#ASME standards
Little P.Eng. for ASME B31.1 Power Piping Calculation Services: A Beacon of Expertise and Innovation
Power piping systems serve as the lifeblood of many industrial operations, providing crucial transportation of fluids under high pressure and temperature. These systems demand high standards of safety, reliability, and efficiency, which are delivered by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) B31.1 Power Piping Code. One name stands out in offering these precise and complex ASME B31.1 Power Piping Calculation Services - Little P.Eng.
A leading engineering consulting firm, Little P.Eng., combines experience, innovation, and cutting-edge technology to provide unrivaled solutions for power piping systems. In this article, we examine Little P.Eng.'s impact on ASME B31.1 Power Piping Calculation Services and how they excel in this specialized domain.
Deciphering ASME B31.1 Power Piping Code:
ASME B31.1 Power Piping Code is a robust regulatory framework that stipulates design, fabrication, installation, and testing regulations for power piping systems. With its technical intricacies, this code is an engineer's playbook for ensuring the safety and efficacy of power piping systems, and no one plays this game better than Little P.Eng.
Little P.Eng.: Your Trustworthy Ally for Power Piping Calculations:
In the field of ASME B31.1 power piping calculation services, Little P.Eng. has carved a distinctive niche for itself. Their team of seasoned engineers, with a comprehensive understanding of ASME standards, employ the best practices to provide highly accurate and reliable solutions, making them a trusted ally for all power piping needs.
Little P.Eng.'s Extensive Calculation Services:
Little P.Eng.'s expertise spans a wide spectrum of calculation services. From wall thickness calculations to expansion joint pressure thrust calculations, Little P.Eng.'s solutions are renowned for their precision and adherence to ASME B31.1 standards. The firm's exhaustive understanding of power piping systems equips them to handle complex calculations with ease and precision.
Harnessing the Power of Technology:
At Little P.Eng., the latest technology and software tools are harnessed to ensure their ASME B31.1 Power Piping Calculation Services meet the highest industry standards. By using advanced simulation techniques and design validation, they create power piping systems that are safe, reliable, and efficient.
Prioritizing Client Satisfaction:
Little P.Eng. places a strong emphasis on client satisfaction, ensuring each project is tailored to the specific needs of the client. Their commitment to quality, paired with their industry knowledge, delivers solutions that not only meet ASME B31.1 standards but also align seamlessly with the client's requirements.
let's delve into the specific types of pressure design calculations that Little P.Eng. offers under the ASME B31.1 Power Piping Calculation Services:
Minimum Pipe Wall Thickness Calculations: Ensuring the pipe wall is thick enough to contain the internal pressure is a fundamental aspect of pressure design. Little P.Eng. uses state-of-the-art software to calculate the required wall thickness, considering factors like operating pressure, material strength, temperature, and pipe diameter.
Flange Pressure-Temperature Ratings Calculations: Little P.Eng. adeptly handles the calculation of flange ratings under different temperature and pressure conditions. These calculations are crucial for specifying the appropriate flanges that will ensure a leak-free performance of the power piping system.
Branch Reinforcement Calculations: Branch connections, if not properly reinforced, can be potential weak points in a piping system. Little P.Eng. carries out detailed calculations to determine the necessary reinforcements, ensuring the structural integrity and safety of the piping system.
Expansion Joint Pressure Thrust Calculations: Expansion joints in power piping systems need to withstand the pressure thrust exerted upon them. Little P.Eng. uses sophisticated tools and techniques to accurately calculate this pressure thrust, helping to design expansion joints that can safely absorb these forces.
Safety Valve Reaction Force Calculations: When safety valves open in response to excessive pressure, they exert a reaction force that must be taken into account. Little P.Eng.'s team expertly performs these calculations, ensuring safety valves can operate efficiently and safely.
Pipe Support Load Calculations: The load on pipe supports must be accurately calculated to ensure they can sustain the weight of the pipe, the fluid it carries, and any additional loads due to thermal expansion or other forces. Little P.Eng. performs these calculations meticulously, considering various factors such as pipe size, material, and temperature.
High-Pressure Piping Design Calculations: High-pressure piping systems pose unique design challenges. Little P.Eng. offers specialized calculation services to address these, considering factors such as material selection, joint design, and testing procedures.
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ASME B31.1 Power Piping Calculation Services form the backbone of power piping design, ensuring systems can safely and efficiently transport fluids under high-pressure conditions. Little P.Eng., with its mastery of these calculations and unwavering dedication to quality, stands as a beacon of expertise and innovation in this field.
The team at Little P.Eng. continuously adapts to evolving industry standards and market needs, ensuring their clients receive top-tier, cutting-edge services. Their commitment to using the latest technology and best practices positions them as not just a service provider but as a key contributor in shaping the future of the power piping industry.
Keywords: Minimum Pipe Wall Thickness Calculations, Flange Pressure-Temperature Ratings Calculations, Branch Reinforcement Calculations, Expansion Joint Pressure Thrust Calculations, Safety Valve Reaction Force Calculations, Pipe Support Load Calculations, High-Pressure Piping Design Calculations, ASME B31.1 Power Piping Calculation Services, Little P.Eng., power piping systems, engineering consulting, ASME standards, wall thickness calculations, expansion joint pressure thrust calculations, client satisfaction, technological advancements.
Meena Rezkallah
Little P.Eng.
engineering consulting
ASME standards
Expansion Joint Pressure Thrust Calculations
Safety Valve Reaction Force Calculations
High-Pressure Piping Design Calculations
client satisfaction
Minimum Pipe Wall Thickness Calculations
Flange Pressure-Temperature Ratings Calculations
Branch Reinforcement Calculations
Pipe Support Load Calculations
ASME B31.1 Power Piping Calculation Services
power piping systems
wall thickness calculations
expansion joint pressure thrust calculations
technological advancements
Engineering Services
Pipe Stress Analysis Services
Piping Design
Located in Calgary, Alberta; Vancouver, BC; Toronto, Ontario; Edmonton, Alberta; Houston Texas; Torrance, California; El Segundo, CA; Manhattan Beach, CA; Concord, CA; We offer our engineering consultancy services across Canada and United States. Meena Rezkallah.
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terrorbirb · 7 months
We have something called a "Siamese connection" referring to a connection with two mirrored sides that you can plumb into.
This sounds like an inappropriate name. Is it?
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my brain is leaking out of my ears fam, these last two and a half weeks of school are going to be ROUGH
#kee speaks#there are too many acronyms and number combinations in this trade#this past week has just been codes and the absolutely RIVETING topic of metallurgy#sarcasm cause half the class fell asleep during the metallurgy module today#and I'm not convinced the teacher that does that class actually knows what he's talking about#thank fuck we only have him once a week cause he just. reads the power point slides and can't hear for shit and if someone asks a question#it's usually another classmate who is able to answer the question better#and then fucking CODES. Cause Canada can't make anything easy and has got to make their own designations for codes#But instead of making their own they just adopt the industry standard made by the american based organizations and slap their own onto it#So this entire book is a word search of trying to find the associating codes between the American system and Canadian system#so like the Americans made ASME section IX for pressure vessels and all that shit but then Canada had to make the CSA#and just like. swiped some of the specifications of the code and slapped their own label on it as CSA B51 and it's all the same#but we have to know both the ASME and CSA designations of all this stuff#so I'm like trying to go through and find ok this particular thing is labelled as CSA W59 and this is CWB W47.1 and#then gotta find the associated ASME code that goes along with it because of course they gotta jumble it up and not put it together#This is all driving me up the WALL there is so much information#Thsi page I have open in front of me has like API SPec 12F and then B31.1 and CSA W47.1 and CSA W117.2 and Z662 and TC 44#I don't even know what the fuck TC stands for I have yet to delve into that#And I think most of those are CWB designations so that's not even including the bazillion ASME specifications which half of them#are broken down even further into divisions so it'll be like ASME section IX div V or some shit like that#😵😵😵😵#I was quite proud of myself yesterday because the teacher just did a quick review verbal test where he threw us questions and anyone could#pipe in with the answer and he asked what the specific associated CSA code for an ASME sect was and usually there's like four guys#that immediately answer and nobody did and I knew what it was and was able to chime in#that's the first time I've been able to chime in without several other people also answering so that felt good#but now I'm just sitting here like someone please just take me out there is no way I can make this all stick in my head#i find it helps to rewrite stuff into my notebook to help the information stick in my head but it took me five minutes to realize#that the acronym and the spelling out of the organization name of said acronym did not match at all#like the acronym was AISI and I wrote 'American National Standards Institute' next to it which does not match at all#well tbf the first and last letters match but the I and S should've been 'Iron & Steel'
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deeisace · 2 years
Okay. A 15 min shower costs me 30p, apparently, atm, and now I smell like strawberries ^^
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
“Will, can I tell you something?”
“You can tell me anything.” He glances up from his clipboard, grinning wide and wry and sparkling. “Especially if it’s that you’ve got food.”
Nico knows his best friend, so he does have food; a pack of twizzlers the size of his face that he tosses, deliberately quickly, at his face, smiling to himself when he misses and dives down to grab it anyway. His clipboard clatters to the ground, pen bouncing after it, as he tears into it, inhaling at least ten twisty candies in half as many seconds.
“Gods, I love you,” he groans, mouth open like the disgusting mannerless loser he is.
Nico coughs. “Funny you should say.”
He’s spared from having to jump clear through the nearest window and landing right on his neck by the honestly uncomfortable noises Will continues to make — by the gods if he finds out it’s been another twenty three hours since William has eaten he is going to kill him and resurrect his skeleton for permanent manual labour — and instead worries himself with the first random task he sees unfinished. Do the kiddie Band-Aids actually need to be emptied from their boxes and sorted by size and vibe? No. But Will won’t stop him. And Nico needs, like, twenty minutes of recovery. So.
“What did you want to ask me, by the way?”
His mouth is still — somehow — full, so it sounds closer to whaa joo wanna asme. Nico, brave veteran that he is, feigns confusion.
“Question,” Will swallows, an actual, audible gulp, gods, where have Nico’s standards gone, “that you had.” There’s the sound of joints cracking and a deep sigh, then quick footsteps, and then Will is in front of him, eyes squinted, mouth wide and crooked, leaning on the counter. He has been up before the sun and working the entire time, people pouring in and out like ants to an anthill, and Nico knows he has not rested, but energy still sparks all over his skin. He bounces, almost, from his frizzy ringlet curls to the balls of his feet, humming, twitching, moving.
“I.” Nico’s throat is dry, and his eyes move from the bandages, to Will, to the bandages. “Well.”
When Nico was a kid he would stutter over his words. He was a shit speaker. Bianca spoke four languages by the time she was six, and Nico could barely ever manage the one; he knew what he was trying to say, and he would say it, only somewhere along the way his brain sent the wrong sparks or maybe his tongue got twisted or maybe his mouth made the wrong shapes. Or he blended them all together, like ice sleet on helicopter blades, and everything left his mouth just fine but got smashed to bits in the air outside of him, never reaching his audience quite right. And then he was ten and everything he cared about was smashed to dust and he stopped caring about where the words got twisted and stopped relying on them at all, and stared, instead; glowered, let his face speak for him, even if they weren’t saying the same thing. It annoys everyone around him. It frustrated his mother and pisses off his father and annoys or frightens every other person around him, and everyone guesses, fills in the blanks, deciphers what he is going to say to make his presence just a little easier to bear.
But Will waits, rocking, as he always does, eyes flicking around the infirmary, a handwidth of space between them. Fingers, drumming on the curve of his thigh, too-big front teeth gnawing on his chapped bottom lip. Waiting. For the words, for the time, for the courage.
“I missed you today,” Nico blurts, and it isn’t what he meant to say, not by a long shot, but it’s an approximation and it will count. And Will is suddenly smiling, huge, too big for his face; beaming, brightly, beautifully. “I hate it when you work too long.”
Nico exhales, cheekbones ruddy. “Yeah.”
“That’s not a question, Neeks.”
“Oh, stuff it.”
Will laughs, then, and the room gets brighter, and Nico gets warmer, braver, and takes his hand. He walks even both out of the infirmary and Will goes willingly, even though there is work too be done, swinging their hands, and he talks, and talks and talks and talks, and then he waits, quietly, humming to himself, and Nico says nothing, although he thinks things, and Will acts like he has said them. And his palm is still rough and warm against his, and the sun is setting, and Will smells like artificial strawberry and lavender body wash, and Nico thinks, You can tell me anything, and he vows that he will. And he holds his hand, and squeezes it around his, and smiles, and waits, easily, contentedly.
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mindblowingscience · 3 months
Sepsis is a life-threatening infection complication and accounts for 1.7 million hospitalizations and 350,000 deaths annually in the U.S. Fast and accurate diagnosis is critical, as mortality risk increases up to 8% every hour without effective treatment. However, the current diagnostic standard is reliant on culture growth, which typically takes two to three days. Doctors may choose to administer broad-spectrum antibiotics until more information is available for an accurate diagnosis, but these can have limited efficacy and potential toxicity to the patient. In a study presented at ASM Microbe, a team from Day Zero Diagnostics unveiled a novel approach to antimicrobial susceptibility testing using artificial intelligence (AI).
Continue Reading.
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jo-harrington · 2 years
Standard Operating Procedures 1.02 (Eddie Munson x Store Manager!Reader)
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Summary: You get to meet Eddie's friends.
Previous Part: Standard Operating Procedures 1.01
Warnings/Themes: AU where the Upside Down doesn't terrorize Hawkins. Reader works at the Claire's at StarCourt. Eddie works at TapeWorld. Fluffy, silly, mutual pining, slowish burnish. Allusions to more of Eddie's trauma/shitty people being shitty that will probably come up later. Some silly, goofy "boys will be boys" moments with Corroded Coffin.
Note: I keep introducing new characters and I'm sorry. (I mean it's only 2 at this point...3? I't doesn't matter. It's my party and I will have a million side characters if I want to.) But Welcome to SOP 1.02, the second of what will be many nights out with Eddie and Store Manager.
I know I'm posting this one after Corrective Action, but it technically comes before it. I'm working on writing chronologically...it is just taking a hot minute. I'm like a Time Lord, my brain doesn't work that way. One day we will catch up to Closing Time and then it doesn't have to be mutual pining and cute friendship/early relationship stuff, it can be love and fluff and probably some more angstier angst and filthy smut.
Besides I just love their goofy little date nights. And I needed to write something fluffy and lighthearted since this weekend seems to be angsty chapter fest elsewhere in the fic world. (iykyk. I love it, I just need some silliness.)
You can find my masterlist here for more featuring our resident Store Manager and all of my other random Eddie Headcanons.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
“What time are you off tonight?”
“Uhhh,” you looked up at Eddie as he jogged into the store, partially out of breath. You were halfway through a piercing, but couldn’t possibly be annoyed at his appearance; he was quickly becoming one of your favorite people, after all.
Besides, it was another long, busy day; you and your ASM had both been doing back-to-back piercings for at least two hours, and there was a practically endless line at the cash wrap. With the (unexpected) success of the store, you were allowed to hire some new associates, one of whom was currently training on the register.
You welcomed the distraction that Eddie brought.
“The regular time? Why?" you asked, then paused for a second. "And sorry, but did you run up here?”
“Escalator is out of order,” he shrugged, still panting. Then under his breath “fuck, I shouldn’t skip out on gym so much.”
“The smoking is probably not doing you any favors either,” you tutted in a stage whisper and he rolled his eyes. "Give me like...a few minutes to finish up and then we can chat? And I swear to god, just wait in here please and not near the door; my conversion really sucks today."
He held up his hands innocently before shuffling off to the side to browse. You watched him for another second--admired how handsome goofy he looked--and then you turned back to the preteen in your chair. 
“Ok…you ready? Just one more time. One…two…” The girl winced a little bit as the needle punctured her ear. “I know it hurt but it wasn't too bad right? And you'll look so cool!” 
The soft “pretty” that came from her when you presented the mirror to show her the finished product a few minutes later was enough to make you smile brightly. After a quick "thank you" she skipped to the checkout line to proudly show her new earrings to her father--a man who clearly watched too much Magnum PI if the mustache and Hawaiian shirt were any indicator.
Once the station was cleaned up and you checked in with the rest of your team, you turned your attention to your visitor. You grabbed some random accessory off of one of the fixtures as you approached him.
"Excuse me sir, I think I found exactly what you need to complete your look today," you said in the entirely too bubbly way you usually spoke to customers. The one that you knew, after Eddie confessed during lunch the other day, made his skin crawl a little.
"It's a customer service voice."
"It's creepy."
"Oh yeah? And what's that?" he asked, eyebrows raised as he turned to you. From behind your back, you revealed a dressup headband that had fluffy red hearts wobbling on springs on either side of the head. You stood on your toes and jammed it onto his head, unable to contain your laughter as he leaned back to catch a glimpse of himself in a nearby mirror. "Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, but I think this really works."
He turned back to you and fluffed his hair a little. Then he held his hands below his chin while fluttering his eyelashes prettily.
“So what’s up?” You asked once he took the headband off. “I thought you were off on Fridays.”
“I am,” he nodded. “For Hellfire. But...it's a special circumstance. There's an early screening of this new movie--Day of the Dead? Did you ever see Night of the Living Dead? Of course you have, it's a classic."
"This ones, like, the last one of the trilogy." He had admitted to you last week that Return of the Jedi was his (secret) favorite of the Star Wars trilogy and that the last movies in trilogies were, in his opinions, the best. "Anyway it's gotta be good."
"It does sound cool." You agreed.
"Well I'm glad you think so, because I asked Jeff to get an extra ticket..." he paused and you could see the nerves settle in. "I figured...you might want to join us? If you're free after work?” 
He rambled on about his friends and how “Gareth got his license, finally, which is why we're really going out” and “Dave always screams at jump scares but it's hilarious.” Trying to convince you that they were good and cool, but you could guess what he was trying to say underneath it all.
They’re cool guys and I’m a cool guy. We're going to see a cool movie, so please don’t say no. 
After two Sunday afternoons and a handful of lunches spent together, it was still baffling to see how bashful he could become. How he still tripped up on his words and gave you every single opportunity to turn him down. To turn him away.
He told you some people were shitty to him for repeating senior year. And he worried about you finding out about some reputation he had. But even if you hadn't witnessed it yourself yet, it wasn't hard to put two and two together that, overall, people weren't very nice to him.
You knew you had been lucky; the only people to really bully you were related to you. But you still couldn't understand how people could be so cruel, especially to the absolute sweetheart in front of you who was currently rocking on his toes, and fidgeting with his rings, and avoiding your eyes as he just kept talking.
Eddie was funny, witty, cute, thoughtful, and probably hopped up on too much sugar all the time.
"...and I know it probably doesn't sound fun to go to the movies with a bunch of high school guys but--"
"No it sounds like a great time," you agreed.
"Really?" He had that deer-in-the-headlights look that you were secretly starting to enjoy. "It's not stupid?"
"No," you shook your head. "And I want to meet your friends. You kind of talk about them a lot. So it'd be nice to put faces to names."
"They might bully you for listening to Duran Duran," he warned.
Was he trying to get you to turn him down?
"Then don't tell them about that!"
"I might need to be bribed," he hummed cheekily, clearly unable to keep a smile off of his face.
"Gosh, you ask me to go to the movies with you, and now you're blackmailing me," you sighed. "Fine...I'll get you any sour candy you want. But you can't put it in the popcorn!"
He held out his hand to shake on it and you rolled your eyes as you slapped your hand into his.
He grinned and whooped in excitement, then ran out of the store. Before you could even blink, he was back and, in a move that made your heart beat a little harder in your chest, he leaned down and gave the back of your hand a very light kiss.
"I'll leave you to your sparkly kingdom, your Highness," he announced with an over exaggerated, grandiose voice as he returned to his full height. "See you at 7." He then winked and ran back out.
"My conversion Eddie!" You called after him once you got back to your senses.
The loud crack of his laughter echoing though the mall was just enough to make you forgive him.
“Ok so is this a date?” your ASM asked softly as she counted your register down before you left. "The last time it wasn't a date, but is it a date now? Movies? Sharing popcorn?"
"His friends are gonna be there. It's just...hanging out."
"Oooh, meeting some of his friends. Are you gonna sit next to him? Dark movie theater, perfect for smooching."
"Shut up. No it isn't perfect for smooching.”
"But you’re gonna sit next to him. You're avoiding eye contact, you’re nervous," she sing-songed and you groaned. "This is a date!"
Mindy was a former stay-at-home mom who got bored of being at home now that the kids were all in school. It should have been weird, managing someone almost a decade older than you, and you both voiced your concern during the interview that one would treat the other like some dumb kid. You because you were younger and didn't have as much life experience, and Mindy because she didn't have much retail experience and would be working with a bunch of teenagers. But you both agreed not to let that influence your treatment of one another.
There was mutual respect and trust.
There was also relentless teasing. On Mindy's part, at least.
"Ok, listen, I told you that he's great but he said this thing the first time we hung out."
"What thing? Why is this the first time I'm hearing about this thing?" she put her dollar-clenching hands on her hips and stared at you in a way that only a mother could.
You explained how he mentioned, specifically, that your first night out wasn't a date. How disappointed you were. How embarrassed you were that you would even entertain that idea and were now doing everything in your power not to think of him as cute and stomp all the hopes and dreams of your own mall romance into the dirt.
All of your insecurities about your non-existent love life laid out for her--and everyone else in the busy store--to hear.
And Mindy just snorted in your face.
"I don't think I'm that old, but you kids really need to stop overthinking things," she laughed and slammed the cash drawer shut. "Alright you're all set. Go have fun on your not-date."
"I really hate you," you deadpanned and turned to leave.
You were about halfway through the trek across the mall to the multiplex when you did exactly what Mindy told you to stop doing: overthink.
Eddie was worried you might not like his friends...what if his friends didn't like you?
They were younger, still in high school. (You were blatantly ignoring that you could say the same thing about Eddie.) And you had a younger brother who was still in high school. When you were still at home his friends thought you were stupid and old and gross, as kids do.
You drove your grandpa's old car--handed down when his doctor told him he couldn't drive anymore--you didn't listen to whatever new bands they were obsessing over, you didn't know all the cool young slang.
You'd think, working with a bunch of teenagers, that you would pick something up, but for as long as you had been given keys at your old store, you tried to keep a little bit of distance with the younger associates. It helped get them to see you in an authoritative light, to trust your leadership.
And it absolutely stunted your social ability.
And your brother and his friends could smell it like sharks smelling blood in the water.
It had never bothered you--they were little twerps anyway who you'd threatened to beat up when they got too annoying anyway--until now.
What is it that Eddie's friends would find cool?
You knew about the band, and obviously you both had been bickering over discussing music. He also told you about his Hellfire Club, which conveniently consisted of the same group. And while you couldn't really wrap your head around the mechanics of the game from the description--he had offered to lend you some of his books to help you understand--you did think some of the creatures and characters he described were intriguing.
And hell, you might not know a whole lot about fantasy, but you sure as hell knew about escapism. Maybe they all were looking for a way out of their realities too.
But that was probably too heavy a topic to talk about with a bunch of teen boys at the movies.
"There she is, late," Eddie's voice broke through your thoughts as you approached the mall entrance to the theater. You looked up to find the small group of boys leaning against the wall beside the box office.
You could do this.
Or pretend to, at least.
Besides, it was just Eddie. You could be cool for him.
"You said 7?" you argued. "I clocked out at 6:45!"
"Well we're gonna miss the previews," one of the boys grumbled good-naturedly, before breaking into a small smile. "Hey, I'm Gareth."
"The drum prodigy!" You exclaimed and his smile got a little bashful.
"Shut up," he muttered. "You haven't even heard us play yet!"
You quickly introduced yourself and Eddie clapped his hands on each of his friends' shoulders as he introduced them and gave you a little fact about each of them in a way only Eddie could.
"We have Gareth, obviously, the man of the hour with a real, legitimate drivers license," Eddie sniffled and wiped a fake tear from his eye. "Can't believe he's all grown up. But let the record show that I taught him how to parallel park."
"Dave, who, I have recently learned, can fully recite Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven from memory. Iambic pentameter and all that shit, right? Guess you only look dumb, huh, Davey."
"And Jeff, Jeffrey, Jefferson, my right hand man. Not just the peanut butter to my jelly, but both slices of bread too. Where in the world would I ever be without him? Actually, maybe I would have graduated by now."
They all smiled and greeted you; it was clear that they adored Eddie and enjoyed the attention of their fearless leader, even while swatting at him as he embarrassed them.
All except Jeff, who had given you a tight, cordial smile--a strained flash of braces--and then urged everyone to follow him in.
The three younger boys bickered about snacks while you all waited in line, Gareth and Dave turning to ask you your preferences every now and again.
Whenever they couldn't decide on something--jalapeños on the nachos or no, extra butter or extra salt on the popcorn, wait should we get the hot dog combo--Eddie would swoop in with a sharp "shut up" and play mediator, then turn back to you with the biggest, fondest grin and an eye roll.
It was cute.
He was cute.
It was heartwarming to see him with his friends. You hadn't been hanging out with him for very long at all, but it was nice that he liked you enough to share this, share his friends, with you.
Once you all had your treats, including the sour candy you had promised Eddie, you made your way into the theater, only for the boys to bicker, once again, about who was sitting where. They each had their preferences and argued over the pros and cons of each. Dave like the aisle but so did Jeff, and Gareth--a self-proclaimed movie theater expert--said the center of the theater had the best viewing and sound experience. Eddie just preferred the back.
"Because if the movie is shit, you can just throw popcorn at the people further up who are making out."
"Or just watch them and--hey!"
"Not in front of a lady, dingus!"
You just hung back and enjoyed the show while apologizing to the other moviegoers for blocking their way to picking their own seats.
"Well where do you want to sit?" Eddie abruptly turned to you.
"Uh, well." You didn't think you really had a choice in this; you were just invited last-minute. This was their outing. "I'm just a guest. Whatever you guys pick is fine with me."
"Do you even like going to the movies?" Jeff laughed, but there was a slightly annoyed undertone that you wondered momentarily if you were just imagining. "Or watching scary movies?"
"I mean, yeah, who doesn't like movies," you shrugged, figuring it wasn't really the time or place to be discussing your preferences in movies either. "And horror...well, my dad always said it was cursed or something, but it's fun, they're funny."
The lights started to dim in the theater and you swore you saw Jeff roll his eyes.
What was his deal?
"Yeah, when something scares you and then you jump and it makes you laugh. Especially when it's lame and cheesy. And...it's like when you ride a rollercoaster, it makes your stomach go...funny."
They all muttered in understanding, but you still felt uncertain.
"That's an interesting way of looking at it, sweetheart. I guess we all just like to get scared shitless," Eddie grinned. He clapped his hand on Gareth's shoulder. "Alright, since we're here to celebrate Gareth the Great's accomplishments, he gets to choose."
About a half hour in, you needed to go to the bathroom and you shimmied past the boys, doing everything in your power not to get flustered when Eddie put his hand on your hip to steady you, with a soft "careful" so you wouldn't fall over onto the next row of people.
Not that he would be able to see in the dark theater anyway.
But you felt like...somehow, he would know.
You took a deep, calming breath of relief when you got out to the lobby of the theater and joined the line for the bathroom.
The movie was good, suspenseful.
Eddie didn't lie when he said Dave screamed at jumpscares. He also conveniently forgot to mention that he liked talking during movies. People nearby kept turning their heads to shush him when he got too loud, too excited, gushing over one thing or another to someone in the group.
"Guys did you see that?"
"That was really fucked up."
"Wait what happened? I couldn't hear what they said."
It was also just not helping any of your efforts to bury your attraction for Eddie when you shared an armrest and a bucket of popcorn. Your fingers would brush his when he offered to share his candy with you. Your breath would hitch during scary moments and he would knock his knuckles with yours and give you a shit-eating grin.
“Funny my ass.”
“Shut up, you’re the worst.”
You did everything in your power to ignore the electric tingles along your skin.
“Quiet I can’t hear.”
Then there was Jeff sitting on Eddie’s other side, who would make comments like that every now and again.
It’s not like you had enough time to get a good read on Jeff; Eddie had said he was working on his confidence on-stage, maybe he also needed it off-stage? Maybe he had a hard time meeting new people? Or...or maybe he was just a stand-off-ish kind of guy, broody?
Or maybe...
Or maybe he just didn’t like you.
You really hoped that wasn't the case, but it sure seemed like it.
You knew how it felt when there was one friend in the group that just didn't like you as much as they liked the others, how they went out of their way to make you feel just a little bit unwelcome. How everyone else would just shake it off, because you'd all been hanging out for years, and it was just good natured anyway.
But this wasn't that.
This wasn't your friend group; these were Eddie's friends, and you really hadn't given them a reason to dislike you. You wanted them to like you; you wanted them to...tell Eddie he wasn't wasting his time being your friend.
The other guys seemed nice enough.
And you really wanted to try, especially with Jeff, who Eddie spoke of fondest.
Of course, he spoke of all the boys fondly…but whatever happened that caused Corroded Coffin to break up—something Eddie seemed incredibly hesitant to talk about—Jeff had been there to build it back up again. And you could tell how proud Eddie was of his friend, how grateful he was to have him.
You didn't want Eddie's closest friend to have a problem with you, his newest.
You went about your business in the bathroom, staring at your reflection for an extra long second, practicing your smile so it wouldn't seem too customer-service-y or artificial--your well-practiced mask that had always gotten you ahead at work--in case that was why Jeff had a problem. Did he think you were fake?
You just wanted to know the truth.
And you didn't have to wait long to find out, because on your way out of the bathroom, you saw Jeff waiting by the entrance of the theater. His arms were folded across his chest and he tapped his foot impatiently.
"Everything...ok?" you asked hesitantly.
"Yeah," he replied, with that same strained smile he gave you earlier. "I just wanted to talk really quick."
"Oh...kay," you agreed. "Listen, if I did anything wrong, or to offend you, I'm sorry. I know I can be too much someti--"
"Why are you hanging out with Eddie?" he interjected, cutting right to the chase. You frowned and cocked your head to the side in question. "Why are you being nice to him?"
"Why shouldn't I?" you asked in return. "He's a nice guy. He asked me to come to the movies with you guys. I’m sorry if it was just supposed to be your time together—”
"Not just now," Jeff looked around nervously, as if he was afraid to make eye contact. "He came to practice the other week excited that you agreed to go out with him and that you were cool and he was nervous and he hasn't shut up about you ever since."
Your heart got stuck in your throat. Obviously he had to tell his friends about you if he invited you to go to the movies, but...he hadn't shut up about you?
"But he's been through a lot and he doesn't deserve whatever...whatever scheme you have planned by hanging out with him. S-so this is your chance to let him down now, before you really hurt him."
You were quickly brought back to reality.
Jeff was staring at you now, expectantly. All traces of nervousness gone.
"Why would I have a scheme? Why would I hurt him?" you questioned.
"Because you're not the first pretty, popular girl to hang around with him, only to make him feel like shit afterwards once they get what they want."
Oh no.
"If you're trying to score some cheap weed or something--"
"I'm not."
"--Or like...get some sort of laugh at his expense with those girls you work with--"
"Just know that it really hurt him last time," he concluded. "Like really broke him down, on top of everything else, and it took everything I had to get him back. He's my best friend; the closest thing I have to an older brother. And he's the best guy I know. I can't stand to see him get that way again because someone else was too selfish to consider his feelings."
Your head was spinning, trying to put all of the pieces together.
And it was only making you incredibly sad for your friend.
"So..." Jeff took a breath and straightened his shoulders, as if he would step in your path to block you from entering the theater if you didn't give him the answer he wanted. "Tell me the truth. What do you want with Eddie?"
What did you want?
What didn't you want?
"I want to be his friend," you began. "I don't have that many people here, Jeff. I left home for the first time ever, and I'm kind of alone and it's scary. I don't really hang out with the people I work with because I have boundaries. And Eddie has been one of the only people I've met outside of work, technically, and he's been one of the most welcoming people so far.
"I want to eat junk food with him, and listen to his corny jokes, and get to see his favorite places in Hawkins, even though he swears up and down that it's a shit hole. And hurting him is the very last thing I want to do. But pain is just a part of life, and as much as we want to, we can't just...stop him from getting hurt at every step of the way.
"It's really admirable that you came out here to try and protect him, Jeff. I'm glad he has a friend like you. And hopefully now, since we'll have an understanding, we can be friends too," you finished with a smile.
Jeff hesitated then relaxed, the need to be Eddie's protector pretty much vanished. He wrung his hands together for a moment before sighing.
"Yeah," he agreed slowly. "I think we can be friends… Even though you're old." He grinned mischievously.
Low blow.
"Ouch! Thanks, I'm not that much older than you guys.”
"I mean, you're old enough to buy alcohol, right?" he asked expectantly.
"I'm not buying beers for you guys," you deadpanned.
"That makes you old."
"...still not buying you beer."
"Well, shit, you're not only old, you're lame too," Jeff laughed. "So...let's go back in? Before Eddie sends a search party."
"Hey, does he tell you guys not to fall into the toilet when you go to the bathroom too?"
Once you got back to your seats, Eddie hemmed and hawed about how the two of you missed the "best part," which he theatrically reenacted for you with Gareth and Dave after the show was over and you headed back into the mall.
He also couldn't shut up about it as he walked you back to your car in the employee lot. The other guys left, Gareth proudly showing off his new license by driving the other guys home in his mom's station wagon.
"The blood, the flesh," Eddie gushed, creepily running his fingers over your neck and shoulders, giving you the chills as you swatted at him. "It was so gross!!!"
"I'm sorry I missed it. Guess we're just gonna have to go see it again."
"We should do a group zombie costume for Halloween; it would be so cool. We could go trick or treating; the people around here don't really care how old you are. Scare all of the kids with some blood and guts. What do you think?"
"Sounds fun, I think you guys would look great!" You agreed.
"No, I meant you too," he insisted and then immediately backtracked. "Shit...unless you don't want to. Or you had another costume planned. I mean Halloween is months away but..." He continues rambling and you shake your head and stop him.
"Hey, I just figured it was something you'd want to do with the guys," you explained. "Not...me. Who am I? Not part of the band, not in Hellfire Club."
"Why wouldn't I want you there," he smiled, a little bashfully. Not the full, world-moving smile that changed the topography of his face, but a quiet one, one that made him look deceptively innocent. One that you hoped deep down, a little, was just for you. "With me--with us?!"
You couldn't get your hopes up.
You really couldn't.
“I-I mean, the guys all really liked you,” he continued. “I’m sure they’d want you there too.”
"I really liked them all too," you began. "They were cool...so if the guys are ok with it...and we don't do some stupid costume contest at work--they do things like that you know? Corporate sends out a stupid contest for a pizza party and...
"A-anyway, yeah I'd like to be part of your zombie group costume."
"Really?" he asked, similarly to earlier when he asked you to the movies.
"I mean...I might need to be bribed."
Eddie fell to his knees theatrically as you reached your car and you giggled, earning weird stares as people walked by on their way to their cars.
"Oh Queen of Glitter Kingdom," he began, one hand grabbing yours and the other over his heart. "I, your faithful servant, do promise to provide you with whatever sour candy you desire, as much as you please, from the collective treat buckets of the Hellfire Club if you deign to grace us with your presence during Trick or Treating this All Hallows Eve.
"Too much?" he asked after a short pause.
"Maybe," you tilted your head back and forth in consideration. Maybe too much, but that was part of what made him...him. "But I accept your most tempting offer."
He kissed your hand again before jumping to his feet with an excited yelp.
And once again, that thought returned:
How could anyone purposefully hurt a sweet nerd like Eddie?
"See you Sunday sweetheart?" he asked, wet eyes glistening happily.
"Yeah," you agreed. "See you Sunday."
Next Part: Standard Operating Procedures 1.03
Sales Associates (AKA the tag list): @gaysludge @storiesbyrhi @tayhar811 @spookybabey @word-wytch @maidenofartemis @dreamlandcreations @wickedbelle @blue-eyed-lion @aysheashea @blue-mossbird @abibliophobiaa
If you weren't given hours this week (if I forgot to tag you), I'm really sorry, we're just tight on payroll. I'll make sure you get a shift next time. ;)
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future installations of the Store Manager Verse.
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stepmarchen · 2 months
i think that orka did a great job with the safavid dynasty so far , one of the best "foreign country" representation -but , good god , making bayezid , the foreign country king , the eastern looking man a "sexist" was not a good move (personally) ? - yes , the whole noble community and the church are sexist but when it comes to bayezid n its an annoying stereotype. but let's see how it goes , i think he'll turn out to be a good father at least. orka never fails her readers
That's fair for you to think so. It's certainly a common stereotype that'll leave a bad taste in your mouth. I can't speak for how others may feel but-
Personally, I'm not too mad at it. Given how the characters in the Empire (Richelieu, The Cardinal) are also huge sexists, it tells us that Spice&Kitty/ORKA's decision to make Bayezid a sexist was probably not a racially motivated decision.
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"All believers must be silent in the ways of the Church and learn from their husbands. [Shuri] is not a gentle woman."
-Richelieu to Prince Theo
Misogyny is one of the major themes in ASM and a driving force for the religious conflict that makes up the entire series. It's also the reason why we have such strong female characters that are actively working to fight against these bigoted standards. Bayezid could've been written as The Nice Guy, but Halima's character and accomplishments would be far less worthy in comparison.
In literature, we kinda need the bad in order to have the good. Shuri is vocal and motivated against the Church who demands her silence. Rachel is boisterous and boyish against the standards of what a lady should be, as defined by the noble mothers of the empire. And Halima is independent and adventurous, a 180 from the traditional standards of her father and the Safavid Kingdom's beliefs.
Instead, I'd like to see how Halima and Ali are represented in the future. Especially Halima. She's a but of a morally grey character as of yet and I'd love to see how her story advances.
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Hey, so uhhhh-
At first was excited to see the new dragon because I'm Mexican, love the mythology of my culture, and even recently got a book to help me learn Nahuatl, so it was a fun timing and gave me a boost to my enthusi asm.
When I came here expecting the standard "gene error" and "design goofy" posts, I kinda felt a big chunk of my soul die instead 
I loved the design, but reading the original lore and the connotations of it? It's pretty bad. But I don't know if I'm supposed to hate just the lore, lore + the design, or if even the inspiration is apparently a bad thing? 
With all the controversy surrounding it, I don't know what I'm supposed to be feeling, I just know that I'm really sad about it. I don't know if I was supposed to be upset about the dragon from the moment I saw it, and I don't know if getting excited makes me ignorant or stupid or something. Idk
This post is pretty late, but I've been wanting to write it for a while, but was too afraid of people either ignoring me, talking/fighting over my words, or deciding that my words are nothing more than an opinion. I hope I'm not too late to give input, and I hope I'm not like, idk, berated? for this. Just in case I'm in the wrong here, I'm incredibly sorry in advance.
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elfntr · 9 months
In conventional MS-DOS 8086 ASM, you display a single character by loading a value into AX and calling interrupt 0x10 so like
MOV AH,0Eh ;tells int 10h to do teletype output MOV AL,"H" ;character to print INT 10h
now, AH and AL here are two 8-bit halves of the 16bit register AX (the high byte and low byte respectively) which means that this display method means conventional MS-DOS can only use up to 256 characters-- and don't forget that this includes control characters like say, line feed, carriage return, escape, so on... not just printed characters. To display a newline in 8086 MS-DOS ASM you can do:
MOV AX,0E0Ah INT 10h MOV AL,0Dh INT 10h
(i shortened the first command compared to the original snippet because you now understand the relationship between AX, AH, and AL, dear reader. This saves a few CPU clocks :)
So you're pretty limited on the number of characters you can display.... and that's why PC-98 MS-DOS is not binary compatible with standard flavor MS-DOS XD
Like, you can display 65536 characters if you use an entire 16-bit register for the character code and use another register to call the print operation, but first you need to have a reason to do this and to actually do it.
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Little P.Eng.: Pipe Stress Analysis and Support Design Engineering Consultant
In the world of engineering, precision and safety are paramount, especially when it comes to piping systems. Any miscalculation or oversight can have severe consequences, ranging from safety hazards to costly downtime. This is where Little P.Eng. Engineering steps in as a trusted partner, providing expert pipe stress analysis and support design services to ensure the structural integrity and efficiency of piping systems across various industries.
With a reputation for excellence and a commitment to delivering tailored solutions, Little P.Eng. Engineering has established itself as a go-to engineering consultant for those seeking to optimize their piping systems.
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Static stress analysis, for example, is employed to evaluate the stresses in stationary piping systems, ensuring they can withstand the pressures and loads they are subjected to during normal operation. Dynamic stress analysis, on the other hand, deals with transient conditions such as startup, shutdown, and water hammer, which can place additional stress on the system.
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One of the hallmarks of Little P.Eng.'s services is their unwavering commitment to compliance with industry standards and codes. Piping systems must adhere to strict safety and regulatory guidelines, and Little P.Eng. Engineering ensures that all their analyses and designs meet or exceed these standards. Whether it's ASME, ANSI, API, ASTM, or local building codes, clients can trust that their projects are in full compliance.
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Support Design Expertise
In addition to pipe stress analysis, Little P.Eng. Engineering offers support design services that play a critical role in the stability and longevity of piping systems. Proper support design involves creating structures and supports that hold piping systems in place, preventing excessive movement, vibrations, and stress.
Little P.Eng. Engineering's support design services encompass a range of aspects, including pipe support design, structural analysis, material selection, and installation guidance. These services are crucial in preventing issues like excessive stress, vibrations, misalignment, and premature wear in piping systems.
Commitment to Safety and Quality
Safety is Little P.Eng.'s top priority. Their pipe stress analysis and support design services are driven by a deep commitment to ensuring the safety of people, the environment, and assets. They meticulously evaluate every aspect of a piping system to identify potential safety hazards and implement measures to mitigate them.
Quality assurance is woven into the fabric of Little P.Eng.'s services. They maintain rigorous quality control processes throughout the project lifecycle, from initial analysis to final implementation. This dedication to quality results in reliable and durable piping systems.
Client-Centric Approach
Little P.Eng. Engineering takes a client-centric approach, focusing on understanding the unique needs and goals of each client. They engage in open communication and collaboration, ensuring that clients are actively involved in the decision-making process. This approach fosters trust and transparency, key elements in successful engineering projects.
Timely and Efficient Service
In the world of engineering, time is often of the essence. Little P.Eng. Engineering understands the importance of meeting project timelines. Their streamlined processes and experienced team allow them to deliver timely and efficient services without compromising quality. This ensures that clients can rely on them to meet their project deadlines and objectives.
Continuous Improvement
In an ever-evolving field like engineering, staying current with the latest advancements is crucial. Little P.Eng. Engineering is committed to continuous improvement and invests in ongoing training and development for their team members. This dedication to staying at the forefront of technological advancements allows them to provide cutting-edge solutions to their clients.
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Little P.Eng.: Pipe Stress Analysis and Support Design Engineering Consultant
A Pipe Stress Analysis and Support Design engineering consultant offers a range of services to ensure the structural integrity, safety, and efficiency of piping systems in various industries. These services may include:
1.      Pipe Stress Analysis:
Static Stress Analysis: Evaluating stresses, forces, and displacements in stationary piping systems.
Dynamic Stress Analysis: Assessing the effects of transient conditions, such as startup, shutdown, and water hammer.
Thermal Stress Analysis: Analyzing the impact of temperature variations on piping materials and components.
Seismic Analysis: Evaluating the response of piping systems to seismic forces and designing for earthquake resistance.
Fatigue Analysis: Predicting the fatigue life of components subjected to cyclic loading.
2.      Support Design Services:
Pipe Support Design: Designing supports, hangers, and restraints to prevent excessive movement and stress in piping systems.
Structural Analysis: Evaluating the structural integrity of support structures and ensuring compliance with safety codes.
Material Selection: Recommending suitable materials for support components based on factors like load-bearing capacity and corrosion resistance.
Installation Guidance: Providing recommendations and specifications for the proper installation of supports.
3.      Compliance with Standards and Codes:
Ensuring that all designs and analyses meet relevant industry standards, codes, and regulations, such as ASME, ANSI, API, ASTM, and local building codes.
Assisting clients in obtaining necessary permits and approvals for piping system installations or modifications.
4.      Customized Solutions:
Tailoring pipe stress analysis and support design services to the specific needs and requirements of each project.
Developing unique solutions for complex or challenging piping system configurations.
5.      Failure Analysis and Troubleshooting:
Investigating and diagnosing issues related to piping system failures, leaks, or performance problems.
Recommending corrective actions and retrofits to address identified problems.
6.      Hygienic Piping Design (in industries like pharmaceuticals and food production):
Designing piping systems that comply with stringent sanitary and hygiene standards to prevent contamination.
Implementing design solutions that minimize dead legs, reduce the risk of bacterial growth, and facilitate cleaning and sterilization.
7.      Stress Testing and Simulation:
Conducting computer simulations and modeling to predict stress and strain behavior under different operating conditions.
Performing load testing to validate the performance of pipe supports and restraints.
8.      Energy Efficiency Optimization:
Identifying opportunities to improve energy efficiency by optimizing piping system configurations and insulation.
Recommending modifications to reduce heat loss or improve heat transfer.
9.      Retrofit and Upgrade Design:
Developing plans and designs for the retrofit or upgrade of existing piping systems to meet current safety and performance standards.
Incorporating advanced technologies and materials for improved reliability and efficiency.
10.  Documentation and Reporting:
Generating comprehensive reports, including stress analysis reports, design drawings, specifications, and installation instructions.
Maintaining accurate records of all analyses, designs, and project documentation.
11.  Consulting and Expert Witness Services:
Providing expert consulting services for legal matters, including expert witness testimony in cases involving piping system failures or disputes.
12.  Project Management and Coordination:
Overseeing and coordinating the implementation of recommended design changes or support installations to ensure proper execution.
Pipe Stress Analysis and Support Design engineering consultants play a crucial role in ensuring the safe and efficient operation of piping systems across various industries, and their services are vital for preventing failures, reducing downtime, and maintaining regulatory compliance.
The listing below indicates a few of Meena Development’s most commonly served industries.
Steel and Metals Industry 
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Pulp & Paper Industry 
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Education Buildings Sector 
Government Buildings Sector 
Hospitals Engineering Services 
Biotech / Pharmaceutical – Engineering Services 
Food & Beverage – Engineering Services 
Little P.Eng.
ASME standards
Engineering expertise
Thermal expansion
Structural integrity
Regulatory compliance
Pipe stress analysis
Industrial processes
Engineering consultant
Advanced software
Pressure changes
API standards
Maintenance costs
ISO standards
Seismic events
Oil and gas industry
Custom support systems
Inspection readiness
Load-bearing capacities
Compliance standards
Piping systems
Power generation
Fluid dynamics
Petrochemical industry
Support design engineering
Temperature fluctuations
Safety analysis
Pipe Stress Analysis Services
Engineering Services
Located in Calgary, Alberta; Vancouver, BC; Toronto, Ontario; Edmonton, Alberta; Houston Texas; Torrance, California; El Segundo, CA; Manhattan Beach, CA; Concord, CA; We offer our engineering consultancy services across Canada and United States. Meena Rezkallah.
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oflgtfol · 4 months
Okay same venom 2003 anon again. I dont have anything else to add to what ur saying as again i didnt read venom 2003 So im just nodding respectfully and wisely to everything your saying but re ur tags is the artist you mean Humberto Ramos? Bc if it is if it helps he's a pretty unpopular artist amongst people (though usually for criticisms about his art being “too cartoony” instead of anything meaningful like the objectification of women which i personally despise when people do that. No more realism sexy super models i want hyper stylisation ONLY in my comic books just to piss those people off). I also personally do not care about him as an artist no hate nor respect towards him but again the bar is so low 😭 ive seen so many genuinely boring deeply misogynistic artists who treat women the exact same awful objectifying way but who get passes in comic book spaces because their art is more Conventionally Likeable. Like if im gonna be forced to see a woman be drawn as only one body type and face and breasting boobily id much rather take the uglier style or the more stylised style just to have something Interesting To Look At then Another Boring Generic Guy Drawing Semi Realism with Soft Shading Based off 1950s Pin ups but thats just me personally as a lifelong comic book guy
YES HUMBERTO RAMOS. i hate the venom 2003 art but in the past two hours i've come to realize that humberto ramos is my real enemy here and the only real fault of venom 2003 is its resemblance of ramos's art (of course in addition to its own home brewed sexism).
i really love stylized art and i hate realistic styles. i love the classic ASM look because it struck a nice balance between the two: the 1960s-80s need to depict the human form in a standardized, realistic way (likely due to toy sales, at least if its caused by the same phenomenon of 80s cartoons, a la he-man, having that same look to them), but the flat colors, limited color palette, and cell shading were so so wonderfully simple and sleek in a really fun way. gave such a distinct Look to the comic, and the simplicity of the colors also made the realistic lineart not too realistic. it just felt very intentional, very careful, very creative with their technological limitations, and it's such a timeless look that has aged so well even still to the 2020s
so while i love the classique look, i also love when comic styles go even further to really break the mold and stylize further!! herrera in venom 2003, and ramos's whole *gestures broadly* COULD be good, if only they were done a little bit more purposefully, and yknow, minus the outrageous sexism
and yes sexism is overall so entrenched in marvel comics and i wouldn't be surprised if it also infected literally all other comic companies out there, considering We Live In A Society. anyone who dares to argue that misogyny doesn't exist needs to go become a comic geek and read hundreds of marvel comics and see
1. how utterly shallow women are characterized compared to their male counterparts
2. how female characters so rarely get to exist on their own outside of a male character; ie. female characters who are only side characters for a male hero, or superheroines who are literaly just "female version of xyz popular male character!", etc etc etc
3. the way women are visually depicted compared to men. men, especially the superheroes, are still subject to white patriarchal standards of beauty of course, but the huge muscles they're drawn with are a form of power, a "look how cool i am." you will never get that with a female character. they are only ever depicted with the same fucking face, the same fucking body type, the same fucking curves and tasteful cleavage and pouty lips and cat eye makeup.
4. and while the men have these like insane muscles that do not exist irl, they at least get to POSE in ways that are not sexualized. the women characters, even if their designs are not objectifying, will still be posed so that their butts face the camera, they have a pretty side profile to show off the silhouette of their breasts, etc. if you really pay careful attention to the way women are placed in comic panels compared to men it's so insane. so fucking insane
but yknow, all of those things tend to manifest in subtle ways, ways that you really can only pick up when you've read so many comics over a decent amount of time, and when you're otherwise prepared to read for and pick up on sexist elements. so i guess i REALLY draw my line and get pissed the fuck off beyond belief when comic writers and/or artists then begin to just be, blatantly, fucking sexist. a la those terrible panels from ASM spider island. a la that one she-hulk issue. a la spider-man/red sonja. when it's blatant it means you give NO fucks, it means you don't even believe women are people because you don't expect them to be engaging your works and thus you don't expect any sort of audience outcry from your blatant sexism, it means you literally only see women as objects for your male audience to oogle over, it's beyond frustrating
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itwasanangryinch · 1 year
I am never coming out again
Lots of queer people consider coming out to be a never ending process. An endless saga of informing new people or reminding old ones of who you fundamentally are. Well. Not who you fundamentally are, but to tell them information that will fundamentally change how they see you. That the world as a whole has an acceptable base standard and that your being is a deviation of that.
I reject that premise.
I’m nearly 30. I have green eyes. My hair is originally brown, but has quite a few red highlights when left out in the sun. Lately, I’ve been bleaching it blonder. Keeping it un “toned.”
I like the brassiness.
Matches my personality better.
Starting a new job in the Midwest as a queer person is always a challenge. Even when you’re attached to a mid-sized city, there’s still a 50/50 chance that you’re talking to a bigot.
50/50 is still considered relatively good odds compared to “some places.”
You join a retail store, cos on paper that’s all you’re qualified for. You like the store director, he’s nice but always seems harried. He respects you, even when you’re a little awkward. Both he and the assistant store manager think that you could go far with the company.
A company that wasn’t even in your top 10 ideal places to work, just close to your house.
Before you know it, you’re low-key planning a career there.
Five months in, that store director is transferred. Twelve years in one store. Been with it almost since it’s opened and been with the company for nearly twenty years. But regional thinks that it’s time for a management shakeup.
Before even meeting the new guy, you’re looking at transferring.
A month after, the assistant store managers also shuffle stores at regional’s insistence.
I’ve always been... different. Never quite fitting in all the way. Like a puzzle piece with a false common edge. Seems like it should fit lots of places, but when you really look at it, it never quite does.
Must be why ‘queer’ resonates so much deeper than an ever expanding bulk acronym.
Because it doesn’t matter how far it expands or how many people it’s looking to include, you’re never quite sure that this is where you belong either.
It takes two months to properly meet the new guy. He’s been with the company so long that he’s on vacation for almost that entire time. He brags about ten stores in fourteen years as a store director and fanciest himself the company's fixer.
The longest conversation you have in three months is regarding an already-approved vacation request that he readily admits he didn’t really look at. He asks if you can delay your trip by a day to accommodate a newly released schedule. For a job where you’re making $10/hr. You tell him that you’ve paid $1200 just for the flight. You’re prepared to give notice.
It’s not about the money.
Australia is beautiful. Life changing in so many ways. But when you come back, one of your work friends tells you you can’t be out at this store. Not any longer. It’s no longer safe.
You had been slowly working your way towards a workplace public transition and getting yourself comfortable with your new name and correcting people when they make the wrong assumptions about you. Getting up the nerve for that comes after.
You still stay at that job longer than you should. Burning yourself out for a job you hate more and more  each day with the new ASM acting openly hostile because you no longer will accept being misgendered by her. Or by guests.
Your worst experience with a customer is a woman who refuses to show an ID for a financial transaction. She demands a manager and you call over one of your friends. The angry woman tells your friend that “he...she --IT-- won’t put money on my father’s card.”
All your friend can say to the woman is that she’s “so sorry.”
And she stammers it over and over again to the woman while she complains about a rule put in place to protect the father she allegedly cares so much about. Later she gives a half-assed apology and allows for an extra fifteen minute break so you don’t leave her by herself to close the store.
I am almost 30 and officially I’ve “come out” twice. Once as bisexual and once as transgender. I consider both of those times to be the relatively perfunctory notices to my parents.
I live in a place where half the population openly hates me for what I fundamentally am. Where I get unsolicited comments on my body from cab drivers and colleagues. Do tits affect how well I take pictures now?
Does my mostly passing face and voice paired with an often not-passing body suggest to you that I’m open to casual sex? Or an offer to help you with my language and culture if you teach me yours inherently invite a too-lingering hug?
One where you won’t release and I begin to panic having already confirmed with Uber the end of the ride while you drive around the block to help me find my rented front door?
I’m turning 30 and I’m no longer coming out for your benefit. If you assume that I’m straight, that’s your problem. If you insist that I’m cis, that’s on you.
I came out for the last time seven years ago and there won’t be another “coming out.” It will be a piece of information you’re informed of. A fact about me like my green eyes and brassy hair. But what it will never be is another coming out.
Frankly, the world at large is not important enough to merit one.
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traincat · 2 years
Hello. How old was Gwen when she died? Did they ever give her a canon age?
She would've been roughly 19. She's identified as being no older than that in at least one issue -- so 19, 20ish.
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"Couldn't have been more than nineteen." (Peter Parker v2 #26)
You can play with this a little because it's not like, the hardest of canon dates, but Peter was still in college for a while after Gwen died (she dies in ASM #121 and Peter doesn't graduate until ASM #185 -- not the longest gap by modern standards, but things did move quite a bit quicker in the '70s) so it makes sense to me.
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sankalpalloys · 1 year
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allloyplates · 1 year
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