#Abby is my favourite to draw
inkdemonapologist · 1 year
Who's your favorite female character in BATIM? Also, what do you think about Audrey as a character (aside from the weird stuff about Joey and "you don't have to be like this" that you mentioned in that one post)? You draw her really well.
Aw, thank you! And MAN that’s a tough question……
Dot and Abby and Susie are my personal stack of favs. Dot’s probably the one where I like her personality as-written the most, since Abby I find difficult to summarise beyond “she’s gender” and loving her friendship with her besties in TIOL (and also getting my heart destroyed after seeing her and Joey interact in DCTL). Abby seems like a delight to interact with and I enjoy that she’s a little bit rude at heart but in a “omg its true but u shouldn’t say it lmao” sort of way, and I get the sense that she and Joey kind of enabled each other when they were younger. I’d love to hear more of her art opinions. I would say I’d get in a fight with her about Monet, but I don’t think she’d even give me the honour of an argument.
We as a fandom have spent a lot of time yelling about how Buddy is clearly autistic and I don’t think we spend NEAR enough time talking about how Dot is clearly autistic as well. I really like the contrast between the two of them through that lens; Buddy has never understood an unstated implication in his life and he’s not about to start now, but badly wants to interact the way he’s expected to, whereas Dot is incredibly intuitive, perceptive, and understands subtext but has no time for it frankly and would rather be direct than conventional. A day after meeting Buddy she’s explaining how conversations work and coaching Buddy on how to ask questions even when he’s being guided away from asking questions, which is definitely a normal way to converse. I love her so much.
Meanwhile Susie is so complicated by virtue of having almost no presence in the books – just the games, where her timeline is one of the most up in the air, her writing is hit or miss, and so so much of her personality is in the gaps between audiologs that, like most in-game BatIMs, means no two fandom Susies are the same. I find her really compelling, though, exploring the character to find that sweet spot between someone who is clearly very charming and cheerful and sweet and sympathetic, but also cruel enough to become Malice, entitled and demanding enough to not take “no” for an answer and to simply decide that Alice should get to be hers forever. I’ve said before that I like to imagine that’s what Sammy saw in her, someone who could somehow be simultaneously thoughtful and optimistic and ruthlessly ambitious. I think she’s neat, but also I love her best when she’s not just sweet and not just horrible.
Anyway, Audrey’s a fun character with a lot of pretty believable emotional responses; when scenes are taken individually, I like her. Grain of salt that I haven’t watched the whole game, I’ve just seen some big moments and cutscenes, SO I COULD BE WAY OFF HERE -- but from what I've seen, while it’s tempting to say she has more personality than her predecessor, I’d be hard-pressed to pin down exactly what that personality is.
I don’t think it was intentional, but Henry’s weary compartmentalisation soaked into every comment he made, even when the things he was saying were deliriously strange (“[survives a deadly supernatural ordeal] huh, looks like I need 3 gears here”). We all made headcanons about how he’s either tired from the loops or selectively mute or just trying not to think about the horrors, and it felt like it worked. But Audrey is tough to really pin down a motivating force for, as if she’s defined by static descriptors like “determined” and “kind” rather than any particular desire like “wants to help” or “wants to stay out of trouble” that might spur her to make decisions based on those desires. Her most consistent character trait is giving others the benefit of the doubt (and constantly getting burned for it) and her most reinforced motivation is that she just wants to not be in the confusing dangerous weird ink place, which, like, same! I WOULDNT WANT TO BE THERE EITHER
She sounds bitter when Joey compares her to a father she never knew, which is an expected and reasonable response on its own that feels right in the moment – but when we look at her timeline (or the Archive’s revelation that she repressed her memories of her father AFTER Joey’s death), it’s actually a sort of difficult reaction to make sense of. I feel like a lot of her reactions are like this, especially near the end; they’re not that weird in the moment, but it’s hard to get a sense of why she’s doing these things or what’s led her to the conclusions she comes to. She defends Wilson to Allison, but like… what led her to believe that he’s legit? We can fill in those blanks with headcanons, of course, but we don’t have strong clues. Is it her having sympathy for him now that she “knows” he’s trying to save his father, or does she think it’s her best shot to get out of here, or does she really believe Wilson is going to fix everything despite everything else she’s seen? Do her chat with Henry and the revelation that Baby Bendy and the Ink Demon are one and the same just not affect her decision-making at all here? Or is killing Baby Bendy just a sacrifice she’s immediately willing to make once she realises that? What ARE Audrey’s feelings on her father and at what point does she remember him? Audrey giving Allison her name is a nice subtle indication that she’s started to accept that Joey’s story might be true, which I genuinely like, but it’s weird that we see her doing that right before insisting that she’s gonna go off and hear Wilson out – we get this indication that she’s started believing Joey, but apparently not enough to decide to try to fix the cycle, not enough to put together that the “wicked creatures who never came from my pen” might be the Keepers that she knows answer directly to Wilson. She’s determined to help Wilson so that she can get out of there, and only after that extremely fails does she decide to try to fix the broken cycle. (Honestly, it would’ve been kinda neat if she HAD in fact been selfishly helping Wilson as a “well, sucks for you guys, but I gotta get home,” and then Joey’s insistence that we always have a chance to make a better choice would actually mean something and inform her decision to take the Reel as more than just “well I guess this is the option that I have left.”)
Anyway, DESPITE THIS CRITICAL PARAGRAPH this is all fine for a player character who basically just needs to go from task to task; I think she’s likeable and I enjoy her interactions. But it does feel like a lot of times she’s just doing the next thing she’s been handed, to me, and it’s harder to make that a part of her personality than it was for Henry. It’d be neat to see a little more of Joey in Joey Drew’s daughter.
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myrkkymato · 3 months
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Why are you so obsessed with me?
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ellzilla · 2 months
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spaced out and drew nothing of value 'cept like two could be salvaged but other things take priority Close ups under the cut!
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sleepyhutcherson · 6 months
You’d Love My Bed
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pairing: mike schmidt x gn!reader
summary: mike comes home from his shift at freddy’s and crawls into bed with you.
contains: fluff, no use of y/n, childhood friends to lovers, youre abby’s babysitter, sharing a bed!! also this does not follow the movie plot or anything.
you watched after abby while mike was working at freddy’s, you didn’t mind, you were doing your best friend a favour. mike wouldn’t ever admit it but he was more relieved when you were watching abby, he knew how great you two got along and well you also somehow always managed to get abby to eat her dinner.
it’s nearly time for mike’s shift when you walk into his place, abby’s in the living room laid out on the floor, crayons and paper spread around her with the tv on. once she hears you, she immediately jolts up from the floor to greet you. “you’re back!”
“hi, abs.” you smile, the smaller girl giggling as she wraps her arms around you. you hug her back with one arm, “what’re you up to? where’s mike?” you ask, slipping off your shoes by the door and pulling your coat off once abby pulls away.
“he’s getting ready.” she hurries back to the living room and grabs something off the floor—a paper; to be exact—and brings it back to you. shyly, she hands you the drawing. it’s a picture of abby and you, sitting at the dining table with markers and paper sprawled around the two of you, each of you working on your own drawings. it’s such a familiar scenery to you that it brings a smile to your face. then your eyes spot mike in the picture, he’s standing by the front door, wearing his security vest, and he’s watching you and abby with a huge smile on his face.
“abby, this is really great.” you say, your eyes fixated on the picture in awe. you then return your gaze to abby, “i love it, abs.” you chuckle slightly and add: “you even added mike in his security vest.” you say teasingly, raising a brow at her, reminding abby of her fight with mike only a few days ago when she tried to nick her brother’s work vest.
she glares at you, though you can spot a faint smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “don’t talk about that.” she tries to say in a serious tone but then breaks down into giggles. “okay, i’m going to hang this up on the fridge.” she says before running off.
“hey.” you hear from behind you. instantly, you recognise the voice; mike. you turn around, smiling at mike who’s dressed for work. “thanks for watching abby again.” he says with a shy smile.
“yeah, don’t worry.”
“hopefully she eats something.” mike moves to grab his coat and keys, making his way to the front door, and like every other day you follow him to see him off. “she will.” you say confidently.
mike chuckles softly at that, nodding his head. “she does listen to you more.” his hand is on the door knob but he lingers there like he doesn’t want to go.
you grin. “favouritism.” you tease causing mike to smile at that. he couldn’t deny how much happiness it brought him seeing how well you and abby got along.
“well, i gotta go.” he sighs, opening the front door to reveal a rainy scenery outside. “i…” he rubs the back of his neck; a nervous look on his face suddenly. “you can, uh, sleep in the room, you know?”
you smile at the offer. “thanks but it’s alright, i’ll leave her to her space. anyway, the sofa’s not too bad.”
mike clears his throat. “i mean you can sleep in my room.” he says with a tad bit more confidence now.
your brows furrow at this. “where would you sleep then?” you ask, aware how tired mike returned from freddy’s, always heading straight to his room to sleep for a couple more hours.
there’s a cheeky smile that tugs at the corner of his lips. “sofa.” he answers, a sudden flustered expression on his face but you don’t question it.
anyway, who were you to turn down sleeping in a warm, comfortable bed? “you sure?” you ask.
mike nods, stepping outside to the front porch. “yeah, you’d love my bed. better than the sofa at least.” he says, shrugging on his coat.
“okay.” you agree.
mike says his goodbyes, telling abby to behave before leaving and then it was you and abby for the next couple of hours. you watched tv together for a couple minutes before you prepared the two of you a small meal. you managed to get abby to eat all of her food—though now you owed her pancakes for breakfast. once the two of you were done eating you sent her to shower and get ready for bed while you picked up the kitchen and living room, luckily there wasn’t too much to clean.
once you’re done you walk into abby’s room where she’s already getting into bed with her teddy bear tucked in her arms. “do you want me to turn the lights off already?” you ask.
she yawns, nodding. “okay.” you make sure the blankets are covering her up well, not wanting her to get cold throughout the night. “good night abs.” you kiss her head before making your way out of her room, making sure to close her bedroom door only slightly, well aware abby didn’t like it fully closed.
you decide to go to bed then. you make sure once more that the front door is locked, turning off all the lights as you make your way to mike’s bedroom. the clock on mike’s bedside table reads 1:47am, tiredly you crawl into his bed, the warmth of his bedsheets quickly warming you up. you’re curled up around the bedsheets finding a comfort in that scent that lingers in the sheets, falling asleep to it.
with how comfortably you were sleeping you didn’t think anything could wake you but the sudden dip on the empty side of the bed forced your eyes open. before you can even react an arm drapes tiredly around your waist startling you. “sorry,” mike whispers, noticing he scared you. “you didn’t mention how uncomfortable the sofa was to sleep on.” his warm breath is hitting the back of your neck, his body pressed up against yours.
you relax, though you're a bit flustered having mike’s arm wrapped around you. “did you just get back?” you ask. mike nods, though you can't see him you can feel him nodding, that's how close your bodies were. you assume mike wants his bed to his own, probably exhausted from his shift so you attempt to sit up so you can go sleep a little longer on the sofa.
"where’re you going?" mike asks, grabbing your hand to stop you from leaving. his hands are cold but you can't bring yourself to pull from his touch.
"sofa." you reply, stifling a yawn. honestly, you weren’t fully awake, you eyes daring to close.
"no, stay." he implores, and thanks to the window that allows the moonlight to shine in, you can see the desperation in his eyes.
“okay.” you agree, being won over with his puppy eyes. this wouldn’t be the first time mike won you over with that look. you lay back down, mike making sure to wrap his arm around your waist again, pulling you closer to him. “you’re so cold.”
mike chuckles, his hand travelling to grab your hand. “warm me up then.” his fingers intertwined with yours, and unconsciously you place your free hand on top of the one that’s intertwined with your other hand hoping his hand would warm up between yours. there’s a significance to your sudden touch, it’s such a nostalgic gesture for the two of you.
after a few minutes mike speaks. “i missed you.” he admits tiredly, though you can hear a smile in his voice. before you can even reply, mike presses a light kiss on your shoulder, “i think i miss you every time i’m away from you.”
you smile at that. “i know what you mean.” you say. and truth be told you did understand completely. since you met mike you found yourself completely attached to him, always longing for him whenever you were apart, even if it was for a few hours. you turn around finally facing mike, your legs are tangled up with his, your faces mere inches apart.
his hand moves up to caress your cheek, a smile appearing on his lips. you giggle, both of you flustered suddenly. mike’s eyes scan your face, a smile on his lips as he looks at you, he always found you so beautiful. he moves forward to kiss you, and desperately you lean in immediately kissing him back. the kiss is soft and slow and you can feel mike’s smile in the kiss but it makes it even more precious if anything.
you both pull away after some time, mike’s cheeks a crimson colour now. it’s adorable how smiley and red he is right now. mike kisses your cheek, he pulls you closer to him, your head buried in his chest now hearing how quickly his heart is beating. “let’s stay like this forever.” he says with a hint of fatigue in his voice. you laugh a little, kissing his jaw.
before he allows himself to doze off he whispers: “i told you you’d love my bed.”
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k1ngpin42 · 2 months
I actually love jealous abs/ abs after you’ve been teasing her typa shit 🙏😔idk if this makes sense but I WOULD GO FERAL if u wrote more of those
𝕁𝕖𝕒𝕝𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝔸𝕓𝕓𝕪: “ᴀʀᴇ ᴍʏ ᴍᴀꜱꜱᴀɢᴇꜱ ᴀ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ʙᴇᴛᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜᴀɴ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘʜʏꜱɪᴏ ɢɪʀʟꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ?"
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⋆。 °✩⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨୧⋆ 。˚ ⋆✩° 。⋆ ♡ ⋆。 °✩⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨୧⋆ 。˚ ⋆✩° 。⋆⋆。 °✩⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨୧⋆ 。˚ ⋆✩°
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More jealous Abby for one of my fav supporters @mitski-lovesems
Warnings: 18+, (all receiving) strap on, fingering, cunnilingus, thigh riding, masturbating, accidental squirting, rough Abby, edging, overstimulation, minors DNI
In the WLF base, there was a rule of thumb among soldiers that if you returned from patrol without a sore back, arm, leg, or any other part of the body, you hadn’t been doing enough. While in essence, a joke, the amount of times you had personally been launched from high places, stabbed, shot, beaten up, etc was a proper issue. Thankfully, the medical team had a trained physiotherapist to ease the pain. A slightly older woman was your favourite, she would dig her thumbs into the knotted muscles in your back, help you stretch, and give you exercises to ease the pain between visits with her. She always drew cute little drawings on your exercise notes. Her writing was beautiful, too, not unlike her face and figure, with a beautiful complexion of subtle freckles, pretty black hair with waves up to her shoulder, and a smile of perfectly in tact teeth that only illuminated how little she was in danger compared to the rest of the WLFS.
You were sort of oblivious to her flirting with you, mistaking it for friendliness. When your girlfriend and number one scar killer discovered your exercise instructions, written so sweetly by said physiotherapist, covered in hearts and little drawn cats, she was less than impressed.
“The fuck is this?” Abby practically spat, stalking towards you, note in hand. You looked at her blankly. 
“My exercise instructions? They’ve actually been helping quite a lot, not as much as the massages though-“ 
“Massages? The fuck are you talking about?” You eye her softly, not understanding where her anger was coming from.
“You know Miranda?” Her eyes darkened.
“The one half the men and their girlfriends want to sleep with? Yeah, I know of her.” You tilt your head in confusion.
“Oh, I didn’t know that…anyway, you know how I was telling you about that shooting pain I get in my back? She rubs out the muscles, it feels really g-“
“Take off your fucking clothes.” Abby interrupts. Your eyes widen, a small smile fighting to appear on your face at the anticipation of what she could and would do to you. 
“It feels really nice with her thumbs on my bare skin.”
“Bare?” She demands, ripping the jeans off of your body.
“Yeah, I have to take my top off-“ She shuts you up with a deep kiss, her tongue so deep inside you that a desperate whine ripples through you. She breaks the kiss right as you thought you would lose oxygen. 
“Lie down.” Your cheeks flush, she’s always been so damn sexy when she’s all authoritative like this.
“Here? Right on this bench?” You question while she pulls apart your button up shirt, leaving only the bottom half of it on you and showing your pretty bra.
“Right. Here.” Abby groans, sucking on your neck and immediately leaving a dark mark there. 
“Abby it’ll show…” You exclaim, and she gives you a warning look. You know her when she’s like this. Barely talking, only taking what she fucking wants. You shouldn’t speak, shouldn’t ask questions, all she wants it to fuck you into a new plane of existence. You really didn’t understand what brought this on though, you truly didn’t think of your physiotherapist in any way other than a good physio. 
“Good. It’ll teach that perky little cunt who you belong to. Lie down, I don’t like repeating myself.”
“Yeah…yes, Abby.” You comply, lying down and causing several condiments and decorations on the bench to crash onto the floor. 
“So fucking sexy sprawled out for me. Fucking touch yourself. Show me how wet you are.” Your body feels like it’s on fire. You feel nervous as you bring your fingers to your clothed cunt. She rolls her eyes.
“Take that shit off, pretty girl. Need to fucking see you.” You nod, pulling it down to your ankles which she helps take all the way off your feet, tossing it into the pile on the ground. 
You let out a high pitched moan as you rub your clit a little faster. Abby smiles, bringing her hand over your body. 
“Good girl…” She coos, pulling you onto her lap. She puts her own fingers into you quickly and without warning, immediately finding your clit and making it feel 10 times better than with your own fingers. 
“What was that moan baby?” She teases. “Are my massages a little better than your little physio girlfriend, huh?” You let out a whimper as she puts her two middle fingers inside, all the while rubbing your clit with her thumb.
“Holy f- fuck….” 
“Stuttering only over my fucking fingers huh? My girls so needy.” You feel so good you want to fucking cry when she removes her fingers and slows the speed on your clit to an almost non existent pace. 
“Abby…” She ignores your complaints, picking you up off of her lap and walking towards the bedroom. Still shaky from the stimulation, you watch eagerly until she returns with a large strap.
“Jesus Abby….” You begin to say, watching the determination on Abby’s face.
“She’s just my friend- she’s not even my friend she’s just my doctor…Abby-“ 
“Don’t waste your breath when you could be using that pretty mouth of yours for…better things. Open up.” She commands, effortlessly attaching the strap to her waist. You stand up and she just laughs. 
“Where you going sweetheart?” You exhale sharply. 
“The bedroom…I thought-“
“Now why would you deserve the comfort of a nice soft bed after keeping this from me hm? My girl needs to be fucked, hard and good, remind you who you belong to.”
“But I didn’t even-“
“Uh-uh. No talking.” She says, lifting your mouth open with her thumb.
“Tap on my hip if it’s too much okay baby?” She asked, her voice coming out sweeter than the vulgar shit she’s been saying thus far. You smile comfortingly at her, nodding. She grabs the bottom of your chin, pushing the tip of the strap into you and coating it with your saliva. 
“Fuckk.” Abby remarks, feeling heat grow at the sight of you.
“I’m gonna push a little more into you.” You hum into her as she says this and she laughs, teasingly.  “Aww, it’s okay, you can take it.” You nod, feeling it near the back of your throat this time. 
“Fuck…I’m gonna fuck your face harder just- fuck- deep breaths for me…” She says, thrusting in and out of your mouth.
“Fuck….that’s really….get it really nice and wet for me so it’s ready when I fuck you.” She says, barely able to contain herself from how horny this was making her. 
You pull away, revealing the soaking strap.
“Perfect baby. Now I know you were mad I didn’t let you cum before so I’m just gonna give it to you, okay?” Fuck. You could have cum just from her words.
“Answer my fucking question.”
“Yeah- yeah that’s good Abs…” You say, dumbly. What you would say if you could, is that “yes Abby, it’s okay, in fact I want you to use me for your own pleasure like I’m a toy and treat me like I’m fucking nothing,” but a simple affirmation of this being “okay” worked for you both. To those who say jealousy is a red flag clearly hasn’t seen how good red looks on Abby fucking Anderson. 
“You know what? I don’t think you deserve my cock yet.” She says, taking a seat on the bench beside you. 
“Sit.” Abby beckons to her large thigh. To save you from your gawking, she pulls you onto it herself and starts bouncing her leg up and down innocently. 
“F…mmm~” You say, closing your eyes as the vibration of her bouncing ripples through your cunt. 
“What’s that sound baby?” She questions. You roll your eyes at her act. 
“Why are you…mmm~ teasing me?” “Because. I don’t like the idea of anyone fucking touching you. You’re gonna cum over and over until I’m done with you and only when I want you to.” She explains, increasing the pace.
“Oh fuckfuck Abby…”
“Shh…it’s okay.” She coos. The friction of your bare cunt on her clothed muscular thigh makes your head go fuzzy.
“G’nna cum…” You slur your words, making her give you a cocky smirk as a result. 
“Oh yeah? Gonna cum hm?” She says before stopping her bouncing. You let out a whine.
“Abby what the fuck?” You demand, clinging onto her. She kisses you playfully. 
“Oh baby, you think I’m just gonna give it to you? You’re not being very convincing that you’re mine yet. Hump my thigh yourself. I might even let you cum if you do a good enough job.” You groan in irritation, but comply, slowly moving up and down the clothed skin. It feels good, but nothing like what she could give you. 
“Please…want you so bad…” You beg. She smiles lovingly at you.
“Aw, I know baby, I know. But look at you. Going so slow f’me, acting all shy when I know my girls not shy is she?” You let out a shaky breath as the fabric hits your clit just right. 
“No Abby.” She tilts her head in amusement at your struggle to get off.
“Fine, do you need my help?”
“Can…” You stop yourself, remembering how unappreciative Abby is of your manners and shy demeanour. 
“Put your hand on my neck…please.” You ask, softly. She nods, putting one of her large hands on your throat.
“Fuck~” You moan loudly, the word coming out barely audible with the little amount of air you have. Abby’s practically gleaming and you can tell she’s wet over this. 
“My pretty girl begging for my hands like a fucking slut, huh? So fucking sexy.” She coos, and it’s not long before you’re cumming, with slick lining her pants. When you finally open your eyes, you blush at the sight of them.
“S…sorry” You blurt out. Abby just smiles.
“It’s okay, something to remember you by, hm?” She picks you up, taking you to the bedroom and planting you, sprawled out on the bed.
“I thought I didn’t deserve a bed.” You say, starring up into her watercolour eyes. She nods.
“You weren’t, but you impressed me with that little show before.” She says, matter-of-factly.  “I was going to tie your hands down, but I want them clinging onto me and digging into my skin while I fuck you. I think the straps wet enough still.” Your cheeks flush crimson and she tilts her head, eyeing your body. She takes off your bra effortlessly and immediately goes down to suck at your nipples, moaning as she flicks her tongue over the sensitive buds. You bite your lip. Once she’s satisfied with sucking and marking the top part of your body, she begins lining herself up with your cunt.
“Deep breaths baby, I’m not gonna stop unless you use our safe word kay? So you can beg and cry as much as you fucking want to. You can pull my hair or dig into my skin, but I won’t relent okay? I’m gonna-“ Abby says all at once, so fucking obsessed with you. “I’m gonna fuck you into next week just- can I? God please let me fuck you.” Your thighs quiver as she speaks, and you nod eagerly. 
“Please do, I need it.” You say, and with this she pulls you towards her by your legs and thrusts almost the entire strap completely into you. You let out a cry. It stings so fucking good. She edges the last bit into you, moving hard and fast inside.
“Fuckkkk ohmygod thank you- thank…fuck….”
“Tell me that fucking….” Abby grunts, titling her head back while continuing to dick you deep.
“Slut…means nothing to you.” You moan, your eyes rolling back.
“Fucking look at me.”
“S- sorry I’m sorry.” You moan. “She means nothing to me…it’s you…it’s only you, ohfuck-“ You could tell it was almost enough, but not quite. 
“Tell me-“ Abby sighed, looking a little guilty.
“Can you tell me you hate her?” You look at her, surprised. 
“Just….just this once…it doesn’t have to be- true I just….” You let out a small laugh. 
“So insecure toda-“ She playfully hits you, thrusting in deep.
“Okay sorry- I hate her Abby, you’re the only one for me.” She nods.
“Good fucking girl.” She remains true to her word, fucking you over and over until you can’t even form a fucking sentence. You’ve lost count at which orgasm this was, it didn’t matter, but you felt your stomach yearning for the release that made your legs shake with you collapsing into her. 
“Ab- mmm” You hum out. She smiles, finally going out of you and admiring your fucked out body. You were glistening with sweat and a combination of your slick and hers. 
“You did really good. Sorry if I was…too rough.” Abby says as she runs her fingers through your hair. You shake your head.
“S’good.” You say. You’re too tired to notice her moving down the bed, that is until you feel her between your thighs.
“Ab- what?” You exclaim. She rubs your thigh fondly with her thumb.
“I’m just gonna clean you up.”
“With your tongue? Abby I came like 10 times…” She laughs at this. 
“I’ll be gentle.”
“Oh my god…fine but none of your usual shit” You banter. She gasps, pretending to be offended.
“What usual shit?”
“Don’t give me that, when I’m just relaxing on the couch or I’m writing at a bench and you eat me out for like 20 minutes straight.” She smirks.
“Don’t know what you mean.”
“You’re all “mmm, ahhh you taste so good” like is it my pleasure or yours at this poin-“
“Okay, okay. I’ll be gentle.” She says, more convincing this time. You nod, spreading your still shaky legs.
She licks a stripe up your soaking cunt and you let out a deep breath. Then, she kisses your clit, sucking on it and tonguing between your folds at the same time. You let out a loud moan, already so fucking sensitive. You were so fucked out you were screaming, and instead of feeling like you needed to cum like the previous 10 or so times, you felt like you were going to pee, pass out, and cum all at once.
“W-wait Abby I- you should….mmm…st…stop I might pee Abby st- mmm” Abby had already warned you earlier though that she wouldn’t stop unless you used the safe word, and at this point you didn’t know if it would be worse to pee on Abby’s face or be denied an orgasm.
Thankfully, (and surprisingly, you might add) you didn’t pee, though, instead something miraculous happened, and Abbys face was completely soaked as you squirted all over her. You were frozen. Stunned. Embarrassed. Surprised. You wanted to kill yourself, that had never fucking happened before. You waited for Abby to come back up and she looked at you fucking awe stuck.
“I am so sorry…I’ve never squirted before that was so disgusti-“
“That was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.” Abby admits, interrupting you. You blush, covering your face with your hands.
“Holy fuck baby, we’re doing this every day….I need that to happen again.” “I was just…it was so much and I…”
“Fuckkkkkk I think I came I was that aroused.” You laugh at this, not believing her. She smiles back, thankful you feel more confident now.
“I’m serious, look.” She reaches down and her hand comes back up, dripping in liquid. You nod.
“Well alright then.” You laugh and she brings you into a hug.
You stand up and she looks betrayed when you do so. You laugh at her facial expression.
“I’m showering, need to get cleaned up properly this time.” She smiles.
“Ooh, can I come?” You sigh. 
“This is going to be a long night.” You remark as you both head into the nearby bathroom.
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wlfpet · 1 year
AN: I’m tiki!! this is the first fic I’ve posted to tumblr :D super self-indulgent, a bunch of different kinks. started writing this on my birthday and it beat my ass for 3 weeks. I hope you all like it!!! this was supposed to be strictly nsfw but then somehow it became fluff midway because she deserves it ;-; crazy how much love i have for the pretty girl who lives in my playstation 5
content tags (many of these are just ments or glossed over):
reader insert fic, discusses an established relationship between Abby and r | fingering (r! receiving) | cunnilingus (r! receiving) | strap-on sex (r!receiving) | strap-on blowjob, packing (all in ‘Toys’) | cum eating and swapping mentioned briefly | degradation and rough sex in ‘Risk’ and ‘Volume’ | mentions of mindbreak and dollification in ‘Dirty Secret’ | strength/helplessness kink | exercise kink/play(????) in ‘Stamina’ | praise, breeding, and primal sex kink | erotic asphyxiation (specifically headlocking) in ‘Quickie’ | public masturbation in ‘Jack Off’ | objectification (played with, in ‘Stamina’ | spit drinking, spitting and other bodily fluids in ‘Risk’ and ‘Toys’ | overstimulation in ‘Unfair’ | inner monologue alludes to fisting but it doesn’t actually happen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ in ‘Quickie’ | assplay, anal stimulation if you blink in ‘Wild Card’ | mommy kink in ‘Volume,’ similar verbiage, different context in ‘Kink’
word count: 5.4k (oof.)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
abby’s aftercare is the stuff of dreams. you’ll be laying on the bed, still restless and trembling from whatever scene was prior, feeling the dent in the bed smooth out as abby tugs on her boxers and stumbles topless, hair messy, and strap probably still wet (;-;) into the bathroom. you would hear the metal of the harness clatter down to the tile floor before she brings back a couple of damp, warm towels to wipe you down with. she’d massage your back and thighs and ass, making sure to work out all of the tension and soothe any aches, occasionally rubbing lotion on your skin and healing cream over any scratch marks she left behind, soothing any bruises she left behind by rubbing gentle circles over them with her knuckles and icing them if need be. kissing and sucking on any exposed skin she can get to, smoothing down your hair, and cleaning out your tears with a cloth. if it was any more intense play like degradation or humiliation, she would reassure you, looking you into your eyes, kissing you, and rubbing little lines into your cheek with the pads of her thick thumbs, telling you that no matter what, you’re her forever choice, that she loves you more than anything on this earth.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
abby spends a lot of time in the gym sculpting her perfect body, so naturally, her favourite body parts are her thighs and biceps. she’s extremely cocky about her physique, how it draws stares, elicits whispers, and wets panties. lords it over her partner and has a major strength/helplessness kink, pinning you down and watching how the muscles in your arms pulsate and flex but barely make a move. It’s mind-blowing how she can flip you over, legs in the air, back resting over one shoulder with a heavy palm over your tummy, and hammer into you with two thick, calloused fingers until your release is weeping down her wrists and forming a steady drip onto her chest. revels in how your might is only a fraction of hers. adores body worship, giving and receiving; the sensation of her partner running their tongue over the veins and scars on her body is enough to drive her insane with lust. abby is obsessed with her lover’s body, and if you have any insecurities, they’ll be constantly met with kisses, rubs, hickies, and bite marks. her favourite part of your body is your stomach; rubbing it when you're sick, using it as a pillow when you’re cuddling on the bed and watching an old movie, or using it for grip when she’s hitting it from the b-
nonsexually, she thinks that her nose is the best feature on her face, the easiest way to steal a rare giggle or smile from her is to give it a kiss, and she always rubs it against yours before you both fall asleep at night.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Abby doesn’t orgasm particularly fast; she needs a lot more love and attention to cum well and cum hard, so you have to take your time with her; gets really soft and emotional with how patient and gentle you are with her body. gets primarily visual arousal, and when she gets riled up, it's like a water fountain, with super wet stained panties, her lips all pretty and glistening, literally talking to you with squelches and squishy smacking noises ringing out of her juicy cunny. naturally, she gets super shy and red-faced about this. squirt drinker with no regrets, really into the idea of cum swapping, taking it upon herself to make out with you after eating your pussy.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
abby’s dirty secret is that she has a huge dependence kink. she fantasizes about you to being happily stupid, mindbroken, eating out of her palm as she pampers you, creating her own personal plaything and dolly. being able to take what she wants when she wants it, or dressing you up how she wants to see you and having you wear it out, no matter how revealing or embarrassing the outfit is. wants you to see her as your saviour, taking her fingers, or her tongue, or her cock easily, never thinking big girl thoughts, never thinking period because it makes your head hurt, and when your head hurts, you get sad :(( feeding you, clothing you, bathing you, keeping you sheltered and happy with your simple needs in your simple, silly little head. abby is a natural protector and provider, so she does all of these things automatically anyways, but the added arousal of you needing her, of allowing her to own you in every way, being worshipped by you, and being your only safe space adds a level of eroticism that she’s shy to admit.
of course, you would always be content, always joyful to make your owner smile and feel good! happily offering up your holes or going in between her thighs like a good dolly should, because you’re grateful to her. she provides everything else, so why not?
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
abby is not thoroughly experienced with long-term dynamics, she’s had a decent amount of casual sex, but this is a rare foray into actual *romance.* she’s ambitious and has tried different things, but she needs a push sometimes to be more vocal with communicating her sexual needs or telling you what she wants to be done to her in the bedroom. over time and with comfort and trust, she'll become more comfortable with setting boundaries, introducing kinks and other types of play, but she starts shy and closed off. on a purely physical side, became very attentive and skilled over a short amount of time, and is willing to try pretty much anything that isn’t a hard limit.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
abby is obsessed with any position she can show off her physical capabilities in while she’s fucking you. hoisting your legs over your head and pinning them to the bed in mating press while she slams to the hilt like a restless madwoman, each thrust grinding into that rough, almond-shaped sore deep in your wetness that sends shutdown instructions to your brain? check. across a desk, table, countertop, whatever, holding you in a mock-wheelbarrow position, one leg crooked through her arm while the other struggles for balance against your weight and the pattered bump of her fucking in and out of you as your hands scramble the table, fighting for a grip? check. using her superior planking skills to bear all of her weight onto you while she sloughs her cock in and out of you while you lay on your stomach, helpless but to take it, strong arms wrapped around your head as a hand plays in the hair at the crown of your skull? check.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
tries to portray a serious stoic dom during scenes, but sometimes she’ll fuck up a sexy line she’s been brainstorming and you’ll hear her try, (and fail) to stifle a snort and giggle. fights herself not to crack jokes at some of the silly shit the two of you say when you’re peaking, or your varying o-faces. during vanilla sex and when she’s not trying to put on a persona, abby can be very goofy in the bedroom.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
expect tufts of shiny, curly dirty blonde hair around the perimeter of her pussy. it might trail down her thighs, depending on how grown it is, and blends into a soft happy trail going up her stomach to her belly button. if it gets too tangly or hot outside, she might trim it a bit with scissors, but other than that, abby doesn’t really care or think about ‘keeping up’ with her pubic hair. word flies through the stadium that hairy pussy is her weakness, so if you keep yours bushier, don’t be surprised if abby has to compose herself before she digs in.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
emotional intimacy is crucial to her, and constantly being in a space where just for survival she has to compartmentalise her humanity wears down on her mentally. she’s confused when she wakes up in the morning after your first time together, and you’re cuddled into the space between her shoulder and her underarm; sunlight dappling your face as it leaks in through the holes in the privacy shield against the window. after you promised one another that there would be no feelings, no strings attached, just the two of you passing the time and having fun, she doesn’t wake up alone.
sometimes, you’re so sweet to her that she has to fight back tears, which she promptly plays off. you run the edge of your nails up and down her scalp while she’s still bathing in the afterglow of an orgasm, and she feels free. abby loves when you give her pet names, big girl, baby, goldie, prince charming, but when she slides her flat palms under your shirt, rubbing up and down your torso, and you breathe out just ‘abs,’ that's when she knows she’s found her way home.
in her eyes, there is no god, but she understands worship when she fucks into you slowly, gently, opening you up bit by bit, her whispers almost inaudible in the crook of your neck as she cradles you in her hands like she’s trying to capture a moment in time; she understood what it meant to be sanctified when you kiss for a long time, hands exploring one another, all of her hard on all of your soft, and don’t end up fucking. for years she’s felt like a tool for other people to use, so it’s hard for her to verbalise her needs in fear of being shut down, but somehow, you just… know. she lets her guard down for you, gets too pliant and lazy and comfortable in a way that she’s still learning to be okay with. she’s still working on emotional availability and being open with herself and others, but you remind her that she exists, and abby is forever grateful for that.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
abby isn’t super chronically horny, but will definitely turn to her hand if it’s been an extended patrol run where she has to be away from you for multiple nights at a time. she thanks her lucky stars the first time she opens her pack while camping out with her team at Eight and finds naughty polaroids you snuck in her bag. she finds it easy to treat her insomnia on those nights by shoving her fingers deep into her pussy and curling against her swollen g-spot, while her thumb flicks against the mass of her clit, sending shockwaves that spasm her toes and travel up her spine to the top of her head.
she has to use the flat of her palm against her mouth to stifle adorable, high pitched moans as her hips snap wildly, chasing an orgasm that rips through her body, leaving her panting heavily and leaking the contents of her fucked-out hole down her ass. she’s woken you up before with how loud and intense her sounds can be, so she hopes she can keep quiet well enough to not wake her squadmates stirring in their sleep.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
abby is heavily turned on by praise; tell her that she’s fucking you so good, that she’s hitting that spot just right, that she’s so pretty and strong and takes care of you just how you need it, and you’ll drive her crazy with love and lust. despite the fact that she reasonably can’t, abby always gets a kick out of you begging her to cum inside of you, to give you a baby, which she happily obliges, pressing deep into you with your feet to your ears, taking advantage of how much bigger and stronger she is, how tiny and pathetic and weak you are when you struggle, licking tears of ecstasy from your eyes and growling, “you want me to make you into a mommy, huh? –to blow my fuckin’ load deep in you?”
loves primal sex, fucking you on your tummy, against your bedroom door, in a headlock, over the table… enough said, just hunting you like prey and using all of her physical dominance to control your body like an animal, wrenching orgasm after orgasm out of your body even when you’re begging and pleading that it’s too much. she wants to dumb you out, ruin your mind and make you think only of her, living, breathing, existing only off of how good she makes you feel.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
abby is on whatever you’re on, honestly. she’s more careful at the stadium or the FOB, not wanting to do anything that jeopardises your reputations or her cushy position at isaac’s right hand. okay with weighing risks at home base, but she’s too paranoid and focused on keeping you safe in a dangerous world to do anything when the two of you are outside the fence. her baby isn’t a soldier, so you might be more idealistic and naive about what lies outside of the walls. it’s hard for her to let her guard down when you’re too sweet, too optimistic, too soft, and there are a million terrible, horrible ways she could lose you lurking around every corner. the most you’ll get while on patrol is a quick make-out session, a couple of playful slaps to your ass or a hand on your waist pulling you from here to there, and at *most* a little bit of bump and grind in a deadbolted room. if she can guarantee your safety and comfort, she’ll oblige. but she’s not hard to convince, and she can’t deny your puppy eyes when you ask for a late-night quickie in the community showers. but all in all, she prefers her bedroom, where the two of you can be as loud as you want, where she can make the bed shake and rattle and hear you whine and moan and cry as much as she wants.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
loses her mind over tension. sexual tension, romantic tension, when you two are so pissed at each other that you could tear the other apart with bare hands. firm believer that the make-up sex is the best part of a fight. heated arguments turn into rough, primal fucking to fix both of your attitudes. the two of you stealing heated glances across the cafeteria while you work the consignment desk turns into the two of you huddled in a utility closet, abby’s cheeks warming the space between your breasts, raking a finger through your folds painfully slow. when you see her after a long rotation in her militia gear, bloody, covered in dirt and whatever else but still whole and still yours, your soldier, your protector– it’s like the two of you go into fucking heat, romping like bunnies for hours while you reward her for a job well done, letting her burn off all of that pent up adrenaline and jumpiness from the day.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
she’s really anxious about hard impact. she’s painfully aware of how much stronger she is than the average woman, and she’ll never get anywhere more physical than a firm slap on your ass or pussy, or little slaps to your cheek to redirect you during play. she’s terrified of hurting you, and she’ll never go farther than that, even if you really want her to.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
abby’s a head monster. can eat you out for HOURS to the point of overstimulation. gripping and slapping your ass, squishing your pussylips between two fingers, relishing in the way that your gush leaks from the seams, wrenching your thighs apart so she can have easy access to fuck you out with her tongue. she’s a bit impartial to receiving when you first get together. she considers herself a service top; she gets off watching you get off, and great head is infrequent at the stadium. that all changed the first time you offered, tongue plying down into her musky heat, savouring the salty-sweetness of her warmth. from there, she was lost, fucking your mouth and chasing her own pleasure. the only thing breaking her out of her haze was the feeling of you lightly slapping her inner thigh, running out of breath from the heavy palm tangled in your hair holding you tight to her cunt. she apologised profusely afterward that she was too blissed out, that she’ll be more mindful next time. you two still laugh about how the head was so good she tried to kill you; poor baby doesn’t know her own strength :(
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Most times, if she's lethargic and sleepy from a long shift she’ll let you take complete control, riding her until your orgasm and then falling asleep on her tummy. Other times, like days off, she's in full control; fucking you like she hates you in the prone position as she pushes you down with her weight, or laying in bed and holding your leg up in the air effortlessly as she fucks you slow and romantic from the side.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
abby desires you in every way. it doesn’t really matter to her, as long as she can get her hands on you. she loves quickies for their tense, ’try not to get caught’ vibe and the challenge of seeing how fast she can ruin you with just her fingers and tongue, but in reality, she’s not very good at them. she’s fucked you ten minutes before she had to roll out for patrol, just because she was pent up from last night and you looked soo fucking irresistible. fucking you fast and rough with her arm around your throat, doling out breath as she saw fit, your eyes rolling back as you got brought to orgasm and then taken back to the starting line over and over. it carried over so late that they had a rookie come to her door and knock looking for her. needless to say, that rookie got chewed out and taken off her next patrol for insubordination.
but I think she relishes getting to be slow with you. everything in her life is so fast, so twitchy, always on edge, so she really values getting to lay down in bed with you and take you down piece by piece. spreading open your lips and working you open finger by finger until you’re all swollen down there and leaking over her palm, pussy so cute and red and puffy and just *begging* for her thumb to slide in too. introducing the strap to your well-used, well-warmed-up cunt, and analysing every muscle in your face as you keen at the insertion. she’ll rub your clit achingly slow, listening as you babble for more, to stop teasing, to fuck you the way that only she knows, and marvels at how your hard clit stands at attention and bounces around her fingertips. when she’s done, abby wants it to be hours after, your moans still stuck to the ceiling, pussy clenching and unclenching, wetting the sheets as you’re left a defiled slut, but most importantly, hers and hers only.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
abby anderson is good for being adventurous in bed, but she’s only really comfortable with simple risks; erotic asphyxiation, rope bondage, spanking. one night, you asked her if she could bring her service pistol into the bedroom –unloaded, disassembled and reassembled, of course– and it was a firm ‘no.’ but she still thinks about it sometimes, not gonna lie. she never wants to put you in a place where recklessness can get one, or both of you seriously injured or worse.
but what she didn’t know, however, was that she was getting into a relationship with a crazy fucking daredevil. you’re practically owned by trying to convince her to fuck in risky, dangerous places.
"babe, why don’t i give you some head? you cleared out this scar camp sooo good–!" "no."
":(( let's scissor in this abandoned tunnel, then!" "stop. we gotta sweep the area for infected."
"are you sure you don’t want some pussy off the side of this ferris wh–" "what the fuck did i say?"
under normal circumstances, abby wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to punish you for being bratty, but right now she’s trying to keep her lunch inside, thankyouverymuch!
sidebar but sometimes she’ll just snap after all of your failed attempts at seducing her, pushing you into the dirt wherever you are, and just… starts savagely hard domming you, sheathing her strap into your cunt with her hand over your mouth and the other fisted in your hair, pulling by the roots, wedging your mouth open and making you swallow thick gobs of her spit.
“this what you wanted, right?” yanking your head up to meet her face, eyes burning with rage. “and you better be fuckin’ quiet. goddamn liability.” she sneers into your ear, bottoming out into you over and over again and battering your cervix and tender inner walls, the pleasure and degradation making fat tears run down your cheeks. fortunately (for her, at least,) she doesn’t have any more problems with disobedience for the rest of the journey back to the FOB.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
dating a gym rat wasn’t your most well-thought-out idea, as she has so much more stamina than you know what to do with. content with fucking you until her muscles burn and you’re begging her that it’s too much, abby treats you like human exercise equipment. when she really needs long-term stress relief, she whispers in your ear, “lay down baby, you’re gonna be my workout buddy, yeah? g’na be my good girl and help me get bigger and stronger?”
she makes you count out how many strokes she gives you, holding you up and bouncing you on her fat dick with nothing else but the strength of her bulging, hard-working muscles supporting every pound of your weight, muttering something to herself about how this is better than getting on the bench, anyways. you’re surprised when you see her looking over her naked form in the mirror after a long “personal training” session, and she has an actual muscle pump.
after what feels like hours, you’re trying to catch your breath, looking and feeling a fucked out mess, when abby runs her hands back over your ass, kneading and gently ghosting over your ruined pussy with a finger. “got another set in you, i know you do.” and you barely have enough time to get back into position before your eyes are rolling back and she’s ripping a moan out of you, in plank position with her hands on either side of your head as she slides her cock head into your messy, torn-up twat.
...it’s going to be a long session.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
abby’s prized possession is a glittery blue strap-on, eight-and-a-half inches of pure problem, sourced from the ruins of a dilapidated strip mall the two of you stumbled across on patrol. she was a bit impartial to the idea, but figured that it would ease some of the stress off her achy wrists. quickly became hooked, wanting to use it every time you two fucked, and any chance she could crop up, nestling into you while you stood at the sink, hands in the dishes, her fingers getting lost under your bra, squishing a nipple as she sunk deeper inside. she loved how she could see you get more and more fucked out than you ever had off just her tongue alone, could grit her teeth as leather and rough fabric bit into her clit, could marvel in the mirror at the bulge it left when she stuffed it into her briefs before heading out for the day, straining against the grey cotton, altering the tempo of her walk, forcing her natural manspread just a little bit wider. could get a *great* core workout from pounding into your abused holes for hours.
abby is obsessed with strap sucking as foreplay, especially if you fix up those pretty, puffed-up lips with gloss or lipstick so that she can watch as sloppy rings form around the silicone. loves watching you make yourself messy with spit running down your chin as you mouth her strap through her cotton boxers. (loves SLOPPY top, like really throat it, gag, hit the back of your throat choking it down, slobber coating your fingers in messy globs. wants to see tears and snot and spit dribbling out of you from loving her cock the way only you know how.)
one night, you finally give her the green light to act out one of her biggest fantasies, letting her fuck your throat nice and deep, making you gag and drool every time she bottoms out, your domineering girlfriend reaching a hand to rub your clenching throat, whispering a mixture of sweet nothings and abject depravity that sends shockwaves to your clit and makes you ruin your panties.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
abby doesn’t consider herself a sadist but lets it be known that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. knows just when to switch off her puppy-dog girlfriend mode that just wants to make you feel good and turn on her wolf callousness, the cruelty that relishes torturing you. will let you be a brat and then edge you for days as punishment, watching you cry as her finger brushes over your exploited clitty, helpless but to let her go knuckle deep in your little hole and thrashing as she fucks you ever so slowly, savouring your pleas to have mercy. not super into the public sex thing, but will have you sit on her lap or her thigh in the cafeteria or in the common area at the stadium, grinding into your pussy and pretending like nothing is happening while you stifle your moans and your mind goes blank.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Abby is possessive DOWN and, therefore, loud as fuck when you two are at each other. tried to hold back her moans when y’all had first got together, now she’s an animal in the bedroom, groaning and panting in your ear turning into growls and near-inhuman whines and moans. a sucker for call-and-response, and will tease you over and over again until you say, ‘it’s your pussy, this is your pussy,’ in the way she likes it. wants people to walk past her room and know what’s going on, wants to claim you even when you’re not together, wants to make it known that you’re strictly off limits. her mouth gets filthier and more degrading when she’s far gone, and it’s not unlikely for her to growl out that you’re a bitch or a whore, and make you repeat it at the top of your lungs.
when she’s bottoming, it’s a whole different story, keening and moaning into your touch, stifling her whines by biting her lip, a habit that you hate. has pretty, subby moans that only get louder the closer she gets to orgasm. It's enough to ring in your ears and shake the wall; the sounds of her begging and crying can definitely be heard in the hallways and outside on the green, but when she’s close, chasing her peak and pleading to be let go, she doesn’t give a fuck. It’s obvious what it is, what’s going on, that it’s abby begging, “mommy– fuck, please let me get off please lemme fuckin’ cum, ineeditineeditireallyneedit.” it’s the sound that can be heard around the world, but she’s never been approached about it, and at this point she really dares someone to try.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
has a habit of slamming the headboard with her palm when she’s filling you rough and deep with her strap. she’d never turn her pent-up aggression on you, but it fires you up knowing that she’s on the verge of losing it. it makes you crazy, seeing her in her most primal form, bottled-up stress and anger spilling out of her, using your pussy the way she wants, how she thinks you deserve it. also a firm believer in sticking her thumb in your asshole while fucking you from behind.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
five feet and eleven inches of absolutely sculpted muscle. every single part of her looks custom made, every freckle painted on by hand, each scar webbing her skin a reminder of every time she made it back home. unshaven everywhere, her tummy and her legs and her underarms covered in dense, velvety swaths of hair, making her cuddly and soft like a pillow. the doughy fat of her small breasts pokes out over her impressive pectorals; the divot of her chest is covered in a heavy swath of freckles. deep pink, medium-sized nipples, slightly puffy and heavily sensitive. enjoys nipple play and breast stimulation as foreplay; likes having her breasts sucked on during sex. straight hips and thick thighs, deep scar on her left thigh from a raider ambush. has an outie pussy with fat outer lips, inner labia is dark pink and protrudes; the first thing to engorge when aroused. larger than average clit with high sensitivity. less sensitive to penetration, so she usually needs a lot of foreplay or dual stimulation to have a penetrative orgasm. curly blonde pubic hair around the perimeter of her vagina. firm ass, all muscle. brown splotch birthmark on her left asscheek. has an asshole, you know.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
abby prides herself on willpower and self-control, but when it comes to you, she burns hot. she wants her hands, tongue, fingers, everything on you or in you or grabbing anything she can touch. she had secret trysts, an assortment of sneaky links and fuckbuddies to scratch that itch deep inside, but she was c o n t r o l l e d by how much she desired you, how she fucks you like she needs you or else she’ll fucking die.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
such a cuddlebug. after it’s all said and done, expect abby to use the superior force of her body to roll you on top of her, lips full of praise and sweet kisses, and run hands through your hair and down your back until you fall asleep. watches you for a little while, taking in every peaceful, sweet feature on your face until that familiar warm pressure coats her skull and the pull of gravity plays against her eyes. she always goes to bed last, dutiful in making sure you're content, sated and happy, but on days where she doesn’t have to work she’s the last to wake up, a lump forming in her throat when you greet her with breakfast and coffee from the cafeteria, she laughs it off as soreness from sleeping under an open window.
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theendless22 · 2 months
Domestic Bliss
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Summary: You’re overcome with emotions as you spend a normal Saturday with the Schmidt’s.
Pairings: GN!Reader x Mike Schmidt.
Warnings: Pure fluff, Abby being a stroppy child, slight swearing (literally 1 word), and implications of sex.
My Masterlist
┌── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┐
You wake up to cold sheets, your hand trailing across the deserted space beside you as you groan. You glance over to the alarm clock situated on his nightstand. It’s 10:32am on a Saturday, and you’ve overslept. Fuck.
You scramble out of bed, hissing as the sun-blasted sky beams through Mike’s curtains, stunning you momentarily. Mike’s room isn’t necessarily messy, you’re thankful for that, but you can’t say you’ll grow to appreciate the piles of clean and dirty clothes on his floor. It makes his room feel cramped, like you’re constantly playing the floor is lava just to get to your side of the bed. You remind yourself to tell him to clean it up later. But for now, you throw on one of his t-shirts, identifying it as one of your favourites, sage green with a discoloured band title on the back. You make your way to the bedroom door, yawning loudly as you open it, embracing another day with the Schmidt’s.
Your feet patter on the hardwood floor as you make your way down the hallway, soft chattering echoing through the walls until you enter the living room. You weren’t expecting the sight you were graced with but you’re not complaining.
Abby is laid on the couch, head in mikes lap as she tiredly watches Scooby Doo, her eyes fluttering softly as she seemingly fights to stay awake. Mike’s wide brown eyes flicker between the tv and Abby as they speak quietly to each other, you struggle to make out any words. His left hand is tangled in Abby’s hair, delicately combating small knots with his fingers, the other hand caressing her cheek. You smile softly, walking over to join them on the couch.
“Morning Y/N…” Abby whispers, shifting to sit up, she crawls next to you, her soft hands clinging to your shirt as she pulls you in for a hug.
“Hey Abby.” You whisper, kissing the top of her head as you return the hug, rubbing her small back and stroking her hair. You giggle quietly as she manoeuvres to lay on your lap, head face down on your stomach as she consumes herself in your touch. You wonder how she can even breathe with how buried she is in your shirt. “Someone’s tired this morning, huh?” You coo, tucking stray strands of hair behind her ears.
“She’s not the only one.” Mike teases, the raspiness of his morning voice sending shivers down your spine as he leans closer to you, chapped lips planting on your cheek. “It’s not my fault I overslept. Someone kept me up all night.” You whisper in his ear, winking at him knowingly. His red cheeks evidence enough that he’s flustered, but he averts his gaze from you too.
There’s a comforting silence between you three, the only sound is the soft hum of the tv.
“Your hair’s really knotty this morning Abs.” You say, patting her back gently. She sits up, nods at you, then jumps off the couch, running down the hallway. Where is she going? Probably to draw like usual, right? Your eyebrows furrow in bewilderedness, how can a 9 year old run that fast when they’re so tired? You’re so immersed in your own thoughts and questions that you’re taken aback when Mike gently grips your chin, thumb caressing your jaw as he tilts your head to the side, pressing his lips against yours. You whimper pathetically into the kiss, hand in his unruly hair, the other on his chest, pushing him downwards, you crawl up to sit between his thighs.
Just as Mike incorporates his tongue, you hear a loud gag. Both of your heads whip to see Abby, holding a sparkly pink hairbrush and some bobbles. “Gross.” She shakes her head disappointingly at you two, sitting on the floor with her back facing you. You and Mike glance at each other, an amused smile on his lips, contrasting to the embarrassed pout on yours. He wraps his hands around your waist, using it as leverage to prop you up in his arms. He slowly rubs your waist on top of your shirt, tracing gentle patterns with his thumb, eliciting a small sigh from you.
Abby turns around to face you, dropping the hair brush and bobbles into your lap as she looks at you expectingly. Mike raises a brow at her and then chuckles.
“Not even a please?”
She glares at him.
With a huff she mumbles a quick “please” and turns back around. It’s your turn to chuckle this time, grabbing the hairbrush and starting to comb her hair. You’re careful not to hurt her as the brush glides down her scalp, untangling the never ending knots.
You stay like this for a while, combing her hair long after the knots have been removed, Abby doesn’t seem to mind. Nor does Mike. His large hand continuing to caress your skin, squeezing your bare thigh as he watches the tv with disinterest.
You can’t help the smile on your lips, you think you can get used to this. You’re content with the happy little bubble you and the Schmidt’s have created, the Saturday mornings you spend with them slowly warping into your favourite part of the week. It reminds you to be even more thankful for your relationship with Mike, because his comfort and trust in you allowed you to give the same feeling to her. A stray tear rolls down your cheek when you think about it, the rest of the morning you spend thinking about it, how lucky you are, how grateful you are.
And after, when you’re laid in bed with him at night, bare legs intertwined as you listen to the soft thud of his heartbeat. You can’t help but indulge in the idea of it all lasting forever. You fall asleep with a small smile painted on your swollen lips.
You pray for the long live of your shared domestic bliss.
└── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──┘
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jaxie101 · 7 months
my fnaf movie hcs bc everyone’s doing it on tiktok but my friends follow me there -_-
both mike and abby are autistic and have adhd
mikes sensory issues are with sound and abby’s are with texture
Vanessa visits them every day and basically moves in
mike only learnt how to cook once he was alone with abby, it was basically a journey for both of them (abby with texture issues vs mike and his inability to cook without burning something)
they once lived off of pizza for three weeks bc mike had a job as a delivery driver and would keep the rejected pizzas
mike once sprained his ankle while he was a mall security guard and had a panic attack bc there was no way to support abby while he’s not working
he keeps a little drawing that abby did in his wallet
mike has anxiety and is constantly afraid of abby leaving him too (despite her being so young) and if he as a panic attack he locks himself in his car
abby was bullied for awhile and mike tried to teach her to stand up for herself, until one day he’s picking her up and he sees them crowding around her. cue him pulling out his taser and threatening them all (they never bother abby again)
venessa has nightmares about her dad, and one night abby passes her one of her plushies and starts ranting about their backstory (mike did that for her once after a bad dream)
mike sings in the shower
abby puts on talent shows
mike would pretend he wasn’t hungry and give abby the rest of his food
abby will watch the same movie over and over and over again all day every day for like 2 months and then one day she just never watches it again
Vanessa’s favourite food is chinese takeout, abby’s is spaghetti and meatballs, and mikes is pop tarts
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vvanillavveins · 1 day
On the WTNV finale:
Look, i like Brinknor. They helped me fall back in love with Night Vale when i was feeling particularly uninspired. It's hard to put it into words; i have adhd & i struggle to remember big intricate plots unless something reoccurring has really grabbed hold of my attention, and before Brinknor, i was struggling to sink my teeth into anything attention-holding, so to speak. I guess i was becoming less enthusiastic in Night Vale's storyline as time went on, even though i couldn't really work out why. I just couldn't stop tuning out. But, with Brinknor, there came a bunch of shiny new plotpoints- at a faster pace. The show could actually hold my focus properly, and my wtnv fixation was suddenly up & running again.
All this is to say that i know it's just my impatience talking when i say that i wish that the loose ends of those new, interesting plotpoints had been tied up a little more by episode 250. I adore the way they write about Cecil's childhood and his family, and i want Kevin & The Boy's arc to be given the same amount of love, and attention, and time that the Palmer siblings' arc got. The same goes for Tamika. And Carlos. And Lauren, actually. Yes, i know she was a central figure in the last 2 episodes, and i loved that because she's one of my favourite characters. I fucking adore eldritch Mother Lauren. But still, it was all too vague to really learn anything new about her or the desert otherworld. And, above all else, i can't help but think of how wonderful it would've been if Charles and Donovan were included in the finale- especially Donovan.
When Kevin first came back in 2023, one of my silly little hcs as to why he was apparently in the Smiling God's bad books (and why he didn't mention Charles or Donovan) was that because Charles & Donovan aren't from Desert Bluffs they haven't devoted themselves to the Smiling God like the rest of the townsfolk. They wouldn't "smile" properly. One of my darker ideas at the time was the possibility of Kevin having to choose between making them part of his faith, i.e., making them "smile" like the rest of Desert Bluffs (which i doubt he'd go through with after his mudstone abyss arc), or having Charles & Donovan leave town (which i doubt they'd go through with), or, doing neither & keeping quiet about his life with them to avoid drawing attention. If he chose the latter and then got found out, it would make sense that he'd stop being the Smiling God's favourite. Obviously, i never thought any of that was correct- i was just having fun- and i was excited to find out the real story further down the line.
But that didn't happen, and we still don't really have many answers. Everything to do with Kevin, and Lauren, and The Boy got wrapped up in about 10 minutes flat. We've already had an emotional Fatherhood themed episode with Cecil & Abby; we didn't need another one just for the sake of it.
With the context of what we already know about Kevin's father, the ending of episode 250 was just uncomfortable. Sure, Kevin's talked about his father positively before, but that's always been in contrast with the actual content of his memories. It's always been made clear that the script/the writers disagree with Kevin's sunny outlook, and therefore the listeners should too. Those moments are there to demonstrate just how fucked up Kevin really is, and that his positivity is just a coping mechanism. But this time Cecil spoke for him, so we didn't get Kevin's usual sing-song rambling. It was calm, and collected, and matter-of-factly. And this time there were no sugar-coated descriptions of abuse, only genuine praise. We were actually supposed to agree with him this time, and it made the whole speech (and ending) sound hollow and forced.
I really didn't like this episode. It felt rushed. It tried to cover far too much far too quickly, and it failed. But, despite all that, i am hoping that future episodes will bring some sort of clarity about what happened. And hopefully some closure about Kevin and his family, too. I want loose ends to get tied up properly and i believe that maybe, with time, the important ones will be. Slow burning subplots are kinda quintessential to Night Vale's writing at this point anyway. Brinknor definitely missed the mark with this one, but they're still incredibly talented writers and i'm not ready to give up on them like some of the other fans on here.
Besides, i think that some of Night Vale's worst episodes are still incredible pieces of writing in their own right. The bad episodes are only bad in comparison to the dozens upon dozens of absolutely phenomenal episodes that make up the rest of a show that is, for the most part, a joy to listen to. So, here's to some hopefully better episodes in the future, i guess.
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revnah1406 · 7 months
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So I was organising my drawing folder and I found this old drawing I did five months ago!
It's from an RP that I'm doing with @efingart and @alypink. That I love so much!!❤️❤️
It's about Abby time traveling to the 80s, where Mila (E's Oc) and Aleks (Aly's oc) work with the Safehouse crew.
It's like an Oc and fic Crossover!! I love it so much!!
I was hesitant about posting this drawing because it's old but I said, you know what? Fuck it. Let's do it hahaha!
I'm still practicing how to draw Mila better! She deserves all the time and practice.
I also want to draw more Aleks, Mila and Abby together. My three favourite girls 🥺🥺❤️
I'll probably do it soon hehehe.
That's all! Love ya!
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anna-scribbles · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thanks for the tag @jattendschaton and @miabrown007!! blowing u guys kisses
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
8 💪
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
miraculous ladybug<3
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
this question is great bc nearly all of my 8 fics make it in👍
golden (like daylight)
call it even
at our wedding
circles & cycles (right back where you started)
no other shade of blue, but you
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
sometimes!! I try to!!! not as often as i wish i did :( I was pretty consistently replying on call it even for a while but then i fell behind and it got overwhelming😭 there are so many lovely ones I go back and reread all the time though!!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
no other shade of blue but you maybe? not sure if it counts as angsty it's very short and ends with marinette just being sort of sad and wistful. i'm not built for angsty endings<3
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
probably golden (like daylight)! that's definitely the one i'm proudest of at least.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no not really!!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
haha not yet but i've had an anastasia inspired fic in the works for soo long. one day i'll dust it off and finish
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
AHAHA YES I co-wrote call it even with my sister @sha-nwa!!! one of the most fun experiences of my life, abby's such an incredible writer and she did marinette so much justice.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
lovesquare (shocking)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i have tooons of wips in my google docs but i am wary of posting anything on ao3 that’s not a one shot/something i’m sure i’ll finish. one i think might be lost to time is my ladrien greek mythology wip💔
16. What are your writing strengths?
a lot of comments I get are related to prose/description so maybe that? I tend to spend a lot of time trying to pick out the exact right words for each sentence so that it has the sonic/rhythmic quality i'm going for. golden is probably the best example of this; I worked and reworked those sentences for many months until I was satisfied haha. I remember wanting it to feel sort of like the building of a song
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
my writing can be sort of dense and hard to get through sometimes!! I think I have a tendency to try and pack a lot into every sentence, which is fun for me to write, but can be difficult to get through as a reader. it's sort of the polar opposite to how I approach drawing silly comics, where the goal is to deliver the point/joke as clearly and effectively as possible. writing puts me in a much more contemplative headspace, which makes my fic not quite as digestable I think
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I admit i am guilty of peppering in random french words in ml fic whenever I feel like it 💔 I usually use italics though
19. First fandom you wrote for?
dear evan hansen I think? (<-I was a very specific type of annoying in high school)
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
have to give it to my og adrien essay golden (like daylight). it has all my favorite stuff. adrinette. what could loosely be called a plot. the word "something." I said what I needed to say
tagging anyone who wants to!!
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actual-changeling · 8 months
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Awwww, The Last of Us II. I haven't thought about that burning pile of shit in a hot second.
You wanna get into that? Sure. I'm feeling generous. Disclaimer that I have played the entire thing and some parts even several times. So I know what I'm talking about, I've gone through the emotional torture.
"Toxic" and "bad faith" wanna be more specific? What exactly is your problem with my opinions?
The fact that they wrote their characters in part 2 in such a direct contrast to part 1 they were barely the same characters anymore? The absolute disrespect for mental illness and trauma? The blatant favouritism towards Abby? The violent transphobia towards Lev? The thinly veiled homophobia hidden in the game?
Do you want to talk about the fact that the plot for part 2 is held together by tape and glue and revolves around mindless suffering and more mindless suffering only?
They kill Joel, violently, vividly, graphically, for no reason.
They blow up Shimmer and never acknowledge it again.
Jesse gets shot in the face, dies, and is never mentioned again.
Tommy gets shot in the head, gets his knee broken and fucked up, ends up half blind and with a limb and it's never addressed again.
Ellie gets so many injuries she shouldn't be alive anymore.
It's a miracle Dina didn't lose the baby and survived the pregnancy.
Ellie's biggest fear in part 1 was ending up alone. The game takes every single thing she loves, violates her, starves her, makes her go literally insane, and then takes her fingers and the last connection she had to Joel - playing the guitar.
Abby does everything Joel & Ellie did and worse and faces no consequences. She gets to walk away alive and with the person she loves. She gets to live. Ellie doesn't.
And let me be clear, anon, who will absolutely get blocked after this, because this is my blog and if you hate my opinions so much please do fuck off.
The game itself is good. The game mechanics are fucking amazing and yes, I enjoy playing Ellie's seattle days! It is a genuinely fun game with good ideas and amazing execution.
The plot, however, is an on-fire garbage can. The writing is atrocious. I could tear it apart line by line but I won't because it is exhausting and triggering, and I enjoy it the way I want to and I do not have to justify that.
So yes, it was for me. I love the bare-bones game. The writing is just offensive, ableist, torture porn, and if you enjoy that and think it's "good" something is deeply wrong with you. I don't mind people disagreeing with my, I love it. Let's have a conversation! But I draw the line at trying to excuse bigotry and I refuse to engage with more part 2 content that does exactly that,
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noffri-slays · 2 months
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About me:
18+ only!
she/they, bisexual with a strong tendency to women, in a relationship and engaged <3
I draw and paint mostly people and I love designing clothes; currently getting used to drawing smut as well ;)
Libra, INTJ
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No minors! 18+ only
No sexists, racists, homophobes, transphobes or like any other -phobes, I want this to be a safe space for everyone!
Be respectful and be nice to each other! If I catch anyone being rude, you will be blocked.
Don’t hesitate to send requests/ideas! I’ll try to get to it as soon as I have time but of course I can’t guarantee I will get it done quickly, so don’t be a dick please.
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[purple = my current favourite thing/hyperfixation and I will definitely draw anything regarding that]
[Anything else I will draw fanart about, still, depending on the request I might recline]
Marvel, Star Wars
The Last of Us I + II
JJK, Haikyuu
Narcos, iZombie
Bojack Horseman
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[purple = I will very likely draw any request regarding these characters]
Natasha Romanoff, Matt Murdock, Loki Laufeyson, Bucky Barnes
Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, Din Djarin
Zuko, Sokka, Suki, Korra, Asami, Bolin, Lin Beifong, Suyin Beifong, Kuvira
Scorpia, Catra & Adora
Joel Miller, Abby Anderson, Ellie & Dina
Rosa Diaz, Amy Santiago, Jake Peralta, Gina Linetti
Nanami Kento, Maki, Satoru Gojo, Shoko | Bokuto, Akaashi
Javier Peña | Liv Moore, Peyton Charles
As well as pretty much any other character played by Pedro Pascal <3
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If you want to, you can of course always send a request for a character/fandom not on my list. No guarantee I will actually fullfil it, but it’s always worth a shot! ;)
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puropoly · 9 months
I love your DN art so much, it gives me will to live, it gets me through the day.
I wanna draw like you oh my god you have this storyboard artist kind of style. Effortlessly expressive and dynamic.
Can I worship you? Jk jk (or am I?)
Your A is the best interpretation of this character I have ever seen. I love her.
I have some questions if you have a minute or two 🥺
Can you give me 3 favourite DN fics?
Do you have musical associations for characters (especially B)?
How do you personally feel about L and about Mikami?
What is your favourite food and day of the week?
Please never stop clowning ! 🤡❤️
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This is extremely nice of you, thank you !! it's been ages since I've drawn canon DN stuff...
Thank you for the sweet message, I know I still have a long path ahead in terms of improvement as an artist but I value your words immensely as they motivate me to go on now, THE QUESTIONSSss...
Fics I remember killed me on sight
This is how I disappear. (gen) 10/10, work of art, made me sit at the edge of my seat. I recommend everything from this author, definitely DO MIND the tags though! it's dark
If you're into AUs and Lawlight, here's one where Light runs for presidency (Those who stand for nothing fall for anything) and one where he's a cryptid investigator (The forest holds strange creatures), they're both awesome in unique ways. Both are explicit, take that into account
If you're interested in reading different interactions and a very unique twist to the canon events where Naomi is the protagonist, Silent Partner, Unifinished Business is amazing and very suspensey
This one is long, immense, ultra suspensey, with a lot of different characters interacting in interesting ways I never thought before, very lawlight and very explicit, (but I read it all in like 3 days because it caught me BAD and was foaming at the mouth during the entire course of it), also was the founding inspiration to my BB brainrot and design-> Nights
I also made a masterpost of all my favourite meronia (melloxnear) fics back when I was balls deep into it
Finally, my AWESOME friends have made abbie x my BB fics for me back in the days which I treasure with my heart, I feel a bit schoopid sharing them because they're basically my OCs and their story remains a secret but they're beautifully written and. I die. I die everytime I remember they did these for me -> First Christmas (explicit), Stand under my Umbrella (short n funny), Just Another Day (sad and short, based on a comic I did years ago)
ANd also, same author as Silent Partner, wrote Dead Letter Office as a gift to me once, and it melted me into a sugary puddle in the ground
Characters and music
Like every other BB kinnie / stan I have my fair share of associated songs, mostly by style and delusion and very few by actual fitting lyrics lol. But here's what I consider his theme song - and also, I headcanon HARD that he has Danny Elfman's voice
How I feel about L and Mikami
L is special to all of us, love the guy, haven't met a single DN fan who doesn't like L. He's just fun and unapologetic which is what I like about him the most.
Mikami I have a hard time caring about, he's just not my usual type of character at all. He's too rigid for me, although he has his unintentional funny side. I also felt he had no chemistry with any other characters, so that made him less interesting for me
Favourite day and week day
I've been very obsessed with cremonas lately : o]
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And my favourite day is saturday now, cause I finally get to have some time for myself to exist!!!!!!!!!!!!! and not work!!!!!!!
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
NCIS x Male!reader - parental figure
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NCIS x male!reader who is very motherly to them - Anon💜
Walking into the bullpen, you weren’t expecting to find anyone there, it was late, and everyone went home hours ago.
You only came back because you had some final things to do for Vance on a case that you had been working on for him.
“Tony?” You asked.
“(Y/N)? Why’re you here?”
“Paperwork. You?”
“Same.” He sighed.
He gestured to the mountain of paper work on his desk and you frowned.
Grabbing a chair, you pulled it up in front of his desk and looked at the pile.
“Your desk was empty when we left.”
“Yeah, apparently my reports aren’t professional enough. I just haven’t had the time to fill them in properly, it’s been case after case.” he sighed.
“This is why you’re here?”
“Yeah, I’ve been staying late for the past week to catch up, I don’t want Gibbs to find out.”
You nodded your head and smiled softly at him, reaching out you took the pen from his hand and gestured to your desk.
“There’s a pillow and blanket in the bottom draw.”
“I can’t sleep, I’ve got to do this. I have till morning.” He groaned.
Getting up, you wheeled his chair over to your desk and moved your chair around to his desk.
Taking a file, you gave it a quick read.
“It just needs rewriting your handwriting sucks. Look, my work doesn’t have to be handed in till the end of the week. You get some sleep I’ll do this.”
“I owe you big time man.” Tony smiled.
You waved him off and put your headphones in, grabbing a pen you quickly got to work.
You were a fast writer, so you were done with Tony’s rewrites by Dawn, and you were exhausted.
Getting up, you grabbed one of Tony’s spare tops and folded it, setting on the floor you decided to get some sleep while you could.
Tony woke up to someone dropped pens on his head.
“About time.” Gibbs said.
Setting a coffee cup on your desk, he turned to face you.
“How long has he been asleep for?” Gibbs asked.
“No idea (Y/N) came back after me, and wouldn’t let me work, he told me to go to sleep.” Tony said.
Gibbs nodded his head, grabbing the blanket that Tony was using.
He covered you up and they carried on with their work.
They got called out on a case, so McGee left a note for you which you saw as soon as you woke up.
Humming, you packed the blanket back away and headed down to the cafeteria. You looked at the food and frowned.
“Nothing of appeal?” Vance chuckled.
“Not for me. For the others, I think I’m just going to head out and grab something. Want anything?”
“No thank you, I’m good. I don’t want to hound you, but I need your files in soon.”
“I know, they’ll be done by the end of tomorrow don’t worry.”
He nodded his head, grabbed a coffee and walked away.
You headed back up to your desk, grabbed your keys and made your way out.
You headed to a few different places, grabbed everyone’s favourite food and came back.
To your luck, they were all back, including Ducky and Abby.
“Hey!” Abby beamed.
She rushed over and went to hug you but stopped when she saw all the food bags in your hands.
“Oh my god!” She squealed.
Taking a couple she held you bring them over and you handed it all out, letting Ducky take your chair.
Sitting on the floor, you smiled as you watched them all.
“You’re amazing as ever.” Ducky said.
“Yeah, we really needed this.” McGee nodded.
“Thank you. Next time it’s on us.” Ziva beamed.
You laughed and nodded your head.
They loved when you did for this, including Gibbs who didn’t often say much about it, but you knew he appreciated it.
You cared for them all, made sure they had enough sleep, ate enough and had plenty of rest. In a way, you were like a parent to them all, and cared for them all
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inkdemonapologist · 1 year
I often see that people don't want to include Joey in the process of Bendy's creation which makes me a little sad because i love Joey's character.
Bendy usually portayed as Henry's son from the point of being a drawing and to the point of the ink demon himself
Judging by logic,it would be impossible for Joey to lie about being involved (Tiol was released physically and Abby was around)
Personally i think that it's so important for Joey's character. The way he calls Bendy his "firstborn" in Tiol,the way Nathan said that Bendy was Joey's child and him having drawing in his apartment of two other toons holding Bendy's hands.
Maybe i should really stop talking about Joey in this fandom bc it always ends with "Joey has nothing to do with Bendy/ There's no importance of his involvement to the plot"
(I'm joking,not dropping my man lol)
What do you think about Joey being involved in Bendy's creation?
IDK Anon, last I checked there’s still some complex-Joey-likers in this fandom!
Anyway, I disagree that it would be impossible for Joey to lie about this, given other things we are PRETTY CONCLUSIVELY SURE that he’s lying about in the same book (Sammy’s hiring being an entire year off? As though nobody at JDS is going to remember that Sammy did music for cartoons before October of 1931?? Or, even worse, Joey giving himself two entirely different birthdays in the same book????????) -- I don’t think Joey’s lies are like, logically sound or carefully calculated. I think he just says things that create the story he wants to create in that moment and expects the sheer force of his personality to carry the story, so that people believe him even when the facts don’t quite line up (and I think writing things down created a bit of a handicap for him, since he is not actually good at keeping his story straight, just good at making people accept the story he’s telling in this moment). Joey doesn’t hesitate to just make things up.
I’ve talked about this before, but I think the thing with Joey’s telling of the creation of Bendy in The Illusion of Living is that if Joey wanted to invent a story… this just doesn’t seem like the story he would invent. He’s so off-balance and unsure in all his interactions with Henry, while Abby and Henry are much more confident and orchestrating this whole thing. Henry’s the one who gets the design Joey can’t. Abby’s the one who sees Henry’s potential when Joey can’t. If Joey wanted to lie about Bendy’s creation….. I just don’t believe that this is the lie that the terminally insecure Joey Drew would tell, which makes me more inclined to believe that there’s truth there. Why wouldn’t he just say he came up with it, that he doodled Bendy on a napkin one day like he did with Bendyland, that he passed his doodles to Henry and Henry was inspired and just touched them up a little? It’s not like Henry’s around to challenge that narrative.
Thread once suggested the idea, and I really like it a lot, that this one moment, a moment with his two best friends sitting on the floor with him and brainstorming the character who would become his absolute favourite together, was actually too special and emotionally meaningful to Joey for him to change it. He claims full credit afterwards, to a hilarious degree, but it’s still the one thing he couldn’t bear to unwrite – him and Henry making Bendy together. So… it's possible he could be lying. But in this instance, I’m inclined to think Joey’s mostly telling the truth.
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