#Access to justice
indigenouspeopleday · 5 months
The role of electoral justice in the self-determination of indigenous peoples and empowerment of their youth: A comparative approach (UNPFII Side Event).
Since 2011, the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary of Mexico (TEPJF) organizes side events within the framework of UNPFII to highlight the importance of effective access to electoral-political rights for Mexican indigenous peoples and communities.
This side event seeks to showcase paradigmatic rulings from different countries, as well as actions taken by various electoral tribunals to ensure the rights of indigenous populations in each nation from an intercultural perspective, based on international standards.
Furthermore, this event provides an opportunity to learn firsthand about the experiences and challenges faced by indigenous youths in accessing electoral justice and practice active political engagement. It will also explore how their rights are exercised in different jurisdictions, as well as the strategies and policies that other authorities and countries have implemented to ensure the protection of these rights.
Watch The role of electoral justice in the self-determination of indigenous peoples and empowerment of their youth: A comparative approach (UNPFII Side Event)!
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pleaseletmeexist · 6 months
When I say “school should be disability accessible”, I don’t just mean we need handicap rails and EAs. Kids should be able to miss a day without failing out of school. You shouldn’t be dismissed from clubs because your attendance record is “spotty” (true story). I once missed an entire week of school because of a terrible, unending migraine. I was expected to keep up with my studies despite the blinding pain that came with working on my computer. When I heard my teachers say that you couldn’t miss exams, I asked what I would have to do to be excused from them. Their response? “Either get a doctor’s note an hour before the exam or death of an immediate family member.”
I cannot express how rigid this expectation was. First of all, with my condition, I wouldn’t have enough warning about my sickness to go to the doctor and request a note. For many people, this is exceptionally difficult, especially with the current shortage of medical professionals. Next, it ignores the fact that my schedule may not line with theirs because of my medical needs. Once, I had to visit a hospital a province away (which I was on the waiting list of for over a year) on the same day as an exam. I begged my mother not to take me because I was so nervous that I would be marked as an automatic fail. I was lucky enough to make it work, but that’s only because of my spectacular support system consisting of family members and wonderful doctors.
Disabilities aren’t always about needing a bus that can accommodate wheelchairs. It’s already difficult enough for many of us to maintain school attendance without the harsh punishments involved for skipping a day. We need to be able to miss school without being punished. Only than can you claim that the school is “accessible”
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womensjudgesday · 3 months
SDG 16 as an Enabler of the 2030 Agenda (HLPF 2024 Side Event).
According to the UN Secretary-General in his Progress Report of the SDGs, in 2023 only 15% of the goals were on track to meet their targets by 2030, with SDG 16 falling severely off track. Promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, providing access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable institutions at all levels have a significant impact on public and private society, in formal institutions and de facto norms. SDG 16 is thus an enabler, accelerator, and one of the key conditions for achieving all SDGs through its cross-cutting nature that impacts many types of sustainable development that are foundational for addressing the complex interlinkages between poverty, inequality, climate change, and economic instability. 
Organized by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), this event will highlight the interlinkages between SDG 16 and the 2030 Agenda drawing from the findings of its new report, and showcase how policymakers working across the 2030 Agenda can accelerate action on development outcomes by supporting and investing in SDG 16 moving forward. In partnership with Member States, Civil Society and other stakeholders, this event will also highlight the importance of partnerships for the effective implementation of SDG 16 and its impact on all other goals of the 2030 Agenda.
Related Sites and Documents
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Watch the SDG 16 as an Enabler of the 2030 Agenda (HLPF 2024 Side Event)!
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liimonadas · 5 months
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a part of me goes out to all the monsterfuckers who are surely missing the old design. a bigger part of me is gay
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legalattorneyblog · 11 months
Advancing the Legal Profession in Nigeria: Challenges and Opportunities: Blessing P.
The legal landscape in Nigeria is undergoing dynamic changes to meet the evolving demands of society. Integral to the fabric of justice, lawyers assume a pivotal role in upholding the rule of law and safeguarding human rights. While the nation boasts competent and committed legal practitioners, certain challenges persist, necessitating a concerted effort to bolster the overall efficacy and…
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starspilli · 2 months
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whoevers idea it was to give diana a big sword in absolute dc needs a raise immediately
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criminaljusticeday · 1 year
Make international justice truly global.
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Call on your government to
1. Make international justice truly global
2. Strengthen the International Criminal Court
3. Improve state support for the Rome Statute
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womenindiplomacyday · 5 years
 Two-thirds of the world’s population still live without access to justice.
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An estimated 5 billion people have unmet justice needs globally, including people who cannot obtain justice for everyday problems, people who are excluded from the opportunity the law provides, and people who live in extreme conditions of injustice.
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals lay out ambitious targets to guide global and national development policies to 2030, including target 16.3's promise to “ensure equal access to justice for all.” However, as the availability of data on people’s experience of justice grows, it is becoming increasingly clear that the world is not on track to meet this target. The data presented in this report demonstrate that many people face justice problems, and too few get the justice they need. This “justice gap” undermines human development, reinforces the poverty trap, and imposes high societal costs. Closing the justice gap is therefore vital to realizing the broader development agenda and its vision of a “just, equitable, tolerant, open and socially inclusive world in which the needs of the most vulnerable are met.”
The justice gap can be understood as the number of people who have at least one unmet justice need. These are people who are ultimately not getting the justice they need for both everyday problems and severe injustices. The WJP estimates that there are:
1.5 billion people who cannot obtain justice for civil, administrative, or criminal justice problems. These are victims of crime and people with civil and administrative justice needs who may live in contexts with functioning institutions and justice systems, but who face obstacles to resolving their everyday justice issues.
4.5 billion people who are excluded from the opportunities the law provides. These are people who lack legal tools – including identity documents, land or housing tenure, and formal work arrangements – that allow them to protect their assets and access economic opportunities or public services to which they have a right.
253 million people who live in extreme conditions of injustice. This includes people who are stateless, victims of modern slavery, and people who live in fragile states with high levels of insecurity.
When viewed in the aggregate, these figures amount to 5.1 billion people – or approximately two thirds of the world’s population – who face at least one of these justice issues, with many confronted by multiple injustices. While this aggregate estimate certainly demonstrates unacceptable levels of exclusion from justice, the justice gap assessment aims to go beyond this high-level figure and serve as the first step in an effort to better understand the multifaceted and overlapping forms of injustice that people face. 
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Measuring the Justice Gap.
This justice gap underscores the urgency of realizing justice for all and demonstrates unacceptable levels of exclusion from justice. In Measuring the Justice Gap: A People-Centered Assessment of Unmet Justice Needs Around the World, a report produced by the World Justice Project with expert input from the Task Force on Justice, learn about the development process, measurement approach, and progress being made to estimate the scale and impact of the justice gap.   
Read the full report
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liberaljane · 2 months
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Increased accessibility benefits EVERYONE!
Here are some ways YOU can advocate for increased accessibility:
Use alt-text to describe any images
Record events
Have closed captioning
Share content warnings
Avoid flashing lights or imagery
At Work:
Invest in meaningful Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Initiatives
Provide more PAID time off
Avoid ableist language (like 'lame' or 'crazy')
Provide remote working options
For In-Person Events:
Communicate ANY walking distance (in distance, not minutes!)
Include information about public transit
Provide gender neutral bathrooms
Avoid heavy perfumes or scents
Hire sign language interpreters
Created by Liberal Jane and Sex Ed with DB
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majaurukalo · 1 month
Another thing about inaccessibility that non-disabled people don’t realise is how dehumanising and diminishing it can feel: having to circle a building to find a step-free entrance, maybe where the dumpsters or other junk is kept? Having to ring or call for someone like a child who is waiting for permission to enter while everyone else walks by with no problem? Having to be carried up a flight of stairs, with everyone watching wide-eyed?
Yeaaaaahhhh, it’s no joke.
I’m sure there’s more stuff.
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rewrittenwrongs · 3 months
Bruce freaking the fuck out because someone vandalised his son’s grave. He is pissed, and so sick at the thought of seeing what they did to the coffin that he barely even tries to look. Tim is the one who checks if the robbers left anything behind or did something to Jasons body, and is shocked to see an empty coffin. Then he remembers how paranoid Bruce is and the sensors he put in the coffin, but strangely enough none of them were activated. Then he remembers; the sensors only go off if the coffin is breached from outside. And upon inspection the wood certainly seems to be breaking outward…
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womensjudgesday · 3 years
Stories of Women Judges.
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Progress in the Quest for Gender Parity in the Judiciary of The Gambia.
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Women judges and women judicial leaders play an irreplaceable role in modern judiciary.
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Significance of women judges and my contribution towards equality of access to justice.
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
Humanity is making progress on reproductive rights
"As the US Supreme Court prepares to hand down its latest batch of rulings, here is your periodic reminder that the United States is an outlier. Some 60 countries around the world have made their abortion laws more liberal in the past 30 years; only a small handful, which includes the United States, have made their abortion laws more restrictive. Source: Think Global Health"
Access to Abortion Has Increased Globally
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-via Fix The News, Newsletter #53, June 13, 2024
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liminalweirdo · 4 months
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download this distribuatable flyer from clean air club
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criminaljusticeday · 1 year
Join the fight for Global Justice!
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For the first time in history, we can bring individuals - presidents, generals and rebel leaders - to justice.
Either before national courts of States Parties to the Rome Statute, or failing that, through the International Criminal Court.
But access to global justice remains uneven, and the ICC faces mounting challenges as it moves to hold the powerful to account.
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liberaljane · 14 days
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It was hard to have an abortion in the United States before Roe fell, and now it is even harder.
I teamed up with Sex Ed with DB to explore the various barriers to abortion access. Beyond the legal landscape, there are many things that can prevent someone from getting care.
(alt-text included on all pieces)
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