s. And Johnny’s relationships as we’ve seen are very physical, sexual chemistry and attraction are major factors in his relationships because he kept things very superficial most of the time. He even says part of the issue with his relationship with Rogue is at the time he didn’t realize he could let her see the true him and still hid behind walls, kept things at a distance. So, the idea that’d they fall back into the old habit of trying to just be physical and ignore their feelings, isn’t out of character. 
However, and Johnny even seems to acknowledge this issue when Rogue interrupts it, they’re doing this with V’s body. V...who did not consent to sexual contact. They consented to a date and while one could logic that this would mean everything a date could entail up to and including physical intimacy; I would argue that that is something that would need further conversation to have clear consent. And like again, this might come down to boundaries and personal feelings. Because I go back to the bender and what’s been interesting to me is too see different opinions on it; some people weren’t actually bothered at all by Johnny’s bender in V’s body, some people were bothered by the drugs and alcohol specifically cause their V is straight edge. Me, personally, it was the sexual content and the endangering of V’s life. Like, it was mostly funny and oh yeah, I expected that it’s bad but eh I’ll move on, to me, until he started getting sexual with people in V’s body. Like that to me is not just crossing the line, it’s catapulting over it. 
And like I said, Johnny even responds to Rogue’s “this isn’t fair” with “what, you mean it’s not fair to V?” which she says she meant it isn’t fair to Johnny. (Which viscerally upset because you nearly used V’s body for sexual gratification without their consent and you’re worried about Johnny, which tbf Rogue has no way of knowing what V has and hasn’t consented to, so its not on her but that was my knee jerk thought). So, he has some awareness that maybe that was a bad move. 
And yeah, it definitely to me and my V would be a very bad move (unless he explicitly talked to them beforehand and got consent). And in general, it made me feel like, dude, you just promised you’d be better and not break V’s trust but again not a day later you’re nearly using them to have sex. It felt like a backslide, which isn’t necessarily unrealistic, cause change and growth is not always linear, people can commit to changing themselves and still fuck up and not get it right; in fact it’s rare for them not to have any sort of backsliding or repeating of mistakes. 
Again, I will also give credit that he could have been assuming that given V consented to the date, they assumed or were cool with their being physical intimacy between him and Rogue. He also generally, might not have really planned for it to happen, because I don’t think Johnny plans a lot of anything. It very well might have just sort of happened. Also, V doesn’t clearly communicate if the sexual component was an issue in the bender. All V really seems to have an issue with in game is the very general thing of; he misled them and used them. So, he might have assumed that wasn’t ever an issue. And hell, if you wanna go full meta, the player is technically the one who makes that choice and V is largely an avatar for the player, so that alone could be seen as whether or not V would/does consent. 
But, from a story perspective, removing the player choice element. I think how that’s handled would have a huge impact on silverv and where it goes from there. 
Because if V and Johnny did talk about consent prior and V did consent while having feelings for Johnny, god I’d have to imagine they’d still feel pretty hurt, but feel it’s irrational to feel that way and have put their own feelings aside because clearly Johnny cares about and wants Rogue and they should ruin what could be his one chance to make things right. 
If there like in game was no talk of consent and Johnny ends up kissing and touching on Rogue and V finds out or has memories of it surface,that could be devastating for them. Not only from their own feelings for Johnny, but this since of betrayal and hurt. Was the oil field conversation just a lie? A manipulation? V might feel like they were used; that Johnny never gave a shit about them or how they feel. And Johnny would have to deal with the realization that intentionally or not; he earned back V’s trust just to destroy it again. He fucked up again, he ruined everything again, he got his second chance and destroyed it…. And he doesn’t know how, if he can, or if he should bother trying to ask for a third. In general, I do think, V would come out of the date assuming (naturally so) that Johnny really only has romantic feelings towards Rogue, that they’re just a friend at best, a host to be used at worse. I even in my own universe with my V have them after everything is better, everyones got a body, expects Johnny to start pursing Rogue and trying to swallow their own feelings and be a supportive friend, try to encourage and push him to do it and Johnny’s just like please stop, Rogue is this close to murdering us both.
I was gonna add more funny stuff to this and include a shitposty interaction he has with my V over them dressing up for the date and shit, BUT HOLY FUCK THIS GOT LONG AND SAD????? I’M SO SORRY.
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rebelliouslala · 3 years
4 Something
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warnings- character death, language, cult like behavior, angst
word count- 1.7k
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You had been introduced to everyone, but to be honest, you felt as if you could not memorize the men you had just met.
To be fair, there were 16 other men.
Selen was the eldest, and therefore the elder brother figure of the entire Pound. Mouse was the youngest. He was an “intern” at the Dream Gems. He sat next to Chenle, and whispered to him quietly in Korean. He looked so small in this gang. You assumed he had to join when he was possibly younger than you became a member in the Ripple.
Selen had made you meet the others, and even repeat their names. Victory sighed as he endured everyone hugging him and strangely calling him Orpheus. Selen, surprisingly, went quick. With each snap of his fingers, as if it were the 1920’s, he pointed and named.
Your head spun with the names; You only went by small descriptions to memorize each man. And even then, you had no idea. Osaka, or Herac was sitting next to a lean man, Zeus. This man was lanky, but smiled widely and laughed as he sang.
The one that Johnny sat next to, with his statuesque face was Aphrodite. He was breathtaking. Gogo- Hermes, was faced away from a very energetic boy, with feathery hair, Helios. You looked at another man, with a pinched nose, named Athene. Selen sat next to him. You stared at him, and he nodded at you silently. 
And in this room, Johnny was not even referred to his name, his English nor Korean, but as Ares. You held his hand under the table.
“So, Eos has made this, Psy is their name, as a new spy. Now, Athene will make the plan.” Selen said loudly.
The man mentioned nodded, before he did a double take. “What? Hyung—?”
“Eos orders.”
Athene blinked, and he stood up, quietly kicking you.
“OW.” You stated with disgust, glaring up.
“Oh! Pardon me, would you mind punching Selen?” Athene said like a gent. 
There was an ahem. The man who made the noise placed his hands under his chin. “Continue, Athene.” Aphrodite said with a coolness.
The other man sighed quietly, but he got out a scroll. It was curled, but he laid it out so everyone can see. Yuta -you didn’t even want to try to remember his name-, helped it keep it open with his elbow, and another boy who was introduced as Songbird, who smiled up at Athene.
Athene now read loudly, “My fellow Gods, demigods and mortals; we invite a new, fellow mortal by the name of Psy. They have a chance to take down our enemy. Because of this, all business is now closed. We will be quiet and we will,” Athene leaned closer, muttering to himself in Korean, “We will now not be active. Herac, Dolphin, Psy and Ares, shall all go to the West Side and take the corrupt Ripple down. Any news from our spies will be delivered by Songbird and Orpheus.” Athene sighed as he pulled away, “With Godspeed, Eos.”
You hid your smirk at his flat tone. Perhaps Eos was too much of a narcissist to even realize his team was much too sick of his dramatics.
Athene pulled the scroll back, and he blinked. “Any questions?”
“Yeah.” You crossed your arms, “Is Eos okay?”
Aphrodite scoffed and he looked at you through his lashes. The other men, including Selen, scoffed and harrumphed at your response.
“Well don’t look at me like I’m some sort of goon.” You stood up. “You all might’ve thought the same.”
“Eos,” said the young man you saw training earlier, you believe his name was Achilles, “Is a God among us. I am lucky to be seen as a demigod—,”
“Oh my god.” You rolled your eyes as you grabbed Johnny’s shoulder, and whispered loudly, “What a cult, am I right?”
“Psy,” he whispered with guilt.
You turned, and sighed, holding the bridge of your nose as you looked upon everything. The shining waxed table. The white suits everyone wore. Their stares. How they all looked down.
“I’m going to take down the Ripple my way. Chenle—,”
“He is known as Dolphin!” Orpheus, started.
“Not another word out of your mouth.” You glared at him, before turning away, gently tapping Johnny.
He sounded worried. You’re already in enough shit. You should be dead. More than ever in this situation. With Eos. This is the worst scenario and your best friend didn’t know how to act. You held his hand tightly above the table and smiled.
“Let’s go. I will contact Ch- Dolphin, with updates. And or, Victory- Orpehus.” You giggled as Johnny stood up with you.
“Then Godspeed,” Helios said to you calmly.
“God damn,” you replied with a smirk, and pull your friend out as the others daggered your back with judgement.
And another, foreign dagger stared above the table, witnessing every single move you had just made.
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The funeral was that. A funeral.
Nothing prepared you for the pain you felt staring at Yangyang’s body. His face was still, no smile, and he was so, so pale. Unlike the photo that was next to him. It was only from a few days ago. He was grinning. Laughing. It was with Mr. Money and Sushi, but they were edited out.
His real name was read out in multiple languages. From German, Chinese, Korean, English. It read the same. Liu “Dreamer” Yangyang. Friend. Son. Brother.
You gripped onto Johnny, and looked up at his eyes, trying to find his warmth. It had to be. It was supposed to be. Impossible. It had to be.
Johnny sighed quietly as his lips contorted, before he finally grabbed onto the words. “D-Do you remember how Dreamer always knew what you wanted for your birthday? And how he always shared with us the photos of Louis and Leon?”
A hot tear escaped your eye, as you hid in his huge chest and nodded. You nodded frantically as you began to sob. Johnny’s big hands held you, and he placed his chin on you, sighing quietly again. 
The plan was ruined. You lost the man who should be here and hugging you and Johnny before you both went on a cruise to Korea, and then after that, the world.
You let go to breathe, biting the inside of your cheeks with anger. Your gaze turned to Victory’s tears, and Sushi looking at the youngest member’s body
His face reminded you, strongly of how you were young once. Running away and living with Johnny out on the streets of Baise. You had only one television, the news, and that broadcast that evening was of a grown woman crying, over and over in Taiwanese, “WHERE IS MY SON? WHO TOOK HIM AWAY FROM ME?”
His eyes shared the same pain.
“Psy.” You turned as Mr. Money hugged you. Embraced you. He hid in you. “I-I can’t we could’ve lost you too. And John, we- fuck.”
Osaka was in the corner, looking down as he stared at the Ripple mourn.
Once Mr. Money had released himself, you stared at Jewel letting Smalls and Henry hug him tightly. Jewel despised any touching. 
The fierce, cunning man, couldn’t even look what is inside the coffin. He only held the two now youngest members close to his heart.
Your hands gripped, nails digging to your palms. Now this was something you couldn’t take. The Pound may have you and Johnny’s lives on a string. But nothing could describe your frustration, to Sicheng. Victory. Whatever his name was.
To Yuta himself.
Osaka got up from his place on the wall, and he strutted himself to the coffin. He peaked over. 
Today, the man wore not the white cult suit from the Pound, but a simple, and dull outfit. He took off his grey jacket, his white shirt bulging out oddly, as his black shoes, matching his black suit pants, had rubbed against the table that Dreamer was placed upon.
“He knew.”
Everyone turned to the man. Osaka took a katana from inside his shirt, and now the cloth hugged him. The weapon had a sky blue diamond handle. The blade itself was an opaque diamond. Osaka placed it in Dreamer’s hands.
Jewel stopped him, gripping it and he glared at him. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“I thought perhaps—,”
Jewel grabbed it with both hands, and he threw back into Osaka’s chest, stepping forward. “You don’t touch his body. You don’t look at it. What the fuck happened there.”
“John already explained,” Smalls tried to explain.
“No, bullshit. John is a nice guy. We don’t even fuckin’ know Osaka- in fact. It seems his Japanese is a little shaky.” Jewel pushed Osaka now, speaking in Japanese quickly, with poison. Your ears weren’t the best in the language, but he did say something along the lines of, “Speak now or hold your peace, bitch.”
Osaka took the blows from Jewel. But he looked up. “We were all ambushed by Dream Gems. You know that they work under the Pound. We believe Chenle—,”
“BBall.” Mr. Money held his cane and separated the men.
“Listen. I’m sorry. I wanted to pay my respects—,” Osaka tried to reason.
“YOU DONT DO SHIT HERE!” Jewel roared, his eyes glowing with anguish. “YOU GOT HIM KILLED!”
“He’s not dead.” You said.
Everyone turned.
“Really? He’s okay? Di-,” Sushi started.
“He’s in a very deep, deep coma.” You slowly take your hand back, and put it in your pockets.
Henry teared up, hugging Smalls, “G-Good.”
“That doesn’t mean shit. Yuta needs to be investigated. On our last and final mission all of the sudden it goes wrong?” Jewel said as he glared at Osaka from the side of his eye.
“Then let’s attack The Pound.”
Johnny held your arm and gently pressed four times.
“We need to make the Pound pay for what they did. And if Osaka isn’t bad, he’ll help.” You look at Osaka. “Won’t you?”
Osaka’s cold face suddenly melted to the side as he leans on a hip and he raised a brow, his smirk curving out as he said, almost naturally, “Perhaps I will for ya, doll.”
Johnny rolled his eyes. “Who should go with us?”
“Gogo. He’s reliable, after all he’s known Sushi for a long time too, hasn’t he?”
The big man nodded. “Yeah.”
You look at everyone. You planned for a bigger plan. A bigger dramatic. But that’s the Pound’s job. Right now, a plan, quite without common sense, was forming.
And the goal is was for you, and Johnny to be safe.
“For the Dreamer.” You said firmly.
“For the end.” The Ripple echoed back.
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buddiewho · 4 years
Okay. So yes, I want bisexual Evan Buckley. It’s just this power radiating from this...we’re confident about Buck and then there’s Eddie. It’s just two bisexuals would be soul ascending. It would be...amazing. How else do I say it? Two bisexuals. Imagine it. Two bisexual (enemies to best friends, to roommates to lovers) in love with each other. Which leads me to believe that part of 4b must entail some hints or some push towards Eddie rethinking his sexuality. Or completely knowing it already and stops repressing it.
Also, I do think you can make a claim for Evan Buckley on the pansexual side of things. It seems like it could be a direction for him, I’m not denying that either. However, there was a description I heard of bisexuality and pansexuality that sticks with me. Bisexual is attraction to multiple genders. Pansexual is attraction to all gender. Multiple means different than all. Right? Multiple for me is men, women and non-binary people. For some bisexuals it sticks to men and women, I suppose, with the varying moods of attraction to either of them. Sometimes I think, while the bridge doesn’t necessarily connect entirely, like we don’t meet each other on the side all the time-there’s this knowing solidarity between bi/pan ppl that well, sometimes people are just fucking beautiful. Everyone is motherfreakin’ beautiful okay sometimes excluding gender. Now, the reason I think I’m so possessive of Evan Buckley is because it’s been shown (and the journey isn’t really done) but his bisexuality has been shown as a multiple sort of thing, sticking to mostly women. Only really thinking about men, never having gone forward with any of his attractions or feelings and so do I believe Eddie’s on screen introduction ignited that shit again? Hell yeah. And essentially Eddie meeting Buck did the same thing. They’re just sincerely repressing that shit.
It’d also just be soul ascending to see the two of them answer that one question, “so you’re gay now?” And just say, “no.” Person is still confused but Buck and Eddie are now too busy being cute [by that I mean their normal shoulder bumping probably, ha!] but now they’re just kissing each other.
“Isn’t that gay?” Buck pulls away from the kiss. Eddie sighs, watching Buck angle up for the speech; he’s heard it before and it gives him the same blissful feeling every time. “Yeah, sure it is. Of course it is but me and him. We like girls too. Thing is me and him, we also fell madly in love with each other. It is what it is. We’re still bisexual but damn, I want to spend the rest of my life with him.”
“This idiot,” Eddie muttered. “Would you just give it up already and kiss me again?”
“Again, right here in front of this person and more?” Buck turned on his heels.
“Yup,” Eddie grinned. The stranger simply gave up and walked away; not entirely sure they received any answers. The boyfriends didn’t care. They got lost in another kiss.
Also, this is just me going hiatus crazy. But it reminds me of something I also notice about bisexuality. It’s generally still thought of as the gateway to the end journey. That it’s not the actual stopping point. And often, I think the media is afraid to show a bisexual person with the same sex. They are afraid to do as bisexuality states. You’re a bi (man) and that means you like men and woman, okay so we will show you dating both men and women [which may be something bisexuals have to work towards and I think most of us don’t want to remain in a “I’ve only ever dated men” rut or vice versa]. However, the media platform will then only show this bi male character with women, dropping all those hints about how he thinks Johnny on the football team is also sexy or something. Same goes for the opposite, but with that “spice.” You’re a bisexual girl okay so kiss my gf right now dude, threesome yeah boy. Then still that bisexual girl��s journey is about finding the “right man” and all this heteronormativity bs. There’s also the other prominent hurdle for bi men and that’s the straight girl’s “ooh, you’ve been with men? You’re just gay then, right?” Suppose the same goes for bi girls with some lesbians, “ooh you’ve been with men, naw girl...sorry.” Perhaps the bisexual journey does end with the opposite sex. Imagine a bisexual person coming out of high school as part of those high school sweetheart couples, you know? So that was it perhaps but that doesn’t invalidate your bisexuality. 
This also comes to another thought. When can a story be about the right person? Clearly, we can collectively agree on Eddie’s repressed bi feelings so he’s attracted to Ana, yes, but doesn’t see or want to believe in his attraction to Buck (or men in general). However, out of these two who is the right person? We’ve already touched on some things like how Ana is about limitations and sort of has this blasé attitude to trying again. Who actually gives merit to Chris’s independence and who never gives up? Who lets Eddie be entirely himself? That is a person named Buck.
This distinction I think has already been made by the show. So we’re in the stepping stones of this Ana and Eddie thing. Sure, she’s Chris’s former teacher, that lends some trust, perhaps, but how do you make that step to be like oh, you got this? You can watch him while I go to work? That is if you’re not busy. How do we shape that trust when it already started off broken? (the skateboard, yeah, the skateboarding thing...) *keyboard smash* 
We’re forcing something here. 
You know making these posts and envisioning this shit feels so easy. Then I know reality will set in and perhaps and we’ll have to choke down two straight besties dating their new love interests. Yummy. Tastes delicious, it really does, but like I’ve said before I’d rather choke down one (or both) bisexual besties dating their new love interests. The third option (Buddie) however tastes so much more delicious 🤤 especially for a show integrating drama in the characters lives as reflected by the emergencies (last three episodes: Jinx, There Goes the Neighborhood and Breaking Point). Or the entire premise of the show, but really...
I’m just waiting on the universe.
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cassyapper · 4 years
Apart from Jotaro and Kakyoin (unfortunately) what are your other favourite jojo ships? I’d love to know
i have a disease that makes me invested in the joestars’ happiness to an absurd level so bc of that a lot of ships i enjoy involve,,,one joestar,,,but there r others i swear let me just start rantingi
jonaeriwagon is soooooo so so cute it involves the most wholesome and purehearted jojo characters and it makes me smile so wide. erina and jonathan r childhood sweethearts and erina helped jonathan back on his feet after he lost EVERYTHING in the first fight against dio at the mansion. jonathan and speedwagon are best FRIENDS OKAY!! SPEEDWAGON LITERALLY CHANGES HIS ENTIRE WALK OF LIFE BECAUSE OF JONATHAN AND THE KINDNESS HE SHOWED HIM. i know erina and speedwagon didn't interact a whole lot in part 1 but like they're BEST. FRIENDS. in part 2, so much so joseph thought something was going on between them. i bring this up bc then it’s proof that this ship is full of ppl who just care for each other so much. they just adore each other and love each other and I'm crying
caejoseq is my FAVVV OKAY they're so stupid and in love. i love love love love imagining caesar and suziq falling in love slowly when he’s first training as lisalisa’s student and like they never do anything about it cause they're both so shy (yes caesar is shy bc these feelings r more genuine romance rather than sexual, unlike his other flings) but it’s obvious enough they both understand to a degree the other knows they like them sjkd;dn cuties. but then JOSEPH BARGES IN with his stupid hamon-breathing mask and his stupid blue-green eyes and his stupid lax personality combined with the moments he takes thing seriously during which is works hard as fuck/smart as fuck. he just completely sweeps them off their feet they had no fuckin warning whatsoever. so after a bunch of messy and intense pining from the both of them they eventually sit down and are like okay. we should do smth about feelings actually. so they Do and it ends with the polycule and I'm (”: smiling so wide they loved each other do u understand
AVPOL!! DO NOT GET ME STARTED OKAY it’s the survivor’s guilt and cherishing and longing for me sis!!!!!! I'm just saying both have pasts (araki said avdol’s backstory was so sad he didn't wanna put it into sdc so that’s where I'm drawing this from) that leave them focused on things other than their direct happiness/their own futures but then they connect and even though they're so fucking different they are SOOO different they're still the same on this level and i think!!! that would be everything for them finally someone who understands...listen I'm ging to go insane do you hear me. avdol loves this stupid fucking Frenchman so much because said stupid fucking Frenchman just cares so much about everything. meanwhile polnareff is in love with this fuckin god of a man who’s patient and kind and funny and a skilled enough fighter it’s stated explicitly in canon “oh avdol’s the one we need to worry about most not jotaro” like fuck polnareff is ENAMOURED WITH HIM!! AND I DONT FUCKING BLAME HIM!! and just dude. when pol thinks avdol came back to life and he starts crying tears of joy and hugs him so tightly and avdol just laughs but hugs him back imfmfjfj help. help. help. help. help. POLNAREFF LITERALLY ASKS HIM OUT ON A DATE THIS IS FUCKIN!!! CANON!!! i cant do this stupid fuckign idiots i love them
JOSUYASU!!!!!! TWO GUYS BEIGN DUDES WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT??? like listen we have such a SLEW of wholesome moments between these two the opening to the tonio episode is literally just them going on a date OKUYASU WAS GONNA FEED JOSUKE AND JOSUKE DIDNT EVEN FUCKING QUESTION IT OKAY THAT’S KINDA GAY THAT HAS ROMANTIC FUCKING UNDERTONES!! and them fighting against shigechi idk man i just love their dynamic it’s such a pleasant bro relationship and i love them. but even beyond the wholesome moments when okuyasu fucking dies josuke loses his SHIT!!! DO YOU HEAR ME HE GOES FUCKIGN INSANE!!!!! HE’S SCREAMING AND CRYING AND BEGGING OKUYASU TO WAKE UP AT THE EXPENSE OF HIS LIFE FUCKIGN HAYATO HAD TO SHRIEK AT HIM TO MOVE HIS ASS OUT OF THE WAY OF KIRA’S BOMB LIKE!! listen the recklessness and furiousness of josuke’s tactics after okuyasu “”died”” haunts me. he didn't want to live in a world without him and meanwhile okuyaus LITERALLY TRIUMPHS OVER DEATH BECAUSE HE DOESNT WANT TO LEAVE JOSUKE’S SIDE HELP ME GIRL FJKF;NDJN FUCK. fuck. so yeah i lvoe them
fugionara... any combination of this ship makes me go nuts okay okay. the dynamics in the bucci gang will forever leave me in tatters but THE ONES BETWEEN THESE THREE IN PARTICULAR. FUCK ME UP. it’s the healing it’s the animosity it’s the regret it’s the trying to figure out your own mentally ill self while also the world ur in with these ppl u love so much and I'm going crazy okay okay okay. idk how to quite put my feelings for them in worlds i just have a lot of them and they are fuckin. overhwelming. just narancia for example meant EVERYTHING to fugo as evidence by purple haze feedback (literally every other paragraph is a flashback) and the only time giorno cries in the anime is when narancia dies. meanwhile fugo saved narancia’s life and giorno knew when to take narancia seriously as opposed to a joke. and then THE WHOLE DISCUSSION ABOUT GRIEF FUGO AND GIORNO HAVE IN PURPLE HAZE FEEDBACK? listen something about these three make me go insane and feral
foolymes like okay. okay. I'm shaking like a dog trying not to go overboard on this justification just listen to me. hermes and jolyne first find someone to trust in prison in each other. jolyne cares abt her enough that she first learns how to use stone free’s string-on-a-telephone ability bc she wanted to watch over hermes. hermes loves nd respects jolyne that after she wakes up from getting a stand shes like “hm. wonder where jolyne is” and goes to find her before all that bullshit happened just hey okay LISTEN TO ME!! and then they get foo they save her it’s just like fucking kakyoin they give her another chance and they show her what relationships are supposed to be like (fulfilling) they enjoy her company and make her laugh and she makes them laugh in return ohmy god EVERYTHING FOO FIGHTERS DID WAS FOR JOLYNE AND HERMES DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!! the marilyn mansion debt collector arc. the kiss of love and revenge arc. foo fighter’s death. I'm going to eat rocks in an attempt to stop feeling oh my god JOLYNE DIDNT EVEN BELEIVE FOO FIGHTERS WAS DYING AND THEN SHE GOT HYSTERICAL LIKE “BUT WE CAN JUST REMAKE YOU RIGHT WE HAVE YOUR STAND DISC??” SHE DOESNT WANT HER TO GOOO HELP ME HELP ME. I'm in tatters these three girls loved each other so fucking much they just wanted each other safe and they DESERVED to be safe and happy together but araki is fucking evil
jotaweather I KNOW THIS IS A CRACK SHIP I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW DONT FUCKIGN LOOK AT ME JUST HEAR ME OUT. jotaro and weather r both of similar demeanor that is quiet soft-speaking intimidating strong big aura of sadness coming from them. both have powerful stands and both had real fucked up luck in the love department. i also hc both to be autistic so that’d be another similarity. i jus think them settling down together after everything went down in a stone ocean au would be very soft and sweet yknow? they wouldn't even necessarily start it off in a romantic sense but they just take the time to try and heal with each other and eventually it just kinda veers that way. yeah
gyjo for OBVIOUS reasons like are you serious? gyro changed johnny’s fucking lfie from the SECOND they first interact johnny begins to push himself and tries to reach further/go further. and in turn johnny shows gyro you cant always be a wet blanket you need to take a stand this both helps his resolve to save the kid AND helps him to take the measures necessary to get to his goal. like gyro would not have been able to find johnny in the “who shot johnny joestar?” arc if he hadn't gone through, say, the ring roadagain arc with johnny first. listen man their relationship is literally the catalyst for this whole part it’s the driving force i just. they love each other they love each other thank you goodnight I'm emo
yasugap is just so so so so sweet it makes me so happy,,like okay josuk8 literally has a daydream where all that happens is he gives yasuho some candy and she eats it and is like “aw josuke this is so good thanks!” and she smiles at him and that’s IT THAT’S THE DAYDREAM 😭 listen they just love each other so much and i am emo. they literally SAVED EACH OTHER OKAY LIKE yasuho pulls him from the dirt and like she mentioned during the flashback chapter with the hairpin and her dad, it was also the other way around....saving josuke also saved herself and just LISTEN TO ME. THEY LOVE EACH OTHER. it’s a very sweet and healthy relationship and i hope to god araki makes it canon please sir ill bite you
anyway yeah these are the main main ones ? that i ship ship. like you'll get me excited if u mention them. anyway this post has gone on long enough so I'm gonna end it here by saying i really do have a thing where the relationship focuses on healing/helping one or both parties to save/improve themselves
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fanfics4all · 4 years
Because of you
Request: Yes / No Omg Imagine if instead of Murphy it was the reader that was hanged and they used to be friends with the group but after they banished her. Later she comes back but she is a cold and rude to everyone besides Murphy and they want to apologize to her. Fem reader please💕 I just want something SUPER ANGSTY lol. Thank you 💛 Anon
Requests are open <3 Have a nice day/night
John Murphy x Fem!Reader
Word count: 2372
Warnings: Pretty much everything that happens to John but with a happy end! 
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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I was so happy to be on Earth with the 100, my best friend John being among them. I had also made friends with some of the others and it was really great. We were finally free, besides being hunted. I was helping John with supervising the wall being built. He was being kind of a dick like always, but deep down he’s really just a sweetie. 
“No water till this section is up!” John shouted, knocking a cup out of someone’s hands.
“Really John? That’s a waste of water.” I said and he shook his head at me with a smirk. 
“We can always get more, we need this wall built.” He said. 
“Yeah but-” I was cut off by Clarke pushing me. 
“You bitch!” She shouted.  
“What the hell, Clarke?” I asked confused. 
“Recognize this?” She asked, holding up the knife I made with John. 
“Yeah, that’s my knife, where did you-”
“Where you dropped it after you killed Wells.” She said cutting me off and pulling the knife out of my reach. 
“What? The Grounders killed Wells.” I said, even more lost than before. 
“I know what you did, and you’re gonna pay for it.” She said. 
“Back off Princess, Y/N wouldn’t kill Wells.” John said, defending me. 
“She hated Wells!” She said. 
“A lot of people did, and of course I should, his Father killed my parents!” I said. 
“You did it. I know you did.” She said. 
“This is crazy.” I said rolling my eyes and went to walk away. 
“Where are you going?” Bellamy asked and my eyes widened slightly. 
“Bellamy, you don’t honestly believe I killed him, do you?” I asked, shocked. 
“They found his fingers on the ground with your knife.” He said. 
“I lost it a few days ago!” I said. 
“Is this the kind of society that we want? You say there should be no rules. Does that mean that we can kill each other without- without punishment?” Clarke said. 
“I already told you I didn’t kill him! I lost my knife!” I said, still shocked that this was happening. 
“I say we float her!” A guy that John fucked with spoke up. People around us agreed and I felt my heart rate pick up. 
“That’s not what I’m saying.” Clarke said. 
“Why not? She deserves to float. She’s alway taking his side.” The guy said nodding towards John. 
“Hey your problems are with me, not her.” John growled. 
“It’s justice.” The guy said, again people agreed. 
“Revenge isn’t justice.” Clarke said. 
“It’s justice. Float her!” He said and the crowd started cheering. John grabbed me and tried to get me out of there, but someone tripped me and I fell to the ground and slipped out of John’s hand. A bunch of people started attacking me and John was trying to get to me, along with Clarke. They tied my hands behind my back and put a gag in my house. They wrapped a rope around my neck and strung me up, having me just barely stand on a box. 
“You can stop this! They’ll listen to you!” Clarke shouted at Bellamy. 
“Bellamy! You should do it.” The guy that called for my head shouted and they started cheering his name. 
“Bellamy please.” I tried to beg, but it came out muffled. 
“She didn’t kill him! You know that!” John begged. Clarke was trying to get him to stop, but he kicked the box from under my feet. The air started leaving my lungs and I struggled, hanging from that tree branch. It was hard to hear what was going on as I clung to life, but when everyone stopped screaming I heard one person’s voice. 
“Y/N didn’t kill Wells, I did!” She shouted and then I was falling to the ground. John rushed over to me and started pulling the rope from my neck and took the gag out. John helped me up and he was pissed. 
“Bring out the girl Bellamy!” He shouted. Amongst all the chaos him, Clarke, and Finn took the real killer into a tent. 
“Bring the girl out now!” He shouted. 
“You want to build a society Princess, let’s build a society! Bring her out!” He shouted again. 
“Well, well, well, look who decided to join us.” John said when Bellamy walked out. 
“Dial it down and back off.” Bellamy said. 
“Or what? What are you gonna do Bellamy? Hang me too?” He asked. 
“I was just giving the people what they wanted.” He said and looked at me, but had some sorrow in his eyes. 
“Good idea. Why don’t we do that now? So, who here wants to see the real killer delt with?” I asked and raised my hand. John also put his up and a few others, but everyone else didn’t.
“So it’s okay for me to get strung up for nothing, but you want the real one to walk?” I asked, shocked. I understand she was a little girl, but still. 
“Cowards! All of you are cowards!” John shouted. 
“Hey! Murphy! Murphy!” Bellamy shouted walking over to us. 
“It’s over.” He said to us. 
“Whatever you say boss.” He said and as soon as Bellamy turned around he picked up a large stick and smacked him in the head. Jasper went to try and stop him, but John punched him. 
“Come one, let’s get the girl.” John said and grabbed my hand. He led me into the tent and no one was in there. 
“Charlotte!” He shouted. 
“Charlotte, I know you can hear me!” He shouted. 
“When we find you, you’re gonna pay!” I shouted. John and I led the small group that was with us. We went roaming through the woods, looking for the girl that almost got me killed for no reason. 
“Clarke and Finn can’t save you now!” John shouted. 
“Don’t worry Y/N/N, we’ll get her.” He said. 
Hours have gone back and it was dark now. I was a little nervous running around the woods in the dark, but I wanted justice. 
“Don’t worry! We won’t hurt you!” I shouted. That was true, as much as I wanted to. 
“I’m over here!” She shouted and we followed her screaming. Finally we found her at the edge of a cliff with Bellamy. 
“Bellamy! You can’t fight all of us, give her up.” John said. 
“Maybe not, but I guarantee I’ll take a few of you with me.” He said. 
“Bellamy! Stop!” Clarke shouted and we turned to see her and Finn running up next to us. 
“This has gone too far. Just calm down, we’ll talk about this.” Clarke said to us. I was about to agree, but John grabbed Clarke and held a knife to her throat.
“This went too far when you let a rope get wrapped around Y/N’s neck.” John growled. 
“John…” I said and He glanced at me. I knew he wasn’t going to actually hurt her, but I was still worried. 
“Please. Please don’t hurt her.” Charlotte begged. 
“He won’t, if you just come over here I promise he’ll let her go.” I said before John could say a word. 
“Don’t do it Charlotte.” Clarke said. 
“We’re not gonna hurt you. I promise.” I said to her. I meant it. I didn’t want to hurt her, just make sure she got what she deserved. She went to come to us, but Bellamy stopped her. 
“Don’t do it, Charlotte!” Clarke said again. 
“No! I have to!” She cried. 
“Y/N, Murphy, this is not happening.” Bellamy said. 
“We’re not gonna hurt her Bellamy.” I said once again, but it was clear the only one that actually trusted me anymore was John. 
“I can’t let any of you get hurt anymore. Not because of me. Not after what I did.” Charlotte said and turned around. She jumped off the clift and John let Clarke go in shock. 
“Bellamy looked at us and he tackled John to the ground and started beating him. 
“You’ll kill him!” I shouted and they helped me get him off John. Clarke and Bellamy started talking about shit I didn’t care about right now. I was worried about John. 
“We banish them.” Clarke said and I looked up at them with wide eyes. 
“No.” I said standing up. 
“You can banish me but you leave John out of this. He was just trying to protect me from the mistake you made.” I said and they looked at each other. 
“No way, I’m not letting you-” 
“Alright.” Clarke agreed. 
“No, I’m not leaving you out here alone.” John said. 
“You go back to camp with them now, please John.” I begged. 
“Please Johnny.” I begged with tears in my eyes and he sighed. 
“You take him back to camp and I will stay out here.” I said. They nodded and John looked at me one last time. 
“Go.” I whispered. 
“May we meet again.” He said and I gave him a small smile. 
“May we meet again.” I said. 
Weeks went by, maybe a month? I honestly wasn’t sure. Once I was banished and left in the woods it wasn’t long until the Grounders found me. They tortured me for what felt like every second of every day. They wanted to know about everyone. I held out for as long as I could, but eventually I broke. However one night they forgot to lock my cage and I ran. I somehow made it back to the camp without meaning to and they started shooting at me. I was grazed by a bullet and fell to the ground, hoping that if I waited enough both my people and the Grounders would forget about me and I could run off in peace. Someone touched my shoulder and I freaked out. 
“Y/N?” Octavia asked and I stared up at everyone in fear. 
“Please…” I begged. 
They ended up taking me inside and onto the Drop Ship. I was huddled on the floor hugging my knees scared that tonight was the night I finally died. 
“Where is she?” Bellamy asked walking inside. Him, Clarke, Finn, and John stood in front of me and stared at me in shock. 
“Y/N!” John said and rushed to my side. I flinched away from him and looked at the floor. Bellamy cleared everyone out, but Derek and Connor. 
“She claims she was with the Grounders.” Derek said. 
“We caught her trying to sneak back into camp.” Connor said. 
“I wasn’t sneaking. I was running from the grounders.” I said in a small voice. 
“Anyone see Grounders?” Bellamy asked. 
“Uh-uh.” Connor shook his head. 
“Well in that case.” Bellamy said and went to aim his gun at me. I don’t remember us having those before. John kneeled in front of me while I shut my eyes, preparing to die. 
“We were clear about what would happen if she came back.” Bellamy growled. 
“No! If she was with the Grounders then she knows things that can help us.” Finn said. 
“Finn’s right.” Clarke said and walked over to me. 
“She’s not lying. They tortured her.” She said. 
“What did you tell them?” Bellamy asked. 
“Everything…” I answered weakly. 
“Once she’s better we’ll find out what she knows.” Clarke said and went to leave. 
“Everything’s alright.” John whispered. 
Everytime Clarke tried to heal me I would shy away. They did this to me. They made this happen. John is the only one that stood up for me. John stayed with me the whole time. The next day I started getting sick and throwing up blood. 
“Y/N, hey, look at me. I need you to tell me how you escaped. 
“They forgot to lock my cage and I just took off.” I answered, out of breath. 
“What the hell is this?” John asked as Bellamy walked inside. 
“Biological warfare. You were waiting for the Grounders to retaliate for the bridge? This is it. Y/N’s the weapon.” Clarke said. 
Some ended up dead because of whatever the Grounders gave me, but I was alive and they were letting me stay. John almost never left my side and everyone else kept trying to apologize to me, but I refused. 
“An apology does nothing for the shit you all put me through. John was the only one that believed me and stood up for me.” I growled. I walked away and to John’s tent. He was laying on his bed and sat up when he saw me walk in. 
“You okay?” He asked worried. 
“Fine.” I sighed. He patted the bed next to him and I gladly took a seat. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. 
“Hey, you’re safe now and I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.” He said. 
“I know.” I said with another sigh. 
“So what is it?” He asked. 
“They think an apology will make me magically forget everything I went through.” I said and he sighed. 
“Just ignore them.” He said and I nodded. 
“I wish I could take that all away from you…” He whispered and moved some hair behind my ear. 
“I should have been out there with you.” He said and I looked at him. 
“No way! We would have both been caught by the Grounders and then one of us might not be here.” I said and tears sprung to my eyes at the thought of not having John in my life. 
“Hey, I’m right here.” He said, cupping my face and wiping away a stray tear. 
“I’m never gonna let anything happen to you again.” He said and rested his forehead on mine. I let my heart take over for once and placed my lips on his. He reacted immediately and kissed me back with a bit of desperation. He gently pushed me back on the bed, his lips not leaving mine. After a few minutes awe pulled away for air and just stared in each other’s eyes. 
“I love you.” He whispered. 
“I love you too.” I whispered back and he smiled. 
“You’ll always be safe with me.” He whispered and kissed me again. I knew in that moment that I had nothing to fear as long as I was with John. 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @softgamerking​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​ @emo-godess-loves-you​ @now-imagine​
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asleepyraven · 4 years
Summary: V tries to figure out how to prepare for a date she’s not even technically going on.
Word Count: 1,742
Warnings: Language
Characters: Female V (Nomad), Johnny
A/n: If I missed any warnings please let me know! In the mean time hope you enjoy! I sat on this one for wayyyyy too long.  Previous Part: Reflections
V’s eyes slowly opened, but the light was too bright and her vision was blurry. She blinked a few times and slowly the tattoo on her arm came into focus. It annoyed her at first- a reminder of what an idiot she’d been, but now it reminded her that she wasn’t alone. Her condition was getting worse. She fell asleep to more nightmares and awoke with stronger headaches. Johnny did- god help her, get under her skin, sometimes, and he may technically be the reason she’s dying, but she was glad she wasn’t going through this by herself. Everything aside, when push came to shove, he had always been there when it mattered most. 
Speak of the devil, she thought as he appeared next to her. “Finally, you’re awake. I know people say they need their beauty sleep, but fuck, doesn’t seem to help in your case.”  “Good morning to you too,” V yawned as she sat up and stretched. 
He glitched and reappeared standing at the window. “Afternoon is more like. Was starting to think you’d sleep right through dinner.” 
“Nah, promised to call Rogue, didn’t I? Can’t exactly go out on a date for a midnight snack.”  Johnny took off his glasses and looked at her. “You’re sure about this?” “Can’t say the idea of handing you the wheel again thrills me, but yeah. Besides, I kind of owe you for the whole lake date with Judy; I know that wasn’t exactly a good time for you.” 
She swore she saw him shiver as he put his glasses back on. “Wasn’t exactly fun for you either, but she batted her eyelashes and you just couldn’t say no.”
V shrugged. “It was important to her, even if it did scare me half to death.” 
“And you’re worried about me having control. Imagine how I feel any time a pretty girl asks you for a favor. Sure, Panam, I’ll raid a Wraith hide out with you. I’ll risk my neck to get your leader back. I’ll help you steal a god-damn tank. Sure, Judy, I’ll fight through two dozen scavs to rescue your ex. I’ll start a war with the Tyger Claws to free some joy toys. I’ll dive to the bottom of a fuckin’ toxic lake, even though I’m terrified of being underwater. You are hopeless when it comes to damsels in distress.” 
“I...fine. Maybe I have an issue with saying no to my friends, but most of it was fun.”  “It’s just tits you can’t say no to. You say no to me just fine.” 
V laughed. “Well, technically you’ve got tits now, so there goes your theory. Besides, I said I’d do it, didn’t I? You know I’m a merc of my word. And I agreed to give you a second chance, so...so there’s no reason not to.”
He sighed. “You don’t owe me anything. If you really don’t trust me then-”
“I...I want to. It’s just...scary, is all. Weird, being trapped in my own body with no control. Felt like I was locked in my own trunk. I guess maybe that’s how you feel all the time, but, I don’t know. It’s my body. I’m supposed to be driving.”  “Yeah, I can kind of understand that. Right now I’m standing here talking to you, completely aware, but the drugs take you out of it. Guess I could see how it’d be scary to only get flashes, but I promise, I’m not gonna make that mistake twice.” 
“I guess we’ll find out,” V sighed and pulled up Rogue’s number. 
She couldn’t believe she was really going to call up the queen of Afterlife and ask her on a date.  
“V, need something?” Rogue’s tone wasn’t exactly encouraging, but the fact that she answered was proof that she was at least somewhat over the whole Grayson/Smasher business. 
“Johnny wants to ask you out on a date,” V replied in a light, almost teasing tone. 
“Johnny does, or you do?”
V was taken aback. “Johnny. You’re the one who said you got no issue tellin’ us apart.” 
“Just not like him. Well, alright. Where would we go?”
“Where would you like to go?”
She thought about it for a moment. “Silver Pixel Cloud.”
“Alright. Sounds good. We’ll pick you up tonight then.” “Sure, come around six-thirty.”
“See you then.” 
V grinned like an idiot at Johnny, who couldn’t help but smirk back a little. 
He shook his head. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?”
“’Cause it’s cute. Johnny has a date! It’s...kinda weird to think about actually.” 
He pushed off the window and stood up straight, crossing his arms. “And why’s that?”
“Dunno, just hard to picture. Not like you ever had to work for your girls; they just lined up for you. Do you even know how to be romantic?” 
He rolled his eyes. “You think Rogue and I hooked up in the first place because I swept her off her feet with roses and open doors?”
“I have no idea why she gave you the time of day, or why she still does for that matter. I mean, what was it, three other women you were sleeping with last time you were dating?”
“Well, she doesn’t have to worry about that now.”
“You see my point though. You have no idea how to even go on a normal date, do you?”
“I’ll be fine.” 
“Just trying to help. Look, we don’t have a lot of time. Make this night count is all I’m saying. Make it special somehow. Maybe be a bit of a gentleman for once in your life.”
“I’m always a gentleman.”  “Riiiiighhhttt. In any case, I better get a move on if I want to get some biz done before I hand over the wheel. First thing’s first, breakfast.”                                      *                         *                          *
V shrugged off her jacket as she entered her apartment.“Can’t believe it’s already five. Time flies when you’re doing merc work.”
Johnny lit up a cigarette. “It also flies when you sleep half the day.”
“Getting up early is overrated.” 
He flopped down on the couch. “Gotta agree with you there.”
“So, excited for tonight?” V asked as she strolled over to her closet. 
“Yeah, jumping up and down like a little girl, just on the inside.”  “This is so weird. What do I even wear? Do I try to look hot, or should I dress more like you?” “Wow okay.” 
“What? Ha, no, I just really don’t know what I should go for here.” 
“Don’t think it matters, V. ‘Sides, you’re not the one actually going on the date, ‘member?”
“Yeah, but my body is.”
“Wear whatever, it doesn’t matter.” 
“Doesn’t matter? Must be nice being you. What’s it like to give actually give zero fucks about what anyone thinks?”
“Fuckin’ preem. You should try it.” 
“Seriously, there’s no part of you that’s self-conscious? I could dress myself in the worst sweats I have and you’d just strut out there and make it work?” 
“I could, yeah.” He sat up and looked at her. “V, what’s really going on? You barely put any thought into how you dress. Why’s this any different?”
“I don’t know. It’s weird. Like, if I were dressing for a date with Judy this would be so much easier, but I’m not. I’m dressing for a date with Rogue, for you. It’s-”
“You’re thinking about it way too much.” 
“You’re probably right. I’m gonna go take a shower. I’m starting to give myself a headache.”  “You always have headaches.” 
“Funny, I didn’t used to until you showed up.”  “What, no one ever pointed out the dumb shit you do before I showed up?” V smiled sadly. “No, I used to have someone that did the dumb shit with me.”  “Jackie.” 
“You don’t talk about him much.” 
“What was it you said when I said that about you and Alt? There was never the right time?” “Not exactly easy to just spill about your dead chooms, is it?”
“No. Not really.”  They lapsed into silence until V stepped out of the shower. 
“So, decide what you’re going to wear?” Johnny asked appearing behind her in the mirror. 
“Fuck, can you not? You know I hate when you do that.”
“It’s not like I don’t know what you look like.” 
“I know, but it’s a little easier when you’re not... Can you just- You don’t have to be right here.”
He rolled his eyes, but glitched out of view. “Really V, it’s not like there’s any secrets between us. You’ve seen me naked. Is that your issue, that it’s just you? Cause I could-” She toweled off her hair. “Fuck, no. Just, look I know all that, but give a girl her fake privacy, alright? Let me pretend that I have some space in here.”  “Psht, nothin’ but empty space in here, can almost hear the echos.”  “Lucky that means there was enough room for your ego.”  She wrapped her towel around herself and strolled over to her closet. She decided maybe she was putting too much thought into it. She grabbed a pair of distressed jeans and tugged them on. She reached for her Samurai tank top, but stopped.  She turned to Johnny. “T-shirt or tank?”  “For fuck’s sake V, it doesn’t matter!” “But what would you feel more comfortable in? I mean you wear tanks, but it’s different when a girl does it.”  “Why?”
She flexed her arm. “’Cause for guys it’s sun’s out guns out, but for girls,” She drew a hand across her torso. “It’s more about the chest. So I don’t know. It’s that weird for you?” “In case you missed it, this whole thing is weird. Pick whatever.” V grabbed her Samurai T-shirt instead. She went back to the mirror and spiked up her hair and brushed her teeth.  “You done yet? We’re gonna be late. You know, now that I think about it, how are lesbians ever on time for dates?”
“We just add a half hour to whatever time we set,” V responded, tugging on her jacket. She slid Johnny’s shades out of the pocket and put them on. “How do I look?”
He shrugged. “Decent I guess, can we go now?”
“Yeah, let me just find the keys.” 
“We takin’ the Porsche?”
“Well yeah, since my motorcycle doesn’t exactly fit two, besides I’m sure Rogue will get a kick out of it.” 
He smirked. “Oh, she sure will.” 
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jungcity · 4 years
bane of the devil. | ii
genre: vampire!jaehyun
pairings: jaehyun x female reader
important note: the au’s i write for nct members do not, in any way, reflect them in real life. they are only my muses for my writing and an addition to enliven my fictions! ♡
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“father, i must confess
i tasted the devil,
orison in my lips
with blood on his teeth,
how could he taste like
the bitter tang of revulsion,
and the carnage of war?
father, i kissed the devil
even if i should not
will you punish me
now that i see burnish gold
in his hands
instead of blood?”
— bane of the devil // ii
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A nervous chuckle broke free out of your mouth by the mention of the word ‘vampire’. Agitation filled your whole body; your fingers started to shake, your heart beating in frenetic patterns inside your chest. Jaehyun laid still, all bloodied and nearly unconscious on the sofa.
“Are you crazy?” You managed to croak, the tightness in your throat making it hard for you to speak.
Perhaps the pain of his laceration made him delusional. Perhaps Johnny told him about the death of your parents. Perhaps he knows about your obsession towards vampires. Perhaps, perhaps—
“A little bit out of my mind, yes.” His chest and shoulders vibrated by the toneless chuckle his mouth released. “Crazy? No.” Jaehyun’s eyes were still closed, but a playful smile was displayed on his lips. You have no idea how could he smile despite of his situation. He must be really deranged.
“You must be in so much pain,” you sympathized. A single paper cut hurts like hell, what more when it’s a long gash in your stomach? The mere thought was enough to make you recoil in your seat. So, you tried not to dwell in Jaehyun’s pain as you continued to sew his skin back together.
“I don’t feel anything at all.” Then he sat up from the sofa and brought his forefinger to the wound. He pressed his finger down on the incision, causing his blood to gush down his jeans.
You slapped his hand away, while he chuckles as if he enjoys seeing his blood. “What the hell?!”
“See?” he sighed before leaning back on the sofa. Sinister as it was, you have decided to just ignore his remarks and focus on the needle and thread instead. But Jaehyun seemed to be having the time of his life as he pushed on yet another statement, “How I wish I could drink my own blood.”
Bony faces, sunken cheeks, withered bodies— those were what was left of your parents’ once healthy features when you saw them lying on the metal beds in the morgue, their eyes lifeless. The same image went crashing back in your mind as you heard Jaehyun’s utterance. As much as you wanted to lash out on him for being insensitive, you could not bring yourself to now that you weren’t sure whether Johnny really told him about your mother and father’s demise.
“I don’t mean to offend, but…” your teeth twiddled with your bottom lip, Jaehyun silent beside you, “Are you… mentally ill or something?”
It’s impolite to pry. But if you would sleep in a roof with a man who nonchalantly brushes off his injuries like it was just a small scratch and not a long gash, you’ve guessed you needed to know how to walk the attenuated thread that seems to bind his sanity together. You trust you brother— despite him selling your apartment without having a word with you— you’ve met some of his friends before, and you still believe that Jaehyun is not a bad person. And that you hadn’t been wrong to allow him inside the house.
“I am not,” he finally answered after minutes of being lost for words.
“Then why did you tell me that you’re a vampire?”
“Because I am.”
There was a certain rise of intonation in his words that you have a difficulty distinguishing if it was a question or a statement.
“Did Johnny order you to do this? To scare me by standing bloodied in my doorway, and to frighten me more by saying you are a vampire? Because it’s not funny.” You slammed the lid of the sewing kit shut, breathing heavily while looking at Jaehyun. Your fingers imprinted the lid with blood.
His infamous smirk was plastered on his face in a blink, displaying his dimples. He gripped the arm of the sofa then sat up, his eyes boring into yours. “First, no one orders me around. Secondly, I don’t know shit about what you’ve just said. And yes, I think you really need to be frightened because I really am a blood-sucking bastard.”
Jaehyun bared his teeth, his two fangs elongating— Before. Your. Very. Eyes. The ravaging of your heart inside your chest was unbearable. The widening of your eyes would have been enough to let your eyeballs roll off your eye sockets.
Are you going to die now? Are you going to die just like your mother and father; lifeless eyes, wasted body? Mom and Dad. They died in such a terrible way. A cruel death for two loving souls. And they were killed by a vampire— like the monster in front of you. You grabbed the sewing kit— it’s stupid, it’s hopeless but you need to stay alive— and slammed it into Jaehyun’s face.
His face turned sideways by the impact. If a different person would put his shoes on yours right now, the person would surely collapse because of fear. But you’ve anticipated this all your life— this is your purpose. To meet a vampire, to kill a vampire. However, you are still just a person; petrified of the undead.
Breathing ragged with your heart nearly collapsing, you ran for the kitchen and rummage through the drawers to find a vinegar. Before you could sprint away from him, you need to at least injure him first. The rosary standing near the altar behind the television waved at you, you grabbed it until the cross dug in your palm.
With a vinegar in one hand, and a rosary in the other, you dashed back to the living room. Where Jaehyun sat as if he was on a vacation. His arms were laying stretched out on the head of the sofa, his eyes observing you with deviltry in them.
“Begone! You monster!” You opened the lid and threw him the vinegar, the liquid splashing on his body, on the floors and some on your own shoes. The smell of it whiffing your nose, making it itch. It would scorch Jaehyun, that’s for certain.
With the rosary raised by your hand, you shut your eyes and started chanting prayers. “Our Father, Who art in heaven, Holy be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth—”
Then a howl. You opened your eyes and saw Jaehyun lying on the floor, he was in a fetal position while screaming. You did it! Without waiting for him to recover, you grabbed your phone and ran for the door. As you gripped the doorknob, the howl of pain echoing around the room was replaced by howls of laughters.
Jaehyun is laughing.
You turned around with narrowed brows. He was kneeling on the floors now, clutching his stomach while laughing. His shoulders continued to vibrate, his laughs enveloping the whole space.
“Why—? How?” was your breathless question.
“Damn, that was hilarious.” Then he slowly got up on his feet, a low laugh escaping from his lips even now. He took a step towards you, while you backed away from him.
His hands was raised in shoulder length in an instant, “Whoa. I’m not going to bite you,” he chuckled, then he raised a brow, “not unless you want me to.”
Every young adult romance books who has a cocky man as their main character had that line in one of their pages at least. It was enough to make you cringe just reading it in a book, but to be told the same thing in real life was like a dirt you could not wash off your body.
“Why… why aren’t you scathed?” You observe his body from head to toe, not a trace of scorched skin could be seen in his pale features. “Are you just fucking around?” An infinitesimal dismay bubbled up in your heart by the realization. You could have killed him, you could have taken vengeance for the death of your parents. Could you, truly? If you weren’t even sure about your theories, if you do not even have any idea about the face of their murderer?
“I am a vampire, babygirl.” He continued to advance to you, until your back was against the plain walls of your house, with Jaehyun’s one hand pressed to the walls beside your head. “So you better pack and move out tomorrow before I suck all the blood from your body.”
This close, you could see his lashes fanning his cheeks. They haven’t mistaken when they wrote vampires as terrifying yet beautiful creatures. Jaehyun is stunning.  All the papers plastered on your blackboard slowly came to life through him. You have primed yourself for this day, yet the weak side of being human ate you up as you stood unmoving, eyes focused on Jaehyun and Jaehyun’s face only. They were right when they said vampires were mesmerizing.
You could not move a muscle to defend yourself. With a heavy heart, you braced yourself for your end.  
“Hatred. So much hatred.” Jaehyun sniffed at you, you blinked. What is he doing? “Your blood would taste bitter on my tongue,” he stated, breath fanning your face. It smelled like cigarette, cigarette and mint. “You are so full of hate. Why?”
Then he took a step back, before running his hand through his hair. “Go.” His playful façade was back when he looked at you as if he’s going to pounce on you anytime sooner. “Lock your doors and don’t leave. Johnny told me to keep you safe, so don’t try to run. Because I will know.”
You should bolt out of the house and away from him, it’s preposterous if you won’t. Staying and sleeping in your bed should be out of the choices.
Where else would you go, though? Haechan’s? The little devil would surely squeeze the reasons out of you if ever you decide to stay the night in his house. Mark’s? He’s living with his own. He’d surely feel flustered by the thought of you sleeping in the same roof as him.
Jaehyun made it clear he would know if you do something as to try to leave the house, you do not doubt him one bit. On the other side of things, this is your chance to put your life out of misery: the misery that was inflicted by the murder of your parents.
Sometimes, we have to be a little bit crazy to accomplish something right? We have to be out of our minds to push our boundaries and ignite the bravery in our hearts.
Tonight, you’ve decided to be insane.
Tonight, you will stay.
A single dagger lay quietly on your bed. You sat, your legs crossed with each other as you stare at it with pure concentration. The blade reflecting your face in a blurred image. You bought it online years ago, and was hidden underneath your dresser ever since it has arrived. The design was remarkably artistic; a snake head as its pommel and hilt, and instead of a silver blade, it was onyx black.
Grief. It was the reason why you bought it in the first place. Of course, it was Johnny’s name you wrote in the information so you could buy the dagger. The grief and the yearning to find a vampire was what fueled your determined little spirit, resulting in you,  breaking the rules.
Jaehyun’s elongated fangs flashed in your sight as you stare at the dagger. Is he really a vampire? But the vinegar had no effect to his skin, not even the rosary or the prayers. Yet the fangs. How could he make those fangs longer? Perhaps he couldn’t. Perhaps it’s your disconcertment playing tricks on you.
You let your body fall into the mattress. It was like a hearkened prayer. A vampire showing in your doorstep when you least expect it. Was it why he does not appeared to be breathing? Or hurt by his wound and the sewing you’ve done to his skin? Perhaps he’s high, intoxicated, you have no idea. But you believed that even drugs would not obliterate the painful effect of your stomach being slashed open.  
If he’s truly a vampire, why didn’t he use his powers to heal himself? Being undead, and the blood they consumes from humans or animals makes it easier for them to recover from any wound. A gash like that in Jaehyun’s stomach would only compare to a small knife cut or to nothing at all.
There’s only one way to know. No, there are many ways to know the truth, you realized as you glanced at the full body mirror resting near your closet. Vampires can not cast shadows nor reflections. Especially when the mirror is backed with silver.
You pulled the chair, drafting table, and your little drawer away from behind the door. It was a horrendous idea to lock your door with your furnitures, only to pull them back again. Safety first, though.
What if he’s truly a vampire? The question drew you in a sudden halt, your hand frozen onto the doorknob. Then you realized that you have not prepared yourself to meet a real vampire after all. Concocting everything in your mind was easier because it hasn’t occurred to you— not even in your wildest imaginations— that you’d see a vampire today. In the modern world and years after the death of your parents.
As the saying goes, it’s now or never. So you turned the doorknob, and stepped outside your bedroom— your hand holding the dagger behind you.
Jaehyun sits on the sofa while he dries his hair with a towel. He was wearing Johnny’s clothes. The scent of your own shampoo lingers in the air, a proof that he had used it. You swallowed the irritation and sauntered up towards him instead. There’s a mirror hanged on the wall above the piano, you took a quick glance at it while planning ways on how to make Jaehyun stand in front of it.
“I told you to stay in your room,” he impassively voiced out, eyes not looking up at yours. When he did look up to you, your breath was snatched away. He looked fresh, and clean. His face was free of blood now, revealing his pale yet soft features and the redness of his lips. The beauty he possesses locked you up on your position.
“By the way, I’m charging money towards the person who looks at me like that,” Jaehyun stated before standing up.
You blinked, washing away your embarrassment by clearing your throat and slightly shaking your head. “I have to ask you about a few things.” Before he could answer, you’ve already spoken, “Where did you meet Johnny?”
“Casino,” was his bored response before reaching for the remote and tuning on the television.
“Casino? Why would you meet him in a casino?”
“Your brother owes me a large sum of money after gambling all of his in baccarat,” he explained. The various colors from the television illuminating his face.
“Casino game, one you would not understand as a college girl.” He glanced at you then. “Do you have any beer stored here?”
You ignored his remarks and shook your head instead, “We don’t. I do not allow it.”
“Well, thank fuck that this is my house now.” He leaned and propped his arms on his legs, “Why don’t you buy me a bottle as a welcome gift?”
“Don’t you have a penny?” This time, you’re the one whose voice was laced with boredom.
“I won’t ask you if I have a dollar.”
“Your audacity, it’s impeccable,” was your sarcastic response. “Why did Johnny vend you the house? Our house?” You put an emphasis to the last words, trying to veer the conversation to your advantage.
Jaehyun merely looked at you from the television, “Didn’t I just answer your question? He lost all his money, he borrowed mine, and as payment, he sold me your house. Business.”
“I couldn’t believed Johnny would sell you this house without consulting me,” you exhaled. Realization was dashing against your mind. He really sold the house, the one thing your parents built with their blood and sweat.
“Yup. Me too,” he smiled impishly, “I couldn’t believe you would have enough audacity to hide a dagger behind you.” He stood up, walking towards you in a languid manner, “Baby, is that for me?” He asked, his mouth dripping sensuality; sweet as honeysuckle. “Because I would tell you now it won’t do anything.”
You concealed your shock by straightening your back and stepping backwards, the mirror inviting your line of sight. All you have to do is step back until Jaehyun’s façade is on its surface.
“Really? What about I stab you with it through your heart?”
The urge to bury the dagger in Jaehyun’s chest was like a magnet, pulling you with a force that made your hand reveal the dagger. Fascination flickered in his eyes as he took in the length of the blade.
“You’ve got good taste.”
The dagger was raised, so is his finger. In a blink, his finger was pressed on the very edge, his blood cascading down the blade. One step, one step is all it would take for the mirror to reflect his body. One step and—
And then his mouth was on yours. Unmindful of the dagger between the both of you, Jaehyun pressed on, his kiss going ferocious in every second. Your body went rigid, the slick flicker of his tongue on your lower lip electrocuting you in the most pleasurable way.
Vampires are sinisterly sensual creatures. They could lure you with their beauty, fascinate you with their eyes. It was another thing to read about it, and another to feel it yourself. A millennium old gens never lied about vampires’ ability to romance a mortal.
The mirror. You opened your eyes, the mirror on your peripheral. It was difficult to get a better view, especially when Jaehyun was still kissing you. Your body refused to pull away, so you pulled Jaehyun closer instead. In a very unobtrusive way, you slightly turned your head sideways, so you would be able to see the mirror.
Trying your hardest not to completely fall into the desire, you grabbed Jaehyun’s hair with your other hand, then turned your body. Verity slapped you right in the guts as you see Jaehyun’s back reflecting on the mirror. You pulled away, catching your breath and gripping the dagger tightly with your hand. He reflected on the mirror, he wasn’t scorched when you splashed vinegar onto his body, he repelled the prayers and the rosary. Is he the insane one? Or is it you?
Jaehyun’s lips were swollen, and you do not doubt yours looks like that too. You stared at each other for seconds, Jaehyun stupefied in front of you. He looked shocked, like he had just came out of water, and was struggling to stabilize his breath. Before anyone could utter a word, you sprinted back to your room and locked it behind you.
That night, you lay awake on the mattress. Sleep feels like miles away. You could not simply close your eyes and pretend that there wasn’t a potential vampire under your roof. And you’ve kissed that vampire. It feels like betrayal, a bittersweet kind of one. However, you’ve nailed it on your mind not to repeat the same stupidity again. Not if you want to take retribution for the death of your parents.
A Roland for an Oliver. Always.
One person needs to know your wrath tonight, though. That is your brother. So you dialed Johnny’s number repeatedly until he answered.
“Why did you sell the house without consulting me?” was your greeting. The ire that you’ve been keeping inside you for hours after knowing the imbecilic decision of your brother rose up in your throat, begging to be unleashed as a scream.
“Well, good evening my dear little sister,” Johnny’s smug reply. You could almost see his sarcastic face in your mind. Before you could speak and bring hell to him, he inhaled and spoke himself, “I didn’t sell the house— well, sort of. But not really. It’s a fifty-fifty negotiation.”
You stood up, your hand on your waist. “I couldn’t believe you, Johnny! Casino? What in the heck were you thinking?”
Johnny cursed from the other line, “So the dick really told you about it?” Then a deep sigh, “Whatever he told you, it’s true. I’ve lost all my money in a game of baccarat. Don’t ask about it, you would not understand,” he uttered, so fast you almost didn’t catch it. Why is everyone thinks you won’t understand that game?
“What about Mom and Dad’s fund? Did you—”
“No! I did not,” Johnny sighed, deeper than the last time. “Well, almost half of it.”
“What?!” The scream that was threatening to come out from your mouth was unleashed, at last. You were afraid the neighbors heard it. “You—! Why did you do that?” You muttered, exasperated. Your knees felt like they would give up any second now, so you grabbed the chair and sat on it while trying to soothe your raging nerves. “That’s for us, Johnny. For our future.”
“I know. It was bad luck, Y/N. I promise, I’m working hard as much as I can to earn the money we’ve lost—”
“You’ve lost,” you repeated.
“Yeah. I’ve lost. Just, let Jaehyun stay for a while. He’s got no one and nothing.”
“What do you mean no one? And nothing?”
“He’s got no family. And no money. He’d lost it at the casino.”
You raised a brow like Johnny would see it, “Johnny, do you know that—” I saw him standing on our doorway, his stomach open and gushing out blood? Sighing, you have decided not to tell Johnny about the bloodied Jaehyun you’ve seen on your doorstep. He would only worry about you, and that’s the least thing you wanted now that your brother is miles away. “Do you know that he showed me a contract saying you sold him the house as payment for the money you owed him?”
Johnny once again cursed, “He’s fucking around with you. I’ll show you the real contract, hang on.”
Then you pulled your phone away from your ear the same time Johnny sent you a message. It was a picture of the real contract. And it was stated in the paper that Jaehyun could stay as long as he wanted in your house until Johnny earned the money he owed him. You knew it. Johnny didn’t sell the house. There is just no way he would do that.
“I knew it. I know you wouldn’t sell our house without discussing it with me.”
Johnny took seconds to speak, “I’d never sell the house, Y/N. No matter what. It’s ours.”
You rolled your lip with your teeth, “Where are you now, though? Are you eating well? Are you alright?”
Your brother chuckled, “I am. Don’t worry about your big brother. Just study and keep your self healthy.”
A pensive sigh was what you answered him. You wished your parents’ funds was enough for the both of you. So, Johnny wouldn’t have to work his butt off working here and there to provide for you.
“Just… take care. Don’t do anything illegal.”
“I won’t. Anyway, I have to go now. I have tons of work to do tomorrow. Call you tomorrow night, ‘kay? Take care, you little devil.”
“Alright. You too. Bye, Johnny.”
Then the line was cut off. You plugged-in your phone’s charger and set up the alarm. Staying up late was a bad idea, especially when you didn’t even have an ounce of sleep yesterday. It was a miracle that you’ve reached midnight without falling on your feet and sleeping on the floors. Dinner also went in the back of your mind, your appetite vanishing because of the adventure you’ve gone through for the past hours.
Going out of the room was out of the choices too. Jaehyun could be sucking an animal or a person’s neck in Johnny’s room for all you know. You frustratedly sighed, your imaginations would be the ones that would kill you, not the potential vampire inside the other room.
To get your mind off things, you checked on your group chat for any messages. Mark and Haechan, as usual, was bickering. Haechan sent a picture of his middle finger above his plates. While Mark sent a picture of the blackest coffee you’ve ever seen in your whole life with a caption, ‘palpitate? I don’t know him’ which elicited a chuckle from you.
As you glanced at your own plates, discarded at the corner near the original position of your drafting table, envy for Haechan and Mark enveloped you. You could have been on the third or fourth floor plan for the five-storey residential if not for Jaehyun.
You turned off your phone and decided to take a quick shower. You badly needed one. Jaehyun’s warning could not even stop you from washing the dried blood on your hands, wrists, over and under your fingernails.
Silence welcomed you as you peek through the door, the television was turned off, which only means that Jaehyun’s already in Johnny’s room. You finally stepped out, towel and robe in your hands.
Inside the bathroom, your shampoo bottle lay discarded on the shower floors, a sign that Jaehyun has emptied the container. You groaned, and threw the container to the trashcan with a loud thump.
As the water cascaded to your hair down your body, you felt the kiss you shared with Jaehyun, jolting your eyes open. What was that? You touched your lips. So many years of indulging yourself about vampires and how to kill them, one kiss and you are slipping off your principles already. What feebleness, you mumbled while slightly slapping your cheek.
After your quick shower, you felt cleaner than ever. No trace of blood could be seen on your hands. You wrapped yourself up with the robe, then your hair with the towel.
As you stepped out of the bathroom, you saw Jaehyun drinking a glass of water. You wrapped yourself tighter as you walked past him. He raised a brow but did not say anything. You’ve guessed the discussion about his stay could be accomplish tomorrow. Since you already had been exhausted to the bones, sleep was all you wanted and not another argument.
“Hey.” Jaehyun called out.
You froze for a few seconds before turning around to face him. What is it he wants this time?
“What’s your name?” He asked, arms crossed with his body leaning on the counter.
Oh, yes. He hadn’t inquired about your name yet.
“Y/N,” you declared.
Jaehyun stood straight then, pocketing his hands on the pockets of his sweatpants. “The kiss. It means nothing. No need to fret about it.”
You blinked. “I’m not fretting about it.”
“Yeah? Keep telling that to yourself while touching your lips as if you could still feel mine against it.”
All the blood rushed up to your cheeks, you do not doubt you looked like a tomato with eyes right now. “What are you talking about?” Did he peer through some hole while you shower? Did he use his vampire instincts to watch you bathe?
“I didn’t watch you bathe. As I’ve said, you’re not my type. Girls willingly peels off their clothes for me, I don’t need to peek at some hole to see tits and a pussy.”
An unbelievably loud gasp resonated from your mouth, your cheeks heating up again by his bold statement. How did he know your thoughts? “What do you think of yourself? A god?”
A smirk, “Yes.”
“You’re really unbelievable,” you muttered while shaking your head. Then you turned your back on him, not turning around even after hearing his salacious laugh behind you.
Heat continued to wrap your body until you kicked the blanket off of you. You slowly opened your eyes, the blinding rays of the sunlight jolting you awake. You needed not glance at your phone to know that you didn’t wake up on time.
Running a hand through your hair, you unplugged the charger from your phone. Several texts from Haechan and Mark were displayed on the screen.
[Already submitted your plate. :)]
[You bugbear, where are you?]
You typed in your reply for Mark, thanking him for submitting your plate for visual techniques. It was the right decision to leave it on his drafting tube. Then you sent a wacky picture to Haechan.
After not getting a reply from the two boys, you stood up and put on your slippers. The chaos of your room was an eyesore. You reminded yourself to clean and get back on planning later.
Jaehyun was nowhere in sight, he wasn’t in the living room nor at the kitchen. Perhaps he’s still sleeping. Or maybe he’s afraid of the sunlight. As you walked straight to the kitchen, you remembered the call you had with Johnny. Someone needs to explain himself today.
A lot of things whirled in your mind as you mix the coffee in your mug. First, you need to confirm whether Jaehyun is a vampire or not. What would you do if he is? Would you kill him? No, he would definitely kill you first if you ever did something as to think about assaulting him. Or maybe… maybe he could help you— on finding the vampire who killed your parents.
Your eyes widened by your realization, the spoon falling to the sink, making a loud clanking noise. Why had you not thought about it earlier? You muttered a curse before sitting. Yes, that would be it. Once you successfully vindicated his vampire nature, you could ask him to collaborate with you in finding the monster who killed your parents. However, Jaehyun looks like he’s going to be a huge pain in the ass. Men like him do not do things without gaining something from it.
“Yes, that’s right.”
You jerked in your seat as you heard Jaehyun. He entered the kitchen like it’s his own, walking straight towards the refrigerator and slamming it shut when he didn’t find what he was searching for.
“Can you not read my mind?” Your annoyed reiteration.
Jaehyun continued his rummaging through the drawers. “I don’t. Your thoughts are just all over the place. Too loud.”
You ignored his comment and focused on your goal instead. All while remembering the things you have learned about vampire’s ability to infiltrate minds and how to block them out of it. “You told me you’re a vampire.”
Jaehyun merely glanced at you, “Did I?” Then he continued his ransacking.
“Yes. Last night.”
He attempted to leave the kitchen, “Don’t know what you’re talking about.” Then he stood still, facing you. “Aren’t you supposed to leave my house now?”
“Oh, speaking of that, I called Johnny last night. You lied to me.” You walked straight to one of the chairs and sat on it, your spoon pointing at Jaehyun’s way. “He didn’t sell you the house. You’re supposed to live here ‘til Johnny earned back the money he owed you.” A wicked smile was displayed on your lips now.
“Whatever. I better not see you again today.”
“This is my house!” You stood up from your seat, the coffee spilling as your hips collided with the table.
“Not anymore. Get out.”
“Get out.”
You straightened your back, “What would you do, then?” Knowing that you are walking through a thin thread, still, you pushed on. “Bite my neck and suck my blood?”
Jaehyun huff out a breath, “You’re delusional.”
“You’re in denial.”
It took him two strides to face you, “Shut up.”
“Why? Did it surprise you that you revealed your true nature to a mortal? Mere minutes after meeting her?” You gathered all your willpower to smirk.
“I did not reveal you anything.” He said through gritted teeth.
You have never felt so powerful until you saw Jaehyun’s face right now. “You did. You told me—”
He turned his back towards you and left the kitchen. But your spirit has risen up, your being refractory oozing out of you. You followed Jaehyun to the living room, your hand grabbing his shirt.
Jaehyun jerked your arm away, his face ruddy from irritation when he faced you. “I didn’t tell you shit.”
“If you really didn’t, show me your wound then.” You waved your hand to where his wound was located in his stomach. “The wound that I’ve stitched up last night.”
He seemed appalled, but he quickly recovered, tuning in his smug face at the stroke. “Sorry, but my abs isn’t available at the moment. Try again next time, sweet.”
“Why don’t you just show me?” You voiced out, irritated. Jaehyun sighed and turned his back on you for the second time, but you didn’t budge as you pulled his shirt again. He tried to jerk your hand off of him but you held on.
“Let go!” He continued to wrench his shirt from your grip, the force of his hand pulling you towards the living room with him.
“Show me!”
“Damn it, Y/N! Let go!”
Jaehyun, for the last time, tugged his shirt from your hands, the force pulling you on your knees. Now you knelt face to face with his crotch, but you ignored your awkward position as you held his shirt again, then you caught a glimpse of the wound. It was a wound no more, but a faint scar instead—
“I knew it—!”
“Good mornin—! Oh shit! Oh my God! Y/N!”
You froze as you heard Mark’s shoutings, followed by Haechan’s remarks.
“Hotdog for breakfast, really, Y/N?”
You struggled on your feet, nearly tumbling again as your toe hit the foot of the coffee table. Swallowing the pulsating pain, you fixed yourself and faced your friends.
“It’s not what you think it is—”
“I told her to wait but she’s a spunky little thing, even begging and crawling for it.”
You’ve witnessed as Mark’s mouth formed a big ‘o’, his eyes nearly falling off their sockets. Haechan, beside Mark, only looked at you as if he was already tucking the information at the very back of his mind to blackmail you in the future.  
“Don’t listen to him. He’s crazy.” You tried to smile despite the embarrassment. “Johnny asked me to take care of him for awhile.”
“Yeah, sure.” Haechan snickered.
You widened your eyes at him then turned it towards Jaehyun, a forced friendly smile painted on your lips. “Just… I know this is hard for you. But stay in your room, okay? I’ll give you milk later. Be a good boy, hmm?”
You saw the irritation in his face, causing you to swallow the chuckle that was threatening to come out off you. For the last time, Jaehyun looked at you with daggers in his eyes before sauntering up to Johnny’s room.
“What was that?” Mark asked, his eyes watching Jaehyun disappear to the other room.
“Johnny’s friend. He’s been on a traumatic past, made him childlike. It’s a pity, really—”
Haechan cut your sentence off by screaming, “Y/N, what the fuck is this?! Blood?!”
Both you and Mark followed Haechan’s sight. Sweat automatically formed in your forehead as you saw Jaehyun’s blood on the sofa, almost black in color because of its dryness.
“Oh! It’s— That’s— ignore that! That’s from Jaehyun’s wound. He cut himself last night— and yes, have you had your coffee yet? Come, let’s have breakfast!” A nervous chortle was elicited from you, then.
Haechan and Mark exchanged glances before sitting on the ottomans.
“No, it’s okay Y/N. We really just came by to check up on you,” Mark declared, his palms on his knees.
Haechan, on the other side, glanced at the blood before looking at you. “Are you alright?”
A spontaneous nod, “Of course. I am!”
“He’s not giving you any troubles, is he?” Mark dug in. You shook your head. Lies. Trouble has been the first thing Jaehyun led on your doors the moment you invited him in. “Since when did he arrive?”
“Last week,” was your terse reply. “Anyways, highways, why are you here?”
Haechan kept looking at the blood, so you rushed to the kitchen and grabbed a clean rug to cover it. Only when it was covered did he answer you.
“We had a notion that maybe you’re sick,” Haechan stated. “And you told us last week Johnny’s away. Besides we don’t have any more classes so we decided to visit,” he added.
“Thank you. But I am not sick. Just woke up really late.”
After talking about your plates, and the reminders two of your professors discussed, Haechan and Mark already bid their goodbyes, no doubt to play computer games. They did not ask about Jaehyun nor the blood on the sofa any further. Instead, they’d asked you numerous times whether you were really okay before making their way out. You answered them both with a slight pat on their backs, reassuring them that all is well even if you weren’t sure of it yourself.
Jaehyun was already sitting on the sofa when you got back inside, his eyes unfathomable as he took in your presence. Suddenly, you remembered his wound, and the scar that was left of it in a span of hours.
“Shall we go back to business?” He raised his brow, an impish smile imprinted on his luscious lips. At your confused look, he attempted to untie the string of his sweatpants, resulting in you, grabbing the pillow and throwing it his way.
“Gross!” You grunted.
“C’mon. Acting all shy now? Where’s the energy from earlier? I like that version of you better.” Then a wink.
You felt the veins of your temple tick. “You’re disgusting.”
“Disgustingly hot?”
“Go to hell, Jaehyun.”
“Working on it.”
Inhale, exhale, was your continuous chant in your mind as you tried to calm your nerves. After a minute of closing your eyes and breathing heavily, you finally had enough sanity to talk to the mad man sitting on your sofa.
“You’re really a vampire.”
Jaehyun let his head fall back, his eyes closed. “I am not,” was his worn out reply.
“How would you explain your wound, then? That’s completely healed not even twenty-four hours after I’ve put it back together?”
“Y/N, don’t you know that I’m God’s favorite? That’s why I heal easily.”
“Will you stop fucking around and confirm it to me instead?” you exhaled. “You’ve already revealed yourself, Jaehyun. And if you don’t want to wake up with the whole world salivating to put a stake through your heart tomorrow, you will listen to me.”
Jaehyun looked affronted, as he furrowed his brows before opening an eye. “Was that supposed to make me shit my pants?”
You sighed, deeper than a well. One minute of talking to Jaehyun and you felt yourself going insane already. “Listen, Jaehyun—”
“Why are you so eager to know whether I am truly a vampire? A normal person would’ve knelt and begged for mercy in front of me if they’d so much as see my fangs.” He sat up straight then, regarding you with interest.
“I am not afraid of your kind.”
Jaehyun chortled, “Says the girl who literally poured vinegar on me while chanting prayers.”
“Speaking of that, how did you repel those? Those are the bane of every vampire’s existence.” You, no doubt, believe your eyes looks like they are twinkling right now.
“You don’t know enough about vampires, then.”
Your years of determined study about the lore of vampires denied Jaehyun’s insult like an instinct. “Or maybe, you are a peculiar vampire,” you reiterated.
“Didn’t admit I was a vampire, did I?”
The conversation was getting exhausting now. You feel as if running and chasing Jaehyun in an endless path that leads to nothing. Vulnerability had a hard time reflecting itself to you, but you feel like you could only reach for the answers to the questions that were circulating your parents’ deaths for years if you showed it to Jaehyun.
“Our parents died years ago.” You tried your hardest not to look at Jaehyun as you started speaking. “They said… it’s a hopeless case. The police, the detectives, and even Johnny already gave up on it. But I refused to do the same.” You cleared your throat. “My parents had two bites on each of their necks. Yes, it could’ve passed as a snake’s bite. But the two of them? A snake bite on their necks? And since when did snakes leave their victim’s body looking withered as a dead plant?” With that, you looked up to Jaehyun.
His eyes were fixed on you, devoid of any emotions. “When did it happen?”
A slight hope ignited in your heart by his question that you answered right after the words tumbled out of his lips. “Ten years ago.”
He sighed before standing up on his feet. “When they said it was a hopeless case, it really was Y/N.”
Boulders on your shoulders, that was what his words felt like. The earth and the heavens felt like closing in on you.
Jaehyun started to walk away. Ice seems to envelope all your hopes. The impact of it was different, as it came from a vampire itself. You looked up to stop the tears that were threatening to roll down your cheeks, but a traitorous tear slid down the side of your one eye, your lips shaking. You wiped it off, as harshly as you could before standing up and sprinting to your own room, the frames rattling by how forceful you shut the door closed.
For hours, you sat on your bed, your mind drifting off to nowhere. You refused to cry, it wouldn’t make any difference. The blackboard who has all the articles from newspapers, books, internet news magnetized your line of sight. You stood up, and walked towards it.
As you ran your hands through the crumpled papers, the image of your parents flashed in your mind. You shut your eyes closed, then the tears finally slid down.
“Mom, Dad, I’m sorry.” Your body shook, your shoulders continued to vibrate as you cried. It’s been a while since you let yourself fall. Forcing you to think that the pain of your parents’ deaths has already left. But no, it does not. Time only made it worse.
A scream resonated from your mouth as you let the pain coaxed you. You gripped the papers attached to the blackboard, and wrenched them with enough force to graze your knuckles on the hard surface, the thumbtacks scratching your fingers. Slowly, your body fell to the floors, the coldness of it biting your soles. You hugged your knees as tears continued to come out of your eyes.
Then you heard a knock.
You slowly got up on your feet. Bloodshot eyes greeted you when you looked at your reflection on the mirror. You hastily wiped your cheeks and fixed your hair before sauntering up to the door.
Jaehyun’s façade loomed over the other side.
“What?” You never meant to make the words come out vexed. But Jaehyun displayed a look of hesitation, making you uncomfortable. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
“I might have a solution to your problem.”
Your gripped on the doorknob tightened, your chest constricting. “What… what do you mean?
“I meant… I might’ve a solution to the death of your parents.”
“Really?!” You held his shoulders and shook him.
“Yeah. But before anything else, I need a beer.”
After Jaehyun’s revelation, you fixed yourself and dashed for the nearest convenience store, grabbing his preferred brand of beer and filling your cart with it. You needed to be tight on your expenses after you saw the receipt, but you have no time to care one bit now that you feel elevated more than ever.
When you arrived home, Jaehyun quickly opened the bottle with his hands, while you refrigerate the others. You dashed for the living room after putting all the bottles inside.
“So, what now?” You asked like a little puppy while Jaehyun chugged down his beer.
“I’ll help you in one condition.”
Of course, there’s a condition. Thankfully, you’ve anticipated Jaehyun to be the kind of man that it didn’t surprise you anymore.
“I’ll live here as long as I want. My clothes, cigs, beers— that’s all on you.” He pointed his finger at you, while holding the bottle in the same hand.
“Don’t you have any cash with you?” You tried to look kind as much as you can. Yet Jaehyun still raised a brow as a no.
“Blame the casino,” he added.
As you reckon his conditions, you grimaced privately. What would you tell Johnny if you started spending your funds? Or when you started asking for money all of a sudden?
“Alright. All your expenses, on me.” You smiled, teeth flashing while pointing at your self.
“I want my own room.”
“I will clean the storage—”
“Your parents’ room.”
With that, you stopped speaking, stopped breathing. “No.”
Jaehyun’s lips turned sideways, “Then the deal is off.” He turned to leave but you grabbed his wrist.
“Wait, alright. Alright. You could sleep there tonight. I will talk to Johnny.”
Jaehyun sat up again, a triumphant smile plastered on his lips. “Nice.”
“How did you know it was my parents’?”
The room was always locked, not when you clean it every once a week. You need not ponder how Jaehyun knew it was your parents, his vampire instincts surely told him. The room was bigger than any of the rooms inside the house, with big curtains making it cozy. There’s no doubt Jaehyun wanted it to be his just by that feature.
“Do I need to answer that?”
You shook your head. “So, how do we find my parents’ murderer?”
Jaehyun took a swig off his bottle before speaking, “Are you certain it’s a vampire?”
You didn’t answer. Instead dashed back to your own room to delve the box tucked underneath your dresser along with the dagger. In it was the picture of your parents in their withered state, the camera captured a shot of their neck, revealing the two bites each of them had. You hurriedly went back to the living room and revealed Jaehyun the pictures.
He took it with oddity, his mouth formed in a tight line. “Vampires. No doubt.”
After all these years, it was confirmed at last. You wanted to shout, but that isn’t pleasant for a time such as this. “I knew it,” you breathily stated.
Jaehyun shuffled the picture in his hands, “Some vampires has a peculiar way of killing their preys. However, the way your parents’ were murdered was no special. This is how the majority of the vampires kills.”
You leaned closer to see the picture yourself, but in a spur of moment felt embarrassed as you remember the kiss you shared, so you shifted away from him. “Is that a bad thing?”
“Yes. This gave us no clue as to who might be behind this.”
You feel your hopes shattering again. Jaehyun’s next words smashing it to smithereens.
“Vampires are all around Europe, and I do not doubt this town have several vampire clans too.” He continued, “But I know someone who could possibly identify the vampire behind this.” He waved the pictures in front of you, his mouth putting an emphasis to the word ‘possibly’. Your hope rose up in your chest again, despite the reluctance to his statement.
“What are we waiting for, then? Let’s go!” You stood up, ready to go at any given moment.
“Don’t be so excited, Y/N. He’s not a pleasant view to look at.” Then Jaehyun took one last swig on his bottle before laying it on the table with a thud.
“Anything, anyone, Jaehyun. For my parents.”
Jaehyun shrugged, “Tonight, then.”
“Where do we go?”
The sky was pitch black that night, no trace of twinkling white lights could be seen in the heavens. You held your jacket tighter to your body, the howling winds with heavy mists slapping on your face, hazing your skin with little droplets of water.
The cemetery’s entrance loomed over you, the letters in the metal bars embossed with an eerily looking font. You gulped, it’s sinister façade making the hairs on your neck prickle.
“Can’t we go back tomorrow morning?” You pursed your lips after asking. Jaehyun’s eyes was fixed on the name of the cemetery above you. Eternal Rest Cemetery.
“We won’t be able to meet Hubert in daylight,” he explained.
On the way to the cemetery, Jaehyun had given you little informations about the person you would meet tonight. His name is Hubert, Eternal Rest Cemetery’s gravedigger. He didn’t tell you how had he met him, or what does he looked like other than ‘creepy’.
“Why? Isn’t daylight more fitting for meetings such as this one?” You continued to babble as you entered the vicinity. Trying your hardest not to grip Jaehyun’s arms, you unobtrusively walked closer to him instead.  
“I told you, we couldn’t meet him in daylight. And I am not bestfriends with the sun, Y/N.” Jaehyun is clothed with a black shirt, paired with one of Johnny’s sweatpants again, since you haven’t bought him his own yet.
“Why? Aren’t you immune?” You glanced at the several tombstone, waiting for some ghost to show up and grabbed you with them underground. If this scene was accompanied by a smoke, and sinisterly white lights, it could pass as a horror movie already.
The wet tombstone was glinting against the moonlight, muds covering the green grass, leaving it mixed up with brown and green colors.
“How could you keep too many questions in that pretty mouth of yours?” Jaehyun asked, snapping his head at you.
You drew into a sudden halt, flustered by his question. Against the night, Jaehyun looked ashen if not for the redness of his lips, his face was giving off a chalky visage. He looked more vampiric now ever since you saw him.
When you didn’t answer, Jaehyun started to walk again, with you trailing behind him, mindful of the tombstones watching as you passed by.
In front of the rustic metal bars, Jaehyun halted. You stood behind him, observing the size of the space where the gravedigger must have been staying. Jaehyun rattled the bars again, the rust cascading down the grass.
You start as you saw someone penetrated the metal bars. Jaehyun shifted on his position, giving you a better view at the person— or an entity— in front of him. In an instant, you were reminded by the ghosts in Lord of the Rings. Hubert looks like a green smoke, but his whole façade is intact, no missing flesh nor eyes. He is tall, clad in suit like it came from Victorian era. Now you understand why Jaehyun insisted to meet him in night time. A ghosts could not be seen in daylight.
“Hubert! My friend, do you remember me? Of course, you do! Even ghosts wouldn’t forget this face.”
Hubert brushed him off with a stare before nodding his head your way.
Jaehyun waved his hand towards you, “This is Y/N. My friend. She needs something from you.”
Hubert looked at Jaehyun meaningfully, it was like a code you have no chance to decipher. After that, Jaehyun whispered something to him, but the ghosts shook his head.
Jaehyun glanced your way, his face abstruse. Then he held your shoulder, guiding you away from Hubert who remained standing on his spot.
“I forgot to tell you something.” Jaehyun released a curse. “Hubert, he has no tongue.”
You couldn’t help but to release a curse yourself, “What?!”
“If the crime happened in a cemetery, he would surely know the vampire who killed your parents.” Jaehyun took a quick glance at Hubert, “Usually, he would write it down on a paper. But something befell him, with the involvement of dark magic. I could smell it from him, Y/N. He is enchanted.”
This time, it’s you who peeked at Hubert’s tall frame. “I… I don’t know where my parents really died.”
“A higher chance that they were killed here, then.” Jaehyun licked his lips, “Trust me. Vampires around this town usually slays their prey in cemeteries.”
It was a gnawing suspicion at you, the real location where your parents had died. The policemen said it was likely that they were dumped into the crime scene, since their body hadn’t made a pattern on the earth yet. It was distinctly possible that they were killed in a cemetery.
“How could we make him talk?” You bit on your lower lip.
Jaehyun’s eyes lingered on your lips for a few seconds before he answered. “He wants you to offer him your own tongue.”
You were thrown off balance by his statement, your words coming out as a loud baffled gasp, you were afraid you would wake up the whole cemetery. “My what?!”  
“So he could talk,” Jaehyun explained like he was talking about the strands of your hair instead of your tongue.
You felt your tongue before speaking, “Is there any other way?”
If cutting your tongue out of your mouth was the only way to identify your parents’ murderer, you’d gladly do it. But you at least need to try for different alternatives, since your tongue is a crucial part for your mission.
“Yes,” Jaehyun answered, he held his finger to quiet you down when you attempted to speak. “We would need to hunt for a witch to enchant him. But I’m telling you now it’s gonna be a lot of work. Witches has already learned how to be cunning and inconspicuous ever since Salem.”
The Salem Witch Trials. You’ve encountered it when you first started reading about vampires. It was a series of prosecutions for people suspected of witchcraft between February 1692 to May 1693 in Massachusetts. Thirty were found guilty, nineteen of them had met the infamous Gallow Hills to die by hanging.
“How did you know all this?”
“It was my on the job training before I completely transformed into a vampire.” Jaehyun declared. You would have nodded since you didn’t know that information when he started to laugh. “Just kidding.”
“Then… do you know any witch that might be in this town?” Your voice was calm and toned down now, not sure if it’s because of your location or the lingering feeling that Jaehyun might think of you as a coward for refusing to lacerate your tongue.
He wiped the sides of his mouth with his fingers, “Yes. I know one. But I don’t think she’s going to see me.”
“Then I’ll talk to her.”
Jaehyun took in your expression and the determination in your face before nodding, “Alright.” Then he turned his head back to Hubert, who has disappeared to his small space behind the metal bars. Jaehyun tried to call for him, but the ghost did not appear again.
“He could be really annoying sometimes.” Jaehyun shrugged.
The following days, you tried to get back on your normal life by starting off your plates and pretending as if you hadn’t just met a vampire in your doorstep, and that you didn’t make a deal with that vampire to find your parents’ murderer, and that you hadn’t gone into a cemetery in the middle of the night to talk to some tongueless ghost that might be holding the key to your life’s biggest mystery.
Exhausting, yes. But fulfilling nonetheless. Johnny had no idea about your endeavors, and you do not plan to tell him anytime sooner. You’ve also warned Jaehyun not to mention anything to your brother, which was only answered with a deadpanned expression and ‘I don’t have a phone’ statement.
Jaehyun had his own adventures at night, only returning before the dawn breaks. You did not ask about his business, but you’ve been seeing droplets of blood on his shirt every now and then. The humane part of you wanted to banish him, for threatening the life of other people, but you also didn’t want to offend him. You could not afford him bailing out of your deal.
One night, though, you had no chance to stop yourself when you noticed blood on his shirt.
“Do you kill people, Jaehyun?”
The answer could be no, since there were no news about people being murdered the same way your parents had been.
“Why do you care?” He sounded irritated that you shut your mouth for a moment before pressing on.
“How does their blood tastes like?”
He snapped his head at you, baring his fangs. “Care to offer me your neck so I could answer your question?” With that, he slammed the refrigerator door shut, and stormed out of the kitchen with beer in hand.
You watched as his back disappeared from your sight, his statement leaving puzzles in your mind.
Then you remember a fact about vampires from your books. Yes, they need human blood to sustain themselves. But that does not prohibit them from drinking the blood of other living creatures. Doing so would satisfy their thirst, but it won’t provide them the same power as human blood. Jaehyun’s wound didn’t heal according to his ability to cure himself faster than any being because a continuous doze of animal blood would render their powers weaker.
Which only means that Jaehyun does not drink human blood. A swell of pride bloomed in your heart by the realization. Perhaps he is a vampire, but he isn’t monstrous.
You looked up to Jaehyun, who slammed a paper on your drafting table.
You ignored it. “Can you please knock before barging in my room?”
“Look at what I’ve got.” He ignored your annoyance and motioned his hand on the paper. Only then you took a glance at it. It was an invitation. “Invitation for Madame Juana’s party.”
You stood up from your seat, eyes twinkling. “Isn’t she the witch?!”
The golden print of the invitation was exquisitely inviting that you grabbed and ran your fingers through it. You could not believe Jaehyun got the invitations.
“Yes. It is a formal party, Y/N. We need clothes, especially me.”
“What are you waiting for? Get dressed! We’re going shopping!” You giggled before pressing the invitation between your planning and design’s book.
Two hours before the malls starts to close. You quickly changed and met Jaehyun outside the house. This time, he was wearing a white shirt paired with cargo pants, one you bought him. His dog tag making him hotter than he already is.
You tried not to focus on him as you got on the bus. Jaehyun sat beside you, while you sat near the window. Then the memory of the bus you rode in weeks ago suddenly drawing to a halt went crashing back in your mind.
“Jaehyun… weeks ago. Did you… cross the streets all of a sudden?” You decided to ask. It doesn’t change anything, you were just curious since there’s a high chance he was the one who crossed the street that night, fast as a lightning.
“Yes,” was his uninterested reply. You nodded and didn’t press any further. But when you shifted to look at the view outside the vehicle, Jaehyun spoke. “Were you hurt?”
He didn’t ask how did you know. It was obvious that you were inside that bus. Slightly perplexed by his question, you shook your head. “No.”
“Did I hurt anyone?” His eyes were fixed forward, not bothering to glimpse at you.
“No. You did not.”
“We’re here,” he announced before the bus halted in front of the mall.
“Jaehyun, could you please slow down?” You hissed while tugging your too-tight dress further down you knees.
Jaehyun was walking ahead of you as if he was being chased by a wild cat. The painful feeling of your heels against your soles flaming your agitation. Madame Juana’s party was a formal one. And it’s not as if you could not walk with heels, you could perfectly do that even if you put a book on the top of your head. But Jaehyun’s strides makes it harder for you to do so.
The stygian corridors of Madame Juana’s mansion makes it harder for you to navigate with your too-tight dress and dangerously thin red bottoms. What literally came into her mind to decide not to put lightbulbs in her corridor? Your question was answered when you saw the light from the hall infiltrating through the open curtains at the end of the corridor. A touch of anticipation.
Jaehyun held up his hand at you when you’ve finally reached him.
“Hurry! It’s starting!” His breath fanned your cheeks as you entered the party, making you blush all of a sudden. He was clad in a simple black suit, which took a huge amount from your allowance. Despite that, he towered most of the men in the hall once you entered.
Jaehyun is simply ravishing.
Eyes from both women and men bore into his façade as you walked through the throngs of guests. Some whispering about his vampire nature, and some giggling by how good he looks like. It made you realized that this party wasn’t meant for mortals.
The orchestra was playing a forlorn music from the other side of the made platform, unfitting for a party such as this one.
“Madame Juana’s mortal husband died.” Jaehyun whispered all of a sudden, an explanation for the question you’ve asked only to yourself.
“Why is she throwing a party then?”
“Because she’s happy. She’s collected a number of rich husbands in the span of her life, Y/N.” He leaned closer, his minty breath whiffing your nose again.
You cleared your throat, trying to make your voice little. “How old is she?”
A waitress passed by, offering you a margarita. You gladly took one with a nod of thanks.
“Five hundred years old.”
You almost spat your drinks, eyes widening. “Five hundred years old?”
Jaehyun only nodded. The music halted, magnetizing your focus on the woman at the top of the stairs. She was clad in the finest silk, her skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood. If you didn’t know that she was a witch, you would think of her as a vampire.
“Don’t say that to her face later,” Jaehyun warned before clapping his hands.
You ignored his enraging ways to read your mind and started to clap your hands together. Madame Juana started to descend the stairs, her silk gown moving like ocean waves. She does not look like a five-hundred year old witch. Rather, she only looked like a few years older than you.
One of the waitresses handed her a mic, you were mesmerized by how her lips moved as she welcomed everyone who has attended his late husband’s first month death anniversary.
After her warm reception, the forlorn music became jovial. The guests started to chatter in loud voices, while Madame Juana greeted each of her visitor.
Jaehyun stood still beside you, watching the Madame like a predator… or a prey. And as if Madame Juana felt Jaehyun staring at her, her eyes suddenly shifted towards the both of you. You start in your position, feeling as if your muscles are strained. The Madame raised her hand, which is holding a glass of red wine, towards you. Jaehyun imitated her actions, and you have no other choice but to join them as they toss their glasses to the air.
You sipped on your drinks, the same time the music shuffled and then all you could hear was the Waltz of the Flower by Pyotr Tchaikovsky. Most of the guests gathered between the hall, and they started to dance. You know the piece yourself. Your mother loved it so much, teaching you how to slow dance with it when you were little.
Awestruck by the pairs of dancing bodies on the dance floor, you did not notice Jaehyun stretching out his hand to you until you blinked out of oblivion and saw him watching you with a small smile painted on his lips.
“Will you give me the pleasure to dance with you, milady?”
A hearty chuckle resonated from your throat before taking Jaehyun’s hand. He guided you towards the dance floor, securing you with his hands.
“I am not good at dancing,” you warned him with a chuckle.
Jaehyun laughed, “Let’s fall together then.”
Eyes locked with Jaehyun, you let yourself leave your worries behind for a while. You stepped on Jaehyun’s feet every now and then, but he only brushed it off with a chuckle. After a few minutes on the dance floor, you regained your footing along with the memories of the steps your mother taught you. Jaehyun spun you around with an ease of a professional.
The chandeliers painted Jaehyun’s face with a light that wasn’t meant for a creature such as him; it made him more human, more real. His dashing aura blinding you, together with his smile. All of a sudden, you forgot the bloodied man in your front porch weeks ago, replaced by a new Jaehyun. It felt like it was the first time you were seeing him.
You chuckled. Both of your laughters mixing with the music, pulling you into bliss. You hadn’t noticed when most of the guests drew into a halt, leaving a few pairs together with you and Jaehyun on the dance floor.
The both of you were catching your breaths when the music stopped, the claps of the visitors making you smile.
“Kiss! Kiss!”
Your smile was easily replaced by a flustered expression when the visitors started to chant. Jaehyun mischievously glanced at you, deepening the redness of your cheeks.
“Kiss! Kiss!”
All the chants were muffled as Jaehyun grabbed the back of your head. Your eyes widened, muscles frozen. You closed your eyes and waited for his lips to touch yours, but nothing came.
Someone cleared her throat. You opened your eyes and saw Madame Juana walking towards you. She smiled, pearlescent white teeth flashing.
“Nice to see you here, Y/N.” Then she gave you a peck on the cheek before turning her eyes to Jaehyun. Her smile quickly dropped to a frown as she took in his aura. “And you. Jung Jaehyun.”
Her smile returned when she looked at you again, “Come. Let’s talk about your parents.”
Madame Juana led you through a corridor across the entrance you walked in earlier. Unlike the other one, the corridor was flashing with lights, almost blinding you. She opened the door at the end of it. Stacks of books and bookshelves filled your sight as you blinked and refocused your eyes.
“As you can see, I have too many visitors to entertain tonight. Talk.” She waved her fingers languidly as Jaehyun closed the door behind him.
“We need your help to enchant a tongueless gravedigger,” you started.
Madame Juana sat, her eyes looking straight at yours. “I’ll help you.”
Your happiness swelled up as you didn’t expect her to easily cooperate.
“In one condition.” She propped her chin onto her palm.
“Anything!” You took a step towards her, laying your palms on the top of her table. Jaehyun followed and stood beside you.
“Kill Alena for me.”
Jaehyun tensed, his mouth formed in a thin line. “You are insane.”
You widened your eyes at him in warning and turned your head towards Madame Juana instead. “Who is this Alena?”
When she attempted to speak, Jaehyun cut her off, providing you the answers himself. “She’s the head of the Detritius clan of vampires.”
You shot Juana a look. “What makes you think I could kill her?” Even if driven by madness, you still could not. Right now, you doubt your skills— you doubt even your determination.
“That’s it, pretty girl.” She raised her finger towards Jaehyun to shut him up. “I’ve cursed Alena to die in the hands of a mortal. Your goal to make the gravedigger speak is fitting to my intentions. It’s a win-win situation, don’t you think? Not unless you’re ready to slash your own tongue out of your mouth.” She smiled her alluring smile.
You took a glimpse at Jaehyun. He was shaking his head at you, but this is your chance. It’s preposterous, but it is the only way. You shut your eyes for a moment and took deep breaths before facing Juana again.
Then you nodded.
“Perfect!” She clasped her hands. “Visit me again tomorrow, so we could talk about it in details. Don’t worry, I’m not sending you to war without weapons, darling.” She stood up and brought her hand to your cheek, caressing it. “Now get out. Both of you.”
You did as you were told, your heart hammering against your chest. Jaehyun did not speak to you until you’ve reached the outside of the mansion and until you grabbed his arm.
He sighed, “Y/N, I’m not sure about this one.”
You released a breath, “Why? Jaehyun, you can’t bail—”
“Alena… I am bound to her.” He ran his hand through his hair, his eyes suddenly seeing the ground more interesting than you.
You took a step back. His words blowing you out of proportion. “I don’t understand.”
Only then he looked up to you, his eyes reflecting something you could not decipher. “Y/N, Alena is my fiancée.”
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lvlyhao · 4 years
A/N: took me long enough to post, I know, but thank you to that last anon for reminding me of the series lol with school i tend to forget what i have and haven’t posted but i’ll do better from now on. i hope you like this :)
important: this chapter includes mentions of vomiting and though i’ve already put a warning for violence and gore in the masterlist, i’m saying it again: please don’t read this if you are not okay with that!!!!
word count: 2.1K
pairing: qian kun x reader
disclaimer: the characters in the story below do not reflect real people or present real facts. this is purely fictional, and you may not copy, change, translate or repost my work in any way. all rights reserved © cherry-hyejin 2021.
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*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
“I’m heading out”, your hands fondly squeeze Taeyong’s shoulders from behind him. He does not look up from his task for a few seconds, counting rolls of gauze. Then, upon processing your words, he twirls to face you. His eyes trail up and down your figure, making a mental checklist of everything you need to be safe. Apparently, one thing is missing.
“Take Jaehyun with you”, he asks, “or maybe Yuta. Johnny is always good to have around, and so is Renjun. Those swords of his are no joke”, he rambles, losing focus. The way he places his hands on his hips and sighs tells you he’s absolutely drained. “Or maybe I should go with you—”
Shaking your head fervently, you pat his cheek for his attention, observing the streaks of noon sunlight across his face. He stares at you with concern and shifts his weight.
“You’re staying right here and so are the boys, Tyong. We haven’t found a survivor in weeks, and taking one of them is always more stressful than anything”, you reason. Recollections of how the boys attract trouble wherever they go cloud your mind, far too many to count. The air suddenly feels too chilly, with shivers running down your spine. 
“Just stay here and maybe find a way to rest. You know Doyoung won’t mind keeping track of the supply for you.”
At this point, he knows it’s no use arguing. 
“Just be careful… and get back before dawn”, he adjusts the collar of your jacket, thinking back to the weather outside of the grey walls of the dorms. “All I’m saying is you never know what you’re gonna find.” Giving you a tight-lipped smile and a nod, he resumes his job, and you leave him. Headed to the heavily locked iron doors guarded by the towering figures of Shotaro and Sungchan, you ask yourself if there was any hidden depth to Taeyong's words.
“You never know what you’re gonna find, huh", you mutter.
Now, roaming the deserted streets on your own and basking in the orange glow of the afternoon, you just think he was wrong. 
It’s already been a couple of hours since you left: you’ve explored parts of the district you barely even knew before the virus, seeing all kinds of animals scurrying around your path. You’ve also eaten the rice balls Jaemin packed for you, and you’ve gawked at the decaying building that used to be your favourite theatre. It’s all the same as you imagined it would be. Not many walkers litter this part of town—just 7 or 8 you managed to avoid—and no people. No one worth rescuing.
Wandering like this, in silence, brings back memories you're not sure you like. Weekly game nights with your friends, attending Jisung’s dance presentations, playing in the park’s playground at night... All of those feel foreign to you, parts of life too good to have ever been yours. Still, the need for a shot of wistfulness takes over, and you sigh. Better now than when it gets late, then. With a shake of your head, you pick a destination and start moving.
You’re conscious of your surroundings as you keep one hand on the bow and make your way across the square. Dry, fiery leaves crunch under your boots, being the only sound you pick up. Nothing looks out of the ordinary, either. The same old abandoned stores seem to look down at you, their busted windows moaning in the wind. But, right then, something jabs at your gut. It's a silent alert to a threat you can't see. 
Damnit. You better pick up the pace.
As soon as you make a turn to the left, spying the pizza place you used to visit, you freeze. Walkers, maybe 10 of them, whimper and try to get past the debris to reach something inside a pharmacy.
How could you not notice them earlier? They’re not a quiet horde, and the awful stench is not something you should have missed either. Have you been that lost in your nostalgia?
Whatever happened, you don't have much time. If the undead are making that much effort to get around the rubble, there has to be someone inside. A fellow human being—hopefully, a nice one. Someone you can help.
Acting out of instincts, you drink in your surroundings. Having your back hastily pressed against a tree trunk is not ideal, but it's what comes to you. While you can't call yourself a strategy master, jumping right into action is not the right plan when someone else's life is in danger. 
Mind racing, you know you need a better shooting spot now if you want to make a move. Drawing them out to an alley is not a totally bad idea either. They wouldn't be able to escape, and maybe then they could flee.
As soon as you found a perfect corner for that, the screech of old door hinges catches your attention. A second later, shattering glass.
Shit. They broke in.
With no more time to assess the situation, you quickly climb up a rotting picnic table. The zombies, some missing a limb, slowly drag their feet towards a man in a plaid, blue shirt. 
He's petrified, head lashing from side to side, looking for a way out. You know very well there is none, and soon enough it will be too late. He’ll be just at reach for those disgusting, putrid fingers. If they get a bite in, it's over for you, and it's over for him.
That’s when you take the stupidest decision of your life.
The boy might just get whiplash from how fast his eyes find yours. His are dark and desperate, but there is something else to them—to him. Something you will never find it in you to explain. 
It could have been the way the stares right at your soul, or how his face displays every emotion from relief to terror. You could even say it was how his knees buckled under his weight or his fluttering hair in the wind. You can blame your reaction on a lot of things, but none of them startles you as much as yourself. 
A cold hand grasps at your heart, squeezing it tightly in your chest. Blood drains from your face, and your frame shakes in the wind. You know this sensation all too well to have doubts, although it is what you swore never to feel again. Fear. Not for yourself, no, even when the undead start walking towards you instead. You don't—can't— care enough about your life, and you know it. It is all for him, the beautiful stranger you are going to save.
The first two arrows find their aim, speeding right through the undead’s skulls, but something shifts in your arms. The rest of your arrows now seem to swerve a bit to the sides, lodging themselves on necks or shoulders. In other words, not where they are supposed to. 
Oh, how much you hate that the walkers will only die if you damage their brains.
“Annoying bastards, I swear—”
Falling into a state of near panic, you drop to the floor unceremoniously and race to the horde. If your bow won't do the trick, your other weapons will.
Momentarily thankful for their lack of agility, you pull out the knives hidden on the sides of your shoes. In a flurry of drive, you slash and stab everything around you. While throwing some hand-to-hand-combat here and there, your eyes start to burn. The walkers smell even worse from up close, you bitterly recall from past encounters. It's one of the things that make fighting harder—the urge to run away from them at every second.
The more daring among them clutch at your clothes, keeping your movement limited, but you manage to cut off their hands. The slick sound it makes is enough to make bile rise up your throat, but you swallow it back.
“C’mon, Y/N”, you pant, kicking what had once been an adult woman in the chest to send her down to the asphalt. “You’ve had tougher battles than this." With a breath as deep as you can manage, your knife cuts at another zombie.
It is true, you know. It's impossible to count the times you’ve been up against groups of 20 or more. You were always fine. Right now, though, wincing from multiple wounds scattered around your skin, you question how the hell did you do it.
Hurriedly glancing to your right, you notice 5 are already dead—well, dead-er than they had previously been. The lady you kicked struggles to get up, giving you a gap to spin and bury your knife into her scalp. She goes limp right away, and you stare. 4 more to go.
Just as you retrieve your blade and turn to face the other walkers, something bites your dominant hand. Hard.
With your knife tumbling down in a metallic clunk, fire shoots up your arm. The first thing you do is wiggle your hand back and forth. Some part of you thinks it was going to let go like it’s some sort of dog. You realize you were wrong when darkened saliva flows into the cuts, your mind going blank with agony.
You figure it was one of the undead you had pushed down before, only to lose sight of him later. And, yes, wiggling was a poor attempt at getting him to drop you, but you did it out of pure alarm. Fear is gradually taking over you now, freezing cold and impossible to fight.
With only your non-dominant hand free, you sloppily sink your blade down however many times it takes for the corpse to stop moving. The pain you feel is sharp, travelling through your veins like blue fire. As his grip slackens, the body slumps to the ground, a wet thud echoing. Despite the agony that threatens to blind you, you're aware of the other 3 walkers you have yet to take down.
One is easy enough, with an arrow embedded deep on one side of her neck, and another coming down on her brow bone. Repugnance swirls in your gut, and you have to look away. Their skulls are incredibly soft.
Your remaining enemies pace at either side of you, circling you with dead eyes and faltering strides. You keep your wounded hand close to you while the other clutches the leather grip of your weapon. It's time to put an end to this.
Choosing to go for the right first, you slash at his chest, grimacing at the black blood that oozes. It taints his shredded red hoodie and sprinkles at your front. The shudders that course through you in silent rage give you the strength to finish it off.
In one clean, powerful strike, your knife goes through an eyeball, but he collapses a bit too fast. You can't recover your blade.
Having no weapons on your hands, even for a second, is critical. The walkers are borderline sluggish, but it was easy to lose track of them: your severed hand was proof.
To your relief—or mild disgust—, hasty strides bounce at the pavement behind you, followed by heavy thuds on a slimy surface. It takes no more than 3 seconds for the last body to tumble by your feet, face down. 
It's only then you see the skull, or better, what is left of it. Blood and brain flow over a gaping crack, done by something sharp. You could guess it was the heavy, black rock that you find before you, held in the hands of the man you are supposed to be saving.
From there, you realize his medium length hair is a faded blue, with dark brown at the roots. A grey university hoodie hugs his slim figure under the plaids, matching his cargo pants and busted sneakers. His face is all sharp angles and soft edges, but his gaze is nothing short of magnetic.
Wide, chocolate eyes glare at the body with such horror your own throat tightens. Then, with no words shared, he lets go of the rock and stumbles back like he cannot believe what he did. Your own eyes divert to the cloudless sky, hearing him vomiting on the concrete in a matter of seconds. Poor dude.
Pity, combined with the reminiscents of adrenaline and dread, settle in you. Your thoughts boil down to one small detail: the Sun is setting.
The throbbing on your hand momentarily vanishes, lost in the memory of Taeyong very clearly telling you to be back before dawn. Aside from that, the memory of what you did to get the walkers' attention still burns at your mind. That goddamned shout. Having a sense of hearing as acute as they did, you are sure any other zombies around you are coming your way.
You have fucked up big time.
final notes: ik chapter one wasn’t all that exciting but i’m hoping this one is better wheeze two more to come, stay tuned <3
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medea10 · 4 years
My Review of Trigun
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How did I get into this anime? Let’s just say this was one of those animes that used to air on Saturday nights back in the day that I would every now and then come across while waiting for either Full Metal Alchemist, InuYasha, or Cowboy Bebop to air. But I never did watch a full episode or know a damn thing about this anime. So I’m just jumping into this anime blindfolded. All I know is that this was Johnny Yong Bosch’s first anime role.
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Who is Vash the Stampede?
A frequent question that comes up throughout the series! Rumor has it that he wears a long, red trench coat and sports a Mohawk hairstyle. Some say he’s a notorious lecher. Many recount him shooting up their villages to a pile of rubble just for the heck of it. He has quite the reputation as he has a $$60,000,000,000 bounty on his head and is often known as the “Humanoid Typhoon”.
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In reality, Vash the Stampede is…a bit of a dingus. He just happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and things kinda get out of hand. But that doesn’t stop two insurance agents (Milly Thompson and Meryl Stryfe) from following him around to confirm Vash’s identity and keep his actions to a minimum. At first, it’s hard to tell if he’s a stupid-genius or just flighty and gets lucky one too many times. But when shit goes down, don’t be surprised when you see this doofus get serious.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: Okay, what sad company did this use to belong to, Geneon, Bandai, or ADV Films? Oh, Geneon! That means good voice actors from L.A. put in really shitty roles. On the contrary, this was a fairly decent English dub. And on a severely positive note, this was indeed Johnny Yong Bosch’s very first anime role (and a main role at that). This was like fresh off his time as a Power Ranger! And I gotta give props for giving this guy a chance at voice acting. This role was the launching point to what has been a very successful career for Bosch. As for the sub, let’s just say I’m happy any time I get to hear Hiromi Tsuru in something besides Dragon Ball. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Vash is played by Masaya Onosaka (known for Bill on Pokemon, Isaac on Baccano, Jadeite on Sailor Moon, Kero on Cardcaptor Sakura, Leeron on Gurren Lagann, France on Hetalia, and Spandam on One Piece)
*Meryl is played by Hiromi Tsuru (known for Bulma on DBZ, Ukyo on Ranma ½, Yubel on YGO GX, and Mika on Gravitation) [R.I.P.]
*Milly is played by Satsuki Yukino (known for Kagome on InuYasha, Mion/Shion on Higurashi, Tae on Gintama, Amakata on Free!, Hiiragi on Natsume Yuujinchou, Mutsumi on Love Hina, and Yoruichi on Bleach)
ENGLISH CAST: *Vash is played by Johnny Yong Bosch (known for Ichigo on Bleach, Lelouch on Code Geass, Makoto on Free!, Izaya on Durarara, Artemis on Sailor Moon redub, Koizumi on Haruhi Suzumiya, and Yukio on Blue Exorcist)
*Meryl is played by Dorothy Elias-Fahn (known for Kaoru on Rurouni Kenshin, Naru on Love Hina, Tomoe on Rozen Maiden, Hakuei on Magi, Houki on Fushigi Yugi, and Amane on Tenchi Muyo GXP)
*Milly is played by Lia Sargent (known for Dorothy on The Big O and Judy on Cowboy Bebop)
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FAVORITE CHARACTER: Milly! I don’t need a reason, it’s Milly!
SHIPPING: I didn’t really start thinking about shipping until more than halfway into this series. I thought there might be something between Vash and Meryl, but then again maybe not! Then I saw the backstory of Vash’s “younger days” and falling for the one woman who showed him compassion.
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Yes, this is the same woman we consistently see in Vash’s flashbacks, Rem. Ooh boy, it’s one of those stories! So yeah, never mind my thinking with Vash x Meryl ever happening. I feel like Vash will mourn Rem’s death for a long time that I don’t think the whole thing with Meryl will ever work.
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And as for Wolfwood x Milly…
…At least she got to have one night of passion with Wolfy-boy before the unthinkable happened.
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THAT DARN CAT: If you watched this series, you might have noticed a little black cat spotted in nearly every episode. It’s there in the opening theme. It’s there in random places throughout the series. It’s there in the ending theme. What’s up with this cat? Well, there are a lot of theories surrounding this particular cat (or Kuroneko). Some say it’s really Rem inside that cat since you see it in literally every episode around Vash. Others say it’s because the creator of Trigun wanted to just mess with your minds with the kitty walking around in random places and towns. Seriously, it will always appear in every new town Vash and the gang comes across! As an avid cat enthusiast, I’m fine with whatever the result. Just as long as no harm comes to the little Kuroneko.
HALFWAY POINT: Halfway into the series we notice something more when it comes to Mr. Vash the Stampede. First of all, those horrifying scars all over his body! Second, that mysterious girl he often thinks about. I mean, we see flashes of her in the opening sequence. And third, the reason why he never kills. Vash has the ability of causing so much damage when pushed to a breaking point. One of the many reasons why he’s known as the “humanoid typhoon”! And that was perfectly shown when Vash chases the residents out of a town (so there would be no casualties), totally demolished the town during a fight, and made an indent on the moon!
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But the story takes a sharp-left turn into WTF territory when we learn about WHAT exactly Vash is. Vash is a plant. Vash also has a brother named Knives. And while Vash has a mentality that all beings have a right to live, Knives has a “kill them all and let God sort them out” point of view. Now the existence of Vash and Knives came with a lot of controversy, especially in the ship that they were on. But that girl who Vash cares for, Rem cared for them regardless of what they were. Rem had high hopes for a peaceful world with coexistence. Too bad Knives had other motives and killed her.
ENDING TO TV SERIES: Vash has tried so hard to keep Milly, Meryl, and Wolfwood out of harm’s way. He knows there are some pretty bad people after him, including his polar-opposite brother, Knives. Vash hates death and wants to save as many people as humanly possible. He doesn’t want to see any more needless death. Probably from his flashbacks and losing Rem! Unfortunately, this doesn’t go so well.
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I can see how iconic this death was now after witnessing it. Wolfwood, the priest who would hook up with Vash every now and then when they’re up against some ruffians, now finds himself in a crucial decision. He gets orders that he must eliminate Vash. And Wolfwood ends up dying instead in a very dramatic death scene. God-damn! And just that scene where Milly is sobbing freakin’ eats you up inside.
At least she had one night of passion before the unfortunate happened!
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Vash hates the thought of having to kill anyone. But he might not have a choice if Knives is coming after him and even hires a powerful foe from a previous episode and the guy that killed Wolfwood to take you out. Once Vash met up with Knives, he winds up having some pretty sick flashbacks of Knives. But our homeboy was able to take out Knives, the desert area gets water, and…
I’m gonna have to read the fucking manga for more, right?
Tap dancing fuck!
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BADLANDS RUMBLE: 12 years after the series ended, Japan decides to release a side-story in the form of a movie, bringing back our favorite characters like Vash, Wolfwood, Milly, and Meryl. And yes, reuniting the cast…in Japan.
By 2010, Geneon was as good as dead and FUNimation licensed Trigun. In short, they managed to get Johnny Young Bosch to reprise his role as Vash the Stampede. But everyone else was replaced. And surprisingly, the people they got to do Wolfwood and Milly were pretty freakin’ close to their original voices. Meryl’s voice, come on I know Luci Christian any-damn-where! Vash helps a young lady take out a big-bad guy (who turns out to be his father). And it has the feel of the original series where it’s set in a western town with lots of booze and shoot-em-ups! It’s an interesting side-story to the Trigun trilogy.
Trigun was a pretty good anime. I mean, not one of my favorites, but I can definitely see a lot of people sticking by this classic. Maybe you can chalk up my blah attitude to the fact that I’m not fond of westerns and I kinda took it out on Trigun. Or the fact that there was so much more that the anime could have covered before the end and the ending kinda felt off to me! Like I thought I was expecting more. But I suppose that’s what mangas are for. To be honest, the stories that really grabbed my attention were the back-stories with Vash and Knives and Wolfwood’s final episode.
*sniffles* At least Milly got one night of passion before he died!
If you would like to check out Trigun, all the episodes are available through FUNimation and Hulu (in both Japanese and English). And if you really like the anime, why not purchase the hard copies? Both the series and movie are available for home video.
Okay, that took me a while, but I’m glad to finish Trigun. What’s next on the FUNimation list?
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Fuck is that supposed to mean? What is that? Is that even in English?
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Do you mean Re:Zero? That’s great…but that review’s not ready yet. And it probably won’t be until after April 2021! So let’s cast caution to the wind and pick another FUNimation licensed anime.
You’re watching Sarazanmai next. It’s best if you don’t ask questions.
Sarazanmai? The fuck does that even mean?!
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neoniverse · 4 years
heal me. | prologue
disclaimer: this series is a work of fiction. any businesses, events or incidents are products of my wide imagination. all of the character’s personality does not reflect and has nothing to do in real life.
warnings: smut, angst, usage of strong language, mild violence, mentions of death, alcohol & drugs, cheating issues and lots of flashbacks (read each chapter carefully)
pairings: jung jaehyun x reader
a/n: this chapter is a prologue. a flashback is included. next update’s timeline is present. please, always start reading at prologue! ;) HEAL ME is the first installation of Ego Series.
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“Tell that man to change this. His ideas are trash.”
You pushed the stacked papers back to your secretary’s hands, she nodded and left your office. Your eyes immediately rolled out of annoyance.
“Those eyes of yours couldn’t really find any habit except rolling them, eh?”
Johnny Seo. Sitting pretty at the grey sofa in front of you, sipping on his hot coffee and reading a newspaper.
“Plus, If I were Jaehyun, I’d absolutely cancel this project if you will keep on giving that attitude towards me.”
“Be your cousin then. So I don’t have to see his cheater ass,” You massaged the bridge of your nose.
You heaved an annoyed sigh and continued signing some papers for the construction of Neocity Incorporation’s 33rd branch. Or that is what Johnny told you before.
“Oh, feisty,” He chuckled. “Just so you know, Y/N, you sound and act so bitter. May I remind you that it has been exactly two years ago since the two of you— broke up.”
Johnny walked towards your desk and placed his hands on top of it, then leaned. “Thanks for the coffee, babe. As much as I want to stay, I have to catch up something.”
He winked at you and clicked his tongue. Johnny often calls you ‘babe’, or rather, to everyone. So it’s not much of a big deal to you.
The following days was so quiet, which you find odd, honestly. It’s like something is coming and you have no idea how to stop it. Jaehyun also kept sending you new plans for the building construction.
After his sixth email, you approved it. You also agreed to his email regarding a further meeting to their office.
“Act professional, Y/N. Don’t let yourself slip.” You remind yourself while fixing your black silk dress that ended just above your knees. You also let your long brown wavy hair down and added a minimal make-up.
Neocity Inc.’s main office is the highest among all of its branches. It has 25 floors and each is for a particular field to their business. The ambiance inside and outside never failed to amaze your eyes even when you went there numerous times already.
They changed the color accents. You thought to yourself before entering the elevator.
You hear the elevator’s faint “ding!” that you’re on the 25th floor already. A blonde lady from the reception desk stood up and gave you a warm smile.
“Good morning, Miss Y/N! You just arrived on time.”
She then led you to the conference room. The whole floor is so quiet, only the loud clicking of your high heels to the marble tiles can be heard. The place seemed to be different from your last visit. They had white walls before, but now, they changed it to glass panes.
“Please wait here for a second.” She entered the room then went back outside afterwards.
“Mr. Jung will be seeing you now.”
You gave her a small smile then pushed the long vertical steel handle. You were a bit surprised to see Jaehyun alone inside. He was sitting at the other side of the wide frosted glass table. You sat at the other end and placed the folders you brought on the table.
“Good morning, Y/N.”
“Likewise, Mr. Jung.”
“I heard from John-”
“Cut the chase. Business please.”
Jaehyun heaved a deep sigh. You weren’t cold at him like this before.
Things wasn’t like this.
“Just tell me the truth, Jaehyun! Please?” You shouted. Vases, picture frames, and other stuff in the living room are either scattered or shattered.
“Did you fucking cheat on me, or not?”
You need answers. Answers that will complete to your dying questions.
“I-I...” He ran his fingers to his brown fluffy hair. “Fuck, baby. I don’t know.”
The room fell into the oblivion of tranquility. Jaehyun stared at you with tired and bloodshot eyes. His white dress polo is wrinkled, three buttons are left unbuttoned.
“How.. can you do this to me? How did your guts take this shit? I healed you when you were broken! When you felt the world was against you.”
“But I didn’t know you could also be the reason for me to break myself.”
You felt your heavy heart sank. Remembering the photo of him, smiling so widely and his hand, resting on a girl’s thigh. You thought he wouldn’t do that.
I didn’t think he’s capable of doing that.
“Her name is Chaewon, right?” You sat beside him. Jaehyun locked gazes with you, fresh hot tears are starting to form again in your eyes.
“Baby, please,” He pleaded. “I don’t know her. I can’t remember shit from that night.”
You gave him a faint smile.
Jaehyun Jung has been the best man for you. Or at least, to everyone. He’s handsome, kind, sexy, and ruthless. Perfect, to be honest. But on top of all that, you know he won’t cheat. Even if girls flock in front of him. He’s a loyal man after all.
But when you saw the photo, the loyal and perfect Jaehyun you once knew became nothing but a cheater. You wiped your tears and went back to the room you and Jaehyun shared. Memories started to flash in your mind.
“Look at those city lights,” He hugged you tight from the back, making you giggle. “They shine but you shine brighter.”
He slowly swayed your body, following the rhythm of the music of his favorite band playing in the room.
Cigarettes After Sex.
You held his arms that are warpped around your waist. “I didn’t know you’re this cheesy enough, Jaehyun Jung.”
He let out a sexy chucke to your left ear and rested his chin to your shoulder. “Hmm? I’m always cheesy when it comes to you,” He whispered. “I love you, my future Y/N Jung. Don’t leave me, alright?”
“I won’t, Jae. And that’s a promise I’ll never break.”
He created circles from your stomach to your breasts, making you slightly moan. He then pushed you to the glass window and crashed his lips to yours. Hungrily. Jaehyun turned his head to the side and capture your lips. He smirked.
You painfully smiled at the scene you recalled then grabbed your duffel bag. Jaehyun immediately stood up when he saw you carrying your bag.
“Y/N, baby, I’m sorry. P-please don’t leave me.”
“Jaehyun, stop it.”
“You promised me you won’t leave me,” Tears started falling from his eyes as he shakingly held both of your cold hands. “You promised!”
You shook your head no. It wasn’t a promise at all.
“Promises are meant to be broken, Jae.”
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