#Abdominal Injuries
aceofwhump · 1 year
What's your favorite abdominal injury for a character?
Hnnnngghh that's so hard to answer. Abdominal injures are so good. So many things there to hurt and so many different ways to do it. Stabs to the gut are fun. Impalement is a favorite. So is broken ribs. Love broken ribs. Deep bruising is fun. Can't go wrong with a good ole gunshot wound to gut either. Hard to choose.
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healixhospitals24 · 1 month
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Explore Healix Trauma Care's revolutionary approach to treating orthopedic and abdominal injuries. Discover advanced solutions for optimal recovery.
Do Visit: https://www.healixhospitals.com/blogs/beyond-bones:-healix-trauma-care-revolutionizes-treatment-for-orthopedic-and-abdominal-injuries
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feverflushed · 4 months
Whumpee is woken up by the feeling of choking and pulling at their throat, and they feel the urge to cough.
A gentle hand squeezes theirs, and a soft voice whispers from their bedside.
"It's okay darling, surgery went well. You'll probably feel a bit hot for a while, you spiked a bit of a fever there..."
Whumpee looks around, confused. The gentle voice continues.
"Do you know where you are? We had to take you to emergency surgery, but you'll be okay."
Whumpee immediately realizes, and their surgical pain, exhaustion, fever and loneliness catches up to them. They start hyperventilating, and sobbing. They just can't stop the tears.
"It's okay dear, you'll be okay, try to breathe regularly." The gentle nurse squeezes their hand again.
"We're taking you back to your room now, so you can sleep off the anesthetic, alright? You did so well."
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doomspaniels · 11 months
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Tristan's scratched eye improved, but his eye still didn't look right, though I couldn't put my finger on why.
At his followup, my vet thinks he is developing glaucoma. She's about 95% certain, but still wants him to go through diagnostics before starting meds. We have an appointment Tuesday.
Meanwhile, Tristan is hesitating before going outside, and sometimes refusing entirely. I think it's the bright Florida summer sun, poor kid, so we're trying dark doggles to see if it helps. (Interesting issue: fogging. Can't explain lens fogging to a dog. Brainstorming...)
We keep glancing at him and thinking he has shucked the doggles, but no, they just blend really well 😄 He's mostly tolerating them well; hat practice is doing its job! (accustoming the dogs to irritants strapped to their heads)
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moxley · 2 months
aew has worked me good bc i’m minding my own business and then at random worrying about buddy matthews coughing up blood
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whumpypepsigal · 2 years
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Keep Breathing s01e01: “Make It Stop.”
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Does anyone have comfort videos
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faofinn · 8 months
No.8 "I've got soul, but I'm not a soldier."
Overcrowded ER | Outnumbered | "It's all for nothing."
Working in London had its perks. Good public transport, better money, a trauma network to be proud of. After the Army it had been welcome, a supportive network to put his skills to good use and help others as well as teach and learn. He’d made his career there, met his wife, and given it was the hospital that had saved Finn and given him a second chance to complete his degree, he owed it a lot. 
He’d just finished seeing a patient in the ED, and sat down to get his notes done. It had been a busy day, the ED overcrowded as ever, people waiting hours on hours to be seen. It was more and more like the status quo these days, not that that made it any easier to deal with. 
As luck would have it, he was sat next to Harrison, and he glanced over at him, humming. He’d been about to ask him if he was coming for for Sunday lunch that week when the world shattered around them. There was an explosion so big it rocked the ED, walls crumbling and windows shattering. 
Harrison suddenly found himself on the floor, shards of glass and debris surrounding him, his ears screaming. Everything was sluggish for a moment, reality slowly falling back into place. Blood dripped from his nose and he roughly wiped it away, trying to get to his feet.
The blast had taken Fao to the floor too, dust and rubble all around him, his ears ringing with it. It wasn’t the first explosion he’d been caught in the aftermath of, but that hardly made it any easier. Struggling to his feet, Fao gripped what was left of the desk. It took  a minute to register that Harrison had called his name. 
He looked critically over him. "You okay? Bleeding?"
"Let me see."
He struggled to stay upright, definitely concussed, and when he wiped at his brow his hand came back red. He wasn’t sure if he was bleeding anywhere else, trying to think was like trying to crawl through molasses. 
Fao looked as shit as Harrison felt, and it was taking every ounce of his control to not just break down. He cupped Fao's cheek with one hand, frowning. 
"How dizzy are you?"
Fao huffed a laugh. “Very.”
"Right, sit. I'm not having you collapse." He'd not thought he'd hit his head, but the sudden nausea and subsequent vomit said otherwise. He roughly wiped his mouth, turning back to Fao. "Let me check you, then…then god knows where we start."
Fao picked up a chair that had been knocked over, testing how stable it looked before he sat on it shakily. “I’m fine, I think. You’re not, though.”
"I'm fine." He brushed Fao's concern off. "Let me have a look at your head."
“Mm, ‘kay.”
Harrison was gentle as he did so, screams starting to break through the chaos. He knew he ought to go treat, but Fao was his priority. He always was.
He was starting to feel a little better, the blood more of an inconvenience than anything else. He pulled away, looking up at Hars. “We need to start triaging, Tomcat.”
"Yeah, I know. I just wanted to make sure you weren't gonna die on me." He said softly. "Let's go see what we've got."
“As if I’d die on you.” He said, carefully getting to his feet.
Harrison couldn't help his glare. "You're an arse."
“It’s fine, we’re even.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
He glanced at him. "No. But we don't have a choice."
“Okay enough to stand and treat, at least?”
"Yeah, course." He glanced around. "We need more staff."
“We need more on a good day.” Fao grumbled. 
Harrison snorted, hating the pain that lanced across his ribs. He rummaged in the drawer by him, making a triumph noise as he found the rota. "Right! Everyone listening! I need to know who we've got, who's hurt, and then we can triage patients, okay?
"If you are hurt, but still walking, start treating. I know we're all stubborn fuckers, but, for the love of god, if you are properly hurt, please speak to someone, let them help." His voice betrayed his stoicism for a moment. "I can deal with injuries. I can't deal with losing any of you guys, alright? Look after each other. We just need to get through the next hour, more help is on the way. I know you guys are scared, I know how overwhelming this all is, I know. But we can do this, okay? We've just got to get through the next hour.
He braced himself against the desk as dizziness hit him again, and he swallowed down the nausea. "We need to set up a triage, all current major patients are gonna be put in resus. Float a few of you there so anyone needing immediate medical treatment that's ongoing can get done. Anyone new, we'll move to majors one. Everyone currently admitted, majors two. Systems are down, let's get everything on the whiteboards, okay? Check everything twice, no mistakes. Go in pairs, nowhere alone, alright? Alright." He sighed. "This is shit, this is tough, but we've got this. I believe in you all, take a moment and let's try and sort what we can, okay?"
Fao let him talk, taking control easily and comfortably. It was his department, and he did a good job of getting everyone’s attention. Plenty were just as wounded as they were, some looked worse, and Fao’s eyes flicked critically as they gathered, taking stock of who could likely treat and who couldn’t. 
It was a relief to have his staff accounted for, however injured they were. He wasn't sure where the explosion had come from, or why, but that wasn’t the main focus. They'd deal with that later. They had patients they needed to see, and plenty of them should be patients themselves. With a dark expression, he rifled through the major incident pack, handing out tags.
"Fao? You alright to hold down adults for ten minutes? I want to go check paeds."
Fao nodded. “Yeah, absolutely. Be careful, yeah?” 
"And you." He said firmly, nodding at Fao. "I'll shout what I find."
“Don’t do anything stupid.” 
He turned to grin. "When would I ever?"
“All the time, that’s what I’m worried about!”
"Worry about my ED. That's all I'm asking!" He shot back, already making his way through the debris.
Fao shook his head, but turned his attention to the rest of the team. “Alright guys, listen up. Anyone who’s able to triage, go and triage. This is no different to any of the major incident training you’ve done. Don’t put yourself in any danger, don’t take stupid risks. There’s no point making more patients for us. If you’re not able to go and triage, come and see me, or send someone to get me if you need medical attention. Let’s work as a team, get things sorted, and we’ll get through this. I’m presuming we’re cut off from the rest of the hospital, so what we have here is what we’re working with.”
As everyone slowly split off, Fao was able to start taking stock, working out what supplies they had, what staff were around and who was injured or missing. They could start working out where was safe and where wasn’t, setting up areas to treat and areas to avoid. 
It was as he was sorting them that he came across a slumped figure, blood spattered over the floor. It was Jamie, Fao recognised him immediately, and knelt next to him. 
“Hey, Jamie.” He murmured. “You’re gonna be okay, I’m gonna get you sorted, alright?”
He barely raised his head, closing his eyes against the dizziness. "Fao."
“Hey. This is usually the other way round, eh? I’ve got you.”
"I don't know how you two do it." His voice was weak. 
“Stubbornness.” Fao admitted. “I’m gonna get you up now, alright? It’s gonna suck, it’ll hurt like fuck, but it’s the only way we can get you help.” He shifted his weight, and then carefully picked Jamie up, uncaring of himself as he got to his feet. 
"God, fuck this." He groaned, leaning into Fao. "Fuck."
“I know, I’m sorry.” He murmured. 
"Am I gonna die?" He couldn't help but ask. 
“Don’t be daft, of course you’re not.” Fao said lightly. “We’ve got to keep you around, you’re the only one who can cannulate me without turning me into a pincushion.”
He almost laughed, but the slight huff sent pain shooting through his abdomen. It spread everywhere, a shock going down his spine and the pain making him feel sick. He gave a groan, struggling to stay conscious. 
“Okay, no jokes.” Fao said softly. “I’ve got you, I’m damn good at my job. You’re gonna be alright, just keep breathing for me.” He managed to find a half decent treatment space, things getting relatively sorted now, and looked around. “Where’s Harrison?” He asked one of the HCAs.
"He's not come back yet."
“Shit.” Fao muttered. “Okay, I need as much kit as I can get.” He looked around, finding what he could make use of. It wasn’t much, but it was something. 
"Fao?" Jamie's voice cracked. 
“I’m here, you’re okay.” He said, coming back to his side. “I’ve even found some pain relief.”
"Breathing's 'ard."
“Keep doing your best, okay? You’re doing amazing.”
"Sorry." He hated it, hated it all. His body was trembling, each movement making the pain worse. He coughed, suddenly retching at the taste of blood in his throat. He couldn't sit up to clear his throat properly so turned his head, spitting blood with a whine. 
“You’re okay, don’t be sorry.” Fao soothed, ripping packs open to try and control the bleeding. “You’re doing so well.”
He forced a smile. "You don't have to lie."
“I’m not. Best surgeon in the hospital looking after you.” Fao tried to joke, packing the wound the best he could. 
"It fucking hurts."
“I know, I know. Hold on for me, you’re doing great.”
"Don't lie." He murmured. 
Fao had gotten to the point where he was happy enough with the packing, that the bleeding was at least slightly under control. He’d managed to bag painkillers and enough kit to start an IV, and he quickly set about getting access. “You’ll have to forgive me for this one mate, it’s been a while.” The lighting was shit, too, but Fao had always been decent at getting a vein, and managed to get a cannula in, feeling quite proud of himself. He needed more hands, though. He gave the morphine, scrawled the dose and time on Jamie’s arm with the pen he was glad he had in his pocket, and went back to the wound. 
Jamie was beyond glad for the pain relief, the morphine threatening to pull him under. He didn't fight it as much, allowing the haze to take over as he drifted. 
“That’s it.” He murmured, trying desperately to sort the bleeding. Where was Harrison? He should’ve been back by now.
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sodalite-lite · 1 year
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T-boy slay
I was going to give him a better neutral facial expression because there's not a single thought behind those eyes but my friend liked it :)! Also the skirt looks awful because I could not find a reference image nor could I make one :(
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carcinized · 2 years
ngl itd be really funny if Christian pulisic is still hurt on saturday and the US scores 0 goals because their best striker is out with a balls injury
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blueyedgrass · 1 year
said i would not talk about cwilbur death yet here i am collecting things so i can draw a the best (worst) place he couldve been stabbed.
#trying to figure out what would be the quickest death where his ribs wouldnt have gotten in the way#unfortunately the heart is protected by the rib cage and the lungs are not actually ideal#but the stomach. youd bleed out. which is not the best way to go nor is it the quickest#its a very vascular area but bleeding out from an abdominal wound takes way too long#if we look at the video to see when wilbur stopped speaking (so we can presume that he is in fact dead at that point despite having actuall#been killed a few seconds earlier) then there was only a few seconds where he was speaking to phil after being stabbed but before shuffling#off this mortal coil#which is difficult for me because that could be a botched injury to the throat as long as the larynx and such remained in tact. however it#would be kinda hard to fuck it up in that specific way. it would have to be a very delicate cut and that just does not fly in this scenario#phil is shorter than wilbur whcih helps me cause if they were standing then it would be pretty easy for him to go under wilburs ribs but th#at only works to a certain point so a punctured lung is looking like my best option yeah? but no cause that can actually take a while to ki#ll you. depending on circumstance.#what phil would be going for is a quick death. unless of course he wanted to try and do something more mild in an attempt to save him later#which is a perfectly fine possibility but it maes my job harder so im gonna say that he was trying togive will a quick death#so the heart. the carotid artery. or the trachea#i hc the arm wound as being an attempt at cutting his brachial artery#which can kill you in as little as two minutes#but its not quite what him looking for
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healixhospitals24 · 1 month
Beyond Bones: Healix Trauma Care Revolutionizes Treatment For Orthopedic And Abdominal Injuries
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In the realm of medical emergencies, trauma care stands as a beacon of hope for those facing life-altering injuries. Healix Hospitals, with its unwavering commitment to excellence, has pioneered Trauma Care that extends beyond traditional approaches, offering comprehensive solutions for orthopedic and abdominal injuries.
Let's delve into the innovative methods and specialized expertise that Healix brings to the forefront of trauma care.
What are some common orthopedic and abdominal injuries?
Certainly! Here's a more detailed rewrite of the content:
Orthopedic injuries encompass a wide array of conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system. These injuries commonly include:
Dislocations: Occur when the ends of bones are forced out of their normal positions within a joint. This can result from trauma or sudden impact, leading to pain, swelling, and limited range of motion.
Fractures and Breaks: Refers to the partial or complete breakage of bones due to trauma, overuse, or weakened bone structure. Fractures can vary in severity from hairline cracks to compound fractures where the bone pierces the skin.
Impingement Syndromes: Involve the compression of soft tissues between bones in a joint, often seen in conditions like shoulder impingement or hip impingement. This can lead to inflammation, pain, and restricted movement.
Sports Hernia: Also known as athletic pubalgia, it's a strain or tear in the soft tissue of the groin area. It commonly affects athletes involved in sports that require sudden changes in direction or intense twisting movements.
Overuse Injuries: Result from repetitive stress on muscles, tendons, ligaments, or bones without adequate rest and recovery. Examples include tendonitis, stress fractures, and muscle strains.
Sprains: Occur when ligaments, the tough bands of tissue that connect bones to each other, are stretched or torn. This often happens during sudden twisting or stretching movements, causing pain, swelling, and instability in the affected joint.
Abdominal injuries involve trauma to the area between the chest and pelvis and can vary greatly in severity and complexity. Common abdominal injuries include:
Contusions: Bruising of the abdominal wall due to blunt force trauma. While contusions may seem minor, they can sometimes indicate underlying internal injuries.
Lacerations: Refers to cuts or tears in the abdominal organs or tissues, often caused by sharp objects or severe blunt force trauma. Lacerations can lead to internal bleeding and require prompt medical attention.
Puncture Wounds: Penetrating injuries that breach the abdominal wall, potentially causing damage to internal organs such as the liver, spleen, or intestines. These injuries pose a risk of infection and internal bleeding if not treated promptly.
Herniations: Involve the protrusion of abdominal organs through weak spots in the abdominal wall muscles. Hernias can be congenital or develop over time due to factors like obesity, heavy lifting, or abdominal surgery.
Abdominal injuries can affect various vital structures, including the liver, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, stomach, small intestine, colon, ureters, bladder, and vasculature.
Blows to the solar plexus, a complex network of nerves located in the upper abdomen, are particularly common and can cause momentary paralysis of the diaphragm, leading to significant pain and respiratory distress.
Recognizing and promptly managing orthopedic and abdominal injuries are crucial to prevent serious complications such as chronic pain, loss of function, organ damage, and even life-threatening conditions like internal bleeding or sepsis. Seeking immediate medical attention and appropriate trauma care can significantly improve outcomes and facilitate recovery.
Read More: https://www.healixhospitals.com/blogs/beyond-bones:-healix-trauma-care-revolutionizes-treatment-for-orthopedic-and-abdominal-injuries
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bo0zey · 2 years
I hope you're doing ok, I only read about what happened at riot fest through someone who saw some of the people who fainted and had to be taken out, but to be in the situation that you were is so terrifying. I really wish I could whisk you to another concert of theirs, it breaks my heart that arseholes who have no regard to others' wellbeing ruined your experience. (And reading your post about how gerard was trying to control the crowd, I couldn't stop thinking about how disturbing it must have been to watch people fainting left and right and having to be surfed out of the crowd, and people still continuing to push.)
i'm okay!<3 i went home and hit the Hay afterwards lol. my abdominal cavity was still rlly sore tho lol like i couldn't eat my burrito once i got home :( which i shouldve expected cuz i couldnt even drink water without sharp stabbing pangs from my diaphragm n intestines still on bad terms with each other skjskjng . but i was better the next day :) . and i was so sad for the band you're 100% correct i can't imagine what they must've been thinking up there having to perform while so many people were getting hurt :/ . like gerard handled everything so well, better than the event organizers ffs, and i was so mad because then the tabloids were released ranking the 13 most "dangerous bands/crowds" at riot fest & MCR was right up there and it's like!!!!!! the band was doing everything they could to keep the crowd safe, pausing between every damn song, literally ZERO bantering from gee in between because he was too busy counting the steps he wanted the crowd to take back.
that's why i'm still kinda annoyed abt me almost fainting bc i know it's not my fault but i still feel so stupid n weak bc i feel like everyone thinks it's my fault too and i 'couldn't hang' but i was literally being crushed from all four sides of my body and my nose was in this stinky bitch's armpit like:((( it's not fair. and like i tried not to let the fact that i was almost barrier, ~1hr away from seeing the band whose music was literally the only thing i listened to from 12-16yrs old when my mom was sick and dying and i deadass had nothing left that resonated with me aside from mcr & the boys' side projects for 4 years straight. it sounds corny as fuck but it honestly felt like a dream come true to be able to see them live and so up close like??
but i'm not gonna lie i couldn't stay positive lol. i was in a fog and dissociated for their entire set. n like the fact that i was 1000000s of feet away from my original spot so i couldn't even see them on stage, just the big screen, it just made the dissociation worse because everything had already looked and felt unreal and now mcr felt unreal too but like in the worst way possible, like they actually WERE NOT real and i was watching a youtube video at home lol. and i've literally never tried so hard in my LIFE to re-ground myself because i wanted to be at least somewhat present for this once in a lifetime chance u know?? so i tried singing along but i couldn't because it made the shooting pains so much worse. then i tried just mouthing the words but the pain kept getting worse and i literally had to leave during the middle of TKFY because i was getting nauseous and lightheaded again. aside from the pain i truly couldn't feel anything while watching them perform i was just so numb from everything and i couldn't stop crying because i deadass felt zero happiness, and that realization made me cry more because they weren't even happy tears, they weren't the ones i'd expected to cry. it was honestly one of the worst feelings i've ever experienced, feeling nothing, just numb as fuck inside despite being live and present at the concert of the band that had at one point made me feel everything, every emotion, tenfold all at once. and there i was 10 years later, feeling nothing. tis a veerrrryyyyyy hard pill for me to swallow lol n im still tryna choke it down. i haven't been able to listen to any mcr songs since bc i'm afraid i'm going to experience the same empty feelings again orrrrr worse break down and cry like a little bitch n feel sorry for myself bc i was so.close. to having this 1 thing i always wanted but never thought i'd be able to have and then *poof* IT'S GONE. like i can't have shit in this world lol i jsut wanted to give my inner child some peace and remember happier days before mom was gone and what happpens instead??? god yanks mcr away from her too lmaoooo. it's like funny and ironic tbh idk. and then ofc for their last song gerard played cancer and i was 10000000000000 of feet away in pain while my stepmom tried 2 find me water n im just sobbing next to some trashcans bc suddenly im 12 years old realizing i just lost the last piece of my childhood n mcr can't soothe me anymore and mom isn't there either and now i truly have nothing left inside or outside myself that makes me happy:-). like i don't think i've EVER even cried to cancer bc i didnt think it was /that/ sad and my mom literally died of cancer and i still never cried??? But idk that was another weird sad thing that jabbed the knife in deeper lol.
but also ik why gee played it, they were supposed to close with TKFY but played cancer bc it's their slowest 'saddest' song which would hopefully make everyone chill the fuck out & leave without trampling each other. which, AGAIN, gerard is literally an amazing fucking frontman for once AGAIN going out of his way to try and mellow ppl out n keep everyone safe aND FOR TABLOIDS TO ATTACK THEM calling them the most dangerous band like!!!!!!!! it literally wasn't their fault ppl are just fucking idiots and don't understand BASIC PHYSICS/HUMAN ANTOMY DKDFNSKD. ngl the only reason i'm not wrathful abt the article is bc it's validating 2 me n my experience that Yes that crowd was actualyl fucking awful and what happened to me was OUT of my control n therefore it wasnt>:(my>:(fault>:(((
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That Nadal Fritz match was insane!!!
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My life won't be complete until I name the other lead in the historical fiction I've decided I'm going to write.
#but I've decided that the reason Jo and the other one get to stay together after the war without question#is because they always just claim they understand each other in ways no one else could.#it makes me kind of sad that they cant have kids so i might give Josie a husband that dies in the war#that when one wakes up screaming the other knows exactly why and is the only one who does.#because they were together through the whole war. they saw the same things.#i might also give one a husband? it wouldn't be Josie.#he would die. that would be part of the excuse too.#“well why don't you nice women marry soldiers? they know the horrors too#“she did. her husband died capturing Passchendaele and you want her to just replace him?#she is a mourning widow. And i am just a friend who understands.#i might give them both husbands. but it depends.#(Josie gives off agreement vibes. like they're both gay and in love with someone so they act as beards)#(whereas the other one gives off “im pretending I like men so he can be happy and i can be accepted” vibes)#but anyway i might give Josie a husband that dies in the war. and then the other one's husband would live through it and they'd stay married#but he would kill himself (within the year probably) as so many soldiers did. and she would be pregnant.#so that they could have a kid. because i think they deserve a kid.#god josie wouldn't know she wants kids but shed be such a good mom if it came down to it#but wait#ww2 if they wanted to sign up for it one of them would have to stay with their kid#I'd think Josie would be the one to go back and serve again. shes suited for it. she was in charge.#but she was wounded. bad i think. possibly just a leg injury but I'd love to go abdominal.#so she was probably honourably discharged. she can't go back. it would have to be the other one.#I don't think my heart could kill off either of them but especially not the other one if it would leave Josie and their kid all alone#james is rambling again#ocs#rambling#thoughts#writer#writing#original character
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swagging-back-to · 5 months
im so sus about the whole 'you NEED to use antibiotics for any sign of uri! it will never get better on its own!!"
bc like.... all mice have mycoplasma. if mice were barely able to go a week without getting a uri and without being able to fight it then mice would not exist. period.
unless uris are comparable to sepsis in mice, which they arent, because they can go months with one untreated.
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