#About to antagonize him back and pick a fight lol. See. Shes nice and i love her.
joelletwo · 11 months
Jorribly horribly horribly depressed and everyone thinks im stressed abt the corporate visit today and im getting so many allowances for it lol. Guh. Gwahhhh. Musters myself to not tell anyone to fuck off for the ~two hours theyll be here. Cant today but friday i want to talk to my manager about reducing my hours u______________u
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spacedlexi · 2 months
Kenny and Violet anon here YES.
Violet is upset because someone she defended against her found family of 8 years let her get taken by brainwashing adults for 2 seconds and everyone flips their lid.
But Kenny refuses to stop a train, and gets into a whole fight with Lee over it (AND REFUSES TO HELP YOU FIND A LOST LITTLE GIRL WHILE YOU’RE FIGHTING OFF AN INFECTION, where as Violet always defends you in Episode 1 regardless of whether you ignored and/or antagonized her or not), and gets mad at an 11 year old for not being able to handle helping someone in labor by herself and everybody’s like “Nah it’s okay, his family died years ago so he gets to do whatever he wants.” as if Violet didn’t witness one of the only consistent family members in her life die in front of her 💀
There’s so many comparisons I could make and one day I’ll make a Venn Diagram about all of their similarities but for now I’m glad someone pointed this out.
there are some things kenny does that have No excuse (like refusing to help bitten lee look for missing clem all because hes mad you didnt side with him enough. leaving lee to singlehandedly save himself in the pharmacy because he got scared. threatening to slap clem for blaming herself for lees death. off the top of my head). but his behavior on the train is annoying yet understandable. he doesnt want to admit his son is dying and he feels like duck dying in the first place is his fault for not saving shawn. you can convince him to stop without things getting physical
the Problem comes in when people can understand and sympathize with kennys annoying/shitty actions, but when it comes to violet (who has the same "my family is dead and its made me bitter and closed off" backstory (and her whole arc is about learning to love and care again)), suddenly all understanding goes out the window. even tho shes not even a FRACTION as annoying and shitty as kenny can get 😭😭
violet is mean to clem for the One scene where youre introduced to her (ignoring your first moment with her in the courtyard where shes smiling at clem so you already know her shitty attitude later is a lie. louis even defends her. wingman lol. and depending on what you say in response to her you can Immediately see the regret on her face LOL). but before the scene even Ends shes complimenting clem and clem loves it. then youre forced to talk to her and tenn about the twins, you have a nice card game where you can joke around with her, then she shows up at the dorm and they have a nice heart to heart about how theyre BOTH struggling with the loss of people theyve loved, and they can sympathize about both being harsher than they intend (THEY GET EACH OTHER CANONICALLY)
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and vi not being "a people person" is a huge part of her arc?? she doesnt like that shes like this 😭 but shes also better with people than she gives herself credit for and its why she makes a good leader. (and even if you pick the "came off strong" option clem is OBVIOUSLY teasing about it but vi cant tell and gets defensive ("its not like im trying to be bffs or whatever. sorry" is so "you want to kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid" of her)
and then after this shes never mean to clem again?? (unless you antagonize her but even then its mostly just about her standing her ground and not taking shit she doesnt deserve. which is fair). shes only mean to brody while fishing (and shes mean to brody because deep down she blames HERSELF) and the whole POINT of that scene is to try and mend their broken relationship which immediately makes vi a happier/nicer person if you do (also interesting how louis doesnt get any shit for His behavior while hunting 🤨 no hes just cool and fun). violet also apologizes for being "weird" in the dorms the previous night as well (bby girl why are you afraid that everything you do is weird 😭 she says that word a lot)
violet will Always have clems back (in EP1 and 2!!) No Matter What you do or say to her. i think people take her loyalty for granted. so if you dont save her in EP2 and expect to continue to have her unwavering loyalty in EP3? thats a You problem. she is Fucked Up mentally on that boat by lilly and her not-exactly-ex, and then gets caught in the explosion she didnt want anything to do with. AND THEN SHE APOLOGIZES because she recognizes she was WRONG
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(not her literally trying to make a joke about it to ease the tension 😭 people dont give her credit for also having a sense of humor. like louis is the only one who cracks jokes around here) but again when it comes to kenny his actions are understandable and defendable even without an apology 🙄 i literally side with kenny on Everything except the larry thing and if you dont make the right dialogue choice with him? he will not help you look for clem. because of larry 😐 i killed your son for you bro and then took care of his walker doppelganger so you didnt have to. and this isnt even touching his behavior in S2. and yet despite everything he does hes still one of the most beloved characters in the fandom 🤨
i just have to remind myself sometimes that all vi options were made 53-61% and the vi haters are a loud minority. her always being above 50% is so interesting to me because i love when choices are split perfectly 50/50. but the way the fandom talks about her (and the women in general) you wouldnt think shes technically the more popular option (and i Hate playing the popularity card its so annoying, but im only doing it bc people also say shit like "maybe if vi wasnt so mean more people would pick her" they DO pick her!!! you just got mad she was mean for 5 seconds, never payed attention to her again, and used her determinate reaction on the boat as justification for not liking her 😑) (also ignores how mean louis gets in EP2 regardless of choice?? but like kenny His actions are defendable and sympathetic and hers arent 🙄)
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timelesslords · 3 years
fluff 3 or fluff 10 please!!! (i love all ur fics sm)
ty <3! I went with a very loose interpretation of fluff 10 (are we on a date right now?) for this one lol
send me a sentence starter and I’ll fill it for Percabeth
“Are we on a date right now?”
“We’re on a mission right now. Focus, Seaweed Brain.”
Percy had sort of known that already, but if this was genuinely a mission and not a date, Annabeth wasn’t exactly dressed for the occasion. She was wearing a white summer dress, short and flowy, patterned with tiny cherries. The light fabric contrasted with her tan skin, making it seem to glow gold in the sunlight. Her long curly hair tumbled free over her shoulders, out of its usual practical ponytail.
Of course, she had an imperial gold knife strapped to her thigh under her skirt, but that didn’t negate the impracticality of the outfit otherwise. Not that Percy was complaining— she looked gorgeous. Still, it left him a little confused. 
“But we are like, on a date,” Percy said. 
“We’re pretending to be on a date,” Annabeth corrected. 
It was a sunny California day, and they were sitting on an outdoor patio of a restaurant. A restaurant that was in the mortal world, not New Rome, and although Percy had been debriefed beforehand, he was having trouble seeing exactly where the date ended and mission began. 
“You’re my girlfriend,” Percy pointed out. 
“So doesn’t that make this fake date a real date?”  
“No,” Annabeth said shortly, taking a sip of her sweet tea. Her straw was already stained with the lipstick she was wearing, red to match the cherries on her dress.
“I’m confused,” Percy admitted.  
“I explained this before we left.”
“And I was as confused then as I am now.”
Annabeth rolled her eyes, long and hard. Gods, she was hot when she was annoyed at him. Which was a very dangerous thought to have, because if she wasn’t he might be more careful about antagonizing her. 
“We’re pretending to be on this nice lunch date so that we can keep an eye on that server over there,” Annabeth said, tilting her head surreptitiously towards one of the waiters dealing with a table to their right, a kid with dark hair who looked maybe 16. 
“Who might be a half-blood,” Percy remembered. He had been paying some attention when she explained it earlier. 
“Wouldn’t bringing the two of us here drive out any monsters that are here?” Percy asked, frowning, “I mean, not to brag or anything, but I’ve been told I smell tasty.” 
“That’s kind of the idea,” Annabeth said, taking another sip of tea. 
“You didn’t mention that before we left,” Percy said, only a touch accusatory.  
And, okay, he probably should have seen this coming. If there was a monster stalking the kid, which given his age, was likely, Percy and Annabeth’s presence would be enough to draw it out. Then they could get rid of it and send the kid along to whatever camp he was suited for. It was very up Annabeth’s alley, what with its kill-two-birds-with-one-stone approach.
“You hadn’t gotten that far,” Annabeth said. If she was bothered by Percy’s tone, she didn’t show it. In fact, she looked like she was trying not to laugh.  
“Hadn’t gotten that far in what?” Percy asked, playing along. 
“In understanding the plan,” Annabeth said. 
“You made this convoluted on purpose,” Percy said, grinning, and now it was a genuine accusation— an amused one, but an accusation all the same. Annabeth just shrugged innocently. 
“It’s not my fault good plans are complex sometimes,” she said.  
“Were you just counting on me thinking this was a date so I would agree to go?” Percy asked. 
“No,” Annabeth said, though her eyes flickered away from his for just a second. 
“You’re a bad liar,” Percy said, affectionately.
“No I’m not,” Annabeth rebuffed, bristling, “I specifically told you before we left that this was a fake date.” 
“I would have gone anyway,” Percy said. It was true. He would probably go anywhere Annabeth asked him to, but a simple recon mission to pick up a possible half-blood really was no sweat. Even if monsters were involved.
“It was easier this way,” Annabeth said. She was fighting to keep the smile off her face now, he could see the corners of her mouth twitching.
“Easier for you,” Percy said, grinning openly. 
“Well, I wasn’t about to make it easier for you,” Annabeth said, smile finally breaking through. 
“So you lured me on the promise of a nice date out with my girlfriend and instead I’m sitting here as monster bait,” Percy said, leaning back in his chair, folding his arms across his chest.  
“I lured you out with the promise of a fake date,” Annabeth amended, “And I mentioned everything but the monsters beforehand.”
“You could’ve mentioned the monsters.”
Annabeth shrugged again, unconcerned.
“I knew you would get there eventually.”
“Thanks. I think.”
“Anytime babe.” 
“I really would have come anyway.” 
“I know, that’s why I didn’t feel bad. It was just more fun this way,” Annabeth said, smiling around the straw of her drink.
“For you,” Percy said, though he was smiling too. 
“I like watching you figure out my plans,” Annabeth said,   
Percy raised an eyebrow. 
“Oh, do you?” 
Annabeth flushed a little at that, but unfortunately did not have a chance to respond. At that exact moment there was a loud crash a few tables over, a piercing scream rippling through the air. Percy and Annabeth exchanged a look.
“Looks like our date is over,” Percy sighed, pulling Riptide out of his pocket.
“Fake date,” Annabeth corrected, knife already in hand.
“Raincheck for a real one?” he asked, uncapping his sword. She flashed him a grin. 
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empty-dream · 2 years
86 ep 23 rambling
I need weeks to finally put my thoughts to words because I just-
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This is gonna be very long...
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They arrive safely! The scene feels similar to the first time they came there. Similar, but not the same.
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Even their cards are customized according to their personal names.
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GOOD FOR YOU ERNST T_____T I will never get over the :people who never have home finally find one and for the first time say ‘I’m home’” kind of scene.
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Love this exchange lol. For all intent and purpose, Ernst really acts like their dad.
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I love that they finally can move forward, and learn that it’s okay to fit in and rest properly while still continue to fight their war. Both can coexist. The main 5 don't look like war veterans at all. In fact, I not even sure if Anju's friends or Raiden's coworkers know they are infamous soldiers in the military.
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Raiden explains in the novel that Shin is the kind of cook that doesn't care if egg shells are mixed in. That's why he is banned from kitchen duties. The anime omits mentioning this, but it's nice to see in this scene that now there is Frederica to tell Shin not to do that and Shin actually putting an effort.
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Anju being so shocked she brings the toast all the way to Raiden lmaoo. Does the conversation go like Anju: "You won't believe what Shin just made! A FOOD WITHOUT EGGSHELLS!" Raiden: "You really come here just to say that?"
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There is something very cute about Kurena being interested in fashion. And this time, she lets herself enjoy trying out new clothes and even picking items herself. I mean, that is a normal thing for a 15-16 years old to do.
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Theo can finally draw something else, something that is not from an old memory and that he would like to see.
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Another character development from Ernst. This time, it’s what he himself proposes.
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Another relationship development. That’s Lena on the screen and everyone accepts her now.
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I've always felt that Shin visiting Eugene's grave is something cathartic. Shin never gets to visit a grave before, 86 not being given one. And after Eugene's death, he's busy and there is also the matter with survivor guilt, suicidal tendencies and the letters of blame. So the fact that in the end Shin can visit Eugene's grave, and promises to come back again, it's so exhilarating in a way.
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HOLY SH- THEY ADD MARCEL TOO IN THIS SCENE. MY HEART STOPPED WHEN I SAW THE FOOT. I CRIED. THEY REALLY PUT CLOSURE TO THIS WHOLE THING. I remember noting that in ep16/17, it somewhat looks like Nina writes it herself instead of Marcel being the one making her write it (even though anyone with slightest bit deeper reading comprehension would come to the latter conclusion). That's why I'm glad the final episode clears this up as well as the entire conflict with them. Remember when Marcel constantly antagonizes Shin in front of Eugene? Now Marcel makes up with Shin, in front of Eugene's grave.
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AS BEAUTIFUL AS I IMAGINED IT'D BE. I’m so glad Nina learns that Shin would never have killed Eugene and that he still treasures her dead brother even today.
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I KNEW HE'D PUT REI'S PIECE THERE IN THE END. HE CAN FINALLY LET HIM GO T______T He finally stops clinging on life just to find a way to die following his brother....
Oh and Alice’s name is also there..... I know she was Shin’s first captain.
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I love this so much. He can finally say he's the Reaper with his head held high. It's no longer simply a bad omen or lifelong burden for him. It's now his pride.And he will live for the people that are with him.
Also Avid playing in this entire scene. God, best ED.
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So at least by the time Lena left her house to fight, there was only three people left in Queen’s Knights...
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Love how Lena’s POV also has her visiting her father’s grave at the beginning, just like how Shin visits Eugene’s. I mean, the 2nd half of the ep is mirroring the 1st half.
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The fact that many 86 salute to her speak a lot of her standing in the current state of San Magnolia. She's become respected by the soldiers there.
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The sceneries in San Magnolia sends chill. The one that starts with superficial prosperity for one single race has been destroyed and now is in a very real ruin
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The Alba trio there are the ones from the Gran Mur lobby, the ones that are drinking and belittling Lena. Good grief they don’t change even after all of these. The Giadian officers look at them like they are trash, thanks.
I remember I mentioned my favorite novel-only scene where there was a speech by an Alba high school valedictorian who called out the Republic’s bullshit on killing their non-alba friends. And actually, I also have another fav scene too, one that happens when the Federacy comes to rescue San Magnolia. Upon encountering the truth of 86, the Giadian commander tells the president and the remaining higher ups of the Republic: "If you hated colors so much, you may as well have dyed your flag white" And considering how much the republic loves to wave the "Glory to the five-colored flag" slogan, DAMN THAT BURNS SO HOT. I wasn't surprised it didn't make it to the anime, but deep inside I'm a bit disappointed lmao it's such a delicious roast.
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Yass the Queen's Knights's pretty lady (the center one, I mean) makes it out alive! (I'm guessing her name is Shana Aya, personal name Melusine?)
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Rito Oriya.... I know that name, but I didn't know it will actually appear this early.
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Not a single living being in the room likes this guy. This is his 2nd screen time and he manages to get even more despicable twofold. He wants to impress the Giadian officers so much, he puts a photo of him (clearly uninvited) with two Eighty Six and even worse, replace his family photo with a new one where his wife and son's hair are dyed. The colors look pretty artificial, like everything else in the former Republic. I mean, who the fuck are you trying to fool? Their eyelashes are WHITE. Why do you think Aldrecht wears sunglasses all the time?
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Nice to see Lena and Annette going back to be simple cheerful teenagers for once. It's kinda funny that around a year ago, on the same house, they had a big fight and Lena stone-coldly calling her with her rank. I really thought they'd drift away after that lmao.
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And I love how Lena inspires people to fight however they can. With juggernauts, with guns, with sciences, with words. The girl in the front is the soldier working under her. I'm not really sure if my interpretation is correct, but I think it means the republic is going to change with people from all race coming there and become "true."
According to an interview, the doodles are made by the anime staff and voices actors as well.
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“Until my ideals are shattered.” Damn that's a good line.
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I KNEW IT SHE'D TOUCH KAIE'S NAME LIKE IN THE OPENING. God what a beautiful detail. Kaie was the friendliest one to her and her death triggered her wake-up call after all.
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SHE TOUCHES ALL THE LAST FIVES NAMES AND ENDS WITH HARUTO'S. I FEEL LIKE THAT'S MY OWN HAND. *ugly weeping* I know Haruto was one of the friendlier ones with her, but I really to see them interact more T_T
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Idk who these are but I think the furthest one looks like Blackbird (The Sledgehammer squadron captain) Amazarashi playing in this scene is just HNGHGNGNGJGJKLIOJ KYOUKAISEN O MUKOU GA WA DE I know competition is tight but I'm gonna be so mad if Kyoukaisen doesn't win a single award for best opening.
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Love how there are now 6 birds instead of 5.
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AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH A MONTAGE AGAIN!!! It’s exactly like EP10 except far, far happier. The five people of the remaining Spearhead Squadron are looking forward to meet Lena. For me, Lilas isn't as quickly ear-catching as Avid, Hands Up to the Sky or even Alchemilla. And Lilas is quite gentle and calmer than the other three ED songs. But it is precisely because of it that I find it fitting for the scene. It amps up the sweetness and heartwarming scene and I can really focus on what's happening.
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Lmao he plays with that one bang. I also want to touch it lol, he looks like a guy checking himself out before going out. I wonder if by that time, he means he was watching Shin and Lena's meeting from afar, or when Lena synced vision with him back in ep9.
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She loves the kitty so much...
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DAIYAAA HARUTOOO KAIEEEEE!!!! Thank you for letting me see them one last time in the final episode T_T They are also the cast that has their own slot in the 1st opening before they die... Oh Is this the day Daiya found the cat?
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Wow this is what I call character development lmaoo. It's a big step up from how he first thought of Lena. And the big proud cheeky smile, contrasting the somber days....
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It's so cute to see her excited at the prospect of graduating from little sister figure. Soo, who is gonna tell her that a) It's actually that way with Shin and Lena, and b) That's not how the little sister figure system works....?
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REEIIIII ONII-SAMA THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHINGGGG! I'm glad I can see you again one last time. And also Papa and Mama Nouzen! They look like adult Shin and (female) Rei, respectively. This part really feels like they (and Fido) are sending Shin off. But seriously, was Fido their actual dog? Or a robot dog?
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OF COURSE ERNST ACTUALLY ARRANGES IT LIKE THIS. He sketched the entire concept. Best dad ever.
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I'm with Grethe and Richard. What is he doinngg is talking robot the power of Onyx people lmao
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I'm glad Fido actually avoids her hair. It'd hurt a lot.
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GOD. OH MY GOD. OHH MY GODD. THEY ARE SO HAPPY TO MEET EACH OTHER. I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. Like, this scene doesn't brush their relationships aside just because Shin and Lena's is the main one. They all know each other, they share a story with each other, and ultimately conclude with seeing each other. And it makes the whole story so much more humane and relatable.
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This is a very cheeky yet sweet way to end the season. Bravo.
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There is an omake in the official Twitter where everyone on the vicinity takes a photo as well lol. TL;DR Oh my god what a journey. I've been screaming about this series for idk, a year? I hold this anime series so dearly in my heart. I start out an anime watcher until I buy the novels. And imo, the anime is beyond a simple light novel adaptation. It's not just copying the LN content and animating it as it is. So much creative interpretation, thorough exploration, and technical skills go into the anime. I hope that the team won't rush to create Season 2 because I want at least the exact same quality of adaptation (and better scheduling for the crews).
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angelz-dust · 4 years
masters of none - part 2 (jason todd x reader)
summary: thank you all for taking interest in this! i’ve gotten wonderful feedback and helpful criticism that i appreciate so much. i’ve decided to give you guys some more jason since i’m sure you all want to see him lol. i have a plan tho so bear with me. we are currently laying the foundation.
word count: 2.9k
warnings: alcohol. food mention. anxious reader.
part 1 /// part 3
ungodly hour
when you decide you like yourself. when you decide you need someone. when you don't have to think about it.
you felt an uncomfortable churning in your stomach as your bare back pressed against the cold leather seats of the limousine. you laced your fingers and rested your hand over your middle, hoping the subtle self soothing would calm your nerves. it wasn't everyday you went to a wayne gala after all. your silence and clear discomfort was enough to stir a reaction from misha, one of your fellow producers and stylist.
"you doing alright over there?" she asked after applying her lipgloss, carefully wiping the corners of her mouth.
"chillin'," you responded with a little shrug.
that was a lie. you felt like you were going to shit and projectile vomit simultaneously. however, it was freezing in the limo so you were definitely chilling in some sense of the word. your navy off the shoulder dress made of tulle embroidered with stars but it wasn't really warm. your shoulders were exposed and so was a good portion of your arms. you didn't know how misha was holding up in her dress. her entire back and arms had to protection from the cold at all.
"you know this isn't a big deal, right?" she reminded you gently. she must have picked up on your discomfort. "we'll go in, i'll network with the old money of gotham, and we'll leave."
"yeah but where does that leave me?" you asked her, shifting in your seat and almost slipping out of it. the tulle didn't provide much traction against the slippery leather. "i'm your plus one, remember? i serve no purpose."
"i thought that was the selling point," she pouted before making an attempt to cheer you up. "you don't serve no purpose. you're there to make me look good. my arm candy."
"i believe people may see it as the other way around," you informed her with a sigh. "but... fine. as long as you don't leave me alone."
"and let somebody snatch up my trophy wife?" misha scoffed, causing you to exhale through your nose with a barely visible smile. "i'm not letting you out of my sight!"
the limousine slowly stopped in front of the venue, your door lined up with the red carpet that had been laid out for the guests. it was time. you glanced around, briefly considering your escape plan just as the driver had opened the door, snuffing our any idiotic thoughts you had about jumping out through the sunroof or shimming out of the opposing window, away from the prying eyes of the paparazzi.
the lights. bright, blinding white lights flashing on and off. if you weren't acutely aware of where you were at the moment, you would've thought some kid had an essay due at midnight with the furious clicking and shuttering that filled your ears. misha was the first to step out, waiting for you to maneuver your way out.
the golden light emanating from the venue, paired with the harsh lights from the press honestly made misha look even more beautiful than normal. here you were, completely out of your element, standing next to a goddess in lilac chiffon. you looked up at her, noticing how the soft edges of her face contrasted with the sharp ones of her collarbone and the plunging v neck only accentuated that. the person you were with wasn't your friend, or your label mate. no, you were with gotham's resident fashionista and trendsetter, misha matsuri. if anyone was the arm candy, it was her.
you were brought out of your trance when she linked arms with you and began leading out down the red carpet. you honestly couldn't make out what the paparazzi were shouting at you both, aside from the occasional scream of your names. normally, you'd be a little more lively but this was a very important and formal event. it wasn't like the times where you went to award shows and you could feed off of the other seven's excited energy. you weren't surrounded by fans or people who were interested in hearing about you. you were here for misha and only her. you liked that aspect of it, but it was still uncharted territory for you.
"misha! can you tell us more about your foundation?" a reporter asked, pushing through the eager paparazzi who wanted to monopolize on their close contact with you both.
"of course," misha smiled, flipping her hair out of her face. "to cut to the chase, m squared is making fashion accessible to everyone. we've have homeless people on the streets who have no access to clothes that are befitting of the harsh weather they endure on a daily basis. we have low income families who can't afford to give their children new clothing for the school year. there are people who can't afford a nice shirt and slacks for their job interviews. our goal is the provide these people with what they need. access to clothing is a necessity, not a luxury."
you listened to misha and felt pride swell up in your chest, replacing the nausea that had plagued you previously. you were quickly reminded of why you came with her in the first place. she was trying to do something wonderful for the community and aid others in doing the same.
misha left it at that, dragging you along once she had said what she wanted. "see? that wasn't so bad."
"we haven't even crossed the threshold, mother teresa," you reminded her, jerking your chin in the direction of the large double doors behind held open for you both. misha flashed her invitation to the bouncer, quickly being let in.
the two of you walked in and you were stunned at the venue. everyone was dressed to the nines. you recognized many politicians, socialites, and some celebrities as you worked your way to the main ballroom. you felt your eyes widened as you saw bruce wayne out socializing with his guests. you had seen him on the news and in magazines but never in person. he was much taller than you expected. and closer in proximity to you. how was that happening?
"miss matsuri, miss l/n," he had greeted you both, almost surprising you. you weren't sure if misha brought you to him or he brought himself to you. maybe they met halfway while you were in shock. either way, he was here now. "it's wonderful to finally meet you both."
both? he knew you? bruce wayne knew you?
"thank you for your invitation, mr. wayne," misha smiled politely as they gently shook hands. he turned to you, offering you the same courtesy. you felt your brain lag out before you snapped out of it, taking his hand with nervous laughter. "it was a pleasant surprise."
"anyone that has the best interest of gotham in mind deserves recognition and support for their efforts. and please, bruce is fine."
you zoned out as bruce gave you the run down on the place. your eyes wandered around, occasionally lining up with a location bruce was telling you about. you were brought out of your boredom when you heard a loud crash off in the distance. you saw a group of four boys all surrounding a broken champagne bottle like it was a crime scene. you saw a twinge of annoyance on bruce's face before he collected himself.
"please excuse me. i need to reprimand my sons," he said apologetically, making his way over to the group who paled at his presence, except for the youngest one.
"father, this was todd's doing," you heard him say with a frown. "he kept antagonizing drake and they knocked over the champagne. grayson and i were merely bystanders."
"you are such a snitch," the apparent perpetrator sneered.
"here, come on," misha laughed, dragging you away from the scene. "i have old men to seduce for their money."
your gaze lingered on the group while you were dragged away. you knew that none of them were related by blood, expect for the little one and bruce, but handsome clearly ran in the wayne family. there must be something in that expensive tap water.
you spent majority of the night helping misha on her quest for benefactors. she wasn't made of money and she had made it clear that she didn't want money coming from the community. she wanted to 'milk the rich bastards of gotham for everything they've got' or something to that effect.
not actively participating in these conversations required you to try and keep yourself occupied. you started counting the chandeliers (there were five), thinking about one of the tracks you were working on (the chorus was lacking something and you didn't know what it was), and at one point you tried listening in on other conversations, hoping to hear about something juicy (you didn't).
how many glasses of champagne have you had now? three? four? you lost count. you realized you should've been counting them instead of the chandeliers. either way, you were definitely starting to feel the effects of that err. or was that the sensation of being watched?
misha had left to use the bathroom, leaving you by the fancy finger foods. as you ate the bacon wrapped enoki mushrooms, you could feel the presence of another person. you swallowed your food with a helpful swig of champagne before turning to the person who had made a claim on one of the strawberries with chocolate drizzle.
you watched as his lips parted, carefully taking a bite of the potentially messy dessert, his gaze directed at you. it was the handsome wayne boy from earlier. the champagne murderer was what you were calling him in your head. he was very tall and much better looking up close. his eyes were very striking, too. from the look in those eyes, you quickly figured out what he was trying to do.
"she's in the bathroom," you informed him, his brow perking silently as he chewed the berry, licking his lips of any lingering juice. he had this look on his face. confusion? but then you saw him fighting back a smile as he looked down at the table before looking over at you again.
"who?" he asked, his tone and look in his eyes awfully playful. you confused his flirty tone for coyness.
"don't play dumb," you laughed. normally, you wouldn't help out guys when it came to getting on misha's good side but you were making an exception for the dangerously handsome champagne murderer. "i can't give you her number. she hates that. but if it's any consolation, you're definitely her type."
"well, what about you?" he asked after taking a short pause to digest your words. "am i your type?"
you scoffed. the gall of this man. 
"am i the backup plan or something?"
"no," he said, his lips pursed slightly as he shook his head. "would you like to be?"
"there's not going to be a plan to back up if you're trying it with me," you told him seriously. what a dick. it was to be expected, though. he was bruce wayne's son after all. of course he was a player.
"i never said i was trying anything. you're the one who keeps assuming things," he reminded you with a little grin. "had it occurred to you that i came over here, simply wanting to indulge myself in these divine strawberries?"
and he did just that, looking you in the eye as he took a slow bite of his new berry, raising a brow as you watched him. "what?"
"are they as divine as you anticipated?" you asked, not being able to resist some teasing.
there was something about the way he answered you. was he flirting? were you flirting? the champagne was making it hard to read the situation. there was no way someone as gorgeous as him would spare you a glance and even if he did, you didn't have the time or energy for romance.
"alright. i'll be honest. i came over here because, well, i'm a fan," he told you, turning his body to fully face you now.
"oh," you nodded, not sure what to say next. when people led with that, it always felt awkward. were you supposed to say thank you, or was that weird?
"yeah. i've always wanted to meet batman."
you visibly paused, turning to face him as you watched him give you a lopsided grin. you breathed out a laugh, shaking your head. so he was a fan. he was referencing something you tweeted a few days ago. someone had jokingly made a conspiracy thread, claiming at you and the rest of cloud 9 were the vigilantes of gotham. they had theorized that you were orphan, to which you rebuffed, saying that you were clearly batman and they were blind not to see the resemblance.
"shhh, it's a secret," you whispered, putting your index finger to your lips. 
"ohhh. right, right. my mistake," he whispered back with a firm nod. "how do you juggle your two jobs, though? seems difficult."
"well, if you must know, batman is actually a robot that i control from the comfort of my couch. very advanced technology. you wouldn't get it," you joked, making jason laugh out loud. was it really that funny or were you missing something?
"funny," he answered unintentionally. or you thought. could he read minds? "i'm jason."
"jason," you tested out his name on your tongue. jason. you liked it. "wayne?"
"todd," he quickly corrected you, seeming very adamant that you understood that.
"jason todd," you said again, almost addicted to how it sounded coming from your lips. jason. jason todd.
"and you're y/n l/n," he said, almost as if he were telling you, reminding you that was your name. you weren't sure if you liked saying his name or hearing him say yours more. before you could even register what was happening, he took your hand and gave it a soft kiss.
you locked eyes with him as he looked up at you with his lips, soft as silk, pressed against your knuckles. you could see something in them. he looked... unsure. afraid of his actions. you found yourself subconsciously mirroring his expression in an effort to try and identify it.
"it's a pleasure to finally meet you," you said breathlessly, noting how his demeanor changing a little now that the two of you searched each other's souls for a few seconds. he rubbed his thumb over your fingers before letting go.
"pleasure's all mine," he said, his voice softer now. he was the one who broke eye contact, looking around absentmindedly. he grabbed another strawberry, about to eat it when you went to carefully grab it from him. his lips grazed your fingers as he loosened his lazy grip, letting you take it from him.
"you can't hog them all," you informed him, trying it out for yourself. they were divine, just as jason described them to be. you let out a satisfied hum, which seemed to grab his attention.
"things always taste better when they belong to someone else, right?" he teased and you couldn't help but wonder if there was a double meaning to that.
"you don't own the strawberries, jason.”
"no, but i owned the one that's in your mouth, y/n."
you were sure he was saying these things on purpose now. you just smiled, softly sucking the juice off the pads of your fingers. seldom did the opportunity to harmlessly flirt with someone present itself so you wanted to enjoy it while you could. during your back and forth, you could feel yourself holding back, despite this. you felt jason was doing the same. you were both constantly thinking about what you were doing and actively fighting against it but not doing a very good job at it. it was odd, but you felt like you and jason had this unspoken, mutual understanding for what you were doing in that moment.
still, you couldn't let yourself fall into that trap. you knew when this was all over, that was it. nothing would come from it and you were fine with that. besides, he was a fan, right? it wasn’t right to be with a fan. there was a power imbalance there that you weren’t looking to exploit.
"sorry to interrupt, but my wife and i have an early morning tomorrow," you heard misha say from behind you as she wrapped her long, slender arms around you. saved by the bell.
"wife?" he parroted, giving you a curious look.
"yeah, for like, two more hours," you reminded her as you glanced at your watch.
"and you have to respect the sanctity of our fake marriage until then. just like cinderella," misha told you, putting her arm around your shoulder now.
"i don't think that's how the story goes," you laughed, giving jason an apologetic look afterwards. "i should get going."
"i understand. i'd hate to be branded a home wrecker," he joked and misha gave him a look.
"oh, i'm sure you would," she smirked, tugging you along. "goodbye, thief."
"bye jason," you called to him, waving goodbye, receiving a silent wave and smile in return.
"what was that about?" misha nudged you playfully, giving you a suggestive look as she led you through the maze of bodies blocking your escape route.
"i'll tell you on the way home."
you exited the venue from the back, where your limo was waiting for you. what started out as a scary social event ended up being surprisingly fun. you learned a thing or two from watching misha network and that conversation with jason was entertaining, to say the least. you wondered if you’d ever run into him again.
probably not.
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mamichigo · 5 years
This goes to the anon who wanted to know more about the bonds between the pillars in the modern au! I hope you’re ready for the monstrosity that is this post
Drinking buddies club: Rengoku and Giyuu, being co-workers, also drink together on Fridays. The first few times, Rengoku had to basically drag Giyuu into it, and he went begrudgingly, but with time Giyuu found that he actually enjoys their outings. Expanding his social circle didn't seem like a bad idea either.
They're often joined by Sanemi and Iguro, who are friends with Rengoku. Those two have a complicated relationship with Giyuu, but they don't straight up hate his guts; they just love to pick on and antagonize him for the hell of it. Also, Sanemi and Iguro feed off each other’s bastard energy, so they get caught in bastard loop that instantly kills everyone in a 100km radius (except for Rengoku, who’s immune to bastardness, and Giyuu, who does not give a fuck and is just happy he has friends).
The ex-schoolmates squad: Rengoku, Sanemi, Iguro and Kanroji all went to the same high school. Sanemi and Iguro were third years and in the same class, while Rengoku was a second year and Kanroji was a first year.
Rengoku was literally the only one Sanemi talked to properly and got along with, differently from everybody else, with whom Sanemi picked fights at least once. Kanroji knew Sanemi and talked to him, but she was so sweet and nice that he didn't know what to do about that, so he avoided her like the plague.
Rengoku and Kanroji were both in the volleyball team/club. They went to a bunch of competitions together, and were quite the powerful duo. Kanroji still admires Rengoku, and Rengoku still looks out for Kanroji. He regularly meets up with her for lunch to catch up and make sure she's doing alright.
Iguro didn't interact with Rengoku and Sanemi until after he graduated from high school. In fact, he didn't interact with anyone besides Kanroji. He hated everyone and hated school, and Kanroji was the only one able to reach out to him. You may see it as a "lol emo phase" thing, but it was actually very detrimental to his mental health, since Iguro had (and still has) a tendency to self isolate. Kanroji is helping him work on it.
The school kids: Tokitou, being 14, is still in middle school, and Giyuu and Rengoku are his teachers. Rengoku is the only PE teacher that can get Tokitou to actually work by offering exercises he's interested in, even if he's doing something completely different from the other kids. Also, if Rengoku makes a goal for Tokitou, he'll work harder on his task (Tokitou isn't good at putting in effort without a goal in mind).
Giyuu just generally doesn't bother him, even when Tokitou is clearly spacing out or doodling on his notes. He knows Tokitou will get a high grade anyways, plus he isn't bothering anyone, so Giyuu doesn't care.
Tokitou also knows Shinobu through Kanao! Kanao and Genya study in one high school, while Tanjirou, Zenitsu and Inosuke go to another. They're a big friend group, which started with Shinobu introducing Tanjirou to Kanao, then it was a matter of "here, meet a friend of my friend" until they were all close to each other.
(Also: Senjurou and Nezuko attend the same school as Tokitou, but they're from another class.)
The neighbors: Kanroji lives across the street from Shinobu's house. She introduced herself when she first moved into the neighborhood and instantly got attached to all the girls in the house. She likes to come over to chat, and always brings sweets with her, while either Shinobu or Kanae provide the tea. She loves all the kids with all her heart (Kanao, the triplets and Aoi), but has a particularly soft spot for Aoi, and will sulk whenever Aoi goes back home. Kanroji also likes to check up on Shinobu and try to cheer her up, knowing that Shinobu overworks herself way too much.
Iguro will sometimes come along, even though he's terrible with kids and even worse at conversation. No one is sure why, but apparently he likes being around Shinobu (he has admitted to Kanroji that he appreciates the strength of her resolve and how she never forces him to talk).
The dancing duo: Kanroji and Uzui teach at the same dancing school, often doing joint classes. Uzui thinks Kanroji is amusing, and they often strike up conversation during warm-up in between classes. They have a whole "the cousin of my friend's crush told me that" thing going on. As in, Shinobu hears about what's going on with everyone else from Rengoku, Iguro and the butterfly sisters, and then she relays it all to Uzui. He doesn't know half these people (he only met Iguro and Rengoku), but he's wholly invested in their lives.
The savior and the saved: Himejima was the one who supported the Kochous after their parents' death in a car accident, even more so after Kanao joined them. Kanae had to work part-time while also studying to help her sisters, and Himejima pitched in however much they needed to make it through the month. He often bought them gifts since they couldn't afford them themselves. Thanks to his and Kanae's effort, Shinobu never had to work while studying, allowing her to pursue her dreams.
Shinobu decided to be a nurse because she was inspired by Himejima. She saw how much he did not only for them, but for others too, and decided she wanted to be like that too. Shinobu is proud to say she works under his guidance at the hospital.
Himejima was also the nurse responsible for taking care of Sanemi’s mother. She got very sick around the time he graduated from high school, and her condition was worsened by stress from working herself to death to support Genya and Sanemi. Knowing Sanemi needed a good job to take care of the hospital bills and make sure Genya could have a good life, Himejima made use of his connections to assure Sanemi would get a high paying office job. Though his mother passed away years later, Sanemi is still grateful for what Himejima did, and nowadays he bakes his favorite cookies (his mother’s recipe) to send to Himejima twice a month.
The ex office workers: Sanemi and Kanae had very similar lives. Both lost their supporting family, were helped by Himejima, got a job at the same office to support their sibling(s), then left the job to follow their dream after they were more financially stable. Even now, both working very different jobs (Sanemi as a baker, Kanae as a florist), they relate deeply to each other's story and struggles, so they have quite the tight bond. They text each other quite often.
(Obviously, Shinobu is acquainted with both Sanemi and Genya, and has been in contact with them for years.)
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lilhemmo · 5 years
WHY HAS NO ONE ASKED FOR ARRANGED MARRIAGE!AU SWEET PEA?? I would like that and love confessor ;-)
send me two au’s from THIS list + a ship/character 
a/n: please please please love this!! i love arranged marriage au’s lol hope you guys like it too!!
The day you are engaged is the first day you meet your betrothed.
He’s tall with dark hair and deep eyes to match, towering over you as he walks towards you with your father in tow. He’s speaking to him and they’re smiling, which you hope is a good sign.
“My love,” your father reaches out to you and you walk towards him. He grins and you force yourself to mimic the expression, “Please meet Pearson Sweetwater, your betrothed.”
“So nice to meet you,” you force the words from your lips. You swallow thickly, introducing yourself by name even though he probably knows it already. He reaches his hand out, and you accept it. His lips are warm against your knuckles and if this weren’t an arrangement, you might admit that he were handsome and alluring.
But this is an arrangement, so you refuse.
The wedding is set for three months from now, and you are not going to be any part of it. You won’t pick the flowers, or the wine, or even the color scheme. You won’t support this patriarchal event because you don’t agree with it. It’s the least you can do to put your foot down where it counts.
You hardly see Prince Sweetwater in the time between when you were introduced and now, two weeks later.
He catches you off guard one night when you’re tending to your horse, Peaches. You’re brushing out her mane, considering taking her on a ride, when he materializes out of nowhere.
You gasp, clutching your hands over your heart. You sigh when you make out his frame in the moonlight, relief flooding your shoulders.
“I apologize if I startled you, milady,” he takes a gentle step forward, using his hands as he speaks. His throat bobs as he approaches you, “Your father mentioned the stablehands prepared me a horse to ride for tomorrow. I just wanted to get acquainted so she wouldn’t be startled when I took her out tomorrow.”
“That sounds…” you pause, licking your lips, “reasonable.”
Prince Sweetwater smiles, looking down at his feet, and you take the moment to drink him in and appreciate his physique.
“D-Do you want to go for a ride?” you find yourself asking. “I, uh, I know the best trail.”1
He is quick to answer, “I’d love to.”
You mount your horse and he does the same, being ever so gentle and speaking to her sweetly. He pats her neck and grabs the reigns, holding them firmly in his grasp. You look over the back of your shoulder and smirk.
Prince Sweetwater nods to answer, a gentle smile on his lips as you both urge your horses to trot forward.
You guide him towards the lake, but just before you get to the clearing that parts to the shore, you dig your shins into your horse and Peaches begins to gallop. You laugh to yourself as the wind whips through your hair, breeze chilling your skin.
You pull up on the reigns to heed your horse by the lakeshore. You turn Peaches so you can watch as Prince Sweetwater struggles to tame his horse into going at the speed he would like. You’re laughing as he approaches, his hair a mess and his cheeks bright red from embarrassment.
“I should hope that this will not be how our entire marriage will be,” he says, breathless, with a smile on his lips.
You shrug, a light smirk tugging your mouth skyward, “What can I say? I like to keep my company on their toes.”
You both slide off your horses and tie them to a nearby tree. Together you walk down the lakeshore, watching as the moonlight glints off the water. You’re silent for the first few minutes, but it is the Prince who breaks the quiet.
“I’m sorry about all of this,” he turns his head to look at you, a wild curl hiding his forehead. Prince Sweetwater licks his lips, “I hate that this is how we met. I wanted to come and visit sooner, I didn’t want-”
“It’s okay,” you reach out and touch his arm. You shake your head, as if that will give him further affirmation, “You’re a good man, Pearson.”
“You can, uh,” he stutters as his cheeks grow redder, “you can call me Sweet Pea.”
“I have been standing here for so long,” You whine, batting your arms around just enough to make your point but not enough to pierce your skin with the pins holding the fabric in place. “This is miserable.”
Your seamstress scoffs, “Milady, this is no way to treat your staff. Do not be ungrateful.”
“I am not ungrateful, just particularly unkind,” you sneer. “This is an affair of the patriarchy, not of me. Why don’t you have my father and the Prince sit through this miserable affair?”
The seamstress, Julianne, chuckles at your outburst, “Would you like to see the Prince in a wedding dress?”
You roll your eyes, “Does that mean I get to wear the pants?”
Instead of antagonizing you further, Julianne returns to her work and may stab you with her needles accidentally on purpose.
You cannot help it when you make your way to the kitchen. The servants there will make you anything you like, and right now you would like nothing more than a piece of dense cake and a large cup of fresh milk.
“That kind of day, huh?”
Sweet Pea’s voice makes your throat bob, and you almost spat out your milk. He smiles as he joins you at the table, leaning across it. The servants try to offer him something to eat, but he waves them off with two fingers in the air.
“I have been poked and prodded as if I were some sort of rat under experimentation,” you grumble. You stab another piece of your cake and belligerently shove it between your lips with a scowl.  
“If it makes you feel any better, I had to spend the entire day with your father, discussing how to merge our kingdoms,” Sweet Pea rubs his face with his hands and you can’t help the smile that splits your lips. “Talk about a difficult afternoon.”
You reach out and grab his hand in your own. Over the past few weeks, the two of you have developed some sort of camaraderie, an understanding of sorts. It keeps you sane to discuss your days with one another, as no one outside of the two of you could ever understand how the other feels.
“I would rather be in meetings about how to feed our people and how to keep the servants warm at night than be sewn into a dress and berated with peonies versus lilies.”
“Lilies,” he looks you in the eyes. His cheeks burn but he speaks anyway, “I-I like lilies.”
Biting your lip, you match his gaze, “Lilies it is.”
You thread your arm through his as you walk through the garden. It’s warm out, so you’re wearing a lighter gown that is gauzy and flows with the breeze. Your hair is up, allowing the wind to send a chill down your neck.
“I finally understand your pain,” Sweet Pea tilts his head downward to you, “I’ve had to do my fittings, and it’s misery.”
“Well, I’m glad I have someone to share it with.”
The two of you walk further through the garden, and Sweet Pea pauses for a moment to pluck a bright yellow flower from the bush. He turns, facing you and a bright smile tugs on his lips. He reaches up and brushes a stray lock of hair from your eyes and in the process, tucks the flower behind your ear.
You blush, “Thank you, your Highness.”
“Oh, stop that.” Sweet Pea runs his thumb down your jaw bone. He can’t fight the smirk, “You know I hate that, especially from you.”
“What was it I said the night on the lake?” You lean into his side and allow him to wrap an arm around your midsection. “I like to keep my company on their toes. I can’t let you believe I will make your life easy, my prince.”
“At least I won’t be wed to someone without a brain.”
Sweet Pea holds you close, so close that neither of you notice the group of royals looking on from their balconies, observing the budding relationship between two betrothed.
“They are starving, father!” You shout, your voice ringing out in the castle hallway. Your cheeks are stained with tears as you cry out for your people. “We cannot sit idly by while the neighboring kingdom is offering an alliance, and food! We must do som-”
“You will head your place, child.” Your father’s hand shakes by his side and you wonder for a fleeting moment if he may strike you across the face for your belligerence. 
“I will not stand and watch while my people suffer,” you seethe before unceremoniously stomping out of the room.
Sweet Pea finds you later, pacing in the stables. Your cheeks and eyes are bright red from your tears and he feels a small piece of his heart break at your appearance.
“Darling,” he squats beside you and cups your cheek between his fingers, “What are your tears for?”
You swipe at your cheeks and sniffle, “My father will not accept the truce with Edenburg. His ego will not allow it, even though they offer the resources that our people need.”
“Edenburg would storm the halls and take the crown,” Pea smoothes your hair. He smiles sadly, “A king could not afford to provide an alliance to Edenburg. They would steal our land, our people, out from under us.”
“Look at you - we’re not even married and you’re already speaking as if you’re the king.”
Sweet Pea scoffs at your comment and instead of snapping at you, he kisses the crown of your head. He sighs, “Maybe we could expand the farming land? There are unexplored plots to the east and the south. They are probably rich with fertile soil, as the mountains would provide minerals in the run off from the heavy rains.”
“I cannot watch another one of my people suffer because we cannot provide,” you say with a firmness even you are surprised with. You muster a steady voice, “We sit, high and mighty in the castle with our food and drink, while they struggle to find clean water and some bread. We can provide for them, but we are too busy stuffing ourselves to pay attention!”
“Come here.” Sweet Pea opens his arms and you find solace there. His lips are buried in your hair and your arms find their way around his midsection. You sob into his shoulder, the sadness of your people a contagion as it seeps into your bones and culls itself in the form of your tears.
The next day, Sweet Pea is at your room early in the morning. He knocks on the door, asking if he may enter your chambers. You know how this will look, what with the wedding still weeks away, but you don’t care. You don’t plan to bed him.
“Get dressed, but not in your usual attire.” Pea is breathless as he speaks, his own clothing confusing you. He is wearing generic brown pants and a green tunic, nothing special, nothing telling of his status. His hair is mussed, his dark eyes shining.
You do as he says, a simple dress adorning your frame and flat shoes on your feet. You pull your hair back into a braid and don’t bother with any powders on your face. Sweet Pea offers you his hand and in haste, the two of you make your way to the stables and ride your horses off into town.
“What are we doing?!” You screech as you breach the castle gates. The guards let you by, on Sweet Pea’s authority, and you’re riding down the trail into town before you know what’s happening.
“I packed the horses with supplies,” Sweet Pea motions to the backs of your steeds. Surely, they are packed down with satchels and baskets, filled to the brim with food and water.
He smiles over his shoulder, and you feel your heart beating quickly in your chest.
You visit houses, attempting to remain anonymous so there is no attempt on either of your lives. You give out food and water, and commune with the commoners. They tell interesting stories of the town and the wedding soon to be had for the princess who lives alone in the castle.
Before too late, it is evening and the air has cooled to a balm, settling on your face and neck. You are around a fire with the fellow villagers, the meat and fruit you brought to them being passed to one another and shared - as it should be. 
“I hear that the Prince is handsome,” a young lady pipes up, a bashful blush on her cheeks.
You nod in agreement, deciding to mess with your companion, “Yes, I hear that he has beautiful eyes and a kind heart. The princess is lucky.”
“I hear that they are in love,” another teen girl speaks. She brings her bowl of soup down from her lips, “I hear that it was once an arranged marriage, but now they are so smitten with one another, they spend every waking moment together. How romantic?!”
One of the younger ladies looks to you, “Do you believe in true love?”
You lick your lips, your heart in your throat. You take a deep breath and force a smile, “I used to. My father and my mother were very much in love, but she fell ill. Had she not been courted to his side, she might not have died. She may have been able to live on and love another.”
“But she loved your father!”
“And it killed her,” you quip, your eyes stinging with tears.
Sweet Pea goes to grab for your hand, but you are standing to your feet and mounting your horse before he can react.
The wedding is a mere week away and you feel more overwhelmed than ever. You’re up to your neck in last minute decisions, none of which you really want to make, and everyone is looking to you. You want to crumble, but your status and your ego won’t let you. 
You’re tasting desserts to be had at the after-party when he finally notices the tears brimming in your eyes and the paleness of your cheeks.
“Everybody out!”
The servants scatter in mere seconds, leaving the dining hall bare save for you and the Prince.
Your facade breaks and you sob into your hands.
“We’re getting married, Sweet Pea!” You cry, your voice shaken. You sniffle and swipe at your face, “This is all for our wedding, to unite our kingdoms and build an empire.”
“Yes?” Pea phrases the word as a question as he slides onto the bench beside you, thighs touching. He pushes your hair from your face and gently drags your hands away so you can no longer hide your expressions.
“Do you not want to fall in love and marry her?” Your eyes are honest as you beg him for the truth. “Do you not wish to have your true love?”
“My princess,” he starts, a gentle smile on his lips, “I am beholden to you in a binding that I cannot break. You are my dearest friend, and I would not wish to have anyone else by my side as we go into this next chapter of our lives.”
“That’s just it, Pea!” You shout and stand to your feet. You snort out a sarcastic laugh, rolling your eyes, “I don’t want it to just be the next chapter of our lives! I want to love the father of my children. I want to love my life partner. I don’t want to throw away my entire life for someone to halfheartedly stand by my side and call me wife. I want someone to want me, to love me!”
 You spit on the ground, “I cannot take this any longer.”
Before you allow him to speak, you are gone between the double doors.
Sweet Pea has never felt fear in the same way that he does now. It is the day of the wedding ceremony and he is in the most uncomfortable of fabrics. His stockings are itching and his shoulder pads are stiff. He is stood at the edge of the alter, awaiting your arrival that he fears may never come.
You surprise him, though, with both your appearance and your beauty.
The ceremony proceeds as expected, predestined vows are shared and wine slips down your throats. You take one another by the hand, and the fated words are spoken by the priest.
“Do you take this Princess to be your lawfully wedded wife?” he asks, turning to Sweet Pea.
He is sturdy, as always, and he does not hesitate as he replies with his lines. He then takes the ring - the most stunning of rings - and slips it onto your finger. He gives you a look, as if telling you that this is your last chance to turn it all down and go your separate ways. And you know that he is honest and true, that he would let you go without a second glance and never hold you accountable for whatever happened next.
You interrupt the priest’s words with your own - “Of course I do, now give me the ring.”
The crowd erupts into laughter and the ring bearer places the gold band in your shaking fingers. You slide the ring onto Sweet Pea’s large fourth finger, your hands hovering over one another for a moment too long to just be an arranged marriage.
The priest ducks his head and says the final words: “You may now kiss the bride.”
You suppose you should have practiced this part, but Pea does something to surprise you. He takes you by the jaw and turns your cheek so his lips just barely touch the corner of your mouth.
Everyone sitting in the pews begins to clap, throwing flower petals as the priest declares you husband and wife.
It is not until later, when you are alone in your chambers, that you ask him why he did it.
“I want you to have your first real kiss with the person you love,” he speaks honestly. “I couldn’t take that away from you. Even if it means it isn’t me.”
The two of you share a room, share a bed, but you do not share the same body, not yet. Sweet Pea sleeps on the very edge of the bed, keeping his warmth and his body as far from you as he can without falling on the floor. He respects you - he waits for you to dress before using the facilities. He does not sleep in the nude and he normally wakes before you, so you’re used to being alone when you open your eyes first thing in the morning.
This morning you decide to go exploring. It has been eight months since the two of you were wed, and yet nothing has changed. You have not been declared Queen, your father has not stepped down. The tension between your country and the Sweetwater’s has ebbed, which was the entire point of your arrangement, so you’re delighted.
You pass through the halls, greeting your servants as you go by. They smile at you and wave in return. You’re not questioned as to where you’re going, but you know in your soul where your journey will take you.
The pads of your feet take you to the stables, where you see Peaches perfectly groomed and ready to take out for a morning trot.
You’re surprised to see Sweet Pea in the stall next to Peaches, but his back is to you. You reach your hand up to get his attention, but realize that he’s speaking to someone else. Instead of interrupting, you duck under the nearest stable wall and wait until he’s gone.
“I-I can’t just-”
“You can, and you will, Sweetwater.”
The voice is oh-so familiar. It is the voice of Sarah, your closest maiden. She is the one who brings you the doctor when you are sick or sneaks you an extra dessert after dinner is over. She is the one who ends your fittings early and always picks you the most suitable fabrics. She is your most trusted maiden, the one who you would do anything for. 
Why is she meeting with Sweet Pea?
“I love you,” Sweet Pea grunts out. “I love you, and I don’t want to live my life without you. I cannot stand to be under the sheets without your body to keep warm, to give me shelter. I cannot continue on without knowing that you will stand by my side and be my partner in life, and in love. I have been in love with your soul and your spirit since the day I met you, and I cannot contain it any longer. Will you be my wife?”
You didn’t expect your heart to drop from your chest to your feet. You didn’t think that you would spill over with tears fat enough to coat your cheeks. You didn’t believe that you would begin to shake until you can’t tell which finger is which in the blur.
The ferocious side of you wants to turn around and rip them limb from limb. How dare they conspire behind your back to have a secret marriage? Sweet Pea had all but given you an out the day of your marriage, had he not thought he could do the same?
You push yourself away from the stable and force your legs to carry you up the hill and back to your room. 
That is where you stay, that is where you never leave.
Sweet Pea is no longer allowed in your quarters. There is a secret chamber that is attached to your own, and you have Elizabeth, an older maiden, lead him to it. You have the servants move his clothing and bathing materials to the secret chamber, getting rid of anything that reminds you of him.
He beats on your door the first day, begging you to let him in, to tell him what is bothering you.
Instead, you become the silent princess.
Word spreads that the princess has fallen ill, which is why no one has seen her in three months. Rumors sprout from different mouths, some believing that you have found a new lover, some believing that you are highly contagious, and others believing that you’ve been murdered or taken your own life in your grief.
Only you know the truth - you have fallen ill to the sickness of unrequited love.
Months pass, and you really do feel like you’ve begun to catch an illness. You decide that you must get out in the sunshine, so you wake early the next morning and sneak down from your room to the stables. You push away the feelings that wind like a vice around your heart, remembering the last scene that played before your eyes when you were here.
“Peaches, you are my only friend now. This is a horrid place, full of liars and harlots,” you swing your leg over to mount your horse. You smack her on the backside and she carries you to your favorite place, the only place that can calm your errant mind.
You spend all day at the lake, soaking in the sun and dipping your toes in the water. You have cried until you have no tears left, your energy sucked out of your very soul until you find a rejuvenation here at the lake.
Finally, you fall asleep against the tree trunk, ankle-deep in the lake water with Peaches napping a few feet to your left. There is a book in your lap, but you forgot where you were minutes ago when your eyes began to grow heavy.
When you wake, the cool of night has taken over and the moon casts a shadow against the lake. Your toes are wrinkled and your horse is restless, but you know you must wait until later to go back. Others will spot you if you leave too soon.
You return to your novel, but your concentration is broken when Peaches begins to neigh and whinny, her eyes off in the distance. You grab the knife you stashed in your satchel, unsheathing it as you get ready to use it.
“Slow down, Princess,” the smooth voice speaks and your heart breaks all over again, “it’s just me.”
“Get away from me!” you shout, shoving the knife in his direction. “Do you not understand?”
“I understand that you’re hurt,” Sweet Pea takes a delicate step forward, his hands in the air. “What I don’t understand, is why.”
“I am not beholden to you, Prince,” you shout. The knife shakes in your hand. “I do not owe you an explanation and neither do you deserve one!”
“Darling,” his voice is sad, heavy, “please don’t do this. Please talk to me.”
“You don’t deserve me,” you shake your head. You swallow thickly, tears forming in your eyes and dripping down your cheeks. “You don’t deserve to have me beholden to you on behalf of your people. You got what you wanted, and now I am your slave!”
“Princess, I don’t know what you speak of. I don’t understand. Please help me to understand.”
You can’t help it that your heart softens at the sight of him. His eyes are so deep, his hands so inviting. You miss his hugs, you miss him holding you around the shoulders and burying a kiss in your hair.
“Please put down the knife,” he implores you, his voice breaking. “You don’t want to hurt me, I know that. I know you’re hurting, but you don’t want to hurt me. That is not who you are.”
“You don’t know me!” You snap, gripping the knife even harder. “You never knew me! You used me to get what you wanted, to get what your kingdom needed and then you began your own personal affairs. Why shouldn’t I run you through right here, right now?!”
“For one, that knife is too small to run me through. You would cause some damage, but you wouldn’t kill me.” Sweet Pea takes another step forward and daringly wraps your wrist in his fingers, slowly prying the weapon from your hand. “You’re hurting, please let me help you.”
“I don’t want your help,” you whimper feebly. You shake your head, tears still falling, “I want to be free of this burden.”
“What burden, darling?” Sweet Pea asks as he tosses the knife across the meadow. “Please help me to understand. I’ve missed you.”
“Do not lie to me,” you seethe through your teeth. You glare up at him, “Do not pretend that you do not occupy another’s bed. I gave you that chamber as a gift, and you dare flaunt it in my face?”
“Another’s-wh-what?” Sweet Pea flounders to put the pieces together as your sadness chips away to anger. It builds in your stomach, a fire being stoked in your belly. The heat crawls up your spine and flushes your cheeks.
“Did you ever think that we could love each other, Pea?” Your tough facade finally breaks and you let a sob seep out of your mouth. “I thought that I could push past the lack of natural love born between two people and see that I had to fulfill duties for my kingdom. I thought that I could learn to love you, that I could be okay with our arrangement. I thought that-”
You lick your lips and look up at him, meeting his glassy eyes with your own. You stand strong, shoulders square and jaw defined, “Was any of it real, Sweets? Any of the conversations and the hand-holding and the secret-confiding?! Or did you string me along until you no longer needed me? Was I but a means to an end?”
“What are you talking about?!” Sweet Pea grasps you by the shoulders, holding you square in front of him. “All I’ve ever done is love you!”
“Don’t lie! Do not lie or I will have you beheaded for it.”
Sweet Pea’s lips part in a cry and he drops down to his knees in front of you. He grips the backs of your thighs in desperation, tears of his own traveling a path down his cheeks and dripping onto the ground below.
“I’ve never lied to you,” he speaks. “I knew from the moment I laid eyes on you that I was beholden to you, even if not of my own volition. My heart took one look at you and decided that you were the end for me. I would die by your side, chained to you at the soul.”
Sweet Pea ducks his head against your stomach, burying his face into the fabric of your dress. He sniffles, and when he speaks his voice is muffled by the clothing, “I tried my hardest to keep from loving you because I couldn’t bear it if you didn’t love me back, but the more time I spent with you, the harder I began to fall.”
Looking up at you, he continues, “I fell and I fell and I fell and then we were wed. I wanted to kiss you so feverishly that day, but I had to restrain myself because I knew you did not love me. How could you? I came into your kingdom, stole your hand in marriage, and forced you into a life of captivity. You are a free spirit, unable to be tied down by anyone, even me. I could not bear it if I was the reason that you felt chained.”
The rawness of his voice makes your soul ache and you cannot stop the tears as they fall relentlessly down your cheeks. He takes a short, labored breath and continues on bearing his heart to you.
“I wanted you to love me so badly that I wanted to propose to you like a proper lover,” he admits quietly. “I-I wanted to give you my own ring, a ring I received from my great grandmother.”
Sweet Pea withdraws a ring from his pocket, producing a simple gemstone slotted against a silver band in front of your eyes. Your lip trembles and you stutter, “B-But Sarah-”
“It all makes sense now.”
He laughs, standing to his feet, “I was practicing on Sarah. I needed to run through my speech before I went to the castle to speak to you. I had a whole evening planned. I made us a picnic basket to take to the lake - I even helped Janie in the kitchen to cook your favorite tarts.”
Pea’s face falls as he turns the ring in his fingers, “And then I found out that you were banishing me, refusing to see anyone. A piece of my soul died that day when you refused to let me in.”
You reach up to cup his cheeks in your hands, “You were going to propose to me? After we’d already been wed?”
“I know it’s foolish,” he admits, “but I wanted us to have our own story. And I love you.”
Fresh tears surface and you wrap your arms around his neck, holding him close to you. You swallow thickly and sniffle before whispering, “I love you too, Pea. I-I’m so sorry I didn’t come to you before.”
“Doesn’t matter now, my love,” he nudges his nose along your jawline, leaving a fire everywhere he touches. “All I need to ask you now is…”
Sweet Pea drops to one knee, the ring in his hand. Before he can muster up the words, you’re tackling him to the ground and kissing him senseless.
Your lips are on his relentlessly. His hands hesitate, but soon he is gripping you by the hips and kissing you back with fervor. Your teeth knock together but you don’t care how sloppy this kiss is. It is long overdue.
“I want to be your life partner,” Pea whispers against your neck, kissing over the hot flesh there. He drags his tongue and teeth down your shoulder to your collarbone, murmuring along the way. “I want to stand by your side and see you as my equal. I want you to be mine, body, soul, mind. I want every piece of you.”
You gasp as his teeth are bared against your skin, sending a shock of excitement down your spine. He smirks with his lips still at the crook of your jaw, “I love you. I love you. I love you.”
Your hands are in his hair, bringing him back to your lips so you can kiss him again. It’s deeper this time, and you wonder if you’ll ever want to come back up for air.
Thankfully, you have the rest of your life to figure it out.
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yakumtsaki · 6 years
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I only call you when it's half past five, the only time that I'll be by your side, I only love it when you touch me, not feel me, when I'm fucked up, that's the real me, when I'm fucked up, that's the real me, BABE ♪
Here we fucking go again, desperately trying to make the fuckboi wolf commit to a serious relationship. My plan to turn Komei into a werewolf crashed and burned last generation and Jojo has had the want locked for like 10 years and it just won’t fucking happen. I’ve never had a non-cheaty werewolf in this game, I don’t know how other people do it but I’m having a ridic hard time with it. Victor’s ghost is judging me and who can blame him.
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Speaking of, Shajar’s makeover is this wolf shirt, and yes, full shade intended. I still can’t believe she rolled popularity, way to single out your weakest spot and make it your life’s purpose. I mean that would be like Wyatt rolling fam-  ..nevermind.
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UGH. Will you pick a fucking attitude and stick with it you furry asshole??? 
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What kind of defective cuck wolf even is this. He won’t befriend us but he won’t attack either, he just sits around with his plastic bone playing house. USELESS. I didn’t know it was possible to hate a digital animal this much..
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..but here comes Maxx to defy all expectations. Happy birthday Maxx, you look so wholesome and Lassie-like, I’m sure life with you will be like a vacation!
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LOL. Is antagonizing Sophie really how you want to start your adult life, Maxx?? Well I guess having eyes is overrated.
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SOPHIE WTF. You beat Victor but can’t take on this flop? Where is your holy warrior spirit??
- I’m old af and starting to worry about my eternal soul, so I’m literally turning the other cheek.
Nice, thanks for nothing. God I miss Victor.
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Man, Maxx has ISSUES. He doesn’t even have a mean personality or a bad relationship with the cats, why are you like this you freak??
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NOOOO not the fucking pet fight club again omg MAXX YOU DICK
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Great, amazing job, Goro! The real Goro is rolling in his grave. All this went down in literally under a minute after Maxx grew up, talk about determination. 
-HA, kneel before Zod!
That’s not even from Mortal Kombat, Maxx, god, can you not make this worse than it is?
-Yea like I give a shit, what am I, some kind of fatass nerd cat?? I’m a dog, bitch, I like running..
-And playing outside..
-And being affectionate to my owners!
STOP. Christ, what kind of monster have I brought into our lives???
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-One day in and I’m already the alpha.. Who’s a good boy? Who’s a good boy? Oh yes, Maxx is.. The best boy. And soon this cat legacy.. will be history.. the Age of Dog.. is finally.. upon us. 
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Not that we needed further proof that Maxx was given to us straight out of Satan’s unholy womb, but guess who else loves him on top of Cyneswith?? Why, Wyatt, of course, chief of police married to a serial killer, truly the best judge of character the world has ever known. Show me your friends..
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..and I’ll show you who you are. UGH DAGMAR
-As a mailwoman I’m programmed to hate your kind, but I feel such a connection between us.. It’s like the universe conspired-
GTFO. Don’t test me, istg I’ll marry you in..
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..you actually don’t look half bad compared to what else is out there. Shajar brings Toadface McBooberson here home from school which. why does bigger cleavage clothing even exist for teens and why do I have it, I really need to stop downloading default replacements in the dark. Anyway, hope you’re all ready for the adventure called ‘What is Shajar’s sexual orientation/does she even have one’!
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Ugh, this certainly feels familiar. Shajar please, PLEASE fight your Jojo genes, I mean everyone loves Cyneswith, this is shaping up to be Gunter/Jojo volume 2 AND I CAN’T DEAL WITH IT AGAIN
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-So, Butterface, my ambition in life is to have my own music theme play whenever I enter a room, like Darth Vader or Mary Poppins-
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-Isn’t the sound of people already in the room sighing enough of a theme for you?
-Well it looks like one little frog around here isn’t getting turned into a princess!
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Yea, I really don’t know what I expected?? Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.
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Speaking of daddy dearest, let’s check in. How’s it going, Jo? Great? Thought so, ok bye-
I’m sorry Jo but I’m a hear no evil, see no evil, spend-legacy-time-on-no-evil type of bitch and your life just bums me out at this point. But if it’s any consolation, it’s all your fault!
Um, YEA YOU DID. This is generation 2, we’re barely middle class and being heir is quite literally a shit job. Of course you could have minimized the impact had you chosen someone else to marry, but you just HAD to have Wyatt Narcolepsy Monif so.. talk to you later?
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-Wyatt I’m worried our ship is sinking and no amount of rotting birthday cake can ease the pain.
-Oui, my estomac hurts toό.. Nothing 14 heures of sleepé won’t remédit of coursé :)
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God, wtf more do you want, 15k and still whining-
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-OH. Well this just has Wyatt written all over it, but omg he tried to do a household task, just got confused at the very end. Bravo, leaps and bounds!
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Meanwhile Shajar is having a successful interaction with a family member!! It’s a toddler who can’t get away, but whatever, it counts. Looks like this is a game-changing night for everyone.
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Jojo how about you take a page out of Komei’s book and devote your leftover energy to cats or cooking contests or banging Marissa Bendett instead of this constant, obnoxious guilt-tripping?? Man I really didn’t appreciate Komei while I had him.
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7 a.m., the usual morning lineup, start on the chores and sweep 'till the floor's all clean, polish and wax, do laundry, and mop and shine up, sweep again, and by then it's like 7:15,  
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and so I'll read a book, or maybe two or three, I'll add a few new paintings to my gallery, I'll play guitar and knit, and cook and basically-
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-just wonder when will my life begin? ♪
And of course that’s Victor making his nightly appearance and helping put Jojo out of his misery. What a sweetheart!
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With the addition of Wulf and his 10 active points generation 3 has officially evolved past sleep, we’re talking 10/10/9 (Shajar you lazy bum) and it’s seriously exhausting. You know how when sims are asleep you can check your phone or eat smth or w/e, yea that’s simply not happening anymore, I’m in constant vigilance all night long..
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..and thank god because otherwise I would have missed Allegra and Victor’s ghosts playing??? WTF MAXIS. I’ve never seen this before and it’s the rare combo of sad and adorable. Right in the feels ❤️💔
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Oh “ok” it’s a cockroaches related freak-out. I don’t see anyone else crying over them but that’s Jojo for you. Exterminator bro if you’re that grossed out by a pile of dead insects I have some bad news for you regarding your profession. And while we’re on the topic of professions and crying:
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You may recall that Wyatt has been one promotion away from his LTW for about 150 years and all we’ve been doing since is trying to amass the 8 friends needed for it. Welp, we finally got them through our blood, sweat and tears, so what does Wyatt do the day he was supposed to get promoted?? Get fired of course, what else! 
Honestly I’m not even mad, this truly is like the culmination of everything we know Wyatt to be. I mean just cast your minds back to the final moments of this post. We knew what we were getting into. Rock on, Wyatt!
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-Nό, there is no disgracéd police capitaine in this maison! Quelle?? I’m not even Français! Et toi shouldn’t be calling personnes at 5 p.m when everyόné is sound asleép!
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Time for the black sheep to get the full Kylo Ren treatment. Looking good, Shaj! Now let’s put that hot makeover to use-
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Here we go, HUMAN contact. Toadface was a bust so let’s try a dude. Shajar do you mind talking about something other than your dead pets??
-But I don’t want to talk about anything else!
Yea and I don’t want to overstate things but I’m getting the distinct feeling finding you a partner is gonna make Daniel’s run at it look like Californication.
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Well, the data we’ve gathered so far points to Shajar being a noogiesexual, I’m sure somewhere on tumblr there already exists a pride flag for it. 
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That’s right, mop up the dog piss from that grass and think about the face you present to the world.
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-I have a perma fear of leading the miserable life I’m trapped in.
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-Oh look, my kid is potty trainted and I get 5k points.. I’m soooo happy... Definitely don’t miss my serial killer days...
Ok I can’t take this anymore, either Wyatt will have to take up more household duties..
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..or we can aim for something within the realm of reality and build a robot servant instead. And if you’re thinkering you’re not whining! Everyone wins.
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In the dead of the night, a time when only 12 year old children are awake and watching god knows what-
-Game of Thrones! Team Stark!
Ugh, of course you are-
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-Wulf grows up! 
-Woo happy birthday Wulf! Don’t even try to come for my golden child crown, I’m as perfect as my grades.
I don’t like what Game of Thrones is doing to you, Cyn.
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First thing Wulf does after his pj makeover is head for the keyboard, which makes the choice for his general makeover clear as day:
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Wulf...Wolf...WOLFGANG. I mean, some things are just written in the stars..
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..AND SOME THINGS AREN’T, in this case Shajar’s dating life. We get another Butterface McBooberson (wtf is it with this dress in this town) but this one is also sporting terrible hair as a bonus. Score!
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Great, we’ve moved from music themes to dead pets to world domination. At least we’re committing to the Kylo persona. Butter 2.0 is into it?? Get a grip girl.
-Um why do you think I have this last century hair? I’m very into monarchy.
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This is not only going non-disastrously but dare I say, well?? I can’t tell if I want it to work or not though, on one hand I’ve made my feelings about this face template abundantly clear.. on the other hand this is the first human (except her 10 nice point sister) to like Shaj.. 
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..thankfully it looks like there’s no need to solve that dilemma after all. Btw at the time of this writing I literally still don’t know if Shajar is into girls or dudes, or both. No reaction to anyone whatsoever. 
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Meanwhile even after the noogie Butter is super receptive and doesn’t hate us? I was as shocked as you are, if we were rich I’d think she has some ulterior motive but nop, it’s just low standards. God bless them-
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-cause we made our first friend!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank the fucking lord Shajar’s LTW isn’t friend related, take a wild guess what it is instead.. And of course, the answer is ‘become Mayor’. I can just see the banner now: ‘vote Shajar Union or face the deadly consequences’.
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-Ahh my dear, finally, no screaming toddlers ruining my life while you pretend you can’t hear them.. Now I can slowly start un-resenting you.. Maybe there’s hope for this marriage after all..
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Not if Cyneswith has anything to do with it! After spending her entire childhood cockblocking by sleeping in her parents’ bed, she literally grew up just as they were about to woohoo for the first time in 10 years. how in character. Wanna know what isn’t in character??? Hold on to your seats, everyone..
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OK THEN. Much like Wolfgang there is but one appropriate look for the above:
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Did anyone think fucking Lolita Cyneswith was remotely possible, let alone probable?? ROMANCE?? And into the elderly???? I thought that combo was bad enough, I mean then you bring in the tinkering factor on top of it and it’s like, Waylon Fairchild and college profs won’t know what hit them.. How naive I was. Things can always, always get worse, and in this family, they usually do. You can probably tell where I’m going with this.. Fast forward a few days and the LTW shows up..
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..........................................yup. You know it’s been months and you’d think I’d have articulated a response by now that isn’t just screaming or miscellaneous incoherent sounds, and yet! what can I say, sometimes emotions are so powerful that words fail us. In lieu of a written reaction please listen to this song after the specified time stamp. It’s 3 minutes long and the only lyric is ‘oh no’.
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skittymon · 7 years
Okay I made this post before but I’m doing it again.
Why do people keep saying that the Arc-V manga is better than the anime?
Rant below the undercut
First off how can the manga be better when it’s on chapter 20 and being compared to a 148 episode series. And for the love of god even when I wasn’t in the fandom I saw people saying this a year ago. Like how???? 
Maybe the ending will be better than the anime’s but it seems like the end goal is going to be Yuya working at Yu-Show or whatever its fucking called in the manga, and as of right now it seems like the other Yuu boys are going to disappear too so its on the same boat as the anime (but with longer farewells from the Yuu boys probably).
And it might be me but like how is the manga even better???
I do like the manga, it’s fine (about 6/10 for me but this last chapter makes me want to say 4/10) and I LOVE its art style, but like…..its so generic, if it wasn’t Yugioh (or even Arc-V because I stopped reading 5ds’ manga after the first volume and skipped over Zexals) I wouldn’t have read it.
I mean I can see why people like it, you got dimensionshipping up the ass, and ‘badass’ Yuya. But like everything else pisses me off.
First the plot. I can’t say much because obviously it’s still on going and there’s some stuff needed to be discovered like how the Yuu boys became one, what G.O.D is, how Yugo and Yuto recognize Yuzu, and chapter 20 did seem like we’ll be getting more info next chapter. But like Yuya comes back from the future with amnesia to save the world because everything is destroyed because of card games. WOW YOSHIDA WHERE HAVE I HEARD THAT BEFORE???? AND IT DOESN’T HELP THAT FRICKIN REN, EVE, AND OTHER GUY LOOK A LOT LIKE  THE YLIASTER GUYS. 
The characters, OH GOD EVERYONE BUT THE YUU BOYS (and kinda Sawatari and Sora) GOT FUCKED OVER. 
First Reiji. Reiji is okay, and I adored his flashbacks with Leo but like wow way to staple him as the bad guy. In the anime Reiji subverted tropes because while he was Yuya’s rival he never antagonized him, and in fact Yuya was often in the wrong and Reiji would have to set him straight. Here nope. Instead it’s Reiji who’s the idiot/in the wrong despite doing what he think’s is right and Yuya is almighty and right and fucking pities Reiji for not coming around. Like….ugh wtf.
Shun is a weird case. His masochists personality turned me the fuck off and is creepy as hell. I mean I guess Yoshida had to give him a new personality since he doesn’t have his best friend or younger sister or tragic backstory anymore (which sucks for me because seeing Shun overcome his losses was one of my favorite things about his character), but why the fuck did you pick that. Shun is so far is literally the only character, in my opinion, so in the manga to get decent character development so that saves him a bit and he seems to have lost his creepiness a bit (which is still weird for me because you can’t fundamentally change your personality after one fucking duel).
Sora….I’m confused on. It maybe because some of the recent chapter I skimmed but he’s working for Ren and people right??? Why?? Is he from the future too??? His character confuses me because apparently he forgot that he was working with Ren and Eve?? And p sure Sora admitted to using the sister thing as a trick to Yuya but its not?? Like you’re not even same side as Yuya or have any nice feelings about him and are suppose to be chasing after him why are you being nice to him??? I mean I guess he’s acting as a double agent/undercover like in the anime but idk I feel like its sloppy and confusing.
Sawatari is fine, he hasn’t done much and is kinda the butt of stuff like in the anime sorry man you can’t escape that fate lol
I know I said the Yuu boys are fine (Yuto and Yuri I feel like they kinda improved on so good on ya manga) but Yuya and Yugo man. I thought Yugo was fine until this recent chapter where he just shitted on Yuzu like wow I know for a fact the anime Yugo might have done that but it would have went over his head and no way in hell would he be allowed to get away with that. I guess Rin really is a fundamental part of his character….
Then Yuya, who literally might be fucking god because Yoshida was a savior boner / Jesus complex. First off, 20 chapters in and no character development (he might get some in the next chapter finally). I mean he has character but he’s still the same as he was in chapter one: being cocky, 100% with his convictions that he dad is right, doesn’t question why the Yuu boys shaft him sometimes or has regain a single memory. Then I feel like he’s too high on a pedestal. He’s apparently a genius hacker who can get into Leo Corporation without being traced and his narrative portrays him as almighty in duels and in life general. Fine, people like badass superior cocky characters but like they eventually need to be taken off their high horses and knowing Yoshida’s writing….that’s probably not going to happen (see Yusei in 5ds part 2 or Yuma with his convictions that always get stomped on but come back two minutes later no questioned and changes the bad guys heart).
Finally Yuzu…..my daughter I’m so sorry what Yoshida did to you. You’re basically Kotori now but worse because we know you have potential. First, her dad owns a duel school why can’t she duel??? Like fine maybe Konami doesn’t have any Medious cards to see but you can still show she can duel but have Yuya duel instead because ‘its his fight’ or whatever. Second, why is she the butt of all the jokes even more than Sawatari? Again chapter 20 just made her a joke (Yugo: We’ll start when the girl crouches down in fear) and she’s always in the wrong as has to corrected by any other guy in the series. Then her character traits are the she’s smart (but not as smart as the guys of course shown with Shun beating her in a math tournament and yet he never uses those skills and seem like something he wouldn’t even compete in) and she likes money….that’s it. I almost hate manga!Yuzu and I feel like Yoshida was forced to write Yuzu because she’s suppose be a huge force to Yuya but is like….’but is she really compared to the guys tho.’ At this point the only thing I’m hoping for with her is that Yugo and Yuto recognize her because she’s some important figure in the future (probably a scientist and most like Leo or Yusho’s assistant because she can’t be as smart as them) and I get to see older Yuzu who hopefully looks a lot like Ray. ALSO WHY ISN’T SHE THE EVE FACTOR SHE AND YUYA ARE SUPPOSE TO BE SOULMATES KINDA.
And why did you only include the ‘pretty’ characters Yoshida? Reira I understand because Reiji is from the future. But like where are my quirky characters of Gonzengaka, Tsukikage, and Dennis? Why don’t I get Yoko is Yuya’s memories? Where are the three kiddies attending Shunzo’s school? I know that Arc-V has a big cast but so does GX and its manga included nearly fucking everyone at least once.
So basically I have all these problems with the manga, so no to me it’s not better than the anime. But it’s only 20 chapters in, that could change probably not because Yoshida’s writing is meh to me lol but I think the argument of ‘the manga is better than the anime’ is flawed and pointless at this point because the manga has a lot of problems and unanswered questions that needs to be resolved and then once its over we can use the aftermath to compare with the finished anime. 
Basically: can people stop saying that, it pisses me off.
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